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Skill Builders: Speaking – Are You a Health Nut?

Discuss or debate the questions below. Remember to support your answers!

 Do you regularly think about your health? Why/not? How about worry about it?
 If there were a pill that allowed you eat anything without putting on the pounds, would
you take it? How would you answer if there were some side-effects?
 Is dieting healthy? Why/not?
 Do you think that glamour magazines and supermodels portray an unrealistic image of
the human body? Should these sort of magazines be banned and/or regulated?

 How healthy do you consider yourself to be? Please explain.

 Do you agree or disagree? Eating healthily takes top priority, even if it means eating food
that doesn't taste very good. Why/not?
 Do you agree or disagree? You are what you eat. Why/not?
 Do you agree or disagree? The happiest people are healthy people.
 In today's fast-paced society, how easy is it to eat healthily? Please explain.
 Which nationality portrays the unhealthiest image? How about the healthiest? Why?
 How often do you go to the doctor to check your health? Should you go more often?
 Which ends up as more important to our physical health, the food that we eat or our
genes? Why?

 Do you think that genetically modified foods are unhealthy? How about dangerous?
Should these be banned? Why/not?
 Do you think the food we eat affects our physical and mental health? Why/not?
 In countries with national health insurance, do you think obese people should pay higher
taxes for health coverage? How about people who smoke? Why/not?

 Who is primarily responsible for our health, the government or ourselves? Why?
 What do you think about diets that promise dynamic results in but a short amount of
time? Have you ever tried such a diet? If yes, what were the results?
 How often do you go on a diet?
 What are your opinions about vegetarians and vegans?
Are they healthy? Would you ever consider trying that
 What impact does the environment play on our health as
individuals? How about on a larger scale, such as society
as a whole?

Heads Up English

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