Drazkia Hashmi

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Prof. Dr. SayyedAzkiaHashimi

Faculty of Law& Administrative Sciences
Department of Islamic & Religious Studies
Hazara University,Mansehra.(KPK)

Personal Information:


Home Address: Abbottabad Road, Near Fauji Foundation Hospital, Mansehra
City: Mansehra Phone (Res): 0997-302579 Cell: 0321-9677602
Date of Birth: 01-05-1963 CNIC: 13503-0638615-5

Academic Qualification:

Qualification University/Institute Div/Per Year

Ph. D.
Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies, University
(Islamic --- 1992
of Punjab, Lahore

M. A.
(Islamic University of Peshawar, Peshawar. 1st / 74% 1985

M. A.
University of Peshawar, Peshawar 1st / 69% 1991

M. A.
Jamia Ashrafia Lahore/Wafaq-ul-Madaris
(Shahadat 1st / 80% 1985

B. A. University of Peshawar, Peshawar. 1st / 67% 1983

HSSC BISE, Peshawar 1st / 65% 1981

SSC BISE, Peshawar 1st / 66% 1979

Hifz-e-Quran Jamia Islamia Mahmoodia, Mansehra --- 1973


S.No. Awarded by: Name of Award(s)

Prime Minister of Pakistan/

1. Ministry of Religious Affairs “National Seerat Award” 1997

President of Pakistan/
2. Ministry of Religious Affairs “National Seerat Award” 1994

President of Pakistan/
3. Ministry of Religious Affairs “National Seerat Award” 1991

Darul Muballeghin Hazrat Mian Sahib “Mujaddid Alf-i-Thanvi Award” 1983

Sharaqpur, Lahore (Gold Medal)

Professional Training:
● Workshop on KPK procurement of Goods, Wages and Services Rules 2014 and Performance
Evaluation Report Writing Hazara University Training Center, Feb 10-12, 2016
● Standardization of Research Methodology in M.Phil & PhD (Islamic Studies) Programs in Pakistani
Universities, Dept. of Islamic Thought, AIOU, Islamabad & HEC, Pakistan, January 9-10, 2013.
● 40 Days "Educational Management and Leadership Course", FEFA Academy, Peshawar, Sept 10 to
Oct 18, 2012.
● 4 Weeks Pedagogy Course at Management Unit for Study and Training Peshawar, 1989.
● 9 Weeks Training Course in Arabic Language for College Teacher at AIOU Islamabad, 1990.

Teaching/ Administrative Experience:

Post Duration (From – To) Name of Institution

Dean, Faculty of Law & June 2018- till date Faculty of Law & Administrative Sciences,
Administrative Sciences Hazara University, Mansehra

Professor/Chairman I&RS, July 2013- till date Dept. of Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara
BPS 21 University, Mansehra

Dean Faculty of Arts Jan 2014- Dec 2016 Faculty of Arts, Hazara University, Mansehra

May 2013-June 2013 Govt. Post Graduate College, Abbottabad
BPS 20

Associate Professor May, 2010 – May 2013 Govt: PostGraduate College Mansehra.

Govt: PostGraduate College Mansehra. (10 Yrs)

Assistant Professor 1997 – 2010
Govt: Degree College Balakot. (3 Yrs)

Lecturer 1992 – 1997 Govt: PostGraduate College Mansehra. (5 Yrs).

Govt: Degree College Khanpur. (1 Year)

Lecturer 1986 – 1992
Govt: PostGraduate College Mansehra. (5 Yrs).
Total Experience: 32 years
Post-PhD: 27 years


Language Proficiency Reading Writing Speaking

Urdu Excellent Excellent Excellent

English Excellent Very Good Good
Arabic Excellent Very Good Good
Persian Excellent Good Good

Academic Services/Membership:

1. Member Syndicate, Hazara University, Mansehra.

2. Member Academic Council, Hazara University, Mansehra. (2015 – 2016)
3. Member Committee of Courses, Department of Quran & Tafsir, AIOU, Islamabad
4. Member Graduate Studies Committee Department of Islamic Theology, Islamia College Peshawar
5. Member Board of Studies, department of Islamic Theology, Islamia College Peshawar
6. Member Board of Studies Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, Gomal University, DI Khan.
7. Chief Editor Research Journal “Hazara Islamicus” (Y Category), Department of Islamic & Religious
Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra.
8. Member Editorial Board Research Journal “Al Baseerah” (X Category), NUML, Islamabad.
9. Member Editorial Board Research Journal “ Tahzibul Afkar” (Y Category), Department of Islamic
Studies, Abdul Walli Khan University, Mardan.
10. Member Editorial Boar Reasearch Journal “Rahat ul Quloob”, Rahat ul Quloob Research Academy,
11. Member Board of Studies Seerat Department, University of Peshawar, Peshawar. (1999– 2001)
12. Member Committee for review of Manuscripts in Aalim-e-Arabic Curriculum Wing, Ministry of
Education Islamabad. (2004)
13. Member Committee of the Revision of National Curriculum (Islamic Studies) Ministry of Education
Islamabad. (2001)

International/National Conferences/Seminars Attended/organized/papers presented

1. Organized National Seerat Seminar on "‫"سیرت طیبہ اور عصری مسائل‬, Department of Islamic &
Religious Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra (December 04, 2018).
2. Organized Seerat Seminar on " Contemporary Relevance of Seerat un Nabi-PBUH"
)‫)سیرت النبی صلی ہللا علیہ و سلم کی عصری معنویت‬
Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra
Guest speaker Prof. Dr. Yasin Mazhar Siddiqi, Ex Chairman Department of Islamic Studies Ali Garh
University, India (March 19, 2018)
3. 2 Day National Conference on "Negative Attitude Regarding Women and Misinterpretation of
the Holy Texts”, )‫ ) خواتین کے متعلق منفی رویے اور نصوص کی غلط تعبیرات‬Paper presented on “The
Role of youth in advancement of Islamic Welfare state” at University of Science & Technology,
Bannu, KPK (October 10-11,2018)
4. 2 day International Conference on “Fiqh al Seerah Core themes and contemporary applications"
Paper presented on “Women Education Curriculum and Contemporary Requirements in the
light of Seerah” (‫( )خواتین کا نصاب تعلیم اور عصری تقاضے سیرت طیبہ کی روشنی میں‬October 4-5, 2018),
5. 2 Day National symposium on “Standards of Technical Editing in Islamic Research “ organized
by Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies, AIOU, Islamabad (Jan 4-5, 2018)
6. Presentation on “Women Rights in Islam” as Guest Speaker, organized by department of
Management Sciences, Hazara University, Mansehra in collaboration with Ministry of Forign
Affairs of the Netherlands on November 30, 2017
7. Workshop on Modern Techniques in Research Methodology & for thesis writing in Islamic
Studies at Barha Galli Muree, arranged by faculty of Islamic & oriental studies, University of
Peshawar with the collaboration of the department of Islamic & Religious Studies , Hazara
University, July 02-05, 2017( presentation as guest speaker)
8. Speech delivered at World Water Day in Senate Hall, Hazara University on March 22, 2017
(participated as Chief Guest)
9. Presentation as a Resource person in workshop for non-teaching staff of Hazara University on
“Gender Sensitization & Women Friendly Laws in Islamic perspective” in collaboration with
UNDP held on March 01-16, 2017
10. International conference on “Reconstruction of thought Education, Society & Civilization from
an Islamic perspective: Appraisal of Dr. Mahmood Ahmed Ghazi’s contribution” February 15-
16, 2017 (Paper Presented)

11. International Seerat Conference 2016 on “Social Justice & Welfare of Society in the light of the
Seerah of the Holy Prophet (SAWS)” by department of Hadith &Seerah, AIOU Islamabad, held on
December 8-9, 2016. (Paper presented on “Women Education & Training Prophetic Methodology,
its social impact & contemporary implications” (chaired one session of the conference).
12. 2 days National Symposium on “Technical Editing in Islamic Research” held on October 20-21,
2016 by department of Islamic thought History & Culture, AIOU Islamabad. (Lecture delivered)
13. 3 days International workshop on “Intra-Faith Tolerance the Ethics of Disagreement in Islam”,
At Bara Gali held on August 6-8, 2016, organized by IRD IIU & Department of Islamic Studies
University of Peshawar. (Speech delivered as guest speaker).
14. 2 days Training workshop on Biotechnology Entrepreneurship (BIOE), organized by KPK
Government & DOST. (As chief guest) on April 21-22, 2016, Hazara University, Mansehra

15. Organized of 03 Days International Conference on “The Role of Syed Ahmed Shaheed’s as a
Preacher, Freedom fighter and Reformer : A Critical Review” Organized by Hazara Chair,
HazaraUniversity,Mansehra on July 29-31, 2015
16. Organized 2 Days workshop on “International Humantarian Law & Islamic Law” for Faculty &
MPhil/PhD Scholars in collaboration with ICRC, Hazara University, Mansehra, on May 20-21, 2015.
17. Organized 6 Days Islamic Learning Orientation Workshop for College Teachers, Department of
Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra in collaboration with AIOU, Islamabad
9th-14th Sep 2013 (Lecture Delivered on "Modern Trends in Tafsir Literature")
18. International Seminar on “Modern Trends in Sirah Writing” Islamic Research Institute & Iqbal
Institute for Research & Dialogue, International Islamic University, Islamabad. March 26-28, 2011.
(Paper Presented).
19. National Symposium on New Dimensions of teaching & Research of Islamic Studies in Pakistani
Universities, faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies, AIOU, Islamabad, June 2008.
20. National Seminars on “Science Religion Dialogue” Society for Interaction of Religion Science &
Technology Mansehra, with the collaboration of John Templeton Foundation, USA 2002, 2004 &
2009 (Papers Presented & published).
21. National seminar on “Collective Ijtihad” Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic
University, Islamabad. April, 2005. (Paper Presented & published)
22. National Seminar on “Hadith Studies in the Sub-Continent” Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University Islamabad, 2003. (Paper Presented & Published).
23. International “Seerat Conference” Islamia University Bahawalpur, February 2000. (Paper Presented
& published).
24. International Conference on “The Life, Thoughts & Contribution of Imam Abu Hanifa Life and
work”, Islamic Research Institute International Islamic University Islamabad. 1998. (2 Paper
Presented & Published)
25. Series of Seminars on “The Islamic Thought in 18th Century – India”, Islamic Research Institute
International Islamic University, Islamabad. February 1994 --- December 1998. (Paper Presented &
26. National Seerat Conferences by Ministry of Religious Affairs Islamabad. (1997, 1994, 1991, 1990,
1989, 1988, 1987), (Papers Presented & Published).

Research Work/Publications:

A. Dissertation for PhD entitled:

‫تحقیقی جائزہ‬- ‫امام بغوی کی خدمات ِ تفسیر وحدیث‬

"Imam Baghawi's Contributions to Tafseer& Hadith –A Critical Study"

B Research Papers (Published in HEC Approved Journals):

No. of
S.no Title of Papers/Presentation Published Publisher Year

Journal of Applied
Scientific Interpretations of Quranic JAEBS
1. and Biological 4 2018
Verses regarding Protection of Nature (Egypt)

Tahdib al Afkar
Word “Al Bitteekh”Research Review in Abdul Wali Khan
2. Vol 4, Issue 2 11 2017
the light of Hadith & Medical Sciences University, Mardan

‫معجزات كی سائنسی افادیت‬ 12 HAZARA University
Prophetic Scientific value of Miracles Vol 4 Issue 2 2015

‫ امام ابو حنیفہ اور عصر حاضر كے بعض‬HazaraIslamicus

‫اہل علم كی آراء كا ناقدانہ جائزہ‬ DEC
4. 6 HAZARA University
Critical study to some views of Vol;3 Issue;2 2014
contemporary Scholars on Abu Hanifa

‫صدر اسالم میں مراثی ادب‬

ِ ‫ جاہلیت اور‬Al-Qalam, Vol. 17,
5. Elegy Literature in Pre & Post Islamic Era Issue 1 21 Punjab University June 2012
– A Comparative Study

‫ سیرت نگاری میں معجزات کا مطالعہ اور‬Fikr-o-Nazar Islamic Research Institute, Oct-Dec,
6. 33
‫( جدید رجحانات‬Special Issue), International Islamic 2011, Jan-
No. of
S.no Title of Papers/Presentation Published Publisher Year
Study of Miracles & Modern trends in Vol. 49, Issue: 2-3 University, Islamabad. Mar, 2012
Seerat writing. Mar 26-29, 2011

‫علوم القرآن في شبه القارة الهندیة – النشأة‬

Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research Centre,
7. ‫ والخصائص‬Islamic Research 26 BahauddinZakria 2012
Quranic Sciences in the Sub-Continent, Vol:10 University, Multan
Development & Characteristics

‫ ماحولیاتی بحران کا فکری مطالعہ‬Ma’arif-i-Islami Faculty of Arabic & Islamic

8. A Conceptual Study of Environmental 17 Studies, Allama Iqbal Open
Vol: 10 Issue: 02 2011
Crisis University, Islamabad.

‫ قرآنی قصص کے اسالیب و مقاصد‬Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research Centre,

9. Methodology & Philosophy of Quranic Islamic Research 23 BahauddinZakria Dec 2010
Stories Vol:6 University, Multan

‫ت قرآنی۔ اقسام و اسباب اور حکم۔‬ِ ‫متشابہا‬

‫ تنقیدی جائزہ‬Pakistan Journal of
10. Allegorical Verses of the Holy Quran, Islamic Research 20 -do- 2009
Their Kinds, Reasons & Philosophy – A Vol: 3
Critical Study

‫ث تصوف‬
ِ ‫موالنا اشرف علی تهانوی اوراحادی‬
‫کی تدوین و تحقیق‬ Fikr-o-Nazar Islamic Research Institute,
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi& his work on Apr - Sep
11. Vol . 42-43 74 International Islamic
Sufi Tradition 2005
Issue : 1-4 University, Islamabad.
(National Seminar on Hadith studies in the
Sub-continent, April 2003)

ِ ‫امام ابو حنیفہ کا سیاسی کردار اور‬
‫حاضر میں اس کی معنویت‬
The Political role of Imam Abu Hanifa& Fikr-o-Nazar
July - Sep.
12. Its Relevance to the Contemporary World Vol: 40 44 -do-
(International Conference Imam Abu Issue: 1
Hanifa 1998)

‫معالم التنزیل۔ تنقیدی جائزہ‬ Fikr-o-Nazar

Jul - Sep
13. Tafseer-i-Ma’alimulTanzil – A Critical Vol: 38 46 -do-
Appraisal Issue: 1

‫ت طیبہ کی روشنی‬
ِ ‫استحکام پاکستان ۔ سیر‬
‫میں‬ Fikr-o-Nazar
Jul - Sep
14. Solidarity of Pakistan in the Light of Vol: 36 43 -do-
Seerat-i-Tayyiba (National Seerat Issue: 1
Conference 1997)

‫ِبر صغیر پاک و ہند میں مسلم قومیت کے احیاء‬

‫میں وحدت الشہود کاکردار‬ Fikr-o-Nazar Islamic Research Institute,
April -June
15. The role of Wahdat-ul-Shahood in the Vol: 34 17 International Islamic
Revival of Muslim Nationalism in Indo- Issue: 4 University, Islamabad.
Pak Sub-Continent

‫فہم قرآن میں جاہلی شاعری کی ضرورت واہمیت‬

‫اور استفادہ کی حدود‬ Fikr-o-Nazar
16. The importance of Pre-Islamic Poetry for Vol: 34 27 -do-
the Comprehension of the Holy Quran & Issue: 2
its Limitations
No. of
S.no Title of Papers/Presentation Published Publisher Year

‫جدید عربی ادب میں محمود تیمور کی خدمات كا تحقیقی‬

‫جائزہ‬ Al-Ma’arif
Institute of Islamic Culture Apr-Jun
17. Mahmood Taimur’s Contribution to Vol: 28 19
Lahore 1995
Modern Arabic Literature – A Critical Issue: 4,5,6

‫ب تصانیف کا تحقیقی‬
ِ ‫ شاہ ہمدان کے اسلو‬Oriental College
18. ‫ جائزہ‬Magazine Vol: 67 09
Punjab University Oriental
The Style of Literary work of Shah-i- college Lahore
Issue: 1,2
Hamdan – A Critical Analysis

‫فن تاریخ و رجال میں ان کی‬

ِ ‫حافظ ذہبی اور‬ Islamic Research Institute,
19. ‫مساعی کا جائزہ‬ Fikr-o-Nazar
44 International Islamic
Hafiz Zahabi& His contribution towards Vol:31 Issue:2 1993
University, Islamabad.

Al-Qalam Institute of Uloom-i-Islamia

‫حافظ ذہبی اور ان کی علمی خدمات‬ Vol: 1 Issue: 1 13 University of Punjab, 1993
Hafiz Zahabi& His Literary Contribution Issue: 1 Lahore

C. Research Papers (According to HEC Criteria)

No: of
S.no Title of Papers/Presentation Published Publisher Year

‫البغوی‬ Da’iraMa’arif-e-Islamia
06 University of Punjab Lahore
Al-Baghwi Supplement Vol: 2

‫ت نبوی‬
ِ ‫انسدا ِد منشیات اور اس کے تقاضے۔ تعلیما‬
‫کی روشنی میں‬ Research & Reference wing
22 The Drug Prevention in the light of the Maqalaat-i-Seerat 12 Ministry of Religious affair 1994
Teaching of the Holy Prophet Islamabad.
(National Seerat Conference 1994)

ِ ‫اسالمی فالحی ریاست کا تصور اور تقاضے۔ تعلیما‬
‫نبوی کی روشنی میں‬
23 The concept & Fundamentals of Islamic -do- 36 -do- 1991
Welfare State in the light of the teaching of the
1991Holy Prophet
(National Seerat Conference 1991)

‫(مجموعہ مقاالت قومی اٹهارہویں صدی عیسوی میں اسالمی فکر۔ شاہ‬
‫سیمینار) اٹهارویں صدی رفیع الدین دہلوی‬ Islamic Research Institute,
24 Islamic Thought in 18th Century – Shah Rafi- 48 International Islamic 2008
‫عیسوی میں برصغیر میں‬ University, Islamabad.
ud-Din Dehlvi, (National Seminar Feb 1994 --
Dec1994) ‫اسالمی فکر کے راہنما‬

‫(مجموعہ مقاالت سیمینار) اجتماعی اجتہاد۔مناہج و اسالیب‬

25 Collective ijtihad – Its styles & Methodologies, ‫ تصورو ارتقاء اور‬،‫اجتہاد‬ 52 -do- 2007
National seminar Mar 19-21, 2005 ‫عملی صورتیں‬

‫ ادبی اور دینی‬،‫مراثی رسولﷺاور ان کی تاریخی‬ِ

‫ سہ حیثیت‬،‫ت نبوی‬
ِ ‫(مقاالت سیر‬
Department of Seerat,
26 Alegiac literature on the Holy Prophet – An ‫سیرت‬ ‫االقوامی‬ ‫روزہ بین‬ 40 Islamic University, 2005
historical & literary religious value )‫کانفرنس‬ Bahawalpur.
(International Seerat Conference Feb 11 – 13,
No: of
S.no Title of Papers/Presentation Published Publisher Year

ِ ‫قرآن کا نظری ِہ‬ Dayal Singh Research Sale Jan-Jun
27 Quranic concept of Subjugation of the QuartelyMinhaj 14
Lahore. 2005

‫امام ابو حنیفہ پر اعتراضات اور ان کا جائزہ‬

The criticism on Abu Hanifa – an Analytical ‫(مقاالت بین االقوامی‬ Islamic Research Institute,
28 study ‫ امام ابوحنیفہ۔‬،‫کانفرنس‬ 53 International Islamic 2002
(International Imam Abu Hanifa conference )‫فکر اور خدمات‬،‫حیات‬ University, Islamabad.

ِ ‫قرائنی شہادت کی شرعی حیثیت اور‬
29 ‫ میں اس کی اہمیت‬Quarterly Tahqeeqat-i- 20 Aligarh, India
Circumstantial Evidence – Its Significance in Islami 2000
the contemporary world

‫امام بغوی اور ان کی فقہی خدمات‬ QuartelyMinhaj 26
Dyal Singh Research Sale
Apr 1993
Imam Baghvi& his contribution to Fiqh Lahore.

‫ت طیبہ‬
ِ ‫لسانی اور گروہی تعصبات کا خاتمہ۔سیر‬
‫کی روشنی میں‬ Research & Reference wing,
31 Abolition of Ethnic & Sectarian Prejudices in Maqalat-i-Seerat 23 Oct 1990
Ministry of Religious Affairs
the light of Seerat-i-Tayyiba (National
Conference 1990)

‫داعی امن و اخوت‬

ِ ‫حضور اکرمﷺ۔‬
32 The Holy Prophet as a Herald of peace & -do- 16 -do- 1989

‫ت طیبہ‬
ِ ‫عدل واحسان۔امن و سالمتی کا ضامن سیر‬
33 ‫کی روشنی میں‬ -do- 12 -do- 1988
Adl-o-Ihsan – A Critical survey for Peace &

‫ت طیبہ کی روشنی میں‬

ِ ‫اصالحِ معاشرہ۔سیر‬
34 Reformation of Society in the Light of Seerat- -do- 10 -do- 1987

D. Curricula Development:
 Units of textbook written for M.A Islamic Studies (Specialization course) in the subject of Uloom-ul-

No: of
S.no Title of Papers/Presentation Published Publisher Year

،‫علوم القرآن‬
‫تعارف قرآن‬
ِ ‫تخصص فی القرآن و‬ 47
Faculty of Arabic & Islamic
Introduction to the Holy Quran studies AIOU, Islamabad.

‫تعارف وحی‬
ِ -do- 30 -do- -do-
Introduction to Wahi (the Revelation)

‫تعارف علوم القرآن‬ -do- 41 -do- -do-
Introduction to Quranic Sciences

38 ‫قصص القرآن‬ -do- 37 -do- -do-

Introduction to Stories of the Holy Quran

‫محکم و متشابہ‬
39 Introduction to the -do- 31 -do- -do-
Muhkam&Mutashabeh, Verses of Holy

‫بر صغیر میں علوم القرآن‬
ِ -do- 36 -do- -do-
Quranic Sciences in the Sub-Continent

Curricula Revised:

 Islamiyat (compulsory) VI-X & XI – XII, National Bureau of Curriculum & Text Books,
Ministry of Education, Islamabad, 2001.
 Islamiyat (elective) VI – X & X – XII, National Bureau of Curriculum & Text Books,
Ministry of Education, Islamabad, 2001.
 Aalim e Arabic, National Bureau of Curriculum & Text Books, Ministry of Education,
Islamabad, 2004.
E. International Proceedings:
S.no Year Title Name of Publisher & Address

International Islamic University,

1 1122 ‫دور جدید میں سیرت نگاری كے رجحانات‬

‫اجتماعی اجتہاد۔مناہج واسالیب‬

Islamic Research Institute, International
2 1112 Collective ijtihad – Its styles & Methodologies,
Islamic University, Islamabad
National seminar Mar 19-21, 2005

‫مراثی ِِرسول صلى ہللا علیه وسلم اوران کی‬

‫ادبی اوردینی حیثیت‬،‫تاریخی‬
Seerat Chair, Islamia University,
3 2005 Alegiac literature on the Holy Prophet – An
historical literary & Religious value
(International Seerat Conference Feb 11 – 13,

‫امام ابوحنیفہ پراعتراضات اور ان کا جائزہ‬

The criticism on Abu Hanifa – an Analytical

Islamic Research Institute, International
4 2002 study
Islamic University, Islamabad
(International Imam Abu Hanifa conference

F. Books Published:
‫‪S.no‬‬ ‫‪Year‬‬ ‫‪Title of Book‬‬ ‫‪Name of Publisher & Address‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫علوم القرآن – (ایم اے تخصص فی القرآن و التفسیر‬ ‫‪Faculty Of Arabic & Islamic Studies‬‬
‫‪- Chapters 6‬‬ ‫‪AIOU, Islamabad‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫شعبہ دائرہ معارف اسالمیہ‬
‫البغوی ‪ -‬مطبوعہ اردو دائرہ معارف اسالمیہ (تكملہ جلد ‪) 2‬‬
‫پنجاب یونیورسٹی الہور‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫تاج كتب خانہ محلہ جنگی پشاور‪1992 -‬‬
‫نداء المجہول (اردو ترجمہ عربی ناول)‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫تاج القرآن كتب خانہ محلہ جنگی پشاور ‪1985-86‬‬

‫القراءة الراشدة ‪ 2‬جلد (اردو ترجمہ عربی كتاب)‬

‫‪G.‬‬ ‫‪Supervision of MPhil & PhD Scholars‬‬

‫‪MPhil‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬

‫‪PhD‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬

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