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Jessica Schwaeble

Google Scholar

Major: Special Education

1. (a) Ghaleb Alnahdi

(b) 2014

(c) Assistive Technology in Special Education and the Universal Design for Learning


(e) This article is about the significance of “digital revolution” and how it is important to

allow access to technology and the benefit it has to assist a student in Special Education.

Technology can provide a student with disabilities with independence and communication. It

informs the reader about accessible and appropriate tools for Universal Design for Learning and

different examples of Accessible Technologies.

2. (a) Garry Hornby

(b) 2015

(c) Inclusive special education: development of a new theory for the education of children

with special educational needs and disabilities


(e) This article is about the theory that synthesizes inclusive education and special education.

This will inform the reader about an approach to special education that has a goal of allowing

students to be successful after their education. It focuses on the procedures and strategies that

make special education the most effective.

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