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The fact that he was put in prison for something that he had not done made his wife ______

A) Cry
B) Cried
C) Crying
D) to cry
E) to be crying

perhatikan bagian akhir kalimat: made his wife…. Kata made (make) merupakan bagian dari LeMaH.
Maka Verb setelah Object (his wife) adalah Verb1, yaitu cry. Jawab: A

2. X: Can you help me ______ the street?

Y: All right, take my hand and walk beside me.

A) to cross
B) to be crossed
C) Cross
D) Drossed
E) Crossing

Pembahasan: pola LeMaH + obj + verb1. Yang merupakan verb 1 adalah: cross. Jawab: C

3. Having been fired from the company, she asked me ______ her get a new job

A) Help
B) to help
C) Helped
D) Helping
E) to be helped
Pembahasan: kata asked (ask) adalah bagian dari PrAWaNE BEGO. Maka setelah object (me), yang
tepat adalah to-Verb1, yaitu: to help. Jawab: B

4. Our family decided ______ to a nicer place.

A) Move
B) to move
C) Moving
D) Moved
D) to moving

Pembahasan: kata decided (decide) adalah bagian dari MADHEP. Maka setelah decided, yang tepat
adalah to-Verb1, yaitu: to move Jawab: B

5. She told me ______ on time

A) Coming
B) Came
C) to coming
D) to be came
E) to come

Pembahasan: kata told (tell) adalah bagian dari RemAS PerUT InI. Maka told+obj+to verb1, yaitu: to
come Jawab: E
1. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?
Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
Ana:But … China, Japan or Indonesia?
Cindy: China.

a. Which team is the strongest

b. Which team is the weakest.
c. Which country plays better.
d. Which country plays the fastest

Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang tepat adalah Which team is the strongest, degree of comparasion jenis superlatif

2. Jane: Do you want to join us for the coming holiday?

Gina: Where are you going?
Jane: To Pangandaran beach.
Gina: … My family plans to visit my grandfather in the village.

a. I am certain
b. That’s a good idea
c. I don’t doubt that
d. I am not sure

Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang tepat adalah I am not sure. Gina tidak yakin bisa ikut Jane karena keluarganya
mempunyai rencana mengunjungi kakeknya di desa.

3. Arrange these words into a good sentence Noodles (1) – a bowl (2) – will (3) – of (4) – have (5) –
fried (6) – I (7)

a. 7-3-5-2-4-6-1
b. 7-3-5-2-6-4-1
c. 7-3-5-6-1 -4-2
d. 7-3-5-2-1 -4-6

Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang tepat adalah I will have a bowl of fried noodle.

4. Jack: Do you know about the most famous sport in the world?
Bob : Yes. That is Olympic games.
Jack: Yeah. I… with you.

a. sure
b. certain
c. agree
d. disagree

Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang tepat adalah agree.

5. Ali : I like to hear murotal Al Qur’anul Kareem by reciter Sheikh Ghamidee.

Muhamad: When…?
Ali: Tomorrow, at this dormitory.

a. is borrow me
b. will you lend me
c. you borrow
d. do you borrow it

Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang tepat adalah when will you lend me? karena merupakan suatu rencana yang akan
dilaksanakan besok.
1. Saiful: Are they Hammam and Umar?
Ali : Yes, they are.
Saiful: Where are they going?
Ali : I think they… fishing
Saiful: I love fishing. Let’s join them.

a. Is going to
b. Going to
c. Were going to
d. Are going to go

Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang tepat adalah are going to go, untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan.

2. Mark: This is my painting, Sir.

Mr. Rudolph: Wow, I think it is… one.
Mark: Thank you.

a. the worst
b. the worse
c. the best
d. the better

Jawaban: c
Jawban yang tepat adalah the best, bentuk degree comparison jenis superlative.

3. James: Which one is better, traveling by a taxi or a bus?

Alexa: Of course by taxi, but traveling by a bus… than a taxi.

a. more expensive
b. expensive
c. cheaper
d. cheap

Jawaban : c
James akhirnya memilih akan naik bus setelah diberi tahu Alexa bahwa naik bus lebih murah

4. Tylor: Why does your father like living in the countryside?

Eva: Because it is… living in the city.

a. quite
b. the quietest
c. quiter than
d. as quietest

Jawaban: c
Di pedesaan lebih tenang (quiter than) dari pada di kota

5. Rosa: Do you like listening to the radio?

Linda: Yes, I often listen to the BBC.
Rosa: I do too. But I think the afternoon broadcast is … than the morning.
Linda : You are right.

a. as clear as
b. clearer
c. clearest
d. clear

Jawaban: b
Siaran di sore hari lebih jelas (clearer) dari pada di pagi hari.
1. Budi beats Hoyer-Larsen of Denmark at the Sanyo Indonesia Open Badminton Championships
because he played … than Hoyer- Larsen

a. carefully
b. as carefully
c. more carefully
d. the most carefully

Jawaban: c
Bermain lebih berhati-hati (more carefully)

2. Andy: Do you like pizza?

Wiliam: No I don’t. How about you?
Andy: ….

a. I don’t either
b. Neither don’t I
c. I don’t too
d. So do I

Jawaban: a
Either dan Neither di gunakan untuk kalimat negatif. Andy mengatakan ia juga tidak suka pizza.
Bentuk eliptic yang tepat adalah / don’t either.

3. Zack: …
Smith: Neither can I.

a. I can’t operate a computer.

b. I like to write a letter.
c. I don’t think he can do that.
d. I am not going to go.

Jawaban : a
Smith menjawab aku tidak bisa. Kalimat ini mengungkapkan ketidakmampuan dengan
menggunakan can’t. Maka kalimat sebelumnya (kalimat Zack) juga menggunakan can’t.

4. Harry: I have never been to Bali. How about you?

James: …

a. I have too.
b. I haven’t too.
c. So have I.
d. Neither have I.

Jawaban : d
James mengatakan bahwa ia juga belum pernah ke Bali. Bentuk elipticnya adalah Neither have I

5. Yesterday I ran to my old friend. I… him for years.

a. had not seen

b. had not see
c. have not seen
d. have not see

Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, had not see (bentuk past perfect tense).
1. Edi : “Would John be angry if I took his bicycle without permission? ’
Roni : “Of course he would be angry.”
From the dialogue we know that….

a. Edi borrows John’s bike.

b. someone takes John’s bike.
c. Edi is not using John’s bike.
d. Roni forbids Edi to use John’s bike.

Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, Roni forbids Edi to use John’s bike.

2. X: Has she already got some medicine?

Y: If she had visited the doctor, she would have been given medicine.
From the dialogue we know that….

a. The doctor visited her and gave her medicine.

b. She visited the doctor, so she was given medicine.
c. She didn’t visit the doctor, so she wasn’t given medicine.
d. She didn’t visit the doctor because the doctor had already given her medicine.

Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, She didn’t visit the doctor, so she wasn’t given medicine.

3. A : “Do you know the woman speaking with the professor?”

B : “Yes, she is our new lecturer…”

a. which also can speak English well

b. whose her daughter is a famous surgeon ES? in this town
c. who is also an assistant of the minister of woman affairs
d. whom also working as a consultant in a foreign company

Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, who is also an assistant of the minister of woman

4. Shopkeeper : “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Customer : “I need a pair of Bucheri shoes. ”
In the dialogue the shopkeeper wants to … help.

a. ask
b. get
c. offer
d. accept

Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, offer.

5. Customer : “Excuse me. Could you show me where the fitting room is?”
Shop assistant : “….”
Customer : “Thank you”

a. Could I try this on?

b. Does this one suit me?
c. Sure, it’s over there.
d. Can I have this one, please.

Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang sesuai adalah, Sure, it’s over there.
1. A friemd of mine… father is the manager of a company helped me to get a job.

a. whose
b. whom
c. which
d. who

Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang sesuai adalah, whose

2. Manager: “Tom, … take this note to the accounting department?”

Tom: “Yes’ certainly.

a. is it possible for you

b. could you please
c. may I tell you
d. should I ask you

Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, could y0u please (bentuk permintaan bantuan dengan sopan)

3. Ria : “It’s break time… a cup of tea?

Yudi: “That would be very nice of you.”

a. May you get me

b. May I offer help to get
c. Could you help me to get
d. Would you like me to get you

Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, Would you like me to get you (expression of offering something).

4. Tari : “Why do you admire your mother so much?”

Susi : “Don’t you know that she was the woman … “

a. who dedicated her life to the poor

b. whom the governor met at the party
c. of which house was very expensive
d. whose farmland is owned by her father

Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang tepat adalah, who dedicated her life to the poor.

5. Natural food does not have chemicals, additives or growth hormones. Natural food is simply food
grown … the way nature intended.
The best word for the missing word above

a. organic
b. nature
c. organically
d. natural

Jawaban : a
Jawaban yang benar adalah organic.
1. The needed of food makes people … a way to get healthy food.
The best word to complete the sentence above

a. choose
b. think
c. buy
d. cook

Jawaban: b
Kata yang tepat adalah think (berpikir/ memikirkan)

2. Indah : What do you plan to do next Sunday?

Rangga : Nothing. What about you?
Indah : I… to the Book Store. Can you join me?
Rangga : Sure.

a. go
b. am going to go
c. gone
d. have gone

Jawaban: b
Dialog tersebut membicarakan suatu rencana, maka tense yang tepat adalah simple future tense,
bentuk yang dipakai adalah be going to.

3. Her two younger sisters are at Senior high school and her… sister studies in university.

a. old
b. older
c. eldest
d. oldest

Jawaban: c
Dua adik perempuannya sekoiah di SMU dan kakak perempuan tertuanya kuliah di universitas.
Eldest tidak digunakan untuk membandingkan dan hanya digunakan untuk orang. Eldest digunakan
untuk menunjukkan orang yang paling tua dalam suatu keluarga.

4. Lulu : Dinar, do you think Ms. Dian is going to ask a question about the Study Tour report?
Dinar : …I doubt it will be a difficult question, but there will be a question. Rest assured.

a. l am not certain of it
b. I am sure of it
c. I’m little uncertain
d. I am unsure about it.

Jawaban: b
Expression of certainty yang, tepat untuk dialog i diatas adalah I am sure of it. (Saya yakin tentang
hal tersebut)

5. Is- attend- -in- University- to- going-lndonesia- He- the- of-meeting

Arrange the words above into the correct

a. He is attend meeting to going of the University in Indonesia.

b. He attend is going to meeting in the University of Indonesia.
c. He is going to attend of meeting in University the Indonesia.
d. He is going to attend meeting in the University of Indonesia.

Jawaban: d
Dia akan menghadiri pertemuan di Universitas Indonesia.

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