Unstoppable Scoring Updated PDF

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BLOCK A Drill Reps Sets Reference

Warm Up

Stationary Pound Dribble 15 Seconds each 1 Act as if your

Dribbling hand defender is on your

In n Out Dribble 15 Seconds each 1 Act as if your

hand defender is in front
of you and you need
to get by them

Crossover 1 minute 1 Your defender cuts

you off so you
change directions

Side Dribble 15 Seconds each 1 Act as if your

hand defender is on your
hip so you need to
protect the ball

Low Pound Dribble 15 Seconds each 1 Your defender

(Below Knees) hand. pressures you so
now you need to
keep the dribble low
and tight

On The Move Full Court Speed Full Court down and 2 Act as if your
Dribbling Dribble back defender is
pressuring you full
court, use this move
to blow past them

Zig-Zag between Full Court down and 2 Your defender cuts

legs back you off so you
change directions
with a counter move

In n Out Dribble Full Court down and 2 You are coming at

back your defender full
speed and need a
simple dribble move
to get by

In n Out Crossover Full Court down and 2 You are coming at

back your defender full
speed and need a
simple dribble move
to use the defender
cuts you off then you
counter with the

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 1 Shoot your free

throws while you are
tired in a game

Shooting Form Shooting 5 10 Makes each spot 1 This works the form
Spots of your shot to get
comfortable as a

1 Dribble Pull Up 5 7 Makes each spots 1 Act as if your
Spots defender is guarding
you close. You use
one dribble to get by
to get to your pull up

Mid Range 5 Spot 10 Makes each spot 1 Work your Mid

Shooting Range game to
become a consistent

3 Point 5 Spot 7 Makes each spot 1 Work your 3 Point

Shooting game to become a
consistent shooter

Finishes Floaters Make 20 (1 foot & 2 1 Act like you are

feet so 10 makes shooting a floater
each) over a defender who
is a very active shot

Reverse Lay Up Make 10 each side 1 This move allows

you to avoid the shot
blocker by finishing
on the other side of
the rim

Same Side Finish Make 10 each side 1 This move you will
act like you are
going to reverse lay
up but then finish on
the same side by
jumping into your
defenders body.

Inside Hand Finish Make 10 each side 1 This quick finish will
allow you to avoid
the shot blocker by
getting the ball up

Complexes Zig-Zag between 2 Spots make 7 1 Work on changing

legs w/ pull up. direction on your
defender then get to
your jumper.

Derrick Rose Drill 10 Total makes 5 1 Use this drill to get

each side the ball over a shot
blocker by finishing
with a high floater.

Speed Dribble 10 Makes each 1 Work your speed

Elbow Jumpers elbow dribble to blow by
defender stop on a
dime and get to your

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2

Transition In n Out Both sides of the 1 Use the In n Out
Crossover w/ Pull court 7 makes each dribble to get the
Up spot defender to bite then
use the crossover to
counter and get to
your jumper

X Finishes w/ inside 5 makes each side 1 Work on change of

hand finish speed and direction
then finish the drill
with an inside hand
finish to avoid any

60 Second 3’s As many as possible 1 Shoot as many 3’s

as you can in 60
seconds to work
your cardio and
shooting while your

Cool Down

BLOCK B Drill Reps Sets Reference

Warm Up

Stationary Behind the Back 30s 1 Act as if the

Dribbling dribbling defender is up close
pressuring you. Use
this move to protect
the ball and keep it

Between The Legs 30s 1 Act as if the

Dribbling defender is up close
pressuring you. Use
this move to protect
the ball and keep it

Pound Cross Dribble 30s 1 Use this move if the

defender is on your
hip then create the
separation with the

Pound Between 30s 1 Use this move if the

Legs Dribble defender is on your
hip then create the
separation with the
between the legs

In n Out Crossover 30s 1 Use this move to get

the defender to bite
on the in n out move
then counter with the

L Dribble 15 seconds each 1 This move is used to

hand keep the defender
leaning one way and
adding a protection
dribble at the same

On The Move Behind the Back Full Court down and 2 If your defender is
Dribbling dribbling back cutting you use the
behind the back
dribble to change

Zig-Zag Spins Full Court down and 2 If your defender is

back cutting you use the
spin move dribble to
change direction

Stockton Dribble Full Court down and 2 Use this move if

back. Use each your defender is
hand 1 trip pressuring you. Use
the escape dribble to
create separation
then re-attack

Skip Dribble Full Court down and 2 Use this if your

back defender is on his
heels and you use
the skip dribble to
set them up for your
next move

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2

Shooting Form Shooting 5 10 Makes each spot 1 This works the form
Spots of your shot to get
comfortable as a

Hop Shooting. Mid Make 7 each spot 1 The hop shooting

Range 5 Spots works on your
balance and rhythm.
So when a defender
is closing out you
have already been
prepared to catch
and shoot in rhythm

Between Legs Make 7 each spot 1 Act as if the

Dribble Jumper defender is up close
pressuring you. Use
this move to create
space and shoot
your jumper.

1 Dribble Pull Up Make 7 each spot 1 Use this move to

rhythm up against
your defender. Rise
up and shoot your

Finishes Floaters Make 20 (1 foot & 2 1 Act like you are

feet so 10 makes shooting a floater
each) over a defender who
is a very active shot

Steve Nash Runners 2 Sides. Make 10 1 Act as if a help

each side defender is rotating
over to block your
shot so you stop for
a nice little runner.

Opposite Leg Finish 2 Sides. Make 10 1 Use this finish to

each side jump into the
defender jumping off
opposite leg to
shield away the
defender and finish
with a lay up

Two Foot Power 2 Sides. Make 10 1 Use this move to

Finish each side stay balanced so
when you get to the
rim you can explode
up and finish at the
rim against a

Complexes KD Rips Both Wings. 10 Total 1 Use this move to rip

makes. 5 Left 5 the ball low past
Right your defender to get
by them and rise up
for your pull up jump

Transition Stockton 2 Sides. Make 10 1 Act as if the
each side defender is up close
pressuring you. Use
this move to create
space then re-attack
out of the initial
move to then get to
your Steve Nash

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 1 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Transition Behind 2 Sides. Make 10 1 Use this move as an

the Back each side escape blow by
move as if your
defender is up
pressuring you.
Once you beat your
defender get to you
1 foot or 2 foot

Zig-Zag Spins Opp. 2 Sides. Make 7 1 Against your

Leg Finish each side defender change
direction with a zig
zag dribble then
create an advantage
by using your spin
move dribble. After
you have getting by
your defender attack
the shot blocker with
an opposite leg

60 Second 3’s As many as possible 1 Shoot as many 3’s

as you can in 60
seconds to work
your cardio and
shooting while your

Cool Down

BLOCK C Drill Reps Sets Reference

Warm Up

Stationary 2 Pound Cross 30s 1 Your defender is on

Dribbling your hip. Use the 2
pound dribbles as a
set up then create
space and counter
with the crossover

Figure 8 no dribble 15s both ways 1 Use this to work

control with the ball
without dribble

Figure 8 w/ Dribble 15s both ways 1 When your defender

is guarding you use
the figure 8 to set up
your defender for
whatever move
comes next

In n Out Between 30s 1 Use the In n Out to

the Legs get your defender to
lean. Then counter
the move with a
between the legs

U Dribble 30s 1 This move is

designed to help you
protect the ball
against a defender
who may be up
trying to bother your

1 Hand Between 15s both hands 1 Use this move as a

set a move against
your defender to
keep them off

On The Move Killer Crossover Full Court down and 2 Use the killer
Dribbling back. Switch your crossover to change
start hand Each trip speed and direction
by attacking the
defender with a
double move

Double Behind the Full Court down and 2 Use the double
Back back. Switch your behind the back to
start hand Each trip set up your defender
with the first one and
counter with the

Kill Dribble Full Court down and 2 Use the kill dribble
back. Switch your against your
start hand Each trip defender who is
pressuring. Go full
speed stop on a
dime then re-attack

Panther Dribble Full Court down and 2 Use the Panther
back. dribble to put your
defender asleep.
Imagine your
defender is a little
further off of you.
The panther dribble
is a set up move that
will help you add a
counter move.

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Shooting Form Shooting 5 10 Makes each spot 1 This works the form
Spots of your shot to get
comfortable as a

Tim Duncan Drill 10 Makes each wing 1 This shooting drill

(Mid Range) will help take your
shooting to another
level by getting
comfortable using
the backboard

Step Backs Make 7 Shots from 3 1 This shooting drill

spots helps you prepare
for when a defender
is guarding you
close and you need
to create space for
your shot

Same Foot Step Make 7 Shots from 3 1 This shooting drill

Backs spots helps you prepare
for when a defender
is guarding you
close and you need
to create space for
your shot

Finishes Floaters Make 20 (1 foot & 2 1 Act like you are

feet so 10 makes shooting a floater
each) over a defender who
is a very active shot

Eurostep Make 10 each side 1 This finishing drill

(5 each using will allow you to
different first step) avoid a charge by a
defender who is in
front of you

Eurostep Floater Make 10 each side 1 This finishing drill

(5 each using will allow you to
different first step) avoid a charge by a
defender who is in
front of you but
instead of a lay you
will float the ball over
the rotation shot

Kyrie Up and Under Make 10 on each 1 This move will help
side avoid a shot blocker
by faking a finish on
one side of the rim
and finishing on the

Complexes Killer Crossover w/ 2 spots 10 makes 1 This drill will allow

Eurostep each spot you to break your
first defender down
with a combo move
then work on
avoiding the
secondary defender
who's coming over
to take a charge

Panther Dribble 3 Spots make 7 1 The panther dribble

Blow by w/ Pull Up sets up your
defender as you
change speeds to
blow by for a pull up
jump shot

Double Behind the 2 spots 10 makes 1 Act as a defender is

Back w/ Floater each spot (5 each guarding you close.
direction on both Use the combo
sides) Alternate move to beat your
Sides defender then avoid
the shot blocker with
the Kyrie finish

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Westbrook Drill Make 10 on each 1 This will freeze your

side defender with a triple
between the legs
then explode by for
a jumper or lay up

60 second 3’s As many as possible 1 Shoot as many 3’s

as you can in 60
seconds to work
your cardio and
shooting while your

Cool Down

BLOCK D Drill Reps Sets Reference

Warm Up

Stationary Kill Dribble 15 Sec. each hand 1 Helps you learn to

Dribbling control your dribble
by killing it then
reactivating it for
when a defender is
pressuring you.
Helps relieve the

L Dribble 15 Sec. each hand 2 This move is used to

keep the defender
leaning one way and
adding a protection
dribble at the same

Around The World 30 Seconds each 1 This will help when a

way defender is guarding
you. You can use it
as a rhythm dribble

1 hand in-between - 30 Seconds each 1 This is a combo

through the legs way move that will help
you keep your
defender guessing

On The Move 1 Hand Between the Full Court up and 2 Use this against
Dribbling Legs back (change start your defender as an
hands) isolation dribble

Double Between the Full Court up and 2 Use this combo

Legs back move as a set up
and an explosive
move to get by your

Double Crossover Full Court up and 2 Double crossover is

back good against your
defender who is
pressuring you but
primarily to use as a
isolation move

Behind the back no Full Court up and 2 This will work on

dribble back your ball control but
also prepare you to
face a defender by
using less dribbles

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Shooting Form Shooting 5 10 Makes each spot 1 This works the form
Spots of your shot to get
comfortable as a

Nowitzki Drill 3 Spots make 7 1 This drill tests your
balance as a shooter
which is very helpful
when going against
a defender

Wrap Drill 3 Spots make 7 1 The wrap drill helps

the rhythm of your
jump shot. So when
being guarded you
also know how to
find a rhythm when

Catch n Spin Pull up 10 Makes each 1 This drill helps you

elbow avoid your defender
by using the spin

Finishes Floaters Make 20 (1 foot & 2 1 Act like you are

feet so 10 makes shooting a floater
each) over a defender who
is a very active shot

Behind the back Lay 2 sides Make 10. 5 1 Avoids defender

Up going right and left who tries to swipe
for a steal

LeBron Step 3 Spots make 7 1 Use the pump fake

Through to active your
defender step by
them and score

Off Two Up and 2 sides Make 10 1 Avoid the shot

Under blocker who rotates
in help

Complexes Double Between the 2 sides Make 10 1 Use combo move on

Legs w/ behind the your defender then
back finish avoid help defenders
steal attempt

Derrick Rose Drill 20 Total makes 10 1 Use this drill to get

each side the ball over a shot
blocker by finishing
with a high floater.

Double Crossover w/ 2 sides Make 10 1 Use combo move on

off of two finish your defender then
avoid help defenders
block attempt

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

James Harden Drill 3 Spots make 7 1 Attack defender with

w/ same foot step hard push. Same
back foot step back to
create space

60 Second 3’s As many as possible 1 Shoot as many 3’s

as you can in 60
seconds to work
your cardio and
shooting while your

Cool Down

BLOCK E Drill Reps Sets Reference

Warm Up

Stationary Between x2 1m 1 Use the double

Dribbling Crossover x2 combo move to
isolate your

Between x2 Behind 1m 1 Use the double

x2 combo move to
isolate your

Cross - Between - 1m 1 Use the triple combo

Behind move to isolate your

On The Move Hesi - Cross - Full Court down and 2 Use the triple combo
Dribbling Between back (start with both in the full court
hands on different against a defender
trips) who is pressing you

Behind - Between Full Court down and 2 Use the double

back (start with both move in the full court
hands on different against an opponent
trips) who is pressing you

In n out - Between - Full Court down and 2 Use the triple combo
Behind back (start with both in the full court
hands on different against a defender
trips) who is pressing you

Between - In n Out - Full Court down and 2 Use the triple combo
Cross back (start with both in the full court
hands on different against an opponent
trips) who is pressing you

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Shooting Form Shooting 5 10 Makes each spot 1 This works the form
Spots of your shot to get
comfortable as a

Kobe Turn Arounds Make 7 from both 1 Work on your turn

wings around to avoid

Jab Jumpers Make 7 from both 1 Act as if your

wings defender is guarding
you close. Use the
jab to create space
for your shot

1 Foot Balance Make 7 from both 1 This will test your

Shooting corners and middle balance. Use this to
imagine if a
defender fouls you
and knocks you off

Finishes Floaters Make 20 (1 foot & 2 1 Act like you are
feet so 10 makes shooting a floater
each) over a defender who
is a very active shot

Rondo Finishes Make 10 from each 2 Use ball fake to get

side your defender to bite
and create an
advantage for you to

High Ball step Make 10 from each 1 Act as if a defender

through lay up side is going for a steal
use the finish to get
by the opponent

Attacking Spin Attack from both 1 Imagine a defender

Finish wings. Make 7 each cuts you off. Use the
side spin to get by the
opponent and finish

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Complexes (pick n Attack the Hedge Make 5 Lay Ups & 5 1 Read and React
roll) Jumpers starting against the
from each wing defenders hedge

Defender Goes Make 10 starting on 1 Read and React

Under each wing against the defender
going under

Split the Defenders Make 5 Lay Ups & 5 1 Read and React
Jumpers starting against the two
from each wing defenders

Refuse the Screen Make 5 Lay Ups & 5 1 Read and React
Jumpers starting against the defender
from each wing jumping the screen

Re Screen Make 5 Lay Ups & 5 1 Read and React

Jumpers starting against the defender
from each wing fighting over the
screen change
direction and come
back off of a second

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Cool Down

BLOCK F Drill Reps Sets Reference

Warm Up

Stationary In n Out - Cross - 1m 1 Use the triple combo

Dribbling Between move to isolate your
defender. Focus on
keeping eyes up

Low Pound Figure 8 1m 1 Control the ball with

eyes up so you can
see the floor.
Imagine a defender
guarding you

Freestyle Dribble 1m 1 Work on

combination moves
that you can use
against a defender

On The Move Shammgod Full Court down and 2 Act as if a defender

Dribbling back (make sure to is guarding you. Use
switch hands on the move to fake the
each starting defender by faking
position) one way and
changing direction

Between the legs Full Court down and 2 If a defender is

spin back (make sure to guarding you full
switch hands on court use the
each starting between the legs to
position) initially get by the
defender and then
use the spin to finish
the move if the
defender cuts you

Shammgod - Full Court down and 2 Use the combo

Between legs back (make sure to move to get the
switch hands on defender to lean one
each starting way and get the off
position) balance to get by the

Drop Crossover Full Court down and 2 Use this move to

back (make sure to change direction on
switch hands on your defender and in
each starting an isolation play

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Shooting Form Shooting 5 10 Makes each spot 1 This works the form
spots of your shot to get
comfortable as a

Between Legs Step 7 Makes from both 2 Use this move to

backs wings create separation
against your
defender to get your
shot off

Side Step 7 Makes from both 1 Use this move to
wings going right create space against
and left your opponent to get
your shot off

Pumpfake Fade 7 makes from 3 1 Use this move to

spots activate your
defender to get them
off their feet. Use the
fadeaway to create
enough separation
to get your shot off

Finishes Floaters Make 20 (1 foot & 2 1 Act like you are

feet so 10 makes shooting a floater
each) over a defender who
is a very active shot

Jamal Crawford Make 10 each side 1 Avoid a defender in

Shake n Bake transition who is
trying to take a

Eurostep Make 10 each side 1 This finishing drill

(5 each using will allow you to
different first step) avoid a charge by a
defender who is in
front of you

Pro Hop Make 10 from each 1 Attack your defender

wing ( 5 left, 5 right) strong then using a
pro hop to avoid
them for a strong

Complexes Shammgod - Pro Attack from both 1 Use the combo

Hop wings Make 7 move to get by your
defender avoid the
secondary defender
to score

Klay Thompson Step 10 Makes from 3 2 Work your footwork

Backs spots by getting by the
defender. Use the
step back to avoid
the defender and
create space for
your shot

Active Rest Free Throws Make 2 Shoot Free Throws

while you're tired

Between the legs 10 makes from both 1 Attack your defender

spin w/ floater wings from the wing with a
double move. Avoid
secondary defender
with floater

60 second 3’s As many as possible 2 Shoot as many 3’s

as you can in 60
seconds to work
your cardio and
shooting while your

Cool Down

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