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Global Journal of Management and Business Research: B

Economics and Commerce

Volume 17 Issue 3 Version 1.0 Year 2017
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in

Bangladesh Perspective
By Nazmun Nessa Moon , Shaheena Sultana, Fernaz Narin Nur
& Mohd Saifuzzaman
Daffodil International University
Abstract- This paper contains a brief discussion of search engine marketing or e-commerce,
literature survey, current and future prospect, comparative study of e-commerce in Bangladesh
perspective on online shopping. The buzzword e-Commerce is spreading widely in the present
world of ICT by its simple applications. The basic objective of this review paper is actually
exploring the difference between the traditional & online shopping and the effectiveness of e-
Commerce in Bangladesh. From the previous research, we can come to a conclusion that
convenience and time are the main attributes for making the decision to shop online rather than
traditional shopping in Bangladesh and we also found out that young consumers are more
comfortable and satisfy to make online purchases.

Keywords: e-commerce, ICT, consumer, marketer, top motivators.

GJMBR-B Classification: JEL Code: L81

Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of:

© 2017. Nazmun Nessa Moon , Shaheena Sultana, Fernaz Narin Nur & Mohd Saifuzzaman This is a research/review paper,
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic
Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective
Nazmun Nessa Moon α , Shaheena Sultana σ, Fernaz Narin Nur ρ & Mohd Saifuzzaman Ѡ

Abstract- This paper contains a brief discussion of search to BTRC the internet subscriber is 67.247 million at the
engine marketing or e-commerce, literature survey, current end of February 2017. In this present situation of huge
and future prospect, comparative study of e-commerce in population the annual growth of GDP is 7.05%
Bangladesh perspective on online shopping. The buzzword e- according to Bangladesh Bank and in this situation the
Commerce is spreading widely in the present world of ICT by

contribution of e-Commerce market is nearly 1% but if
its simple applications. The basic objective of this review
we connected industries for example logistics, banking,

paper is actually exploring the difference between the
traditional & online shopping and the effectiveness of e- export import then the e-Commerce is near about 2.5%
Commerce in Bangladesh. From the previous research, we (Source: eCab). So the contribution of e-Commerce in
can come to a conclusion that convenience and time are the Bangladesh’s economy is not like to avoid. After seeing
main attributes for making the decision to shop online rather and observing the effectiveness of online business,

Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XVII Issue III Version I
than traditional shopping in Bangladesh and we also found out Bangladesh is also growing their capability on this
that young consumers are more comfortable and satisfy to particular side gigantically. In e-commerce, the payment
make online purchases. is really a challenging part after purchasing services.
Keywords: e-commerce, ICT, consumer, marketer, top Sometimes the payment is processed after delivering
motivators. the goods, products and services and Sometimes, the
transaction is processed through visa card both
I. Introduction

international & Bangladesh prospect and in Bangladesh
ow a days, e-commerce sector plays a bKash & DBBL is most commonly used payment
significant role both in developed and medium. The second one is considered to be a
developing countries. M. S. Khan and S. S. standard transaction system both international &
Mahapatra [1] mentioned that Information Bangladesh prospect which is shown in Fig 1.
technology can play a significant role in developing and
increasing the perfection of services in business sectors
and he also discussed that now a day’s after the
revolution of agricultural and industrial revolution,
internet is considered to be the third wave of revolution.
Yaser Ahangari Nanehkaran [2] explained, e-
Commerce has actually made a business situation in
our modern world through technology like the internet or
other computer network. The development of e-
Commerce is basically depend of the accessibility of the
internet of the people. According to Bangladesh Bureau
of Statistics the present size of population of
Bangladesh is near about 163.187 million and according

Fig.1: E-Commerce transaction Cycle

Szymanski [3] described that it gives us
Author α: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & opportunity to ignore national boundary gap in new
Engineering, Daffodil International University Dhaka, Bangladesh. business models and developing of modern technology
e-mail: [email protected]
Author σ: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science &
cut the barrier which is used to distinct one industry from
Engineering Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna, another one. Bangladesh has a large marketplace but
Bangladesh. e-mail: [email protected] online market is not well establish yet. From previous
Author ρ: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & research, we can say that since 1970-2000 was the
Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. darkest period for Bangladesh in E-Commerce
e-mail: [email protected]
business. Then the people can’t even think or imagine
Author Ѡ: Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. for e-Commerce. They only use computer to make
e-mail: [email protected] assignment for school, college and university or even

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A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective

busy to make presentation in private & government When you feel that you are hungry you can go to
sector. From 2000 the students as well as the public & hungrynaki or food panda. Kaymu is going to turn into
private sectors just waked up and began a revolution of one of the highest Bangladeshi online mall & daraz so
computer work. On that time, the Bangladesh Institute on. Recently Alibaba also started their online shopping
of Communication and Information Technology (BICIT) service in Bangladesh. So we can say in near future, e-
has been organized and run an Annual Development commerce sectors will spread gigantically in
Programme. This organization will instruct standard ICT Bangladesh to make a revolution.
education and certification of IT related courses &
products. According to BICIT they made report of IT II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Trainers, IT Professional, Language skill, operating As we all know, internet and e-commerce are
system skills which is shown in Fig 2. entirely committed towards every developed country.
But we think it can be accomplished and can make a

remarkable benefit to developing countries also if an

ideal business purpose can be made. Ohidujja man

[4] clearly discussed that E-commerce is a revolution &

turning point in online business practices and can make
12 a huge contribution to the economy and Hasan [5]
also indicated that currently, e-commerce organizations
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XVII Issue III Version I

have increasingly become a fundamental component of

business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic
development. A huge amount of research works has
been done on e-Commerce which is basically on online
shopping. A large group of researchers has found out
and also pointed out the necessity and possibilities of
Online Shopping. On the other hand, limitation of e-
commerce is found and at the same time, they provided
essential suggestion and came to a prediction to make
2000 fiscal year.
Source: BICIT Survey,1999-2000 fiscal year. Online Shopping more useful for the consumers. But the
contribution of traditional marketing is also inescapable
Fig.2: BICIT Survey Report but compare to online shopping it is less effective we
After that in 2013 when ICT ministry of think. So on this basis, Mehrdad Salehi [17] found
Bangladesh and Bangladesh high commission London out distinguish between online marketing & traditional
unitedly organized the first international e-commerce marketing. Though most of the people of Bangladesh
fair. The huge success of this fair developed our online especially the rural people are not enough capable of
business in Bangladesh. After that the government is operating internet to run the online business. For that
like to enlarge ICT section & coverage of broadband reason, they need to be dependent on traditional
network to 30% by 2015 and 40% by 2021 and also marketing.
vision to build Digital Bangladesh by 2021. The students
of private universities have done superb for e-commerce
data and uses development and some private
universities are giving free laptop to force them to learn
things from online. This is also nice to see that they're
doing online business and putting several things on their
sites and selling them easily. There are so many online
shopping websites has been developed in Bangladesh
like cell bazaar,,,,,,, lareve. com. bd, arong. com. bd,
othoba. com, chaldal. com, food panda. com, bangle
mart. com, muktobazar. com, shohoj shopping. com,,, itbazar24. com is one of the
most effective e-commerce websites in Bangladesh,
wherever you can notice large numbers of products. For
online dress shopping in Bangladesh, you can come
with arong, plus point, bag doom, priyoshop or daraz.
Chaldal is the best online store for grocery and food.

© 2017
1 Global Journals Inc. (US)
A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective

Table 1: Distinguish between e-marketing & traditional marketing

E- Marketing Traditional Marketing

Interactive advertisement. Example: Contact from one side. Example: Print
website, social networking site, media (Newspaper), Broadcast Media
Google ads, banner ads, video (TV & radio ads), telemarketing.
E-marketing methods less expensive Traditional marketing methods more

Reach out maximum people Limited audiences

Instant Comparable Less opportunity

Save a lot of time Need a lot of time

Interaction with people can make good 13

Less interaction relationship.

Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XVII Issue III Version I
In town both marketing system are available but For example, uses this tactic to allure
the most cost effective is online marketing. So in this consumers away from traditional bookstores. These low
paper, we would like to show distinguish & effectiveness price online retail store are causing a great consumer
of both marketing system as illustrated in Table 1. surplus. Goldsmith [11] study reveals that some
When we looked back some previous research consumers use online shopping just to avoid from face-
work on e-commerce, we found out that everywhere to-face interaction with salesman because they feel
they described their papers on consumer’s perspective uneasy & uncomfortable while bargaining with the
but in this paper we would like to describe it both salesman and do not want to be manipulated and
consumers and marketers perspective. By contributing fooled around in the marketplace. This is a big true for
both side, we can assure a healthy economy and easy those customers who may have face a negative
marketplace in Bangladesh. experience with the salesman. Here Mohammad Harisur
Rahman Howladar [10] described in his paper that
a) Customer Perspective due to the up to date developing infrastructure of ICT in
Williams, Bertsch, Wiele, Iwaarden & Dale Bangladesh, online shopping intention among people
[6] clearly discussed that although consumers keep on are developed day by day and consumer & marketers
to purchase from a physical store like traditional make a huge contribution to the national economy
shopping but consumers feel very convenient to shop through e-commerce. Let’s come to the current
online since they find themselves free from personally consumer statistics & age brackets of e-commerce in
visiting the stores. So we can say that online shopping Bangladesh where the youth with male consumers is in
saves time as well as the energy of the consumer while the majority (75%) position. The most victorious age
buying their commodities. In the case of online group is 26-30 years achieving 50% of the consumer
shopping, buying decisions can be easily made from group. The majority of the consumers are either
home by sitting at home. In online shopping comparing professional achieving 44% or the university student
product with lots of verity & supplies, price advantage achieving 33% where the contribution of female
can prevail easily. Online shopping is much useful in consumers is complainingly low 25% than others shown
meeting the consumers’ needs and wants. Brown in Fig 3.
[7] confirmed in his paper that consumer can now make
more intelligent decisions in the way which is not
possible through traditional shopping. Moreover,
Monsuwé [8] also made a review that the consumer
can also buy anonymously which is more convenient
and when it comes to personal products that consumers
may feel uncomfortable buying in stores. Brown [7]
found out that daily tasks like shopping for groceries
have become simple for consumer’s who do not like Fig.3: Consumer contribution on e-Commerce
crowds. Richard Dobbs [9] observed that online Source: Light castle partners survey on Digital Consumers,
retail stores often market themselves through low price. 2016, support document.

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A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective

b) Marketer Perspective even if annual growth rates of the world will slow over
As we know there are many restriction in the next few years, as explored in Fig 5.
traditional marketing for selling goods and products but
in online marketing there is no boundary or limit or
restriction. Johnson [12] revealed there are huge
differences between the E-marketing and traditional
marketing. Traditional marketing can only concentrate
one to one communication that means the marketer
need to market the product to one customer round the
clock on the other hand E-marketing is done through
one to much communication system. In case of online
marketing, marketer should be trained as we know that
traditional marketing and online marketing is not the

same thing. If an organization adopts online shopping


for the first time, it must be very cautious and its

communication technique should be different from the
14 traditional one. That’s why the organization need to
maintain some basic strategy for making business
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XVII Issue III Version I

effective shown in Fig 4.

Fig.5: Chart of e-Marketer Sales

III. Objectives of the Studies

The main objectives of the study are as follows:
• To analyze the present infrastructure of e-commerce
in Bangladesh To know the major types of e-
• To identify the advantages & disadvantages of e-
• To know the challenges and limitation in e-
commerce in Bangladesh
• To identify the motivation factors and
Fig.4: E-marketing strategy recommendation for future development in
In the 21st century trade and commerce has Bangladesh for online shopping.
been so diversified that if a marketer wants to do
business, he should be diversified through internet. As
IV. Research Methodology
we all know internet is the source of innovation so online This research is actually based on secondary
shopping will shows the way to make innovative ideas of information from various journals, published book, and
online shopping. In online shopping marketer do their newspapers along with internet. The study is qualitative
trade through a user friendly website so it is very and unique in nature.
important to design an attractive website for the
prominent consumer. Internet create a marketplace V. Types of E-Commerce
where different company and the customer come in one
There are basically several types of e-
place. As it is one kind of virtual market. Through
Commerce in Bangladesh as well as other countries too
internet every company advertise their goods and
products. In 2016, total retail sales across the world will
reach $22.049 trillion, up 6.0% from the previous year. E- • Business to Business (B2B): B2B deals between the
Marketer calculates sales will top $27 trillion in 2020, businesses or among business. In Bangladesh

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1 Global Journals Inc. (US)
A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective

BGMEA, readymade garment receives order from certificate. Sometimes unauthorized access, DDOS
outside client of Bangladesh. Example: Sindbad. attack make a huge problem.
com, address bazar, Bangladesh Business Guide, • Quality: Quality is a big fact on e-commerce,
trade etc. sometimes the product which is ordered from online
• Business to Consumer (B2C): This business is website will not be similar in quality. So the
basically done with the general people like catalog consumer should not touch the product or make
utilizing shopping software. Example: ajkerdeal, bag instant transaction until they delivered the product in
doom, daraz, othoba and so on. door.
• Consumer to Consumer (C2C): This business • Hidden costs: Sometimes hidden fees will not be
strategy which is basically done between mentioned like product delivery cost, tax etc. so be
customers. Example:, and alert.

2017 • Credit card issues: Some company gives some free
• Others: G2G (Government to Government), G2E point for purchasing good by taking the credit card

(Government to Employee), G2B (Government to information after that from that vary information the
Business), B2G (Business to Government), M- credit card can be hacked. 15
Commerce (Mobile Commerce), F-Commerce • Social Relationships: Through traditional shopping a

Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XVII Issue III Version I
(Facebook Commerce). face to face interaction occurs which makes a social
relationship with others but in online shopping we
VI. E-Commerce Advantages fail to do so.
• Comfort: If we need any household commodities or • Consumer dishonesty: sometimes customer make
even anything, we can get it by sitting at home on an order through online but after delivery they
the click of our finger on the internet. refused to take the order or make a wrong address
• Time-saving: By using e-commerce sites, there is for the delivery of orders for which the marketer face
not a chance of waste of time and with the help of Harassment as well as business loss
online order, our necessary product will be delivered VIII. Challenges of E-Commerce
to our address.
The major challenges faced by the buyer and
• Options, options, and options: Without visiting
the seller which carrying out business transactions
outside from one store to another, the consumer
through website are as follows.
can simply compare goods products or commodity. • Now Private and Public organization work separately
We can see who offer low price for standard & but if they do business jointly, the ecommerce
branded goods and can have more option to business will be developed flourishingly in near
choose from the websites. future.
• Easy to compare: When the marketers place their • As we know that most of the e commerce website
products to the website, they make a lucrative don’t have proper cyber security for this their system
description of these products to compare them with is not reliable & secure. If the website is hacked, the
other products, to let the consumers know that they consumer will lose their money as well as the
have the best option and come back for more. marketer too.
• Coupons and deals: Some online business • In developing countries like Bangladesh there is a
company makes offers that we can’t refuse. Some tradition of buying goods or products by bargaining
major sites sometimes offer up to 80% of discount. price with the seller but in e-commerce, it is quite
• 24/7, 365 days: if it’s holiday or rainy or sunny or the • Another biggest challenges is to make a low price of
road is blocked by any reason, the businessman the internet and cutting down the short ranged
should not be worry for his business because the validity or expiry date. The authorities spreads high
door of this market is always open & the profit will cost of internet which should be stopped.
go rising every day.
• Lack of quality trainer to teach the e commerce
VII. E-COMMERCE DISADVANTAGES knowledge. Lack of Government laws, rules and
• Privacy and security: Before making a transaction, • Our country’s telecommunication service is
we should be sure and check the website’s security insufficient near about 60% of lines are mainly

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A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective

analog and the quality services is comparatively • Cultural tradition

poor. • Poor concept on e-commerce
• Lack of transaction security. Jayshree [12] • Less Advertisement, promotion & marketing
described in his review that legality should be • Political instability
maintained by conducting new method of • Sometimes online products are costing high rather
transaction instead of the existing banking system in than traditional market.
e-commerce such as electronic signature. • Limited internet coverage area
Apart from that, the developing economy like • Lack of trust in business and business strategy
Bangladesh also has to face the following challenges: • No product return policy
Out of 64 district few are facilitate the availability
• Absence of cyber law
of internet services. In 2002 BTTB was planning to
• Slow and expensive internet service
facilitate internet service in 64 district but in January they
• Lack of public as well as government awareness

did just 12 district but the project is running and growing

very fast nearly about all districts. According to
Top Motivation Factor

Bangladesh e commerce country fact sheet, in 2016 the
internet penetration is 38.5% which is 62,004,000 users According to the following Fig 6, the top
(Source: BTRC: Bangladesh Telecommunication motivators for online shopping are trust and loyalty,
Regulatory Commission) out of a population of most important is ensuring security, cash back
Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( B ) Volume XVII Issue III Version I

approximately 161,000,000 (Source: BBC: Bangladesh guarantee, cash after delivery, Fast delivery service and
Bureau of Statistics). But if we look on e-Commerce discount & offers. If this factor can be ensured in near
market as percentage which is less than 1% of total future in Bangladesh then both the consumer and
GDP, which is pretty much unfortunate for our country marketers can make a huge contribution in national
because of some basic limitation- economy.
• Lack of educational and practical knowledge about
information technology

Trust and Online

Discount Top Motivator Cash

and Great Factors for Back
Offers Online

Fast Cash
Delivery After
Service Delivery

Fig.6: Top Motivator Factors

X. Conclusion the growth and implementation. Shiferaw [15]

Government should simplify friendly policy and e-
In near future E-Commerce will be the leader government services. Here social support and practice
with popularity and prosperity in e-trade sector. From is also needed for the improvement of online shopping.
above discussion we can come to a view that e- Limayem et al [16] Family practice & choice and the
Commerce has changed the business strategy and significant role of the media should be leaded positively.
making life easier for the people of Bangladesh as well So from the above research we can easily say,
as other countries. Developing countries like maintenance of factors, handling of limitation and by the
Bangladesh, we faced some problem in this sector but help of Govt. e-commerce can plays a significant role in
we think we can overcome very strategically in future. In 21st century.
this sector Government role is also very significant for
© 2017
1 Global Journals Inc. (US)
A Literature Review of the Trend of Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh Perspective

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