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‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬

‫ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﻛﺮﺭﻯ – ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﺔ‬

‫ﻗﺴﻢ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻬﺮﺑﺎﺋﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺤﺎﺳﻮﺏ‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺋﻞ ﻋﺎﻣﺔ ﺗﻐﻄﻰ ﻣﺎﺩﺓ ﺇﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻴﺎﺕ ﺍﻻﺗﺼﺎﻻﺕ‬

…...……….Chapter one (Introduction to Electronic Communication)……….…..

1. Calculate the frequency of signals with wavelengths of 40 m, 5 m, and 8 cm.

2. A television signal occupies a 8-MHz bandwidth. If the low-frequency limit of channel 2
is 54 MHz, what is the upper-frequency limit?
3. Find the wavelengths of (a) a 150-MHz, (b) a 430-MHz, (c) an 8-MHz, and (d) a 750-
kHz signal.
……….….Chapter two (Electronic Fundamentals for Communications)…….…..

1. Three cascaded amplifiers have power gains of 5, 2, and 17. The input power is 40 mW.
What is the output power?

2. A two-stage amplifier has an input power of 25 μW and an output power of 1.5 mW. One
stage has a gain of 3. What is the gain of the second stage?
3. An amplifier has a gain of 45,000, which is too much for the application. With an input
voltage of 20μV, what attenuation factor is needed to keep the output voltage from
exceeding 100 mV? Let A1 = amplifier gain = 45,000; A2 = attenuation factor; AT = total
4. A power amplifier with a 40-dB gain has an output power of 100 W. What is the input

5. An amplifier has a gain of 60 dB. If the input voltage is 50μV, what is the output
6. A circuit consists of two amplifiers with gains of 6.8 and 14.3 dB and two filters with
attenuations of -16.4 and -2.9 dB. If the output voltage is 800 mV, what is the input voltage?
7. What are the approximate 3-dB down frequencies of a resonant circuit with a Q of 200 at
16 MHz?
8. What value of parallel resistor is needed to set the bandwidth of a parallel tuned circuit to
1 MHz? Assume XL =300 Ω, RW= 10 Ω, and fr = 10 MHz.
9. An oscilloscope has a bandwidth of 60 MHz. The input square wave has a rise time of 15
ns. What is the rise time of the displayed square wave?
10. A piece of communication equipment has two stages of amplification with gains of 40
and 60 and two loss stages with attenuation factors of 0.03 and 0.075. The output voltage is
2.2 V. What are the overall gain (or attenuation) and the input voltage?
11. A communication system has five stages, with gains and attenuations of 12, -45, 68, -31,
and 9 dB. What is the overall gain?
12. A 2.5-μH inductor has a resistance of 23 Ω. At a frequency of 35 MHz, what is its Q?
13. A resonant circuit has a peak output voltage of 4.5 mV. What is the voltage output at the
upper and lower cut-off frequencies?

14. Find the impedance of a parallel resonant circuit with L = 60 μH, RW = 7 Ω , and C =
22 pF.
15. An oscilloscope has a rise time of 8 ns. What is the highest-frequency sine wave that the
scope can display?
16. A low-pass filter has a cut-off frequency of 24 MHz. What is the fastest rise time that a
rectangular wave that will pass through the filter can have?
……………….Chapter three (Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals)……………

1. A standard AM broadcast station is allowed to transmit modulating frequencies up to 5

kHz. If the AM station is transmitting on a frequency of 980 kHz, compute the maximum
and minimum upper and lower sidebands and the total bandwidth occupied by the AM
2. An AM transmitter has a carrier power of 30 W. The percentage of modulation is 85
percent. Calculate (a) the total power and (b) the power in one sideband.
3. An antenna has an impedance of 40 V. An unmodulated AM signal produces a current of
4.8 A. The modulation is 90 percent. Calculate (a) the carrier power, (b) the total power, and
(c) the sideband power.
4. An antenna has an impedance of 40 Ω. An unmodulated AM signal produces a current of
4.8 A. The modulation is 90 percent. Calculate (a) the carrier power, (b) the total power, and
(c) the sideband power. (d) If current change from 4.8 A to 5.1 A. What is the percentage of
5. An SSB transmitter has a 24-V dc power supply. On voice peaks the current achieves a
maximum of 9.3 A. (a) what is the PEP? (b) What is the average power of the transmitter?
6. An AM radio transmitter operating on 3.9 MHz is modulated by frequencies up to 4 kHz.
What are the maximum upper and lower side frequencies? What is the total bandwidth of the
AM signal?
7. What is the bandwidth of an AM signal whose carrier is 2.1 MHz modulated by a 1.5-kHz
square wave with significant harmonics up to the fifth? Calculate all the upper and lower
sidebands produced.
8. How much power appears in one sideband of an AM signal of a 5-kW transmitter
modulated by 80 percent?
9. What is the total power supplied by an AM transmitter with a carrier power of 2500 W
and modulation of 77 percent?
10. An AM signal has a 12-W carrier and 1.5 W in each sideband. What is the percentage of
11. An AM transmitter puts a carrier of 6 A into an antenna whose resistance is 52 Ω. The
transmitter is modulated by 60 percent. What is the total output power?
12. The antenna current produced by an unmodulated carrier is 2.4 A into an antenna with a
resistance of 75 Ω. When amplitude-modulated, the antenna current rises to 2.7 A. What is
the percentage of modulation?
13. A ham transmitter has a carrier power of 750 W. How much power is added to the signal
when the transmitter is 100 percent modulated?
14. An SSB transmitter has a power supply voltage of 250 V. On voice peaks, the final
amplifier draws a current of 3.3 A. What is the input PEP?
15. The peak-to-peak output voltage of 675 V appears across a 52-Ω antenna on voice peaks
in an SSB transmitter. What is the output PEP?
16. An SSB transmitter with a carrier of 2.3 MHz is modulated by an intelligence signal in
the 150-Hz to 4.2-kHz range. Calculate the frequency range of the lower sideband.
….……Chapter four (Amplitude Modulator and Demodulator Circuits)……….

1. An AM transmitter uses high-level modulation of the final RF power amplifier, which has
a dc supply voltage VCC of 48 V with a total current I of 3.5 A. The efficiency is 70 percent.
(a) What is the RF input power to the final stage?
(b) How much AF power is required for 100 percent modulation? (Hint: For 100
percent modulation, AF modulating power Pm is one-half the input power.)
(c) What is the carrier output power?
(d) What is the power in one sideband for 67 percent modulation?
(e) What is the maximum and minimum dc supply voltage swing with 100 percent
2. An SSB transmitter using the filter method operates at a frequency of 4.2 MHz. The voice
frequency range is 300 to 3400 Hz.
(a) Calculate the upper and lower sideband ranges.
(b) What should be the approximate center frequency of a bandpass filter to select the
lower sideband?
3. A collector modulated transmitter has a supply voltage of 48 V and an average collector
current of 600 mA. What is the input power to the transmitter? How much modulating signal
power is needed to produce 100 percent modulation?
4. An SSB generator has a 9-MHz carrier and is used to pass voice frequencies in the 300- to
3300-Hz range. The lower sideband is selected. What is the approximate center frequency of
the filter needed to pass the lower sideband?
5. A 1496 IC balanced modulator has a carrier-level input of 200 mV. The amount of
suppression achieved is 60 dB. How much carrier voltage appears at the output?
……………Chapter 5 (Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation)…………….…..

1. A transmitter operates on a frequency of 915 MHz. The maximum FM deviation is ±12.5

kHz. What are the maximum and minimum frequencies that occur during modulation?
2. What is the deviation ratio of TV sound if the maximum deviation is 25 kHz and the
maximum modulating frequency is 15 kHz?
3. What is the maximum modulating frequency that can be used to achieve a modulation
index of 2.2 with a deviation of 7.48 kHz?
4. What is the maximum bandwidth of an FM signal with a deviation of 30 kHz and a
maximum modulating signal of 5 kHz as determined by (a) Fig. 5-8 and (b) Carson’s rule?
5. The input to an FM receiver has an S/N of 2.8. The modulating frequency is 1.5 kHz. The
maximum permitted deviation is 4 kHz. What are (a) the frequency deviation caused by the
noise and (b) the improved output S/N?
6. A 162-MHz carrier is deviated by 12 kHz by a 2-kHz modulating signal. What is the
modulation index? And then compute the bandwidth occupied by the signal, by using the
conventional method and Carson’s rule. Sketch the spectrum of each signal, showing all
significant sidebands and their exact amplitudes.
7. For a single-frequency sine wave modulating signal of 3 kHz with a carrier frequency of
36 MHz, what is the spacing between sidebands?
8. What are the relative amplitudes of the fourth pair of sidebands for an FM signal with a
deviation ratio of 8?
9. An available channel for FM transmission is 30 kHz wide. The maximum allowable
modulating signal frequency is 3.5 kHz. What deviation ratio should be used?
10. The signal-to-noise ratio in an FM system is 4:1. The maximum allowed deviation is 4
kHz. How much frequency deviation is introduced by the phase shift caused by the noise
when the modulating frequency is 650 Hz? What is the real signal-to-noise ratio?
11. A deemphasis circuit has a capacitor value of 0.02 μF. What value of resistor is needed?
Give the closest standard EIA(Electronic Industries Alliance) value.
12. Use Carson’s rule to determine the bandwidth of an FM channel when the maximum
deviation allowed is 5 kHz at frequencies up to 3.333 kHz. Sketch the spectrum, showing
carrier and sideband values.
……………...…….………Chapter 6 (FM Circuits)………….……..……..….…..

1. The value of capacitance of a varactor at the center of its linear range is 40 pF. This
varactor will be in parallel with a fixed 20-pF capacitor. What value of inductance should be
used to resonate this combination to 5.5 MHz in an oscillator?
2. A transmitter must operate at a frequency of 168.96 MHz with a deviation of 65 kHz. It
uses three frequency multipliers-a doubler, a tripler, and a quadrupler. Phase modulation is
used. Calculate (a) the frequency of the carrier crystal oscillator and (b) the phase shift ∆ϕ
required to produce the necessary deviation at a 2.8-kHz modulation frequency
3. For the transmitter has a phase shifter ± 4.623° is used, where C is a varactor and R=
1kΩ. Assume that the total phase-shift range is centered on 45°. Calculate the two
capacitance values required to achieve the total deviation.
4. A parallel-tuned circuit in an oscillator consists of a 40-μH inductor in parallel with a 330-
pF capacitor. A varactor with a capacitance of 50 pF is connected in parallel with the circuit.
What is the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit and the oscillator operating frequency?
5. If the varactor capacitance of the circuit in Prob. 4 above is decreased to 25pF, (a) how
does the frequency change and (b) what is the new resonant frequency?

6. A phase modulator produces a maximum phase shift of 45°. The modulating frequency
range is 300 to 4000 Hz. What is the maximum frequency deviation possible?
7* The FM input to a PLL demodulator has an unmodulated center frequency of 10.7 MHz.
(a) To what frequency must the VCO be set? (b) From which circuit is the recovered
modulating signal taken?
8. A 565 IC PLL has an external resistor R1 of 1.2 kΩ and a capacitor C1 of 560 pF. The
power supply is 10 V. (a) What is the free-running frequency? (b) What is the total lock
9. A varactor phase modulator like the one in Fig. 6-11 has a resistance value of 3.3 kΩ. The
capacitance of the varactor at the center unmodulated frequency is 40 pF and the carrier
frequency is 1 MHz. (a) What is the phase shift? (b) If the modulating signal changes the
varactor capacitance to 55 pF, what is the new phase shift? (c) If the modulating signal
frequency is 400 Hz, what is the approximate frequency deviation represented by this phase
…Selections [Chapter 7 (Radio transmitter) + Chapter 8(Communication receivers)]...

1. An FM transmitter has an 8.6-MHz crystal carrier oscillator and frequency multipliers of

2, 3, and 4. What is the output frequency?
2. Tuned circuit has a Q of 80 at its resonant frequency of 480 kHz. What is its bandwidth?
3. A parallel LC tuned circuit has a coil of 4 μH and a capacitance of 68 pF. The coil
resistance is 9 Ω. What is the circuit bandwidth?
4. A tuned circuit has a resonant frequency of 18 MHz and a bandwidth of 120 kHz. What
are the upper and lower cut-off frequencies?
5. What value of Q is needed to achieve a bandwidth of 4 kHz at 3.6 MHz.
6. A filter has a 6-dB bandwidth of 3500 Hz and a 60-dB bandwidth of 8400 Hz. What is the
shape factor?
7. A super-heterodyne has an input signal of 14.5 MHz. The local oscillator is tuned to 19
MHz. What is the IF?
8. A dual-conversion super-heterodyne has an input frequency of 62 MHz and local
oscillators of 71 and 8.6 MHz. What are the two IFs?
9. The signal input power to a receiver is 6.2 nW. The noise power is 1.8 nW. What is the
S/N ratio? What is the S/N ratio in decibels?
10. Which receiver sensitivity rating is best? -87 dBm or -126 dBm.

Fig 6.11

Fig. 5-8

Eng: Badreldeen Ismail Dahap

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