Business Letter Overview

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Business Letter Overview

In business, a letter is simply any type of correspondence sent between two

parties. It may be about any topic and sent via many delivery methods such
as email, regular mail, and hand delivery.

The tone you take in the letter will depend on who the audience is and what
the purpose of the communication is. Sometimes you will need to be more
formal, and other times a more casual voice is appropriate.

The example provided below is a neutral voice and moderate level of


Business Letter Structure

Below is an example of how a business letter is laid out and structured. Feel
free to copy and paste the text into your own email, Word, or Google
document and be sure to customize and it proofread it thoroughly.

[Sender’s Name]

[Sender’s Company Name]

[Sender’s Street Address]

[Sender’s City, State/Province, & Zip/Postal Code]

[Sender’s phone number and or email address]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Company Name]

[Recipient’s Street Address]

[Recipient’s City, State/Province, & Zip/Postal Code]

[Recipient’s phone number and or email address]


[Dear Name],

[Introduction – this is where you explain the purpose of the letter, why you are
writing it, what you hope to achieve from, and any other important
information you want to get out up front.]

[Middle Section – this is where you elaborate and provide more detail about
what you outlined in the first paragraph. There may be several more
paragraphs like this depending on how long the letter needs to be]

[Conclusion – this is the place where you wrap up and summarize things.
There may be a call to action or next steps included in this paragraph.]


[Name of Sender]

Full Business Letter Example

Now that you’re familiar with the business letter format, let’s look at an
example with real information built in.

John Bravo

ABC Education Inc.

1234 – 123 Street

New York, NY 01218

May 21, 2018

Sarah Geenie

XYZ Company Inc.

6789 – 789 Street

New York, NY 04851

Re: Updated Billing Frequency

Dear Ms. Geenie,

I am writing to inform you of our new pricing model effective February 1,

2019. On the first of February, we will be switching from an annual billing cycle
to a quarterly billing cycle and this letter contains important information that
may impact your organization.

After conducting extensive research and receiving feedback from our

customers, we have determined that most customers strongly prefer a
quarterly billing cycle rather than an annual one. In order to best suit your
needs, we have decided to offer this benefit, which will take effect on February
1, 2019.

This letter is simply to notify you of the upcoming changes, and no immediate
action is required from you at this time. We thank you for your continued


John Bravo

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