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System ID: .

\systems ; Password-topb312^
Finnacle-DR ID : FCA00400 ; Password : kedia@05
Mail ID : boicorp\smsantac ; Password : Welcome@51

Daily Report

1) The link to access the new server is

2) User Name: ca120936
3) Password :1234
4) Click on “Concurrent Audit System”
5) Click on Menu ‘Audit’ –Areawise Audit Observation
Step By Step Tutorial

Put the user id and password as mentioned above

Click on “Concurrent Audit System”

6) This page will now appear

Click on Utilities>Load CAS Accounts from BOI

Choose the From and to date for account fetching. Click on proceed. Thereafter all
the advances accounts will be downloaded and will be ready for audit.

Now to start the audit of advances accounts downloaded, go to

“Audit>Account wise Audit Observation”
Choose the month, year and Scheme code

Choose scheme code

Thereafter the accounts eligible for audit under the category will be listed. Choose
the accounts one by one

Click on select
Now the check list will come. Choose the correct option after auditing

If “No” is selected, below mentioned screen will come. Fill the form and income
leakage is detected. Click on save.
Once all the advances accounts are audited, next item to be done is filling the
Data Sheets. To access the data sheets for filling, click on Audit>Data Sheet

Choose the correct Month and Year. Click on individual data sheet and fill
them and click on save button.
Third Item to be audited is Audit of Operations. To open the check list click on
“Audit>Area wise Audit Observation”

a. Account opening form to check – note down number and name of each account
checked to be verify with list of account open
b. Term deposit form to check, Loan to be checked by godbole sir


Press Esc if U want to go back
A. Generate The Below Reports
1) Insurance Expired
 Menu Option-MISRPT-Press Enter
 Module Name – CCIS -Press F4 -Press Enter
 Module/Report Number- Press F2-Select Insurance_Expire Report
by pressing Shift+F4, Press- F4,Press F10, Fore/Back Ground- F,
Print-N, Press-F10
2) Bank Guarantee Expired
 Menu Option- GILR - Press Enter
 To Date-31/30.MM.YYYY, Press-F4, Press F10, Fore/Back Ground-
F, Print-N, Press-F10
3) TOD in A/C or CC, Out of Order A/C
 Menu Option- MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module Name -EOD -Press F4
 Module/Report Number- EOD003/EOD004 , Press F4, Date:
DD.MM.YYYY, Press -F4, Press F10, Fore/Back Ground-F, Print-N,
4) Over Due Bills
 Menu Option- FBBR- Press Enter
 SOL-ID: 00400
 Report To : M
 Date: 30/31.MM.YYYY
 Details Required: Y, Press - F4, Press F10, Fore/Back Ground-F,
Print-N, Press-F10
5) Overdue Review
 Menu Option- MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module Name -CCIS -Press F4
 Module/Report Number- Press F2-Select Pending Review Report by
pressing Shift+F4, Press- F4, Sol-Id: 00400 Date: DD.MM.YYYY,
Press- F4,Press F10, Fore/Back Ground- F, Print-N, Press-F10
6) Time Barred Documents
 Menu Option- MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module Name -CCIS -Press F4
 Module/Report Number- Press F2-Select REN-DOC Report by
pressing Shift+F4, Press- F4, Sol-Id: 00400, Press- F4,Press F10,
Fore/Back Ground- F, Print-N, Press-F10
7) Overdue Installments/ Loan Overdue Report
 Menu Option- MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module Name -LOANS -Press F4
 Module/Report Number- Press F2-Select LAA002/LAA003 Report by
pressing Shift+F4, Press- F4, Sol-Id: 00400, Date: DD/MM/YYYY,
Press- F4,Press F10, Fore/Back Ground- F, Print-N, Press-F10
8) General Ledger
 Menu Option- MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module Name -EOD -Press F4
 Module/Report Number-EOD009, Press- F4,Press F10, Fore/Back
Ground- F, Print-N, Press-F10
9) Suspense/ Sundry Dr/Cr
 Menu Option: BR
 Report: M
 Sol Id-00400
 GL Sub Code LOW – 55020/17010/17040
 GL Sub Code HIGH-55020/17010/17040
10) Jotting Report
 Menu Option: MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module Name -EOD -Press F4
 Module/Report Number-EOD011, SCH TYP : CCA , ODA , LAA
Press- F4,Press F10, Fore/Back Ground- F, Print-N, Press-F10
11) Locker
 Menu Option: MISRPT - Press Enter
 Module name= Locker, LCK007, LCK008 – Press F4
12) Account opening
 Menu Option: DC
 Module name - HACS,12050(SA), 12010(CA)

B. Export The Above Reports

 Start I-Link From Desktop
 Menu Option-PR
 Use Arrow Keys to Select the Reports
 Press Ctrl EE to export the Report
 Press Esc to Go Back to Menu Option then Repeat the above
steps until all reports are generated.
c. Manual Information for Monthly Report
Sr. Number of Balance
No. Nature of Government Business accounts ( Lakhs)
I. Pension Accounts 2345 578.32
II. Senior Citizens Savings Scheme 2004
Credit to accounts 20 133.5
Debit to accounts 4 118.23
III. Direct Taxes
V. Public Provident Fund
Credit to accounts 222 63.73
Debit to accounts 6 50.84

Cash to be verified twice in a month in fifteen days.

Quarterly Report
Sr.No. Parameters Critical Non Critical
Total Out of Critical Critical Out of Non Non
which nature Not which critical critical
Critical complied complied Non complied Not
Nature Critical Complied

1 Review of accounts
pending/overdue FROM MONTHLY REPORT
2 Accounts overdue for
inspections NIL
3 Penal Interest not
charged for non-
submission of stock
statements (No. of
accounts) 0
4 Insurance cover
adequate/not obtained
(No. of accounts) FROM MONTHLY REPORT
5 TOD in SB accounts not
recovered (No. of FROM MONTHLY REPORT
6 Cash holding beyond
7 Reconciliation/wiping
out old entries in FROM MONTHLY REPORT
8 Net Clear pending for
long ( No. of entries for 0
more than 06 months)
9 SDV locker rent
(No. of accounts)
10 TOL/TOD allowed for
more than 30 days (No.
11 Liability not reversed in
expired guarantees FROM MONTHLY REPORT
(No. of guarantees)
12 Equitable mortgage COLLECT MANUALLY
not created (No. of
13 Hypothecation charge
not registered with COLLECT MANUALLY
RTO etc. (No. of
14 Mutation not done
(No. of accounts) 0
15 Renewal documents
due within 1 year (No.
of accounts) 0
16 CIBIL Report no
obtained 0
17 OD Accounts out of FROM MONTHLY REPORT

 Saving Account No…….

 Current Account No……. FROM
Amount RITU
 Dormant Account No……. MA’AM

1. No. of Officers, Clerks, Sub staff ---------------From Nikhil Sir

2. Sector wise Classification ------------- From Closing File
3. Individual Exposure------------------------ From Asmita ma’am loan dept
4. Secured/ Unsecured Advances-------------- From Closing File
5. LC/BG details to be taken from-------------- Dipti/Anita mam.
6.Details of documents expiring within 3 months---- Anita mam.
7.Credit card details to be taken from--------------Akshay Sir.
8.Branch Profile details to be taken from--------- Anita mam.
9.Secured/Unsecured advances details from---------Closing file.
10. Deposits details from----------------------------------Ritu mam.
11. Inspection Conducted and status of compliance-----------Anita mam.
12. Time Barred Debt details from--------------------- Anita mam.

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