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Stability Calculation - Immersing

Stability, build: 31

Model file: E:\TA\Immersing (Medium precision, 117 sections, Trimming off, Skin thickness not applied). Long. datum:
AP; Vert. datum: Baseline. Analysis tolerance - ideal(worst case): Disp.%: 0,01000(0,100); Trim%(LCG-TCG):
0,00001(0,100); Heel%(LCG-TCG): 0,00001(0,100)

Loadcase - Immersing
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1,025; (Density = 1,025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Use corrected VCG
Item Name Quantit Unit Mass Total Mass Unit Total Long. Trans. Vert. Arm Total FSM FSM Type
y tonne tonne Volume Volume Arm Arm m tonne.m
m^3 m^3 m m
Lightship 1 230,700 230,700 22,860 0,000 1,508 0,000 User Specified
side tank right 1 77,300 77,300 22,815 6,300 7,000 0,000 User Specified
side tank left 1 77,300 77,300 22,815 -6,300 7,000 0,000 User Specified
Crene Right 1 6,855 6,855 33,600 6,300 13,000 0,000 User Specified
Crene Left 1 6,855 6,855 12,115 -6,300 13,000 0,000 User Specified
Pump Right 4 0,030 0,120 21,700 7,000 0,000 0,000 User Specified
Pupm Left 4 0,030 0,120 21,700 -7,000 0,000 0,000 User Specified
generator Right 1 1,750 1,750 21,000 6,700 12,000 0,000 User Specified
Generator Left 1 1,750 1,750 21,000 -6,700 12,000 0,000 User Specified
Tank 1 stbd 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 10,215 3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 1 port 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 10,215 -3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 2 stbd 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 19,215 3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 2 port 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 19,215 -3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 3 stbd 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 28,215 3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 3 port 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 28,215 -3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 4 stbd 100% 167,120 167,120 163,044 163,044 36,315 3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank 4 port 100% 167,120 167,120 163,044 163,044 36,315 -3,810 1,524 0,000 Maximum
Tank Ap stbd 100% 89,117 89,117 86,943 86,943 3,397 3,810 1,870 0,000 Maximum
Tank Ap port 100% 89,117 89,117 86,943 86,943 3,397 -3,810 1,870 0,000 Maximum
Tank Fp stbd 100% 91,259 91,259 89,033 89,033 42,276 3,810 1,862 0,000 Maximum
Tank Fp port 100% 91,259 91,259 89,033 89,033 42,276 -3,810 1,862 0,000 Maximum
side tank stbd 100% 360,926 360,926 352,123 352,123 22,815 6,300 4,998 0,000 Maximum
side tank port 100% 360,926 360,926 352,123 352,123 22,815 -6,300 4,998 0,000 Maximum
Fuel Stbd 80% 0,942 0,754 0,998 0,798 6,015 6,300 7,200 0,869 Maximum
Fuel port 80% 0,942 0,754 0,998 0,798 6,015 -6,300 7,200 0,869 Maximum
Total Loadcase 3074,509 2607,119 2606,720 22,838 0,000 2,720 1,737
FS correction 0,001
VCG fluid 2,720
1,6 Stability Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 2,790 m
GZ Initial GM t GM at 0,0 deg = 2,790 m
M ax GZ = 1,015 m at 35 deg.


Max GZ = 1,015 m at 35 deg.

GZ m





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

Heel to Starboard 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9
GZ m 0,000 0,049 0,097 0,146 0,195 0,244 0,293 0,342 0,392
Area under GZ curve from zero heel 0,0000 0,0244 0,0974 0,2193 0,3900 0,6095 0,8781 1,1959 1,5629 1
Displacement t 3075 3075 3074 3075 3074 3075 3075 3075 3075
Draft at FP m 8,748 8,748 8,748 8,748 8,748 8,748 8,748 8,748 8,748
Draft at AP m 8,812 8,812 8,812 8,812 8,812 8,812 8,812 8,812 8,812
WL Length m 34,200 34,200 34,200 34,200 34,200 34,200 34,200 34,200 34,200 3
Beam max extents on WL m 15,240 15,242 15,249 15,261 15,277 15,298 15,324 15,354 15,390 1
Wetted Area m^2 2272,935 2272,929 2272,913 2272,935 2272,896 2272,935 2272,935 2272,935 2272,935 227
Waterpl. Area m^2 180,713 180,749 180,839 180,985 181,187 181,444 181,757 182,127 182,554 18
Prismatic coeff. (Cp) 1,141 1,141 1,141 1,141 1,141 1,141 1,141 1,141 1,141
Block coeff. (Cb) 0,654 0,644 0,635 0,625 0,616 0,608 0,599 0,591 0,583
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 22,838 22,838 22,838 22,838 22,838 22,838 22,838 22,838 22,838 2
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 22,815 22,815 22,815 22,815 22,815 22,815 22,815 22,815 22,815 2
Max deck inclination deg 0,0802 1,0032 2,0016 3,0011 4,0008 5,0006 6,0005 7,0005 8,0004 9
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0,0802 0,0803 0,0803 0,0803 0,0804 0,0804 0,0805 0,0806 0,0806 0

Key point Type Immersion Emergence

angle angle
deg deg
Margin Line (immersion pos = 0 m) 0 n/a
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 0 m) 0 n/a

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all Area 0 to 30 3,1513 m.deg 19,8137 Pass +528,75
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all Area 0 to 40 5,1566 m.deg 29,9497 Pass +480,80
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all Area 30 to 40 1,7189 m.deg 10,1360 Pass +489,68
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all Max GZ at 30 or greater 0,200 m 1,015 Pass +407,50
Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all Angle of maximum GZ 25,0 deg 35,0 Pass +40,00
A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria applicable to all Initial GMt 0,150 m 2,790 Pass +1760,00
Longitudinal Strength Calculation - Immersing
Stability, build: 31
Model file: E:\TA\Immersing (Medium precision, 117 sections, Trimming off, Skin thickness not applied). Long. datum:
AP; Vert. datum: Baseline. Analysis tolerance - ideal(worst case): Disp.%: 0,01000(0,100); Trim%(LCG-TCG):
0,00001(0,100); Heel%(LCG-TCG): 0,00001(0,100)

Loadcase - Immersing
Damage Case - Intact
Free to Trim
Specific gravity = 1,025; (Density = 1,025 tonne/m^3)
Fluid analysis method: Simulate fluid movement
Item Name Quantit Unit Mass Total Mass Unit Total Long. Aft. Fwd. Trans. Vert. Arm
y tonne tonne Volume Volume Arm Limit Limit Arm m
m^3 m^3 m m m m
Lightship 1 230,700 230,700 22,840 22,860 22,840 0,000 1,508
side tank right 1 77,300 77,300 22,815 22,815 22,815 6,300 7,000
side tank left 1 77,300 77,300 22,815 22,815 22,815 -6,300 7,000
Crene Right 1 6,855 6,855 33,600 33,600 33,600 6,300 13,000
Crene Left 1 6,855 6,855 12,115 12,115 12,115 -6,300 13,000
Pump Right 4 0,030 0,120 21,700 21,700 21,700 7,000 0,000
Pupm Left 4 0,030 0,120 21,700 21,700 21,700 -7,000 0,000
generator Right 1 1,750 1,750 21,000 21,000 21,000 6,700 12,000
Generator Left 1 1,750 1,750 21,000 21,000 21,000 -6,700 12,000
Tank 1 stbd 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 10,215 3,810 1,524
Tank 1 port 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 10,215 -3,810 1,524
Tank 2 stbd 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 19,215 3,810 1,524
Tank 2 port 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 19,215 -3,810 1,524
Tank 3 stbd 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 28,215 3,810 1,524
Tank 3 port 100% 208,901 208,901 203,806 203,806 28,215 -3,810 1,524
Tank 4 stbd 100% 167,120 167,120 163,044 163,044 36,315 3,810 1,524
Tank 4 port 100% 167,120 167,120 163,044 163,044 36,315 -3,810 1,524
Tank Ap stbd 100% 89,117 89,117 86,943 86,943 3,397 3,810 1,870
Tank Ap port 100% 89,117 89,117 86,943 86,943 3,397 -3,810 1,870
Tank Fp stbd 100% 91,259 91,259 89,033 89,033 42,276 3,810 1,862
Tank Fp port 100% 91,259 91,259 89,033 89,033 42,276 -3,810 1,862
side tank stbd 100% 360,926 360,926 352,123 352,123 22,815 6,300 4,998
side tank port 100% 360,926 360,926 352,123 352,123 22,815 -6,300 4,998
Fuel Stbd 80% 0,942 0,754 0,998 0,798 6,015 6,300 7,200
Fuel port 80% 0,942 0,754 0,998 0,798 6,015 -6,300 7,200
Total Loadcase 3074,509 2607,119 2606,720 22,836 0,000 2,720
2 0,6 600000000 Longitudinal Strength
M ass
1,6 0,5 500000000 Buoyancy
0,4 400000000
1,2 Damage/NBV
0,3 300000000 Net Load
Moment x10^3 tonne.m

Shear x10^3 tonne

0,2 200000000 M oment

Load t/m

0,1 100000000
Mass Grounding
0 0 0
Buoyancy Net Load

-0,4 -0,1 -100000000

-0,2 -200000000
-0,3 -300000000
-0,4 -400000000
-1,6 -0,5 -500000000 Moment -1,769
Shear -0,547
-2 -0,6 -600000000
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Long. Pos. m

Name Long. Mass Buoyanc Groundin Damage/NBV Net Load Shear Moment
Pos. t/m y g t/m t/m x10^3 x10^3
m t/m t/m tonne tonne.m
st 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
st 1 1,143 20,265 -15,358 0,000 0,000 4,907 0,004 -0,051
st 2 2,286 28,473 -22,079 0,000 0,000 6,394 0,011 -0,096
st 3 3,429 35,927 -29,530 0,000 0,000 6,397 0,018 -0,133
st 4 4,572 42,381 -36,989 0,000 0,000 5,392 0,025 -0,162
st 5 5,715 54,383 -46,957 0,000 0,000 7,426 0,029 -0,184
st 6 6,858 67,529 -78,856 0,000 0,000 -11,327 0,033 -0,197
st 7 8,001 67,529 -78,849 0,000 0,000 -11,320 0,020 -0,220
st 8 9,144 67,529 -78,839 0,000 0,000 -11,310 0,008 -0,258
st 9 10,287 67,529 -78,829 0,000 0,000 -11,300 -0,005 -0,310
st 10 11,430 67,529 -78,819 0,000 0,000 -11,289 -0,018 -0,377
st 11 12,573 67,529 -78,809 0,000 0,000 -11,279 -0,024 -0,456
st 12 13,716 67,529 -78,798 0,000 0,000 -11,269 -0,037 -0,545
st 13 14,859 67,529 -78,788 0,000 0,000 -11,259 -0,050 -0,648
st 14 16,002 67,529 -78,778 0,000 0,000 -11,249 -0,063 -0,767
st 15 17,145 67,529 -78,768 0,000 0,000 -11,239 -0,076 -0,899
st 16 18,288 67,529 -78,758 0,000 0,000 -11,229 -0,089 -1,047
st 17 19,431 67,529 -78,748 0,000 0,000 -11,218 -0,102 -1,210
st 18 20,574 67,529 -78,737 0,000 0,000 -11,208 -0,115 -1,387
st 19 21,717 69,929 -78,727 0,000 0,000 -8,798 -0,124 -1,576
st 20 22,860 2870,693 -78,711 0,000 0,000 2791,982 0,186 -1,766
st 21 24,003 67,529 -78,704 0,000 0,000 -11,175 0,236 -1,543
st 22 25,146 67,529 -78,697 0,000 0,000 -11,168 0,223 -1,335
st 23 26,289 67,529 -78,687 0,000 0,000 -11,157 0,210 -1,140
st 24 27,432 67,529 -78,677 0,000 0,000 -11,147 0,198 -0,961
st 25 28,575 67,529 -78,666 0,000 0,000 -11,137 0,185 -0,796
st 26 29,718 67,529 -78,656 0,000 0,000 -11,127 0,172 -0,645
st 27 30,861 67,529 -78,646 0,000 0,000 -11,117 0,159 -0,509
st 28 32,004 67,529 -78,636 0,000 0,000 -11,107 0,147 -0,388
st 29 33,147 67,529 -78,626 0,000 0,000 -11,096 0,134 -0,281
st 30 34,290 67,529 -78,616 0,000 0,000 -11,086 0,128 -0,184
st 31 35,433 67,529 -78,605 0,000 0,000 -11,076 0,115 -0,099
st 32 36,576 67,529 -78,595 0,000 0,000 -11,066 0,103 -0,027
st 33 37,719 67,529 -78,585 0,000 0,000 -11,056 0,090 0,029
Name Long. Mass Buoyanc Groundin Damage/NBV Net Load Shear Moment
Pos. t/m y g t/m t/m x10^3 x10^3
m t/m t/m tonne tonne.m
st 34 38,862 67,529 -78,575 0,000 0,000 -11,046 0,077 0,071
st 35 40,005 44,683 -78,539 0,000 0,000 -33,856 0,063 0,099
st 36 41,148 42,382 -47,596 0,000 0,000 -5,214 0,046 0,104
st 37 42,291 35,956 -46,000 0,000 0,000 -10,044 0,037 0,098
st 38 43,434 28,556 -39,752 0,000 0,000 -11,196 0,024 0,080
st 39 44,577 20,440 -31,283 0,000 0,000 -10,843 0,012 0,047
st 40 45,720 0,000 -12,386 0,000 0,000 -12,386 0,000 0,000

Key point Type Freeboar

Margin Line (freeboard pos = 0 -5,845
Deck Edge (freeboard pos = 0 m) -5,77

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