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Tekla Structures

Modeling Manual

Product version 10.0

December 2003

Copyright © 2003 Tekla Corporation

"Copyright© 1992-2003 Tekla Corporation. All rights reserved.
This Software Manual has been developed for use with the referenced Software. Use of the
Software, and use of this Software Manual are governed by a License Agreement. Among
other provisions, the License Agreement sets certain warranties for the Software and this Man-
ual, disclaims other warranties, limits recoverable damages, defines permitted uses of the Soft-
ware, and determines whether you are an authorized user of the Software. Please refer to the
License Agreement for important obligations and applicable limitations and restrictions on your
In addition, this Software Manual is protected by copyright law and by international treaties.
Unauthorized reproduction, display, modification, or distribution of this Manual, or any portion
of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the full extent
permitted by law.
Tekla, Tekla Structures, Xcity, Xengineer, Xpipe, Xpower, Xsteel, and Xstreet are either regis-
tered trademarks or trademarks of Tekla Corporation in the European Union, the United States,
and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned in this Manual are or
may be trademarks of their respective owners. By referring to a third-party product or brand,
Tekla does not intend to suggest an affiliation with or endorsement by such third party and dis-
claims any such affiliation or endorsement, except where otherwise expressly stated.
Elements of the software described in this Manual may be the subject of pending patent applica-
tions in the European Union and/or other countries.

Preface......................................................................................................... 1

1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 7
1.1 General information ................................................................................. 7
1.2 Screen layout ........................................................................................ 12
1.3 Toolbars ............................................................................................... 15
1.4 Inputting information .............................................................................. 20
1.5 Specifying points ................................................................................... 25
1.6 Selecting model objects ......................................................................... 28
1.7 Using commands................................................................................... 31

2 Getting Started .......................................................................................... 35

2.1 Basics .................................................................................................. 35
2.2 Grids .................................................................................................... 41
2.3 Views ................................................................................................... 43
2.4 Points................................................................................................... 51
2.5 Construction lines and circles ................................................................. 53


3 Parts ............................................................................................................ 55
3.1 Part properties....................................................................................... 56
3.2 Cast units and assemblies ...................................................................... 65
3.3 Numbering parts .................................................................................... 66
3.4 Part location .......................................................................................... 69
3.5 Steel part commands ............................................................................. 76
3.6 Concrete part commands ....................................................................... 76

4 Detailing...................................................................................................... 79
4.1 Bolts ..................................................................................................... 79
4.2 Welds ................................................................................................... 86
4.3 Fine-tuning part shape ........................................................................... 93
4.4 Detailing commands............................................................................... 98

5 Settings and Tools.................................................................................... 99

5.1 Examining the model.............................................................................. 99
5.2 Querying objects.................................................................................. 106
5.3 Copying and moving objects ................................................................. 109
5.4 Filter ................................................................................................... 112
5.5 Settings .............................................................................................. 116
5.6 Numbering .......................................................................................... 125
5.7 Tools .................................................................................................. 128
5.8 Settings and tools reference ................................................................. 139

Appendix A : Parametric Profiles ...................................................... 141

Glossary .................................................................................................. 149

Index ......................................................................................................... 165



This is the Tekla Structures Modeling Manual, a comprehensive guide to
Tekla Structures modeling, analysis, and design software. The following para-
graphs explain how this guide is organized, suggest different paths for different
types of user, describe the other guides provided in the package, and tell you how
to report any problems you have with the software or guides.

This guide is aimed at structural engineers, detailers and designers who model,
analyze, and design concrete and steel structures.
We assume that you are familiar with the processes of structural engineering.

How to use this guide

If you are new to Tekla Structures, you should start with Chapter 1, Introduc-
tion. If you are already familiar with Tekla Xsteel, you could start with
Chapter 3, Parts, and read about materials other than steel.

Additional help resources

The following resources also provide information about Tekla Structures:

Web site


Contact your local helpdesk via email:

Area office Email address

China [email protected]
Finland [email protected]
France [email protected]
Germany [email protected]
Japan [email protected]
Malaysia [email protected]
Middle East [email protected]
Sweden [email protected]
UK [email protected]
US [email protected]

If you believe you have discovered a problem with this software, please report it
to your Tekla Structures Reseller using the maintenance request form provided at
Help > Tekla on the Web > Maintenance request....
Please send any comments or suggestions about Tekla Structures documentation
to [email protected].

Conventions used in this guide

Typefaces We use different typefaces for different items in this guide. In most cases the
meaning is obvious from the context. If you are not sure what a certain typeface
represents, you can check it here.
• Any text that you see in the user interface appears in bold. Items such
as window and dialog box titles, field and button names, combo box
options, and list box items are displayed in this typeface.
• New terms are in italic bold when they appear in the current context
for the first time.
• All the text you enter yourself appears in "quotation marks".
• We use italics for emphasis.
• Extracts of Tekla Structures’s program code, HTML, or other mate-
rial that you would normally edit in a text editor, appears in mono-
spaced Courier font.
• Program names, such as functions, environment variables, and
parameters, appear in Courier bold.


• Filenames and folder paths appear in Arial.
Noteboxes We use several types of noteboxes, marked by different icons. Their functions are
shown below:

A tip might introduce a shortcut, or suggest alternative ways of

doing things. A tip never contains information that is absolutely

A note draws attention to details that you might easily overlook.

It can also point you to other information in this guide that you
might find useful.

You should always read very important notes and warnings,

like this one. They will help you avoid making serious mistakes,
or wasting your time.

This symbol indicates advanced or highly technical informa-

tion that is usually of interest only to advanced or technically-
oriented readers. You are never required to understand this kind
of information.


Related guides
Tekla Structures includes a comprehensive help system in a series of online
books. You will also receive a printed installation guide with your setup CD.
• Modeling Manual
How to create a physical model.
• Analysis Manual
How to create loads and run structural analysis.
• Detailing Manual
How to create reinforcement, connections, and details.
• Drawing Manual
How to create and edit drawings.
• System Manual
Covers advanced features and how to maintain the Tekla Structures environ-
• TplEd User’s Guide
How to create and edit report and drawing templates.
• SymEd User’s Guide
How to use the SymEd graphical interface to manipulate symbols.
• Installation Guide
Printed booklet explaining how to install Tekla Structures.

This guide is divided into the following chapters and appendices:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduces you to Tekla Structures and its user interface. This is the best chapter
to start with to gain a basic understanding of Tekla Structures.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Explains the basic skills you need to create a new model, grids, views, and points
in Tekla Structures. If you are new to Tekla Structures, you should read Chapter
1 before this chapter.

Chapter 3: Parts
Explains how to create and modify parts using different materials and profiles.
You should read Chapters 1 and 2, and have already created grids and views to
use this chapter.


Chapter 4: Detailing
Explains how to create bolts, welds, chamfers, cuts, and fittings.

Chapter 5: Settings and Tools

Explains how to manipulate a model and change program settings. It also
describes how to use many of the tools in Tekla Structures.

Appendix A: Parametric Profiles

Describes the parametric profiles available in Tekla Structures.

Provides concise definitions of the central terms and concepts we use in these


1 Introduction

In this chapter This chapter provides an overview of the Tekla Structures user interface, and its
basic features. It also explains how to use common commands.
Audience This chapter has been written for beginners. This is the best chapter to start with
to gain a basic understanding of Tekla Structures. If you are already familiar with
Tekla Xsteel, you can move on to Chapter 3, Parts, to read about materials other
than steel.
Contents This chapter is divided into the following sections:
• General information (p. 7)
• Screen layout (p. 12)
• Toolbars (p. 15)
• Inputting information (p. 20)
• Specifying points (p. 25)
• Selecting model objects (p. 28)
• Using commands (p. 31)

1.1 General information

Tekla Structures is a tool for structural engineers, detailers, and fabricators. It is
an integrated model-based 3D solution for managing multi-material databases
(steel, concrete, timber, etc.). Tekla Structures features interactive modeling,
structural analysis and design, and automatic drawing creation.


3D model Using Tekla Structures, you can create a real-life model of any structure, includ-
ing information necessary for manufacture and construction. The 3D product
model includes the structure’s geometry and dimensions, and all the information
about profiles and cross sections, connection types, materials, structural analysis,

Up-to-date You can automatically produce drawings and reports from the 3D model, at any
drawings time. Drawings and reports react to modifications in the model, and are always
up to date.
Tekla Structures includes a wide range of standard drawing and report templates.
You can also create your own templates using the Template Editor.
Sharing models Tekla Structures supports multiple users working on the same project. You and
your partners can work together on the same model, at the same time, even in dif-
ferent locations. This increases accuracy and quality, because you always use the
most up-to-date information.
Main features Tekla Structures includes:
• Useful modeling tools, such as 3D grids, adjustable work area, and
clash checking.
• Catalogs of available material grades, profiles, and bolts.
• Macros to create complex structures, such as staircases and trusses.
• Intelligent connections, such as end plates and clip angles, to auto-
matically connect main members.
• Integrated analysis and design with STAAD.Pro.
• Links to transfer data between Tekla Structures and other software,
such as AutoCAD, STAAD, and MicroStation.


• Drawing wizards to create several drawings with one click.
• Data output for CNC machines.
Easy to use If you need assistance when working with Tekla Structures, use the F1 key to
quickly access the context-sensitive online help. The online help is a comprehen-
sive source of information, with full-text search and easy navigation.
Tekla Structures also supports undo and redo, so you can test solutions, and
revert to the original, if needed.
Global but Tekla Structures is used worldwide. It is available in a wide range of languages,
localized and adapted to local requirements.

Languages and environments

When you install Tekla Structures, you can choose the language(s) and the envi-
ronment(s) you want to use.
Language Tekla Structures 10.0 software and manuals are available in the following lan-
• Chinese – simplified (chs)
• Dutch (nld)
• English (enu)
• French (fra)
• German (deu)
• Japanese (jpn)
• Spanish (esp)
Some language-dependent file and folder names include the abbreviations listed
Environment The environment means region-specific settings and information. It defines
which profiles, material names, default values, connections, wizards, environ-
ment variables, reports, and templates you use.


The environments available in Tekla Structures 10.0 are:
• Australasia
• Brazil
• China
• Europe
• France
• Germany
• India
• Japan
• Korea
• Netherlands
• South Africa
• South-East Asia
• Switzerland (French)
• Switzerland (German)
• Switzerland (Italian)
• Taiwan
• United Kingdom
• United States (Imperial)
• United States (Metric)

Single-user mode vs multiuser mode

Tekla Structures can be used in either single-user or multiuser mode. During the
installation you are asked whether you want to install the multiuser facility.
Single-user mode When one user at a time is to work with a model, Tekla Structures should be run
in single-user mode. In single-user mode, only one user can work with each
model at any time.
Multiuser mode If several users will work with a model simultaneously, you can choose to run
Tekla Structures in multiuser mode. We recommend that you only run Tekla
Structures in multiuser mode if the users will make use of the additional features
of multiuser mode.
To run Tekla Structures in multiuser mode, one machine in the network has to be
set up as a server running the Tekla Structures server program. For more infor-
mation, see Multiuser mode in the online help.

Tekla Structures editors

Tekla Structures includes the following editors: Model, Drawing, Symbol, Tem-
plate, Custom Component.


Model The Model Editor is the main and starting mode of Tekla Structures. You create
and analyze models, and initiate drawing and report creation using the Model
Drawing In the Drawing Editor, you work with drawings. Tekla Structures opens the
Drawing Editor when you open any drawing.
Symbol In the Symbol Editor (SymEd), you can create and modify symbols for use in
drawings, reports, and templates. To open the Symbol Editor, click
Tools > Symbols... in the Model or Drawing Editor.
Template Use the Template Editor (TplEd) to create and modify templates used in draw-
ings and reports. To open the Template Editor, click Tools > Templates... in the
Model or Drawing Editor.
Custom In the Custom Component Editor, you can create your own connections, details,
Component and parts, and define their properties. You can build in dependencies between
objects to make custom components parametric and have them adapt to changes
in the model. To open the Custom Component Editor, select a component and
click Detailing > Edit custom component.


1.2 Screen layout
When you start Tekla Structures, a new window appears on the screen. The fol-
lowing illustration identifies the various areas of the Tekla Structures Model Edi-
tor window:

Select switches Commands for Snap settings Pull-down menus

determine select- creating views. control which contain all commands.
able objects. points you can
Concrete footings, snap to and pick.
beams, columns.
Steel beams,
columns, plates.

Status bar displays the

prompt and the status
Toolbars can
of some settings.
either be docked
or floating.

Initially, most of the menu options and all the icons are gray indicating that they
are inactive. When you open or create a model, the icons and available menu
options will become active.

Screen components
This section briefly describes several important screen components. For addi-
tional definitions of terms, see the Glossary (p. 149).
Menu bar The menu bar located under the blue title bar has pull-down menus containing all
the Tekla Structures commands. To select a command, click a menu title and then
select the command.


Toolbars The toolbars are located under the menu bar. They contain icons which give easy
access to the most frequently-used commands. When you move the mouse
pointer over an icon, a tooltip displays the name of the icon. To execute a com-
mand, click the appropriate icon. Use the icon as an alternative to selecting com-
mands from a pull-down menu. For more information, see Toolbars (p. 15).
Dialog boxes Tekla Structures displays a dialog box if you select a command whose name has
three dots after it, e.g. Select.... You can also double-click an object or icon. For
more information, see Inputting information (p. 20).

To display the current properties of an object type, double-click

the corresponding icon. Tekla Structures displays a properties
dialog box, and you can change the properties before applying
the command.
To display the properties dialog box of an individual object,
double-click the object.

Switches Select switches and Snap settings are special toolbars containing switches which
control the selection of objects, and snapping to points.
Use select switches to define which object types can be selected. With them you
can limit selection. For example, if only the Select welds switch is active, Tekla
Structures only selects welds, even if you select the entire model area. For more
information, see Selecting model objects (p. 28).

The two circled switches control whether you can select model objects and/or
objects created by components. Either or both of these switches must be active
for the other switches to work.
You need to activate snap switches to pick different positions and points, e.g. line
ends and intersections. For more information, see Specifying points (p. 25).

The two circled switches define whether you can pick reference points or any
other points on objects, e.g. part corners. Either or both of these switches must be
active for the other switches to work.
Status bar Tekla Structures displays prompts and messages on the status bar located at the
bottom of the Tekla Structures window.


The status bar also displays the following information:
• The status of Xsnap (T), SmartSelect (S), and Drag and drop (D)
• The middle mouse button mode (Pan or Scroll)
• The current phase
• The number of the selected objects
For more information, see Settings (p. 116).

Using windows
A typical Windows workspace can contain many windows. You can stack win-
dows on the workspace, just like sheets of paper on a desk. Windows may par-
tially or completely hide other windows. Only one window is active at a time, but
Tekla Structures may also produce information in the inactive windows.
Use the commands on the Window menu to control the windows.

Command Icon Description

Cascade window Shows all open windows in a cascaded

Tile horizontally Shows all open windows tiled horizon-


Tile vertically Shows all open windows tiled verti-


Update all Updates and displays the contents of all

Redraw all Recalculates and redraws the contents
of all windows.

Close all Closes all the windows on the screen.

You cannot use the Cascade window, Tile horizontally, and Tile
vertically commands for windows that you can move outside the
Tekla Structures window. For more information on moving part
and component basic views and zoom windows across the
entire Windows desktop, see the environment variables
XS_MDIBASICVIEWPARENT in the online help.

You can control the representation of a model in the windows using the com-
mands on the View menu. See Representation (p. 45) and Views (p. 43).
1.3 Toolbars
The toolbars contain icons which give easy access to some of the most fre-
quently-used commands.
Using icons Most of the Tekla Structures icons work as follows:
• A single-click executes the command.
• A double-click displays the properties dialog box of the object type,
and executes the command.

Managing toolbars
Toolbars can either be floating or docked, i.e. located at the edge of the program
To move toolbars, click the handle on the left or upper edge of a docked toolbar
(or the title bar of a floating toolbar), and drag the toolbar to a new location.
To drag toolbars beyond the program window, hold down the Ctrl key while
dragging. The toolbars remain floating. You can resize floating toolbars by grab-
bing any edge with the mouse pointer.
To display or hide a toolbar, click Window > Toolbars and click the toolbar name.
Visible toolbars have a check mark against their name.
For more information on menus and toolbars, and how to customize them, see
Customizing the user interface in the online help.


Basic toolbars
This section describes the most important toolbars and their icons in the Tekla
Structures Model Editor.
Standard The Standard toolbar is visible by default. It contains basic commands for creat-
ing, opening, and saving a model, printing, creating reports, etc.

The commands on the Standard toolbar are:

• Create a new model
• Open an existing model
• Save the current model
• Plot
• Create a report
• Open the drawing list
• Wizard
• Publish as Web page
Edit The Edit toolbar contains commands for copying and moving.

• Copy and translate

• Copy and rotate
• Copy and mirror
• Move and translate
• Move and rotate
• Move and mirror


View The View toolbar contains commands for creating views and setting the work
area and work plane.

The following commands can be initiated from the View toolbar:

• Create a new basic view
• Create a view with three points
• Create a view with two point
• Open the list of named views
• Pick work area
• Fit work area by parts in selected views
• Fit work area in selected views
• Set work plane to view plane
• Set work plane by three points
• Set work plane to part top
• Set work plane to part front plane


Points The Points toolbar contains commands for creating points and construction
objects you can use to place structural objects in a model.

• Create a grid
• Create a point array
• Create an extension point
• Create a line-line intersection point
• Create a projection point
• Create parallel points
• Divide a line
• Create arc points
• Create an arc by three points
• Create a tangent point
• Create a plane-line intersection point
• Create part-line intersection points
• Create circle-line intersection points
• Create an axis intersection point
• Create a point to any position
• Create a user-defined plane
• Create a construction line
• Create a construction circle
• Create a construction circle by three points
Steel parts The Steel toolbar contains commands for creating steel beams, columns, and

• Create a beam
• Create a column
• Create a curved beam
• Create a polybeam
• Create an orthogonal beam
• Create a twin profile
• Create a contour plate
• Create bolts
• Create a weld
• Create a reference object


Concrete parts The Concrete toolbar contains commands for creating concrete parts and rein-
and forcements.

• Create a pad footing

• Create a strip footing
• Create a concrete column
• Create a concrete beam
• Create a concrete slab
• Create a concrete panel
• Create a reinforcing bar
• Create a reinforcing bar group
• Create a reinforcement mesh
Detailing The Detailing toolbar contains commands for trimming parts.

• Create a fitting
• Create a line cut
• Create a part cut
• Create a polygon cut
Loads The Loads toolbar contains commands for creating loads in the model.

• Create a point load

• Create a line load
• Create an area load
• Create an uniform load
• Create wind load
• Create temperature load


Tools The commands on the Tools toolbar help you model.

• Create an x measure
• Create a y measure
• Create a free measure
• Create an angle measure
• Create a bolt measure
• Open the model folder
• Inquire an object
Components All the Tekla Structures connections, details, and macros are presented by icons
on the Components toolbars. Use the arrow icons to move from toolbar to tool-

• Create the current connection

• Display the AutoConnection dialog box
• Open the component catalog
• Previous
• Next
• Toolbar number

1.4 Inputting information

You can use dialog boxes to enter and view information in Tekla Structures. If
you click any command or button that has three dots in its name, e.g. Select...,
Tekla Structures displays the appropriate dialog box.


This section describes the components of dialog boxes. The following illustration
also identifies the most common components:

List box
Tabs for saved



Retains the proper- Modifies the Toggles all the Closes the
ties and closes the selected modify filter check- dialog box
dialog box. object(s) boxes on and off. without
without retaining the
Retains the proper- retaining the Fills the dialog box properties or
ties without closing properties. with the properties of modifying
the dialog box. the selected object. objects.


Components in dialog boxes
Dialog boxes may have following components for described purposes:

Component Is used to
Display, enter, and modify information. To
select the field, point to it and click. An I-
shaped blinking cursor appears at the begin-
Field ning of the field and marks your typing
Group related settings that allow only one
selection at a time. To select an option, click
the appropriate button.

Radio buttons
Group settings that can be set in any combi-
nation, and are usually displayed as small
square buttons.

Present a collection of options in a list. To
select an option, point to the list you want to
display, click, drag the pointer to highlight
List box the desired option, and then single-click.
Run a command immediately.

Select options from a list. A list can have
both horizontal and vertical scrollbars for
scrolling the visible portion of the list items.
When you select a list item, it is highlighted.
There are two ways to select an item on the
• Point to the item you want to select and
Multiple selection list • Use the Down and Up arrow keys to
move the highlight to the item you want
to select, and press Enter.


Information in some Tekla Structures dialog boxes has been divided up on sev-
eral tabs. This makes the dialog boxes easier to use. Moving from tab to tab does
not affect the information they contain.
The common buttons located at the top and bottom of a dialog box affect all the
tabs in the dialog box. For example, when you click Save before closing the dia-
log box, Tekla Structures saves all information on all tabs. See also Common
buttons (p. 23) and Save, Load, Save as, Help (p. 24).

Press Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs.

Common buttons
Most of the Tekla Structures dialog boxes contain common buttons. These but-
tons mean the same thing in all dialog boxes. The common buttons are:

Button Description
Retains the properties in the dialog box and closes the dialog
box. Tekla Structures uses these properties the next time you
create an object of this type.
Retains the properties in the dialog box without closing the
dialog box. Tekla Structures uses these properties the next
time you create an object of this type.
Closes the dialog box without retaining the properties in the
dialog box or modifying objects.
Modifies the selected object(s) using the properties in the dia-
log box, but does not retain the properties in the dialog box.
See also Modify filter checkboxes (p. 24).
Fills the dialog box with the properties of the selected object.
When you select several objects, Tekla Structures takes the
properties at random from one of the selected objects.
Creates a new object using the properties in the dialog box.

Toggles all the modify filter checkboxes in the dialog box on

and off. See also Modify filter checkboxes (p. 24).


Save, Load, Save as, Help
Many Tekla Structures dialog boxes have the Save, Load, Save as, and Help... but-
tons. You can use these buttons to save the information from the dialog box to a
file, and reload it later from the file.

Button Description
Save as Stores the dialog box properties with the name given in the
field. Tekla Structures stores the properties files in the model
folder. The files also include the properties in subdialog boxes.
The file extensions are different for different dialog boxes. See
Appendix D, File extensions, in the online help.
Load Loads all previously stored properties to the dialog box. Tekla
Structures also loads the properties of subdialog boxes, even if
they are not open. You can select the name of the file you want
to use from the list box.
Save Stores the modifications of properties. Tekla Structures saves
the properties in the file shown in the list box.
Help... Displays the help topics for the dialog box.

Modify filter checkboxes

The checkboxes located in front of the dialog box fields are modify filter check-
boxes. They indicate the properties Tekla Structures modifies when you click the
Modify button. When a checkbox is selected, Tekla Structures changes only the
corresponding value.
This means you can modify a single property common to several objects. For
example, to change the material of all parts in the model:
• Select all the parts.
• Open a part properties dialog box, e.g. Beam properties.
• Check only the Material field.
• Click Modify.

Special keys
You can use the keyboard to enter and modify text in dialog boxes, and to move
the pointer in dialog boxes.


Key Description
Arrow keys Move the pointer within fields.
Tab Moves the pointer to the next field or button in the dia-
log box. You can also scroll through lists using Tab.
Del, Backspace Delete characters.

See also Appendix E, Reserved shortcuts, in the online help.

1.5 Specifying points

Most Tekla Structures commands ask you to pick points to position objects in a
model. Snap priority, snap switches, and snap settings all affect picking.
Snap zone Each object has a snap zone. It defines how close you need to pick to hit a posi-
tion. When you pick within the snap zone of an object, Tekla Structures automat-
ically snaps to the closest pickable point on that object.

You can set the snap zone using the environment variable
XS_PIXEL_TOLERANCE. Enter the snap zone dimension in

Snap priority If you pick and hit several positions simultaneously, Tekla Structures snaps to the
position with the highest snap priority. To control which positions you can pick,
use snap switches. They also define the snap priority of positions. See Snap
switches (p. 25).

Snap switches
Snap switches specify exact locations on objects, for example, end points, mid-
points, and intersections. Snap switches help you to pick points to position
objects precisely without having to know the coordinates or create additional
lines or points. You can use snap switches any time Tekla Structures prompts you
to specify a point, for example, if you are creating a beam.


Main snap The two main snap switches illustrated in the following table define whether you
switches can pick reference points or any other points on objects, e.g. part corners. These
switches have the highest priority. If both these switches are off, you cannot pick
any positions, even if all the other switches are on.

Icon Positions to Description Symbol

Reference points You can pick the object refer- Large
ence points, i.e., the points that
have handles. See Part loca-
tion (p. 69).

Geometric points You can pick any points on Small


Other snap The following table lists the remaining snap switches. You can have Tekla Struc-
switches tures display the snap symbols in the model when you move the mouse pointer
over objects. See Snap settings (p. 28).The snap symbol is green for objects
inside components, and yellow for model objects.

Icon Positions to Description Symbol

Points Snaps to points and grid line

End points Snaps to end points of lines,

polyline segments, and arcs.

Centers Snaps to centers of circles and


Midpoints Snaps to midpoints of lines,

polyline segments, and arcs.

Intersections Snaps to intersections of lines,

polyline segments, arcs, and


Icon Positions to Description Symbol
Perpendicular Snaps to points on objects that
form a perpendicular align-
ment with another object.
Nearest point Snaps to the nearest points on
objects, e.g. any point on part
edges or lines.
Free Snaps to any position.

If there is more than one point available to snap to, use the Tab
key to cycle forward through the snap points, and Shift+Tab to
cycle backwards through them. Click the left mouse button to
select the appropriate point.

Overriding snap To temporarily override current snap switch settings, do one of the following:
• Right-click and select the appropriate snap option from the pop-up
• Click an icon on the Snap override toolbar.

This will only override the snap settings for the next point you pick.
Numeric snap You can also key in position coordinates to snap to using the Enter a numeric loca-
locations tion toolbar. For more information, see Snapping (p. 128).


Snap settings
The list box on the Snap settings toolbar defines the depth of each position you
pick. The following options are available:
• 3D
Tekla Structures picks positions in 3D space.
• View plane
Tekla Structures projects picked positions onto the view plane.
• Auto
In perspective views, this option works like the 3D option. In non-perspec-
tive views, it works like the View plane option.

Snap switch settings

Click Setup > Snap settings... to open the Snap dialog box. Use it to:
• Set Tekla Structures to display snap symbols and tooltips for the
available snap points when you move the mouse pointer over objects.
• Define a snap grid and switch it on.

To make it easier to snap to points and position, you can use Xsnap and have
Tekla Structures display visual cues when you pick. On the Setup menu, click
Xsnap, or use the shortcut T. The cursor turns into a magenta crosshair. As you
move the cursor over objects, you can see it snap to positions.

1.6 Selecting model objects

To use Tekla Structures effectively, you need to know how to select objects and
use select switches. Select filter settings also affect which objects you can select.
See Select filter (p. 114).

How to select objects

You need to select objects to carry out many Tekla Structures commands. You
can select objects as a sequence of single selections and/or area selections. Tekla
Structures highlights the selected objects.


You can use the following techniques to modify the current selection:

Technique Description
Single objects When you select objects using the mouse button, with-
out pressing any other keys, every pick or drag selects
objects. All previously selected objects are deselected.
Enclosing win- Drag the mouse from left to right to select all objects
dow selection totally within that rectangular area.

Crossing window Drag the mouse from right to left to select all objects
selection totally or partly within that rectangular area.

Assembly or cast Press the Alt key while clicking a part to select the
unit entire cast unit or assembly containing that part.
Adding Press the Shift key and select objects, to add to the cur-
rent selection.
Modifying To toggle the current selection on and off, press the
Ctrl key during selection. Tekla Structures deselects
the objects, which are already selected and selects
those, which are not previously selected.


Controlling the selection
Main select The main select switches shown in the following table set whether you can pick
switches model objects and/or objects created by components. These switches have the
highest priority. If all these switches are off, you cannot select any objects, even
if all the other switches are on.

Icon Selectable objects Description

Model objects Objects created by the user can be selected.

Component objects Objects created automatically by a compo-

nent can be selected.

Components When you click any object belonging to a

component, Tekla Structures selects the
component symbol and highlights (does not
select) all component objects.

Other select The following table lists the remaining select switches. Use these switches to set
switches which object types you want to select. For example, you can decide to select only
welds and bolts, but no parts.

Icon Selectable objects Description

Any objects Turns all switches on. You can select all
object types, except for single bolts.

Components You can select component symbols.

Parts You can select parts, i.e. columns, beams,

plates, etc.

Points You can select points.

Welds You can select welds.

Cuts and fitting You can select line, part, and polygon cuts,
and fittings.

Views You can select model views.


Icon Selectable objects Description
Bolt group You can select entire bolt groups by select-
ing one bolt in the group.

Single bolts You can select single bolts.

User components You can select cast-in fittings, e.g. lifting

hooks, fitting plates, etc.

Reinforcing bars You can select reinforcing bars and bar


Loads You can select point, line, area, and uniform


Select filter In addition to the select switches, select filter settings control which objects can
be selected. To set the select filter, click the Display select filter dialog box icon on
the Select switches toolbar. There are also predefined filters available in the list
box on the Select switches toolbar.

For more information, see Select filter (p. 114).

1.7 Using commands

As you become familiar with Tekla Structures, you will find that there are several
ways to do some operations. This section introduces most of the ways. Later in
this manual, we refer to this section or present only the way(s) most useful for a
first-time user. After some practice, you may choose a different way.

Executing commands
There are several ways to execute commands in Tekla Structures.
Icon You can use icons:
• Single-click an icon just to execute the command.
• Double-click an icon to display the properties of the object type, and
to execute the command.


Pull-down menu You can execute commands using pull-down menus. Tekla Structures contains
two types of menus for basic objects:
• The commands on the Properties menu set the properties of different
object types.
• The commands on the Points, Parts, and Create menus, for example,
create objects using the properties of each object type.
Pop-up menu A pop-up menu appears when you click the right mouse button. If you have an
object selected, the commands on the pop-up menu relate to that object.

Repeating commands
To repeat the last command, do one of the following:
• Click Edit > Repeat last command.
• Press Enter.

Creating objects
Most of the commands you run in Tekla Structures create objects. To create an
object, or multiple objects:
• Open the object type’s properties dialog box and set the object prop-
• Place the object(s) in the model.
You can carry out these steps in any order.
For example To create objects:
1. Double-click the icon of the object type you want to create. Tekla Structures
displays the properties dialog box.
2. Enter or modify the object properties.
3. Click Apply or OK. See also Common buttons (p. 23).
4. Pick points to place the object(s).
To position objects without defining their properties:
1. Single-click an icon, or a menu command.
2. Pick points to place the object(s). Tekla Structures creates the object using
the current properties of the object type. See also Modifying objects (p. 33).


To create several objects with the same properties, pick multiple
points. The object commands in Tekla Structures run until you
end them or use another command. See also Ending com-
mands (p. 33).

Modifying objects
To modify the properties of an object, or multiple objects:
• Select the object(s) to modify.
• Open the properties dialog box and modify the object properties.
You can carry out these steps in any order.
For example To modify objects:
1. Double-click one of the objects you want to modify to open the object prop-
erties dialog box.
2. Modify the properties. See also Modify filter checkboxes (p. 24).
3. Select the remaining object(s) to modify. See also How to select objects
(p. 28).
4. Click Modify.
See also For information on how to resize and move objects, see Handles (p. 70) and
Copying and moving objects (p. 109).

Using commands simultaneously

Transparency You can use some Tekla Structures commands transparently. This means that you
can execute these commands while another command is still running. For exam-
ple, the commands on the Points, Window, and Setup menus are transparent.

Ending commands
To cancel or end commands, do one of the following:

• Click the Interrupt icon (next to the Undo and Redo icons).
• Right-click and select Interrupt from the pop-up menu.
• Press the Esc key.
• On the Edit menu, click Interrupt.


2 Getting Started

Introduction When you start a new Tekla Structures model, the first objects you create are
grids, views, and points.
This chapter explains the basic skills you need to create a new model, grids,
views, and points in Tekla Structures. We will begin with the basic concepts, fol-
lowed by general descriptions of the grid, view, and point properties. Finally we
will show you how to create and manage these modeling aids in practice.
Assumed If you are new to Tekla Structures, we recommend that you first read Chapter 1,
background Introduction, to gain a basic understanding of Tekla Structures.
Contents This chapter is divided into the following sections:
• Basics (p. 35)
• Grids (p. 41)
• Views (p. 43)
• Points (p. 51)
• Construction lines and circles (p. 53)
How to use this You can start by creating either Views (p. 43) or Grids (p. 41).

2.1 Basics
In this section This section presents basic Tekla Structures vocabulary and concepts so that you
can start modeling. For additional definitions of terms, see the Glossary (p. 149).
The illustration below shows the modeling guides you use in Tekla Structures


Getting Started
Green dashed
lines outline
Points are red out-
the work area.
side the view plane.

Cyan grid is on
the view plane.

Green cube is in Arrow symbol

the global origin. indicates the Points are yellow
work plane. on the view plane.

View To see your Tekla Structures model from virtually any angle, you can move and
rotate the model. See Examining the model (p. 99). You can also create views.
A view is a representation of a model from a specific location. Each view is dis-
played in its own window inside the Tekla Structures window.
Coordinate The green cube in a model view represents the global coordinate system and lies
system at the global point of origin. In Tekla Structures, both the global and local coordi-
nate systems are cartesian, with three axes (x, y, and z) perpendicular to each
Work plane The red coordinate arrow symbol indicates the work plane, which is the current
local coordinate system of the model. The arrow symbol shows the xy plane. The
z direction follows the right-hand rule. You can reset the work plane so as to ease
modeling and placing objects. Most of the commands, which are dependent on
the coordinate system, use work plane coordinates; e.g. creating points, part posi-
tioning, and copying always comply with the work plane coordinate system. The
work plane is the same in all views.
Work area Tekla Structures indicates the work area of a view using green, dashed lines.
Defining the work area makes it faster and easier to work with the model.
Objects outside the work area still exist, but they are not visible. So you can con-
fine to a substructure, for example, and the views to the model are simpler and
quickly updated.


Getting Started
Grid and view Cyan dash-and-dot lines show the projections of the grids which are visible on
plane the view plane.
The appearance of points also shows which view plane you are using. Points
located in the view plane are yellow. Points outside the view plane are red.

Opening a model
To open an Tekla Structures model:

1. Click File > Open... or .

You can only have one model open at a time. If you already have a model
open, Tekla Structures prompts you to save that model.
2. Select the model from the Model directories list on the right of the Open
model dialog box.

3. Click OK to open the model.

Use the Directories list on the left of the Open model dialog box and the following
techniques to browse files and folders above and below the current folder:
• One dot at the end of an entry indicates the current folder.
• To move up, double-click an entry followed by two dots.
• To move down, double-click the desired entry.
• Enter directory paths in the Filter field and click the Filter button.

Creating a new model

When you first open Tekla Structures, only the New model and Open icons are
active. To create a new Tekla Structures model:

1. Click File > New... or . The New model dialog box appears.
You can only have one model open at a time. If you already have a model
open, Tekla Structures prompts you to save that model.
2. In the New model dialog box, click after the path, for example C:\Tekla
Structures_Models, in the field at the bottom of the dialog box. Then type \
and the model name in the field.
3. Select the Create default view and grid checkbox if you want Tekla Structures
to automatically create a grid and a view using the standard properties. See
Working with grids (p. 42).


Getting Started
4. Click OK to create the new model. The remaining icons become active and
the model name appears in the title bar of the Tekla Structures window.
The Directories list and the Filter field and button in the New model dialog box
work in a similar way to those in the Open model dialog box. See Opening a
model (p. 37).

Every model must have a unique name. Tekla Structures does

not allow duplicate model names.
Do not use special characters ( / \ ; : | ) in model names.

Project setup
Update the project information at the beginning of a project to make reports and
drawings to display the correct information automatically.
To update the project information, click Properties > Project.... The Projectdialog
box appears. Tekla Structures displays this information in different reports and
drawing titles.

The names in the image below refer to template fields, which

you can use when designing your own reports and templates.


Getting Started


Before starting a new project, read also Using Tekla Structures effectively in
the online help.

Defining the work area and shifting the work plane

Work area You can define the work area to suit particular situations, for example, to con-
centrate on a particular area of the model. You can shrink and expand the work
area by picking the corner points of the new work area, or size the work area to
include selected parts, or all model objects. You can define the work area in a
selected view, or in all visible views.
Work plane The current work plane defines the local coordinate system of an Tekla Struc-
tures model. You can set the work plane to any position by picking points, paral-
lel to one of the global basic planes, or on a part or view plane. The current work
plane is model-specific, so it relates to all views.
When modeling sloped parts, shifting the work plane helps you to place parts


Getting Started
To shift the work plane, use the icons on the Tools toolbar, or select a command
from the View menu. The following table lists the commands for setting the work
plane, and gives a short description of each one:

Command Icon Description

Work plane... Sets the work plane parallel to xy, xz, or
yz plane.
With one point Sets the work plane according to one
picked point.

With two points Sets the work plane according to two

picked points.

With three points Sets the work plane according to three

picked points.

To view plane Sets the work plane to be equivalent to

the view plane of a picked view.

To part plane Sets the work plane on the front, top,

back, or bottom plane of a picked part.
The icon is for the top plane.

Saving a model and exiting Tekla Structures

To save a model, click File > Save or .

Save as Click File > Save as... to save a model with a new name, or to give a new model a
specific name.
Autosave Tekla Structures automatically saves the model at set intervals. To set the inter-
val and define the location of autosave files, see Autosave in the online help.

Saving models differs in multiuser mode. See Multiuser mode

in the online help.

Exit To exit Tekla Structures, close the Tekla Structures window, or click File > Exit.
A confirmation dialog box appears and you can choose whether or not to save the


Getting Started
2.2 Grids
Introduction So that you can easily locate objects in your model, we strongly advise that you
create a modular grid. The Tekla Structures grid is shown on the view plane by
cyan dash-and-dot lines. See also View plane (p. 44).
You can have more than one grid in a mode. You may want to create a large-scale
grid for the entire structure, and smaller grids for some detailed sections. Grids
are always rectangular. You can create rotated grids by changing the work plane.

To position objects in a circular pattern, use construction cir-

cles. See Construction lines and circles (p. 53).

You can pick grid lines and grid line intersections. See also Specifying points
(p. 25).

Grid properties
Grid coordinates The x and y coordinates of a grid are relative. This means that the entries for x
and y are always relative to the previous entry. The z coordinates are absolute
meaning that entries for z are absolute distances from the work plane origin.
There are two ways to enter the x or y coordinates of grid lines:
• individually, e.g. "0 4000 4000", or
• several grid lines with equal spacing, e.g. "0 2*4000".
Both create three lines with the spacing of 4000.

Use a zero at the start to represent a grid on the 0,0 coordinate

and spaces as separators for coordinates. You can have a maxi-
mum of 1024 grid characters in the co-ordinates field.

Labels Labels are the names of the grid lines shown in views. The names in the X field
are associated with the grid lines parallel to the y axis and vice versa. The Z field
is for the names of levels parallel to the work plane. If you wish, you can leave
the label fields empty.
Line extensions You can also define the Line extensions over the given grid coordinates and the
Origin of the grid.


Getting Started
Grid labels


Work plane

Working with grids

Automatic grid When you create a new model, you can select the Create default view and grid
checkbox to have Tekla Structures automatically create a grid and a view accord-
ing to the saved standard properties.

Creating grids
To manually create a grid:
1. Click Points > Grid... or .
2. Fill in the properties described in Grid properties (p. 41).
3. To create the grid, click the Create or OK button.
This is all you need to do so far if you have started your model by creating the
grid manually. As you do not have any views yet, you cannot see the grid. See
Views (p. 43).
If you have already created views as described in Views (p. 43), Tekla Structures
prompts you to pick the origin after you create the grid. Pick a point in a view,
and the coordinates of the picked point appear in the Grid dialog box as X0, Y0,
and Z0. If you do not pick, Tekla Structures positions the origin according to the
values you entered for X0, Y0, and Z0.
Initially, a small grid appears in the bottom left corner of the view. To enlarge the
grid, click in the view to activate it. Then, click View > Fit work area.
Getting Started
Modifying grids
To modify a grid, double-click any of the grid lines. The Grid dialog box appears,
and you can modify the properties. Click the Modify button to save the changes.

Deleting grids
To delete a grid, click any grid line, right-click and select Delete from the popup

When you delete a grid, do not have any other object(s)

selected. Tekla Structures only deletes the objects, not the grid.

Introduction There are several ways to create views in Tekla Structures. For example, you can
create views:
• of the entire structure
• of selected part(s) and component(s)
• along the grid lines
Each view has properties which define its appearance. You can change the
appearance of a view after you create it so choose the creation method that suits
you. This section describes the view-specific properties. You can open the view
properties dialog box for each view, to view or modify the properties.

Unnamed views disappear when you close them. See Naming

views (p. 44).

You can have up to nine views on the screen at the same time. If the view does
not appear, check how many views you have open.

To switch between views, press Ctrl+Tab.


Getting Started
View plane
Each view has a view plane on which the grids are visible and points are repre-
sented as yellow crosses.
Basic view plane Basic views are those parallel to the global basic planes, i.e. xy, xz, and zy. In
basic views two axes always define the view plane and they appear in the plane
name. The third axis is perpendicular to the view plane. It does not appear in the
plane name. In the basic plane view, the model is shown from the direction of
that third axis.
The view plane options for basic views are:


View plane For basic views, you also define at which distance from the global origin the
coordinate view plane is in direction of the third axis. The view plane coordinate equals this
Other views For view types other than basic views, you define the view plane and coordinate
by picking points, e.g. With three points, or they are defined automatically
according to the chosen creation method/command, e.g. To work plane.
Moving the view You can change the view plane by moving it like any other object. Click any-
plane where on the plain background, right-click and select Move > Translate... from the
popup menu. See Copying and moving objects (p. 109) and Move (p. 111).

Moving a view plane may result in a situation such that view

depth and work area do not intersect and thus nothing can be
seen in the window.

View properties
Naming views Tekla Structures numbers views in order of creation, so you do not have to give
each view a specific name.
You should give a view a unique name if you need to open it in later sessions.
See Opening, closing, and deleting named views (p. 49). When you exit the
model, Tekla Structures only saves named views. Tekla Structures does not save
unnamed views when you close them.


Getting Started
In multiuser mode, it is very important to give view unique
names. If several users have different views with the same
name, the view settings of one user may randomly override the
settings of another user.

View type
The view type defines the appearance of the view. It also affects what methods
you can use to rotate the model. The view type options are:
• Wire frame
Objects are transparent and their outlines are displayed. As the wire frame
views use line graphics technique, redrawing views is quick.
• Rendered
Objects look more realistic because they are non-transparent and their sur-
faces are displayed as shown in the illustrations below. However, you can
also choose the Wire frame or Shaded wire frame option in the rendered
views. Rotating the model in the rendered views is very convinient with the

In rendered views, you can define how Tekla Structures displays parts and com-
ponent objects separately. The following options are available:

• Wire frame
Part outlines are dis-
played, surfaces are not,
i.e. parts are transparent.
(In this example, compo-
nent objects are displayed
as Rendered.)

• Shaded wire frame

Part outlines are dis-
played. Parts are transpar-
ent, and their surfaces are
(In this example, compo-
nent objects are displayed
as Rendered.)


Getting Started
• Hidden lines
Parts are not transparent,
i.e. underlying parts are
not visible. Part surfaces
are not displayed.

• Rendered
Part surfaces are dis-
played, i.e. parts are not

• Rendered (light colors)

Parts are not transparent.
Part surfaces are dis-
played more in lighter
colors than in the Ren-
dered option.

In rendered views, use the shortcuts Ctrl+1...5 and Shift+1...5 to

set the desired representation for parts in the model and compo-


Getting Started
If you choose the rendered view type, the projection can be:
• Orthogonal
All objects are of equal size (no perspective). When you zoom, text and
point size remains the same. In addition, the zoom remains on part surfaces.
• Perspective
Distant objects appear smaller than close ones, as do text and points. You
can zoom, rotate the model, or fly through it.
View angle Views can be:
• Plane
• 3D

Use the shortcut Ctrl+P or click Windows > 3D / Plane to switch

between 3D ane plane view.

Rotation Rotation is view-specific. You can rotate the model in 3D views using the mouse
and keyboard (see Rotating the model (p. 104)), or by defining the rotation
angle in the View properties dialog box. You can specify rotation angles around
the z axis and around the x axis.
View depth Every view has depth, which is the thickness of the displayed slice of model.
You can define the depth separately upwards and downwards from the view
plane. The objects within the displayed depth and the work area are visible in the
model. However, objects created after the view are visible also outside the view
depth. See Displaying and hiding objects in views (p. 49).

Defining grid view properties

Grid views are views along the grid lines. Before creating grid views, you can
define how many views Tekla Structures will create, how it will name the views,
and which view properties it will use.
Number of views There are four options for the number of views:
• None
Tekla Structures does not create any views.
• One (First)
Tekla Structures only creates the view closest to the grid origin.
• One (Last)
Tekla Structures only creates the view furthest from the grid origin.
• All
Tekla Structures creates all views in grid planes in the relevant direction.
Getting Started
View name prefix View names consist of a prefix and a grid label, e.g. PLAN +3000. If the View
name prefix field is left empty, no prefix is used. Tekla Structures adds a dash and
a running number to the view name if view names are otherwise identical.
View properties Each view plane has its own view properties. See View properties (p. 44). You
can load the properties from the current view properties with the option <applied
values> or from saved view properties. The Show… button displays the view

Creating and modifying views

When you create a new model, you can select the Create default view and grid
checkbox to have Tekla Structures automatically create a grid and a view accord-
ing to the saved standard properties.
Creating To create views, use the icons on the View toolbar, or click View > Create view....
The following table lists the commands for creating views and gives a short
description of each one.

Command Icon Description

Basic view... Displays the Create basic view dia-
log box and creates a basic view.

View with two points Creates a view using two picked


View with three points Creates a view using three picked


View to work plane Creates a view of the current work


Grid views... Displays the Creation of plane views

along grid lines dialog box and cre-
ates views along the grid lines of a
selected grid.
Part basic view(s) Create view(s) of a selected part.


Getting Started
Command Icon Description
View to part plane Creates a front view of a selected

Component basic view(s) Create views of a selected compo-


Modifying To modify a view, double-click anywhere on the plain background. The View
properties dialog box appears and you can modify the properties.

Opening, closing, and deleting named views

To view and open the existing named views, do one of the following:

• Click .
• Click View > Named views... to display the Views dialog box.
Tekla Structures lists all invisible named views on the left, and all visible views
on the right.
To display or hide views, select the view(s) and use the arrows between the lists.
You can move selected views between both lists using the middle arrow.
To delete a named view, select the view and click Delete.
See also Naming views (p. 44).

Displaying and hiding objects in views

The visibility of objects in views depends on the following settings:
• work area
• view depth
• view setup
• view filter
Work area and view depth are like two virtual boxes. Objects which have their
center line partially or totally inside both boxes are visible. Newly created
objects are visible also outside the view depth but never outside the work area.
Redrawing a view only shows the objects inside the view depth (for redrawing,
see also Refreshing the screen display (p. 50)).


Getting Started
Object To define which objects are visible and how they are displayed in a view:
1. Double-click the view.
2. In the View properties dialog box, click Display.... The View setup dialog box
3. Set the visibility and representation for different objects and for components.
For information on advanced view settings and different display options, see
View setup in the online help. See also View type (p. 45).
Filtering objects To more precisely define which objects are displayed in a view, use the view fil-
1. Double-click the view.
2. In the View properties dialog box, click Filter....
3. Use the View filter dialog box, to define the visible objects in the view
according to their properties.
See also View filter (p. 115) and Filter (p. 112).

Refreshing the screen display

Active window To update and display the contents of an active window, do one one the follow-
• Press Ctrl+U.
• Right-click, then select Update window.
• Click Window > Active window > Update.
All windows To update the contents of all windows, click Window > Update all. You can also
use Window > Redraw all to recalculate and redraw the contents of all the win-
Click Close all to close all the windows on the screen at the same time.
See also Using windows (p. 14).


Getting Started
2.4 Points
Introduction To place an object in a model you may need to pick points. Tekla Structures auto-
matically creates points at part ends, and grid line and part intersections. To place
an object where no lines or objects intersect, you have the following options to
place objects:
• Use snapping commands. See Snapping (p. 128).
• Use construction lines and circles. See Construction lines and circles
(p. 53).
• Create points.
There are many ways to create points in Tekla Structures. Which method is the
most convenient at each time, depends on what you have already created in the
model and which locations you can easily pick.
When you create points, Tekla Structures always places them according to the
work plane coordinate system. Points located in the view plane are yellow and
points outside the view plane are red.

Point properties
To view the properties of a point, double-click the point or click
Inquire > Object... and select the point. See also Inquire (p. 106).
Phase and ID Just like any other object. each point has an ID number which is used in log files.
Points and parts have phase numbers. You can filter objects by their phase and ID
numbers. See Select filter (p. 114).
Coordinates The point infomation you are most probably interested in is the local (work
plane) and global x, y, and z coordinates of a point. Checking them convinces
you of the correct location of the point or some other object related to it.


Getting Started
Creating points
To create points, use the icons on the Points toolbar, or select a command from
the Points menu. The following table lists the commands for creating points and
gives a short desription of each one:

Command Icon Description

xy(z) array... Displays the Point array dialog box
and creates a point array relative to
the current work plane.
Projection Projects a picked point onto a
picked line.

Intersection Creates a point at the intersection of

two lines.

Extension Creates points as an extension of a

line between two picked points.

Parallel Creates two offset points, parallel to

a line, between two picked points.
This command also creates con-
struction lines showing offset dis-
Divide line Creates points which divide a line.

Arc Creates points along an arc.

Arc by three point Creates points as an extension of an

arc defined by three picked points.

Tangent Creates a point where a circle and a

line meet tangentially.

Plane-line intersection Creates a point where a line inter-

sects with a plane.

Part-line intersection Creates points where a line inter-

sects with a part surface.

Circle-line intersection Creates points where a circle and a

line intersect.


Getting Started
Command Icon Description
Axis intersection Creates a point where the axes of
two parts intersect, and projects the
point onto the view plane.
Any position Creates a point to any position you

Bolt points Creates points at the bolt center

points of the picked bolt groups.

Grid points Creates points at the intersections of

grid lines on the view plane.

2.5 Construction lines and circles

Construction lines and circles help you place other objects. For example, you can
easily pick the points at intersections of construction lines and circles. The snap
priority of construction objects is the same as with the other lines.
Construction lines and circles remain in the model when you update or redraw
views and windows. They do not appear in drawings.
To create construction objects, use the icons on the Points toolbar or select a
command on the Points menu. The following table lists the commands for creat-
ing construction objects and gives a short description of each one:

Command Icon Description

Construction line Creates a construction line between
any two picked 3D points.

Construction circle Creates a construction circle in the

view plane of the first view picked.

Construction circle by three Creates a construction circle defined

points by three picked 3D points.


Getting Started
Getting Started
3 Parts

Introduction In Tekla Structures, we use the term parts to refer to the basic components of a
model. These are the building blocks of the physical model. For structural analy-
sis purposes, we use the term members to mean loading-bearing parts.
The main concrete parts are:
• beam
• column
• pad footing
• strip footing
• panel
• slab
The main steel parts are:
• beam
• curved beam
• orthogonal beam
• polybeam
• column
• twin profile
• contour plate
In this chapter This chapter explains how to create and modify parts using different materials
and profiles. It also includes a general description of part properties and an over-
view of part commands. You can find step-by-step instructions for all these com-
mands in the online help.
Assumed We assume that you have read Chapter 1, Introduction, or have comparable
background knowledge of Tekla Structures. Before you start to create parts, you need to cre-
ate grids, views, and points, as explained in Chapter 2, Getting Started.


Contents This chapter is divided into the following sections:
• Part properties (p. 56)
• Cast units and assemblies (p. 65)
• Numbering parts (p. 66)
• Part location (p. 69)
• Steel part commands (p. 76)
• Concrete part commands (p. 76)

3.1 Part properties

Introduction Every part has properties which define it (e.g. material, profile, location, etc.).
This section describes the basic part-specific properties. Use the part properties
dialog box to view or modify the properties of a part.
Filtering by You can use part properties in filters. For example, you can select, modify, or
properties hide parts based on their properties. See Filter (p. 112).
In reports and You can include part properties and user-defined attributes in drawing and report
drawings templates.


Name The name of the part is user-definable. Tekla Structures uses part names in
reports and drawing lists, and to identify parts of the same type, e.g. beams or
Finish Finish is user-definable. It describes how the part surface has been treated, e.g.
with anti-corrosive paint, hot galvanized, fire retardant coating, etc.
Class Use Class to group parts. To display parts of different classes in different colors,
click Setup > Colors... and select By class in the Colors list box. See also Colors
(p. 124).

Tekla Structures contains standard, parametric, and user-defined profiles.


Standard profiles When you first start Tekla Structures, the profile catalog contains standard, envi-
ronment-specific profiles. The properties of these library profiles conform to
industry standards, so you should not edit them. You can add profiles to the pro-
file catalog. See The profile catalog in the online help.
Parametric Parametric profiles are partly user-definable, they have a predefined shape, but
profiles you determine their size by giving one or more parameters. You can use para-
metric profiles to closely “model” profiles that are standard in specific environ-
ments, but do not exist in the Tekla Structures profile catalog. Parametric profile
names have specific prefixes and include dimension values. These are described
in Appendix A, Parametric Profiles (p. 141). If you want to define alternative
prefixes for parametric profiles, see Customizing parametric profiles in the
online help.
User-defined You can also create your own profiles and save them in the profile catalog. For
profiles example, you could create a user-defined profile pitched, with different cross
sections at the beginning and end of the profile. You can also define cross sec-
tions. To create user-defined cross sections, you pick the points which define the
cross section corners. When you save user-defined profiles in the profile catalog
they become library profiles. To create your own profiles, see Adding a stan-
dard (fixed) user-defined profile in the online help.


Selecting a profile
To select the profile of a part, click Select... next to the Profile field in the part
properties dialog box. The Select profile dialog box appears.


Library profile If you select Library profile in the Profile category list box, you can select a profile
from the tree. The tree lists all the profiles contained in the profile catalog.
Library profiles are grouped in the tree according to rules (such as profile type)
which you can define and modify. For more on how to modify the profile catalog
and rules, see The profile catalog in the online help.
Rules and details If you select the Show empty rules checkbox, Tekla Structures includes the rules
which do not contain any profiles or subrules in the tree. To see all the properties
of profiles, select the Show details checkbox.
Tekla Structures only displays cross section information for user-defined pro-


Parametric profile Use Parametric profile in the Profile category list box to review profile shapes
according to profile type, subtype, and prefix, and enter profile dimensions in the
Value column.
Select a profile, then click Apply or OK.


You can also enter a profile name in the Profile field in the part
properties dialog box. Parametric profile names must be in the
format shown in Appendix A, Parametric Profiles (p. 141).

The material catalog contains standard, environment-specific materials. You can
add, modify, and delete materials and grades.

Defining the material of a part

Select... To select the material of a part, click Select... next to the Material field in the part
properties dialog box. The Select material dialog box appears. You can select the
material and grade from the tree, which displays all the materials in the material


Aliases and To include aliases for material grades in the tree, in the Select material dialog box,
details select the Show aliases checkbox. Aliases are alternative names. For example,
they can be former names, or names used in different countries or standards.
Tekla Structures automatically translates aliases into the standard name when
you select a material grade. To see all the properties of materials, select the Show
details checkbox.

Analysis The Analysis tab contains information on the properties used in structural analy-
sis, including the modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, and thermal dilatation
Design The Design tab contains information on design-specific properties, such as
strengths, partial safety factors, etc.
User attributes Use the User attributes tab to view or modify the user-defined properties of mate-
rials. For example, this tab could contain the maximum grain size, porosity, or
surface quality class of a concrete material type, or country-specific properties.
When you have selected the material for a part, click Apply or OK.

You can also enter a material name in the Material field in the
part properties dialog box.

To modify the material catalog, see The material catalog in the online help.


User-defined attributes
User-defined attributes provide extra information about a part. Attributes can
consist of numbers, text, or lists. The following table explains what you can use
attributes for:

Attribute Can be used...

Comment In part and weld marks in Tekla Structures drawings,
or in projects.
Shorten When drawings of the parts are created, Tekla Struc-
tures decreases the true length of the part by this
value. This is useful when creating assembly drawings
of bracing bars which should always be under tension.
Camber In part marks in Tekla Structures drawings.
Prelim mark To obtain preliminary marks for parts in reports. To
assign part position numbers to preliminary marks,
click Tools > Numbering > Preliminary marks when
you number parts. To check the preliminary mark of a
selected object, click Inquire > Object....
Shear, Tension, To save reaction forces for AutoDefaults. See Auto-
and Moment Defaults settings and Reaction forces and UDL in
the online help. You can enter forces separately for
each end of a part.
User field 1...4 User-defined fields. You can change the names of
these fields and add new user-defined fields. See
Adding properties in the online help.
Connection code When importing information on connection types into
Tekla Structures. You can then use the connection
codes as rules in AutoConnection and AutoDefaults.
Each end of a part can have a different connection

For more information on defining attributes using the objects.inp file, see Add-
ing properties in the online help.


3.2 Cast units and assemblies
Steel assemblies Tekla Structures creates assemblies of steel parts when you use a workshop weld
or bolt to join parts. Assemblies and their main parts are automatically defined
when you:
• Create single workshop welds or bolts.
• Apply automatic connections which create workshop welds or bolts.
See also Detailing (p. 79).
Concrete cast The concrete structures in Tekla Structures are modeled as single parts. By
units default, each part is considered a separate cast unit.
For construction purposes you may need to merge several concrete parts into one
cast unit. For example, a single cast unit could consist of a column with corbels.
There are no connecting welds or bolts in cast units, so you need to specify
which parts form the cast unit. See Working with cast units (p. 66).
Main parts The main part in a steel assembly has other parts welded or bolted to it. The main
part is not welded or bolted to any other parts.
The main part in a concrete cast unit is the one with the largest volume of con-
Checking Cast units can include reinforcement, cast-in fittings, and steel assemblies, as
contents well as concrete parts.
To visually check the objects in a cast unit or an assembly, click Inquire > Assem-
bly. Pick a part in the cast unit or assembly. Tekla Structures highlights the other
parts that belong to the same cast unit or assembly. See also Inquire (p. 106).
Tekla Structures uses different colors to highlight different objects:

Object type Highlight color

Concrete cyan
Reinforcement blue
User components magenta
Steel part – main part red
Steel part – secondary part yellow

To select an entire cast unit or assembly, hold down the Alt key
and select one of the parts in the cast unit or assembly. See also
How to select objects (p. 28).

Drawing and You can also produce drawings and reports for cast units and assemblies.


Working with cast units
Creating cast To create a cast unit:
1. Click Detailing > Cast unit > Create.
2. Select the objects to form the cast unit.
3. Click the middle mouse button to create the cast unit.
Adding objects To add objects to a cast unit:
1. Click Detailing > Cast unit > Add to.
2. Select the object to add.
3. Select an object in the cast unit.
Removing To remove objects from a cast unit:
1. Click Detailing > Cast unit > Remove from.
2. Select the object to remove.
Exploding cast To explode a cast unit:
1. Click Detailing > Cast unit > Explode.
2. Select an object in the cast unit.

3.3 Numbering parts

Introduction This section discusses the principles you need to consider when planning num-
bering. Tekla Structures uses numbers to identify parts, cast units, and assemblies
when producing drawings and reports, and exporting models. You must have
Tekla Structures number the model parts before you can create single-part,
assembly, cast unit, and multdrawings, or some export files from a model. Tekla
Structures uses part numbers in many tasks, for example:
• Connecting a drawing with the right part, cast unit, or assembly.
• Reporting the properties of identical parts, cast units, and assemblies.
• Identifying part information for export another program.
See Numbering (p. 125) for information on how to set up and carry out number-


Defining numbers to be used for parts
Numbering series You use a numbering series to divide steel part, cast unit, and assembly numbers
into groups. For example, you can allocate separate numbering series to different
phases or part types.
You can name the numbering series to which a part, cast unit, or assembly
belongs, using the part properties dialog box. The numbering series name con-
sists of a prefix and a starting number.
Example For example, if you define a numbering series with the prefix P and starting
number 1001, Tekla Structures numbers that series P1001, P1002, P1003, ...
By default, the steel part mark prefix is P, the concrete part prefix is Concrete,
and the starting number is 1. You do not have to specify a part prefix (for exam-
ple, you may want to omit the part prefix for minor parts).

Use the environment variables

the prefix and starting number for concrete parts. See Appendix
C, Environment variables in the online help.

When you run numbering (see Numbering (p. 125)), Tekla Structures compares
parts that belong to the same series with each other. All identical parts in the
same numbering series are given the same part number.

By default, a part retains its number, as long as only one part

has that particular number, regardless of the settings in the Num-
bering setup dialog box.

Cast units and Tekla Structures numbers concrete cast units and steel assemblies using the same
assemblies principles as it follows when numbering parts. By default, A is the prefix for
assembly marks. The default starting number is 1.

Assembly and cast unit numbering may affect part numbering,

if the environement variable

Part numbering does not affect cast unit and assembly numbering. For more
information on cast units and assemblies, see Cast units and assemblies (p. 65).
Overlapping When planning numbering, ensure that you reserve enough numbers for each
series series. If one series overflows into another, Tekla Structures might allocate the
same number to different parts. Tekla Structures warns you about series overlaps.
View the numbering history log to check which numbers overlap. See Log files
in the online help.


What affects numbering
Identical parts Tekla Structures treats parts as identical, and so gives them the same number, if
the following basic part properties are the same:

Part property Condition

Part geometry Including the location, size, and number of holes, if
you select the Holes checkbox in the Numbering
setup dialog box.
Numbering series
Name If you select the Part name checkbox in the Number-
ing setup dialog box.

Class and phase do not affect numbering. Tekla Structures gives the same num-
ber to identical parts that belong to different classes or phases.

You can set the degree of tolerance for part geometry in the
Numbering setup dialog box. If the geometry of parts differs
within this degree of tolerance, Tekla Structures treats the parts
as identical for numbering purposes.


Additional Tekla Structures treats parts as different, and so numbers them differently, if the
properties following properties differ:

Property Condition
User-defined attributes If a user-defined attribute has the variable
consider_in_numbering set to yes, Tekla
Structures takes this user-defined attribute into
account when numbering.
For more information on defining user-defined
attributes, see Adding properties in the online
Pop marks E.g. if two parts have different pop marks, or
one part has pop marks and the other one does
not, Tekla Structures gives the parts different
numbers. See Pop marks in the online help.
Beam orientation If you select the Beam orientation checkbox in
the Numbering setup dialog box.
Column orientation If you select the Column orientation checkbox in
the Numbering setup dialog box.
Reinforcement If otherwise identical concrete parts have differ-
ent reinforcement and if you select the Reinforc-
ing bars checkbox in the Numbering setup
dialog box, Tekla Structures gives the parts dif-
ferent numbers. See Reinforcement and Num-
bering reinforcement.
Cast-in fittings If you select the Components checkbox in the
Numbering setup dialog box.

Cast units and Tekla Structures numbers cast units and assemblies in the same way as it does
assemblies parts. The orientation of assemblies also affects numbering if you select the
Beam orientation and Column orientation checkboxes in the Numbering setup dia-
log box.
See also For more information on numbering settings, see Numbering (p. 125).

3.4 Part location

In this section This section describes the part position properties that vary according to the part
Part reference When you create a part, you position it by picking points. These are the part ref-
point erence points. The position of a part is always relative to its reference point(s).


Part reference If you pick two points to position a part, these points form the part reference
line line, and handles appear at the line ends.

When creating horizontal parts, it is worth being consistent and

always picking points from left to right, and from bottom to top.
This ensures that Tekla Structures places and dimensions the
parts in the same way in drawings, and that part marks automat-
ically appear at the same part end.

Handles Tekla Structures indicates the direction of a part with handles. When you select a
part, the handle at the first end is yellow, and the handle at the second end is

You can use handles to move the part end:

1. Select the part to display the handles.
2. Click the handle you want to move. Tekla Structures highlights the handle.
3. Move the handle(s) like any other object. See Move (p. 111). If you have
Drag and drop on, just drag the handle to a new position. See Drag and drop
(p. 118).

Contour plates and concrete slabs do not have handles. Use

Polygon shape (p. 97) or Drag and drop (p. 118) to move

Position on work plane

You can define the position of a part on the work plane as:
• Middle
• Right
• Left
You can also define the distance of a part from its original reference line. See
Part reference point (p. 69).


Beam An example of the options for beams:

Middle Left Right

Middle 200 Left 200 Right 200

Position depth
You can define the position of a part in terms of its depth, perpendicular to the
work plane, as:
• Middle
• Front
• Back
Beam An example showing the options for beams:

Middle Front Back

Work plane
Middle 100 Front 100 Back 100

Work plane


Contour plate An example showing the options for contour plates:

Middle Front Back

Work plane

You can define the rotation of a part around its axis on the work plane as:
• Front
• Top
• Back
• Bottom
You can also define the angle of rotation. Tekla Structures measures positive val-
ues clockwise around the local x axis.


Beam An example of the options for beams:
Front Top

Back Bottom

Positive (10 degrees) rotation

around local x axis

Column An example of the options for columns:

Front Top Back Bottom

Vertical position
You can define the vertical position of a part, relative to its reference point, as:
• Middle
• Down
• Up


Column An example of the options for columns:
Middle Down Up

Middle 100 Down 100 Up 100

Horizontal position
You can define the horizontal position of a part, relative to its reference point, as:
• Middle
• Left
• Right
Column An example of the options for columns:

Middle Left Right

Middle 100 Left 100 Right 100


End offsets
Use end offsets to move the ends of a part, relative to its reference line. You can
enter positive and negative values. The options are:

Field Result
Dx Changes the length of the part by moving the part end point
along the reference line
Dy Moves the part end perpendicular to the reference line
Dz Moves the part end in the z direction of the work plane

For parts that you create by picking only one point (e.g. columns), you can enter
the positions of the part ends, relative to the picked point, in the global z direc-
tion. Use Bottom to define the position of the first end. Use Top to define the
position of the second end.

In Tekla Structures, you create curved parts by defining a radius and the plane of
Radius When you create a curved part, you pick three points to define the radius. You
can also enter a specific value for the radius in the part properties dialog box.

The sector angle must be less than 180 degrees.

Plane The plane of curvature is relative to the current work plane. The options are:
• xz plane
• xy plane
Number of To have Tekla Structures draw a curved part, you need to specify a number of
segments segments. Tekla Structures does not show curved surfaces exactly in views,
instead the number of segments determines how realistic the curved part looks:
the more segments, the less angular the part appears. If you specify a large num-
ber of segments it affects how quickly Tekla Structures draws the model. See
also How Tekla Structures handles solids in the online help.


3.5 Steel part commands
To create steel parts, use the icons on the Parts toolbar, or select a command from
the Parts menu. The following table lists the commands used to create steel parts
and gives a short description of each one. For detailed instructions, see the online

Command Icon Description

Beam Creates a steel beam between two
picked points.

Orthogonal beam Creates a steel beam orthogonal to the

work plane in a picked position.

Curved beam Creates a steel beam with its radius

defined by three picked points.

Polybeam Creates a steel beam consisting of

straight and curved segments.

Column Creates a steel column at a picked posi-


Twin profile Creates a twin profile between two

picked points. A twin profile consists of
two beams.
Contour plate Creates a contour plate based on picked
positions forming a contour.

3.6 Concrete part commands

To create concrete parts, use the icons on the Concrete toolbar, or select a com-
mand from the Parts menu. The following table lists the commands you can use
to create concrete parts and gives a short description of each one.


Command Icon Description
Pad footing Creates a pad footing at a picked posi-

Strip footing Creates a strip footing that traverses

the picked points.

Concrete column Creates a concrete column at a picked


Concrete beam Creates a concrete beam that traverses

the picked points.

Concrete slab Creates a concrete slab based on

picked positions forming a contour.

Concrete panel Creates a concrete panel that traverses

the picked points.


4 Detailing

Introduction After you have created a frame of parts in your Tekla Structures model, you will
need to complete the model by connecting these parts and adding minor parts and
This section explains how to create details (bolts, welds, etc.) using Tekla Struc-
tures. It also gives you some techniques for “fine-tuning” part shape and an over-
view of detailing commands. You can find step-by-step instructions for all these
commands in the online help.
Contents This section includes the following topics:
• Bolts (p. 79)
• Welds (p. 86)
• Fine-tuning part shape (p. 93)
• Detailing commands (p. 98)

4.1 Bolts
Introduction There are two ways to create bolts:
• Create a single bolt group
• Apply a component that automatically creates bolt groups.
This section concentrates on creating single bolt groups. For more information
on using components to automatically create bolt groups, see the Defining bolts
and welds section in the Detailing Manual.
You can create different part marks for holes and bolts in drawings.


You cannot use bolt elements (such as screws, washers, and nuts) while you are
creating holes, as Tekla Structures uses the same command to create bolts and
Type determines Tekla Structures only creates assemblies from parts with the fastener type Work-
assembly shop (bolts assembled in a workshop). The order in which you select parts when
creating the connection determines the main and secondary part(s) of the assem-
bly. The first part you pick usually becomes the main part in the assembly.
Bolt catalog Tekla Structures treats bolts as pre-defined assemblies made up of individual ele-
ments (bolts, washers, nuts, etc.).
Tekla Structures stores bolt assemblies in the bolt assembly catalog. The individ-
ual elements (bolts of different size and length, nuts, washers, etc.) are contained
in the bolt catalog. For more information on catalogs, see Bolt and bolt assem-
bly catalogs in the online help.

Creating a bolt group

See online help for detailed instructions on how to create a bolt group.
Work plane The work plane only affects the rotation of the bolt group. The points you pick
determine the position of the bolt group.
Bolted parts It is important that the points you pick to create the bolt group are close enough
to the parts you want to connect. The cut length property of a bolt group defines
how far along the bolt axis the parts must be in order to hit the bolt group.
Bolt group origin Dimensions are relative to the bolt group origin, which is the first point you pick
when creating a bolt group. Tekla Structures sets the x direction of a bolt group
using the second point picked. These points are shown as crosses in the illustra-
tion below. The dashed line indicates the x direction.
Array xy list
• Bolt dist X: 150 • Bolt dist X: 75 175
• Bolt dist Y: 100 • Bolt dist Y: 100 100

See also Creating by modifying (p. 81)


Creating by modifying
You can also create a new bolt group by modifying an existing one. In most cases
it is easier to create bolt groups by applying a component including bolt groups,
using the following method:
1. Apply a component.
2. Explode the component.
3. Modify the bolt group.

Changing bolt parts

You can change which parts a bolt group connects using the command Edit > Bolt
parts. This command prompts you to reselect the main and secondary parts.
Tekla Structures automatically updates bolt length to suit these changes. For
more information, see Bolt length calculation in the online help.

Creating holes
Tekla Structures creates holes in the same way as bolts, but you do need to
change some of the properties in the Bolt properties dialog box. You can create
the following types of holes:
• Round
• Oversized
• Slotted

Creating round holes

To create a round hole, follow the steps in Creating a bolt group (p. 80). Tekla
Structures calculates the diameter of a round hole as the sum of:
• Bolt size
• Tolerance (hole)


To only create a hole, clear all bolt element checkboxes in the Bolt properties dia-
log box, as shown below:

Clear these checkboxes to

create a mere hole.

Creating slotted holes

You also use the Bolt properties dialog box to create slotted holes.
1. Select the checkboxes against Parts with slotted holes to indicate which parts
should be slotted.

Tekla Structures counts the pieces of steel from the head of the
bolt down. For example, if you select the second checkbox from
the head of the bolt, Tekla Structures slots the second piece of
steel from the head of the bolt.

2. To only create a slotted hole, clear all the Include in bolt assembly check-
3. Select Slotted in the Hole type list box.
4. Enter the allowance for the slotted hole in the x and y directions of the bolt
group using the Slotted hole X or Slotted hole Y fields.


Slotted hole X or Y
Bolt size


You indicate the x direction of the bolt group when you create
the bolt group (see Creating a bolt group (p. 80)).

5. If the bolt connects several parts, you may want to rotate alternate holes by
90 degrees. This allows the bolt to move in different directions. To do this,
select Even or Odd in the Rotate slots list box.

Creating oversized holes

Use the Bolt properties dialog box to create oversized holes.
1. Select the checkboxes against Parts with slotted holes to indicate which plies
of connection get oversized holes.
2. To only create a hole, clear all the Include in bolt assembly checkboxes.
3. Select Oversized in the Hole type list box.
4. Enter the allowance for the oversized hole in the Oversize field.

Bolt group shape

You have the following options for bolt group shape:
• Array for rectangular
• xy list for any shape
• Circle for circular
Tekla Structures uses the values in Bolt dist X and Bolt dist Y to determine how
many bolts the bolt group contains, as shown in the table below:

Shape Bolt dist X Bolt dist Y

Array Spacing between bolts, in the Spacing between bolts, in the
x direction of the bolt group. y direction of the bolt group.
xy list x coordinate of each bolt, y coordinate of each bolt,
from the bolt group point of from the bolt group point of
origin. origin.
Circle Number of bolts. Diameter of the bolt group.

Single bolt To create a single bolt, set Bolt group Shape to Array and enter "0" for both bolt


Bolt properties The bolt properties are:

Field Description
Bolt size Bolt sizes available in the selected bolt standard.
Bolt standard Bolt assembly standard, which is defined in the
bolt catalog.
Bolt type Indicates if bolts are assembled on-site or in the

Bolt length
Tekla Structures calculates bolt length automatically, using the material thick-
nesses of the connected parts, and other factors. The following settings in the Bolt
group properties dialog box affect bolt length calculation:

• Thread in material
• Cut length
• Extra length

Thread in material indicates if the thread of the bolt can extend beyond the bolted
parts. Tekla Structures does not use this value when calculating the length of full-
threaded bolts.
Cut length indicates the area Tekla Structures should search for parts that belong
to the bolt group. Using cut length you can determine whether the bolt will go
through one flange or two. In the illustration below, A is the cut length and B is
the bolt origin. Tekla Structures calculates the search area as A/2 in both direc-
tions from point B.


Tekla Structures warns you if the cut length is too small (i.e. the bolt group con-
tains no parts) and makes the bolt length 100 mm.

If you want to force a bolt to be a certain length, enter a negative

value for length (e.g. -150).

Using Extra length to increase the material thickness Tekla Structures uses when
calculating bolt length. For example, you might need extra bolt length to allow
for painting. You can also build additional lengths into bolt assemblies .

If there are large gaps between connected parts, the gap is added
to the length of the bolt. Tekla Structures calculates bolt length
using the the total distance between the first and last surfaces.

Bolt group location

Tekla Structures determines the location of the bolt group using the following
• Bolt group x axis
• Work plane
The two points you pick to create the bolt group determine the bolt group point
of origin and its x direction.
Position on plane Position on plane moves the bolt group perpendicular to the bolt group x axis.

Position at depth Position at depth moves the bolt group perpendicular to the current work plane.
Rotation Rotation defines how far the bolt group is rotated around the x axis, relative to the
current work plane. For example, you can use this field to indicate on which side
of the connected parts you want the bolt head to be.

Front Top

Offsets You can also use offsets to change the position of the bolt group. Offsets move
the bolt group by moving the x axis of the bolt group.


The starting point values Dx, Dy and Dz move the first end of the bolt group, rela-
tive to the bolt group x axis. The end point values move the second end of the
bolt group.
• A positive Dx value moves the starting point towards the end point.
• Dy moves the end point perpendicular to the bolt group x axis on the current
work plane.
• Dz moves the end point perpendicular to the current work plane.
Example An example showing the parameters of a bolt group.

Bolts created using the bolt properties:

• Bolt group Shape = Array, Bolt dist X = 100 100, Bolt dist Y = 200
• Slotted hole X = 28, Bolt size = 20, Tolerance = 2 (overall dimension = 50)
• Starting point, Dx = 100.0

4.2 Welds
Introduction To create welds in Tekla Structures, you can:
• Create single welds
• Apply components that automatically create welds
Creating Tekla Structures forms assemblies based on where the weld should be made. You
assemblies can create:
• Workshop welds
• Site welds

Tekla Structures only forms assemblies from parts connected

using workshop welds.


Tekla Structures uses the order in which you select the parts when creating the
weld to determine the primary and secondary parts of the assembly. This affects
The first part you select becomes the primary part of the assembly. Tekla Struc-
tures dimensions secondary part(s) relative to the primary part in assembly draw-
ings. The largest primary part in the weld becomes the main part of the assembly.
Visibility in views To have welds visible in views, open the View setup dialog box and set weld visi-
bility to Exact. See Displaying and hiding objects in views (p. 49). Tekla Struc-
tures displays all weld types in a similar way.

Creating welds
You can create the following types of welds:
• Regular welds. Tekla Structures welds the two parts together using
the weld position in the Weld properties dialog box. The length of the
weld depends on the length of the connection between the welded
• Polygon welds. You define the exact position of the weld by picking
the points you want the weld to traverse.

If you move welded parts, polygon welds do not move with


For detailed instructions on how to create welds, see the online help.

Weld symbols in drawings

Weld properties Tekla Structures shows the properties of the weld in the weld symbol in draw-
ings, as shown below. See also Weld properties (p. 88).

Weld no Reference text

Size Weld
Type around


Pitch (c-to-c spacing)
Site weld

Stitch weld

Reference line The weld symbol also contains a reference line and an arrow. The arrow connects
and arrow the reference line to the arrow side of a connection.
Arrow and other When parts are welded together, you can place welds on:
• The arrow sides only
• The other sides only
• Both the arrow and other sides
The welds on the arrow and other sides of a part can have different weld proper-
By default, the properties you define for a weld on the arrow side appear above
the reference line in drawings. The properties of an other-side weld appear below
the reference line in the weld symbol.

To show the arrow-side weld properties below the reference

line in a weld symbol and the other-side properties above, use
the environment variable XS_AISC_WELD_MARK.

Weld properties
This section describes weld properties.
Size See the image below.

Root face thickness (RFT)

If you enter a zero or negative weld size, Tekla Structures creates the weld, but
does not display it drawings.
Type See Weld types (p. 90)


Weld preparation When parts are prepared for welding, their edges can be beveled to produce a
groove angle groove for the weld. This type of weld preparation is commonly used for V-type
welds. You can define the angle of bevels and grooves. Tekla Structures displays
the angle between the weld type symbol and the fill type contour symbol. For
more information on weld preparation, see Weld preparation (p. 92).
Contour The fill type contour of a weld can be:
• None
• Flush
• Convex
• Concave
Finish Tekla Structures displays the finish symbol above the weld type symbol in draw-
ings. The options are:
• G (Grind)
• M (Machine)
• C (Chip)
Length The length of a regular weld depends on the length of the connection between the
welded parts. You can set the exact length of a polygon weld by, for example,
defining the start and end points of the weld.
Pitch To create a non-continuous weld, define the center-to-center spacing and the
pitch of the welds. Tekla Structures calculates the distance between the welds as
the pitch minus the length of the weld.

By default, Tekla Structures uses the character - to separate

weld length and pitch, e.g. 50–100. To change the separator to
@, for example, set the environment variable as follows:

Root face and Root face is the height of the narrowest part inside the root opening. The RFT
RFT fields in the connection dialog boxes also refer to the root face (thickness).
Neither root face nor RFT values appear in drawings, but you can use the
WELD_ROOT_FACE_THICKNESS field in reports to show the root face dimension
in the weld list.
Edge/Around Either one edge (Edge) or the entire perimeter of a face (Around) can be welded.
A circle in the weld symbol in drawings indicates the Around option has been
Workshop/Site Tekla Structures indicates site welds in the weld symbol using a flag.

Where weld is to be made (workshop or site), affects assemblies

and drawings. Tekla Structures only forms assemblies when you
use workshop welds.


Position See Weld position (p. 91).
Stitch To create stitch welds, select Yes in the Stitch weld list box. Stitch welds are stag-
gered on both sides of the part being welded. Tekla Structures shows the weld
type symbols as staggered in weld symbols.
User-defined Create additional properties for welds with user-defined attributes. See Adding
attributes properties in the online help.
Reference text To enter additional text for the weld symbol, use the Reference text and Wtext
and Wtext fields. For example, information on the weld specification or process, root open-
ing and face, effective throat, etc.

Weld types
The table below shows the available weld types. Some weld types also automati-
cally prepare the parts to be welded. For more information on weld preparation,
see Weld preparation (p. 92).

Weld type Name Number Preparation

None 0 No
Fillet weld 10 No

Bevel-groove (single-V butt 3 Both parts

Bevel-groove (single-bevel 4 Secondary part
butt weld)
Square-groove (square butt 2 No
Single-V butt weld with 5 Both edges
broad root face
Single-bevel butt weld with 6 Secondary part
broad root face
U-groove weld (single U- 7 Both parts
butt weld)
J-groove weld (single J-butt 8 Secondary part
Flare V-groove weld 16 Both parts

Flare-bevel-groove weld 15 Secondary part

Edge-flange weld 1 No


Weld type Name Number Preparation
Corner-flange weld 17 No

Plug weld 11 No

Bevel backing weld 9 No

Spot weld 12 No

Seam weld 13 No

Slot weld 14 No

Partial penetration weld (sin- 18 Secondary part

gle-bevel butt + fillet)
Partial penetration weld 19 No
(square groove + fillet)

Weld position
You define the position of a weld relative to the work plane. The type and posi-
tion of the parts to be welded affect the position of the weld.
The options for weld position are:
• x
• y
• z
These can all be in a positive or negative direction. Tekla Structures creates the
weld on the face or side of the part that faces in the selected direction (x, y, or z).
See the illustrations below:

Secondary part
Main part


Secondary part
Main part

If there are no faces that touch in the specified direction, Tekla Structures places
the weld relative to the center point of the secondary part.

main part
main part



Weld preparation
When preparing welds, Tekla Structures bevels the parts to be welded using an
antimatter cutting part. Tekla Structures subsequently deletes this cutting part.
Tekla Structures displays weld preparations using cyan dash-and-dot lines. Some
weld types and connections also automatically prepare the parts to be welded.
See Weld types (p. 90).


To prevent automatic weld preparation, set the environment

4.3 Fine-tuning part shape

Introduction This section describes the various tools you can use to fine-tune the shape of a

Some part corners can be chamfered. You can use the Chamfer command to
shape the following parts: polybeam, contour plate, strip footing, concrete beam,
concrete slab, concrete panel.
Tekla Structures creates chamfers using the current properties in the Chamfer
properties dialog box. Click Properties > Chamfer... to open the dialog box, or
double-click an existing chamfer.




When Tekla Structures creates a part, by default it has a rectangular chamfer at

each corner, which does not change the geometry of the part. To change the
shape of a part corner:
1. Set the chamfer properties.
2. Click Detailing > Chamfer.
3. Pick the corner(s) of the part to be chamfered.
See online help for more information on using this command.

Use the Fitting command to fit the part end to a picked plane. You can use fitting
to make part shorter, for example.

We recommend to move part Handles (p. 70) to make the part


Fitting symbol


This command adjusts the end of a beam on a plane, perpendicular to the view
plane, which passes through the cutting line you pick. Tekla Structures displays
the fitting in the model using a blue fitting symbol. This command has no effect
on contour plates.

Use cut to shape parts. Cut is not meant for cutting the entire part end. Either
move part Handles (p. 70) or use the Fitting (p. 94) command instead.
You can create the following types of cuts for a part:
• Line cut
• Polygon cut
• Part cut
Line cut A line cut shapes end of the beam or column.
Line cut cuts the end of a beam on a plane, perpendicular to the view plane,
which passes through the cutting line you pick. Tekla Structures displays the cut
in the model using a a blue cut symbol.

Exact representation
(without symbol)

Fast representation

Cut symbol

By default, line cuts do not affect beam length in NC files. To change this, see
online help.
See online help for more detailed information on using this command.
Polygon cut This command cuts a part using a polygon. Tekla Structures displays the cut as
an antimatter part indicated by dot-dash lines. You must create cuts in a plane


Exact representation
(without symbol)

Fast representation

Antimatter part

You should always define the polygon so that there is some tol-
erance between the edges. If the edge of a cutting polygon is in
exactly the same position as the edge of the part to be cut, it can
be unclear whether the edge should be cut away.

See online help for more detailed information on using this command.
Part cut This command creates an antimatter cutting part. Tekla Structures does not delete
the original cutting part. An antimatter part only cuts the selected main part.
Tekla Structures displays the antimatter part using dot-dash lines.
You can cut parts that already have cuts. For example, you can cut antimatter
parts to create more sophisticated cut shapes.

Hidden lines

Cut symbol

Hidden lines
(cutting part deleted)


Do not create cuts with the same planes or vertices. This makes
it unclear what should be cut away.

See online help for more detailed information on using this command.

Part add
Click Detailing > Partadd to model complex parts (e.g. folded plates) that are oth-
erwise difficult to model.
You can also use Part add to model prefabricated parts that are delivered to the
workshop already attached to profiles.
Part adds can also be nested, i.e., a part add can be added to an part add. Cuts and
fittings can also be applied to part adds.
The Part add command creates a part to be attached to the selected main part.
Tekla Structures deletes the part you use to create the attached part when it cre-
ates the part add. The Part add only gets one mark in drawings. The attached part
is shown in magenta.
See online help for more detailed information on using this command.

Polygon shape
To modify the shape of a part, click Edit > Polygon shape. You can use this com-
mand on the following parts:
• polybeam
• contour plate
• strip footing
• concrete beam
• concrete slab
• concrete panel
Tekla Structures prompts you to Pick polygon corner:
1. Pick one of the corners of the part.
2. Pick a new location for the corner.
3. End the command by picking any existing corner.
See online help for more detailed information on using this command.


4.4 Detailing commands
To “fine-tune” or detail your model, use the icons on the Detailing toolbar, or
select commands from the Detailing menu. The following table lists the com-
mands for detailing and gives a short description of each one.

Detailing command Icon Description

Bolt Creates a bolt group in a part/parts.

Weld Creates a weld between two parts.

Polygon weld Welds parts together using a polygon.

Weld preparation Prepares the parts to be welded.

Chamfer Chamfers part corners.

Fitting Creates a fitting to a part.

Line cut Cuts the end of a beam on a plane, per-

pendicular to the work plane, which
passes through the picked line.
Polygon cut Cuts a part using a polygon.

Part cut Creates an antimatter cutting part.

Part add Combines two parts into one.


5 Settings and Tools

In this chapter This chapter explains the ways in which you can manipulate models and change
program settings. It also describes how to use many of the tools in Tekla Struc-
Contents It is divided into the following sections:
• Examining the model (p. 99)
• Querying objects (p. 106)
• Copying and moving objects (p. 109)
• Filter (p. 112)
• Settings (p. 116)
• Numbering (p. 125)
• Tools (p. 128)
• Settings and tools reference (p. 139)

5.1 Examining the model

Introduction This section describes a variety of tools you can use to view your model by
changing its position and orientation within the view window. It also covers fly-
ing through the model.


Settings and Tools
Zoom commands
The zoom tools allow you to focus in on a particular area, or pull out for a wider
view. You can use a mouse, or keystrokes, or a combination of both. You use the
majority of these tools within an existing view. However, a zoom window must
be open to use the Magnifier and Pan tools.
The Zoom commands are:

Zoom command Icon Description

Zoom in Works within the existing view.

Zoom out Works within the existing view.

Zoom original Restores the original level of zoom.

Works within the existing view.

Zoom previous Restores the previous zoom. Use this to

switch between the last two zooms.
Works within the existing view.
Create zoom window Creates a new zoom window from an
existing view. You can only create
zoom windows from wire frame views.
The zoom window contains two addi-
tional commands, Magnifier and Pan.
Active window The commands below Active window
automatically zoom the active window.
So you do not need an extra click to
complete the command.
Magnifier See Magnifier (p. 102). Only available
in a zoom window.

Pan See Pan (p. 104). Only available in a

zoom window.


Settings and Tools
Zooming with mouse
Use the Zoom in tool to focus in on a specific area of the model. The Zoom out
tool pulls out for a wider view. Both work within an existing view window. How
you use the zoom tools depends on the pointing device you are using: a 3-button
mouse, or a wheel mouse.

3-button mouse
To use zoom with a 3-button mouse:
1. Open the model.
2. Click the zoom in or zoom out icon on the View toolbar.
3. Click the area of the model that you want to examine.
4. Continue to click to zoom further in or out.

Wheel mouse
Tekla Structures has two zoom modes you can use with a wheel mouse:
• In mouse-wheel mode, scroll the wheel to zoom in and out.
• In scroll mode, you can also hold down the wheel when scrolling.
To use zoom with a wheel mouse:
1. Open the model.
2. Click the zoom in or zoom out icon on the View toolbar.
3. Click the area of the model that you want to examine.
4. Scroll forward to zoom in, scroll backward to zoom out.

Using keystrokes
To zoom using keystrokes:
1. Open the model.
2. Click Window > Zoom.
3. Click Page Up to zoom in, Page Down to zoom out.

Zoom settings
Centered zooms To keep the center point of the view in the middle of the view window, regardless
of the position of the pointer, check Centered zooms on the Setup menu.
If Centered zooms is not checked, the pointer does not move.


Settings and Tools
Zoom ratio The following environment variables control how much you zoom in or out with
each click.
3-button mouse Use the environment variable XS_ZOOM_STEP_RATIO to control the zoom ratio
when using a 3-button mouse. The default value is 0.25. Increase this value to
zoom in or out more with each click.
Wheel mouse See also Wheel mouse (p. 101). To set the zoom ratio when scrolling (not hold-
ing down) the wheel, use the environment variable
To set the zoom ratio when scrolling and holding down the wheel, use the envi-

Creating a zoom window

Opening a zoom window gives you access to two additional tools, the Magnifier
(p. 102) and Pan (p. 104). These appear on the toolbar within the zoom window.

You can only create zoom windows from wire frame views.

To create a zoom window:

1. Click the create zoom window icon on the View toolbar.
2. Click a starting corner for the zoom window, then drag the pointer to size the
window. Release the mouse button to create the window.
3. Move the zoom window to a convenient location on the screen.
4. Resize the zoom window by dragging the window boundaries.

The Magnifier is useful when you need to keep a general view of the model open,
and examine particular areas in detail, at the same time.
To use the Magnifier, you must have both a general view window containing the
model and a zoom window open. See Creating a zoom window (p. 102).


Settings and Tools
Click the Magnifier icon in the zoom window. As you move the pointer in the
general view, the zoom window displays the area around the pointer in detail, as
shown in the example below. Change the level of magnification by zooming in
and out in the zoom window.

Moving the model in the view window

In Tekla Structures you can move, pan, rotate or fly through a model, in the view

The Move commands move the viewpoint (or camera) rather than the model
itself. Use the up, down, left and right arrows on the keyboard to move the view-
point. You can also click Window > Move to use the move commands.
Center by cursor To center the model on a particular point, click Window > Move > Center by cur-
sor, then click anywhere in the view to center the view on that point.


Settings and Tools
The Pan command moves the model itself. Activate dynamic panning using the P
key on your keyboard, or click Window > Pan. The pointer will change to a hand.
Click and drag the mouse to move the model anywhere within the view window.
Use the Interrupt command to deactivate Pan.

Rotating the model

You can use keystrokes, menu commands, the mouse, or a combination of these
techniques to rotate the model.
Rendered view In rendered views, you can rotate the model around the existing center of rota-
tion. Hold down the Ctrl key and click and drag with the middle mouse button.
To relocate the center of rotation:
1. Press the V key.
2. Click to pick the new center of rotation.
1. Use the keystrokes Ctrl+R.
2. Click to pick the new center of rotation.
3. Click and drag with the left mouse button to rotate the model.
4. Use the Esc key or Interrupt to end rotation.
Keyboard You also have the following keyboard options to rotate the model around the
technique existing center of rotation:

Wire frame In wire frame view, you can only use the keyboard technique to rotate a model.
The center of rotation is fixed in the center of the work area.


Settings and Tools
Automatic Click Window > Rotate > Auto. You have the following options:
• Ctrl+A to rotate once.
• Ctrl+D to rotate continuously.
Click Esc to stop rotation.

Snap switches affect model rotation. For example, with Free

active, you can click anywhere to define the center of rotation.
If Free is inactive, you need to pick an intersection point, or the
end of a part. See also Specifying points (p. 25).

Disable view To disable or enable view rotation, click Window > Rotate > Disable view rotation,
rotation or use F8.

Flying through the model

In Tekla Structures, you can travel through a model, changing direction and vary-
ing speed as you go.

Start flying
To fly through a model, you must have a rendered view open, with Projection set
to Perspective. See View properties (p. 44) for more on how to change view
properties. Use the keystrokes Shift+F to start flying though the model, or click
Window > Fly. Tekla Structures displays an arrow symbol to indicate the flying

Stop flying
Use Interrupt to stop flying. See Ending commands (p. 33).

Adjust speed
Keystrokes To adjust your flying speed, use the Page Up key to accelerate, and Page Down
to decelerate.
Wheel mouse To adjust your flying speed using a wheel mouse, scroll forward to accelerate and
backward to decelerate.

Change direction
Move the mouse to change direction.
With the middle button scroll active (see Mouse and pointer settings (p. 118)),
hold down the middle mouse button and drag to change the flying center point.
Release the middle button to continue flying.


Settings and Tools
5.2 Querying objects
Introduction This section describes the various tools in Tekla Structures that you can use to
query the properties of your model.

The Inquire tool displays the properties of a particular object, or group of objects,
within the model. Click Inquire, and then pick an object in the model to access
the following options:

Option Action
Object Displays the properties of the object.
Assembly Highlights all the parts in the same assembly or
cast unit as the selected part.
Welded parts > To Highlights the primary part when you select a sec-
ondary part.
Welded parts > All Highlights the selected part and all the parts that
are welded to it.
Center of gravity Tekla Structures creates a point at the center of
gravity of the picked part(s) and displays informa-
tion on the center of gravity in a separate window.
Component content Highlights the objects that form part of the
selected component.
Phases... Displays the object properties of the different
phases in the model, in a separate window.
Model size... Displays the quantity of all object quantities of the
current model, in a separate window.

Use the Measure tool to measure angles, the distance between two points and
between bolts. All measurements are temporary.

Measurements appear in the rendered view window, until you

update or redraw the window.


Settings and Tools
Click Measure to access the following options. Remember to follow the prompts
on the status bar. The steps for each option are listed below the table.

Option Icon Action

x Measures the x distance between two points on the
view plane.

y Measures the y distance between two points on the

view plane.

Free Measures a user-defined distance between any two

points. You can use this option to measure inclined
or aligned distances in the current view plane.
Angle measure Angles.

Bolt measure Measures bolt spacing and edge distances in the

selected part.

x, y and user- To use Measure to measure x, y and user-defined distances:

1. Tools > Measure > option.
2. Pick the starting point.
3. Pick the end point.
4. Click to indicate on which side of the dimension line you want the number
to appear.
Angles To measure angles:
1. Click Tools > Measure > Angle measure.
2. Pick the center point.
3. Pick the starting point.
4. Pick the end point. (Counterclockwise from the starting point.)
Bolts Use this option to measure the distances between bolts in a bolt group. Tekla
Structures also gives you the edge distances between the bolts and a selected
1. Click Tools > Measure > Bolt measure.
2. Pick a bolt group.
3. Pick a part.


Settings and Tools
Clash check
When you have completed your model, run the Clash check to find parts or bolts
that collide.
Steps 1. Select the objects you want to check.
2. Click Tools > Clash check.
3. If parts or bolts collide, Tekla Structures highlights them in yellow and dis-
plays the clash check log in the List dialog box.
4. To quickly locate and view colliding parts in the model, select a line contain-
ing the ID numbers of colliding parts from the list. Tekla Structures high-
lights the parts in the model. Hold down the F key while you do this to have
Tekla Structures fit the work area.
If no there are no colliding parts, Tekla Structures displays the message No colli-
sions detected on the status bar.
Set bolt clearance To define bolt clearance for clash checking, click Setup > Bolt clash check. Enter
the values in the Bolt clash check settings dialog box.

d is the larger value

of the bolt head or
nut diameters.

Clash check


Settings and Tools
The clash checking clearance area is shaded grey. Select the checkbox in front of
the field if you want to use the clearance value. If you clear the checkboxes, the
clearance will be zero.The clearance in front of the bolt head is equal to the bolt
If you do not enter values for clearances, Tekla Structures uses the default value
of 1.00.
You need to save the clearance values to use them in future sessions. Click
Setup > Save defaults.
If Tekla Structures cannot find the bolt head or nut diameter in the bolt catalog, it
uses the shank diameter.

Use this tool to compare two assemblies or parts.
To compare parts, select two parts in the model. Click Tools > Compare > Parts.
To compare assemblies, click on a part in each assembly. Click
Tools > Compare > Assemblies.
Tekla Structures displays the results on the status bar.

If you need more detailed information on assemblies or parts,

use Inquire (p. 106).

5.3 Copying and moving objects

Use the Copy and Move tools to translate, rotate, or mirror objects.
Copy creates a new object, leaving the original object in its original position.
Move relocates the original object.
You can also move the view plane of a selected view. When you move a view,
Tekla Structures only uses the vector perpendicular to the view plane.
Limitations Tekla Structures does not mirror connection properties, so Mirror does fully mir-
ror objects if they include connections that contain, for example, asymmetrically-
positioned parts.


Settings and Tools
Select the objects you want to copy. Right-click, then click Copy from the pop-up
menu, or click Edit > Copy.
You have the following options:

Command Icon Description

Translate... Creates copies of selected object(s) at a speci-
fied distance from the original.

Rotate... Creates copies of selected object(s), either

rotated around a line you specify on a work
plane, or around the work plane z axis.
Mirror... Creates a mirrored copy of selected object(s)
around a mirror line you specify.

With three points Creates a copy of selected object(s) on another

plane, which you specify by picking three
From model... Creates a copy of model objects in phases you

Tekla Structures also copies all objects connected to the objects

you copy. Tekla Structures also tries to copy connections. Con-
nections must be surrounded by similar parts to be copied suc-


Settings and Tools
Select the objects you want to move. Right-click, then click Move from the pop-
up menu, or click Edit > Move.
You have the following options:

Command Icon Description

Translate... Moves selected object(s) to a new position at a
distance you specify.from the original.

Rotate... Rotates selected object(s) either around a line

you specify on a work plane, or around the
work plane z axis.
Mirror... Mirrors selected object(s) using a line you

With three points Moves selected object(s) to another plane,

which you specify by picking three points.

Tekla Structures also moves the objects connected to the objects

you move. For example, if you move points, Tekla Structures
also moves the parts or assemblies that use those points.

Drag and drop

You can move and copy objects using drag-and-drop.
1. Click Setup > Drag and Drop to activate it.
2. Select the object to move or copy.
3. You have the following options:

To move the part end,

click the handle and drag
To move the part, it to the new position.
drag it to the new
To copy the part, hold
down the Ctrl key and
drag it to the new posi-


Settings and Tools
5.4 Filter
Introduction The Filter option is useful when you want to perform an operation on several
objects or properties at the same time.
Use the Select filter to avoid making errors when selecting objects.
Use the Display filter to define which objects appear in each view. This is particu-
larly useful for complicated models containing a large number of objects.
This section describes the Select and Display filters and explains how to use fil-
ters in dialog boxes.

Filtering techniques
Filter by multiple You can define filters containing several properties. You can also have multiple
properties filtering criteria for each property. If you use multiple criteria, separate the
strings with blank spaces (e.g. 12 5).
Set filtering on To set filtering on for a particular property, select the checkbox next to the prop-
erty name.
Example You can use the select filter to create a report of parts in particular phases. To
select all parts in phases 1 and 2, set the select filter as follows:


Settings and Tools
Complement To use complement filtering (i.e.defining which parts not to select), check Not
filtering next to the property name and enter the filter criteria.
Example If you only want to create connections between certain parts, use complement fil-
ter to filter out the remaining parts. For example, the filter below selects all parts
except for bracing (which have the name "BRACE").

Select switches also affect the selection of objects. See Control-

ling the selection (p. 30).

Using wildcards
You can use wildcards to shorten filter strings. A wildcard is a symbol that stands
for one or more characters. Tekla Structures uses the following wildcards:

Wildcard Description Example

* (asterisk) Matches any number HE* matches all parts with
or characters a profile name that begins
with the characters "HE".
You can also this symbol at
the beginning of a word:
? (question mark) Matches a single HE?400 matches parts with
character profile names such as
HEA400, HEB400, and
[ ] (square brackets) Matches whatever is L[78]X4X1/2 matches parts
enclosed in the brack- with the profile names
ets L7X4X1/2 and L8X4X1/2
Settings and Tools
The characters * and ? can also be used in object names. If the
object name you want to filter contains * or ?, enclose * or ? in
square brackets. E.g., to find the profile P100*10, enter
P100[*]10 in the filter field.

Select filter
Use the Select filter to define which objects can be selected. Tekla Structures also
contains several switches that control whether you can select an object (see Con-
trolling the selection (p. 30)).

To use the Select filter on an object, the object must be visible in

the relevant view. See View filter (p. 115) for more informa-

Standard select filters

Tekla Structures contains several standard select filters. The select filter list box
in the on the Select switches toolbar lists both standard and user-defined filters.

Displays the
Select filter
dialog box.

To apply a filter,
select one from the
list. Standard fil-
ters always
appears first
on the list


Settings and Tools
Defining your own filters
To define your own filters:
1. Use the Display select filter dialog box icon, or Setup > Select filter to open the
Select filter dialog box.
2. Find a filter which has close to the same settings as you need.
3. Modify the settings, then enter a new name in the Save as field.
4. Click Save as, then OK to exit. You can now choose the new filter from the
dropdown list.

To have the filters you define appear at the top of the list, right
after the standard filter, use capital letters in the filter name.

Examples The Select filter is very useful when using the drawing wizard to automatically
create drawings. For example, if you only want to produce drawings of the
beams in the model, use the Select filter to select them.
Use the Select filter to select the parts you want to carry loads.

Select filter dialog box

To display the Select filter dialog box:

• Use the Display select filter dialog box icon , or

• click Setup > Select filter.
Use object properties to define whether or not an object can be selected.

View filter
Use the View filter to define which objects are displayed in a view, according to
object properties. View setup, work area, and display depth also affect whether
an object is visible. See Displaying and hiding objects in views (p. 49).
To display the View filter dialog box:
1. Double-click the view to open the View properties dialog box, or click
Properties > View.
2. Click Filter.


Settings and Tools
Filter in dialog boxes
The Filter also appears in many dialog boxes. In a Filter field you can enter char-
acters from the name of the object you are looking for, and then click the Filter
button to find the matching names. See also Using wildcards (p. 113).

5.5 Settings
In this section This section explains how to modify various settings in Tekla Structures.


Settings and Tools
Units and decimals
To configure how units and decimals are input, output, stored and displayed,
click Setup > Units and decimals.
Update When you click OK in the Units and decimals dialog box, Tekla Structures
updates the format of units and decimals in all open dialog boxes.
Input and output Different types of data are separated onto three tabs in the Units and decimals dia-
data log box. Input data appears on the Model data and Sections and materials tabs.
Output data appears on the Results tab (output data only relates to structural anal-

Modeling The settings on the Model data tab affect the data you use when using modeling
functions commands, such as copy, move, create grid, create point, part location, and
Catalogs Settings on the Sections and materials tab affect the data stored in the profile and
material catalogs.
No effect Settings in the Units and Decimals dialog box have no effect on drawings, reports,
or the Inquire and Measure tools.

The number of decimals affects input and storage accuracy.

Always use a sufficient number of decimals.

The decimal point symbol is always a period (.). It cannot be changed.


Settings and Tools
Exponent You can use positive exponent notation, but not negative exponent notation.
Imperial units
You can input length in imperial units in the following ways:
• Inches in decimals (e.g. 300.5")
• Feet in decimals (e.g. 62.7')
• Fractional notation (e.g. 60'-6")
Fractional In fractional notation, all input is shown in feet (') and inches (").
If you are using imperial units and want to use fractions, you must use fractional

Mouse and pointer settings

You can configure your mouse and pointer settings to suit the way you work
• Pan (p. 118)
• Drag and drop (p. 118)
• SmartSelect (p. 119)
• Xmouse (p. 119)
• Xsnap (p. 119)

Pan toggles the function of the middle mouse button between panning and scroll-
ing. To switch between scrolling and panning, click Setup > Middle button pan, or
Ctrl+M. Scrolling moves the “viewer”, and panning moves the model. Hold
down the middle button and drag the pointer away from the origin of the object.
To scroll faster, drag the pointer farther from the origin mark; drag closer to slow
down. You can use Scroll and Pan when other commands are active.

Drag and drop

With Drag and drop active, you can use drag and drop to move or copy parts. You
can also modify polygon shape using drag and drop. You cannot drag and drop
components, component parts, bolts, or welds.
Activate To toggle Drag and drop on and off, use the keystroke D, or Setup > Drag and
drop. It remains active until you turn it off.

Tekla Structures remembers this setting between sessions by user name.

To avoid accidentally dragging and dropping parts, de-activate

drag and drop when you are not using it.


Settings and Tools
With SmartSelect active, you can drag and drop parts or assemblies without
selecting them first.
Activate To toggle SmartSelect on and off, use the keystroke S, or Setup > SmartSelect. It
remains active until you turn it off.
Tekla Structures remembers this setting by session and user name.

With Xmouse active, moving the pointer over a view activates the view. Without
Xmouse you have to click on a view to activate it. To toggle Xmouse on or off,
click Setup > Xmouse. A checkmark appears next to the menu option if Xmouse
is already active.
Using Xmouse Xmouse is useful when you are using two views that partly overlap. See the fol-
lowing examples:
• If you want to pick beam positions from two overlapping views, with
Xmouse active you simply move the pointer over the view to activate
• With Xmouse active, you can also use the Page Up, Page Down and
arrow keys in overlapping views, without having to click a view to
activate it first. See Moving the model in the view window (p. 103).

Xsnap helps you to snap to the correct points by giving you visual cues. As you
move the pointer over an object, Tekla Structures automatically highlights the
points it suggests you snap to.
Activate To toggle Xsnap on and off, use keystroke T or Setup > Xsnap. It will stay active
until you turn it off.
Tekla Structures remembers this setting by session and user name.
Snap switches Use snap switches to control the kind of items to which the cursor reacts. See
Specifying points (p. 25).

In Tekla Structures, you can use phases to break up a model into different sec-
tions. Phases are often used to indicate erection sequences. You can create
reports and views, hide objects, and copy objects from other models, according
to their phase number.


Settings and Tools
Example For example, you have a large project on which several users will work simulta-
neously in single-user mode. First create a basic model which includes, for
example, the columns. This is phase 1. You then copy this basic model to all
Each user then works on a separate part of the building. As each part of the
model is completed, you can copy it back to the basic model as a separate phase
(phase 2, 3, etc.).
Working with To work with phases, click Setup > Current phase... or Properties > Phase num-
phases ber.... The Phases dialog box appears.

The following table explains how to use the buttons in the Phases dialog box.

Button Description
Filter Lists the phases by the number and/or name criteria
you enter. See Filter in dialog boxes (p. 116).
Set current Makes the selected phase the current phase. Tekla
Structures assigns all objects you create after setting a
phase to current to the current phase. The @ character
in front of the phase number indicates the current


Settings and Tools
Button Description
Select by objects Highlights the phases associated with the objects cur-
rently selected in the model. Use this button to iden-
tify the phase of an object.
Add Creates a new phase.
Delete Deletes the phases you select from the list.
Select by phase Selects and highlights the corresponding objects in the
model if you have selected associated phases on the
Modify phase Changes the phases of the selected objects to the
phase selected on the list.

Additional You can add more phase properties, which will appear as extra columns on the
properties list. Tekla Structures considers phase properties to be user-defined attributes, so
you can define the names of phase properties in the objects.inp file. See Adding
properties. To use phase properties in reports and templates, use the syntax
PHASE.ATTRIBUTE_NAME in the phase property field name.


Settings and Tools
Use Options to set various default values for numbering, coefficients, profile
names and connections. To open the Options dialog box, click Setup > Options....

See also Preferences in the online help

Orientation marking settings in the online help


Settings and Tools
You can specify the color of some model objects by defining their class with a
number. See also Colors (p. 124).
You have the following color options:

Color Number
black 0
white 1
red 2
bright green 3
blue 4
cyan 5
yellow 6
magenta 7
gray 8
pink 9
lime 10
aqua 11
lilac 12
orange 13
light blue 14

You may also need to use the numbers of colors with some environment vari-
ables, for example XS_CLASH_CHECK_COLOR. For more on them, see the
online help.

General settings
Tekla Structures also includes the following general settings:

Snap grid
Use the Snap grid when picking a point with Free snap active. See Specifying
points (p. 25). To define a snap grid, click Setup > Snap grid to open the Snap
grid dialog box.

Enter the following information:

Field Description
Grid Check to make the snap grid active.
Spacing x, y Snap grid spacing
Origin dx, dy Offsets for grid origin


Settings and Tools
To set which property Tekla Structures uses to determine part color, click Setup >
Colors... to open the Colors dialog box.

The Color settings are:

Options Description
White All parts are white.
Class All parts of the model are colored according to their
Class property.
Phase Parts belonging to different phases get different col-
ors. See also Phases (p. 119).
Lot Parts belonging to different lots get different colors.
See also Lotting (p. 134).
Attribute Displays parts in different colors according to the
values of a user-defined attribute. Select the
attribute from a list, but leave the Value field empty.
If you enter a value for the user-defined attribute,
Tekla Structures shows objects having that value in
green and other in white.
Analysis type Displays parts according to the member analysis
type. See also Member analysis type in the Analy-
sis Manual.
Analysis utility Displays parts according to the utilization ratio in
check analysis. See also Viewing analysis results in the
Analysis Manual.

With this switch active, Tekla Structures warns you with a beep when an error
occurs. Click Setup > Beep to toggle this switch on and off.


Settings and Tools
5.6 Numbering
This section explains how to change numbering settings and apply numbering in
Tekla Structures.

Numbering settings
To open the Numbering setup dialog box, click Setup > Numbering:

You can use various numbering options:

Option Action if checked

Renumber all Tekla Structures renumbers all parts. All infor-
mation on previous numbers is lost.
Reuse old numbers Tekla Structures reuses numbers assigned to
parts that have subsequently been deleted.
These numbers may be used to number new or
modified parts.
Check for standard parts If a separate standard part model has been set
up, Tekla Structures compares the parts in the
current model to those in the standard part
If the part to be numbered is identical to a part
in the standard model, Tekla Structures assigns
it the number of the part in the standard model.


Settings and Tools
New parts Options when numbering new parts:

Option Action
Compare to old A new part gets the same number as a previ-
ously numbered similar part.
Take new number A new part gets a number not used in previous
numbering, even if a similar numbered part
already exists.

Modified parts Options when numbering modified parts:

Option Action
Compare to old Same as for new parts (above)
Take new number Same as for new parts (above)
Keep number if possible Modified part maintains its previous number if

Always carry out full numbering on the model after you have
changed numbering settings. See the online help.

Numbering example
This example explains how different numbering settings result in different part
numbers when you modify a part.
1. Create three identical beams with the numbering series prefix P and start
number 1.
2. Number the model. All the beams have the part position number P1.
3. Modify one of the beams.
4. Number the model. You should now have two beams P1 and one P2.
5. Change beam P2 to be identical to the others.
6. Number the model.
Tekla Structures assigns different part position numbers to this part, according to
which numbering settings you used, as follows:
• Compare to old: P1
• Keep number if possible: P2
• Take new number: P3


Settings and Tools
Applying numbering
When you apply numbering, Tekla Structures assigns marks to parts and assem-
blies. Numbering is carried out according to the settings in the Numbering setup
dialog box (see Numbering settings (p. 125)).
Pop-marking Pop-marking for NC files also affects numbering. When pop-marking is active,
Tekla Structures will assign different numbers to identical parts if they have dif-
ferent pop marks.
Example Two main parts in different assemblies are identical, apart from a difference in
the position of the plates welded to them. In this case, Tekla Structures assigns
them different numbers.
Interrupt You can safely interrupt numbering before it is complete by clicking Cancel in
numbering the dialog box Tekla Structures displays while it is running. If you interrupt num-
bering, parts and assemblies retain their original numbers.
Log file Click Tools > Display log file > Numbering history log for a report showing the
numbering history.

For information on how to interpret the log file, see Log files in
the online help.

Applying To apply numbering, click Tools > Numbering. You have the following options:
Option Result
Modified Assigns marks to all modified and
new parts and assemblies.
Full Assigns marks to all parts and assem-
Assign number Changes final position number.
Unnumber selected Deletes current part and assembly
position number.
Unnumber selected (part only) Deletes current part position number.
Unnumber selected (assembly only) Deletes current assembly position
Unnumber selected (rebar only) Deletes current reinforcing bar posi-
tion number.
Preliminary marks Saves current part position number as
preliminary marks for selected parts.


Settings and Tools
5.7 Tools
Introduction This section describes various tools in Tekla Structures that you can use to check
a model and prepare it for fabrication.

Tekla Structures includes many tools you can use alone or together with other
tools to snap to specific locations. These tools are:
• Snap switches (p. 25)
• Numeric snapping (p. 128)
• Orthogonal snapping (p. 129)
• Tracking (p. 129)
• Temporary reference points (p. 130)
See also Snapping examples (p. 130).

Numeric snapping
Use the Enter a numeric location toolbar to key in position coordinates you want
to snap to.

To display the toolbar, initiate a command that requires you to pick positions, and
then do one of the following:
• Start entering the coordinates using the keyboard.
• Click Setup > Enter a numeric location and select an option.


Settings and Tools
The following table explains the types of information you can enter.

You can enter Description/Example Special character

Cartesian coordinates The x, y, and z coordinates of , (comma)
a position separated by com-
mas, e.g. 100,-50,-200.
Polar coordinates A distance, an angle on the <
xy plane, and an angle from
the xy plane separated by
angle brackets, e.g.
Angles increase in the coun-
terclockwise direction.
Absolute coordinates The coordinates based on the
origin of the work plane.
Relative coordinates The coordinates relative to @
the last position picked, e.g.
@1000,500 or @500<30.
One value A distance to an indicated
Two coordinates If you omit the last coordi-
Three coordinates nate (z) or angle, Tekla
Structures assumes that the
value is 0.
In drawings, Tekla Structures
ignores the third coordinate.

After you enter the coordinates, press Enter or click OK to snap to the position.

Orthogonal snapping
Use the shortcut O (Setup > Ortho) to snap to positions in orthogonal directions
on the work plane (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees, etc.).
To control orthogonal snapping, use the environment variables
mation, see Appendix C, Environment Variables, in the System Manual.

Tracking means that you follow a line and pick a point at a specified distance
along the line. You usually use tracking in combination with other snapping
tools, such as snap switches, or orthogonal and numeric snapping. See also
Snapping examples (p. 130).


Settings and Tools
Temporary reference points
You can create a temporary reference point to use as a local origin when snap-
ping in models or drawings.
1. Initiate a command that requires you to pick positions.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key and pick a position. A green cross indicates that this
position is now a temporary reference point.
3. Use this temporary reference point with snap tools to define directions and
See also Snapping examples (p. 130).

Snapping examples
When you have snap switches on and you use a command that requires you to
pick positions, the mouse pointer locks onto a snap point. Tekla Structures dis-
plays a magenta line between the last point picked and the snap point.

You can track along the line towards a snap point, and use the Enter a numeric
location toolbar to specify the distance from the last point picked.

You can also track along an orthogonal direction. See Orthogonal snapping
(p. 129).


Settings and Tools
In the illustration below, we snapped to a grid line midpoint and tracked along
the tentative line for 1000 units.


You can also track beyond the snap point, for example, 4000 units from the last
point picked.



Settings and Tools
Track in the opposite direction by entering a negative value, for example, -1000.


Reference points In this example, we create a beam using a grid line midpoint as a temporary ref-
erence point and tracking along an orthogonal direction (shown as green dashed
line) for 500 units. Click OK, and Tekla Structures creates the beam along the
magenta line.


Exact lines
Use Tools > Exact lines to display selected parts with exact lines. Click Window >
Redraw all, to clear the exact lines effect.
1. Select the parts.
2. Click Tools > Exact lines.
Settings and Tools
3. Click the window in which you want to display exact lines.
You can also right-click on the selected parts and choose Exact lines. Tekla Struc-
tures automatically applies Exact lines to the active window.

See View properties (p. 44) for more on the exact drawing

Hide lines
Use this command to display hidden lines in selected parts. Click Window >
Redraw all to clear the hidden lines effect.
1. Select the parts.
2. Click Tools > Hide lines.
3. Click the window in which you want to display the hidden lines
You can also right-click a part, then click Hide lines. Using this option there is no
need to click the window to make it active.
Hide parts You can quickly hide selected parts from a view. For example, you could use this
feature in complex connections, to temporarily hide parts in order to see the parts
behind them.
1. Select the parts to hide.
2. Right-click and select Hide.
• By default, hide changes parts to sticks
• To completely hide parts, use the Shift key with the hide com-
3. To make parts visible, use the command Window > Redraw all or right-click
the parts and select Exact lines.

Draw solid
You mainly use Draw solid for checking. Tekla Structures uses different color
lines to display:

Selected part Color

Ends Green
Cut faces Red
Undressed areas White


Settings and Tools
Use Window > Redraw all to remove the draw solid effect.
To use Draw solid:
1. Select the parts.
2. Click Tools > Draw solid.
3. Click the view window where you want Draw solid to take effect.

Show component
Use Show component to display the contents of selected components (parts,
bolts, etc.), even if Visibility in components is not checked in the View properties
dialog box.
If Visibility in components is not checked for the parts within the components,
they are visible when you create them. When you redraw the view window, they
are no longer visible.
To use Show component:
1. Click Tools > Show component.
2. Click a component symbol or select an area.

Show assembly
Use Show assembly to display the actual contents of a selected assembly, even if
some objects are hidden in a view:
1. Click a part.
2. Right-click a part.
3. Select Show assembly from the pop-up menu.
Tekla Structures displays all parts, bolts, welds, cuts, fittings, and other details
belonging to the assembly, even if they were hidden in the view properties.

Lots are consignments of assemblies for transporting to site. You can use lot
names and numbers in reports.
To use lotting:
Click Tools > Lotting to open Lotting dialog box. This displays the properties of
existing lots. Lots can be changed.


Settings and Tools
Creating a lot
To create a lot:
1. Click Tools > Lotting to display the Lotting dialog box. Tekla Structures lists
the existing lots.
2. Click Properties to display the Lot properties dialog box.

Enter new lot number here

3. Enter new lot number, and then enter a number in Current lot, Number and
ensure Number is checked.
4. Enter a the maximum weight of the lot in Max weight. Click Add.
5. You now have an empty lot. To add parts to the lot see Adding parts to an
existing lot (p. 135).

Adding parts to an existing lot

To add parts to a lot:
1. Click Tools > Lotting to display the Lotting dialog box.
2. Click an existing lot on the list. Tekla Structures highlights the parts
included in the lot. The total weight of the lot and the number of assemblies
it contains in are displayed under Applied values.


Settings and Tools
3. To add parts to an existing lot, use the Shift key and select the part(s). Click
Apply selected. Tekla Structures displays the weight and number of the parts
you add under Current values.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box. When you re-open the lotting dialog box,
the Applied values include the weight and number of the parts you added.
5. Tekla Structures displays a warning message when the weight limit of the lot
is exceeded. You can still add parts to the lot.

Always use the Shift key when adding parts to an existing lot. If
you simply select parts you will overwrite the contents of the
lot. You cannot select parts contained in other lots.

Deleting parts from an existing lot

To delete parts from a lot:
1. Click Tools > Lotting to display the Lotting dialog box.
2. Click an existing lot on the list. Tekla Structures highlights the parts
included in the lot.
3. Hold down the Ctrl key and select each part to remove.
4. Click Apply to remove the parts from the lot.
5. Click OK to exit the Lotting dialog box.

Deleting an existing lot

To delete an existing lot:
1. Click Tools > Lotting to display the Lotting dialog box.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click an existing lot on the list.
4. Click the Delete key.

Use Sequencer to name sequences and assign incremental numbers to parts.
There are many uses for the Sequencer, including defining erection sequences.
You can define several sequences for different purposes. You can include the
same parts in several sequences at the same time.


Settings and Tools
The Sequencer works by assigning user-defined attributes to parts. So you can
use the Sequencer to create user-defined attributes when you only need to use
numeric values. With Sequencer you can also assign numeric values to existing
user-defined attributes.

Creating a report
To include the sequence number in reports, enter the sequence name in the text
You can also use the sequence number in a report by entering the sequence name
in the table part row.

To create a list showing all the parts belonging to a sequence,

use the following rule in a row or intermediate row in the Tem-
plate Editor:
if(curr("SEQUENCENAME") != 0) then do()

Checking the sequence value

You can check the name and number of a sequence using the Inquire object com-
mand. To do this, the sequence name must appear as a user-defined attribute in
the objects.inp file. For more information, see Adding properties in the System

Using Sequencer
Click Tools > Sequencer to open a dialog box displaying existing sequences. You
can enter the following information:

Option Description
Sequence name If you want to assign values for existing user-defined
attributes with the sequencer, enter exactly the same
name as in the objects.inp file. For example,
PRELIM_MARK for preliminary marks.
Max number The highest number to use in the sequence. Objects
are numbered from 1 up. If you select an object that
has already been included in a sequence, Tekla Struc-
tures prompts if you want to override the existing
number. If you click Yes, Tekla Structures gives the
next available number to the object.
Delete Deletes the sequence. If there is only one sequence in
the list, the name of the empty sequence remains.


Settings and Tools
Creating a new sequence
To create a new sequence:
1. Click Tools > Sequencer to display the Sequencer properties dialog box.
2. Enter the Sequence name.
3. Click OK or Apply.
4. Select the parts you want to include in the sequence. The first part gets the
sequence number 1, the second, number 2, etc.
5. Finish adding parts to the sequence with the Interrupt or Esc key. The
Sequencer properties dialog box closes.

Adding parts to a sequence

To add parts to an existing sequence:
1. Click Tools > Sequencer to display the Sequencer properties dialog box.
2. Click the Sequence name.
3. Select the parts you want to add to the sequence.
4. Finish adding parts to the sequence with the Interrupt or Esc key. The
Sequencer properties dialog box closes.

Use Snapshot to capture dialog boxes, views, or the entire Tekla Structures win-
dow. Tekla Structures saves the snapshot as a bitmap in the current model folder.
This can be a useful tool. You can use snapshots in posters, brochures, or other
material to show projects carried out using Tekla Structures. Tekla Structures
technical support staff may ask you for a snapshot if you contact them with a
Function keys Use the following function keys to create snapshots:

Key Action
F9 Captures entire Tekla Structures windows
F10 Captures the last dialog box displayed
F11 Captures the active view
F12 Captures the active view, without borders

Print snapshot Check the Window > Snapshot > Print snapshot switch to have Tekla Structures
automatically print out the snapshot.


Settings and Tools
High resolution If you need high resolution snapshots, use the command
Window > Snapshot > Snapshot.... Tekla Structures opens a dialog box where you
can define the properties of a snapshot, as follows:
• From which view to take the snapshot
• Filename
• Include or omit view borders
• DPI, size, background color, line properties (only for rendered views)

5.8 Settings and tools reference

This section consists of the reference pages explaining how to use tools and
change settings in Tekla Structures.

Command Icon Description

Delete Deletes selected object(s).

Split Divides one part into two parts.

Combine Combines two parts into one.

Properties... Displays the properties of the selected

Undo Undoes the previous command(s).

Redo Redoes actions previously undone.

Numbering setup Defines the numbering settings.

Modified numbering Assigns part position numbers to the
parts and assemblies modified after pre-
vious numbering.
Full numbering Assigns part position numbers to all
parts and assemblies.

Assign number Changes final part position numbers.

Has different commands for parts,
assemblies, and multinumbers.


Settings and Tools
Command Icon Description
Clear numbers Deletes assigned part position numbers.

Preliminary marks Saves part position numbers as prelimi-

nary marks for selected parts.

Snapshot Displays the Snapshot... dialog box,

which you can use to set snapshot prop-
erties and take a snapshot from a
selected view.


Settings and Tools
A Parametric Profiles

These are the parametric profiles available in Tekla Structures:

HIh-s-t*b (symmetric)

PHIh1-h2-s-t*b (symmetric)




Parametric Profiles

PLh*b h=height






Parametric Profiles


HKh-s-t*b-c (symmetric)

HQh-s-t1*b1-t2*b2 (centered)

ZZh-t-e-b (symmetric)

CCh-t-e-b (symmetric)


Parametric Profiles

CUh-t-h1-b-e (symmetric)

EBh-t-e-b-a (symmetric)
Reference points: 1=right



ECh-t-e-b-a (symmetric)


Parametric Profiles





Parametric Profiles

RCDLs*h-d*t (symmetric)



RCDXs*h-b*h2*h1 (symmetric)


Parametric Profiles


Parametric Profiles
Parametric Profiles

An alternative name, for example, of a material.
Analysis model
Tekla Structures generates an analysis model of the physical and load models
when you run structural analysis. The analysis model contains nodes, members,
elements, loads, and other related information. It also includes load combina-
An entity fabricated in the workshop. All the parts connected by workshop welds
and workshop bolts form an assembly.
See User-defined attribute (p. 163).
A tool that automatically selects all the connected parts in the model, searches
for the appropriate connections, and gives them the correct default connection
A tool that compares selected connections with a predefined set of default values
and applies the correct ones to them.
Automatic cloning
A numbering setting that automatically copies an existing drawing to a modified
A command that automatically snaps to locked points when you use numeric
snap in the Drawing Editor.


A command that automatically saves your work, at set intervals.
A drawing setting that automatically sets the drawing scale.
A drawing setting that automatically sets the drawing size.
A view setting you use when zooming in a model. It defines at which distance
Tekla Structures displays objects as sticks instead of exact objects.

Base part
The longest main part in an assembly. Defines the direction of the assembly
drawing. See also Main part (p. 156).
Batch file
The startup file that launches Tekla Structures. Contains many environment vari-
ables that you can use to configure Tekla Structures for different standards and
your own style of working. Tekla Structures automatically creates the necessary
batch files during installation. The number of batch files it creates depends on
how many languages and country-specific environments you choose to install.
Bounding box
The area or volume around the load that Tekla Structures searches for load-bear-
ing parts. For each load you can define the dimensions of the bounding box in the
x, y, and z directions.
The curved portion of a polyline.

Cast unit
An entity of concrete parts cast in one continuous process. You create a cast unit
by indicating the parts that belong to the same cast unit.


Catalogs contain predefined information on all available profile, material, bolt,
and bolt assembly properties, and plotter settings.
Center of gravity
The location of the resultant of gravity forces on an object or objects. Sometimes
called center of mass.
Check dimension
A minor dimension that controls model accuracy.
Tekla Structures contains two classifier features:
• Drawing Classifier for customizing the appearance of parts, marks,
and dimensions in different drawing types.
• NC file classifier for sorting NC files of different parts to machine-
specific folders.
See Single-click (p. 161).
Use to copy drawings. For example, to copy an edited drawing for a similar part,
create a drawing for one truss, edit the drawing, then clone it for other similar
trusses. Now you only need to modify the cloned drawings where the trusses dif-
An instruction you give to the computer to do something. You usually select a
command from the menu bar.
A tool that automate tasks and group objects so that Tekla Structures treats them
as a single unit. Components can be:
• connections
• details
• macros
• user-defined (custom components)
Components adapt to changes in the model, so that Tekla Structures automati-
cally modifies a connection if you modify the parts it connects, for example.


Connection is a subtype of component. It connects two or more parts and auto-
matically creates the necessary plates, fittings, bolts, welds, etc. Examples of
connections: end plate, bolted gusset plate. In some cases we also use the term
connection for connections and details together.
Contour plate
A plate that you create by picking its corners.
Coordinate system
The origin and three axes (x, y, and z) perpendicular to each other. See also Glo-
bal coordinate system (p. 154) and Local coordinate system (p. 156).
A graphic symbol displayed on the screen to show the location of the mouse.
Custom Component Editor
The Tekla Structures editor you use to create your own connections, details, and
parts, and define their properties. In the Custom Component Editor, you can
build dependences between objects to make custom elements parametric and
adaptive to changes in the model.

The model database (the *.db1 files) contains all the information about the physi-
cal model. The *.db2 file is the numbering database.
Any predefined setting or value.
In connections, default values have a specific meaning. AutoDefaults can only
replace fields that have default values with new values from the Autodefaults set-
Design group
A group of parts that have the same name and profile. Tekla Structures uses
design groups when it searches for the optimal profiles for parts. It assigns the
profile of the governing part to all parts in the design group.
Detail is a subtype of component. It connects to a part and automatically creates
the necessary plates, fittings, bolts, welds, etc. Examples of details: base plates,
stiffeners, lifting hooks. See also Component (p. 151) and Connection (p. 152).


Dialog box
Tekla Structures displays a dialog box if you select a command whose name has
three dots after it, e.g. Select.... You can also double-click an object or icon to
display its properties dialog box.
To click the left mouse button twice in rapid succession. Double-click an object
or an icon to display its properties dialog box. Also use double-click to overwrite
the contents of a field in a dialog box. Note that this only highlights one word at
a time.
To move an item on the screen by selecting the item, then pressing and holding
down the mouse button, while moving the mouse. For example, you can move a
window to another location on the screen by dragging its title bar.
Drawing Editor
The Tekla Structures editor you use to edit drawings.
A separate program that converts NC files in DSTV format to DXF format.
The standard file format for AutoCAD drawings.
The Data Exchange Format you use to transfer CAD data to and from Tekla
Structures and other programs.

Elevation dimension
A level mark.
Environment variable
The command line variables in the Tekla Structures startup batch file. You can
use these to define various settings, default folders, default values, etc.
Rectanglular boundaries. For example, these might specify the content displayed
in drawing views.


A code that shows the status of a drawing (issued, frozen, modified, etc.). Tekla
Structures displays these flags in the drawing list.
Folded plate
An object type and command for plates whose folding form is determined by
picking points on the folding line. In the United States, folded plates are also
referred to as bent plates. This object type is no longer in use. Instead you should
use the Polybeam command to create folded plates.
Freezing a drawing prevents it from being accidently modified. Freeze the draw-
ing when you want to keep modifications in the drawing, such as additional
marks and dimensions, even if the model changes. See also Lock (p. 156).

Global coordinate system
Global origin and coordinate axes of a model. Shown by a green cube located at
the origin.
A specific dimension showing the gage of an outstanding leg.
A three-dimensional complex of planes. Tekla Structures shows its projection
onto the view plane using cyan dash-and-dot grid lines.
A globally unique identifier. Each Tekla Structures member has GUID, which is
unique across Tekla Structures models and across any software model. It assures
data integrity so that members are identified across projects.


A rectangular point that you can move to modify the size and shape of an object.
Tekla Structures displays these handles when you click an object.
A pattern you fill closed drawing objects with.

Key plan
A small model view in a drawing that indicates the location of an assembly, a
cast unit, or part in the model. The key plan includes the grid and the assembly,
cast unit, or part shown in the drawing.
Knock-off dimension
A dimension line from a part end to the original creation point of the part.

Drawing style containing sheets and tables (drawing titles etc.).
Library profile
A section that is available in standard sizes, such as W21x45, HEA200. See also
Parametric profile (p. 158).
Load combination coefficient
See Partial safety factor (p. 158).
Load combination
Load combination is a process in which some simultaneously acting load groups
are multiplied by their partial safety factors and combined with each other
according to specific rules.
Load combination rules are specific to a design process and are defined in build-
ing codes.


The result of the load combination process is a load combination.
Load group
A set of loads that have common partial safety factors in load combination.
These loads are caused by the same action. They always occur at the same time
and all together.
Load group direction
The direction of the action that causes the loads in a load group.
Load group type
The type of the action that causes the loads in a load group.
Local coordinate system
The coordinate axes (x, y, and z) of a part. For example, the x axis is parallel to
the long direction of a part. See also Global coordinate system (p. 154).
Locking a drawing prevents it from being opened, updated, cloned, deleted, or
modified if you change a model. See also Freeze (p. 154).
We also use lock to refer to the hardware lock delivered with the software.
A report that Tekla Structures writes when you use the program. Log files can
contain error messages, save history, numbering history, etc.
A consignment of assemblies to transport to site.

Macro is a subtype of component. Macro creates the parts to build a structure,
such as stairs, but does not connect the structure to existing parts. Macros can
include connections and details. See also Component (p. 151).
Main part
An assembly part to which other parts are welded or bolted, but which is not
welded or bolted to any parts. Assemblies can have one or many main parts. The
welding and bolting order determines which part is the main part. The chords of
a truss are typical main parts. See also Assembly (p. 149).


A text or symbol used to identify parts, bolts, welds, and connections in draw-
ings. Part marks are sometimes called piece marks.
Master model
The shared model you use in multiuser mode. Tekla Structures merges changes
in individual user models (plans) with the master model. See also Plan (p. 159).
A major, load-bearing part.
Menu bar
An area in the Tekla Structures window, located under the blue title bar, that con-
tains the pull-down menus containing all the Tekla Structures commands.
Middle mouse button
This can be a wheel or standard button. You use the middle mouse button to:
• Accept commands. For example, when Tekla Structures prompts you to pick
a sequence of objects, you finish picking by clicking the middle button.
• Scroll or pan views. See also Pan (p. 104).
• Zoom in and out, if the middle button is a wheel.
Use to copy, move, and reverse objects around a mirroring line.
Model Editor
The main working environment where you edit the model. The Model Editor
starts when you start Tekla Structures. See also Drawing Editor (p. 153).
Modify filter checkbox
A checkbox located in front of a dialog box field. The modify filter checkboxes
indicate which properties Tekla Structures modifies when you click the Modify
button. When a checkbox is selected, Tekla Structures only changes that value.
A large drawing that contains other drawings, such as assembly and single-part
A numbering system for parts and assemblies included in multi-drawings. Tekla
Structures uses the multi-drawing number in part and/or assembly numbers.


Neighbor part
A part that does not belong to an assembly or a cast unit but that is connected to
it. See also Assembly (p. 149), Cast unit (p. 150).

Orientation mark
A symbol showing the position of an assembly (a triangle inside a circle).
The point where coordinate axes intersect.
Overall dimension
A dimension between the outermost positions of a part, or an assembly.

To shift the view of a model or drawing without changing the magnification.
Parametric profile
Profiles that have a predefined, hard-coded shape, with one or more parameters
that define the size of the profile. See also Library profile (p. 155)
The basic component of a model. Parts are large members, such as beams and
columns, as well as smaller pieces, such as plates.
Partial safety factor
A factor by which a characteristic value is multiplied to produce a design value.
A factor that takes into consideration the occurrence probability of loadings in
load combination. In some context, also referred to as load combination coeffi-
Physical model
The portion of the product model database that has direct or indirect counterpart
in the structure to be build. An example of physical model object is the beam.
To use the left mouse button to specify points, or select objects in the model.
A user-specific view of the master model. See also Master model (p. 157).
A continuous beam that you create by picking points to indicate the segments.
Segments are straight, but segment intersections can be curved. For example, a
beam that follows a zig-zag line is a polybeam.
A continuous sequence of lines.
Pop mark
Small mark (hole) that the shop uses to weld or bolt secondary parts to the right
location on a main part.
Pop-up menu
Tekla Structures displays a pop-up menu when you right-click. The pop-up menu
contains the commands that you can perform on the selected object(s). See also
Right-click (p. 160).
Position dimension
A dimension that presents the location in which the connected part is attached.
Primary part
An assembly part that has something welded or bolted to it, and that is also
welded or bolted to another part. The welding and bolting order determines the
primary part. A primary part can simultaneously be the main part of one assem-
bly and a secondary part of another assembly. See also Assembly (p. 149).
A message on the status bar that provides information or asks you to do some-
A single value or characteristic associated with an object. See also User-defined
attribute (p. 163).
Pull-down menu
A menu located under the blue title bar in the Tekla Structures window. These
pull-down menus contain all the Tekla Structures commands.
A small drawing in the reinforcement mark that shows the dimensions of a rein-
forcing bar. See also Reinforcement pull-outs.


Reduction factor
Reduction factors exclude the impractical effects of the simultaneous loads.
Reference line
The line between the points you pick when you create a part.
Rendered view
A type of view in which Tekla Structures also displays object surfaces, rather
than only object outlines. See also Wire frame view (p. 163).
To click the right mouse button once to display a pop-up menu. The pop-up
menu contains the commands that you can perform on the selected object(s). See
also Pop-up menu (p. 159).
Right-hand rule
A rule that indicates the direction of coordinate axes. When you hold the thumb,
index finger, and middle finger of your right hand so that they form three right
angles, then the thumb symbolizes the x axis, the index finger the y axis, and the
middle finger the z axis.

Secondary part
An assembly part that is welded or bolted to another part, and that does not have
parts welded or bolted to.


Select switches
Select switches control the selection of objects. They define which object types
you can select.
A tool for assigning incremental numbers to parts. Can be used to assign erection
sequences, for example.
Serviceability limit state
A state beyond which the structure no longer satisfies the design performance
requirements or service criteria.
A key combination that performs a command. For example, Ctrl+Z for undo.
To click the left mouse button once.
A feature that helps dragging and dropping parts without selecting them first.
Snap switches
Settings that control snapping to different positions and points when creating
objects in the model or editing a drawing.
A picture of the screen, for example of the 3D model view. Also called screen
Three-dimensional continuous part that has surfaces. Tekla Structures uses solids
to represent parts in rendered views. In wire frame views parts are just lines.
Status bar
An area at the bottom of the Tekla Structures window where Tekla Structures
displays prompts and messages. The status bar also displays the following infor-
• The status of Xsnap (T), SmartSelect (S), and Drag and drop (D)
• The middle mouse button mode (Pan or Scroll)
• The current phase
• The number of the selected objects
A series of characters.


Support condition
Conditions are used in analysis and design. They specify how member end is
supported, or connected to another member. These conditions determine how
members move, deflect, warp, deform, etc., in relation to each other.
See Symbol Editor (p. 162).
Symbol Editor
The Tekla Structures editor you use to create and modify symbols used in tem-
plates, drawings, and reports. The Symbol Editor is also referred to as SymEd.

Table layout
Settings that define the appearance of drawing sheets. This includes margins,
spaces between drawing views, and the location of tables, such as title block,
revision table, material list, etc.
Template Editor
The Tekla Structures editor you use to create and modify templates used in draw-
ings and reports. The Template Editor is also referred to as TplEd.
A toolbar contains icons which give easy access to the most frequently-used
commands. Toolbars are located under the menu bar.
A small pop-up window that displays the name of an icon.
See Template Editor (p. 162).

Ultimate limit state
A state beyond which the structure no longer satisfies the design performance
requirements and which is associated with collapse, or with other forms of struc-
tural failure which may endanger the safety of people.


User coordinate system in Tekla Structures drawings. The system has origin and
x and y axes.
User-defined attribute
A single value or characteristic associated with an object. User-defined attributes
add on to the basic properties of objects.
User-defined profile
A profile whose cross sections are defined by a user.

A representation of a model from a specific location. To see your Tekla Struc-
tures model from virtually any angle, you can move and rotate the model, and
you can create views of it.
View depth
The thickness of the displayed slice of model. The objects within the view depth
and the work area are visible in the model.
View plane
The view-specific plane onto which the grids are projected and in which the grid
lines are visible. Points located in the view plane are yellow.

Web Viewer
A tool for viewing Tekla Structures models in Internet. Before viewing you need
to export the model from Tekla Structures to the Web Viewer format.
Wire frame view
A type of view in which Tekla Structures only displays object outlines, and
objects are transparent. Object surfaces are not displayed. See also Rendered
view (p. 160).


A wizard is a series of activities which you could carry out manually but which
Tekla Structures can perform automatically to help your work. In Tekla Struc-
tures, you can use wizards to create drawings.
Work area
A limited area that makes it is faster and easier to work on a certain portion of the
model. Tekla Structures indicates the work area using green, dashed lines.
Objects outside the work area exist but are not visible so you can e.g. confine to a
substructure and the views to your model are simpler and quickly updated.
Work plane
A red coordinate arrow symbol indicates the work plane which is the current,
local or kind of a user coordinate system of the model. The arrow symbol defines
the xy plane and the z direction is in accordance with the right-hand rule.
Work point
A creation point of a part. The points at the intersection of a secondary and main
part reference line are work points, too.
Wrap-around template
The way how round tube profiles are represented in single-part drawings.

A feature that activates the view window when you move the pointer over the
view. Without Xmouse you should click the view to activate it.
A feature that helps you to snap to the correct points by giving you visual cues.
As you move the pointer over an object, Tekla Structures automatically high-
lights the points it suggests you snap to.



A color
of model objects ...........................123
assemblies .......................................... 65 color by class .............................123, 124
numbering..................................... 67 commands ..........................................31
ending ..........................................33
executing ......................................31
B repeating ......................................32
using simultaneously .......................33
beep ................................................ 124 compare ...........................................109
bolt clearance .................................... 108 concrete parts
bolt group shape .................................. 83 creating ........................................76
bolts construction circles ................................53
about ........................................... 79 construction lines ..................................53
creating .................................. 80, 81 coordinate system
length .......................................... 84 in model ........................................36
location ........................................ 85 copying ............................................110
button ................................................ 22 creating
common buttons ....................... 23, 24 bolts ......................................80, 81
radio button ................................... 22 cast units ......................................66
concrete parts ................................76
grids ............................................42
C holes ............................................81
models .........................................37
cast units ............................................ 65 objects .........................................32
numbering..................................... 67 points ...........................................52
working with .................................. 66 steel parts .....................................76
chamfer .............................................. 93 views ...........................................48
checkbox ............................................ 22 welds ...........................................87
modify filter checkboxes ................... 24 Custom Component Editor ......................11
clash check ....................................... 108 cuts ...................................................95
bolt clearance .............................. 108
color .......................................... 124
bolt ............................................ 108 decimals ...........................................117
closing point symbol ................................117
views ........................................... 49 default grid ..........................................42
closing models ..................................... 40 default view .........................................48


deleting grids ..................................................41
grids ............................................42 coordinates ....................................41
named views .................................49 creating ........................................42
dialog box default grid ....................................42
common buttons .......................23, 24 deleting.........................................42
components...................................22 labels ...........................................41
inputting information ........................20 line extensions ...............................41
tabs .............................................23 modifying ......................................42
using dialog boxes ..........................20 properties ......................................41
drag and drop ............................111, 118
Drawing Editor .....................................11
E handles ..............................................70
editors in Tekla Structures ......................10 creating ........................................81
environment ..........................................9
exiting models ......................................40
exploding I
cast units ......................................66
exponent notation ...............................118 icons ..................................................31
using ............................................15
imperial units .....................................118
F inputting information ..............................20
inquire ..............................................106
field ...................................................22 interrupting
filtering commands ....................................33
in dialog box ................................116
techniques ..................................112 K
wildcards ....................................113 keyboard
fitting .................................................94 special keys ...................................24
flying through model ............................105
adjusting speed ............................105
changing direction .........................105 L
start flying ...................................105
stop flying ...................................105 language ...............................................9
library profiles ......................................58
line cut ...............................................95
list box................................................22
G location of parts ....................................69
grid views ...........................................47 lotting ...............................................134
adding parts to a lot .......................135
creating a lot ................................135
deleting a lot ................................136
deleting parts from a lot ..................136


magnifier .......................................... 102 objects
material .............................................. 62 creating ........................................32
measure ........................................... 106 modifying ......................................33
menus opening
menu bar ...................................... 12 models .........................................37
pop-up ......................................... 32 views ...........................................49
pull-down ................................ 12, 32 options .............................................122
Model Editor ........................................ 11
basic toolbars ................................ 16
screen layout ................................. 12 P
select switches ............................... 30
modeling pan ..........................................104, 118
basics .......................................... 35 parametric profiles ................................58
introduction ..................................... 7 part add ..............................................97
modify filter checkboxes ......................... 24 part cut ...............................................96
modifying parts ..................................................55
cast units ...................................... 66 concrete parts ................................76
grids ............................................ 42 location.........................................69
objects ......................................... 33 numbering .....................................66
views ........................................... 48 position.........................................69
mouse settings................................... 118 properties ......................................56
moving ..................................... 103, 111 steel parts .....................................76
toolbars ........................................ 15 user-defined attributes .....................64
moving the model in the view window ...... 103 phases .............................................119
multiple selection list ............................. 22 adding properties ..........................121
multiuser vs single-user ......................... 10 example ......................................120
working with.................................120
picking points .......................................25
N snap switches ................................25
Xsnap ..........................................28
numbering ........................................ 125 pointer settings ...................................118
and pop-marking .......................... 127 drag and drop ..............................118
applying ..................................... 127 SmartSelect .................................119
assemblies .................................... 67 Xmouse ......................................119
cast units ...................................... 67 Xsnap ........................................119
example ..................................... 126 points .................................................51
history log ................................... 127 coordinates ...................................51
interrupting .................................. 127 creating ........................................52
log file ........................................ 127 phase ...........................................51
modified parts .............................. 126 picking..........................................25
new parts .................................... 126 specifying ......................................25
parts ............................................ 66 polygon cut..........................................95
settings ...................................... 125 polygon shape .....................................97
what affects ................................... 68 pop-up menu .......................................32
numbering series .................................. 67 position of parts ....................................69


profiles sequencer .........................................136
library profiles ................................58 adding parts .................................138
parametric profiles ..........................58 creating new sequence...................138
part profile .....................................57 how it works .................................137
user-defined profiles ........................58 using ..........................................137
project properties ..................................38 settings .............................................116
pull-down menu ..............................12, 32 show assembly ...................................134
single-user vs multiuser ..........................10
SmartSelect .......................................119
Q snap grid ...........................................123
snap settings .................................25, 28
querying objects .................................106 snap switches ......................................25
overriding temporarily.......................27
snapping ...........................................128
R to numeric coordinates ...................128
to orthogonal directions ..................129
radio button .........................................22 using temporary reference points ......130
reference line .......................................70 using tracking ...............................129
reference point .....................................69 snapshot ...........................................138
reference points function keys ................................138
in snapping .................................130 print ...........................................138
rendered view ......................................45 special keys .........................................24
repeating commands .............................32 specifying points ...................................25
rotating model ....................................104 status bar ............................................13
automatically ...............................105 steel parts
in rendered view ...........................104 creating ........................................76
in wire frame view .........................104 Symbol Editor ......................................11
rotating view ......................................105

Template Editor ....................................11
saving models ......................................40 temporary reference points....................130
screen components ...............................12 tolerate cursor, see Xsnap ....................119
screen layout toolbars ..............................................15
in Model Editor ...............................12 in Model Editor ...............................16
select filter moving .........................................15
defining ......................................115 tools
dialog box ...................................115 draw solid ....................................133
standard .....................................114 exact lines ...................................132
using..........................................114 hide lines ....................................133
select switches show component ...........................134
in Model Editor ...............................30 tooltip .................................................13
selecting objects tracking ............................................129
controlling the selection ....................30 transparent commands ...........................33
how to select .................................28
in model .......................................28
select switches, in Model Editor .........30


work area ......................................36, 39
U work plane ....................................36, 39
units and decimals .............................. 117
fractions ..................................... 118
imperial ...................................... 118 X
no effect ..................................... 117
user interface Xmouse ............................................119
in Model Editor ............................... 12 Xsnap ........................................28, 119
user-defined part attributes ..................... 64
user-defined profiles .............................. 58
V 3-button mouse ............................101
view .................................................. 36 centered zooms ............................101
view filter .......................................... 115 commands ..................................100
view plane .................................... 37, 44 creating zoom window....................102
basic view plane ............................. 44 keystrokes ...................................101
views ................................................. 43 magnifier.....................................102
angle ........................................... 47 settings.......................................101
closing ......................................... 49 wheel mouse ...............................101
creating ........................................ 48 zoom in ......................................101
default view ................................... 48 zoom out .....................................101
deleting named views ...................... 49 zoom ratio ...................................102
displaying objects ........................... 49
grid views ..................................... 47
hiding objects ................................ 49
modifying ...................................... 48
naming ......................................... 44
opening ........................................ 49
projection ...................................... 47
properties ..................................... 44
rendered ....................................... 45
representation ................................ 45
types ........................................... 45
wire frame ..................................... 45

weld preparation................................... 92
creating ........................................ 87
position ........................................ 91
properties ..................................... 88
symbols ........................................ 87
types ........................................... 90
wheel mouse ..................................... 101
wildcards .......................................... 113
windows, using .................................... 14
wire frame........................................... 45



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