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Tag, also called it, tiggy, tig, tick or chasey, is a playground game that involves two or more players chasing
other players in an attempt to "tag" or touch them, usually with their hands. There are many variations; most
forms have no teams, scores, or equipment. Usually when a person is tagged, the tagger says, "Tag, you're
'it'!". The last one tagged during tag is "it" for the next round.


1. Tumbang Preso - Tumbang preso ("knock down the prisoner"), also known as tumba lata ("knock
down the can") or bato lata ("hit the can [with a stone]"), is a traditional Filipino children's game. It
is usually played in backyards, parks, or in streets when there is little vehicular traffic.
- Tumbang preso is a street game that originated in the Philippines and it has elements of both
dodgeball and tag, and it teaches children strategic thinking.


 Tin can
 Flip-flops/slippers


The rules of tumbang preso are somewhat similar to Duck on a Rock:

1. An it, the one to guard the tin can is chosen by throwing the pamato to the toe-line by all the
players. Whoever's pamato is farthest from the toe-line is the It.
2. The hitters will get ready at the back of the toe-line and at a signal from the It, game starts.
3. The pamato must be retrieved immediately once the can is knocked down, the It will start putting it
up inside the circle, the one tagged becomes the It.
4. When the can is hit and falls outside the circle but remains standing, the It has the right to tag the
hitter once the hitter leaves the toe-line.
5. The can may be kicked or knocked down under when it is outside the circle.
6. If a hitter is not able to retrieve his/her pamato, the others can save him/her by hitting the can.
2. Langit Lupa - Langit Lupa is one of the most popular traditional Filipino game. The name was coined
from two combined Filipino words (Tagalog), ‘Langit’ means 'Heaven' and the ‘Lupa’ means 'Earth or
‘just simply the ground level'. It is a game where it can be played by at least 3 or more people.


The mechanics of this game are so simple. The 'it' is the one who is going to chase all of the
players while in the game, he isn't allowed to chase and tag a player, who's mounting on any
'clamber' above the Lupa 'ground level'. Every player from the ground level can be chased and tag by
the 'it', if the 'it' was able to tag them while on the ground, then the tagged player will go to replace
the position of the 'it'. Therefore, each player within the ground must run as fast as they can and find
a clamber to save themselves from being the next 'it'.

3. Patintero - also known as harangang-taga or tubigan, is a traditional Filipino children's game. Along
with tumbang preso, it is one of the most popular outdoor games played by children in
the Philippines. Patintero is derived from Spanish word tinte ("tint" or "ink") in reference to the
drawn lines. Another name for it is tubigan, tubiganay, or tubig-tubig ("water [game]"), due to the
fact that the grid lines are also commonly drawn by wetting the ground with water. It is also known
as harangang-taga or harang-taga (lit. "block and catch"), referring to the game mechanics.


A team is composed of 5 players. The scorer and the timekeeper are assigned. The objective of a
team is to accumulate as many points by passing the lines without being tagged. A defensive team is
called line guard while an offensive team is called the passer.
1. The game is started with toss of a coin. Whoever wins becomes the passer.
2. A time limit of two minutes is given to each team to score.
3. Once the limit elapses, the line guards assume the positions of the passer, and vice-versa.
4. Passers are supposed to cross the lines from the starting point and back.
5. Four line guards are positioned on the vertical line and one on the horizontal line of the court.
Their feet should always be on the line.
6. Line guards tag the passer with powdered hands.
7. If any of the passer is tagged, the line guard immediately assumes the position of passer even if
the 2-minute limit has not elapsed.
4. Agawan Base (Agawang- Sulok) - is a form of tag similar to capture the flag but without flag.

For Agawan Base, you’ll be needing two base markers like slippers, chairs or trees.


 There will be 2 bases. Each base has equal members.

 Mark your base with the base markers
 Assign a member to guard your base. Other members may run outside their base to capture the
opponents or to steal the opponent’s base.
 To capture the opponents, you must tag them.
 The captured opponent will be the other team’s prisoner. He or she must stand in the captor’s base
until his or her teammates tagged him or her to be saved.
 To steal the base of the opponent and win, you must touch their base.

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