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LLB Criminology- Penology and Victimology

HONS – 7.6
Marks: 100 [ 80 + 20 ]

Detailed Syllabus Marks

1. Introduction- Penology 16
1.1 Definition of Penology

1.2 Punishment
1.2:1 Concept of Punishment
1.2;2 Object of
1.2:3 Theories of
1.2:3:1 Deterrent theory of Punishment
1.2:3:2 Retributive theory of Punishment
1.2:3:3 Preventive theory of Punishment
1.2:3:4 Reformative theory of Punishment

2. Capital Punishment 16
2:1 Capital Punishment in India
2:2 Constitutionality of Capital Punishment
2:3 Judicial Trend

3. Sentencing and Impriosonment 16

3.1 Approaches to Sentencing
3.1:1 Alternatives to Imprisonment
3.1:2 Probation
3.1:3 Compensation
3.1:4 Fines
3.2 Imprisonment
3.2:1 Jail System
3.2:2 Classification of Prisoners
3.2:3 Open Prison

4 The Police System 16

3:1 Police Force in India
3:2 The role of Police
3:3 Functions of Police

5. Victimology 16
4:1 Need for Compensation
4:2 Compensation and Rehabitation
4:3 Compensation as a Mode of Punishment
4:4 Constitutional Perspective of Compensation

Leading Cases
1.Bishnu Deo v. State of West Bengal AIR 79 SC 964
2.Munna v. State of UP AIR 82 SC 806
3.Sammder Singh v. State of Rajastan AIR 87 SC 737
4.Dharan Bir v. State of UP (1979) 3 SCC 645
5.Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, AIR 1980 SC 1579

Prescribed books
1. N.V. Paranjape, Criminology and Penology
2. Sutherland, Principles of Criminology
3. Siddiqui, Criminology
4. Sethna, Society and Criminal
5. Jones,,Crime and Penal System

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