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Fighter 17

Introduction 3 Monk 18

Updated Rules for Ravenloft 4 Paladin 19

Sanity, Fear/Horror, Madness 4 Ranger 20

Powers Checks 4 Rogue 20

Outcast Rolls 5 Sorcerer 21

Detection Powers 6 Warlock 21

Turn and Destroy Undead 6 Wizard 22

Channel Divinity 6 Character Customization 24

Domain Lords 6 Anchorite, Arcanist 24

Closed Domain Borders 6 Another Plan, Doctor 24

Necromancy 7 Gypsy, Guardian 24

Magical Travel 7 Poisoner, Physician 25

Curses and Sinkholes of evil 7 Stage Magician, Others 25

Resting, Healing and Injuries 7 Languages 31

Races 8 Feats 32

Caliban 9 New Feats 32

Dragonborn 9 New Racial Feats 35

Drow 9 New Skill Feats 36

Half-Vistani 9 Skills 37

Humans 9 Animal Handling 37

Tieflings and Other Races 10 Deception 37
Classes 14 Hypnosis (new), Others 37

Avenger 14 Equipment 38

Barbarian 14
Firearms, Doctor Kit 38
Bard 14
Silvered, Adamantine 39
Cleric and Ravenloft Religions 14
New Armors / Weapons 40
Druid 17 Alterations to Magic 41

Welcome to the 5 th
Edition Player’s Based on the Ravenloft Setting created by:
Guide for the Ravenloft Campaign Setting. These
Bruce Nesmith and Andria Hayday
are created in the spirit and ideal of the
setting as an aid to help bring Ravenloft games Domains of Dread Setting written by:
William W. Connors and Steve Miller
The overall intent of this update is a
desire to return Ravenloft back to its core ideals; Sword and Sorcery Edition written by:
a feeling that We believe was lost with the 3rd
Edition rules and, of course, never even explored Andrew Cermak, John W. Mangrum and
in 4 Edition. Andrew Wyatt

This is a labor of love and an ongoing D&D 5e Update written by

process so I hope that what I create is useful to Ravenspyre, Costa B.
fans and DMs of Ravenloft from all over.
What to Expect;
Updated Rules: This file contains information Legalese
and data that hopefully updates all present and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, RAVENLOFT, the
past Ravenloft games to the current setting of RAVENLOFT logo, D&D, PLAYER’S HANDBOOK,
MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the
Modular: The attempt is to make this feel as
Coast. Cover art from the CASTLE RAVENLOFT
close to the Ravenloft setting rules as possible,
Board Game. Back art from RAVENLOFT: Van
but DMs should in no way feel obligated to use
Richten’s Guide to Werebeasts. Additional inte-
these rules, as this will be drawing from all eras
rior art within this guide from various other
of Ravenloft.
RAVENLOFT sourcebooks and are all owned by
their respective owners and are used out of re-
spect in this guide for their work they put in.
What not to Expect; This is a fan created rules update and as such I
Replacement: This is not intended to be a re- claim no ownership of said products, only a love
placement for previous products and it is ex- for the setting itself.
pected that players own previous editions of
Ravenloft in order to fully utilize these rules up-

Mandatory: These are rules made to bring the

marvelous spirit and feel of Ravenloft to the 5th
edition, and are based on the Curse of Strahd
adventure and previous editions.

Excuse for Piracy: These rules are not intended

for players to not buy any products from WotC,
and not a legal excuse for piracy. Buy the prod-
ucts and insure that D&D will live on and con-
tinue to provide entertainment into the future!
We recommend the purchase of the Curse of
Strahd adventure and other Ravenloft products

to contact an alien mind, the DC = 8 + ½ HD +
The following are updated rules for Ravenloft Wisdom modifier. Madness checks that are the
interpreted for 5th Edition D&D. result of a spell use the saving throw value of
 The Ability Scores are now rolled with 3d6, the spell. A Madness check that is the result of a
instead of rolling 4d6 and discarding the total catastrophe such as a particularly bad hor-
smallest number. Sanity is new Ability Score. ror save, should use a similar DC to the horror
(see DMG) save.

Bonuses to fear
and horror checks should
Fear, horror, madness and
either be a +1 or +2 de-
Sanity rules are described
pending on the situation.
in the DMG.
For instance if you have a
Fear: Fear is the weapon that can hurt a
mind collecting itself particular enemy you
from a quick shock thus it gain a +1 bonus or if a
is a Wisdom check. Fear loved one is in danger
saves have a DC = 8 + you might gain a +2 bo-
creatures Charisma Modi- nus. Other things might
fier or just a flat DC of 10 give you Advantage on
for a scene. If it’s a never said rolls such as you
before seen encounter or have faced a similar
creature then the DC is threat before and tri-
increased by +2. If the umphed, or you’ve gained some knowledge on
character is alone the DC is increased by +1. If a how to defeat such threats.
character has lost half or more of their HP then Of course Disadvantage can happen on
the DC is increased by +1. If the creature is ob- said rolls to. If a character has faced a similar
viously stronger than the character then the DC threat and been defeated that may cause Dis-
is increased by +2. advantage. And if a friend or ally turns out to be
the cause of the check then that may cause a
Horror: Horror is the attempt of trying Disadvantage to the roll as well.
to process the true threat of a scene, thus it is The DM may apply other penalties or situational
an Charisma check. Horror is harder to gauge for bonuses.
and not as simple to create a flat DC. In
short this is left up to best judgment of the DM,
but a safe bet is a base of 8 for something like
seeing a decaying body. The more gruesome or In the Ravenloft world, When people from the
unexpected the scene might be, the harder it bad things, like stealing, killing, torturing,
should become. Witnessing a malign paradigm profaning, threatening, and others,
shift, such as discovering your fiancé is the They Can Become cursed by the dark powers,
blood thirsty werewolf you have been hunting being taken by evil, even becoming a Dark Lord.
all along, should easily be considered a +10 to See Power Check appendix.
the DC number. In short, any evil acts caused to someone,
necromancy, curses, grave breaches, and similar
Madness: Madness is the attempt to try others, require Power Check.
and convince oneself of the rationale of the im- The DMG will always tell you when to roll a
possible that has been seen, thus it is a Sanity Power Check, which is a d100 roll.
check. Madness checks depend on the situ- Choose your side, good or evil. And suffer the
ation they occurred in. If it’s the result of trying consequences!

Race Outcast Rating base:
Most of the people of Ravenloft live and die  Aasimar = 4
within a close distance from their place of birth  Caliban = 5
and can spend his entire life sinning to never  Deva = 4
consciously encounter the supernatural.  Dhampir = 5 * #
When you join cultures that are rich in  Dragonborn = 5 #
superstitions and suspicious, the result is  Dwarf = 3 except Duergar= 5 and Crag = 5
xenophobia. The degree of rejection (Outcast  Elf = 3 except Eladrin = 4, Dusk = 4, Sea
rolls ) is modified by race, social status, physical Elf = 5 and Shadar-kai = 5 and Drow = 5
deformities, equipment that carries.
 Halfling = 1
 Half-Vistani = 2 *
Outcast rolls works as a penalty in Persuasion,
 Human = 0
Deception, and Performance checks, and bonus
 Genasi = 5
in Intimidation checks, as an RP modifier.
OR modifiers are never applied against friends  Gnome = 2 except Deep Gnome = 5
or allies, other NPCs or players that have OR  Goblin = 5
modifiers from the same source, such as  Goliath = 5 @
members of a race.  Shadar-kai = 5
The OR reflects only the initial reactions and it is  Shifter = 5
possible to improve the reputation of the  Tiefling = 5 &
individual. For each act of kindness or courage  Viryloka = 5 * #
performed by the character, such as preventing  Wilden = 5
a crime, defeating a monster that threatened a * You can try to disguise yourself as a human = 0
community, assisting a farmer in a harvest, save # Cause fear. & May be persecuted to death.
one NPC of death, the fear plaguing the @ Considered an aberration
community will be gradually reduced, and its OR
will be reduced by 1 point or more, to a Situational adjustments of Outcast Rating:
minimum of 0, within their community.  +1 for wearing heavy armor
Malicious and embarrassing acts increase their (depending on the context) or armor of
rejection, and many have power checks, and as a special material for the area.
a character's OR increases, NPC reactions to it  +1 for carrying an unusual weapon or
change from unfriendly to frightened. item for the area.
 +0 to +5 for casting a divine or arcane
Any non-human race is discriminated against in spell in front of others (this is variable
Ravenloft, some more, some less, and begin depending on who is witness, of the
with base OR greater than zero, which reflects situation and domain.)
their degree of rejection. Note that some races  +1 for not speaking the common
have different OR bases for their sub races, such language of the Domain.
as DROW, DUERGAR, and DEEP GNOME.  +1 to +5 for have evil acts. (this is
variable depending of the act)
Some domains may impose their own OR base  +1 to +2 for have embarrassing acts.
or OR modifiers, according to races, classes and (this is variable depending of the act)
backgrounds. You will find this!
 +1 to +5 for have for having some
apparent curse. (this is variable
Some races still cause additional situations, such
depending of curse and intensity.)
as DHAMPIR that can cause fear and TIEFLINGS
 -1 to -5 for being important, noble or
that can be pursued to the death. And there are
law enforcement.
also races like DHAMPIR and HALF-VISTANI who
 -1 to -5 for kindness or courage acts
can try to disguise themselves as humans.
(this is variable depending of the act)

Spells, abilities and items that grant a player the The presence of the divine is felt less in
ability to detect other beings, such as detect evil Ravenloft than in other worlds. While a majority
and good do not reveal what the beings are. of channeled divine effects mechanically will
Instead, the player gets a sense of something is appear unaffected, the Dark Powers have a
either natural or unnatural. DMs are encour- sense of humor. They tend to warp the actual
aged to broaden their horizons on what is con- appearance of said effects to differing things,
sidered natural and unnatural, such as nonhu- such as a war priest who channels the divine
mans, familiars and other spells might be con- might start having blood drip from them or a
sidered unnatural. tempest priest might have mists forming
around them as they channel their abilities.
Undead receive a bonus in that they get
a Wisdom save. Self-willed undead are further This of course is completely optional ef-
protected from mental invasion and if they fect and is only something that would occur to
make their save they can reveal whatever the heighten the atmosphere for role-play purpos-
creature wishes. Domain lords are completely es.
immune to being detected and will always ap-
pear normal on such spells unless the lord wills
it otherwise. Normally domain lords are pretty much unstop-
pable forces. However, sometimes there is a
The only exception to this rule is a very chance that a player can overcome their influ-
powerful artifact. Such artifacts can go beyond ence. In these cases, domain lords always have
the powers of Ravenloft and reveal the true in- Advantage. In instances where a domain lord is
tents and nature of such beings, but artifacts the master of whatever the contest concerns,
are exceptionally rare in the Land of the Mists. such as a domain lord that can control all the
wolves in his domain, the domain lord wins au-
Undead gain advantage
on their saving throw in Domain lords also know
Ravenloft. Intelligent and when someone is trying to pry into
self-willed undead that their minds. As a result any save
fail their save are not required is automatically passed
compelled to flee but are unless the domain lord wills it oth-
unable to approach a erwise. Prying into the thoughts of
cleric or paladin with a such an evil being requires a Mad-
presented holy symbol. ness check, at the very least.
Turn the Unholy and Turn
the Faithless are similarly
affected. In the case of special closed do-
main borders, such as Strahd’s Poi-
son Fog, any special protections or
The effect of this is half in other effects that would provide
Ravenloft. When consult- immunity for the character are ig-
ing the chart on page 59 of the PHB always half nored. These are special effects that go beyond
the value, thus ½ becomes ¼, 1 becomes ½, 2 any protection the player characters might have
becomes 1, etc. and thus those protections do not apply. Thus
poison still affects those immune to it, darkness
still affects those able to see in darkness, and
extreme heat or other weather conditions can-

not be ignored or altered magically or other- the DC of the spell that bestowed the curse.
wise. With curses of vengeance, the DC = 8 + ½ invok-
er’s HD + charisma modifier + severity of the
Furthermore, any attempt to try and curse.
cross a closed domain border with magic or
special class abilities automatically fail. The Cursed magical items require the cursed
character attempting to do so will find them- user to make a Wisdom save with a DC = 10 + 1
selves deposited back in the domain they just per property of the item to break the attune-
left. Only with the permission of a domain lord ment. Thus if a weapon had 3 properties, for
can one hope to cross a closed domain border. instance, that would be a DC of 13.
The only exception to this rule is again,
powerful artifacts. But artifacts of such power
are exceptionally rare in Ravenloft.

Necromancy is much more powerful in Sinkholes of evil still exist. Whenever a

Ravenloft than in other worlds. When casting a player is near a minor sinkhole of evil, the
necromantic spell, it is treated as if you used a creatures gain a +1 bonus to their saving
spell slot 1 level higher than you actually did, throw when Turn Undead is employed. A
your DC spell increase to 1 and your spell attack major sinkhole of evil increases this bonus
increase to 1. In addition to this the undead to saving throws versus Turn Undead to a
created gain 1 additional hit die. +2.
However, necromancers have to be
When a domain lord is in close
wary. When the undead are first created they
proximity, they grant a cumulative +1
get a Wisdom saving throw. If they succeed,
bonus as well to any saving throw when
they are not under the control of the caster and
Turn Undead is employed. This means
are free to attack whomever they wish (usually
that if a domain lord is nearby on a major
the caster for bringing them back in such a piti-
sinkhole of evil, any saving throw made
ful state). Any time that necromantic spell is cast
would have a +3 bonus to Turn Undead.
the character must make a Powers Check.
In addition to this, the modifiers
of a sinkhole of evil also affect Fear and
Magical travel in Ravenloft is much more lim-
Horror checks. Thus if characters were in
ited than in other worlds. Attempting to use
the depths of Castle Ravenloft, any check
spells that would normally allow the character
required would gain an automatic +2 to
to leave the Demiplane, fail, and instead depos-
the DC.
it the character randomly in another location
within Ravenloft. Gate spell requires power
check equal necromancy spells.
Rest and Healing
A character can't spend any Hit Dice after
Curses are powerful in Ravenloft, much more so
finishing a short rest until someone expends one
than other worlds. Removal of such curses can
use of a healer's kit or doctor's kit to bandage and
only be accomplished through the clause in the
treat the character's wounds. (DMG rules 266p.)
wording of said curse. Spells like remove curse
can provide temporary relief but require the
When it fails a death saving throw by 5 or more
afflicted to make a Wisdom saving throw versus
causes one Injury. Or when the DMG judge it
appropriate (a fall for example) or dramatic.

This section only includes Ravenloft races, clari- and dim conditions. You can see in dim
fies what races are not native to Ravenloft, and light within 60 feet of you as if it were
provides rules for handling truly bizarre races bright light, and in darkness as if it were
from the PHB and beyond. OR is Outcast Rating. dim light. You can’t discern colors, only
Caliban {OR base=5} shades of grey.
Orcs are unheard of in Ravenloft and thus there  Menacing: You gain proficiency in the
are no natural born half-orcs. Caliban take their Intimidation skill.
place instead, misshapen humans that were  Relentless Endurance: When you are
exposed to foul, corruptive magic while still in reduced to 0 hit points but not killed
their mother’s womb. Average features tend to outright, you can drop to 1 hit point in-
be hump backs, tusk like teeth and tough hide stead. You can’t use this feature again
bodies, abnormal facial features, etc. until you finish a long rest.
 Savage Attacks: When you score a criti-
 Ability Score Increase: Strength is in- cal hit with a melee weapon attack, you
creased by 2 and Constitution is in- can roll one of the weapon’s damage
creased by 1. dice one additional time and add it to
 Age: Same as humans. the extra damage of the critical hit.
 Alignment: Having been born outcasts  True Outcast: Your standing with others
and rejects, Caliban tends towards neu- never improves because of your cursed
tral or chaotic alignments. appearance. You cause great mistrust in
 Size: Average sizes for humans. the humans you interact with, and you
 Speed: Base walking speed of 30 feet. are considered an aberration, is not
 Darkvision: Whether thanks to whatev- accepted in most societies.
er foul magics corrupted you or the fact  Languages: You speak one of the lan-
you were hidden away in darkness, you guages of the Core.
have developed superior vision in dark

Dragonborn {OR=5}  Survivors: You gain proficiency in
There are no native Dragonborn in Ravenloft. Survival skill.
All Dragonborn are outsiders of the Land of the  Favored of Fate: A ll your saving throws
Mists. Due to their incredibly alien appearance, rolls increase by 1.
the DMs can also opt to encourage Fear
checks upon first seeing a Dragonborn if they  Evil Eye: Once per Long Rest, you gaze
are revealed or take no actions to disguise spitefully at your enemy and mutter a
themselves. Is not accepted in most societies. curse. As a Action, you look into the
Languages: You speak one of the languages eyes one creature that can see up to
of the Core. 10ft. And that creature must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw with DC = 8
Drow Elves {OR=5} + your Wisdom or Charisma Bonus +
Drow are unheard of in Ravenloft and any Drow Proficiency Bonus, or has disadvantage
in Ravenloft are always outsiders. Due to them on attack rolls against you up 1 minute.
looking more like some dark fey creature, and Requires Power Check 5%.
its base OR base in Outcast rules is larger than a  Tribal Heritage: Choose a tribal herit-
non-drow Elf. Is not accepted in most societies. age. It imparts one additional perk.
- Canjar: Add +1 on all Arcane rolls.
Half-Vistani {OR base=2*} - Corvara: +1 on all Sleight of Hand rolls.
*You can try to disguise yourself as a human = 0 - Equaar: +1 on all Animal Handling rolls.
Called giomorgo, or giamarga if they have an - Kamii: Advantage using tools that deal
elven parent, are a troubled lot. Welcomed in with metals or metallurgy.
neither their Vistani families nor their human or - Naiat: +1 on all Performance rolls.
elven ones, they are a race between worlds, - Vatraska: +1 on all Medicine rolls.
much like half-elves. They resemble their - Zarovan: +1 on all initiative rolls.
Vistani parents, with angular or aquiline fea-  Languages: They can learn three of
tures, dark brown to raven black hair and dusky any language of the core plus the Half–
or olive complexions and only slightly pointed Vistani familiar with Patterna. When at-
ears if they are from elven stock. Like their tempting to read the symbol the Half-
Vistani parents, the Half-Vistani tends to wan- Vistani makes an Intelligence check. On
der the countryside, never staying in the same a successful check, the DM rolls a d20.
place twice. This wanderlust On a 2 to 20 the Half-
has given them some added Vistani, ok. If roll of a 1,
benefits as well. however, misreads the sym-

 Ability Score Increase: bol and completely gets its

Wisdom is increase by 2 , meaning wrong.
and two other ability scores Humam {OR base=0}
by 1.
 Age: Same as humans. Humans are the most repre-
 Alignment: Half-Vistani sented race in Ravenloft with
tends towards chaotic very few exceptions (such as
alignments due to their Sithicus). As such, as most rac-
carefree nature. es tend to be human, humans
 Size: Average sizes for also don’t react as negatively
humans. to them.
 Speed: Base walking Languages: You speak one of
speed of 30 feet.
the languages of the core.

 Socially Accepted: Humans tend to be
more accepted with the denizens of
It should not be unusual to say that the
Ravenloft, (not OR penalties) unless
more unusual the race the less likely they
they make their foreign nature apparent
are to receive any response at all in
or dealing with nonhumans.
Ravenloft. DMs should be ready to place
Tiefling {OR base=5} penalties on social rolls if not inspire Fear
Tieflings are extremely rare in Ravenloft, but checks from NPCs that see player
there are a few. Due to the tales often told, the characters that come from strange and
folk of Ravenloft take Tieflings as the devils they unusual races, such as Outsiders.
resemble. Whenever a Tiefling’s nature is first Types of responses that DMs
discovered, Fear and Horror checks may be might even consider could very well bor-
called for. Tieflings will never gain the trust of der on running the player out of town to
the superstitious Ravenloft folk and thus will lynch mobs that think that the character
always be outcasts. Furthermore, any reaction will bring bad luck to even wanting to
on a failed social roll will always be hostile can sacrifice them to appease some evil spirit.
lead to outright lethal. See news in MODERKAINEN. Life as a nonhuman is very rough indeed,
and for a fantastical nonhuman can be
*OTHER RACES: -Dwarf {OR=3} (Add. Duergar downright deadly.
and Crag Sub-race {OR=5}. See MODERKA. and above)
-Elf {OR=3} (Add. Eladrin {OR=4}, Shadar-kai {OR=5},
Sea Elf {OR=5} and Dusk {OR=4}. See MODERKAINEN
and above. Dhampir (half-vampire)
-Gnome {OR=2} (Add. Deep Gnome Sub-race {OR=5}. {OR=5*}
See MODERKAINEN) *You can try to
-Halfling (No changes) {OR=1} disguise yourself as
-Half-Elf (No changes). Called of “Fey Born” {OR=1} a human = 0
-Aasimar (See in VOLO GUIDE) {OR=4} Ability Score Increase:
-Genasi (See Elemental Evil) {OR=5} Your Strength, Dexterity
-Goliath (See Elemental Evil) {OR=5} and charisma scores
increases by 1, and you
Deva {OR=4} choose between Strength,
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score Dexterity or charisma
increases by 2 and your Wisdom score by 2. ability score to increase
Alignment: Normally Lawful Good or Lawful Evil more 1 (total 2). Alignment: Likely to be
alignment. Very rarely become Lawful Neutral. lawful as chaotic.
Size: As Human, Medium. Speed: 30 feet. Size: As human, Medium. Speed: 30 feet.
Age. Devas do not age. They do not die of old age. Age: Dhampir mature at the same rate as
Astral Resistance: You have resistance to radiant humans and can live into their 200 years.
and Necrotic Damage. Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light
Healing Touch: You Touches another creature only within 120 feet as if it were bright light, and
(not you), that magically regains 4d8 hit points. You in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
must complete a long rest before you can use this discern color in darkness, only shades of
ability again. grey.
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes: When you make Unnatural Resilience: You have advantage
an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check and on saving throws against disease, charm and
dislike the result, you can roll 1d8 and add it to the poison, and have resistance to necrotic
result. You must complete a short or long rest before damage.
you can use this ability again. Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage
Worldly Knowledge: Proficiency in the History skill. on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception)
Languages: One of the languages of the Core and checks that rely on sight when you, the

target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to Shifter {OR=5}
perceive is in direct sunlight. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Daywalker. You can use a bonus action to expend increases by 1.
one Hit Die to ignore your Sunlight Sensitivity feature Alignment. Shifters are usually neutral,
effects for 10 minutes, but you gain 1 level of viewing the struggle to survive as more
exhaustion 10 min. Reduced all levels with Long rest. important than moral or ethical concerns
Slow Metabolism.You can survive on half the normal about how survival is maintained.
amount of food and water. Size. Shifters are about the same size as
Dhampir Magic. You know the Friends cantrip. When humans. Your size is Medium.
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Charm Person Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you Age. Same as humans.
can also cast the Spider Climb spell once per day. Darkvision. Your lycanthropic heritage grants
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. you the ability to see in dark conditions. You
Vampire's Bite. You have the ability to make a bite can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
attack against either a willing creature, a creature it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
that is charmed, grappled, or a creature that is were dim light. You can’t discern color in
incapacitated or restrained. You can use your darkness, only shades of gray.
Strength or Dexterity for your bite's attack roll, and Shifting. On your turn, you can shift as a
you're proficient. On a hit, your bite deals damage bonus action. Shifting lasts for 1 minute or
equal to 1d6 plus the ability modifier used to make until you end it on your turn as a bonus
the attack roll of piercing damage, plus 1d6 necrotic action. While shifting, you gain temporary hit
damage. You may also choose to gain temporary HP points equal to your level + your Constitution
equal to the amount of damage dealt by this attack. bonus (minimum of 1). You also gain a
You may gain temporary hit points from this trait a feature that depends on your shifter subrace,
number of times equal to your Charisma bonus described below. You must finish a short or
(minimum of 1). Expended uses of this feature are long rest before you can shift again.
restored after a long rest. Keen senses. You have proficiency with the
Languages: You speak two of the languages of the perception skill.
Core. Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Sylvan and one of the languages of the Core.
Goblin {OR=5} Subrace. Several subraces of shifter exist,
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases each with its own animalistic features.
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1. Choose one of the options below.
Alignment. Goblins are typically neutral evil, as they -Beasthide: As a beasthide shifter, you
care only for their own needs. A few goblins might are especially tough and persistent in battle.
tend toward good or neutrality, but only rarely. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution
Size. Goblins are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh score increases by 2.
between 40 and 80 pounds. Your size is Small. Tough. You have proficiency with the
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. athletics skill.
Age. Goblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up to Shifting Feature. While shifting, you gain 1d6
60 years. additional temporary hit points, and while
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of shifted, you have a +1 bonus to AC.
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it -Longtooth: As a longtooth shifter, you
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, are a ferocious combatant.
only shades of gray. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
Fury of the Small. When you damage a creature with increases by 2.
an attack or a spell and the creature's size is larger Fierce. You have proficiency with the
than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal Intimidation skill.
extra damage to the creature. The extra damage Shifting Feature. While shifted, you can use
equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't your elongated fangs to make an unarmed
use it again until you finish a short or long rest. strike as a bonus action. If you hit with your
Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide fangs, you can deal piercing damage equal to
action as a bonus action on each of your turns. 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Goblin bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed
and one of the languages of the Core. strike.
-Swiftstride: As a Swiftstride shifter, you are You can’t discern colour in darkness, only
graceful and quick. shades of grey.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Undead Resistance. You have resistance to
Charisma scores both increase by 1. necrotic damage.
Graceful. You have proficiency with the Acrobatics Red Ledge. Proficiency in the History skill.
skill. Living Dead. Because your soul is tainted by
Swift Stride. Your walking speed increases by undeath, you are both living and undead. If a
5 feet. feature has different effects on living
Shifting Feature. While shifted, your walking speed creatures and undead ones, you choose
increases by 5 feet. Additionally, you can move up to which effect applies to you.
10 feet as a reaction when an enemy ends its turn Human Heritage. You have advantage on any
within 5 feet of you. This movement doesn’t provoke deception checks made to pass as a human.
opportunity attacks. Blood Dependency. You have a pool of 3
-Wildhunt: Your wildhunt heritage makes you a blood points. Your maximum blood points is 3.
consummate tracker and survivor. Every time you complete a long rest, or a day
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases passes without you completing a long rest,
by 2. you expend one point from your pool. If you
Natural Tracker. You have proficiency with the feed on the blood of a humanoid live or dead
Survival skill. in up to 4 hours, taking approximately 200 mL
Mark the Scent. As a bonus action, you can mark one (1 min.), you regain 1 blood point. While you
creature you can see within 10 feet of you. Until the have 0 blood points, you gain half as much
end of your next long rest, your proficiency bonus is from all healing and gain one exhaustion level.
doubled for any ability check you make to find the This pool is combined with any other features
marked creature, and you always know the location that grant you a blood pool.
of that creature if it is within 60 feet of you. You can’t Vampire's Bite. You have the ability to make a
use this trait again until you finish a short or long bite attack against either a willing creature, a
rest. creature that is charmed, grappled, or a
Shifting Feature. While shifted, you have creature that is incapacitated or restrained.
advantage on Wisdom checks. You can use your Strength or Dexterity for
Languages: You speak one of the languages of the your bite's attack roll, and you're proficient.
Core. On a hit, your bite deals damage equal to 1d6
plus the ability modifier used to make the
Viryloka {OR=5} *You can try to disguise attack roll of piercing damage, plus 1d6
necrotic damage. You may also choose to gain
yourself as a human = 0
temporary HP equal to the amount of damage
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
dealt by this attack. You may gain temporary
by 2, and you may increase either your Strength or
hit points from this trait a number of times
Dexterity score by 1.
equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum of
Alignment. A Vryloka’s vampiric nature means they
1). You regain 1 blood point in each use.
are pulled towards lawful evil, believing strongly in
Expended uses of this feature are restored
order and structure. However, many Vrylokas
after a long rest.
attempt to struggle against their innate evil nature.
Blood Fury: When you kill an enemy, you as a
Size. Vrylokas are about the same size as humans.
reaction can move a your base walking speed
Your size is Medium.
without provoking opportunity attacks and
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your
Age. Natural-born vrylokas age a little slower than
total level, and gain +2 in your melee damage
humans, reaching maturity in their late 20s, at which
rolls (include Vampire’s Bite) until the end of
point they cease to visibly age. First-generation
your next turn. You must complete a short or
vrylokas remain the age they were when they went
long rest before you can use this ability again.
through the bloodbond ritual. Vrylokas live for many
Ritual Heritage: Once per long rest, you have
an advantage in one saving throw (including
Darkvision. Thanks to your vampiric blood, you have
death saving throw) to your choice.
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can
Languages: You speak two of the
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. languages of the Core.

Wilden {OR=5} sight when you, the target of your attack, or
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct
by 2, and your Dexterity score by 1. sunlight.
Alignment. Wildens commonly have chaotic Dusk Elf Invisibility. When you take damage
personalities and experience extremes in their that reduces you to half your maximum hit
emotions. points of fewer, you can use your reaction to
Size. Wildens are about the same size as Elfs. Your cast invisibility spell, and become invisible
size is Medium. until the end of your next turn. Once you use
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. this ability, you cannot use it again until your
Age. Same as Elfs. finish a short or long rest.
Darkvision. Your lycanthropic heritage grants you the Dusk Elf Stealth. As a bonus action, you can
ability to see in dark conditions. You can see in dim grant an ally within 30 feet, advantage on a
light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, Dexterity (Stealth) check on their next turn, as
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t if you had take the help action. Once you use
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. this ability, you cannot use it again until your
Hard Form. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, finish a short or long rest.
and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Dusk Elves Weapon Training. You have
Naturally resilient. Choose Dexterity or Wisdom proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and
saving Throw, to gain a +1 racial bonus to that hand crossbows.
Wilden Weapon Training. You have proficiency with Crag Dwarf (Dwarf sub-race) {OR=4}
the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence Score
Naturally Skilled. You gain proficiency in one skill of increases by 1.
your choice, either Animal Handling, Nature, Dwarven Psionics: You know the mage hand
Perception or Survival. cantrip, and the hand is invisible when you
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws cast the cantrip with this trait.
against being charmed, and magic can't put you to When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the
sleep. jump spell once with this trait, and you regain
Nature's Aspect: Whenever you complete an long the ability to do so when you finish a long
rest, choose one of the following aspects of nature to rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast
manifest. the detect thoughts spell once with this trait,
Aspect of the Ancients: When you hit an enemy you and you regain the ability to do so when you
can use your reaction to cast misty step spell. You finish a long rest.
regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
long rest. these spells. When you cast them with this
Aspect of the Destroyer: When you hit an enemy you trait, they don’t require components.
can use your reaction to make a weapon attack
against any enemy. You regain the ability to do so
when you finish a short or long rest.
Aspect of the Hunter: When an enemy within 30ft.
of you moves on its turn, you can use your reaction
to move you base speed and make a weapon attack
against this enemy. You regain the ability to do so
when you finish a short or long rest
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Elf, Sylvan
and one of the languages of the Core.

Dusk Elf (Elf sub-race) {OR=4}

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a
radius o f 120 feet.
Viryloka , Crag Dwarf, Dusk Elf
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
Shifter, Wilden , Shadar-kai
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on

All PHB Divine Domains allowed. Add the
What follows are rule changes to the specific Forge (XGTE), Grave (XGTE), Death (DMG), Order
classes that can be found within the PHB. (Mtof), Mist (See below) and Protection (See below)
Avenger Finding a truly devoted cleric in Ravenloft is not
In AD&D, Avenger was a class, but in D&D 5th an easy task as the presence of the divine is
edition happened to be a FIGHTER Archetype. weaker than in other worlds. Temples and
churches lay in dilapidated states or in complete
disrepair due to lack of actual use as pews re-
All PHB Primal paths allowed. Add the Battlerager
(SCAG), Ancestral Guardian (XGTE), Storm Herald
main empty except during the most special of
(XGTE), Zealot (XGTE) and the Totem Warrios new circumstances. Most clerics from Ravenloft tend
options (SCAG) Primal Paths. to be theologians or anchorites more than pious
Barbarians are uncommon in the Core of men devoted to earning converts. Clerics, that
Ravenloft as nomadic tribes tend to be small come from other worlds, note an almost imme-
and spread out. However in the less civilized diate feeling of disconnect or loss of presence
domains, sparsely populated tribes can be of their particular deity.
 Barbarian Rage: While under the af- MIST DOMAIN (n e w D omai n)
fects of rage, a barbarian reduces in 2 MIST Domain Spells
the DC on all Fear, Horror and Madness Cleric
checks. Level Spells
 Mindless Rage: Barbarians are not im- 1st feather fall, fog cloud
mune to Fear checks but still retain the
3rd gust of wind, cloud of daggers
bonus from a normal rage. The barbari-
5th fly, gaseous form
an still has to roll a saving throw if the
charm is from a domain lord or closed 7th freedom of movement, greater Invisibility
domain border. 9th cloudkill, control winds*
 Intimidating Presence: Using this on *This spells can be found in the Elemental Evil
Innocents, Good or non-combatants Player’s Companion.
requires a Powers Check. Bonus Proficiency
At 1st level you gain proficiency with blowguns,
All PHB colleges allowed. Add the Glamour, Swords hand crossbows and longbows.
and Whispers (XGTE) Colleges.
Bonus Cantrip
The largest contingent of bards in Ravenloft
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you
tends to hail from Kartakass, with a few notable
gain the gust* and poison spray cantrips if you
colleges coming from Nova Vaasa, Falkovnia,
don’t have it already.
and Mordent. Most, regardless of origin, aspire
Channel Energy: Guided Projectile
to perform at the renowned Harmonia Hall lo-
cated within Kartakass, and as such most of the Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
colleges tend to be of lore. Falkovnia is the only Energy to make a ranged attack with
domain with a prominent college of valor, due supernatural accuracy. When you make an
to the campaigns of conquest attempted every attack roll with a ranged weapon, you can use
several years. your Channel Energy to gain a +10 bonus to the
 Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have roll. You make this choice after you see the roll,
different functions, and have new spells. but before the DM says whether the attack hits
or misses.
 Cutting Words: When using this power
on Innocents, Good or non-combatant Mist Form
NPCs this requires a Powers Check. At 6th level, you can use a bonus action to turn
into a mist, fly up to 20ft. without provoking
opportunity attacks, with resistance to Channel Energy: Mantle of protection
nonmagical damage, advantage on Strength, Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Dexterity and Constitution saving throws and Divinity to bestow a mantle of protection upon
transforming back into its original form. You can your allies. As an action, choose up to three
also go through small cracks, closed doors, creatures within 30 feet of you (you can include
closed windows, small hole, enemies, allies. yourself). The affected creatures are under the
You can use this feature a number of times effect of the mantle of protection for 1 minute.
equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of The mantle of protection has 5 hit points per
once). You regain expended uses when you level of cleric you possess. Each time a creature
finish a long rest. affected by the mantle of protection takes
Razor Winds damage, the damage is instead applied to the
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your mantle of protection. Once the mantle of
ranged attacks with razor winds. Once on each protection is reduced to 0 hit points, it ends and
of your turns when you hit a creature with a any excess damage is applied to the protected
ranged weapon attack, you can cause the attack creature or creatures that would have taken the
to deal an extra 1d8 slashing damage to the full damage. When this happens, as a reaction,
target. When you reach 14th level, the extra you can transfer all the excess damage to
damage increases to 2d8. yourself.
Incendiary Mist Channel Energy: Attack Warding
At 17th level, you can cast Incendiary Cloud Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Channel
Spell, but with 12d8 fire damage and 30-foot- Divinity, when a creature within 30 feet of you
radius sphere centered a point within range. You make an attack roll, you can use your reaction to
regain this use when you finish a long rest. impose upon that creature a -10 penalty to the
roll. You make this choice after you see the roll,
PROTECTION DOMAIN (n ew Dom ain) but before the DM says whether the attack hits
or misses.
Divine Strike
Level Spells
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
1st Shield of Faith, protection from evil and good
weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on
3rd aid, protection from poison
each of your turns when you hit a creature with
5th protection from energy, counterspell a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to
7th death ward, Otiluke’s resilient sphere deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target.
9th circle of power, wall of force When you reach 14th level, the extra damage
increases to 2d8.
Bonus Proficiency Potent Protection
At 1st level you gain proficiency with heavy At 17th level, you protection ir more powerful.
armor. As an action, choose up to three creatures
Blessing of the protection within 30 feet of you (you can include yourself)
At 1st level, you gain the ability to imbue magic to gain for 10 minutes:
to protection one target. At the end of a long - Resistance to three damage types you
rest, you can touch one target. Until the end of choice.
your next long rest or until you die, the target - +2 in all saving throws.
gain a +1 bonus to AC or +1 bonus in all saving - +2 a bonus to AC.
throws or bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing - Temporary Hit points equal 2d10 + your
damage that you take from non magical cleric level.
weapons is reduced by 1. - One Inspiration dice.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest. until you finish a long rest.


, Order

* The Akiri Pantheon you are attempting to read their

# The Rajian Pantheon thoughts and as per earlier rules can
& The Celtic Pantheon
decide if you succeed or fail. A domain
% Though a L/G sect exists in Mordent, a L/E sect lord that allows a cleric to read their
exists in Darkon, and a Neutral sect exists in thoughts requires a Madness check
Dementlieu. from the cleric. Any suggestions that
 Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have can result in death or cause the being to
different functions, and have new spells, make a Power’s Check requires the cler-
and other specifics and powerful curse ic to actually make the Power’s Check
spells, since they require power checks. instead.
 Divine Intervention: Receiving Divine  (Knowledge) Visions of the Past:
Intervention is not a guarantee in the Ravenloft does not reveal its secrets
Demiplane of Dread at level 20, and still easily; as such clerics using this power
must be rolled. The Dark Powers may are always at Disadvantage with their
also intervene on any attempted inter- rolls. Scenes of gruesome acts may
vention and twist the intervention, de- require a Horror check from the cleric
pending on what is done. This type of on success- ful rolls.
interference is left up to the DM. Any  (Grave) Keeper of souls: Requires
attempt to summon for intervention power’s Check.
from against a domain lord automatical-  Plant Domain: Plants performs normal-
ly fails as the Dark powers intervene ly except when in conflict of a domain
directly. lord’s power or a closed domain border,
 (Knowledge) Channel Divinity: Read then the domain lord wins automatical-
Thoughts: Domain lords always know if ly or the border remains unaffected.
 Tempest Domain: Mostly unchanged,  Circle of the Moon: In Ravenloft, the
except as noted, and unless it conflicts user chooses an animal type (i.e. wolf,
directly with a domain lords power or a bear, etc). As the druid levels up they
closed domain border. gain the features of that animal type
 Death Domain: Touch of Death and but slowly start resembling a lycan-
Inescapable destruction requires power thrope of that type (such as a werewolf
 check. or werebear). People witnessing a druid
 Trickery Domain: Largely unaffected, use this power may require a Fear
except the illusions created by invoke and/or Horror check and this power
duplicity and improved duplicity have a may get superstitious folks hunting the
chance to create actual shadows in- druid. See Beast shape in XGTE.
stead one of the illusions
of illusions. On a rollbecomes
on 1 on a
shadow instead and may attack the
cleric or others. It will often wait for an All PHB Martial archetypes allowed. Add the
opportune moment. Cavalier (XGTE) and Avenger (See below)
Archetypes. Fighters are everywhere within the
Land of the Mists. From men-at-arms, to
All PHB Druid circles allowed. Add the Shephed guardsmen, to mercenaries they are readily
(XGTE) Circle. available, though training can be sporadic at
Druids, like barbarians, are uncommon in the best. Falkovnia and Nova Vaasa tend to produce
core lands of Ravenloft, and druids from other the best trained fighters in Ravenloft. Of the
lands tend to note that ones from Ravenloft paths, Battle Mas- ter tends to be the most
tend to be more morose in their nature. The often pursued with very few actually choosing
ones that appear typically come from Verbrek, the path of the Champion. Eldritch Knights are
Forlorn (very rarely) and Souragne. Those from extremely rare, though those that do exist tend
the swamp lands of Souragne tend to look and to come from Hazlan or Darkon in the Core, with
smell more like a swamp hermit. Druids from a few of the gypsies learning the path of the
other lands tend to note that the land itself Eldritch Knight as well.
seems to emit an indescribable feeling of ma-
levolence, but are never quite sure if they are AVENGER (n ew A rch e type)
truly feeling this.
 Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have Deadly Revenge
different functions, and have new spells.
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd
 Land’s Stride: This will not allow a druid
level, you're a fighter motivated by almost
to cross a closed domain border. In ad-
dition, domain lords that control the obsessive need for revenge. After a one-hour
plants of their domain are treated as ritual, you choose a single target for your
magical, unless the domain lord wills it, revenge, for example the Vampire Strahd
for purposes of effects of this power. (undead), which belongs to the type beasts, fey,
 Nature’s Ward: Druids are not immune humanoids, monstrosities, undead, aberrations,
to effects from domain lords and closed celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals,
domain borders. Charms, fear effects, fiends, or giants. The abilities that you gain are
poisons and diseases can still affect the related to the exact target of your revenge (Ex:
druid, though they get a saving throw in Strahd), or to the same target type (Undead).
those cases. You gain against the same target type and the
 Nature’s Sanctuary: Creatures con- target as your revenge:
trolled by domain lords do not have to - A plus bonus (see table again) to damage
make a saving throw and can attack the rolls with weapon attacks.
druid freely. - Advantage on Wisdom (Survival),
Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom

(Perception), Charisma, (Intimidation) and Relentless Avenger
Dexterity (stealth) rolls. Starting at 15th level, you learn to trade
- A plus bonus (see table again) of your AC and accuracy for powerful strikes. If you take the
your all saving throws. Attack action on your turn and have advantage
- Learn one language of your choice, typically on an attack roll against one of the targets, you
one spoken by your target or creatures can forgo the advantage for to give an additional
associated with it. However, you are free to damage of the same type equal to 2d10. You
pick any language you wish to learn. can do so no more than once per turn.

Fighter Level Bonus Damage Increase Unstoppable Avenger

Starting at 18th, you become much more
Vs. Same Type Vs. Target
efficient and deadly in your revenge.
3rd 1d4 1d6 You gain the following additional effects:
10th 1d6 1d8
16th 1d8 1d10 - You gain immunity to one type damage
20th 1d10 1d12 of your choice.
- You have resistance to bludgeoning,
Fighter Level Bonus AC/bonus Saving Throws piercing and slashing damage from non-
Vs. Same Type Vs. Target magical weapons.
- Advantage on all opportunity attacks.
3rd +1 / 0 +1 / +1
- Disadvantage on all opportunity attacks
10th +1 / +1 +2 / +1
against you.
16th +2 / +1 +2 / +2 - Cast Locate Object, Locate Creature,
20th +2 / +2 +2 / +3 Locate Animals and Plants, Nondetection,
Pass without trace and longstrider spells
You can trade your target with a one-hour ritual, once each, for long rest.
but this target must always have done
something to justify revenge (Consult your
DMG). All PHB Monastic traditions allowed. Add the Long
Death (SCAG) and Drunken Master (XGTE) Monastic
Avenger Fortitude traditions.
Starting at 7th level, If any damage reduces you Monks tend to be uncommon in most of
to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving Ravenloft, and many just view them as another
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless form of cleric, despite there being obvious dif-
the damage from a critical hit. On a success, you ferences. A few monastic orders of monks exist
drop to 1 hit point instead. You can apply your throughout the Core of Ravenloft and a few of
Deadly Revenge bonus in case the attack against the Islands; however most of the orders tend to
you reduces you to 0 hit points, be made by the lean towards the Way of Shadows.
same type of your deadly revenge target or your  Stillness of Mind: This power does not
deadly revenge target. automatically end a fear effect from a
failed Fear check. Instead it allows the
You can’t use this feature again until you finish a
monk to make a new Fear check.
short or long rest.
 Purity of Body: Domain lords are still
Very Fast
able to inflict disease and poison on
Starting at 10th level you add your proficiency monks as well as the effects of closed
bonus on your initiative rolls, and your walking domain borders.
speed increases by 10 feet.

 Timeless Body: The aging effects Starting at level 11, the paladin is
caused by domain lords or from closed powerful enough that the domain lord
domain borders will still age a monk knows where the paladin is within
normally. 10 miles of their actual location. Every
 Empty Body: Attempting to use the as- level the paladin gains reduces the
tral projection portion of this power au- rately
range bylocate a level
1 mile 20 paladin
increasing within 1
the accuracy,
tomatically fails in Ravenloft. mile
with of their location.
a domain lord being able to accu-
 (Way of the Open Palm) Tranquility: If the paladin is brandishing a
Domain lords do not have to roll a save holy avenger weapon or some powerful
and can attack a protected monk. holy artifact (such as the holy symbol of
 (Way of the Long Death): Power check. ravenkind) then a domain lord knows
 (Way of the Open Palm) Quivering where the paladin is within 100 yards of
Palm: Crossing a domain border counts their location, regardless of level. This is
as entering another plane for purposes why few paladins naturally exist to old
of the duration of this effect. Further- age within Ravenloft.
more, domain lords are unaffected by  Divine Sense: Ravenloft does not natu-
this effect. rally give up secrets easily. When em-
 (Way of Shadows) Shadow Step: A do- ploying this power, the paladin only
main lord that controls the shadows can gets a sense if something is natural or
prevent a monk from using those shad- unnatural. Undead receive saves with
ows with this power. This cannot be Advantage from this effect and domain
used to cross a closed domain border. lords are completely immune able to
determine their status as they see fit
and how the DM decides it should be.
All PHB Sacred oaths allowed. Add the Crown  Divine Health: Diseases inflicted by a
(SCAG), Oathbreaker (DMG), Conquest (XGTE) and domain lord or a closed domain border
Redemption (XGTE) Sacred oaths. take effect normally on a paladin.
Paladins are exceptionally rare in Ravenloft.  Aura of Protection: The bonus from this
There are many reasons for this, least of all is reduced by the presence of a Sinkhole
which the very presence of a paladin causes of Evil or a domain lord. See Sinkholes
disruption to the land itself, like salt on a gaping of Evil sidebar on page 9 for more de-
wound. Most paladins tend to be outsiders of tails.
Ravenloft, and like clerics, note almost an im-  Aura of Courage: Now reduces in 2 the
mediate disconnect from the presence of the DC on all on Fear check rolls to the
divine. The few paladins in Ravenloft that exist paladin and those within 10 feet of the
are usually due to some crusade or oath sworn paladin in- stead of making them
for vengeance and as such most Ravenloft pala- immune to fear.
dins tend to follow the Oath of Vengeance.  Cleansing Touch: Attempting to remove
an effect from a domain lord only
 Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have
grants the target a new saving throw at
different functions, and have new spells.
a chance to end the effect. Attempting
 Disruptive Presence: The Land reacts to
to remove a curse follows the normal
the presence of a paladin. As a result
rules for removing curses found on
domain lords always know that there is
page 6.
a paladin in their domain. They only get
 (Oath of Devotion) Turn the Unholy:
a faint glimmer thus the paladin is pro-
See Turn Undead on page 5.
tected early on, but as the paladin gains
 (Oath of Devotion) Aura of Devotion:
levels the domain lord gets a stronger
Effects from domain lords or closed
sensation where they are.

domain borders still affect the charac- *with adjustments: Remove You have advantage on
ters normally. initiative rolls, and in Favored enemy, if you choose
humanoid, you must set 2 races.
 (Oath of the Ancients) Nature’s Wrath:
Now Rangers tend to be wanderers, more at
Domain lords with power over plants
home in the wooded areas of Ravenloft.
can ignore the restraint completely.
Other domain lords might have other Uncommon by most standards they are
methods for easily getting out, such as a definitely more visible than druids and
mist form. barbarians. Due to how beasts act in
Ravenloft, most rangers tend to be Hunters.
 (Oath of the Ancients) Turn the Faith-
less: See Turn Undead on page 5.  Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have
different functions, and have new spells.
 (Oath of the Ancients) Undying Senti-
 Primeval Awareness: Ravenloft does
nel: Attacks from domain lords or
not divulge its secrets easily. As with
closed domain borders that age the
paladin will affect them normally. other sensing powers, any information
the ranger might glean would be given
 (Oath of the Ancients) Elder Champion:
as whether it is natural or unnatural.
Using this power may cause Fear and/or
Horror in those around them due to  Land’s Stride: This will not allow a rang-
er to cross a closed domain border. In
their superstitious nature in Ravenloft.
addition, domain lords that control the
The forms appearance is usually twisted
plants of their domain are treated as
or menacing as well, such as choosing a
magical, unless the domain lord wills it,
tree like appearance the paladin might
assume a form more closely resembling for purposes of effects of this power.
a dead man’s tree or look more savage  (Beast Master) Ranger’s Companion: A
if choosing an animal. ranger’s companion that is of a type
that a domain lord can control must
 (Oath of Vengeance) Abjure Enemy:
make a Wisdom saving throw (DC =
Undead and demons do not have Dis-
8+Proficiency+Wisdom of the lord)
advantage on their rolls. See Turn Un-
when entering the domain with the
dead on page 5 for other rules.
ranger. If succeeds the companion is in
 (Oath of Vengeance) Avenging Angel:
full control of its faculties, but is
In Ravenloft, the twisted sense of hu-
always cowering or whimpering and
mor of the Land twists this form into a
pacing as if uneasy while remaining in
mockery, making it appear as a shad-
the domain, urging its master to leave.
owy angel of death instead of one of
A new check is made for every day the
vengeance. Seeing such a transfor-
ranger remains in the domain. If
mation may cause Fear and/or Horror
confronted by the domain lord the
checks in others.
companion will flee outright. If the fails,
 (Oath of Conquest) Conquering
the companion is now under the control
Presence: When using this power on
of the domain lord, and will attack the
Innocents or Good NPCs this requires a
ranger if compelled to. The companion
Powers Check.
is forever lost at this point. Attempting
 (Oathbreaker): All abilities, except
to bond with a beast a domain lord has
Supernatural Resistance requires Power
control over automatically fails.
All PHB Roguish Archetype allowed. Add the
Inquisitive, Mastermind, Scout and Swashbuckler
Replace the Ranger Class in the PHB. to the RANGER (XGTE) archetypes.
REVISED CLASS “with adjustments”, except Deep Rogues are everywhere within Ravenloft
Stalker Archetype (See in the UA_Ranger_Revised). probably even more so than any other class.
Add the Gloom Stalker and Monster Slayer (XGTE) Street urchins, to conmen, to even wandering
Archetypes. gypsies might have some a rogue skill.

 Draconic Origin: Using powers that
cause outward appearance changes, as
parts of this origin often include, may
require others to roll a fear and/or hor-
ror check in response. Fearful folk may
attack or attempt to drive the draconic
sorcerer out.
 Wild Magic Origin: While wild magic ef-
fects are uncontrollable, effects gener-
ated are still under the affects of any al-
tered magic rules that apply. Any effect
that would require a power’s check, still
applies in these instances as well.

All PHB Warlock otherworldly patrons allowed. Add

the The Undying (SCAG) and Hexblade (XGTE)
otherworldly patrons.
Warlocks are a strange lot in the Land of the
Mists; seekers of knowledge and/or power they
willingly truck with dark powers directly. They
often, foolishly, refer to themselves as arcanists
as if such a title would change what they would
Wandering gypsies and Vistani especially tend
do trying to disguise their dark practices as
to favor the arcane trickster, using illusions and
nothing more than scholarly curiosity.
trickery to wow spectators and fool the clue-
less. There is a reason many tend to be guarded In the lands near to the Shadow Rift, war-
when the gypsies are in town. locks tend to make pacts with the Archfey but
the further they get from such lands the more
likely one is to run into focus on the Fiend or
All PHB Sorcerer origins allowed. Add the Shadow
the Great Old One. It should come as no sur-
and Storm (XGTE) Origins. Sorcery is often looked
prise then that when a warlock uses their magic
at negatively in the Land of the Mists as some
that they tend to be in danger of falling to the
sort of curse or ill omen. A child that has
Dark Powers more than most other classes as
magical ability without use of some sort of
implement is using witchcraft and typically get
Becoming a warlock is a secret endeavor
ran out of town or killed all the same. Of the
and usually the result of despair or a witless
two types, Wild Magic is the most common as
dark pact with some entity in the search for
Draconic Bloodlines tend to be rare, though it is
greater knowledge or power. There are no
rumored that Hazlan and Darkon both host a
teachings or schools for a warlock; this is a lone
few draconic bloodlines. Sorcerers do not have
endeavor on a road of personal damnation.
a favored land they come from as anyone has a
chance to be born with such pow- ers, but they  Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have
do tend to float towards Hazlan or Darkon for different functions, and have new spells.
possible help in controlling their powers,  Power’s Check: You willingly truck with
eventually. dark forces, and as such the Dark Pow-
 Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have ers tend to notice you easier. Whenever
different functions, and have new spells. you advance in a level you make a Pow-
er’s Check equal to 5% multiplied by
your level. Thus making it impossible to
avoid corruption completely.
 Horror Checks: Due to the fact that domain lord reads their mind normally,
warlocks tend to truck with things that if the save succeeds the warlock is still
no mortal was meant to deal with, war- unaware of why they needed to make
locks gain Advantage on any Horror the save.
check they make.  (The Great Old One) Create Thrall: Cre-
 (The Archfey) Fey Presence: Using this ating a thrall requires a Power’s Check.
power to charm others into doing dan-  Witch Sight: This does not allow you to
gerous or deadly things requires a Pow- detect creatures using their natural
er’s Check. You cannot charm a domain shapeshifting abilities. Only spells of a
lord with this power. magical nature from items or magic can
 (The Archfey) Misty Escape: You cannot be detected.
use this power to cross a closed domain  (The Undying) Among the Death: The
border. undead wisdom saving throw has
 (The Archfey) Beguiling Defenses: A advantage.
domain lord trying to charm you in-  (The Undying) Defy Death: This requires a
vokes a saving throw instead. If you Power’s Check 5%.
succeed the charm fails instead of re-
 (The Archfey) Dark Delirium: Using this
power requires a Power’s Check
 (The Fiend) Dark One’s Own Luck: The
bonus from this is actually increased,
within the Land of the Mists, to a d12.
However invoking this requires a Pow-
er’s Check.
 (The Fiend) Hurl Through Hell: This
power instead buffets the target with
images of the lower planes, burning
them deep into the recesses of their
mind. The damage still occurs, and if
the target survives they are required to
make a Fear, Horror and Madness
check. Invoking this power causes a
Power’s Check.
 Path of the Great Old One: In
Ravenloft, following this path actually
as the unfathomable alien nature of
their benefactor is slowly revealed. All PHB Arcane traditions allowed. Add the War
Each level the warlock gains require a Magic (XGTE) and Artificer (See UA_EBERRON)
Madness check from the warlock. Arcane traditions.
 (The Great Old One) Thought Shield: Wizards are uncommon in the Land of the Mists
but have slowly been gaining popularity, and
Domain lords that can read the minds
reports of smaller schools springing up in
of others can attempt to read the mind
Darkon and Falkovnia. Most lands have few
of the warlock instead. The warlock
wizards in them though, so finding a teacher
makes a saving throw, though they
can be exceptionally difficult, or expensive.
don’t know why. If the warlock fails the
Many tend to give wizards a wide berth given
 (Hexblade) Hexblade´s Curse,Acursed
their reputation for employing dark curses on
Specter and Master of Hex:Power check
those that anger them, and this is terrible.
Artifice Wizards exist in more developed
domains in Ravenloft, but are still extremely

 Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have
different functions, and have new spells.
 Benign Transposition: You cannot use
this power to cross a closed Domain
 Divination: There are no master’s of
Divination in Ravenloft as Divination
magic is highly unreliable. As a result
the Divination school cannot be chosen
for mastery, though many still teach the
spells they find in that school.
 Necromancy (more powerful) : As
one finds out in Ravenloft,
necromancy is much strong- er, but it
also carries with it a terrible price.
Necromancy is not normally taught
leaving most who seek out such dark
magic to pursue their own courses and
trials. Finding a master of necro- mancy
to teach such magic is difficult indeed.
When casting a necromantic spell, it is
treated as if you used a spell slot 1 level
higher than you actually did, your DC
spell increase to 1 and your spell attack
increase to 1. Cantrip causes 1d4 extra
damage. In addition to this the undead
created gain 1 additional hit die.
However, necromancers have to be
wary. When the undead are first
created they get a Wisdom saving
throw. If they succeed, they are not
under the control of the caster and are
free to attack whomever they wish
(usually the caster for bringing them
back in such a piti- ful state). Using
necromancy in Ravenloft always
requires a Power’s Check of 5% x
original slot spell (cantrip counts 1).
 (Artificer) Infuse Scrolls: Creating
scrolls with necromancy spells also
requires a power check of 5% x original
slot spell (cantrip counts 1). Using scrolls
with necromancy spell also requires

the homes of other commoners, not out if
appreciation but out of simple kindness.
Like any other campaign setting, characters d6 Defining Event
made in Ravenloft have several choices to help 1 A loved one was killed or injured by a
flesh out their characters. Most of these choices monster.
can be found in the PHB but some new ones are
2 I left home to prevent my family being
added within the Land of the Mists as well.
punished for something I did.
3 A dangerous magical item was entrusted
to me.
Backgrounds in Ravenloft have their place and
the many that can be found in the PHB still 4 I killed a monster that became a person
serve greatly as a common source of inspiration upon death, so now I am thought a murderer.
for backgrounds within the Land of the Mists. 5 I am being stalked by an unknown
Anchorite (Acolyte Variant) 6 I was injured or scarred by a creature.
The untrustworthy folk are hard to sway within 7 I was accused of a crime I did not commit.
the misty confines of Ravenloft. However, those 8 A fortune teller foretold my loved ones
strongly devoted can persuade them if they fol- would suffer if I stayed at home.
low similar religious ideals. This variant feature
of the Acolyte background allows the character
to use their faith as a bargaining chip for sup- Doctor (Noble Variant)
plies or shelter in Ravenloft with someone, Nobles in Ravenloft often are not much higher
though people may still ask for compensation. than the common vagrant. However a few do
stick out from time to time. This variant for the
Arcanist (Sage Variant) Noble background changes a few facets. The
This variant feature for the Sage background two skills of proficiency become hypnosis and
gives the character Advantage rolls when it con- medicine. Your tool proficiency is a doctor’s kit
cerns lore, history, or even knowledge concern- (see page 20). The feature of position is still
ing Ravenloft itself. As long as the information maintained, though it might not bring privilege
and roll in question is knowledge about the with it in Ravenloft.
Lands of the Mists, the character always re-
ceives Advantage on said rolls. Gypsy (Outlander Variant)
The gypsies of Ravenloft have a tendency to
Another Plan (Soldier Variant) glean information from the most bizarre of
This variant of the Soldier background allows places from basic tavern talk to just eavesdrop-
you It is a fighter, who for some special reason ping in on conversations from around the cor-
ended up in the terror of the plan, Ravenloft. ner. As such, gypsy characters can make an In-
You will do anything to get out of Ravenloft, telligence check (skills can be applied, if appli-
using all his knowledge, experience and effort cable) to see if the gypsy might have knowledge
for it and will use it to death. of something. How much the gypsy might know
is left up to the DM.
Common Folk (Folk Hero Variant)
The path of an adventurer is not always chosen: Guardian (Acolyte Variant)
your defining event was not one of heroism but Living in isolated or hidden monasteries, the
of tragedy and loss. You might be a rancher, Order of Guardians is an organization in name
farmer, shepherd, or fisherman that has been only. Each monastery is independant, only
pushed towards the heroic lifestyle. You likely loosely affiliated with the others, often being
eschew the title of "hero", simply doing what unaware of the location of other monasteries.
needs to be done. You are still often welcome in They present themselves as an ascetics order,
following the routines and rituals common to

monasteries, but each has a secret purpose: City Watch (SCAG)
guarding a single powerful magical relic. These
relics cannot be destroyed and are considered Clan Crafter (SCAG)
too dangerous to be loosed in the world.
Not being tied to a single deity, it is easier for Cloistered Scholar (SCAG)
you to find shelter or simple aid in chapels or
temples. However, priests are less likely to offer
Courtier (SCAG)
you free healing. You may also have vague
information on the location of other
Faction Agent (SCAG)
monasteries, which are typically in out-of-the-
way rural locations.
Far Traveler (SCAG)
Poisoner (Criminal Variant)
In most lands the prefered method of Inheritor (SCAG)
assassination is a knife or crossbow bolt. In
Borca, the weapon of choice is a fine powder or Knight of the order (SCAG)
subtle liquid. While your art is illegal, poisoners
are frequently employed by nobles and Mercenary Veteran (SCAG)
criminals alike. Poisoners are typically skilled at
either crafting poisons for sale or employing Urban Body Hunter (SCAG)
assorted toxins, but a few are adept at both.
Rather than proficiency with thieves' tools, you
are proficient with poisoner's kits. Haunted one (new background)
You are haunted by something so terrible that
Physician (Sage Variant) you dare not speak of it. You've tried to bury it
Your studies were focused on biology and the and run away from it, to no avail. Whatever this
human body rather than chemistry or the thing is that haunts you can't be slain with a
physical sciences. Human anatomy was a major sword or banished with a spell. It might come to
topic of your education, and you were you as a shadow on the wall, a bloodcurdling
treatments for many common ailments and nightmare, a memory that refuses to die, or
injuries. Herbal remedies may have also been a demonic whisper in the dark. The burden has
included in your education. taken its toll, isolating you from most people
Rather than knowing one additional language, and making you question your sanity. You must
you are proficient with either the herbalist or find a way to overcome it before it destroys you.
healing kit (or both in place of two additional Skill Proficiencies: Choose one of Arcana,
languages). You can replace the quill and bottle Investigation, Religion, or Survival
of ink in your starting equipment with either a Languages: Choose one exotic language
healing or herbalist kit. (Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Draconic,
Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, or Undercommon)
Stage Magician (Entertainer Variant) Equipment: Monster hunter's pack (see
Mixing mundane illusions and showmanship, sidebar), one trinket of special significance
Dementlieuse stage magicians give the (choose one or roll on the Gothic Trinkets table
impression of magic with sleight of hand a some in this appendix)
alchemical tricks. Most stage magicians have no
ability to cast spells, a few are actual wizards
hiding their arcane talents in plain sight,
supplementing their common tricks and
deceptions with true magic.
Rather than proficiency in Acrobatics, you are
proficient with Sleight of Hand.
HARROWING EVENT darkness threatening to consume you, and you
D10 Event fear there may be no hope of escape.
1 A monster that slaughtered dozens of Choose a harrowing event that haunts you, or
innocent people spared your life, and you don't roll one on the Harrowing Events table.
know why.
2 You were born under a dark star. You can SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
feel it watching you, coldly and distantly. You have learned to live with the terror that
Sometimes it beckons you in the dead of night. haunts you. You are a survivor, who can be very
3 An apparition that has haunted your family protective of those who bring light into your
for darkened life.
generations now haunts you. You don't know
what it wants, and it won't leave you alone.
4 Your family has a history of practicing the PERSONALITY TRAITS
dark arts. You dabbled once and felt something d8 Personality Trait
horrible clutch at your soul, whereupon you fled 1 I don't run from evil. Evil runs from me.
in terror. 2 I like to read and memorize poetry. It keeps me
5 An oni took your sibling one cold, dark night, calm and brings me fleeting moments of
and you were unable to stop it. happiness.
6 You were cursed with lycanthropy and later 3 I spend money freely and live life to the fullest,
cured. You are now haunted by the innocents knowing that tomorrow I might die.
you slaughtered. 4 I live for the thrill of the hunt.
7 A hag kidnapped and raised you. You 5 I don't talk about the thing that torments me.
escaped, but the hag still has a magical hold I'd rather not burden others with my curse.
over you and fills your mind with evil thoughts. 6 I expect danger around every corner.
8 You opened an eldritch tome and saw things 7 I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow
unfit for a sane mind. You burned the book, but others to be victimized.
its words and images are burned into your 8 I put no trust in divine beings.
9 A fiend possessed you as a child. You were
locked away but escaped. The fiend is still inside IDEALS
you, but now you try to keep it locked away. d6 Ideal
10 You did terrible things to avenge the murder 1 I try to help those in need, no matter what the
of someone you loved. You became a monster, personal cost. (Good)
and it haunts your waking �reams. 2 I'll stop the spirits that haunt me or die trying.
FEATURE: HEART OF DARKNESS 3 I kill monsters to make the world a safer place,
Those who look into your eyes can see that you and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)
have faced unimaginable horror and that you . 4 I have a dark calling that puts me above the
are no stranger to darkness. Though they might law.
fear you, commoners will extend you every (Chaotic)
courtesy and do their utmost to help you. 5 I like to know my enemy's capabilities and
Unless you have shown yourself to be a danger weaknesses before rushing into battle. (Lawful)
to them, they will even take up arms to fight 6 I'm a monster that destroys other mor:isters,
alongside you, should you find yourself facing an and anything else that gets. in my way ..( E_vif) '/
enemy alone.


Prior to becoming an adventurer, your path in d6 Bond
life was defined by one dark moment, one 1 I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal.
fateful decision, or one tragedy. Now you feel a My journal is my legacy.

2 I would sacrifice my life and my soul to protect Having barely escaped disaster once, you are
the innocent. overly prepared to avoid future calamity. You
3 My torment drove away the person I love. I have one or more hidden caches where you
strive to win back the love I've lost. stored a change of clothes, basic supplies, a few
4 A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can coins, and some food. This cache might be
find redemption through my actions. hidden in a crawl space with barely able to fit a
5 There's evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be single person, a shack hidden in the woods, or a
set free. small second home in the city.
6 I have a child to protect. I must make the world
a safer place for him (or her). SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
Survivors have experienced a great deal of
emotional trauma, which makes it difficult for
FLAWS them to form emotional attachments. They can
d6 Flaw be suspicious, possibly to the point of paranoia.
1 I have certain rituals that I must follow every Some survivors have difficulty thinking about
day. I can never break them. the future, dwelling on the past and their
2 I assume the worst in people. regrets. Other survivors plan for any
3 I feel no compassion for the dead. They're the contingency, hoping to avoid future tragedies.
lucky ones.
4 I have an addiction.
5 I am a purveyor of doom and gloom who lives d8 Personality Trait
in a world without hope. 1 Despite my emotional problems, I
6 I talk to spirits that no one else can see. maintain a facade of normality.
2 I am extremely pessimistic, always
expecting the worse.
3 I try to be ready for anything to happen.
Sole Survival (new background) Anything.
You lived through a great tragedy, an event so 4 Humour is my prefered defense, and I
traumatic that it now defines your entire life. take very little seriously.
Everything you once loved or valued is now 5 I can be overly cautious, even in
gone forever. Who you were before the tragedy mundane situations.
no longer matters, and returning to your old life 6 I appear unemotional, being overly
seems impossible: that life is a distant memory, logical and withdrawn.
more akin to a dream than reality. The trauma 7 I have a plan for any situation, and a
you survived likely involved serious personal back-up plan for when that fails.
injury or the loss of a loved one (or both), but it 8 My happiness is fleeting, as I'm filled
could have also involved the loss of your with a deep sorrow.
livelihood, home, or reputation.
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival d6 Ideal
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools 1 Aspiration. I must be better, I must try
(your choice) harder. (Any)
Languages: One of your choice 2 Power. Those in positions of power can
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools (one of your prevent tragedies. (Evil)
choice), a memento from your past life (lock of 3 Vengeance. I will have retribution for my
hair, locket with a picture, or worn toy) a set of pain. (Evil)
traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 4 Protection. Someone has to defend the
15 gp. weak. (Good)
5 No More. I will not stand by and let
FEATURE: SAFE HOUSE others suffer. (Chaotic)

6 Community. Neighbours should look out Languages: One of your choice.
for neighbours. (Lawful) Equipment: Badge of office, an oilcloth cloak, a
truncheon (club), evidence from an unsolved
d6 Bond crime, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch
1 My friends and companions keep me containing 10 gp
2 I'm determined to help others whenever FEATURE: OFFICER OF THE LAW
possible. You are still recognised as a member of the town
3 Helping others keeps me grounded: as watch by fellow guards of your order. Those of a
long as I'm active, I can't dwell on the past. lower rank will typically defer to your authority
4 Someone helped me after my loss. I owe or recognise your experience. The town watch of
them a great debt. other settlements may identify you as a fellow
5 The people of my home town are the guard and offer aid as a courtesy. Other guards
closest thing to family I have left. will help you will any lawful endeavors, offering
6 Revenge drives me forward. minor assistance such as discussing current
investigations or information on local affairs.
d6 Flaw
1 I have strong feelings of guilt for SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
surviving. Those who opt to join a town watch often have
2 It is difficult for me to trust others. strong feelings towards law and order and are
3 I view strangers as expendable. driven to help people. They put their life at risk
4 Nightmares prevent me from having a and make themselves a target for retribution for
full night's sleep. very little recompense. A few become guards
5 I'm self-destructive, taking unnecessary because they like the feeling of authority and are
risks. something of a bully, but the dangers of the job
6 My mood changes wildly and without mean these individuals are rare.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I do everything according to the strict
letter of the rulebook.
Town Guard (new background) 2 I take copious notes, recording
As a member of a constabulary or city watch, you
everything I witness to avoid forgetting details.
were trained to uphold the law and protect the
3 I would rather spend a week in the stocks
citizens of your settlement from mundane
than walk away from a fight.
threats. Your job was one of deterring crime:
4 The danger of my job makes me feel
being visible and vigilant. When needed, you
more alive than anything else.
pursued fleeing criminal or intervened in
5 I work hard during the day, and just at
disturbances, but investigation of crimes was
hard on my time off.
outside your duties.
6 I always have a ready drink or a
You might have been a common guard, or a
preserved snack.
member of a specific law-enforcement order.
7 It is difficult for me not to snoop into
Examples include the Lamplighters, the small but
other people's business.
efficient constabulary of Mordentshire; the
8 I always make the first move. I can ask
Gendarmerie, given authority to enforce the law
questions after.
across Dementliue; the Bellmen of Paridon,
headquartered on Bell Street and focused on
d6 Ideal
hunting murderers; or a low-ranking member of
1 Honesty. I cannot do my job if I'm not
the Kargat, the secret police of Darkon.
trustworthy. (Good)
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception
2 Tradition. Laws are a constant across the
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
generations. (Lawful)

3 Rules. A code of law is what separates us GOTHIC TRINKETS
from animals. (Lawful) When rolling for a trinket, consider using this table,
which is designed for a gothic game.
4 Power. Someone has to make the rules
and keep the streets safe. (Evil) TRINKETS
5 Action. If your heart isn't beating, you're D100 Trinket
not alive. (Any) 01-02 A picture you drew as a child of your
6 Punishment. The wicked need to be imaginary friend
brought to justice. (Any) 03-04 A lock that opens when blood is dripped in
its keyhole
d6 Bond 05-06 Clothes stolen from a scarecrow
1 One of my parents was a guard. This isn't 07-08 A spinning top carved with four faces:
a job, it's my inheritance. happy, sad, wrathful, and dead
2 I will not rest until I catch the criminal 09-10 The necklace of a sibling who died on the
who escaped me. day you were born
3 My sense of integrity means as much to 11-12 A wig from someone executed by
me as my life. beheading 13-14 The unopened letter to you
4 I will clear my town of criminals and from your dying father
corruption. 15-16 A pocket watch that runs backward for· an
5 I have to prove I'm innocent of the crime hour every midnight
6 My fallen partner will be avenged. 17-18 A winter coat stolen from a dying soldier
19-20 A bottle of invisibl� ink ·thatcan; only be-
d6 Flaw read ·at sunset
1 I believe everyone is guilty of something. 21-22 A wineskin that refills when interred with a
2 I don't take bribes, I just get paid extra to dead person for a night
do my job. 23-24 A set of silverware used by a king for his
3 Breaking out of a cell is easier than last meal
changing my mind. 25-26 A spyglass that always shows the world
4 When someone is accused of a crime, I suffering a terrible storm
always believe they did it. 27-28 A cameo with the profile's face scratched
5 It is not my place to decide which laws to away
follow. I enforce them all equally. 29-30 A lantern with a black candle that never
6 I sent an innocent person to jail and have runs out and that burns with green flame
done nothing to free them. 31-32 A teacup from a child's tea set, stained
with blood
33-34 A little black book that records your
dreams, and yours alone, when you sleep
35-36 A necklace formed of the interlinked holy
symbols of a dozen deities
37-38 A hangman's noose that feels heavier
than it should
39-40 A birdcage into which small birds fly but
once inside never eat or leave
41-42 A lepidopterist's box filled dead moths
with skulllike patterns on their wings
43-44 A jar of pickled ghouls' tongues
45-46 The wooden hand of a notorious pirate
47-48 A urn with the ashes of a dead relative
49-50 A hand mirror backed with a bronze
depiction of a medusa

51-52 Pallid leather gloves crafted with ivory
53-54 Dice made from the knuckles of a
notorious charlatan
55-56 A ring of keys for forgotten locks
57-58 Nails from the coffin of a murderer
59-60 A key to the family crypt
61-62 An bouquet of funerary flowers that
always looks and smells fresh
63-64 A switch used to discipline you as a child
65-66 A music box that plays by itself whenever
someone holding it dances
67-68 A walking cane with an iron ferule that
strikes sparks on stone
69-70 A flag from a ship lost at sea
71-72 Porcelain doll's head that always seems to
be looking at you
73-74 A wolf's head wrought in silver that is also
a whistle.
75-76 A small mirror that shows a much older
version of the viewer
77-78 Small, worn book of children's nursery
79-80 A mummified raven claw
81-82 A broken pendent of a silver dragon that's
always cold to the touch
83-84 A small locked box that quietly hums a
lovely melody at night but you always forget it
in the morning
85-86 An inkwell that makes one a little
nauseous when staring at it
87-88 An old little doll made from a dark,
dense·wood and missing a hand and a foot_
89-90 A black executioner's hood
91-92 A pouch made offlesh, with a sinew
93-94 A tiny spool of black thread that never
runs out.
95-96 A tiny clockwork figur!(le ·of a-dancer
that's missing a gear and doesn't work' .
97-98 A black wooden pipe that creates puffs of
smoke that look like skulls
99-00 A vial of perfume, the scent of which only
certain Creatures can detect.

Mists is a very lyrical, harmonic sounding
tongue, which inspires many of the bards of
There is no common language in Ravenloft, and Kartakass to employ its use. Sithicus is an unu-
this is replaced by the native language of the sual domain in that it has more elves in it than
PC's Home Domain. Intelligence 15+ = 1 extra humans.
language / Intelligence 19+ = 2 extra languages Tepestani: The Tepestani language is composed
of harsh, phlegmatic sounds, making it sound as
* STANDART LANGUAGES: if the speakers are constantly clearing their
Balok: Spoken throughout the central core as it throats. Until recently, it had no written form.
has become a trade language, it is also the old- Wyan of Viktal has now come up with a written
est language in Ravenloft. It is guttural and not text of the Tepestani language to be used for the
very pleasant to the ears. Inquisition's court records.
Darkonese: Spoken primarily in the domain of
Darkon, only of note due to how large that do- * SPECIAL LANGUAGES:
main is. Many who pursue a magical profession Draconic: Dragons are rare in Ravenloft, to the
also tend to enjoy the language as it lends itself point that most think they are purely legends,
well to magical formula. but strangely enough the language of the drag-
Falkovnian: This is a complex sounding lan- ons is still used by practitioners of magic. Most
guage that is very hard to follow unless one scholars of Draconic tend to be found in Hazlan
knows what to listen for as the consonants al- and Darkon. Most spoken by Spellcasters.
ways sound to be mutating. This language is Old Kartakan: Kartakass possesses its own,
rarely spoken outside of Falkovnia, which lends entirely distinct language known as Old
itself well to the lord there. Kartakan. This difficult language was apparently
Forfarian: Forfarians in Forlorn speak this the common tongue of the Kartakans prior to
language in exclusion to any other. Forfarians in the Occupation (Kartakans claim that they were
other lands are taught this language alongside once occupied by Invidia), though today it is all
the native tongue of their adopted homeland. but extinct, spoken only by the elderly or to add
The Forfarian language is often described as an air of dignity to formal affairs. In a sense, it
"brogue." has become a language of secrets. Almost they
Lamordian: Is a flat and guttural language which are spoken by Kartakans.
superficially resembles a mixture of Darkonese, Patterna: The language of the Vistani is a
Falkovnian, and Mordentish. The Lamordian strange one, being a mixture of the common
alphabet has hundreds of sounds such as tongue, several humanoid dialects, and a
dipthongs and slurs that would be considered unique slang, unspoken by any race other than
entirely new letters in other languages. the Vistani. Many non-Vistani find the language
Lamordian has euphemistic compound words, maddening, because patterna is conveyed more
odd idiomatic expressions, and a needlessly by context and intonation than by meaning or
complex system of tenses and genders. root words. Only spoken by Vistani.
Mordentish: A very common tongue spoken
throughout the core it comes in two varieties; * OTHERS STANDART LANGUAGES:
high and low. Common from other realms will Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling
probably sound the closest to Mordentish,
though there will probably be differences. * OTHERS EXOTIC (RARE) LANGUAGES:
Vaasi: A very harmonious sounding language, it Abyssal, Celestial, Giant, Goblin, Infernal,
is a requirement to be used in the Church of the Primordial, Sylvan, Undercommon
Lawgiver. Bards tend to mix this with the
Sithican elf dialect to create a highly poetic * OTHERS EXOTIC (VERY RARE)
sounding language. LANGUAGES: Vos (Vorostokov), Sanguine
Sithican: An interesting dialect of elvish that is (Sanguinia), Odiaran (Odiare) and others
not spoken by any other elves in the Land of the specifics languages spoken at a specific locations

decreased by 1 hour. A dose has a market price
of 50 gp. (The coating is obviously artificial upon
All PHB Feats allowed. Add RACIAL FEATS
inspection and thus cannot be used to inflate an
(XGTE) with adjustments, FEATS FOR
SKILLS (UA_Feats for Skills with adjustments), item’s value for sale.
and New Feats option below.  Smoke Stick. As an action, you can reach
into your Alchemist’s Satchel and pull out a stick
that produces a thick plume of smoke. You can
Alchemist hold on to the stick or throw it to a point up to
Prerequisite: Proficiency in herbalist kit or 30 feet away as part of the action used to
alchemist's supplies. produce it. The area in a 10-foot radius around
You are skilled at mixing strange chemicals and the stick is filled with thick smoke that blocks
substances to produce items of wonder. This vision, including darkvision. The stick and smoke
skill allows you to craft alchemical potions and persist for 1 minute and then disappear. After
elixirs. When crafting an alchemical substance, using this formula, you can’t do so again for 1
the total market value you can craft in a single minute. One use cost 50gp.
downtime day increases to 10 gp. You already
 Swift Step Draught. As a bonus action,
starts with 100gp in prepared alchemical
you can reach into your Alchemist’s Satchel and
potions in its initial stock.
pull out a vial filled with a bubbling, brown
You also know how to brew the following
liquid. As an action, a creature can drink it.
alchemical concoctions:
Doing so increases the creature’s speed by 20
 Acid (see in PHB)
feet for 1 minute, and the vial disappears. If not
 Adrenal Distillation. A creature that used, the vial and its contents disappear after 1
ingests or is injected with this serum gains 2d4 minute. After using this formula, you can’t do so
temporary hit points for 1 minute and can make again for 1 minute. One use cost 50gp.
a Constitution saving throw against one effect
 Tanglefoot Bag. As an action, you can
they are currently suffering from. This elixir
reach into your Alchemist’s Satchel and pull out
confers no benefit to undead or constructs. A
a bag filled with writhing, sticky black tar and
dose has a market price of 50 gp.
hurl it at a point on the ground within 30 feet of
 Alchemist's fire (see in PHB) you (the bag and its contents disappear if you
 Antitoxin (see in PHB) don’t hurl the bag by the end of the current
 Elixir of Might. Choose one ability score turn). The bag bursts on impact and covers the
at time of brewing: Strength, Constitution, or ground in a 5-foot radius with sticky goo. That
Dexterity. A creature that drinks this elixir gains area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute, and
advantage on ability checks from the chosen any creature that starts its turn on the ground in
ability score for 1 minute. This elixir confers no that area has its speed halved for that turn.
benefit to undead or constructs. A dose has a After using this formula, you can’t do so again
market price of 50 gp. for 1 minute. One use cost 50gp.
 Medicinal Tonic. A creature that drinks  Thunderstone. As an action, you can
this tonic substance gains advantage on saving reach into your Alchemist’s Satchel and pull out
throws against disease for 1 day. It confers no a crystalline shard and hurl it at a creature,
benefit to undead or constructs. A dose has a object, or surface within 30 feet of you (the
market price of 50 gp. shard disappears if you don’t hurl it by the end
 Potion of healing (see in PHB) of the current turn). The shard shatters on
 Metallic Polish. This thick oil coats one impact with a blast of concussive energy. Each
item in thin layer of gold or silver. The item is creature within 10 feet of the point of impact
considered to be made of that substance for 8 must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
hours. Each time a weapon covered in metallic be knocked prone and pushed 10 feet away
polish deals damage, the remaining duration is from that point. One use cost 50gp.

 You may be able to craft other Jaded
alchemical items and bre additional potions at You have been hardened to the horrors that
the discretion of the Dungeon Master. These exist within the Land of the Mists by cruel expe-
might require more exotic ingredients or special rience. You gain the following benefits:
recipes.  Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
Back to the wall  You can roll 1d8 and add on your Horror
You are at your best when things are at their checks and horror saving throws.
When you are at one quarter or less of your Mist Navigator
maximum HP, and in a real danger (It does not Prerequisite: Be on the 4th character level and
work if the damage done to you is purposely Wisdom 16 or higher.
done by an ally for you to gain the feat You have experience moving through fog and
benefits), you gain the following benefits, while mist shrouded areas. This allows you to function
in combat or danger: while your vision is impaired. You gain the
 +2 in your Melee Weapon Attacks. following benefits:
 +2 in your Melee Damage rolls.  Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a
 +2 in your Athletics checks. maximum of 20.
 +1 in your AC.  If you are aware of a heavily obscured
 +1 in your all saving throws. creature within 5 feet of you, that creature
 2 of damage reduction against any does not have advantage on attack rolls
damage suffered. against you.
 When in an area heavily obscured by
Courage effects such fog or mist (but not darkness or
You are oddly fearless in the face of danger, or invisibility) you only have disadvantage on
foolish. You gain the following benefits: active checks based on sight to notice
 Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a objects or details within 10 feet of you.
maximum of 20. Passive checks based on sight still
 You can roll 1d8 and add on your Fear automatically fail.
checks and fear saving throws.  You have advantage on checks to follow
mistways (Consult the DMG).
Firearms Expert  You know of a number of known mist
Thanks to your extensive practice with firearms, travel routes, equal to your proficiency bonus
you gain the following benefits: (see the routes with DMG).
 You become proficient in all firearms.
 You ignore the loading quality of Open Minded
firearms with which you are proficient. You keep yourself adaptable to the situations
 Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature helping to fortify your sanity. You gain the
doesn’t impose Disadvantage on ranged following benefits:
attack rolls.  Increase your Sanity score by 1, to a
 When you use the Attack action and at- maximum of 20.
tack with a one handed weapon, you  You can roll 1d8 and add on your
can use a bonus action to attack with a Sanity checks and Sanity saving
loaded pistol you are holding. throws.

Reject by Death weapon, you can’t change after, and gain the
Death definitely does not want it. You gain the following benefits:
following benefits:  Gain Proficiency with the choice weapon.
 +2 in all attack rolls with the weapon
 If you roll a 16, 17, 18 or 19 on the d20 In you choose.
your Death saving Throws, you regain 1 HP,
 +2 in all damage rolls with the weapon
and also gains a one level of exhaustion,
you choose.
which can normally removed after a long
 +2 in rolls to avoid being disarmed,
rest. Roll 20 you regain 1, without level of
and to disarm, with the weapon you choose.
 +2 extra in all critical damage rolls.
 When you die, if you still have a body,
you roll 1d6. If you roll 5 or 6, you not die,
and regain 1hp, but you gain 2 exhaustion
level, which can normally removed after a
long rest, your sanity score is reduced by 1
permanently, and you roll on the long-term
madness table. (can it restore any missing
body parts)

Superior Tough
Prerequisite: Have the Tough feat and be on the
8th character level.
Your hit point maximum increases by 20.

Throw Weapon Master

Prerequisite: The ability to cast spells
You are able to rapidly hurl weapons with
surprising power and accuracy. You gain the
following benefits:
 Your normal range with a thrown
weapons increases to by 10 feet and your
maximum range increases by 30 feet.
 Your throwing weapon attacks ignore
half cover and three quarters cover.
 Before you thrown make a melee attack
with a thrown weapon that you are
proficient with, you can choose to take a -5
penalty to that roll. If the attack hits, you
add +10 to the attack damage.

Weapon Specialization
Prerequisite: Strength or Dexterity 16 or higher,
according to the weapon, and be on the 4th
character level.
You are extremely familiar with a one specific
weapon. You choose one melee or ranged

- Increase your Constitution score by l, to a maximum
RACIAL FEATS : All XTGE racial of 20.
f e a ts a l l o w e d , a n d h a v e n e w r a c i a l - Whenever you take the Dodge action in combat, you
f e a ts . can spend one Hit Die to gain temporary Hit Points.
Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and regain
a number of temporary hit points equal to the total
(minimum of 1). You can use more of one time in
Aasimar Necrotic Shroud
combat this feat, and accumulate temporary hit points.
Aasimar Radiant Consumption
These total of temporary hit points end after the end of
Caliban Orcish Fury
Caliban Prodigy
Deva Deva Magic
Prerequisite: Aasimar
Dhampir Dhampir Shapechanger
You can use your action to unleash the divine energy
Dhampir Fey Teleportation
within yourself, causing your eyes to turn into pools of
Dragonborn Dragon Fear
darkness and two skeletal, ghostly, flightless wings to
Dragonborn Dragon Hide
sprout from your back. The instant you transform,
Dwarf Dwarven Resilient *
other creatures within 10 feet of you that can see you
Dwarf Squat Nimbleness
must each succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 8
Elf Elven Accuracy
+ your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or
Elf (dusk) Drow High Magic
become frightened of you until the end of your next
Elf (drow) Drow High Magic
turn. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you
Elf (high) Fey Teleportation
end it as a bonus action. During it, once on each of
Elf (wood) Wood Elf Magic
your turns, you can deal extra necrotic damage to one
Genasi Genasi Magic
target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a
Genasi Prodigy
spell. The extra necrotic damage equals your level.
Gnome Fade Away
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until
Gnome Squat Nimbleness
you finish a long rest. Requires Powercheck.
Goblin Prodigy
Goblin Squat Nimbleness
Prerequisite: Aasimar
Goliath Brutal Attack
You can use your action to unleash the divine energy
Goliath Prodigy
within yourself, causing a searing light to radiate from
Half-elf Elven Accuracy
you, pour out of your eyes and mouth, and threaten to
Half-elf Prodigy
char you. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or
Halfling Bountiful Luck
until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you shed
Halfling Second Chance
bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an
Halfling Squat Nimbleness
additional 10 feet, and at the end of each of your
Half-Vistani Half-Vistani Magic
turns, you and each creature within 10 feet of you take
Half-Vistani Prodigy
radiant damage equal to half your level (rounded up).
Human Prodigy
In addition, once on each of your turns, you can deal
Shifter Prodigy
extra radiant damage to one target when you deal
Shifter Wood Elf Magic
damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra
Viryloka Prodigy
radiant damage equals your level.
Viryloka Fade Away
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you
Tiefling Flames of Phlegethos
finish a long rest.
Tiefling Infernal Constitution
Wilden Elven Accuracy
Prerequisite: Dhampir
If the Dhampir isn't in sun light or running water,
it can use its action to polymorph in to a Tiny bat or a
Medium cloud of mist, or back into its true form.
Prerequisite: Deva
While in bat form, the Dhamhir can't speak, its walking
You learn the magic of Deva protected by your
speed is 5 feet, and it has a flying speed of 30 feet. Its
people. You learn one Cleric cantrip of your choice.
statistics, other than its size and speed, are
You also learn the protection from evil and good and
unchanged. Anything it is wearing transforms with it,
lesser restoration spells, each of which you can cast
but nothing it is carrying does. It reverts to its true form
once without expending a spell slot. You regain the
if it dies.
ability to cast these two spells in this way when you
While in mist form, the Dhampir can't take any actions,
finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
speak, or manipulate objects. It is weightless, has a
for all three spells.
flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a
hostile creature's space and stop there. In addition , if
DWARVEN RESILIENT *(Replace Dwarven Fortitude)
air can pass through a space, the mist can do so
Prerequisite: Dwarf
without squeezing, and it can't pass through water. It
You have the blood of dwarf heroes flowing through
has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and
your veins. You gain the following benefits:
Constitution saving throws, and it have resistance to

all nonmagical damage, except the damage it takes roll the 5d8 of sleep spell to see if the target is
from sunlight.
affected and falls asleep or not.
BRUTAL ATTACK It is very exhaustive to do a hypnosis in combat,
Prerequisite: Goliath and after each successful use, you must make a
Your inner fury burns tirelessly. You gain the following DC 10 Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 level
- Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, to of exhaustion on a failed save. In addition, the
a maximum of 20. same rules of the skill, uses per day and Sanity
- When you hit with an attack using a simple or martial saving throw are applied.
weapon, you can roll three of the weapon’s damage
dice an additional time and add it as extra damage of
the weapon’s damage type.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.

Prerequisite: Genasi
You learn the magic of Genasi. You also learn the wall
of sand (Earth Genasi only) or wind wall (Air Genasi
only) or wall of fire (Fire Genasi only) or wall of water
(Water Genasi only), and you can cast once without
expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast
these two spells in this way when you finish a long
rest. Constituition is your spellcasting ability for all
three spells.

You learn the magic of Half-Vistani. You learn
message, guidance or light cantrip. You also learn the
dissonant whispers and remove curse spells, each of
which you can cast once without expending a spell
slot. You regain the ability to cast these two spells in
this way when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your
spellcasting ability for all three spells.


A l l F e a ts f o r S k i l l s ( U n e a r te d A r c a n a )
a l l o w e d , a n d h a v e n e w F e a ts f o r S k i l l s
f e a ts .

You study the Hypnosis, gaining the following
 Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
 You can only attempt to hypnotize one
target at a time with this skill, not requires a
peaceful situation, such as in combat, making
him sleep or be enchanted or commanded.
As an action, you make a hypnosis check with
disadvantage is opposed by the subject’s
wisdom saving throw. If you succeed, the target
is affected as in the sleep spell (1st lvl), charm
person spell (1st lvl), or command spell (1st lvl),
of you choose. If it's sleep spell, you still have to

wisdom saving throw. Willing targets can
Within Ravenloft, some of the core skills in the voluntarily choose not to make their wisdom
PHB might have some altered or new uses. saving throw.

Any attempt to try and change or improve the

attitude of an animal that is currently under the
influence of a domain lord, automatically fails.

Deception tends to be all encompassing but in

Ravenloft it is useful in a extra trades that are
often dealt with within the Land of the Mists.
You add your outcast bonus on check penalty.

Telling Fortunes: This is the ability to invent

plausible fortunes from thin air. It is the art of
picking up on subtle clues from the person you
are talking to and telling them what they want
to hear; it does not actually allow someone to
peer into the future.
Once the target is hypnotized you can:
This is a contested roll of deception ver-  Plant a suggestion as per the spell
sus the targets perception roll. If the player role  Aid the recovery of a target who suffers
plays rather well during the scenario even play- from the effects of a failed Madness
ing off bad rolls, give them Advantage on said check.
rolls and possibly Disadvantage to the target.  Detect thoughts, like spell, of target.
 Make the target sleep, like a spell, for
Seduction: The art of seduction is an old one, 1d8 hours. You still have to roll the 5d8 of sleep
and in the Land of the Mists, a few well placed spell to see if the target is affected and falls
compliments, words, and even small gifts can asleep or not.
gain lots of information. This is a contested roll
of deception against a wisdom check from the If the character is proficient in medicine
target. Again, if the player role plays the scenar- they gain advantage on their hypnosis checks.
io well the DM can even give an Advantage roll This skill cannot be used without profi-
or other bonuses if they see fit. ciency. Since using this skill is very tiring for
your mind, you can only use it a number of
times per day just like your charisma modifier. If
New Skill. Hypnosis is the ability to induce a
you still want to use more times in the day,
deep, calming trance in your subject.
each additional use, you must do after a Sanity
You can use this skill in two ways: saving throw DC 15 or is affected by a short
1) You can only attempt to hypnotize one term madness.
target at a time with this skill, and it requires
a peaceful situation and at least 1 hour of Intimidation
work per check. If the subject is unwilling, you If the Intimidation target feels really at risk, the
have to first succeed at a deception check to Intimidator make a POWER CHECK. You add
disguise your intent. your outcast bonus on intimidations check
A hypnosis check is opposed by the sub-
ject’s wisdom saving throw. Loud/distracting Persuasion / Performance
sur- roundings give Advantage to the targets You add your outcast bonus on check penalty.

Explosives in Ravenloft: Explosives are as exotic
Ravenloft is a land that crosses many different in Ravenloft as firearms.
periods of time, sometimes within the span of a
domain border. As such it is possible to see eve- Explosives:
rything from a Stone Age ecology up to one that Item Cost Weight
resembles a Renaissance. As such it is not un- Bomb 150gp 1lb.
common to see someone using a primitive bow Gunpowder, keg 250gp 20 lb.
and spear next to an armored soldier utilizing a Gunpowder, powder horn 35gp 2 lb.
well crafted crossbow.
- Bomb: As an action, a character can li ght
Firearms in Ravenloft: Firearms are an exotic
this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60
weapon and thus are their own category. When
feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of
players attempt to gain proficiency with said
that point must succeed on a DC 12
weapons they have to choose whether it is pis-
Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire
tols or muskets (DMG). Most firearms take one
standard action to reload after use. Use the
- Gunpowder: Is chiefly used to propel a bu
damage presented from the DMG.
11et out of the barrel of a pistol or rifle, or
it is formed into a bomb.
Martial Ranged Weapons (Firearms):
Gunpowder is sold in small wooden kegs
Weapon Cost DAM Weight Properties
and in water resistant powder horns.
Pistol 250gp 1d10 p. 3lb. Amm.(30/90),loading
Musket 500gp 1d12 p. 10 lb. Amm. (40/120), Setting fire to a container full of gunpowder
loading, two-handed can cause it to explode, dealing fire damage
Bullets* 3gp 2d4 sla. 2 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed to creatures within 10 feet of it (3d6 for a
*Ammunition powder horn, 7d6 for a keg). A successful
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw halves the
The DM can allow a character to have damage. Setting fire to an ounce of
firearm proficiency depending on the domain, gunpowder causes it to flare for 1 round, s
class, and background. hedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and
For example Bards and Rogues can opt dim light for an additional 30 feet.
to take pistol instead of hand crossbow as a
weapon proficiency. Folk Hero, Sailor and Doctor’s Kit: A doctor’s kit is usually several in-
Soldier backgrounds can also choose either struments such as surgical scalpels, mask,
pistol or musket as a proficiency. A Renaissance gloves, stethoscope, small rubber hammer,
domain can allow all characters with martial bone saw, and several other implements that
weapons proficiency to have proficency in would lead some to believe that the individual
firearms. In addition, the firearms expert FEAT, is mad. Bandage gauze, medicines and other such
gives proficency in all firearms. items can also be found. This kit works like a
normal healer kit, however it does have some
Gunpowder and Bullets: Gunpowder can be additional benefits described below. Ravenloft
crafted as long as someone has the proper pro- Use HEALER'S KIT DEPENDENCY (short rest) rules.
ficiency to do so, and the necessary
equipments. Using the standard rules of 5 gold Item Cost Weight Properties
piece of material crafted per day, it would take 7 Doctor’s kit 15 gp 8 lb. Special*#
days for a player to be able to create two Healer’s kit 5 gp 3 lb. Stabilize a creature
pounds of usable gunpowder (enough to fill a
horn) for 5 Bullets or 70 days to fill a keg, for 50 *As an action, you can expend one use of the kit
Bullets. Doing so requires a casting kit to be able to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points,
to make them. without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine)

check. You can also treat injuries (DMG) because Adamantine Armors: Getting a adamantine
your kit has items for it. armor in Ravenloft is very rare. This suit of
# When used together with Healer Feat you gain armor is reinforced with adamantine, one
the following benefits: of the hardest substances in existence. While
 When you use a Doctor’s kit to stabilize a you're wearing it, any critical hit against you
dying creature, that creature also regains 1d6 hit becomes a normal hit. The adamantine version
points. of a armor costs 5x more than the normal
 As an action, you can spend one use of a version, whether the armor is made of the
Doctor’s kit to tend to a creature and restore metal, and obviously the armor has to be made
2d6 + 8 hit points to it, plus additional hit points of metal.
twice to the creature’s maximum number of Hit Adamantine Shields and Helms: Getting a
Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points from adamantine shield or Helm in Ravenloft is very
this feat again until it finishes a short or long rare. This suit of shield or Helm is reinforced
rest. with adamantine, one of the hardest substances
 As an action, you can spend to use a in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical
doctor's kit to care one creature, which gains hit against you have 30% (Shield) and 10%
advantage on saving throws against diseases for (Helm), becomes a normal hit. The adamantine
12 hours. version of a Shield or Helm costs 4x more than
Silvered Weapons: Getting a weapon silvered in the normal version, whether the Shield is made
Ravenloft isn’t an easy process. The require- of the metal, and obviously the shield has to be
ments usually are in those domains that are made of metal.
usually sophisticated enough and even then the
cost might actually be higher. Some monsters Masterpiece Weapons: Getting a masterpiece
that have immunity or resistance to weapon in Ravenloft is rare. Masterpiece
nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver version of a melee weapon or of ten pieces of
weapons, so cautious adventurers invest extra ammunition costs 10x more than the normal
coin to plate their weapons with silver. You can version, and and they deal +1 of damage.
silver a single weapon or ten pieces of
ammunition for 100 gp. This cost represents Masterpiece Armors/Shields: Getting a
not only the price of the silver, but the time masterpiece weapon in Ravenloft is rare.
and expertise needed to add silver to the Masterpiece version of a armor or shield costs
weapon without making it less effective. 2x more than the normal version. While you are
wearing armor or shield, bludgeoning, piercing,
Adamantine Weapons: Getting a adamantine and slashing damage that you take from non
weapon in Ravenloft is very rare. magical weapons for critical hits, has a % chance
Adamantine is an ultrahard metal found in of the critical hit being ignored.
meteorites and extraordinary mineral veins. In Non Metal Armor 10% Non Metal Shield +10%
addition to being used to craft adamantine Metal Armor 30% Metal Shield +15%
armor, the metal is also used for weapons. Helm +5%
Melee weapons and ammunition made of or
coated with adamantine are unusually effective Other Items: Other specific itens that can be
when used to break objects. Whenever an found within Ravenloft, such as pocket watches,
adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition clocks, straight razors, and the like follow their
hits an object, the hit is a critical hit. normal rules. Automaton’s also exists and are
The adamantine version of a melee weapon or the preview for the super rich as trinkets and
of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more toys to be displayed for amusement, most of the
than the normal version, whether the weapon time.
or ammunition is made of the metal or coated
with it.

New Martial Weapons: #Don/Doff with Action (normal) or Bonus Action
Weapon Cost DAM Weight Properties (requiring dexterity ability check DC15)
Bolas 4gp 1 Blud. 2 lb. Special,Thrown 20/60 + Medium armor used by Barbarian Battlerage
Spiked Chain30gp 1d6 pie. 5 lb. Finess, Reach *Your movement decrease by 5ft., even if you're
Scythe 10gp 1d8 sla. 2 lb. Two-Handed a dwarf, can be used by small creatures only if
Hand Repeating Crossbow * 225gp 4 lb. Special . it's a Tower Shield made especially for it, impose
Heavy Repeating Crossbow* 200gp 20 lb. Special disadvantage on your Strength (Athletics)
checks, and opportunity attack rolls. Don/Doff
Bolas: A Large or smaller creature hit by a bolas with Action
must make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) save (DC 10) If used in conjunction with any armor requiring
or be restrained by it. A creature can break free STR for use, it increases the minimum STR by 2.
of the bolas by using its action to make a DC12 Ex: Tower Shield + Plate = STR 17. (This shield is
Strength (Athletics) check or by dealing 5 very rare).
slashing damage to it (AC 12). Formless @While you are wearing Helm, bludgeoning,
creatures are immune to this effect. piercing, and slashing damage that you take
Spiked Chain: It is an very rare weapon, used by from non magical weapons for critical hits, is
the Shadar-kai. reduced by 1.
*Repeating Hand Crossbow/ Repeating Heavy
Crossbow: There are very rare evolutions of the
Hand Cross Bow and Heavy Crossbow weapons,
where there is a compartment with darts (hand
4 bolts and Heavy 7 bolts), and a mechanism
where as soon as the trigger is pulled, the bolt is
shot, and the next bolt is positioned for the next
shot. In terms of game rule, weapons gain an
automatic reload ability by a number of times
equal a 4 in the Repeating Hand Cross bow and
7 in the Heavy Repeating Crossbow, and the
user can ignore the weapon property reloading
by 4 and 7 turns, respectively. The disadvantage
of these weapons, is that to recharge 1 bolt or
all, the user spends 1 action.
If you have the Crossbow Expert FEAT, when
you use the Attack action and attack with
Repeating Crossbow, you can use a bonus action
to attack with your same repeating crossbow
you are attack,if it is loaded.

New Armor/Shields:
Armor/Shield Cost AC STR Stealth Weight
Spiked Armor+ 75 gp 14+2(dex) Disadv. 45 lb.
Buckler# 5gp +1 — — 3 lb.
Tower Shield* 50 gp +3 Str15 Disadv. 45 lb.
Helm@ 10gp @ — — 3 lb.

Resist on effect of an attack or spell that
ALTERATIONS TO MAGIC causes psychic damage.
The land of Ravenloft resides in its own
demiplane, isolated from all other planes, At your discretion, a spell can be modified
including the Material Plane. No spell-not even cosmetically to enhance the horrific atmosphere.
wish-allows one to escape from Ravenloft Here area examples:
domain. Astral projection, teleport, plane shift,
and similar spells cast for the purpose of leaving Alarm: Instead of hearing a inerital ping when
Ravenloft domains simply fail, as do effects that the alarm is triggered, the caster hears a scream.
banish a creature to another plane of existence. Bigby's hand: The ·conjured hand is skeletal.
These restrictions apply to magic items and Find familiar: The familiar is undead-not a
artifacts that have properties that transport or celestial, fey, or fiend-and is immune to features
banish creatures to other planes. Magic that that turn undead.
allows transit to the Border Ethereal, such as the Find steed: The summoned steed is undead-not
etherealness spell and the Etherealness feature a celestial, fey, or fiend-and is immune to
of incorporeal undead, is the exception to this features that turn undead.
rule. Find the path: A child's spirit appears and guides
A creature that enters the Border Ethereal from the caster to the desired location. The spirit can't
one Ravenloft domain is pulled back into one be harmed and doesn't speak.
same domains local upon leaving that plane. Fog cloud: Misty, harmless claws form in the fog.
For the purpose of spells whose effects change Gust of wind: A ghastly moan accompanies the
across or are blocked by planar boundaries (such summoned wind.
as sending), Ravenloft domain is considered its Mage hand: The summoned hand is skeletal.
own plane. Magic that summons creatures or Maze: The surfaces of the demi plane's maze are
objects from other planes functions normally in made of mortared skulls and bones.
one Ravenloft Domain, as does magic that Phantom steed: The steed resembles a skeletal
involves an extradimensional space. Any spells horse.
cast within such an extradimensional space (such Rary's telepathic bond: Characters linked
as that created by Mordenkainen's magnificent together by the spell can't shake the feeling that
mansion) are subject to the same restrictions as something vile is telepathically eavesdropping on
magic cast in one Ravenloft Domain. them.
While in one Ravenloft Domain, characters who Revivify: A creature restored to life by a revivify
receive spells from deities or otherworldly spell screams upon regaining consciousness, as
patrons continue to do so. In addition, spells that though waking from some horrible nightmare.
allow contact with beings from other planes Spirit guardians: The spirits appear as ghostly,
function normally-with one proviso: Dark Lord of skeletal warriors.
the domains can sense when someone in his Wall of stone: A wall created by the spell has
domain is casting such a spell and can choose to ghastly faces sculpted into it, as though tortured
make himself the spell's recipient, so that he spirits were somehow trapped within the stone.
becomes the one who is contacted.


Some spells now require sanity saving throw: Harm Spell: If used on an undead creature,
harm acts like Heal.
 Be targeted for spells that affect mental Heal Spell: If used on an undead creature, harm
stability, such as the insanity option of acts like Harm.
SYMBOL spell. Dimension door Spell: This spell cannot
transport the caster across a domain border.
Teleport Spell: This spell cannot transport and twisted, they have a 50% chance of
characters across the border of a domain or out receiving their wishes exactly as requested (in
of Ravenloft. which case the wish is already perverted).A wish
Plane Shift Spell: Will randomly to another intended to allow the caster to escape from
location in Ravenloft. Ravenloft, destroy a domain lord, or otherwise
Casting an Evil Spell (Nonnecromatic) requires violate one of the basic tenets of the land fails
power check per level of the spell(half if it's for a utterly. Similarly, any spell used for evil requires
good intention). a powers check.
Casting an Evil Spell (Necrormantic) requires Control Undead: In Ravenloft, all undead can
power check per level of the spell (half if it's for make a saving throw to resist control.
a good intention), it is treated as if you used a Banishment Spell: The dark powers do not
spell slot 1 level higher than you actually did. In permit easy egress from the Demiplane of
addition to this the undead created gain 1 Dread. Any creature targeted by this spell makes
additional hit die. its saving throw with advantage. If the roll fails,
Locate Creature Spell: This spell is unable to the creature is teleported to a random location
cross the Misty Border that separates one within Ravenloft (but not across closed domain
domain from another. borders). This spell cannot affect a domain lord.
Locate Object Spell: This spell is unable to cross Detect Evil and Good: Not reveal what the
the Misty Border that separates one domain beings are. Instead, the player gets a sense of
from another. something is either natural or unnatural. In
Contact Other Plane Spell: This spell opens a Ravenloft, each undead creature can attempt a
conduit to the domain lord, lasting one round saving throw vs. spell to prevent detection.
for every two levels of the caster. The caster Astral Projection Spell: Ravenloft does not
knows only that he has contacted a powerful, connect with the Astral Plane, so this spell does
malevolent force. The lord need not answer not work here.
truthfully; in fact, he does not have to answer at Gate Spell: This spell works normally, with one
all. The Dungeon Master should role-play any restriction. The summoned creature cannot
conversation between the wizard and the automatically return to its place of origin. It
domain lord. must find it own exit from the Demiplane, just
Reincarnation Spell: In Ravenloft this spell may like any other being. This is frequently enough
actually reincarnate a person as an undead to provoke the creature to seek revenge on the
creature. The chance of this occurring is 3% per caster. Requires power check (as necromancy)
level of the caster. chance per level of the spell, and does not work
Clairvoyance Spell: This spell is restricted like to go out from the domain.
Clairaudience, above. It allows the caster to Remove Curse/Bestow Curse: its duration is
view things only in a familiar or obvious limited rather than permanent. The target of this
location. If the area does not meet those magic must make a successful saving throw vs.
qualifications, the spell has a 50% chance of spell to temporarily be rid of a curse; the
failing. The spell can reach only across a single duration of relief is only one turn per level of the
Mist-bound area and does not work directly in spellcaster. Remove curse can provide
the Mists. temporary relief but require the afflicted to make
Conjure Animals Spell: Only animals native to a Wisdom saving throw versus the DC of the
the domain or region in which the spell is cast spell that bestowed the curse. With curses of
can be created. vengeance, the DC = 8 + ½ invok- er’s HD +
Wish Spell: This spell functions only if the dark charisma modifier + severity of the curse.
powers allow it to. The dark powers usually Cursed magical items require the cursed user to
grant the wish, but they always try to pervert make a Wisdom save with a DC = 10 + 1 per
the caster's intent. Thus, this spell rarely property of the item to break the attune- ment.
performs as desired when cast in Ravenloft. Thus if a weapon had 3 properties, for instance,
When evil characters wish for something dark that would be a DC of 13.

Cast Summoning Spells: Any summon spell can gains a random form of indefinite madness
summon only monsters native to the region in brought on by the realization that its spirit is
which it is cast. All summoned creatures are trapped in the Ravenloft Domain, likely forever.
more difficult to control on the Demiplane. On To determine how this madness is expressed,
the first round of summoning, the creature can roll on the Indefinite Madness table in chapter 8
attempt a saving throw vs. spell with a -2 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
penalty; success indicates that the creature
avoids the control of the caster and can act
freely. Generally, this means that it will seek to
return to its home dimension. As soon as it NEW SPELLS.
becomes clear that it is trapped, it might try to
destroy the wizard that imprisoned it. All XTGE spells are allowed, except "Healing
Cast spells to Closed Domaind Borders: In the Spirit" and “Toll the Dead” which has been
case of special closed do- main borders, such as modified.
Strahd’s Poison Fog, any special protections or
other effects that would provide immunity for Healing Spirit
the character are ignored. (Druid, Ranger)
2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
When casting a necromantic spell: Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
 It is treated as if you used a spell slot 1 You call forth a nature spirit to soothe the
level higher than you actually did wounded. The intangible spirit appears in a
 Your DC spell increase to 1. space that is a 5-foot cube you can see within
 Your spell attack increase to 1. range. The spirit looks like a transparent
 Cantrip causes 1 extra damage per dice. beast or fey (your choice).
 In addition to this the undead created Until the spell ends, whenever you or a creature
gain 1 additional hit die. However, you can see moves into the spirits space for the
necromancers have to be wary. When first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you
the undead are first created they get a can cause the spirit to restore 1d6 hit points to
Wisdom saving throw. If they that creature (no action required). The spirit
succeed, they are not under the control can’t heal constructs or undead.
of the caster and are free to attack As a bonus action on your turn, you can move
whomever they wish (usually the caster the Spirit up to 30 feet to a space you can see.
for bringing them back in such a piti- ful The spell ends once the spirit has restored hit
state). points a number of times equal to twice your
spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of once).
Using necromancy in Ravenloft always requires At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
a Power’s Check of 5% x cast slot spell (cantrip a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the healing
counts 1). increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.


(Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)
In Ravenloft, the souls of the dead are as Necromancy cantrip
trapped as the souls of the living. They become Casting Time: 1 action
caught in the mists and can't travel to the Range: 60 feet
afterlife. When a humanoid who has been dead Components: V, S
for at least 24 hours returns to life, either by Duration: Instantaneous
way of a spell or some supernatural means, it
You point at one creature you can see within The caster personally chooses the punishment
range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the inflicted on the victim. Wording is very
air around it for a moment. The target must important, so the player must record the exact
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 phrasing for future reference. The curse may fail
necrotic damage. If the target is missing half if the punishment is inappropriate, too harsh, or
your total hit points (not including Temporary otherwise lacking (Dungeon Master's
Hit Points), it instead takes 1d12 necrotic discretion). In this case, the Dungeon Master
damage. can choose to either guide the player to a curse
The spell’s damage increases by one die when that is acceptable or make the character wait to
you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level see if the curse takes effect.
(3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12). The Caster becomes a vessel for the wrath he
invokes. He must clearly announce the curse in
The new spells are also added below. the presence of the evildoer. Thereafter, the
- Ancient Curse curse is in effect, though its effects sometimes
- Contaminate Food and Drink take time to surface. Instead, the curse may
- Dead Soul develop over months or years.
- Death Curse Ancient curse can be lifted. The victim has two
- Divine Curse means of removing the curse. An atonement
- Halt Undead spell can lift the curse, provided the spell
- Invisibility to Undead accompanies a great, heroic deed or similar act
- Limited Wish of expiation. Such an action must be an
- Mass Inflict Critical Wounds appropriate counter to the original evil deed.
- Rain of Terror Sometimes, the curse itself may include an
- Soul Anchor escape clause. Often the clue to lifting the curse
- Tomb Curse is hidden somewhere within the wording. The
- Undeads Putrid Hands Dungeon Master should encourage such clauses,
- Wall of Corpses since they do not necessarily provide
- Word of Chaos an easy escape, as illustrated by this sample
- Zone of Deception curse:
You have walked long upon the backs of the
downtrodden. Now, each step you take shall be
Ancient Curse a painful blow to your flesh, until you stride
(Bard, Cleric Wizard) barefoot to the summit of Mount Arabek
7th-level necromancy between sunrise and sunset.
Casting Time: 1 action At first the escape clause seems deadly, if not
Range: Special impossible, to fulfill, but a creative Dungeon
Components: V Master or player should be able to circumvent
Duration: Permanent the obvious. For instance, the cursed character
Area of Effect: Special might pay someone cast a haste spell upon him
Saving Throw: None or otherwise increase his rate of travel.
This magic works like the divine curse spell, Powers checks are mandated in accordance with
except that this curse can also affect the the rules outlined in that chapter.
descendants of the targeted. Here is an example of an ancient curse:
This spell creates a terrible and lasting curse, so You and your seed shall wither at the touch of
it can only be cast upon someone who has gold and silver unto the seventh generation.
performed a great evil - at least in the eyes of Always shall you want for the charity and
the caster. The awful deed may even have been comfort that you have so long denied your
unintentional, but it must have yielded horrible subjects.
results for the caster. The victim of the curse
can be of any alignment.

If the cause is great, the curse may be worded Range: Special
to last indefinitely, affecting all descendants of Components: V
the offender. If he provides an Duration: Permanent
escape clause, the caster can often cause more Area of Effect: Special
powerful curses. In the example above, the Saving Throw: Special
curse might continue: This is the most dangerous and deadly curse in
Only when you have given back tenfold what the land of mists. The caster simply invokes such
was taken, shall your heirs prosper. a powerful curse that it can lead to death any
Remove Curse spell, or any other spell except target on the same plane of existence as I have
wish or miracle, does not work against this spell. done any harm to the caster.
You choose an attribute of the target, and it
Contaminate Food and Drink must do a Saving Throw of this attribute with
(Druid, Warlock) disadvantage. If it fails the target dies instantly
1th-level transmutation in some rather bizarre way related to the chosen
Casting Time: 1 action attribute.
Range: 10 feet Examples:
Components: V, S, M (a pickled rat in a chemical - STR: An abyss with lava opens and the target
concoction worth no less than 50gp) must make a STR Saving throw to hold on the
Duration: Permanent All nonmagical food and ledge and not fall and die.
drink within a 5-foot radius sphere centered on - DEX: A giant stone falls from the sky on top of
a point of your choice within range is the target and it must make a DEX Saving throw
contaminated with your choice of one of the to dodge and not die.
following diseases and poisons: assassin’s blood, - CON: A putrefying and deadly disease hits the
cackle fever, sewer plague, sight rot, or truth target, which should make a CON Saving throw
serum. A creature who ingests food or drink not to suck and die from the disease.
contaminated in this way must pass a saving Examples:
throw or become infected with the disease or - INT: A deadly illusion appears to the target and
afflicted by the poison. These diseases and it must do an INT Saving throw and not die in a
poisons are detailed in the Dungeon Master’s bizarre way. For example a lake appears in an
Guide on pages 257 to 258. abyss, or the guard of the village looks like an
undead and it attacks.
Dead Soul - WIS: A willingness to kill hits the target that
(Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) must do a WIS saving throw or does some
Necromancy Cantrip attitude that he will surely die, such as trying to
Casting Time: 1 action kill a lord, or entering a tournament of unarmed
Range: 60 feet fights, or throwing himself from a chasm.
Components: V, S - CHA: The target must make a CHA Saving
Duration: Instantaneous throw to be banned to another elemental plane
A Dead Soul with negative energy touch on a that can not survive and therefore die.
creature that you can see within range. The - SAN: The target must make a SAN Saving throw
target must succeed on a Constitution saving so that bizarre voices do not explode his mind
throw or take 1d12 necrotic damage. and he dies.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d12 when you
reach 5th level (2d12), 11th level (3d12), and Divine Curse
17th level (4d12). (Bard, Cleric Wizard)
6th-level necromancy
Death Curse Casting Time: 1 action
(Bard, Cleric, Wizard) Range: Special
9th-level necromancy Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Permanent

Area of Effect: Special The material components for this spell are a tiny
Saving Throw: None silver gong and the priest's holy symbol. Details
This spell creates a terrible and lasting curse, so on curses are presented in Chapter Twelve.
it can only be cast upon someone who has Powers checks are mandated in accordance with
performed a great evil - at least in the eyes of the rules outlined in that chapter.
the caster. The awful deed may even have been Remove Curse spell, or any other spell except
unintentional, but it must have yielded horrible wish or miracle, does not work against this spell.
results for the caster. The victim of the curse
can be of any alignment. Halt Undead
The caster personally chooses the punishment (Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
inflicted on the victim. Wording is very 3th-level necromancy
important, so the player must record the exact Casting Time: 1 action
phrasing for future reference. The curse may fail Range: 60 feet
if the punishment is inappropriate, too harsh, or Components: V, S, M (A pinch of sulfur and
otherwise lacking (Dungeon Master's powdered garlic)
discretion). In this case, the Dungeon Master Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
can choose to either guide the player to a curse Choose a Undead creature that you can see
that is acceptable or make the character wait to within range. The target must succeed on a
see if the curse takes effect. Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the
The Cleric becomes a vessel for the divine wrath duration. This spell affect only undead. At the
he invokes. He must clearly announce the curse end of each of its turns, the target can make
in the presence of the evildoer. Thereafter, the another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the
curse is in effect, though its effects sometimes spell ends on the target.
take time to surface. Instead, the curse may At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
develop over months or years. a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target
Divine curse can be lifted. The victim has two one additional creature for each slot level above
means of removing the curse. An atonement 5th. The creatures must be within 30 feet of
spell can lift the curse, provided the spell each other when you target them.
accompanies a great, heroic deed or similar act
of expiation. Such an action must be an Invisibility to Undead
appropriate counter to the original evil deed. (Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Sometimes, the curse itself may include an 2th-level illusion
escape clause. Often the clue to lifting the curse Casting Time: 1 action
is hidden somewhere within the wording. The Range: Touch
Dungeon Master should encourage such Components: V, S, M
clauses, since they do not necessarily provide Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
an easy escape, as illustrated by this sample You or a creature you touch becomes invisible
curse: to Undead creatures only, until the spell ends.
You have walked long upon the backs of the Anything the target is w earing or carrying is
downtrodden. Now, each step you take shall be invisible as long as it is on the target’s person.
a painful blow to your flesh, until you stride
barefoot to the summit of Mount Arabek Limited Wish
between sunrise and sunset. (Sorcerer, Wizard)
At first the escape clause seems deadly, if not 7th-level conjuration
impossible, to fulfill, but a creative Dungeon Casting Time: 1 action
Master or player should be able to circumvent Range: Self
the obvious. For instance, the cursed character Components: V
might pay someone cast a haste spell upon him Duration: Instantaneous
or otherwise increase his rate of travel. Limited Wish is the very powerful spell a mortal
creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you

can alter the very foundations of reality in you be teleported away from the villain, without
accord with your desires, but limited. necessarily dying.
The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any The stress of casting this spell to produce any
other spell of 6th level or lower. You don’t need effect other than duplicating another spell
to meet any requirements in that spell, weakens you. After enduring that stress, each
including costly components. The spell simply time you cast a spell until you finish a long rest,
takes effect. Alternatively, you can create one you take 1d8 necrotic damage per level of that
of the following effects of your choice: spell. This damage can’t be reduced or
• You create one object of up to 12,500 gp in prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength
value that isn’t a magic item. The object can be drops to 5, if it isn’t 5 or lower already, for 2d4
no more than 150 feet in any dimension, and it days. For each of those days that you spend
appears in an unoccupied space you can see on resting and doing nothing more than light
the ground. activity, your remaining recovery time
• You allow up to ten creatures that you can see decreases by 2 days. Finally, there is a 25
to regain all hit points, and you end all effects percent chance that you are unable to cast wish
on them described in the greater restoration ever again if you suffer this stress.
• You grant up to five creatures that you can see Mass Inflict Critical Wounds
resistance to a damage type you choose. (Cleric)
• You grant up to five creatures you can see 7th-level necromancy
immunity to a single spell or other magical Casting Time: 1 action
effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make Range: 120 feet
yourself and all your companions immune to a Components: V, S
lich’s life drain attack. Duration: Instantaneous
• You undo a single recent event by forcing a A sphere of negative energy ripples out in a 60-
reroll of any roll made within the last round footradius sphere from a point within range.
(including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself Each creature in that area must make a
to accommodate the new result. For example, a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 6d10
wish spell could undo an opponent’s successful necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
save, a foe’s critical hit, or a friend’s failed save. much damage on a successful one.
You can choose whether to use the reroll or the At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
original roll. a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage
As in the Wish Spell, You might be able to increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 7th.
achieve something beyond the scope of the
above examples. State your Limited Wish to the Rain of Terror
DM as precisely as possible. The DM has great (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
latitude in ruling what occurs in such an 4nd-level evocation
instance; the greater the wish, the greater the Casting Time: 1 action
likelihood that something goes wrong. This spell Range: Sight
might simply fail, the effect you desire might Components: V, S, M (Black water, putrid water,
only be partly achieved, or you might suffer ash and embers, Steaming blood, dead Frogs or
some unforeseen consequence as a result of toads, dead bats, dead Snakes or dead Spiders)
how you worded the Limited wish. The effects Duration: 1 hour
caused by Limited Wish spell are much more This spell causes a terror rainstorm of Black
restricted than Wish Spell, and are often water, putrid water, ash and embers, Steaming
temporary or partial. blood, dead Frogs or toads, dead bats, dead
For example, wishing that a villain were dead, Snakes or dead Spiders (choice of caster) lasts
could actually kill the villain, but he would be for one hour and covers a circle one mile in
resurrected automatically a short time later. Or diameter.

Each creature in a Rain of terror area must Components: V, S, M
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or drop Duration: Permanent
whatever it is holding and become frightened Area of Effect: 1 tomb, a cube 60 feet/side
for the duration. While frightened by this spell, Saving Throw: None
a creature must take the Dash action and move This spell enables the Cleric to cast a conditional
to random direction away from the rain of curse upon a tomb. Anyone violating the tomb
terror (DM Control), on each of its turns, unless becomes subject to the curse. At one point
there is nowhere to move. The frightened during the casting of this spell, the Cleric must
creatures can repeat the saving throw, with cast a either a divine curse or ancient curse spell
disadvantage, at the end of each of its turns, to define the effects.
ending the effect and the movement on a It takes a 8 hours to cast this spell, and the
success. Requires Power Check. priest cannot be interrupted at any time during
the casting. He must walk through all the
Soul Anchor passages and rooms of the tomb, marking the
(Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) walls, floors, ceilings, and doors with signs of the
5nd-level enchantment curse. During this time, the cleric also sets down
Casting Time: 1 action the exact conditions that will trigger the curse.
Range: 30 feet They can be as simple as "any creature entering
Components: V, S this tomb" or as complicated as "any
Duration: 1 Hour mortal disturbing the remains of the king,
One creature of your choice that you can see removing his burial treasure, breaking or
within range must make Wisdom saving throws. destroying his possessions, or defacing
If fail, this spell ties a victim's life force to a the, tomb".
particular edifice—a building, an estate, a castle, The Dungeon Master determines the exact
etc. This prevents the victim from leaving that effects. In general, he should interpret the
place. A simple remove curse or successful wording of the curse literally, though
dispel magic spell will suffice. The owner of the vague or unclear passages should be given
building or estate can also negate the spell by unfavorable interpretations.
granting the target permission to leave. (The The cleric has a limit to the size of tomb he can
owner can be charmed or otherwise forced into ward; it must fill an area no larger than a cube
this.) thirty feet on a side. If other priests assist the
The specified anchor must have clearly defined caster, however, each additional priest adds
borders. A grove of trees in the wilderness does ten feet to each side of the cube. Therefore,
not have a clearly definable border and, hence, seven clerics (including the caster) can ward a
is an unsuitable place for a soul anchor. cube-shaped area, up to ninety feet on a side.
Dungeon Masters should note that property The material components of this spell are the
lines, if clearly known by both the caster and holy symbols of each priest involved. The
subject, are acceptable for this purpose. symbols must be left in the tomb,
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a frequently buried in the walls or floor.
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration is Optionally, a creature of the same race as the
concentration, up to 8 hours. If you use a spell cleric can be entombed alive instead of
slot of 7th level or higher, the duration is 24 the holy symbol. A combination of creatures and
hours. If you use a 8th level spell slot, the spell holy symbols is acceptable, so long as each
lasts until it is dispelled. priest leaves at least one component.
Entombing living creatures as a part of the
Tomb Curse spell mandates a powers check.
(Cleric) Remove Curse spell, or any other spell except
7th-level necromancy wish or miracle, does not work against this spell.
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch

Undeads Putrid Hands The wall can have any shape you desire, though
(Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) it can’t occupy the same space as a creature or
5th-level necromancy object. The wall doesn’t need to be vertical or
Casting Time: 1 action rest on any firm foundation.
Range: 90 feet If you create a span greater than 20 feet in
Components: V, S, M (a piece of one corpse, like length, you must halve the size of each panel to
a skin, eye, bone, nail or hair) create supports. The wall is an object made of
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute corpses that can be damaged and thus
Putrid hand of many undeads come out of the breached. Each piece has AC 10 and
ground to grab the target´s legs in the area of 20 hit points per 5ft. of thickness, and resistance
30-foot square on ground that you can see of necrotic damage. Reducing a piece to 0 hit
within range. For the duration, these putrid points destroys it and might cause connected
hands turn the ground in the area into difficult pieces to collapse at the DM’s discretion.
terrain. This Wall of corpses is is so horrifying that each
When a creature enters the affected area for creature enters for the first time on a turn
the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, or starts its turn in a 10-foot of the wall of
the creature must succeed on a Strength saving corpses must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage, plus throw or drop whatever it is holding
2d10 necrotic damage and be restrained by the and become frightened for the duration.
putrid hands until the spell ends. A creature that While frightened by this spell, a creature must
starts its turn in the area and is already take the Dash action and move away from wall
restrained by the putrid hands takes 1d10 of corpses by the safest available route on each
bludgeoning damage, plus 2d10 necrotic of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If
damage. the creature ends its turn in a location where it
A creature restrained by the tentacles can use doesn’t have line of sight to the wall of corpses,
its action to make a Strength against your spell the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw.
save DC. On a success, it frees itself. On a successful save, the spell ends for that
Wall of Corpses
(Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard) Word of Chaos
6th-level necromancy (Cleric)
Casting Time: 1 action 9th-level enchantment
Range: 120 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a piece of a corpse) Range: 60 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Components: V
A nonmagical wall of horrifying tangle of Duration: Instantaneous
corpses springs into existence at a point you You utter a word of chaos that can compel one
choose within range. The wall is 5ft. thick and is creature you can see within range to stunned or
composed of ten 10-foot-by-10-foot pieces. die instantly. If the creature has 150 hit points
Each piece must be contiguous with at least one or fewer, it is stunned. If the creature you
other piece. If the wall cuts through a creature’s choose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies.
space when it appears, the creature is pushed to Otherwise, the spell has no effect.
one side of the wall (your choice). The stunned target must make a Constitution
If a creature would be surrounded on all saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a
sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid successful save, this stunning effect ends.
surface), that creature can make a Dexterity
saving throw. On a success, it can use its Zone of Deception
reaction to move up to its speed so that it is no (Bard, Cleric, Paladin)
longer enclosed by the wall. 2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
You create a magical zone that guards against
deception in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered
on a point of your choice within range. Until the
spell ends, a creature that enters the spell’s area
for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
there must make a Charisma saving throw. On a
failed save, a creature can’t speak a deliberate
truth while in the radius. You know whether
each creature succeeds or fails on its saving
An affected creature is aware of the spell and
can thus avoid answering questions to which it
would normally respond with a truth. Such a
creature can be evasive in its answers as long as
it remains within the boundaries of the lie.


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