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FORLORN: HOPE Game Rules v1.

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[1.2] Dice: When rolling multiple dice, the results are usually not
Rolling a d3: The rules refer to a d3 roll; this is generated by
rolling a standard six-sided die with these outcomes: 1 2=!,
3 4=@, and 5 6=#. A 2d3 roll is the sum of two d3 results.
[1.3] Units: The 40 square counters (hereafter called “units”)
TABLE OF CONTENTS represent individual Human Space Marines and Alien Xenos. Their
1.0 Introduction ............................................................ 1 icons and values determine each unit’s type and abilities. Some units
2.0 Set Up ...................................................................... 2 have special abilities that are explained on the back of this rulebook
3.0 Sequence of Play ................................................... 2 (see Page 8).
4.0 Action Points .......................................................... 2
Special Ability SAMPLE UNITS Marine Rank and Name
5.0 Marine Actions ....................................................... 3
6.0 Xeno Activations .................................................... 3 Movement
Xeno Type
7.0 Movement ............................................................... 4 Ranged Attack
8.0 Combat .................................................................... 4 Defense Bonus
9.0 Items ........................................................................ 5 Melee Attack Special Ability
10.0 Mutation Cards ..................................................... 5 Marine units (only) have a facing arrow along their
11.0 Spawning Xenos .................................................. 5 left side to facilitate movement and combat functions.
12.0 Operations ............................................................ 6
13.0 Solitaire Operations ............................................. 7 Example: A Xeno Warrior has the Tough special ability, 8 Movement Points, and
a Melee Attack Strength of 2. Corporal Zac has the Gunner special ability, 4
Movement Points, a 4 Ranged Attack Strength, and a Defense Bonus of 2.
USING THESE RULES [1.4] Markers: The round pieces are called “markers” and are used
New gaming terms, when they are initially defined, appear in to track assorted game information.
dark red lettering for quick referencing. The Action Point marker tracks the current number of available
The instructions for this game are organized into major Action Points.
“Rules” sections as shown in large green CAPS font, and The Turn marker tracks the number of turns remaining in the current
represented by the number to the left of the decimal point operation. The turn marker counts down the Turn Track towards 1.
(e.g., rule 4.0 is the fourth rule). These rules generally explain
Grenade markers track the total number Plasma Grenades the
the game’s components, play procedures, its game’s core
systems and mechanics, how to set it up, and how to win. Marine units have remaining. They are placed on the map when
thrown and removed from play after their attack.
With each Rule, there can be “Cases” that further explain a
rule’s general concept or basic procedure. Cases might also The Flame markers track Flamethrower bursts. They are placed on
restrict the application of a rule by denoting exceptions to it. the map when the Flamethrower weapon attacks and are removed
Cases are an extension of a Rule shown in the way that they during the Housekeeping Phase.
are numbered. For example, Rule 4.1 is the first Case of the The No Fuel and Jam information markers have reverse sides
fourth Rule. reminding the Marine Player how to clear that malfunction.
Important information is in red text. Units receive Wound markers to track damage, with each showing
Examples are in blue text and this font. that unit has sustained 1 Hit. The Marines use Surge markers (on the
reverse side) to track a bonus Action Point earned during combat.
1.0 INTRODUCTION Useful Items can be found on the space station. The Marine Player
may acquire equipment markers to gain bonuses during an
Forlorn: Hope is a game of futuristic combat between valiant human
space Marines and marauding mutating members of an alien race. No
one knows why the war started, but it doesn’t matter now. Today, it is The Master Control General Function Neuralnet (MCGFN) is an
guns versus claws aboard the savaged space station, Hope. The advanced computer used by the Marines during specific Operations.
outcome of each Operation is decided by the actions of the space The Open Door marker is used a reminder of which (non-Airlock)
Marine Commander and the Xeno “Mind” (Player). doors have been opened during a turn. During the Housekeeping
Phase, all open doors automatically close and these markers are
[1.1] Game Contents
removed from the map.
 (40) 5/8” unit counters
 (28) 5/8” round markers
 (20) Mutation Cards
 (1) Player Aid Sheet
 (1) Rulebook
 (2) 8½” x 11” Maps (A & B)
You will need to supply a small number of regular six-sided dice.

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

FORLORN: HOPE Game Rules v1.0 2

[1.5] Mutation Cards: The Xeno Player receives a number of Some operations list specific item markers that are
randomly selected cards for each Operation. These are hidden from placed on their indicated Cache Locations. Item
the Marine Player until used. They alter the game rules to the Xeno’s markers not used in this operation are set aside.
advantage in surprising ways. The instructions on Mutation cards The Marine Player takes the three Plasma
supersede the rules in this rulebook. Each card has a set icon () Grenade markers and places them in a pile next
and card number. to the map, along with the flame markers and No
[1.6] Maps: Each map represents an area of the space station Hope, Fuel marker if the Flamethrower unit is included in
now damaged and in disrepair. The squares printed on each map are the Marine’s Squad, and the Jam marker if the
used to regulate movement. The dot in the center of each square is Gunner is included.
used to assist in determining the Line of Sight between two squares. Place the Open Door and Wound/Surge
Doors: There are three different types of doors: Normal (light markers in a pile accessible to both
blue), Security (yellow) and Airlocks (red), shown below. Marines players.
can open all three doors. Xenos can only open normal doors. 3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY
Each Game Turn is divided into seven Phases. Each Phase must be
completed in its entirety before proceeding to the next Phase.
1. Determine Action Points Phase: The Marine Player generates
that turn’s allotment of Action Points (4.0).
Access Vents: Xenos use Access Vents to infiltrate the space 2. Marine Phase: The Marine Player uses those Action Points (APs),
station and “spawn” (are placed on the board) there. one AP at a time, to move and attack with his units (5.0).
Xenos and Marines cannot move into a vent square
3. Xeno Phase: The Xeno Player individually activates some, none
during an Operation! The die icon in each vent square
or all of her Xeno units. The Marine Player may spend unused APs
is used when a random vent is determined.
during this Phase to Interrupt Xeno actions (5.7 and 8.3.1).
Adjacency: Unless specifically noted, adjacent includes
4. Victory Phase: Check to see if the Marines have achieved the
orthogonal (i.e., at a right angle) and diagonal spaces. Units must
Operation’s goal; if so, they win. If all of the Marines have been
have a Line-of-Sight (LOS) to each other to be adjacent (see 8.1).
killed and the Marine goal was not been achieved this turn, the
2.0 SET UP Xenos wins.
The players select an Operation (see 12.0 or 13.0) and follow its set 5. Countdown Phase: Decrease the Turn marker by 1. If the marker
up instructions. Those Operation instructions determine the map, is moved off Turn 1 (i.e., counted down to 0), the game ends. If the
initial forces and their starting locations. The Turn marker is placed Marines have not achieved their goal by the game’s end, the Xenos
on the Player Aid Sheet on the listed turn number. The Action Point win.
(AP) marker is placed on the 0 space on the Player Aid Sheet. 6. Housekeeping Phase: All Open Door, Flame, and unused Surge
The Xeno Player shuffles the Mutation cards and randomly draws the markers are removed from the map.
number listed number in the Operations instructions. These cards are 7. Xeno Spawn Phase: The Xeno Player rolls the required Spawn
hidden from the Marine Player until used. The Xeno Player may dice as listed for the current Operation and its Special Rules, then
discard one or two cards once during set up and draw replacement places Xeno pieces on the map accordingly (11.0).
cards, if desired. The remaining cards are set aside and not used.
The Xeno Player takes the listed number of Egg/Hatchling counters
and drops them from at least 10” above the map. These counters are During the Determine Action Points Phase,
then placed Egg-side up in any square they partially touched (except the Marine Player rolls two dice, takes the
for Access Vents and Marine set up squares), one counter per square, higher result, and adds that number to any
by the Xeno Player. Counters that fall off the map or cannot be Bonus Action Points (AP) from the presence of an
placed are removed from play and set aside. Officer (Lieutenant) and/or Non-Commissioned
Officers (Sergeants) in the Squad to determine the Bonus Action
The Marines then set up. Marine units set Point value
total number of APs available this turn and the Action
up in map squares with the green circles,
Point marker is placed on that position on the Action Point Track.
no more than one per square. The Marine
Player determines their exact starting [4.1] Doubles Bonus: If both results on the dice are the same (i.e..
square and facing. “doubles” are rolled), add one (+1) AP to that result.
After the Marines are set up, the Xeno [4.2] Minimum APs: The minimum number of APs received is
Player determines the starting location of always equal to the number of Marine units remaining.
her troops. Place no more than one Xeno
During the Determine Action Points Phase, the Marine Player rolls a 2 and
unit per square (unless directed otherwise
4. The Action Point track is set to the higher result of „4.‟
by the Operation specific rules). The remaining Xeno units form the
Xeno Reinforcement Pool and are available for spawning during During another Determine Action Points Phase, a Marine Sergeant is in play
play. with four other Marine units. The rolls are a 1 and 1. The total AP would
normally be 3 (1 for the roll, +1 for the doubles and +1 for the SGT), but the
player has five Marine units still alive, so the AP Track is set to „5.‟

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

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5.0 MARINE ACTIONS refuel at any time, but only once per Operation. Discard the Refuel
marker after refueling.
The Marine Player uses Action Points (APs) to activate (i.e., “give
orders to”) individual Marine units during the Marine and Xeno [5.6] Clear Jam: If the Gunner’s minigun jams (8.6), it costs 1 AP to
Phases. When the Marine Player is out of APs, Marine units cannot clear the jam and remove the Jam marker.
be activated.
[5.7] Interruption Attacks: APs not spent during the Marine Phase
APs can be assigned to any Marine unit or units, and in any can be spent by the Human Player as “interruption” actions during the
combination and order the Marine Player desires. Xeno Phase. It costs 1 AP to interrupt with an Attack (8.3.1), Spin
Example: The Marine Player can order one Marine unit, then another, and Attack (8.4), or Throw Grenade (8.5) and this can be done a
then give the first Marine unit additional orders, etc. maximum of one time per square of Xeno Movement.
There is no limit to the number of APs a single Marine unit can After an Interruption Attack, Xeno activations continue right where
receive during a Marine Phase, up to all of that turn’s AP allotment. they left off before being interrupted.
The AP marker tracks the current number of APs available to the Example: A Xeno Drone is bounding towards a Marine. At a range of 2, the
Marine Player. APs unused during the Marine Phase are available to Marine interrupts, but the shot misses.
interrupt (5.7) the Xeno Player during that turn’s Xeno Phase. The Marine could interrupt once more if the Xeno moves again. If that shot
APs not used by the end of the turn are lost; they cannot be saved misses, then the Marine would not be able to interrupt a third time if the Xeno
from turn to turn. closed in to attack (“all jaws and claws”) and was no longer moving.
[5.1] Movement: It costs 1 AP to move a Marine unit. The number of [5.8] Adrenaline Surge: A Marine unit with a Surge marker on it
Movement Points (MP) available to that Marine unit per AP spent to discards that marker to perform an action costing 1 AP for free (i.e.,
move it is printed on its counter. A unit’s unspent MPs are lost unless without spending a regular AP from the AP track). Surge markers are
another AP is consecutively spent to move that same Marine unit not transferrable and can only be used by the specific Marine unit
again. having it.
Example: Each AP sent to move a Marine Private gives that Private its full 6 A Surge AP can be used to make an Interrupt Attack (5.7).
Movement Points (MPs), while the Gunner only receives 4 Movement Points
per AP spent to move it (as shown on their respective counters). If the 6.0 XENO ACTIVATIONS
Gunner has 1 MP remaining after opening a door, spending another, Xeno units on the map are activated one at a time, in any order the
consecutive AP to move it again will give the Gunner a total of 5 MPs. Xeno Player chooses. Unlike Marine units, each Xeno unit can only
be activated once per Xeno Phase, and must complete all of its
Movement Point Cost Chart
activities before the next Xeno is activated.
1 MP to move one square forward*
1 MP to turn its facing (arrow) 90° left or right Each Xeno unit always moves and then attacks in that order. Once a
1 MP to open or close a Normal door* Xeno unit attacks during the Xeno Phase, its turn is over.
1 MP to pick up or transfer an Item (see 9.1)* [6.1] Corpse Bursting: At any time during the Xeno Phase, the Xeno
2 MP to move one square directly backwards; no rotating* Player may remove a human corpse counter and replace it
2 MP to sidestep; move sideways left or right, same facing* with a Hatchling from the Xeno Reinforcement Pool. New
2 MP to sideslip; move forward (only, not backward) Hatchlings cannot activate that turn.
diagonally, same facing* [6.2] Xeno Movement: Xenos are much faster and more agile than
*Not allowed by a Marine unit adjacent to a non-Egg Xeno (7.3) humans. Xenos spend 1 MP to move to an adjacent square
orthogonally, and 2 MP to move to an adjacent square diagonally.
[5.2] Open/Close Security Door: Yellow Security Doors
cannot be opened or closed with mere Movement Points Xenos spend 2 MP to open or close a Normal Door.
like Normal Doors. Instead, it costs 1 AP to open or close [6.3] Corpse Eating: A Xeno Drone or Hatchling that moves on to
a yellow Security Door (also see 7.4). a corpse counter (see 8.11) may be upgraded to a Xeno Special
A Marine unit adjacent to a non-Egg Xeno cannot open/close a (Warrior or Blaster) by replacing the former counter for the latter
Security Door or Airlock. and removing the Corpse counter from play. Newly grown Xeno
Specials cannot activate that turn.
[5.3] Attacking: It costs 1 AP for a Marine to make an Attack (see
[6.4] Xeno Drone/Warrior Attacks: Xeno Drones and Warriors are
8.3 through 8.8). Human units can attack any Xeno within their Line
restricted to melee (i.e., teeth and claws) combat. That is, they must
of Sight (LOS) and Facing, including at point-blank range, and can
be adjacent to the target to attack it. Note that an orthogonal attack
do so repeatedly as long as they have APs to spend.
has a Range of 1 to the target, and diagonal attack has a Range of 2.
Uh oh: The Marine Gunner uses a minigun that occasionally jams
[6.5] Xeno Blasters: Xeno Blasters can perform melee
(see 8.6). The Flamethrower unit can always use its Pistol or
attacks or use an energy beam ranged attack (see 8.10).
flamethrower while it has fuel (see 5.5 for refueling).
[6.6] Egg Burst: At the end of the Xeno Phase, all Eggs
[5.4] Spin Attack: It costs 1 AP to turn up to 180° and make an with a Line of Sight (9.1) to any Marine unit must activate
attack against a Xeno (see 8.4). by flipping them over to their Hatchling side. Newly
[5.5] Refuel Flamethrower: It costs 1 AP to refuel the Flame- birthed Hatchlings cannot activate that turn.
thrower. When refueled, the Marine Player recovers all used Flame
markers and they are available for reuse. The Marine Player can

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

FORLORN: HOPE Game Rules v1.0 4

7.0 MOVEMENT [8.3] Combat Dice and Attacks in General: Marines and Xenos
attack in the same basic manner:
The following Cases apply to both Marine and Xeno movement:
A unit rolls a number of dice equal to its printed Attack value.
[7.1] Blocking: Units cannot enter a square occupied by an enemy The target’s Defense Value equals the range to the target plus the
unit, nor can Marines enter a square with a Xeno Egg. Defense Bonus of the target (if any).
Units can move through friendly units at no extra MP cost, as long as Each modified die result greater than (>) the target’s Defense
they have enough MPs to continue moving out of that square. Value is a Hit; each result less than or equal to (≤) the Defense Value
[7.2] Stacking: At the end of each action or activation, only one unit is a miss.
can occupy a square. Exception: Xenos that are set up stacked on Example: Private Bates cannot attack the Blaster since Bates cannot trace
Access Vents according to that Operation’s set up Special Rule. a LOS to it due to his facing. Neither can Bates trace a LOS to the Warrior
or the Drone.
[7.3] Grappling: Marine units adjacent to non-Egg Xenos cannot
leave their current square using MPs or open a Security Door or Bates could spend 1 AP to make a
Airlock. Marine units can spend MPs to turn in place, or 1 AP to Spin Attack (5.4) against the Blaster,
make a Spin Attack (5.4). but would then only roll one d6 (his
Ranged Attack value of 2 minus 1 for
Xeno Eggs do not grapple with Marines, nor do Marine units grapple
the Spin Attack action; 8.4) and would
with Xenos and interfere with movement in this manner.
need a 3+ to Hit (i.e. to exceed the
[7.4] Doors: Normal and Security Doors remain open until the range of 2; 1 + 1 for the Spin Attack;
Housekeeping Phase unless deliberately closed (5.2). When opened, 8.4).
place an Open Door marker on the map near that door as a reminder.
SGT Fox can shoot the Drone (range
The number of Open Door markers is not a limit on the number of 1) or Warrior (range 2), but not the
doors that can be opened simultaneously. Blaster (LOS blocked by the Drone).
8.0 COMBAT Spending 1 AP, SGT Fox targets the
Warrior. Its Defense Value equal the range of the attack (2), plus the
To conduct an attack, the attacking unit must be within range of, and
Defense Bonus of the Warrior (which is none), for a total of 2.
have a Line of Sight (LOS) to, the target unit. A roll of the dice
determines the result of that attack (high numbers being best). The Marine Player rolls three d6 dice (SGT Fox’s Ranged Attack value)
and the results are 1 2 3. The single 3 is greater than the Warrior’s
[8.1] Line of Sight: To trace a Line of Sight (LOS), draw an Defense Value of 2, so the Warrior receives one Wound and a Wound
imaginary line from the center of the attacking unit’s square to the marker is placed on that Warrior unit (as shown). The Marine Player could
center of the target unit’s square. spend another AP and attack it again, but decides not to do so.
If the line touches a wall, closed door, open door frame, enemy unit’s During the Xeno Phase, the wounded Warrior attacks SGT Fox and rolls
square (they’re considered to occupy the entirety of that square, not two d6 dice (its Melee Attack value), needing a 6 to Hit because the
just where the counter is located within it), or Xeno Eggs’ square (for Sergeant‟s Defense Value is 5 (a range of 2 + his Defense Bonus of 3).
both Marines and Xenos), the LOS is blocked. Because the Drone is one space closer to SGT Fox, it would only need a
LOS is not blocked by items or friendly units. 5+ to Hit.
LOS is checked before an attack is made. Where there is no LOS, no [8.3.1] Marine Interrupt Attacks: Interrupt attacks during the
attack can be made nor are APs spent to attack an enemy unit there. Xeno Phase are more difficult to pull off. A Marine unit rolls one
less (-1) die when making an Interrupt attack.
A Marine unit cannot attack squares that are to the
side or rear. Every square that is at least one row in [8.3.2] Adrenaline Surge: If a Marine unit’s attack rolls an
front of it (i.e., in the row adjacent to its left- unmodified 6 and a target is killed in that attack, place a
facing/arrowed side) can be targeted. Surge marker on the attacking unit. A Marine unit can
only have one Surge marker on it at a time. Surge mar-
Example: The Marine
X X X SGT has a LOS to, and can target,
kers can’t be saved between turns or transferred between Marines.

X OOX X any of the squares with green Os. This [8.3.3] Xeno Rush: If a Xeno unit’s attack rolls an unmodified 6
which kills its target, during the upcoming Xeno Spawn Phase, the
includes the shot through the friendly
OOO OXO unit, which does not block LOS, and Xeno Player may spawn an additional Xeno Special unit (Blaster
X X the shot way off to the right side since or Warrior) of her choice. The Xeno Player can only receive one
such Xeno “Rush” unit per turn.
a line from the center of the firing
square to the center of that one misses both the square with the Xeno Eggs [8.3.4] Marine Counterattack: If a Xeno unit conducts a Melee
unit and the corridor wall, so it‟s a clear shot! attack (8.9) to the front or side (i.e., not one of the three rear
The red X squares are either blocked due to LOS (with one on the left just squares) of the targeted Marine unit and rolls an unmodified 1,
barely touching the corridor wall) or untargetable due to the SGT‟s facing. that Xeno is automatically counterattacked and suffers one Hit.
Attack rolls of 1 made to the back of the targeted Marine unit
[8.2] Range: An attack’s Range equals the fewest number of squares automatically miss, but cause no counterattack.
between the attacking unit’s square (exclusive) and the target unit’s
square (inclusive) that are within LOS. Important: Do not count
diagonally when determining an attack’s Range!

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[8.4] Spin Attack: A Spin Attack (5.4) allows a Marine unit to turn [8.8] Attacking Eggs: Eggs can be attacked before the
up to 180° and attack. Spin attacks are made with a +1 range penalty Hatchling bursts out (6.6). It takes two Hits in a single
(e.g., a range of 2 is considered a range of 3 for a Spin Attack). An attack to eliminate an Egg counter. Flame markers and
Interrupt Spin Attack is also reduced by one (-1) combat die (as per Plasma Grenades automatically eliminate Egg counters.
[8.9] Xeno Melee Attacks: Xeno units perform normal
[8.5] Plasma Grenade Attacks: Each Plasma Grenade is a single- Melee attacks upon adjacent Marine units (orthogonally is
use, “area effect” weapon (i.e., they attack multiple squares). Range 1, and diagonally is Range 2) as per 8.3.
Grenades are not Items (9.0) carried by specific Marine units, but are
[8.10] Xeno Ranged Attacks: In addition to Melee attacks, Xeno
kept in a pool of available grenades. As long as a Grenade counter is
Blasters can make Ranged attacks. Blasters have the Sniper special
available in that pool, the Marine Player can place it in any square
ability, allowing them to ignore the Range and Defensive Bonuses of
within LOS of any Marine unit.
the target and always Hit on a roll of 5 or 6.
Restrictions: Plasma Grenades have an unlimited range. When
“tossing” (placing in play) a Grenade, the LOS traced ignores enemy [8.11] Death: In Forlorn: Hope, all Marine units are slain by a
units. You can “lob” grenades behind them. single Hit (unless designated as Heroic by an Operation’s Special
Rules). Xeno Drones and Blasters are also slain with one Hit, while
Procedure: The “blast radius” consists of the square where the
Xeno Warriors are Tough and can sustain two Hits; mark
grenade itself was placed, plus all eight adjacent squares, but never
their first Hit (or “Wound”) with a Wound marker. A unit
extends through walls or closed doors. Apply damage as follows:
suffers no adverse effects while wounded.
Damage: First, destroy all Eggs and Corpses in the
Slain Marine units are flipped over to their corpse side in
blast radius (Items are unaffected). Then roll two
the square in which they fall. If there are any unused
dice for every other unit in the blast radius (Xeno
Grenades remaining when a Marine is killed, roll a die.
and Marine). They receive one Hit for each result of
On a result of 6, discard one Plasma Grenade.
3+ in the target square; on a 4+ in orthogonally
adjacent squares; and on a 5+ in diagonally adjacent Slain Xenos are placed back into the Xeno Reinforcement Pool and
squares (see illustration). Important: A unit’s Defense Bonus is not can be respawned any number of times during the game.
applied against Grenade attacks!
After a Grenade attack, that Grenade marker is out of the game.
Marines can loot equipment and carry mission-critical items. Items
[8.6] Minigun Attacks: The Gunner rolls four dice. are never affected by attacks, do not affect stacking, nor block
Jams: If three or more dice have the same result, the Gunner’s movement or Line of Sight.
minigun “jams” after that attack. Place the Jam marker on the [9.1] Grabbing Items: A Marine unit in the same square with one or
Gunner. The Gunner can only attack with Plasma Grenades (8.5) more Items can spend 1 MP to pick up one Item and carry it.
until the Jam marker is removed (5.6).
Carrying Capacity: Each Marine can carry no more than two Items.
[8.7] Flamethrower Attacks: The Flamethrower Marine Xenos cannot carry or use Items. Placed each carried Item marker on
unit attacks by placing one Flame marker in one of the top of the Marine counter that is carrying it.
three squares directly to its front. Dropping Items: A Marine unit can freely drop an Item at any time,
Spraying: The Marine Player can then place another Flame marker and automatically does so when killed.
adjacent to the first, and then a third Flame marker adjacent to the Transferring Items: It costs 1 MP to transfer Items between two
second (unless he has no more available Flame markers). These adjacent Marine units. The MP cost can be paid by either Marine.
Flame markers can only be placed in unblocked map squares,
excluding that of the Flamethrower Marine unit itself (suicide is not [9.2] Equipment Use: Equipment (i.e., an Item) is either always on /
an option). A maximum of three Flame markers can be placed per working (e.g., Body Armor) or has a one-time use only (e.g., a
Flamethrower attack. Medical Kit). When a Marine is killed, any Item(s) carried by that
Marine unit remain is the square where that Marine fell and it ceases
Effect: In each square with a Flame marker, destroy all Eggs and
to function until picked up by another Marine unit.
Corpses (Items are unaffected). Then roll one die for any other unit
in that enflamed square. On a roll of 2 + Defense Bonus or higher, 10.0 MUTATION CARDS
that unit receives one Hit.
The Xeno Player may play any number of Mutation cards at any time,
Flame markers linger on the map until they are removed during the unless the timing is specifically stated on the card. Card play cannot
Housekeeping Phase (3.0, #6). Any Xeno or Marine unit that enters “roll back time,” but it can be used to interrupt the Marine Player’s
an enflamed square is immediately attacked (as above). Units moving movements, attacks and other actions. Such actions declared by the
through multiple enflamed squares are attacked once in each Marine Player but interrupted by the Xeno card play must be
enflamed square entered. completed after that Mutation Card’s effect occurs.
Not So Hot: Removed Flame markers are set aside and are not When played, follow the instructions on the card and, when that
available for use again until the flamethrower is refueled (which can card’s effect is over, remove it from the game.
only occur once per Operation, see 5.5). When there are no Flame
Some cards allow the Xeno Player to discard one additional card for
markers available, the flamethrower cannot be fired. Instead, the
an improved or additional effect. That discarded card is removed
Flamethrower-equipped Marine unit can only attack with its Pistol
from the game instead of performing its printed effect.
(i.e., with one die).

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

FORLORN: HOPE Game Rules v1.0 6

11.0 SPAWNING XENOS Special Rules:

During the Xeno Spawn Phase, the Xeno Player rolls dice according 1. Once per game, the Marine Player may re-roll both AP dice.
to the Operation’s Xeno Spawn Rate. Newly spawned Xenos are 2. Once per game, the Xeno Player may re-roll both spawn dice.
taken from the Xeno Reinforcement Pool and placed on unblocked 3. During set up, place a Sealed Door marker on Access Vent #6. This
Access Vents, one Xeno per vent, as the Xeno Player desires. vent is blocked for the duration of this Operation.
If all Access Vents are occupied and thereby blocked, the Marine 4. The Xeno Player cannot spawn Warriors by any method (including
Player places the remaining Xenos in empty squares adjacent to the Mutation Cards, Corpse Eating, or bonus spawn rolls of an unmodified
Access Vents of the Marine Player’s choosing (if any are available). 6).
If not enough Xenos are available in the Pool, the rest are lost. Trainee: Add 2 additional Privates to the Marine forces.
Veteran: Change the Xeno spawn rate to 1d6+1 Drones per turn. The
12.0 OPERATIONS (“OPS”) Xeno Player may spawn 1 Blaster instead of 2 Drones once per Xeno
Spawn Phase.
Operation’s Special Rules take precedence over all other Rules. Set
up is performed as per Rule 2.0. For play balance, use the “Trainee” OPERATION 03 FULL COURT PRESS
mission modifications to favor the Marine Player or the “Veteran” “We need to tickle the station computers in preparation for our departure, so the
mission modifications to favor the Xeno Player. El-Tee needs time to bypass station security. We‟re going to give him all the time
in the world, people, so let‟s go!”
Map: B (Engineering Sublevel) Number of Turns: 9
“Alright Marines, listen up! The El-Tee wants to retrieve the logs of the Hope.
We‟re docking directly with the Command deck. You will enter the command Equipment: Maintenance Bot; Medical Kit
room and return with the MCGFN. If you encounter hostile BEMs, use instant and Xeno Mutation Cards: 4 Xeno Eggs: 6
overwhelming lethal force. Are we clear? All Right…let‟s move out!” Marine Forces: LT (w/ MCGFN), 2 SGTs, Gunner, 4 Privates
Map: A (Command Deck) Number of Turns: 7 Xeno Forces: 3 Drones & 3 Warriors placed on the map at least 4
Equipment: Medical Kit squares from Marine set up
Xeno Mutation Cards: 3 Xeno Eggs: 4 Xeno Spawn Rate: 1 Warrior and 1d3 Drones
Marine Forces: SGT, Gunner, 3 Privates Marine Goal: Deliver the MCGFN to C and then spend a total of 3 APs
to activate it, at a maximum rate of no more than 1 AP per turn.
Xeno Forces: 2 Drones in Room A; 2 Drones on random Access Vents
(roll after Marine set up) Special Rules:
Xeno Spawn Rate: 1d3+1 Drones 1. On Turn 4, the Xeno Player spawns 2 Blasters to random Access Vents
before placing the normally spawned units. Roll two dice and place the
Marine Goal: Retrieve the MCGFN from A, then the Marine carrying
the MCGFN must exit through any Airlock (red door). Blasters on the Access Vents that match the results. If that Access Vent
is blocked, the Blaster is not spawned.
Special Rules:
2. Warriors do not respawn in this Operation and are not placed back in
1. Place the MCGFN on A during set up. It costs 1 AP to unplug the the Xeno Reinforcement Pool when slain.
MCGFN from the computer system and pick it up the first time. If the
Trainee: Special rule #1 does not apply. The LT and SGTs are Heroic; it
Marine carrying the MCGFN is killed, it will drop to the ground in that
takes 2 Hits to kill a Hero.
square. It costs 1 MP to pick the MCGFN up from the ground.
Veteran: Number of Turns is 8. The Marines start with only 1 Plasma
2. If the Xenos only spawn 2 Drones, the Xeno Player also spawns 1
Grenade marker.
Warrior on a random Access Vent that turn.
3. It costs 2 AP to exit via an adjacent Airlock (which closes instantly and OPERATION 04 FIGHTING RETREAT
so does not receive an Open Door marker). Marines that exit via an “Marines, we are leaving! The magic bus is pulling out of the station and we‟re
Airlock are removed from the game. Xenos cannot use Airlocks. not waiting for sluggards. C‟mon! Go! Go! Go!”
Trainee: Special Rule #2 does not apply. Map: A (Command Deck) Number of Turns: 9
Veteran: Start with no Plasma Grenades. “Who forgot the grenades!?” Equipment: Body Armor; Medical Kit
Xeno Mutation Cards: 5 Xeno Eggs: 4
“The El-Tee has reviewed the tapes. First, the bad news; there are no survivors. Marine Forces: LT, SGT, Gunner, 5 Privates
The worse news is that we gotta go kill us some big aliens. Movement sensors Xeno Forces: None (see special rule #2)
and cameras have located two Very Important Aliens. We need to investigate and Xeno Spawn Rate: 1 Special Trooper (Warrior or Blaster) and d3+2
terminate. Move out!” Drones (see Special Rule #2)
Map: B (Engineering Sublevel) Number of Turns: 6 Marine Goal: At least three Marines exit the map through the airlock
Equipment: Bio-Scanner; Body Armor (red door) marked B.
Xeno Mutation Cards: 4 Xeno Eggs: 8 Special Rules:
Marine Forces: SGT, Flamethrower, 3 Privates 1. During set-up, the Marine Player chooses an Access Vent to block by
Xeno Forces: 1 Drone on each Access Vent (except #6), 1 Warrior placing the Maintenance Bot on it.
at A, 1 Warrior at B, 3 Drones placed anywhere else on the map at 2. At the end of the first turn, the Xeno Player spawns 10 Drones (2 at
least 4 squares from the Marine set up area each open Access Vent) instead of the normal Xeno spawn rate.
Xeno Spawn Rate: 1d3+1 Drones 3. At the beginning of Turn 4, a SGT, Flamethrower and up to two
Marine Goal: No Xenos in rooms A & B. Privates, if counters are available due to previous casualties, are

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

FORLORN: HOPE Game Rules v1.0 7

placed in the Marine set up area. If a Marine is placed into a set up Special Rules:
square (with a green circle), any Xeno unit in that square is displaced 1. Marines start adjacent to A.
to the closest empty square (of the Xeno Player’s choice).
2. You score 1 Victory Point (VP) each turn the LT survives. You also
4. The LT and SGTs are Heroic; it takes 2 Hits to kill a Hero.
score 1 VP for each Marine (including the LT) on or adjacent to
5. It costs 2 AP to exit via an adjacent Airlock (which closes instantly and square A at the end of each turn.
so does not receive an Open Door marker). Marines that exit via an
3. Warriors do not respawn in this Operation and are not placed back in
Airlock are removed from the game. Xenos cannot use Airlocks. the Xeno Reinforcement Pool when slain.
Trainee: Number of Turns is 10 and the Xeno Player can spawn special Trainee: The Xeno spawn rate is 3d Drones and 1d Warrior.
troopers (Blasters & Warriors) on even-numbered turns only.
Veteran: Remove 1 Private plus either the Flamethrower or the Gunner
Veteran: Number of Turns is 8. The Xeno Player may spawn a Warrior (Marine Player’s choice). The Marines start with only 1 Plasma
and a Blaster each turn in addition to the d3+2 Drones. Grenade.
In Solitaire Operations, the player controls the Marine units. The “We‟ve got some Marines trapped by the Xenos, so we need to perform a little
Xenos are controlled by the following Cases: rescue mission. Don‟t mind your manners, people; let‟s take down some of the
nastier Xenos while we‟re there. C‟mon cavalry, we‟re riding to the rescue.”
[13.1] Xeno Mutation Cards: Solitaire Ops do not use cards.
Map: B (Engineering Sublevel) Number of Turns: 10
[13.2] Solitaire Xeno Activations: In any order the player chooses, Equipment: Medical Kit; Body Armor
every Xeno Hatchling, Drone and Warrior must move towards the Xeno Eggs: 10
closest Marine (as determined by a count of Movement Points
Marine Forces: 2 SGTs, 3 Privates (see special rule #1)
required to reach that Marine) and then makes a melee attack if
Xeno Forces: 1 Drone on each Access Vent
adjacent to a Marine. If there are multiple Marines within LOS and at
the same distance, one of them is selected at random. If there are Xeno Spawn Rate: 4d Drones; 1d Warrior; 1d Blaster
multiple Xenos starting in the same square, move the Xeno on the top Marine Goal: Score 30 Victory Points (see Special Rule #2)
of the stack first. Special Rules:
Xeno Blasters will move towards the closest Marine and fire a 1. The LT, Flamethrower, Gunner, and 1 Private are divided between
ranged attack as soon as they achieve a LOS to that Marine unit. rooms A and B (two Marines in each room, Marine Player’s choice).
Place a Sealed Door marker on the security doors leading to rooms A
Xenos cannot enter squares containing a Flame marker nor do they and B. It costs 1 AP, spent by a Marine unit adjacent to the Door on
count enflamed squares when determining the closest Marine. When the outside of the room, to remove the Sealed Door marker. This also
in an enflamed square, that Xeno must try to move the shortest opens that Security Door.
distance to an empty square (not counting Items). If there is more
2. You score Victory Points (VPs) as follows: 4 VPs for each SGT/
than one such square, it moves towards the one that is closest to a Private, and 8 VPs for each LT/Gunner/Flamethrower when that
Marine. If necessary, randomly determine between tied squares. Marine unit exits through the Airlock at C. You score 1 VP for each
[13.3] Solitaire Xeno Spawns: Instead of rolling for a number of Warrior, Blaster and Egg killed. Drones and Hatchlings are 0 VPs.
Xenos to spawn during this Phase, roll a number of dice equal to the 3. During Set Up, place the Maintenance Bot on a random Access Vent.
listed number and spawn one unit of that type at the Access Vent Spawns on the blocked Access Vent are rerolled.
corresponding to each die roll result. Multiple spawns at the same 4. The SGTs are both Heroic; it takes 2 Hits to kill a Hero.
Access Vent stack (an exception to 7.2). 5. Starting on Turn 4, the Xeno Spawn Rate increases to: 6d Drones, 2d
Example: “6d Drones” means roll six dice. A roll of 1 1 3 4 5 5 Warriors, and 2d Blasters.
means that two Drones will be spawned (i.e., stacked) on Access Vents 1 6. It costs 2 AP to exit via an adjacent Airlock (which closes instantly and
and 5, and one Drone will be spawned on Access Vents 3 and 4. No spawns so does not receive an Open Door marker). Marines that exit via an
occur at vents 2 and 6. Airlock are removed from the game. Xenos cannot use Airlocks.
Trainee: The LT, Gunner and Flamethrower are also Heroic.
SOLO OPERATION A TEXAS HOLD’EM Veteran: Special Rule #5 takes effect starting on Turn 6. The Marines
“Gather around, Grunts! The game has gone south and it‟s time to cut cards with start with only 1 Plasma Grenade.
the Devil. We‟ve been ordered to take and hold the main command room so our
Fearless Leaders can attempt to salvage the situation. We expect the Xenos are CREDITS
going to rush our position. Our mission is to do is hold „em back. Move out!” Game Design and Game System Development: Chris Taylor
Map: A (Command Deck) Number of Turns: 6 Documentation and Development: Alan Emrich and Chris Taylor
Equipment: Body Armor; Bio-Scanner and Medical Kit Game Illustrations: Serg
Xeno Eggs: 0 Cover Illustration: Kwanchai Moriya
Graphic Design and Map Art: Scott Everts
Marine Forces: LT, 2 SGTs, Gunner, Flamethrower, 2 Privates (see Playtesting: Hayden Decker, Tom Decker, Randall Dreger, Scott Everts, Chris
Special Rule #1) Heinzmann, Bill Knight, Judy Krauss, Lance McMillan, Denise McMurry, Joe
Xeno Forces: No starting forces Miranda, Stephanie Newland, Adam Taylor, Mary Taylor, Nathaniel Taylor,
Xeno Spawn Rate: 4d Drones; 2d Warriors Heather Wagenbach, and Gottardo Zancani
Marine Goal: Score 25 Victory Points (see Special Rule #2) Proofreading: Randall Dreger, Judy Krauss, and Marc Pavone

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

FORLORN: HOPE Game Rules v1.0 8


Bio-Scanner Flamethrower: Start each Operation with 5 Flame
Increases the number of APs by 2 during the markers. The flamethrower can make an attack for 1 AP
Determine Action Points Phase. (8.7). Place 1-3 Flame markers in continuous spaces. Each
target is Hit on a roll of 2+ Defense Bonus.
Body Armor
Adds +1 to the Defensive Bonus of the Marine Gunner: The gunner rolls 4 dice (8.6). If three or more of
carrying the armor. the dice have the same result (triples or quadruples), the
gun jams after that attack.
Maintenance Bot
Leadership: Troops on the map with a Leadership special
From any location and at any point during the Marine ability add the listed number of Action Points during each
Phase at a cost of 1 AP, the Marine Player places this Determine Action Points Phase.
item on an Access Vent. The Xeno cannot spawn at
that Vent for the remainder of the Operation. The Sniper: Snipers always Hit a target within LOS on a roll of
Maintenance Bot cannot be moved once placed. 5 or 6, regardless of the Range or the target’s Defense
Medical Kit
The Marine carrying the Med Kit ignores the first Hit. Tough: A unit with this special ability is only wounded on
Discard after use. the first Hit and slain on the second Hit. There are no
detrimental effects while wounded.

Lieutenant (LT) XENO UNITS
Lieutenant Smith is a graduate of the Mars-Deimos Hatchling
USMC Officer Candidates School. He excels at Xeno Hatchlings are the smallest hostile aliens encountered
Combat Information Management and is armed with a to date. They are hatched from Eggs or burst from corpses
12mm pistol. fully capable of killing an adult human. Without another
Sergeant (SGT) source of food, Hatchlings have been known to attack each
Sergeant Fox is a 10-year veteran of SEALS (Sea- Air- other.
Land-Space) Team 42, where he acquired heightened
reflexes and sub-dermal armor implants. He is a 15- Drone
year veteran of the Marine Corp and is armed with two Xeno Drones are the most common Xenos encountered.
14mm Scimitar fléchette pistols. They are quadrupeds, and have two sharp claws. The
Drone fangs are not fully formed, but are still larger than
Sergeant (SGT) a mature Great White Shark.
Sergeant Krauss is a senior NCO drill instructor
formerly from Camp Lejeune, Terra. She has the Warrior
standard Marine NCO upgrades, incredible grit, and Xeno Warriors are Drones that survived adolescence
is a distinguished expert with 12mm pistols. and a violent molting stage that drastically increases
that Xeno’s size and weight. Warriors have hardened
Corporal (CPL) carapaces, larger and sharper (almost razor-like) claws,
Cpl. Berns has extensively trained in demolition and and fully-formed jaws lined with giant fangs. Warriors
incendiary usage. He carries a personal sidearm for are extremely aggressive.
self-defense, but his main weapon is the M7A3 Plasma
Combustion Flamethrower. Blaster
Xeno Blasters are the most recent type of Xeno
Corporal (CPL) discovered and are nicknamed “BEMs” or Bud-Eyed
Cpl. Zac carries the Squad’s other heavy weapon – a Monsters. Their internal organs include a specialized
3mm Vulcan mini-gun (nicknamed “Zeus” since it sac that generates and stores a viscous liquid that can
looks like lightning when fired). His wry sense of be converted to energy. Their eye-stalk can focus and
humor never fails him, even in a brutal fight. direct this energy beam into concentrated pulses with deadly accuracy
and effect. Blasters are mutated Drones, and so far have only
Private (PVT) appeared in small numbers.
The standard Marine Private is issued the M38A1 .290
autorifle, with a 10ga. shotgun attachment slung under The above are the known Xeno forms. Other Xeno types have been
the barrel. The rifle fires light-weight, caseless rumored, however…
ammunition, making it easy for a Marine to carry
hundreds of rounds into combat.

© 2010 Chris Taylor and Victory Point Games

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