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The Purpose Of The Document

For Certificate of Reliable Operation Power Plant

Keperluan Document
Sebagai Dasar Penerbitan SLO


1 Support data:
Data pendukung
a. Sertificate of business entities (SBU) Main Con. Or Sub Con.
a. Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) Main Con / Sub Con
b. Construction services business license (SIUJK) Main Con./ Sub con.
b. Surat Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (SIUJK) Main Con. / Sub Con.
c. Power purchase agreement with PLN
c. Perjanjian jial beli listrik dengan PLN
d. Boiler permit from government outhorities (Disnaker)
d. Izin ketel uap dari badan yang berwenang (Disnaker
2 Review Document
Pemeriksaan Dokumen
a. Specification of the main equipment Sankaran
a. Spesifikasi teknik peralatan utama Natarajan
b. Single Line Diagram
Anam Available
b. Gambar diagram satu garis (SLD)
c. Lay out main equipment Sankaran
c. Gambar tata letak peralatan utama Natarajan
d. Lay out fire fighters
Anam Available
d. Gambar tata letak pemadam kebakaran
e. Lay out grounding system
Anam Available
e. Gambar sistem pembumian
f. Electrical installation diagram of power plant building
Anam Available
f. Gambar instalasi listrik gedung pembangkit
g. Certificates of factory test result (FAT) Natarajan
g. Certificates of factory test result (FAT) Sankaran
g.a. Operation Natarajan
g.b. Electrical Anam
g.c. Instrument Randi
g.d. Mechanical Shodiq
h. The operating manual
h. Buku manual operasi
h.a. Operation Natarajan Available
h.b. Electrical Anam
h.c. Instrument Randi
h.d. Mechanical Shodiq
i. Enviromental permit (AMDAL, UKL/UPL)
i. Izin lingkungan hidup (AMDAL, UKL/UPL)
3 Review Design
Pemeriksaan Desain
a. Earthing system
AME Team
a. Sistem pembumian
b. Short circuit level
AME Team
b. Tingkat hubung pendek
c. Electrical safery system
AME Team
c. Sistem pengaman elektrik
d. Mechanical safery system
AME Team
d. Sistem pengaman mekanik
e. Electrical and mechanikal measurement system
AME Team
The Purpose Of The Document
For Certificate of Reliable Operation Power Plant
Keperluan Document
Sebagai Dasar Penerbitan SLO


AME Team
e. Sistem pengukuran elektrik dan mekanik
f. Coordination of the protection (Indorama and PLN grid)
AME Team
f. Koordinasi proteksi dengan system tenaga listrik / jaringan PLN
g. Clearence distance
AME Team
g. Jarak bebas
h. Creepage distance
AME Team
h. Jarak rambat
4 Visual Inspection
Pemeriksaan visual
a. Main equipment
AME Team
a. Peralatan utama
a.a. Boiler and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.a. Boiler dan alat bantunya
a.b. Turbine and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.b. Turbin dan alat bantunya
a.c. Generator and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.c. Generator dan alat bantunya
a.d. Transformer and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.d. Transformer dan alat bantunya
b. Eqipment fire fighting
AME Team
b. Perlengkapan peralatan pemadam kebakaran
c. HSE equipment (K3) supplies
AME Team
c. Perlengkapan / peralatan K3
d. Earting system
AME Team
d. Sistem pembumian
e. Power supply system AC/DC
AME Team
e. Sistem catu daya AC/DC
f. Instrument and control system
AME Team
f. Sistem instrumen dan kontrol
g. Completeness installation equipment
AME Team
g. Kelengkapan peralatan instalasi
h. Lube oil system
AME Team
h. Sistem minyak pelumas
i. Fuel system
AME Team
i. Sistem bahan bakar
j. Cooling water system / steam system
AME Team
j. Sistem air pendingin / sistem uap
5 Evaluation of test result commissioning
Evaluasi hasil uji komisioning
a. Main equipment
AME Team
a. Peralatan utama
a.a. Boiler and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.a. Boiler dan alat bantunya
a.b. Turbine and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.b. Turbin dan alat bantunya
a.c. Generator and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.c. Generator dan alat bantunya
a.d. Transformer and supporting equipment
AME Team
a.d. Transformer dan alat bantunya
The Purpose Of The Document
For Certificate of Reliable Operation Power Plant
Keperluan Document
Sebagai Dasar Penerbitan SLO


b. Eqipment fire fighting
AME Team
b. Perlengkapan peralatan pemadam kebakaran
c. Grounding resistance measurement
AME Team
c. Pengukuran tahanan pembumian
d. Testing of mechanical and electrical protection
AME Team
d. Pengujian proteksi mekanikal dan elektrikal
e. Test of power supply AC and DC
AME Team
e. Pengujian catu daya AC dan DC
f. Lubrication oil system testing
AME Team
f. Pengujian sistem minyak pelumas
g. Insulation resistance measurement of each equipment
AME Team
g. Pengukuran tahanan isolasi masing masing peralatan
h. Testing the performance of auxiliary equipment
AME Team
h. Pengujian unjuk kerja peralatan pembantu
i. Testing sub system
AME Team
i. Pengujian sub system
i.a. Testing sequenial interlock
AME Team
i.a. Pengujian sequential interlock
i.b. Protection Testing
AME Team
i.b. Pengujian proteksi
i.c. Control testing of electrical / pneumatic
AME Team
i.c. Pengujian kontrol elektrik / pneumatik
i.d. Running test sub system
AME Team
i.d. Pengujian jalan sub sistem
6 System Testing
Pengujian Testing
a. No load test (full speed no load)
AME Team
a. Uji tanpa beban (putaran maksimum tanpa beban)
b. Synchronization with a network test system
AME Team
b. Uji Sinkronisasi dengan sistem jaringan
c. Load Test (1)
AME Team
c. Uji pembebanan (1)
d. Capacity test
AME Team
d. Uji kapasitas
e. Load rejection test 100% (2)
AME Team
e. Uji lepas beban pada beban nominal 100% (2)
f. Reliability test (3)
AME Team
f. Uji keandalan pembangkit (3)
7 Examination of the environmental inpact
Pemeriksaan dampak lingkungan
a. Noise level
AME Team
a. Tingkat kebisingan
b. Exhaust emission H2S etc.
AME Team
b. Emisi gas buang H2O dll.
c. Waste management
AME Team
c. Pengelolaan limbah
8 Cathodic Protection Inspection
Pemeriksaan proteksi katodik
a. Corrosive level
AME Team
The Purpose Of The Document
For Certificate of Reliable Operation Power Plant
Keperluan Document
Sebagai Dasar Penerbitan SLO


AME Team
a. Tingkat korosif
b. Cathodic system management
AME Team
b. Pengelolaan sistem katodik

Note :
Catatan :
(1) The new steam turbine units at a load 50%, 75%, 100% and for the old unit to the maximum load that can be acheved
(2) if the system is unable to escape test load 100% of the capacity of the unit, there mush be statement of :
a. Regulation network / PLN system
b. Turbine and generator manufacturer that operates safety in case of loose load up to 100%
(3) New steam turbine for 72 hours uniterupted 24 hours old and unit with load 80% up to 100%

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