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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) - SAMPLE

General Operation Digging Trench for Sprinkler Line Supervisor: Jon Smith

Location: Lawn in front of Pav III Department/Unit: Landscaping

Indoor Outdoor Your Name: Bob Jones

Gloves, Safety Glasses, Safety Shoes,
PPE required: high-vis Vest Reviewed by: Jim Shanahan
Competent-Person Excavation,
Training required: Equipment Training Equipment used: Mini-excavator with 24” bucket

Chemicals used: Additional


Sequence of basic activity steps Potential hazards or accidents Recommend safe procedures
Break the activities into their basic steps. List Question each step for the potential For each potential hazard, discuss what
their normal sequence of occurrence. Describe causes of accidents. Seek ideas from employees should do or not to do to avoid an
the what and the how of each step. Check with observing similar work being accident. Be specific and brief. Use simple do
employees experienced with the activity performed and discuss with and don’t statements. Get ideas from
employees. observing work, and from discussions with
employees. Never record useless generalities
such as “be careful”, “use caution”, “be alert”,
Equipment to be used Inspection requirements Training requirements
List equipment and machinery to be used in List inspections that will be required of Determine Requirements for employee
conducting the work for the activity. the equipment or machinery. training, including hazard communication to
safely perform each basis step of the activity.

Activity Potential Hazards Procedures/Equipment/Training

Trenching Hand/Foot Injury Construction boots are required. Inspect materials for sharp edges
prior to handling. Gloves are required when handling tools and
Eye Injury Utilize safety glasses with side-shields.

Underground Service Miss-Utility will be called 48 hours prior to the beginning of work, to
Strike mark all underground utility locations.

Trench collapse The depth of the trench shall be kept at 36” or less. A Competent
Person in excavation shall evaluate the weather, soil, and work in
progress to determine if a hazard related to trench collapse is
Equipment Failure The Excavator with 24” bucket shall be inspected daily using the
approved checklist. This inspection will be performed by trained
operators, and a record will be kept onsite.

Struck by Equipment All workers shall wear high visibility vests at all times. Trained
operators shall maintain visibility of the work area, and the bucket
swing radius. Establish a designated path for excavator to minimize
exposure to workers.

Equipment Tip-over The excavator shall not drive on terrain un-level, as to where a tip-over
is possible. The owner’s manual shall be consulted for restrictions on
terrain and the equipment. This responsibility lies with the trained

Fuel Spill Fuel shall be kept in OSHA approved cans. Fuel containers shall be
properly labeled, if not already by the manufacturer.

Trip Hazards At the end of the day delineators and danger tape will identify open
trench areas. The trench shall be backfilled as soon as possible.

Site Access/Public Public Protection The Work shall occur within a fenced and/or clearly delineated area.
Protection All visitors must sign in prior to entering site. Warning signs and
postings reflecting sign-in and PPE requirements shall be placed in
conspicuous areas at the entrance.

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