Aeroponic System: Biology Paper

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Arsya Maulana Primaldy

Chapter 1


1.1 Issue Background

Aeroponic literally means “growing in air.” An aeroponic system is medium-
less in that the roots of the plant are free hanging inside an open root-zone atmosphere.
The vegetation zone is separated by the supports used to hold the plants in the top of
the unit. Nutrients are mixed in with water in a reservoir basin; this is then filtered and
pumped into a pressurized holding tank that is intermittently misted onto the root
system. The water droplet size must be big enough to carry the nutrients to the roots in
sufficient quantity, but small enough to not immediately precipitate out of the root
mass. Unused solution drips down into the base of the unit and is strained, filtered, and
pumped back into the reservoir.

Aeroponics or air culture uses the application of nutrient dissolved mist over
exposed plant roots which enable growth without soil. Aeroponics usually regarded as
a type of hydroponics since water is used as a nutrient dissolution medium. The
suspended plant roots are enclosed in a sealed chamber and the plant canopy is exposed
to outside. For small plants sheath of cell foam is compressed and wrapped around the
bottom stem and inserted in to the aeroponic setup. For large fruit bearing plants
trellising is used. Trellising is fixation of wooden or metallic supporting frames with
the plant body. The plant grow vigorously in an aeroponic system due to the sterile
environment and abundant oxygen present in the chamber. The droplet size of a nutrient
mist is a crucial element in aeroponics. An oversized droplet may reduce the oxygen
supply. An undersized droplet may stimulate root hair growth which prevents lateral
root growth which influences the efficiency of an aeroponic system. Aeroponic systems
are more water resource efficient than hydroponic system. Another remarkable
advantage of the aeroponics is the minimal contact between the support structure and
plant, due to which the unconstrained growth of the plant is possible. The aeroponics
system are widely used for NASA space research programs.
1.2 Problem that i found from this topic are :

1. Why do we have to develop aeroponic system ?

2. How do aeroponics system work ?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of aeroponics system ?
Chapter 2

Aeroponic System

2.1 Why do we have to develop aeroponic system ?

By the year 2050, the

population of Earth is expected to
rise by 3 billion people.
Approximately 109 hectares of
additional traditional farmland will
be needed to feed them. It is
estimated that 80% of the arable
land on Earth suitable for farming
is presently in use. Roughly 15% of this land has been rendered unusable for farming
due to poor management and climate change has claimed even more. More locally, the
produce industry of the US is inefficient and insufficient. Populations in the northeast
buy produce for at least 6 months out of the year from farms over 3,000 miles away,
according to multiple produce vendors in the area. This produce has been engineered
to survive the long trip and extend shelf life in local stores. Better quality and tasting
locally grown produce is only available for a few months out of the year, and in a
relatively limited quantity. Jobs associated with farming are often seasonal, low paying,
and with no benefits. Even in the East, these jobs are often occupied by migrant
workers. Another issue is that crop yields are highly dependent on weather. A single
poor growing season can cause thousands to starve in many areas of the world. In the
US, this at minimum causes a significant rise in imported produce resulting in higher
prices and dollars leaving the local economy.

2.2 How do aeroponics system work ?

The principles of aeroponics are based on the possibility of cultivating

vegetables whose roots are not inserted in a substratum (the case with hydroponics) or
soil, but in a containers filled with flowing plant nutrition. In these containers root can
be find the best condition regarding the best oxygenation and moisture. These
conditions allow for the better plant nutrition assimilation in a more balanced way, with
consequential faster development of the cultivated plant.

Plant containers can be mounted on top of one another and because they are
light and handy, they can be easily moved according to agricultural needs. Numerous
plants are mounted in vertical columns within a greenhouse or shade house space.
Nutrients are allowed to trickle down through the growth columns.

Most agricultural plants

need a direct exposure to the sun
during the first vegetative
development. Afterwards this
direct exposure is no longer
relevant. Based on this
observation, plant containers are
periodically displaced. Young plants are placed at the highest level of the growth
column. Afterwards they are progressively lowered utilizing a rotational mechanical
system. With the rotation periodically repeated, this permits constant production
without any interruption. The Aeroponic system is agriculture with a non-stop
production cycle.

Plant nutrition is supplied into a closed circuit. Consumption is consequently

limited to only the quantities absorbed by the plants, allowing for substantial water
savings. For example: to produce a kilogram of tomatoes using traditional land
cultivation requires 200 to 400 liters of water, hydroponics requires about 70 liters,
aeroponics utilizes only about 20 liters.

Because the aeroponic system is a continuous-cycle in an enclosed space it

reduces the agricultural labor into a series of mechanical routine operational tasks
which are carried out daily and throughout the year. This enables workers to acquire
considerable skill within a short period of time a few months. In traditional agriculture
commercial production is obtained only with skilled workers qualified by many years
of experience.

The aeroponic equipment is sheltered within greenhouses or anti hail-storm

coverings according to the latitude. Climate controls within the greenhouse ensure
optimal growing conditions, assuring high yields.

2.2.1 Nutrients used in aeroponics system

An indoor aeroponics system uses less water and nutrients because the plant
roots are sprayed in intervals using a precise drop size that can be utilized most
efficiently by osmosis to nourish the plant. Little excess nutrient solution is lost to
evaporation or runoff. Plant disease is minimized because the roots are left open to air,
avoiding soaking is a stagnant moist medium. Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen are
present in air and water. Water may contain a variety of elements according to your
local treatment plant additions and should be factored into your final factor, or primary
nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and are used by plants in different
amounts according to the growth stage. Secondary nutrients are calcium, magnesium,
and sulphur, micro-nutrients are iron, zinc molybdenum, manganese, boron, copper,
cobalt and chlorine. Complicating the formula more, roots use nutrients as ions in water
positively charged cations, or negatively charged anions. An example of a cation is
ammonium, NH4+, and an anion nitrate, NO3−, both
important nitrogen sources for plants. As plants use the
ions, the pH of the solution can change, meaning it can lean
too far positive or too far negative. The optimal pH for plant
growth is between5.8 and 6.3. In aeroponic system where
water and nutrients are is important to measure
the acid/base or pH measurement to allow plants to absorb
nutrients. Aeroponic using spray to nourish roots use much less liquid resulting in
easier management of nutrient concentration with greater pH stability.
2.3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of aeroponics system ?

2.3.1 Advantages

Germinating, rooting cuttings, and growing times are cut in half

Grow your plants from seeds or cuttings
Grow your plants to full term or transplant in soil
Plants are stronger, larger, and of the highest quality and flavor
Re-circulates the nutrients until the plants use it up
Research has proven that aeroponics is better than Hydroponics
Initial investment is a little high but the savings to operate go on forever:

1. No more growing medium to buy and discard in the land fills

2. Less and less nutrients to buy

3. Less energy cost because our system does not run continuously

4. Cleaning and water changes are done in fifteen minutes or less by putting

5. A bucket below the chamber and opening the and rinse with about a half-
gallon of fresh water, let this drain, close drain valve and

6. Refill with fresh water and nutrients

Crops are grown close together, so more crops can grow.

Plants are not exposed to soil disease or bacteria.
The crops mature faster, which means there will be more harvests.
Use of technology speeds up works and can solve labour shortage problems
If a plant is affected with bacteria, removing it will not affect nearby crops.
Aeroponics allows more control of the crop roots.
Plants are all separated; the harvesting of crops is simple.

2.3.2 Disadvantages

The system is vulnerable to a power outage. Exposed roots will rapidly dry out
and kill the plant.
Mister spray heads may also have a tendency to clog and not produce mist when
Once a plant grows it will require some complex support mechanism because
there is no growth medium to counterbalance and anchor the plant.
A lot of money is needed to set-up an aeroponics farm.
Many consumers believe that aeroponically grown plants are not as nutritious as
other grown plants.
Maintenance of an aeroponics farm is very expensive.
Even though technology has replaced most of the work, workers are still needed
to produce, prepare and package the crops.
The machinery used to mass produce the crops are very elaborate. The
machinery also tends to malfunction. Aeroponics requires precise regulation
and control of water and nutrients, and if the machinery has a slight
malfunction, the plants may be much damaged in a short time.
Chapter 3
3.1 Conclusion
Aeroponics growing allows plants and crops to grow without the use of pesticide
and thus it will be disease free. The crops will grow in a natural healthy manner as the
aeroponic system is very similar to nature environmental conditions. Aeroponics is
conducted in air combined with micro-droplets of water, almost any plant can grow to
maturity in air with a plentiful supply of carbon dioxide, water and nutrients.
Aeroponics helps conserve water, land and nutrients, so the aeroponics system is the
way of the future, making cultivation of crops easier. Aeroponics appeared to be a
highly feasible method for the production of both aerial parts and roots as raw materials
for the herbal dietary supplement and phytopharmaceutical industries.
The demands for clean and fresh food increases alarmingly with the population.
People will turn to new plant growing technologies to fill up increasing food demands.
Moreover, aeroponics is the modern, innovative and informative technology for plant
cultivation without corporation of the soil. The system is quickly increasing
momentum, popularity and fastest growing sector of modern agriculture. It would be
effectively employed in various countries for vegetable production where natural
resources are insufficient.
3.2 Closing Statement
This is all I can say about aeroponics system. Of course there are may flawless
due to my limited knowledge and lack of references that has to do with the topic of this
I hope this paper will help many people to make their own aeroponic system
due to rapid population growth and I hope aeroponic system can be develop well all
around the world.
Imran AL,Jianmin G, Tabinda NS, Farman AC, Noman AB. 2018. Modern plant
cultivation technologies in agriculture under controlled environment: a review on
aeroponics.13(1) : 338-352
Yuvraj, Siddharth. 2018. Aeroponics. 1(1) : 1-26

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