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Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 805–810

5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016)

Formability Analysis of Aluminium Alloy by Erichsen Cupping

Test Method
Monika Singha, Ajay Kumar Choubeyb *, C. Sasikumarc
B.Tech. Scholar, Department of MSME, MANIT, Bhopal-462003,India
Research Scholar,Department of MSME, MANIT, Bhopal-462003, India
Assistant Professor, Department of MSME, MANIT, Bhopal-462003, India


The forming behavior of aluminum sheet in selected samples with proper annealing and chemical composition for
better formability was investigated by Erichsen Cupping test method. In this paper, the formability characteristics of
aluminum alloys AA1200 sheet metals are studied. The results showed that the formability of aluminum having
better forming property and ductility.

©2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Conference Committee Members of 5th International Conference of Materials
Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016).

Keywords:Aluminium Alloys; Cupping Test; Formability.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 9893924108;

E-mail address:[email protected]

2214-7853©2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Conference Committee Members of 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and
Characterization (ICMPC 2016).
806 Monika Singh et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 805–810

1. Introduction

The Erichsen cupping test is a ductility test, which is employed to evaluate the ability of sheets material and strips to
undergo plastic deformation in stretch forming. [1] Aluminum and its alloys possess such better mechanical
properties. When aluminum alloy AA1200 is mechanically worked, dislocation motions during cold working within
metal matrix are restricted, which leads to strengthening and hardening of the metals astheir shapes are changed. In
addition, aluminum alloy AA1200 which has tight control over the impurities usually exhibit high electric
conductivity and good thermal conductivity when cold worked. In this operation the thickness is decreased to up to
fracture is obtained. [2-3] This current study is to add to the fundamental knowledge about the behavior of AA1200
aluminum alloy when annealed. In order to accomplish this, aluminum alloy AA1200 specimens were deformed and
annealed between 150 – 200oC for holding time of 8 hours.

2. Methodology

The methodology of present study is showing below:

a. First selection of material.

b. Heat Treatment of selected material.
c. Use lubrication as process parameters.
d. Check the sheet metal formability.
e. Better parameters use in forming process.

3. Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of an aluminium alloy AA1200 given in Table 1.

Table 1 Chemical composition of aluminium alloy AA1200 sheet [1]

Elements Fe Si Mn Al

Weight % 0.4 0.2 0.05 99.2

4. Experimental Process

The cupping test consists of forming an indentation by pressing a punch with a spherical end against a test piece
clamped between a blank holder and a die, until a through crack appears. The depth of the cup is measured. The
depth of cup is proportional to the formability of sheet metal. This machine is having the features like, thickness of
sheet metal: 0.2-2 mm, width of sheet metal: 70-80 mm, stroke of punch: 40 mm.
Monika Singh et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 805–810 807

5. Results & Discussion

In this test formability index expressed is cup height at fracture. The Ericson number is expressed as depth of cup at
fracture is in mm. Depth of cup at fracture is used for find the stretch ability.

5.1 Cupping Test Results

In this test the sheet with given diameter and thickness is clamped between die surface and blank holder (retaining
ring) drawn into cup until the fracture is occurred at dome of the cup by force applied and through continuous
movement of punch into blank material. Figure 1 is showing that the cupping test sample of aluminium alloy.

Fig.1. Cupping Test sample of Aluminium Alloy

5.2Effect on Sheet Thickness

Figure 2 is showing that erichsion number with different sheet thickness. From 0.5 to 2 mm thickness sheet used for
cupping test. Formability of sheet metal was increased, if the lubrication (Hydraulic press oil) applied on the blank
808 Monika Singh et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 805–810

Dry Friction
12 Lubricant

Erichsion Number

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Sheet Thickness (in mm)
Fig. 2. Sheet thickness vsErichsion Number

5.3 Heat Treatment Results

Figure 3 is showing that the erichson number after the heat treatment on different temperature. Aluminium alloy
AA1200 specimens were annealed between 50 – 200oC for holding time of 8 hours.

1.6 mm
2 mm
Erichsion Number


0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature (in °C)
Fig.3. Temperature vsErichsion Number
Figure 4 is showing that the hardness of sheet metal at different temperature. Hardness is decreasing if the
temperature of heat treatment increasing from 50 to 200°.
Monika Singh et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 805–810 809

80 2 mm
1.6 mm

Hardness (in HV)






0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature (in °C)
Fig.4. Vicors Hardness on different temperature

Fig.5. Indentation of Hardness on Base metal

Indentation on hardness on base metal is shown in figure 5

6. Conclusion

In this test cup height at the fractures is measured. In general it is concluded that the formability index value from
the Erichsen cupping test increases with increase in sheet metal. These trends indicate that thin sheet is more
difficult to be formed compared to thick sheet. Comparing the values of Erichsen number of different thickness, the
Erichsen number is high in 2 mm thickness with lubrication.
810 Monika Singh et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017) 805–810


[1]. AnimeshTalapatra, Sujit Kumar Agarwal, SanjibPandit, AyanSengupta, JoydeepSaha,“Formability Characterization of Composite Sheet
Materials by Erichsen Cupping Testing Method”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 6(2014) 1883-1886.

[2]. Myer, k., Handbook of materials selection, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000.

[3]. R.UdayKumar, G.Chandramohan Reddy, “Evaluation of Ericson Number and Peak Load of Sheet Metals”, Advanced Materials
Manufacturing & Characterization, 3 (2013) 381-384.

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