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Name: ________________________ Date: _______________ Score: _______

Direction: Read item carefully and understand before answering. Each of the questions is followed by four suggested
answers. Choose and ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer.
May: Hey, that’s right. I remember he solved the problem for us.
Joe: That’s good to know. We’ll give him a call.

1. The underlined statement from the dialogue above expresses ____________________.

A. Agreement B. Arguing C. Disagreement D. Discouragement

Angelo: You’re the only person who knows what really happened
Mark: That’s not quite true, Sam was there too.

2. The underlined statement from the dialogue above expresses ______________.

A. Agreement B. Arguing C. Disagreement D. Discouragement

Of course, I agree with the persona’s description of the last age of man.
No, seriously not, I believe otherwise.

3. Which one of the following statements is NOT expressing disagreement?

A. Of course B. No C. Seriously not D. I believe otherwise
4. When we show our great compassion to our surroundings and do our part to keep it clean and green, this could be our
legacy to ___________.
A. Mother Earth B. our family C. our friends D. our parents
5. When you do your best to succeed and to reach your dreams and then help your family in return, this could be your legacy
to ___________.
A. Mother Earth B. our family C. our friends D. our parents
6. Embracing the practices and cultural heritage that were passed on to us are important so that we can pass it also to the
next generation. This could be our legacy to our __________.
A. Mother Earth B. our family C. our friends D. our parents
7. Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. Mewling means __________.
A. complaining B. crying C. sleeping D. vomiting
8. And shinning morning face, creeping like a snail. The underlined word means ____________.
A. advancing slowly B. crawling C. swaying D. sleeping
9. The advice of a mother about hardship is factual. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. alter B. tally C. false D. true
10. When you stumble, don’t give up but try again. Which is NOT a synonym of stumble?
A. fall B. stand C. slip D. trip
11. Tell me not, in mournful numbers,… Which is NOT a synonym of the underlined word?
A. cheerful B. sad C. woeful D. sorrowful
12. A forlorn and a shipwrecked brother, … The antonym of the underlined word is _____________.
A. built B. destroyed C. ruined D. wrecked
13. It means misfortune or bad luck.
A. disaster B. foe C. impostor D. triumph
14. In other words, these are your achievements, accomplishments or success.
A. disasters B. heap C. triumph D. virtues
15. This calls for good quality or morally good.
A. disaster B. heap C. triumph D. virtue
16. The shepherd of evil, guardian of crime … The underlined words which are found in the epic Beowolf refers to ________.
A. Beowolf B. Grendel C. Grendel’s Mother D. Hrothgar
17. Whale roads, whale’s way and swan’s way refer to ___________.
A. highway B. ocean C. river D. sky
18. Battle-sweat and slaughter-dew mean ____________.
A. blood B. rain C. water D. war
19. And there was a day assigned betwixt King Arthur and Sir Mordred … The underlined word is a Middle English term which
means _______________.
A. among B. between C. middle D. under
20. The word tomorn originated from Middle English which means today as ___________.
A. morning B. today C. tomorrow D. under
21. Jesu is a Latinized spelling of ______________.
A. Jesus B. Jews C. Jesuit D. Just
22. The poet who wrote ”The Seven Stages of Man”
A. Burton Ruffel B. Edgar Allan Poe C. Ernest Hemingway D. William Shakespeare
23. Beowolf is an/the epic of ____________.
A. Anglo-Saxon B. Danes C. French D. Spanish
24. A metaphorical phrase or compound word used to name a person, thing, or place indirectly and used primarily in anglo-
Saxon poetry.
A. Compound Noun B. Kennings C. Metaphor D. Repetition
25. Great hero who killed Grendel and his mother and became the King of Geats.
A. Hrothgar B. Hygelac C. Beowolf D. Scyld
26. King of the Danes who built a magnificient hall.
A. Beowolf B. Hrothgar C. Hygelac D. Scyld
27. King of the Geats and cousin uncle of Beowolf.
A. Beowolf B. Hrothgar C. Hygelac D. Scyld
28. Protector of a Cursed treasures, fiery and distructive to people and properties.
A. Dragon B. Grendel C. Grendel’s Mother D. Scyld
29. An excerpt from the tales of King Arthur that describes the end of King Arthur’s reign and the dissolution of the order along
with his Knights of the Round Table.
A. Final Destination C. The Tale of King Arthur
B. The Day of Destiny D. The Legend of King Arthur
30. Sword of King Arthur
A. Excalibur B. Extreme C. Magnificent D. Mighty sword
31. Which line from the poem Seven Ages of Man shows repetition?
A. For his shrunk shank
B. Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arm
C. And all the men and women are merely players
D. Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything
32. Which line from the poem Seven Stages of Man suggest onomatopoeia?
A. And whistles in his sound
B. Seeking the bubble reputation
C. They have their exits and entrances
D. And shinning morning face, creeping like a snail
33. Which line from the poem Mother to Son is an example of metaphor?
A. Well, son, I’ll tell you C. Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair
B. ‘Cause you find it’s kinder hard D. And places with no carpet on the floor
34. How are you going to maximize your strength?
A. Study hard to achieve your goals.
B. Focus on your weaknesses and try to strengthen it.
C. Focus on the areas you are most skilled and talented.
D. Stay positive whatever the challenges that you encounter.
35. What is the lesson that you could get from the poem Mother to Son?
A. Mother knows best. C. Life is difficult as you get older.
B. Try and try until you succeed. D. Life is full of trials, be patient and persevere.
36. “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair”. What does crystal stair suggest?
A. ease and comfort B. challenges C. fruit of labor D. hardships
37. The mood that Langston Hughes wants to convey in his poem Mother to Son is _____________.
A. Approving B. Happy C. Inspiring D. Triumphant
38. What is the tone of the persona in the poem Mother to Son?
A. Happy B. Doubtful C. Moralistic D. sorrowful
39. The line “ Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair,” is repeated twice in the poem, what literary technique is used by the
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Repetition D. Extended metaphor
40. Type of text that serves to inform; provides or discloses information.
A. Descriptive B. Informative C. journalistic D. literary
41. Radio, print, television, and online journalism that present information. What type of text is this?
A. Descriptive B. Informative C. journalistic D. literary
42. Type of text which is defined as something related or associated with literature or scholarly learning and writing?
A. Descriptive B. Informative C. journalistic D. literary
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

43. What type of text is the given example?

A. Descriptive B. Informative C. journalistic D. literary
44. NASA is proposing another special project. The agency’s budget request, announced today, included a plan to send
another person to the moon. What type of text is this?
A. Descriptive B. Informative C. journalistic D. literary
45. An earthquake is a shaking or rolling movement of great masses of rocks on the earth’s uppermost layer or crust. This text
is an example of _______________.
A. Descriptive B. Informative C. journalistic D. literary
46. Use to indicate break or pause and to use for emphasis. What punctuation mark is this?
A. Dash B. Hyphen C. Period D. Quotation marks
47. Use for any spelled-out cardinal and ordinal numbers up to ninety-nine or ninety-ninth. This punctuation mark is ______?
A. Dash B. Hyphen C. Period D. Quotation marks
48. This punctuation mark indicates possession and the exclusion of letters in contractions.
A. Apostrophe B. Colon C. Comma D. Quotation marks
49. It is used in the salutations of formal letters, used for expressing time in figure etc. what punctuation mark is this?
A. Colon B. Comma C. Period D. Semicolon
50. This punctuation mark is also called full stop; it declares the end of a sentence. What is this?
A. Colon B. Comma C. Period D. Semicolon
51. An abbreviated or shortened version of a word or words. This called ______________.
A. Acronym B. Blending C. Contraction D. Kenning
52. Which of the following words are properly punctuated with a hyphen?
A. Anti-inflationary B. over the –counter C. pages 40,45 D. Gray green-eyes
53. Which word is properly punctuated with a hyphen to avoid confusion?
A. Re-cover a chair C. Pre-civil war
B. A well-designed house D. Six hundred twenty-five
54. Which of the sentence show correct usage of capitalization?
A. Last Sunday, Snow went to Bangkok, Thailand to apply as CEO of samsung Company.
B. Last Sunday, Snow went to Bangkok, Thailand to apply as ceo of Samsung Company.
C. Last Sunday, Snow went to Bangkok, Thailand to apply as CEO of Samsung Company.
D. Last Sunday, Snow went to Bangkok, Thailand to apply as CEO of samsung company.
55. What is the correct contraction of they are?
A. They’re B. The’re C. Their’re D. The’are
56. Which of the following choices are NOT properly punctuated with colon?
A. Mathhew 6, 1:10 C. To whom it may concern:
B. 7:35 in the morning D. Superman IV: The Quest of Peace
57. Choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated with comma and would make it clearer.
A. Phyllis, Ken, and Matt formed a rock band C. Phyllis, Ken, and Matt, formed a rock band
B. Phyllis, Ken and Matt formed a rock band D. Phyllis Ken, and Matt formed a rock band
58. Choose the sentence that has the proper use of contraction and possessive pronoun?
A. Whos’ its author C. Who’s its’ author
B. Who’s its author D. Who’se its author
59. Choose the sentence that is properly punctuated.
A. Please! Get the book. C. I just lost my term? (angry)
B. I submitted my term paper, today D. Shall we go to the library
60. Which of the following sentences show correct usage of quotation marks?
A. Aaron said, “I can type ninety-five words a minute.”
B. “Aaron said, I can type ninety-five words a minute.”
C. Aaron said, I can type ninety-five words a minute.”
D. “Aaron said, I can type ninety-five words a minute.”

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