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Cause and Effect of Using Social Media

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Nowdays, social media is so important for most people in daily life. Because of the emergence of
social media, currently there are many other social networks, each with their own features and
purposes. Due to them, the way people communicate with each other has changed forever. Thanks to
this condition, It should positively impact the communication skills of users, because it allows
communication even for people far away form each other. However, there have been numerous
research studies proving the opposite.

Currently, numerous research studies prove that social media platform negatively affect people’s
social skills. This is because of the extensive use of social media services which decreases the quality
of interpersonal communication. Due to the lack of interest people have for face-to-face
communication; even today, there are many people (especially millennial, and even younger) who
prefer to solve work or personal problems via social messaging systems. Even families prefer texting
over face-to-face chat. Difficulties in professional and personal relationship arise due to all this.

Substituting real life experiences with social media-format online updates is another problem.
Many studies show that adults prefer to stay at home on weekends because they want to make posts
on social media how much fun they are having, instead of going out and acquiring real-life
experiences. A sense of inferiority can occur when people compare their real lives to the lives of their
social media friends--based on the posts these friends make online--missing out on the fact that they
see is not necessarily true.

Although people may be assisted in establishing initial contact and uniting into groups under
certain interests thanks to social media, it also causes a number of problems. In particular, nonverbal
communication is gradually becoming one of the dominant forms of interpersonal interaction,
negatively affecting people’s ability to deal with personal contact and meet the reactions and
emotions of other people in real life.

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