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1. Why does carbon forms compounds mainly by covalent bonding?

2. Name the three allotropes of carbon.
3. Which of the following compounds can have a triple bond?

a C2H4, C3H4 C3H6

4. Which of the following compounds can have a double bond?

C4H10 C5H8 C5H10

5. Give the names of one saturated cyclic hydrocarbon and one unsaturated cyclic
6. Write the molecular formula and structure of benzene.
7. Write the electron dot structure for the following compounds:
(1) H2 (2) O2 (3) N2 (4)CO2 (5) S8 (6) H2O (7) NH3 (8) CCl4 (9)CH4 (10) C5H12 (11) C4H8
12)C5H8 (13)C7H12 (14)C5H10 (15) Cyclopropane (16) Cyclobutane (17) Cyclopentane
(18) Cyclohexane (19) Benzene
8. Define the following with examples:
(a) Hydrocarbon.
(b) Saturated hydrocarbon.
(c ) Unsaturated hydrocarbon.
(d)Homologous series.
(e)Functional group.
9. Write the IUPAC Name of the following: (1) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Cl (2) C3H7Br (3) C2H5I

(4) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH – CH2 Cl

(5) CH3 – CH2 – OH
(6) CH3 –CH – CH2 – CH3
(7) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 - CH – CH2 – CH2 OH (8) H – CHO
(9) CH3 – CHO

(10) CH3 – CH2 - CHO

(11) C5H11 – CHO
(12) C2H5 – CH3 – CHO
(13) H – COOH
(14) CH3 – COOH
(15) CH3 – CH2 – COOH
(16) C5H11 – COOH
(17) CH3 – CO – CH3
(18) C2H5 – CO – CH3
(19) C2H5 – CO – CH3
(20)C3H7 – CO – C2H5

10. Draw the structures & electron dot structures for the following:
(a) Propanone.
(b) Butanal.
(c ) Pentanal.
(d) Butanone.
(e) Butanoic acid.
(f) Pentanoic acid.
(g) Hexanal.
(i) Hexenol.
11. Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reaction &why?
C2H6 C3H8 C3H6 C2H2 CH4
12. Explain briefly the substitution reaction of methane with chlorine ?
13. Which of the following will give addition reaction and why?
C4H10 C2H6 C2H4 CH4 C3H8 C3H4

14. Give a test that can be used to differentiate chemically between butter
and cooking oil ?
15. Name two catalysts which can be used in the hydrogenation of
unsaturated compounds.
16. What happens when vegetable oils are hydrogenated?
17. State two disadvantages of incomplete combustion.
18. Explain why, ethene decolourises bromine water where as ethane does
19. Name the product formed when hydrogen is added to ethane.
20. What is hydrogenation? What is its industrial application?
21. What is meant by a substitution reaction? Give an example (with
equation) of the substitution reaction of an alkane.
22. Name a liquid carbon compound which is being used as an additive in
petrol in some countries.
23. How is ethanoic acid obtained from ethanol? Write down the chemical
equation of the reaction involved.
24. A neutral organic compound is warmed with some ethanoic acid and a
little of cont. H2SO4 vapours having sweet smell (fruity smell) are
evolved. What type of functional group is present in this organic
25. Explain why, methanol is much more dangerous to drink than ethanol?
26. What happens when sodium reacts with ethanol? (Give chemical
27. How is ethanoic acid obtained from ethanol? (Give chemical equation)
28. Complete the following equation:
29. What is meant by denatured alcohol? What is the need to denature
30. An organic compound A is a constituent of wine and beer. This
compound on heating with alkaline potassium permanganate forms
another organic compound B which turns blue litmus to red. Identify
the compound A. Write the chemical equation of the reaction that takes place to form
the compound B. Name the compound B.
31. A neutral organic compound X of molecular formula C2H6O on oxidation
with acidified potassium dichromate gives an acidic compound Y.
Compound X react with Y on warming in the presence of Con.H2SO4 to
give a sweet smelling substance Z. What are X, Y and Z?
32. An organic compound X of molecular formula C2H4O2 gives brisk
effervescence with NaHCO3. Give the name of the formula of X?
33. Which of the following will give brisk effervescence with NaHCO3 & why?
34. The structural formula of an ester is __________
Write the formula of the acid and alchohol from which it is formed?
35. The molecular formula of an ester is C3H7COO2H5 . Write the molecular
formula of the alchohol and the acid from which it might be prepared?
36. Explain the cleansing action of soap?
37. What is a soap? Name one soap.
38. Describe the structure of a soap molecule with the help of a diagram.
39. What change will you observe if you test soap solution with a litmus
40. What is detergent? Name one detergent.
41. Explain the formation of scum when hard water is treated with soap?
42. What is the advantage of detergent over soaps for washing clothes? Also state one
43. Describe the structure of a soap molecule with the help of a diagram?

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