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A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of waste generation and management.

B. Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to prepare a plan that the community may implement to
minimize waste when people utilize materials and resources.

C. Learning Competency
1. Explain how different types of waste affect people’s health and the
environment. (S11/12ES-Ii-j-20)


A. Topic Human Activity and the Environment

GAD Core Message Shared Responsibility

Instructional Material Song: “Anak Ng Pasig”


A. Activity (Individual)
a. Play the song entitled “Anak ng Pasig”.
Ask the following:
1. What is the song all about?
2. What are human activities mentioned in the song that changed the
condition of the river?

B. Analysis
a. How do people generate different types of waste?
b. What are the different types of waste?
c. How do these wastes affect people’s health and the environment?

C. Abstraction
a. List some types of waste that affect people’s health and the environment.
b. How do these waste affect people’s health and the environment?
c. What are the actions to be done to reduce and prevent these effects?

D. Application
a. Interpretative Dance
1. The class will be divided into groups with six members, each group must
be composed of male & female students to promote rapport in the class.
2. Each group will present their interpretation in the class depicting the
message of the song.
Rubrics – Interpretative Dance

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Connection The dance clearly The dance The dance rarely The dance does
between dance & consistently partially connects connects to the not connect to the
and song. connects to the to the song. song. song.
Communication All dance moves Most of the dance Some of the Almost all dance
are correctly moves are dance moves are moves are
communicated correctly correctly incorrectly
with energy and communicated communicated communicated.
enthusiasm. with energy and with decent
enthusiasm. energy and
Creativity and The The The The
Interpretation interpretation/ interpretation/ interpretation/ interpretation/
creativity clearly creativity mostly creativity creativity does
reflects the theme reflects the theme partially reflects not reflect the
of the song. of the song. the theme of the theme of the
song. song.


1. Depending on your interest and skill, design a poster, write a slogan, compose a
song or a poem to help explain how different types of waste affect people’s health
and the environment which can be used as campaign material for awareness.
Criteria 3 2 1
Details & Information presented Information presented Information presented
Information captures all the captures some captures 2-3
necessary information/ information/details of information/details of
details of the the campaign. the campaign
Method of Method of Method of Method of
Presentation presentation can presentation can presentation does not
capture & convince somehow capture & capture & convince
the audience. convince the audience. the audience.
Creativity Creativity in making Creativity in making Creativity in making
the materials reflect its the campaign is the campaign
uniqueness & somehow unique & materials is not
effectiveness. effectiveness. observed.
Accuracy Campaign material/s Campaign material/s Campaign material/s
is/are very appropriate is/are somehow is/are not appropriate
to the campaign appropriate to the to the campaign
propaganda. campaign propaganda. propaganda.


1. Research about 3Rs.

2. Make a diagram of each of these processes.

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