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Pokémon Gold (Any% Glitchless) – No Manips

General facts/Intro
• Some optional supporting resources available here:
• Spinners are randomly spinning trainers and rotatos are trainer that turn (counter-)
clockwise after a certain amount of time
° Spinners are switching between DOWN and RIGHT / UP and LEFT in approx. 50% of
the cases before your run: set Text Speed: fast, Battle Scene: off, and Battle Style: set
• Name you, Totodile and rival to ‘A’ to save time. HM slaves do not need to be nicknamed.
• HM slaves: Totodile (HM 03 Surf, HM 04 Strength), Poliwag (HM 06 Whirlpool, HM 07
Waterfall) and either Sentret or Sandshrew (HM 01 Cut)
• Stats are given in the format (ATK/DEF/SP ATK/SP DEF/SPD)
• Use the DV Calculator by entrpntr and Dailyleaf:
• Note your extra EXP against encounters/spinners/optionals
• ------------------------------------------------------------------
• set the time to 9:59 AM to save a frame or to 5:30+ PM to increase the chance of
encountering a cut slave

Beginning of the game

• Day: Sunday, DST: no, Phone: yes
• Totodile - 12/x/10/10/10 or 12/x/10/11/9, take Totodile’s berry.
° 12/x/10/11/10 or 13/x/10/10+/10 is preferable. 9 SPD is runnable, but later fights will be
more challenging if 0/1 DV SPD. (Female->low attack DV -> RESET)
• Go to Mr. Pokémon and pick up the hidden POTION on the way (picture)
• Kill an encountered level 3 or level 4 before Mr. Pokemon's house (If 12 defense @L5 kill
an encountered level 2 as well). After killing that until Rival only kill something if it will
complete your EXP. (A second level 3 or a level 2 if you
killed a level 4, a level 4 if you killed a level 2).
• Rival
° Chikorita: Leer once, Scratch
° 12 SPD@6 means 15 DV SPD
• After rival:
° If still L6 and had 12 defense @ L5: kill one L2/L3
encounter if you have killed no encounters so far.
Otherwise run from everything.
° If still L6 and had 11 defense @ L5 and have killed
nothing so far then run from everything and fight
Youngster Joey (the stander below Mikey).
° If L6 with 11 defense @ L5 and have killed one
thing, kill an encounter to complete your EXP, don't talk to Joey.
° If L7 after rival never kill anything else and never fight Joey.
• Name Rival ‘A’ and talk to elm.
• Say no to the catching tutorial.
• Catch a Sentret if you see one (scratch x1).
Route 30/31
• If fighting Joey talk to him to fight then don't go through the grass.
° Rattata: Scratch 3x.
• Youngster Mikey
° Pidgey: Scratch (2x) [Rage (2x) if L7] Switch to Scratch if turn 1 tackle misses.
° Rattata: Scratch (3x) [Rage (2x) if L7]
° Caterpie/Caterpie: Rage [Scratch if L8]
° On Don pause buffer equip berry, heal to 15+ HP and call Mom (don't save
° On 25+ HP consider skipping the menu for no-pause Don and let Mom ring you.
° On 19+ HP with Level 8 and 17+ attack consider (especially on bad runs) skipping
menu for no-Pause Don and YOLOing the 3-shot on Spearow. (Heal during the fight if
you miss it and finish with scratch).

Violet Town
• Enter Falkner’s gym
• Bird Keeper Abe
° Spearow: Rage 3x (+ Scratch)
• Equip Bitter Berry (+ heal if needed)
• Bird Keeper Rod
° Pidgey: Rage
• Heal <19 HP
° Pidgey/Pidgeotto: Rage
• Enter Pokémon Center: heal + get egg from guy.

Route 32
• Youngster Albert
° Rattata/Zubat: Scratch [Rage if 15 DV ATK]
• Fisher Ralph
° Goldeen: Leer + Scratch [Scratch only if 12-15 DV ATK]

Union Cave/Route 33
• Catch a Sandshrew if you don't have a cut slave yet (Scratch 1x). (Turnframe at the end of
union cave until you get one if necessary).
• Don't kill encounters after hitting Daniel or Bill.
• Kill a Geodude/Sandshrew/Onix if you encounter one.
• Kill another if you encounter it if you have <10 Special or <5 SPD or 10-12 SPD or if you
have an otherwise good reason based on the specific circumstances you're in or you just
want to play safer. (Don't kill only two Geodudes).
• AVOID SPINNER: HIKER DANIEL (Don’t pause buffer, Daniel is pretty quick and
gives useful EXP.)
° Onix: Water Gun
• Hiker Russel
° Geodude/Geodude/Geodude: Water Gun
° Koffing/Koffing: Water Gun
• Firebreather Ray
° Vupix: Water Gun, Scratch
° Geodude/Machop: Water Gun

Azalea Town/Slowpoke Well/Ilex Forest/Route 34

• Go talk to Kurt
• Go to mart and buy
° 6 Super Potion (3D), 4 Repel (2D), and 2 Antidote (1D).
• Get Full Heal which is located at the upper wall of the Slowpoke Well entrance (center)
• Go to Slowpoke Well and heal if necessary
• Rocket Grunt #1
° Rattata/Rattata: Water Gun [Scratch if @ L15 for first Rattata]
• Rocket Grunt #2
° Zubat/Ekans: Water Gun [Scratch if @ L15 and 11+DV ATK]
• Rocket Grunt #3
° Rattata/Zubat/Zubat: Rage
• Heal <11hp before fight.
• Rocket Grunt #4
° Koffing: Water Gun (3-4x)
• Go to Bugsy’s gym (you will be healed by Kurt)
• Twins Amy & May
° Fight the right trainer first
° Ledyba: Scratch (2x)
° Spinarak: Water Gun (2x)
• Fight left trainer Bug Catcher Josh
° Switch Leer and Scratch
° Paras: Leer + Scratch [Rage instead if poisoned]
° Buffer Benny and equip PRZCUREBERRY, heal if HP <27, heal paralysis with Full
Heal/poison with Antidote
° Weedle: Water Gun
° Kakuna: Water Gun + Rage
° Beedrill: Rage
° Metapod/Kakuna/Scyther: Rage
° If poisoned in the fight menu immediately and do a separate repel menu in the guard
house. Otherwise menu on the tile before activating rival cutscene, Super Potion, Repel
and teach Fury Cutter over slot 1 Leer.
• Rival 2
° Gastly: Water Gun (2x) [Bite if you have it]
° Bayleef: Fury Cutter (3x)
° Zubat: Water Gun (3x) [Bite if you have it]
• If doing guard house menu repel + super potion in the guard house.
• Otherwise go through Ilex and get cut from left guy after doing Farfetch’d “quest”
• When repel wears off use Super Potion, Repel, teach Cut (use cut from menu if you are in
front of bush).
• When repel wears off teach Headbutt (TO CROC NOT CUTTER) over slot 3 Rage, use
Repel and leave forest.
• Do not repel on Route 34 but avoid the trainers.

Goldrod City/Route 36
• Get bike. Register + Use Bike
• Go to Whitney’s gym.
• Lass Carrie
° Snubbull: Headbutt (3x) [If Charmed, Water Gun]
• Full Heal if paralyzed
° Clefairy/Miltank: Fury Cutter [If Miltank is in red bar and uses Rollout -> Headbutt]
• Learn Bite -> Scratch or Fury Cutter [over Scratch if still fighting Whitney]
• Go get the Squirtbottle.
• Get Kenya from gate north of Goldenrod
• Go to the underground
• Pokemaniac Donald
° Slowpoke/Slowpoke: Bite (2x) [Headbutt if 47 ATK
@ L21]
• Super Nerd Teru
° Magnemite/Magnemite/Magnemite: Water Gun (3x)
° Voltorb: Headbutt
• Grab COIN CASE (Pokéball) and hidden SUPER
POTION (if low on healing items) (picture)
• Go to the Game Corner, get 4x 50 Coins and buy Abra
from the 1st lady from right
• Mart
° Floor 3: Sell Mud-Slap + Attract. Buy 1 X Speed, 1 X Special, 2 X Attack
° Floor 2 bottom guy: Buy 5 Escape Ropes (2D), 2 Full Heal (3D), and 1 Poké Doll
• Use Teleport (2U) and heal at Center using double deposit
• Head left from Violet and go to Sudowoodo
° Swap Crocanaw and Cutter + use Squirtbottle in the menu
° Run from Sudowoodo
• Psychic Greg
° Drowzee: Headbutt, Scratch

Ecruteak City/Route 39/40

• Go to the Kimonos. Do Left -> Right unless you have <3 DV SPD in which case do
Umbreon before Espeon.
• Kimono Girl Naoko
° Switch Headbutt to slot 1
° Flareon: Headbutt (2x)
• Kimono Girl Sayo
° Espeon: Headbutt, Bite
• Kimono Girl Zuki
° Umbreon: Headbutt (3x), Water Gun
• Kimono Girl Kuni
° Vaporeon: Headbutt (2x), Bite
• Heal at <45 HP
• Kimono Girl Miki
° Jolteon: Headbutt, Scratch
• Get HM03 Surf
• Heal if needed, teach Surf -> Scratch. Go to Morty’s gym.
• Throughout gym if confident something will be finished off with WG instead of bite, WG it
rather than biting again to save super effective text. Heal off
sleep whenever put to sleep.
• Sage Ping
° Gastly: Bite (3x), Surf (2x)
• Sage Jeffrey
° Haunter: Bite (2x) [Bite + Water Gun if 15 DV Spec]
• Medium Martha
° Gastly: Surf
° Haunter: Bite, Water Gun
° Gastly: Surf
° Gastly: X Speed, X Special, Water Gun [Surf if no Curse]
° Haunter: Bite [+ Water Gun]
° Gengar: Bite, Surf
° Haunter: Surf
• Bike and get Poliwag (L15-16 use Water Gun, L17-22 use Bite,
L23-24 or Poliwhirl use Bite or Headbutt)
• Bike west to Route 38
• Super Potion if <50 HP, Repel, stay down and go to the path
of grass, staying on the left side
• At Pokéfans, go around the dude and into grass.
Olivine City (Lighthouse)/Route 40/41
• Mart: 1 Super Potion if none (Safety strat: buy to have 2 total), 11 Super Repels (7D)
• Go to the lighthouse.
• Gentleman Alfred
° Noctowl: Headbutt, Surf
• Gentleman Preston
° Growlithe/Growlithe: Water Gun (2x)
• Lass Connie
° Marill: Headbutt, Bite
• Go down left hole
° Machop/Machop: Surf (2x)
° Poliwhirl: Bite (2x)
• Talk to Jasmine, fall down hole, then grab RARE CANDY unless somehow level 30.
• Equip Bitter berry if you still have it, use Rare Candy to evolve into Feraligatr, use a
Super Repel, swap Super Repel to slot 1, Escape Rope
• Surf to Cianwood
° Buffer Kaylee and teach Strength -> Water Gun
° Goldeen/Goldeen: Strength (2x)
° Seaking: Headbutt, Bite

Cianwood City/Route 42
• Go to Chucks Gym
• Adjust Pre-Chuck Strengths and Surfs as necessary if hit Ernest (but these notes set out
using up all surfs by end of hideout assuming no spinners and headbutt 1 Growlithe).
• Blackbelt Yoshi
° Hitmonlee: Headbutt, Strength
• Blackbelt Lao
° Hitmonchan: Headbutt, Strength
• Blackbelt Nob
° Machop: Surf
° Machoke: Strength (2x)
• Super potion if you have <55 hp.
• Blackbelt Lung
° Mankey/Mankey/Primeape: Strength (4x)
• GYM LEADER CHUCK [equip Bitter Berry if you still have it]
° Primeape: X Attack (2x), Strength
° Poliwrath: Headbutt, Strength. Heal off sleep, YOLO confusion. (Consider switching on
confusion if crit Poliwrath).
• Grab FLY from Chuck’s wife outside gym.
• Grab SECRETPOTION from guy in house next to her
• Use Super Repel, teach Fly to Kenya, and Fly to Ecruteak (3 down)
• Head east to Route 42
• Surf east
° Diglett/Geodude/Dugtrio: Bite (3x)

Mahogany Town/Lake of Rage

• Go north from Mahogany
• Bike North along left side of grass, then Surf north, and bike to Lake of Rage
• Use POKE DOLL on shiny, say yes to Lance, Fly to Mahogany (2 down)
• Enter Team Rocket hideout
• At 3 Surfs (saving uses for Jed), use Strength until free heal
• Rocket Grunt #1
° Drowzee/Zubat: Surf (2x)
• Rocket Grunt #2
° Zubat/Grimer/Rattata: Surf (3x)
• Go South twice and intersections
• Scientist Jed
° Magnemite/Magnemite/Magnemite: Surf (3x)
• Press PC (activate secret switch)
• Go down stairs and get free heal from Lance, do NOT take teleporter
• Use brain/one of the PP management excel sheets to manage PP properly from here until
the heal house. Otherwise use this rough guide (inefficient in specific circumstances)
• Rocket Grunt #3
° Venonat/Venonat: Headbutt (2x)
• After stairs, head left and up into room
• Scientist Ross
° Koffing/Koffing: Surf (2x)
• Talk to girl up top
• Rocket Grunt #4
° Ekans/Gloom: Headbutt (2x) [Consider Bite Ekans on 15 DV ATK]
• Head out of room and into left room
• Scientist Mitch
° Ditto: Headbutt
• Talk to spinning Rocket to the left
• Rocket Grunt #5
° Raticate: Headbutt
• Head out of room and to Northeast staircase. Head left.
• Rocket Grunt #6
° Rattata/Zubat/Rattata: Bite (3x)
• Rocket Executive
° Zubat: Headbutt
° Raticate: Strength
° Koffing: Surf
• Backtrack down 2 sets of stairs. Go right, grab the Protein, enter stairs
• Open the door and go in
• Rocket Executive 2
° Arbok: Surf [+ Bite]
° Gloom: Strength [+ Bite]
° Murkrow: Strength
• Surf an Electrode, Strength the other two.
• Use Protein and Escape Rope
• Go to Pryce's gym.
• Consider saving and resetting if you hit Douglas.
• AVOID SPINNER DOUGLAS (star in picture)
° Shellder/Cloyster/Shelder: Bite (4x)
° Seel: Strength [+ Bite]
° Dewgong: Strength (2x)
° Piloswine: Surf
• Leave the gym and Fly to Olivine (4 down)

Olivine City [2]/Ice Path

• Go to the Lighthouse.
• Pick up Ether
° Machop/Machop: Headbutt (2x)
° Poliwhirl: Bite
• Give Jasmine the SECRETPOTION then use Escape Rope and bike to the gym.
° Magnemite/Magnemite/Steelix: Surf (3x)
• Leave gym and Fly to Goldenrod City (4 up)

Goldenrod City [2]

• 2nd Goldenrod mart:
° Floor 5: Get Return (TM 27) from left, buy TM 33 Ice Punch from right
° Floor 4: Buy 2 Calcium (3D) [if < 14 DV Special, else skip]
° Floor 3: In this order, buy 5 X-SPEC, 11 X-ATK, 3 X-SPD (2 if 11-14 DV SPD, 1 if
15 DV SPD), 1 Guard Spec, 2 X-AQ
• Leave the mart and head to radio tower.
• (Again, using brain/exarions excel document is better than this pp management).
• Rocket Grunt #1
° Raticate/Raticate: Headbutt (2x)
• On second floor, go down, round, back up between the two rockets, fight the guy on the
North wall
• Rocket Grunt #2
° Zubat/Zubat: Headbutt (2x)
• Rocket Grunt #3
° Grimer/Grimer: Headbutt (2x)
° Muk: Headbutt (2x) [Headbutt + Bite if it will kill]
• Floor 3, go straight right to the Rocket on the North wall and talk to him
• Rocket Grunt #4
° Koffing: Bite
° Grimer: Strength
° Zubat/Rattata: Bite (2x)
• Go South and left to South wall. Talk to Scientist on right.
• Scientist Marc
° Magnemite/Magnemite/Magnemite: Surf (3x)
• Go up to Floor 4
• In the next room bonk the wall, then menu to dodge the rotator (look at a top run on to see how to do this)
• Ether Surf, use Calciums, and teach Ice Punch -> Headbutt
• Scientist Rich
° Porygon: Surf [+ Bite]
• Rocket Executive
° Koffing/Koffing/Koffing: Surf (3x) [Ice Punch if L40]
° Weezing: Bite, Surf [Surf (+ Bite) if L40]
° Koffing/Koffing: Surf (2x)
• Walk out of Radio Tower, make sure to AVOID ROTATO
• Enter Underground via North building
• Rival 3
° Golbat: Ice Punch [X-SPEC first if Bitter Berry] [if you have Full Heal and <12 DV
Special, X-SPEC first and Full Heal the confusion]
° Magnemite: Surf [X-SPEC if didn’t on Golbat and have PRZCUREBERRY]
° Meganium: Ice Punch [X-SPEC if still haven’t]
° Haunter: Ice Punch
° Sneasel: Surf
• (Again, using brain/exarions excel document is better than this pp management).
• Rocket Grunt #1
° Swap Ice Punch -> Bite
° Rattata: Bite
• Ignore switches to begin with. Rocket Grunt #2
° Muk: Strength
° Koffing/Rattata: Bite (2x)
• Rocket Grunt #3
° Koffing: Bite
° Muk: Strength
• Switches 3, 2, 1
• Burglar Eddie
° Growlithe: Strength
° Koffing: Bite
• Burglar Duncan
° Koffing/Koffing: Bite (2x)
° Magmar: Strength
• Rocket Grunt #4
° Gloom: Strength
° Gloom: Ice Punch
• Rocket Grunt #5
° Raticate/Golbat: Ice Punch (2x)
• Rocket Grunt #6
° Grimer: Strength
° Weezing: Ice Punch
• Rocket Grunt #7
° Koffing/Koffing: Bite (2x)
• Get Card Key, teach Return -> Bite, use Escape Rope, and head back to Radio Tower
• Use Card Key on Floor 3
• Rocket Grunt #8
° Raticate/Koffing: Ice Punch (2x)
• Rocket Executive #1
° Golbat: Ice Punch [+ Return]
• Rocket Executive #2
° Arbok: Surf [+ Return]
° Vileplume: Ice Punch [+ Return]
° Murkrow: Return
• Rocket Executive #3
° Houndour: Return
° Koffing: Ice Punch
° Houndoom: Surf
• Get PINK BOW from Mary one floor below
• Walk to bottom floor, talk to right lady behind counter (A-A-B-A-B)
• Leave the tower and fly to Mahogany town (2 down)

Ice Path
• Leave Mahogany and bike east
• AVOID ROTATO and go up one tile immediately after female trainer. Continue East.
• Bird Keeper Vance
° Pidgeotto/Pidgeotto: Return (2x)
• Use Super Repel at start of Ice Path
° When first wears off, use another and use
Strength from the menu
• Ice Path Puzzle (1st picture): Start is orange and
end is green
• Grab HM Waterfall (2nd picture)
• Get to the ladders and do the boulder puzzle as
explained in the 3rd picture (push 2 aside then 1
up, then 2 down, move around and push 3 aside
then 1 left and in the hole)
• When first Super Repel wears off use Super
Repel and Strength
• Leave the room via the southwest hole
• Bike up, right and then down the ladder. Get to
next ladder
• Go around and leave a tile place (see
small pictures) then down (2x) left
down the ladder
• Solve the puzzle to get to the ladder.
Grab hidden Max Potion if no healing
items and need to heal
• Leave a tile place and go down as in
the pic (->) and exit the cave

Blackthorn City
• Head to gym and at the sign Super
Repel, heal if needed (Kingdra has
42 max roll at 0 DV for Hyper Beam),
toss remaining super potions, give
Pink Bow to Feraligatr, and teach
Whirlpool and Waterfall to Poliwag
• Cooltrainer Paul
° Dratini/Dratini/Dratini: Return
• Go up the stairs, then South and East
• Cooltrainer Fran
° Seadra: Return (2x)
• Push bottom right boulder down,
bottom left boulder up and into hole
• Cooltrainer Cody
° Horsea/Seadra: Return (3x)
• Push top boulder right, then the other boulder
(above the hole) in to the hole and jump in
• Cooltrainer Lola
° Dratini: Return
° Dragonair: Ice Punch
° Dragonair/Dragonair/Dragonair: Ice Punch (3x)
° Kingdra: Return (2x)
• Leave gym and surf to Dragon’s Den
• Bike to the far left tile, then surf, whirlpool, get Dragon Fang
• Get badge from Clair, Super Repel and Escape Rope out.

Route 26/27/Victory Road

• Fly to New Bark Town, surf East
• Go through Taijo Falls, bike down ASAP to AVOID ROTATO, surf East
• Cooltrainer Blake
° Magneton: Surf
° Exeggcute: Return
° Quagsire: Surf
• Go right on Blake’s tile, surf down on the same tile as the next trainer. Get back on land
after the girl trainer. Surf to avoid the fat guy, go North.
• Psychic Richard
° Espeon: Return
• Heal in the house
° Pikachu/Blastoise: Strength (3x)
• North and fight again
• Cooltrainer Gaven
° Victreebel/Kingler/Flareon: Return
• Cooltrainer Jake
° Parasect/Golduck: Return
• Cooltrainer Beth
° Rapidash: Surf [Return if 15 DV ATK]
• Go through the checkpoint, up the stairs, down the left stairs and down the ladder, then East
and North up another ladder. Go East then North. Use a Super Repel at some point.
• Rival 4
° Sneasel: X-SPEC, Return
° Magneton: Surf
° Meganium: Ice Punch
° Golbat: Surf
° Haunter/Kadabra: Ice Punch (2x)

Elite Four
• Don’t take center. Buy 11 Max Repels (1D) and 11 Full Restores (3D)
• Will
° Xatu: X-Special, Surf [Full Restore or Full Heal if confused]
° Exeggutor: Ice Punch
° Jynx: Strength
° Slowbro: Return (2-3x)
° Xatu: Surf
• Koga
° Ariados: X-Special, X-Accuracy, Surf [X-Accuracy if Double Team]
° Venomoth: Surf
° Forretress: Surf
° Muk: Surf, Ice Punch
° Crobat: Ice Punch
• Bruno
° Hitmontop: X-Attack (2x), Return
° Hitmonchan: Return
° Hitmonlee: Return
° Machamp: Return
° Onix: Surf [Ice Punch if < 15 DV ATK]
• Karen
° Umbreon: X-Special, Full Restore (if confused), X-Accuracy (if Sand-Attack), Surf (2x)
° Vileplume: Ice Punch
° Gengar: Surf
° Murkrow: Return [Surf if still have 4 Surfs left]
° Houndoom: Surf
• Heal before Lance if not full health (or during fight if you know your ranges)
• Lance
° Gyarados: Return, Strength [Hyper Beam is around 40-52 (52 max roll on 0 DV)] [If in
Hyper Beam range, heal. If not and Gyarados uses Hyper Beam, use an X-Speed]
° Dragonite/Dragonite/Dragonite: Ice Punch (3x) [+ Strength]
° Aerodactyl: Surf [if Ancient Powers boosts, the use Ice Punch to kill]
° Charizard: Surf
• Soft reset once you can.

SS Aqua
• Go talk to Elm, then fly to Olivine (5 down) and enter the boat.
• Go East and down the stairs, talk to the sailor blocking you, then go back upstairs and into
the cabin 3rd from the right. Talk to the guy inside.
• Sailor Stanly
° Machop/Machoke/Psyduck: Return (3x)
• Go back downstairs, and West at the intersections, up the stairs.
• Talk to the girl in the Captain’s Quarters

Kanto Badge 1
• Leave the ship. Use Super Repel and fly to Vermillion (1 down)
• Bike North to Saffron, then East to Route 8 + Cut through the middle section
• In Lavender, head North
• Hiker Jim
° Machamp: Return
• Enter Rock Tunnel (Use a Super Repel inside)
• Enter and leave the PKMN Center after Rock Tunnel
• Go around and up and surf south to Power Plant
• Talk to fat guy in red in the East part of the Power Plant, then leave.
• Fly to Saffron (1 down), bike West to Celadon and go to Erika’s gym
• Twins Jo and Zoe
° Victreebel/Vileplume: Return (2x)
• Fight left trainer
• Picnicker Tanya
° Exeggutor: Return (+ Strength) [Ice Punch if <10 DV ATK]
• Beauty Julia
° Paras/Exeggcute/Parasect: Strength (3x)
° Tangela: Ice Punch
° Jumpluff: Return
° Victreebel/Bellossom: X-ATK, Return (2x)
• Fly to Saffron (1 down)

Kanto Badge 2
• Bike directly to Sabrina’s gym (go right and up)
• Take teleport, go UP AVOID SPINNER REBECCA, LEFT, hug the wall DOWN (2x)
° Drowzee/Hypno: Strength
° Espeon/Mr. Mime/Alakazam: Return (3x)
• Exit Sabrina’s gym tele, then RIGHT, UP, UP, DOWN

Kanto Badge 3
• Bike North to Cerulean. Enter the gym, get yelled at, and leave. Bike North to nugget
bridge (stay right)
• Schoolboy Dudley
° Oddish: Return
• Lass Ellen
° Wigglytuff/Granbull: Surf (2x)
• Schoolboy Joe
° Tangela/Vaporeon: Return (2x)
• Lass Laura
° Gloom/Bellosson/Pidgeotto: Strength (3x)
• Camper Lloyd
° Nidoking: Return
• Lass Shannon
° Paras/Paras/Parasect: Strength (3x)
• Super Nerd Pat
° Porygon: Surf
• Interrupt Misty’s Date, Fly to Cerulean (1 up) and bike to Misty’s gym
• Go to Misty’s gym, hug the right border and surf to Misty
° Golduck: Return
° Quagsire: X-ATK, Return
° Lapras/Starmie: Return (2x) [+ Strength]
• Get the PART (by foot)

Kanto Badge 4
• Use Super Repel and Teleport. Go to Power Plant and talk to the director.
• Fly to Lavender Town (3 down). Go to Poké Tower and talk with Gentleman for Expn Card
• Fly to Vermillion City (2 up) and go to the Surge’s gym
• Fight right trainer
• Gentleman Gregory
° Pikachu/Flaaffy: Strength (2x) [Return (2x) if <10 DV ATK] [Ice Punch (2x) if 10+ DV
ATK and used 3+ Strengths on Rebecca/finishing ranges]
° Raichu/Magneton: Surf (2x)
° Electabuzz: Return
° Electrode/Electrode: Surf (2x)

Kanto Badge 5
• Bike East out of Vermillion to Snorlax
• Use Super Repel and Tune PokéGear Radio to 20. Run from Snorlax, go through
Diglett’s Cave.
• Go to Pewter’s Gym
• Camper Jerry
° Sandslash: Return (+ Strength) [Surf if <10 DV ATK]
° Graveler/Kabutops/Omastar/Onix/Rhyhorn: Surf

Kanto Badge 6
• Go to route 2. Get Max Ether (picture)
• Be careful and take a step left after exiting “Viridian Forest” to not hit a STANDER
• Bike South to Pallet Town. Before Grass on Route 1,
Max Ether on Return and Max Repel, and stay right.
• Surf South to Cinnabar and Talk to Blue
• Surf East and AVOID SPINNER by swimming upwards
at the right “coast” of Cinnabar Island then right above
the platform and if you hit the other border go South and
East to enter Seafoam Island
° Magcargo: Surf
° Magmar: Return
° Rapidash: Surf

Kanto Badge 7
• Surf East but hug the Northern coast and bike to Fuchsia City
• Enter the gym: bottom left trainer is Janine
° Crobat/Ariados/Weezing/Weezing/Venomoth: Return (5x)

Kanto Badge 8
• Fly to Viridian (2 up), bike to Gym.
° Pidgeot: X-ATK (2x), [3 X-ATK if <11 DV ATK, X-SPD if <11 DV SPD], Return
° Exeggutor/Alakazam/Gyarados/Arcanine: Return (4x)
° Rhydon: Surf
The Final Frontier
• Fly to pallet (1 up)
• Talk to Professor Oak
• Use Max Repel and Fly to Viridian
City (2 up), bike West to Mt. Silver
• Mt. Silver (picture) When Max Repel
wears off, USE FULL RESTORE,
MAX REPEL (194+ HP never has to
° Full Restore off Thunder damage
whilst praying he misses the next
one unless you've finished setting
up (then heal on Snorlax). Full
restore off paralysis from Snorlax
paralyzing you with body slam.
° Pikachu: Guard Spec, X-Speed, X-
Attack (2x), Return
° Venusaur/Espeon/Snorlax/
Blastoise: Return
° Charizard: Return, Strength
[Return 2x if spare]

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