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Alcantara v. Pefianco | A.C. No. 5398 | 3 Dec. 2002 | Mendoza, J.

Nature of Case: Rule 8.01 – No Abusive and Improper Language

Complainant: Antonio A. Alcantara
Respondent: Atty. Mariano Pefianco

Respondent is epal and douchebag. He likes to meddle with things he has no right to do so. He hurled
invectives at complainant after the latter asked him to stop shouting at another lawyer who was dealing with his
own client. He even tried to hit complainant but was fend off by two guards. The Court held that his actions
constitute a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

 Complaint for conduct unbecoming a member of the bar for using improper and offensive language and
threatening and attempting to assault complainant.
 Complainant = incumbent District Public Attorney of the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) in San Jose, Antique
 18 May 2000: Complainant alleges that while Atty. Ramon Salvani III was conferring with a client in the PAO
at the Hall of Justice in San Jose, Antique, a woman approached them. Complainant saw the woman in tears,
whereupon he went to the group and suggested that Atty. Salvani talk with her amicably as a hearing was
taking place in another room. At this point, respondent, who was sitting nearby, stood up and shouted at
Atty. Salvani and his client, saying, Nga-a gina-areglo mo ina, ipapreso ang imo nga kliyente para mahibal-an
na anang sala (Why do you settle that case? Have your client imprisoned so that he will realize his mistake).
 Complainant asked respondent to cool off, but the latter continued to fulminate at Atty. Salvani.
 To avoid any scene with respondent, complainant went inside his office. He asked his clerk to put a notice
outside prohibiting anyone from interfering with any activity in the PAO.
 Complainant said that he then went out to attend a hearing, but when he came back he heard respondent
Pefianco saying: Nagsiling si Atty. Alcantara nga pagwa-on na kuno ako dya sa PAO, buyon nga klase ka
tawo (Atty. Alcantara said that he would send me out of the PAO, what an idiot). Upon seeing complainant,
respondent pointed his finger at him and repeated his statement for the other people in the office to hear.
 Complainant confronted respondent and told him to observe civility or else to leave the office if he had no
business there. Respondent resented this and started hurling invectives at him. Respondent even took a
menacing stance towards him.
 Commotion in the office: Two guards of the Hall of Justice came to take respondent out of the office, but
before they could do so, respondent tried to attack complainant and even shouted at him, Gago ka! The
guards were able to fend off respondents blow and complainant was not harmed.
 The Committee on Bar Discipline of the IBP found that respondent committed acts that violated Canon 8 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility. The Committee noted that respondent failed not only to deny the
accusations against him but also to give any explanation for his actions. For this reason, it recommended
that respondent be reprimanded and warned that repetition of the same act will be dealt with more
severely in the future.

Issue/s + Ruling:
W/N the acts of respondent violated the Code of Professional Responsibility, and w/n respondent should
be reprimanded. YES.
 The affidavits of several disinterested persons confirm complainants allegation that respondent shouted and
hurled invectives at complainant and Atty. Salvani and even attempted to lay hands on complainant.
 Canon 8 of the Code of Professional Responsibility admonishes lawyers to conduct themselves with
courtesy, fairness and candor toward their fellow lawyers. Lawyers are duty bound to uphold the dignity
of the legal profession. They must act honorably, fairly and candidly toward each other and otherwise
conduct themselves without reproach at all times.
 Respondent’s meddling in a matter in which he had no right to do so caused the untoward incident. He had
no right to demand an explanation from Atty. Salvani why the case of the woman had not or could not be
 Respondent said he was moved by the plight of the woman whose husband had been murdered as she was
pleading for the settlement of her case because she needed the money. Be that as it may, respondent
Alcantara v. Pefianco | Prepared by Erson Villangca (1E) 1
should realize that what he thought was righteous did not give him the right to demand that Atty. Salvani
and his client, apparently the accused in the criminal case, settle the case with the widow. Even when he was
being pacified, respondent did not relent. Instead he insulted and berated those who tried to calm him

Final Ruling:
WHEREFORE, Atty. Mariano Pefianco is found GUILTY of violation of Canon 8 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility and, considering this to be his first offense, is hereby FINED in the amount of P1,000.00 and
REPRIMANDED with a warning that similar action in the future will be sanctioned more severely.

Alcantara v. Pefianco | Prepared by Erson Villangca (1E) 2

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