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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Capiz National High School
City of Roxas


Unit 1 (Module 2)
__________ 4. Pure substance melts at a fix temperature.
Name: _______________________________Gr. & Sec.:_________________ __________ 5. Impurity lower down the melting point
__________ 6. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is an example of a
Test I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct mixture.
answer. __________ 7. A pure substance has constant physical and
chemical properties.
1. A liquid has the following properties: one-phase, __________ 8. Some substances are attracted to a magnetic
colorless, boils at varying temperature. Which of field and can be pulled from a surface.
the following BEST describes the liquid? __________ 9. In theory, the melting point of a solid should be
the same as the boiling point of a liquid.
A. Solution __________ 10. Water is a combination of two atoms of
B. Substance hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
C. Suspension
D. Coarse mixture Test III. Classification. Classify the following sample as
either a pure substance or a mixture.
2. Jill has an unopened box of a 2-meter foil labeled
100% made of aluminum. Aluminum is a ____________________1. Water
substance. Jill takes just a thumb-size piece of the ____________________ 2. Fruit salad
aluminum foil. Which of the following statements ____________________ 3. Salt
is TRUE about the piece of aluminum foil that Jill ____________________ 4. Hydrogen
took compared with the rest that was left in the ____________________ 5. Oxygen
box? ____________________ 6. Seawater
____________________ 7. Softdrinks
A. Its mass and melting behavior are different. ____________________ 8. Iron
B. Its mass and melting behavior are the same. ____________________ 9. Gravel and sand
C. The mass is different but the melting behavior is ____________________ 10. Ice candy
the same.
D. The mass is the same but the melting behavior is
different. Test IV. Enumeration. Give what is asked.

3. A way of separating substances by boiling point Ways of separating a mixture

difference where the substance that vaporize the
easiest will separate first. 1.
A. Floatation 3.
B. Distillation 4.
C. Extraction 5.
D. Filtration 6.
4. A way of separating substances by density 8.
difference where floaters can be skimmed off of the
surface. Two types of mixture

A. Filtration 1.
B. Physical means 2.
C. Chromatography
D. Floatation
V. Essay. Differentiate pure substance from a mixture.
5. The temperature at which solid melts to become
liquid is called _______________________.

A. Freezing point
B. Boiling point
C. Melting point
D. Saturation point

Test II. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is true

and WRONG if otherwise.

__________ 1. During boiling, the temperature of a substance

changes at the start then it becomes the same. Corrected by:
__________ 2. A mixture cannot be separated into any other
kinds of matter.
__________ 3. A pure substance is impure.

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