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Syllabus version
Pre-requisite CLE1006 Environmental Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. Gain insight into the collection, transfer, and transport of municipal solid waste.
2. Learn the concept of designing and operation of a municipal solid waste landfill.
3. Understand the design and operation of a resource recovery facility.
4. Realize the design and operation of a waste to energy facility.
Expected Course Outcome:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the characteristics of the municipal solid waste
2. Understand the functional element of municipal solid waste management.
3. Understand the separation and processing of municipal solid waste.
4. Know the concept of different alternatives of waste to energy conversation.
5. Design and operate sanitary landfill

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 2, 9, 10

Module: 1 Municipal Solid Waste Management: An Overview 6 hours SLO: 2, 10
Definition of solid waste –major legislation, monitoring responsibilities, Effects of improper disposal of
solid wastes – public health effects
Sources and types of solid waste – sampling and characterization – Determination of composition of
MSW – storage and handling of solid waste.
Collection and Transport of Solid Waste: Waste collection systems– alternative techniques for
collection system. Need for transfer operation, transport means and methods.
Module: 2 Municipal solid waste treatment: Materials Recovery 4 hours SLO: 2, 9, 10
Unit operations for separation and processing, Materials Recovery facilities on site/off site,
Composting process
Module: 3 Municipal Solid waste treatment: Energy Recovery 3 hours SLO: 2, 9, 10
Anaerobic digestion, RDF and Incineration and co-generation of energy using waste, Pyrolysis of solid
Module: 4 Disposal of municipal Solid wastes 5 hours SLO: 2, 9, 10
Dumping of solid waste; sanitary landfills – site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills –
Leachate collection & treatment
Recyclable solid waste materials for civil engineering
Module: 5 3 hours SLO: 2, 9, 10
Construction debris, fly ash, gypsum, red mud, blast furnace slag; e- waste.
Module: 6 Principles of solid and Hazardous waste management 2 hours SLO: 2, 10
Principles of solid waste management, Definition and identification of hazardous wastes, cradle to
grave management concept, Prevailing laws of hazardous waste management- Risk assessment.
Treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes (Biomedical
Module: 7 5 hours SLO: 2, 9, 10
waste, Industrial and nuclear waste)
Disinfection, autoclaving, incineration, Stabilization, Solidification, air stripping, oxidation,
bioremediation and any other appropriate techniques
Module: 8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Total Lecture hours 30 hours
Text Book(s)
1. George Techobanoglous et al, "Integrated Solid Waste Management ", McGraw Hill Publication,
Latest edition, (2010)
2. Charles A. Wentz; "Hazardous Waste Management", McGraw Hill Publication, Latest
publication, (1992).
Reference Books
Handbook of Solid Waste Management by Frank Kreith, George Tchobanoglous, McGraw Hill
Publication, (2002).
Bagchi, A., Design, Construction, and Monitoring of Landfills, (2nd Ed). Wiley Interscience,
ISBN: 0 471 30681 9.
Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, New Delhi, (2000).
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Assignments, Final Assessment Test
Recommended by Board of Studies 04.03.2016
Approved by Academic Council 40th ACM Date 18.03.2016

Sample syllabus with J component (minimum of 60 hours of work by a

group of students) (2,9,10)
List of sample project topics
Collection and characterization of solid and hazardous waste
Devise appropriate treatment options based on varying characteristics
Route optimization studies for collection of solid waste
Economic appraisal of a selected waste management scheme

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