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B-Tech Computer Science and Engineering, Semester V, as per KTU Syllabus


Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of

code Credits Introduction
Pre-requisite : CS208 Principles of Database Design
Course Objectives
To introduce basic commands and operations on database.
To introduce stored programming concepts (PL-SQL) using Cursors and Triggers .
To familiarize front end tools of database.

List of Exercises/Experiments: (Exercises/experiments marked with * are

mandatory. Total 12 Exercises/experiments are mandatory)
1. Creation of a database using DDL commands and writes DML queries to retrieve
information from the database.
2. Performing DML commands like Insertion, Deletion, Modifying, Altering, and
Updating records based on conditions.
3. Creating relationship between the databases. *
4. Creating a database to set various constraints. *
5. Practice of SQL TCL commands like Rollback, Commit, Savepoint.
6. Practice of SQL DCL commands for granting and revoking user privileges.
7. Creation of Views and Assertions *
8. Implementation of Build in functions in RDBMS *
9. Implementation of various aggregate functions in SQL *
10. Implementation of Order By, Group By& Having clause. *
11. Implementation of set operators, nested queries and Join queries *
12. Implementation of various control structures using PL/SQL *
13. Creation of Procedures and Functions *
14. Creation of Packages *
15. Creation of database Triggers and Cursors *
16. Practice various front-end tools and report generation.
17. Creating Forms and Menus
18. Mini project (Application Development using Oracle/ MySQL using Database
a. Inventory Control System.
b. Material Requirement Processing.
c. Hospital Management System.
d. Railway Reservation System.
e. Personal Information System.
f. Web Based User Identification System.
g. Timetable Management System.
h. Hotel Management System.

Expected Outcome
The students will be able to
i. Design and implement a database for a given problem using database design
ii. Apply stored programming concepts (PL-SQL) using Cursors and Triggers.
iii. Use graphical user interface, Event Handling and Database connectivity to develop
and deploy applications and applets.
iv. Develop medium-sized project in a team.
No Name of Experiment
1 Creation of a database and tables using DDL commands.
2 DML queries to retrieve information from the database.
3 Insertion, Deletion, Modifying, Altering, and Updating records.
4 Creating a database to set various constraints.
5 Creating relationship between the databases.
6 Implementation of built in functions in RDBMS.
7 Implementation of aggregate functions in SQL.
8 Implementation of Order By, Group By& Having clause.
9 Implementation of set operators, nested queries and Join queries.
10 Implementation of various control structures using PL/SQL.
11 Creation of Procedures and Functions.
12 Creation of database Triggers and Cursors.
13 Creation of Views and Assertions.
14 Mini project
1. Creation of a Database using DDL Commands
A database is a collection of related data. Data is the known facts that can be
recorded and that have implicit meaning. A database is a logically coherent collection of
data with some inherent meaning. A random assortment of data cannot correctly be referred
to as a database.

A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that enables users to

create and maintain a database. The DBMS is a general-purpose software system that
facilitates the processes of defining, constructing, manipulating, and sharing databases among
various users and applications.

Defining a database involves specifying the data types, structures, and constraints of the data
to be stored in the database. The database definition or descriptive information is also stored
by the DBMS in the form of a database catalog or dictionary; it is called meta-data.

Constructing the database is the process of storing the data on some storage medium that is
controlled by the DBMS.

Manipulating a database includes functions such as querying the database to retrieve specific
data, updating the database to reflect changes in the mini world, and generating reports from
the data.

Sharing a database allows multiple users and programs to access the database

An application program accesses the database by sending queries or requests for data to the

A query typically causes some data to be retrieved.

A transaction may cause some data to be read and some data to be written into the database.

A data definition language (DDL) is used to define the database conceptual schema.

The relational model represents the database as a collection of relations. Informally, each
relation resembles a table of values or, to some extent, a flat file of records. When a relation
is thought of as a table of values, each row in the table represents a collection of related data
values. A row represents a fact that typically corresponds to a real-world entity or
relationship. The table name and column names are used to help to interpret the meaning of
the values in each row.
a) Create Database

CREATE DATABASE is the SQL command for creating a database.



List of existing databases can view by running the SQL command.


To access the created database, use the following command.

1. USE database name;

b) Creating Tables MySQL

Tables can be created using CREATE TABLE statement.
1. CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] `TableName` (`fieldname` dataType
[optional parameters]);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Members(membership_number INT
date_of_birth DATE ,physical_address VARCHAR(255) ,postal_address
VARCHAR(255) ,contact_number VARCHAR(75) ,email VARCHAR(255) , PRIMARY KEY
(`membership_number`) );

c) Deleting objects from Database

DROP command is used to delete objects from the database.

DROP TABLE ‘Table Name’;

d) Modifying objects of a Database

ALTER TABLE is used to add, delete/drop or modify columns in the existing table. It is also
used to add and drop various constraints on the existing table.

1. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD (Columnname_1 datatype);

2. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
3. ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name column_type;
4. ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE column_old column_new type;

e) Finding the Description of Tables

DESC statement can be used to view the description about a Table.

DESC Table_Name;
Create a DATABASE named as “UNIVERSITY” with the following TABLES.
1. STUDENT(Name, Student_Number, Semester, Branch)
2. COURSE(Name,Course_Number, Department, Credit)
3. SECTION(Section_Id,Course_Number,Semester,Year,Instructor)
4. GRADE_REPORT(Student_Number, Section_Id,Grade)
5. PREREQUISITE(Course_Number,Prerquisite_number)

Lab 1:

1. Identify different data types for defining the table attributes.

2. Create Database and Tables.
3. Change the Student_Number attribute as Roll_No of STUDENT table.
4. Change the type of Course_Number from INT to CHAR.
5. Add REF_BOOK attribute to COURSE table.
6. Delete all the tables.
2. DML Queries to retrieve data from the database

Once the database schemas are compiled and the database is populated with data, users must
have some means to manipulate the database. Typical manipulations include retrieval,
insertion, deletion, and modification of the data. The DBMS provides a set of operations or a
language called the data manipulation language (DML) for these purposes.

Retrieve data from Database

SELECT command is used to retrieve data from the a database

SELECT SELECT <attribute list> FROM <table list>


SELECT Name from Student;

Retrieve data from Database on a condition

SELECT <attribute>, ….., <attribute n> FROM <table name> WHERE



SELECT Name FROM Student WHERE Branch=”CSE”;

3. Insertion, Deletion, Modifying, Altering, and
updating records.
a) The Insert Operation
(**Relation means Table, Tuple means a Record)
The Insert operation provides a list of attribute values for a new tuple t that is to be inserted
into a relation R.

Insert can violate any of the four types of constraints.

Domain constraints can be violated if an attribute value is given that does not appear in the
corresponding domain or is not of the appropriate data type.
Key constraints can be violated if a key value in the new tuple t already exists in another
tuple in the relation r(R).
Entity integrity can be violated if any part of the primary key of the new tuple t is NULL.
Referential integrity can be violated if the value of any foreign key in t refers to a tuple that
does not exist in the referenced relation.

INSERT statement is used to insert data into a table.

INSERT INTO <table name> VALUES (<value 1>, ... <value n>);

INSERT INTO Student VALUES (‘Ram’,’CS01’,’S5’,’CSE’);

b) The Delete Operation

The Delete operation can violate only referential integrity. This occurs if the tuple being
deleted is referenced by foreign keys from other tuples in the database. To specify deletion, a
condition on the attributes of the relation selects the tuple (or tuples) to be deleted.

DELETE statement deletes row(s) from a table.

DELETE FROM <table name> WHERE <condition>;



If the WHERE clause is omitted, then every row of the table is deleted.

c) The Update Operation

The Update (or Modify) operation is used to change the values of one or more attributes in a
tuple (or tuples) of some relation R. It is necessary to specify a condition on the attributes of
the relation to select the tuple (or tuples) to be modified.SET clause in the UPDATE command
specifies the attributes to be modified and their new values.

UPDATE statement is used to change values that are already in a table.

UPDATE <table name> SET <attribute> = <expression> WHERE <condition>;




Fig 2.1

Create the table as shown in the figure 2.1.

1. Insert 5 rows of appropriate data into the tables using INSERT statement.
2. List the data of entire tables using SELECT command.
3. Find the student with Student Number CS01.
4. List all the courses under the Civil Department.
5. Find the prerequisite of course number BE301
6. Find the instructor who handles the course EE303
7. Find the grade of Student with Student_Number EE04.
8. Update the grade A to O of student with number CE09.
9. Update the Credit_hours of course CS301 to 4.
10. Delete the student with number EC09.

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