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Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers) Answer

Unit 1
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Match 1–8 with a–h.
1 forty-seven a the twenty-fourth of February
2 34 b 3/12
3 sixty-eight c 47
4 the third of June d 1/9
5 24/2 e thirty-four
6 13/6 f 3/6
7 the first of September g 68
8 the third of December h the thirteenth of June

B Circle eight family-related words and complete the sentences.

1 My parents’ son is my__________.
2 Mrs Harris has got six grandsons, but only
D S S U K I Y W G U C 3 ‘Have you got any children?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got
a__________and two daughters.
A F S R B D K N V I G 4 ‘Have you got any brothers and__________?
U U T P D Y H S O N I 5 I call my grandmother__________.
6 My grandparents got__________in 1965.
T F S G J O H Q F H L 7 Lucinda’s daughters are 13 years old.
R D G U A P S O S J A 8 Marianne is my dad’s sister. She’s my__________.

A Circle the correct words.
1 Sammy and his little sister usually go / goes to bed early.
2 What do you and your friends do / does in the holidays?
3 What / Where does your grandmother live?
4 What do you have usually / usually have for dinner?
5 It hardly ever / ever hardly rains in the desert.
6 Who / Why does your brother go to a different school?
7 When / What time is your first English class?
8 We usually hang / hanging out with Annie and Sarah after school.

B Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of these verbs.

chat cycle do enjoy fly not feel play wait

1 I _______________ my homework now.

2 We _______________ for Susan to arrive. She’s very late.
3 ‘Where’s mum?’ ‘She _______________ to Aunt Celia.’
4 I _______________ very well. I need to go home and rest.
5 David _______________ to Paris. He’s on the plane right now.
6 Fabio _______________ to our house. He isn’t walking.
7 The children _______________ in the garden. They are having lots of fun together.
8 ‘_______________ you _______________ the party?’ ‘No, not really. I want to go home.’

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 2
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle the odd one out.
1 curly straight weird
2 smart culture beautiful
3 snacks traditional professional
4 silly unkind freckles
5 wavy cheerful shy
6 kind blonde red

B Choose the correct answer.

1 Do you think Arthur is ____?
a laze b lazy c laziness
2 Flavia has ____ long hair.
a love b loving c lovely
3 Monica has red hair and ____ skin.
a pale b freckles c tan
4 I’m so annoyed ____ Andrew. He’s late again!
a to b with c for
5 We were so ____ when we heard the news.
a shock b shocked c shocking
6 Are you worried ____ Harry? He isn’t very happy.
a for b with c about
7 Please shave off your ____. I really don’t like it.
a moustache b braces c freckles
8 She’s a very ____ cat. She loves people.
a shy b friendly c lazy

A Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of these verbs.

break bring catch drink not buy teach think stay

1 Daniel __________ lots of presents back from Germany.

2 I went shopping but I __________ anything.
3 I’m sorry! I __________ you were out.
4 They __________ tea this morning because there wasn’t any coffee.
5 Caroline __________ me lots of new words in Italian.
6 Poor Alberto! He __________ his leg when he was playing football.
7 I __________ at home because it was snowing very hard.
8 They went fishing at the weekend and __________ lots of fish.

B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Andres _______________ (live) in Mexico when he met Pedro for the first time.
2 What time _______________ (you / get) home last night?
3 They _______________ (drive) to work when the accident happened. Luckily everybody was OK.
4 Sylvia _______________ (hang out) with her friends when her mum called to say it was time to come home.
5 The first time I tried tomatoes, I _______________ (hate) them.
6 When he _______________ (study) for his exams, he only went out with his friends once a week.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 3
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle the correct words.
1 There were sixty balloons / candles on my grandma’s birthday cake!
2 Where are the streamers / confetti? We need them to decorate the tables.
3 Don’t stay up / in too late. Remember you have to get up early tomorrow.
4 Marina and Yuka get out / on very well.
5 Did you take the dog out / around for a walk today?
6 We made / had so much fun at the party.
7 I really like them. They’re very good company / friend.
8 We had a great fun / time at the festival.

B Circle the odd one out.

1 inbox attachment snail
2 forward recent reply
3 digital technology ski
4 respect webcam smartphone
5 overseas laptop desktop
6 save useful delete

A Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of these verbs.

do download drive go meet play tidy visit

1 On Thursday, we_______________to my aunt’s house. It takes about an hour to get there by car.
2 We_______________computer games after school.
3 Jack_______________his room when he gets back from Luc’s house.
4 Laila_______________Sara at the mall. She wants to buy a new bag.
5 Ahmed_______________relatives in Leeds at the weekend. He’s staying with them for a few days.
6 I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I_______________homework after school.
7 They_______________swimming on Sunday morning.
8 She_______________some new music for the party.

B Circle the correct words.

1 I’m seeing Carla in / at 3 o’clock.
2 At / In the weekend, we’re visiting friends.
3 What are you doing in / on Monday morning?
4 I left my computer at / in home.
5 Your book is in / on the table.
6 Don’t go into / onto her room. She’s sleeping.
7 We were driving from / for home to school when we saw Phil on his bike.
8 The children ran towards / onto their mother when she arrived.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 4
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.

brush hang iron make sweep take

1 Did she__________the floor? It doesn’t look very clean!

2 Can you__________my shirt, please? I need it for work.
3 Annie didn’t__________her hair this morning. It looks a mess.
4 Could you__________out the washing for me please?
5 I’m going to__________a shower now. I won’t be long.
6 He didn’t__________his bed this morning because he was late for school.

B Match 1–8 with a–h.

1 Can I have a can a of tomatoes for this recipe.
2 Do we have any jars b of water please.
3 Don’t forget to buy a loaf c of olives in the house?
4 Pass me that bottle d of chocolate and now I feel sick.
5 There’s a carton e of cola please?
6 Have we got a packet f of apple juice in the fridge.
7 We need two tins g of bread on your way home.
8 I ate a bar h of biscuits somewhere in the house?

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to and one of these verbs.

answer drive have help miss visit

1 On Tuesday, we____________________to the beach. I can’t wait.

2 Don’t worry. I____________________you tidy up this mess.
3 That’s the phone ringing. I____________________it.
4 This summer Sharon____________________her family in California.
5 Oh, no! There’s so much traffic. We____________________our flight!
6 I’m sure you____________________lots of fun at the party.

B Choose the correct answers.

1 I’ve got a_____books here. Do you want them?
a few b little c some
2 Where can I get_____information about this course?
a an b little c some
3 Have you got_____furniture you don’t need?
a some b any c a
4 We haven’t got_____food left.
a many b some c much
5 We’ve got_____vegetables, but no fruit.
a some b a little c any
6 How_____hours will it take to get there?
a much b many c often
7 They did a lot of_____before deciding on a course.
a research b researches c researched
8 There is_____orange juice left in the carton.
a few b little c a little

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 5
Vocabulary and Use your English
A The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.
1 There are four summers in the year. Winter is very difficult.__________
2 We have a wood cooker in our ger. It keeps us warm.__________
3 I’ll put another carpet on the bed as it’s quite cold tonight.__________
4 Please put your clothes in the floor. That’s what it’s for!__________
5 We have a hallway with a table and chairs, but we usually eat in the kitchen.__________
6 Have you got a living room for the washing machine and tumble dryer?__________
7 I like sitting on that armchair to watch TV. It’s really comfortable and it’s big enough for four.__________
8 I can’t mow the lawn because the barbecue isn’t working.__________

B Circle the odd one out.

1 cottage villa patio
2 hallway poster bathroom
3 lamp pillow duvet
4 blinds shelves curtains
5 mat rug mirror
6 patio fridge shed
7 painting poster nomad
8 air conditioner toilet bathroom

A Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of these verbs.

not change enjoy not have learn never live ever stay never travel try

1 __________ you __________ in a ger?

2 We _______________ in a flat.
3 Sally _______________ any dinner yet. She’s really hungry.
4 We _______________ outside our country.
5 Tobias _______________ a lot about nomads and their way of life.
6 Life _______________ here for hundreds of years.
7 Since we came here, we _______________ lots of different food.
8 ‘__________you __________ your stay?’ ‘Yes, it’s been great.’

B Circle the correct words.

1 The childrens’ / children’s toys are over there.
2 That boy’s / boys’ room is very untidy.
3 The girl’s / girls are going to play in the garden.
4 David’s / Davids car is outside.
5 Are they going to stay in your parents’ / parents’s house?
6 This isn’t my / mine. It’s Angela’s.
7 Our shopping is over here. Their / Theirs is in the car.
8 Where are your / you’re brothers?

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 6
Vocabulary and Use your English
Complete the crossword.

1 8 12

3 11


1 Don’t forget to___________your books to the library.
2 I never buy books. I always go to the___________.
3 I had a wonderful, calm, quiet weekend. It was so___________.
4 The___________was full when we went to the football match. We were lucky to get tickets.
5 This city is very___________. The air isn’t at all clean.
6 Your children are very___________. Please ask them to be quiet.
7 They_____ _____a fantastic play at school last night. The actors were brilliant.
8 a more formal way of saying ‘come in’
9 where workers make things with machines
10 not at all interesting
11 The room was so_________it was difficult to get from one side to the other. There were too many people.
12 This is a great car. It’s very well made. It won’t_______ _______.

A Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those.
1 Look over there at_____building. Can you see it?
2 Look over here.____are the shoes I was telling you about. Aren’t they lovely?
3 ‘Hi, Anna. _____is Stella.’ ‘Nice to meet you, Stella.’
4 _____people from that shop over there weren’t very nice.
5 ‘What are_____spots on your arm?’ ‘They’re freckles!’
6 _____coffee is delicious. Thank you.

B There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Correct each mistake.

1 We went to the Spain on holiday.
2 Can I have a orange juice, please?
3 Do you play a piano?
4 I’m going to go skiing in Andes.
5 They had the pasta for lunch.
6 I live near River Seine in Paris.
7 Mediterranean Sea is quite warm at this time of year.
8 A people on the train looked tired this afternoon.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

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Unit 7
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Match 1–8 with a–h.
1 Please don’t try to solve a to be really good at the piano.
2 This course will be good for building b is quite an unusual hobby.
3 I’m going to join c I made lots of new friends.
4 You have to practise hard every day d my problems for me.
5 I enjoyed it because e I have to spend all my time studying.
6 She loves hiking f your confidence.
7 Learning how to juggle and do other circus g but I think it’s really boring.
skills h a hiking club in the summer.
8 I don’t have time to be creative because

B Circle the correct words.

1 Are you interested in / of robotics?
2 We’re going sailing at / in the weekend.
3 We searched on / for it everywhere, but we couldn’t find it.
4 She’s really onto / into hiking. I don’t know why.
5 Are you involved in / for the circus club?
6 She’s crazy about / for the guitar. She plays it all the time.

A Complete the conditional sentences using the verbs in brackets.
1 I don’t buy things if I__________(not need) them.
2 She’s annoyed if I__________(be) late for school.
3 If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we__________(go) to the beach.
4 I’ll go to the cinema if there__________(be) a good film on.
5 You__________(not be) tired tomorrow if you sleep well tonight.
6 They always__________(visit) their grandparents when they go to Athens.
7 If I do my shopping in the market, I always__________(pay) with cash.
8 If this washing machine__________(break) down again, I’m going to buy a new one.

B Circle the correct words.

1 I was so glad to see / seeing her at the meeting.
2 Oh, no! We forgot invite / to invite him to our party.
3 Play / Playing video games is his favourite pastime.
4 If you keep practise / practising, you’ll be really good at juggling.
5 We’d better go / going to the supermarket. There’s nothing to eat in the house.
6 We miss to see / seeing you so often now that you have moved.
7 She hopes to visit / visit soon.
8 Luis really enjoyed to learn / learning how to swim.

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Unit 8
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.

athletics cricket goalkeeper manager opponent referees tennis volleyball

1 You can play__________on a court or on the beach. All you need is a net and a ball.
2 To play__________you need a court, a ball and a racket.
3 People usually play__________outside on a pitch. They need a ball, a bat and protective clothes like gloves
and helmets.
4 If you are playing singles tennis, you have only one__________.
5 The__________of a football team usually chooses the players.
6 The__________club is doing long jump and hurdles today.
7 Each football team has ten players and one__________.
8 Good__________don’t like one team or player more than the others. They are always fair.

B Circle the odd one out.

1 keep going continue give up
2 score miss lose
3 win beat serve
4 race serve throw
5 warm up drop out prepare
6 exercise pass out work out

A Choose the correct answers.
1 _____I borrow your car today, please? I need to visit granny.
a Should b Can c Shall
2 I’m sorry. You_____borrow the car. I broke down last night on my way home.
a can b can’t c won’t
3 Oh, dear! I think you_____go to the doctor. Your arm doesn’t look good.
a should b shall c may
4 When he was young, he_____sing really well.
a can b could c shall
5 _____I help you with these bags? They look heavy.
a Must b Will c Shall
6 I_____win next time. I won’t lose again. You’ll see!
a can b can’t c shall

B Circle the correct words.

1 The children don’t have / mustn’t stay up too late tonight.
2 You need to / needn’t do it now. You can do it later.
3 Do we have / must to wear gloves? It isn’t very cold.
4 We don’t have to / mustn’t pay now. We can pay later.
5 ‘Do you think we needn’t / should go now?’ ‘No, it’s a bit early. We can go in half an hour.’
6 You shouldn’t / don’t have to play ice hockey without a helmet and shin guards.
7 You can’t / need to go to the gym now. It’s closed.
8 You must / need fill in this form if you want to join the club.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

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Unit 9
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Match 1–8 with a–h.
1 We don’t want to camp, a they stayed in youth hostels.
2 The campsite is brilliant. b to castles and museums near us.
3 We stayed in a wonderful caravan c There are toilets and showers and you can
4 When the students travelled around Europe, rent a tent.
5 The whole family stayed in a villa in Italy, d It isn’t far from Madrid.
6 When we go to Amsterdam, e so we’re staying in a bed and breakfast.
7 There are some interesting excursions f I want to go on a guided tour of the city.
8 We could go on a day trip to Segovia. g park near the beach.
h with a garden and a swimming pool.

B Circle the correct words.

1 You should pack / make your bag now or we’ll be late!
2 We’re going to sleep / stay at a lovely hotel near the beach.
3 We wandered around / on the museum and saw lots of paintings.
4 When you get there, remember to make / take lots of photos.
5 I don’t want to walk / go sightseeing tomorrow.
6 Is she using / wearing sunglasses? It’s very bright outside.

A Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun if necessary.
1 Annie is the tour guide_____is taking us to the museum.
2 Sami is the athlete_____we invited to join our club.
3 Is that the cat_____had kittens the other day?
4 This is the table_____we sat at the last time we came to this restaurant.
5 She’s the waitress_____took our order the last time.
6 Oh, dear. This isn’t the hotel_____we booked.
7 She’s the hotel receptionist_____helped us this morning.
8 Isn’t he the boy_____they met last night?

B There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Underline it and write the correct word.
1 Tom plays the piano good. __________
2 The little girl is very sweetly. __________
3 We didn’t sleep very deep last night. __________
4 They were so hungrily they ate everything on their plates. __________
5 He drives too fastly! __________
6 Ask her polite and she will help you. __________

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

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Unit 10
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these words.

fashioned hand mind removed traditional waterproof

1 My backpack isn’t__________, so all my clothes got wet in the rain.

2 Could you give her a__________with those heavy bags, please?
3 Have you changed your__________again? I thought you wanted to go out.
4 That’s a lovely dress, but it’s really old__________. Does it belong to your grandmother?
5 They__________all their possessions when they left the flat for the last time.
6 They had a__________wedding with both their families and all their friends. They didn’t want anything too
modern or different.

B The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the word next to the sentence it belongs to.
1 There is a lot of traffic on the platform at this time of the day.__________
2 Is there a lorry near here? I need to fill the car up.__________
3 ‘What time do we need to get to the bus stop?’ ‘Our train leaves at 4pm, so 3.30pm or 3.45pm at the
4 ‘Do you know what coach our train goes from?’ ‘Six, I think.’__________
5 When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a destination driver like my uncle.__________
6 I’m going to take the motorway to Bristol because it’s much cheaper than going on the train.__________
7 Our petrol station is just round the corner. It’s opposite the bank.__________
8 When you select your train station, you choose where you want to go.__________

A Change the sentences into the passive voice.
1 People make these cars in Germany.
2 People grow this coffee in Kenya.
3 People pick these berries by hand.
4 Bad weather delays lots of flights.
5 You can only find this species of butterfly in Brazil.
6 Plants die if you don’t water them.

B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple Passive form of these verbs.

build close find not tell pay protect send use

1 This road__________________a long time ago and is very dangerous.

2 This printing machine__________________every day by students and professors. Now it doesn’t work
any more.
3 I was so happy when my book__________________!
4 All the shops__________________because of the public holiday.
5 The parcel__________________to you last week so you should get it soon.
6 The children__________________from the storm by staying inside.
7 We__________________about the problem until it was too late to do anything about it.
8 Everything__________________for before we left for our holiday.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 11
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle eight weather-related words and complete the sentences.

1 I think the temperature is going to go below zero. It will be__________tonight.

2 The__________weather has stopped all the boats going out today. It’s too dangerous.
3 It’s over 40oC! It’s__________!
4 Be careful driving today because the roads are very__________.
5 It hasn’t rained for nine months, which has caused a terrible__________.
6 It’s__________and warm today, perfect for sailing!
7 I hate driving when it’s__________. It’s so hard to see the road.
8 It’s going to be a nice day, a bit__________but mostly fine.

B Circle the odd one out.

1 lightning thunder warm
2 bush fire flood drought
3 September spring autumn
4 June October winter
5 destroyed stung collapsed
6 trapped surfing buried

A Complete the sentences with a comparative adjective or adverb. Use the words in brackets.
1 I read_______________than you, so you’ll finish your book before I do. (slow)
2 I feel_______________today than I felt yesterday. I have to stay in bed another day. (bad)
3 Surprisingly, the children did the exercise_______________than the adults. We thought the adults would be
faster. (quick)
4 It’s_______________at this time of year than any other. You’ll need an umbrella. (wet)
5 We completed the job_______________this time because we’d done it once before. (easy)
6 The rain fell_______________this morning than any other day this week. (heavy)
7 The journey was much_______________than we imagined. (long)
8 It was_______________to get there than last time because of the rain. (difficult)

B The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct words.

1 Which is the higher mountain in the world?__________
2 Anthony is the tallest boy than his class.__________
3 The windy day of the year was yesterday.__________
4 The drier place on earth is in South America.__________
5 I thought the lightning was most frightening than the thunder.__________
6 It was the most strong hurricane in ten years.__________

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers
Unit 12
Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with one of these adjectives.

aggressive cute extinct massive scary strange

1 These furry little kittens are so__________.

2 His dog can be__________sometimes, so you have to be careful.
3 I don’t think hamsters are__________. What’s unusual about them?
4 I’m so worried that tigers will become__________and there won’t be any more anywhere.
5 Some people are afraid of spiders but I don’t think they are at all__________.
6 You don’t realise how__________elephants are until you see one. They are enormous.

B Complete the sentences with down, off, out, up or with.

1 I didn’t finish the exam because I ran__________of time.
2 Please don’t use__________all the milk. Leave a bit for my coffee.
3 Can you deal__________the problem, please? I really haven’t got time today.
4 They switched__________the internet connection and now I can’t get any emails.
5 They have cut__________so many trees that this area is becoming a desert.
6 The drought has been so bad that the river has dried__________.
7 Student numbers are going__________because it is too expensive to carry on studying.
8 Don’t give__________hoping for happiness. You never know what’s going to happen.

A Put these words in the correct order. Then write complete sentences with the descriptions.
1 lady old little
2 big box wooden
3 red and blue beautiful carpet old
4 cotton yellow dress lovely
5 wool cosy jumper new
6 about the environment new interesting book

B Complete the sentences with adjectives made from these verbs. Two of the words can be used
more than once.

amaze bore excite frighten interest tire

1 I was so________________I had to go to bed straight after dinner.

2 Our walk was very________________because is was mostly uphill.
3 Did you watch that scary film? Were you________________?
4 I’m not at all________________in watching that film. It looks really boring.
5 The stars are so bright in the sky tonight. They look________________.
6 We’re going on holiday tomorrow. I’m so________________! I’ve never been on a plane before.
7 I was so________________during the film, I fell asleep.
8 That book is really________________. You should read it.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up A2

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks for Early Finishers

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