Isotopic Discrimination Factors (Δ 13C and Δ 15N) between Tissues and Diet of the Broad-Snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris)

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Isotopic Discrimination Factors (Δ13C and Δ15N) between Tissues and Diet of the

Broad-Snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris)

Author(s): Thiago S. Marques, Luis A. B. Bassetti, Neliton R. F. Lara, Márcio S. Araújo, Carlos I. Piña,
Plínio B. Camargo, and Luciano M. Verdade
Source: Journal of Herpetology, 48(3):332-337. 2014.
Published By: The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

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Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 48, No. 3, 332–337, 2014
Copyright 2014 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

Isotopic Discrimination Factors (D13C and D15N) between Tissues and Diet of the
Broad-Snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris)


Laboratório de Ecologia Isotópica, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, 13416-000 Brazil
Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista ‘‘Julio de Mesquita Filho’’, Rio Claro, 13506-900 Brazil
Proyecto Yacaré, CICyTTP-CONICET Dr. Matteri y España, Diamante, Entre Rı́os, 3105 Argentina. FCyT/UAdER Sede Diamante, FCal/UNER

ABSTRACT.—Natural variation in stable isotope ratios is a useful tool in diet studies. However, the correct interpretation of isotopic data is
reliant on proper estimates of discrimination factors. This study aimed to describe the magnitude of the discrimination factors of carbon and
nitrogen isotopes between diet and tissues (D13Ctissue-diet and D15Ntissue-diet) of the Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris) and to verify
potential differences between age classes. The isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen (d13C and d15N) were determined in samples of two tissue
types (claw and scute) collected from 18 captive animals and in 15 samples of their diet. The D13Ctissue-diet was 1.2 6 0.1 % for claw and 0.9 6
0.2% for scutes; the D15Ntissue-diet was 1.1 6 0.1% for claw and 0.8 6 0.2% for scutes. These values were much lower than the values assumed
commonly in ecological studies (3–5%), and similar to a previous study with crocodilians. Our results emphasize the need to determine
discrimination factors specific to taxa instead of assuming average values derived from the literature.

The application of stable isotope analysis (SIA) in animal of their trophic level (Caut et al., 2009). Mixture models that
ecology studies has increased in recent decades as a result of use isotopic values require accurate estimates of the discrim-
technological development in this area and the information that ination factor to provide reliable data (Phillips and Gregg,
can be obtained by this methodology (Gannes et al., 1997, 1998; 2001).
Martinez Del Rio et al., 2009; Ramos and González, 2012). SIA Taxonomic identity appears to play a major role in the
has been used to trace the migration routes of wild animals discrimination factors of organisms (Caut et al., 2009). There-
(Hobson, 1999; Hobson and Wassenaar, 2008), to reconstruct fore, in the absence of information on discrimination factors for
dietary sources and to determine the trophic level of organisms the organism of interest, researchers should, whenever possible,
(Kelly, 2000; Kupfer et al., 2006; Casey and Post, 2011). use values estimated from closely related species. This approach
The basis of these analyses is that animal tissues reflect the requires the documentation of the discrimination factors of as
isotopic ratios of the food consumed (DeNiro and Epstein, 1978, many taxonomic groups as possible.
1981; Crawford et al., 2008). The stable isotope ratios (d13C: Despite a few recent studies focusing on discrimination
C/12C; d15N: 15N/14N) should be defined in delta notation (d) factors in reptiles (Seminoff et al., 2007; Fisk et al., 2009; Murray
and be reported in parts per mil (%) relative to international and Wolf, 2012), this group has been neglected in the literature.
standards (see Fry, 2006). Therefore, it is possible to identify the For crocodilians, there is little information on discrimination
various dietary sources contributing to the tissue formation (Fry, factors (Caut, 2013; Rosenblatt and Heithaus, 2013). Therefore,
2006), for example, the contribution of C3 and C4 plants to the we investigated the discrimination factors of the Broad-snouted
diet (e.g., Magnusson et al., 1999; Cerling et al., 2006). These Caiman (Caiman latirostris) experimentally. The Broad-snouted
photosynthetic cycles correspond to markedly different d13C
Caiman is a crocodilian distributed over a wide latitudinal
values (C3: -35 to -22%, average 27%; C4: -16 to -9 %,
range (5–348S) within South America, including Argentina,
average -12.5%; Farquhar et al., 1989). Moreover, it is possible
Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil (Verdade and Piña,
to determine the trophic levels of consumers due to the
2006). This species can be found in a wide variety of habitats,
progressive increase of d15N from the bottom to the top of the
including wetlands, floodplains, rivers, streams, and ponds
food chain (Minagawa and Wada, 1984).
(Medem, 1983; Borteiro et al., 2006). Caiman latirostris is also one
The successful use of this methodology depends on the
of the few alligatorids that inhabit estuarine habitats (Grigg et
estimates of discrimination factors (D13C and D15N) between
al., 1998) and in the future stable isotope analysis could be very
animal tissues and diet (Caut et al., 2009). The discrimination
important in determining contributions from marine versus
factor can be defined as the change in the isotope ratio due to
the contrasting behavior of different isotopes that occurs in freshwater/terrestrial prey and water resources in their popu-
natural processes such as evaporation, burning, or any lations (e.g., Rosenblatt and Heithaus, 2011; Wheatley et al.,
metabolic pathway (Farquhar et al., 1989). Many researchers 2012). In Brazil, this species is commercially farmed in intensive
use mean values determined by literature reviews (McCutchan systems (Verdade, 2004; Verdade et al., 2006). These character-
et al., 2003; Vanderklift and Ponsard, 2003) because of the istics (broad geographical distribution and multiple habitat use
impossibility of conducting experiments with their species of and captive breeding) make this caiman an interesting model to
interest under controlled conditions (Martinez del Rio et al., study discrimination factors in neotropical crocodilians. The aim
2009). However, mistakes can result from the use of values in of this study was to describe the magnitude of the discrimina-
the literature (Caut et al., 2008). Erroneous estimates of the tion factor for carbon and nitrogen isotopes between the diet
discrimination factor may result in errors in determining the and tissues of the Broad-snouted Caiman and to verify possible
contribution of food sources in the diet or in the establishment differences between age groups. We hope that this information
will help to provide an empirical basis for interpreting future
Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] studies that apply isotopic analysis to reptiles in general and
DOI: 10.1670/12-274 crocodilians in particular.

TABLE 1. d13C and d15N mean of C. latirostris, showing different tissue types (scute and claw) and age classes (1–2 and 3–4 yr).

d13C d15N

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range

Claw (1–2 yr) -17.9 6 0.1 -18.1 to -17.7 4.8 6 0.1 4.5–5.2
Claw (3–4 yr) -17.6 6 0.1 -17.8 to -17.4 4.7 6 0.1 4.5–5.0
Scute (1–2 yr) -18.1 6 0.1 -18.3 to -17.9 4.4 6 0.1 4.2–4.7
Scute (3–4 yr) -18.0 6 0.2 -18.4 to -17.6 4.4 6 0.2 4.1–5.0

MATERIALS AND METHODS and standard, expressed as delta (d) per mil (%) (see Fry, 2006).
Eighteen female Broad-snouted Caimans from a commercial The standard deviations of an internal standard (sugarcane
breeding facility were maintained on the same controlled diet leaves) were 0.07% for d15N and 0.14% for d13C based on 15
(ground chicken necks, adapted from Sarkis-Gonçalves et al. within-run samples during four runs. The standards used for
2002) since hatching. Chicken necks came from a single facility, nitrogen and carbon were atmospheric nitrogen and Vienna-
where the chickens were fed with commercial feed made up of Pee-Dee Belemnite (calcium carbonate comes from a Cretaceous
corn, soy, and wheat throughout their lives. The caimans were belemnite from the Pee Dee formation in South Carolina, USA),
housed in greenhouse enclosures (length: 7 m, width: 5 m [3.5 m respectively.
water surface and 1.5 m dry land]; adapted from Verdade et al., We tested the data for normality with the use of the Anderson
2006; deep pool: 1 m, adapted from Verdade et al., 2006) and fed Darling test and for homoscedasticity with the use of Levene’s
daily. During the sampling period, they belonged to two distinct test prior to statistical analyses. The t-test (Zar, 1996) was used
age classes, 1–2 yr (n = 9) and 3–4 yr (n = 9). The mean total to investigate possible differences in isotope composition
length for age class 1–2 yr was 91 6 12 cm (range: 71–104 cm) between treatments with and without lipids extraction, and to
and the mean total length for age class 3–4 yr was 107 6 6 cm check differences in diet isotope composition between the two
(range: 97–115 cm). The 3–4-yr-old animals were significantly collection periods.
larger than 1–2-yr-old animals (t-test: t17 = -3.5, P = 0.005). The discrimination factor was determined by the equation
The animals were snared or captured manually and physi- D(p/s) = d(p) - d(s), where D (p/s) = discrimination factor per
cally restrained without the use of chemical immobilization mil, d(p) = isotope ratio per mil of the animal tissues and d(s) =
(Verdade, 2000, 2001). Total length of each individual was isotope ratio per mil of the diet. We performed a two-way
measured with a tape (1-mm precision). Claw and scute tissues ANOVA (Zar, 1996) to detect possible differences involving d13C
were chosen for the experiment because they could be collected and d15N values in tissues (claw and scute) and age classes (1–2
easily without sacrificing animals. Claw samples (terminal 0.5 and 3–4 yr) and the possible interaction between these factors.
cm of the claw) were collected on the same finger in all animals, All statistical analyses were performed with the use of Minitab
whereas scute samples (2 cm2) were collected from the tail of 16. The measurements are expressed as mean 6 standard
each caiman with the use of surgical scissors. The samples were
stored in individual containers without the use of chemicals and
frozen prior to sample processing. Diet samples were collected 3 RESULTS
mo before (n = 7) and during the experiment (n = 8). The isotope compositions of the treatments with and without
Lipid contents among different organisms or tissues may lipids extraction are statistically similar (d13C scutes: t35 = -1.0,
introduce considerable bias in SIA (Post et al., 2007). We P = 0.302; d15N scutes: t35 = -1.2, P = 0.217; d13C claw: t35 =
analyzed the samples in two ways: with the lipids extracted and -0.2, P = 0.794; d15N claw: t35 = 0.2, P = 0.8). For this reason,
without the lipids extracted. Lipids were extracted by a solution we used the results from the treatment with lipid extraction to
of chloroform and methanol that physically removed lipids determine the discriminations factors. The mean C:N ratio for
from samples. The samples were oven dried at 508C until they samples with and without lipids extraction were 2.75 6 0.04
reached a constant mass. and 2.70 6 0.04 for scutes, and 2.6 6 0.01 and 2.68 6 0.01 for
The claw and scute samples were fragmented to the smallest claw, respectively.
possible size; the diet samples were macerated finely using The d13C was -17.8 6 0.1% (range: -18.1 to -17.4 %) for
mortar and pestle. Mass was determined for the resulting claw tissue and -18.1 6 0.2% (range: -18.4 to -17.6 %) for
material (0.8 to 1.2 mg) and placed in small tin capsules. scute tissue; the d15N was 4.7 6 0.1 % (range: 4.5–5.2%) for
The isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen were claw tissue and 4.4 6 0.2% (range: 4.1–5 %) for scute tissue
determined by combustion ‘‘online’’ from the sample with the (Table 1; Fig. 1). The mean values of d13C and d15N diet were
use of continuous flow–isotope ratio mass spectrometers (CF- -19 6 0.6 % (range: -20.1 to -18%) and 3.6 6 0.1% (range:
IRMS) on a Carlo Erba elemental analyzer (CHN-1110) coupled 3.3–4%), respectively. There was no difference in d13C and d15N
to a Delta Plus mass spectrometer in the Laboratório de diet between the two different diet sampling periods (d13C: t14 =
Ecologia Isotópica of Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura 1.4, P = 0.17; d15N: t14 = -1.7, P = 0.09).
(CENA) at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). The isotopic The discrimination factors between the tissues and diet D13C
composition of carbon and nitrogen was calculated with the values were 1.2 6 0.1% (range: 0.9–1.5%) for claw and 0.9 6
following equation: 0.2% (range: 0.6–1.4%) for scute. The corresponding discrimi-
  nation factors D15N were 1.1 6 0.1% (range: 0.9–1.5 %) for claw
Rsample -Rstandard
d13 C or d15 N = *1,000; and 0.9 6 0.2% (range: 0.5–1.4%) for scute (Fig. 2).
There were minor differences in the D13C values between
where R is the molar ratio C/12C or 15
N/14N in the sample tissues (df = 1, F = 29.4, P < 0.001) and age classes (F1,35 = 5.9, P

FIG. 1. Biplot of d13C and d15N values of Caiman latirostris, showing

different tissue types (scute and claw) and age classes (1–2 and 3–4 yr).

= 0.02), but no interaction between these factors was found

(F1,35 = 1.18, P = 0.28). In addition, there were minor differences FIG. 2. D13Ctissue-diet and D15Ntissue-diet of claw and scute tissues of
in the D15N values between tissues (F1,35 = 29.4, P < 0.001) but Caiman latirostris.
not between age classes (F1,35 = 0.7, P = 0.39), nor was there
interaction between factors (F1,35 = 0.1, P = 0.67). can be useful when it is difficult to determine the diet by
conventional techniques (Seminoff et al., 2006). In addition, this
methodology permits diet analyses on different time scales
depending on the tissues used (Hobson and Clark, 1992;
Literature on the discrimination factors for different animal Dalerum and Angerbjörn, 2005).
tissues in experimental conditions is scarce, especially in the The discrimination factor is one of the most important
case of reptiles (Warne et al., 2010). The discrimination factors parameters in these models, directly influencing their results
we report, ranging from 0.9 to 1.2% for carbon and from 0.9 to (Ben-David and Schell, 2001). However, the wide variation in
1.1% for nitrogen, differ from those values assumed commonly the values for different taxa should be considered. In this
in ecological studies. context, the discrimination factors we report for the Broad-
The d15N discrimination factors for C. latirostris are lower than snouted Caiman serve to highlight the importance of determin-
those used in the literature (3–5%) (DeNiro and Epstein, 1981; ing such values at the species level.
Minagawa and Wada, 1984; Peterson and Fry, 1987). However, Discrimination factors show several sources of variation, like
no clear pattern of differentiation between species has yet been food type, physiological stress, lipid extraction from the sample,
described for reptiles (Table 2). For example, Seminoff et al. diet quality, nutritional status, taxa, tissues and age (Hobson et
(2009) found values ranging from 1.49 to 2.86% for various al., 1993; Pinnegar and Polunin, 1999; Roth and Hobson, 2000;
tissues (red blood cells, blood plasma, whole blood, and skin) of Pearson et al., 2003). However, the mechanism of thermoregu-
the marine turtle Dermochelys coriacea, and Seminoff et al. (2007) lation in the Broad-snouted Caiman may be a primary factor
found values of -0.80 to 3.8% for the Common Slider, determining the discrimination values found in this study.
Trachemys scripta, by examining many type of tissues (see Table Most literature data are generally based on experiments with
2). In the case of crocodilians, previous studies have also endothermic animals (mammals and birds) and on a few
detected lower levels relative to D15N. Rosenblatt and Heithaus ectotherms (fish) (Caut et al., 2009). As a consequence, these
(2013) found values ranging from -1.75 to 1.22% for red blood studies should be used with caution in possible comparisons
cells, blood plasma, and whole scute tissues of Alligator with ectotherms and heterotherms as they have a distinct
mississippiensis, and Caut (2013) found values of -2.5 to physiological system (Pough et al., 2003; Zug et al., 2008) that
0.39% for red blood cells, blood plasma, and muscle of C. may influence carbon and nitrogen incorporation dynamics.
latirostris hatchlings. Caut (2013), in a recent study on The physiological strategies used by different animals to
discrimination factors in Broad-snouted Caiman hatchlings, eliminate waste nitrogen may also influence the results of this
examined different tissues than those used in this study (claws study (see Seminoff et al., 2009). Animals can be divided into
and scutes). This variation among species can be due to species- three groups according to the principal form of waste nitrogen
specific growth patterns, isotopic routing pathways patterns of excreted: ammonotelic (ammonia), uricotelic (uric acid), and
protein synthesis, and different strategies for elimination of ureotelic (urea) (Pough et al., 2003). Crocodilians, which live in
nitrogenous excreta (Rosenblatt and Heithaus, 2013). aquatic environments, have the advantage of being able to
The d13C discrimination factors for C. latirostris are within the excrete ammonia (an extremely toxic compound) directly,
range described in literature (0–1%: DeNiro and Epstein, 1978; investing less energy and fewer biochemical steps in forming
Peterson and Fry, 1987) and for other reptiles (Table 2). excreta. Ureotelic and uricotelic organisms are significantly
Alligators (-0.65 to 0.61%; Rosenblatt and Heithaus, 2013) more enriched in 15N than ammonotelics (Vanderklift and
and C. latirostris hatchlings (-0.52 to 1.06%; Caut, 2013) Ponsard, 2003). Crocodilians in osmotic stress can also excrete
presented D13C values similar to this study. The mechanisms uric acid (Leslie and Spotila, 2000). Future studies should focus
that control these differences among reptiles are not yet on these physiological strategies in order to understand their
completely understood (Rosenblatt and Heithaus, 2013). consequences in nitrogen incorporation.
The use of stable isotope models to quantify the contribution The diet type and quality can also directly influence the
of different food resources to the diet of wild animals has discrimination factors in this study. This effect is registered for a
increased lately (Caut et al., 2009). Stable isotope methodology wide range of taxa and must be considered when interpreting

TABLE 2. Discrimination factors for carbon and nitrogen isotopes (D13C and D15N) in several tissues of ectotherms. RBC = red blood cells.

Species Tissue D13C (%) D15N (%) Reference

Alligator mississippiensis RBC -0.49–0.03 -0.78–0.95

(American Alligator) Blood plasma -0.65–-0.04 -1.75–0.35 Rosenblatt and Heithaus (2013)
Whole scutes 0.28–0.61 -1.39–1.22
Caiman latirostris RBC -0.52–0.66 -0.93–0.39 Caut (2013)
(Broad-snouted Caiman) Blood plasma -0.11–-0.08 -2.24–0.08
Muscle -0.04–1.06 -2.5 to -1.59
Trachemys scripta (Common Slider) Claw 0.23 2.3 Aresco (2005)
Trachemys scripta (Common Slider) RBC – 1.90 Seminoff et al. (2007)
Blood plasma – 2.50–3.80
Whole blood – -0.80–2.20
Liver – 0.40–3.00
Brain – 2.90
Pectoralis major muscle – 2.7
Pubioshiofemoralis – 3.4
internus muscle
Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise) RBC 0.20–0.80 – Murray and Wolf (2012)
Blood plasma 1.00–1.60 –
Scutes 0.60–0.80 –
Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle) RBC -0.64–1.53 -0.25–0.16 Reich et al. (2008)
Blood plasma -0.38–0.29 -0.32–1.50
Whole blood 1.11–0.92 0.14–0.19
Skin 1.11–2.62 1.60
Scutes -0.86–1.77 -0.64–0.61
Chelonia mydas (Green Turtle) RBC -1.11 0.22 Seminoff et al. (2006)
Blood plasma -0.12 2.92
Whole blood -0.92 0.57
Epidermis 0.17 2.80
Chelonia mydas (adults; Green Turtle) RBC 0.30 2.48 Vander-Zaden et al. (2012)
Blood plasma 0.24 4.17
Dermis 2.58 4.93
Epidermis 1.62 4.04
Chelonia mydas (juveniles; Green Turtle) RBC 0.51 2.36 Vander-Zaden et al. (2012)
Blood plasma 1.16 4.06
Dermis 2.18 4.15
Epidermis 1.87 3.77
Dermochelys coriacea RBC 0.46 1.49 Seminoff et al. (2009)
(Leatherback Sea Turtle) Blood plasma -0.58 2.86
Whole blood 0.35 1.98
Skin 2.26 1.85
Elaphe guttata guttata (Corn Snake) Whole blood 2.25 – Fisk et al. (2009)
Liver 1.73 –
Muscle 2.29 –
Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus RBC -1.10 – Warne et al. (2010)
(Prairie Lizard) Blood plasma -0.50 –
Skin -0.80 –
Liver -1.00 –
Muscle -1.90 –
Crotaphytus collaris (Collared Lizard) RCB -1.00 – Warne et al. (2010)
Blood plasma 0.20 –

isotopic data (Mirón et al., 2006; Caut et al., 2010; Florin et al., The tissues from animals maintained on controlled diets in
2011; Lecomte et al., 2011). Caut et al. (2009) found a significant captivity may have different isotopic ratios in relation to wild
negative relationship between both D13C and D15N, with their animals because of variations in the proportion of proteins,
corresponding diet isotopic ratios. A recent laboratory experi- carbohydrates, and lipids (Seminoff et al., 2006) and/or due to a
ment with A. mississippiensis had similar results for D15N in different fractionation of isotopes (Tieszen et al., 1983). The
relation to this study (Rosenblatt and Heithaus, 2013). distinct metabolic pathway through which the dietary elements
The diet used in this study is the most common diet used in reach the tissues may contribute to variation in the discrimina-
Broad-snouted Caiman farms in Brazil (Sarkis-Gonçalves et al., tion factor (Podlesak and McWilliams, 2006).
2002). Although it is expected to be considerably different from Age may influence the discrimination factor, depending on
the diet of wild animals, it is useful to show the discrimination the taxa of interest. This effect has been described in the
factor between diet and tissues for C. latirostris. In addition, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) (Reich et al., 2008), the
large intraspecific variation in diet is expected for this species in Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) (Vander-Zaden et al., 2012), and
the wild because of its dramatic growth from hatchling (30 g) to the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) (Roth and Hobson, 2000). However,
adult (60 kg) and its wide latitudinal (5–348S) and altitudinal (0– no clear relationship has been found for cattle (Sutoh et al.,
800 m) range. Future studies on discrimination factors should 1987), mussels (Minagawa and Wada, 1984) or birds (Hobson
consider these sources of variation. and Clark, 1992).

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