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Option Guide
Version Number: V7.1
Month: January 2009
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Table of Contents
Technical Support..................................................... v
Online Technical Support Center
Phone and E-mail ................................................ vii

1 Black Oil ............................................................... 1-1

1.1 Black Oil Tutorial Introduction ............................ 1-2
1.2 Setting the Session Preferences ......................... 1-4
1.3 Setting the Simulation Basis .............................. 1-9
1.4 Building the Simulation ....................................1-16
1.5 Dynamic Simulation.........................................1-39

2 Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream............................. 2-1

2.1 Introduction .................................................... 2-2
2.2 Multiflash Property Package ............................... 2-2

3 Lumper and Delumper .......................................... 3-1

3.1 Lumper........................................................... 3-2
3.2 Delumper.......................................................3-24
3.3 References .....................................................3-38

4 Aspen Hydraulics.................................................. 4-1

4.1 Introduction .................................................... 4-3
4.2 Aspen Hydraulics Property View ......................... 4-3

5 PIPESIM Link........................................................ 5-1

5.1 Introduction .................................................... 5-2
5.2 PIPESIM Link Extension..................................... 5-4
5.3 PIPESIM Link Tutorial.......................................5-17

6 PIPESIM NET ........................................................ 6-1

6.1 Introduction .................................................... 6-2
6.2 PIPESIM NET ................................................... 6-2

7 GAP ...................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Introduction .................................................... 7-2
7.2 GAP Property View ........................................... 7-2

8 OLGA Link............................................................. 8-1

8.1 Introducing OLGA Link ...................................... 8-3
8.2 OLGA Link Usage ............................................ 8-5
8.3 OLGA Link Reference .......................................8-34
8.4 Troubleshooting ..............................................8-41
8.5 Getting Started Example ..................................8-49

9 PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream................................ 9-1

9.1 Introduction .................................................... 9-2
9.2 PVT Pro Package .............................................. 9-3
9.3 View Calsep PVTSim File ..................................9-25

10 Production Allocation Utility ............................... 10-1

10.1 Introduction ...................................................10-2
10.2 Production Allocation Utility Property View ..........10-2

A Neotec Black Oil Methods .....................................A-1

A.1 Neotec Black Oil Methods and Thermodynamics.... A-2
A.2 References .................................................... A-26

B Black Oil Transition Methods ................................ B-1

B.1 Transition Methods ........................................... B-2

Index.................................................................... B-1

Black Oil 1-1

1 Black Oil

1.1 Black Oil Tutorial Introduction ....................................................... 2

1.2 Setting the Session Preferences..................................................... 4

1.2.1 Creating a New Unit Set ............................................................ 5
1.2.2 Setting Black Oil Stream Default Options ..................................... 8

1.3 Setting the Simulation Basis .......................................................... 9

1.3.1 Selecting Components .............................................................. 9
1.3.2 Creating a Fluid Package ......................................................... 11
1.3.3 Entering the Simulation Environment ........................................ 13

1.4 Building the Simulation................................................................ 16

1.4.1 Installing the Black Oil Feed Streams ........................................ 16
1.4.2 Installing Unit Operations ........................................................ 26
1.4.3 Results ................................................................................. 36

1.5 Dynamic Simulation ..................................................................... 39

1.5.1 Modifying the Steady State Flowsheet ....................................... 39
1.5.2 Setting Pressure-Flow Specifications ......................................... 40
1.5.3 Monitoring in Dynamics........................................................... 43
1.5.4 Notes ................................................................................... 44

1-2 Black Oil Tutorial Introduction

1.1 Black Oil Tutorial

In today’s oil and gas industry, it becomes increasingly
necessary to use a compositional model and equation of state to
accurately model the behaviour of a petroleum fluid downstream
of the well and flowlines. The HYSYS Upstream Option translates
from black oil to a compositional model using the gas
composition and HYSYS oil characterization.

In HYSYS, Black Oil describes a class of phase behaviour and

transport property models. Black oil correlations are typically
used when a limited amount of oil and gas information is
available in the system. Oil and gas fluid properties are
calculated from correlations with their respective specific gravity
(as well as a few other easily measured parameters).

Black Oil is not typically used for systems that would be

characterized as gas-condensate or dry gas, but rather for
systems where the liquid phase is a non-volatile oil (and
consequently there is no evolution of gas, except for that which
is dissolved in the oil).

In this Tutorial, two black oil streams at different conditions and

compositions are passed through a mixer to blend into one black
oil stream. The blended black oil stream is then fed to the Black
Oil Translator where the blended black oil stream data is
transitioned to a HYSYS material stream. A flowsheet for this
process is shown below.

Figure 1.1

Black Oil 1-3

The following pages will guide you through building a HYSYS

case for modeling this process. This example will illustrate the
complete construction of the simulation, from selecting the
property package and components, to installing streams and
unit operations, through to examining the final results. The tools
available in the HYSYS interface will be used to illustrate the
flexibility available to you.

The simulation will be built using these basic steps:

1. Create a unit set and set the Black Oil default options.
2. Select the components.
3. Add a Neotec Black Oil property package.
4. Create and specify the feed streams.
5. Install and define the unit operations prior to the translator.
6. Install and define the translator.
7. Add a Peng-Robinson property package.

1-4 Setting the Session Preferences

1.2 Setting the Session

1. To start a new simulation case, do one of the following:
• From the File menu, select New and then Case.
New Case icon • Click the New Case icon.
The Simulation Basis Manager appears:

Figure 1.2

Next you will set your Session Preferences before building a

2. From the Tools menu, select Preferences.

Black Oil 1-5

The Session Preferences property view appears. You should

be on the Options page of the Simulation tab.

Figure 1.3

3. In the General Options group, ensure the Use Modal

Property Views checkbox is clear so that you can access
multiple property views at the same time.

1.2.1 Creating a New Unit Set

The first step in building the simulation case is choosing a unit
set. Since HYSYS does not allow you to change any of the three
default unit sets listed (in other words, EuroSI, Field, and SI),
you will create a new unit set by cloning an existing one. For this
example, a new unit set will be made based on the HYSYS Field
set, which you will then customize.

To create a new unit set, do the following:

1. In the Session Preferences property view, click the
Variables tab.
2. Select the Units page if it is not already selected.

1-6 Setting the Session Preferences

3. In the Available Unit Sets group, highlight Field to make it

the active set.

Figure 1.4

The default Preference file is named hysys.PRF. When you

modify any of the preferences, you can save the changes in
a new Preference file by clicking the Save Preference Set
button. HYSYS prompts you to provide a name for the new
Preference file, which you can load into any simulation case
by clicking the Load Preference Set button.
4. Click the Clone button. A new unit set named NewUser
appears. This unit set becomes the currently Available Unit
5. In the Unit Set Name field, rename the new unit set as
Black Oil. You can now change the units for any variable
associated with this new unit set.
In the Display Units group, the current default unit for Std
Gas Den is lb/ft3. In this example we will change the unit to
6. Scroll through the table in the Display Units group, until you
find the Std Gas Den variable.

Black Oil 1-7

7. To view the available units for Std Gas Den, click the drop-
down arrow in the cell beside the Std Gas Den cell.

Figure 1.5

8. From the drop-down list, select SG_rel_to_air.

9. Repeat the previous three steps to change the Standard
Density unit to SG_60/60 api.
Your Black Oil unit set is now defined.

1-8 Setting the Session Preferences

1.2.2 Setting Black Oil Stream

Default Options
To set the Black Oil stream default options:
1. Click on the Oil Input tab in the Session Preference
property view.
2. In the Session Preferences property view, select the Black
Oils page.

Figure 1.6

In the Black Oil Stream Options group, you can select the
methods for calculating the viscosity, and displaying the
water content for all the black oil streams in your
simulation. For now you will leave the settings as default.
3. Click the Close icon to close the Session Preferences
property view. You will now add the components and fluid
package to the simulation.

Black Oil 1-9

1.3 Setting the Simulation

The Simulation Basis Manager allows you to create, modify, and
manipulate fluid packages in your simulation case. As a
minimum, a Fluid Package contains the components and
property method (for example, an Equation of State) HYSYS will
use in its calculations for a particular flowsheet. Depending on
what is required in a specific flowsheet, a Fluid Package may
also contain other information such as reactions and interaction
parameters. You will first define your fluid package by selecting
the components in this simulation case.

1.3.1 Selecting Components

HYSYS has an internal stipulation that at least one component
must be added to a component list that is associated to a fluid
package. To fulfil this requirement you must add a minimum of a
single component even when the compositional data is not
needed. For black oil streams, depending on the information
available, you have the option to either specify the gas
components compositions or the gas density to define the gas
phase of the stream.

1-10 Setting the Simulation Basis

To add components to your simulation case:

1. Click on the Components tab in the Simulation Basis
2. Click the Add button. The Component List property view is

Figure 1.7

For more information, 3. In this tutorial, add the following components: C1, C2, C3,
refer to Chapter 1 - i-C4, n-C4, i-C5, n-C5, and C6.
Components in the
HYSYS Simulation Select the components from the list in the Components
Basis guide.
Available in the Component Library group and click the <---
Add Pure button.
4. Close the Component List property view.
5. Return to the Simulation Basis Manager property view.
If the Simulation Basis Manager is not visible, click the
Home View icon from the toolbar.
Home View icon

Black Oil 1-11

1.3.2 Creating a Fluid Package

In this tutorial, since a Black Oil Translator is used in
transitioning a Black Oil stream to a HYSYS compositional
stream, two property packages are required in the simulation.
You will first add the Neotec Black Oil property package and later
in the tutorial after, you have installed the black oil translator,
you will add the Peng-Robinson property package.

Adding the Neotec Black Oil Property

To add the Neotec Black Oil Property Package to your
1. From Simulation Basis Manager, click the Fluid Pkgs tab.
2. Click the Add button in the Current Fluid Packages group.
The Fluid Package Manager appears.
3. In the Component List Selection group, select Component
List - 1 from the drop-down list.
4. From the list of available property packages in the Property
Package Selection group, select Neotec Black Oil.
The Neotec Black Oil Methods property view appears.

Figure 1.8

1-12 Setting the Simulation Basis

You can also filter the list of available property packages by

clicking the Miscellaneous Type radio button in the Property
Package Filter group. From the filtered list you can select
Neotec Black Oil.

Refer to Appendix A - The Neotec Black Oil Methods property view displays the
Neotec Black Oil
Methods for more
nine PVT behaviour and transport property procedures, and
information on the black each of their calculation methods.
oil methods available and
other terminology. 5. In this tutorial, you want to have the Watson K Factor
calculated by the simulation. The default option for the
Watson K Factor is set at Specify. Thus, you will change
the option to Calculate from the Watson K Factor drop-
down list, as shown below.

Figure 1.9

The User-Selected radio button is automatically activated

when you select a Black Oil method that is not the default.
You can restore the default settings by clicking the Black Oil
Defaults radio button.

6. Click the Close button to close the Neotec Black Oil Methods
property view.
The HYSYS Neotec Black Oil property view appears.

Figure 1.10

Black Oil 1-13

7. In the Basis field, type in the new name Black Oil for the
fluid package.
8. Close the HYSYS Neotec Black oil property view by clicking
the Close icon .
The Black Oil fluid package is now completely defined. If you
click on the Fluid Pkgs tab in the Simulation Basis Manger
you can see that the list of Current Fluid Packages now
displays the Black Oil Fluid Package and shows the number
of components (NC) and property package (PP). The newly
created Black Oil Fluid Package is assigned by default to the
main flowsheet. Now that the Simulation Basis is defined,
you can install streams and operations in the Main
Simulation environment.
9. To leave the Basis environment and enter the Simulation
environment, do one of the following:
• Click the Enter Simulation Environment button on the
Simulation Basis Manager property view.
• Click the Enter Simulation Environment icon on the
Enter Simulation

1.3.3 Entering the Simulation

Environment icon

When you enter the Simulation environment, the initial property
view that appears depends on your current Session Preferences
setting for the Initial Build Home View. Three initial property
views are available:
• Workbook
• Summary

1-14 Setting the Simulation Basis

Any or all of these can be displayed at any time; however, when

you first enter the Simulation environment, only one appears. In
this example, the initial Home View is the PFD (HYSYS default

Figure 1.11

There are several things to note about the Main Simulation

environment. In the upper right corner, the Environment has
changed from Basis to Case (Main). A number of new items are
now available in the menu bar and toolbar, and the PFD and
Object Palette are open on the Desktop.

Black Oil 1-15

The PFD and Object Palette are described below.

Objects Description
PFD The PFD is a graphical representation of the flowsheet
topology for a simulation case. The PFD property view
shows operations and streams and the connections
between the objects.
You can also attach information tables or annotations to the
PFD. By default, the property view has a single tab. If
required, you can add additional PFD pages to the property
view to focus in on the different areas of interest.
Object A floating palette of buttons that can be used to add
Palette streams and unit operations.
You can toggle the palette open or closed by:
• Clicking the Object Palette icon in the PFD toolbar.
• Pressing F4.
• Selecting the Flowsheet | Open/Close Object
Object Palette icon Palette command from the menu bar.

Before proceeding any further, save your case.

1. Do one of the following:
• Select File | Save command from the menu bar.
• Press CTRL S.
• Click the Save icon on the toolbar.
If this is the first time you have saved your case, the Save
Save icon Simulation Case As property view appears.

Figure 1.12

By default, the File

Path is the Cases
sub-directory in
your HYSYS

1-16 Building the Simulation

When you choose to open an existing case by clicking the

Open Case icon, or by selecting Open Case from the File
menu, a property view similar to the one shown in Figure
Open Case icon
1.12 appears. The File Filter drop-down list will then allow
you to retrieve backup (*.bk*) and HYSIM (*.sim) files in
addition to standard HYSYS (*.hsc) files.
2. In the File Name cell, type a name for the case, for example
You do not have to enter the *.hsc extension, HYSYS
automatically adds it for you.
3. Once you have entered a file name, press the ENTER key or
click the Save button.
HYSYS saves the case under the name you have given it
when you save in the future. The Save As property view will
not appear again unless you choose to give it a new name
using the Save As command. If you enter a name that
already exists in the current directory, HYSYS will ask you
for confirmation before over-writing the existing file.

1.4 Building the

1.4.1 Installing the Black Oil
Feed Streams
In this tutorial, you will install two black oil feed streams.
1. To add the first black oil stream to your simulation do one of
the following:
• From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Stream.
• You can also add a new material stream by pressing the
F11 hot key.
• From the Flowsheet menu, select Palette. The Object
Palette appears.
Double-click on the Material Stream icon.

Material Stream icon

Black Oil 1-17

The Black Oil Stream property view appears.

Figure 1.13

HYSYS displays three different phases in a black oil stream.

The three phases are:
• Gas
• Oil
• Water
The first column is the overall stream properties column. You
can view and edit the Gas, Oil, and Water phase properties
by expanding the width of the default Black Oil stream
property view.
You can also use the horizontal scroll bar to view all the
phase properties.

1-18 Building the Simulation

The expanded stream property view is shown below.

Figure 1.14

2. Rename the stream to Feed 1 by typing the new stream

name in the Stream Name cell of the Overall column (first

You can only rename the overall column, and that name
appears on the PFD as the name for that black oil stream.
You cannot change the phase name for the stream.

Next you will define the gas composition in Feed 1.

Black Oil 1-19

3. On the Worksheet tab, click on the Gas Composition page

to begin the compositional input for the stream.

Figure 1.15

4. Select the Activate Gas Composition checkbox to activate

the Gas Composition table.
The Activate Gas Composition checkbox allows you to
specify the compositions for each base component you
selected in the Simulation Basis manager. After you have
defined the gas composition for the black oil stream, HYSYS
will automatically calculate the specific gravity for the gas
phase. If gas composition information is not available, you
can provide only the specific gas gravity on the Conditions
page to define the black oil stream.

1-20 Building the Simulation

5. Click on the Edit button. The Input Composition for Stream

property view appears. By default, you can only specify the
stream compositions in mole fraction.

Figure 1.16

6. Enter the following composition for each component:

Component Mole Fraction

Methane 0.3333
Ethane 0.2667
Propane 0.1333
i-Butane 0.2000
n-Butane 0.0677
i-Pentane 0.0000
n-Pentane 0.0000
n-Hexane 0.0000

7. Click the Normalize button to ensure that the mole fraction

sum equals 1.0.
8. Click the OK button, and HYSYS accepts the composition.

Black Oil 1-21

9. Click on the Conditions page on the Worksheet tab.

Figure 1.17

Next you will define the conditions for Feed 1.

10. In the overall column (first column), specify the following

In this cell... Enter...

Temperature (°C) 50
Pressure (kPa) 101.3
Volumetric Flow (barrel/day) 4500

HYSYS automatically assigns the same temperature and

pressure to the Gas, Oil, and Water phases.
11. Specify the Specific Gravity for the Oil phase and Water
phase to 0.847 SG_60/60 api and 1.002 SG_60/60 api,
Next you will specify the bulk properties for Feed 1.
12. In the Bulk Properties group, specify a Gas Oil Ratio (GOR)
of 1684 SCF/bbl, and Water Cut of 15%.

Figure 1.18

1-22 Building the Simulation

The Gas Oil Ratio is the ratio of the gas volumetric flow to oil
volumetric flow at stock tank conditions. The Gas Oil Ratio
will be automatically calculated if the volumetric flows of the
gas, oil, and water phases are known. In this tutorial, the
volumetric flowrates for the three phases are calculated by
the Gas Oil Ratio and Water Cut.
The water content in the Black Oil stream can be expressed
in two ways:
• Water Cut. The water cut is expressed as a percentage.

V water
Water Cut = ------------------------------- (1.1)
V oil + V water


Vwater = volume of water

Voil = volume of oil

• WOR. A ratio of volume of water to the volume of oil.

V water
WOR = --------------- (1.2)
V oil

You can select your water content input preference from the
drop-down list.
Next you will specify a method for calculating the dead oil

Black Oil 1-23

13. Click on the Viscosity Mtd button. The Black Oil Viscosity
Method Selection property view appears.
Figure 1.19

Displays the current

selection of the Dead Oil
Viscosity Equation. You
can change this equation
in the Neotec Black Oil
Methods Manager. Refer
to Dead Oil Viscosity
Equation in Appendix
A.1 - Neotec Black Oil
Methods and
Thermodynamics for
more information.

You can select the calculation methods from the Method

Options drop-down list. Neotec recommends the user to
enter two or more viscosity data points. In the event that
only one data point is known, this is also an improvement
over relying on a generalized viscosity prediction.
14. Click on the Method Options drop-down list and select
15. Close the Black Oil Viscosity Method Selection property view.

1-24 Building the Simulation

Now Feed 1 is fully defined.

Figure 1.20

The Surface Tension and Watson K are automatically

calculated by HYSYS as specified in the Neotec Black Oil
Methods Manager. You can view the property correlations for
each phase by clicking on the Properties page where you
can add and delete correlations as desired.

Figure 1.21

Black Oil 1-25

16. Create a second black oil feed stream, Feed 2 and define it
with the following data:

In these cells... Enter...

Conditions Page
Temperature (°F), Overall 149
Pressure (psia), Overall 29.01
Volumetric Flow (barrel/day), Overall 6800
Specific Gravity (SG_60/60 api) Oil: 0.8487
Water: 1.002
Gas Oil Ratio 1404 SCF/bbl
Water Cut 1.5
Viscosity Method Options Beggs and Robinson
Gas Composition Page
Methane 1.0

Figure 1.22

1-26 Building the Simulation

1.4.2 Installing Unit

HYSYS unit operations typically solve to equilibrium conditions
using an equation of state or activity model.

The following unit operations can support black oil streams:

• Valve • Separator • Compressor
• Mixer • Pipe Segment • Heater
• Pump • Heat Exchanger • Cooler
• Recycle • Expander

With the HYSYS Upstream Option, HYSYS unit operations will

solve in black oil mode and be able to blend different black oils

The Worksheet tab of some HYSYS unit operation property

views are not supported when the unit operations are used
in Black Oil mode.

Now you have fully defined two black oil feed streams. The next
step is to install the necessary unit operations for the blending
and transitioning process.

Black Oil 1-27

Installing the Valve

The first operation that will be installed is a Valve, used to
decrease the pressure of Feed 1 before it is blended with Feed 2.
1. Double-click on the Valve icon in the Object Palette. The
Valve property view appears.
2. On the Connections page, open the Inlet drop-down list by
Valve icon
clicking the Down Arrow icon .

Figure 1.23

3. Select Feed 1 from the list.

Alternatively, you can make the connections by typing the
exact stream name in the cell, then pressing ENTER.
4. Move to the Outlet field by clicking on it. Type ValveOut in
the Outlet cell and press ENTER.
The status indicator displays Unknown Delta P. To specify a
pressure drop for the Valve:
5. Click on the Parameters page.
6. Specify 5 kPa in the Delta P field.

Now the status indicator has changed to green OK, showing that
the valve operation and attached streams are completely

1-28 Building the Simulation

Installing the Mixer

The second operation that will be installed is a Mixer, used to
blend the two black oil feed streams.

To install the Mixer:

1. Double-click on the Mixer icon in the Object Palette. The
Mixer property view appears.
Mixer icon
Figure 1.24

2. Click the <<Stream>> cell to ensure the Inlets table is

The status bar at the bottom of the property view shows that
the operation requires a feed stream.

Black Oil 1-29

3. Open the <<Stream>> drop-down list of feeds by clicking

the Down Arrow icon , or by pressing F2 and then the
DOWN arrow key.

Figure 1.25

4. Select ValveOut from the list. The stream is transferred to

the list of Inlets, and <<Stream>> is automatically moved
down to a new empty cell.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 to connect the other stream, Feed 2.
Alternatively, you can make the connections by typing the
exact stream name in the cell, then pressing ENTER.
The status indicator now displays Requires a product
stream. Next you will assign a product stream.
6. Move to the Outlet field by clicking on it, or by pressing
7. Type MixerOut in the cell, then press ENTER.
HYSYS recognizes that there is no existing stream named
MixerOut, so it will create the new stream with this name.

1-30 Building the Simulation

The status indicator now displays a green OK, indicating that

the operation and attached streams are completely

Figure 1.26

8. Click the Parameters page.

9. In the Automatic Pressure Assignment group, leave the
default setting at Set Outlet to Lowest Inlet.

Figure 1.27

Refer to Appendix A - HYSYS has calculated the outlet stream by combining the
Neotec Black Oil
Methods, for more
two inlets and flashing the mixture at the lowest pressure of
information on the the inlet streams. In this case, ValveOut has a pressure of
specific gravity and 96.3 kPa and Feed 2 has a pressure of 200 kPa. Thus, the
viscosity of heavy oil/
condensate blends. outlet from the Mixer has a pressure of 96.3 kPa (the lowest
pressure between the two inlets).

Black Oil 1-31

Installing the Black Oil Translator

Next you will install a Black Oil Translator to transfer the black
oil stream data into a compositional stream so that you can
analyze the properties of the blended black oil stream from the
Mixer. The Black Oil Translator is implemented in HYSYS using
the Stream Cutter operation and a custom Black Oil Transition.
The Black Oil Translator interacts with an existing Stream Cutter
unit operation to convert the Black Oil stream into a
compositional material stream.

Adding Non-Black Oil Stream

Before you install the Black Oil Translator, you need to install a
non-black oil stream for the Black Oil Translator outlet stream.
Thus, you will need to add a new fluid package and assign it to
the outlet stream.

To add a new fluid package:

1. Click on the Enter Basis Environment icon in the toolbar.
The Simulation Basis Manager appears.
Enter Basis Environment 2. Click on the Fluid Pkgs tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Select Peng-Robinson from the property package list in the
Property Package Selection group.

1-32 Building the Simulation

5. In the Name field, rename the fluid package to PR as shown


Figure 1.28

6. Close the Fluid Package property view.

7. Click on the Return to Simulation Environment button in
Simulation Basis Manger.
8. To add the Black Oil Translator outlet stream, do one of the
• From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Stream.
• Press F11.
• From the Object Palette, double-click on the Material
Stream icon.
Material Stream icon 9. In the stream property view, click the Worksheet tab and
select the Conditions page.
10. In the Stream Name cell type Outlet.
11. In the Fluid Package cell, select PR from the drop-down

Black Oil 1-33

Once you selected PR as the fluid package, the Outlet

stream property view is automatically changed to a HYSYS
compositional stream.

Figure 1.29

12. Close the Outlet property view.

Adding the Black Oil Translator

There are two ways that you can add the Black Oil Translator to
your simulation:
1. From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
You can also open the UnitOps property view by pressing the
F12 hot key.
2. In the Categories group, select the All Unit Ops radio
3. From the Available Unit Operation lists, select Black Oil
4. Click Add.

1-34 Building the Simulation

The Black Oil Translator property view appears.

Figure 1.30

In certain situations, the Black Oil Translator will automatically

be added to the flowsheet. This occurs when the stream
connections are made to operations that have streams with
different fluid packages connected or the operation itself is set
to use a different fluid package. The Stream Cutter dictates the
rules for when the Black Oil Translator is automatically added.

To delete the Black Oil Translator operation, click the Delete

button. HYSYS will ask you to confirm the deletion.

You can also delete a Black Oil Translator by clicking on the

Black Oil Translator icon on the PFD and pressing the DELETE

To ignore the Black Oil Translator operation during calculations,

select the Ignored checkbox. HYSYS completely disregards the
operation (not calculate the outlet stream) until you restore it to
an active state by clearing the checkbox.

Defining the Black Oil Translator

To complete the Connections page:
1. Open the Inlet drop-down list by clicking the Down Arrow

Black Oil 1-35

icon , or by pressing the F2 key and then the DOWN

arrow key.
2. Select MixerOut as the inlet.
3. Move to the Outlet field by clicking on it.
4. Select Outlet as the outlet stream.
Once the outlet stream is connected, the Black Oil Translator
starts transitioning the black oil data to the Outlet stream
using the HYSYS default transition setting.

Figure 1.31

The solving status is indicated in the Object Status Window.

As the Black Oil Translator is solving, a list of
hypocomponents are generated in the Outlet stream to
characterize a black oil stream from a compositional stream
perspective. You can view each hypocomponent created in
the Trace Window as the Black Oil Translator is solving.

If the Outlet stream had Black Oil as the fluid package, the
following warning message property view would appear.

1-36 Building the Simulation

5. Click the Transition tab.

• The Transition Type group displays the transition type
(in this case: BlackOil Transition) available for this
Black Oil Translator operation.
• The Current Transition group contains all the options
used to configure the Black Oil Transition method.
• The Transfer Basis drop down menu contains the
options for T-P Flash and P-H Flash transitions.
The composition of MixerOut is copied to the composition
table. Use the default value for the composition.
Refer to Appendix B - 6. In the Black Oil Transition Method group, confirm that the
Black Oil Transition Three Phase radio button is selected.
Methods for more
information on the 7. Save the case.
Simple, Three Phase, and
Infochem Multiflash
transition method.
1.4.3 Results
When the solving is completed, the status indicator for the
Outlet stream and Black Oil Translator should be changed to a
green OK, showing that both operations are completely defined.
1. In the Outlet stream property view, click on the
Compositions page on the Worksheet tab.
2. In the component composition list, you can view the
composition for all the hypocomponents created as well as
the composition for C1 to C6.

Figure 1.32

Black Oil 1-37

3. Close the Outlet stream property view.

4. Double-click on the CUT-100 operation on the PFD. The
black oil translator property view appears.
5. Click on the Worksheet tab.
CUT-100 operation On the Conditions page, the Compositional stream
properties and conditions for the black oil stream MixerOut
are displayed in the Outlet column.

Black Oil 1-38

You can examine and review the results for the MixerOut
stream as a compositional stream.

Figure 1.33

Figure 1.34

Black Oil 1-39

1.5 Dynamic Simulation

In this tutorial, the black oil dynamic capability will be
incorporated into a steady-state black oil translation simulation

You can continue into this dynamic section with the black oil
translation case that you built during the steady state section.
1. Open the BlackOil.hsc case (if it is not already open in the
2. Save the case under the new name: BlackOilDyn.hsc.

1.5.1 Modifying the Steady

State Flowsheet
Before the case can be run in Dynamic mode, it is necessary to
modify the steady-state model so that a pressure-flow relation
exists between each unit operation.

In order to realistically model flow behaviour in a dynamic

simulation case, you will change the Mixer to equalize all inlet
pressures so that the flow to and from the Mixer is determined
by the pressure-flow network:
1. Delete the specified pressure in Feed 2.
2. Double-click on the Mixer. The Mixer property view appears.
3. Click on the Dynamics tab, and select the Specs page.
4. In the Pressure Specification group, select the Equalize All
radio button.

Figure 1.35

You can also equalize the inlets pressures for the Mixer by
selecting the Equalize All radio button on the Parameters
page on the Design tab.

1-40 Dynamic Simulation

HYSYS automatically recalculates and solves the Mixer

operation. The status indicator of the Mixer has now changed to
a green OK. The flowsheet is completely defined.

1.5.2 Setting Pressure-Flow

In Dynamic mode, the degrees of freedom for the flowsheet
must be zero. You can reduce the degrees of freedom by setting
the pressure-flow specifications in each boundary stream:
1. Double-click on Feed 1. The stream property view appears.
2. Click on the Dynamics tab, and select the Specs page.
3. Ensure the Pressure specification is active by selecting the
Active checkbox, and deactivate the Volumetric Flow

Figure 1.36

Black Oil 1-41

4. For Feed 2, specify the Specs page as shown:

Figure 1.37

5. For Outlet, specify the pressure-flow specifications as


Figure 1.38

6. Save the case. The simulation case is ready to run in

Dynamic mode.

1-42 Dynamic Simulation

7. Click the Integrator Holding icon on the toolbar to hold all

Integrator Holding icon 8. Click the Dynamics Mode icon on the toolbar.
(red) 9. A property view appears asking you to confirm switching the
simulation case to Dynamics mode. Click Yes.
If the Dynamics Assistant is active, HYSYS will ask you
Dynamic Mode icon whether you want to make certain changes to the simulation
case in the Dynamic Assistant before engaging in dynamic
mode. Click No to the Dynamic Assistant.

The Dynamic Assistant is one of the methods for preparing a

steady state case for dynamic mode. You can set your own
pressure-flow specifications and size the unit operations
manually on their Specs page on the Dynamics tab.

The Dynamics Assistant makes recommendations as to

how the flowsheet topology should change and what
pressure-flow specifications are required in order to run the
case in dynamic mode. However, in this tutorial some of
these changes have been made manually as you modified
the flowsheet, and the remaining changes are not necessary
for the purpose of this example.
10. Start the Integrator by clicking the Integrator Active icon
in the toolbar.
Integrator Active icon
(green) The simulation case is now running in Dynamic mode. The
integration time and status are indicated in the Trace Window
and Status Bar.

Black Oil 1-43

1.5.3 Monitoring in Dynamics

In Dynamic mode it is difficult to observe the behaviour of
simulation variables as they vary with time. Stripchart allows
you to monitor various variable sets of interest as they are
constantly updated in real time. You will create a strip chart to
monitor the temperature, pressure, and flow for the Outlet:
1. Set the Integrator to holding mode by clicking the
Integrator Holding icon.
Integrator Holding icon 2. Double-click on the Outlet stream.
(red) 3. Click on the Dynamics tab, and select the Stripchart page.
4. From the Variable Set drop-down list, select the T, P, and
F variables set.
5. Display the strip chart by clicking the Create Stripchart
button. A strip chart property view appears.
6. Activate the Integrator by clicking the Integrator Active
icon in the toolbar.
Integrator Active icon As the Integrator is running, you should see the
(green) temperature, pressure, and flow of the Outlet updating.

Figure 1.39

1-44 Dynamic Simulation

1.5.4 Notes
The following should be noted when using black oil in Dynamic
• Black oil system does not support Component Splitter
and tray section since they are strongly linked to
• In steady-state black oil translation, the component list
changes after the black oil stream is converted to a
compositional stream. However for black oil translation in
dynamic mode, a new composition using the existing
component list is calculated. Ensure that the desired
components are already present on the non-black oil side
of the transition before the simulation starts. The
simplest way to do this is to use the component list from
a steady-state result.
• Always refer to the stream property view for the black oil
simulation information.
• To obtain the most accurate black oil results, avoid using
black oil system with extreme simulation conditions or
phase ratios.

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-1

2 Multiflash for HYSYS


2.1 Introduction................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Installing Multiflash .................................................................. 2

2.2 Multiflash Property Package .......................................................... 2

2.2.1 Adding a Multiflash Property Package .......................................... 3
2.2.2 Configuring a Property Package.................................................. 8
2.2.3 Carrying Out Calculations ........................................................ 12

2-2 Introduction

2.1 Introduction
Multiflash is an advanced software package for modeling the
properties of gases, liquids and solids. It consists of a
comprehensive library of thermodynamic and transport property
models, a physical property databank, methods for
characterising and matching the properties of petroleum fluids
and multiphase flashes capable of handling any combination of

For infomation on using This chapter describes the use of Multiflash with HYSYS
the Multiflash GUI in
Microsoft Windows, refer Upstream (a product of Aspen Technology Inc.). Multiflash
to the Multiflash for features are made available in HYSYS through a property
Windows User Guide. package in the COMThermo thermodynamics option.

2.1.1 Installing Multiflash

When HYSYS Upstream is installed, Multiflash is automatically
installed with the program. So you do not need a separate
installation process for Multiflash.

In fact the installation instructions in the Multiflash for

Windows User Guide installs a standalone version of
Multiflash. This standalone version is not connected to
COMThermo feature of HYSYS Upstream.

2.2 Multiflash Property

A Multiflash property package consists of a set of components
and thermodynamic and transport property models for several
phases. In HYSYS terminology it corresponds to a Fluid Package
plus a set of components. You may create several different
property packages with different components and/or models as

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-3

2.2.1 Adding a Multiflash

Property Package
To add a Multiflash property package to a new case, you must
first create the new case in HYSYS by selecting File | New |
Case. The Simulation Basis Manager appears.

Figure 2.1

Refer to Components The components for the property package must be selected
section for more within the Multiflash GUI.
You cannot select the components within HYSYS.

You can add a Multiflash Property Package in three ways:

• Through the PVT environment
• Through the HYSYS Fluid Package selection
• Through the COMThermo setup

To add a Multiflash Property package through the PVT

1. Click the Enter PVT Environment button on the Simulation
Basis Manager. The PVT Environment Manager appears.

2-4 Multiflash Property Package

2. On the Engine Setup tab, click the Add button. A new PVT
package (PVT-1) is added to the PVT package list.

Figure 2.2

3. From the Selected Engine list, select Infochem


Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-5

4. Click the Launch Engine button to launch the Infochem

Multiflash GUI.

Figure 2.3

To add a Multiflash Property Package though the HYSYS

Fluid Package selection:
1. On the Fluid Pkgs tab of the Simulation Basis Manager, click
2. In the Property Package list, select Infochem Multiflash.
The HYSYS Multiflash Setup property view will appear.
3. Click Launch Engine to launch the Infochem Multiflash GUI.

To add a Multiflash Property package through the

COMThermo setup:
1. On the Fluid Pkgs tab of the Simulation Basis Manager, click
2. In the Property Package list, select COMThermo. The
COMThermo Setup window appears.
3. From the Model Phase group, select Vapor.
4. In the Model Selection list, select MultiflashExtPkg.

2-6 Multiflash Property Package

5. From the Model Phase group, select Liquid.

6. In the Model Selection list, select MultiflashExtPkg.
7. After a brief pause, the Extended PropPkg Setup button
becomes available. Click this button.
8. The Extended Property Package Setup window displays. Click
Finish Setup. The Multiflash GUI appears.

Multiflash Flash
The Multiflash flash is very reliable in most circumstances,
including situations with multiple liquid phases and solids. The
convergence tolerance is very tight and, therefore, it may take
longer to converge than some other options but the result is
correct. For simple vapour-liquid equilibrium calculations any
flash method should be reliable.

The Multiflash flash is capable of doing calculations for solid,

liquid and gas phases but for HYSYS Upstream only the gas
and liquid phases are used.

If you are using the HYSYS flash and you want to change the
flash settings, you can click the Advanced button on the HYSYS-
Multiflash Setup property view, which opens the Fluid Package

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-7

property view.

Figure 2.4

When you click the Extended PropPkg Setup button, the

Extended Property Package Setup property view appears.

Figure 2.5

Clicking the Finish Setup button opens the Multiflash GUI.

2-8 Multiflash Property Package

2.2.2 Configuring a Property

For infomation on using The Multiflash Windows program (GUI) is used to configure a
the Multiflash GUI in
Microsoft Windows, refer property package for HYSYS Upstream but it can also be used to
to the Multiflash for carry out flash calculations, to plot phase envelopes or to
Windows User Guide. regress model parameters to match experimental
Refer to Section 2.2.2 -
Configuring a Property
measurements. This section gives a brief description of how it is
Package for information used with HYSYS and highlights extra features provided for the
on configuring the HYSYS setup.
property package.

To configure a Property Package it is necessary to specify the

following information:
• The components (substances) that are included. These
maybe any components from databanks supported by
Multiflash or petroleum fraction pseudocomponents.
• The thermodynamic/physical property models that will
be used to evaluate properties such as volume, enthalpy,
fugacity coefficients, transport properties.
• The binary interaction parameters (BIPs) that will be
used by the model(s).
• The phases which may be included.

The Select/Components menu item allows you to specify the
components in the property package. Components may be
selected from a databank by clicking on a component name or
typing the name of a component. Components in a databank
may be searched for by name, part of a name or by formula as
shown in the figure below.

Petroleum fraction pseudocomponents may be specified by

entering properties such as molecular weight, specific gravity,
and Multiflash will then estimate any other properties required.

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-9

In addition there is an option to define a new component by

entering in all the data.

Figure 2.6

Petroleum Fluid Characterisation

An alternative way of entering compositional information is to
use the PVT Lab Input item on the Select menu. This displays a
form that allows input of the typical information included in a
PVT report produced by oil industry service companies. The
representation of the fluid can be controlled by the user by
selecting the number of pseudocomponents used to describe the
fluid is and how to group or split pseudocomponents.

2-10 Multiflash Property Package

Other information used to set up solid deposition models in

Multiflash may also be entered.

Figure 2.7

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-11

Physical Property Models and Phases

Multiflash offers a wide choice of models for representing the
properties of fluid and solid phases. Models are defined using
the Select/Model Set menu item.

Figure 2.8

The Select Model Set window has several tabs that group
together different types of models. Figure 2.8 shows the
equation of state models. A number of different transport
property options may be selected along with the thermodynamic
models. Models that are not part of your license will be greyed
out and cannot be selected. After choosing a model click the
Define Model button and then Close to return to the main

The number of phases available in a Multiflash property package

can be controlled by the checkboxes in the lower right hand
corner of the Select Model Set window. By default most of the
equation of state models are set up for four phases: Gas,
Liquid1, Liquid2 and Water (aqueous phase). In cases where
two liquid phases in addition to water are unlikely performance
can be improved by clearing the Liquid2 checkbox. Similarly if
an aqueous phase will not be present the Water phase checkbox
may be clear.

2-12 Multiflash Property Package

Although Multiflash does not have restrictions on the type

and number of phases, the HYSYS flash or HYSYS unit
operations may not support all the phases.

Binary Interaction Parameters

Most models require values of binary interaction parameters
(BIPs) to make sure the model represents the interactions
between components in a mixture. BIPs for the equation of state
models are mostly generated automatically using correlations.
For activity models a large number of BIPs are stored on the
supplied BIP databanks but it is necessary for the user to enter
any missing values. This is done using the Tools/BIPs menu

2.2.3 Carrying Out

Once the components, models and other parameters have been
set up as described in Section 2.2.2 - Configuring a Property
Package, you may use the Multiflash GUI to carry out property

To enter a mixture composition click on the Compositions
button. The amount of each component can be entered in the
mole field. The amounts are total moles or mass rather than
mole fractions or mass fractions.

Figure 2.9

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-13

Units of measurement for the Multiflash GUI can be set using
the Select/Units menu item. This only affects operation of the
GUI and has no connection with units in HYSYS.

Figure 2.10

2-14 Multiflash Property Package

Flash Calculations
To carry out a flash calculation set the values of known
quantities in the Input Conditions display and select an option
from the Calculate menu. There are toolbar buttons for many of
the common flash calculations. Calculated properties are
displayed in the main window. The properties calculated depend
on the property output level selected. This can be changed using
the Select/Property Output menu item.

Figure 2.11

Multiflash for HYSYS Upstream 2-15

Phase Envelope
Phase boundaries and lines of fixed volume, enthalpy, entropy
can be plotted. Use the Calculate/Phase Envelope menu item. To
plot a vapour-liquid phase boundary click on the VLE AutoPlot
button – see example output below. Other types of diagrams
may be plotted by setting the Basis and X/Y axes as required.

Figure 2.12

Matching Experimental Data

It is possible to adjust models to match measured values of
quantities such as dew points, bubble points and viscosities for
petroleum fluids. The mixture must include petroleum fraction
pseudocomponents for the matching options to work. To match
data use the Tools/Matching menu item.

2-16 Multiflash Property Package

Online Help
Help is provided by two items on the Help menu. Help Topics is
an online version of the Multiflash for Windows User Guide and
Multiflash Error Codes gives an explanation of any error or
warning messages issued by Multiflash.

Returning to HYSYS
After a property package has been configured you may return to
HYSYS by selecting the Exit item from the File menu. This will
display a warning message:

Figure 2.13

Click OK to return to HYSYS, or Cancel to return to Multiflash to

allow further editing of the configuration.

Lumper and Delumper 3-1

3 Lumper and

3.1 Lumper .......................................................................................... 2

3.1.1 Lumper Property View............................................................... 2
3.1.2 Design Tab .............................................................................. 4
3.1.3 Rating Tab............................................................................. 24
3.1.4 Worksheet Tab ....................................................................... 24
3.1.5 Dynamics Tab ........................................................................ 24

3.2 Delumper ..................................................................................... 24

3.2.1 Delumper Property View.......................................................... 25
3.2.2 Design Tab ............................................................................ 27
3.2.3 Rating Tab............................................................................. 38
3.2.4 Worksheet Tab ....................................................................... 38
3.2.5 Dynamics Tab ........................................................................ 38

3.3 References ................................................................................... 38

3-2 Lumper

3.1 Lumper
The Lumper is an upstream operation, which allows the user to
blend multiple (well) streams to one stream with a reduced
number of components to the total components into the unit
operation. This technique is used to map petroleum and process
thermodynamic properties together.

The Lumper unit operation is currently available only in steady

state mode. The user can attach one or more streams using one
or more different fluid packages with a total of n distinct
components. In the simulation environment, the user then adds
a new equation of state (EOS) fluid package, fluid package
name and components list name to lump the n distinct
components into y components using the Montel and Gouel1 or
Custom lumping methods.

3.1.1 Lumper Property View

There are two ways that you can add a Lumper to your
1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
You can also open the UnitOps property view by clicking the
F12 hot key.
2. Click the Upstream Ops radio button.
3. From the list of available unit operations, select Lumper.
4. Click the Add button.

1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Palette command. The
Object Palette appears.
You can also open the Object Palette by pressing F4.

Lumper and Delumper 3-3

2. Click on the Upstream Ops icon. The Upstream Object

Palette appears.

Figure 3.1

Ops icon

3. In the Upstream Object Palette, double-click the Lumper

Lumper icon The Lumper property view appears.

Figure 3.2

• To delete the Lumper operation, click the Delete button.

HYSYS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
You can also delete a Lumper by clicking on the Lumper
icon on the PFD and pressing the DELETE key.
• To ignore the Lumper during calculations, select the
Ignored checkbox. HYSYS completely disregards the
operation (and cannot calculate the outlet stream) until
you restore it to an active state by clearing the checkbox.

3-4 Lumper

3.1.2 Design Tab

The Design tab consists of the following pages:
• Connections
• Parameters
• Lumping
• User Variables
• Notes

Connections Page
The Connections page is used to define all of the connections to
the Lumper.

Figure 3.3

Lumper and Delumper 3-5

On the Connections page, you can:

• specify the inlet streams to attach to the operation in the
Inlet Streams group

You can specify one or more inlet streams using one or more
different fluid packages. The fluid packages may have
different component lists.

• modify the name of the operation in the Name field

• specify the name of the outlet stream in the Outlet
Stream Name field

Parameters Page
The Parameters page allows you to specify the outlet settings
and automatic pressure assignment.

Figure 3.4

3-6 Lumper

The Outlet Settings group consists of the following parameters:

Parameters Description
Fluid Pkg Name Allows you to specify the name for the fluid package to
be generated.
For more information on Property Pkg You can select the Equation of State (EOS) property
the EOS property package from the drop-down list:
packages, refer to the • Peng-Robinson
Equations of State • PRSV
(EOS) section from
• Sour PR
Section 2.4.1 - Set Up
Tab in the HYSYS
• Kabadi-Danner
Simulation Basis
guide. • Sour SRK
A new fluid package with components will be created
during the delumping process.
Comp List Name Allows you to specify the name for the component list
to be generated.
Bulk Viscosity Fit The first temperature at which the outlet stream bulk
Temperature 1 viscosity is to match that of the combined feed.
Bulk Viscosity Fit The second temperature at which the outlet stream
Temperature 2 bulk viscosity is to match that of the combined feed.
Flash Type with You can select the flash type to be used for the outlet
Respect to Feeds stream with respect to the combined feed. There are
two options:
• T-P Flash
• P-H Flash
Outlet Stream This group appears when you select T-P as the flash
Temperature type from the Flash Type with Respect to Feeds drop-
Group down list. There are two radio buttons in the Outlet
Stream Temperature group:
• Auto Calculated. The outlet stream temperature
will be automatically calculated based on the
combined feed. You cannot specify the outlet
stream temperature in the Value field.
• Specified. You have to specify the outlet stream
temperature in the Value field.

The Automatic Pressure Assignment group consists of the

following radio buttons:
• Equalize All. Click this radio button, if you want to force
all stream pressure to be the same.
• Set Outlet to Lowest Inlet. Click this radio button, if
you want the outlet pressure to be the lowest inlet

Lumper and Delumper 3-7

Lumping Page
On the Lumping page, you can select the lumping method that
you want to use. The outlet component list shown on the
Lumping page can be constructed by a combination of the
following three ways:
• Keeping inlet components: You can select any
number of inlet components to keep as individual
components in the outlet component list. You can also
click the Keep All Comps button to keep all the inlet
• Manually creating user hypothetical components
(User Hypos): After creating a hypothetical group, you
can create any number of user hypos and decide the
constituent inlet components for each user hypo. Any
empty user hypo will be deleted from the outlet
component list when you submit the changes or close the
Lumper property view.
• Automatically creating hypothetical components
(Auto Hypos): When the desired total number of outlet
components is more than the sum of the kept
components and non-empty user hypos, the difference
will be the number of auto hypos to be generated
automatically by the lumping method you have selected.
You can select a lumping method by expanding the
Inlet group Lumping page of the Design tab. The default method is
Montel and Gouel. Once an auto hypo is generated, you
are allowed to empty or delete it, but not to change the
contained components.

As a result, the outlet component list may contain three groups

of components: directly kept components, user created hypos,
and automatically generated hypos. The outlet components are
first ordered by groups in the aforementioned order and then,
within the first two groups, can be sorted by clicking the Sort
Comp List button. The auto hypos cannot be sorted since they
are generated on the fly.

3-8 Lumper

Figure 3.5

components and Components from
lumped the inlet
hypothetical components list.

You can specify the total number of outlet components in the Desired total
number of components field. The valid range for this number depends on the
current state of the outlet components list. The minimum number equals the
total number of kept components and the non-empty user hypos plus one (if
there is one or more inlet components left). The maximum number equals
the total number of kept components and the non-empty user hypos plus the
remaining number of inlet components. If you enter an invalid number in this
field, the trace window will show you the valid range.

Lumper and Delumper 3-9

There are currently three lumping methods:

• Montel and Gouel1. The Montel and Gouel method is
the default lumping method. This method uses an
iterative clustering algorithm around mobile centers,
resulting in a classification into hypothetical components
optimum with respect to the considered equation of state
(EOS) and the chosen lumping properties. This method is
therefore only applicable to the EOS property package

Figure 3.6

For the Montel and Gouel method, both the lumping

properties and their weights are fixed as follows:

Lumping Property Weighting Factor

EOS sqrt (a) 1.0
EOS b 1.0
EOS m 0.1
Mw 0.5


EOS means the equation of state such as PR and SRK

sqrt (a), b and m are the square root of a, b and m

respectively used in the EOS

Mw is the molecular weight of a component

3-10 Lumper

• Custom. The Custom method uses the same iterative

clustering algorithm as the Montel and Gouel method,
although you can select lumping properties and specify
weighting factors to be used in the lumping algorithm.

Figure 3.7

You must add at least one lumping property.

The weighting factors must be between 0 and 1.

Lumper and Delumper 3-11

Refer to Section 4.2 - • HYSYS Oil Characterization. The HYSYS Oil

Oil Characterization Characterization method uses the combined feed to
from the HYSYS construct the working curves similar to those used in the
Simulation Basis guide blend in the oil characterization. The working curves then
for more information. are cut according to the selected cutting method which
are: Auto Cut, User Ranges, or User Num of Cuts (in
other words, exactly the same as in the blend).

Figure 3.8

When the HYSYS Oil Characterization method is used in

lumping, the generated hypothetical components do not
have the knowledge on the distribution of the inlet
components. Therefore, if the inlet components are first
lumped using this method, the delumping will not be able to
recover the original inlet components, except the ones kept
in the lumper's outlet component list.

Sorting the Inlet Components

You can sort the available components in the inlet group by
clicking on the appropriate radio button.

Radio Button Description

None The components remain in the original order. This is the
order when you added the components to the fluid
package component list.
Boiling Point You can sort the components according to the boiling
point of each component.

3-12 Lumper

Radio Button Description

Molecular You can sort the components according to the molecular
Weight weight of each component.
Molar Flow You can sort the components according to the molar flow
(Rev) of each component. The component with the largest
molar flow is on the top.

Creating a Hypothetical Group

You can create a hypothetical group.
1. Click the Create Hypo Group button. The Hypo Group
property view appears.

Figure 3.9

Refer to Section 5.2.3 - The Lumper Hypothetical group name appears on the
Hypotheticals Tab in
the HYSYS User Guide Hypothetical tab of the Simulation Basis Manager when you
for more information. enter the Basis environment.
The Component Class field on the Hypo Group property
view shows the class for grouping the hypotheticals.

The hypothetical group created by the lumper is also

managed by the lumper. Therefore, you have very limited
access to the functionality of the group.

2. If you want to change the Hypo group name, type the new
name in the Group Name field.

Lumper and Delumper 3-13

3. In the Individual Hypo Controls group, click the appropriate

radio button to select the Basic Hypothetical component
properties to view in the table.
Refer to Base The table information changes according to the radio button
Properties and Vapour
Pressure Properties
that has been selected.
sections from Section
3.4.1 - Hypo Group Figure 3.10
Property View in the
HYSYS Simulation
Basis guide for more

Base Properties Table

Vapour Pressure Table

For more information on 4. Click the Estimation Methods button to setup property
the Estimation Methods, estimation methods for the contained hypothetical
refer to the Estimation
Methods section from components.
Section 2.4.3 - Binary The Property Estimation property view appears.
Coefficients Tab in the
HYSYS Simulation
Basis guide. Figure 3.11

3-14 Lumper

5. On the Property Estimation property view, select the

property to set the methods for from the Property to Set
Methods For list. Then, from the Estimation Method For
Selected Property drop-down list, select the estimation
method. The default estimation method is Default Method.

Figure 3.12

6. Close the Property Estimation property view to return to the

Hypo Group property view.
7. If you want to add notes to the hypothetical group, click the
Notes button. The Notes and Descriptions for Hypothetical
Group property view appears.

Figure 3.13

The Notes and Descriptions for Hypothetical Group property

view provides a text editor that allows you to record any
comments or information regarding the hypothetical group.
After you have added the notes, close the Notes and
Descriptions for Hypothetical Group property view to return
to the Hypo Group property view.

Lumper and Delumper 3-15

8. Close the Hypo Group property view to return to the Lumper

property view.
Once you have closed the Hypo Group property view, you
will notice that the Create Hypo Group button is now the Edit
Hypo Group button and that the Delete Hypo Group and
Create User Hypo buttons are now enabled on the Lumper

Editing a Hypothetical Group

1. Click the Edit Hypo Group button. The Hypo Group
property view appears.
2. From here you can change the estimation methods, add
notes, change the group name and the basic hypothetical
component properties.

You can also access the hypothetical groups from the Basis
1. From the Simulation menu, select Enter Basis
Environment. The Simulation Basis Manager appears.
2. Click on the Hypotheticals tab.
3. Select the hypothetical group you want to edit from the
Hypotheticals Groups list.
4. Click the View button. The Hypo Group property view

Deleting a Hypothetical Group

1. Click the Delete Hypo Group button.
2. HYSYS will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the hypo

Deleting the hypothetical group will also delete all the

hypothetical components it contains, including both user
created and auto-generated hypothetical components.

3-16 Lumper

Creating a User Lumped Hypothetical

After you have created a hypothetical group, you can create a
new lumped hypothetical component.
1. Click the Create User Hypo button.
2. The created lumped hypothetical component is displayed in
the outlet components list. The Hypo field of the Hypo
Design group allows you to change the name of the lumped
hypothetical component.

Figure 3.14

Deleting a User Lumped Hypothetical

1. From the list of components in the Outlet group, select the
lumped hypothetical component you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete User Hypo button.

HYSYS does not prompt you to confirm the deletion of your

lumped hypothetical component. After the lumped
hypothetical component is deleted, the information cannot
be retrieved.

Lumper and Delumper 3-17

Viewing a Lumped Hypothetical Component

For more information on You can view both the user created and auto generated lumped
the lumped hypothetical
component property
hypothetical components from the Hypo Group property view.
view, refer to Section
3.5 - Hypothetical
Component Property You are not allowed to alter any data in a hypothetical
View in the HYSYS component created by a lumper.
Simulation Basis guide.

1. Click the Edit Hypo Group button. The Hypo Group

property view appears.
2. From the Individual Controls group, click the View button.
3. The information that appears corresponds to the
hypothetical group the lumped hypothetical component is
associated with.

Figure 3.15

You can also view the lumped hypothetical property view from
the Basis environment.
1. From the Simulation menu, select Enter Basis
Environment. The Simulation Basis Manager appears.
2. Click on the Hypotheticals tab.
3. Select a lump hypothetical component from the Hypothetical
Quick Reference table and click the View Hypo button.

3-18 Lumper

Adding Components to a User Lumped

Hypothetical Component
You can add inlet components to the created lumped
hypothetical component.
1. From the list of available components in the Inlet group,
select the components you want to add.

If you want to add all the inlet components to the lumped

hypothetical component, click on the first inlet component in
the list. Then press SHIFT and click on the last inlet
component in the list. All the inlet components will be
highlighted. Alternatively, you can also press SHIFT END.
If you want to add individual inlet components to the lumped
hypothetical component, press and hold down the CTRL key
then click on the inlet components you want to add to the
lumped hypothetical component. The selected inlet
components will be highlighted.

2. Click the Add to User Hypo button.

3. The hypothetical components are displayed in the
Inlet group Constituent Components list of the Hypo Design group.

Figure 3.16

Lumper and Delumper 3-19

Removing a Component from the User

Lumped Hypothetical Component
Ensure that you have a lumped hypothetical component
selected in the outlet components list before you can remove
the component.

1. From the list of constituent components in the Outlet group,

select the components you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove from Hypo button. The components will
now be moved back to the Available Components list in the
Inlet group.

Keeping All Inlet Components

You can add all inlet components to the output component list if
you have not created a lumped hypothetical component by
clicking the Keep All Comps button.

Keeping Individual Components

You can add individual components from the inlet components
list to the output component list.
1. From the available components list of the Inlet group, select
the component you want to add to the output component
2. Click the Add to Keep button. The selected inlet component
is added to the outlet component list of the Outlet group.

Removing Components
1. From the components list in the Outlet group, select the
individual component you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove Comp button. The component will now be
displayed in the inlet component list.

3-20 Lumper

Ensure that you have a component selected in the outlet

components list before you can remove the component.

Sorting the Outlet Component List

You can only sort the outlet component list if you have at least
two individual components or two user lumped hypothetical

If you have one individual component and one lumped

hypothetical component the Sort Comp List button remains
You cannot sort the automatically lumped hypothetical

1. Click the Sort Comp List button in the Outlet group. The
Sorting Output Components property view appears.
2. From the Sort List group, click the appropriate radio button.
You can sort the individual components or user lumped
hypothetical components in the outlet component list.

Figure 3.17

When you click the

Comps to Keep radio
button, the Sorting
Output Components
property view shows
the individual
components that you
can sort in the outlet

Lumper and Delumper 3-21

Figure 3.18

When you click the User

Hypos radio button, the
Sorting Output
Components property
view shows the user
lumped hypothetical
components that you can
sort in the outlet

3. From the Component(s) to Move list, select the component

you want to move. Then, from the Insert Before list, select
the component that you want the moved component to be
inserted before.
4. Click the Move button to move the component.
From example, if you have three lumped hypothetical
components as shown in Figure 3.17. When you select
Hypo20000 from the Component(s) to Move list, then you
select Hypo20002 from the Insert before list and click the
Move button, Hypo20000 will be inserted between
Hypo20001 and Hypo20002 as shown in the figure below.

Figure 3.19

5. Close the Sorting Output Components property view to

return to the Lumper property view.

3-22 Lumper

Emptying and Deleting an Auto Lumped

Hypothetical Component
If the desired total number of outlet components is more than
the sum of the individual components and the user lumped
hypothetical components, HYSYS will make up the difference by
automatically generating the required number of hypos using
the chosen lumping method.

The desired total number of output components is indicated

in the Desired total number of components field.
The Empty Auto Hypo and Delete Auto Hypo buttons are
active only when you have selected an automatically lumped
hypothetical component in the outlet component list.

You can remove all the components from an automatically

lumped hypothetical component.
1. From the outlet components list, select the automatically
lumped hypothetical component you want to remove all
components from.
2. Click the Empty Auto Hypo button. The components will
now be displayed in the inlet component list.

To delete the automatically lumped hypothetical component:

Ensure that you have an automatically lumped hypothetical

component selected in the outlet components list before you
can delete.

1. From the outlet components list, select the automatically

lumped hypothetical component you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete Auto Hypo button.

HYSYS does not prompt you to confirm the deletion of your

automatically lumped hypothetical component. After the
automatically lumped hypothetical component is deleted, the
information cannot be retrieved.

Lumper and Delumper 3-23

Calculating the Lumper Unit Operation

The Submit Changes button is enabled when there is sufficient
information for the lumper to calculate. By clicking this button,
HYSYS will calculate the unit operation based on the current
information. Therefore, the Submit Changes button can be
viewed as an ad hoc test button.

If you want to test what happens with the current changes,

click the Submit Changes button. If you have finished
editing, close the property view to enable on-the-fly

Closing the Lumper Property View and On-

the-Fly Calculations
When the Lumper property view is open, HYSYS assumes that
the lumper is still in editing mode and most of the calculations
are on hold. Therefore, you must click the Submit Changes
button to calculate the unit operation. If you have finished
editing and want to enable on-the-fly calculations, you have to
close the Lumper property view.

User Variables Page

For more information on The User Variables page allows you to create and implement
the User Variables, refer
to Chapter 5 - User variables in the HYSYS simulation case.
Variables in the HYSYS
Customization Guide.
Notes Page
For more information, The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record
refer to Section 7.19 -
Notes Manager in the
any comments or information regarding the specific unit
HYSYS User Guide. operation, or the simulation case in general.

3-24 Delumper

3.1.3 Rating Tab

This unit operation currently does not have rating features.

3.1.4 Worksheet Tab

Refer to Section 1.3.10 The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information
- Worksheet Tab in the
HYSYS Operations
contained in the stream property view for all the streams
Guide for more attached to the operation.

3.1.5 Dynamics Tab

This unit operation is currently not available for dynamic

3.2 Delumper
For information on the The Delumper is an upstream unit operation used to delump the
Lumper unit operation,
refer to Section 3.1 -
lumped hypothetical components created by one or more
Lumper. lumpers.

Figure 3.20

You can attach one or more feed streams using one or more
different fluid packages (hence potentially different component
lists), with a total of m distinct components. In the Delumper
property view, you can specify a new equation of state (EOS)
fluid package, a new fluid package name and a new components
list name.

Lumper and Delumper 3-25

By using the currently available Component Recovery delumping

method, you can recover part or all of the original components
from the lumped hypothetical components, with a total of n
outlet components, where n ≥ m .

The Delumper does not have to be connected to a Lumper

directly in order to delump its lumped components.
Furthermore, the Component Recovery delumping method is
capable of recovering the very original constituent
components from a lumped hypothetical component,
regardless how many layers of lumping have been

As a result, the outlet component list may include the individual

components from the input list, and recovered components from
the lumped components in the input components list.

3.2.1 Delumper Property View

There are two ways that you can add a delumper to your
1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
You can also open the UnitOps property view by clicking the
F12 hot key.
2. Click the Upstream Ops radio button.
3. From the list of available unit operations, select Delumper.
4. Click the Add button.

1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Palette. The Object
Palette appears.
You can also open the Object Palette by pressing F4.

3-26 Delumper

2. Click on the Upstream Ops icon. The Upstream Object

Palette appears.

Figure 3.21

Ops icon

3. In the Upstream Object Palette, double-click the Delumper


Delumper icon The Delumper property view appears.

Figure 3.22

• To delete the Delumper operation, click the Delete

button. HYSYS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
You can also delete a Delumper by clicking on the
Delumper icon on the PFD and pressing the DELETE key.

Lumper and Delumper 3-27

• To ignore the Delumper during calculations, select the

Ignored checkbox. HYSYS completely disregards the
operation (and cannot calculate the outlet stream) until
you restore it to an active state by clearing the checkbox.

3.2.2 Design Tab

The Design tab consists of the following pages:
• Connections
• Parameters
• Delumping
• User Variables
• Notes

Connections Page
The Connections page is used to define all of the connections to
the Delumper.

Figure 3.23

3-28 Delumper

On the Connections page, you can:

• specify the inlet streams to attach to the operation in the
Inlet Streams group

You can specify one or more inlet streams using one or more
different fluid packages. The fluid packages may have
different component lists.

• modify the name of the operation in the Name field

• specify the name of the outlet stream in the Outlet
Stream Name field

Parameters Page
The Parameters page allows you to specify the outlet settings
and automatic pressure assignment.

Figure 3.24

Lumper and Delumper 3-29

The Outlet Settings group consists of the following parameters:

Parameters Description
Fluid Pkg Name Allows you to specify the name for the fluid package to
be generated.
For more information on Property Pkg You can select the Equation of State (EOS) property
the EOS property package from the drop-down list:
packages, refer to the • Peng-Robinson
Equations of State • PRSV
(EOS) section from
• Sour PR
Section 2.4.1 - Set Up
Tab in the HYSYS
• Kabadi-Danner
Simulation Basis
guide. • Sour SRK
A new fluid package with components will be created
during the delumping process.
Comp List Name Allows you to specify the name for the component list
to be generated.
Bulk Viscosity Fit The first temperature at which the outlet stream bulk
Temperature 1 viscosity is to match that of the combined feed.
Bulk Viscosity Fit The second temperature at which the outlet stream
Temperature 2 bulk viscosity is to match that of the combined feed.
Flash Type with You can select the flash type to be used for the outlet
Respect to Feeds stream with respect to the combined feed. There are
two options:
• T-P Flash
• P-H Flash
Outlet Stream This group appears when you select T-P as the flash
Temperature type from the Flash Type with Respect to Feeds drop-
Group down list. There are two radio buttons in the Outlet
Stream Temperature group:
• Auto Calculated. The outlet stream temperature
will be automatically calculated based on the
combined feed. You cannot specify the outlet
stream temperature in the Value field.
• Specified. You have to specify the outlet stream
temperature in the Value field.

The Automatic Pressure Assignment group consists of the

following radio buttons:
• Equalize All. Click this radio button, if you want to force
all stream pressure to be the same.
• Set Outlet to Lowest Inlet. Click this radio button, if
you want the outlet pressure to be the lowest inlet

3-30 Delumper

Delumping Page
On the Delumping page, you can select the delumping method
that you want to use.

Figure 3.25

There is currently one delumping method:

Component Recovery: You may choose to recover none to
all of the lumped input hypothetical components. The default
is to recover all lumped hypothetical components to their
original constituent components, regardless how many times
the components have been lumped, as well as how many
intermediate unit operations exist between the lumpers and
the current delumper.

For the Component Recovery method only the lumped

hypothetical components can be delumped.

Lumper and Delumper 3-31

The outlet component list may include the individual

components from the input list, and recovered components from
the lumped components in the input components list.

Figure 3.26

Components in Delumped
the outlet hypothetical
component list. components

packaged in the

HYSYS calculates the total number of the

outlet components.

Sorting the Available Lumped Hypothetical

You can sort the available lumped hypothetical components in
the inlet group by clicking on the appropriate radio button.

Radio Button Description

None The components remain in the original order. This is the
order when you added the components to the fluid
package component list.
Boiling Point You can sort the components according to the boiling
point of each component.
Molecular You can sort the components according to the molecular
Weight weight of each component.
Molar Flow You can sort the components according to the molar flow
(Rev) of each component. The component with the largest
molar flow is on the top.

3-32 Delumper

Delumping All Available Lumped

Hypothetical Components
You can delump all the lumped hypotheticals that are shown in
the available lumped hypothetical list of the Inlet group.

Figure 3.27

To delump all the available lumped hypothetical components:

1. Click the Delump All Hypos button.
2. The delumped hypothetical components appear in the
Delumped Hypos group.

Delumping Available Lumped Hypothetical

You can delump the lumped hypothetical components from the
inlet components list to the delumped hypos list.
1. From the Avail. Lumped Hypos list of the Inlet group, select
the lumped hypothetical component you want to delump.
2. Click the Delump Hypo button. The selected lumped
hypothetical component appears in the Delumped Hypos

Lumper and Delumper 3-33

Keeping All Available Lumped Hypothetical

You can keep all the lumped hypotheticals that are shown in the
available lumped hypothetical list of the Inlet group.
1. Click the Keep All Hypos button.
2. The lumped hypothetical component appears in the outlet
components list of the Outlet group.

Figure 3.28

Keeping Available Lumped Hypothetical

You can add lumped hypothetical components from the inlet
components list to the output component list.
1. From the Avail. Lumped Hypos list of the Inlet group, select
the lumped hypothetical component you want to add to the
output component list.
2. Click the Add Hypo to Keep button. The selected lumped
hypothetical component is added to the outlet component
list of the Outlet group.

3-34 Delumper

Removing Kept Lumped Hypothetical

Ensure that you have the lumped hypothetical component
selected in the outlet components list before you can remove
the lumped hypothetical component.

1. From the components list in the Outlet group, select the

lumped hypothetical component you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove Kept Hypo button. The lumped
hypothetical component will now be displayed in the inlet
component list.

You cannot remove the individual components from the

outlet component list.

Restoring the Delumped Hypothetical

You can restore the delumped hypothetical components.
1. From the Delumped Hypos group, select the delumped
hypothetical component you want to restore.
2. Click the Restore Hypo button. The delumped hypothetical
component appears in the Avail. Lumped Hypos list of the
Inlet group.

Lumper and Delumper 3-35

Sorting the Output Components

The outlet component list may include the individual
components from the input list, and recovered components
from the lumped components in the input components list.

You can sort the available components in the Outlet Components

list by clicking on the Sort Comp List button. The Sorting
Outputs Components for Delumper property view appears.

Figure 3.29

In the Sort Method group, you can select the method you want
to use to sort the output components by clicking on the Manual
or Automatic radio button.

3-36 Delumper

Manual Sort Method

By default the Manual radio button is selected. To sort manually:
1. From the Component(s) to Move list, select the component
you want to move. The Move button is enabled.
2. From the Insert Before list, select the component you want
the component from the Component(s) to Move list to be
inserted before.

Figure 3.30

3. Click the Move button. For example, the figure below shows
that Propane has been moved before 3-Mhexane.

Figure 3.31

4. Close the Sorting Outputs Components for Delumper

property view to return to the Delumping page.

Lumper and Delumper 3-37

Automatic Sort Method

When you select the Automatic radio button, the Sort By group

Radio Button Description

None The components will be put in the order before the
sorting property view is launched.
Boiling Point You can sort the components according to the boiling
point of each component.
Molecular You can sort the components according to the molecular
Weight weight of each component.
Molar Flow You can sort the components according to the molar flow
(Rev) of each component. The component with the largest
molar flow is on the top.

Calculating the Delumper Unit Operation

The Submit Changes button is enabled when there is sufficient
information for the Delumper to calculate. By clicking this
button, HYSYS will calculate the unit operation based on the
current information. Therefore, the Submit Changes button can
be viewed as an ad hoc test button.

If you want to test what happens with the current changes,

click the Submit Changes button. If you have finished
editing, close the property view to enable on-the-fly

Closing the Delumper Property View and On-

the-Fly Calculations
When the Delumper property view is open, HYSYS assumes that
the delumper is still in editing mode and most of the calculations
are on hold. Therefore, you must click the Submit Changes
button to calculate the unit operation. If you have finished
editing and want to enable on-the-fly calculations, you have to
close the Delumper property view.

3-38 References

User Variables Page

For more information, The User Variables page allows you to create and implement
refer to Chapter 5 -
User Variables in the variables in the HYSYS simulation case.
HYSYS Customization

Notes Page
For more information, The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record
refer to Section 7.19 -
Notes Manager in the
any comments or information regarding the specific unit
HYSYS User Guide. operation, or the simulation case in general.

3.2.3 Rating Tab

This unit operation currently does not have rating features.

3.2.4 Worksheet Tab

Refer to Section 1.3.10 The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information
- Worksheet Tab in the
HYSYS Operations
contained in the stream property view for all the streams
Guide for more attached to the operation.

3.2.5 Dynamics Tab

This unit operation is currently not available for dynamic

3.3 References
Montel, F and Gouel P.L., A new Lumping Scheme of Analytical Data
for Compositional Studies. Presented at the 59th Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Sept. 16-19, 1984; Paper SPE

Aspen Hydraulics 4-1

4 Aspen Hydraulics

4.1 Introduction................................................................................... 3

4.2 Aspen Hydraulics Property View .................................................... 3

4.2.1 PFD Tab .................................................................................. 4
4.2.2 Connections Tab....................................................................... 7
4.2.3 Steady State Tab...................................................................... 8
4.2.4 Dynamics Tab ........................................................................ 10
4.2.5 Profiles Tab............................................................................ 11
4.2.6 Variables Tab ......................................................................... 12
4.2.7 Transfer Basis Tab .................................................................. 14
4.2.8 Transition Tab ........................................................................ 15
4.2.9 Notes Tab.............................................................................. 15

4-2 Aspen Hydraulics

Aspen Hydraulics 4-3

4.1 Introduction
The hydraulics functionality is available in the Aspen Hydraulics
operation that enhances the pipeline simulation of pipes,
junctions, mixers, swages, and valves within HYSYS.

The pipeline and hydraulic network simulations can be solved in

Steady State mode or Dynamic mode on a single network, with
the ability to switch between the two modes and also switch
between solvers.

4.2 Aspen Hydraulics

Property View
The Aspen Hydraulics operation within HYSYS is a based on a
standard flowsheet that allows creation of operations supported
by Aspen Hydraulics.

To add an Aspen Hydraulics to your simulation:

1. In the Flowsheet menu, click the Add Operation command
or press F12. The UnitOps property view appears.
2. Click the Piping Equipment or Upstream Ops radio
3. From the list of available unit operations, select Aspen
Hydraulics Sub-Flowsheet.
4. Click the Add button. The Aspen Hydraulics property view

To ignore the Aspen Hydraulics operation during calculations,

select the Ignored checkbox. HYSYS disregards the operation
until you clear the checkbox.

If there are errors in the configuration or calculation of the

Aspen Hydraulics sub-flowsheet, the Warning button located
beside the status bar will become active. Click the active
Warning button to open the Warnings property view and see
what caused the error(s).

4-4 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

4.2.1 PFD Tab

The PFD tab enables you to create the sub-flowsheet containing
the hydraulics configuration.

Refer to the following The options available in the PFD tab are exactly the same as the
sections from the HYSYS options available in the HYSYS PFD property view. The only
User Guide for more
information on PFD: difference between the HYSYS PFD and the Aspen Hydraulics
• Section 10.3 - PFD is the reduced number of unit operations available in Aspen
Editing the PFD Hydraulics.
• Section 3.4 -
• Section 7.24 - PFD

Aspen Hydraulics 4-5

The following table briefly describes the options available in the


Name Icon Description

Attach Mode Enables you to activate the Attach mode. In
Attach mode:
• You can connect operations with each other
or with an existing stream, and create
streams attached to operations.
• The connection nozzles and ports
automatically appear for each object icon in
the PFD, when the cursor passes over the
Auto Attach Enables you to activate the Auto Attach mode. In
Mode the Auto Attach mode, new operations placed on
the PFD automatically have their own required
material and energy streams connected to them.
Size Mode Enables you to activate the Size mode. In Size
mode, you can shrink or enlarge the selected
object icons.
Break Enables you to activate the Break mode. In the
Connection Break mode, you can break the connection
between a stream and an operation.
Swap Enables you to activate the Swap mode. In the
Connection Swap mode, you can switch the nozzle connection
points for two streams attached to the same
Drag Zoom Enables you to zoom/focus into a specified region/
area of the PFD.

Add Text Enables you to adds text to the PFD.

Quick Route Enables you to move icons quickly about the PFD.
Mode In other words, icons can be moved with their
attached stream lines overlapping the other object
Drag Mode Enables you to shift and drag the PFD frame
property view to different areas/sections of the
entire PFD.
Object Enables you to access the Object Palette of the
Palette PFD.

Colour Enables you to access the PFD Colour Schemes

Scheme property view.

Colour Scheme drop- Enables you to select different PFD colour

down list schemes.
Zoom Out Zooms the display out by 25%.

Zoom All Displays all visible objects in the current PFD.

Zoom In Zooms the display in by 25%.

4-6 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

Aspen Hydraulics Object Palette

The Aspen Hydraulics object palette contains the following

Name Icon Description

Material add a material stream to the PFD.
Energy add an energy stream to the PFD.
Valve add a valve to the PFD.

Pipe add a pipe to the PFD.

Swage add a swage to the PFD.

T-Junction add a T-junction mixer to the PFD.


T-Junction add a T-junction splitter to the PFD.


Complex add a multi-segment pipe to the PFD.

Pipe Bend add a pipe bend to the PFD.

Orifice add an orfice to the PFD.

Refer to Section 8.1.1 - Install Objects Using the Object

Palette in the HYSYS User Guide for more information.

Unit operations inside the Aspen Hydraulics sub-flowsheet

have their own data entry views that only accept the data
Aspen Hydraulics supports.

Aspen Hydraulics 4-7

4.2.2 Connections Tab

The Connections tab enables you to specify the name of the
Aspen Hydraulics operation and the streams flowing into and out
of the operation.

The following table lists and describes the options available on

the Connections tab:

Object Description
Name field Enables you specify the name of the Aspen Hydraulics.
The default name is HYDR-#.
Tag field Enables you specify the tag name for the subflowsheet.
The default tag name is TPL#.
Inlet Connections to Sub-Flowsheet group
Internal Stream Displays the name of internal stream in Aspen
column Hydraulics sub-flowsheet that can be connected to the
streams in the Main flowsheet.
External Stream Enables you to specify or select the external stream
column (flowing from the Main flowsheet into the Aspen
Hydraulics sub-flowsheet) connected to the internal
stream in Aspen Hydraulics.
Outlet Connections to Sub-Flowsheet group
Internal Stream Displays the name of internal stream in Aspen
column Hydraulics sub-flowsheet that can be connected to the
streams in the Main flowsheet.
External Stream Enables you to specify or select the external stream (in
column the Main flowsheet) connected to the internal stream
(flowing from Aspen Hydraulics sub-flowsheet).

4-8 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

4.2.3 Steady State Tab

The Steady State tab enables you to configure the solver options
used to solve the Aspen Hydraulics at Steady State mode. The
following table lists and describes the options available on the
Steady State tab:

Object Description
Solver list Enables you to select and see the list of solver methods available in
Steady State mode.
By default, the standard Aspen Hydraulic Steady State Solver is selected.
Status group Displays the calculation status of the selected solver method.
• Inner Iteration. Current iteration in the solution of the network
with the problem reduced to a convergent branched model.
• Inner Pressure Error. Worst error in the pressure at any location
in the model. This is a relative fractional value.
• Inner Energy Error. Worst error in the energy balance at any
location in the model. This is a relative fractional value.
• Outer Iteration. Current iteration in the solution of for unknown
flow directions in looped or divergent models.
• Outer Error. Worst error in the calculated pressures at the tear
locations in looped or divergent models.
• Current Unit Op. Unit operation currently being calculated.
Abort button Enables you to abort the calculation of the selected solver method.

Aspen Hydraulics 4-9

Object Description
Do Error Enables you to toggle between checking or ignoring errors in the
Checking calculation.
Solver Control Enables you to specify the calculation parameter values of the selected
group solver.
• Max. Inner Iterations. Defines the maximum number of
iterations for the solution of the network with the problem reduced
to a convergent branched model.
• Inner Tolerance. Defines the solution tolerance for the maximum
error in the pressure and energy balance at any point in the
network for the solution of the network with the problem reduced to
a convergent branched model. The tolerance is a relative fractional
• Inner Damping Factor. If the solution oscillates then specification
of a value between 0.1 and 1 may assist convergence. This should
not normally be required except in cases of extreme choking at a
pressure boundary.
• Max. Outer Iterations. Defines the maximum number of
iterations for iterative solution of the reduced convergent branched
model to solve for unknown flow directions in looped or divergent
• Outer Tolerance. Defines the solution tolerance for the maximum
error in the calculated pressures at the tear locations in looped or
divergent models. The tolerance is a relative fractional value. This
should normally be of the order of 100 * the Inner Tolerance.
• Min.Jacobian Step / Max Jacobian Step. The solution of looped
or divergent models requires calculation of a Jacobian matrix that is
determined by finite difference. The step size for this calculation is
determine internally by the solver subject to these constraints.
These values should only very rarely need to be changed.

4-10 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

4.2.4 Dynamics Tab

The Dynamics tab enables you to configure the solver options
used to solve the Aspen Hydraulics at Dynamics mode. The
following table lists and describes the options on the Dynamics

Object Description
Solver list Enables you to select and see the list of solver methods
available in Dynamics mode.
By default, the standard Aspen Hydraulic Dynamic Solver is
selected. In addition, Aspen Hydraulics also provides a
three phase Dynamic Solver and a Compositional Solver.
(The Compositional Solver requires an Aspen Properties
Composition Provides component holdup tracking throughout a dynamic
Tracking network.
Enables a synthetic component balance as the Aspen
Hydraulic Dynamic Solvers do not provide a composition
model. This option is not available when the Compositional
Solver is selected.
PVT Contains the following options for you to configure the PVT
Generation Generation calculation:
group • Drop-down list enables you to select the PVT
Generation method you want to apply to the
• The Modify PVT Table button enables you to change
the PVT Table Bounds for Pressure and Temperature
• The Enable PVT Table Regeneration checkbox
enables you to toggle between regenerating or not
regenerating the values in the PVT table during the
• Tolerance field enables you to specify the set
percentage tolerance to which the PVT table values
are regenerated.
This group is not available when the Compositional Solver
is selected.
Solver Enables you to configure the solver calculation parameter
Control values for Dynamics mode.
View Pig Allows you to view specifications of each pig. This button is
Options only active in Dynamic solver. If you select a 3-phase
Button Dynamic solver case, this button is disabled.
User Allows you to initialize the Aspen Hydraulics network with a
Dynamics globasl pressure and temperature. This view is only
Initialization applicable if Dynamic Initialization option is set to “cold
Button start.”

Aspen Hydraulics 4-11

4.2.5 Profiles Tab

The Profiles tab enables you to configure a table and graph
profile data of select pipes in the Aspen Hydraulics sub-
flowsheet. The following table lists and describes the options on
the Profiles tab:

Object Description
Profile List Enables you to select and view composite profiles
available in the Aspen Hydraulics sub-flowsheet.
Add button Enables you to access the Profile Editor property view
and create a new profile.
Insert button Enables you to access the Profile Editor property view
and create a new profile.
Edit button Enables you to access the Profile Editor property view
of the selected profile and modify the pipe selection of
the selected profile.
Delete button Enables you to delete the selected profile.
Table button Enables you to access the selected profile data in
tabular format.
Plot button Enables you to access the selected profile data in plot

Profile Editor Property View

The Profile Editor property view enables you to edit a profile.

Figure 4.1

4-12 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

The following table lists and describes options on the Profile

Editor property view:

Object Description
Selected Unit Displays the list of unit operations you have selected
Ops list for the current composite profile.
Available Unit Enables you to select the unit operations available for
Ops list the current profile.
Profile Name Enables you to specify a name for the current profile.
Add button Enables you to add the selected unit operations to the
current profile. The added unit operation’s name will
appear in the Selected Unit Ops list.
Insert button Enables you to add the selected unit operations to the
current profile. The added unit operation’s name will
appear in the Selected Unit Ops list.
Delete button Enables you to remove the selected unit operation
from the Selected Unit Ops list and the current profile.
OK button Enables you to close the Profile Editor property view
and accept the current selection for the profile.
This button only becomes active after you specified a
name for the profile.
Cancel button Enables you to exit the Profile Editor property view
without accepting the current selection for the profile.

4.2.6 Variables Tab

The Variables tab enables you to select modifiable variables for
the Aspen Hydraulics calculation parameters.

Object Description
Data Source Enables you to see and select the variable source object.
column For example, you can select different streams for the
vapour fraction variable.
Description Enables you to modify the name/description of the selected
column variables.
Value Enables you to modify the value of the variable
Unit Column Enables you to modify the type of units used to measure
the variable
Add button Enables you to access the Add Variable To... View and
add a variable to the Aspen Hydraulics calculation

Aspen Hydraulics 4-13

Object Description
Edit button Enables you to edit the configuration/selection of the
selected variable in the Externally Accessible Variables
Delete Enables you to remove the selected variable in the
button Externally Accessible Variables group.

Add Variable To... View

The Add Variable To... view enables you to select the variable
type and source for the Aspen Hydraulics calculation

Figure 4.2

To select a variable:
1. In the Object list, select the object that contains the
variable you want.
You can filter the list of objects in the Object list by
selecting the appropriate radio button in the Object Filter
2. In the Variable list, select the variable you want to modify.
If required, you can select the specifics of the selected
variable in the Variable Specifics group.
3. In the Variable Description field, you can modify the
variable name or accept the HYSYS default name.
4. Click the OK button.
You can click the Disconnect button if you want to remove
the selected variable from the Aspen Hydraulics calculation

4-14 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

You can click the Cancel button to exit the Add Variable To...
property view without accepting any of the changes or
selections in the property view.

4.2.7 Transfer Basis Tab

The Transfer Basis tab enables you to select the transfer basis
for each stream that have two different fluid package.

Object Description
Inlet Streams group
Name column Enables you to see and specify the name of the
streams going into the Aspen Hydraulics sub-
Transfer Basis Enables you to select the type of transfer basis for the
column associate stream.
Outlet Streams group
Name column Enables you to see and specify the name of the
streams exiting out of the Aspen Hydraulics sub-
Transfer Basis Enables you to select the type of transfer basis for the
column associate stream.

Aspen Hydraulics contains six types of transfer basis:

Transfer Basis Description

T-P Flash The Pressure and Temperature of the Material stream
are passed between flowsheets. A new Vapour Fraction
is calculated.
VF-T Flash The Vapour Fraction and Temperature of the Material
stream are passed between flowsheets. A new
Pressure is calculated.
VF-P Flash The Vapour Fraction and Pressure of the Material
stream are passed between flowsheets. A new
Temperature is calculated.
P-H Flash The Pressure and Enthalpy of the Material stream are
passed between flowsheets.
User Specs You define the properties passed between flowsheets
for a Material stream.
None Required No calculation is required for an Energy stream. The
heat flow is simply passed between flowsheets.

Aspen Hydraulics 4-15

4.2.8 Transition Tab

For more information, The Transition tab allows you to select and modify the stream
refer to the section on the
Transition Tab in the transfer and map methods for the fluid component composistion
HYSYS Operations across fluid package boundaries. You have three options for
transition types:
• FluidPkg Transition
• Basis Transition
• Black Oil Transition

4.2.9 Notes Tab

For more information, The Notes tab provides a text editor where you can record any
refer to Section 1.3.5 -
Notes Page/Tab in the comments or information regarding the specific unit operation or
HYSYS Operations the simulation case in general.

4-16 Aspen Hydraulics Property View

PIPESIM Link 5-1


5.1 Introduction................................................................................... 2
5.1.1 How This Chapter Is Organized .................................................. 2
5.1.2 Disclaimer ............................................................................... 3

5.2 PIPESIM Link Extension ................................................................. 4

5.2.1 PIPESIM Link Features .............................................................. 5
5.2.2 Adding the PIPESIM Link ........................................................... 6
5.2.3 PIPESIM Link User Interface ...................................................... 8
5.2.4 PIPESIM Link Property View ....................................................... 8

5.3 PIPESIM Link Tutorial .................................................................. 17

5.3.1 Flowsheet SetUp .................................................................... 18
5.3.2 Adding the PIPESIM Link Extension........................................... 19
5.3.3 Importing the PIPESIM Case .................................................... 21
5.3.4 Plotting PIPESIM Data............................................................. 23

5-2 Introduction

5.1 Introduction
We are pleased to introduce the PIPESIM Single Branch
Extension to HYSYS - the first and only commercial coupling
between petroleum and process simulation. This extension is a
result of a collaborative development between Hyprotech and
Schlumberger. Together we are working on a vision of “Total
Hydrocarbon Asset Management”. Examining the sensitivity of
production and process systems simultaneously or performing
production system optimization can yield significant production
benefits, sometimes as high as 15% increases in production. We
at Hyprotech and Schlumberger aim to bring you the
commercial software tools to achieve these gains.

Hyprotech and Schlumberger have announced an alliance aimed

at producing the first fully integrated, commercial Production
System Model. In this, the first product from our alliance,
Schlumberger’s industry leading wellbore, tubing, and flowline
simulation software, PIPESIM, has been coupled into
Hyprotech’s HYSYS simulation environment, allowing for the
development of models from well description through the entire
process production facilities sharing common PVT descriptions
from the HYSYS thermodynamics.

Existing PIPESIM production models of wells, flowlines, and

risers can be imported into the HYSYS environment and used
seamlessly as a HYSYS unit operation using the power of the
PIPESIM engine in the background. This first release is limited to
a serial string of devices within the PIPESIM model where there
is no change in composition; all composition changes are
handled within the HYSYS environment. However, one can add
multiple PIPESIM extensions to any HYSYS simulation.

5.1.1 How This Chapter Is

This chapter is a comprehensive guide that details all the
procedures you need to work with the PIPESIM Link extension.

PIPESIM Link 5-3

To help you learn how to use PIPESIM Link efficiently, this

chapter thoroughly describes the property views and capabilities
of the PIPESIM Link as well as outlining the procedural steps
needed for running the extension. The basics of building a
simple PIPESIM Link model is explored in the tutorial (example)
problem. The case is presented as a logical sequence of steps
that outline the basic procedures needed to build a PIPESIM Link

This chapter also outlines the relevant parameters for defining

the entire extension and its environment. Each property view is
defined on a page-by-page basis to give you a complete
understanding of the data requirements for the components and
the capabilities of the extension.

The PIPESIM Link chapter does not detail HYSYS procedures and
assumes that you are familiar with the HYSYS environment and
conventions. If you require more information on working with
HYSYS, please refer to the HYSYS User Guide.

In this chapter, you will find all the information you require to
set up a case and work efficiently within the simulation
environment. If you require more information regarding
PIPESIM 2000 please refer to the PIPESIM 2000 reference

5.1.2 Disclaimer
PIPESIM Link is the proprietary software developed jointly by
Hyprotech, a subsidiary of Aspen Technology Inc., (hereafter
known as Hyprotech) and Schlumberger (hereafter known as

Neither Hyprotech nor Schlumberger make any representations

or warranties of any kind whatsoever with respect to the
contents hereof and specifically disclaims without limitation any
and all implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for any
particular purpose. Neither Hyprotech nor Schlumberger will
have any liability for any errors contained herein or for any
losses or damages, whether direct, indirect or consequential,
arising from the use of the software or resulting from the results

5-4 PIPESIM Link Extension

obtained through the use of the software or any disks,

documentation or other means of utilisation supplied by
Hyprotech or Schlumberger.

Hyprotech and Schlumberger reserve the right to revise this

publication at any time to make changes in the content hereof
without notification to any person of any such revision or

5.2 PIPESIM Link

The PIPESIM Link Extension is a unit operation for using the
PIPESIM software package used to simulate pipeline systems
within the HYSYS framework. The PIPESIM Link functions in the
same manner as any HYSYS unit operation or application in
terms of its layout and data entry methods. The property view
consists of three worksheet tabs. At the bottom of each
worksheet is a status bar which guides data entry and indicates
required information, as well as indicating the status of the
PIPESIM simulation once the calculation has been initialized.

PIPESIM has a comprehensive suite of methods and correlations

for modeling single and multi-phase flow in production
equipment and is capable of accurately simulating a wide range
of conditions and situations. You have the option of using the
default correlations for the PIPESIM calculations, or specifying
your own set from the list of available methods for each
parameter. Any change to the PIPESIM models must be done
from within the PIPESIM environment.

PIPESIM is fully compatible with all of the gas, liquid, and gas/
liquid fluid packages in HYSYS. You can combine PIPESIM and
HYSYS objects in any configuration during the construction of a
HYSYS flowsheet. PIPESIM objects can be inserted at any point
in the flowsheet where single or multi-phase pipe flow effects
must be accounted for in the process simulation.

PIPESIM Link 5-5

5.2.1 PIPESIM Link Features

The PIPESIM Link extension is functionally equivalent to a
HYSYS flowsheet operation. It is installed in a flowsheet and
connected to material streams. Unlike a standard pipe segment,
an energy stream is not supported. All PIPESIM Link Extension
properties are accessed and changed through a set of property
views that are simple and convenient to use. The starting point
for the definition of a PIPESIM Link Operation is the PIPESIM
Link property view.

The PIPESIM Link property view is where the inlet and outlet
material streams are specified. The Inlet Object and Outlet
Object fields are read only. These fields are blank when the
extension is first installed. Once the PIPESIM Link model has
been selected, via the Model page, the names of the boundary
objects within the PIPESIM Link model will be displayed

Solution is possible with connection of either a single or both

ends of the unit operation. The following specifications are
supported in addition to the inlet temperature that must always
be specified if a connection.
• Inlet Connection: Inlet flow or inlet pressure
• Outlet Connection: Outlet flow or outlet pressure
(Outlet flow specification is only supported for models in
which as Adder/Multiplier operation is not used)
• Both Ends: Inlet flow and inlet pressure
• Inlet flow and outlet pressure
• Inlet pressure and outlet pressure

The HYSYS specifications will always override any specifications

made within the PIPESIM model.

The following restrictions may surprise experienced HYSYS

• An outlet flow specification is not the same as an inlet
flow specification since the PIPESIM Link model may
manipulate the flow such that the inlet does not equal
the outlet flow.
• Negative flowrate cases are not supported for modeling
reverse flow.

5-6 PIPESIM Link Extension

5.2.2 Adding the PIPESIM Link

For further details on To add a PIPESIM Link Extension to a HYSYS case:
creating a HYSYS case,
refer to Chapter 5 - 1. Create a HYSYS case suitable for the addition of the PIPESIM
Basis Environment in Link Extension. As a minimum, you must create a case with
the HYSYS User Guide. a fluid package and two material streams.
2. From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
3. From the Categories group, select the Extensions radio
4. From the Available Unit Operations group, select
PIPESIM Enhanced Link.

Figure 5.1

PIPESIM Link 5-7

5. Click the Add button. The PIPESIM Link property view


Figure 5.2

6. On the Connections page of the Design tab, select the

material streams from the Inlet and Outlet drop-down lists.
If you have not yet installed these streams in the case, type
the material stream names in the Inlet and Outlet fields.
7. To define the stream conditions, click on the Worksheet tab
and then the Conditions page.

Following these steps allows you to complete the installation of a

PIPESIM Link Extension. Once the calculations are complete the
Object Status bar will be green and state OK.

5-8 PIPESIM Link Extension

5.2.3 PIPESIM Link User

The PIPESIM Link user interface is completely integrated into
the HYSYS environment and conforms to all HYSYS usage
conventions for operations and data entry. If you are an
experienced user of HYSYS, you will already be familiar with all
of the features of the PIPESIM Link user interface. If you are a
new user, you should begin by studying the HYSYS User
Guide, since you will need to learn more about HYSYS before
you can use the PIPESIM Link Extension.

Like all HYSYS property views, the PIPESIM Link property view
allows you access to all of the information associated with a
particular item. The property view has a number of tabs and on
each tab are pages of related parameters.

5.2.4 PIPESIM Link Property

The PIPESIM Link property view allows you to enter the data
that defines the basic characteristics of a PIPESIM Link

The the Ignore checkbox at the bottom of the property view can
be selected if you want to disable the concurrent calculation of
intermediate results during data entry. HYSYS completely
disregards the operation until you restore it to an active state by
clearing the checkbox.

This setting is recommended if you have a slow computer

and data processing is slowing down the entry process or if
you want to delay the calculations until you have entered all
of your data.

The PIPESIM Link property view is the starting point for the
definition of any PIPESIM Link operation.

PIPESIM Link 5-9

The PIPESIM Link property view consists of the following tabs:

• Design
• Performance
• Worksheet

Design Tab
The Design tab is used to define the connections between the
HYSYS simulation case and the PIPESIM Link operation, to
import and export PIPESIM cases, and to view the basis for
tabular physical properties.

Connections Page
The Connections page allows you to select the input and output
material streams using the drop-down list or by typing the new
material streams in the Inlet and Outlet fields. You can also
enter a name for the operation in the Name field.

Figure 5.3

5-10 PIPESIM Link Extension

Model Page
The Model page allows you to import, export, and edit a
PIPESIM model.

Figure 5.4

The text editor

allows you to
record any
comments or
regarding the
PIPESIM link or
your simulation
case in general.

The Original PIPESIM Model field is read only and echoes the
original path and file name of the model that is imported via the
Import button.

The Original PIPESIM Model field is for documentation

purposes only since the model is embedded within the
HYSYS model rather than referenced at the location in this
field. It may be empty if the model has been created from
within the link, rather than by importing an existing PIPESIM

The Import button allows you to import an existing PIPESIM

model. Clicking the Import button opens the standard Window
file picker property view that allows model selection. Only single
branch models identified by the *.bps extension can be selected.

The Edit Model button loads and runs the PIPESIM2000 GUI with
the current model. If a model has not been imported then the
PIPESIM2000 GUI contains an empty model. When the GUI is
loaded, a work file name appears in the caption bar. The model

PIPESIM Link 5-11

can be freely edited, but in order for changes to be reflected in

the HYSYS flowsheet, it must be saved under the same file

Figure 5.5

The PIPESIM2000 GUI appears modally, so HYSYS does not

continue its calculation until the GUI is closed. The PIPESIM
model is saved with the HYSYS case and not recorded stand

The Export button allows you to make a copy of the PIPESIM

model reflecting any changes made since importing it. Clicking
the Export button opens the standard Windows file picker
property view that allows selection of the file name. Only single
branch models identified by the *.bps extension can be selected.
Notice that only the configuration of the pipes and nodes will be
changed. The source composition data is not changed to reflect
the current composition of the feed stream in the HYSYS

5-12 PIPESIM Link Extension

The PIPESIM model may not contain any unit operations that
change the compositions of the fluid because the PVT table
corresponds to a single composition. Thus the following
restrictions apply:
• Vapour/Liquid separators are not supported.
• Well completions cannot use gas lift.

If any of these constraints are violated the status bar gives an

appropriate indication and the link will not attempt to solve.

PVT Page
The PIPESIM model solves using tabular physical properties
generated by the chosen HYSYS property package. The PVT
table defines the extents and granularity of the table. The table
is regenerated using the current feed composition each time the
link resolves. A maximum of 20 pressure and 20 temperature
points can be specified.

Figure 5.6

PIPESIM Link 5-13

If you want to set the values of the pressure and temperature

points to correspond to the internal PIPESIM default values, click
the Set to Default button. The pressure and temperature default
values are::

Pressure (psia)
14.50 24.95 43.51 64.98 99.93 145.0 200.0 290.1 450.1 625.7
1000 1450 2000 2901 4500 6527 10000 1450 20000 29010

Temperature (°F)
-60 -30 0 32 60 90 120 150 180 212
240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510

Calculations do not start unless the data is in ascending order. If

the data is not sorted in ascending order, you can sort the data
by clicking on the Sort button.

The Export button allows you to export the PVT table file for
standalone use with PIPESIM.

Performance Tab
The Performance tab contains two pages that allow you to view
a table of the profile data and to view the traditional PIPESIM

5-14 PIPESIM Link Extension

Profiles Page
The Profiles page displays the profile data in tabular formate for
the following key variables vs. axial distance along the pipe:
• Mass Flow
• Pressure
• Temperature
• Holdup (actual volumetric)
• Velocity

Figure 5.7

PIPESIM Link 5-15

The PIPESIM page displays the traditional PIPESIM output. The
type of information shown depends on the radio button you
have selected in the View group:
• None. Select the None radio button, if the link is within a
recycle and/or adjust loop to minimise the overhead of
importing the results files into the display widget.
• Output File. Displays all results and an echo of the
PIPESIM model data.
• Summary File. Displays a summary of the calculated
pressure/temperature/flow profile.

Figure 5.8

Pipe profiles can also be viewed by clicking the PSPLOT button

on the PIPESIM page. The PSPLOT button loads and runs the
PIPESIM plotting utility.

5-16 PIPESIM Link Extension

The PIPESIM plotting utility can be used to display any of the

profile results that have been calculated by PIPESIM.

Figure 5.9

The PSPLOT appears modally, so HYSYS does not continue its

calculations until the PSPLOT is closed.

Worksheet Tab
Refer to the Section The Worksheet tab allows you to directly edit the material
1.3.10 - Worksheet Tab
in the HYSYS streams that are attached to the PIPESIM Link operation without
Operations Guide for having to open the material streams property views.
more information on the
Worksheet tab.

PIPESIM Link 5-17

5.3 PIPESIM Link Tutorial

The purpose of the tutorial is to insert a PIPESIM pipeline into
HYSYS that has a series of connecting components. In this
example, you will go through the steps of importing a PIPESIM
model into HYSYS. All units of measurement in this example are
SI, but you can change these to whatever unit system you are
accustomed to using.

For this case, a simple PIPESIM pipeline consisting of a fluid

source, a tubing, a choke, a flowline, an operator, a second
flowline, and a riser will be imported into HYSYS. The figure
below shows the PIPESIM piping schematic of the system.

Figure 5.10

5-18 PIPESIM Link Tutorial

5.3.1 Flowsheet SetUp

Before working with the PIPESIM Link Extension, you must first
create a HYSYS case.
1. In the Simulation Basis Manager, create a fluid package
using the Peng Robinson equation of state (EOS). Add the
components methane, ethane, propane, i-butane, n-butane,
i-pentane, n-pentane, n-hexane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide,
and hydrogen sulphide.

Property Package Components

Peng Robinson C1, C2, C3, i-C4, n-C4, i-C5, n-C5, C6, Nitrogen,
CO2, H2S

2. Create a stream named Inlet in the main Simulation

Environment and define it as follows:

Name Inlet
Temperature [°C] 150
Pressure [kPa] 16000
Molar Flow [kgmole/h] 360
Comp Mole Frac [methane] 0.7540
Comp Mole Frac [ethane] 0.1696
Comp Mole Frac [propane] 0.0410
Comp Mole Frac [i-Butane] 0.0068
Comp Mole Frac [n-Butane] 0.0100
Comp Mole Frac [i-Pentane] 0.0028
Comp Mole Frac [n-Pentane] 0.0026
Comp Mole Frac [n-Hexane] 0.0060
Comp Mole Frac [Nitrogen] 0.0066
Comp Mole Frac [CO2] 0.0003
Comp Mole Frac [H2S] 0.0003

PIPESIM Link 5-19

5.3.2 Adding the PIPESIM Link

Once the case is created, the PIPESIM Link Extension can be
1. From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
2. From the Categories group, select the Extensions radio
3. From the Available Unit Operations group, select
PIPESIM Enhanced Link.

Figure 5.11

5-20 PIPESIM Link Tutorial

4. On the Connections page of the Design tab complete the

page as shown in the figure below.

Figure 5.12

PIPESIM Link 5-21

5.3.3 Importing the PIPESIM

1. Click on the Model page on the Design tab of the PIPESIM
Link property view.
2. Click the Import button, and select the location of the
PIPESIM model wellmodel.bps.
3. To activate and/or to make changes to the PIPESIM model,
click the Edit Model button.

Figure 5.13

For the pipe to solve the PVT physical properties must be

specified. A maximum of 20 temperature and 20 pressure
points can be specified or defaults pressure and temperature
points that correspond to the internal PIPESIM can be
selected by clicking the Set to Default button.

5-22 PIPESIM Link Tutorial

4. Click the Set To Default button on the PVT page of the

Design Tab.

Figure 5.14

5. The HYSYS case will run and the stream results will appear
as shown in the figure below.

Figure 5.15

6. Save your completed case as PIPESIM1.hsc.

To add a table to a PFD, right-click on the PFD and select Add

Workbook Table command from the Object Inspect menu.

PIPESIM Link 5-23

The PFD generated for the completed case, plus a material

stream table is shown below:

Figure 5.16

5.3.4 Plotting PIPESIM Data

1. On the Performance tab, select the PIPESIM page.
2. Click the PSPLOT button to view a plot of your PIPESIM
data. When your plot opens you will see a plot of pressure
vs. time.
3. From the Edit menu, select Plot Setup to add temperature
to your plot.

Figure 5.17

5-24 PIPESIM Link Tutorial

4. Click the Add button to add a new series to your plot. Select
the Line plot type and click the OK button.
5. Click Close to exit the Plot Setup property view.
6. Click the Series menu to assign data to your new series.

Figure 5.18

7. From the Select Right Y Axis drop-down list, select

Temperature (C) and then click the OK button.

PIPESIM Link 5-25

When you are finished making these changes your plot will
look like the figure below.

Figure 5.19

5-26 PIPESIM Link Tutorial



6.1 Introduction................................................................................... 2

6.2 PIPESIM NET.................................................................................. 2

6.2.1 PIPESIM NET Property View ....................................................... 2
6.2.2 Design Tab .............................................................................. 3
6.2.3 Property Model Tab................................................................. 16
6.2.4 Performance Tab .................................................................... 18
6.2.5 Worksheet Tab ....................................................................... 25

6-2 Introduction

6.1 Introduction
PIPESIM NET is a data model and solver used for the solution of
network models. HYSYS links to compositional PIPESIM NET

For information on the HYSYS also links to the black oil PIPESIM NET models, which
PIPESIM 2000 Open Link,
refer to the Schlumberger
allow modeling of Gas Lift systems and faster execution speed
PIPESIM Reference for the PIPESIM NET models.
The PIPESIM 2000 GUI is used for editing and calculating

Open Link is an ActiveX component that allows programmatic

access to data within and execution control of the PIPESIM NET


PIPESIM NET is a unit operation for using the PIPESIM software
package used to simulate pipeline systems within the HYSYS

HYSYS and PIPESIM 2000 must be installed prior to adding

the PIPESIM NET unit operation.

6.2.1 PIPESIM NET Property

There are two ways that you can add a PIPESIM NET to your
1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
You can also open the UnitOps property view by clicking the
F12 hot key.
2. Click the Upstream Ops radio button.


3. From the list of available unit operations, select PIPESIM.

4. Click the Add button.

1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Palette. The Object
Palette appears.
You can also open the Object Palette by pressing F4.
2. Click on the Upstream Ops icon. The Upstream Palette

Figure 6.1

Ops icon

3. Double-click the PIPESIM NET icon.

The PIPESIM property view appears.


To delete the PIPESIM operation, click the Delete button. HYSYS

will ask you to confirm the deletion. You can also delete the
PIPESIM by clicking on the PIPESIM icon on the PFD and
pressing the DELETE key.

To ignore the PIPESIM during calculations, select the Ignored

checkbox. HYSYS completely disregards the operation (and
cannot calculate the outlet stream) until you restore it to an
active state by clearing the checkbox.

6.2.2 Design Tab

The Design tab consists of the following pages:
• Model
• Sources
• Sinks


• Simple Gas Lift

• Detailed Gas Lift
• Variables
• User Variables
• Notes

Model Page
The Model page allows you to link to the PIPESIM NET model.

You can change the name of the operation in the Name field.
You can also change the Fluid package to be associated with the
PIPESIM Net Operation by using the drop-down list at the
bottom of the page.

The Model page contains of three groups:

• PIPESIM Engine
• Property Model

PIPESIM Model Group

The PIPESIM Model group contains options than enables you to
configure the location of files used by PIPESIM Net.
• The Original File, On Computer, and Imported On
fields are read only fields that display the imported
PIPESIM NET model information.
• The XML Location field displays the location for the
PIPESIM NET model files, if the HYSYS case is managed
as an XML file. If the field is empty then the model files
are in the same directory as the HYSYS case. The models
files are the *.bpn, *.out, *.sum, and *.pns files for the
model plus the *.plc and *.plt files for any PIPESIM NET
objects that contain profile information.
• The Work Directory field is a read only field that is
displayed solely to assist in the diagnosis of computer
system related problems such as low free disk space.
The directory contains working copies of all the files that
comprise the PIPESIM NET model data and results.


• The Browse button allows you to select an existing

PIPESIM NET model (.bpn file).

Figure 6.2

You can select an existing PIPESIM NET model (.bpn file)

from the case studies that are available when you have
installed PIPESIM. These case studies are located on
C:\\Program Files\Schlumberger\PIPESIM\Case Studies.

The selected model is embedded within the HYSYS case,

which provides complete portability of the model within a
single HYSYS file (.hsc). During a HYSYS session,
temporary copies of the files that comprise the model are
automatically managed in the Work Directory.


• The Edit button allows you to edit the PIPESIM NET

model once it has been embedded within the HYSYS
case. It modally launches the PIPESIM 2000 GUI and
automatically loads the PIPESIM NET model.

Figure 6.3

Once you have finished editing the PIPESIM NET model,

you can save it from within the PIPESIM GUI then exit
the PIPESIM GUI. The PIPESIM NET model file
modification date/time is checked against the pre-edit
value to determine if any changes have been made. The
model name must not be changed by Save...As when
saving the model within PIPESIM 2000.
• The Export button allows you to export the embedded
PIPESIM NET model file.
• The Clear button clears the contents of the embedded
model. This works by embedding the empty template
model file newmodel.bpn located in the HYSYS \support
subdirectory. This is the state of the link when the
instance is first created.


PIPESIM Engine Group

In the PIPESIM Engine group there are three checkboxes:

Checkbox Description
Run Run Minimised causes the PIPESIM NET engine process to
Minimised open minimised on the task bar rather than full screen.
The PIPESIM Engine is controlled by the Run Minimised and
Restart checkboxes.
Restart Restart causes the PIPESIM NET engine to initialise the new
solution from the last solution, useful for case studies,
optimisation and recycle calculations.
Delete Deletes the compositional work files created by PIPESIM
COMPMAN NET in the Windows Temporary directory, each time the
Files link is executed.
Engine Sends calculated engine output data results to an
Output To engine.log file.

Property Model Group

From the Property Model group, contains two radio buttons that
enables you to toggle between the following property model:
• Compositional
• Black Oil

When creating a new/empty *.bpn model, the default

property model is Compositional.

PIPSIM Version Info Button

The following button, PIPESIM Version Info, displays versions of
the PIPESIM components:

Figure 6.4


Sources Page
The Sources page allows you to specify the feed stream and
PIPESIM object.

Figure 6.5

When you have selected a feed stream from the Streams

column drop-down list, you can also select the PIPESIM object
from the PIPESIM Object column drop-down list. The
PIPESIM Object Type column shows the type of object based
on the PIPESIM object you selected in the PIPESIM Object

If the Transfer Composition checkbox is selected as shown in

the figure above, then the composition of the feed
(compositional or black oil model) is transferred between HYSYS
and PIPESIM each time the PIPESIM engine is executed.

The transfer is forward only (HYSYS to PIPESIM), and the

transfer is in addition to any specifications on pressure,
temperature, and mass flow. Negative flow rates are not
The PIPESIM model must contain at least one sink pressure
specification made either within the PIPESIM model or from


Sinks Page
The Sinks page allows you to specify the product stream, and
PIPESIM object.

Figure 6.6

When you have selected a product stream from the Streams

column drop-down list, you can also select the PIPESIM object
from the PIPESIM Object column drop-down list. The
PIPESIM Object Type column shows the type of object based
on the PIPESIM object you selected in the PIPESIM Object

If the Transfer Composition checkbox is selected, then the

composition of the product (compositional or black oil model) is
transferred between HYSYS and PIPESIM each time the PIPESIM
engine is executed.


Simple Gas Lift

The Simple Gas Lift page allows you to specify the gas lift
stream, and PIPESIM object.

Figure 6.7

When you have selected a gas lift stream from the Streams
column drop-down list, you can also select the PIPESIM object
from the PIPESIM Object column drop-down list. The
PIPESIM Object Type column shows the type of object based
on the PIPESIM object you selected in the PIPESIM Object

If the Ignored checkbox is selected, then the boundary data is

not transferred between HYSYS and PIPESIM when the PIPESIM
engine is executed.

The depth field is a read-only value that displays the depth of

the injection point within the tubing.


The temperature and gas glow fields are links to the connected
process stream, and may be edited.

The SG field is a read-only value that displays the specific

gravity of the injection field relative to air.


Detailed Gas Lift

The Detailed Gas Lift page allows you to specify the gas lift
stream, and PIPESIM object.

Figure 6.8

When you have selected a gas lift stream from the Streams
column drop-down list, you can also select the PIPESIM object
from the PIPESIM Object column drop-down list. The
PIPESIM Object Type column shows the type of object based
on the PIPESIM object you selected in the PIPESIM Object

If the Ignored checkbox is selected, then the boundary data is

not transferred between HYSYS and PIPESIM when the PIPESIM
engine is executed.

The depth field is a read-only value that displays the depth of


the injection point within the tubing. In the case of a Gas Lift
Valve, only the topmost injection point is shown.

The temperature and gas glow fields are links to the connected
process stream, and may be edited.

The SG field is a read-only value that displays the specific

gravity of the injection field relative to air.


Variables Page
The Variables page allows you to interact with any PIPESIM NET
data variable that is available via the Open Link. The variables
have either read or write access with the exception of the depth
of sub-equipment within the PIPESIM NET tubing model.

Figure 6.9

Open Link is an ActiveX component that allows programmatic

access to data within and execution control of the PIPESIM NET


PIPESIM Variable Navigator Property View

When you click the Add or Edit button in the Variables page of
the PIPESIM Net property view, the PIPESIM Variable Navigator

Figure 6.10

This property view contains a list of available PIPESIM objects

and the associated variable names. The Variable Name list
contains a list of all the supported properties for the selected

The PIPESIM objects colon “:” indicates a new level within

indicates a single branch unit operation “VERTICAL
COMPLETION 1” in network unit operation “W_1”.
An additional level can apply for sub-equipment within a
tubing unit operation.

In the Variable Description field, you can enter the name for
each variable to be added to the list of Selected Variables on the
Variables page of the PIPESIM Net property view.

For more information,

User Variables Page
refer to Chapter 5 -
User Variables in the The User Variables page allows you to create and implement
HYSYS Customization
variables in the HYSYS simulation case.


Notes Page
For more information, The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record
refer to Section 7.19 - any comments or information regarding the specific unit
Notes Manager in the
HYSYS User Guide. operation, or the simulation case in general.

6.2.3 Property Model Tab

The Property Model tab consists of the following pages:
• Compositional
• Black Oil

Compositional Page
You can map boundary compositions on the Compositional page.

Figure 6.11

In the Boundary Class group, you can click on the Sources or

Sinks radio button to define the component map. Component
maps are defined for transfer of the composition between
HYSYS and PIPESIM NET which defines the Sources component
map, and between PIPESIM NET and HYSYS which defines the
Sinks component map.


For the Sources boundary class, the first column of the

component mapping table (in the figure above) shows a list of
components in the HYSYS flowsheet that contains the PIPESIM
NET link unit operation.

For the Sinks boundary class, the first column of the component
mapping table shows the list of components in the PIPESIM NET

Figure 6.12

The transfer of the composition is based on the selected basis

type in the Transfer Basis group. There are three types of basis
available: Molar, Mass, or Liq. Vol., each basis is associated to a
radio button.

The Compositional page has the following buttons:

Button Description
Clear Resets all mapping factors to zero for the selected row.
Clear All Resets all mapping factors to zero for all rows.
Normalise Normalises the mapping factors to 1 for the selected
Normalise All Normalises the mapping factors to 1 for all rows.
Import Imports the definitions of any hypothetical (petroleum
Hypotheticals fraction) components into the list of HYSYS


When a PIPESIM NET model is first imported into the link, the
component maps are automatically initialized where possible.
The file pscomps.sdb in the HYSYS\Support subdirectory
contains the mapping between HYSYS and PIPESIM 2000
component names.

Black Oil Page

The options in this page is not yet available for the current unit

6.2.4 Performance Tab

The Performance tab consists of the following pages:
• Profiles
• Text

Profiles page
You can view the PIPESIM NET results on the profiles page.

Figure 6.13


The extraction of profile data from the PIPESIM NET output

files is a slow operation. To optimize this speed, the Profile
Import Mode offers three options:
•None – Profile and branch end data is not imported after
PIPESIM solves
•All – Profile and branch end data is imported for all single
branch models within the PIPESIM model after it solves
•Used By Profiles – Profile and branch end data is imported
only for single branch models that have been used by the
profile setup

Adding and Editing Profiles

1. In the Profiles page, click the Add button to add a profile or
click the Edit button to edit a profile.
The Profile Editor appears.

Figure 6.14

The Add button adds to the Profile List after the currently
selected profile, whereas the Insert button adds to the
Profile List before the currently selected profile.
2. From the Selection group, select the PIPESIM NET unit
operation you want to add to the profile.
3. Click the Add or Insert button.
The Add button adds to the PIPESIM Object list after the


currently selected PIPESIM Object, whereas the Insert

button adds to the PIPESIM Object list before the currently
selected PIPESIM Object.
4. The selected PIPESIM NET unit operation appears in the
PIPESIM Object list of the Profile group.
If you want to remove the PIPESIM Object from the profile,
select the PIPESIM Object you want to remove and click the
Delete button.
You can select the Reverse checkbox if you want to reverse
the profile information for the PIPESIM Object. This is
required to correctly display the profile when you have
reverse flow through the PIPESIM Object.
5. In the Profile Name field, type the name for the profile and
press ENTER.
The profile name appears in the Profile List of the Profiles
6. Click the OK button to return to the Profiles page.

Figure 6.15

If you want to remove the profile name from the Profile List,
select the profile name and click the Delete button.


Viewing Profiles
You can define composite profiles that contain multiple network
unit operations, which allows you to view the profile between
the source and the sink.

When you click the View Table button of the Profiles page, a
tabular formate of the calculated data for the selected profile
appears. Refer to the figure below:

Figure 6.16

When you click the View Graph button of the Profiles page, a
graphical property view of the calculated data for a specific
variable for the selected profile appears. The figure below shows
an example of a graphical property view.

Figure 6.17


Launching PSPLOT
PSPLOT allows you to view the calculated profiles for the unit
operation within the PIPESIM NET models. To launch PSPLOT,
click the PSPLOT button of the Profiles page.

You can view the profiles as a graph or table by clicking on the

Graph or Data tab of the PSPLOT program.

Figure 6.18


Text Page
On the Text page you can view the PIPESIM NET output files

Figure 6.19

In the View Output File group, the radio buttons allow you to
display the contents of the results files. The are four radio
buttons: None, Output (.out), Summary (.sum), or
Results(.pns). The figure above shows the output file contents
when the Output radio button is selected.


The figure below shows the Summary and Results output file

Figure 6.20

Summary Output File Contents

Results Output File Contents

If processor/calculation speed is of importance, you can select

the None radio button because the Output File contents are
updated after every calculation.

You can print the contents of the displayed output file by right-
clicking on the output file contents. The object inspect menu

Figure 6.21


Profile Ends Page

The Profile Ends page displays the profile end properties of the
PIPESIM Net operation.

Figure 6.22

6.2.5 Worksheet Tab

The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information
contained in the stream property view for all the streams
attached to the operation.


GAP 7-1


7.1 Introduction................................................................................... 2

7.2 GAP Property View......................................................................... 2

7.2.1 Design Tab .............................................................................. 4
7.2.2 Performance Tab ...................................................................... 9
7.2.3 Worksheet Tab ....................................................................... 11

7-2 Introduction

7.1 Introduction
The GAP unit operation provides a link between HYSYS and
Petroleum Experts.

With this operation, you can import a GAP simulation model,

export streams from a HYSYS simulation case into the GAP
model, perform calculations and use the capabilities of the GAP
model to generate product streams, and import the product
streams back into the HYSYS simulation case for further analysis
or processing.

In essence, the GAP unit operation acts as a black box using

streams and fluids to characterize the input and output
boundaries of the GAP model from Petroleum Experts software.

The GAP unit operation is for advance users of Petroleum

Experts software. Refer to the Reference manuals provided
by the Petroleum Experts for detailed information on using
GAP models.

7.2 GAP Property View

There are two methods to add a Petroleum Experts GAP to your
1. From the Flowsheet menu, click Add Operation. The
UnitOps property view appears.
You can also access the UnitOps property view by pressing
2. Click the Upstream Ops radio button.
3. From the list of available unit operations, select Petroleum
Experts GAP.
4. Click the Add button.


GAP 7-3

1. Select Flowsheet | Palette command from the menu bar

(or press F4). The Object Palette appears.
2. In the Object Palette, click the Upstream Ops icon to open
the Upstream Object Palette.

Figure 7.1

Ops icon

3. In the Upstream Object Palette, double-click the Petroleum

Experts GAP icon.

Petroleum Experts GAP The GAP property view appears.

Figure 7.2

• To delete the GAP operation, click the Delete button.

HYSYS will ask you to confirm the deletion.
You can also delete a GAP operation by clicking on the
GAP icon on the PFD and pressing DELETE.

7-4 GAP Property View

• To ignore the GAP during calculations, select the

Ignored checkbox. HYSYS completely disregards the
operation (and cannot calculate the outlet stream) until
you restore it to an active state by clearing the checkbox.

7.2.1 Design Tab

The Design tab consists of the following pages:
• Model
• Configurations
• Equip Specs
• User Variables
• Notes

Model Page
The Model page is used to select the GAP model and define all of
the stream connections to the objects in the selected GAP

Figure 7.3

GAP 7-5

The following table lists and describes each option in the Model

Object Description
Name field Enables you to modify the name of the GAP operation.
Original File field Displays the location and name of the original GAP
model attached to the operation.
The imported GAP file cannot be modified.
Select button Enables you to find and select the original GAP model
Working File Displays the location and name of the working GAP
field model attached to the operation.
When you make modifications to the GAP model
attached to HYSYS, a working GAP model (containing
the changes) is created. The purpose of this feature is
to enable you to make modifications to the copy of the
imported GAP file.
Select button Enables you to save the working GAP model file.
Clear All button Enables you to clear all data model and stream
attachments to the GAP operation.
Calculate button Enables you to propagate the calculated results from
the GAP model back into the HYSYS simulation case.
Source Stream Enables you to select and connect source/inlet streams
column from HYSYS simulation case to objects in the selected
GAP model.
GAP Object Displays the available inlet streams from the objects in
Name column the selected GAP model.
Sink Stream Enables you to select and connect sink/outlet streams
column from HYSYS simulation case to objects in the selected
GAP model.
GAP Object Displays the available outlet streams from the objects
Name column in the selected GAP model

Configurations Page
The Configurations page allows you to configure the Petroleum
Experts GAP operation. There are two configuration options for
the GAP operation: System Settings or Property Model.

The Property Model configuration is only applicable to a GAP

model that is Compositional (in other words, not BlackOils).

7-6 GAP Property View

Depending on which configuration option you selected, the

following variables are available for you to configure the GAP
• If you select System Settings radio button.

Figure 7.4

The following variables are available:

Object Description
System Type Enables you to select the type of system for the GAP
drop-down list operation. You have the following selection:
• Production
• Water Injection
• Gas Injection
Optimization Enables you to select the optimization method for the
Method drop- GAP operation. You have the following selection:
down list • Production
• Revenue
• Oil Rate Only
• Gas Rate Only
• Water Rate Only
The selected optimization method is not applicable if
the selection for the Solving Method drop-down list is
No Optimization.
Prediction Status Enables you to toggle between activating (select On)
drop-down list or ignoring (select None) the selected prediction

GAP 7-7

Object Description
Prediction Enables you to select the prediction method for the
Method drop- GAP operation. You have the following selection:
down list • Pressure Only
• Pressure And Temperature
Solving Method Enables you to select the solving method for the GAP
drop-down list operation. You have the following selection:
• No Optimization
• Optimization With Constraints
• Optimization WithOut Constraints
Oil Viscosity Enables you to select the correlation for the oil
Correlation drop- viscosity in the GAP operation. You have the following
down list selection:
• Beal et al
• Beggs et al
• Petrosky et al
Gas / Liquid pipe Enables you to specify the gas liquid ratio value of the
GOR Cutoff field pipe gas oil ratio cutoff.
Oil, Bo Enables you to specify the Bo correction value for the
Correction field oil calculation.
Gas, Bg Enables you to specify the Bg correction value for the
Correction field gas calculation.

• If you select Property Model radio button.

Figure 7.5

7-8 GAP Property View

The following variables are available:

Object Description
Property Model Displays the property package of the selected GAP
field model.
Associated Model Displays the name of any models associated to the
field selected GAP model.
Sources radio Enables you to access the HYSYS vs. GAP component
button table for source/inlet streams.
Sinks radio Enables you to access the HYSYS vs. GAP component
button table for sink/outlet streams.
HYSYS vs. GAP Enables you to specify the ratio value of components
table flowing between the HYSYS and GAP model.

Equip Specs Page

The Equip Specs page allows you to specify GAP object variable
values. Depending on the selected GAP model, not all GAP
objects will be available for configuration.

Figure 7.6

The radio buttons at the top of the Equip Specs page enables
you to select which possible group of GAP objects you can see
and modify.

GAP 7-9

The GAP objects are split into the following groups:

• Wells
• Separators

User Variables Page

For more information, The User Variables page allows you to create and implement
refer to Chapter 5 -
User Variables in the variables in the HYSYS simulation case.
HYSYS Customization
Notes Page
For more information, The Notes page provides a text editor that allows you to record
refer to Section 7.19 -
Notes Manager in the any comments or information regarding the specific unit
HYSYS User Guide. operation, or the simulation case in general.

7.2.2 Performance Tab

The Performance tab displays the calculated performance results
of the Petroleum Experts GAP operation.

7-10 GAP Property View

Results Page
The Results page displays the calculated results of the objects in
the GAP model.

Figure 7.7

Use the radio buttons at the top of the Results page to access
the calculated results of the following objects:
• Wells
• Separators
• Pipes
• Chokes
• Tanks

GAP 7-11

Report Log Page

The Report Log page displays the calculation logs.

Figure 7.8

7.2.3 Worksheet Tab

Refer to Section 1.3.10 The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information
- Worksheet Tab in the
HYSYS Operations
contained in the stream property view for all the streams
Guide for more attached to the operation.

7-12 GAP Property View

OLGA Link 8-1

8 OLGA Link

8.1 Introducing OLGA Link................................................................... 3

8.2 OLGA Link Usage............................................................................ 5

8.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................ 5
8.2.2 HYSYS-OLGA Link Property View ................................................ 6

8.3 OLGA Link Reference.................................................................... 34

8.3.1 OLGA Link Operation Overview................................................. 34
8.3.2 HYSYS Pressure-Flow Network Considerations ............................ 35
8.3.3 Initial Values ......................................................................... 37
8.3.4 Time Synchronization.............................................................. 37
8.3.5 Outlet Compositions ............................................................... 39

8.4 Troubleshooting........................................................................... 41
8.4.1 Known Problems .................................................................... 41
8.4.2 Registering OLGA Link............................................................. 41
8.4.3 Reverse and Abnormal Flow Situations ...................................... 45
8.4.4 Simulation Stability ................................................................ 46
8.4.5 Errors ................................................................................... 46
8.4.6 Trace Debugging .................................................................... 47
8.4.7 HYSYS Communication using Process Data Tables ....................... 48
8.4.8 OLGA Restart Files.................................................................. 48

8.5 Getting Started Example .............................................................. 49

8.5.1 Introduction .......................................................................... 49
8.5.2 Simulation Basis .................................................................... 49
8.5.3 HYSYS Flowsheet ................................................................... 50
8.5.4 OLGA Link Extension............................................................... 50
8.5.5 Tutorial on HYSYS to OLGA Stream Connections ......................... 54

8-2 OLGA Link

OLGA Link 8-3

8.1 Introducing OLGA Link

The HYSYS-OLGA Link Extension software enables you to
combine an OLGA2000 pipeline transient simulation with a
HYSYS Dynamics process model. The OLGA Link is seamlessly
added to the HYSYS Process Flowsheet Diagram (PFD) just like a
standard unit operation. From within HYSYS, you then connect
to an OLGA server, and load and run the OLGA model with inlet
and outlet stream(s) connected to the HYSYS model.

By connecting a rigorous pipeline simulator with an equally

rigorous process simulator, dependent effects can be assessed.
It has been observed that in certain circumstances, the control
system at the processing facilities can actually induce or worsen
slugging. Of course the slug catcher and other receiving
facilities, including the control system, must be able to handle
any slugs or pipeline variation. With this easy to use HYSYS to
OLGA Link, any user familiar with modeling in OLGA can pick up
the use of HYSYS and readily connect an integrated model. Any
level of model detail can be supported from a single flowline
connected to a slug catcher with level and pressure controller in
HYSYS, to a complete gathering network and processing

The OLGA Link is licensed separately from Aspentech and is

implemented as a dynamic unit operation extension within
HYSYS dynamic simulation. The link supports the connection of
one or more inlets to an OLGA pipeline or network with one or
more outlets from the end of the OGLA pipeline. When linking,
you do not need to connect or provide any inlet stream from
HYSYS to OLGA as a material source. Instead you can rely on
the OLGA model to provide a source, well, or boundary. For
example, the "well" might exist only in the OLGA model, while
HYSYS knows nothing about the inlet source. You can also
connect re-injection or gas lift pipelines from the HYSYS model.

The software can be run on the same computer or two different

computers. It is easy to set up and use with only a few simple
steps. Once an integrated model is setup, you can review any
transient trend or pipeline profile variable directly from HYSYS.
Some control aspects of the OLGA model can also be

8-4 Introducing OLGA Link

accomplished from HYSYS such as the manipulation of OLGA

controllers and inserting a pig (a type of device used in pipeline
operation for cleaning). You can initially use the standard OLGA
software and graphical interface to build the standalone OLGA
model, and then open the model in HYSYS for rigorous process
simulation. Similarly, you can build a HYSYS Dynamics model,
and then integrate with a pre-existing OLGA model.

OLGA Link is the proprietary software developed jointly by
AspenTech, a subsidiary of Aspen Technology Inc., (hereafter
known as AspenTech) and Scandpower Petroleum Technology
(hereafter known as Scandpower).

Neither AspenTech nor Scandpower make any representations

or warranties of any kind whatsoever with respect to the
contents hereof and specifically disclaims without limitation any
and all implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for any
particular purpose. Neither AspenTech nor Scandpower will have
any liability for any errors contained herein or for any losses or
damages, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising from
the use of the software or resulting from the results obtained
through the use of the software or any disks, documentation or
other means of utilisation supplied by AspenTech or

AspenTech and Scandpower reserve the right to revise this

publication at any time to make changes in the content hereof
without notification to any person of any such revision or

OLGA Link 8-5

8.2 OLGA Link Usage

8.2.1 Introduction
The OLGA Link functions as any other unit operation within
HYSYS. You can connect material streams (no energy streams
are required) and bring up the property view for data entry.

The OLGA Link extension is purely a dynamic unit operation. It

performs no calculations or communication with OLGA while
HYSYS is in steady state mode. OLGA Link will solve in steady
state however by merely combining the inlet fluids and passing
these conditions on to the outlet streams. This enables you to
build a case in steady state before moving to dynamics. Thus,
you can add the extension to your flowsheet in either steady
state or dynamics mode.

Add an OLGA Link

To add an instance of the OLGA Link extension, you first need a
HYSYS Dynamics case with a fluid package defined. Then
proceed as follows:
1. Select the Add Operation command from the Flowsheet
menu or press F12.
2. In the UnitOps property view, select the Extensions radio
button and select the HYSYS-OLGA Link unit operation
from the Available Unit Operations group.
3. Click the Add button.

If you do not see the OLGA Link as an available extension then it

has not been registered with HYSYS. See Registering OLGA
Link on page 41. for instructions.

You will need an OLGA2000 Transient model for use with the
OLGA Link.

8-6 OLGA Link Usage

You can build the OLGA model in ScandPower's software and

graphical user interface. If you are not familiar with this
software, it is recommended that you become so at this point.
At a minimum, you should be familiar with an OLGA *.inp file
and the keywords and keys that may be permitted therein.
Examples would be the SOURCE and BOUNDARY keywords,
which are most important.

The OLGA labels which appear in the *.inp file to uniquely

tag a particular instance of a keyword and unit operation
within the OLGA model is case sensitive. Capital letters are
required where used in the *.inp file. It is important that you
give unique labels to your POSITIONs, NODEs and SOURCEs
otherwise the first instance in your OLGA model *.inp file
will be connected to.

8.2.2 HYSYS-OLGA Link

Property View
The OLGA Link property view has 6 tabs, each containing one or
more pages.

Figure 8.1

OLGA Link 8-7

The following sections contain a complete description of each

page of the OLGA Link property view. The required input as well
as interpretation of presented results are described here.

Setup Tab
The Setup tab contains the options required to configure the
OLGA Link operation.

Connections Page
The Connections page is where you specify the HYSYS streams
which will flow into (Inlets) and out of (Outlets) the OLGA
pipeline model.

Figure 8.2

8-8 OLGA Link Usage

The following table lists and describes the objects in the

Connections page:

Objects Description
Top right corner display field Displays the version number of the
OLGA Link.
Name field Enables you to type in a new name
for the OLGA Link operation.
Trace Errors checkbox Enables you to send all Link
extension message dialogue boxes to
the HYSYS Trace Window (located at
the bottom right of your HYSYS
This option is useful in Operator
Training applications, where you just
want the model to continue running
without user interaction to
acknowledge or OK the message
dialogue boxes.
Reference Stream drop-down list Enables you to select a HYSYS
stream which is used to calculate the
outlet composition of the non-drilling
mud portion of the outlet streams.
Mud Reference Stream drop-down Enables you to select a HYSYS
list stream which is used to calculate the
composition of the drilling mud
portion of the outlet streams.
Inlets Group
HYSYS Streams column Enables you to connect the HYSYS
stream(s) flowing into the OLGA
OLGA Source/Boundary column Enables you to type in the label of a
corresponding SOURCE or
BOUNDARY keyword from your OLGA
input file. Normally a SOURCE is
Boundary checkbox Enables you to use a BOUNDARY
operation as an inlet, by selecting
this checkbox.
Outlets Group
HYSYS Streams column Enables you to connect the HYSYS
stream(s) flowing out from the OLGA
OLGA Boundary/Source column Enables you to type in the label of a
corresponding BOUNDARY or
SOURCE keyword from your OLGA
input file. Normally a BOUNDARY is

OLGA Link 8-9

Objects Description
Source checkbox Enables you to use a SOURCE
operation as an outlet, by selecting
this checkbox.
(-1) checkbox Available for a special modeling
circumstance in OLGA. See Outlet (-
1) Checkboxes on page 40. for

•The actual BOUNDARY or SOURCE label/name must exist in
the OLGA model before it can be connected to HYSYS.
•At least one Outlet connection is required, whereas an Inlet
is not mandatory if a Reference Stream is given.
•To remove a connection, just delete the HYSYS stream
•The SOURCE in OLGA may not use the DIAMETER keyword
to model an integral valve; in other words, only a flow
specified SOURCE is acceptable. Use a VALVE equipment
operation in OLGA to obtain the same functionality.
•OLGA Sources that have the DRILLING_FLUID value defined
are referred to as Drilling Fluid Sources. Because Drilling
Fluid Sources behave differently in the OLGA model, these
sources cannot be connected as inlet or outlet streams. In
order to control behavior of Drilling Fluid Sources, refer to
the Dynamics tab | Drilling Fluid page.

It is important to understand the difference between a SOURCE

and a BOUNDARY in the integrated model. The former is used
when a flow specification is made to the OLGA model and the
latter is used when a pressure specification is made at the OLGA

See HYSYS Pressure- The two different types of streams are necessary since OLGA
Flow Network performs a simultaneous solution of all of its model variables
Considerations on
page 35. for more including the hydraulic flow and pressure variables, and HYSYS
information. also performs its own Pressure-Flow solution. The two models
You can also refer to and solutions are linked by passing pressure and flow values and
OLGALinkSample2 from
the tutorial for techniques
amount of change of pressure with respect to flow (or the
to best connect OLGA and inverse) back and forth.
HYSYS streams.

8-10 OLGA Link Usage

In summary, it is advised to use a SOURCE operation where the

flow coming from HYSYS is invariant or a weak function of
pressure. A BOUNDARY operation is recommended when the
pressure as set or solved for in the HYSYS model is a weak
function of the HYSYS model operation (and particularly the flow
that is enforced from OLGA at its last time step solved value).

See Outlet The OLGA model does not calculate nor track individual
Compositions on component fractions. Instead, the model uses the assumption of
page 39. for more
information. fixed total composition. The Reference Stream is optional if you
have connected any inlets to the extension, but otherwise it is
mandatory and it is used to set all outlet compositions. If you do
not specify a Reference Stream, then the summation of all Inlets
at their respective flow rates will be used to infer the outlet

The compositions of the Reference stream must be consistent

with the compositional basis of the OLGA input and PVT files to
be used by this extension. If the compositional basis used does
not match the data supplied by the OLGA PVT files, then the
results of the simulation may be inaccurate.

OLGA Link 8-11

Server Page
The Server page is where you define the communication details
with the OLGA software as well as details of the OLGA model you
want to use. Basically, the communication uses a TCP/IP
protocol to connect, on a designated port, to a computer that
will run OLGA.

Figure 8.3

8-12 OLGA Link Usage

The following table lists and describes the objects available in

the OLGA OLGACommunication Details group:

Object Description
OLGA Host cell Enables you to specify the name of a computer
which will run the OLGA software.
If you are running the OLGA software on the same
machine that you will run HYSYS, just use the
name localhost. Do not enter the actual name of
you local machine or else the batch file that starts
OLGA will not work.
It might be advised to go to a DOS prompt at this
time and issue the following command:
C:\ ping OLGAHost
where OLGAHost is the name of the computer
you want to run OLGA on. You need to get an
affirmative reply back from this command telling
you that you can see this computer from the
HYSYS computer.
OLGA Executable cell Enables you to specify the name and location of
the OLGA executable that you want to run. This
should be something like:
The existence of this file is not checked until you
try to run using the Use Auto Connect or Use
Auto Start checkboxes. If you are not using
either of these checkboxes then this OLGA
Executable entry is not used. Additionally this
executive file needs to be accessible by the OLGA
Host machine and not necessarily the local HYSYS
PC. You can check where this file is located by
going to the OLGA PC and looking for an
OLGA_SERVERPATH environment variable. This
environment variable is setup by the ScandPower
install wizard.
Click the button to browse and select the OLGA
Server executable file.
See Registering OLGA OLGA Server cell The OLGA Server entry must correspond to the
Link on page 41. for first entry on a line of the SERVICES file. Typically,
further details on OLGA you just specify this as olga2000.
Server and OLGA Server OLGA Server Port cell The OLGA Server Port entry must correspond to
Port. the second entry on a line of the SERVICES file.
Typically, you just specify this as 16800.
Communication Enables you to specify the general timeout value
Timeout(s) cell for the initial Connection request as well as any
other messaging with the exception of
Initialization. The default value is 5 seconds.
The timeout value determines how long the
extension will wait for the communication to occur
between HYSYS and OLGA.

OLGA Link 8-13

Object Description
Initialization Enables you to specify the amount of time HYSYS
Timeout(s) cell will wait for OLGA to load its input file and initialize
(which means run its steady state preprocessor).
This initialization step may take seconds to even
minutes depending on the size and complexity of
the initialization.
OLGA Time Step Enables you to specify the amount of time HYSYS
Timeout(s) cell will wait for OLGA to complete its model
integration calculations; in other words, integrate
for the amount of time specified as the OLGA Run
Interval on the OLGA page.
The HYSYS case might pause at the start of its
new time step to ensure that OLGA has completed
its integration.
Connection Attempts Enables you to specify the number of times the
HYSYS and the OLGA Link will attempt to connect
to the OLGA server. This is useful for overcoming
latency issues when running the OLGA server on a
remote host.
Connect button Enables you to manually start the connection and
verification of the HYSYS and OLGA models.
Use Auto Connect Enables you to toggle between automatically or
checkbox manually invoking a batch file that will start the
OLGA Executable on the OLGA Host machine and
then connect the machine to the OLGA server.
Shutdown button Enables you to manually shutdown the OLGA
model and software. You are prompted to save the
OLGA model state first.

With any of the timeout periods, HYSYS might appear

unresponsive until OLGA responds. If OLGA does not respond
within the timeout period, an error is reported.

8-14 OLGA Link Usage

The following table lists and describes the objects available in

the OLGA Input Files group:

Object Description
OLGA Model Path cell Enables you to specify a directory path or location
of the OLGA input file (*.inp) and OLGA restart or
snapshot file.
The files, in their common defined path, need to
be accessible and visible from both the HYSYS PC
and OLGA PC. A Universal Naming Convention
(UNC) path reference with a given network share
name is advisable for the OLGA Path. For
Click the button to browse and specify the
directory path or location of the OLGA files.
OLGA Input File cell Enables you to specify the name of the OLGA input
file (*.inp).
Click the button to browse and select the OLGA
input file.
Snapshot File cell (Optional) Enables you to specify the name of an
OLGA restart or snapshot file.
Click the button to browse and select the OLGA
restart or snapshot file.
Load Input File button Enables you to start up OLGA one step at a time
by loading the selected Input file.
Load Snapshot button Enables you to start up OLGA one step at a time
by loading the selected Snapshot file.

•If you reference a specific disk drive and directory, then
this disk and directory must be referenced and seen the
same way on both the HYSYS PC and the OLGA PC; this is
why a UNC name is preferred. For example, both machines
may have a D: drive which would cause confusion.
•If the OLGA input file has dependencies on other OLGA files
(such as *.tab files), they need to be located in the
specified directory as well.
•When you save the HYSYS case, an OLGA snapshot file is
also saved and the corresponding Snapshot File entry is
changed. When you reload your HYSYS case at a later time,
the appropriate OLGA model snapshot is already referenced
and ready to be loaded.

OLGA Link 8-15

The following table lists and describes the objects available in

the Auto Start Details group:

Object Description
Use Auto Start Enables you to automatically or fully initialize the
checkbox connection and verification between HYSYS and
OLGA when the HYSYS Integrator has started.
*Load Snap Shot Enables you to automatically load the selected
checkbox Snapshot file.

•If you are using the *Load Snap Shot checkbox option,
make sure the Snapshot File entry is not be blank.
•You cannot use the *Load Snap Shot option the first time
you run because an OLGA snapshot restart file does not

After the necessary data is entered for the Link extension, the
HYSYS model would be ready to connect to and verify with the
OLGA model. The easiest way to do this is to use the Use Auto
Start checkbox. All you need to do is start the integrator in
HYSYS. This will connect to the OLGA server, load the input file,
initialize, load the snapshot (if selected) and then start

You can put the HYSYS Integrator in manual mode first if you do
not want to take any timesteps until you confirm that OLGA
starts up correctly. With the Auto Start feature, you can also
chose to automatically load the snapshot file specified. This is
the recommended way of starting and synchronizing the HYSYS
and OLGA systems.

If you want to start up OLGA one step at a time, you can also
use the Connect, Load Input File, and Load Snapshot File
buttons as an alternative to the Auto Start feature.

8-16 OLGA Link Usage

If you select the Use Auto Connect checkbox (a sub-feature of

the Connect button), then a batch file is automatically invoked
that will start the OLGA Executable on the OLGA Host machine.
If you do not use this checkbox, you will need to issue the
following command from a DOS prompt of the OLGA PC:
C:\OLGA-2000\olga-2000.4\winnt\Olga2000-4.05 -
server olga2000

If this command is successful, OLGA will return OLGA_SERVER


Caution: If you did not select the Use Auto Start checkbox,
make sure you start the OLGA exe manually from the
directory where your OLGA Input files all reside. This is a
requirement of the OLGA server.

To start the OLGA exe manually, just issue a cd command to the

input files directory before issuing the above command.

When both Use Auto After a successful connection is established, click the Load
Start and Load Input File button to have the OLGA server read and process the
Snapshot are selected,
the system starts up OLGA model file. If the file does not load, check the name and
faster since OLGA is not locations of the file or use the stand-alone version of OLGA to
requested to go through
determine if there are any errors in the input files.
its initialization step. The
initialization step can take
anywhere from seconds
to over a minute You can click the Load Snapshot button at any time during
depending on the case your simulation, although it does mean that you are
and the calculations resetting the OLGA model to a prior state; this should be
required for the steady done with care as it may induce bumps in the integrated
state initialization. model.

Controllers Page
The Controllers page enables you to control any predefined

OLGA Link 8-17


Figure 8.4

To use this feature:

1. Select the Use Olga Control Points checkbox.
2. Click the Add button for each new control connection you
would like to add.
3. In the HYSYS Controller/Valve column, specify the name
of a HYSYS Controller or Valve.
4. In the OLGA Controller Label column, specify a
CONTROLLER label from the OLGA input file.
• If the name of a HYSYS controller was entered, the
output of that controller will be sent to OLGA.
• If the name of a HYSYS valve was entered, then the
HYSYS valves actuator position will be sent to OLGA.
5. To remove a control point, click a cell associated to the
controller that you want to remove and click the Remove

In the OLGA model, the OLGA CONTROLLER must be of type

MANUAL and be attached to a VALVE.

8-18 OLGA Link Usage

6. The OP column in the OLGA Control Points table, actually

shows the value of the CONTROLLER CONTR output variable
as received from OLGA. This can be used to verify the
correct communication in a full loop (although there will be
some lag).

Components Page
The Components page provides comparative information about
the components in both OLGA and HYSYS. The Compositional
Tracking group shows whether the Compositional Tracking is on
and the number of components counted in both OLGA and
HYSYS. The component table matches the names of the OLGA
components with the names of the HYSYS components.

Notes Page
The Notes page provides a text editor where you can record any
comments or information regarding the specific unit operation or
the simulation case in general.

Figure 8.5

To add a comment or information in the Notes page/tab:

OLGA Link 8-19

1. Go to the Notes page.

2. Use the options in the text editor tool bar to manipulate the
appearance of the notes.

Name Icon Description

Use the drop-down list to select the text
Font Type
type for the note.
Use the drop-down list to select the text
Font Size
size for the note.
Click this icon to select the text colour
Font Colour
for the note.
Click this icon to bold the text for the
Click this icon to italize the text for the
Click this icon to underline the text for
the note.
Click this icon to left justify the text for
Align Left
the note.
Click this icon to center justify the text
for the note.
Click this icon to right justify the text for
Align Right
the note.
Click this icon to apply bullets to the text
for the note.
Click this icon to insert an object (for
Insert Object
example, an image) in the note.

3. Click in the large text field and type your comments.

•The information you enter in the Notes tab or page of any
operations can also be viewed from the Notes Manager
property view.
•The date and time when you last modified the information
in the text field will appear below your comments.

Notes Manager Property View

The Notes Manager lets you search for and manage notes for a

8-20 OLGA Link Usage


Figure 8.6

To access the Notes Manager, select the Notes Manager

command from the Flowsheet menu, or press CTRL G.

View/Add/Edit Notes:

To view, add, or edit notes for an object, select the object in the
List of Objects group. Existing object notes appear in the Note
• To add a note, type the text in the Note group. A time
and date stamp appears automatically.
• To format note text, use the text tools in the Note group
tool bar. You can also insert graphics and other objects.
Tip: Click the Plus icon to • Click the Clear button to delete the entire note for the
expand the tree browser. selected object. Click the View button to open the
property view for the selected object.

Search Notes:

The Notes Manager allows you to search notes in three ways:

• Select the View Objects with Notes Only checkbox (in
the List of Objects group) to filter the list to show only
objects that have notes.

OLGA Link 8-21

• Select the Search notes containing the string

Tip: You can change the checkbox, then type a search string. Only objects with
search option to be case notes containing that string appear in the object list.
sensitive by selecting the • Select the Search notes modified since checkbox,
Search is Case then type a date. Only objects with notes modified after
Sensitive checkbox. The this date will appear in the object list.
case sensitive search
option is only available if
you are searching by
string. Worksheet Tab
The Worksheet tab contains a summary of the information
contained in the stream property view for all the streams
attached to the OLGA Link.
Refer to Chapter 12 - • The Conditions page contains selected information from
Streams from HYSYS the corresponding page of the Worksheet tab for the
Operations Guide for
stream property view.
more information on the
Conditions and • The Properties page displays the property correlations
Properties pages. of the inlet and outlet streams of the unit operation. The
following is a list of the property correlations:

Vapour / Phase Fraction Vap. Frac. (molar basis)

Temperature Vap. Frac. (mass basis)
Pressure Vap. Frac. (volume basis)
Actual Vol. Flow Molar Volume
Mass Enthalpy Act. Gas Flow
Mass Entropy Act. Liq. Flow
Molecular Weight Std. Liq. Flow
Molar Density Std. Gas Flow
Mass Density Watson K
Std. Ideal Liquid Mass Density Kinematic Viscosity
Liquid Mass Density Cp/Cv
Molar Heat Capacity Lower Heating Value
Mass Heat Capacity Mass Lower Heating Value
Thermal Conductivity Liquid Fraction
Viscosity Partial Pressure of CO2
Surface Tension Avg. Liq. Density
Specific Heat Heat of Vaporization
Z Factor Mass Heat of Vap.
Refer to Chapter 12-
Streams from HYSYS • The Composition page contains selected information
Operations Guide for from the corresponding page of the Worksheet tab for
more information on the the stream property view.
Composition and PF • The PF Specs page contains a summary of the stream
Specs pages.
property view Dynamics tab.

8-22 OLGA Link Usage

Dynamics Tab
The Dynamics tab contains options to modify the calculation
process in Dynamics mode.

OLGA Control Page

The OLGA page contains a number of features and options
concerning how you might want to run your integrated model.

Figure 8.7

The following table lists and describes the options available in

OLGA Link 8-23

the OLGA page:

Object Description
Ignore OLGA checkbox Enables you to run the HYSYS model without
OLGA being connected or simulating. This feature
will copy the (mixed) inlet(s)/reference stream
conditions to each outlet stream as if the pipeline
had reached steady operation.
The outlet streams will have their pressure and
flow calculated and/or set by the HYSYS model,
including any PF specifications that you might
want to turn on. The inlet streams will also need to
have their pressure (and/or flow) set/calculated
within HYSYS.
The OLGA model, in this state, will not dictate any
flows or pressures at the connected streams. To
use this feature, which can be useful when you
just want to focus on the HYSYS process model
considerations, make sure that your HYSYS model
is complete and then simply select this checkbox
and start the Integrator.
Run OLGA button Enables you to run the OLGA model without the
HYSYS model integrating.
First you would enter an OLGA End Time in the
matrix entry and then click this button to run to
that desired time. While OLGA is performing its
calculations (which may take some time
depending on the End Time you specified), you
can still interact with your HYSYS case, but you
cannot interact any further with the OLGA model
until the Current OLGA Simulation Time
updates to equal the OLGA End Time (indicating
OLGA has completed).
Any HYSYS Inlet and Outlet streams will have their
relevant stream data sent over to the OLGA
simulation first and upon completion of the OLGA
run, the HYSYS streams are again updated with
the OLGA output information. This feature can be
useful to allow OLGA to run out at its high
computational speeds (using larger time steps)
and solved to a steady operation.
For more information on Log All Communication Enables you to activate the option to place all
communication messages, checkbox communication messages between HYSYS and
refer to chapter OLGA to a log file.
More details on P-F Write P-F Equations Enables you to use the derivatives from the OLGA
equations can be checkbox simulation which in turn allows the HYSYS
obtained in chapter OLGA pressure-flow solver to predict how the OLGA
Link Reference. simulation may be changing.
It is recommended to select this checkbox,
because the feature makes for a more robust,
accurate, and tightly integrated simulation
solution approach.

8-24 OLGA Link Usage

Object Description
Sync Olga to HYSYS Enables you to set the OLGA simulation time to
radio button the HYSYS model time when the HYSYS Integrator
is started.
Typically you would set the OLGA simulation time
to that of the HYSYS model.
Sync HYSYS to Olga Enables you to alternatively set the HYSYS
radio button simulation time to the OLGA model time when the
HYSYS Integrator is started.
If you have some OLGA time dependent behavior
(from your *.inp file and the time series that may
be entered), then you might want to preserve the
OLGA simulation time from a restart/snapshot file.
Current OLGA Displays the current OLGA simulation time.
Simulation Time cell The HYSYS simulation time can be seen by
pressing CTRL I while within HYSYS (this brings up
the Integrator property view).
OLGA Planned Time Displays the OLGA calculated time step value. This
Step cell indicates the integration step size that OLGA
foresees taking the next time it is requested to
integrate ahead in time. This value is limited by
the OLGA *.inp keyword INTEGRATION and the
sub-keys MAXDT and MINDT.
OLGA Run Interval cell Enables you to specify the time value for the OLGA
Run Interval.
OLGA End Time cell Enables you to specify the end time for the
simulation when running the OLGA in a standalone
The value is only used with the Run OLGA button.

The current OLGA Simulation time stays equal to the HYSYS

simulation time while the integrator is running.

When the Planned Time Step is greater than the OLGA Run
Interval, this indicates that OLGA believes it can take longer
time steps without losing accuracy. If the Planned Time Step is
less than the user specified Run Interval, then OLGA is taking
more than one integration step each time it is requested to
integrate ahead.

The difference between the Planned Time Step and the OLGA
Run Interval is important since it indicates that you could speed
up your overall rate of simulation/integration. However, OLGA
and HYSYS do not communicate for the complete Run Interval
time and if something does change discreetly in the HYSYS
model, the OLGA model will not see this change until the start of

OLGA Link 8-25

the next Run Interval. Always, if OLGA detects that it needs to

integrate with a smaller time step due to some rapid changes it
is detecting, it might integrate numerous time steps over the
OLGA Run Interval. In practice, you can manipulate manually
the OLGA Run Interval or implement some strategy via an Event
Scheduler or similar to optimize a run speed. The OLGA Run
Interval defaults equal to the HYSYS Step Size as shown on the
Integrator property view.

Mass Flows Page

The Mass Flows page displays the mass flows for each of the
three phases that OLGA computes. The outlet mass flows table
also reports any mud mass flow (if the OLGA case contains a
Drilling Fluid Source). Note that in the case of a Drilling Fluid
Source, any mud mass flow is combined with the oil mass flow
rate in the oil mass flow column.

Figure 8.8

8-26 OLGA Link Usage

Wells Page
The Wells page allows viewing or manipulation of the properties
of selected OLGA WELL keyword entries. The table is
automatically populated with all WELL keyword entries upon
loading of the OLGA input (.inp) file.

Figure 8.9

When any of the values in the Wells Page tables is changed, the
new value is sent to OLGA prior to the next time step.

Heat Transfer Page

The Heat Transfer page allows for viewing or manipulation of
ambient temperatures of each HEAT TRANSFER keyword entry.
The table is automatically populated with all HEAT TRANSFER

OLGA Link 8-27

keyword entries upon loading of the OLGA input (.inp) file.

Figure 8.10

OLGA allows for either a single ambient temperature value

(TAMBIENT) or an inlet and outlet (INTAMBIENT, OUTTAMBIENT)
value for each HEAT TRANSFER entry. It is not possible to
change between these two options via the OLGALink in HYSYS –
this change can only be made through the OLGA input (.inp) file.
Unused keys in this table are displayed as “***”.

Pigging Page
The Pigging page allows you to interact with the OLGA
simulation. At this time, the user can either invoke the SHUTIN

8-28 OLGA Link Usage

keyword in their OLGA simulation or launch pigs.

Figure 8.11

The following table lists and describes the objects available in

the OLGA Operation page:

Object Description
Plug Label column Enables you to launch a predefined plug from the
OLGA *.inp model.
This feature does not support the Advanced Plug/
Pig Tracking Module of OLGA but just the standard
PLUG keyword.
Activate column Enables you to toggle between activating or
deactivating the predefined plugs by selecting the
appropriate checkboxes.
Shut In checkbox Enables you to force the OLGA model to its
SHUTIN mode of simulation.
This option is also saved with the case and
activated the next time you load your integrated
model. Please refer to OLGA documentation for
more details of this feature.

To use the features in the Plug (pig) control group:

1. In the Plug Label column, type in the Label of a PLUG from

OLGA Link 8-29

your OLGA model.

2. Select the appropriate checkbox under the Activate column
to launch the plug at any time. The Activate checkbox is
automatically reset to clear with the next time step.

Drilling Fluid Page

OLGA Sources that have the DRILLING_FLUID value defined are
referred to as Drilling Fluid Sources.

The Drilling Fluid Page allows access to view or modify certain

parameters of any Drilling Fluid Source defined in the OLGA
input (.inp) file. The table is automatically populated with all
SOURCE keyword entries which contain DRILLING FLUID upon
loading of the OLGA input (.inp) file.

Figure 8.12

Performance Tab
The Performance tab displays the calculated results and
performance values of the OLGA Link.

8-30 OLGA Link Usage

Trends page
The Trends page allows you to receive the results of the OLGA
simulation within the pipe network. Essentially, all OLGA output
variables are available that would normally be available for
Trending with the standalone OLGA2000 software. The trends
are a single variable value (from a certain location within the
piping system) as a function of time.

Figure 8.13

To view a trend variable:

1. Click the Add button. A default trend is setup.
2. Select a Position or Equipment label in the Position/Equip
column that appears.

For the GlobalVariable type, the Position/Equip entry is not


3. If specifying a POSITION, it either must be predefined in the

OLGA input file or created at run time using the features in
the Add New Position group.

OLGA Link 8-31

4. If an error occurs when setting up the trends make sure that

the trend position label exists in the input file and the
spelling is correct.
5. If you want to view a history of the trend variable while you
Tip: The Trend Interval run in dynamics, create a strip chart in HYSYS and drag the
allows you to specify
some lower frequency desired trend value on to it.
(other than every time 6. If you want to remove a trend variable, select a cell
step) to retrieve the trend
data from OLGA. associated to the trend variable and click the Remove

The Add New Position feature allows you to create a new

Position label without having to shutdown the OLGA program
and editing the *.inp file.

This Position label is stored in the snapshot/restart file, so as

long you load this when restarting HYSYS, any Trends you
create using the Add New Position feature will be correct. If you
plan to shutdown the OLGA Server and then restart without
loading the snapshot file, then it is advised to enter the Position
labels directly in the *.inp file.

To use the Add New Position feature:

1. Type in a Label for the new Position in the Label cell.
2. Type the branch number in the Branch cell, pipe number in
the Pipe cell, and section number in the Section cell of the
pipe at which you want to trend a variable.
3. Click the Add button.

OLGA will respond with an error if it cannot reconcile your

request against the existing loaded OLGA model.

Profiles Page
A profile is a series of variable values from each computational
volume or boundary in a BRANCH. Branches must be pre-

8-32 OLGA Link Usage

defined in the OLGA input file.

Figure 8.14

Profiles are added and removed the same way the trends are.

To view the profile:

1. Click the Add button. A default profile is setup.
2. Select a variable for trending from the drop-down list in the
Variable column.

The value of the variable will be retrieved from OLGA in the units
that OLGA responds in.
3. After you select a particular variable, you will see the Type
column change to tell you what type of OLGA variable you
have selected.
4. Select the appropriate checkbox in the Plot column.

Only one profile can be selected and viewed at a time.

OLGA Link 8-33

5. After a profile has been selected, click the View… button.

This will bring up a separate dialog box with a Plot.

Figure 8.15

The profile variable will be plotted against the length of the

Branch from its inlet. If you want to see the plotted data in a
table, select the Table radio button.
6. If you want to view a different profile, select another one by
selecting the appropriate checkbox under the Plot column.

Only Variables of type Volume or Boundary (see OLGA

documentation) are available for profiling.

7. If you want to remove a profile variable, select a cell

associated to the profile variable and click the Remove

8-34 OLGA Link Reference

8.3 OLGA Link Reference

8.3.1 OLGA Link Operation
The Link extension passes a few key variables for the connected
Inlet and Outlet streams. For all streams, the temperature,
pressure, gas fraction, and water fraction are passed to OLGA.
Additionally the total mass flow will be passed to SOURCE
connections. OLGA may use this information depending on the
sign of the flow (for example, the HYSYS temperature and gas/
water fractions are irrelevant for negative flow at an Inlet).
• In the case of a SOURCE connection, OLGA will use the
total mass flow from HYSYS as a fixed and known value
for the duration of that integration calculation.
• In the case of a BOUNDARY connection in the OLGA
model, the pressure from HYSYS will be fixed and set at
that terminus NODE in OLGA.

The Link then retrieves from OLGA some key variables.

• For a SOURCE connection (either Inlet or Outlet), the
pressure is retrieved from OLGA and, optionally, along
with the dP/dF (change of pressure with change in phase
flow rates) derivatives. A pressure-flow relationship is
enforced on the HYSYS model.
• For a BOUNDARY connection, the total mass flow is
retrieved from OLGA and, optionally, along with dF/dP
derivatives, a pressure-flow relationship is enforced upon
the HYSYS model.
• The temperature and phase flows (gas, oil and water)
are also retrieved in all cases and would be used to set
the composition and temperature of the HYSYS stream
where the direction of the flow dictates this.

Both of the above data send and receive operations are

performed with each OLGA Run Interval. This would occur with
every HYSYS time step if the OLGA Run Interval equals the
HYSYS Step Size (default).

After HYSYS has told OLGA to run for the Run Interval, and with
the start of the next HYSYS integration step, HYSYS will check to
see if OLGA has completed integration to the time specified by

OLGA Link 8-35

this OLGA Run Interval (this might be multiples of the HYSYS

Step Size). Once OLGA has completed this integration, HYSYS
retrieves the solved output values which may be for some
simulation time in the future since HYSYS may not have
integrated up to this time as of yet. The solved pressure-flow
conditions from OLGA are not immediately enforced upon the
HYSYS model but instead HYSYS linearly moves to these final
values at its smaller step size. Implied in all this is that the
OLGA Run Interval must be an integer multiple of the HYSYS
Step Size. See Time Synchronization on page 37. for further

The OLGA simulation does not track the actual component

fractions that might have been available from the HYSYS Inlet
streams. Although OLGA does have a Composition Tracking
advanced module, this is not supported by their OLGA Server.
The modeling within OLGA, then, and the resulting vapor-liquid
equilibrium, is based upon the PVT data specified for your OLGA
simulation. It is therefore important when generating the PVT
data that a similar equation of state and other component
physical properties are used. As a way of checking this, try
flashing the HYSYS Reference Stream (or the combination of the
Inlets at the steady state design flow rates) at the steady state
outlet conditions of the OLGA pipeline simulation. The phase
fractions of gas, oil and water should be the same from the
HYSYS flash as predicted by the standalone OLGA model at its

8.3.2 HYSYS Pressure-Flow

Network Considerations
If the Write P-F Equations checkbox is clear (on the OLGA -
Dynamics page), then the following applies.
• For the HYSYS streams connected to an OLGA SOURCE,
the mass flows will be input to OLGA and the pressures
at these sources will be calculated by OLGA. These
streams will therefore require a pressure spec activated
so that the calculated pressure can be written to the

8-36 OLGA Link Reference

• For the HYSYS streams connected to an OLGA

BOUNDARY the pressures at these boundaries will be
input to OLGA and the phase mass flows will be
calculated by OLGA. These streams will need a Mass Flow
specification so that the calculated phase flows can be
summed up and set into the stream.

These stream specifications in HYSYS are not true and fixed

values (as most HYSYS users think of them) but instead
change during integration to match that value from OLGA.
Open a HYSYS stream's Dynamics - Specs property view to
set either of pressure or mass flow specifications.

If you are using the Write P-F Equations checkbox feature, as

is normally recommended, then HYSYS will try to predict the
relationship between pressure and flow at the inlet/outlet
streams. This prediction is based upon a linear dependency
assumption and the derivatives as calculated by OLGA and may
not always be accurate particularly during rapid transients.

The relationship in simple form is as follows:

dP dF
P = P' + ------- ( F – F' ) or F = F' + ------- ( P – P' )
dF dP


′ = use to indicate the variable value at a prior time step

P = pressure
F = flow rate

When connecting to a SOURCE in OLGA it is still good practice to

try to connect to a HYSYS pressure-flow network which really
does calculate the flow. This HYSYS flow should be a weak
function of the pressure-flow solution. Similarly for a BOUNDARY
connection, the best HYSYS connection is to a stream, which has
a relatively fixed pressure. When using this feature, the inlets
and outlets from the LINK extension need not have any
pressure-flow specifications set (unless they are required to
satisfy the rest of the HYSYS PF network).

OLGA Link 8-37

8.3.3 Initial Values

To facilitate a smooth initialization of the integrated dynamic
simulation, it is important to have good initial conditions for the
inlet and outlet streams of the Link extension. The initial flows
at the sources and the pressures at the boundaries should be
checked carefully. These conditions can quite often be found in
the OLGA input file in the INITIAL VALUES section.

It is not recommended to load a Snapshot file that is not

compatible with the HYSYS case that you opened.

Sometimes it may be necessary to run the OLGA model

independently of HYSYS until conditions become stable. This can
be done on the OLGA page of the Dynamics tab. Once the
HYSYS and OLGA models have been run together, it is always
recommended to load an OLGA snapshot file to re-initialize this
model. The HYSYS model is always initialized at it's last saved

See Server Page on Use the Load Snapshot checkbox feature of the Auto Start
page 11. for more
feature to always load the integrated model in a synchronized
information Load
Snapshot checkbox. state.

8.3.4 Time Synchronization

OLGA and HYSYS integrate differently using potentially different
time steps and integration techniques. HYSYS is a fixed time
step method whereas OLGA uses a variable time step.

HYSYS's default time step is 0.5 seconds and it is not

recommended to increase this significantly, although a one
second time step may still maintain sufficient accuracy.

The time period that OLGA will go away and run for is the OLGA
Run Interval (which is always an integer multiple of the HYSYS
Step Size). OLGA may integrate over this time period in one or
more time steps, but in every case it will stop precisely at the
end of its run interval.

8-38 OLGA Link Reference

To visualize this, consider simulation time zero. At this time

HYSYS will write the input values to OLGA and tell OLGA to go
away and integrate up to a simulation time equal to zero +
OLGA Run Interval. HYSYS then takes its one time step solving
its equations. On the start of the next HYSYS time step, the Link
checks to ensure that OLGA has completed its integration to the
end time requested, which may be equal to or greater than the
HYSYS Simulation time. The Link then retrieves the output
values (solution at the OLGA end time) for use in the next
HYSYS pressure-flow step.

If HYSYS has not integrated up to the same simulation time as

OLGA (if the Run Interval is greater than the HYSYS Step Size),
then the pressure and flow values from OLGA will be used to
interpolate values for use in HYSYS on its next time step.

For example, OLGA was told to go away and run for 3 seconds,
and the HYSYS Step Size is the default 0.5 seconds. HYSYS is
ready to continue integrating from 0.5 up to 1 second, and then
from 1 to 1.5 seconds, and so on. The OLGA values are returned
to HYSYS at the 0.5 second HYSYS time, however OLGA has
already completed simulating for a full 3 seconds before the
values are returned. So the OLGA values are further in the
future of where HYSYS wants to simulate to. Hence the need to
linearly interpolate in time, the effective OLGA boundary flows
and pressures.

When HYSYS integrates enough time steps (OLGA Run Interval

divided by HYSYS Step Size), the input values are again sent to
the OLGA server, OLGA's end time is set to the current time plus
the OLGA Run Interval and then OLGA is told to integrate up to
this time. The integration cycle then repeats itself in this
manner. This approach best combines the integration
capabilities of both simulators, but care needs to be taken to
ensure that OLGA does not go away and calculate without
frequent enough synchronization with HYSYS. This is the
modeler's responsibility and is dependent on the rate of
transients in their simulation and any events and changes as the
simulation progresses.

OLGA Link 8-39

8.3.5 Outlet Compositions

The OLGA Link adjusts the composition of the Outlet streams
based on the Reference Stream (or the sum of the weighted
Inlet compositions) and the phase flows for each Outlet as
1. The reference stream information is taken either directly
from the user specified Reference Stream or by the
weighting of each Inlet's compositions based upon that inlets
flow rate.
2. This reference stream is flashed at the Outlet temperature
and pressure.
3. The resulting three phases will then have their component
mole fractions mixed based upon the flow of each phase out
of the Outlet stream.
4. A final flash is done of this resulting mixture at the Outlet
temperature and pressure.

These calculations will be done every Composition time step if

the net mass flow is positive. If a phase flow is negative but the
net flow is positive (a rare circumstance), then the phase with
the negative flow is ignored in computing the outlet

The Link extension relies on the fact that any water phase
needs to be in the third phase slot of the HYSYS stream.
While this is usually the case, it is not always true and may
not be if your oil has a higher specific gravity than water.
Check your inlet and outlet streams to ensure that the third
phase slot is occupied by water. If not, then you will have to
use the Phase Order tab from the Fluid Package property
view within the Basis Environment of HYSYS and select the
Use User Specified Primary Components radio button.

Due to the fact that the OLGA model does not track
compositions, it is best to use one OLGA Link instance to model
a single contiguous network or flow path. Separate networks
with entirely different compositions should be modeled with
separate OLGA Link extensions and hence separate Reference

8-40 OLGA Link Reference

Outlet (-1) Checkboxes

The (-1) checkbox option in the Outlet group, located on the
Connections page of the Setup tab, is for a special modeling
circumstance within OLGA.

This option can only be used if the Outlet is connected to a

BOUNDARY in OLGA, in other words the Source? checkbox
cannot be selected. The modeling situation is as follows:

Two flowlines are looped with wells W1 and W2 flowing into

them. They flow to two outlets, A and B, which are also
represented by two HYSYS streams A' and B'. The flowlines
have flows F1 and F2 in them which are positive in the sense of
being towards A or B.

Figure 8.16

In the past, it was not possible to model the above example in

OLGA directly and you had to unravel the above diagram into
the diagram below

Figure 8.17

The flow towards A is against the direction of the flowline.

Consequently, when OLGA reports F1 it is negative. Hence you

OLGA Link 8-41

need to use the (-1) checkbox.

8.4 Troubleshooting
8.4.1 Known Problems
The OLGA Server does not always consistently handle the case
of labels. To avoid problems, it is recommended that you always
use upper case for all labels both within the extension and in the
*.inp file.

On occasion and with certain LAN networks, it has been

observed that the first attempt to connect to the OLGA Server
(either via the Connect button on the Server page of the
Setup tab or via the Auto Start feature) may result in a refusal
to connect. Simply try again and the connection should be
successful. This problem occurs when you typically start a new
HYSYS session.

Whilst this is not a problem, it has been observed that

simulating your integrated model across two computers with a
LAN may lead to slower simulation run speeds. In our testing a 2
computer model (one computer for HYSYS and one for OLGA)
obtained a simulation speed of 4 times real time. When the
same model was run on a single computer, 24 times real time
was achieved. This will be dependent on your network
communication speed.

8.4.2 Registering OLGA Link

The following information is provided for more advanced
troubleshooting and should not be normally required if the
Installation Wizard has been used during installation. This
section can help you understand some of the entries on the
Server page of the Setup tab of the OLGA Link property view
within HYSYS.

At times and if working with multiple versions of the OLGA Link,

8-42 Troubleshooting

the HYSYS user may need to un-register and re-register

alternate versions of the extension.

To update register status use the following proceed:

1. Open HYSYS and select Preferences from the Tools menu.
The Session Preference property view appears.
2. On the Extensions tab click the Register an Extension
button. If you already have another version of this extension
registered, then click the Unregister Extension button
3. Select the OLGALink.dll from the directory that you
installed it in and click OK. Read the output window to verify
that the OLGALink.dll and OLGALink.edf files were
successfully registered.

Figure 8.18

The OLGA Link communicates to the OLGA software using TCP/

IP communication protocol. One requirement of this is to have
the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service properly configured and
started on the machine running your copy of HYSYS.

To check the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service:

Administrative Tools 1. In the Windows desktop, click Start | Settings | Control
icon Panel.
2. In the Control Panel property view, double-click the
Administrative Tools icon.
3. Click the Services icon in the Control Panel property view to
Services icon see if the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service is installed.

OLGA Link 8-43

4. If the service is installed, make sure that it is activated.

When you have installed the OLGA software from ScandPower,

their installation wizard should automatically add an olga2000
entry with a port address of 16800 in the SERVICES file. Hence
if you just want to connect to one instance of OLGA, then this
file need not be modified. Otherwise on the machine that is
running the OLGA2000 software, you may need to modify the
following file:

This would be necessary if you want to run more than one

instance of the OLGA Link, connecting to multiple OLGA server
applications. This file may also be located within some other
parent directory depending on the Operating System (for
example C:\Windows\…). Check to see where the windir
environment variable points, if you are uncertain.

At the bottom of the file you may have to add new lines with a
unique name and unique port number for any further TCP/IP
ports that you may want to connect to for multiple instances of
the extension.

olga2000 16800/tcp
olga2000a 16801/tcp

If you are running OLGA on a remote machine and you want to

allow other or new local HYSYS computers to also run the
extension and access OLGA on this remote machine, then you
will need to modify a *.rhosts file.

The name of the *.rhosts file does begin with a dot or period
character and it has no extension.

The *.rhosts file should be located in the C:\WINNT directory.

The format of this file is a new line for each computer that you
might want to grant access to. The first entry on the line is the
name of the computer you are giving access to and the second
entry is the account access. Always use System for the account
access. The computer name should be a full name appended

8-44 Troubleshooting

with the complete domain of the machine.

For example,

If you are uncertain of your domain name, just try the MSDOS
ping command from a DOS prompt. For example, at the C:\
prompt type:
ping jreeves18

and in the response it should show you that complete machines

domain. This complete name is necessary if you are
communicating across a larger portion of your LAN to different
sub networks.

Typically, you can enter two lines - one with the computer name
with no domain and the second with the full computer and
domain name. Once you change this file you will need to reboot
your computer or just manually stop and re-start the RSH
Daemon service (rshd.exe) from the Services panel.

An example of typical lines to put in the *.rhosts file are as


Jreeves18 System System System

If you are having problems with communication for some

reason, you can also stop the rshd.exe application and start it
from a DOS prompt with the debug option:
Start rshd -d

Always ensure that this service starts automatically (upon

reboot) from the Services applet panel of your remote or OLGA
PC and ensure the Allow service to interact with desktop
checkbox is selected.

OLGA Link 8-45

8.4.3 Reverse and Abnormal

Flow Situations
The HYSYS-OLGA Link correctly simulates reverse flow in an
Outlet stream, because the detailed component representation
is lumped into just a water and gas fractions and then passed
to OLGA. OLGA has its own internal component property
representations. This process is exact the same as what is done
for one of the Link extension Inlet stream with forward or
positive flow.

Reverse flow in an Inlet stream will continue to solve, but the

stream will not be updated with any composition or thermal
state from the extension, since the variables cannot be readily
accessed from OLGA. The basic premise for setting an Outlet
streams composition (with positive outflow) is for that
composition to be accessed from either the reference stream or
the sum of the inlet streams. It is not thought practical to take
the reference stream composition for a negatively flowing Inlet

When reverse flow in an Inlet stream occurs, the model will

continue to run. However, a component material balance
cannot be maintained. A caution message appears in the
HYSYS Trace Window.

For situations where phase slip occurs in the OLGA model to the
point at which one phase is flowing in the opposite direction, the
total mass flow is preserved and maintained between the two
models. For the purposes of updating an Outlets composition,
however, the phase(s) with negative flow is discarded and so
strictly speaking, the model will not be maintaining a component
material balance.

8-46 Troubleshooting

The above mentioned reverse flow situations should be avoided.

The convention for an OLGA SOURCE is to have positive flow

mean flow into the OLGA pipe. Negative flow means material
removal. This means for an Outlet from a HYSYS-OLGA Link
which is connected to a SOURCE, the OLGA GGSOUR, GLHLMA
and GLWTMA flow variables will be negative but this sign is
negated when used in HYSYS since the HYSYS Outlet flow is
actually positive.

8.4.4 Simulation Stability

The HYSYS-OLGA Link relies on the linking of two simultaneous
hydraulic solvers. This means that the simulation will not
necessarily be stable nor accurate if rapid transients occur at the
Link boundaries. This instability is usually seen when you try to
stop the flow completely. It is recommended that you either:
• Put the valve or other flow control device (pumps
included) at the immediate boundary of the link.
• Put the valve or other flow control device (pumps
included) within either the OLGA or HYSYS model to give
sufficient capacitance to stabilize this tearing of the
hydraulic solutions.

8.4.5 Errors
The HYSYS-OLGA Link will report a number of different types of
errors if problems are experienced. You have the option of
reporting the errors to the HYSYS Trace window or having the
errors appear as a message dialogue box that has to be
acknowledged. You can change this behavior via the Trace
Errors checkbox on the Connections page of the Setup tab.

Most errors will just be of some descriptive text, which should

be self-explanatory. Other categories of messages are described
• If a message is preceded with the words OLGA_SERVER
Reported Error (OLGA_ERROR - Log All
Communication and review log file):, then this
indicates the OLGA Server responded with an error

OLGA Link 8-47

message to one of the messages sent by the Client. The

error message from OLGA follows in either the HYSYS
Trace window or message dialogue box.

If OLGA responds with an OLGA_ERROR but it is only of type

warning then this will not prompt an error in HYSYS.

See OLGA Control Page To see these warning messages, you need to use the Log
on page 22. for more All Communication checkbox and view the special
information on the Log HYSYS trace log file. These error messages should be
All Communication
reviewed in conjunction with your OLGA documentation
and perhaps running the OLGA model standalone
through the same operating scenario.
• If a message is preceded with the words METHOD - then
this indicates that Visual Basic has experienced an
exception in the extension code. The Link was written to
be as robust as possible and the VB code will just report
this exception with its associated error message and then
carry on.

The normal path of code execution would not occur. This

may or may not be a significant problem to the user. If this
error message occurs and you can carry on with your
simulation or what you wanted to do, then it is likely that the
error is immaterial. Otherwise, you may want to contact
Aspentech Support for assistance.

8.4.6 Trace Debugging

If problems are experienced while using the HYSYS-OLGA Link,
then you can try turning on the Log All Communication
checkbox on the OLGA page of the Dynamics tab. This will
trace all client to server (and vice versa) messages by opening
two new files.
• One will be on the HYSYS side and will be located in the
same directory as where your HYSYS case resides. The
file will have a name of OLGA2000Client-
dd_mmm_yy-hh_mm.log where the date and time
stamp are appended. This file contains all messaging as
logged by the client (that is the HYSYS extension code).
• The second file will be located in the OLGA model
directory with a name of OLGA2000Server-
dd_mmm_yy-hh_mm.log where the date and time
stamp are appended. This is the logging as done by the
OLGA software.

8-48 Troubleshooting

The two files should match in presenting similar messaging


In order to understand the details of these trace files, you

need to understand some of the OLGA Server Interface
standards as published in ScandPower's Technical Note
(latest revision is document TN3/13.010.002/Rev. 6, 3
March 2003).

8.4.7 HYSYS Communication

using Process Data Tables
Using Process Data Tables in HYSYS makes the extension to
HYSYS communication as fast and efficient as possible. It also
collects the relevant variables in one convenient place.

Refer to Chapter 11 - Each time the Integrator is started in HYSYS, two new Process
Simulation Tools of the
HYSYS User Guide for
Data Tables are constructed for each link extension, one for
more information. inputs into the OLGA server and one to receive outputs from
OLGA. To view these tables select the Databook command in
the Tools menu of HYSYS (or press CTRL D).

On the Databook property view you will see a Process Data

Tables tab where you can view individual tables. Examine these
tables to see if all the expected variables are in the input and
output tables. Look for any typos the way they have been

8.4.8 OLGA Restart Files

OLGA has the concept of restart files which typically have a
*.rsw extension. These are saved every time that OLGA shuts
down, including when some exception has occurred and the
system has inadvertently shutdown. These files are actually the
exact same file format as the *.snp snapshot files that the Link

Hence, you can just use any pre-existing *.rsw file to initialize
the Link. You will, however, have to rename the extension to

OLGA Link 8-49

*.snp. You also need to ensure that the restart file being loaded
is sufficiently compatible with the state of the HYSYS model to
prevent errors or to at least allow the simulation to integrate

8.5 Getting Started

8.5.1 Introduction
This getting started example will take you through a step-by-
step procedure, which demonstrates how to take an OLGA
model and create a HYSYS case that utilizes the model.

Before you begin, make sure that you have installed both
OLGA2000 and HYSYS on the same or separate machines. Verify
that you have the HYSYS-OLGA Link extension installed and
properly registered on the machine that HYSYS is installed on.
For the purposes of this exercise, we will use an existing OLGA
model, process-test.inp, which can be found in the
Sample1\OLGA files directory where the OLGA Link was
installed. If these conditions are satisfied open HYSYS and
create a new simulation case.

8.5.2 Simulation Basis

The first step is to create the basis for the integrated simulation
that you wish to run. Both OLGA and HYSYS need to know about
the property package and components that will be needed in the
simulation and these need to be consistent. It is known, from
how the OLGA file was created, that the PR
(Peng-Robinson) equation of state is used.
1. Open HYSYS and click the New Case icon. The Simulation

New Case icon

8-50 Getting Started Example

Basis Manager property view appears.

2. In the Components tab, create a component list and add
the following components: nitrogen, CO2, methane,
ethane, propane, i-butane, n-butane, i-pentane, n-
pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, n-nonane, n-
decane, n-C11, n-C12, and n-C13.
3. In the Fluid Pkgs tab, create a fluid package and select
Peng-Robinson EOS for the property package.
4. Click the Enter Simulation Environment button.

8.5.3 HYSYS Flowsheet

Once the simulation basis has been set up the main simulation
environment is entered. Here you will add the required streams
and OLGA Link extension to the flowsheet (or PFD).
1. Add a new stream to the flowsheet and call it Feed.
2. Open the Feed stream property view.
3. In the Composition page of the Worksheet tab, edit the
compositions of this stream to reflect the composition in the
case Sample1\HYSYS\processtestFinal.hsc.
4. In the Conditions page of the Worksheet tab, supply this
stream with some initial values for pressure (7500 kPa),
temperature (60°C) and mass flow (57,600 kg/hr).
5. Save this HYSYS case as myTest.hsc.

8.5.4 OLGA Link Extension

1. From the OLGA 2000 GUI, open the OLGA input file
2. From the drawing you will notice that there is one BRANCH
named BRAN-1 which has two terminal nodes.
3. If you examine the input keywords more closely the
following information can be obtained.

On the inlet end there is a SOURCE called INLET1. On the

outlet side there is a terminal pressure BOUNDARY NODE
labelled OUTLET. Using this information we can now add the
HYSYS-OLGA Link extension to the HYSYS flowsheet and
complete the required information on the Setup tab.

OLGA Link 8-51

1. Switch back to your HYSYS case.
2. From the Flowsheet menu select Add Operation or press
3. In the UnitOps property view, select the Extensions radio
button and select the HYSYS-OLGA Link from the list of
available extensions.
4. Click the Add button to add OLGA Link to the flowsheet. The
OLGA Link property view appears.
5. On the Connections page of the Setup tab, connect the
stream Feed to the Inlets group and change the OLGA
Source label to INLET1.
6. Type Product in the HYSYS Stream column of the Outlets
group to create and connect an outlet stream. Change the
OLGA Boundary label to OUTLET.
7. Open the Product stream property view and click the
Define From Other Stream button. Initialize this stream
from the Feed stream.
8. Switch the mode from Steady State to Dynamics.
9. Click No to the message dialog box regarding the Dynamics

Server Details
1. In the OLGA Link property view, select the Server page of
the Setup tab.
2. At this point take note of the directory locations of the OLGA
executable, the name of the machine where OLGA is
installed and the name of the communication port that was
setup in your system SERVICES file.
3. Enter the name of the machine where OLGA is installed in
the OLGA Host field.
4. Enter the path to the OLGA EXE on the host machine.
5. Enter the name of the service under which the OLGA server
will be started. On installation OLGA edits the SERVICES file
and will call the service olga2000. Verify this in the
6. Enter the number of the port on which the OLGA server will
be started. This is also found in the SERVICES file.

8-52 Getting Started Example

7. In the OLGA Input files group, enter process-test.inp

proceeded by the full path to the location of this file on the
OLGA computer. You need to make sure that this is shared
with read and write access by the user on the HYSYS
8. Save the HYSYS case. Make sure that the process-test.inp
and are all in the same file location as you
had specified on the extension property view.

Dynamic Specifications
The OLGA model is calculating the pressure at a SOURCE
location and the phase Mass flows at a BOUNDARY location. The
dynamic specifications in HYSYS should coincide with this,
therefore the inlet stream should have an activated Flow
specification (because OLGA will be calculating pressure) and
the outlet stream should have an activated Pressure
specification. Since we are going to be using the Write P-F
Equations checkbox feature, you could also specify pressure at
the inlet and flow at the outlet, but you would be reliant on the
OLGA derivatives to relate the pressure and flow variables.
1. Open the OLGA Link property view, select the PF Specs
page of the Worksheet tab.
2. Activate the Flow spec of the stream Feed and change the
flow type to Mass Flow. Deactivate the Pressure spec.
3. Specify a mass flow value of 57,600 kg/hr.
4. Activate the Pressure spec of the stream Product and
specify a value of 5,000 kPa. Deactivate the Flow spec.

Initial Conditions
It is important to initialize the streams in HYSYS with values that
correspond to the conditions given in the OLGA input file. If
these conditions do not match then the results out of the OLGA
model may not be what was expected and the model may
become unstable.
1. Open the process-test.inp file in OLGA2000 and view the
SOURCE and BOUNDARY data for each stream connected to
the OLGA link extension.
2. Remember the conditions given at these locations.

OLGA Link 8-53

3. Go back to the HYSYS case and double check this.

You may want to save the HYSYS case at this point as we are
now ready to connect to the OLGA server and run the

OLGA Server
The HYSYS case is now properly setup to run the integrated
simulation. At this point it is necessary to start the OLGA server,
connect to it and load the input file.
1. Open the OLGA Link property view in HYSYS.
2. On the Server page of the Setup tab, click the Connect
button to link up the extension with the OLGA server.

If this fails an error will be reported and the status bar will
indicate that the server is not connected. Make sure that the
Use Auto Connect checkbox is selected.
3. Check that the OLGA Model Path and OLGA Input File name
are entered correctly, and click the Load Input File button.
4. The OLGA server will attempt to load the file and initialize
the server. If this is successful the status bar will read OK.

The OLGA server has successfully loaded the input file and
initialized. Providing that the dynamic specifications are correct,
the model is ready to be run.
1. In HYSYS, start the integrator from the Integrator property
view or by clicking the Solver Active icon on the tool bar.
Solver Active icon It is recommended that initially, you put the HYSYS
Integrator in manual mode and then click the Solver Active
icon. This action will only start the integrator but not take
any steps. Next, you can take a few manual steps and see
how the model simulates. If there are problems with your
OLGA Link extension HYSYS will fail to initialize and a
warning will appear.

8-54 Getting Started Example

2. View the OLGA Server window to see if the server is

integrating along with HYSYS (this is not possible if the
Server was started automatically on a remote PC).

To see the variables that are being input to and retrieved from
the OLGA server, view the process data tables.
3. In the Tools menu select the Databook command.
4. On the Databook property view, click the Process Data
Table tab.
5. In the list of tables you will find an input and an output table
for each OLGA link extension in the flowsheet. Check that
these are the variables that you expect to be transferred to
and from OLGA.

You may want to save both the OLGA model and the HYSYS case
at a certain point in time.

When you save the HYSYS case a snapshot file will be saved
with the name specified on the Server page of the Setup tab
from the OLGA Link property view. This file name is
automatically updated by appending a date and time to the file
name, this keeps the file name unique.

It is recommended that, once you have integrated the HYSYS

and OLGA models, you always load the OLGA snapshot,
which keeps its time and overall simulation state consistent
with that of HYSYS.

8.5.5 Tutorial on HYSYS to

OLGA Stream Connections
As mentioned previously, some care must be taken when
making the pressure-flow connections to and from OLGA. See
HYSYS Pressure-Flow Network Considerations on page 35.
for description. A linked HYSYS case has been prepared which
demonstrates preferable and non-recommended connection

OLGA Link 8-55


Model Description
The case is called OLGALinkSample2.hsc. You will find that this
OLGA model has a BOUNDARY connection to node TOPSIDE and
a SOURCE connection for material outflow which is connected to
TOPSIDESOURCE. Both of these Outlets flowing into HYSYS are
taken from the end of a pipeline in OLGA (see the file
OLGALinkSampe2.inp). The BOUNDARY connection has an
isolation valve between the final section of the pipeline and
HYSYS, whereas the SOURCE does not.

As a general rule, where connections are made with the

possibility of flow closure or abrupt change, the device which
causes the abrupt change should be placed at the immediate
bound of the two linked models with no holdup (or a very
large holdup with sufficient material capacitance) thereafter.
The device which will most directly affect the flow needs to
send a flow specification to the other model.

In the example case, the HYSYS valve VLV-105 should not be

closed (nor modulated severely) since the stream 14 will be
sending a pressure specification value to the OLGA TOPSIDE
BOUNDARY connection. The valve VLV-101 connection to
SOURCE TOPSIDESOURCE is a much better modeling
technique that allows the closure of VLV-101, because stream
3 will then set an explicit zero flow specification to OLGA. The
VLV-106 in this case is a bad candidate to close since VLV-101
has a holdup of 2m3. This provides two non-zero holdup
volumes between the OLGA and HYSYS model which must
equilibrate their pressures all via the linear PF relationship. If
the holdup of VLV-101 were zero, then the downstream valve
could be fully closed.

In the OLGA model there is a valve called SDVALVE2-VLV

which is controlled via CONTROLLER SDVALVE2. SDVALVE2 is
controlled in the sample model via the OP of HYSYS controller
IC-100. This valve can be successfully closed since it writes an
explicit zero flow specification to the HYSYS stream 14. The
valves CHOKE-VLV and SDVALVE1-VLV cannot be closed

8-56 Getting Started Example

dependably, since they leave a (small) volume of holdup

material downstream and are connected to the HYSYS model
which must balance off their pressures when either of these two
upstream OLGA valves are closed. If these two OLGA valves
were located, say, a few hundred meters upstream and there
was always sufficient gas holdup in the downstream piping, then
the valve closures would likely be robust and stable. This is
because there is a large volume and hence the pressure
changes more slowly. Of course, a smaller integration step in
HYSYS is always a solution to this type of problem, but this is
not always practical.

This same discussion would apply to connections with pumps or

other abrupt flow control equipment.

OLGA Link 8-57

8-58 Getting Started Example

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-1

9 PVT Pro for HYSYS


9.1 Introduction................................................................................... 2
9.1.1 Installing PVT Pro Package......................................................... 2

9.2 PVT Pro Package ............................................................................ 3

9.2.1 Adding a PVT Pro Package ......................................................... 3
9.2.2 Setting up a New PVT Pro Property Package................................. 6
9.2.3 Working Environment................................................................ 9
9.2.4 PVT Calculation ...................................................................... 11
9.2.5 Model Tuning ......................................................................... 21

9-2 Introduction

9.1 Introduction
DBR PVT Pro is an equation-of-state based program that is
specially designed for petroleum engineers and laboratory
technical personnel for simulating standard PVT laboratory
measurements and evaluating gas miscibility with reservoir

PVT Pro is capable of predicting the phase behaviour and the

fluid properties, and performing regression for up to twenty
reservoir fluid samples as well as performing regression on
multiple samples. It offers users the flexibility of choosing
between the Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state (1976, and
1978) as well as the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation of
state (1972) with both two and three parameters. Also, the best
known literature data and published in-house measured data
have been used to determine the pure component properties
and the binary interaction parameters for the components that
are included in the PVT Pro component library.

This chapter describes the use of PVT Pro property package with
HYSYS Upstream (a product of Aspen Technology Inc.) and the
configuration procedures in PVT Pro environment.

9.1.1 Installing PVT Pro

PVT Pro for COMThermo is installed automatically as a merged
module as part of the HYSYS Upstream. The installation
instructions in the PVT Pro User’s Manual refer to the standalone
version of PVT Pro and do not apply to HYSYS Upstream.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-3

9.2 PVT Pro Package

A PVT Pro property package consists of an equation of state, a
set of samples and components, and thermodynamic and
transport property models for several phases. The objective is to
characterize a property package using PVT Pro, and then export
the complete package in to HYSYS so that you model your
simulation in a HYSYS environment.

9.2.1 Adding a PVT Pro

To add a PVT Pro property package to a new case, you must
start HYSYS.
1. From the File menu, select New and then Case.
The Simulation Basis Manager appears.

Figure 9.1

The components for the property package must be selected

within the PVT Pro GUI, for more information refer to the
section on Component/Sample Selection Tab. You cannot
select the components within HYSYS.

9-4 PVT Pro Package

2. Click on the Enter PVT Environment button. The PVT

Environment Manager appears.
3. On the Engine Setup tab, click the Add button. A new PVT
package (PVT-1) is added to the PVT package list.

Figure 9.2

4. From the Selected Engine list, select DBR PVT Pro.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-5

5. Click the Launch Engine button to launch the DBR PVT Pro

Figure 9.3

9-6 PVT Pro Package

9.2.2 Setting up a New PVT

Pro Property Package
To create a new PVT Pro project, click on the Create New Project
icon on the toolbar. The Create New PVT Pro Project view
Create New Project icon appears.

Figure 9.4

You can open an existing PVT Pro project by clicking on the

Open PVTPro Project File icon.

The Create New PVT Pro Project view consists of four tabs:
• General Setting
• Component/Sample Selection
• Project Settings
• Description

You have the option to configure the property package manually

by specifying the required information on each individual tab, or
by using the built-in project setup wizard which guides you
through the necessary steps to complete the configuration.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-7

Click on the Start Wizard Now button to start the Auto


General Setting Tab

The General Setting tab allows you to select a pre-defined
component system or a system that requires characterization. If
the system requires characterization, specify whether each
sample uses a separate set of characterized properties, or all
sample share the same set of characterized properties. PVT Pro
can handle up to five reservoir fluid samples at a time.

Component/Sample Selection Tab

The Component/Sample Selection tab allows you to specify the
components in the property package. You can select a
component group or a sample to describe the compositions of
the system for each reservoir fluid sample.

Figure 9.5

9-8 PVT Pro Package

If a component group is selected, you need to specify the

compositions after you complete setting up the project. If a
sample is selected, the composition of the sample is pre-
defined. You may modify the compositions for any selected
sample after you exit the Create New PVT Pro Project view.

If the built-in component group library or sample library do not

meet your system requirement, click Start CompBANK button
to create a user-defined component group or sample as desired.

Project Settings Tab

The Project Settings tab allows you to select the equation of
state, including the volume translation (the corrective tern for
liquid density calculation, or commonly known as the three-
parameter PR or SRK equation of state), and a van der Waals
mixing rule. In addition you have the option to select a viscosity
model for the fluid sample, and edit the standard condition and
the criteria for Pseudo-Ternaries as desired.

Figure 9.6

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-9

The With Volume Translation checkbox is selected with

Constant Volume Translation selected by default. The volume
correction option is provided as it was shown that volume
translation improves the liquid volume predictions of the PR
equation of state. It is known that the two-parameter cubic
equation of state (e.g., PR or SRK) under-predict liquid
volume (Jhaveri and Youngern, SPE 13118).

Description Tab
The Description tab provides a text editor that allows you to
record any comments or information regarding the project or
the fluid sample in general.

9.2.3 Working Environment

Once you have finished setting up the PVT Pro project, click the
OK button in the Create New PVT Pro Project property view to
return to the PVT Pro main window.

Save the project by clicking the Save PVTPro Project icon on

the toolbar.

9-10 PVT Pro Package

Figure 9.7



The PVT Pro main window is displayed in a two-pane format:

Function Explorer (left pane) and Data Operating Area (right

Function Explorer
The Function Explorer pane resembles a Windows directory in
which you can click on the corresponding item in the directory to
access a desired function window.

Data Operating Area

The Data Operating area displays the corresponding function
window that you select via the Function Explorer. It is the main
working area where you can input data, run calculations, and
view results.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-11

9.2.4 PVT Calculation

This section focuses on the Fluid Compositions,
Characterization, and Phase Envelope functionalities. The use of
other PVT Pro calculation capabilities are described in the PVT
Pro online help system.

Fluid Compositions
The Fluid Compositions function consists of three sub-functions:
• Reservoir Compositions
• Contamination Study
• Stream Operation

Reservoir Compositions
The Reservoir Compositions function window allows you to
specify the molecular weight, standard density, and composition
for each component.

Figure 9.8

9-12 PVT Pro Package

To transfer all data from a PVT Pro Worksheet to MS Excel:

1. Right-click anywhere on the PVT Pro worksheet.
2. Select Send to MS Excel from the menu.

In the Data Type group, you have the option to specify the
sample to be a Reservoir Fluid or Sep. Gas & Sep. Oil.

Sep. Gas refers to the gas that is produced through the

separator (or series of separators). Sep. Oil refers to the oil
that is produced by flashing a reservoir fluid through a separator
at the surface. Both separator gas and oil samples are sampled
directly from the separator at the specific operating pressure
and temperature of the separator. For separator oil, the
separator pressure normally exceeds ambient pressure, and as
such, the separator oil can be expected to contain dissolved gas.

If the Sep. Gas & Sep. Oil option is selected, the Recombine
Fluid button becomes available. There are two types of fluid
recombination: GOR Recombination and Bubble/Dew Point

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-13

GOR Recombination
Figure 9.9

The GOR Recombination function allows you to calculates the

mixing proportion of the separator oil and separation gas that
results in a recombined reservoir fluid composition according to
a gas-oil ratio (GOR).

9-14 PVT Pro Package

Bubble/Dew Point Recombination

Figure 9.10

The Bubble/Dew Point Recombination function allows you to

calculate the mixing proportion of the separator oil, and
separator gas that result in a recombined reservoir fluid
composition according to a specified saturation condition. This
condition may be a bubble point pressure or a retrograde drew
point pressure.

Oil based drilling mud is widely used in offshore drilling
applications. The use of mud can cause major difficulties in
collecting high quality fluid samples because the mud could
affect key fluid properties such as the cloud point, saturation
pressure, and gas-oil ratio. Since accurate reservoir fluid
properties are needed in reservoir development, it is highly
beneficial to determine accurate compositions and phase
behaviours of reservoir fluids from contaminated samples.

This new function, in PVT Pro 5.0, makes it possible to calculate

the reservoir fluid properties of a sample contaminated with a

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-15

synthetic drilling mud with a known or unknown composition

using the Subtraction and Skimming Method respectively.

In PVT Pro, you may enter in the compositions of your

contaminated reservoir fluid. Typically a composition of at least
C20+ is required to determine the drilling mud composition
since mud composition is usually in the range of C9 - C30. Once
the fluid composition is entered you can click on the
contamination function found in the directory pane.

Once you have selected the Contamination function, the

Contamination Study view appears. The Contamination Study
consists of five steps:
• Step 1: Determine Oil & OBM Using Skiming or
Subtracting Method
• Step 2: Characterize Contaminant into Pseudo-
• Step 3: Tune Properties of Pseudo-Components to Match
Experimental Data
• Step 4: Display Tuning Results & Save Pseudo-
Components to CompBANK
• Step 5: Further Steps

Step 1 is primarily used to determine if the fluid is contaminated

and by what percentage. Step 2 to 5 are available for
determining the uncontaminated properties of the original fluid.
Typically, only experimental data for the contaminated fluid is
available, and it is not an accurate indicator of how the original
reservoir fluid will behave with changes in pressure and

Select the five steps from the drop-down list or use the Previous
and Next button to navigate the corresponding view of each
step. Specify the required information as you proceed. The five
steps are discussed in the following sections.

9-16 PVT Pro Package

Step 1: Determine Oil & OBM Using Skiming

or Subtracting Method
You can choose the method to determine the composition and
amount of mud in the reservoir fluid. Two methods are
available: The Subtraction Method if the user knows the drilling
mud composition or The Skimming Method if the drilling mud
composition is unknown.

Figure 9.11

If the drilling mud compositional data is not available, a range

for the mud components must be entered (usually C9 - C25 is
sufficient). The program will only find the components that have
caused contamination (i.e., the drilling mud composition) and
the calculation results may find that the mud only has
components from C12-C16 even though the user's range was
larger than needed.

Save the uncontaminated stream and mud composition in the

project. By default, Stream 31 is set to be the uncontaminated
and Stream 32 is for the drilling mud.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-17

Click Perform Calculation to calculate the composition of the

drilling mud and the amount of mud (mol% or wt %). The
results are displayed on the Calculation Results Tab.

The window below indicates that the reservoir fluid was only
slight contaminated with drilling mud (i.e. < 0.5 mol%).

Step 2: Characterize Contaminant into

Step 2 allows you to create pseudo components for the drilling
mud. You can create pseudo component groupings for the range
of calculated drilling components determined. For example, if
your drilling mud composition lies between C12-C16, you can
create one pseudo component or two groups and name them as
desired by typing in the Component Name column. To
characterize the mud pseudo components, click the Do
Characterization button.

Figure 9.12

9-18 PVT Pro Package

Step 3: Tune Properties of Pseudo-

Components to Match Experimental Data
Step 3 consists of three tabs:
• Characterization Results. Allows you to view the
characterization results for the pseudo components. The
Save Mud Properties into CompBANK allows you to save
the pseudo components into the CompBANK to later
create a component group with the mud pseudo
components (Step 5).
• Experimental Data. Allows you to specify mud density
and viscosity at different pressures and temperatures.
The liquid compositions (calculated values) are also
displayed for the pseudo components in the bottom table
of the experimental tab.
• Select Tuning Parameters. Allows you to tune the
pseudo components to experimental data and select the
parameters to tune against.

Figure 9.13

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-19

Step 4: Display Tuning Results & Save

Pseudo-Components to CompBANK
In Step 4, the tuning results are displayed along with the
deviation between calculated and experimental data.

Step 5: Further Steps

To create a component group that contains the mud
1. Click on a new sample tab (i.e., Sample 2) found on the right
side of the program screen.
2. Click Start CompBANK and add the mud component(s)
(previously saved in the CompBANK in step 3) to the same
component list that was used for the original contaminated

To create the contaminated system by mixing the appropriate

amounts of uncontaminated oil and the mud components:
1. Click the Excel icon to open MS Excel
2. Refer Go to the Step 1, in the Decontamination Module for
Sample 1, in the Calculation Results tab, click copy all to
paste the uncontaminated fluid and drilling mud composition
into Excel. Also copy the contamination level of the drilling
mud and uncontaminated fluid (in mol%).
3. Copy the Pseudo Drilling Mud Composition(s) from Step 3,
Experimental Data and put it into the Excel spreadsheet.
4. Calculate the appropriate mud composition for the pseudo
components by multiplying the contamination level of the
drilling mud and the mole fraction of the pseudo component
copied in Step 3.
5. Calculate the appropriate uncontaminated fluid composition
by multiplying the mol % of the decontaminated level copied
in the Step 2 above and each component mol % and dividing
by 100.
6. Copy these mol % into the Sample 2 component list now in
PVT Pro (This sample is representative of the contaminated
fluid originally entered into Sample 1)

9-20 PVT Pro Package

To tune the EOS model with any experimental data done on the
contaminated reservoir fluid.

Under Sample 2, clone sample 1. This will clone all the tuning
done and experimental data etc. Set the pseudo mud
component(s) to zero and recalculate the PVT tests to find the
uncontaminated phase behaviour and fluid properties. Do not
re-characterize the fluid. Rerun the calculations to obtain
uncontaminated reservoir fluid properties.

Solvent Composition
To enter solvent compositions:
1. Select Stream Operation from the Function Explorer.
2. On the Stream Compositions tab, click on the MW cell for
3. Enter a composition.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for Dry Gas and NGL.
5. If desired, right-click on the units under the stream and
select Normalize to normalize the compositions.
6. To combine the streams, click the Stream Mixing button.
7. Select the Input Streams and the Result Stream from the
drop-down list.
8. Click on the Save Stream to CompBANK button to save
the stream to CompBANK.
9. In the Save Current Stream to CompBANK view, enter the
Stream name.

You may save the current reservoir fluid data to CompBANK

as an oil sample. To do so, select Save Stream to CompBANK
from the Stream Operation menu. Enter the sample name in
the dialog provided. Select Solvent or Dry Gas & NGL.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-21

9.2.5 Model Tuning

Cubic equations of state (EOS) usually do not predict laboratory
data of oil/gas mixtures accurately without tuning of the EOS

PVT Pro provides a wizard to guide the user through the tuning
process. Model tuning is achieved by using a multi-variable
regression package to fit one or more of the following
experimental data:
• Saturation Pressures
• PVT Tests
• Saturation Pressures and PVT Tests
• Viscosities

It is recommended that model tuning be performed right after

the system is specified but before any calculation functions are
executed. Otherwise, you may need to update the calculation
results that were generated prior to model tuning. See Refresh
Calculation Results for details.

Tuning Model Parameters

• Adjustable Parameters

T ci, P ci, ---- , K g and α (9.1)

• Saturation Pressures
The interaction coefficients are estimated using the
following equation:

1 1 1 1 α
⎛ --6- --6- ⎞ ⎛ --3- --3- ⎞
K ij = 1 – ⎜ 2V ci V cj⎟ ⁄ ⎜ V ci V cj⎟ (9.2)
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

9-22 PVT Pro Package

• PVT Tests
Adjust Volume Translation Parameters
- For light components (MW<90)
The volume translation is calculated as follows:

----i = 0.4672ω i – 0.1547 (9.3)

- For heavy components (MW 90)

Volume translations are tuned by the standard
densities of single components. (Standard Condition
60F, 14.7 psia)

0 PR exp (9.4)
ci = V –V

Select whether to use the Peneloux Correlation to

tune volume translation:

c ci
----i = const ( 1 ) ⋅ ----- + const ( 2 ) (9.5)
bi 0
b i

• Viscosities
Select whether to adjust viscosity coefficients Cvisc,i

T ci = C visc, i T ci (9.6)

Model Tune with Saturation Process

1. Activate the Model Tuning function from the menu bar or
toolbar. There are four items that can be tuned in the Model
Tuning dialog.
2. Select Saturation Pressures.
3. Under the Reservoir Fluid tab enter the number of
experimental data points.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-23

4. Enter each set of experimental data.

5. Select a PVT test and select the checkbox to include swelling
6. Under the Swelling Test tab, choose whether to tune
saturation pressures for swelling test.
7. Enter the number of experimental data points and the
experimental data.
8. Click Next Step to proceed to Select Parameters.
9. Select whether to use theta to tune Kij.
10. Enter the number of Kijs to be tuned and input appropriate
11. Enter any other information desired in the Tc, Pc, Acentric
factor, Pedersen Coefficients, Omega A and Omega B tabs.
12. Click Next to proceed to Sensitivity Analysis. The Start
Sensitivity tab will appear. Select the Iteration Limit as
well as the Error Tolerance.
13. Click Next to view the Sensitivity Results dialog.
14. Click Next to proceed to the Do model Tuning Step. Enter
the Iteration and Error Tolerance. Click Start Tuning.
The result dialog appears upon the completion of model
15. Click Save & Close to exit the result dialog.

Model Tune with PVT Tests

1. Enter experimental data in the Experimental Data tab of PVT
2. Activate the Model Tuning function from the function
explorer or toolbar.
3. Select PVT Tests. There are several options: CCE, DL, CVD,
Separator, Swelling and P-T Flash/Dead Oil.
4. Select a test on the sample tab and select the checkbox on
the test tab.
5. Corresponding tuning information appears in the area on the
6. Adjust the number of Experimental Data points and enter
the information below.
7. Assign a weight for each checked property item by moving
the tab marker or click on the Set All Weights to 100 button.

9-24 PVT Pro Package

8. Click next to proceed to the Select Parameters step.

9. Adjust Volume Translation Parameters.
10. Click next to proceed to the Perform Sensitivity Analysis
11. Enter a desired Iteration Limit and Error Tolerance. Click
Start Sensitivity Analysis.
12. Click Next to proceed to the Modify Sensitivity Analysis
results step. Modify as desired.
13. Click Next to proceed to the Do Model Tuning step.
14. Select Iteration Limit and Error Tolerance and then click
Start Model Tuning button.
15. Click Next to proceed to the Model Tuning Results. The
result dialog appears upon the completion of model tuning.
16. Click Save & Close to exit the result dialog.

Model Tune with Saturation pressures and PVT tests:

1. Select Saturation Pressures and PVT Tests from the model
tuning dialog.
2. Simply follow the steps outlined for each item individually.

Model Tune with Viscosities

1. Enter experimental data in the Experimental Data tab of PVT
2. Activate the Model Tuning function from the function
explorer or toolbar.
3. Select Viscosities. There are several options: CCE, DL, CVD,
Separator, Swelling, and P-T Flash/Dead Oil.
4. From the tree browser in the sample tab, select the desired
tests. Click on the Test tab, located on the right, to make
the corresponding tuning information appear.
5. Adjust the number of Experimental Data points and enter
corresponding data.
6. Assign a weight for the oil viscosity by moving the tab
marker or click on the Set All Weights to 100 button.
7. Click Next to proceed to the Select Parameters step.
8. Adjust Viscosity Coefficients.
9. Click Next to proceed to the Sensitivity Analysis step.

PVT Pro for HYSYS Upstream 9-25

10. Enter Iteration Limit and Error Tolerance then click Start
Sensitivity Analysis.
11. Click Next to proceed to the Modify Sensitivity Analysis
step. Modify as desired.
12. Click Next to proceed to the Do Model Tuning Now step.
Enter the Iteration Limit and Error Tolerance, then click
Start Model Tuning.
13. Click Next to display Model Tuning Results.
14. Click Save & Close to exit the result dialog.

If you want to update all existing results based on the tuned

model, click on the Refresh All button on the PVT Pro toolbar.
See Refresh Calculation Results.

9.3 View Calsep PVTSim

Providing consistent thermodynamic results across different
modeling environments is a key prerequisite on the path to
integrated assest modeling. HYSYS Upstream makes this viable
by providing access to industry recognized third party PVT

You must have a HYSYS Upstream license to read the case the
first time. Once you have viewed the case, you can close it and
reopen it without a license.

HYSYS Upstream links to Calsep PVTSim through the PVT

1. From the PVT environment, click Add to add a new engine.
2. Select an engine from the Selected Engine list.
3. Click Launch Engine.
4. Click Select to navigate to the CALSEP text file.
5. Select either Treatment of interaction parameters not
in Library:
• Estimate HC-HC / Set Non HC-HC to 0.0, or
• Set All to 0.0

9-26 View Calsep PVTSim File

6. Select the HYSYS PR Parameters:

• HYSYS or Standard
• Use EOS Densities
7. Click Read File.

HYSYS will read the text file and create a Fluid Package with the
appropriate components, method and interaction parameters. A stream
will be created with the compositions given in the text file (if present) and
the user will be put into the Flowsheet Environment.

Production Allocation Utility 10-1

10 Production Allocation

10.1 Introduction................................................................................. 2

10.2 Production Allocation Utility Property View ................................. 2

10.2.1 Setup Tab.............................................................................. 3
10.2.2 Report Tab............................................................................. 4

10-2 Introduction

10.1 Introduction
The Production Allocation Utility enables you to track the
contribution of selected streams to other down flowsheet
streams. The contribution is tracked on a compositional flow or
percentage basis.

Use of the Production Allocation utility is particularly relevant in

scenarios where a model depicts a system that relies on multiple
suppliers for inlet feeds and you want to track the individual
supplier contributions to the resulting products.

The utility does not navigate into Column Subflowsheets and

does not support the use of reactions or reactors.
Black Oil streams must first be translated in order to be used
with the utility.

10.2 Production Allocation

Utility Property View
To add a Production Allocation Utility:
1. From the Tools menu, select Utilities. The Available
Utilities property view appears.
2. From the list of available utilities, select Production
Allocation Utility.
3. Click the Add Utility button. The Production Allocation
property view appears.

Production Allocation Utility 10-3

10.2.1 Setup Tab

The Setup tab enables you to select the flowsheet and streams
within the flowsheet. Typically feed streams are selected.

Object Description
Flowsheet list Enables you to select the flowsheet containing the
streams you want to track.
Available Enables you to select the streams available in the
Streams list selected flowsheet.
Selected Streams Displays the list of streams you have added into the
list Production Allocation utility.
Add button Enables you to add the selected stream (in the
Available Streams list) into the Production Allocation
utility for tracking.
Remove button Enables you to remove the selected stream (in the
Selected Streams list) from the Production Allocation

10-4 Production Allocation Utility

10.2.2 Report Tab

The Report tab enables you to view the component flow rate of
the selected streams.

Figure 10.1

Object Description
Flowsheet list Enables you to select the flowsheet containing the
stream you want to view.
Available Streams Enables you to select a stream available in the
list selected flowsheet.
Selected Report Displays the contribution (component or percent
Stream table flow rate) from the added streams to the selected
Basis group Contains radio buttons that enables you to select
the basis of the contribution flow rate.
The types of basis available are: Molar, Mass,
Volume, and Flow Percent.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-1

A Neotec Black Oil


A.1 Neotec Black Oil Methods and Thermodynamics ............................ 2

A.1.1 Terminology ............................................................................ 3
A.1.2 PVT Behaviour and Transport Property Procedures ...................... 18

A.2 References................................................................................... 26

A-2 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

A.1 Neotec Black Oil

Methods and
You can select the desired black oil methods in the Neotec Black
Oil Methods Manager.

Several black oil PVT calculation methods exist, each based on

data from a relatively specific producing area of the world.

Correlations Data
Standing (1947) Correlation Based on 22 California crude oil-gas
for Rs and Bo systems.
Lasater (1958) Correlation Developed using 158 data from 137
for Rs crude-oils from Canada, Western and
mid-continent USA, and South America.
Vasquez and Beggs (1977) Based on 6004 data. Developed using
Correlations for Rs and Bo data from Mid-West and California
Glaso (1980) Correlations For volatile and non-volatile oils.
for Rs and Bo Developed using data from North Sea
Al-Marhoun (1985, 1988, Based on data from Saudi crude oils and
1992) Correlations for Rs Middle East reservoirs.
and Bo
Abdul-Majeed and Salman Based on 420 data points from 119 crude
(1988) Correlation for Bo oil-gas systems, primarily from Middle
East reservoirs.
Dokla and Osman (1992) Based on 51 bottomhole samples taken
Correlations for Rs and Bo from UAE reservoirs.
Petrosky and Farshad (1993) Based on 81 oil samples from reservoirs
Correlations for Rs and Bo in the Gulf of Mexico.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-3

A.1.1 Terminology
Before we discuss the PVT behaviour and transport property
procedures, you should be familiar with the following terms:
• Stock Tank Conditions
• Produced Gas Oil Ratio
• Solution Gas Oil Ratio
• Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Condensate Blends
• Specific Enthalpies for Gases and Liquids
• Oil-Water Emulsions

Stock Tank Conditions

Stock tank conditions are the basic reference conditions at
which the properties of different hydrocarbon systems can be
compared on a consistent basis. The stock tank conditions are
defined as 14.70 psia (101.325 kPa) and 60°F (15°C).

Produced Gas Oil Ratio

The produced gas oil ratio is the total amount of gas that is
produced from the reservoir with one stock tank volume of oil.
Typical units are scf/stb or m3 at s.c./m3 at s.c.

Solution Gas Oil Ratio

The solution gas/oil ratio is the amount of gas that saturates in
the oil at a given pressure and temperature. Typical units are
scf/stb or m3 at s.c./m3 at s.c.

Above the bubble point pressure, for a given temperature, the

solution gas/oil ratio is equal to the produced gas oil ratio. For
stock tank oil (in other words, oil at stock tank conditions) the
solution gas oil ratio is considered to be zero.

A-4 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Condensate

A common relationship for estimating the viscosity of a mixture
of two hydrocarbon liquids is as follows:

CA ( 1 – CA )
μm = μA × μB (A.1)

μ m = viscosity of the blended stream

μ A = viscosity of liquid A

μ B = viscosity of liquid B

CA= volume fraction of liquid A in the blended stream

------ > 20
For cases where μ B , it is recommended by Shu (1984) that
another correlation should be used to calculate the viscosity of
the mixture assuming that liquid A is the heavier and more
viscous fluid than liquid B.

XA ( 1 – XA )
μm = μA × μB (A.2)


αC A
X A = -----------------------
- (A.3)
αC A + C B

0.5237 3.2745 1.6316

17.04 ( S A – S B ) SA SB
α = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A.4)
Ln ⎛⎝ ------⎞⎠

SA = specific gravity of liquid A

SB = specific gravity of liquid B

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-5

Data from two different crude oil/condensate blends have been

used to compare the results predicted by Equation (A.1) and
Equation (A.2) through Equation (A.4). The following table
contains the available data for the two oils and the condensate

API Specific Viscosity (mPa.s)

Gravity Gravity 5°C 10°C 20°C
Oil A 14.3 0.970 12840 7400 2736
Oil B 14.3 0.964 3725 2350 1000
Condensate 82.1 0.662 0.42 0.385 -

To simplify viscosity calculations at intermediate temperatures,

the data given in the above table for each liquid were fitted to
the following form:

100 b
μ = a ⋅ ⎛⎝ ---------------------------⎞⎠ (A.5)
1.8 ⋅ T + 32


T = temperature, °C

a, b = fitted constants

The resulting values of a and b are given in the following table.

Liquid a b
Oil A 849.0 3.07
Oil B 370.0 2.62
Condensate 0.28 0.44

In all cases, the fit is very accurate (maximum error is about

3.6%) and the use of Equation (A.5) introduces minimal error
into the comparison.

A-6 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

Measured data were available at three temperatures (0°C, 5°C,

and 10°C) for each of the crude oils with three blending ratios
(90%, 80%, and 70% crude oil). Mixture viscosities calculated
by Equation (A.1) and Equation (A.2) are compared with
these data in the following table.

Equation 1.3 Equation 1.4

Temp Blend μmeas
Oil μcalc error μcalc error
(°C) (% crude) (mPa.s)
(mPa.s) (%) (mPa.s) (%)

A 0 90 2220 9348 321.1 2392 7.8

A 0 80 382 3111 714.4 370 -3.1
A 0 70 89 1035 1062.9 86 -3.4
A 5 90 1464 4661 218.4 1442 -1.5
A 5 80 272 1656 508.2 260 -4.4
A 5 70 71 588 728.2 66 -7.0
A 10 90 976 2670 173.6 953 -2.4
A 10 80 198 999 404.6 194 -2.0
A 10 70 56 374 567.9 53 -5.4
B 0 90 744 2774 272.9 989 32.9
B 0 80 147 1056 618.4 205 39.5
B 0 70 45 402 793.3 58 28.9
B 5 90 516 1531 196.7 629 21.9
B 5 80 112 615 449.1 148 32.1
B 5 70 37 247 567.6 45 21.6
B 10 90 396 951 140.2 436 10.1
B 10 80 87 399 358.6 113 29.9
B 10 70 29 168 479.3 37 27.6

From the table it is clear that the results calculated using

Equation (A.1) are not acceptable and would lead to gross
errors calculated pressure losses. As for Equation (A.2), it
gives excellent results for the blends involving Oil A. While the
errors associated with Oil B blends are significantly larger, they
are not unreasonable.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-7

Equation (A.3) can be further modified to improve its accuracy

by introducing a proprietary calibration factor.

Equation 1.4
Temp Blend μmeas
Oil μcalc error
(°C) (% crude) (mPa.s)
(mPa.s) (%)
B 0 90 744 817 9.8
B 0 80 147 157 6.8
B 0 70 45 43 -4.4
B 5 90 516 529 2.5
B 5 80 112 115 2.7
B 5 70 37 34 -8.1
B 10 90 396 371 -6.3
B 10 80 87 90 3.4
B 10 70 29 28 -3.4

The results obtained from the modified Shu correlation show

that the calibration procedure has yielded a significant
improvement in accuracy. This also applies to data at 0°C, which
were not used in the determination of the calibration since no
measured viscosity values for either Oil B or the condensate
were available at that temperature.

It has been demonstrated that the correlation of Shu (1984) is

much superior to the simple blending relationship expressed by
Equation (A.1), and it is capable of giving acceptable accuracy
for most pipeline pressure drop calculations.

Specific Enthalpies for Gases and

The temperature profiles are calculated by simultaneously
solving the mechanical and total energy balance equations. The
latter includes a term that is directly related to changes in the
total enthalpy of the fluid(s). This means that all Joule-
Thompson expansion cooling effects for gases, and frictional
heating effects for liquids would be taken into account implicitly.

A-8 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

In pipelines and wells the Joule-Thompson effect is typically

exhibited as a large decrease in temperature as a gas
expands across a restriction. According to the relationships
between the temperature, pressure, and latent energy of the
fluid, the fluid typically cools when it expands, and warms
when compressed.

It is not necessary, for example, to impose the approximations

inherent in specifying a constant average value of a Joule-
Thompson coefficient. it is, however, necessary to be able to
compute the specific enthalpy of any gas or liquid phase, at any
pressure and temperature, as accurately as possible. The
following sections describe the procedures for computing this
important thermodynamic parameter for various fluid systems.

Undefined Gases
For undefined single phase gases, where only the gravity is
known, the specific enthalpy is determined by assuming the gas
to be a binary mixture of the first two normal hydrocarbon gases
whose gravities span that of the unknown gas. The mole
fractions are selected such that the gravity of the binary mixture
is identical to that of the unknown gas of interest.

For example, a natural gas having a gravity of 0.688 would be

characterized as a binary mixture consisting of 72.3 mole %
methane (gravity = 0.5539) and 27.7 mole % ethane (gravity =
1.0382) since (0.723)(0.5539) + (0.277)(1.0382) = 0.688. The
enthalpy of the binary mixture, calculated as described above
for compositional systems, is then taken as the enthalpy of the
gas of interest. This is in fact the same procedure that has been
used to create the generalized specific enthalpy charts that
appear in the GPSA Engineering Data Book (1987).

The specific enthalpy has been evaluated as described above for

a number of specified gas gravities over a relatively wide range
of pressures and temperatures. The enthalpy of the unknown
gas is obtained at any given pressure and temperature by
interpolation within the resulting matrix of values.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-9

Undefined Liquids
Undefined hydrocarbon liquids are characterized only by a
specific or API gravity, and possibly also the Watson K factor.
They are also referred to as “black oils”, and the specific
enthalpy is computed using the specific heat capacity calculated
using the correlation of Watson and Nelson (1933):

Cp = A1 × [ A2 + ( A3 T ) ] (A.6)


Cp = specific heat capacity of the oil, btu/lb°F

T = temperature, °F

The three coefficients have the following equations:

A 1 = 0.055K + 0.35
A 2 = 0.6811 – 0.308γ o (A.7)
A 3 = 0.000815 – 0.000306γ o

K = Watson K factor = ----------
So = specific gravity of the oil

The specific enthalpy at any temperature T, relative to some

reference temperature To, is given by the following equation:

H = ∫ Cp ( T ) dT (A.8)

The specific enthalpy computed using Equation (A.8) is

independent of pressure. For real liquids, the effect of pressure
is relatively small compared to the temperature effect, but it
may become significant when the pressure gradient is large due
to flow rate rather than elevation effects.

A-10 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

Large pressure gradients tend to occur with high viscosity oils.

At higher flow rates, frictional heating effects can become
significant, and the heating tends to reduce the oil viscosity,
which in turn, affects the pressure gradient. Unfortunately, this
complex interaction cannot be predicted mathematically using
specific enthalpy values that are independent of pressure. The
net result is that the predicted pressure gradient will be higher
than should actually be expected.

For fully compositional systems, the calculated specific enthalpy

of a liquid phase does include the effect of pressure. A series of
calculations have been performed using the Peng-Robinson
(1976) equation of state for a variety of hydrocarbon liquids,
ranging from relatively light condensate liquids to relatively
heavy crude oils. In each case, specific enthalpy was calculated
over a wide range of pressures at a low, moderate, and high
temperature. In the case of the condensate liquids, specific
compositional analyses were used. For the heavier crude oils,
the composition consisted of a number of pseudo-components,
based on published boiling point assay data, as generated by
Neotec's technical utility module HYPOS. In all cases, the effect
of pressure was found to be constant and is well represented by
the following relation:

H P, T = H o + 0.0038 × ( P – 15 ) (A.9)
P ,T


HP,T = specific enthalpy at the specific pressure and

temperature, btu/lb-°F

HPo,T = specific enthalpy computed with Equation (A.8)

P = pressure, psia

Figure A.1, Figure A.2, and Figure A.3 show the comparison
between specific enthalpies calculated using the Peng Robinson
equation of state and those computed using Equation (A.9) for
16.5, 31.9, and 40.5° API oils, respectively. For comparison
purposes, HPo,T was taken to be the value computed by the Peng
Robinson equations of state at 15 psia.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-11

Effect of Pressure on Specific Enthalpy for a 16.5° API Oil

Figure A.1

Effect of Pressure on Specific Enthalpy for a 40.5° API Oil

Figure A.2

A-12 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

Effect of Pressure on Specific Enthalpy for a 31.9° API Oil

Figure A.3

The effect of pressure is included in all specific enthalpy

calculations, and therefore, in all temperature profile
calculations, in a way that closely approximates similar
calculations for fully compositional systems.

Oil-Water Emulsions
The rheological behaviour of emulsions may be non-Newtonian
and is often very complex. Generalized methods for predicting
transport properties are limited because of the wide variation in
observed properties for apparently similar fluids. It is usually the
case with non-Newtonian fluids that some laboratory data or
other experimental observations are required to provide a basis
for selecting or tuning transport property prediction methods.

Neotec assumed that an emulsion behaves as a pseudo-

homogeneous mixture of hydrocarbon liquid and water and may
thus be treated as if it were a single liquid phase with
appropriately defined transport properties.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-13

The volumetric flow rate of this assumed phase is the sum of the
oil and water volumetric flow rates,

Qe = Qo + Qw (A.10)


Qe = volumetric flow rate of emulsion, ft3/sec or m3/sec

Qo = volumetric flow rate of oil, ft3/sec or m3/sec

Qw = volumetric flow rate of water, ft3/sec or m3/sec

The water volume fraction in the emulsion, Cw, is thus given by,

C w = -------------------- (A.11)
Qo + Qw

Since the emulsion is assumed to be a pseudo-homogeneous

mixture, the density is given by,

ρe = ρw Cw + ρo ( 1 – Cw ) (A.12)


ρe = density of the emulsion, lb/ft3 or kg/m3

ρw = density of the water at flowing conditions, lb/ft3 or kg/


ρo = density of the oil at flowing conditions, lb/ft3 or kg/m3

The effective viscosity of an emulsion depends on the properties

of the oil, the properties of the water, and the relative amounts
of each phase. For a water-in-oil emulsion (in other words, the
oil is the continuous phase), the effective viscosity of the
emulsion can be much higher than that of the pure oil.

A-14 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

A commonly used relationship for estimating the viscosity of a

water-in-oil emulsion is,

μe = Fe μo (A.13)


μe = viscosity of the emulsion, cP or mPa.s

μo = viscosity of the oil, cP or mPa.s

Fe = emulsion viscosity factor

The factor Fe is usually considered to be a function of the water

fraction Cw and the best known procedure for estimating Fe is
the graphical correlation of Woelflin (1942).

More recently, Smith and Arnold (see Bradley, 1987)

recommended the use of the following simple quadratic

F e = 1.0 + 2.5C w + 14.1C w (A.14)

The emulsion viscosity factors based on Woelflin’s ‘medium’

emulsion curve (he also presented curves for ‘loose’ and ‘tight’
emulsions) are compared in Figure A.4 with those calculated
using Equation (A.14).

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-15

The two relationships are virtually identical for Cw < 0.4, but
diverge rapidly at higher values of Cw.

Figure A.4

With increasing water fraction, the system will gradually behave

more like water than oil. The water fraction at which the system
changes from a water-in-oil emulsion to an oil-in-water
emulsion is called the inversion point. The transition to an oil-in-
water emulsion is generally very abrupt and characterized by a
marked decrease in the effective viscosity. The actual inversion
point must usually be determined experimentally for a given
system as there is no reliable way to predict it. In many cases
however, it is observed to occur in mixtures consisting of
between 50% and 70% water.

Guth and Simha (1936) proposed a similar correlation as Smith

and Arnold (Equation (A.14)),

F e = 1.0 + 2.5C d + 14.1C d (A.15)


Fe = emulsion viscosity multiplier for the continuous phase


Cd = volume fraction of the dispersed phase

A-16 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

If Cwi is defined as the water fraction at the inversion point, then

for Cw < Cwi, the emulsion viscosity is given by Equation
(A.13), with Fe defined by Equation (A.14). However, for Cw
> Cwi, the emulsion viscosity should be computed using the
following expression,

μe = Fe μw (A.16)


μw = viscosity of the water phase, cP or mPa.s

Fe = 1.0 + 2.5(1-Cw)+14.1(1-Cw)2

As shown in Equation (A.15), while the constant and the first

order term on the right can be shown to have a theoretical
basis, the squared term represents a purely empirical
modification. It seems reasonable therefore to view the
coefficient of the squared term (i.e., 14.1) as an adjustable
parameter in cases where actual data are available.

To illustrate the predicted effect of the inversion point, Figure

A.5 shows a case in which Cwi = 0.65. Also the corresponding
curves for several different values of the coefficient of the
squared term are compared.

Figure A.5

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-17

The large decrease in the predicted value of the emulsion

viscosity is evident. The effect on the emulsion viscosity can be
seen in Figure A.6, since, above the inversion point, the factor
is used to multiply the water viscosity, which is typically
significantly lower than the oil viscosity.

Limited experience to date in performing pressure loss

calculations for emulsions suggests that the Woelflin correlation
over-estimates the viscosity at higher water fractions. It is thus
recommended that one use the Guth and Simha equation unless
available data for a particular case suggest otherwise.

Figure A.6

A-18 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

A.1.2 PVT Behaviour and

Transport Property
Figure A.7

There are nine PVT behaviour and transport property procedures

available in the Neotec Black Oil Methods Manger:
• Solution GOR
• Oil FVF
• Undersaturated Oil FVF
• Gas Viscosity
• Live Oil Viscosity
• Undersaturated Oil Viscosity
• Dead Oil Viscosity Equation
• Watson K Factor
• Surface Tension

Solution GOR
The solution gas oil ratio, Rs, is the amount of gas that is
assumed to be dissolved in the oil at a given pressure and
temperature. Typical units are scf/stb or m3 at s.c./m3 at s.c.

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-19

Above the bubble point pressure, for a given temperature, the

solution gas oil ratio is equal to the Produced Gas Oil Ratio. For
the oil at Stock Tank Conditions, the solution gas oil ratio is
considered to be zero.

You can select one of the following methods to calculate the

solution GOR:
• Standing.
• Vasquez Beggs.
• Lasater.
• Glaso (Non Volatile Oils)
• Glaso (Volatile Oils)
• Al Marhoun (1985)
• Al Marhoun (Middle East Oils)
• Petrosky and Farshad
• Dolka and Osman

The Oil Formation Volume Factor is the ratio of the liquid volume
at stock tank conditions to that at reservoir conditions.

The formation volume factor (FVF, Bo) for a hydrocarbon liquid is

the volume of one stock tank volume of that liquid plus its
dissolved gas (if any), at a given pressure and temperature,
relative to the volume of that liquid at stock tank conditions.
Typical units are bbl/stb or m3/m3 at s.c.

You can select one of the following methods to calculate the Oil
• Standing
• Vasquez Beggs
• Glaso
• Al Marhoun (1985),
• Al Marhoun (Middle East OIls)
• Al Marhoun (1992)
• Abdul-Majeed and Salman
• Petrosky and Farshad
• Dolka and Osman

A-20 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

Undersaturated Oil FVF

In HYSYS, the default calculation method is Vasquez Beggs. You
can choose other calculation methods as follows:
• Al Marhoun (1992)
• Petrosky and Farshad

Figure A.8 shows the typical behaviour of the oil formation

volume factor that is observed as the system pressure is
increased at a constant temperature.
Figure A.8

From the initial pressure up to the bubble point pressure (i.e.,

the point at which GOR = Rs, which happens to be 3,073 psia in
this case), the oil is assumed to be saturated, and Bo continues
to increase, as more and more gas goes into solution. The effect
of this increasing solution gas is always much greater than the
corresponding shrinkage of the oil due to pure compression

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-21

At the bubble point, there is no more gas to go into the solution,

and the oil then becomes progressively more undersaturated
with increasing pressure. With the solution gas-oil ratio being
constant, the portion of the curve in Figure A.8 labelled
“Compressibility Ignored” shows the behaviour that would be
predicted by the correlations for Bo that we have looked at to
this point. In actual fact, however, at pressures greater than the
bubble point pressure, Bo is decreasing, due totally to the
compressibility of the oil. The actual behaviour that is observed
is thus indicated in Figure A.8 by the portion of the curve
labelled “Compressibility Included”.

In general, the compressibility of liquids tends to be relatively

low, and the pressure effect on Bo is thus not large. In this
particular case, Bo decreases from 1.417 at the bubble point
pressure to 1.389 at a pressure of 6,000 psia, which represents
a volume decrease of only about 2% for a pressure increase of
almost 50%. For some fluid systems, however, particularly
lighter oils with relatively high GOR values, the effect can be
significantly larger.

Gas Viscosity
Viscosity is a measure of resistance to flow of or through a
medium. As a gas is heated, the molecules' movement increases
and the probability that one gas molecule will interact with
another increases. This translates into an increase in
intermolecular activity and attractive forces. The viscosity of a
gas is caused by a transfer of momentum between stationary
and moving molecules. As temperature increases, molecules
collide more often and transfer a greater amount of their
momentum. This increases the viscosity.

You can select one of the following calculation methods to

calculate the gas viscosity:
• Lee, Gonzalez and Eakin
• Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows (Dempsay version)
• Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows (Dranchuk version)

A-22 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

Live Oil Viscosity

Live oil viscosity is the measure of flow resistance of the live oil.
Live oil refers to oil that is in equilibrium with any gas that may
be present. If there is any free gas, the oil is also said to be
saturated. If there is no free gas, but more could go into
solution in the oil if it were present, the oil is said to be

You can select one of the following calculation methods to

calculate the live oil viscosity:
• Chew and Connally
• Beggs and Robinson
• Khan

Undersaturated Oil Viscosity

For a given temperature, an oil is said to be undersaturated at
any pressure above the bubble point pressure. Increasing the
pressure would force more gas to go into solution if there was
any, but above the bubble point pressure, there is no more free
gas. With no more gas going into solution above the bubble
point, the viscosity of the oil actually begins to increase with
increasing pressure due to the compressibility of the oil. Since
liquid compressibility is typically small, the effect of pressure on
viscosity is much smaller above the bubble point than below.

A number of correlations have been proposed for computing the

viscosity of undersaturated oils, and a few of these are
described below. All of these procedures assume that the bubble
point pressure is known at the temperature of interest, as well
as the saturated oil viscosity corresponding to the bubble point

You can select one of the following calculation methods to

compute the undersaturated oil viscosity:
• Vasquez and Beggs
• Beal
• Khan
• Abdul and Majeed

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-23

Dead Oil Viscosity Equation

The term Dead Oil refers to oil that has been taken to stock tank
conditions and contains no dissolved gas (in other words, gas
solution). Dead oil may exist at any pressure or temperature,
but it is always assumed that all gas was removed at stock tank
conditions. Any properties ascribed to a dead oil are thus
characteristic of the oil itself.

Dead Oil Viscosity is the viscosity of an oil with no gas in

solution. A number of the more useful methods for calculating
this quantity are defined in the equations below.

The General Equation is defined as,

100 SLP
μ do = CEPT ⎛ ---------⎞ (A.17)
⎝ T ⎠


µdo = dead oil dynamic viscosity, cP

CEPT, SLP = constants for a given oil

T = oil temperature, °F

The ASTM Equation is defined as,

log 10 ( log 10 Z ) = A – Blog 10 ( T + 460 ) (A.18)


Z = νdo + 0.7

νdo = dead oil kinematic viscosity, cS

A, B = constants for a given oil

T = oil temperature, °F

A-24 Neotec Black Oil Methods and

The kinematic viscosity, νdo is given by,

μ do
ν do = -------
- (A.19)


ρo = density of the oil at the temperature of interest,

expressed in g/cm3.

The Eyring Equation is given by,

ν do = Aexp ⎛ ------------------⎞ (A.20)
⎝ T + 460⎠


A and B = constants for a given oil

Watson K Factor
You can choose to specify the Watson K Factor, or you can have
HYSYS calculate the Watson K Factor. The default option is

The Watson K Factor is used to characterize crude oils and crude

oil fractions. It is defined as,

K = ----------
- (A.21)
SG o


K = Watson K factor

TTB = normal average boiling point for the crude oil or crude
oil fraction, °R

SGo = specific gravity of the crude oil or crude oil fraction

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-25

For example, a particular kerosene cut, obtained over the boiling

point range 284 - 482 °F, has a specific gravity of 0.7966. Then,

K = [----------------------------------------------------------------
0.5 ( 284 + 482 ) + 460 ] -
0.7966 (A.22)
= 11.86

Values of K typically range from about 11.5 to 12.4, although

both lower and higher values are observed. In the absence of a
known value, K = 11.9 represents a reasonable estimate.

Surface Tension
Surface tension is the measure of attraction between the surface
molecules of a liquid. In porous medium systems (i.e. oil
reservoirs), surface tension is an important parameter in the
estimation of recoverable reserves because of its effect on
residual saturations. On the other hand, most correlations and
models for predicting two phase flow phenomena in pipelines
are relatively insensitive to surface tension, and one can
generally use an average value for calculation purposes.
Calculations for wells have a somewhat stronger dependence on
surface tension, in that this property can be important in
predicting bubble and droplet sizes (maximum stable droplet
size increases as surface tension increases), which in turn, can
significantly influence the calculated pressure drop. Even then,
however, surface tension typically appears in the equations
raised to only about the ¼ power.

You can choose to have the surface tension calculated by

HYSYS, or you can specify the surface tension. The default
option is Calculate.

A-26 References

A.2 References
Abbot, M. M., Kaufmann, T. G., and Domash, L., "A Correlation for
Predicting Liquid Viscosities of Petro-leum Fractions", Can. J. Chem.
Eng., Vol. 49, p. 379, June (1971).
Abdul-Majeed, G. H., and Salman, N. H., "An Empirical Correlation for
Oil FVF Prediction", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 6, p. 118,
Nov.-Dec. (1988).
Abdul-Majeed, G. H., Kattan, R. R., and Salman, N. H.,"New
Correlation for Estimating the Viscosity of Under-saturated Crude
Oils", J. Can. Petrol.Technol., Vol. 29, No. 3, p. 80, May-June
Al-Marhoun, M. A., "Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for
Saudi Crude Oils", paper No. SPE 13718, presented at the Middle
East Oil Tech. Conf. and Exhib., Bahrain (1985)
Al-Marhoun, M. A., "PVT Correlations for Middle East Crude Oils", J.
Petrol. Technol., p. 660, May (1988).
Al-Marhoun, M. A., "New Correlations for Formation Volume Factors of
Oil and Gas Mixtures", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 31, No. 3, p. 22
American Gas Association, "Compressibility and Supercompressibility
for Natural Gas and Other Hydrocarbon Gases", Transmission
Measurement Committee Report No. 8, December 15 (1985).
American Petroleum Institute, API 44 Tables: Selected Values of
Properties of Hydro-carbons and Related Compounds, (1975).
Asgarpour, S., McLauchlin, L., Wong, D., and Cheung, V., "Pressure-
Volume-Temperature Correlations for Wes-tern Canadian Gases and
Oils", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 4, p. 103, Jul-Aug
Baker, O., and Swerdloff, W., "Finding Surface Tension of Hydrocarbon
Liquids", Oil and Gas J., p. 125, January 2 (1956).
Beal, C., "The Viscosity of Air, Water, Natural Gas, Crude Oil and its
Associated Gases at Oil Field Temperatures and Pressures", Trans.
AIME, Vol. 165, p. 94 (1946).
Beg, S. A., Amin, M. B., and Hussain, I., "Generalized Kinematic
Viscosity-Temperature Correlation for Undefined Petroleum
Fractions", The Chem. Eng. J., Vol. 38, p. 123 (1988).

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-27

Beggs, H. D., and Robinson, J. R., "Estimating the Viscosity of Crude
Oil Systems", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 1140, September (1975).
Bradley, H.B. (Editor-in-Chief), Petroleum Engineering Handbook,
Society of Petrol. Engrs (1987); Smith, H.V., and Arnold, K.E.,
Chapter 19 "Crude Oil Emulsions".
Carr, N. L., Kobayashi, R., and Burrows, D. B., "Viscosity of
Hydrocarbon Gases Under Pressure", Trans. AIME, Vol. 201, p. 264
Chew, J., and Connally, C. A., "A Viscosity Correlation for Gas
Saturated Crude Oils", Trans. AIME, Vol. 216, p. 23 (1959).
Dean, D. E., and Stiel, L. I., "The Viscosity of Nonpolar Gas Mixtures
at Moderate and High Pressures", AIChE J., Vol. 11, p. 526 (1965).
Dempsey, J. R., "Computer Routine Treats Gas Viscosity as a
Variable", Oil and Gas J., p. 141, August 16 (1965).
M. E., and Osman, M. E., "Correlation of PVT Properties for
UAE Crudes", SPE Form. Eval., p. 41, Mar. (1992).
P.M., Purvis, R.A., and Robinson, D.B., "Computer
Calculations of Natural Gas Compressibility Factors Using the
Standing and Katz Correlations", Inst. of Petrol. Technical Series,
No. IP74-008, p. 1 (1974).
Dranchuk, P. M., and Abou-Kassem, J. H., "Calculations of Z Factors
for Natural Gases Using Equa-tions of State", J. Can. Petrol.
Technol., p. 34, July-Sept. (1975).
P. M., Islam, R. M. , and Bentsen, R. G., "A Mathematical
Representation of the Carr, Kobayashi, and Burrows Natural Gas
Viscosity Cor-relations", J. Can. Petrol. Technol., p. 51, January
A. M., Hashem, Y. S., and Alikan, A. A., Compressibility
Factor for Gas-Condensates", Paper SPE 59702, presented at the
SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conf., Midland, TX, March
Eyring, H., "Viscosity, Plasticity and Diffusion as Examples of Absolute
Reaction Rates", J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 4, p. 283 (1936).
Gas Processors Association, Engineering Data Book, Tulsa,
Oklahoma, 9th Edition (1977), 10th Edition (1987).
Glasø, Ø., "Generalized Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations",
J. Petrol. Technol., p. 785, May (1980).
Gomez, J. V., "Method Predicts Surface Tension of Petroleum
Fractions", Oil and Gas J., p. 68, December 7 (1987).

A-28 References

Gray, H. E., "Vertical Flow Correlation - Gas Wells", API Manual 14
BM, Second Edition, Appendix B, p. 38, American Petroleum
Institute, Dallas, Texas, January (1978).
Gregory, G. A., "Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Condensate Blends", Technical
Note No. 6,
Neotechnology Consultants Ltd., Calgary, Canada, July (1985).
Gregory, G. A., "Pipeline Calculations for Foaming Crude Oils and
Crude Oil-Water Emulsions", Technical Note No. 11, Neotechnology
Consultants Ltd., Calgary, Canada, January (1990).
Gregory, G. A., "Calculate the Density of Non-hydrocarbon Gases
Correctly", Technical Note No. 24, Neotechnology Consultants Ltd.,
Calgary, Canada, November (2000).
Guth, E., and Simha, R., Kolloid-Zeitschrift, Vol. 74, p. 266 (1936).
E., "Die Viskositat der Dispersoide", Kolloid-Zeitschrift, Vol.
8, p. 34 (1911).
O. A., Watson, K. M., and Ragatz, R. A., Chemical Process
Principles, Vol. 2, p. 593, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Jossi, J. A., Stiel, L. I., and Thodos, G., "The Viscosity of Pure
Substances in the Dense, Gaseous, and Liquid Phases", AIChE J.,
Vol. 8, p. 59 (1962).
D. L., and Firoozabadi, A., "Predicting Phase Behaviour of
Condensate/Crude Oil Systems Using Methane Interaction
Coefficients", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 1649, November (1978).
W. B., "Density of Hydrocarbon Gases and Vapor at High
Temperature and Pressure", Ind. Eng. Chem., p. 1014, September
Khan, S. A., Al-Marhoun, M. A., Duffuaa, S. O., and Abu-Khamsin, S.
A., "Viscosity Correlations for Saudi Arabian Crude Oils", paper No.
SPE 15720, presented at the 5th SPE Middle East Oil Show,
Manama, Bahrain, March (1987).
Lasater, J. A., "Bubble Point Pressure Correlation", Trans. AIME, Vol.
213, p. 379, (1958).
Lee, A. L., Gonzalez, M. H., and Eakin, B. E., "The Viscosity of Natural
Gases", J. Petrol. Technol., Vol. 18, p. 997 (1966).
Manning, R. E., "Computation Aids for Kinematic Viscosity
Conversions from 100 and 210 oF to 40 and 100 oC", J. of Testing
and Evaluations (JVETA), Vol. 2, p. 522, November (1974).

Neotec Black Oil Methods A-29

Meehan, D. N., "A Correlation for Water Viscosity", Petrol. Eng. Int.,
July (1980).
McCain, W. D., "Black Oils and Volatile Oils - What's the Difference?",
Pet. Eng. Intl., p. 24, November (1993).
McCain, W. D., "Volatile Oils and Retrograde Gases - What's the
Difference?", Pet. Eng. Int., p. 35, January (1994a).
McCain, W. D., "Heavy Components Control Reservoir Fluid
Behaviour", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 764, September (1994).
Moses, P. L., "Engineering Applications of Phase Behaviour of Crude
Oil and Condensate Systems", J. Petrol. Technol., p. 715, July
Ng, J. T. H., and Egbogah, E. O., "An Improved Temperature-Viscosity
Correlation for Crude Oil Systems", Paper No. 83-34-32, presented
at the 34th Ann. Tech. Mtg. of The Petrol. Soc. of CIM, Banff, Alta,
May (1983).
G. E., and Farshad, F. F., "Pressure-Volume-Temperature
Correlations for Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils", Paper No. SPE 26644,
presented at the 68th Ann. Tech. Conf. & Exhib. of the SPE, Dallas,
TX, Sept. (1987).
R. C., Prausnitz, J. M., and Sherwood, T. K., The Properties of
Gases and Liquids, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York
Riazi, M. R., and Daubert, T. E., "Simplify Property Predictions",
Hydrocarbon Processing, p. 115, March (1980).
W. R., "A Viscosity Correlation for Mixtures of Heavy Oil,
Bitumen, and Petroleum Fractions", SPE Jour., p 277, June (1984).
of Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Engineering Handbook,
Chapter 19, "Crude Oil Emulsions", by Smith, H.V., and Arnold,
K.E., p. 19-6, Richardson, Texas (1987).
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Engineering Handbook,
H.B. Bradley, Editor-in Chief, Richardson, Texas (1987).
Standing, M. B., "A Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for
Mixtures of California Oils and Gases", Drill. Prod. Practice, API, p.
247 (1947).
Standing, M. B., Volumetric and Phase Behaviour of Oil Field
Hydrocarbon Systems, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME,
Dallas, Texas, 8th Printing (1977).
Standing, M. B., and Katz, D. L., "Density of Natural Gases", Trans.
AIME, Vol. 146, p. 140 (1942).

A-30 References

Sutton, R. P., "Compressibility Factor for High Molecular Weight
Reservoir Gases", Paper SPE 14265, presented at the Ann. Tech.
Mtg. and Exhib. of the SPE, Las Vegas, September (1985).
Sutton, R. P., and Farshad, F., "Evaluation of Empirically Derived PVT
Properties for Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils", SPE Res. Eng., p. 79, Feb.
Twu, C. H., "Generalized Method for Predicting Viscosities of
Petroleum Fractions", AIChE J., Vol. 32, No. 12, p. 2091 (1986).
Twu, C. H., and Bulls, J. W., "Viscosity Blending Tested",
Hydrocarbon Proc., p. 217, April (1981).
Vasquez, M., and Beggs, H. D., "Correlations for Fluid Physical
Property Prediction", Paper SPE 6719, presented at the 52nd
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Col. (1977),
Published in J. Petrol. Technol., p. 968 (1980).
Watson, K. M., and Nelson, E. F., "Improved Methods for
Approximating Critical and Thermal Properties of Petroleum
Fractions", Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 25, p. 880, August (1933).
E., and Aziz, K., Compressibility Factor of Sour Natural
Gases", Can. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 49, p. 267, April (1971).
E., and Aziz, K., "Calculated Z's for Sour Gases",
Hydrocarbons Processing, p. 119, May (1972).
Woelflin, W., "Viscosity of Crude Oil Emulsions", Oil and Gas J., Vol.
40, No. 45, p. 35, March 19 (1942).

Black Oil Transition Methods B-1

B Black Oil Transition


B.1 Transition Methods ........................................................................ 2

B.1.1 Simple Method......................................................................... 2
B.1.2 Three Phase Method ................................................................. 4
B.1.3 Infochem Multiflash .................................................................. 6

B-2 Transition Methods

B.1Transition Methods
The Black Oil Transition is the engine that is used in translating
between black oils and compositional models. There are two
available methods for Black Oil Transition:
• Simple
• Three Phase

B.1.1 Simple Method

The Simple method is a set of black oil transitions that do not
require any additional user input at the operation level. The
Simple method can be used when transitioning between the
types of streams described in the following sections.

Figure B.1

Black Oil to Black Oil

If two different black oil fluid packages are available within a
flowsheet, the Simple method can be used for the transitioning
between them. In this case, you need to specify the viscosity
method and any corresponding viscosity data (such as a
viscosity curve if required for that particular method) on the
outlet stream. The transferrable properties include Temperature,
Pressure, Phase Mass Flow Rates, Watson K (if necessary),

Black Oil Transition Methods B-3

Surface Tension (if necessary), Oil Gravity, Gas Gravity or Gas

Composition, and Water Gravity.

Compositional to Black Oil

When using a traditional compositional fluid package and a black
oil fluid package in the same flowsheet, it maybe desirable to set
the inlet as the compositional stream and the outlet as the black
oil stream. This way, the Simple method can be used. The
Temperature, Pressure, Phase Mass Flow Rates, Watson K (if
necessary), Surface Tension (if necessary), Oil Gravity, Gas
Gravity or Gas Composition, and Water Gravity are all
transferred to the outlet.

Black Oil to Compositional

The Simple method can also be used to convert between black
oil and compositional material streams. In this situation the
Temperature, Pressure, and Overall Mass Flow Rate are
transferred to the outlet compositional material stream from the
black oil inlet stream. As such, the outlet stream must already
have a defined composition. This feature is primarily useful in
providing flowsheet continuity. For a more thorough form of
transition the Three Phase method should be used.

B-4 Transition Methods

B.1.2 Three Phase Method

The Three Phase method of transition is used when thorough
conversion from black oil to compositional transition is required.
The Three Phase method independently characterizes the three
phases of the black oil as compositional phases and then
recombines the phases back into a single compositional stream.

Figure B.2

Allows you to enter any value for fractional Clears all compositions.
compositions and have HYSYS normalize
the values such that the total equals to 1.

The Normalize Composition button is useful when many

components are available, but you want to specify
compositions for only a few. When you enter the
compositions, click the Normalize Composition button and
HYSYS ensures the Total is 1.0, while also specifying any
<empty> compositions as zero. If compositions are left as
<empty>, HYSYS cannot perform the flash calculation on the

Gas Phase
The black oil gas phase is converted to a compositional model by
relying on user inputs. If the black oil inlet stream has a known
gas phase composition it is used by the Black Oil Transition. The
composition as displayed in Figure B.2 is referred to as the

Black Oil Transition Methods B-5

Operating Gas Composition. You can overwrite the Operating

Gas Composition. If you do not modify the Operating Gas
Composition it will automatically reflect any changes that occur
to the inlet black oil stream gas composition. If you modify the
Operating Gas Composition, any changes to the inlet stream
black oil gas composition will not be propagated to the
Operating Gas Composition.

Oil Phase
The Black Oil oil phase is transitioned to a compositional model
using the HYSYS Oil Manager Bulk Properties Assay Definition
methods. The transition passes on the oil phase standard
density and oil phase Watson K to the Oil Manager and an
appropriate assay and blend is created for the user. This
functionality is automatically done by HYSYS and no additional
user interaction is required.

Figure B.3

You can use the Oil Phase Cut Options to adjust the light end
and auto-characterize the hypocomponents into user specified
light end components. You have the option to have the HYSYS
Oil Manager perform an auto cut, or specify the appropriate
number of cuts.

B-6 Transition Methods

Water Phase
The black oil water phase is assumed to be pure water by the
black oil transition.

After the transition models the three phases, it recombines

them into the outlet stream and passes on Temperature,
Pressure, and Overall Mass Flow Rate. At this point, the outlet
stream will flash and in most cases three corresponding
compositional phases will be calculated. The outlet Vapour
phase represents the inlet Gas phase, the Liquid phase
represents the Oil phase, and the Aqueous phase represents the
Water phase. The outlet stream's property package and the
flash determine the existence of phases, the phase fractions,
and the phase properties. In most cases these items will be very
similar to the inlet black oil stream particularly when using a
property package such as Peng-Robinson. Overall Mass balance
between the inlet and outlet is assured.

B.1.3 Infochem Multiflash

Refer to Chapter 2 - Multiflash is an advanced software package for modeling the
Multiflash for HYSYS
Upstream for more properties of gases, liquids and solids. It consists of a
information on Infochem comprehensive library of thermodynamic and transport property
Multiflash. models, a physical property databank, methods for
characterising and matching the properties of petroleum fluids
and multiphase flashes capable of handling any combination of

A closing the property view and on-the-fly
calculations 3-37
Component Recovery method 3-30
Black Oil Translator 1-33
Design Tab 3-27
Multiflash property package 2-3, 9-3
Dynamics Tab 3-38
Neotec Black Oil property package 1-11
manual sort method 3-36
PIPESIM Link 5-6
Rating Tab 3-38
Worksheet Tab 3-38
B Delumper Design Tab
connections page 3-27
Binary Interaction Parameters 2-12 Delumping page 3-30
Black Oil 1-2 Notes page 3-38
installing unit operations 1-26 Parameters page 3-28
Black Oil Transition methods B-1–B-6 User Variables page 3-38
Black Oil Translator 1-31 Delumping page 3-30
adding 1-33 delumping all available lumped
defining 1-34 hypothetical components 3-32
installing 1-31 delumping available lumped hypothetical
viewing results 1-36 components 3-32
Black Oil Tutorial 1-1–1-38, A-1 keeping all available lumped hypothetical
BOUNDARY 8-6 components 3-33
description 8-9 keeping available lumped hypothetical
overview 8-34 components 3-33
bugs 8-47 removing kept lumped hypothetical
C components 3-34
restoring the delumped hypothetical
Calculating the Delumper unit operation 3-37 components 3-34
Calculating the Lumper Unit Operation 3-23 sorting the available lumped hypothetical
Closing the Delumper property view and on- components 3-31
the-fly calculations 3-37 sorting the output components 3-35
Closing the Lumper Property View and On- Design Tab 5-9
the-Fly Calculations 3-23 Connections Page 5-9
Component Recovery delumping method 3-30 Model Page 5-10
Configuring a property package 2-8 PVT Page 5-12
BIPs 2-12 Disclaimer 8-4
components 2-8
models 2-11 E
petroleum fluid characterisation 2-9 Enthalpy for Gases and Liquids A-7
Connections Page 5-9
controllers configuration 8-16 F
Custom lumping method 3-10
Flash Calculations 2-14
D flow rates 8-25
Dead Oil Viscosity Equation A-23 G
Defining the Black Oil Translator 1-34
GAP objects 7-8
Delumper 3-24
adding 3-25
Gas Viscosity A-21
automatic sort method 3-37
calculating the unit operation 3-37

I-2 Index

H 3-19
removing components 3-19
HYSYS Flash 2-6
sorting the outlet component list 3-20
I viewing a lumped hypothetical component
Importing the PIPESIM Case 5-21
initial values 8-37 M
inp file 8-6
Matching Experimental Data 2-15
Installing Multiflash 2-2, 9-2
Model Page 5-10
Installing the Black Oil feed streams 1-16
Importing 5-21
Installing the Black Oil Translator 1-31
Montel and Gouel lumping method 3-9
L Multiflash 2-2
adding 2-3, 9-3
Live Oil Viscosity A-22 installing 2-2, 9-2
Lumper 3-2, 7-2 property package 2-2
adding 3-2 Multiflash Flash 2-6
calculating the unit operation 3-23 Multiflash property package 2-2
closing the property view and on-the-fly adding 2-3, 9-3
calculations 3-23 calculations 2-12
Custom method 3-10 configuring 2-8
Design Tab 3-4 HYSYS Flash 2-6
Dynamics Tab 3-24 Multiflash Flash 2-6
Montel and Gouel method 3-9
Rating Tab 3-24 N
Worksheet Tab 3-24
Neotec Black Oil methods ??–A-30
Lumper Design Tab
Thermodynamics A-2
connections page 3-4
Notes Manager 8-19
lumping page 3-7
notes specification 8-18
Note Page 3-23
parameters page 3-5 O
User Variables page 3-23
Oil FVF A-19
Lumping Page
Oil-Water Emulsions A-12
sorting the Inlet components 3-11
OLGA configuration 8-22
Lumping page 3-7
adding components to a user lumped
add 8-5
hypothetical component 3-18
creating a hypothetical group 3-12
connection 8-7
creating a user lumped hypothetical
controllers 8-16
component 3-16
create 8-5
deleting a hypothetical group 3-15
description 8-5
deleting a user lumped hypothetical
dynamics configuration 8-22
component 3-16
flow rates 8-25
editing a hypothetical group 3-15
function 8-5
emptying and deleting an auto lumped
initial values 8-37
hypothetical component 3-22
notes 8-18
keeping all Inlet components 3-19
OLGA 8-22
keeping individual components 3-19
outlet composition 8-39
removing a component from the user
overview 8-34
lumped hypothetical component
P-F equations 8-35

Index I-3

process data tables 8-48 PIPESIM Engine 6-7

profiles 8-31 PIPESIM GUI 6-6
property view 8-6 PIPESIM Link
reference stream 8-10 Adding 5-19
register status 8-42 adding 5-6
server 8-11 Features 5-5
SOURCE 8-6 Flowsheet Setup 5-18
TCP/IP communication 8-42 Property View 5-8
time synchronization 8-37 User Interface 5-8
trace bugs 8-47 PIPESIM LINK Features 5-5
OLGA Links PIPESIM Link Property View 5-8
operation 8-27 Design Tab 5-9
performance 8-29 Performance Tab 5-13
trends 8-30 Worksheet Tab 5-16
OLGA simulation 8-27 PIPESIM Link User Interface 5-8
operation configuration 8-27 PIPESIM Model 6-4
operation overview 8-34 PIPESIM NET 6-2
outlet composition 8-39 adding and editing profiles 6-19
Design tab 6-3
launching PSPLOT 6-22
Performance Tab 5-13 Performance tab 6-18
PIPESIM Page 5-15 Property Model tab 6-16
Profiles Page 5-14 property view 6-2
Petroleum Experts GAP 7-2 viewing profiles 6-21
add 7-2 Worksheet tab 6-25
attach streams 7-4 PIPESIM NET Design Tab
Configurations page 7-5 Model page 6-4
configure operation 7-5 Notes page 6-16
configuring objects 7-8 Sinks page 6-9
create 7-2 Sources page 6-8
delete 7-3 User Variables page 6-15
Design tab 7-4 Variables page 6-12
Equip Specs page 7-8 PIPESIM NET Performance Tab 6-18
GAP object results 7-10 Profiles page 6-18
ignore 7-4 Text page 6-23
logs 7-11 PIPESIM NET Property Model Tab 6-16
Model page 7-4 Black Oil page 6-18
Notes page 7-9 Compositional page 6-16
Performance tab 7-9 PIPESIM NET property view 6-2
property view 7-2 PIPESIM NET Worksheet Tab 6-25
Report Log page 7-11 PIPESIM Page 5-15
reports 7-11 PSPLOT 5-23
Results page 7-10 PIPESIM Variable Navigator 6-15
User Variables page 7-9 Plotting PIPESIM Data 5-23
Worsheet tab 7-11 pressure-flow equations 8-35
Petroleum Fluid Characterisation 2-9 process data tables 8-48
P-F equations 8-35 Produced Gas Oil Ratio A-3
Phase Envelope 2-15 product composition 8-39
Physical Property Models and Phases 2-11 profile results 8-31

I-4 Index

Profiles Page 5-14 trend results 8-30

Property calculations 2-12 Troubleshooting
composition 2-12 bugs 8-47
flash calculations 2-14 LAN networks 8-41
matching experimental dat 2-15 OLGA server errors 8-46
phase envelope 2-15 separate computers 8-41
units 2-13 two computers 8-41
PSPLOT 5-16 Visual Basic errors 8-47
PVT Page 5-12
Undersaturated Oil FVF A-20
Reference Stream 8-10 Undersaturated Oil Viscosity A-22
reference stream 8-39 update extension register status 8-42
rhosts file 8-43 Upstream Operations 3-1–3-38
account access 8-43
domain name 8-43
Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Condensate Blends A-4
server configuration 8-11
Setting Black Oil stream default options 1-8 Watson K Factor A-24
Simple Method B-2 Worksheet Tab 5-16
Black Oil to Black Oil B-2
Black Oil to Compositional B-3
Compositional to Black Oil B-3
Solution Gas Oil Ratio A-3
Solution GOR A-18
description 8-9
overview 8-34
Specific Enthalpies for Gases and Liquids
Undefined Gases A-8
Undefined Liquids A-9
Stock Tank Conditions A-3
stream connection 8-7
stream flow rates 8-25
Surface Tension A-25
TCP/IP communication protocol 8-42
Three Phase Method B-4
Gas Phase B-4
Oil Phase B-5
Water Phase B-6
time synchronization 8-37
HYSYS 8-37
OLGA 8-37
trace bugs 8-47
HYSYS 8-47
OLGA 8-47


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