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port and

Consultancy Services from Idea to Reality


feature project:
philippines global gateway project 6
port planning 8
feature project:
port of Jorf Lasfar 12
Bulk Terminals 16
Liquid Bulk Terminals 18
Ro-Ro Terminals 20
Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering 22
Dredging and Land Reclamation 24
Inland Waterways 26
Urban Waterfronts and Marinas 30
Maintenance Management 32
selected references 34

Front page photo: PTP Container Terminal, Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia

port and marine facilities 3

what we can do
for you

A port contains all components of a city.

The planning and design of port complexes ABOUT RAMBOLL
therefore requires a vast number of
interrelated services. Ramboll provides all Ramboll is a leading engineering,
necessary services and will assist clients design and consultancy company
through all phases of a project. founded in Denmark in 1945.
We employ 13,000 experts in the
Ramboll can provide you with professional Nordics, North America, the UK,
and independent consultancy services Continental Europe, Middle East and
in all areas of port, coastal and marine India, supplemented by a significant
engineering. Our competent and dedicated representation in Asia, Australia, South
staff has comprehensive experience from America and Sub-Saharan Africa.
national as well as international projects. With more than 300 offices in
35 countries, Ramboll combines
We undertake both major and minor local experience with a global
projects and assist clients throughout knowledge base, constantly striving
all phases of a project from the earliest to achieve inspiring and exacting
planning and pre-feasibility studies to solutions that make a genuine
master plan studies, design, and tendering. difference to our customers, end-
Further, our services include assistance users, and society as a whole.
during construction, operation and Ramboll works across the markets:
maintenance. Buildings, Transport, Environment
& Health, Water, Energy, Oil & Gas
It is our policy to work with local companies and Management Consulting.
and hire local manpower. We benefit greatly
from their in-depth local knowledge and
are hereby able to adapt projects to local
conditions and economies. Through such
joint ventures, important know-how and
technology are also transferred to our local
4 ramboll

Based on consistent development In-depth technical, environmental Feasibility studies typically form
scenarios, we prepare feasibility and economic issues must be the basis for investor decision-
studies and provide expert evaluated when greenfield seaport making. Ramboll is well qualified
consultancy in port master projects are considered. Ramboll to prepare feasibility studies that
planning. can assist port authorities, fulfil the specific requirements of
municipalities, and other decision- development banks. Based on our
The feasibility study typically makers with preparing a basis feasibility studies, we have helped
includes technical investigations, for decision-making. We have clients get financing for their
traffic analyses, financial analyses vast experience within project projects, notably from the World
and environmental impact analyses. management of large projects Bank (WB) and Asian Development
Further, Ramboll will also assist through all phases from pre- Bank (ADB).
with conceptual and preliminary investigations and planning to
designs, authority management design and project implementation Feasibility studies often comprise
and development policy. in the field. traffic forecasts, technical
investigations, port planning
Financial and economic evaluations activities, environmental and socio-
are typically based on the set up economic impact assessments –
of traffic forecasts. Ramboll is and viability assessments.
uniquely qualified to identify and
analyse port cargo-potentials and
to subsequently prepare a reliable
viability analysis.

Traffic Technical
forecasts investigations
selected services

• Traffic forecasts
• Technical Port
• Site surveys
• Evaluations of coastal
Environmental Socio-economic
processes and impacts impact impact
• Environmental impact assessments assessments
assessments (EIA)
• Socio-economic impact
assessments (SIA) Feasibility
• Port planning
• Master planning
• Infrastructure planning
• Conceptual design
• Financial and economic
viability assessments
• Project structuring
• Tender documents for Basis for:
Decision on project
EPC/Turnkey tender implementation
port and marine facilities 5

01 Hambantota, Sri Lanka

Ramboll assisted Sri Lanka Ports
Authorities (SLPA) with planning the
development of a new major greenfield
seaport at Hambantota, situated on the
south coast of Sri Lanka. Hambantota Port
is expected to relieve Colombo Port and is
intended to support the growing demand
for servicing large vessels.

The new seaport will eventually have

a water depth of 23 metres, and the
complete reserved port area is 15 square
kilometres. The seaport will contain a
wide variety of terminals, including a
dry bulk terminal, liquid bulk terminal,
01 break bulk terminal, Ro-Ro terminal for
vehicles and a container transshipment
terminal. The harbour basins are located
inside an existing natural lagoon and the
entrance channel will be protected by the
construction of two breakwaters that will
be 500-1500 metres long.

Ramboll has carried out detailed feasibility

studies including: Site identification,
analysis of land use pattern and
constraints, coastal surveys, geotechnical
and geophysical field investigations,
mathematical modelling and evaluation
of coastal processes, traffic forecasts,
environmental assessments (IEE and
EIA), socio-economic assessments,
port planning, conceptual design and
costing of primary port and marine
structures, economic and financial viability
assessments, commercial and financial
project structuring, master planning and
phasing of the project. Ramboll worked
with local Sri Lankan firms, including Lanka
Hydraulic Institute.

02 Hambantota, Sri Lanka

Following the finalisation of the detailed
feasibility study and port master planning,
the first phase of the port development
was initiated, comprising a service,
liquid bulk and multipurpose terminal.
Construction works corresponding to costs
of approximately 450 million USD, were
financed by the Chinese government and
carried out by Chinese contractors.

03 Kvanefjeld Rare Earth and Uranium

Mine, Port Facilities, Narsaq, Greenland
Ramboll prepared a detailed port
feasibility study for the Kvanefjeld mining
project. The mine is planned for producing
rare earth minerals and uranium. Ramboll
compared different options for locating
the port in the area. A master plan layout
was prepared for the chosen location. The
project included capacity calculations,
conceptual design for all storage and other
operational facilities as well as equipment
(e.g. conveyors, loaders and unloaders
as well as stackers and reclaimers) for
handling bulk cargo.

6 ramboll

feature project

Ramboll has performed a feasibility more efficient and environmentally
study for a combined new Sangley sound transport, but port facilities
Airport and Seaport Project in Ma- must also be consolidated and
nila, Philippines, envisaged as the expanded, water depths increased
new gateway to Manila and the Phil- and local infrastructure like roads
ippines. and railways improved. This is all
part of the equation when we look
Ports make the world go around at globalisation, technological
Ports meet a demand for efficient innovation and the increasing
and environmentally sound cargo concern about the environmental
and goods transport. footprint.

The size of vessels is increasing A new gateway to Asia

dramatically. This necessitates With a GDP growth of 7% per year,
the Philippines is among the most
rapidly expanding economies in developer on the project –
about Southeast Asia. The Philippine commissioned a study that includes
government’s vision is clear: In the a new international airport and
Client: Private developer coming decades, the Philippines seaport with supporting traffic
Partners: Hamburg Port should become an economic infrastructure comprising roads,
Consultants, Copenhagen epicenter of Southeast Asia. Yet bridges, an immersed tunnel and
Airport much of the Philippines’ economic a light rail connection. The new
Completion: 2015 and social potential remains international airport will be state-
Value: 15 billion USD untapped, and the country could of-the-art, with an ultimate capacity
play a much stronger role in the of 90 million passengers per year.
Services we provided global village. Experts and politicians The new seaport will be configured
• Ground engineering agree that a clogged infrastructure is as a modern terminal with the
• Coastal hydraulic at the heart of the problem. latest logistics and equipment
assessments technology, initially handling two
• Initial environmental A multidisciplinary team of experts million containers (TEU) annually,
evaluation (IEE) from Ramboll’s Aviation team, but with the capacity to expand to
• Port planning the Global Port Sector and the as many as ten million containers
• Airport planning Transportation Planning and Urban (TEU) in stages. The expansion
• Transport planning Development Department has element ensures that the seaport
• Traffic engineering already conducted the feasibility can respond to changing needs,
• Master planning and studies for the combined Sangley potential downsizing or even the
urban development Airport and Seaport Project in relocation of the existing terminals
• Mobility Manila. in the city centre, thus securing the
• Ports & marine engineering sustainable development of the port
• Tunnel engineering
Securing a sustainable in future.
• Bridges engineering
port development
The All-Asia Resources and Establishing the new airport and
Reclamation Corporation (ARRC) seaport on reclaimed land in the
in the Philippines – the private outskirts of Metro Manila offers some
port and marine facilities 7

unique possibilities and advantages. new, sustainable developments in Master Planning and
The seaport will be located close the city centre. Conceptual layout
to important existing and planned Forecasts of cargo/vessel traffic and
special economic industrial zones Services provided design vessels during the next 25
in the vicinity. Reducing the overall The feasibility study consisted years were used as basis for master
transport of containers on the of stakeholder analyses, market planning and conceptual layout of
Manila road network and enabling forecasts, geotechnical assessments, the seaport and planning of required
short-distance container transport coastal hydraulic assessments, Initial equipment, facilities and structures.
between the seaport and the Environmental Evaluation (IEE), The master plan and conceptual
industrial zones will relieve some of port planning, airport planning, layout was coordinated with the
the serious congestion problems in infrastructure planning, urban obstacle zones (flight zones) in the
Metro Manila. planning, financial assessments adjacent airport layout.
and draft business plans.
Positive interaction Highly complex projects
with stakeholders Coastal hydraulic analysis Port projects are generally
A large number of stakeholders, Impact on current and wave patterns becoming increasingly complex and
including the Ministry of Transport, was studied using MIKE 21 HD and challenging. They tend to be high
airport and port authorities, urban SW models which are state-of- profile and often entail integrated
development authorities, economic the-art numerical tools for studies transport systems involving rail,
zone authorities and the national and analysis of currents and waves road, seaports and airports. They
development board have all been in ports and near-shore areas. are projects we want to work on in
consulted in the process. This Furthermore, the modelling resulted Ramboll.
extremely positive interaction has in prediction of maximum wave
shown how dialogue can turn a set heights during a typhoon scenario.
of common goals into results, in this Finally, the modelling resulted in
case a multidisciplinary gateway assessments of the impact on the
project that will help unlock Manila’s sediment transport in Manila Bay.
and the Philippines’ strong economic
potential while also contributing to
8 ramboll

port planning
or larger VESSELS
When port authorities consider In our evaluation of the
expanding and upgrading port manoeuvring conditions at project
facilities to accommodate new or sites, we include real-time ship
larger vessels, a number of facilities simulations—preferably carried
may need to be reconfigured such out by local captains. In the design
as, for example, berths, land of mooring arrangements and
storage areas, mooring systems, quays, the dynamics of moored
and scour protection. ships, which are influenced by
wind, waves, currents and passing
The first step, however, is evaluating ships, are analysed using numerical
and analysing the facilities. Ramboll mooring models.
will assist port authorities with all
necessary evaluations and analyses. The crucial analysis of wave climate
The need to keep up operations in coastal regions, wave agitation
during expansion and upgrades is and sediment processes in ports, 01
duly considered in all our studies. coastal development and particle
dispersion in oceans, rivers and
estuaries, are carried out using
the internationally recognised
MIKE 21/3 and LITPACK models,
developed by DHI. The models
are used by our highly qualified
staff, who are experts in ports,
hydrodynamics and coastal

selected services

• Determination of
design vessels 02
• Assessment of coastal
hydraulic conditions
• Assessment of
manoeuvring conditions
• Assessment of
geotechnical conditions
01 Gdansk, Container Terminal 02 Søby Harbour,
• Port logistics Expansion, Poland Port Expansion, Denmark
• Terminal planning The Container Port in Gdansk is in Port of Søby comprises several port
• Assessment of a very positive development which activities, including a ferry harbour, a
infrastructure conditions requires an expansion of the existing pleasure boat harbour and a shipyard
• Assessment of constraints terminal. DCT Gdansk employed with 3 dry docks. The shipyard plans to
Ramboll to carry out a conceptual expand with a new larger dry dock, and
• Assessment of
design, including a new approx. also 2 more berths are planned. Due to
Environmental conditions 650 m long deepwater quay and the compact layout, a port expansion is
• Preparation of port layouts approx. 32 hectares of storage area required. Ramboll has prepared expansion
• Preparation of layout of in the hinterland. The new deepwater layouts, and modelling and assessments
breakwaters, harbour basins berth has been designed to meet of wave tranquillity and sediment
and entrance channels the requirements set by Maersk Line transport along the coast and port
• Infrastructure planning vessels in a size of 18,000 TEU. entrance. Further, Ramboll has prepared
EIA Scoping, and the following EIA.
• Port master planning
port and marine facilities 9

03 Port of Copenhagen, Denmark

The Port of Copenhagen wanted to
develop a new cruise terminal in order to
accommodate the increasing number of
large Voyager Class cruise vessels that call
every year. It has been built in the North
Harbour along the existing approach
channel, Kronløbet. The project comprises
the development of a 900 metre new
quay and quay area, connection roads,
terminal buildings and adjustments
to the existing approach channel.

04-05 Port of Copenhagen, Denmark

The planned position of the new
terminal, close to the existing approach
channel to the port, implied need
for an evaluation of wave interaction
between cruise vessels moored at the
new cruise terminal and passing ships.
Apart from traditional preliminary
investigations such as modelling
and assessment of wind and wave
conditions, geotechnical investigations
and assessment of erosion conditions,
Ramboll has been responsible for special
analyses of manoeuvring conditions
and simulations and evaluations of ship
movements and mooring conditions.
Ship simulations and mooring studies
were carried out at Force Technology,
utilising state-of-the-art simulation
facilities and specialist know-how.

06 Runavik, Port Development

Plan, Faroe Islands
The Skalafjordur inlet in the Municipality
of Runavik offers protected waters and
suitable conditions for establishment of
new port activities and terminals which
04 05 can relieve Port of Thorshavn. The
Municipality envisages establishment
of a container terminal, ferry and cruise
terminal, and port facilities for offshore
activities. Ramboll prepared a port
development plan for the Municipality
of Runavík, which holds the second
largest port in the Faroe Islands.

10 ramboll

Ports are continually being Port structures are optimised based
developed in response to changing on evaluations of local conditions,
cargo traffic patterns and climate. including soil and hydraulics.
Ramboll has been involved in many Ramboll is able to assist with
new port projects around the world optimisations of all port structures
and can assist port authorities and from breakwaters, pavements,
municipalities with all moorings, scour protection, ramps,
designaspects of such projects and installations. In most cases we
from planning and conceptual carry out port rebuilds, while the
design through detailed design and existing port is running. In fact,
supervision. we have assisted a large number
of ports around the world with
Ramboll has experience within all solutions that facilitated rebuilds
types of marine works from small with minimal interruption of port
01 marinas to large ports. Ramboll’s operations.
expertise includes the following:

• Large cargo ports, such

as general cargo ports,
container ports, dry bulk
ports, liquid bulk ports, oil
terminals and LNG terminals
• Fishing ports
• Small harbours, such as marinas
• Ferry ports
• Dry docks and floating docks
selected services • Fairways, dredging, land
reclamation, stabilisation
• Geotechnical analysis of sediments
• Geostatic analysis • Breakwaters
• Structural design of steel • Coastal protection, such
and concrete structures as groins, revetments,
• Design of sheet beach nourishment, etc.
pile quay walls
• Design of diaphragm
quay walls
• Design of block quay walls
• Design of concrete
Caisson walls
• Design of scour protection
• Design of fenders, bollards
and quay equipment
• Design of ramps
and equipment
• Design of pavements,
buildings and installations
• Technical specifications
port and marine facilities 11

01 Hirtshals, Denmark
During the last 15 years, Ramboll has been
consultant for a large number of port
projects in Hirtshals, a port in the northern
part of Denmark. Our projects included
new breakwaters, a new container
quay, and an expansion of the existing
Color Line ferry terminal including new
quay structures, ramps and a complete
rebuilding of the approach area.

02 Port of Helsinki, Finland

Port of Helsinki in Finland opened a
new cargo port at Vuosaari 2008. As
Finland’s new main port, it offers efficient
transport with frequent shipping services
to Central European ports as well as
direct connections to the entire Finnish
main road and railway network. The new
location of the main port eases the traffic
of downtown Helsinki significantly, as
heavy traffic is transferred to Vuosaari.
The huge six-year project with a total
cost of 682 million euros employed
about 100 engineers from Ramboll.
Our experts were involved in a large
number of planning tasks for traffic
and land structure engineering as well
as environmental impact assessments
and ground surveys. Ramboll carried
out the design of the new Ro-Ro / Ro-
Pax ferry terminal in Vuosaari harbour
for Finnlines’ German traffic ferries.

03 Beirut Quay 12-14, New Container

Terminal, Lebanon
Port of Beirut has been rebuilt a number
of times to accommodate the growing
sizes of modern container vessels, and is
now expanded again. Ramboll has been
responsible for detailed design related
to the expansion of the new Quay 12-14 –
including the construction of a new 500
m deep water block quay wall, planning
and specifications of dredging works
in front of the new quay wall to ensure
a water depth of 15.5 m, reclamation
works in the old harbour basin to make
space for an additional 20 hectares
container terminal, as well as new fenders,
bollards, crane rails, pavements.

04 Liverpool cruise liner facility, UK

Liverpool’s new cruise liner facility is
located on the historic Liverpool quayside
— part of a UNESCO World Heritage
Site — and immediately adjacent to the
famous Liver Building. The 250 m long ×
25 m wide floating facility has reception
and pilot boat buildings, a covered
walkway and a marshalling area for the
large number of coaches which serve
cruise liners as big as the Queen Mary II.
The facility includes a 90 m double lane
floating linkspan and a floating platform
constructed of four reinforced concrete
pontoons each 60 m long × 5 m deep
with a freeboard of just over 2 m.
port and marine facilities 13

feature project

port of
Jorf Lasfar

Ramboll’s detailed design for a back piles and two quays are being to limit pile bending moments.
major upgrade of Morocco’s Jorf extended with caissons. Upgrade Diaphragm wall configuration and
Lasfar facilities is being work to two more quays is limited pile positions are dictated by the
implemented while the port to rehabilitating existing structures rails being installed to support the
remains operational. and deepening their berths by dock cranes running along the
dredging. Some quay extension quays.
The industrial port of Jorf Lasfar work on the landward side of
in Morocco is undergoing major existing quays replaces earth Rehabilitation of existing concrete
rehabilitation and extension works, embankment access roads, and is structures required careful
facilitated by Ramboll’s detailed being constructed in areas of fill inspection and concrete testing to
engineering design. The 190-hectare and pre-existing material, further chart the necessary repair work.
site opened in 1982 with berths for complicating the engineering The original concrete caissons had
exporting phosphates, fertilisers, design details. deteriorated and reinforcement had
coal, chemicals and bulk products. corroded owing to relatively high
To keep pace with the anticipated Cost-effective circular precast ambient temperatures, exposure
rise in demand, the current project is concrete caissons with cast in-situ to the marine environment and
working on seven quays. It consists fairing panels were selected to chemical attack. We assessed
of upgrading existing quays and produce the required flat faced their durability meticulously and
constructing new ones, made more quays, and a floating dry dock specified efficient remedial action,
interesting by the construction and was brought to site specifically the implementation of which
logistical challenges of keeping the for casting. The caissons, 15 m in ensures the repaired structures
port fully operational. diameter and 20-22 m high, are meet their required design life.
floated and sunk into position Phased construction work is
Ramboll is working with the to form a gravity wall. Ramboll allowing ongoing port operations.
engineering, procurement and used Plaxis 2D and 3D digital
construction contractor Archirodon, modelling to analyse the caisson
and providing complete detailed design. Concerns about possible
design for all the remedial, caisson overturning in soft marl
rebuilding and new works at Jorf were overcome by dig and replace
Lasfar. Our services here encompass ground improvement.
geotechnical, civil, infrastructure,
marine, mechanical and electrical Concrete diaphragm walls up about
engineering. to 400 m long and 34 m deep
Project data
are toed into resistant marl or
Client: Societé D’Exploitation
Geotechnical investigation enabled limestone bedrock. Changing
des Ports (Archirodon)
us to develop a ground model geology along the walls is
Completion: 2015
of the layered geology of marls, accommodated in the design by
Value: 180 million Euro
sandstone and limestone before changing the reinforcement rather
commencing the detailed design. than wall depth.
Services we provided
The client originally envisaged
• Ground engineering
precast concrete caissons The walls are formed using a • Infrastructure Asset
throughout the scheme. However, hydrofraise, making panels 1.2 m Management
the contractor’s tender proposal thick and 2.4-2.6 m wide. The • Management & efficiency
of diaphragm walls in combination centre of each panel is anchored • Ports & marine engineering
with caissons was accepted as a by an inclined steel tie rod to a • Project management
time-efficient solution. 1.2 m diameter 25 m long bored
cast in-situ pile behind the wall.
Three quays are being constructed Connections with the piles are
using diaphragm walls and tie- below sea level (4 m below ground)
14 ramboll

Ports are important links in the Within the ferry terminal segment,
transportation chain, and efforts to ramp systems with higher capacity
upgrade facilities and increase are continuously being developed,
cargo capacity are continuously and automatic mooring and
being made in response to bunkering systems implemented.
increasing demands. The new Furthermore, new regulations such
generation of ships are larger and as the ISPS and environmental
carry more cargo, thus calling for a stipulations influence operations
vast number of rebuilds. and infrastructure.

Receiving new vessels requires Rebuilding and upgrading of port

re-evaluation of water depths, facilities are typically carried out in
berth lengths, land storage areas, stages to allow ongoing operations
mooring conditions and facilities, and execution of port activities.
01 ship manoeuvring conditions and
existing operations. Deepening
of berths for larger vessels
typically requires rebuilding and
reinforcement of existing quay
structures. In this context, it is
often necessary to carry out
environmental assessments of
the procedures for handling
contaminated soil or sediment.

Landside operations are also

selected services continuously changing and
may call for port upgrades. The
• Technical pre-investigations introduction of larger and heavier
• Condition assessments truck loads or cranes will require
• Environmental assessments investigations and most often need
• Determination of reinforcements of the existing
new design basis pavements and foundations.
• Terminal planning
• Design of rehabilitation
• Design of quay deepening
• Design of dredging works
• Design of upgraded
quay structures
• Design of upgraded
pavements and
storage areas
• Tender documents
• Contract and construction
port and marine facilities 15

01 CMP Crane Rails, Denmark

In connection with the increase of the
crane capacity on Levantkaj in Port of
Copenhagen (Denmark), crane rails
were extended and reinforced. The total
length of crane rails on pile foundation
was approximately 450 metres.

Ramboll carried out geotechnical field

investigations, assessment of load carrying
capacity, preparation of detailed design
for extension and reinforcement of crane
rails and contract management and
supervision during construction works.

02 Port of Göteborg, Sweden

The port is a major hub for overseas
container traffic. The port has invested
in new Super-Post Panamax cranes
for the ship-to-shore handling, and a
new terminal master plan with new
handling equipment has been prepared
to meet the demands up to year 2012.

The study covered the entire Skandia

Harbour, including a rail terminal, truck
traffic areas, empty storage, reefer
blocks, storage blocks with beams and/
or rails for gantries, geotechnical stability
analysis, paving and drainage, power
system and lighting. The services also
included calculation of investment costs
and elaboration of an environmental
impact assessment for the various
alternatives – diesel powered RTG cranes
or electrical powered RMG cranes.

At an early stage, 600 m berths were

deepened from 12.0 to 14.2 m depth
to be able to serve Post-Panamax
container vessels. The project was carried
out in stages to allow full operation
of the terminal. Ramboll provided
the planning and design of dredging,
fairways, new berths, port areas, logistic
studies, repairs and maintenance,
utility systems including electrical
power, drainage, water/sewage, etc..

03 Malindi Port, Zanzibar (Tanzania)

The existing wharves in Malindi Port were
reconstructed and upgraded to facilitate
container handling and storage in the
port. The following elements/areas are
reconstructed: North Wharf, length 114
m, design depth 8.3 m – and West Wharf,
length 276 m, design depth 11.8 m.

In response to the late and

surprisingly unfavourable results
from the supplementary geotechnical
investigations, we carried out complete
detailed designs for two different
solutions. Each detailed design
comprised elaboration of design basis,
structural calculations and drawings.

16 ramboll

Bulk Terminals
– providing facilities for
mineral import/export
Maximising bulk terminal Different technologies should
performance by perfect planning, be considered for ship loaders
design and handling technology. and unloaders as well as stackers
and reclaimers in the storage
Ramboll has a wide array of area. Storage facilities could be
expertise within planning and warehouses built with different
design of bulk terminals, including materials, silos or open storage. Rail
coal terminals, iron ore terminals, handling and respective unloaders
aggregates terminals, biomass and loaders are also often needed
terminals, wheat terminals or other as part of terminal operations.
terminals for import or export of
minerals. Bulk cargoes can cause dust and
noise problems which can be
Projects are often initiated with minimised by good planning and
01 the preparation of operational and design in order to protect the
strategic studies, as well as financial products and the environment.
and feasibility analyses. A typical
planning study often includes
comparison of different berth
structures and land reclamation
versus alternative structures such
as jetties and trestles. Several cargo
handling options can be considered
and should be compared. We
have strong experience with
dimensioning conveyors or other
means of transport for different

selected services

• Feasibility studies
• Strategic studies
• Logistics studies
• Operational planning
• Terminal planning
• Terminal design
• Planning and design of
bulk handling equipment
• Specifications for bulk
handling equipment
• Tender documents for
EPC/Turnkey tender
• Contract and Construction

port and marine facilities 17

01 Kemi, Iron Ore Terminal, Finland

Port of Kemi is preparing itself for the
mining boom in Finland. There are
several mining projects in the pipeline.
Hannukainen iron ore mine may
produce volumes up to 8 million tons
per annum. Ramboll prepared a master
plan for the port with storage facilities
and alignment of conveyors and cargo
handling equipment as well as reclaiming
for new yards and berths. Ramboll also
conducted the environmental impact
assessment (EIA) procedure together
with local environmental authorities.

02 Port of Fos sur Mer,

Marseille, France
Ramboll undertook a full engineering,
operational and management efficiency
review of the port to identify where
loss of down-time could be significantly
reduced. Logistics analyses were
undertaken as well as a thorough
on-site audit of the processes and
equipment condition and type.

03 Immingham Renewables Biomass

Fuel, Terminal, Associated British
Ports, UK
Ramboll delivered design specialist
services, including design risk reviews,
biomass expert assessments, assessment
of dust extraction systems, fire risk
assessments and other specialist services.
The facility will include 10 conveyors,
4 storage silos and 10 transfer towers.

04 Port of Fujairah, Expansion of Bulk

Terminal, Fujairah, UAE
Ramboll prepared port expansion plans for
Port of Fujairah, as part of overall master
planning for the Emirate of Fujairah up
to 2040. An important component in the
port is the Bulk Terminal, from which large
amounts of aggregates and stones from
the entire Emirate are exported. Yearly
04 exports are in the order of 20 million MT.

05 Kvanefjeld Rare Earth and

Uranium Mine, Port Facilities, Narsaq,
Ramboll prepared a detailed port
feasibility study for the Kvanefjeld mining
project. The mine is planned for producing
rare earth minerals and uranium. Ramboll
compared different options for locating
the port in the area. Master plan layout
was prepared for the chosen location.
The project included capacity
calculations, conceptual design for all
storage and other operational facilities
as well as equipment (e.g. conveyors,
loaders and unloaders and stackers and
reclaimers) for handling bulk cargo.

18 ramboll

Liquid Bulk Terminals

– providing facilities for
oil & gas import/export
Ramboll has extensive experience Our capable and adaptable teams
working within Energy markets, provide a high level of service in
ranging from renewables through to relation to the above challenges
oil and gas, and nuclear. In each case whilst maintaining focus on project
we have provided expert services to delivery. Highly experienced in the
the advantage of our clients. marine and Oil & Gas environments,
we adopt a partnering approach
With a client list including the World with our clients.
Bank, governments, development
agencies and regulators, generators In recent years, Ramboll has been
and developers, consumers and advisor to a number of clients for
energy retailers, metering data developments of LNG terminals
companies, network operators and from early phase feasibility studies
market administrators, Ramboll has through conceptual and FEED
01 established a global reputation as studies.
a knowledgeable and innovative
consultant in managing energy value. Safety First: Safety of both
cargo and vessels is a primary
Ramboll advises clients related requirement which is heavily
to Energy projects under the dependent on vessel conditions
following headings: Fuel Storage, at the berth and in the channels.
selected services Fuel Distribution and Control, Accurate data and studies, either
Marine Terminal Facilities, Consents, using mathematical models and/
• Feasibility studies Regulations Compliance and Local or physical models, are therefore
• Strategic studies Interfaces, Authority Approval and required to accurately replicate
• Logistics studies Consultation Management. conditions. With innovative, robust
• Operational planning and meticulously planned designs,
• Terminal planning The delivery of successful projects our specialists endeavour to deliver
• Terminal design revolves around achieving the projects within highly exacting
• Planning and design following key components, each timeframes whilst maintaining
of liquid bulk handling of which relates to certainty and the superior safety and quality
equipment timeliness of project delivery standards required in the oil and
• Feed studies – something which is especially gas sector. In offering designs to
• Environmental studies critical to the oil and gas industry: the gas industry safety standards,
• Mooring studies we take the ‘safety first’ message
• Specifications for liquid • Robust feasibility studies very seriously.
bulk handling equipment • Robust environmental
• Planning and design
assessment and innovative
of hydrocarbon
mitigation measures
storage facilities,
• Carefully managed stakeholder
including tank farms
engagement and consultation
• Risk & safety assesments
• Industry standard
• Risk management
detailed designs
• Tender documents for
• Programme, budget and risk
EPC/Turnkey tender
management and review
• Contract and Construction
• Health and safety
• Environment and quality systems.
• Project Management
Consultancy (PMC)
port and marine facilities 19

01 Stigsnaes Gulf Harbour Oil

Terminal, Oil Pier, Denmark
The Oil Pier at the Stigsnaes Gulf
Harbour Oil Terminal is operated by Inter
Terminals. The Oil Pier was originally
built in 1964 and consists of a 220 m
access pier and 500 m berthing pier
with 2 pier heads and dolphins. Water
depth at the pier head is 12-16 m.

Ramboll carried out investigations

and analyses of the deepwater
pier, in order to determine the
optimum maintenance strategy.

02 Ras Laffan, Port Expansion, Qatar

Ramboll carried out extensive
FEED-design and prepared tender
documents for an EPIC-tender, as
part of the development of Ras Laffan
Port Expansion Project (RLPEP).

New facililities comprised Container Yard

02 Facilities, Small Tanker Berths LPB28
and LPB29, Common Facilities for Liquid
Product Berths LPB30 and LPB31, Port
Operation Building, Leading Light Towers,
and a canopy for parking bays at the
Port Administration Building (PAB).

03 Finngulf LNG, Finland

Ramboll was awarded a contract by
Gasum Oy, Finland, for provision of project
management services in connection with
their plans for construction of a terminal
for import of liquid natural gas (LNG)
to Finland. The work concentrated on
developing concepts for LNG receiving
terminals at two distinct locations on the
south coast of Finland. Ramboll’s services
were directed towards drafting a strategy
and road map for the development of the
Finnish LNG import terminal. As a result,
critical tasks were identified and initiated.

04 Fawley Oil Terminal,

Southampton, UK
The Esso refinery at Fawley is the largest
in the UK and one of the most complex
in Europe. Situated on Southampton
Water, it has a mile-long marine
terminal that handles around 2,000 ship
movements and 22 million tonnes of
crude oil and other products every year.
The refinery processes around 270,000
barrels of crude oil a day and provides
20 per cent of UK refinery capacity.

Ramboll was appointed by Exxon

Mobile to carry out a series of structural
inspections and assessments of the
jetties and fender systems on the marine
terminal. Ramboll also completed design
for supplementary structures to facilitate
dredge deepening at the berths to enable
deeper draught oil tankers to berth.

20 ramboll

Ro-Ro Terminals
– Newest technology
keeps the wheels rolling
Continuously increasing Ro-Ro Ramboll has extensive experience
traffic and larger Ro-Ro vessels in adapting different automated/
require efficient operations and semi-automated mooring systems
structures in Ro-Ro terminals. to keep vessels safely moored
even in difficult weather and tidal
Landside operational development conditions.
includes parking, waiting areas and
traffic lanes alignment. Ramboll Frequent manoeuvring in a single
has long experience in design of location is typical for Ro-Ro
Ro-Ro ramps, passenger gangways, shipping. It is important to ensure
special Ro-Ro technology and robust and safe erosion protection.
multilevel ramps. Efficient and well
planned ship-to-shore solutions
ensure fast port turnaround times.

Special mooring systems are

sometimes required for safe
and fast mooring procedures.

selected services

• Feasibility studies
• Strategic studies
• Logistics studies
• Operational planning
• Terminal planning
• Terminal design
• Planning and design
of Ro-Ro ramps and
mooring equipment
• Specifications for
Ro-Ro ramps and
mooring equipment
• Tender documents for
EPC/Turnkey tender
• Contract and Construction

port and marine facilities 21

01 Norra Hamnen, Malmo, Sweden

Design of the new Ro-Ro / Ro-Pax Ferry
and Container Terminal in Norra Hamnen,
Malmö. Ro-Ro traffic in Malmö has been
relocated to the new terminal area in Norra
Hamnen. The new terminal provides better
loading and parking facilities, as well as
quick access to the highway network. The
new terminal area also includes a combi-
terminal for train traffic. The terminal
comprises four Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax ferry
berths, designated cargo areas, berth
for container handling and cargo areas,
port gate area and traffic waiting areas.

Ramboll prepared preliminary design and

layout design of the new terminal area.
Ramboll also conducted design for turnkey
tendering including: Berths, mooring
facilities, bunkering facilities etc., two-tier
ramps for Ro-Pax vessels, semi-automated
mooring systems, cargo areas, turning
areas for vessels and dredging works.

02 Helsinki, Port of Vuosaari, Finland

Port of Helsinki in Finland opened a new
cargo port at Vuosaari 2008. As Finland’s
new main port, Ramboll carried out the
design of the new Ro-Ro / Ro-Pax ferry
02 terminal in Vuosaari harbour for Finnlines’
German traffic ferries, comprising three
ferry berths, two designated tier ramps
and cargo areas. Ramboll conducted
preliminary and detailed design for the
following structures: Berths, mooring
systems, bunkering systems, adjustable
lower ramp, adjustable multipurpose
upper ramp, concrete bridge to the upper
ramp, steel structures incl. Fem modelling
and semi-automated mooring systems.

03 Oban Ro Ro Ferry Terminal,

Scotland, UK
Ramboll were appointed for the design,
specification and construction supervision
of various terminal upgrades arising from
our expert review of best practice at the
port. Our audit and compliance expertise
linked with engineering implementation
helped Oban Port maintain their high
standards. The work ranged from fuel
storage/bunkering equipment and
03 processes through to cost effective
infrastructure maintenance and upgrades
(paving, drainage, quayside works etc.)

04 Wightlink Portsmouth and

Fishbourne Ferry Terminals, UK
Ramboll was appointed to provide port
master planning, concept design, traffic
modelling and a port energy strategy
review for Wightlink’s Portsmouth and
Fishbourne ferry terminals. The projects
are in response to a major service upgrade
with an increase in vessels size, which
has required a solution to dual-height
stacking and loading at both terminals.

22 ramboll

Hydraulic and
Coastal Engineering
– Safeguarding coastal
Coastal protection and shoreline All marine works must be tailored
management has received to local conditions. To ensure
increasing attention during recent that each project is optimised
years. New developments of accordingly Ramboll undertakes
coastal zones and more extreme site investigations, prepares
variability in the oceanographic analyses of data and collects
and meteorological conditions samples, including hydrographic,
impact existing assets and set new meteorological, oceanographic,
demands. Ramboll carries out geotechnical surveys and hydraulic
planning and design of coastal model studies.
protection solutions, provides
expert consultancy for shoreline The internationally recognised
management, and prepares coastal MIKE 21/3 and LITPACK models
protection strategies. developed by DHI are utilised to
01 analyse the hydrodynamic climate
Design criteria are evaluated based of coastal regions, wave agitation
on statistical analyses of extreme in ports as well as sediment
weather events (wind, water level, processes, coastal development
currents and waves). Complex and particle dispersion in oceans,
problems are evaluated based on rivers and estuaries. The models
in-situ investigations and numerical are used by an experienced
modelling, using state-of-the-art staff with expertise within ports,
models. hydrodynamics and coastal

selected services

• Hydraulic modelling
• Wave modelling
• Modelling of currents
and sediment transport
• Assessment of
coastal impact
• Assessment of
environmental impact (EIA)
• Metocean studies
• Determination of design
waves and design loads
• Design of breakwaters
and other coastal
protective structures

port and marine facilities 23

01 Hallig 2050, Germany

Holms are a characteristic part of the
landscape of the North Frisian Islands
along the west coast of Schleswig-
Holstein, Germany. Holms are small
islands with a ground level a few
decimeters above mean tidal high water.
Single dwelling mounds protect people,
animals and their houses against storm
floods. With respect to climate change
and the rise in sea levels, continual
adaptations are necessary. Ramboll
developed a sustainable strategy
for flood protection for the dwelling
mounds and the adaptations of new
and existing houses with regard to
anticipated rising sea levels in the future.

02 Port of Hirtshals,
Extension of breakwater, Denmark
Manoeuvring problems for the ferries
in Port of Hirtshals in Denmark have
suggested that a new breakwater
was required. Ramboll carried out
wave analyses, preinvestigations and
the design of the new breakwater.

03 Salvage of wreck “Murmansk”,

Sørvær, Norway
The sunken Russian battleship “Murmansk”
in Sørvær in northern Norway has been
attempted salvaged. A contractor was
given the contract to dismantle and
remove the 211 m long warship with
a dead weight of around 17,000 tons.
Breakwaters and retaining walls were
constructed around the battleship, but
damaged during a storm. The contractor
claimed compensation of derived costs
from the insurance company. Ramboll
has been responsible for technical review
of the design assumptions and design
of breakwaters and retaining walls for
the insurance company. Further, Ramboll
carried out analysis of design waves using
MIKE 21 SW and BW modules, to assess
the contractor’s design assumptions.

04 Sangley Seaport and Airport,

Manila, Philippines
During the feasibility study for a combined
Airport and Seaport Project in Manila,
Philippines, Ramboll performed a Coastal
hydraulic analysis. Impacts on the currents
and wave patterns were studied using
MIKE 21 HD and SW models which is a
state-of-the-art numerical tool for studies
and analysis of currents and waves in
ports and near-shore areas. Further,
the modelling resulted in prediction of
maximum wave heights during a typhoon
scenario. Finally, the modelling resulted
in assessments of the impact on the
sediment transport pattern in Manila Bay.

24 ramboll

Dredging and Land

– Creating assets
and values
In large infrastructure projects like the project location, various
harbours or industrial areas with materials can be used for
quay facilities, dredging works and reclamation works, which means
the use of dredged material for that intensive geotechnical
land reclamation are often planning is essential to fulfil the
interrelated. On the seaward side, a client’s requirements.
certain water depth has to be
guaranteed for transshipment with The dredging of fairways is a
larger vessels. On the landward standard procedure in regions
side, the dredging material is used with morphodynamic activity
to fill the existing topography up to whenever hydraulic conditions
a safe level. initiate sediment transport
processes and water depths are
Large infrastructure projects like limited. The layout of the fairway
the JadeWeserPort in as well as the dredging measures
Wilhelmshaven and the Airbus have to be planned well. Moreover,
extension in Hamburg became when fairways are narrow, their
economically feasible because navigational purposes have to be
dredging techniques developed taken into account. Dredging can
and the dredged material could be be minimised by the use of a smart
transported over short distances. alignment or the installation of
At the site, the land reclamation waterfront structures.
works have to be planned
according to the geotechnical and
hydraulic boundary conditions.
Especially in case of soft soils, a
careful planning of the reclamation
works must consider all relevant
boundary conditions. Depending on

selected services

• Feasibility studies
• Consultancy within the
approval process
• Analysis and assessment
of hydraulic and
morphodynamic processes
• Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIA)
• Design of dredging works
• Design of reclamation
• Geotechnical engineering
of reclamation works
• Design of revetments
and scour protection
• Expert Reports

port and marine facilities 25

01 Port of Uusikaupunki, New Fairway,
Fairway of Uusikaupunki is approximately
45 km long and runs through the
archipelago to port of Yara Suomi Oy
and via Hepokari fairway to Port of
Uusikaupunki. Ramboll provided owner’s
supervision for the project including
preparation of tender documents, on-site
supervision, health and safety coordination,
coordination between involved parties
and stabilisation design and supervision.

02 Jade Weser Port, Greenfield land

reclamation, Germany
JadeWeserPort is the only deep water
harbour in Germany. Ramboll was
involved in the intial planning phases and
conducted detailed design during the
construction phase. More than 40 million
m3 of sand were used for land reclamation.

03 Airbus Plant, Expansion of landing

strip, Germany
Ramboll was commissioned as a general
planner for the Airbus extension in
Hamburg from the beginning until
the delivery to Airbus. More than 10
million m3 of sand were used for land
reclamation founded on very soft soils.

04 Beirut Quay 12-14, Dredging and

Land reclamation for new Container
Terminal, Lebanon
Ramboll has been responsible for all
design works related to the expansion of
the new Quay 12-14 – including planning
and specifications of dredging works in
front of the new quay wall to ensure a
water depth of 15.5 m, reclamation works
in the old harbour basin to make space
for an additional 20 hectare container
terminal. Ramboll prepared detailed design
for the Contractor and participated in the
Approval process with Port of Beirut.

26 ramboll

Inland Waterways
– Planning and design of
inland river facilities
Rivers and channels are one of the and sluices), protect the banks,
oldest transport routes. Until now coasts and shorelines (revetments),
transport by ship has been the to cross the inland waterways
most economical and ecological (bridges), protect against flood
means of transport. Considering water (dikes or barriers) or for
the lack of resources, waterways transshipment (quay walls). All
have to be developed and become these structures became necessary
more and more competitive because of trading along the inland
compared to other kinds of waterways and they have to be
transport. maintained or partially rebuilt to
guarantee sufficient water depth
Inland waterways are of major for vessels and allow convenient
importance for transportation of vessel traffic.
goods in Europe and worldwide.
01 The inland waterways connect Besides technical aspects, more
economic centres where and more ecological aspects have
transshipment takes place. Inland to be considered and integrated
waterways in Germany uniquely run into the planning works. As an
6,350 km; in all of Europe there are example, the European Water
more than 44,000 km of inland Framework Directive mentions
waterways. The largest inland which certain water quality
waterway network is in China with standards have to be reached. With
110,000 km. All developing regard to structures along inland
countries are actually expanding waterways, the installation of fish
their inland waterway network. ladders becomes more important.

Along the inland waterways many

different facilities are necessary to
regulate or hold the water (weirs

selected services

• Feasibility studies
• Fairway planning
and design
• Harbour layout
• Assessment and
modelling of hydraulic and
morphodynamic processes
• Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIA)
• Design of dredging works
• Design of revetments
• Design of hydraulic
structures (locks,
barriers or weirs)
• Hydraulic steel works

port and marine facilities 27

01 Hamburg,
Harburg Port Lock, Germany
Within the municipal programme
“Modification of the Hanseatic City
of Hamburg’s public flood protection”,
the Harburg port lock (125 m × 17.4
m) was adjusted to meet the new
criteria for storm surge water levels.
The structure and technical equipment
were strengthened for the next 70
years. Ramboll was commissioned
to do the preliminary design, basic
design, approval design, final design,
and preparation of tender documents
as well as assistance with the contract
award process, technical equipment
and on-site construction supervision.

02 Kiel, Kiel Canal, Germany

The Kiel Canal is the most heavily sailed
waterway in the world. Approximately
40,000 vessels p.a. make use of this
shorter route between the North Sea and
the Baltic Sea. To maintain the canal’s
expanded dimensions and to enable a
further expansion, both routine dredging
as well as a one-off dredging campaign
are necessary. The dredging practice
previously relied upon was dredging
material disposal sites along the Kiel
Canal. Due to changes in environmental
and waste legislation the last 30 years,
Ramboll developed an alternative concept
for the disposal of dredged material.

03 Kiel, Kiel-Holtenau
Group of Locks, Germany
The large Kiel Canal locks in Brunsbüttel
and Kiel-Holtenau are the key areas
of traffic flow. After an increasing
number of ship collisions and sliding
gate malfunctions, a new sliding gate
with a width/height/depth = 46 m/
18 m / 8 m and weight of approx.
2,000 MT was designed by Ramboll.
Incorporated in the structure are
fenders which can absorb the impact
energy of a 13,000 DWT ship with a
velocity of 1 m/s without any damage.

04 Ems Barrier,
Storm surge barrier, Germany
The Ems barrier is designed for two types
of functions, which are flood protection
and retain barrage in order to enable
transfer of cruise vessels with higher
draughts. Ramboll was commissioned to
conduct feasibility and plan statement
documents with conceptual and detailed
design for the project and its structure
including hydraulic calculations, extensive
plans for technical equipment such
as mechanical, electrical and control
technology, as well as preparation of
tender documents and cost calculations.

Ramboll performed engineering

services in all planning and construction
phases up to the check of shop
drawings and consultancy.
28 ramboll


SERVICES – minimising
environmental impact
Ramboll provides support to ports Typical related environmental and
and maritime operations through social issues and impacts include:
every stage of their lives: from
before they are built, throughout • Impacts on nearby protected
operation, during expansion and as natural resources and
they are wound down. animal habitat areas
• Impacts from dispersion of
Through the acquisition of sediments during construction
ENVIRON in 2014, Ramboll’s • Changes of existing
Environment and Health practice hydraulic flow and possible
grew by 1,500 dedicated sedimentation/erosion
environment, health and • Noise, vibrations,
sustainability specialists based in emissions and odours
21 countries, with a reputation for • Increases in traffic
01 providing assistance to port clients. • Visual effects from
the construction
Our combined environmental and • Displacement and resettlement
health services assist clients to • Waste generation
manage the potential for harm to
the environment (water, air, soils,
and sediment), to people (working
selected services there, using the port and in the
vicinity) and to the businesses
• Environmental and social themselves. Projects requiring
impact assessment consideration for environmental
• Noise impact and and social issues include:
mitigation assessment
• Environmental • Establishment of a new
management systems port and terminals
• Air quality management • Extension of an existing
• Dredged materials and port and terminals
sediment management • Recovery of building
• Contaminated land materials (i.e. sand) from the
management and maritime environment
remediation • Disposal or treatment of
• Water and wastewater contaminated sediments
management and wastewaters
• Ecosystem services
• Resource management
and habitat restoration
• Climate change and
adaptation services
• Hazard and enterprise-
wide risk assessment
and management
• M&A due diligence
• International finance
port and marine facilities 29

01 Port of Poti, Georgia

Ramboll was appointed to conduct
the environmental and social impact
assessments (ESIA) for the Port of
Poti development on Georgia’s Black
Sea coast. We were responsible for the
overall delivery of an ESIA package
in dual languages and led on the
more detailed assessment studies
including climate change predictions,
hydrological modelling, air quality and
02 socio-economic impacts. The ESIA was
prepared to meet both Georgian and
international environmental standards
including those of the EBRD.

02 London Gateway, UK
Ramboll provides environmental
consultancy to DP World in relation to
its development at London Gateway,
the UK’s largest port and infrastructure
development project. Initially appointed
to provide environmental due diligence,
we work closely with the client on
environmental monitoring of surface
and groundwater, contaminated land
remediation, environmental permitting,
sustainable management practices and
implementation of an EMS consistent
with Equator Principles metrics
and regulator communications.

03 Port of Seattle, USA

Ramboll evaluated the air quality and
environmental noise implications of the
modernisation of an existing container
handling facility at Terminal 5 at the
Port of Seattle. The air quality analyses
considered emissions from trains, on-
site operations and vessels and included
AERMOD dispersion modelling to assess
compliance with ambient air quality
standards. The air quality review also
considered the general conformity of
pollutant emissions associated with
construction activities subject to federal
approvals due to the project areas being
in an air quality maintenance area for fine
particulate matter. The noise analyses
included extensive noise modelling to
simulate operations of the expanded
facility to assess both compliance with
applicable city noise limits and to consider
the potential for noise impacts in off-
site communities. Ramboll personnel
used the CadnaA noise model to evaluate
the noise reduction benefits of possible
noise control measures. Results were
incorporated into the environmental
review documentation for the facility.

30 ramboll

Urban Waterfronts
and Marinas
– Maximising leisure value
Ramboll plans and designs urban wa- why our ability to integrate our areas
terfront developments and marinas in of expertise is crucial to our success.
an integrated process, according to
our Liveable Cities Concept and well- We help customers realise their devel-
developed holistic Master Planning opment potential, particularly when
Approach. it comes to complex urban concepts.
We identify key risks and suggest
Creating liveable cities solutions. We provide the spectrum of
Effective transportation systems are a knowledge required for the develop-
prerequisite for a city’s social and eco- ment of all kinds of urban, suburban,
nomic progress. For several decades, former industrial and green field areas.
Ramboll has developed solutions that The realities of commercial feasibility
increase mobility and reduce traf- remain central to our consultancy.
fic, without compromising efficiency.
01 Vibrant public and recreational spaces We have the ability to carry out any
also make an important contribution combination of master planning
selected services to increasing urban liveability and services from our multidisciplinary
serve to attract residents, businesses profile. In keeping with our philosophy,
• Market Analysis and and tourists. Ramboll has world class our master planning teams encour-
Analysis of target markets expertise and an enviable track record age the exchange of ideas between all
• Business Plans and in creating the ‘blue/green’ physical disciplines involved to reach the most
Financial Analyses elements that breathe life into both streamlined, cost-effective result, ena-
• Port and Urban new and existing urban spaces. bling us to meet the social, technical,
Master Planning environmental, and financial require-
• Transportation and
Ramboll has among others exercised ments of any project.
Infrastructure Planning
such developments in our Head Of-
• Planning of optimized
fice town, Copenhagen. Copenhagen The objectives when planning and
use of water assets
• Development of is the first three-time winner of the designing urban waterfront develop-
sustainability, low “Quality of Life Survey 2014” carried ments and marinas include, to:
carbon and waste out by the international magazine
management strategies Monocle. Waterfront promenades, • Maximise the interface and syn-
• Analysis of coastal hydraulic grassy pedestrian zones and green ergy between marine and ur-
conditions and flooding parks are just a few of the many ban facilities and opportunity
risks and management reasons why Copenhagen reclaims the • Advise regarding the oppor-
• Environmental and Social title as the world’s most liveable city. tunity and scale of marine lei-
Impact Assessments sure and commercial activi-
• Identifying and handling of The eighth annual Quality of Life ty (water taxis, buses, etc) and
possible contaminated soils
results see the Danish capital defend inter-modal connectivity
in former industrial areas
its top rank thanks to an unbeatable • Support wider regenera-
• Design of waterfront
combination of culture, tolerance, ef- tion of the surrounding area
structures and
marina facilities fective public transport, sun apprecia- • Produce robust studies to assess
• Condition Assessments tion, green space, global connectivity the commercial, environmental
and rehabilitation of and clever architecture making the and engineering feasibility of wa-
existing structures city the first three-time winner. terfront infrastructure and mari-
• Specifications and nas including navigation risk and
Tender Documents Realising complex urban water- sustainable dredging strategies
• Tendering and Construction front developments and marinas • Conduct environmental consenting,
Management Coordination and understanding of a audit and compliance to achieve
wide range of disciplines is critical to and maintain best practice.
successful master planning, which is
port and marine facilities 31

01 Porto Montenegro, New Mega-yacht

marina, Montenegro
This exclusive marina development is part
of a larger regeneration project which also
comprises high-end residential, commercial
and leisure facilities, including a Four
Seasons hotel. Constructed on a former
Yugoslavian naval base, the new marina
currently incorporates over 50 superyacht
berths (30-100 m LOA) with an additional
200 berths for smaller vessels (10-30 m).
02 03
02 Royal Pier Waterfront development,
Southampton, UK
Royal Pier Waterfront is a £450m world-
class development which will incorporate
restaurants, leisure attractions, apartments,
office space and hotels; all linked by
pedestrian promenades and piers. The
project includes 5.5 ha of reclamation
and relocation of an entire Ro-Ro
terminal to make way for this significant
development. Ramboll is responsible for
all ports and marine engineering and the
environmental studies and consenting.

03-04 Copenhagen North Harbour,

Development of new sustainable
township, Denmark
Nordhavnen is probably the most
extensive and most ambitious metropolitan
development project in Scandinavia in
recent years. Nordhavnen is a 200-hectare
area currently used for a number of
harbour-related activities, When fully
developed, the site will feature buildings
with a total floor area of up to four million
square metres, providing living space
for 40,000 inhabitants and workspace
for another 40,000 inhabitants.
Ramboll was appointed, together with
architects Cobe, Sleth and Polyform,
to develop the Master Plan & Urban
Development Plan for the new township.
Further Ramboll was responsible for
traffic engineering, transport planning
& safety, all environmental services &
EIA. In later stages Ramboll has been
responsible for planning and design of a
number of canal and bridge projects, being
part of the overall development plan.

05 HafenCity Hamburg,
HafenCity Hamburg is the largest project
for urban development in Europe. Upon
completion, the city area will have
been enlarged by 40%. Although the
HafenCity borders the river Elbe outside
the official flood protection line, flood
protection plays a central role in the
urban development and the design of its
urban waterfronts and houses. Ramboll
was commissioned to define and assess
various flood protection measures.

32 ramboll

– Improving operability
Maintenance management of ports By prioritising activities,
is highly complex, requiring the appropriate actions may be taken in
integration of many disciplines and time. In other words, rehabilitation
services. In fact, maintaining a port efforts will not be taken too early
is comparable to maintaining an or too late. So, while expenses
entire city. Ports have a similar may initially increase slightly for
multitude of different structures the planned maintenance services,
and facilities, notably quay ports will in the long run save
structures, piers, breakwaters, money by avoiding potentially
paved areas, buildings, loading and costly mistakes such as heavy
unloading facilities, and movable repair on structures overdue for
equipment. rehabilitation.

It is, however, possible to simplify, To support the growing demand for

optimise and keep maintenance efficient maintenance management
procedures within budget by of ports and similar infrastructure
systematising the procedures and facilities, Ramboll developed a
introducing known and tested program called SMART Ports – a
methods from other fields such web-based IT-system featuring
as maintenance of bridges and systematic and well-documented
roads. This approach will also maintenance management
allow forecasting of future costs, procedures, long-term budgeting
increase safety and minimise the and easy access to large and
risk of unexpected break-downs. complex amounts of data. SMART
The result is a vastly improved port Ports is based on state-of-the-art
operation. principles within operation and
selected services maintenance. It provides a user-
friendly interface supporting all
• Systematic registration levels of maintenance management.
• NDT (non-destructive
tests) and Destructive
test methods
• Determining conditions
and damage reasons
• Estimating life span and
deterioration rate of
materials and structures
• Evaluating environmental
• Setting up optimal repair
strategies and solutions
• Financial evaluations
• Working out projects
and supervising
rehabilitation works
• SMART Maintenance
Management system

01 02
port and marine facilities 33

01 Port of Aarhus,
Maintenance Management, Denmark
Port of Aarhus, Denmark’s largest port,
is using Ramboll’s SMART Ports system
for maintaining port infrastructure
(quays, pavements, buildings).

02 Port of Portland, UK
To assist the Port of Portland with their
asset and risk management, Ramboll has
undertaken a comprehensive laser scan
above and below water of the whole port
estate. The value created in the scan has
helped clearly assess any movement in
the breakwaters which could lead to a
failure as well as mapping obstructions
03 or erosion which could cause risk to
the quay walls or vessel movements.

03 APMT, Pavement Maintenance

Once infrastructure facilities such as roads,
bridges, railways, ports and airports are
in operation, they have to be constantly
supervised and maintained. But keeping
track of the state of facilities may be an
enormous task when you are supposed
to maintain thousands of square meters.

Over the years, Ramboll has developed

several systems to help ease maintenance
processes. Most recently, we developed
a new Pavement Management System
(PMS) to help keep track of pavement
conditions. The system has been
delivered to APM Terminals, a leading
global container terminal operator.

04 Port of Naantali,
Maintenance Management, Finland
The Port of Naantali is the third largest
port in Finland, with an overall traffic
of 8.5 million tonnes of cargo annually
(2007) and more than 2,000 vessels/year,
covering liquid bulk, dry bulk, containers
and trailer cargo. The port has focused
heavily on rehabilitation of quay structures
and maintenance during the past years,
and now with the SMART system, it will
be systematised even further. The Port of
Hamina is the fifth largest port in Finland,
with an overall traffic of 5.4 million tonnes
of cargo annually (2007) and more than
1,450 vessels/year, covering liquid bulk,
dry bulk, general cargo and containers.

Ramboll assisted the ports during

SMART implementation and
training of the staff in the ports.

05 PTP Tanjung Pelepas,

Maintenance Management, Malaysia
The Container Terminal in Tanjung Pelepas,
operated by PTP, is one of world’s largest,
with a total quay length of approximately
5,200 m. Ramboll carried out Principal
Inspections of selected berth structures
as trial testing for implementation of
a systematic maintenance program.
34 ramboll

references 05

• International recognised,
world-leading consultancy

• 100 specialists working with

port and marine projects

• 50 ongoing and more than

500 completed port and marine
projects in more than 50
countries around the world


key projects 42

01 Denmark 03 Norway 05 Greenland 08 ireland 12 Latvia

Copenhagen Bergen Nuuk Rosslare Riga
Aarhus Fredrikstad Sisimiut Baltimore
Aalborg Sandefjord Narsaq 13 Lithuania
Esbjerg Trondheim 09 Germany
Vejle Hammerfest 06 Faroe Islands
Hirtshals Oslo
Thorshavn Stade 14 russia
Skagen Drammen
Runavik Brunsbüttel
Thyborøn Hellesylt St. Petersburg
Køge Bodø Murmansk
07 United JadeWeserPort
Rønne Tromsø Arkhangelsk
Kingdom Kiel Canal
Canal Salzgitter
02 sweden 04 Finland London Temryuk
Göteborg Helsinki
Dover 15 italy
Malmö Naantali / Turku 10 Poland
Stockholm Kemi Venice Lagoon
Bristol Gdansk
Helsingborg Kokkola Port of Brindisi
Luleå Pietersaari
Immingham/Grimsby 11 Estonia
Gävle Rauma 16 Montenegro
Norrköping Hanko Tallin
Porto Montenegro
Karlshamn Kotka
in Tivat
Trelleborg Hamina
port and marine facilities 35

  Ramboll offices
Key project locations

03 04
06 02
11 14
01 12
07 13
08 09

15 17
16 20
18 21

24 23 22

28 35



17 bulgaria 22 United 27 togo 33 Tanzania 39 usa

Arab Emirates
Varna Lomé Malindi, Zanzibar Port of San Diego
Burgas Abu Dhabi Port of Los Angeles
Dubai 28 nigeria 34 india Port of Portland
18 Gibraltar Fujairah Port of Long Beach
Port Harcourt Kolkata
Port of Seattle
Gibraltar Port
23 Qatar
Europort Marina 29 gabon 35 Sri Lanka
40 brazil
Ras Laffan
Libreville Hambantota
19 turkey Manaus
24 Saudi Arabia
Mersin 30 angola 36 Philippines
41 venezuela
Luanda Manila
20 georgia Petrozuata
25 Oman
Port of poti 37 Malaysia 42 Falkland
Supsa Salalah 31 namibia
Tanjung Pelepas Islands
Walvis Bay
21 Lebanon 26 Morocco Mare Harbour
38 australia
Beirut Jorf Lasfar 32 south africa
Port Nador West Brisbane
Port Elisabeth Newcastle

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