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Inner Preliminaries
I. Refuge
[If you would like to visualise the refuge field, follow traditional commentaries. Otherwise everything you
need already appears in the verses.]


Guide of the path, destroyer of deception, conqueror, the awakened one; in you I take
May I overcome my uncontrollable cycle of birth, sickness, old age and death.
Genuine liberator of the nature of the two truths of pure Dharma, in you I take refuge.
May my mind dwell pacified and awakened in the cool ocean of the Dharma.
Inspirational liberator who realised the truth, Arya Sangha and admirers of the precious
Dharma, you are my companions; in you I take refuge.
May I develop devotion, diligence, mindfulness, inspiration, a loving nature, concentration
and wisdom.


Glorious and all pervasive Lama, in you I take refuge.
May I realise the secret Vajrayana Dharma.
Kalachakra, embodiment of all the yidam deities, in you I take refuge.
May I achieve the two essences of the profound Vajrayana.
Dakinis from the Khechari realm, skywalkers of the tantric family and all khandromas; in
you I take refuge.
May I be blessed with a sacred companion to penetrate the incomparable secret
Authentic Dharma protectors, in you I take refuge.
May all my external and internal obstacles be eradicated.


I take refuge in the 72,000 channels of my subtle body.
May I transcend and realise they are a Nirmanakaya emanation of the Buddha.
I take refuge in the 72,000 inner winds of my subtle body.
May I transcend and realise they are a Sambhogakaya emanation of the Buddha.
I take refuge in the 72,000 white and red essences of my subtle body.
May I transcend and realise they are a Dharmakaya emanation of the Buddha.
[Recite the three refuge prayers either once or three times. When refuge is the focus, recite as many
times as you like.]
I pray to the Lama, Yidam, Buddha, Dharma, Dakas, Dakinis and Dharma protectors;
please bless us.
May all the enlightened beings of the refuge field dissolve with great delight into all beings
and myself; may we dwell in equanimity.
[Remain silent with this feeling for a few seconds.]
II. Bodhicitta
[Next is the profound and unique practice of Mahayana Dharma (translated as ‘the Great Vehicle’). If
you are holding a refuge field visualisation, continue this. If not, remind yourself of the refuge field and
all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; visualise them witnessing and celebrating your training in the altruistic
way of Bodhicitta.]


All sentient beings throughout time and space have been my beloved parents, children,
partners and friends. They have adored and taken care of me and I am indebted to them.
They yearn for happiness but do not know how to create the causes of happiness, instead
creating the causes of suffering and dissatisfaction. They avoid suffering, not knowing how
to abandon the causes of suffering; instead their efforts contradict their heartfelt desires.
May I have great empathy toward all sentient beings.
[Remain silent with a feeling of empathy for a few seconds.]
May all my dear sentient beings have happiness and its causes,
May all my dear sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes,
May all my dear sentient beings never be separated from bliss that is free from suffering.
May all my dear sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and aversion.


May all beings including myself, beloved ones, acquaintances, those that are harmful to
me and those I don’t know, reach the ultimate state of Buddhahood.
I take the responsibility to liberate all, for it is the only way I will completely awaken and
benefit all beings.
I undertake limitless, incomparable, pure, awakened altruism such as the six perfections
and four means of generosity.
For the sake of all this I will meditate on the most profound, skilful pith instruction of the
expedient and excellent Vajrayoga path.
[Recite once, three times or as many times as you like.]
For the sake of all beings I will reach the state of complete Buddhahood;
I shall therefore meditate on the profound vajrayoga path.
[Recite once, three times or as many times as you like.]
The whole assembly in the enlightened field is delighted, they say well done, and dissolve
into me.
[Remain silent with great joy that you have generated Bodhicitta even if only for a few seconds.]
May the precious Bodhicitta arise which has not yet arisen, and may that which has
already arisen not degenerate; may it increase.
Through this virtue may all beings complete the accumulation of merit and primordial
wisdom and so attain the two kayas of enlightenment.

III. The Quick Path of Vajrasattva Purification

[This practice is to purify obstacles for the realisation of vajra yoga.]

All existence including oneself immerses into the true state of emptiness.
[Remain silent with the non-conceptual mind for one or two seconds.]
The true nature of conventional existence is self-less and non-conceptual; I remain in this
state of emptiness. From this state of emptiness, I will meditate on purification and
accumulation for obtaining Rupakaya.
Seeing myself as ordinary, above my crown the syllable PAM (པ) appears which is
transformed into an eight-petalled white lotus flower. The syllable AH (ཨཿ) appears on top of
the lotus flower and is transformed into a full moon disc.
On top of the moon disc appears the syllable HUNG (ཧ) which then transforms into a white
five-pronged vajra with a HUNG (ཧ) syllable at its hub. This HUNG (ཧ) syllable radiates
luminous light to all universes and makes limitless offerings to all Arya beings.
The light then radiates throughout samsara to all beings and purifies their obscurations
and defilements; then the light returns and dissolves into the HUNG (ཧ) syllable.
[Remain silent here for a few seconds.]
With this supreme offering and purification, the HUNG (ཧ) syllable transforms into the
divine form of Vajrasattva in union, transcending gender.
Vajrasattva, has a white body, one face and two arms, holding a vajra in his right hand and
a bell in his left. He embraces the consort Vajratopa in Yab-yum. Vajratopa is white in
colour, holding a curved knife in her right hand and a skull cup in her left. They are both
adorned with silk and jewel ornaments with legs crossed in the vajra-lotus posture.
Great bliss manifests from their enlightened embrace.
At their forehead is OM (ཨ).
At their throat is AH (ཨཿ).
At their heart is HUNG (ཧ).
At their navel is HO (ཧཿ).
From the HUNG (ཧ) at their heart, light radiates outward to the ten directions. The
purification power of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas radiates back in the form of white
nectar. The nectar dissolves and becomes inseparable with Vajrasattva Yab-yum
[Again seeing oneself in ordinary form, we chant as follows:]
DZA (ཛཿ) HUNG (ཧ) VAM (བ) HO (ཧཿ)


Destroyer of Deception, Vajrasattva, please purify and cleanse all the negativity,
obscurations and downfalls accumulated since beginningless time.
From beginingless time until now, with afflictions of attachment, hate and ignorance,
through the three doors, I have accumulated the ten non-virtues, five heinous crimes, five
close crimes, four heavy non-virtues and eight wrong actions.
All downfalls of the Pratimoksha precepts, Bodhicitta pledges, tantric commitments and
any misconduct towards my parents, teachers and precept bestowers, I confess them now.
In particular, any impure and judgemental perception, disrespect, lack of love or loyalty
toward my Lama and Dharma family; Wrong actions toward the Three Jewels, abandoning
the Dharma, judging the Sangha incorrectly and harming any sentient being; I confess
All accumulated non-virtues committed by myself, including encouraging others to commit
the same, and all other misconduct; All obscurations preventing nirvana and omniscient
Buddhahood, all non-virtuous causes for rebirth in samsara including the lower realms;
Without pride, confessing all, from the depths of my heart, I will never commit these deeds
ever again.


Combining genuine remorse with this precious prayer, white nectar flows powerfully from
the Vajrasattva union. It pours through my external and internal body and washes away all
negativity, illness, evil and obscuration of karmic negativities. These defilements appear as
insects, spiders, worms and flies. See them being washed away like soot or charcoal from
a chimney and dissolving into the earth. They then transform into desirable objects that
satisfy the needs of those I am indebted to.
My body is now as clear as crystal, filled with the divine pure nectar. Concentrate single-
pointedly on this pure body while reciting the sacred mantra.
[To practice precisely, follow the instructions explained in the commentary. If this is not possible, at the
very least you should concentrate intensely on the meaning of the recitation and visualise as clearly as
you can nectar flowing from the union of Vajrasattva Yab-yum.]
[Before chanting the mantra, invoke remorse using the four powers.]
[This mantra can be recited once, three, seven or twenty one times – there is no limitation. If you are
currently focusing on this practice recite it as many times as you can.]

[The final prayer is as follows:]
Great protector, due to ignorance and confusion I have broken my samaya and let them
Compassionate Lama Vajrasattva, please purify my negativities and protect me.
In you I take refuge, supreme vajra holder, treasure of compassion and rescuer of all
I confess all downfalls of my body, speech and mind, including all breaches of my root and
branch vows.
Please purify and cleanse all the stains, downfalls and negative obscurations amassed
during beginningless time in samsara.
Vajrasattva Yab-yum, with great joy, transforms into a white moon and dissolves through
the crown of my head. Vajrasattva’s divine body, speech, mind and indestructible
primordial wisdom are now inseparable from my own.
[Remain in this pure state for a few seconds.]

Through this virtue may I quickly reach the enlightened state of Vajrasattva and lead all
beings without exception to this ground of purity.

IV. Mandala Offering for the Two Accumulations

[You can visualise the mandala field as explained in the traditional text or follow the chanting below.
The primary practice is to see the Lama as the embodiment of the enlightened Field of Refuge. Pay
homage and make offerings as follows: ]


You are the jewel-like Lama,
The one whose kindness leads to the dawning of great bliss in a single instant.
I bow to your lotus feet, Lama Vajradhara.
Precious Lama, you are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; you are the creator of all. To
you I pay homage.
You eliminated the two obstacles and fulfilled the two accumulations. You are the source
of peace and the essence of the soothing Dharma on the Noble path. You are the
embodiment of the external, internal and secret Refuge. To you I pay homage.
[Remain silent, filled with immense gratitude for a few seconds.]
[You can follow the 9 or 37 mandala offering instruction and make a physical offering with your
mandala. Your main practice however is the below recitation:]
As vast as space, encompassing the stars, planets and solar systems, permeating through
the earth to the forests, trees, and plants, pervading all fields of flowers and flowing into
the oceans and rivers, embracing all living beings, this field of beauty and splendour I offer
to generate my future Nirmanakaya realm.
How incredible this energy of life, constantly regenerating, growing and multiplying. My
body is a living treasure, sustaining the five organs and six containers. These mandala
bodies of beauty I offer to the inner enlightened deities. May I attain inner realisation of the
internal accumulations.
My most subtle and profound channels and essences, beyond form and totally pure, this
most secret and profound accumulation I offer to the primordial deities. May I transcend
and enter the Dharmakaya enthronement.


Myself and all beings’ body, speech and mind, with all the wealth and virtues of the three
times, with this unsurpassable mandala of Samantabhadra offering,
All these both real and visualised I offer to the yidam and the three Jewels. Out of your
great compassion, please accept this offering and bless me.
[Remain silent in the non-conceptual state for a few seconds, then recite the dedication as follows:]

Through the power of this virtue, may I complete the accumulation of merit and wisdom
and so attain the two kayas of enlightenment for the sake of all beings.

V. Guru Yoga—The Door to Tranquility

[This brief Guru Yoga is for those short on time. If you would like more detail, other Guru Yogas
composed by traditional Jonang Lamas can be combined with this practice.]

Treasure of the nature of wisdom and compassion, inherent Dharmakaya Lama
Vajradhara, appearing as the omniscient Lama Dolpopa, to you I pray; please take your
seat above my head as an ornament of my chakra of bliss.
In the centre of a five-coloured rainbow of light, on top of the emerging lotus cushion, your
magnificent appearance radiates with delight. With intense loving devotion, I supplicate
Jewel like Lama, you are the quintessence of the field of refuge. You are the primary
source of the secret field of refuge. You are the innate truth of self-awareness, the
Dharmakaya. Precious Lama, our union is inseparable.
Within my secret inner Shambhala realm, the thirty five Dharma lords, universal Arya
monarchs, Mahasidda Dushapa, Dushapa Nyipa, Panchen Dawa, Dro Lotsawa, Lama
Lhaje, Lama Yumo encompassing the holy Kalachakra Lineage holders, Extending to the
great Kunpang Tukje Tsondru, and all of the incomparable transmission holders to my own
compassionate warrior root Lama, I pay homage; please bless me.
The enlightened ones from the past could not tame my mind and I am without the merit to
experience the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of this time. From great loving kindness you are
the only one who has not abandoned me. With supreme gratitude I supplicate you.
Lama, I am so fortunate to have found you. I am so honoured and grateful; I will embrace
you at the centre of my heart. I will be mindful, vigilant and conscientious of this privilege.
Supreme liberator, please bless and empower me.
Out of devotion I vow to see all your activities as Dharma. Out of devotion I vow to follow
any instruction without hesitation. I vow not to abandon these commitments; they are my
absolute priority. Pure perception and devotion will be primary in my heart.
[Stay with this non-conceptual state for five seconds or more.]


A white OM (ཨ) syllable at my Lama’s forehead streams forth and dissolves into my
forehead chakra. May I receive the divine empowerment of touch, eliminating the
obstacles of the waking state and imprinting a propensity for me to reveal my Nirmanakaya
[Stay with this non-conceptual state for five seconds or more.]
A red AH (ཨཿ) syllable streams forth from my Lama’s throat and dissolves into my throat
chakra. May I receive the secret divine empowerment of taste, eliminating the obstacles of
the dream state and imprinting a propensity for me to reveal my Sambhogakaya speech.
[Stay with this non-conceptual state for five seconds or more.]
A black syllable HUNG (ཧ) streams forth from my Lama’s heart and dissolves into my heart
chakra. May I receive the divine transcendental empowerment of union, eliminating the
obstacles of the deep sleeping state and imprinting the propensity for my Dharmakaya
[Stay with this non-conceptual state for five seconds or more.]
A yellow HO (ཧཿ) syllable streams forth from my Lama’s navel and dissolves into my navel
chakra. May I receive the sacred empowerment of divine awareness, eliminating the
obstacles of the state of dualistic ecstasy and imprinting the propensity to unveil my
indestructible primordial Buddhahood.
[Stay with this non-conceptual state for five seconds or more.]
My mind becomes inseparable from my Lama’s boundless Dharma mind; this innate state
that is groundless, unfabricated, non-dualistic, spontaneous, free and liberated. Without
effort, I remain here.
[Remain in this state for as long as you are able.]

May I have the right view of all my glorious Lama’s activities, without doubt or wrong view.
May I see all of his or her conduct as always virtuous and beneficial.
May this bless me.
During this life, the bardo or my next life, may I see the external Lama as my own inner
May I see my own self-awareness as my primordial Lama.
May I never be separated from this blissful empty-form.
If there is any chance that karmic obstacles prevent my liberation, may I always be reborn
devoted to my Lama and have a lasting relationship, enjoying Dharma practice until I
reach the union of the great seal.
[This is the fifth of the five common preliminary practices of the Kalachakra Six Yogas Profound and
Indestructible Path.]

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