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Online shopping is becoming more popular day by day with the increase in the usage of World Wide
Web , Understanding customer’s need for online selling has become challenge for marketers.
Specially understanding the consumer’s attitudes towards online shopping , making improvement in
the factors that influence consumers to shop online and working on factors that affect consumers to
shop online will help marketers to gain the competitive edge over others. Therefore our study has
focused mainly on two research questions, I) what are factors that influence consumers to shop
online and to see what factors are most attractive for online shoppers. ii) Who are online shoppers
in terms of demography? We foresee that our findings will give a clear and wide picture to online
retailers and will help them understand the specific factors that influence consumers to shop online,
so they can build up their strategies to cater online shoppers..

We have also worked on demographic factors of online shoppers, to see a correlation within
demography factors such as Age, occuoation and Education; this will also give an insight to online
retailers to see the online shopping attitudes within these demographic factors.

The findings that we have gained in this research are as follows; starting from preference of buying
on daily basis to yearly basis. The least number of people have preferred to buy on daily and weakly
basis, also moderate number of respondants have preferred to buy on monthly and yearly
basis.Secondly,by considering items preference to shop online with respect to different commodities
like travel and leisure,food,electronics,books,apparels and footwear.People have have shown either
least or moderate interest to shop these items online.considering driving factors to online shopping
people are more inclined to shop online just because they receive high discounts and product pricing
and also variety in product range.More number of people have preferred to shop online as its time
saving and home delivered.Lastly,the type of payment mode preferred by respondants is somewhat
surprising because more people have preferred cash on delivery whereas, UPI/netbanking is
preferred least and credit/debit card and mobile wallet are preferred moderately. These online the
results of correlation results of age shows it indicated that elderly people are not so keen to shop
on-line. This will help online retailers to make strategies according to different age brackets. The
second part of the analysis is done on factors influencing consumers to shop online. From the results
we have concluded that the most influencing and attractive factor among four factors particularly
the security concerns are very important while shopping online. Last but not least after analyzing the
51 respondents,we have found that low price, discount, product pricing, and quality of product and
information are also considered to be important factors.

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