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Monday, April 25, 2016

A note on sadhana: Antarmukha Samaradhya

A doctor said: I have treated so many patients. They had pain, but I did not have any.

Want to avoid pain? Become the doctor that treats you!

Learn to get out of your body and enter the world. Your pains dont belong to the world. 

They will just disappear!

Think. Happiness comes to a person in pain if he can sleep.When did you not have any pain? When you
were asleep or unconscious or before you were born or after you are gone. Notice that in all these
states, time is not flowing when you get out of yourself to become the world, not aware of your body.
Why do you focus on the hurting part? Move your attention away to a part that doesn't hurt. The world
is the part that doesn't hurt. Move into that, and witness yourself from that vantage point.
Witness is neither a criminal nor a judge.Who is witnessing you? The world. If you are witnessing
yourself, who are you? The world.

The formula for health, wealth, happiness and creativity is not being a small part of the world, but
being the whole of it. Can I be the world? Yes you can. Is it true? Yes it is true. The world is so big and I
am so small. How can the small contain the big? There is no small or big.

Just think. Wherever you are, or whatever you do, you experience the world through thinking or feeling.
After sleep, the next day you are ready for more. Where is this world of your experience? In your
thoughts and feelings. The world is inside you.

How can you see yourself being the world? By being a witness. How do you become a witness? By 1.
Yoganidra. 2. Relaxation meditation. 3. By anasthesia. 4. By sleep. 5. By death of your smallness called
your ego. 6. By realising who you are.

May you be blessed with the knowledge of who you really are. Knowledge of who you are is called
Atmavidya or Srividya. It is best learned under a trained Guru.

I have become old and infirm. I want to just do my sadhana. But I do want to help you. So, I will conduct
classes over internet. You can join the classes on Srividya from anywhere in the world. Details of class
information can be found in 

Now you have a very good teacher, Guru Karuna. Go to him. He will guide you well. I am sure the
Goddess of creativity Bala kamakhya and the Majestic Power of love Lalitha will guide him and you

Vira Chandra at 7:57 AM


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