Cheerdance Competition

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1. The following rules & regulations are to be in effect for all practices and the competition
2. All teams must be supervised during the practices and competition by a qualified and
knowledgeable coach.
3. All participants agree to conduct themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship
throughout the event.
4. Coaches should recognize the squad’s ability level and should limit activities
5. All participants must adopt a comprehensive conditioning and strength building
6. All coaches, directors and advisors must have an emergency action plan in the event of
an injury.
7. Teams must have 25 to 30 members only, from 12 years old to 17 years old (Basic Ed)
and 18 years old and above (College).
8. Each team will be allotted minimum of three (3) minutes and maximum of five (5)
minutes for the routine. Timer starts upon the first yell/cheer, dance movement, start of
music, or whichever comes first.
9. An appropriate warm-up routing should precede all cheer dancing activities.
10. Any team member who may acquire injury will not be allowed to continue the routine.
A substitution may be made as long as he/she falls under the qualifications.
11. Any team proven in violation of the rules & regulations will be automatically
disqualified from the event.
12. Should recorded music be part of the routine, file must be handed over to the organizers
one (1) week before competition on a properly labeled CD player and USB in MP3 format.


1. Costumes & props shall be provided by the cheer dance group participating. For Basic
Ed they can use their P.E. uniform/Year Level Intrams shirt and jogging pants as their main
costume with accent of the theme. For college, P.E. Uniform and/or department shirt.
2. Only moves and materials that are stable and safe will be part of the routine, hence no
pyramids more than two levels (1 from the knee, 2 level on the shoulder), stunts and
tumbling will be included.
3. Props must be handled with care in taking in and out of the competition area.
4. Athletic footwear is required with appropriate and non-slippery socks. Wearing tights or
other slippery foot covering is not allowed.
5. Wearing of any jewelry is prohibited.
6. The use of mini-trampolines, springboards and other height-increasing apparatus is
7. Costumes & props shall be provided by the cheer dance group.
8. Costume, props, yells and all other parts of the routine must be in accordance to the
country’s restrictions.
9. Glitters and sequins on bodies, costumes or props are not allowed as these may pose
danger if detached and left on the floor.
10. The following are prohibited at any point of the routine: liquids, flammable materials,
confetti, powder, firecrackers and any hard or heavy materials that may destroy the venues
floor during entry or exit.
11. All groups are given 3 minutes to clear up the area with all materials utilized after the
12. You can ask the Entry Form at Sports Coordinators Office and submit it to Miss
Carmel Lucero on or before August 16, 2019.
13. The decision of judges is final and irrevocable. Any petition will be entertained upon
payment of P5,000.00 petition fee.


CATEGORY Description Max Points Total Rank

Overall Effect Overall Impression, Energy and 10
Dynamics, Costumes, and Music

Communication and Projection 10

Expression and Emotion, and
CHOREOGRAPHY Creativity and Musicality 10

Difficulty 10

Formation and Transitions 10

TECHNIQUE Execution of Style(s) and Clarity of 20

Placement/ Control/ 10
Extension/Strength of Movement
GROUP Synchronization, Cheers, /Crowd 20
Volume and Clarity, Easy to follow,
Encourages crowd participation

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