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SAN ISIDRO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ----------dennismarkdelacruz-----------------01032016----------------

San Isidro, Rodriguez, Rizal

Name: _____________________ Date: ______ Score: _________ SAN ISIDRO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
Grade & Section : ______________ Teacher: ________________ San Isidro, Rodriguez, Rizal
General Instructions: Name: _____________________ Date: ______ Score: _________
 This is a 30-item test which evaluates your understanding on Health Trends, Issues, and Grade & Section : ______________ Teacher: ________________
Concerns (Global Level).
 You must accomplish this examination in all HONESTY and INTEGRITY.
General Instructions:
 Use black or blue ink not pencil. Avoid too much erasure. You are only allowed to change  This is a 30-item test which evaluates your understanding on Health Trends, Issues, and
your answer ONCE by crossing out the first answer. Concerns (Global Level).
 Borrowing of any examination materials is NOT allowePd. You are only given 15 minutes to  You must accomplish this examination in all HONESTY and INTEGRITY.
finish the test.  Use black or blue ink not pencil. Avoid too much erasure. You are only allowed to change
 If you have questions, address it to the teacher and not to your seat mate. Wish you luck! your answer ONCE by crossing out the first answer.
 Borrowing of any examination materials is NOT allowed. You are only given 15 minutes to
I. Choose the letter of the best answer. finish the test.
1. It is defined as diverse health issues, concerns and trends which call for all nations  If you have questions, address it to the teacher and not to your seat mate. Wish you luck!
to address and act on to promote and protect health of individual and groups across boundaries? I. Choose the letter of the best answer.
a. Global health b. Mental Health c. Public health d. Health Education 1. It is defined as diverse health issues, concerns and trends which call for all nations
2. Which of these international organizations is the chief body responsible for providing to address and act on to promote and protect health of individual and groups across boundaries?
leadership on global health, setting norms and standards and providing health a. Global health b. Mental Health c. Public health d. Health Education
support to countries around the world? 2. Which of these international organizations is the chief body responsible for providing
a. International Committee of the Red Cross c. World Bank leadership on global health, setting norms and standards and providing health
b. United Nations Health and Life Insurance d. World Health Organization support to countries around the world?
3. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member-nations to be fulfilled on a. International Committee of the Red Cross c. World Bank
an agreed span of time to be evaluated and counter-checked under world standards. b. United Nations Health and Life Insurance d. World Health Organization
a. K-12 Development Goals c. World Health Goals 3. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member-nations to be fulfilled on
b. Millennium Development Goals d. United Nations Development Goals an agreed span of time to be evaluated and counter-checked under world standards.
4. All of the following are Millennium Development Goals, except? a. K-12 Development Goals c. World Health Goals
a. Eradicate Extreme Poverty c. Reduce Child Mortality b. Millennium Development Goals d. United Nations Development Goals
b. Achieve Universal Primary Education d. Global Alliance for Vaccines 4. All of the following are Millennium Development Goals, except?
5. What Millennium Development Goals greatly protect and care for women and children’s health? a. Eradicate Extreme Poverty c. Reduce Child Mortality
a. MDG No.1 and 2 c. MDG No.7 and 8 b. Achieve Universal Primary Education d. Global Alliance for Vaccines
b. MDG No.3, 4, and 5 d. MDG No.1, 6, and 7 5. What Millennium Development Goals greatly protect and care for women and children’s health?
6. Which of the following emerging communicable diseases greatly threatens a. MDG No.1 and 2 c. MDG No.7 and 8
developing nations around the world especially in Africa? b. MDG No.3, 4, and 5 d. MDG No.1, 6, and 7
a. HIV/AIDS b. Influenza c. Malaria d. Tuberculosis 6. Which of the following emerging communicable diseases greatly threatens
7. Which area recorded the highest death rate among children aged 5 years and below? developing nations around the world especially in Africa?
a. Africa b. East Asia and Pacific c. Latin America d. South Asia a. HIV/AIDS b. Influenza c. Malaria d. Tuberculosis
8. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people who live in developing countries? 7. Which area recorded the highest death rate among children aged 5 years and below?
a. Heart diseases b. HIV/AIDS c. Malaria d. Respiratory diseases a. Africa b. East Asia and Pacific c. Latin America d. South Asia
9. In what region did new HIV infections occur among individuals living in low-and 8. Which disease is the leading cause of death among people who live in developing countries?
middle-income countries? a. Heart diseases b. HIV/AIDS c. Malaria d. Respiratory diseases
a. East Asia b. Sub-Saharan Africa c. South Asia d. Pacific Region 9. In what region did new HIV infections occur among individuals living in low-and
10. Which lifestyle disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide? middle-income countries?
a. Diabetes b. Heart disease c. Hypertension d. Stroke a. East Asia b. Sub-Saharan Africa c. South Asia d. Pacific Region
11. A global health effort to control, prevent, and eradicate the spreading of mosquito 10. Which lifestyle disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
borne infections through development, preventive measures, and effective treatment. a. Diabetes b. Heart disease c. Hypertension d. Stroke
a. Stop Dengue and Malaria c. Roll Back Malaria 11. A global health effort to control, prevent, and eradicate the spreading of mosquito
b. Destroy Mosquitoes Program d. Roll Back Dengue borne infections through development, preventive measures, and effective treatment.
12. A nationwide effort of the Department of Health to prevent and control the spread of tuberculosis (TB). a. Stop Dengue and Malaria c. Roll Back Malaria
a. Tuberculosis-Direct Occupational Treatment System b. Destroy Mosquitoes Program d. Roll Back Dengue
b. Tuberculosis-Department of Tropical Treatment System 12. A nationwide effort of the Department of Health to prevent and control the spread of tuberculosis (TB).
c. Tuberculosis-Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Therapy a. Tuberculosis-Direct Occupational Treatment System
d. Tuberculosis-Dangerous Occupational Therapy Short Course Strategy b. Tuberculosis-Department of Tropical Treatment System
13. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations aims to strengthen children’s c. Tuberculosis-Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Therapy
immunization programs especially in developing countries. Which of the following d. Tuberculosis-Dangerous Occupational Therapy Short Course Strategy
vaccines is NOT part of the program? 13. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations aims to strengthen children’s
a. HIV vaccine b. Hepatitis vaccine c. Influenza vaccine d. Pneumonia vaccine immunization programs especially in developing countries. Which of the following
14. Which of the following is NOT a provision of the World Health Organization vaccines is NOT part of the program?
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control? a. HIV vaccine b. Hepatitis vaccine c. Influenza vaccine d. Pneumonia vaccine
a. Decrease in age limit to use tobacco products 14. Which of the following is NOT a provision of the World Health Organization
b. New packaging and labeling of tobacco products Framework Convention on Tobacco Control?
c. Increase in price and tax measures of tobacco products a. Decrease in age limit to use tobacco products
d. Protection of the public from the dangers of tobacco smoke b. New packaging and labeling of tobacco products
15. Under the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, c. Increase in price and tax measures of tobacco products
which of these is a shared risk factor for developing chronic non-communicable diseases? d. Protection of the public from the dangers of tobacco smoke
a. Unhealthy eating habits c. Tobacco and alcohol use 15. Under the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases,
b. Physical inactivity d. All of these which of these is a shared risk factor for developing chronic non-communicable diseases?
16. Which of the following is a Global Health Initiative against communicable diseases? a. Unhealthy eating habits c. Tobacco and alcohol use
a. Stop TB c. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations b. Physical inactivity d. All of these
b. Roll Back Malaria d. All of these 16. Which of the following is a Global Health Initiative against communicable diseases?
17. All of the following statements are true, except? a. Stop TB c. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations
a. The WHO is the main international body which promotes international leadership in health, b. Roll Back Malaria d. All of these
setting norms and standards and sets policies for global health awareness and campaign. 17. All of the following statements are true, except?
b. In the Philippines, the lead executive department of the government which ensures a. The WHO is the main international body which promotes international leadership in health,
every Filipinos’ access to public health through quality and efficient health care setting norms and standards and sets policies for global health awareness and campaign.
programs and services is the DPWH. b. In the Philippines, the lead executive department of the government which ensures
c. All of the eight MDGs are essential in the fulfillment of healthy and sustainable every Filipinos’ access to public health through quality and efficient health care
growth and development of every Filipino. programs and services is the DPWH.
d. Many nations have common programs and services which help prevent and control c. All of the eight MDGs are essential in the fulfillment of healthy and sustainable
the spread of emerging communicable diseases like malaria, dengue, filariasis, and HIV/AIDS. growth and development of every Filipino.
II. Explanation d. Many nations have common programs and services which help prevent and control
1. Choose 2 from these health initiatives. In 3-5 sentences, explain or reflect on the the spread of emerging communicable diseases like malaria, dengue, filariasis, and HIV/AIDS.
importance of these health initiatives.(3 points each) II. Explanation
a. The National Tuberculosis Program and TB-DOTS 1. Choose 2 from these health initiatives. In 3-5 sentences, explain or reflect on the
b. Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response importance of these health initiatives.(3 points each)
c. Garantisadong Pambata (GP) Program a. The National Tuberculosis Program and TB-DOTS
d. Maternal and Child Care b. Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
2. In 30-50 words, discuss any of these various global health initiatives and explain c. Garantisadong Pambata (GP) Program
their general importance, benefits and impact to public and personal health. Cite d. Maternal and Child Care
examples from the national and local community levels. (7 points) 2. In 30-50 words, discuss any of these various global health initiatives and explain
a. Stop TB e. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization their general importance, benefits and impact to public and personal health. Cite
b. Roll Back Malaria examples from the national and local community levels. (7 points)
c. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria a. Stop TB e. Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
d. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control b. Roll Back Malaria
c. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
d. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

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