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CASES ON JURISDICTION Court of Appeals did not commit any reversible error in
the assailed decision. The Court agrees with the
appellate court that petitioner is estopped from
questioning the jurisdiction of the COSLAP since he
1. FIRST DIVISION participated actively in the proceedings before said body
by filing an Answer, a Motion for Reconsideration of the
COSLAP’s decision and a Supplement to Respondent’s
Motion for Reconsideration. The Court also notes the
[G.R. No. 145838. July 20, 2001]
appellate court’s observation that petitioner began to
question the jurisdiction of the COSLAP only when he
realized that his period to appeal the COSLAP’s decision
NICASIO I. ALCANTARA, petitioner, vs. COMMISSION had already lapsed. It has been repeatedly held by this
ON THE SETTLEMENT OF LAND PROBLEMS, Court that the active participation of a respondent in the
SECRETARY OF DEPARTMENT OF case pending against him before a court or a quasi-
ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES judicial body is tantamount to a recognition of that court’s
ANTONIO CERILLES, THE DEPARTMENT OF or body’s recognition and a willingness to abide by the
ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, resolution of the case and will bar said party from later on
ROLANDO PAGLANGAN, ET AL., respondents. impugning the court’s or body’s jurisdiction.
HEIRS OF DATU ABDUL S. PENDATUN, REP. Indigenous Cultural Communities; Ancestral Lands;
BY DATU NASSER B. PENDATUN, AL HAJ., HEIRS Presidential Decree No. 410; Section 1 of Presidential
OF SABAL MULA, and GAWAN CLAN, REP. BY Decree No. 410 states that all unappropriated agricultural
TRIBAL CHIEFTAIN LORETO GAWAN, intervenors. lands forming part of the public domain are declared part
of the ancestral lands of the indigenous cultural groups
DECISION occupying the same, and these lands are further
KAPUNAN, J.: declared alienable and disposable, to be distributed
exclusively among the members of the indigenous
Actions; Jurisdiction; Estoppel; The active participation of cultural group concerned.—The Court of Appeals also
a party in a case pending against him before a court or a stated that based on the records, the land area being
quasi-judicial body is tantamount to a recognition of that claimed by private respondents belongs to the B’laan
court’s or body’s recognition and a willingness to abide indigenous cultural community since they have been in
by the resolution of the’ case and will bar said party from possession of, and have been occupying and cultivating
later on impugning the court’s or body’s jurisdiction.—The the same since time immemorial, a fact has not been

disputed by petitioner. It was likewise declared by the As early as 1990, however, private respondent
appellate court that FLGLA No. 542 granted to petitioner Rolando Paglangan together with Esmael Sabel and
violated Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 410 which Lasid Acop filed a letter-complaint with the Commission
states that all unappropriated agricultural lands forming on Settlement of Land Problems (COSLAP)seeking the
part of the public domain are declared part of the cancellation of FLGLA No. 542 and the reversion of the
ancestral lands of the indigenous cultural groups entire 923 hectares to the Blaan and Maguindanaoan
occupying the same, and these lands are further tribes. The case was docketed as COSLAP Case No. 98-
declared alienable and disposable, to be distributed 052.
exclusively among the members of the indigenous
Petitioner filed his Answer questioning the jurisdiction
cultural group concerned. The Court finds no reason to
of the COSLAP over the case, since the dispute involved
depart from such finding by the appellate court, it being a
a claim for recovery of ancestral land. Petitioner claimed
settled rule that findings of fact of the Court of Appeals
that the case should have been filed with the DENR since
are binding and conclusive upon the Supreme Court
it is the latter which has jurisdiction to administer and
absent any showing that such findings are not supported
dispose of public lands, including grazing lands.
by the evidence on record.
Notwithstanding petitioners objection to the
This is a petition for review on certiorari assailing the COSLAPs exercise of jurisdiction over the case, said
Decision of the Court of Appeals dated June 22, 2000 in body continued the hearings thereon. Petitioner alleged
CA-G.R. SP No. 53159[1] and its Resolution dated that COSLAP did not conduct formal hearings on the
October 16, 2000 denying petitioners motion for case, and that he was not notified nor given the
reconsideration. opportunity to be present and participate in the field
interviews and ocular inspections conducted by
The facts of the case are as follows:
Sometime in 1993, petitioner Nicasio Alcantara was
On August 3, 1998, the COSLAP issued a Decision
granted Forest Land Grazing Lease Agreement No. 542
ordering the cancellation of FLGLA No. 542. Petitioner
(FLGLA No. 542) by the Department of Environment and
appealed the same to the Court of Appeals by petition for
Natural Resources (DENR). Under said FLGLA,
review on certiorari.
Alcantara was allowed to lease Nine Hundred Twenty-
Three (923) hectares of public forest land at Sitio Lanton, The Court of Appeals dismissed the petition in its
Barrio Apopong, General Santos City for grazing Decision dated June 22, 2000, and also denied
purposes for a period of twenty-five (25) years to expire petitioners motion for reconsideration in a Resolution
on 31 December 2018. dated October 16, 2000.[3]
Hence, the present petition.

Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals erred in Mula, represented by Hadji Latip K. Mula; and the Gawan
ruling that he had earlier recognized the jurisdiction of the Clan, represented by their Tribal Chieftain Loreto Gawan.
COSLAP over the case. He stated further that the
Subsequently, on May 24, 2001, they filed an
appellate court should have considered that the COSLAP
Amended Motion for Leave to Intervene and to File
does not possess the historical, genealogical and
Amended Complaint-in-Intervention. In their Amended
anthropological expertise to act on ancestral land claims,
Complaint-in-Intervention, they allege that the parcels of
and that it is the National Commission on Indigenous
land in dispute form part of their ancestral lands, and that
Peoples (NCIP), under the Indigenous Peoples Rights
they have been in open, continuous, exclusive and
Act of 1997[4] which has jurisdiction over such
notorious possession under claim of ownership of the
claims. Petitioner thus submits that the COSLAPs
same. They stated further that private respondent
decision ordering the cancellation of FLGLA No. 542 and
Rolando Paglangan acts only as agent of the Mula clan,
declaring the area being claimed by private respondent
and not of the other intervenors.[9]
as ancestral land is void for having been issued by a
body which does not have jurisdiction over said The Court finds no reason to disturb the ruling of the
matters.[5] Court of Appeals.
In his Comment, private respondent Rolando The Court of Appeals did not commit any reversible
Paglangan argued that the petition should be dismissed error in the assailed decision. The Court agrees with the
since the petition for certiorari filed by petitioner in the appellate court that petitioner is estopped from
Court of Appeals was filed out of time.[6] He also questioning the jurisdiction of the COSLAP since he
contended that the COSLAP has the power to entertain participated actively in the proceedings before said body
cases involving indigenous cultural communities when by filing an Answer, a Motion for Reconsideration of the
the DENR or the NCIP fails or refuses to act on a COSLAPs decision and a Supplement to Respondents
complaint or grievance brought before them.[7] He alleged Motion for Reconsideration.The Court also notes the
that the dispute between petitioner and the Blaan tribe appellate courts observation that petitioner began to
antedated the creation of the NCIP, hence, filing of the question the jurisdiction of the COSLAP only when he
petition for cancellation of the FLGLA with the realized that his period to appeal the COSLAPs decision
COSLAP.[8] had already lapsed.[10] It has been repeatedly held by this
Court that the active participation of a respondent in the
On April 6, 2001, a Motion for Leave to Intervene and
case pending against him before a court or a quasi-
to File Complaint-in-Intervention was filed with this Court
judicial body is tantamount to a recognition of that courts
by the Heirs of Datu Abdul S. Pendatun, represented by
or bodys recognition and a willingness to abide by the
Datu Nasser B. Pendatun, Al Haj; the Heirs of Sabal
resolution of the case and will bar said party from later on
impugning the courts or bodys jurisdiction.[11]

Moreover, Executive Order No. 561 creating the (d) Petitions for classification, release and/or
COSLAP, the law then prevailing when private subdivision of lands of the public domain; and
respondents filed their complaint for cancellation
of FLGLA No. 542, provides in Section 3, paragraph 2(a) (e) Other similar land problems of grave urgency
thereof that said Commission may assume jurisdiction and magnitude.
over land disputes involving occupants of the land in
question and pasture lease agreement holders: The Commission shall promulgate such rules of
procedure as will insure expeditious resolution and action
Sec. 3. Powers and Functions. -- The Commission shall on the above cases. The resolution, order or decision of
have the following powers and functions: the Commission on any of the foregoing cases shall have
the force and effect of a regular administrative resolution,
xxx order or decision and shall be binding upon the parties
therein and upon the agency having jurisdiction over the
2. Refer and follow-up for immediate action by the same. Said resolution, order or decision shall become
agency having appropriate jurisdiction any land problem final and executory within thirty (30) days from its
or dispute referred to the Commission: Provided, That the promulgation and shall be appealable by certiorari only to
Commission, may, in the following cases, assume the Supreme Court. (Emphasis supplied.)
jurisdiction and resolve land problems or disputes which
are critical and explosive in nature considering, for The Court of Appeals also stated that based on the
instance, the large number of the parties involved, the records, the the land area being claimed by private
presence or emergence of social tension or unrest, or respondents belongs to the Blaan indigenous cultural
other similar critical situations requiring immediate action: community since they have been in possession of, and
have been occupying and cultivating the same since time
(a) Between occupants/squatters and pasture immemorial, a fact has not been disputed by
lease agreement holders or timber petitioner.[12] It was likewise declared by the appellate
concessionaires; court that FLGLA No. 542 granted to petitioner violated
Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 410[13] which states
(b) Between occupants/squatters and that all unappropriated agricultural lands forming part of
government reservation grantees; the public domain are declared part of the ancestral lands
of the indigenous cultural groups occupying the same,
(c) Between occupants/squatters and public land and these lands are further declared alienable and
claimants or applicants; disposable, to be distributed exclusively among the
members of the indigenous cultural group concerned.

[8] Id., at 150.
The Court finds no reason to depart from such finding
by the appellate court, it being a settled rule that findings [9] Amended Complaint-in -Intervention, p. 2.
of fact of the Court of Appeals are binding and conclusive
upon the Supreme Court absent any showing that such [10] Decision of the Court of Appeals, Id., at 85.
findings are not supported by the evidence on record.[14] [11]
Spouses Virgilio and Josie Jimenez vs. Patricia, Inc.,
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. G.R. No. 134651, September 18, 2000; See also ABS-
CBN Supervisors Employees Union Members vs. ABS-
CBN Broadcasting Corporation, 304 SCRA 489
Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Puno, (1999); Maneja vs. National Labor Relations
Pardo, and Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur. Commission, 290 SCRA 603 (1998);
[12] Id., at 89.
Section 1. Ancestral Lands. -- Any provision of
[1] law, decree, executive order, rule or regulation to the
Nicasio I. Alcantara, Petitioner vs. Commission on the
contrary notwithstanding all unappropriated agricultural
Settlement of Land Problems, Secretary of Department of
lands forming part of the public domain at the date of the
Environment and Natural Resources Antonio Cerilles,
approval of this Decree occupied and cultivated by
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
members of the National Cultural Communities for at
Rolando Paglangan, et al., Respondents.
least ten (10) years before the effectivity of this Decree,
[2] Petition, Rollo, p. 9. particularly in the provinces of Mountain Province,
[3] Cagayan, Kalinga-Apayao, Ifugao, Mindoro, Pampanga,
Rollo, pp. 93-95.
Rizal, Palawan, Lanao del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Sultan
Republic Act No. 8371, An Act to Recognize, Protect Kudarat, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, South Cotabato,
and Promote the Rights of Indigenous Cultural Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga del
Communities/Indigenous Peoples, Creating a National Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental,
Commission on Indigenous Peoples, Establishing Davao City, Agusan, Surigao del Sur, Surigao del norte,
Implementing Mechanisms, Appropriating Funds Bukidnon, and Basilan are hereby declared part of the
Therefor, and for Other Purposes (1997). ancestral lands of these National Cultural Minorities and
[5] as such these lands are further declared alienable and
Petition, Rollo, pp. 20-28.
disposable if such lands have not been earlier declared
[6] Comment, Id., at 137-139. as alienable and disposable by the Director of Forest
Development, to be distributed exclusively among the
Id., at 146-147. members of the National Cultural Communities

concerned, as defined under the Constitution and under
Republic Act Numbered Eighteen hundred eighty-eight:
Provided, however, That lands of the public domain
heretofore reserved for settlement purposes under the
administration of the Department of Agrarian Reform and
other areas reserved for other public or quasi-
public purposes shall not be subject to disposition in
accordance with the provisions of this Decree: Provided,
further, That the Government in the interest of its
development program, may establish agro-industrial
projects in these areas for the purpose of creating
conditions for employment and thus further enhance the
progress of the people.
For purposes of this Decree, ancestral lands are lands of
the public domain that have been in open, continuous,
exclusive and notorious occupation and cultivation by
members of the National Cultural Communities by
themselves or through their ancestors under a bona fide
claim of acquisition of ownership according to their
customs and traditions for a period of at least thirty (30)
years before the date of approval of
this Decree. The interruption of the period of their
occupation and cultivation on account of civil disturbance
or force majeure shall not militate against their right
granted under this Decree
Security Bank and Trust Company vs. Triumph
Lumber and Construction Corporation, 301 SCRA 537
(1999), Development Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of
Appeals, 302 SCRA 362 (1999).

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