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2012-13 to 2014-2015


JODHPUR-342 003

I am extremely happy to present the Progress Report of the Rodent control component
of All India Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management. This period has proved quite
historic as the scope of the AINP was broadened by merging two AINPs, i.e., Rodent Control
and Agricultural Ornithology, besides including a component of higher vertebrates in the ambit
of new AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management from 2014-15. Besides the existing centers four
new voluntary center centers viz., Bhubaneswar and Thrissur (for rodent control) and Trichy
and Dapodi (for Agril. Ornithology) and six voluntary centers for higher vertebrates (three at
Bangalore, one each at Hyderabad, Solan, Jodhpur and Delhi) were added.
I feel immense satisfaction that the project scientists have strived hard to achieve the
mandates allotted to their centers during the Guwahati Meeting in 2013. The Project registered
steady progress in identifying the rodent pest scenario in selected agro-ecological regions of
the country, evaluation of newer strategies of rodent pest management and transfer of rodent
management technologies.
Survey and surveillance activities undertaken in different agro-climatic regions
revealed that lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis continued to be the number 1 rodent
pest in most of the crops and cropping systems at national level. The species has shown its
further spread in hot arid regions and Arunachal Pradesh and has established its populations in
rice fields of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. And this a matter of great concern to us as the
species is highly aggressive and colonial. Besides being highly destructive, it can replace the
native rodents as we have observed in other areas. In hot arid regions, the two gerbils, Tatera
indica and Meriones hurrianae maintained their predominance in rainfed as well as irrigated
In Northeastern, Southern dry and hilly zones of Karnataka besides the predominance of
B. bengalensis other species reported were T. indica, Milardia meltada, Mus playthrix and Mus
booduga in varying proportions. In the coastal zone of Karnataka, Funambulus palmarum B.
bengalensis, M. booduga and R. rattus were the major problem species. However in the Krishna
Zone (AP) only two species viz., B. bengalensis and M. booduga were reported from rice fields,
but in Northern Telangana Zone B. bengalensis, B. indica, R. rattus, M. booduga, M. musculus,
M. meltada and T. indica were reported. Though B. bengalensis was predominant in in rice-
wheat-sugarcane cropping system and in rice-wheat-maize cropping system in Punjab, the second
most prevalent species was M. booduga in wheat-sugarcane cropping system and T. indica in rice-
wheat-maize cropping system. In the NEH region, R. rattus, R. sikkimensis and B. bengalensis were
major problem species in rainfed crops in East Siang, West Siang, Lower Dibang valley and Lohit
districts of Arunachal Pradesh whereas B. bengalensis, B. indica, R. sikkimmensis, R. rattus, Mus
musculus and Dremnomys lokriah were reported from North Bank Plain Zone and Lower and
Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone in Assam
In recent years, the project has reported rodent diversity in new areas like Andaman and
Nicobar Islands where three new species viz., Cremnomys cutchicus, M. booduga, and B.
bengalensis were reported. Likewise from cold arid regions of Leh Ladakh, four species were
reported from crop fields, grasslands and stores & godowns situated at different altitudes. They
were Rattus turkastinicus, Pitymus lecurus, Marmota himalayana and M. booduga. Of this
occurrence of M. booduga was reported from the region first time. In the Kargil areas crop
fields were observed to be infested with mole rats (either B. bengalensis or Nesokia indica).

If we see the extent of damage to various crops, Sugarcane and groundnut reported as
high as 14 and 29 % damage by rodents in Assam and AP, respectively, whereas ground nut
crop registered 12-17% damage in western Rajasthan. Maize and sorghum in southern
transitional zone of Karnataka recorded 3.2- 3.8% plant damage by rodents. In Punjab, with a
tiller damage of about 2%, rice suffered a yield loss of 15-90 kg/ha due to rodent infestation in
the less irrigated zone of the State. In Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh
and Andaman and Nicobar islands this crop registered up to 7.2, 12.3, 10.3, 2.2 and 22%
percent tiller damage respectively. Wheat and cumin recorded 16.2 and 7.56% damage due to
rodents in Narmada canal areas of western Rajasthan. Pulses, like cowpea, mung, bengal gram,
pea, soybean etc registered 4-9% damage in different regions. Vegetable crops suffered rodent
depredation of 4-13% in NEH region.
Coconut in coastal Andhra recorded a nut damage of 8.35%, whereas in Andaman and
Nicobar Islands it was 12-27% nut damage. Rodent infestation rates in coconut plantations in
A.P. were maximum in the month of October – November. In generals, peaks in nut damage
were notice in the months of September and January during all the three years. In case of cocoa
rodent infestation and pod damage varied throughout the season and peak rodent infestation
was noticed during July (7.2 to 9.2%), September (7.8 to 7.9%) and December (6.2 to 6.5%) in
coastal A.P.

Similarly in pineapple rodents inflicted 1.5- 8.87% damage in Arunachal Pradesh. In

storage, rodents caused 2-5% damage. In Assam, the traditional storage structures like, Duli
and Mer showed 22.2 and 14.3% loss in terms of spillage and structural damage. In Arunachal
Pradesh rodent infestation reached maximum in October months and remained high in
November to December (3.33 to 11.33 live burrows/ha). The damage to rice crop was up to
6.47% in East, West and Upper Siang districts.

Some very interesting observations on B. bengalensis from AP indicated their higher

seasonal productivity during kharif season (>26 young ones/ female) as compared to the rabi season
(>13 young ones/ female). In Assam, the infestation levels shoots quickly at harvesting stage (33.7
LBC/ha) as compared to that at maximum tillering stage (7.95 burrows/ha). Likewise, in A.P. the
house rats inhabiting poultry farms breed @ 3.67 & 2.62 times in monsoon and winter seasons with
an annual productivity of 53.1 young ones per female.
We all know that the fossorial rodents inhabit bunds. A simple but very useful
observation revealed that more number of bunds (10/ 25 ha) with 0.6m size harbor more
bandicoots as compared to less (4/ 12 ha) and smaller bunds of 0.30 m. Thus management of
bunds alone can reduce 50% rodent infestation and therefore bund manipulation can be
integrated with other rodent control techniques. UAS Bangalore and CIARI Port Blair center
has initiated works on eco-biology of the largest rat of the country, i.e. Bandicota indica and
Andaman rats, respectively. Burrowing behavior of M. booduga, M. platythrix, T. indica and
B. indica has been completed. Similarly, CAZRI, Jodhpur attempted to understand burrowing
patterns of Himalayan marmot inhabiting grasslands in Ladakh region.
Studies on botanicals have confirmed the anti-rodent properties in neem leaf powder,
neem kernel powder, Vitex nigundi and Polygonum leaf powder against R. rattus and B.
bengalensis. The baits containing Polygonum showed highest antifeeding index (66.6%) followed
by neem (49.3%) and castor (47.2%). Similarly the application of ecodon solution @ 1 liter/burrow
at maximum tillering stage and just before PI stage (rice) + sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days
recorded the highest reduction (87.5%) in rodent population.
Studies at Ludhiana revealed a good potential of eucalyptus oil and citronella oil as
repellents. Eucalyptus oil when applied as spray, paint and as encapsulated wax blocks @ 5,
10 and 20% at different intervals showed repellent action against house rats. Citronella oil also
at 5, 10 and 20%, as paint, encapsulated wax blocks and spray, each with three modes of
application i.e. daily, once a week and alternate days has revealed significant repellent effects
on R. rattus.
A few chemicals were also evaluated as antifeedents against rodents by Punjab center.
For example, exposure of R. rattus to baits containing 1, 2.5 & 5% cinnamic aldehyde for 3 days
in bi-choice feeding test and then again after a gap of 7 and 14 days showed antifeedant effects.
This effect was more pronounced with 5% concentration in both sexes. Similarly, the bioactivity
of trans-Anethole essential oil compound of bitter fennel fruits also showed anti-feedant effects
against B. bengalensis and R. rattus at concentration of 3% in bait. The anti-feedant index was
strongest (69-77%) on first two days. Such results can be of great value in devising safer rodent
management strategies. Likewise, ziram, a fungicide also showed repellent action against house

The scientists have attempted antifertility studies with triptolide and Imidazole. The results
indicated that feeding of triptolide in baits at 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25% to B. bengalensis for 15 days
had male sterilant effects as was evident in significant reduction in weights of reproductive
organs; sperm density, motility and viability with higher sperm abnormality even after 30 and
60 days of treatment. Similarly, intake of Imidazole treated baits @160 mg/kg for three days
revealed fairly good palatability and sterility effects on male house rats.

Considering the limited number of registered rodenticides in India this house approved
evaluation of new rodenticide molecules/ formulations. Therefore the Project evaluated two
new anticoagulants viz., flocumafen (0.005%) and difencoum (0.005%) as wax block
formulation as a part of coordinated trials. In laboratory both these chemicals registered cent
percent kill of R. rattus and B. bengalensis in single day exposure within 5-6 days, however,
in case of T. indica, flocumafen achieved cent percent mortality after two days exposure (in
6.4 days). Difenacoum on the other hand yielded only 50 % mortality (in T. indica) even after
three days of exposure. In the choice tests they showed good palatability and acceptability
registering 60-80% kill.

In Field trials under storage situations, two treatments with flocumafen (0.005%) and
difencoum (0.005%) at fifteen days interval yielded satisfactory rodent control success in
Rajasthan, Karnataka and Assam. In rice crop burrow baiting with flocoumafen (0.005%)
achieved 60-74% control success, whereas difenacoum (0.005%) achieved 58-63% per cent
control success in A.P and Karnataka. Likewise in coconut, both these rodenticides yielded 80-
100% success in A.P. Karnataka and A&N Islands.
Studies from Ludhiana on rodent management in poultry farms indicated that 3 day baiting
with bromadiolone (0.005%) and cholecalciferol (0.075%) as solo or as a combination at reduced
dosages like; bromadiolone (0.00125%) and cholecalciferol (0.01%) yields almost similar control
success (65-71%). However to minimize possibility of resistance factor against bromadiolone, the
combination of the two can be a safer option in poultry farms. Studies in AP revealed that
integration of chemical treatment (bromodiolone 0.005%) cake with mechanical method (sherman
traps) resulted in 82 per cent rodent control success. In Assam the treatment with bromadiolone
(0.005%) or ecodon @ 1:50 recorded 70-80% control success in poultry farms with in ten days.

Integration of acute (ZnP) and anticoagulant (bromadiolone) as a follow up treatment
yielded 76 -82% rodent control success in rabi crops in arid regions. In most of the kharif crops,
similar control success was obtained with single baiting with zinc phosphide, however for
ground nut double baiting with ZnP and bromadiolone was required. In cocoa and coconut,
integration of cultural practices with bromodiolone poison baiting and trapping proved to be
most effective in reduction of nut damage to the tune of 81.2 and 75.0 per cent in cocoa and
coconut plantations respectively. Polythene trunk banding in coconut proved highly effective
in A.P. and Karnataka. The polythene banding was although economical but lasts for 2-3 years
only in comparison to metallic bands which may last for 7-8 years.
The field evaluation of local bamboo trap (maat chitap) over mechanical trap registered
increased tarp index (4-11%) than the Sherman traps (3-10%). The utilization of artificial barn
owl nest boxes against rodent’s activities revealed that a control success of 40% and 23 % in
rice and wheat fields respectively.
Poly houses located in field areas suffers greatly due to rodent attack resulting into. 7.5-
12.5% damage to flowering plants. Ragi based baits of zinc phosphide (2%) followed by
bromadiolone (0.005%) baiting provided around 80% success, which was closely followed by
use of snap trap @ 1/30 sq.ft, (67% success). The grape cultivation under drip irrigation
experiences double threats from rodents, because the crops as well as the drip pipes are
seriously damaged. Here also, the combination treatment of zinc phosphide followed by
bromadiolone baiting proved the best yielding over 80% control success.
Project centers implemented social engineering activity on rodent control as part of
farmers’ participatory adaptive research in adopted villages. Regular awareness programs like
on and off campus training and field demonstrations on rodent management technologies at
farmers door steps were carried out. Project scientists arranged exhibitions on rodent
management during Kisan Melas, Field Days etc at respective centers. Electronic and print
media were also utilized for effective transfer of rodent management technologies.
Project scientists constitute a pool of experts and acted as resource for rodent
management even in non-farm sectors, like railways, telecommunication, health sectors etc.
The Project had a close liaison with several organizations. To name a few, we maintained a
strong linkage with DAC, Dte of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage, NIPHM, Hyderabad,
NIBSM, Raipur, Haffkines Institute Mumbai etc. We organized one Expert Committee
Meeting chaired by PPA in May 2012 at Jodhpur. Likewise, action plans for rodent pests and
vector management for Chhattisgarh State was prepared and consequently technical support
was provided to NIBSM, Raipur in organizing three Capacity Enhancement Programmes on
Rodent Management during last year. The Project was a technical partner in National Plan on
Rodent Pest Management hosted by NIPHM, Hyderabad during XI Plan period and a series of
programmes, like workshops, trainings at various levels and demonstrations were successfully
organized by NIPHM with our support. Though the DAC sponsored National Plan concluded
in 2012, but our support to NIPHM still continues as our scientists have been supporting many
of their programmes, like 21 days refresher trainings and National Trainings. Three such
trainings were organized by Ludhiana, Jorhat and Maruteru centers during this period. A
workshop on ‘Current scenario of Rodenticides and their future outlook’ organized by Food
and Agribusiness School, Hyderabad was also cosponsored by the AINP. Besides the farm
sector, we organized a Special Training on Rodent Management for Railway officials at
Jodhpur. Recently we collaborated with Haffkines Institute, Mumbai in organization of a

training programme on Urban Rodent Management. As part of advisory and consultancy
activity the Project generated additional resources of Rs 21 lakhs during the period under

At the end, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. S. Ayyappan,
Secretary, DARE (GOI) and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Dr
J.S. Sandhu Dy. Director General (CS) and Dr P. K. Chakravarti, ADG (PP & B), ICAR, New
Delhi for their guidance and encouragement and for providing financial assistance to the
Project. Dr M.P. Singh, CTO (PP) from headquarters has been of great help in various project
activities. Director, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur deserves special thanks for
his expert advice, guidance, constant encouragement and support to this Project. I thank all the
scientists and other staff members of all the cooperating centers for their support and untiring
efforts in realizing the mandate of the Project. I am especially thankful to Dr Vipin Chaudhary,
P.S., Mr R.C. Meena, Mr Surjeet Singh and Dr K.M. Gawaria the Senior Technical Officers
and Mrs Rajni Mathur of Network Coordinating Unit, for their help in compilation and
preparation of the Progress Report.

R.S. Tripathi
Network Coordinator

ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
1. Name of the centre Network Coordinating Unit
ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
2. Sanction No 1-2/77-PP dated 02.09.1977
3. Date of start 1977-78
4. Date of Termination Network Project of continued nature
5. Report period 2012-13 to 2014-15
6. Scientist Incharge Dr. R.S. Tripathi

7. Staff Position
Sr. No. Name of post No. of posts Name of incumbent
I. Network Coordinator 1 Dr R.S. Tripathi
II. Principal Scientists 1 Dr Vipin Chaudhary, P.S.
III Technical Assistants 3 Mr R.C. Meena, STO
Dr K.L. Gawadia, STO
Mr. Surjeet Singh, STO
IV Driver 1 Mr Zakir Hussain, TA
V Administrative 1 Mrs Rajni Mathur, LDC
VI Supporting 2 Mr Babulal
Mrs Ugma



1.1. Cold arid region
Survey of rodents in crop fields, green houses and horticultural plantation located at
various altitudes around Leh and shops and godowns located in Leh city were carried out.
Besides, grass fields located at higher altitudes and barren area available near foothills at these
altitudes were also surveyed for rodent species distribution. Main crops in the crop fields were
wheat, barley, oats, alfa alfa and vegetables viz., potato, onion, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli,
cucurbits etc. In green houses vegetables viz, brinjal, capsicum, cucurbits, cabbage, cauliflower
and cherry were the main crop. Apricot was the main fruit tree in the horticultural system. In
godowns main commodity were rice and wheat. In crop fields trapping were carried out in a
minimum of two canal area (1000 m2) in village Sthakna (10899 ft), Chubi (11765 ft) and
Stakmo (12112 ft). Field mice, Mus booduga was trapped from the all crop field irrespective
of altitude. The same species were also encountered in the stores maintained in the fields for
post-harvest storage. During September when crop was harvested and stacked in field below
every stack 2-6 field mice (Av. 3.47 mice and 0.7 burrows/ stack) were encountered. Damage
per ha due to presence of mice estimated to be 5kg/ ha/ day. About 50 mice were collect from
four fields. Burrows of mice were also observed below some stacks, it was very simple with
two burrow openings, one for entrance and other for exit. The burrows were very shallow with
6-8 inches depth and 2-2.5 ft long. Each burrow system was occupied by 2-5 animals. In field
storage only 3-4 four mice were trapped (Table1). From apricot no species of rodent was
trapped. Grasslands (14000-17800) which were green and non-marshy with a water stream
(valley) in between were mainly occupied by vole species. Voles were encountered from
14000-15000 ft, where their extensive burrows systems were found with as many as 24 (5-
24/m2) burrows in an m2 area. Voles are colonial rodents and dug extensive burrow system
with several openings. A single burrow system was occupied by a pair of vole, the burrows
were shallow upto 8 cm deep, and we recovered single pair of voles from a burrow system. A
single burrow system is usually spread in an area of 8-10 m with several intermediate openings
and aggregation of openings at tip and end of burrow system for escape. Marmots, heavily
bodied rodents weighing around 6-8 kg were observed upto 17700ft mainly in the barren
pebbly lands at the foot hills of mountain. The burrow system of marmots was very extensive
spread in an area of 15-20 meters with 4-5 openings. The diameter of burrow was 8-10 inch
with a heap of soil at the mouth of burrow implicating that they dug very deep burrows. A
single burrow system is usually occupied by a single marmot. Young ones remain with the
mother and share the same burrow system. Marmot made the alarm call at the time of threat to
caution other mates. In danger they rush into the nearest burrow opening for safety. The
burrows of voles and marmots were well separated not overlapping though they share same
habitat. Marmots prefer to burrow in a barren pebbly land, as more number of burrows was
observed in barren pebbly land than grass land. Both the species survived on grasses and local
vegetation including crops. In shops and godown a medium size species of Rattus species
weighing around 90-200g were trapped (Table 2).

The pregnant females were manly collected in July-August only and September
collection sub adults and lactating female more. Morphometric measurements and sex ratio of
collected rodents are detailed in Table 2. The various species of rodent collected from cold arid
region of Leh are detailed below.

Species collected from Cold arid Zone (Leh)

1. Field Mice, Mus booduga (Gray)
(Family: Muridae; Subfamily: Murinae)
Small size rodent weighing around 20-30g
with tail slightly shorter than head body.
Dorsal surface is dark brownish and ventral
surface white in colour with soft fur.

Location: Crop field, field stores and

houses located in fields. (Altitude: 11000
to 12000 ft; Villages: Sthakna, Chubi and

2. Turkesh Rat, Rattus pyctoris (Hodgson) (=
Rattus turkestanicus (Satunin))
(Family: Muridae; Subfamily: Murinae)

Medium size rodent weighing around 150-200g

with tail as long as head body. Dorsal surface is
brown and ventral surface white in colour with
coarse fur.
Location: Leh City. (Altitude: 11000ft; City
area, FCI Godowns and Shops in the city).

3. Himalayan Marmot, Marmota

himalayana (Hodgson)

(Family: Scuridae; Sub family:

Surinae) Large size rodent weighing
around 6000-7000g with robust body
and short bushy tail. Dorsal and ventral
surface is brownish in colour with soft

Location: Grass field (Cobarasia sp) and barren land on foot hills (Altitude: 14000-17500ft;
Villages: Muglat & Tangtse).

4. Voles, Phaiomys leucurus Blyth (=Pitmys leucurus (Blyth))

(Family: Cricetidae; Subfamily:

Small size rodent weighing around 25-35g

with very short tail. Dorsal and ventral
surface is brownish in colour with soft fur.
Location: Grass field (Cobarasia sp).
(Altitude: 14000-15000ft; Villages: Muglat
& Tangtse).

Table 1. Habitat wise rodent diversity and Trap index

S.No. Habitat Species trapped Total No. Trap

trapped/o index
bserved (Rodents/
1. Crop fields & Field mice (Mus booduga) 48 0.23
Horticultural plantation
2. Poly houses Field mice (Mus booduga) 02 0.03
3. Storage
a. Godowns & Shops Turkesh rat (Rattus pyctoris) 07 0.07

b. Field stores Field mice (Mus booduga) 13 0.13
4. Grassland/barren land on Voles (Phaiomys leucurus) 06 0.15
foot hills
Marmots (Marmota 05 -
Table 2. Mean body weight and other morphometric observations on rodent species
collected from cold arid zone of Leh
Species Mean ± SE Wt. Sex
range ratio
Body Wt HB (mm) HF (mm) Ear (mm) Tail (mm)
(g) (M:F)
Phaiomys 28.16±2.07 107±1.75 18.83±0.4 5.83±0.31 29.17±0.40 22-32 1:1
leucurus 8
Marmota 6660±393. 470.20±10.2 101.0±1.8 55.0±2.23 142.4±4.27 5800- 1.5:1
himalayana 68 5 7 8000
Rattus 140.0±14.7 177.14±6.15 32.03±0.5 16.29±0.2 179.86±6.0 90-200 1.3:1
pyctoris 0 9 9 7
Mus 12.42±0.93 68.30±1.64 17.08±0.3 8.16±0.26 67.32±1.49 6-29 1.10:1
booduga 3

1.2. Hot arid region

1.2.1. Species Diversity: Regular survey and monitoring of rodent species through monthly
trappings was continued in three major habitats (horticulture, silvi-pasture and crop fields &
grasslands) in the Institute Central Research Farm. Indian gerbils, Tatera indica maintained its
predominance during 2012, 2013 & 2014 with respective share of 79.79, 63.29 and 83.90%
followed by five stripped squirrels, Funambulus pennanti, house rat, Rattus rattus, house
mouse, Mus musculus (Table 3).Soft furred field rat, Millardia meltada (0.63%) was trapped
during 2013. Typical burrow openings and pathways coupled with physical sighting revealed
the presence of field mice, Mus booduga at periphery of crop fields, bush rat, Golunda ellioti
on bushy bunds and Indian crested porcupine, Hystrix indica in grass land. Thus these three
species showed minor occurrence. Based on earlier records of last four decades, the
observations indicated complete replacement of true xeric species like M. hurrianae, G.
gleadowi and G. nanus. M. cervicolor and four new species viz., R. rattus, M. musculus M.
booduga and G. ellioti have entered the area. Secondly population of T. indica and F. pennanti
has increased. The sex ratio in was in favour of males (Table 3)
1.2.2. Trap Index: Monthly trapping during the period (2012, 2013 and 2014) revealed a
highest and lowest mean trap index of 5.37 & 1.30 rodents/ 100tarps/ day during, September
and June, respectively. In general the trap index was more during monsoon (4.37-5.37 and less
during summer (1.30-3.70). The rodent catch was comparatively less during the year 2014 and
more during the year 2012 with a mean trap index 2.71 and 4.35, respectively (Table 4).
1.2.3. Habitat Preference: The fruit orchards (horticulture) were preferred more by the rodents
as highest rodent population (mean 43.75%) was recorded in the Horticulture system followed
by Silva-pasture (mean 29.35%) and Agri-pasture (mean 26.92%). Amongst these, F. pennanti
was mainly trapped from horticulture fields followed by silvi-pasture block, whereas T. indica
was almost uniformly trapped from all the three habitats. The two commensal species (R. rattus
and M. musculus) were trapped mainly near the boundary wall of CR farm (Table 5).
Table 3. Rodent species composition in CR Farm during last three years
Rodent 1970 2012 2013 2014
Species % Sex % Compo- Sex % Compo- Sex
Compo- ratio sition ratio sition ratio
sition (M:F) (M:F) (M:F)
T. indica 43.80 79.79 1:0.97 63.29 1:0.69 83.90 1:0.8
F. pennanti 0.82 14.26 1:1.45 31.65 1:0.61 13.56 1:0.78
R. rattus 0 4.26 1:0.33 3.16 1:1.5 1.65 1:1
M. musculus 0 1.60 1:0.50 1.27 1:1 0.85 -
M. meltada 0.82 - - 0.63 - - -
M. hurrianae 28.90 - - - - - -
G. gleadowi 0.82 - - - - - -
G. nanus 24 - - - - - -
M. booduga 0 Pr - Pr - Pr -
G. ellioti 0 Pr - Pr - Pr -
M. cervicolor 0.82 - - - - - -
H. indica - - - - - Pr -
Table 4.Monthly trap index (Rodents/100traps/day)
Months 2012 2013 2014
January 4.72 3.89 2.5
February 3.61 3.06 2.22
March 5.28 4.17 3.33
April 3.33 3.89 3.33
May 2.22 3.33 2.50
June 1.11 1.67 1.11
July 4.17 4.17 2.77
August 5.0 4.72 3.40
September 5.56 5.56 5.00
October 5.28 2.50 0.85
November 5.83 3.61 3.61
December 6.11 3.33 1.94
Mean 4.35 3.66 2.71

Table 5. Species composition of rodents in different cropping system

Year % Abundance
Horticultural Silvi-pasture Crop fields & grasslands
2012 42.02 31.42 26.63
2013 39.24 35.44 25.32
2014 50.0 21.19 28.81
Mean 43.75 29.35 26.92

(Location Specific)
2.1. Population Dynamics: Bi-monthly collection of Bandicota bengalensis from urban
locales of Jodhpur city revealed further spread of the species in outskirts of the city area along
the channel carrying city waste. The infestation in city area, railway station and mandis was
very high compared to the outskirts. The mean trap index ranged between 0.043-0.078
rodents/trap/day during the reporting years with a maximum population in during November
(Table 6). Females in the collection outnumbered the males and maximum females were
trapped during the year 2013. The total bandocoots trapped during 2012, 2013 and 2014 were
66, 82 and 65, respectively. The collections during the years include mixture of adult & sub-
adult population in almost all the months.
Table 6. Relative incidence of lesser bandicoots during the last three years

Years Trap index (Rodents/trap/day)

January March May July September November
2012 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.065 0.05 0.08
2013 0.067 0.078 0.11 0.056 0.04 0.083
2014 0.044 0.067 0.056 0.083 0.039 0.072
Mean 0.054 0.063 0.069 0.068 0.043 0.078
2.2. Body Weight: The body weight in the collection irrespective of year of collection ranged
between 58-389 with lightest and heaviest female of 68 & 350g and male of 58 & 38g,
respectively. Mean body weight of animals ranged from 194.00-271.75g, 178.6 -279.08 g and
181.43-259.50g during 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively (Table 7a, b & c). Lower body
weight was recorded in summer collections compared to that during monsoon and winters
collections (Table 7a, b & c).
2.3. Morphometry: Various measurements of Head body (HB), Hind foot (HF), Tail (T) and
Ear (E) lengths of B. bengalensis trapped from Jodhpur city are detailed in (Table 7a, b & c).
Mean of various measurements of body during the year 2012, were HB: 184.21; HF: 37.35;
Tail: 169.71; Ear: 18.18 mm; 2013 were HB: 191.55; HF: 36.86; Tail: 168.22; Ear: 17.61 mm
and2014 were HB: 186.72 HF: 36.24; Tail: 162.79; Ear: 18.18 mm, respectively.
2.4. Breeding Ecology: The sexually mature male and females was available through the year,
as in every catch more than 50% collection constituted sexually mature individuals. Similarly
pregnant females were trapped round the year with a slight peak during monsoon and winter
months (Table 8).

Table 7a. Mean body weight and other morphometric observations on B. bengalensis
collected from Jodhpur during 2012
Month Body Wt. HB HF Tail Ear
January 214.30±25.21 180.30±7.56 38.00±0.92 161.10±5.80 17.60±0.49
March 227.11±10.21 192.78±4.21 35.22±1.03 169.45±7.68 17.78±0.38
May 253.88±33.91 178.25±13.74 38.38±1.09 172.75±5.57 18.50±0.87
July 194.00±28.57 175.85±8.24 35.38±1.09 162.54±6.28 17.46±0.84
September 252.90±13.58 185.40±10.18 38.10±0.86 169.99±6.00 18.20±0.54
November 271.75±17.36 192.69±5.24 39.00±0.60 182.62±5.80 19.56±0.55
Average 235.66±5.31 184.21±1.34 37.35±0.30 169.71±1.42 18.18±0.14

Table 7b. Mean body weight and other morphometric observations on B. bengalensis
collected from Jodhpur during 2013
Month Body wt (g) HB (mm) HF (mm) Tail (mm) Ear (mm)
January 279.08+ 21.83 194.75+ 5.10 39.00+ 0.93 176.83+ 5.08 19.42+ 0.50
March 179.07+16.46 189.05+ 6.55 35.86 + 0.56 160.50+ 3.72 16.00+ 0.33
May 178.60 + 25.16 169.15+ 8.40 35.10 + 1.19 155.90 + 7.40 17.16 + 0.66
July 240.30+ 11.99 200.90+ 2.69 37.20 + 0.46 173.20 + 2.08 17.20 + 0.64
September 267.55+25.56 210.55+ 7.40 37.45+ 0.93 172.73 + 5.54 18.00 + 0.65
November 220.73 +25.5 184.94 + 6.75 36.60 + 1.34 170.20+ 5.29 17.93 +0.82
Mean 227.55+7.87 191.55+2.60 36.86+0.24 168.22+ 1.50 17.61+0.21

Table 7c. Mean body weight and other morphometric observations on B. bengalensis
collected from Jodhpur during 2014
Trap Month Body Wt. HB HF Tail Ear
January 259.25±13.30 196.25±2.15 37.25±0.57 158.50±3.21 19.88±0.27
March 259.50±12.95 199.25±3.66 37.83±0.60 170.25±4.10 19.58±0.39
May 199.10±19.97 180.60±6.90 36.30±1.24 164.10±17.45 17.30±0.63
July 221.07±19.88 195.20±1.54 36.13±.0.99 168.13±4.02 18.20±0.52
September 181.43±31.31 172.71±9.40 35.00±1.70 154.00±.7.66 17.29±0.91
November 203.85±21.99 176.31±9.04 34.92±0.75 161.77±7.20 16.85±0.47
Mean 220.70±5.97 186.72±2.11 36.24±0.21 162.79±1.11 18.18±0.23

Table 8. Seasonal Prevalence of Pregnancy (%) in lesser bandicoot rat

Years Percent Pregnant females in the collection during months of
January March May July September November
2012 33 50 50 43 40 56
2013 50 33 25 50 44.4 50
2014 60 33.33 25 50 40 42.86
Mean 47.67 38.77 33.33 47.67 41.47 49.62

3.1. IGNP Command Areas: The surveys were undertaken in IGNP command areas at
Netiwala (Sri Ganganagar), Suratgarh and Haryasar, Lunkaransar (Bikaner) and Bhand ka
Dhora, Falodi (Jodhpur) to record rodent species composition, morphometry of the trapped
rodents and extent of damage mung bean, cluster bean, ground nut, cotton and rice.
3.1.1. Species composition: The species identified through trapping or live burrows
predominately were Tatera indica and Meriones hurrianae (Table 9), however the truly xeric
species, Gerbillus gleadowi and G. nanus, trapped from IGNP areas of Jaisalmer district in
previous year were not observed from the IGNP areas of Sriganganagar and Bikaner districts
indicating their replacement due to irrigated cropping. Millardia meltada, a submesic rodent
was trapped from cotton, ground nut and mung fields in Falodi and Lunkaransar areas. Truly
mesic rodent species (Mus booduga, Bandicota bengalensis and Nesokia indica) were recorded
from rice (Suratgarh); cotton, (Sri ganganagar) and ground nut (Lunkaransar).
3.1.2. Morphometry of trapped rodents: Seven rodent species were trapped from IGNP areas
of Sri Ganganagar, Lunkaransar and Jaisalmer Districts. The detailed account of their body
weight and measurements of different body parts are given in Table 9.
Table 9. Body weight, sex ratio and morphometry of trapped rodents
Species (N) Body wt Sex ratio HB HF Tail Ear
B. bengalensis(10) 186.6 1:1.5 175.5 37.3 166.4 17.5
N. indica (1) 175.0 - 158.0 30.0 98.0 20.0
T. indica (10) 125.1 1: 0.7 163.9 39.1 191.8 17.8
M. hurrianae (10) 76.9 1: 0.7 132.6 32.7 137.5 10.1
M. meltada (4) 77.3 1:1 139.75 24.75 154.25 18.0
M. booduga(3) 13.3 - 65.0 14.3 62.3 14.0
G. gleadowi (10) 32.3 1:1 93.1 28.4 131.2 10.3

3.1.3. Crop damage: Rodent infestation was observed in all the major kharif crops in the study
locations (Table 10). In general the damage was more pronounced in periphery of crop fields.
Groundnut crop proved highly vulnerable to rodent attack as the crop experienced an average
damage of 12- 175% in both the study areas. The crop recorded maximum damage in peripheral
areas (34.7%) in Lunkaransar. Cotton crop suffered up to 6.7% plant damage in Sri Ganganagar
District. Mung registered 4.2 % (Lunkaransar) and 9.3% (Sri ganganagar) rodent damage.
Similarly guar, an important cash crop of the region experienced lower damage in Sri
Ganganagar (1.9%) than that in Lunkaransar (6.6%). Rice although infested with 1-6
burrows/m2 in Suratgarh area experienced lowest mean rodent damage to tillers (0.9%),
however one of the fields showed 14.3% tiller damage.

Table 10. Rodent species composition and crop damage in study areas
SN Crops Survey villages (District) Mean LBC/ Rodent species
damage m2
1 Cotton Netiwala (Sriganganagar) 3.66 (6.7) 1-5 B.b.; T.i,; N.i.; M.b.
Bhand ka Dhora ( Jodhpur) 2.5 (.5.0) 1-4 M.h.; T.i.; M.m.
2 Groundnut Haryasar/ Lunkaransar 16.96 (34.7) 2-6 T.i.; M.h.; N.i.; .M.b
Bhand ka Dhora(Jodhpur) 12.55 (13.0) 1-4 M.h.; T.i.; M.m.
3 Mung Haryasar / Lunkaransar 4.2 (4.84) 1-4 T.i.; M.h.; M.m.
Netiwala (Sriganganagar) 9.33 (12.0) 1-5 T.i., M.h.; B.b. N.i.
4 Guar Lunkaransar (Bikaner) 6.6 (12.12) 1-3 T.i.; M.h.; N.i.
Netiwala (Sriganganagar) 1.91 (5.5) 1-2 T.i.; M.h.; N.i.

5 Rice Suratgarh 0.9 (14.3) 1-6 B.b.; T.i

3.2. Narmada Command Areas : Survey was conducted during kharif and rabi season in
Narmada Canal Command area to understand the rodent fauna vis-a-vis land use pattern. The
study revealed that before the advent of canal the majority of farmers were mainly growing
rain-fed crops; however some farmers were taking irrigated crops through open well system in
limited area. After the advent of canal farmer started taking irrigated crops invariably during
rabi along with rain-fed crops during kharif. Main crop in the area during kharif was, bajara,
moong and castor, whereas in rabi mustard, wheat and cumin were the main crops. Some
scattered damage due to nocturnal rodents inhabiting surrounding bunds was observed, which
increased at crop maturity stage, when irrigation activities ceased and the rodents immigrate to
the main field. The species of rodents encountered were Indian desert gerbil, Meriones
hurrianae, Indian gerbil, Tatera indica, soft furred field rat, Millardia meltada, bush rat,
Golunda ellioti and squirrels, Funambulus pennanti in the field and house mouse, Mus
musculus, house rat, Rattus rattus in the dhanis, The mode of irrigation adopted by the farmers
in the area was flood and sprinkler. Fields where cultivation of irrigated crops was in vogue for
more than 20 years (i.e. through open well plus canal water) population/burrows of M.
hurrianae was not observed, however the maximum rodents were trapped from these fields
(Table 12). The fields where cultivation of irrigated crops started after advent of canal five
years back (2008) activities of M. hurrianae was observed and in rain-fed crops and fallow
lands along the canal M. hurrianae was the predominant species. Trapping data irrespective of
habitat revealed the predominance of T. indica (30-44.44%) followed by M. hurrianae (20-
33.33%) from crop fields, however from dhani (storage) infestation of R. rattus was recorded
(Table11). The burrow density of M. hurrianae in these habitats was also very high (03 burrows
per 1x1 m2 sample). The mean trap index across the habitats was 2.58and 3.0 rodents/100
traps/day during 2013 & 2014, respectively (Table 12).

Table 11. Rodent species composition in the canal command area

Rodent Species 2013 2014

% Composition Sex ratio M : F % Composition Sex ratio M : F
T. indica 30 1:2 44.44 1:1
M. hurrianae 20 1:1 33.33 1:0.66
R. rattus 20 1:1 22.22 1:1
M. musculus 10 - Present
M. meltada 10 - -
G. ellioti 10 - -
F. pennanti Present - Present

Table 12. Habitat wise Trap index

S. Habitat Trap index (rodents/ 100

No. traps/ day)
2013 2014
1. Cultivation of Irrigated Crops in vogue for >30 years 5.0 6.67
2. Cultivation of Irrigated Crops in vogue for last 05 years 3.3 3.3
3. Cultivation of rainfed Crops only 3.3 3.3
4. Natural Fallow 1.67 3.3
5. Rainfed crop only in non- canal command area 1.67 Burrows of M.
hurrianae was

4.1. Evaluation of new anticoagulant rodenticides : Two new anticoagulant rodenticides
viz., flocumafen and difencoum (0.005%) as wax block baits were evaluated against three
major rodent species viz., Rattus rattus, Bandicota bengalensis and Tatera indica in laboratory
(choice and no-choice trials) and also under field conditions. In no-choice feeding trial the
experimental rodents were offered ready to use (wax block) bait of difenacoum (0.005%) and
flocumafen (0.005%). Consumption of poison baits and (g/100g body wt.), per cent mortality,
and days to death were worked out. Whereas, in choice trial the experimental rodents were
given choice of difenacoum (0.005%) and flocumafen (0.005%) ready to use baits and plain
food (most common grain of the area i.e. bajra).
4.1.1. Laboratory trials: Mortality data under no-choice trials revealed that difenacoum
(0.005%) and flocumafen (0.005%) registered cent percent kill of R. rattus and B. bengalensis
in single day exposure, however, in case of T. indica flocumafen (0.005%) achieved cent
percent mortality after two days exposure whereas, difenacoum (0.005%) yielded only 50
percent mortality even after three days of exposure (Tables 13 & 15). Mean days to death after
one day exposure of flocoumafen was 6.70 and 5.5 days for cent percent mortality of R. rattus
and B. bengalensis, respectively, whereas for T. indica it was 6.4 days after 2 days exposure

(Table 15). Similar results were reported with difencoum yielding complete kill in 6.1 days (R.
rattus) and 5.5 days (B bengalensis) (Table 13).
Extent of overall mortality and intake of poison bait were lower in choice test in
comparison to no choice test. In the choice tests no significant difference was observed between
the consumption of plain and poison bait by all the test species indicating that difenacoum
(0.005%) and flocumafen (0.005%) baits were fairly well acceptable and palatable to all the
test rodent species (Table 14 & 16). Percent mortality in choice tests after one day exposure
with flocoumafen and difencoum was 80-90% in case of R. rattus and B. bengalensis, whereas
similar mortality was observed in T. indica after 2 days feeding of flocoumafen, but difencoum
proved ineffective (20% kill) even after 3 days exposure. Days to death ranged from 3-12 days
for R. rattus, 5-15 days for B. Bengalensis and 3-14 days for T. indica in flocumafen (0.005%)
treatment, whereas, in difenacoum (0.005%) treatment days to death for R. rattus, B.
bengalensis and T. indica ranged, respectively from 3-10, 4-10 and 12-15 days (Table 14 &
Table 13. Consumption of difenacom (0.005%) treated baits and mortality patterns in
murids under no-choice test

S. Feeding Mean body Pre- Poison Anticoagulant Mort- Days to death

No. Period weight treatment consumption consumed ality Mean+ Range
(Days) Mean + SE consumption g/100g body (mg/kg) SE
g/100g body weight Mean + SE
weight Mean + SE
Mean + SE
House Rat (Rattus rattus)
1. 01 117.50 + 8.73 + 0.62 7.40 + 0.54 3.70 + 0.27 10/10 6.10 + 3-10
7.90 0.77
Bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis)
1. 01 295.30 + 8.09 + 0.20 6.06 + 0.25 3.03 + 0.13 10/10 5.50 + 2-8
10.02 0.58
Indian gerbil (Tatera indica)
1. 02 154.50 + 5.10 + 0.14 4.39 + 0.11 2.19 + 0.05 2/10 7.50 + 7-8
6.04 0.52
2. 03 159 + 7.4 5.02 + 0.21 4.10 + 0.12 2.04 + 0.06 5/10 10 + 6-15

Table 14. Bait acceptability and mortality in murids given choice between plain and
difenacoum (0.500%) treated pearl millet bait.
S. Feedin Mean Mean daily bait intake Paired Mort Days to death
No g body Mean + SE student 't' -ality
. period weight test
Poison Plain Mean Rang
(Days) Mean between
g/100 Anticoagula g/100g + SE e
+ SE 4&6 for
g nt consumed body significan
body (mg/kg) weight ce
House Rat (Rattus rattus)
1. 01 123.8 4.60 + 2.30 + 0.29 2.90 + Ns 8/10 6.50 + 3-10
0+ 0.66 0.42 0.85
Bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis)
1. 01 288.3 4.51 + 2.25 + 0.35 3.65 + Ns 8/10 7.63 + 4-10
0+ 0.69 0.84 0.69
Indian gerbil (Tatera indica)
1. 02 153.0 3.38 + 1.69 + 0.23 4.64 + Ns 0/10 - -
+ 0.46 0.41
2. 03 160.7 4.35 + 2.17 + 0.23 4.10 + Ns 2/10 13.5 + 12-15
0+ 0.46 0.23 0.67

Table 15. Consumption of flocumafen (0.005%) treated baits and mortality patterns in
murids under no-choice test

S. Feeding Mean Pre-treatment Poison Anticoagulant Mort-ality Days to death

No. Period body consumption consumption consumed Mean+ Range
(Days) weight g/100g body g/100g body (mg/kg) SE
Mean + weight weight Mean + SE
SE Mean + SE Mean + SE
House Rat (Rattus rattus)
1. 01 141.0 + 4.64 + 0.17 4.14 + 0.54 2.07 + 0.25 10/10 6.70 + 3-12
8.75 0.96
Bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis)
1. 01 257.30 + 4.19 + 0.19 4.18 + 0.25 2.09 + 0.16 10/10 5.50 + 2-9
6.60 0.81
Indian gerbil (Tatera indica)
1. 02 125.20 + 5.31 + 0.13 5.04 + 0.19 2.51 + 0.09 10/10 6.40 + 3-10
2.70 0.62

Table 16. Bait acceptability and mortality in murids given choice between plain and
flocumafen (0.500%) treated pearl millet bait.

S. Feedin Mean Mean daily bait intake Paired Mort Days to death
No g body Mean + SE student 't' -ality
. period weigh test
Poison Plain Mean Rang
(Days) t between
g/100 Anticoagulan g/100 + SE e
Mean 4&6 for
+ SE g t consumed g significanc
body (mg/kg) body e
weigh weigh
t t
House Rat (Rattus rattus)
1. 01 123.7 3.76 + 1.88 + 0.32 3.40 + Ns 8/10 6.70 + 3-12
0+ 0.64 0.92 0.60
Bandicoot rat (Bandicota bengalensis)
1. 01 236.7 2.72 + 1.39 + 0.10 1.01 + Ns 9/10 8.44 + 5-15
0+ 0.21 0.16 1.05
Indian gerbil (Tatera indica)
1. 02 113.0 6.25 + 3.12 + 0.37 2.75 + Ns 8/10 5.91 + 3-14
+ 2.17 0.74 0.19 0.29

4.1.2. Field trials in Storage: Trials were conducted at grain mandi, Basin, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
(26o18’ N latitude and 73o1’30” E longitude) twice during summer (May-June, 2013) and
winters (Jan-Feb., 2014). Three godowns each for respective poison of same size and uniform
pest infestation were selected for investigations. Prior to poison baiting the areas were surveyed
and plain baits and Sherman traps were laid for three consecutive nights to assess the extent of
pest population/infestation. The live-trapped rodents were later released in the same habitat for
further studies.
After assessing the pre-treatment pest population/infestation the ready to use poison
baits (WB) of the two tests anticoagulant rodenticides viz., flocumafen and difenacoum
(0.500%) were place uniformly on the runways of rodents for one day in all the sites of the
study habitat. On average 10 bait stations (paper plates) were laid in each site of study habitat
randomly and 25 g of bait of respective poison were provided in each bait station. Monitoring
of the sites poisoned with anticoagulant rodenticides were initiated after three to four days and
monitored continuously upto 14-15 days for dead rodents. On 4th and 14th day post treatment
census was initiated in the sites poisoned with anticoagulant rodenticides. A second pulse of
treatment with both the test rodenticide was provided on after 15 day of first pulse of treatment
with same no. of bait stations with same amount of poison bait in each site. On 14th day post
treatment census was initiated in the sites poisoned with anticoagulant rodenticides. The
consumption of poison baits for both the treatment was recorded.
Both the test rodenticides were evaluated by utilizing three assessment methods viz.,
census baiting, live burrow counting and trapping, simultaneously. Plain bajra (with 2%
groundnut oil) was used as census bait during the trials. On average 10 bait stations (paper
plates) were maintained randomly at an interval of 5-10 meter each and 15 bandicoot traps
baited with pea nut butter were laid in the areas most frequented by rodents/runways in each
study site. The bait stations were checked at regular interval and consumption of bait recorded
and replenished each time. Similarly traps were also checked regularly and trapped rodent were
removed and traps were again laid after baited with peanut butter. Burrows located inside and
outside the godowns were plugged and next morning reopened burrows were counted. The
efficacy of rodenticides was evaluated using standard protocols. The results are as follows;
Trial-I: Three nights trapping yielded an average catch of 4.33 and 5.00 rodents per day,
similarly mean consumption of bait per day per godown were 62.66 and 59.16 gm and no. of
burrows (inside and outside godown) were 12 and 11.33 nos, at the sites to be treated with
flocumafen and difenacoum, respectively. The pre-treatment data on pest infestation as evident
from pre-treatment census indicated that infestation level of rodents was at par at both the test
sites. The species composition as recorded through trapping in the study area revealed presence
of four species, B. bengalensis, R. rattus and M. musculus from the storage site and Tatera
indica outside the storage site.
Consumption of plain baits during census baiting prior to rodenticidal trials was 20.89
and 19.72/day/site from the sites to be treated with flocumafen and difenacoum, respectively.
Similarly daily intake of poison bait of flocumafen and difenacoum (0.005%), respectively was
18.67 and 20.33 g/day/site during the first pulse of treatment, however the intake of both the
poison was reduced to 12.67 and 13. 67 g/day/site, respectively for flocumafen and difenacoum
(0.005%) during the second pulse of treatment. The effect of poison baiting with both the
rodenticides seemed consistent as the percent control success obtained through three methods
viz., census baiting, trapping and live burrow count was closely comparable (Table-17). Two
treatment with Flocumafen (0.005%) at fifteen days interval yielded 48.93, 61.43 and 58.33%
control success as assessed by census baiting, trapping and live burrow count method,
respectively. Similarly, two treatments of Difenacoum (0.005%) yielded 49.29, 60.00 and
61.75 per cent control success with respective methods of assessment. The pooled data of the
three methods revealed 56.23 per cent (with flocumafen) and 57.02 per cent (with difenacoum)
control success after second pulse of treatment with respective test poison.
Trial-II: Like trial one the pretreatment data on pest infestation as assessed by burrow
counting, census baiting and trapping methods revealed that (Table-18) infestation level of
rodents in the study site was uniform. The species composition as recorded through trapping in
the study area revealed presence of four species, Bandicota bengalensis, Rattus rattus and Mus
musculus from the storage site and Tatera indica outside the storage site.
Consumption of plain baits during census baiting prior to rodenticidal trials was 13.67
and 14.87/day/site from the sites to be treated with flocumafen and difenacoum, respectively.
Similarly daily intake of poison bait of flocumafen and difenacoum (0.005%), respectively was
14.67 and 12.67 g/day/site during the first pulse of treatment and the intake of both the poison
during the second pulse of treatment was at par with first pulse of treatment, 12.00 and 13. 00
g/day/site, respectively for flocumafen and difenacoum (0.005%). The effect of poison baiting
with both the rodenticides seemed consistent as the percent control success obtained through
three methods viz., census baiting, trapping and live burrow count was closely comparable
(Table-18). Two treatment with Flocumafen (0.005%) at fifteen days interval yielded 54.66,
55.66 and 51.98% control success as assessed by census baiting, trapping and live burrow count
method, respectively. Similarly, two treatments of Difenacoum (0.005%) yielded 58.20, 54.49
and 51.17 per cent control success with respective methods of assessment. The pooled data of
the three methods revealed 54.04 per cent (with flocumafen) and 54.62 per cent (with
difenacoum) control success after second pulse of treatment with respective test poison.
Anticoagulant rodenticides being chronic in action caused delayed death in the target
animals. The mortality in the test sites poisoned with flocumafen and difenacoum started from
day 3-5 day and continued upto 21th day.

Based on the field studies it may be concluded that both the anticoagulant rodenticides are quite
efficacious in tackling rodents infesting godowns. Two treatment of both the test poison yielded
an over control success of 56.23 (flocumafen) and 57.02 (difenacoum) percent. At par
consumption of poison and plain bait (pre bait consumption) revealed that the acceptability of
both the poison is very good.

Table 17. Field evaluation of anticoagulant rodenticides in grain mandi (Trial-I)
Treatments Census baiting Trapping Burrow Counting Mean
Av. Bait consumption/site Control Mean animals trapped per Control Mean nos. of burrows Control success
(g) success day (Nos) success reopened success by
(Per different
Pre- Post Pre- Post treatment* (Per Pre- Post (Per
cent) methods
treatment treatment* treatment cent) treatment treatment* cent)
I st II nd I st II nd I st II nd
Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Flocumafen 62.66 37.90 32.00 48.93 4.33 2.33 1.67 61.43 12.00 7.00 5.00 58.33 56.23
Difenacoum 59.16 34.61 30.00 49.29 5.00 2.66 2.00 60.00 11.33 6.00 4.33 61.75 57.02
Mean 60.91 36.26 31.00 49.11 4.67 2.50 1.84 60.72 11.67 6.50 4.67 60.04 56.63

Table 18. Field evaluation of anticoagulant rodenticides in grain mandi (Trial-II)

Treatments Census baiting Trapping Burrow Counting Mean

Av. Bait consumption/site Control Mean animals trapped per Control Mean nos. of burrows Control success
(g) success day (Nos) success reopened success by
(Per different
Pre- Post Pre- Post (Per Pre- Post (Per
cent) methods
treatment treatment* treatment treatment* cent) treatment treatment* cent)
I st II nd I st II nd I st II nd
Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Flocumafen 41.00 20.67 18.67 54.46 3.00 1.67 1.33 55.66 8.33 4.67 4.00 51.98 54.04
Difenacoum 44.67 23.33 18.67 58.20 3.67 2.00 1.67 54.49 9.67 5.33 4.67 51.17 54.62
Mean 42.84 22.00 18.67 56.33 3.34 1.84 1.50 55.08 9.00 5.00 4.34 51.58 54.33

Note: * Control success was evaluated 14 days after each treatment

Mean of three replications

4.2. Evaluation of repellent/ deterrent against Rattus rattus
4.2.1. Laboratory Trials: Ziram (27 SL), a fungicide was evaluated for its repellent/deterrent
properties against house rat (Rattus rattus) in laboratory. Two sets of experiment in plus maize
and cages were carried out. In each plus maze in arm no. 1 & 3 Ziram treated bait (3% mixed
in pearl millet) and arm no. 2 & 4 with plain bait (pearl millet) was kept and each components
was replenished after 24 hrs continuously for four days. Single house rat was released in each
maze and response of house rat towards treated bait was monitored from 10 am to 5 pm at 30
minute interval for all the four days. Another trial in cages with six replications was also laid
to evaluate the repellent/deterrent effect. The test rodents were offered Ziram (2 & 3%)
prepared in pearl millet for seven days.
The observation of the plus maze study revealed that rodents spent most of their time
in the arms where plain bait was kept. The consumption of treated bait in all the sets were nil,
however per day plain bait consumption ranged from 1.95 to 2.45 g/100 g body weight, which
was significantly lower than pre bait consumption (3.83 to 4.53 g/100 g body weight)
indicating that availability of treated bait has altered the plain bait consumption in test rodents.
2-10 g reduction in body weight of test rodents within four days was also recorded (Table 19).
Ziram treated bait at 2 and 3% conc. was completely rejected by the test rodents, as during the
exposure period of seven days none of rodent even touched the treated bait, however the plain
was consumed in the range of 4.37 to 5.23 and 4.19 to 4.67 g/100g body wt when offered with
treated bait at 3 and 2%, respectively (Table 20). The plain bait consumption during the
treatment period was almost at par with that of pre-treatment consumption revealing that
availability of treated bait has not altered the rodent behavior towards bait as presumed in
previous test.
The observations therefore revealed that ziram at 2 and 3 per cent concentration in
pearl millet bait was not preferred at all by the house rat indicating repellent/deterrent effect
on the house rat.
Table 19. Evaluation of Ziram against House rat (Rattus rattus) in plus maze

Set Feeding Initial Final Reduction Consumption g/100g B. Wt.

No. period body body in body Pre- Treatment
(Days) weight weight wt. Treatment Plain Poison
(gm) (gm) (gm)
1. 04 125.00 120.50 4.50 4.53 2.45 0.0
2. 04 128.00 126.00 2.00 4.21 2.18 0.0
3. 04 134.00 130.70 3.30 4.22 2.70 0.0
4. 04 160.00 150.00 10.00 3.83 1.95 0.0

Table 20. Evaluation of Ziram against House rat (Rattus rattus) when given choice
between Ziram (2 & 3%) treated and plain bait in pearl millet.

S. No. Feeding Mean body Consumption g/100g B. Wt

period weight (Mean + SE)
(Days) Mean + SE Pre- Treatment Treatment
Plain Poison

1. 07 126.75 + 10.31 4.22 + 0.37 4.79 + 0.19 0.0
1. 07 135.00 + 7.94 4.45 + 0.18 4.46 + 0.11 0.0

4.2.2. Evaluation in simulated storage condition: In simulated storage condition two

experimental sets were maintained, in one set stacked grain filled bags were sprayed with
ziram 3% and in other set ziram (3%) was applied on wall and floor of cage where simulated
storage condition was created. The effect of pesticide was same as observed in laboratory
trials. In both the experimental conditions the test rodent foraged around the bags but never
tried to damage the gunny bags for feeding on grains stored in it. In other words though the
rat has access to the bags yet never tried to damage them in search of food. In test set where
the ziram 3% was sprayed on bags the rat died on 5th day due to starvation (Fig. 1), whereas
in second set where the ziram 3% was applied at one end on the wall and floor of cage (Fig.
2) the bags were not damaged but the rat survived on the grains spilled out from the bag due
to its nocturnal foraging activity.

4.3. Evaluation of Zinc Phosphide (40%)

A new formulation of Zinc Phosphide (40%) against three major rodent species viz.,
Rattus rattus, Bandicota bengalensis and Tatera indica in laboratory under choice and no
choice trials. The test rodenticide, zinc phosphide (40% a.i.) was evaluated at three
concentrations, viz., 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0% in baits. These concentrations were made by mixing
desired quantities (w/w basis) in ground nut oil (2%) smeared bajra grains. Two types of
feeding trials, viz., no-choice and choice trials were conducted on all the three test species
using three different test concentrations in laboratory. In no-choice feeding trial, test animals
were separately exposed only to the three (1, 2 and 4 %) concentrations of zinc phosphide
(40%) bait in bajra for one day. Whereas, in choice condition an alternate pain food was also
offered along with various concentration of test poison to all replications of the test species
for one day exposure period. Water was available ad libitum in both the trials. After treatment
the survived test rodents were offered plain food along with water. Consumption of bait for
pre-treatment and during treatment and post-treatment periods was measured and observation
on symptoms of poisoning and hours to death was recorded.


Stacked Gunny bags sprayed with 3% Ziram solution

Rattus rattus released in cage

Rattus rattus died of starvation

25 (no damage to bags)

Gunny bags stacked in the area with walls and floor applied with 3% Ziram Solution

Rattus rattus released in the cage

Rattus rattus hiding itself within the bags

without inflicting damage
4.3.1. Laboratory trials: Mortality data revealed that after consumption of zinc phosphide
(40%) treated baits in various concentrations (1, 2 and 4 per cent) all the test rodent species
died in a few hours (0.5-9 hrs). It indicates that, being an acute poison, the new formulation
of zinc phosphide (40%) is extremely potent in knocking down the test rodents. The respective
mean period for 100 % mortality at 1, 2 and 4 percent concentration of test rodents were 3.80,
3.20 and 1.17 hours for B. bengalensis; 4.80, 2.65 and 1.25 hours for R. rattus and 6.15, 5.80
and 1.30 hours for T. indica. Therefore the mortality period was quickest (mean: 1.17- 1.30
hrs) at highest test concentration (4%) and longest with lowest concentration (1%). The intake
of poison bait during one day exposure period at 1, 2 and 4% concentration was 0.93,0.87,0.65
g/100 g body wt., respectively for B. bengalensis; 1.27,1.27 and 0.83g/100 g body wt.,
respectively for R. rattus and 1.33, 1.31 and 1.14g/100 g body wt., respectively for T. indica.
Thus the consumption poison bait by all the test species was less at 4 percent, whereas, it was
almost at par at 01 and 02 percent concentrations (Table 21). Based on the data on poison bait
intake, the a.i. ingested for 100 kill in various test species ranged between 0.93 (B.
bengalensis) and 1.33 mg/kg (T. indica) at 1 percent concentration; 1.75 (B. bengalensis) and
2.61 mg/kg (T. indica) at 2 percent concentration (Table 21). Likewise at 4% concentration,
the values ranged between 2.59 (B. bengalensis) and 4.45 mg/kg (T. indica). R. rattus recorded
mid values of 1.27, 2.55 and 3.31 mg/kg for respective test concentrations
The lesser bandicoot rats, B. bengalensis proved most susceptible as complete kill was
achieved in comparatively less period with less ingestion of poison at all the test
concentrations (Table 21). Whereas, Indian gerbils, T. indica took more time in achieving
complete kill of gerbils at all the test concentrations with comparatively more ingestion of
poison (Table 21).
In presence of alternative food the relative consumption of plain and poison treated baits in
choice feeding (Table 22) did not revealed any significant variability by any of the test species
for all the test concentrations. It clearly indicated that the pearl millet based poison bait of zinc
phosphide (40%) is fairly acceptable by all the three test rodent species. Secondly, the poison
bait consumption in all the test species showed a uniform trend at various concentrations. It
was maximum at lowest concentration (1%) i.e., 1.05 (B. bengalensis); 0.97 (R. rattus) and
0.75 g/100 g body wt. (T. indica) and was least at highest test concentration (4 %) i.e., 0.53
(B. bengalensis) 0.60 (R. rattus) and 0.64 g/100 g body (T. indica). As expected, the ingestion
of active ingredient of zinc phosphide showed a reverse trend in all the test species for all the
test concentrations. The data presented in Table 22 indicated that it was more for highest
concentration (4 %) and least for lowest concentration. The mortality was between 70-90
percent in B. bengalensis and R. rattus and 60-80 per cent in T. indica. At 2 and 4%
concentrations, 90 percent B. bengalensis and R. rattus succumbed to the poison within 1-5
hours however, at the lowest test concentration (1%), it took 2-6 hours to achieve 70 percent
mortality in these rodents. In T. indica the mortality was least, only 60 per cent gerbils
succumbed to the poison at 1 % concentration within 3-10 hours. Maximum kill of 80 percent

was achieved at 2 and 4 % concentration within 4-9 hrs and 0.5- 2 hours, respectively (Table

The new formulation of zinc phosphide (with 40% a.i.) proved very effective as in no-choice
test cent percent kill was achieved in all the test rodent species at all the test concentrations
(1, 2 and 4 per cent) of pearl millet based poison baits. In presence of an alternate plain food
also (choice trials), the mortality was between 70-90 % (B. bengalensis and R. rattus) and 60-
80% (T. indica). Likewise the intake of poisoned baits and plain bait was at par, indicating the
fairly good acceptability and palatability of poison baits.

Table 21. Bait consumption and mortality pattern in different species of rodents feeding on zinc phosphide (40%) treated pearl
millet baits in no-choice test.
S. No. Mean body Conc. Pre- Poison bait Poison Mortality Hrs to death
weight (%) treatment consumed ingested Mean ±SE Range
Mean ±SE plain bait (g/100g bw. (mg/Kg)
consumption Wt.) Mean Mean ±SE
(g/100g bw. ±SE
Wt.) Mean
Bandicota bengalensis
1. 231.0±7.4 1 4.02±0.11 0.93±0.13 0.93±0.13 10/10 3.80±0.47 2-6
2. 218.20±9.43 2 4.66±0.11 0.87±0.16 1.75±0.31 10/10 3.20±0.55 1-6
3. 254.0±10.81 4 4.20±0.12 0.65±0.10 2.59±0.38 10/10 1.17±0.24 0.5-2.5
Rattus rattus
1. 94.10±4.60 1 4.99±0.19 1.27±0.18 1.27±0.18 10/10 4.80±0.77 2-8
2. 112.3±4.80 2 4.93±0.17 1.27±0.22 2.55±0.44 10/10 2.65±0.57 1-7
3. 117.80±6.30 4 4.46±0.14 0.83±0.13 3.31±0.50 10/10 1.25±0.15 0.5-2
Tatera indica
1. 110.40±4.20 1 5.45±0.15 1.33±0.17 1.33±0.17 10/10 6.15±0.69 3-9
2. 128.0±6.98 2 4.49±0.16 1.31±0.25 2.61±0.49 10/10 5.80±0.66 3-9
3. 109.0±4.16 4 4.73±0.18 1.14±0.10 4.45±0.39 10/10 1.30±0.19 0.5-2

Table 22. Bait acceptability and mortality in different species of rodents given choice between plain and zinc phosphide (40%)
treated pearl millet baits

S. Mean body wt Conc. Bait consumed (g/100g bw. Significance Poison Mortality Hrs to death
No. Mean ±SE (%) Wt.) Mean ±SE (I & II) ingested
Poison bait Plain Bait (mg/Kg) Mean ±SE Range
(I) (II) Mean ±SE
Bandicota bengalensis
1. 203.50±10.72 1 1.05±0.24 0.93±0.47 >0.05 (NS) 1.05±0.24 7/10 3.0±0.37 2-5
2. 247.50±10.32 2 0.77±0.17 0.77±0.29 >0.05 (NS) 1.54±0.33 9/10 2.75±0.44 2-5
3. 280.90±9.50 4 0.53±0.08 0.51±0.16 >0.05 (NS) 2.13±0.32 9/10 2.11±0.22 1-2.5
Rattus rattus
1. 101.20±4.90 1 0.97±0.26 1.16±0.54 >0.05 (NS) 0.97±0.26 7/10 3.86±0.56 2-6
2. 125.0±4.61 2 0.75±0.12 1.16±0.21 >0.05 (NS) 1.49±0.24 9/10 2.06±0.22 1-3
3. 119.30±6.55 4 0.60±0.11 0.65±0.31 >0.05 (NS) 2.41±0.43 9/10 1.70±0.26 0.5-3
Tatera indica
1. 112.30±4.41 1 0.75±0.28 2.06±0.62 >0.05 (NS) 0.75±0.28 6/10 7.20±0.86 3-10
2. 116.0±4.65 2 0.68±0.17 1.76±0..37 >0.05 (NS) 1.37±0.33 8/10 6.86±0.62 4-9
3. 111.7±5.21 4 0.64±0.14 0.73±0.38 >0.05 (NS) 2.54±0.54 8/10 1.31±0.16 0.5-2

5.1. Bheenjwadia village: Rodent survey and four demonstrations on kharif crops and three
demonstrations on rabi crops was organized on rodent management technologies and
rodenticidal evaluations at farmer’s fields were conducted in Bheenjwadia village of Jodhpur
District. The studies revealed infestation of two predominant rodent species viz., Meriones
hurrianae and Tatera indica. The level of infestation was almost similar in both the study
season. On farm training on rodent extent of rodent problem, the rodent species of the region,
techniques for preparation and application of poison baits and precautions etc was organized.
During 2012: Four demonstrations on kharif crops and three demonstrations on rabi crops
were organized on rodent management technologies and rodenticidal evaluations at farmer’s
fields. The results of the field demonstrations on rabi crops indicated that rodent control success
with zinc phosphide was 67.27, 62.50 and 63.79 percent in mustard, wheat and cumin,
respectively on 4th day after treatment. On the other hand, as expected single baiting with
bromadiolone yielded only 23 to 28 percent success and increased to 61.53(mustard), 64.81
(wheat) and 63.15 % (cumin within 2 weeks. However, in zinc phosphide treatment the success
was reduced to 57.41, 55.35 and 51.72% in respective crops on 15th day after treatment. The
double baiting which integrates acute and chronic rodenticides recorded highest rodent control
success of 73.68 % (mustard,) 72.00 % (wheat) and 71.15% cumin on 4th DAT which increased
to 78.9, 80.0 and 76.9 percent on 15th DAT. The control fields, rather registered increase in
rodent infestation (14 to 18 %). The seed yield increased by 5.96, 8.54 and 8.93 percent due to
rodenticidal treatment in mustard, wheat and cumin respectively. During kharif season the
studies indicated that rodent control success with zinc phosphide was 48 to 66.66 % in pearl
millet, mung bean, moth bean, cluster bean and groundnut on 4th day after treatment. Control
success in groundnut was the least due to typical crop phenology providing safe shelter to
rodents. Therefore it requires repeat applications. Increased in grain yield by 4-7 % was noticed
in different kharif crops due to rodenticidal treatment compared to control.
During 2013: Four field demonstrations on rodenticidal evaluation in kharif crops ( bajra,
mung, moth, cluster bean and ground nut (in 2013) and three demonstrations on rabi crops
(Mustard, wheat and cumin in 2012-13) were organized in the village. In the rabi crops four
treatments, viz., zinc phosphide (2%), bromadiolone (0.005%) and zinc phosphide(2%)
followed by bromadiolone (0.005%) and an untreated control were imposed. In the kharif crops
only zinc phosphide (2%) with an untreated control were demonstrated. Based on the
experiences of previous two years another treatment of zinc phosphide (2%) followed by
bromadiolone (0.005%) was also added in ground nut crop this year. The baits were freshly
prepared by farmers using bajra grains and ground nut oil.
The results of the field demonstrations on rabi crops indicated that rodent control success with
zinc phosphide was 68.52, 62.26, and 67.86 per cent in mustard, wheat and cumin, respectively
on 4th day after treatment, whereas with bromadiolone it was only 25.0, 21.57 and 27.78 per
cent in respective crops. However being a chronic rodenticide, the success with bromadiolone
treatment increased to 61.54, 62.75 and 61.11 per cent after 15 day of first treatment. The
double baiting where acute rodenticide (zinc phosphide) was integrated with application of
chronic bromadiolone, the success rate was 71.15- 73.58 percent on 4 DAT which increased

further to 76.92-81.82 per cent (15 DAT). In the untreated control plots the rodent infestation
increased from 12-16% during this period. Due to rodenticidal treatments the seed yields
recorded an increase of 4.57, 6.89 and 8.33% in comparison to control in mustard, wheat and
cumin crops, respectively.
In the kharif crops where only one rodenticide baiting (zinc phosphide 2%) was imposed, the
rodent control success was 66.04 (bajra); 64.81 (mung); 63.63 (moth) and 62.5 per cent (cluster
bean) on 4 DAT. The success rate in these crops dropped to 58.49, 62.96, 54.55 and 55.36 %
on 15 DAT. The crop yields, due to zinc phosphide treatment were however increased to 4.35
% (bajra); 7.02% (mung); 8.33% (moth) and 5.45% (cluster bean). Due to typical phenology
of crop, ground nut registered least control success (49.15%) on 4 DAT and 40.68% on 15
DAT with single treatment of zinc phosphide. However with a follow up treatment of
bromadiolone after zinc phosphide baiting, the rodent control success was increased to 80.65%
on 15 DAT. It indicated that ground nut crop due its longer duration and typical phenology,
integration of acute (zinc phosphide) and chronic rodenticide (bromadiolone) is more effective
than the solo treatment with zinc phosphide. The untreated fields recorded increased rodent
infestation to the tune of 12-18% during this period. The treated fields gave 4.44% higher yields
over the untreated control.
During 2014: Field demonstration on rodenticidal baiting in farmers’ field yielded rodent
control success from 62 to 66 per cent with single baiting of zinc phosphide in various kharif
crops like pearl millet, mung bean, moth bean, cluster bean on 4 days after treatment, whereas,
it was only 48.27 per cent in groundnut. A follow up treatment was therefore required in
groundnut with bromadiolone (0.005%) after zinc phosphide baiting, which increased the
control up to 80 percent after 15 DAT. Integration of acute rodenticide (zinc phosphide)
with an anticoagulant rodenticide, bromadiolone as a follow up treatment in rabi crops also
proved best in registering 77.77 to 81.48 percent control (mustard, wheat and cumin). The seed
yield increased by 4 to 7 percent in kharif (2014) and 4 to 8 percent in rabi crops during 2013-
14 season.

6.1. During 2012-13
Following off and on campus training in collaboration with KVK was organized on Rodent
Pest Management in field and storages along with two demonstrations and one anti-rodent
i) Off campus training programme on Rodent Pest Management
S.No. Title Village Date Participants
1. Rodent management in Gulabsagar 03/10/12 16
field and grain storages
2. Rodent management in Purkhawas 23/01/13 22
grain storages
3. Rodent management in Gulabsagar 11/02/13 26
grain storages
Total No of beneficiaries 64

ii) Lecture during on campus training programmes conducted at KVK Jodhpur
S.No. Date Topic Training programme Participant
1. 18/10/12 Rodent management Crop diversification 32
in crops 16-20 Oct. 2012, ATMA., Tonk
2. 3/11/12 Rodent management P.P measures in Mustard and 29
in crops gram 30/10 -3/11/12, ATMA,
3. 5/11/12 Rodent management Krishak Mitra Training 34
in crops 4-5 Nov.2012, ATMA, Jodhpur
4. 9/11/12 Rodent management Horti. Based crop production 30
in fruit crops system. 5-9, Nov.2012
ATMA, Bilwara
5. 22/11/12 Rodent management Integrated farming system 32
in rabi crops 19-23 Nov, 2012 ATMA,
6. 02.03/13 Rodent management Ag. Supervisors training 35
in crops programme 25.2.13 -10.03.13
ATMA, Jodhpur
Total No of farmers benefited 192

iii) Demonstration conducted on Rodent Management

S. Problem Technology No. of Name of village Results
No. provided demons.
1. To reduce Use of 28 Purkhawas Luni, Reduced 35-40%
rodent poison bait Jodhpur ( kharif 2012) rodent population
population of Zinc in field
in fields phophide
2. To reduce Use of 40 Purkhawas, Luni, Reduced 20-25%
rodent Bromodilon Jodhpur rodent population
population e cake in grain storages.
in grain

iv) Anti- rodent Campaigns

S.No. Title of campaigns Place Date Participants

1. Rodent control campaigns Village Purkhawas, 29/06/12 71

Luni, Jodhpur

6.2. During 2013-14

Training on rodent management was imparted to the farmers of Bramsar village
(Jaisalmer) and Golasan, Silu, Paladi, Hadacha villages in Sanchor, about 20-25 farmers
participated in each such trainings. Besides, lectures on Rodent Pest Management were
delivered in on campus training organized by KVK and two radio talks were delivered on AIR.
i) Off campus training programme on Rodent Pest Management
S. No. Title of Training Date Village No. of
1. Rodent control in fields and 27.08.2013 Gulabsagar 25
grain Storages. (Jodhpur)
2. Rodent control in fields and 03.10.2013 Purkhawas 26
grain Storages. (Jodhpur)
3. Rodent control in fields and 06.11.2013 Purkhawas 28
grain Storages. (Jodhpur)
4 Training on Rodent Pest 12.6.13 Bhujawal 25
Management in Farmers’– (Jodhpur)
Scientist interactive Meet
5. Training on Rodent Pest 26.6.13 Bhramsar 22
Management in Farmers’– (Jaisalmer)
Scientist interactive Meet
6. Farmer Scientist Interaction 3.9.13 KVK Pali 30
on Plant Protection
Measures for Kharif and
Rabi crops
7. Training on Rodent Pest 26-29.12.13 Silu, Golasan, 20
Management Hadacha
8. Training on Rodent Pest 13-15.2.14 Silu, Hadacha, 15
Management Paldi (Jalore)
Total No of beneficiaries 191

ii) Lecture during on campus training programmes conducted at KVK Jodhpur

S.N Lecture Title of Training Date No. of Resource
o. delivered Trainee person
1. Rodent Fruit production 08.08.2013 42 Dr. Vipin
control in fruit technology in arid zone. Chaudhary
plants. (05.08.2013- 8.08.2013)
2. Rodent Plant Protection measures 23.08.2013 49 Dr. R. S. Tripathi
control in in kharif crops.
Kharif crops. (23.08.2013)
3. Rodent Sp. in Plant Protection measures 23.08.2013 49 Dr. Vipin
Rajasthan and in kharif crops. Chaudhary
its behaviour. (23.08.2013)
4. Rodent Improved Agri. 21.12.2013 23 Dr. R.S. Tripathi
control in rabi Technologies in rabi
crops. crops.

iii) Demonstrations conducted on Rodent Control
S. Problem/Activity Technology Village No. of Results
No. provided Demo Con.
1. To reduce rodent Use of Purkhawas 52 Reduced 25%
population in grain Bromodiolone rodent
Storages. cake population.
2. To reduce rodent Use of Zinc Purkhawas 03 Reduced 35%
population in phosphide based rodent
fields. poison bait population.
(@ 20g/ kg Grain)

iv) Anti-rodent campaign

S. Campaign Village Date No. of Participants
No. Male Female Total
1. Rodent control Purkhawas 18.06.2013 41 18 59
2. Rodent control Purkhawas 17.01.2014 48 14 62

v) Radio Talks
S.No. Title Date of Broadcast
1. [ksr&[kfygkuks esa pwgk fu;a=k.k fdruk vko-;d 12.05.13

2. fdlkuks dk nq-keu pwgk 23.11.13

6.3. During 2014-15

A field based training on ‘Rodent Pest Management” was also organised at Leh. About 60
farmers participated in the training. Training on rodent management with demonstration on
bait preparation and bait delivery technique was given to farmers of village Beenjwadia &
Sawalnagar (Jodhpur), Golasan & Silu (Jalore) and Gigasar (Bikaner). Besides, lectures on
Rodent Pest Management were delivered in on campus trainings organized by KVK and one
radio talks was delivered on AIR, Jodhpur

i) On/ Off campus training programme on Rodent Pest Management

S.No. Title of Training Date Village No. of
1. Rodent management in field 26.09.2014 Lunawas Khara 32 farmers
and grain storages
2. Rodent management in field 26.11.2014 Purkhawas 17 farmers
and grain storages
3. Rodent management in field 09.03.2015 Lunawas Khara 20 farmers
and grain storages
1. Farmers Training on Rodent Jan. 30,2015 Gigasar 15 farmers
Control (Bikaner)

2. Field based training on July 27, 2014 Chuchot (Leh) 32 farmers
‘Rodent Pest Management”
3. Exhibition during Kisan September, CAZRI Campus 550 farmers
Mela and Farmers 24, 2014 visited the stall
Innovation Day & interacted on
Rodent control
4. Practical demonstrations Jan. 27, 2015 Berai, 22 farmers
during farmers visit to the Ghudyala,
lab Aaria, Ketu
5. Feb. 11, Budkia, Dechu, 33 farmers
2015 Laban
6. March 11, Jalali, Lordi, 21 farmers
2015 Paldi, Keru
7. Field training on Rodent Golasan & Silu 15 farmers
Pest Management in (Jalore)
Narmada Canal Command
Total No. of beneficiaries 785.00
ii) Lecture during on campus training programmes conducted at KVK Jodhpur
S.No Topic of Training Date Nos of trainee Name of
lecture (Male+Female=Total) resource
1. Rodent pest Plant 27.1.2015 24+0=24 Dr. Vipin
management protection to Chaudhary
in crops measures in 28.1.2015
and fruit crops and
plants fruit plants
2. Techniques Improved 11.2.2015 33+0=33 Dr. R.S.
of Rodent agri. to Tripathi
pest Technologies 12.2.2015
management for arid zone
3. Rodent Plant 10.3.2015 26+0=26 Dr. R.S.
management protection to Tripathi
in rabi crops measures in 11.3.2015
arid crops
4. Techniques Improved 12.3.2015 25+0=25 Dr. Vipin
of Rodent agri to Chaudhary
pest Technologies 13.3.2015
management for arid zone
5. Rodent pest Arid fruit 17.3.2015 15+0=15 Dr. Vipin
management cultivation to18.3.2015 Chaudhary

6. Distribution Integrated 20.3.2015 20+0=20 Dr. R.S.
of rodent farming to Tripathi
pest in 21.3.2015
system and

iii) Demonstrations conducted on Rodent Control (KVK)

S. Problem/Activity Technology Village No. of Results

No. provided Demo Con.
1. Management of Use of Purkhawas 10 Reduced 40%
Rodent population Bromodilone rodent
in grain storages rodenticide cake population in
in grain storages grain storages

iv) Anti-rodent campaign (KVK)

S. Campaign Village Date No. of Participants
No. Male Female Total
1. Rodent control Lewara Kalan 21.7.2014 28 0 28
2. Rodent control Purkhawas 5.12.2014 36 5 41

v) Radio Talks
S.No. Title Date of
1. lqjf{kr lkewfgd pwgk fu;a=k.k 29.5.14

7.1. During 2012-13
i) Training to Scientists and State officials

SN Nature of Training Topics Date

1 21 Days Training on (i)Integrated management of rodent pests June 5-
Vertebrate Pest Management and recent advances, (ii) Biodiversity of 6, 2012
at NIPHM, Hyderabad rodents in India (iii) Bamboo flowering
related rodent out breaks in NEH region
and their management. (iv) Planning
Process for Rodent Pest Management

2 Lead Lecture at BHU, Management of rodent pests in India Nov.,2,
Varanasi on the occasion of 2012
150th birth anniversary of Pt
Madan Mohan Malviyaji
3 Training Course on Improved Rodent control in rabi crops and safe Dec 7,
Agricultural Technologies for storage of agricultural produce. 2012
rabi crops in Arid Region
4 21 Days Training on (i)Rodent biodiversity in India (ii) Rodent Feb 23
Vertebrate Pest Management Pest Management in arid zones, (iii) & 27,
at NIPHM, Hyderabad Rodent out breaks-analysis with respect to 2013
bamboo flowering in NEH region and (iv)
Recent advances in Rodent Pest
5 National Training on Rodent (i)Recent trends in Integrated Management Feb 20-
Pest Management for the of Rodent pests in India. (ii) Planning 26,2013
officials of A.P and Orissa Process for Rodent Pest Management
ii) Special trainings on Rodent Management

SN Nature of Training Date No of

1 Proofing and other rodent June, 2012 15
management practices in M.
G. Hospital, Jodhpur
2 Specialized Training on March 8, 2013 17
Rodent Pest Management in
Zoo for the officials of
Jodhpur Zoo

iii) Group Meeting/Meetings/Symposium

SN Nature of Meeting Date Venue

1 Expert Committee on Rodent May,7.2012 CAZRI, Jodhpur

Control (Govt of India)
2 Group Meeting of AINP on January 22-24,2013 Assam Agril
Rodent Control University,
3 Symposium on “Managing Dec. 1-2, 2012 CAZRI, Jodhpur
Stress in Drylands under Climate
Change Scenarios”

7.2. During 2013-14
i) Training to Scientists and State officials

SN Nature of Training Topics Delivered By Date

1 21 Days Training on (i) Rodent Biodiversity in Dr. R. S. Tripathi February
Vertebrate Pest India (ii) Rodent pest 19-20,
Management at management in arid zone 2014
NIPHM, Hyderabad (iii) Rodent out breaks-
Analysis with respect to
bamboo flowering in
Northeastern region
(iv)Recent advances in
rodent pest management,
research gaps and issues
7.3. During 2014-15
i) Training to Scientists and State officials

SN Nature of Training Topics Delivered By Date

1. Second Capacity (i) Rodent problems in Dr R.S. Tripathi August
Enhancement Agriculture and Horticulture 1-2,
Programme on sectors (ii) Rodent pests of 2014
Rodent Control and economic importance – their
zoonotic disease salient features (iii)
management in Chemicals for rodent pest
Chhattisgarh management , their
limitations and their safe and
judicious use and (iv) Field
2. Third Capacity (i) Principles of rodent pest Dr R.S. Tripathi August
Enhancement management and Rodent 3-5,
Programme on Rodent pests of major importance (ii) 2014
Control and zoonotic Chemicals for rodent pest
disease management in management , their
Chhattisgarh limitations and their safe and
judicious use (iii) Planning
processes and rodent
monitoring during anti rodent
campaigns and (iv) Field
3. Rodent Pest Rodent Pest Management in Dr. Vipin October
Management training Agricultural crops Chaudhary 17,2014
to UG Students
4. Orientation Course on Rodent Pests Management in Dr. R. S. Tripathi October
IPM organized by field and horticultural crops 17,2014
NCIPM, New Delhi at
RARI, Durgapura,
Jaipur For SMS (PP)
of KVKs of Rajasthan
and Gujarat
5. Orientation training Activities carried out under Dr R.S. Tripathi October
program for ARS AINP on RC Dr. Vipin 31,2014
probationers Chaudhary
6. Training to Railway Rodent problem at railway Dr R.S. Tripathi Jan., 24
officials premises and its mitigation. Dr. Vipin & 28,
Field demonstration of Chaudhary 2015
Rodent Management Sh R.C. Meena
techniques for rodent & Sh Surjeet
management Singh
7. Winter School on Integrated Management of Dr R.S. Tripathi March
Advances in Integrated rodent pests in Agriculture 13,2015
Pest Management

ii) Meeting
SN Meeting Date
1. Brainstorming Session on Higher vertebrate pests and Launch February
Meeting of AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management at New Delhi 21,2015

8.1. During 2012-13

SN Date Name of seminar, organisers and Name of the participants

1. November, BASF Global Interaction Meet Dr. R. S. Tripathi
7, 2012,
New Delhi
2. December, Symposium on Managing Stress in Dr. R. S. Tripathi
1-2,2012, Drylands under Climate Change
Jodhpur Scenarios organized by AZRAI &
CAZRI at Jodhpur.

8.2. During 2013-14

S. Date Name of seminar, organisers and Name of the participants

No. venue
1. May 25-26, Group Meeting of AICRP on Biological Dr. R. S. Tripathi
2013 Control; NBAII, Bangalore
2. July 3, 2013 Workshop on Hot arid Network; Dr. R. S. Tripathi
CAZRI, Jodhpur

3. July 11-12, Joint Group Meeting of AINP on Dr. R. S. Tripathi
2013 Agricultural Acarology and AINP on
White Grub & soil Arthropods; Jaipur
4. July 13, Rajasthan Conclave; DMRC (ICMR) , Dr. R. S. Tripathi
2013 Jodhpur
5. July19, 2013 Workshop ‘Managing Resources for Dr. R. S. Tripathi
Optimising Land Productivity in Thar
Desert; CAZRI, Under SUMAMAD
Project; CAZRI, Jodhpur
6. Nov. 21-22, Workshop on Online Examination, Dr. R. S. Tripathi
2013 ASRB, New Delhi
7. Dec. 8, 2013 Stepping towards digital Library and Dr. Vipin Chaudhary
Information Management; CAZRI
under E-Granth Project; CAZRI,
9. Jan. 10, National workshop on “Science, Dr. R. S. Tripathi and Dr.
2014 Technology and Intellectual Property Vipin Chaudhary
Rights: Envisaging the Interfaces;
CAZRI, Jodhpur
10. Jan. 19-20, Conference of VCs of SAUs & Dr. R. S. Tripathi
2014 Directors of ICAR; Baramati and Pune
12. February, Workshop on Current Scenario of Dr. R. S. Tripathi and Dr.
21-22, 2014 Rodenticides and their future outlook; Vipin Chaudhary
Food and Agribusiness School,
Hyderabad in collaboration with AINP
on Rodent Control, CAZRI, Jodhpur
and ANGRAU, Hyderabad; at DOR

8.3. During 2014-15

S. Date Name of seminar, organisers and Name of the participants

No. venue
1. April Interaction Meeting of VCs, Directors Dr R.S. Tripathi
28,2014 and PCs organized by ICAR at New
2. September Rajasthan Conclave organized by Dr R.S. Tripathi
19,2014 Desert Medical Research Center
(ICMR) at Jodhpur
3. October 29- Workshop on Open access to Dr R.S. Tripathi
30,2014 Agricultural Knowledge for inclusive
growth and Development (NAARM,
Hyderabad and GFAR-FAO)
4. February, Brainstorming Session on Higher Dr R.S. Tripathi
21, 2015 vertebrate pests and Launch Meeting Dr Vipin Chaudhary
of AINP on Vertebrate Pest Sh Surjeet Singh
Management organized by AINP on
VPM (ICAR) at New Delhi


9.1. Research articles

Birah, A., Kumar, A. S. and Tripathi, R.S. 2012. Status of rodent damage to coconut in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Journal of Plantation Crops 40(3): 238-242.
Birah, A., Tripathi, R.S. and Mohan Rao, A.M.K. 2012. New report of little Indian field mouse,
Mus booduga (Gray) from Andaman and Nicobar islands. Journal of Plantation Crops
40(2): 149-151.
Birah, A. Zamir Ahmad, S.K., Anantharaj, A., Tripathi, R.S. and Dam Roy, S. 2014.
Occurrence of bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis in paddy fields of Bay Islands,
India. Ann. Pl. Protec. 22 (1): 213-14.
Chaudhary, V. And Tripathi, R.S. 2015. Feeding deterrence of defatted Jojoba (Simmondisa
Chiensis) meal against Indian gerbil, Tatera indica (Hardwicke).Proceedings of
National Academy of Sciences, B. Biology. DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0633-7.
Idris, M., Tripathi, R.S. and Chaudhary, V. 2012. Breeding and post natal development of the
Short tailed mole rat, Nesokia indica, Gray in arid zone. Ind. J. Pl. Prot. Vol40(4): 287-
Kumawat, M.M., Singh, K.M., Sen, D. and Tripathi. R.S. 2013. Threatened rodent species of
Arunachal Pradesh. Intl. J. Agri. Env & Biotechnology 6(4):657-668.
Kumawat, MM. Singh, K.M., Tripathi,R.S. Riba, T, Singh, S and Sen,D, 2014. Rodent
outbreak in relation to bamboo flowering in north-eastern region of India. Biological
Agriculture and Horticulture: An International Journal for sustainable Production
Systems (Taylor & Francis) London UK (http.//
9.2. Books Edited
Roy, M. M., Burman, U., Praveen- Kumar, Kaul, R.K., Tripathi, R.S., Sharma, S.B. and
Gawaria, K. 2012.Abstracts. Symposium on “Managing Stress in Drylands under
Climate Change Scenarios”. Published by Arid Zone Research Association of India,
Jodhpur (December 1-2, 2012). 327p.

9.3. Book Chapter
Singh, P. and Tripathi, R.S. and Sharma, B.K. 2013. Non-volant small mammals of Rajasthan.
In: Faunal Heritage of Rajasthan, India: General Background and Ecology of
Vertebrates, Vol 1 (Eds: Sharma, B.K., Kulshrestha, S. and Rahmani, A.R) Springer,
New York. Pp 549-561.

Tripathi,R.S and Tomar, A.S. 2013. Fasalon Me Chuha Niyantran. Shusak Chhetra Me Krishi
Ki Unanat Taknikiyan. KVK, CAZRI, Jodhpur. pp 86-88.
Tripathi, R.S. 2014. Integrated Management of Rodent Pests. In Integrated Pest Management-
Current Concepts and Ecological Perspective (Eds. Abrol, D.P.) Elsevier Inc. 419-
Tripathi, R.S. 2014. Integrated Management of Rodent Pests.In Integrated Pest Management-
Current Concepts and Ecological Perspective (Eds. Abrol, D.P.) Elsevier Inc. 419-

9.4. Popular Articles

Birah, A., Ahmad, Z., and Tripathi, R.S. 2013. Dhan ki fasal mein Chooha Niyantran. Kheti.
September 2013: 32.

9.5. Papers in Symposia/Seminars/Conferences

Birah Ajanta, Anantharaj A. and Tripathi R. S. 2012. Rodent Diversity of Andaman and
Nicobar Islands. SovenierNational Seminar on Innovative technologies for
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Island Biodiversity, December 20-22,
2012, Port Blair, p52-56.
Chaudhary, V. 2014. Current status of rodenticides in India - scope for further development.
Proceed. Workshop on “Current Scenario of Rodenticides and their future outlook;
Food and Agribusiness School, Hyderabad in collaboration with AINP on Rodent
Control, CAZRI, Jodhpur and ANGRAU, Hyderabad; at DOR Hyderabad ( Feb 21-
Chaudhary, V. And Tripathi, R.S. 2015. Managing rodents using anticoagulant rodenticides.
In Souvenir and abstract book of National Entomologists’ Meet. Eds. Sharma, K.K.,
Monobrullah, Md., Mohanasundaram, A. And Ramani, R. Publisher Soc. for
Advancement of Natural Resins and Gums. Pp.58-59.
Meena, R.C., Singh, S. and Tripathi, R.S.2012, Single dose efficacy of brodifacoum (0.005%0
against commensal rodents. Symposium on Managing Stress in Drylands under
Climate Change Scenarios (Dec1-2,2012) AZRAI & CAZRI, Jodhpur. p. 102-03.
Singh, B. and Tripathi, R.S. 2012 Popularization of pest and disease management technologies
in adopted village of Jodhpur District of Rajasthan. Symposium on Managing Stress
in Drylands under Climate Change Scenarios (Dec1-2,2012) AZRAI & CAZRI,
Jodhpur. pp. 297-98.

Singh, P, Arora, A. Tripathi, R.S. and Solanki, J, 2012. Changing ecology of Thar desert and
its implications on biological recourses. Symposium on Managing Stress in Drylands
under Climate Change Scenarios (Dec1-2,2012) AZRAI & CAZRI, Jodhpur. p. 33.
Tripathi, R.S and Narsimha Rao, C.V. 2013. Recent trends in Rodent pest management. In
National Training on Rodent Pest Management. Held at ANGRAU, APRRI,
Maruteru (Feb 20-26,2013) pp 46-53.
Tripathi, R.S. 2012.Rodentia (Class: Mammalia): Faunistic Diversity in North-western arid
regions of India. ProccedXXIII National Symposium on Chronobiology and Seminar
on Diversity and Physiology of Desert Fauna to be held at Jodhpur (March 1-3, 2012),
Abs. pp 57-58.
Tripathi, R.S. 2014. Rodents as pests with respect to food security, Proceed. Workshop on
“Current Scenario of Rodenticides and their future outlook; Food and Agribusiness
School, Hyderabad in collaboration with AINP on Rodent Control, CAZRI, Jodhpur
and ANGRAU, Hyderabad; at DOR Hyderabad ( Feb 21-22,2014).

Tripathi, R.S. 2014. Role of antifertlity agents in rodent pest management. Proceed. Workshop
on “Current Scenario of Rodenticides and their future outlook; Food and Agribusiness
School, Hyderabad in collaboration with AINP on Rodent Control, CAZRI, Jodhpur
and ANGRAU, Hyderabad; at DOR Hyderabad ( Feb 21-22,2014).

9.6. Monographs/ Technical Bulletins/Mannuals/Reports/Extension Folders etc.

Bora, D.K., Borah, R.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 2013. Rodents and their Management in rice crop
fields and house holds. AINPP on Rodent Control, AAU, Jorhat. 4p.
Chakravarthy, A.K, Shivayya,V., Tripathi, R. S. and Girish, A. C. 2013. Porcupine: the Robust
Rodent. Tech. Bulletin No 18. AINP on Rodent Control, Central Arid Zone Research
Institute, Jodhpur. 39 p.
Chakravarthy,A.K, Shivayya,V., Tripathi, R. S. and Girish, A. C. 2012. Porcupine: the Robust
Rodent. Tech. Bulletin No 18. AINP on Rodent Control, Central Arid Zone Research
Institute, Jodhpur. 39 p.
Singh, B., Tripathi, R.S., Singh, Raj, Lodha, S.K. and Bohra, H.C. 2014. Shusk Kshetra mein
CAZRI ki Unnat taknikiyon ka hastantaran Evam Prabhav. CAZRI, Jodhpur 26p.
Singla,N, Kochar, D.K, Kaur, R, Parshad, V.R., Babbar, B.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 2012. Recent
Advances in Rodent Research in Punjab. Occasional paper No 1. AINP on Rodent
Control, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. 56 p.
Singla,N, Kochar, D.K, Kaur, R, Parshad, V.R., Babbar, B.K. and Tripathi, R.S. 2013. Recent
Advances in Rodent Research in Punjab. Occasional paper No 1. AINP on Rodent
Control, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. 56 p.
Tripathi, R.S, Chaudhary, V.and Tomar, A.S. 2013. Rabi Fasalon Me Chuha Niyantran. In
Training Manual Rabi Fasalon Ki Unanat Taknikiyan Per Prashikshan 17-21 Dec, 2013
at KVK, Jodhpur. Pp 66-69.

Tripathi,R,S and Singh, B.2012. Shushk Kshetron ki fasalon mein Chooha Niyantran, Central
Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. 6 p.

9.7. Rodent Newsletter Vol 36 (1-4) 2012, Vol 37 (1-2) 2013, Vol 37 (3-4) 2013 was

Network Coordinating Unit (Rodent Control)

CAZRI, Jodhpur
Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)
(Rs. in lakhs)
Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

T.A. 1.37 2.20 3.49 7.06

Rec. Contingencies 3.08 2.74 9.50 15.32

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 4.45 4.94 12.99 22.38



1. Name of the centre Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

Department of Zoology

2. Sanction no. 1-2/77-pp dated 2.7.1977 and 7-1/85pp dated 29.10.1988

3. Date of start 20.1.1978

4. Date of Termination Network Project of continued nature

5. Report period 2012-13 to 2014-15

6. Scientist Incharge Dr. Neena Singla

7. Staff Position

Sr. Name of post No. of Name of incumbent Date of Date of

No. posts Joining Leaving
I. Zoologist (Rodents) 1 1. Dr. Neena Singla 28.07.2000 Continued
Zoologist (Rodents)
Rs.37400-67000+9000 GP

II. Assistant Zoologist 3 1. Dr. Bhupinder Kaur 28.12.2005 Continued

Assistant Zoologist Sr.
scale (Rodents)

Rs.15600-39100+7000 GP

01.06.2012 Continued
2. Dr. Rajwinder Singh

Assistant Zoologist
(Rodents) Rs. 15600-39100
+ 6000 GP
3. Dr Navdeep Kaur

Assistant Zoologist
(Rodents) Rs. 15600-39100
+ 6000 GP

III Senior Scale 1 1. Mr. Davinder Kumar 07.08.2012 Continued


Rs. 10300-34800+4400 GP
+ 480 SP

IV Agricultural Sub 3 1.Mr. Major Singh 31.10.1989 Retd on

Inspectors 30.06.2014
Rs. 10300-34800+4350 GP

2.Ms. Baljit Kaur 22.09.2012
Rs. 10300-34800+3600 GP

3.Mr. Ram Parshad 01.03.2013
Rs10300-34800+3200 GP

V Driver 1 1. Mr. Husan Kumar 15.03.2012 08.01.2015

Rs. 5910-20200 + 2000 GP

+ 1400 SA + 700 SP


RM–1. Surveillance of pest rodents in Rice-wheat-sugarcane cropping system of Punjab.

RM–2. Monitoring of rodent abundance and damage in Northestern zone of Punjab.
RM–3. Evaluation of botanicals against rodent for antifeedant /deterrent/ attractant effects
RM–4. Evaluation of chemical compounds for toxic and anti-fertility properties for data generation on
Indian rodents.
RM-5. Development of rodent management technologies under storage conditions.
RM–6. Bio-ecology of Tatera indica.
RM-7. Development/ Refinement of rodent pest management modules in predominant
crops/cropping systems.
RM-8. Social engineering activity on rodent pest management as participatory adaptive research in
adopted villages.

RM–9. Studies on predatory potential of barn owls and its utilization for bio-control of rodent

RM–10. Studies on zoonosis in relation to rodent population outbreak and crop harvest seasons.

Location Specific:
(a) Toxicology of existing rodenticides

(b) Studies on development of ready to use bait of acute rodenticides.

(c) Behavioural studies on predominant rodent species.

(d) Evaluation of triptolide for antifertility effects against predominant rodents

(e) Studies on potential of parasites/ predatory cues for bio control of rodent pests.


Surveillance of pest rodents in rice-wheat cropping system with vegetables, pulses, sugarcane
and maize as minor crops at monthly intervals revealed the predominance of Bandicota
bengalensis followed by Tatera indica, Millardia meltada and Mus booduga. The trapping of
female rats was more than that of male rats. Trapping of B. bengalensis was more in months of
June-July, October-November and January-February, whereas that of T. indica was more in
months of June and November to January. M. meltada was trapped more in the months of June,
August-September and November-December. Maximum damage was reported in pumpkin
(14.66%) and bottle gourd (12-27%) crops in the months of July-August. Large complexes of
B. bengalensis were found in these fields.
Trapping in the month of January, 2014 in kandi area of district Hoshiarpur, Punjab
revealed the presence of Nesokia indica, T. indica and M. booduga. Large burrow complexes
of N. indica with heaps of loose soil near the burrow openings were found in wheat crop.
Trapping from fish market near Sidhwan canal, restaurants and shopping complex areas in
Ludhiana revealed the existence of B. bengalensis thus indicating the commensalization of B.
bengalensis in these areas. Trapping from different poultry farms in and around Ludhiana
revealed the predominance of Rattus rattus.



2.1. Pre-harvest rodent damage in crop fields

A survey of rodent damage to wheat, rice, basmati and cotton crops at pre-harvest stage was
conducted in villages of eight districts namely Hoshiarpur, Ferozepur, Roop Nagar, Amritsar,
Gurdaspur, Bathinda, Mohali and Tarn Taran revealed 0.67 to 3.89% cut tillers in wheat crop,
0.27 to 1.74% cut tillers in rice crop, 0.15 to 0.25% cut tillers in basmati crop and no damage

to cotton crop. Yield loss (kg/ha) ranged from 79.68 to 241.94 in wheat crop, 20.07 to 186.29
in rice crop, 15.55 to 20.00 in basmati crop and nil in cotton crop (Table 1).

Table 1. Pre-harvest rodent damage in crop fields

Period Crop District Cut tillers (%) Yield loss (Kg/ha)

Oct, 12 Rice Hoshiarpur 0.27±0.04 20.07±2.06
Ferozepur 0.81±0.05 83.70±3.64
Oct, 12 Basmati Hoshiarpur 0.25±0.03 15.55±0.61
Ferozepur 0.15±0.06 20.00±8.17
Apr, 13 Wheat Roop Nagar 0.67±0.36 79.68±35.73
Amritsar 1.49±0.62 82.77±31.29
Gurdaspur 3.89±2.02 241.94±117.24
Oct, 13 Rice Roop Nagar 1.74±0.07 186.29±24.92
Amritsar 0.92±0.28 84.27±22.07
Gurdaspur 0.98±0.03 104.63±16.04
Bathinda 0.96±0.07 85.29±0.72
Oct, 13 Cotton Bathinda 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00
Apr, 14 Wheat Mohali 1.79±0.42 179.56±46.14
Tarn Taran 1.85±0.18 136.56±14.10
Oct, 14 Rice Mohali 0.50±0.20 41.91±13.20
Tarn Taran 0.95±0.58 79.79±9.49
Values are Mean ± SE

2.2. Post-harvest burrow count in crop fields

Burrow count of different rodent species on the basis of characteristic burrow entrances after
harvest was recorded in wheat, rice, basmati and cotton crops after harvesting in villages of
eight districts namely Hoshiarpur, Ferozepur, Roop Nagar, Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Bathinda,
Mohali and Tarn Taran. Data revealed the predominance of B. bengalensis followed by M.
booduga, M. meltada and T. indica with burrows ranging from 0.67 to 25.11, 1.33 to 15.77,
0.56 to 4.00 and 0.33 to 1.22 per 0.4 ha, respectively (Table 2).

Table 2. Post-harvest burrow count in crop fields

Period Crop District No. of rodent burrows / 0.4 ha (Mean ± SE)

Bb Mb Ti Mm Total
Oct, 12 Rice Hoshiarpur 5.03±0.43 7.44±3.53 1.00±0.82 3.89±1.20 17.36±5.86

Ferozepur 3.66±0.24 2.33±0.24 - - 6.00±0.00

Oct, 12 Basmati Hoshiarpur 7.66±1.65 11.83±8.37 0.50±0.35 4.00±1.92 24.00±3.07

Ferozepur 0.67±0.27 1.33±0.72 - - 2.00±0.49

Apr, Wheat Roop 2.44±0.95 1.45±0.50 - - 3.89±1.05

13 Nagar

Amritsar 25.11±3.54 15.77±0.71 1.22±0.48 - 42.11±4.39

Gurdaspur 16.64±3.76 5.44±0.63 0.55±0.24 - 22.66±3.96

Oct, 13 Rice Roop - - - - 33.22±3.09

Amritsar - - - - 21.33±3.14

Gurdaspur - - - - 23.11±2.38
Bathinda 12.55±0.33 9.00±0.41 0.33±0.27 - 21.89±0.95

Oct, 13 Cotton Bathinda 12.11±1.27 9.72±0.52 0.55±0.45 - 22.39±0.51

Apr, Wheat Mohali 6.22±1.35 - - - 6.22±1.35


Tarn Taran 18.44±1.49 6.11±0.40 - - 24.55±1.31

Oct, 14 Rice Mohali 14.00±5.03 2.89±1.55 - 0.56±0.45 42.11±4.39

Tarn Taran 6.89±0.39 3.78±0.50 - - 10.67±1.73

Bb: B. bengalensis, Mm: M. booduga, Ti: T. indica, Mm: M. meltada

2.3. Rodent damage in vegetable crops

Different vegetable crops were surveyed for rodent damage at Ladhowal Seed Farm of PAU,
Ludhiana from April to July, 2014. B. bengalensis was the predominant species in all the crops.
Rodent damage was maximum in the month of May in summer squash and tomato crops and
in July in muskmelon crop which may be due to increase in sweetness in fruits during this
period. In okra and green chilly crops, no rodent damage was recorded.


3.1. Antifeedant/repellent effects of Trans-Anethole against R. rattus and B. bengalensis:

The bioactivity of Trans-Anethole, essential oil of bitter fennel fruits was observed in bi-choice
feeding test against two species i.e. B. bengalensis and R. rattus at 3% concentration in bait.
The data revealed that the compound has antifeedant effect against both the rodent species, as
shown by increased per cent antifeedant index. The antifeedant index ranged from 46.3 to
76.8% against B. bengalensis and 48.6 to 75.3% against R. rattus from day 1 to day 4. So trans-
Anethole can be further evaluated and used for integration with other methods of rodent

3.2. Antifeedant/repellent effect of cinnamamide against R. rattus

Different groups of mature and healthy R. rattus were exposed to three different concentrations
of cinnamamide (0.2, 0.3, and 0.4%) in bi-choice feeding tests for three consecutive days
during treatment period 1. Treatments were repeated again after 7 days of treatment period 1
(treatment period 2) and after 14 days of treatment period 2 (treatment period 3) to test whether
rats retain the memory of compounds after 7 and 14 days of treatment. Hourly consumption of
rats treated with effective doses of cinnamamide (0.4%) up to 4 hours under no-choice and bi-
choice conditions was also recorded to confirm the existence of primary repellent effect of both
the chemicals. Results of treatment period 1 revealed significant difference in food
consumption between the two sexes. In both the sexes, the consumption of bait treated with
0.4% cinnamamide was significantly low. At 0.4% concentration, percent antifeedant index
was found to be 46.87 in male rats and 52.42 in female rats (Table 3). During treatment period
2 and 3 also, 0.4% cinnamamide treated bait proved to be effective as antifeedant or with
secondary repellent. Animals were not habituated to effective dose of cinnamamide. So this
dose of cinnamamide can be utilized as a non-lethal management tool for inhibiting rats from
sampling and gnawing food in store houses.

There was no significant difference between consumption of treated and untreated bait
during first four hours after exposure of rats to the effective dose of cinnamamide under both no-
choice and bi-choice feeding tests (Table 4). Rats showed no repellency towards treated bait
during first few hours of their exposure to treated bait indicating absence of primary or
gustatory/olfactory repellent effect in house rats toward effective dose of cinnamamide.

Table 3. Antifeedant index of bait treated with cinnamamide against R. rattus during
different treatment periods

Antifeedant index (%) Mean±SE

Sex* Conc.
I treatment II treatment period III treatment period
(n=5) tested
period (7 days) (after 14 days)

0.2% nil nil nil

Male 0.3% nil nil nil

0.4% 46.87±10.75 59.44±8.59 44.34±8.19

0.2% nil nil nil

Female 0.3% nil nil nil

0.4% 52.42±5.30 46.26±11.90 49.80±8.12

* Significant difference in food consumption between the two sexes

Table 4. Hourly consumption of plain and treated bait (0.4% cinnamamide) in no-choice
and bi-choice feeding tests

Feeding test Time Male* (Mean ± SE) Female* (Mean ± SE)

Plain1 Treated1 Plain1 Treated1

No-choice 1st hr 0.24±0.02a 0.14±0.00a 0.16±0.11b 0.24±0.01b

2nd hr 0.12±0.01a 0.13±0.00a 0.22±0.01b 0.14±0.02b

3rd hr 0.24±0.07a 0.28±0.12a 0.17±0.04b 0.18±0.06b

4th hr 0.18±0.05a 0.23±0.00a 0.27±0.05b 0.23±0.03b

Bi-choice 1st hr 0.19±0.04a 0.14±0.04a 0.16±0.11b 0.13±0.01b

2nd hr 0.17±0.03a 0.15±0.04a 0.14±0.01b 0.17±0.02b

3rd hr 0.17±0.04a 0.15±0.14a 0.16±0.04b 0.15±0.06b

4th hr 0.20±0.04a 0.14±0.05a 0.17±0.05b 0.13±0.03b

* No significant difference in overall hourly consumption of treated bait between the two sexes
No significant difference in overall average consumption of plain and treated bait
a, b
show no significant difference in mean consumption of plain and treated baits from 1-4
hour period in male and female rats

3.3. Antifeedant/repellent effect of cinnamic aldehyde against R. rattus
Exposure of R. rattus of both sexes to bait containing 1, 2.5 & 5% cinnamic aldehyde for 3
days in bi-choice feeding test and then again after a gap of 7 and 15 revealed reduced
consumption of all concentrations of treated bait as compared to plain bait in both sexes during
first, second (7 days after first treatment) and third treatment (15 days after second treatment)
period indicating antifeedant effect of all concentrations of cinnamic aldehyde against R. rattus
(Table 5). This antifeedant effect was retained in the memory of rats even after 7 and 21 days
of the start of experiment although it reduced during second and third treatment period as
compared to first treatment period. Out of the three concentrations of cinnamic aldehyde tested,
antifeedant effect was more with 5% concentration in both sexes.
Table 5. Antifeedant index of bait treated with cinnamic aldehyde against R. rattus during
different treatment periods

Antifeedant index (%) Mean±SE

Sex* Conc.
Second treatment Third treatment
First treatment
(n=5) tested period (after 7 period (after
days) 15 days)

1% 68.42±7.95 65.38±9.80 58.17±7.63

Male 2.5% 79.94±5.291 53.45±10.29 66.51±7.82

5% 85.94±5.48 55.13±6.96 57.16±14.99

1% 56.69±7.00 34.46±10.15 33.50±7.47

Female 2.5% 41.60±8.44 43.07±13.19 40.62±13.70

5% 72.82±10.63 50.6±8.01 54.79±8.89

*Significant difference in food consumption between the two sexes

There was no significant difference between consumption of treated and untreated bait
during first four hours after exposure of rats of both sexes to effective dose of cinnamic
aldehyde under both no-choice and bi-choice feeding tests (Table 6). Rats showed no
repellency towards treated bait during first few hours of their exposure to treated bait indicating
absence of primary or gustatory/olfactory repellent effect in house rats toward effective dose
of cinnamic aldehyde.

Table 6. Hourly consumption of plain and treated bait (5% cinnamic aldehyde) in no-
choice and bi-choice feeding tests

Feeding test Time Male* (Mean ± SE) Female* (Mean ± SE)

Plain1 Treated1 Plain1 Treated1

No-choice 1st hr 0.13±0.07a 0.10±0.04a 0.16±0.04b 0.05±0.00b

2nd hr 0.00±0.00a 0.02±0.00a 0.12±0.06b 0.02±0.01b

3rd hr 0.12±0.04a 0.03±0.01a 0.28±0.12b 0.19±0.12b

4th hr 0a 0.03±0.02a 0.01±0.00b 0.04±0.02b

Bi-choice 1st hr 0.04±0.02a 0.04±0.00a 0.06±0.11b 0.04±0.01b

2nd hr 0.02±0.01a 0.03±0.00a 0.02±0.01b 0.04±0.02b

3rd hr 0.14±0.07a 0.18±0.12a 0.17±0.04b 0.12±0.06b

4th hr 0.08±0.05a 0.03±0.00a 0.07±0.05b 0.03±0.03b

* No significant difference in overall hourly consumption of treated bait between the two sexes
No significant difference in overall average consumption of plain and treated bait
a, b
show no significant difference in mean consumption of plain and treated baits from 1-4
hour period in male and female rats

The antifeedant or secondary repellent effect of effective dose of cinnamic aldehyde

(5%) is more in bi-choice feeding test and retained for experimental period of 27 days when
there is availability of another source of food (Table 7). Animals were not habituated to
effective dose of cinnamic aldehyde. So 5% cinnamic aldehyde can be used under field
conditions to prevent the damage caused by house rats under commensal situations.

3.4. Antifeedant/repellent effect of cinnamic aldehyde against B. bengalensis

Four different concentrations of cinnamic aldehyde (1, 2.5, 5, and 7.5%) were tested against B.
bengalensis in bi-choice feeding tests. Results revealed maximum antifeedant/secondary
repellent effect of 5% cinnamic aldehyde treated bait which was retained both at a gap of 7 and
14 days of treatment (Table 8). There was a non-significant difference between average
consumption of untreated and treated bait during first two hours indicating absence of primary
repellent effect of cinnamic aldehyde in both the sexes (Table 9). Rats were not habituated to
effective concentration of cinnamic aldehyde upto experimental period of 27 days (Table 10).
Different formulations were prepared using 5% cinnamic aldehyde and tested on field crops by
treating the seeds and by spraying. Formulation II containing 5% cinnamic aldehyde, 1%
sodium bicarbonate as emulsifier and 1% tert-butyl hydroxyquionone as photo-stabilizer
prevented rodent damage upto 14 days in summer squash, 12 days in tomato and also reduces
the damage in black mash upto 16 days indicating that photostabilizer present in formulation
prevented photo degradation of cinnamic aldehyde and thus increased effectiveness of
cinnamic aldehyde to prevent rodent attack to field crops. Formulations I and (III-X) could not
prevent the damage caused by the rodents.

Table 7. Antifeedant index and consumption of bait treated with 5% cinnamic aldehyde
for 27 days in bi-choice feeding tests
Consumption (g/100g bw) of bait
Days Antifeedant index (%)
Plain Treated
1-3 5.96±0.54a 0.76±0.19b 77.12±5.26
4-6 5.94±0.44a 0.37±0.09b 86.90±1.50
7-9 7.70±0.75a 1.90±0.50b 65.40±4.87
10-12 6.79±0.54a 1.85±0.57b 64.20±2.52
13-15 6.82±0.48a 1.50±.40b 67.34±2.18
16-18 8.05±0.44a 1.16±0.38b 77.16±5.20
19-21 8.02±1.36a 1.74±0.40b 66.27±10.52
22-24 8.22±0.66a 0.90±.50b 84.80±10.74
25-27 6.80±0.94a 0.66±0.20b 84.96±5.57
Values are Mean ± SE, a, b Significant difference in consumption of plain and treated bait along
the columns as well as in rows.

Table 8. Antifeedant of bait treated with different concentrations of cinnamic aldehyde

during three treatment periods

Antifeedant index (%) Mean±SE

Sex* Conc. First treatment Second treatment Third treatment
(n=5) tested period period period
(after gap of 7 days) (after gap of 14 days)

1% 69.90±3.90 59.40±2.9 59.4±2.9

Male 2.5% 63.20±5.80 55.80±7.82 55.8±7.82
5% 79.06±2.60 70.20±6.10 70.20±6.10

7.5% 73.20±5.70 79.60±2.40 79.60±2.40
1% 60.90±5.50 73.50±4.31 73.50±4.31
2.5% 82.90±0.90 75.20±3.39 75.20±3.39
5% 87.20±4.80 84.50±5.17 84.50±5.17
7.5% 73.50±4.31 84.80±1.90 84.80±1.90
*Significant difference in antifeedant index between the two sexes

Table 9. Hourly consumption of plain and treated bait (5% cinnamic aldehyde) in bi-
choice feeding test
Consumption of bait (g/100g bw) Mean ± SE
Hours of
Male* (n=5) Female* (n=5)
Plain Treated Plain Treated
1st hr 1.24±0.151 0.73±0.061 0.62±0.03ab 0.48±0.11ac
2nd hr 0.39±0.142 0.13±0.17 23 0.26±0.14 a 0±0 ac
3rd hr 0.63±0.042 0±0 3 1.09±0.09 b 0±0 c
4th hr 0.23±0.122 0.1±0.0823 0.48±0.11 a 0.23±0.12 a c
5th hr 0.10±0.082 0±023 0.73±0.18 ab 0±0 c
6th hr 0.33±0.122 0±023 0.62±0.03 ab 0±0 c
Mean 1.07±0.47 0.04±0.04 1.15±0.59 0.16±0.05
* Significant difference in overall hourly consumption between the two sexes
shows significant difference in consumption of plain and treated baits along the rows in male
rats; ; a,b shows significant difference in consumption of plain and treated baits along the rows in
female rats

Table 10. Antifeedant index and consumption of plain and treated bait (5% cinnamic
aldehyde) for 27 days in bi-choice feeding tests
Male# (Mean ± SE) Female# (Mean ± SE)
Consumption (g/100g Consumption (g/100g Antifeedant
bw) of bait Antifeedant bw) of bait index (%)
index (%)
Plain* Treated* Plain* Treated*
1-3 8.90±0.42 1.28±0.09 74.78±0.96 7.78±0.39 1.39±0.10 69.72±1.18
4-6 9.28±0.79 0.95±0.16 82.18±3.30 8.12±0.70 1.22±0.20 74.3 ±2.12

7-9 8.74±0.38 1.16±0.14 76.88±3.5 7.82±0.24 1.18±0.12 72.4±2.91
10-12 9.03±0.29 1.01±0.05 79.97±1.97 8.42±0.35 1.03±0.20 78.4 ±3.57
13-15 8.27 ±0.41 1.04±0.13 77.78±2.51 7.46±0.31 1.17±0.13 73.1±2.31
16-18 9.39±0.80 0.97±0.14 80.6±3.17 8.64±0.46 1.16±0.09 76.2±1.58
19-21 8.63±0.34 1.28±0.09 74.08±1.35 8.28±0.27 1.42±0.05 70.6±1.04
22-24 8.63 ±0.50 1.02±0.15 78.99±2.59 8.14±0.55 1.21±0.11 73.8±2.48
25-27 9.16±0.73 1.07±0.10 78.89±1.45 8.52±0.47 1.21±0.11 75.07±2.01
Significant difference in overall hourly consumption between the two sexes
* Significant difference in consumption of plain and treated bait between the two sexes

3.5. Antifeedant/repellent effect of eucalyptus oil against R. rattus

Three different concentrations of eucalyptus oil i.e. 5, 10 and 20% were tested against R. rattus
in laboratory pens. For each concentration of the oil, three methods of application i.e. paint
(applied by using cotton swab dipped in oil), spray (applied by a small spray pump of 100 ml
capacity), and wax blocks encapsulating 3 drops of a particular concentration of oil were tested.
In each experiment, rats were exposed to the treatment for 3 weeks using different mode of
application/treatment in each week i.e. oil applied daily, oil applied once a week and oil applied
alternatively. The effect of treatment was recorded after 24 h of treatment for 4 days in a week
i.e. from Tuesday to Friday. Each pen consisted of three chambers of equal size. One rat was
released in each chamber. Each chamber on its opposite facing sides was connected with holes
to two small nest boxes. Rats had free access to these nest boxes. Treatment was carried out in
the nest box of one side of each chamber. Weighed amount of food taken in a bowl was placed
in both the nest boxes of each chamber. Repellent effect of the oil was assessed based on the
consumption of food by the rat from the food bowls kept in two nest boxes of a chamber in a
laboratory pen. Results revealed a significantly low consumption of bait from treatment side
compared to untreated side at all the modes of application under each method of application
(Tables 11-13).

In overall, a significant difference in the effect of treatment was observed between the
two sexes with higher repellent effect in female rats as compared to male rats. There was no
significant difference in repellent effects of oil between 5 and 10% and between 10 and 20%
concentrations of the oil. A significant difference was, however, observed between 5 and 20%
concentrations with higher repellent effect of oil at 20% concentration followed by 10 and 5%.
A significant difference in the three methods of application was also observed with higher
effect when the oil was used as spray followed by when it was used as encapsulated wax blocks
and as paint. A significant difference in repellent effects when the oil was applied alternatively
was observed with that observed when the oil was applied daily and once a week. There was
no significant difference observed in four days of treatment. Food consumption was
significantly low from treatment side of the chamber of the laboratory pen as compared to that
observed from untreated side.

3.6. Antifeedant/repellent effect of citronella oil against R. rattus

Experiments conducted in laboratory pens by using three concentrations of citronella oil i.e. 5,
10 and 20%, each as paint, as encapsulated wax blocks and as spray and each further with three
modes of application i.e. daily, once a week and alternatively revealed significantly low
consumption of bait from treatment side compared to untreated side at all the modes of
application under each method of application (Tables 14-16). In overall, a significant difference
in the effect of treatment was observed between the two sexes with higher repellent effect in
male rats as compared to female rats. A significant difference was observed between
concentrations 5 and 10% and between 5 and 20% of citronella oil with higher repellent effect
of oil at 10% concentration followed by 20 and 5%. A significant difference was also observed
among the three methods of application with higher repellent effect of the oil when applied as
spray followed by that when applied as encapsulated blocks and as paint. No significant
difference was observed among the three modes of application.

Table 11. Percent repellency with 5% eucalyptus oil when applied using three different methods against Rattus rattus
Percent repellency
Paint Block Spray
Mode of Days of
Male rats Female rats Male rats Male rats
application application Female rats Female rats (n
(n = 6) = 6)
(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6)
Day 1 47.54±22.82 a 91.15±8.70 b 46.16±35.76 a 82.43±16.19 b 84.47±28.14 a 82.98±20.55 a
Day 2 43.29±35.84 a 91.03±13.64 b 32.03±31.94 a 56.91±23.36 ab 88.02±9.91 a 75.36±21.92 a
I Day 3 43.36±41.70 a 90.75±16.11 b 48.49±36.68 a 60.71±27.26 ab 76.13±37.52 a 54.38±46.45 a
Day 4 78.30±20.81 a 28.34±35.19 c 64.70±20.95 a 55.18±35.01 ab 86.12±21.12 a 88.47±26.69 a
Average 53.12±14.63 75.31±27.12 47.84±11.59 63.80±10.93 83.68±4.53 75.29±12.94 A
Day 1 63.16±44.80 a 92.78±8.48 a 34.62±25.28 a 64.53±23.82 b 56.48±42.51 a 78.27±26.69 a
Day 2 53.27±39.57 a 58.24±44.89 ab 23.92±18.40 a 52.79±33.30 ab 56.56±37.17 a 54.15±38.84 a
II Day 3 35.98±35.64 ab 18.89±30.42 b 6.04±13.36 a 38.81±37.69 ab 60.68±43.23 a 61.35±41.87 a
ab b a ab a
Day 4 24.65±34.87 27.67±40.34 42.60±27.65 45.17±26.21 47.54±41.32 38.58±38.89 a
Average 44.26±14.92 AB 49.39±28.99 B 26.79±13.69 B 50.32±9.57 A 55.31±4.79 B 58.08±14.26 B
Day 1 43.32±32.44 a 42.49±39.03 a 31.66±22.51 a 81.58±16.88 b 42.31±22.28 a 36.58±24.41 a
Day 2 47.32±19.63 a 33.67±37.79 a 23.92±18.40 a 52.36±28.74 c 72.80±34.33 a 60.79±21.30 a
a a ac c a
III Day 3 45.47±27.25 33.33±47.14 6.04±13.36 28.08±27.08 57.04±42.37 43.07±45.24 a
Day 4 64.10±28.79 a 48.71±43.89 a 41.60±27.54 ab 70.79±31.55 b 70.21±33.99 a 57.77±30.93 a
Average 50.05±8.23 AB 39.55±6.43 B 25.80±13.01 B 58.20±20.28 A 60.59±12.12 B 49.55±10.05 B
- Values are Mean ± SD, I = Daily, II = Once a week (Monday), III = Alternatively (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Values with different superscripts in the column for each mode of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency among the four
days of application at P ≤ 0.05.
- Values with different superscripts in a row for each method of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency between the two
sexes at P ≤ 0.05.

Table 12. Percent repellency with 10% eucalyptus oil when applied using three different methods against Rattus rattus

Percent repellency
Paint Block Spray
Mode of Days of
Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats
application application
(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6)
Day 1 63.84±27.40 a 97.60±5.35 b 50.21±28.791 a 84.45±16.19 b 64.79±42.73 a 83.13±37.18 a
Day 2 61.30±32.44 ab 82.54±36.95 bd 34.54±33.31 a 49.98±37.71 b 91.46±9.90 a 76.99±31.96 a
I Day 3 62.03±30.99 ac 23.51±37.35 c 45.66±27.92 a 76.11±17.16 ab 63.96±34.45 a 59.36±33.00 a
ac cd a b a
Day 4 38.90±26.38 50.00±50.00 33.64±35.67 84.38±19.81 71.08±34.40 72.26±40.40 a
Average 56.51±10.21 A 63.41±28.75 A 41.01±7.11 A 73.73±14.12 B 72.82±11.10 A 72.93±8.73 A
Day 1 69.46±16.68 a 45.00±35.57 ab 37.37±22.86 ab 36.09±22.55 bc 76.24±36.25 a 80.07±28.35 a
Day 2 45.47±36.02 a 42.97±38.57 ab 20.81±21.58 a 16.59±20.90 ab 79.05±35.89 a 50.82±36.93 ab
a ab a a ab
II Day 3 29.35±24.78 20.79±35.96 14.91±25.88 9.74±14.90 32.52±42.07 13.15±29.41 b
Day 4 50.86±31.77 a 0.00±0.00 b 19.13±22.91 ac 39.70±14.26 c 36.24±38.92 ab 30.19±43.04 b
Average 48.78±14.32 AB 27.19±18.34 B 23.05±8.53 A 25.53±12.66 A 56.01±21.69 B 43.55±24.94 B
Day 1 47.34±35.23 a 62.60±38.72 ac 41.28±39.35 a 63.34±13.76 a 59.90±38.95 a 92.34±6.16 a
a c a a a
Day 2 30.78±26.41 78.11±35.66 36.80±30.93 58.57±35.04 46.12±33.78 70.08±37.76 a
III Day 3 59.37±31.25 a 7.42±12.16 b 22.30±31.38 ab 12.56±6.49 b 19.81±20.87 ab 8.10±11.46 b
Day 4 37.41±33.55 a 50.11±38.45 ac 42.46±30.13 a 39.31±32.41 a 12.88±20.61 a 45.27±42.73 a
Average 43.72±10.78 A 49.56±27.27 A 35.71±8.02 A 43.44±19.97 AB 34.67±19.12 C 53.94±31.27 ABC
- Values are Mean ± SD, I = Daily, II = Once a week (Monday), III = Alternatively (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Values with different superscripts in the column for each mode of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency among the four
days of application at P ≤ 0.05.
- Values with different superscripts in a row for each method of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency between the two
sexes at P ≤ 0.05.

Table 13. Percent repellency with 20% eucalyptus oil when applied using three different methods against Rattus rattus

Percent repellency
Paint Block Spray
Mode of Days of
Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats
application application
(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6)
Day 1 50.30±29.78 a 87.37±19.08 b 33.03±35.58 a 68.42±19.96 b 62.54±44.80 a 64.39±36.91 a
Day 2 44.06±31.85 a 49.44±20.43 ab 31.96±34.61 a 23.56±15.24 ab 29.10±33.27 a 43.30±29.94 a
I Day 3 44.43±20.20 a 87.73±19.34 b 42.87±32.04 a 44.60±26.22 ab 54.87±29.31 a 63.68±23.41 a
a ab a ab a
Day 4 42.45±22.74 58.22±39.53 41.06±24.53 65.12±26.22 58.12±32.28 74.68±35.68 a
Average 45.31±2.97 A 70.69±17.14 B 37.23±4.79 A 50.42±17.99 A 51.15±13.02 A 61.51±11.38 A
Day 1 35.46±37.22 a 80.25±26.66 b 41.20±28.81 a 48.33±24.72 a 85.37±25.68 a 64.12±42.80 a
Day 2 49.23±15.23 ab 66.83±26.61 b 43.92±36.03 a 68.96±21.39 a 60.10±44.72 ab 60.53±44.73 a
a a a a bc
II Day 3 49.74±40.59 28.00±30.12 19.20±21.26 39.41±26.58 43.68±43.98 57.84±41.90 ab
Day 4 18.29±19.07 a 18.51±20.05 a 39.69±20.32 a 29.57±34.58 a 20.50±29.51 c 49.67±39.28 a
Average 38.18±12.83 A 48.39±25.80 AB 36.00±9.81 A 46.56±14.53 A 52.41±23.66 A 58.04±5.32 A
Day 1 49.51±28.60 a 62.33±45.02 a 56.62±23.13 a 61.54±30.00 a 77.54±34.41 a 62.32±34.06 a
a a a a a
Day 2 66.56±30.89 81.58±19.79 52.12±23.13 56.62±13.30 62.98±45.20 85.80±22.19 a
III Day 3 35.52±28.20 a 66.55±36.68 a 20.22±22.67 b 15.32±22.21 b 51.98±45.27 a 50.76±43.24 a
Day 4 72.81±25.84 a 49.40±33.20 a 65.88±12.61 a 19.24±15.99 b 50.24±49.75 a 43.39±44.80 a
Average 56.10±14.62 A 64.96±11.48 AB 48.68±17.16 A 38.18±21.01 A 60.68±10.88 A 60.56±16.05 A
- Values are Mean ± SD, I = Daily, II = Once a week (Monday), III = Alternatively (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Values with different superscripts in the column for each mode of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency among the four
days of application at P ≤ 0.05.
- Values with different superscripts in a row for each method of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency between the two
sexes at P ≤ 0.05.

Table 14. Percent repellency with 5% citronella oil when applied using three different methods against Rattus rattus

Percent repellency
Paint Block Spray
Mode of Days of
Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats
application application
(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6)
Day 1 15.70±19.22 a 37.88±31.71 ab 61.38±37.45 a 48.00±48.17 a 36.78±32.47 a 73.48±34.43 a
Day 2 10.29±10.34 a 41.20±28.93 b 16.66±37.26 a 55.09±39.83 a 57.44±37.61 a 58.90±29.30 a
I Day 3 19.88±17.85 a 42.16±32.20 ab 26.52±33.76 a 45.93±39.64 a 61.95±26.17 a 66.88±31.78 a
a ab a a a
Day 4 23.59±23.14 12.94±9.22 33.53±25.29 12.56±19.01 58.88±31.96 48.87±33.39 a
Average 17.36±4.94 A 33.54±12.00 AB 34.52±16.62 A 40.39±16.42 A 53.76±9.93 A 62.03±9.18 A
Day 1 39.16±26.89 a 40.19±35.85 a 66.89±27.41 a 54.06±31.15 ab 36.70±34.74 a 76.73±32.02 b
Day 2 32.11±32.86 a 16.26±23.41 a 36.96±28.49 b 55.13±37.88 ab 26.39±27.12 a 37.50±40.18 ab
a a b a a
II Day 3 23.77±27.90 26.17±37.15 12.77±18.07 57.26±25.65 28.43±41.09 55.00±42.32 ab
Day 4 12.90±22.13 a 5.23±7.41 a 25.02±20.91 b 24.97±19.41 ab 44.85±32.02 a 61.83±26.62 ab
Average 26.98±9.78 A 21.96±12.86 A 35.41±20.08 A 47.85±13.26 A 34.09±7.31 B 57.76±14.09 A
Day 1 17.41±27.93 a 32.09±33.58 a 43.07±38.86 a 65.36±35.68 a 24.69±19.62 a 42.22±30.62 a
a a a a a
Day 2 33.50±40.13 44.61±32.15 33.51±40.12 44.61±32.15 29.27±29.36 51.58±39.86 a
III Day 3 25.56±35.15 a 57.84±41.46 a 49.53±41.32 a 53.11±43.82 a 42.38±43.38 a 29.45±29.52 a
Day 4 55.31±33.53 a 47.94±36.76 a 18.62±21.05 a 42.17±44.98 a 26.93±39.66 a 33.33±47.14 a
Average 32.94±14.11 AB 45.62±9.20 B 36.18±11.63 A 51.31±9.07 A 30.81±6.86 B 39.14±8.54 AB
- Values are Mean ± SD, I = Daily, II = Once a week (Monday), III = Alternatively (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Values with different superscripts in the column for each mode of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency among the four
days of application at P ≤ 0.05.
- Values with different superscripts in a row for each method of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency between the two
sexes at P ≤ 0.05.

Table 15. Percent repellency with 10% citronella oil when applied using three different methods against Rattus rattus

Percent repellency
Paint Block Spray
Mode of Days of
Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats
application application

(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6)
a ab a a a
Day 1 39.15±26.12 46.04±36.34 67.27±39.54 66.16±20.83 31.98±31.19 67.58±34.43 b
Day 2 71.81±34.21 a 58.02±27.87 ab 51.11±45.49 a 63.39±28.58 a 58.24±35.40 a 82.69±15.44 ab
I Day 3 52.24±19.51 a 59.48±33.19 ab 41.22±33.86 a 25.80±31.83 a 52.77±33.50 a 55.35±38.00 ab
a b a a a
Day 4 82.41±15.71 47.99±35.39 81.68±23.03 52.69±25.40 42.26±37.56 44.80±34.83 ab
Average 61.40±16.79 A 52.88±5.93 A 60.32±15.44 A 52.01±15.94 A 46.31±10.07 A 62.60±14.12 A
Day 1 68.41±33.19 a 30.40±22.51 b 60.19±28.48 a 59.98±25.40 a 50.96±36.57 a 46.12±38.53 a
Day 2 29.69±27.60 bc 31.63±33.77 ab 61.12±28.48 a 41.30±32.47 a 55.55±35.12 a 33.33±29.85 a
II Day 3 11.39±16.34 b 5.86±11.79 ab 6.89±15.41 b 7.67±9.83 b 11.10±16.16 a 19.57±10.33 a
ac ab b b a
Day 4 44.60±23.39 33.14±26.26 12.68±26.83 9.46±12.01 44.63±23.37 53.09±37.93 a
Average 38.52±20.88 B 25.25±11.24 B 35.22±25.51 A 29.60±22.05 A 40.56±17.44 AB 38.02±12.79 B
Day 1 43.74±17.46 a 58.33±27.83 ab 90.22±10.50 a 79.08±12.25 a 40.29±40.68 a 46.12±46.31 a
Day 2 27.75±21.69 a 61.75±34.63 b 43.39±45.39 b 37.07±37.57 ab 34.97±24.39 a 27.96±17.21 a
a ab b ab a
III Day 3 29.87±34.35 25.81±31.81 14.57±15.92 27.59±30.20 32.71±20.44 40.48±19.86 a
Day 4 61.75±23.11 a 20.61±19.16 b 37.62±38.14 b 30.79±27.41 ab 40.29±25.66 a 48.26±26.42 a
Average 40.77±13.57 AB 41.62±18.54 A 46.45±27.47 A 43.63±20.74 A 37.06±3.32 AB 40.70±7.88 B
- Values are Mean ± SD, I = Daily, II = Once a week (Monday), III = Alternatively (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Values with different superscripts in the column for each mode of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency among the four
days of application at P ≤ 0.05.
- Values with different superscripts in a row for each method of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency between the two
sexes at P ≤ 0.05.

Table 16. Percent repellency with 20% citronella oil when applied using three different methods against Rattus rattus

Percent repellency
Paint Block Spray
Mode of Days of
Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats Female rats Male rats
application application
(n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6) (n = 6)
Day 1 50.73±21.35 a 51.05±33.52 a 65.69±19.12 a 51.73±24.02 ab 51.55±24.68 a 47.93±48.11 ab
Day 2 21.17±36.60 a 27.40±23.63 a 60.35±34.95 a 21.48±16.19 b 28.56±41.23 a 39.92±23.31 ab
I Day 3 16.02±12.78 a 11.02±7.52 a 34.75±37.11 a 47.86±32.60 ab 5.83±1.14 a 51.75±34.21 b
a a a ab a
Day 4 56.97±38.92 52.24±15.10 33.91±25.48 58.91±20.72 29.03±24.03 40.45±30.66 ab
Average 36.22±17.85 A 35.42±17.22 A 48.67±14.47 A 44.99±14.14 A 28.74±16.17 A 40.45±5.01 A
Day 1 54.71±15.02 a 36.57±21.03 a 67.68±30.46 a 53.44±39.62 ab 56.00±31.72 a 56.85±32.36 a
Day 2 19.15±29.71 ab 15.03±17.67 b 23.26±28.41 a 35.13±41.45 ab 19.34±14.28 a 18.57±25.57 a
ab b a b a
II Day 3 24.61±34.59 4.67±6.97 23.24±24.92 11.77±17.20 12.95±26.30 22.79±24.67 a
Day 4 50.32±32.36 a 15.33±15.52 b 38.01±34.37 a 22.23±35.89 ab 51.11±45.01 a 23.95±26.24 a
Average 37.19±15.51 A 17.90±11.60 A 38.04±18.13 A 30.64±15.54 A 51.11±18.92 B 30.5±15.34 AB
Day 1 28.60±22.63 ac 39.82±10.72 a 75.74±29.44 a 67.11±23.07 ab 57.63±40.57 a 61.54±38.44 a
c ac ab b a
Day 2 47.54±24.30 53.37±18.44 48.72±32.54 60.88±32.16 56.65±33.10 47.67±37.40 a
III Day 3 22.42±29.95 ab 5.60±8.56 b 19.65±32.00 b 36.14±23.88 b 59.28±42.85 a 27.78±23.12 a
Day 4 1.77±2.54 b 17.39±33.07 ab 21.54±26.89 b 31.80±33.10 b 44.21±25.48 a 24.20±20.28 a
Average 25.08±16.33 A 29.04±18.66 A 41.41±22.91 A 48.98±15.25 A 44.21±5.98 B 40.29±15.17 AB
- Values are Mean ± SD, I = Daily, II = Once a week (Monday), III = Alternatively (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
- Values with different superscripts in the column for each mode of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency among the four
days of application at P ≤ 0.05.
- Values with different superscripts in a row for each method of application indicate significant difference in percent repellency between the two
sexes at P ≤ 0.05.

In overall, a significant difference in the effect of treatment was observed
between the two sexes with higher repellent effect in male rats as compared to female
rats. A significant difference was observed between concentrations 5 and 10% and
between 5 and 20% of citronella oil with higher repellent effect of oil at 10%
concentration followed by 20 and 5%. A significant difference was also observed
among the three methods of application with higher repellent effect of the oil when
applied as spray followed by that when applied as encapsulated blocks and as paint. No
significant difference was observed among the three modes of application. The
treatment had significant effect on different days of treatment with significant
difference between Days 1 and 3 as well as between days 2 and 3 of treatment. Food
consumption was significantly low from treatment side of each chamber of a laboratory
pen as compared to that observed from untreated side.



4.1.Chemical compounds with toxic properties

a. Evaluation of toxic properties of cholecalciferol against B. bengalensis: Different

groups of male and female B. bengalensis were administered single oral doses dissolved
in groundnut oil @ 20, 30, 40, 50, 80, 100 mg kg-1 bwt cholecalciferol through gavage
tube. The least tolerated dose of cholecalciferol causing 100% mortality of B.
bengalensis within 3-7 days in male and within 3-11 days in female rats was found to
be 50 mg/kg bw (Table 17). The LD50 value of cholecalciferol in male and female rats
was determined to be 30.93 and 34.94 mg/kg bw, respectively. Post-treatment bait
consumption by both male and female rats was significantly low from pre-treatment
bait consumption at all the doses tested. The level of calcium and phosphorus in serum
of male and female rats after 48 h of treatment was found increased significantly at all
the doses tested with highest increase at 50 mg/kg bw (Tables 18-19). Histopathological
study of different tissues (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, stomach, spleen, ovaries and
testes) of treated and untreated rats revealed lymphomononuclear cell infiltration in
response to toxicity of cholecalciferol along with cellular degeneration and
mineralization. The study suggests the use of cholecalciferol as a rodenticide for
managing population of B. bengalensis in crop fields and premises.

b. Acceptance and efficacy of bait containing cholecalciferol in poultry farm:

Treatment of different poultry sheds at village Ghutani Kalan, Distt Ludhiana with
0.005% bromadiolone bait, 0.075% cholecalciferol bait and bait containing
combination of 0.00125% bromadiolone and 0.01% cholecalciferol for 3 days revealed
no significant difference in the acceptance of all the three types of baits. Percent control
success (65-71%) was almost similar in all the three treated blocks. The cost of poison
in 0.005% bromadiolone, 0.075% cholecalciferol and combination of two used was
worked out to be Rs 28, Rs 1350 and Rs 183, respectively. Since the control success
with all the three treatments was at par and cholecalciferol helps in minimizing the
resistance factor against bromadiolone and bromadiolone, the combination of the two
is suggested for controlling R. rattus populations in poultry farms.

Table 17. Toxicity of single oral doses of cholecalciferol in B. bengalensis

Dose Male rats Female rats
(mg/kg Days Body weight Mort Days
bw) Mort to (g) (N=5 ality to
Body weight (g) death each) (%) death
(N=5 each)
(%) (Range (Range
) )
4 179.20 ±
20 230.00 ± 29.58 20 20 7
3-8 215.20 ±
30 212.40±20.46 40 20 9
3-11 172.20 ±
40 234.60 ± 24.11 60 40 6-10
3-7 214.00 ±
50 299.80 ± 26.69 100 100 3 - 11
80 232.00 ± 24.42 100 2-3 211.80 ± 18.27 100 3-9
1-6 217.80 ±
100 231.20 ± 25.79 100 100 2-7
Nil 231.00 ±
Vehicle 212.60 ± 25.86 Nil Nil Nil
Values are Mean ± SD
Table 18. Effect of cholecalciferol on levels of calcium in serum of B. bengalensis
Male rats Female rats
Dose Level of calcium in serum Level of calcium in serum
( mg/dL) ( mg/dL)
each) At 0 h At 48 h At 0 h At 48 h

20 8.17 ± 0.50 8.43 ± 0.91 6.32 ± 0.57 7.49 ± 0.76

30 7.98 ± 1.08 9.29 ± 0.96 6.25 ± 0.63 8.06 ± 0.59*

40 7.61 ± 0.51 10.42 ± 0.89* 6.48 ± 0.50 9.94 ± 0.85*
50 7.62 ± 0.45 12.12 ± 0.92* 6.45 ± 0.52 10.49 ± 0.64*
80 8.09 ± 1.10 8.57 ± 1.10 6.14 ± 0.52 7.17 ± 0.61
100 8.20 ± 0.80 9.95 ± 0.92 6.04 ± 0.50 7.33 ± 0.64
Vehicle 7.86 ± 1.04 7.86 ± 1.10 6.28 ± 0.51 6.32 ± 0.50
Values are Mean ± SD, * significant difference between 0 and 48 hr

Table 19. Effect of cholecalciferol on levels of phosphorous in serum of B.

Male rats Female rats
Dose Level of phosphorus in serum Level of phosphorus in serum
(mg/kgbw) (mg/dL) (mg/dL)
At 0 h At 48 h At 0 h At 48 h
20 4.67 ± 0.45 6.01± 0.59 4.05 ± 0.61 5.86 ± 0.54*
30 4.47 ± 0.44 8.04 ± 0.44* 3.13 ± 0.48 6.36 ± 0.51*
40 4.50 ± 0.85 8.41 ± 1.24* 3.32 ± 0.53 7.61 ± 0.66*
50 4.69 ± 0.63 10.42 ± 1.42* 3.94 ± 0.85 9.30 ± 0.97*
80 4.57 ± 0.50 8.98 ± 0.82* 3.20 ± 0.61 6.16 ± 0.73*
100 4.71 ± 0.65 9.13 ± 0.62* 3.42 ± 0.73 7.45 ± 0.59*
Vehicle 4.64 ± 0.56 4.64 ± 0.53 3.65 ± 0.77 3.67 ± 0.79
Values are Mean ± SD, * significant difference between 0 and 48 hr
4.2.Chemical compounds with antifertility properties

a. Antifertility properties of nifedipine, a chemosterilant against male R. rattus:

Feeding of bait containing 0.1 and 0.2% nifedipine, a chemosterilant for 12 days in no-
choice to male R. rattus resulted in ingestion of 0.09 and 0.16 g/kg of the active
ingredient. No significant difference was found in the consumption of treated and
untreated bait indicating good acceptability of bait containing nifedipine. No significant
antifertility effect of treatment was observed after 50 days of termination of treatment,
indicating reversible antifertility effects of nifedipine.

b. Antifertility properties of immidazole, a chemosterilant against male R. rattus:

Feeding of WSO bait containing immidazole in choice with plain bait and leading to
ingestion of 40 and 160mg/kg bw of immidazole revealed no effect of treatment on
weights of testis and epididymis. A reduction in sperm motility and concentration in
the cauda epididymal fluid of the treated group of rats was observed but no effect of
treatment was recorded on sperm viability, sperm morphology and on decondensation
of sperm heads indicating that sperms were capable of fertilizing the oocytes (Table
20). There was also no effect of treatment on length of estrous cycle and none of the
untreated and treated female R. rattus paired with treated and untreated male rats,
respectively delivered pups. From the above results, it is clear that 40 mg/kg bw of
imidazole was not enough to induce antifertility effect in rats of both sexes. In rats fed
on 160 mg/kg bw of imidazole, again there was no effect on weights of reproductive
organs but there was reduction in sperm motility and concentration with increase in
number of sperms with displaced head in the cauda epididymal fluid of the treated
group of rats. There was no effect of treatment on sperm viability. Moreover no estrous
cyclicity was recorded in females treated with 160mg imidazole and none of the
untreated and treated female R. rattus paired with treated and untreated male rats,
respectively delivered pups (Table 20).

Table 20. Effect of imidazole (40mg) on weights of reproductive organs and

sperm parameters of male R. rattus after 30 days of termination of treatment

Parameters Treated Treated Untreated

(40mg) (160mg)
Body Weight (g) 156.67±5.45 155.67±6.61 140.30±8.71
Weight of testis (g/100g bw) 0.76±0.03 0.75±0.01 0.70±0.14
Weight of epididymis (g/100gbw) 0.27±0.04 0.31±0.02 0.22±0.01
Sperm motility (%) 26.67±9.82 43.33±2.72 90.00±0.01
Sperm viability (%) 68.29±7.60 69.20±3.59 59.00±14.89
Sperm concentration (millions/ml) 32.67±8.07 23.00±11.97 171.40±46.38
Sperm abnormalities (Abnormal head 13.85±0.19 46.52±9.38 10.00±1.70
% Decondensed head (NCD test) 60.52±4.40 - 68.00±7.30
Days of estrous cycle (range) 3-5 No cyclicity 3-5
-Values are Mean ± SE


5.1. Effect of different treatments on rodent population in stores

Survey of indoor stores at villages Khanna, Mullanpur and Jagraon in district Ludhiana
revealed poor rodent proofing, as shutters of these stores were either broken or there
was sufficient space between floor/walls and shutter allowing rat entry inside the stores.
In addition iron meshes of windows were also broken. Height of plinths of indoor
MARKFED stores was only 1.5 to 2.0 feet, which was not enough to restrict rodent
entry into the stores. Moreover these plinths were damaged and surrounded by grass,
weeds and heaps of soil allowing easy assess of rodents to stores. Also there was poor
environmental sanitation in MARKFED stores giving hiding places to rodents.
However, rodent damage in FCI stores was comparatively less. It might be because
these stores were at the height of about 2.5 feet but still temporary stairs were attached
to plinths again allowing rodents to go up. One of the surveyed FCI rice store was at
the height of only about 1 foot, located at place with minimum human disturbance and
was surrounded by weeds and plants. In this store rodent damage was maximum, spilled
rice grains were mixed with rat pellets, bags were cut (37.33%) and dead rats were also
seen below crates. Rodent cuts were observed on bags upto 5th layer with maximum
damage on bags of 1st and 2nd layer of stacks.

Survey of outdoor FCI (village Khanna, district Ludhiana) and MARKFED

(Mullanpur, district Ludhiana) stores revealed poor sanitation conditions and stacks
were either kept on wooden crates on kacha floor or on plinths of about 1.5 feet height
which were not enough to restrict rat entry into stacks. Moreover, plinths were either
damaged or surrounded by weeds and heaps of soil making it easy for rats to assess
stacks. Only control measure being used in these stores was fumigation of stacks twice
or thrice in a year which was not enough to control rats. Sanitation conditions in
PUNGRAIN store surveyed at Jagraon, district Ludhiana was comparatively better with
no weeds surrounding plinths and plinths were well structured and cemented. Bags were
kept on plastic crates about 6 inches in height allowing easy inspection of stacks for
rodents and reducing harborage sites for rats.

Survey of rodent damage in a newly constructed grain store at village

Mullanpur, district Ludhiana revealed negligible damage by rodents. There was minor
spillage in stores, bags were kept on stands and there was a space of around 1 meter
around the stacks and there were no weeds and heaps of soil or stairs around the store
platform. Moreover, these stores were constructed on a platform at a height of about
2.5 feet with an extension of about 1 foot only in the front portion of platform perimeter.
It was felt that this extension of 1 foot should be all around the platform so as to prevent
the rats from climbing up the platform.

Three outdoor wheat grain stores at villages Ajitwal in district Moga and village
Mullanpur in district Ludhiana and treated with celphos in mid December, 2014 and
last week of January, 2015 were surveyed at monthly intervals to record the effect of
treatment on rodent activity. Results revealed increase in rodent activity in March, 2015
indicating the effectiveness of celphos for 1-2 months (Table 21). Treatment of small
stacks of five bags each with cinnamic aldehyde formulation containing sodium
bicarbonate as emulsifier resulted in no rodent damage up to 15 days of treatment

Three outdoor paddy stores where stacking was done in November, 2014 were
selected to assess the effect of storage period on rodent population. In these stores, no
treatment was done to reduce rodent population. Rodent population as estimated by bait
census method in January and February, 2015 revealed increase in bait consumption
with increase in storage period from 25.04 in January, 2015 to 38.08 in February, 2015
(Table 21). Three small stacks of five bags each were constructed in these stores and
were treated with cinnamic aldehyde formulation containing sodium bicarbonate as
emulsifier and recorded rodent damage after 15 days of treatment. No cuts or faecal
pellets were seen on these bags after 15 days of treatment.

Three indoor rice stores where stacking was done in December, 2014 were
selected to assess the effect of storage period and different treatments (rodent proofing+
environmental sanitation+celphos) on rodent population. These stores were
maintaining environmental sanitation and were constructed at a height of 2.5 feet but
collar guard was not extended all around the perimeter. Celphos treatment was done in
these stores in January, 2015. Rodent population was estimated by bait census method
in January and March, 2015. Results revealed only 13.6 and 18.56 percent bait
consumption in January and February, 2015, respectively (Table 21). Very low bait
consumption in these stores might be due to environmental sanitation and rodent
proofing thus reducing access of rodents to stored bags. Complete rodent proofing in
these stores might completely prevent access of rodents to these stores.

Table 21. Estmation of rodent population in grain stores by bait census method

Store Crop Treatment (time Plain bait consumption (%)

(number of of treatment Jan,15 Feb, 15 Mar, 15
Outdoor Wheat (3) Celphos (mid 31.3±3.87 36.3±8.10 56.2±6.97
stacked in December and
May last week of

Outdoor Rice (3) Big stacks were 25.04±7.94 38.08±4.64 -
not treated
Stacked in
Indoor Rice (3) Rodent proof+ 13.6±4.35 - 18.56±4.89
Stacked in

Four wheat grain stores at villages Mudhiani, Sidhwan Kalan and Sohian,
district Ludhiana were surveyed in May, 2012 for rodent damage. Number of stacks in
grain stores I, II and III were 24 and in grain store IV were 56. In one stack, number of
wheat bags ranged from 3220 to 3260. Mostly wheat is stored in these stores for 6 to
18 months. In grain stores I and II, bags were kept on wooden stand lying on
cemented/kucha floors, in grain store III, wheat bags were stored both on plinths (height
1.5 feet) as well on cemented floor directly while in store IV, wheat bags were kept on
plinths only. Survey from store owners revealed that for pest control, they treat all the
stacks with celphos (aluminium phosphide) tablets supplied by government agencies
after every three months @ 320-450 tablets/stack by keeping tablets on wheat bags as
such. After treating stacks with celphos they cover stacks with black polythene sheets
and seal it with heaps of soil for 7-10 days to kill all the insect pests including rodents.
But store owners reported that even after treatment with celphos for about four times in
a year, lower layer of bags in a stack is mostly damaged and infested by rodents. Rodent
damage was recorded in these stores by recording plain bait consumption. These stores
were again surveyed in the mid of July, 2012. Stores I-III were treated with celphos in
the Ist week of July, 2012 while store IV was last treated by owner in April, 2012 so
there was no effect of celphos in this store. Rodent damage was again recorded in these
stores by recording plain bait consumption. Consumption of plain bait in these stores
ranged from 38.5 to 66.5%. Stores II-IV were treated with 0.005% bromadiolone by
keeping bromadiolone bait @50gm/stack but store I was not treated with bromadiolone.
Post census plain bait consumption was recorded in August, 2012 to determine the
effect of treatment. Results revealed more rodent control success in stores treated with
celphos and bromadiolone than those treated with celphos alone.

5.2. Potential of different formulations of cimnnamic aldehyde under simulated

storage conditions
Three formulations of effective doses of each compound (5% cinnamic aldehyde and
0.4% cinnamamide) were prepared and exposed to R. rattus of both sexes. Formulations
I and II of cinnamic aldehyde were used as spray and formulation III was in the form
of a chalk, which was used to draw lines around and on the bags. Results revealed a

non-significant difference in consumption of wheat grains, number of cuts, size of cuts,
quantity of spilled grains and urine contamination of spilled wheat grains and grains
filled in bags between the two sexes. In overall, there was less consumption and spillage
from bags treated with formulation II of cinnamic aldehyde as compared to bags treated
with formulation I and III both after 7 and 15 days of spraying (Table 22). There was
less consumption and spillage from bags treated with formulation III of cinnamamide
as compared to bags treated with formulation I and II both after 7 and 15 days of
spraying (Table 23).

There was no degradation of cinnamic aldehyde in formulation II and

cinnamamide in formulation III with time and sodium bicarbonate mixed in this
formulation not only acted as emulsifier but might also reduced degradation, increased
stickiness on bags and synergized the antifeedant effect of cinnamic aldehyde and

Table 22. Antifeedant index and consumption of wheat from bags treated with
different formulations of 5% cinnamic aldehyde

After 7 days After 15 days

Consumption of Anti Consumption of Anti
wheat (g/100g wheat (g/100g
Formulations feedant feedant
bw/day) bw/day)
Index Index
Untreated Treated (%) Untreated Treated (%)
I 3.62± 7.17± 3.06± 7.38±
- -
1.12 a
1.99a 1.011 1.191

II 6.62± 1.12± 68.05± 8.52± 1.12± 77.25±

1.54 a 0.54 b 14.36 0.691 0.322 6.07
III 3.26± 3.64± 5.64± 3.78± 27.69±
1.19a 0.73ab 0.591 0.7712 11.12
Values are Mean±SE, Number of rats = 6 (3 males and 3 females)
a, b
Significant difference in food consumption in rows as well as along the columns
after 7 days of treatment
1, 2
Significant difference in food consumption in rows as well as along the columns
after 15 days of treatment

Table 23. Antifeedant index and consumption of wheat from bags treated with
different formulations of 5% cinnamamide after 7 and 15 days of treatment

After 7 days After 15 days

Anti Consumption Anti

Consumption (g/100g
Formulations (g/100g bw/day) of
bw/day) of wheat feedant feedant
Index Index
Untreated Treated (%) Untreated Treated (%)

I 3.14± 3.84± 3.19± 2.30± 12.09±

a ab - 1 1
1.02 0.55 0.84 0.45 7.46

II 2.97± 6.15± 2.28± 5.52±

a a - 1 2 -
0.3 1.78 0.49 1.05

III 4.47± 1.44± 55.09± 4.24± 0.87± 68.03±

ab b 1 3
0.66 0.60 17.38 0.46 0.35 12.98
Values are Mean±SE, Number of rats = 6 (3 males and 3 females)
a, b
Significant difference in food consumption in rows as well as along the columns
after 7 days of treatment
1, 2,3
Significant difference in food consumption in rows as well as along the columns
after 15 days of treatment

5.3. Potential of eucalyptus and citronella oils as repellents in stores

Results of experiment conducted in store houses using 5% eucalyptus and 5% citronella

oils as encapsulated wax blocks and as spray revealed a significantly low consumption
of food in the stores treated with eucalyptus oil as compared to untreated stores and
stores treated with citronella oil. Significantly reduced consumption of food was
observed during post-treatment bait census in stores treated with eucalyptus and
citronella oils compared to untreated group of stores indicating the effect of treatment
even after its termination. Percent repellency with encapsulated wax blocks of 5%
eucalyptus oil was found to be significantly more than that observed in stores treated
with encapsulated wax blocks of citronella oil. No significant difference in percent
repellency was, however, observed in stores treated with eucalyptus and citronella oils
as spray thus indicating the superiority of encapsulated wax blocks over spray and of
eucalyptus oil over citronella oil. The percent control success with respect to same store
was found to be significantly high in stores treated with eucalyptus oil than those treated
with citronella oil (Table 24).

Table 24. Percent repellency and percent control success with treatment of
eucalyptus (5%) and citronella oil (5%) in stores infested mainly with Rattus

Store Percent control success

Percent repellency
group with respect to
(n=3 With blocks With spray Same store Untreated
each) store
I EO 72.24±4.60 a 67.33±4.66 a 70.37±5.33a 82.91±3.07a
II CO 47.89±11.45b 62.45±12.52a 56.66±11.36b 75.01±6.54b
III Untreated - - - -
-Values are Mean ± SD, EO = Eucalyptus oil, CO = Citronella oil
-Values with different superscripts in a column differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05


Burrowing rodents live in different habitats by forming simple and shallow to deep and
complex network of tunnels with variable numbers of surface opening. The length,
depth, surface opening, chambers of burrows may be affected by soil quality, food
availability and colony size. Studies on the burrowing habit of rodent pests are required
to understand their social organization, ecology and behaviour. About 40 burrows of T.
indica were excavated in loamy sand soil of village Ladhowal, Distt Ludhiana during
May-June and their morphometric measurements were recorded. The depth of
excavated burrows ranged from 22.5 to 112.5cm. Burrows were having hoarded
material in the form of wheat tillers weighing 250g to 1400g. Number of open ends and
blind ends of dug burrows ranged from 1-4 and 0-6, respectively. Burrows were both
simple and complicated with one to four chambers in which food and nests were found.
During digging of one burrow, 6 pups (4 females and 2 males) of about one month age
were found. While digging of one burrow in October-November also, one female with
7 pups was found thus indicating these months to be the breeding season for T. indica.

Morphometric measurements (Table 25) of 46 mature male and female T. indica

collected from Ladhowal Seed Farm, PAU, Ludhiana and from Bathinda revealed body
length and body weight of male gerbils ranging from 23.0–37.0 cm and 55.0–190.0gm,
respectively and of female gerbils ranging from 16.0-35.0 cm and 36.0–173.0gm,
respectively. Ears, tail and feet of rats were hairy, fur was golden brown on dorsal side
and white on ventral side. Four pairs of mammae were recorded on the ventral side of
each female rat. Both fore and hind limbs possessed five digits.
Table 25. Morphometric measurements of male and female T. indica

Sr.No. Body parameters Male (n=20) Female (n=26)

1. Body colour and fur on dorsal surface Golden brown Golden brown
2. Body colour and fur on ventral white white
3. Number of mammae - 4+4 paired
4. Body weight (g) 55.0 – 190.0 36.0 – 173.0
5. Total length of body (cm) 23.0 – 37.0 16.0-35.0
6. Head length (cm) 3.0 - 5.5 3.0-5.0
7. Length of body (cm) 8.0-17.0 6.0-15.0
8. Length of tail (cm) 12.0 – 18.0 8.0-18.0
9. Tail hairs Hairy with tuft Hairy with tuft
of hair at tip of hair at tip
10. Tail annulations No No
11. Ear colour Greyish black, Greyish black,
brown brown
12. Ear hairy or naked hairy hairy
13. Ear length (cm) 1.0-2.2 1.0-2.0
14. Size of eye (cm) 0.5-1.5 0.5-1.5
15. No. of digits in fore limb 5 5
16. No. of digits in hind limb 5 5
17. Feet hairy or not hairy hairy
18. No. of incisors 2+2 2+2
19. Length of forelimb (cm) 2.5-6.5 2.5-6.5
20. Length of hind limb (cm) 4.5-7.5 2.5-7.5
21. Sole of feet hairless hairless

7.1. Comparison for paper and tyre bait stations for rodenticide bait application
in rice crop
The experiment conducted in rice fields at Ladhowal Seed Farm of PAU revealed no
significant difference between percent control success by 2% zinc phosphide when
applied using tyre bait stations (87.93%) and paper bait stations (65.59%). The cut
tillers (0.70 %) and yield loss (98.27 kg/ha) (Table 25) were found to be lowest in
block treated using tyre bait stations thus highlighting the efficacy of tyre bait
stations for rodent control in rice crop as they were able to protect the poison bait in
rainy weather.

Table 25. Relative consumption of zinc phosphide bait, percent control success and
rodent damage in blocks with different bait stations

Bait Treatment Poison bait Control Percent cut Yield loss

station consumption success (%) tillers (kg/ha)
Paper Treated 81.58±8.04 65.59±15.72 0.81±0.42 a 105.87±63.84 a
Paper Control - - 2.06±0.35 b 252.47±52.89 b
Tyre Treated 59.50±7.53 87.93±5.47 0.70±0.06 a 98.27±11.08 a
Tyre Control - 2.51±0.14 b 342.53±40.77 b
Values are mean± SE

7.2.Determination of critical timings of rodent control in pea crop

The critical timings of rodent control in pea crop were determined by conducting an
experiment at Naraingarh Seed Farm of PAU in district Fatehgarh Sahib. The rodent
damage to pods was found to be minimum in blocks I (0.75%) and II (1.23%) which
received four and three treatments of 2% zinc phosphide, respectively through burrow
baiting i.e. after 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of sowing and after 30, 60 and 90 days of
sowing of pea crop (Table 26). The data thus indicates the need for a minimum of three
treatments at 30, 60 and 90 days after sowing to save the pea crop from rodent damage.

Table 26. The percent control success and percent damage to pods in different

Block Treatments Control Control success Damage to

success (%) (%) (wrt same pods (%)
(wrt control) field)

b b c
I Four (30, 60, 90,
94.52 ±2.95 75.83± 13.26 0.75±0.75
120 DAS)

b c
II Three (30, 60, 90 83.44 ±12.53
88.18± 4.10 1.23±0.83

b a b
III Two (30, 60 DAS)
90.57±1.68 57.58±7.58 5.35±0.75

a b
IV One (30 DAS) 0
12.96±12.96 6.76±1.77

V Control -- --

DAS: Days after sowing, Values are Mean ± SE ; Values with different superscripts in
a column differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05
7.3.Determination of methods of rodent control in direct seeded and transplanted
basmati crops
To evaluate the frequency of baiting schedule in direct seeded and transplanted basmati
rice crop, the experiments were conducted at villages Kangraur and Kataria of district
Hoshiarpur. In this experiment, there were selected four blocks, I, II, III and IV each of
direct seeded basmati rice (DSBR) and transplanted basmati rice (TBR) crops. In block
I of each type of crop, single burrow baiting with zinc phosphide (2%), in block II single
paper baiting with bromadiolone (0.005%), whereas in block III, both burrow and paper
baiting were practiced and block IV was kept as control. Burrow baiting was done
during vegetative stage of basmati crop and paper baiting during reproductive stage.

The data revealed 57.30, 44.47 and 65.64 % control success in blocks I, II and
III belonging to DSBR, respectively. Similarly, in blocks I, II and III belonging to TBR
fields, the per cent control success was recorded to be 58.44, 49.76 and 61.68 %,
respectively (Table 27). In both the types of crops the control success was high in block
III treated twice i.e., burrow baiting during vegetative and paper baiting during
reproductive stage of crop. This was also supported by lower per cent cut tillers and per
cent damage in both DSBR and TBR fields. Present studies thus suggest the conduction
of two rodenticide treatments i.e. burrow baiting at vegetative and crop baiting at
reproductive stage of the crop for effective control of rodents in direct seeded basmati
and transplanted basmati rice crops.
Table 27. Per cent cut tillers and per cent control success in direct seeded and
transplanted basmati rice crops

Cut tillers (%) Control Success (%)

I 0.64±0.03 0.67±0.10 57.30±3.17 58.44±2.52
II 0.76±0.04 0.60±0.13 44.47±2.37 49.76±5.87
III 0.43±0.03 0.37±0.06 65.64±4.72 61.68±6.51
IV 1.61±0.09 1.09±0.10 -- --
7.4. Rodent infestation, damage and control in crops grown under poly-houses
Regular survey of polyhouses of departments like Agronomy, Vegetable Science,
Agrometeorology, Entomology, Plant Pathology and Soil & Water Engineering at PAU
campus at monthly intervals revealed presence of burrows of B. bengalensis and Mus
spp. inside as well as outside the poly houses. The rodents might have gained entry
from the holes present in the net as well as by digging burrows from below the ground.
No rodent damage was recorded in basil and baby corn grown in polyhouses at an area
around Ladhowal Seed Farm owned by private company (Airtel Pvt. Ltd). These
polyhouses were well managed and rodent proof with installation of about 2 feet high
wall all around with a foundation of about 2-3 feet. There were no weeds in these crops.
Surveys were also conducted in polyhouses at villages Muskabad (district Ludhiana)
and Raunke Kalan (district Moga). The polyhouses were surveyed at different crop
stages during the whole crop season to record any infestation by rodents. At village
Muskabad, the main crop grown was cucumber by direct method of sowing. Before
sowing i.e. one month prior, the farmer treated the soil with Formaldehyde @ 10%.
After giving a single ploughing the soil was drenched with the formaldehyde solution
and then plastic sheets were placed on the soil. After 1 week the plastic sheets were
removed and soil was ploughed with tillage implements and crop was raised. The
application of formaldehyde may have killed all the harmful microorganisms or
pathogens/insects. Also, proper hoeings were done at regular intervals to remove any
weed in all the polyhouses. At germination stage of the crop (in August), no activity of
rat and no burrows were observed inside and outside the polyhouses. At vegetative
stage (1 month after sowing in the end of October), also no rodent damage was observed
in all the polyhouses. At fruiting stage (in the end of November), the polyhouses were
found torn from outside at some places (near ground surface) due to farm operations or
other reason. Rodent burrows were there but no damage to crop was observed. Farmers
were suggested to keep check of holes in the polyhouses, so that no rodent can infest
the polyhouse. Survey of six polyhouses containing capsicum crop at village Raunke
Kalan revealed predominance of rodent burrows both within and outside the polyhouses
with damage ranging from 0.56 to 3.8% on fallen fruits and no damage on fruits
attached to plants.

7.5. Integrated control of rodent pests in sugarcane crop using triptolide
Farmer’s fields of sugarcane crop infested mainly with B. bengalensis were selected
at village Palahi, District Kapurthala, Punjab, India. Three separate blocks (I, II and
III) of sugarcane fields were selected and pre-census bait consumption was recorded.
After record of pre-census, fields of blocks II and III were given first treatment of
0.005% bromadiolone bait. After 15 days of first treatment with 0.005%
bromadiolone, post census bait consumption was recorded from all the fields to
determine the changes in level of rodent population. After first post-census, fields of
block III were treated with 0.25% triptolide bait. After 15 and 30 days of second
treatment with triptolide in block III, again post census, second and third was taken
from all the fields.
First post census bait consumption after15 days of first treatment with 0.005%
bromadiolone in fields of blocks II and III revealed 45.32 and 39.55% reduction in
rodent population, respectively (Table 28). Second post census after fifteen days of
0.25% triptolide treatment in fields of block III revealed 74.14 and 90.02% reduction
in rodent population in blocks II and III, respectively. Post census bait consumption
after 30 days of triptolide treatment revealed 29.46 and 31.54% reduction in rodent
population in blocks II and III, respectively indicating rebuildup in rodent population.
From the reduction in rodent activity estimated after two treatments, per cent rodent
population rebuildup was calculated to be 44.69% with respect to the same field in
block II, treated only with bromadiolone and 58.48% in block III, treated with
bromadiolone and triptolide both (Table 28). There was no significant difference in
rodent population rebuildup as determined by two methods between the fields of blocks
II and III. Rodent damage was significantly high in untreated fields.

Present studies could not clearly reveal the effect of triptolide treatment as the
same was found combined with delayed effect of bromadiolone and migration of
rodents to surrounding rice crop. Rodent population rebuildup observed after 30 days
of triptolide treatment and 45 days of bromadiolone treatment during present studies
may be due to the delivery of pups by the residual population of female rats after a
gestation period of 21-23 days which were pregnant before treatment with triptolide
and the effect of triptolide treatment might have come at a later stage.

Table 28. Effect of bromadiolone and triptolide treatments on reduction in rodent
population in sugarcane crop fields
Percent reduction in rodent Population Cut canes
Treatment population with respect to same rebuildup (%)
n=3 each) fields with respect
to same field
After 15 After 15 After 30
days of Br days of days of
treatment Trp Trp
treatment treatment
16.08± 29.35± 8.38± 14.95±4.19a 2.27±0.11a
1.69a 6.24 a 3.73 a
45.32± 74.14± 29.46± 44.69±7.73 b 0.67±0.11b
7.16 b 6.78 b 5.40 b
39.55± 90.02± 31.54± 58.48±7.62 b 0.53±0.29b
3.57 b 0.44 b 8.04 b
-Values are Mean ± SE, Br=0.005% bromadiolone, Trp=0.25% triptolide

7.6. Experiment on rodent control in wheat crop sown under rice and maize
To evaluate the frequency of baiting schedule in wheat crop grown with conventional
tillage, zero tillage and Happy Seeder in rice residues and maize residues, experiments
were conducted from at Borlaug Institute of South Asia (BISA), village Ladhowal,
district Ludhiana. There were selected four blocks, I, II, III and IV of each type of crop
In block I, double burrow treatment 1st with bromadiolone (0.005%) and 2nd with zinc
phosphide (2%) (after 15 days) + single paper baiting with bromadiolone were
practiced, in block II only single paper baiting with bromadiolone and in block III single
burrow baiting with bromadiolone were practiced, whereas block IV was kept as
control, where no treatment was done. Burrow baiting was done during vegetative stage
of crop and paper baiting during reproductive stage of crop.

Results revealed higher per cent rodent control success (on plain bait
consumption basis) in block I treated with double burrow baiting along with single
paper baiting (69.72-82.81) than in blocks treated with single burrow baiting (43.31-
51.11) and single paper baiting (54.42-61.46). Higher per cent control success was
observed in blocks having wheat sown with conventional tillage method. Similarly, the
per cent control success (on live burrow census basis) ranged from 74.54 to 92.12, 60.74
to 69.16 and 44.67 to 56.45 in blocks I, II and III, respectively, being higher in block I
(Table 29). The fields were found mainly infested with B. bengalensis followed by Mus
spp. and T. indica. Cut tillers in treated blocks I, II and III ranged from 0.53 to 2.03%
in fields with maize residue, 0.47 to 1.67% in fields with rice residue, 0.44 to 1.62% in
fields with zero tillage and 0.39 to 1.58% in fields with conventional tillage. In control
fields, cut tillers ranged from 2.55 to 4.65%.

Table 29. Per cent control success (on plain bait consumption basis) in wheat crop
sown with different techniques at BISA, village Ladhowal, district Ludhiana

Blocks Control success (%) on bait census basis

Happy Seeder Zero Conventional
tillage tillage
Maize Rice
residue residue
I (Double burrow + 73.71±2.96 69.72±4.27 78.73±3.14 82.81±3.07
single paper)
II (Single paper) 56.63±1.38 54.42±3.25 57.89±4.15 61.46±5.38
III (Single burrow) 46.89±2.49 47.25±2.21 43.31±2.65 51.11±6.20
IV (Control) -- -- -- --

7.7. Rodent control in crops down under different residues at farm of Agronomy
department, PAU campus
To determine methods of rodent control in wheat crop grown with conventional tillage,
zero tillage and Happy Seeder in rice and maize residues, experiments were also
conducted at Agronomy farm, PAU, Ludhiana by selecting four blocks, I, II, III and IV,
respectively of four different types of crops. In all the blocks, two treatments were
performed 1st burrow baiting with zinc phosphide (2%) at vegetative stage along with
2nd treatment of paper baiting with bromadiolone (0.005%) during reproductive stage,
whereas two plots selected at Ladhowal Seed Farm were kept as untreated control,
where no treatment was done. The data revealed higher rodent control success in
conventional fields (71.26 %) followed by zero tillage (66.02%), maize (63.04%)
residue and paddy residue (60.97%). Similarly, higher control success (on burrow count
basis) was observed in conventional fields (88.88%) followed by zero tillage (72.72%),
paddy residue (70.06%) and maize residue (67.64%) (Table 30). Per cent cut tillers in
fields with residues of maize, paddy, zero tillage and conventional tillage were 1.22,
1.08, 0.74 and 0.62, respectively, being minimum in fields with conventional tillage. In
control fields, per cent cut tillers ranged from 2.55 to 4.65. So, rodenticide treatment
with burrow baiting at vegetative stage along with paper baiting at reproductive stage
are must to control rodent pests in wheat crop sown with different residues in soil to
increase yield of wheat crop.

Table 30. Per cent control success in wheat crop sown under different residues at
Agronomy department, PAU campus, Ludhiana and treated with
rodenticide baits
S. Crop type Control success (%) (on plain Control success (%) (on
N bait consumption basis) live burrow count basis)
1 Maize 63.04 67.64
2 residue
Rice residue 60.97 70.06
3 Zero tillage 66.02 72.72
4 Conventiona 71.26 88.88
l tillage

7.8. Rodent pest management in sugarcane crop as per the recommendation

made at village Bhullarai

All the farmers of village Bhullarai (District Kapurthala) were made aware about the
recommendation on rodent pest management in sugarcane crop. Rodenticide bait was
distributed free of cost among farmers and all the sugarcane crop fields of the village
were double poison baited first in the month of July and then in the month of
November with 2% zinc phosphide bait followed by baiting with 0.005%
bromadiolone both @400gm/acre at 15 days interval. Third poison baiting with
0.005% bromadiolone @ 800gm/acre was conducted in sugarcane crop fields with
delayed harvesting in the month of January, 2014. Three fields of one acre each were
selected from the village before each rodenticide treatment for record of pre and post-
census bait consumptions. Based on these consumptions, control success was worked
out. Results revealed that treatment in sugarcane fields at proper timings results in
significant reduction in rodent damage to the crop. The control success was found to
be highest (74.12%) after 3rd treatment of bromadiolone.
7.9. Comparison of acceptability of bait from different bait stations in rice crop
Comparison of acceptability of bait kept on pieces of paper and in PVC tubes and tyre
bait stations in rice crop fields at Ladhowal Seed Farm of PAU revealed maximum
acceptance of bait from paper bait stations. Bait consumption by rodents in wheat
crop from tyre bait stations and paper bait stations was almost the same at village
Noorpur Bet. Experiment conducted in rice crop at village Ghutani Kalan, district
Ludhiana revealed n significant difference in per cent control success with poison
baiting applied on paper bait stations (42.08%) and tyre bait stations (25.83%) thus
suggesting the use of tyre bait stations in rainy weather.

7.10. Improvement in rodenticide bait application in sugarcane crop

An experiment was carried at village Ladhowal (distt Ludhiana) to determine the
efficacy of 2% zinc phosphide when kept at the rate of 40, 20, 10, 5 and 1 bait points
per acre. Results revealed no significant difference in control success and rodent
damage among fields with 20, 10 and 5 bait points (Table 31). Consumption of poison
bait was low when kept at 1 point/acre. The control success in fields where 20 points
were kept per acre, may be actually more than that observed, as in these fields whole of
the pre-census bait (400g) was consumed. It may have been consumed more if kept
more. So may be the original population be more than that observed.

Table 31. Improvement in rodenticide bait application in sugarcane crop

Blocks Bait points Bait consumption (g/400g bait) Mean ± SD Control

/acre success
(n = 3
each) Pre-census Zinc Post-census
I 40 @ phosphide
297.67±47.44 177.67±8.80 218.00±19.29 40.31%
II 20 @ 400.00±0.00 257.33±112.86 156.67±4.71 35.75%
III 10 @ 385.00±7.07 144.00±57.71 155.00±52.12 62.60%
IV 5 @ 80g/spot 352.00±9.93 180.33±70.26 140.00±8.16 60.23%
V 1 @ 80g/spot 217.67±72.34 6.00±5.89 128.33±15.45 41.04%

7.11. Rodent control in sugarcane using different methods of bait application

Four sugarcane blocks of 2 acres each were selected at village Ladhowal (distt
Ludhiana). Block I was kept as untreated control. The empty gelatin based capsules
were purchased from the marked and filled with freshly prepared 2% zinc phosphide
bait. Blocks II, III and IV were treated with 2% zinc phosphide bait filled capsules
applied by broadcasting (32 capsules per acre), 2% zinc phosphide bait on paper (16
points per acre) and 2% zinc phosphide bait filled capsules by burrow baiting (2
capsules per burrow), respectively. Burrow counting in each block was done both
before and after treatment. Results revealed more percent rodent control success in
fields treated with zinc phosphide by keeping bait on pieces of paper (75%) than by
other methods of poison bait application (50-69.4%). Similar experiment was also
conducted at village Dhanansu (district Ludhiana). The method of applying zinc
phosphide bait in the capsules in burrows was found to be more appropriate than when
zinc phosphide bait was kept on paper as indicated by higher control success (59.10 and
52.26%, respectively). The method when capsules containing zinc phosphide bait was
broadcasted also gave good results having control success of 45.29%.

7.12. Evaluation of acceptance and efficacy of cement smeared on chapatti

In response to the feed back received from a farmer on use of chappati pieces smeared
with cement for rodent control, laboratory experiment was carried out by feeding fresh
chapatti pieces smeared with cement to the predominant field rat species, B. bengalensis
in bi-choice with plain food. Results revealed average consumption of 13.8g/100g body
weight of cemented chapatti pieces in 5 days. No mortality of rats was caused. Mean
daily consumption of chapatti pieces smeared with cement per rat was 2.76g/100g bw
out of the 20g offered to each rat. Placement of fresh chapatti pieces smeared with
cement near rodent burrows in sugarcane crop field daily during evening time for four
consecutive days revealed about 95% consumption of chapatti pieces but there was
observed only 25% reduction in live burrows.

7.13. Multilocational experiment on rodent control in wheat crop sown under rice
residue management

Wheat crop is grown by two methods in Punjab, one by conventional tillage method
and other by Happy Seeder technology under rice residue management. To evaluate the
critical timings of rodenticide baiting in wheat crops grown with these two methods, a
multilocational experiments were conducted during the last three years at villages
Maksudra and Ghutani Kalan in district Ludhiana, Badoshi Kalan and Sadhugarh in
district Fatehgarh Sahib and village Mewa Singh Wala in district Kapurthala.

In the year 2012-13, three blocks of wheat crop fields were selected at two
locations each. One block at each location was treated with live burrow baiting using
2% zinc phosphide bait during December. Second block at each location was treated
with burrow baiting during December as well as with paper baiting using 0.005%
bromadiolone in the month of February. Results (Table 32) revealed higher per cent
control success in fields with double treatment (32.44-47.73%) as compared to those
with single treatment (10.61-21.64%) thus indicating the need of double treatment to
control rats in wheat crop sown under Happy seeder method. Per cent damage done by
rodents in treated fields was lower than controls.

Table 32. Per cent control success and rodent damage in wheat crop sown with
Happy Seeder in districts Ludhiana and Kapurthala in 2012-13
District Treatment Control Rodent damage
success Cut tillers Yield loss (kg/ha)
(%) (%)
Ludhiana Double 47.73 0±0 0±0
Single treatment 10.61 0±0 0±0
Control - 0.18±0.04 9.32±3.85
Kapurthala Double 32.44 0.03±0.02 3.92±3.21
Single treatment 21.64 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00
Control - 0.22±0.03 19.61±3.20

In the year 2013-14, four blocks of wheat crop fields were selected at two
locations each. One block at each location was treated with live burrow baiting using
2% zinc phosphide bait during December. Second block at each location was treated
with paper baiting using 0.005% bromadiolone in the month of February and third block
was treated both by burrow baiting during December as well as with paper baiting in
February. Fourth block was kept as control. Results (Table 33) revealed higher per cent
control success in fields with double treatment (44.37-73.43%) as compared to those
with single treatment in February (16.27-27.30%) and single treatment in December
(48.92-59.29%). Low percent control success with single treatment in February
indicate that treating fields of wheat crop sown with Happy Seeder during the month of
February only is not sufficient.

Table 33. Rodent control success and rodent damage in wheat crop sown with
Happy Seeder in districts Kapurthala and Fatehgarh Sahib during 2013-

District Treatment Control Damage after treatment at pre-

success harvest stage
Cut tillers Yield loss (Kg/ha)
(%) (%)
Kapurthala Single baiting 48.92 1.38±0.38 159.1±45.5
in burrow
Single baiting n 16.27 1.31±0.69 96.5±46.26
Double baiting 44.37 1.03±0.31 80.79±26.4

Burrow +
Fatehgarh Single baiting 59.29 0.37 ± 0.08 17.6 ± 0.44
Sahib in burrow
Single baiting 27.30 0.18 ±0.02 9.40 ± 0.08
on paper
Double baiting 73.43 0.18 ±0.03 9.65 ± 0.22

Burrow +

In the year 2014-15, again four blocks of wheat crop fields were selected in
villages of district Kapurthala. One block at each location was treated with live burrow
baiting using 2% zinc phosphide bait during December. Second block at each location
was treated with paper baiting using 0.005% bromadiolone in the month of February
and third block was treated both by burrow baiting during December as well as with
paper baiting in February. Fourth block was kept as control. Results (Table 34) revealed
almost equal per cent control success in fields with double treatment (63.82%) and
single treatment in February (65.66%). There was a increase in activity in fields where
only burrow baiting was done in December. Low percent control success with single
treatment in February indicate that treating fields of wheat crop sown with Happy
Seeder during the month of February only is not sufficient.

Table 34. Rodent control success and rodent damage in wheat crop sown with
Happy Seeder in district Kapurthala during 2014-15

Treatments Control success Damage after treatment at pre-

harvest stage
(%) Cut tillers (%) Yield loss

Single baiting in burrow Increase in 3.11±0.66 189.20±41.21
Single baiting on paper 65.66 0.64±0.25 45.90±18.34
Double baiting 63.82 1.09±0.31 67.50±21.02

Burrow + paper



8.1. Transfer of technology in adopted villages

Three villages were selected during wheat and rice crop periods in district Kapurthala
during 2012-13. These were categorized as (i) Maintenance area (Village Sarai Jatan),
(ii) Neglected area (village Kolianwala) and (iii) Survey area (Village Barindpur).
During 2013-14, three villages selected were categorized as (i) Maintenance area
(Village Noorpur Bet), (ii) Neglected area (village Bagha Khurd) and (iii) Survey area
(Village Khera Bet). During 2014-15, the villages selected were (i) maintenance area
(village Haddon Bet), (ii) neglected area (village Kacha Machhiwara) and (iii) survey
area (village Sherpur Bet).
In maintenance area, proper education and training was imparted to the farmers
through lectures regarding rodent control technologies and precautions to be taken
while preparation and application of poison bait in wheat crop. Field demonstration was
given on poison bait application at farmer’s field. Leaflets containing information
regarding rodenticide bait preparation, timings of rodenticide application and
precautions while preparing and using rodenticide baits were distributed among the
farmers. Rodenticide bait was got prepared on the spot in front of farmers and 1 kg
packets of bait were distributed among farmers on the basis of their land holdings which
were then applied by all the farmers in their fields. The survey area was kept as
reference area where neither education was provided nor rodenticide bait was

The opinion survey was also conducted in all the villages before providing
education by distributing a well structured questionnaire among the farmers assembled
at a common place in each selected village. Through this questionnaire, farmers were
asked about their existing knowledge on rodent control, their general attitude towards
rodents as pests, their damage including socio-economic problems and the rodent
control practices being used by them such as the methods of rodent control, rodenticides
being used, methods of rodenticide bait preparation and application, timings of rodent
control, pre-baiting, poison baiting in adjacent vacant land or uncultivated area, how
they dispose off the left over poison bait and dead rats, permanent bund reconstruction
and habitat manipulation. They were also asked whether they perform rodent control
operations collectively at village level or not. The data so collected was calculated as
percentages. Bait census and rodent damage census was taken before and after
treatment to determine the effect of treatment and education.

Survey of farmers before imparting education revealed that pre-existing

knowledge of farmers, their general towards rodent pests and the rodent control
practices being used by them were quite similar across villages. Farmers considered
rodents to be the pests responsible for low to high damage in their crops and recognize
the need for their control for which they purchase rodenticide from the market
themselves and apply in their fields. Most of the farmers were aware of the advantages
of rodent control. They also knew the importance of habitat manipulation and protection
of natural predators of rats for their control. They were aware of the fact that zinc
phosphide should be applied before damage starts and rodent control operations should
be conducted collectively at village level. Rodent control technologies commonly
adopted among farmers include killing of the rodents coming out of the water filled
burrows during irrigation and chemical control using zinc phosphide as rodenticide but
they were not doing pre-baiting before using rodenticide bait and were using low dose
of rodenticide in the poison bait, which was not sufficient to kill rodents resulting in
development of bait shyness among rodents. Farmers were not much aware about the
use of bromadiolone. However, some farmers were using bromadiolone cakes available
in market in their houses.

Survey of farmers was again conducted during rice crop period to see the impact
of education. After education, farmers started using both zinc phosphide and
bromadiolone bait alternatively for control of rodents by preparing rodenticide baits as
per the recommended method (Table 35). They applied rodenticides before grain filling
stage rather than after looking at the damage. They started doing pre-baiting before
using zinc phosphide and collected dead rats and left over poison bait for burrying them
deep in the soil. Farmers applied control measures collectively in both cultivated and
uncultivated areas.

Table 35. KAP analysis of farmers regarding rodent control practices

Percent farmers
Sr. Rodent control practices Maintenance Neglected village
No. village
Before After Before After
1. Controlling rats is important 88 100 82 100
2. Adoption of rodent control 64.7 100 78 100
3. Self application of rodenticides 85 100 95 100
4. Prophylactic control 25 75 34 76
5. Symptomatic control 75 25 66 34
6. Pre-baiting before zinc 35 75 43 73

7. Using only zinc phosphide 100 70 90 50

8. Using both zinc phosphide and 0 30 10 50
9. Using recommended dose 40 100 50 100
10. Collecting dead rats 10 50 10 40

8.2. Transfer of technology in modes other than villages of adoption

Rodent control technology was transferred to the end users by different modes like
through TV/radio talks, training camps, field/office visits, kisan melas, extension
workshops, lectures in various training programmes etc. which are given in Table 36.
Table 36. Extension activities on rodent pest management

i) Technical Guidance through Farm/Home/Field visits

Sr. Problem tackled In In field On
No office telepho
visit (
(No. of No. of
farmers farmer mobile
) s)
1 Provided individual level guidance on - One May,
‘Management of squirrel in bajra crop’ sown in 2012
PAU campus to a PG student from department
of Agronomy while his visit in the office and
my visit to the field.
2 Provided individual level guidance on - One 12.06.1
‘Management of squirrel in garden area’ near 2
Shastri Nagar, Ludhiana having vegetable crops

and fruit trees to the owner while his visit in the
3 Provided individual level guidance on - One 29.06.1
‘Management of rats in a residential house near 2
Model Town, Ludhiana to the owner while his
visit in the office
4 Individual guidance on rodent pest KVK One 24.07.1
management in kinnow orchard was provided Fatehga 2 and
to the owner of the orchard telephonically and rh Sahib 26.07.1
through my official visits to the village 2
Baryana, Distt Hoshiarpur
5 Provided technical guidance on control of -- Scienti --
rodents in field crops to scientists at Borlaug sts and
Institute for South Asia, Ladhowal, Ludhiana, field
during 2014-2015 staff
6 Provided technical guidance to the owner and -- Owner --
employees of poultry farm at village and
Naudharani, Malerkotla, District Sangrur on employ
rodent proof measures needed at specific places ees
in the poultry farm as per the request of the
farmer through telephonic conversation and
visit in November, 2014.
7 Young farmers from Fazilka were given expert 2 -- --
guidance for rodent damage in store houses and
in paddy crop while their visit in the office on
8 Provided technical guidance to employees of -- Emplo --
KRBL Limited Rice Mill, Village Bhasaur, yees
Dhuri, Distt Sangrur for managing rodent pests
as per their request and visit to the office.
Personally visited the mill for on 19.05.15 for
on the site evaluation of drawbacks and
suggestion of remedial measures.
9 Provided technical guidance to a resident from -- -- 1
Feroz Gandhi Market, Ludhiana on rodent
control through telephonic conversation on
10 Provided technical guidance to farmers visiting Thousan -- --
PAU Kisan Mela during Question/Answer ds of
session and on stall on ‘Rodent Control’ farmers
11 Provided technical guidance regarding rodent Technic -- --
control to technical staff in Pal auditorium, al staff
PAU on 20-04-2015 and School of business
studies on 18-11-2014.
12 Provided technical guidance regarding rodent -- Techni --
control in department of Soil & Water cal
Engineering, Department of Agronomy in staff
fields for wheat, pea and sugarcane crops In and
January 2015; fields of dept. of Soil Science scientis
and dept. of Plant Breeding in November 2014 ts

13 Provided technical guidance regarding rodent -- -- 1

control in paddy crop to a farmer from village
Nasib Khurd, Distt Moga on 17-07-2015.
14 Individual consultation provided on rodent - - Time to
pest management in residential area. time

15 Providing an expert guidance on rodent control - - Time to

to the officials/scientists of PAU/ GADVASU, time

ii) Exhibitions organized

Sr. Particulars Name of the Place of Products exhibition

No of event Exhibition
1. Rodent pest Kisan mela 21-22 Sep, 2012 Different species of
management at PAU, rodents, rodent damage
Ludhiana to different crops, traps,
rodenticide baits and
control methods for
2. Rodent pest Kisan mela 15-16 Mar, 2013 -do-
management at PAU,

3. Rodent pest Kisan mela 13-14 -do-
management September, 2013
at PAU,
4. Rodent pest Research and 24 Feb, 2014 at Charts, live specimens
management Extension PAU, Ludhiana and model
Workshop for
Kharif crops.
5. Rodent pest Kisan mela 14-15 March, Different species of
management 2014 at PAU, rodents, rodent damage
Ludhiana to different crops, traps,
rodenticide baits and
control methods for
6. Rodent pest Research and 16 Feb, 2015 at Charts, live specimens
management Extension PAU, Ludhiana and model
Workshop for
Kharif crops.
7. Rodent pest Kisan mela 12-13 Different species of
management September, 2014 rodents, rodent damage
at PAU, to different crops, traps,
Ludhiana rodenticide baits and
control methods for

8 Rodent pest Kisan mela 20-21 March, -do-

management 2015 at PAU,

iii) TV/Radio talks delivered

Sr. Topic Name of Expert Date of

No Recording/Telecast/Broadcast
1. Control of rats in Dr. Neena Singla TV talk on 27.05.2013 in Mera
wheat crop sown Pind Mere Khet’ programme of
with Happy Seeder DD Jalandhar
2. Control of rodents Dr. B.K. Babbar Rafio talk on 19.06.2013 in
‘Dehati’ Programme of
Akashbani Jalandhar
3. Rodent pest species, Dr. B.K. Babbar TV talk on 13.09.2014 in Sunheri
their damages and Dharti programme of Zee
control methods Punjabi
4. Rodent control in Dr. Neena Singla TV talk on 20.02.2015 in Kheti
wheat crop Khabran of DD Jalandhar
5. Rodent control in Dr. Neena Singla TV talk on 22.02.2015 in Mera
field crops Pind Mere Khet of DD Jalandhar
6. Information on Dr. Neena Singla Radio talk on 20.03.2015 at All
rodent control India Radio
displayed at stall
during kisan mela
for farmers
7. Garmi rutt diyan Dr. R. Singh Radio talk on 04.05.2015 at
faslan vich chuhian Akashbani Jalandhar
di roktham

iv) Demonstrations /antirat campaigns organized (Whole village)

Sr. Name of the Campaign Place of Campaign

1 Ant-rat campaign in summer crops on Pindi, block Fatehgarh Choorian,
31.05.2013 district Gurdaspur
2 Anti-rat campaign in wheat crop on Bhagvanpur, Distt Kapurthala
3 Anti-rat campaign in paddy crop on 25- Village Patara, Distt Jalandhar

4 Anti-rat campaign in wheat crop on 12- Village Macchiburga, Distt
11-2014. Ferozpur
5 Anti-rat campaign in wheat crop on 05- Village Partabpura, Distt
12-2014. Jalandhar
6 Anti-rat campaign in wheat crop on 18- Village Rattuwal, Distt Ludhiana
7 Anti-rat campaign in wheat crop on 18- Village Abbuwal, Distt Ludhiana

v) Trainings organized:

S. No. Name of the programme Date (s) Participants

1. Laboratory and field Demonstration 16-22 April, 20 participants

during 7-days National training 2013 from Punjab,
programme on ‘Rodent Pest Haryana and
Management’ State Agril. Officers in Himachal Pradesh
collaboration with NIPHM Hyderabad
2. One day training programme on ‘Rodent 30.07.2013 12 participants
Pest Management’ in association with among KVK
Directorate of Extension Education at scientists
PAU, Ludhiana

vii) Expert lectures delivered

S. No. Title of lecture Organizing agency Participants Date(s)/

1 Rodent control KVK Fatehgarh Sahib Farmers (village Dr N. Singla
in rice crop Rajindergarh, Distt 14.08.12
Fatehgarh Sahib)
2 Rodent control Directorate of Kisan club members Dr N. Singla
in wheat crop Extension Education at 04.10.12
sown with PAU, Ludhiana
Happy Seeder
3 On farm rodent PAMITI, PAU, Newly recruited Dr N. Singla
Control Ludhiana ADO’s 26.03.13 and
4 Murgi farm te Department of Farmers Dr N. Singla
chuhiyan de Veterinary and Animal (Total six in
roktham (In Husbandry Education, number)
Punjabi) GADVASU
5 Rodent control IGMRI, PAU Campus Food Supply officers Dr N. Singla
methods from Punjab, (Total 12 in
Haryana and number)
Himachal Pradesh
6 Advances in National Institute of Extension Dr N. Singla
Rodent Pest Biotic Stress functionaries of 02 &3.08.14
Management Management Chhattisgarh (Total 4 in
(NIBSM), IGKV number)
Campus, Raipur
7 Rodent control Directorate of FCI officers of Dr N. Singla
at post harvest Extension Education at category II &III
stage PAU, Ludhiana (31 Nos.)
8 Rodent control Directorate of FCI officers of Dr B. K.
at post harvest Extension Education at category II &III Babbar
stage PAU, Ludhiana (11Nos)
9 Lecture and Directorate of To the Young Dr N. Singla
field Extension Education at trainees Farmers (38 Dr. B.K.
demonstration PAU, Ludhiana trainees of 112th Babbar Feb
‘Rodents and batch) 11-13, 2015
their control’



The regurgitated pellets of Spotted Owlet were collected from their roosting,
nesting and perching sites at different locations such as Post mortem building, New
orchard, New area, Mushroom Farm and near Soil department at PAU campus,
Naraiangarh Seed Farm of PAU, villages Mannewal, Bhudri and Chahar, district
Ludhiana. Pellets were kept at 60°C in a hot air oven for 24 hours to kill the associated
invertebrates. The weight, length, breadth and width of pellets collected were recorded.

Each pellet was soaked in 8% NaOH solution for about 2 hours to dissolve the
hair and debris as described by Neelanarayan et al 1998. This solution (8% NaOH)
assisted in easy separation of the remains (all skulls, cranial bones) and chitinous
contents (undigested insect remains) from other contents like hair, debris etc. Then the
contents were sieved to separate all the prey remains from the dust and soil particles.
Later on, they were sorted out into different orders, type and number of bones of prey.

The identification of the small mammalian representatives in the diet of barn

owl up to the species level was made by using the keys developed by Neelanarayan et
al 1998. In the absence of mandibles, other bones like, skulls, limb bones, pectoral and
pelvic girdles and synsacra (in the case of birds) were useful, especially for
identification and quantifying the mammals (rodents, mouse, shrew and bat).
Identification of small mammals were also done using bone sorting chart.
A total of 200 pellets of Spotted Owlet were collected from eight different
locations. The majority of bones found were of Mus pp. in addition to few bones of
frogs, and birds. Body parts of insects were also found in thee pellets. The data on total
number of bones found in the pellets is given in Table 37. Study reveals the potential
of Spotted Owlet in controlling mouse population.

Five Barn Owls (3 mature and 2 young ones) were observed in wheat straw stored
at village Mannewal (distt Ludhiana). Discussion with farmers revealed that these owls
were living at that place for many years. Survey for rodent infestation in the area nearby
the store and up to 1 km away from the area revealed the presence of burrows of B.
bengalensis and T. indica. Regurgitated pellets of barn owl (n=43) were collected for
analysis of prey species consumed. Barn owls were also seen in an orchard at Ladhowal
Seed Farm of PAU but only two regurgitated pellets could be collected from orchard.
A pair of Barn Owls was also observed in an old traditional store house at Ladhowal
Seed Farm with their regurgitated pellets spread on the floor. Five Pariah Kite pellets
were collected from an area near poultry farm in GADVASU, Ludhiana.
Table 37. Bones of different vertebrate prey items found in regurgitated pellets of
Spotted Owlet

Bones Mus spp. Frog Bird

Skull 10
Dislocated bones of 351
Lower jaw (mandible) 204
Ribs 271
Shoulder blade 37
Fore Limbs
Humerus 177 1
Radius 138
Ulna 156
Hip bone 193
Hind Limbs
Femur 311 3 3
Tibia 299 3
Fibula 42
Atlas 20

Axis 8
Cervical 10
Thoracic 23
Lumber 67
Sacral 23
Caudal 224
Hand/Foot Bones 288
Patella 9


The house rat, R. rattus is the predominant rodent pest species found throughout India.
In addition to causing huge losses to food grains, it is also a major source of
transmission of parasitic infections to humans. A total of 28, R. rattus were dissected
and observed for parasitic infection. The liver of four (14.3%) rats was found having
whitish cysts of Cysticercus fasciolaris, a metacestode of Taenia taeniaeformis.
Yellowish streaks were present on the liver of two (7.1%) rats which were later
identified to be due to infestation of Capillaria hepatica, a nematode parasite of
zoonotic importance. From the intestine of one rat, adult cestode worm of Hymenolepis
diminuta was recovered, which is also a parasite of zoonotic importance. From intestine
of another rat, a nematode parasite of species Trichuris muris was also found.

In another study, out of the eighteen mature male B. bengalensis autopsied,

livers of eight rats (44.4 %) were found infected with parasites comprising two (11.1
%) rats infected with C. hepatica alone and two (11.1 %) infected with C. hepatica in
concurrence with C. fasciolaris. Gross lesions comprising of pale cystic areas or streaks
on the surface of liver in rats revealed the presence of eggs of C. hepatica scattered in
the parenchyma of the liver. Histologically, granulomatous reaction around the eggs,
adult worms and dead components of parasites were observed. Keeping in view the
great potential of adult female C. hepatica worms for production of large number of
eggs and their zoonotic importance, it is necessary to prevent the incidence of this
disease by taking proper sanitation and rodent control measures around animal and
human dwellings.

Autopsy of 52 mature male B. bengalensis and 31 mature female B. bengalensis

trapped from premises near railway station and agriculture fields at Ludhiana revealed
lesions comprising pale cystic areas or streaks randomly scattered on the surface of the
liver along with whitish cysts on or around the liver, helminthic worms in intestine were
found in some rats. The parasites found in rats were cysts of Cysticercus fasciolaris in
liver, Capillaria hepatica in liver and Hymenolepis diminuta in intestine. Mixed
infections with C. fasciolaris and H. diminuta along with enlarged spleen, infection
with C. fasciolaris along with enlarged spleen and mixed infection with C. hepatica
and H. diminuta were also observed (Table 38). The weight of epididymis in male rats
and the weight of ovary in female rats infected with parasites were found to be
significantly low from that of uninfected rats indicating some effect on reproduction.
Potential of these parasites in affecting reproduction of rats can thus be explored.

Table 38. Various parasites and deformities found in B. bengalensis

Sex No. Infected Parasites found and Animals Percentage Percentage

infected deformity infected of infected of total
/total individuals individuals
Male 35/52 67.31 C. fasciolaris 11 31.43 21.15
C. hepatica 8 22.86 15.38
Mixed infection * 9 25.71 17.31
Mixed infection! 2 5.71 3.85
Mixed infection # 1 2.86 1.92
H. diminuta 3 8.57 5.77
Enlarge spleen 1 2.86 1.92
Female 23/31 74.19 C. fasciolaris 6 26.09 19.35
C. hepatica 5 21.74 16.13
Mixed infection* 8 34.78 25.81
Mixed infection ≠ 2 8.70 6.45
Mixed infection € 1 4.35 3.23
Mixed infection ¥ 1 4.35 3.23
*Mixed infection with C. fasciolaris and H diminuta,! Mixed infection with C. hepatica
and H. diminuta, # Mixed infection with C. fasciolaris, H. diminuta and enlarged
spleen, ≠ Mixed infection with C. fasciolaris and enlarged spleen, € Mixed infection
with C hepatica, H diminuta and enlarged spleen, ¥ Mixed infection with C. hepatica
and enlarged spleen

Location Specific:
(a) Toxicology of existing rodenticides: Earlier studies on toxicity of bromadiolone
have revealed its oral LD50 value only against common rodent species like, house
mouse, house rat and Norway rats however no reports exists on LD50 value for cereal
based formulation of bromadiolone (0.005%). Present study was therefore carried out
to determine LD50 value of bromadiolone (0.005%) bait against R. rattus. Nine different
doses of 0.005% bromadiolone bait i.e. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 32 and 64 g/100g bw were
fed to nine different groups of male R. rattus whereas, six different doses of
bromadiolone bait (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 g/100g bw) were fed to six different groups
of female rats. These values corresponded to 0.5 to 32.0 mg/kg bw of active ingredient
in male and 1.0 to 32.0 mg/kg bw of active ingredient in female rats.

The LD50 values of active ingredient were found to be 1.05 and 1.83 mg/kg bw
with corresponding values of 2.10 and 3.67 g/100g bw for bromadiolone (0.005%) bait
in male and female rats, respectively. Bromadiolone was hence somewhat more toxic
to males than females or in other words the males were more susceptible to
bromadiolone than females. Individual variations in both the sexes were also observed
in days to death after bromadiolone ingestion (Table 39).

Table 39. Percentage mortality in male and female R. rattus after administration
of different doses of bromadiolone

Body weight (g) Dose of 0.005% Mortality (%)

(n = 5 each) bromadiolone bait
ingested (g/100g bw)
Male rats Female rats

169.80±15.40 1.0 0 -
169.60±18.30 2.0 80 40
169.60±31.19 4.0 100 60
169.60±12.99 6.0 80 -
169.80±21.03 8.0 60 40
169.80±23.88 10.0 100 -
152.40±25.30 16.0 100 60
142.60±22.70 32.0 100 100
129.60±18.17 64.0 100 100

Studies were also carried out to determine LD50 value based on single oral doses
of 0.25% bromadiolone administered to male and female R. rattus through gastric
gavage. Total five groups of male and female rats with 4-5 rats in each group were
given five different doses of bromadiolone (i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mg/kg bw). Rats were
observed daily for toxicity and mortality. LD50 and LD99 values of bromadiolone for
both male and female rats were determined through Probit Analysis using Polo
software. The results are given in Table 40. Results revealed 75 to 100% mortality
within 1-6 days of male rats and 40-100% mortality of female rats within 1-7 days.
Females were found more tolerant to bromadiolone toxicity as compared to male rats.
The LD50 and LD99 were found to be 1.88 and 2.33 mg/kg bw in male rats and 2.04 and
2.47 mg/kg bw in female rats.

Table 40. Toxicity of bromadiolone administered orally to male R. rattus

S. Dose (mg/kg Mortality (%) Days to death

No. bw)
Male rats Female rats Male rats Female rats
1. 0 0 0 - -
2. 2 75 40 3 days 2 days
3. 4 100 100 1-6 days 1-7 days
4. 6 100 100 2-5 days 3-7days
5. 8 100 100 1-3 days 2-3 days

(b) Studies on development of ready to use bait of acute rodenticides: Rodents

quickly learn to avoid zinc phosphide poison bait due to its odour and taste. Therefore,
there is a need to prepare zinc phosphide bait in such a way so that its odor and taste
can be effectively masked. To avoid this, 2% zinc phosphide was microencapsulated
using three different formulations. Each formulation was then mixed in cracked wheat
and fed to three groups of R. rattus after recording their consumption of plain WSO
bait. Consumption of bait containing formulation II was minimum (1.80) and that
containing formulation III was maximum (2.40). Mortality of rats within 18 hours was
80% with bait containing formulations I and II while it was 100% with formulation III
indicating better potential of formulation III as compared to that of formulation I & II.

When zinc phosphide toxicant is mixed with the bait, phosphine is generated
before being eaten in required lethal quantities causing rejection of the bait by the
rodent. Such liberation of phosphine gas after mixing the toxicant in baits can be
substantially prevented by adding a metal salt to the bait. Further, it has been found that
the effectiveness of the zinc phosphide can be enhanced significantly by incorporating
into the bait a gastric juice stimulant. The purpose of such stimulant is to increase the
acid concentration in the rodent's stomach and thereby promoting the release of the
phosphine gas. Keeping above points in view, three formulations of 2% zinc phosphide
bait were prepared. Formulation I contained only zinc phosphide mixed in 2% WSO
bait. Formulation II contained zinc phosphide and metal salt mixed in 2% WSO bait
and formulation III contained zinc phosphide, metal salt and gastric juice stimulant
mixed in 2% WSO bait. Each formulation was fed to three groups of R. rattus after
recording their consumption of plain WSO bait. Results revealed reduced consumption
of plain WSO bait during treatment period. No significant difference was there in
consumption of different formulations, but the time to 100% mortality was minimum
with formulation II and maximum with formulation I (Table 41). There is a need to
further improve the method of preparation of zinc phosphide formulations to increase
its effectiveness. Further experiments are under progress.

Table 41. Consumption and percent mortality of house rat R. Rattus with different
formulations of zinc phosphide

Formulations Body Pre-census Consumption during Time to

of 2% zinc weight (g) bait treatment (g/100g bw) 100%
phosphide consumption mortality
(n =10
(g/100g bw) (hrs)
Plain bait Treated
Formulation I 79.20±1.36 13.57±2.12 2.42±0.70 3.25±0.62 23.87±11.40

Formulation II 83.80±2.79 10.38±1.71 2.42±0.72 2.83±0.39 14.27±4.90

Formulation III 81.80±2.14 14.43±1.87 3.71±0.52 3.00±0.64 18.25±3.16

(c) Behavioural studies on predominant rodent species

i) Study of repellent behavior of R. rattus in response to formulations of cinnamic

aldehyde and cinnamamide: Exposure of R. rattus of both sexes in I-maze to effective
formulation II (prepared by mixing 5% cinnamic aldehyde and 1% NaHCO3 in water)
of cinnamic aldehyde in bi-choice with plain bait revealed no significant difference
between the two sexes. There was also no significant difference in zone frequency,
total distance moved (cm), frequency of rearing and frequency of mobility between
untreated and treated zones but values of all the parameters were lower in treated zone
as compared to untreated zone indicating reduced activity of rats in treated zone in
response to formulation II (Table 42).

Exposure of R. rattus of both sexes in I-maze to effective formulation III
(prepared by mixing 0.4 g cinnamamide dissolved in 25 ml methanol and 1g NaHC03
dissolved in 25 ml water) of cinnamamide also revealed no significant difference
between the two sexes. There was also no significant difference in zone frequency,
total distance moved (cm), frequency of rearing and frequency of mobility between
untreated and treated zones but values of all the parameters were lower in treated zone
as compared to untreated zone indicating reduced activity of rats in treated zone in
response to formulation III of cinnamamide (Table 43).

Table 42. Repellent behaviour of Rattus rattus in response to formulation II of

cinnamic aldehyde in I-Maze under bi-choice condition

S. Untreated Zone Treated Zone

Parameter Treatment/days
No. (n = 6) (n = 6)

Pre treatment 171.22±102.07 79.84±31.39

Day 1 Treatment 40.00±20.02 43.83±16.52

In zone
1. Day 2 Treatment 67.33±40.99 21.83±8.75
Day 3 Treatment 41.50±15.97 32.00±15.82

Post Treatment 151.00±96.72 44.94±29.16

Pre treatment 6117.39±2300.92 6162.90±2016.62

Day 1 Treatment 18013.12±2115.97 6087.65±932.33

2. distance Day 2 Treatment 15107.82±5865.88 4302.62±1609.67
moved (cm)
Day 3 Treatment 12473.99±5541.12 3915.65±157.98

Post Treatment 93769.15±2523.34 4331.93±1796.90

Pre treatment 369.50±157.72 754.11±79.29

Day 1 Treatment 1009.50±123.86 549.00±203.17

Day 2 Treatment 1411.50±513.94 367.00±158.86
3. of rearing
Day 3 Treatment 1326.00±664.91 268.00±46.90

Post Treatment 532.33±212.84 334.88±125.78

Pre treatment 599.37±254.46 944.08± 256.20

4. Day 1 Treatment 857.00±250.32 726.50±265.52
of mobility
Day 2 Treatment 1760.00±640.16 502.50±223.79

Day 3 Treatment 1848.16±633.53 286.16±134.06

Post Treatment 707.16±263.32 461.38±223.85

ii) Study of antifeedant behavior of R. rattus in response to formulations of

cinnamic aldehyde and cinnamamide: Antifeedant behaviour of R. rattus of both
sexes towards formulation II of cannamic aldehyde and formulation III of cinnamamide
was recorded using Feed Scale Consumption Monitor (FSCM). Results revealed a non-
significant difference in number of feeding bouts, feeding bout length and feed
consumed (g) between both the sexes but there was a significant reduction (P ≤ 0.05)
in the values of all the three parameters during treatment period as compared to pre-
treatment period (Tables 44-45).

Table 43. Repellent behaviour of Rattus rattus in response to formulation III

of cinnamamide under bi-choice condition in I-Maze

Untreated Zone Treated Zone

S. No. Parameter Treatment/days
(n = 6) (n = 6)

1. In zone Pre treatment 171.22±102.07 79.84±31.39

Day 1 Treatment 53.00±26.86 44.00±28.24

Day 2 Treatment 20.13±6.66 35.83±20.10

Day 3 Treatment 13.16±6.78 41.60±0.86

Post Treatment 151.00±96.72 44.94±29.16

2. Total Pre treatment 6117.39±2300.92 6162.90±2016.62

moved (cm) Day 1 Treatment 21070.62±11812.94 16216.70±7795.22

Day 2 Treatment 26533.48±5586.58 3141.05±1112.27

Day 3 Treatment 21526.59±7555.37 1571.15±1085.44

Post Treatment 93769.15±2523.34 4331.93±1796.90

Pre treatment 369.50±157.72 754.11±79.29

Day 1 Treatment 1009.50±123.86 549.00±203.17

3. Day 2 Treatment 1411.50±513.94 367.00±158.86
of rearing
Day 3 Treatment 1326.00±664.91 268.00±46.90

Post Treatment 532.33±212.84 334.88±125.78

Pre treatment 599.37±254.46 944.08±256.20

Day 1 Treatment 1511.83±752.92 1316.33±599.73

4. Frequency Day 2 Treatment 2234.33±539.32 279.16±102.28
of mobility
Day 3 Treatment 2098.50±661.81 128.50±86.66

Post Treatment 707.16±263.32 461.38±223.85

iii) Study of repellent behavior of B. bengalensis in response to formulation II of

cinnamic aldehyde: Behaviour of B. bengalensis was recorded in response to repellent
property of formulation II of cinnamic aldehyde (5%) containing sodium bicarbonate
as emulsifier and tert-butyl hyroxyquionone as photostabilizer in bi-choice condition in
I-maze under camera operated ethovision video tracking system. Results revealed
reduction in values of all parameters in treated zone as compared to untreated zone and
central untreated hub indicating repellent property of cinnamic aldehyde (Table 46).
iv) Study of antifeedant behavior of B. bengalensis in response to formulation II of
cinnamic aldehyde: Feeding behaviour of B. bengalensis was also recorded under Feed
scale consumption monitor in response to antifeedant property of formulation II of
cinnamic aldehyde. Results revealed a no significant difference in number of feeding
bouts, feeding bout time and feed consumed between the two sexes but there was a
significant reduction in the values of all the three parameters during treatment period as
compared to pre-treatment period. Rats did not find the compound immediately
repellent, consumption of treated bait declined almost completely after day 1 in both
male and female rats and remained almost nil for the rest of the treatment period (Table
47). The response of bandicoot rats to cinnamic aldehyde is indicative of learned

Table 44. Antifeedant behavior of Rattus rattus in response to formulation II of

cinnamic aldehyde in feed scale consumption monitor
Pre-treatment period* Treatment period**

Sex Numb Antifeed

Da Number Feeding Feedin
Feed er of Feed ant Index
ys of bout g bout
consum feedin consum (%)
feeding length length
ed (g) g ed (g)
bouts (sec) (sec)

Day 327± 0.72± 0.67± 15±6.3 0.15±0. 87.92±

1 134.77 0.3 0.18 4 11 8.32
Male 123.33
Day 17.67±11. 543± 1.07± 2.67± 0.29±0. 73.46±
2 57 354.61 0.69 1.18 12 16.89

Day 10.33± 580± 1.33± 0.74±0. 76.63±
4±1.88 ±
3 7.22 371.34 0.62 41 12.11

Day 8.33± 405.33± 1.67± 15±12. 0.04±0. 98.4±

4 3.21 108.96 0.54 24 03 1.30

Day 8.67± 455.33± 1.7±

0 0 0 100±0
5 2.33 160.75 0.42

Day 21.33± 537.67± 2.07± 0.33± 0.01± 99.64±

6 4.45 169.51 0.38 0.27 0.08 0.28

Day 456.66± 0.64± 2.67± 106± 0.49± 33.33±

1 50.40 0.11 1.78 81.29 0.23 27.22

Day 483±65. 3.33± 3.33± 109± 0.62± 81.77±14.

2 64 0.82 2.72 88.99 0.51 88

Day 10.67± 557.66± 2.45± 2.67± 90.67± 0.56± 66.13±25.

3 1.78 189.44 0.60 1.78 44.92 0.38 37
e# 11.67± 665.66± 2.28± 2.33± 98.67± 0.79± 65.96±
4 2.68 95.15 0.85 1.51 59.88 0.40 22.87

Day 11.67± 522± 2.86± 48± 0.31± 69.90±

5 1.65 186.23 1.3 32.89 0.24 24.43

Day 8.67± 430.67± 3.91± 0.33± 4.67± 0.02± 97.75±

6 3.34 229.35 2.27 0.27 3.81 0.02 1.83

Values are Mean±SE

*, ** In overall, significant difference between pre-treatment and treatment periods

# In overall, non-significant difference between male and female rats

Table 45. Antifeedant behavior of Rattus rattus in response to formulation III of
cinnamamide in Feed Scale Consumption Monitor
Pre-treatment period* Treatment period**

Sex Days Feeding

Feeding Feeding bout Feeding Feeding Bout Feeding
bout events time (sec) (g) time (sec) (g)

Day 0.74±
6.33±2.12 327±134.77 0.72±0.3 3± 1.41 85±49.03
1 0.37

Day 0.01±
17.67±11.57 543±354.61 1.07±0.69 1± 0.82 5±4.08
2 0.00

10.33±7.22 580±371.34 1.33±0.62 1±0.47 5±2.05 0.02±0.01
8.33±3.21 405.33±108.96 1.67±0.54 0.66±0.27 4.33±1.78 0.05±0.02

8.67±2.33 455.33±160.75 1.7±0.42 0 0 0

21.33±4.45 537.67±169.51 2.07±0.38 0 0 0

4±0.47 456.66±50.40 0.64±0.11 3±2.44 89.66±73.21 0.66±0.53

8±2.49 483±65.64 3.33±0.82 1.33±0.72 23±13.14 0.17±0.07

10.67±1.78 557.66±189.44 2.45±0.60 0 0 0
11.67±2.68 665.66±95.15 2.28±0.85 2.66±2.17 104±84.92 0.04±0.02

11.67±1.65 522±186.23 2.86±1.3 0.33±0.27 8±6.53 0.13±0.10

8.67±3.34 430.67±229.35 3.91±2.27 0.33±0.27 4.66±3.81 0.02±0.01

*, ** In overall, significant difference in food consumption from untreated and treated side

Table 46. Repellent behaviour of B. bengalensis in response to formulation II of cinnamic
aldehyde in I-Maze under bi-choice condition

S. Parameter Movements of rats (n=6)

Treated zone Untreated Zone Untreated Zone
(central hub)
1. In zone frequency 3.50±0.87a 8.10±2.12 b 5.60±2.28 c

2. In zone total 44.90±8.69a 121.50±44.90b 5003.50±1032.40c

duration (sec)

3. Total distance 5.26±1.59a 2655.20±2162.50b 5439.60±4806.90c

moved (cm)

4. Mean velocity 4.80±0.97 a 4.50±0.89b 4.17±0.45 c

5. Rearing frequency 5.16±1.81a 9.90±2.99b 883.40±366.90c

6. Mobility 2.23±0.70a 6.40±5.73b 1782.00±1061.60c

Table 47. Behavior of B. bengalensis in response to antifeedant property of formulation II

of cinnamic aldehyde in feed scale consumption monitor
Pre-treatment period* Treatment period**
Sex Number Number Feeding
Days Feeding Feed Feed
of of bout
bout time consumed consumed
feeding feeding time
(sec) (g) (g)
bouts bouts (sec)

Day 5.83± 177.00± 0.66± 11.00±

4.59±0.71 0.04±0.01
1 0.36 145.06 0.54 1.24

Day 3.33±
Male 37.50±17.01 2.46±0.29 0 0 0
2 1.13

Day 2.00± 2.00± 11.60±

61.30±50.07 3.22±0.50 0.02±0.01
3 0.81 0.47 2.35

Day 2.33± 16.00±

269.80±183.7 4.00±0.45 1.00±0.4 0.11±0.04
1 0.41 1.9

Day 6.33±
Female 293.80±120.9 4.84±0.19 0 0 0
2 1.78

Day 8.83±
157.00±115.6 4.03±0.90 0 0 0
3 6.40
Values are Mean±SE

*,** show significant difference between pre-treatment and treatment periods at p≤0.05

v) Repellent behaviour of R. rattus in response to 5% eucalyptus and 5% citronella
oils in multi-choice feeding test: Record of behaviour of male and female R. rattus in
response to 5% eucalyptus and 5% citronella oils kept as encapsulated wax blocks in
multi-choice test in T-maze revealed significantly low values for total distance moved,
maximum distance moved, mean velocity, frequency of rearing, frequency of mobility
in zones treated with eucalyptus and citronella oils as compared to the untreated zones.
The latency of first occurrence was more in the zone treated with eucalyptus oil than
zone treated with citronella oil. The values of the other parameters recorded were more
in the zone treated with citronella oil than zone treated with eucalyptus oil thus
indicating prolonged repellent effect of 5% eucalyptus oil than citronella oil.

vi) Repellent behaviour of R. rattus in response to 5% eucalyptus oil in bi-choice

feeding test: Behaviour of male and female R. rattus in response to 5% eucalyptus oil
kept as encapsulated wax blocks in bi-choice condition in I-maze revealed no
significant difference in in zone frequency, latency of first occurrence and mean
velocity between untreated and treated zones. A significant difference was however
found between the two zones for total and maximum distance moved, frequency of
rearing and mobility. A significant difference was also found among the three replicated
rats for total distance and maximum distance moved and in zone frequency. In zone
frequency and total distance moved on day of no treatment were almost similar to those
found on day 3rd of the treatment indicating reduced persistence of the repellent effect
of the oil. The record of animal tracks in the maze revealed reduced movement and
activity of the rats in treated zones. A significant difference was found in all the
parameters recorded between untreated and treated with values of these parameters
lower in treated zone. No significant difference was observed between the two sexes.

d) Evaluation of triptolide for antifertility effects against predominant rodents

i) Antifertility effects of triptolide in male B. bengalensis: Feeding of different
concentrations of triptolide i.e. 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25% in bait to male B. bengalensis for
15 days duration in bi-choice feeding tests revealed significantly (P≤0.05) low
consumption of treatment bait from that of untreated bait. Breeding of treated male rats
with untreated cyclic female rats revealed no breeding in males treated with 0.2 and
0.25% triptolide. Autopsy of male rats immediately and after 30 and 60 days of
treatment withdrawal revealed significant reduction in weights of reproductive organs;
decrease in sperm motility, viability and density and increase in sperm abnormality in
rats of treated groups (Tables 48-50). No effect of treatment was observed on plasma
levels of male sex hormones, testosterone. The plasma levels of total proteins and
enzymes were found increased significantly in all the treated groups of male rats.
Histomorphology of testis revealed a significant decrease in diameter of seminiferous
tubules and number of different germ cells indicating effect of triptolide on
spermatogenesis and spermeiogenesis (Tables 51-52).

Table 48. Effect of triptolide treatment on weights of reproductive organs and
cauda epididymal sperm parameters immediately after termination of treatment

Organ wt./sperm Treatment (n=5 each) (Mean±SEM)

0% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25%
Testis (g/100g bw) 0.34±0.04a 0.19±0.02b 0.19±0.01b 0.09±0.01c
Epididymis (g/100g 0.08±0.007a 0.07±0.004a 0.06±0.004a 0.03±0.001b

Seminal vesicles 0.57±0.05a 0.54±0.07a 0.53±0.03a 0.24±0.003b

(g/100g bw)
Prostate gland (g/100g 0.32±0.03a 0.39±0.06a 0.28±0.04a 0.08±0.01b
Sperm motility (%) 69.70±1.94a 19.50±2.17b 17.20±3.93bc 3.50±0.94c
Sperm viability (%) 77.75±1.60a 36.70±0.97b 27.40±0.38c 18.78±1.37d
Sperm density 365.00±13.93a 243.00±12.62b 177.00±13.01c 133.33±9.81c
Sperm head tail 11.22±1.52a 20.88±2.27b 26.63±1.27b 54.06±3.14c
separation (%)
Other sperm 8.59±2.18a 21.07±1.96b 29.54±1.72c 34.00±1.33c
abnormalities (%)
Values with different superscripts in a row differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05

Table 49. Effect of triptolide treatment on weights of reproductive organs and

cauda epididymal sperm parameters after 30 days of termination of treatment
Organ wt./sperm Treatment (n=5 each) (Mean±SEM)
0% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25%

Testis (g/100g bw) 0.25±0.01a 0.17±0.02b 0.16±0.01b 0.09±0.02c

Epididymis (g/100g 0.07±0.002a 0.05±0.008b 0.06±0.005ab 0.05±0.002b


Seminal vesicles 0.51±0.01a 0.38±0.11a 0.33±0.04a 0.33±0.01a

(g/100g bw)

Prostate gland (g/100g 0.34±0.01a 0.15±0.04ab 0.18±0.04ab 0.08±0.02b


Sperm motility (%) 66.60±0.81a 21.70±10.06b 8.88±2.53b 2.75±0.54b

Sperm viability (%) 72.65±1.22a 26.56±3.48b 22.95±2.00b 20.25±2.60b

Sperm density 342.00±31.21a 226.00±25.55b 192.50±19.49b 158.75±8.17b


Sperm head tail 9.40±1.92a 25.20±2.66b 40.23±0.42c 55.87±1.87d

separation (%)

Other sperm 4.71±0.79a 25.58±3.09b 29.92±1.25b 32.47±2.28b

abnormalities (%)
Values with different superscripts in a row differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05

Table 50. Effect of triptolide treatment on weights of reproductive organs and

cauda epididymal sperm parameters after 60 days of termination of treatment

Organ wt./sperm parameters Treatment (n=5 each) (Mean±SEM)

0% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25%

Testis (g/100g bw) 0.24±0.01a 0.21±0.03b 0.18±0.04 b 0.14±0.03 b

Epididymis (g/100g bw) 0.07±0.003a 0.06±0.006 b 0.06±0.01ab 0.05±0.01b

Seminal vesicles (g/100g bw) 0.50±0.01a 0.45±0.10a 0.41±0.06a 0.21±0.04a

Prostate gland (g/100g bw) 0.33±0.01a 0.24±0.05a 0.28±0.02a 0.09± 0. 01b

Sperm motility (%) 71.50±0.96a 22.70±8.32b 9.33±0.95b 3.13±1.34b

Sperm viability (%) 71.76±3011a 27.01±2.48b 23.73±0.97b 20.65±2.82b

Sperm density (millions/ml) 356.00±17.71a 240.00±18.60b 226.67±28.80b 171.25±10.51c

Sperm head tail separation (%) 9.28±2.18a 22.51±1.82b 38.84±0.77c 51.27±2.04d

Other sperm abnormalities (%) 4.28±0.93a 22.60±1.11b 29.98±0.99c 36.73±0.87d

Values with different superscripts in a row differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05

ii) Antifertility effects of triptolide in female B. bengalensis: Feeding of different

concentrations of triptolide i.e. 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20% to female B. bengalensis for 15
days in bi-choice feeding tests revealed significantly low consumption of treated bait
from that of untreated bait. Autopsy of female rats after 15 and 30 days of treatment
withdrawal revealed increase in duration of estrous cycle in rats of treated groups (Table
53) and significant reduction in weights of ovary and uterus. No effect of treatment was
observed on plasma levels of hormones. The plasma levels of total proteins and
enzymes were found increased significantly in all the treated groups of female rats.
Histomorphology of uterus and ovary revealed significant antifertility effects of
triptolide (Tables 54-55). Study suggests use of triptolide in integration with chemical
control for population regulation of B. bengalensis.

Table 51. Variations in the true count of cells and diameter of the seminiferous tubules of male B. bengalensis immediately after triptolide

Treatment STD
(n=5) (mm)
0% 5.43± 1.16± 6.95± 24.46± 12.91 51.63 17.74± 18.70± 24.30± 4.84± 0.19±
2.27a 0.004a
(I) 0.30a 0.49a 3.12a ±4.17 ±6.49a 7.10a 7.50a 7.82a 0.25a
0.15% 7.07± 0.60± 1.28± 17.42± 2.56± 29.05± 4.20± 1.00± 8.83±3.05ab 14.11± 0.17±
0.60b 1.39b 1.97b 0.98b 0.002b
(II) 0.17b 0.18a 1.59ab 2.92b 1.12b
0.2% 7.87± 0.32 1.28± 14.19± 3.56± 29.17± 3.68± 0.24± 0.00± 0.00b 18.98± 0.17±
0.48b 1.30b 1.32b 0.23b 0.004b
(III) 0.38b ±0.15a 1.63b 3.35b 0.66c
0.25% (IV) 9.31± 0.0± 0.0± 0.0± 0.00c 0.0± 0.0± 0.0± 0.0± 0.0± 0.00b 25.93± 0.14±
0.00b 0.00b 0.00c 0.00c 0.00b 0.004c
0.28c 0.00b 0.58d

-Values are Mean±SEM, -Values with different superscripts in a column differ significantly P ≤ 0.05.

Table 52. Variations in the true count of cells in seminiferous tubules of male B. bengalensis after 30 and 60 days of
treatment withdrawal.

Cells Cell count (n=5 each) (Mean ± SEM)

After 30 days of treatment withdrawal After 60 days of treatment withdrawal
0% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25%
SG 5.47±0.26a 7.39±0.20 b
7.83±0.29 b
9.39±0.25 c
5.71±0.26 a
6.79±0.27 b
PL 0.68±0.28a 0.44±0.14ab 0.40±0.11ab 0.00±0.00b 0.44±0.17a 0.44±0.13a 0.08±0.05a
L 1.20±0.43a 0.44±0.16a 0.40±0.14a 0.00±0.00a 0.52±0.18a 0.44±0.15a 0.08±0.08a
Z 8.51±2.51a 1.60±0.64b 1.68±0.55b 0.00±0.00b 1.80±0.72b 1.56±0.57b 0.64±0.35b
P 25.97±3.91a 17.46±2.05ab 13.11±1.82b 0.00±0.00c 20.26±2.08ab 14.79±1.87b 2.36±1.28c
D 16.02±4.29a 4.04±1.62b 4.16±1.23b 0.00±0.00b 4.04±1.62b 4.16±1.35b 1.12±0.61b
RS 50.31±7.56a 30.29±3.36b 25.73±3.57b 0.00±0.00c 33.97±3.45ab 29.45±3.74b 3.48±1.89c
EL 18.40±6.56a 4.52±2.09b 4.36±1.29b 0.00±0.00b 4.60±2.13b 4.44±1.61b 0.00±0.00b
ED 19.00±7.60a 7.00±3.85ab 1.52±1.49b 0.00±0.00b 10.36±4.76a 7.68±3.53a 0.00±0.00a
SZ 23.72±8.45a 8.24±3.80ab 0.00±0.00b 0.00±0.00b 11.64±5.34ab 0.00±0.00b 0.00±0.00b
SC 5.23±0.17a 14.95±0.74b 19.54±0.42c 25.93±0.58d 13.31±0.73b 17.94±0.48c 22.22±0.40d
Total 174.53±7.96a 96.38±4.78b 78.75±2.70b 35.35±0.57c 106.65±6.32b 87.70±3.97b 36.43±3.31c
Values with different superscripts (a-d) in a row after 30 and 60 days of treatment withdrawal differ significantly
at P ≤ 0.05 with respect to control group as well as treated groups

Table 53. Effects of triptolide on number and duration of estrous cycle

Conc. No. of estrous cycles in 15 days period Duration of one estrous cycle in 15 days period (days)
in bait
Before During With in 15 Within 15 to Before During With in 15 Within 15 to 30
(%) treatment treatment days after 30 days after treatment treatment days after days after
(n=8 each) termination of termination of (n=8 each) termination termination of
(n=8 each) (n=8 each)
treatment treatment of treatment treatment
(n=8 each) (n =4 each) (n=8 each) (n =4 each)

0.00 3.50±0.20a 3.33±0.19a 3.50±0.20ab 3.25±0.22 ab 4.00±0.33a 4.17±0.28a 4.00±0.33a 4.25±0.25 a

0.10 3.43±0.19a 3.14±0.14a 2.86±0.13b 3.00±0.00 ab 4.29±0.19a 4.29±0.14a 5.43±0.28b 4.67±0.24 ab

0.15 3.38±0.17a 2.63±0.17bc 2.38±0.17c 2.75±0.22 ac 4.38±0.25a 4.50±0.18a 6.63±0.30c 5.25±0.22 ac

0.20 3.50±0.18a 2.25±0.15bc 1.88±0.08c 2.50±0.25 bc 4.25±0.23a 5.25±0.15b 8.00±0.25d 6.50±0.56 bcd

-Values are Mean ± SE, Values with different superscripts (a-d) in a column as well as in a row for number of estrous cycles and duration of
estrous cycles differ significantly at P ≤ 0.05

Table 54. Effect triptolide treatment on follicular kinetics (normal follicles) in the ovaries of female B. bengalensis

Treatment/ Mean number of normal follicles

group Primordial Primary Secondary Tertiary Pre-antral Antral Corpus luteum
0% (I) 17.33±0.54a 11.67±0.27a 8.00±0.47a 6.67±0.27a 5.33±0.27a 5.33±0.27a 9.67±0.27a

0.10% (II) 13.67±1.52a 8.67±0.54b 6.00±0.47b 4.67±0.72b 3.00±0.47b 2.67±0.27b 7.33±0.27b

0.15% (III) 4.33±0.27b 6.33±0.27c 2.33±0.27c 2.33±0.27c 1.33±0.27c 2.00±0.00b 3.67±0.27c

0.20% (IV) 2.67±1.19b 3.33±0.72d 3.00±0.47c 0.33±0.27d - 0.33±0.27c 1.67±0.27d

-Values are Mean ± SE, values with different superscripts (a-d) in a column differ significantly at P < 0.05

Table 55. Effect triptolide treatment on follicular kinetics (atretic follicles) in the ovaries of female B. bengalensis

Treatment/ Mean number of atretic follicles

group Primordial Primary Secondary Tertiary Pre-antral Antral
0% (I) 6.00±0.47a 4.33±0.27a 4.67±0.27 a 2.67±0.27a 2.33±0.27a 3.00±0.00a

0.10% (II) 4.00±0.47a 6.00±0.47b 3.67±0.27a 4.33±0.00b 4.33±0.27b 7.67±0.27b

0.15% (III) 5.33±0.27a 6.67±0.27b 4.67±0.27a 5.33±0.27b 4.67±0.27b 9.33±0.27c

0.20% IV) 4.33±0.27a 5.67±0.27b 4.67±0.27a 3.67±0.54a 3.67±0.27b 9.33±0.27c

-Values are Mean ± SE, values with different superscripts (a-c) in a column differ significantly at P < 0.05

i) Research papers

Babbar BK and Singla N. 2012. Evaluation of peppermint oil as repellent/ antifeedant against
the Indian gerbil, Tatera indica. Crop Improvement (Special issue): 907-908.
Singla N and Babbar BK. 2012. Critical timings of rodenticide bait application for controlling
rodents in sugarcane crop sown in Punjab, India. Sugar Tech 14(1): 76-82. (8 citations)
Singla N and Babbar BK. 2012. Critical timings and methods of rodenticide application in pea
(Pisum sativum) crop fields. Crop Improvement (special issue): 1001-1002.
Singla N, Babbar BK and Kaur J. 2012. Farmer’s participatory research on rodent control in
Punjab: Survey, education, impact and sustainability. Crop Protection 34: 25-31. (3
Singla N, Kaur R, Babbar BK and Mahal AK. 2012. Repellent potential of eucalyptus and
citronella oils against rodent pests infesting stored grain houses. Crop Improvement
(special issue). pp. 1037-1038.
Singla N and Mittal M. 2012. Management of post control rodent population rebuildup in
sugarcane. Journal of Research PAU 49(1 & 2): 60-64. (2 citations)
Dhar P and Singla N. 2013. Effect of triptolide on reproductive output of male Bandicota
bengalensis. International Journal of Advanced Research1 (9): 705-716.
Singla N and Garg M. 2013. Effect of crude cottonseed oil containing gossypol on fertility of
male and estrous cycle of female Bandicota bengalensis Gray and Hardwicke. Journal
of Applied Animal Research 41(2): 156-165. (6 citations)
Singla N, Kaur G, Babbar BK and Sandhu BS. 2013. Potential of triptolide in reproductive
management of the house rat, rattus rattus(Linnaeus). Integrative Zoology 8: 260-276.
(11 citations)
Singla N, Kaur R and Mahal AK. 2013. Repellent effect of eucalyptus oil applied as paint
against house rat, Rattus rattus. International Journal of Advanced Research 1: 220-
Singla N, Singla LD, Gupta K and Sood NK. 2013. Pathological alterations in natural cases of
Capillaria hepatica infection alone and in concurrence with Cysticercus fasciolaris in
Bandicota bengalensis. Journal of Parasitic Diseases 37(1): 16-20. (10 citations)
Babbar BK, Singla N and Singh R. 2014. Impact of village level education and training on
adoption of control strategies, their sustainability and reduction in crop losses.
International Journal of Advanced Research 7(2): 672-683. (1 citation)
Dhar P and Singla N. 2014. Effect of triptolide on reproduction of female lesser bandicoot rat,
Bandicota bengalensis. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 37(4): 448-458.(3 citations)
Dhar P and Singla N. 2014. Histomorphological and biochemical changes induced by triptolide
treatment in male lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis. Pesticide Biochemistry
and Physiology 116: 49-55.

Dhar P, Singla N and Babbar BK. 2014. Effect of triptolide on vital organs, blood biochemical
parameters and histomorphology of testis in male Bandicota Bengalensis. Indian
Journal of Applied Research 4 (2): 27-30.
Dhar P, Singla N, Babbar BK and Shekhar C. 2014. Potential of triptolide in management of
post control rodent population rebuild up in sugarcane crop fields. International Journal
of Advanced Research 2 (9): 796-804.
Garg N and Singla N. 2014. Toxicity of second generation anticoagulant bromadiolone against
Rattus rattus: individual and sex specific variations. Cibtech Journal of Zoology 3(2):
Garg N and Singla N. 2014. Determination of lethal feeding period of bromadiolone
anticoagulant for screening individual rats (Rattus rattus) for development of
resistance. International Journal of Advanced Research 2(12): 939-945.

Singla N, Thind RK and Mahal AK. 2014. Potential of eucalyptus oil as repellent against house
rat, Rattus rattus. The Scientific World Journal Published online,
DOI: 10.1155/2014/249284.
Singla N. 2014. Antifertility effects of single oral doses of triptolide in male house rat (Rattus
rattus L.)Applied Biological Research 16(1): 72-74.
Singla N and Challana S. 2014. Reproductive Toxicity of Triptolide in Male House Rat, Rattus
rattus. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 879405, 6 pages,
Singla N and Kanwar D. 2014. Potential of poultry egg components as cereal bait additives for
enhancing based control success and trap index of house rat, Rattus rattus. Asia Pacific
Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 4(suppl 1): S314-347.
Singla N and Kaur R. 2014. Potential of citronella oil as rodent repellent measured as aversion
to food. Applied Biological Research 16(2): 191-198.
Babbar BK, Kaur J, Singla N and Mahal AK. 2015. Effectiveness and persistence of cinnamic
aldehyde as an antifeedant on rats under storage conditions. Crop Protection 67: 235-
Singla N and Babbar BK. 2015. Critical timings and methods of rodent pest management in
groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crop. Legume Research 39(1): 1-6 pages, published
Singla N, Kaur S and Javed M. 2015. Rodenticidal potential of bromadiolone and
cholecalciferol in synergism against Bandicota bengalensis. Crop Protection 72: 163-
Singla N and Kaur S. 2015. Toxicity of cholecalciferolto lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota
bengalensis: Biochemical and histopathological changes. International
Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 103: 125-133.

ii) Research notes:

Singla N. 2012. Effective doses of zinc phosphide and bromadiolone baits against female,
Rattus rattus. Rodent Newsl36(1-4): 10-11.
Singla N. 2013. Evaluation of hing (Asafoetida) as additive for increasing bait acceptance by
lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis. Rodent News l 37(1-2): 6-7.
Singla N. 2013. Critical timings of rodent control in wheat crop sown under rice residue
management. Rodent News l 37(3-4): 5-6
Singla N, Kaur R and Babbar BK. 2013. Eucalyptus and citronella oils as potential repellents
against house rats. Rodent News l 37(3-4): 10-11.
Singla N and Dhar P. 2014. Evaluation of triptolide as an antifertility agent against Bandicota
bengalensis. Rodent News l 38(1-4): 6-8.
Singla N and Kaur N. 2014. Existence of short tailed mole rat, Nesokia indica in Kandi area of
Punjab State. Rodent News l 38(1-4): 3-4.

iii) Abstracts
Singla N, Kaur R, Babbar BK and Mahal AK. 2012. Observations on behaviour of house rat,
Rattus rattus in response to eucalyptus and citronella oils as repellents in maze
experiments. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Allelopathy: A Multi-
faceted Process under the Aegis of Asian Allelopathy Society held at Panjab University,
Chandigarh, India from December 14-18, 2012, Pg 104-105.
Singla N and Babbar BK. 2012. Evaluation of an herbal chemosterilant for management of Rattus rattus
population in poultry farms. Proceedings of International Symposium on One Health: Way
Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and Zoonoses 21st century and XIth Annual Conference
of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists held at GADVASU, Ludhiana
from 13-14 Dec, 2012, Abstract ID: OHS-149-ABS.

Babbar BK and Singla N. 2012. Rodent pest management in wheat and rice grain stores. Proceedings
of International Symposium on One Health: Way Forward to Challenges in Food Safety and
Zoonoses 21st century and XIth Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public
Health Specialists held at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,
Ludhiana, Punjab, India GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab, India from December 13-14, 2012,
Abstract ID: OHS-268-ABS.
Singla N and Swati. 2012. Efficacy of triptolide in population regulation of Rattus rattus (Linnaeus) in
poultry farms. Proceedings of 15th Punjab Science Congress held at Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar, Punjab, India from February 7-9, 2012, Pg 8.
Singla N,Singla LD, Gupta K and Sood NK. 2012. Pathological alterations in natural cases of Capillaria
hepatica infection alone and in concurrence with Cysticercus fasciolarisin Bandicota
bengalensis. Proceedings of XXII National Congress of Indian Association for the
Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (IAAVP) and National Symposium on Integrated
Research Approaches in Veterinary Parasitology: From Basic to Molecular Techniques held at
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India from
March 15-17, 2012, Pg 112.

Singla N, Dhar P and Gupta K. 2013. Potential of nifedipine as antifertility agent against male lesser
bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis. Proceeding of 5th International Symposium of
Integrative Zoology held at Beijing, China from June 25-28, 2013, Pg 35-36.
Singla N, Kaur R and Mahal AK. 2013. Repellent potential of eucalyptus oil applied as paint against
house rat, Rattus rattus. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in
Chemical and Environmental Sciences (Including Biological Sciences) held at Multani Mal
Modi College, Patiala, Punjab, India from November 13-14, 2013, Pg 93.
Dhar P and Singla N. 2013. Effect of triptolide on reproduction of female lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota
bengalensis. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and
Environmental Sciences (Including Biological Sciences) held at Multani Mal Modi College,
Patiala, Punjab, India from November 13-14, 2013, Pg 96.
Dhar P and Singla N. 2014. Effect of triptolide on reproduction of male lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota
bengalensis. Proceedings of International Conference on Crop Productivity & Sustainability –
Shaping The Future held at Baba Farid College, Bhatinda, Punjab, India from March 20-21,
2014, Pg 365-366. (Received First Best Poster Award)
Singla N, Kaur R and Mahal AK. 2014. Repellent effect of eucalyptus oil encapsulated in wax blocks
against house rat, Rattus rattus Linnaeus. Proceedings of International Conference on Crop
Productivity & Sustainability – Shaping The Future held at Baba Farid College, Bhatinda,
Punjab, India from March 20-21, 2014, Pg 369.
Singla N. 2014.Role of rodents as reservoirs and insects as vectors in transmission of rodent borne
diseases. Proceedings of International Conference on Entomology held at Punjabi University
Patiala from February 21-23, 2014, Pg 59. (Invited paper)
Garg N and Singla N. 2014. Standardization of blood clotting response test for detecting resistance to
second generation anticoagulant rodenticide in house rat, Rattus rattus. Proceedings of 2nd
Annual National Conference on Science: Emerging Scenario and Future Challenges-II held at
Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh,
India from May 17-18, 2014, Pg 112.
Singla N and Kaur R. 2014. Potential of citronella oil as repellent in reducing food consumption by
house rat, Rattus rattus. Proceedings of 2nd Annual National Conference on Science: Emerging
Scenario and Future Challenges-II held at Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Conifer
Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India from May 17-18, 2014, Pg 113.
Babbar BK, Kaur J, Singla N and Mahal AK. 2014. Development of effective cinnamamide formulation
with antifeedant effect to prevent rodent damage in grain stores. Proceedings of National
Conference (Science Colloquium) on Emerging Trends in Basic and Applied Sciences held at
DAV College, Jalandhar, Punjab, India from March 06-07, 2014, Pg 94.
Kaur R and Singla N. 2014. Repellent effect of citronella oil applied as spray and as encapsulated wax
blocks against house rat, Rattus rattus Linnaeus. Proceedings of 5th International Conference
on Rodent Biology and Management held at Zhengzhou, Henam, China from August 25-29,
2014, Pg 220. (Young Scientists Award)
Garg N and Singla N. 2014. Investigation of the current status of bromadiolone resistance in Rattus
rattus population in Punjab, India. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Rodent
Biology and Management held at Zhengzhou, Henam, China from August 25-29, 2014, Pg 221.
(Young Scientists Award)
Garg N and Singla N. 2015. Determining of lethal feeding period of bromadiolone bait for screening
rats (Rattus rattus) for development of resistance. Proceedings of 7th International Conference

on Recent Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences held at Multani Mal
Modi College, Patiala, Punjab, India from January 30-31, 2015, Pg 11.
Kaur R, Singla N, Bansal N and Pathak D. 2015. Histochemical changes induced by red chilli powder
in stomach and small intestine of female house rat (Rattus rattus). Proceedings of XXIX Annual
Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists and National Symposium on
Recent Concepts and Applications of Veterinary Anatomy for Improvement of Livestock
Health and Production held at Chhatisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya, Durg, Chattisgarh,
India from February 11-13, 2015, Pg 20.
Kaur N, Singh R and Singla N.2015. A study on comparison of paper bait and tyre bait stations for
control of rodents in rice crop. Proceedings of 18th Punjab Science Congress held at Desh
Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India from February 7-9, 2015, Pg 105-06.
Singh R, Kaur N and Singla N. 2015. Determination of critical timings and methods of rodent control
in direct seeded and transplanted basmati rice crops. Proceedings of 18th Punjab Science
Congress held at Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India from February 7-
9, 2015, Pg 143.

iv). Review articles/chapters/occasional paper

Singla N. 2013. Rat control in poultry farms. In: Compendium released during ‘Special Training Course
for Poultry Inspectors’ Singh P, Verma HK, Kansal SK and Singh J (eds), pp 76-79.
Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education, GADVASU, Ludhiana
(In Punjabi).
Singla N. 2014. Rats In: Problems in Cultivation of Vegetable Crops, Sharma A (ed), pp 232-238.
Centre of Communication & International Linkages, PAU, Ludhiana. (In Punjabi).
Singla N, Kocher DK, Kaur R, Parshad VR and Babbar BK. 2013. Recent Advances in Rodent Research
in Punjab. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. pp 1-56.

v) Popular articles

a) In English:
Singla N andBabbar BK. 2012. Rodent control in wheat. Progressive Farming. 48 (3): 24-25.
Kaur N and Singla N. 2014. Rodent control in zero tillage wheat crop fields. Indian Farming 64(8): 39-
Singla N and Singh R. 2015. Reduce rodent losses to food grains in store houses. Progressive Farming
51(5): 16-17, 19.

b) In Punjabi:
Singla N. 2012. Murgi khaniyan vich chuyian de roktham. Vigyanak Pashu Palan 5(6): 25-27.
Singla N. 2012. Mukh phaslan nu chuhiyan de nuksan ton kivaen bachaey? Rojana Ajit, Part I on
06.09.12 and Part II on 13.09.12. Kheti Duniya dated 22.09.12 (Special Kisan Mela Issue), pp
18 and Kheti Duniya dated 24.11.12, pp 9.
Singla N, Babbar BK and Singh R. 2013. Chonae de phasal nu chuhiyan de nuksan ton bachao. Kheti
Duniya (special Kharif issue) 31(27): 2, 6.
Singh R,Singla, N and Babbar BK. 2013. Gane de phasal vich chuhiyan ton nuksan ate roktham.
KhetiDuniya 31(28): 5.
Singla N. 2014. Kanak de phasal nu ajehvi chuhiyan de nuksan ton bachayeajasakdahai. Kheti Duniya
(KisanMela Special Issue) 32(11): 10.
Kaur N and Singla N. 2014. Bina bahaibijikanak de phasalvichchuyian de roktham. KhetiDuniyan dated
25.10.14, pp 10-11.
Singh R,Singla, N and Babbar BK. 2014. Mungphalli de khetanvichchuhiyan da nuksan ate roktham.
KhetiDuniyan 32(25): 16.
Singla N and Singh R. 2015. Ann Bhandar nu chuyian ton bachao. ChengiKheti51(5): 22-23.

News item in Newspapers:

Singla N. 2012. Rats, the biggest foe of food grains. Punjab Kaseri Ludhiana edition dated 20.07.12 (In
Hindi); Jag Bani Ludhiana Edition dated 23.07.12. (In Punjabi); Kheti Duniya dated 04.08.12,
pp 9. (In Punjabi).
Singla N. 2014. Rats cause damage worth crores every year. Punjab Kaseri Ludhiana edition dated
23.05.14, pp 3. (In Hindi); Jag Bani Ludhiana edition dated 23.05.14, pp 4. (In Punjabi)
Singla N. 2015. Rat population is increasing at a faster rate: Bandicoot, the most dangerous rat. Punjab
Kesari Ludhiana edition dated 27.04.15. (In Hindi).

Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana

Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)
(Rs. in lakhs)

Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 51.48 42.82 45.57 139.87

T.A. 0.53 1.06 0.75 2.34

Rec. Contingencies 1.79 3.00 5.50 10.29

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 53.80 46.88 51.82 152.50



1. Name of the centre University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK,
2. Sanction no. 5/4-78PP dated 23.05.1980
3. Date of start January 1978 under DST ( No HCS/DST/255/76) and
from May,1980 under ICAR
4. Date of Termination Network Project of continued nature
5. Report period 2012-13 to 2014-15
6. Scientist In charge Dr. G. Govind Raj
7. Staff Position

Sr. Name of post No. of Name of incumbent Date of Date of

No. posts with present post & pay Joining Leaving
sanctioned scale
I. Sr. Zoologist 1 1. Dr. G. Govind Raj 13.08.2003 Contd
& Scheme Professor & Scheme
Head Head( wef 17.10.2014)
Rs.37400-67000+ 10000
Dr V. Shivayya 01.12.2005 31.05.2015
Professor & Scheme
Head (30.04.2007 to
16.10.2014) Rs.37400-
67000+10000 AGP
2 Zoologist 1 Dr Mohan I. Naik 29.07.2009 Contd
Professor Rs.37400-
67000+10000 AGP
3 Technical 2 Mr Sidappa Kannur 15.11.2010 01.08.2013
Assistants 9300-34800+4200 AGP
4 Jr. 1 Mrs M. Lalitha ( Rs 12.12.2009 Contd
Stenographer 14550 fixed on contract)
5 Field 2 Mr Y. Muniraju 24.08.2005 31.12.2014
Assistants (Rs16000-29600)
Mr B. Basavraju (Rs 14.09.2009 Contd
Mr S.N. Ramakrishna (Rs 08.10.2011 Contd
6 Lab Attender 2 MrRajanna 24.07.1987 30.06.2014
Mr J.D. Narayan Shetty 10.04.2008 Contd
Mr Channakeshava 04.02.2015 Cond
(Messenger: Rs9600
fixed)On temp. basis

R.M. 1 Surveillance of rodents in predominant cropping systems.
R.M. 2 Monitoring of rodent abundance and damage in selected agro-climatic zones
of Karnataka
R.M. 3 Evaluation of botanical against rodent pest for antifeedant/deterrent/attractant
R.M. 4 Evaluation of chemical compounds for toxic and anti-fertility properties for
data generation on Indian rodents.
R.M. 5 Development of rodent management technologies under storage conditions
R.M. 6 Bio ecology of Bandicota indica (Habit, habitat, food, feeding,/burrowing
behavior, population dynamics, reproduction & breeding biology etc.,)
R.M. 7 Development refinement of rodent pest management modules in predominant
crops/ cropping systems
R.M. 8 Social Engineering Activity on Rodent Pest Management, as Participatory
Adaptive Research in Adopted villages
• Rodent problem in Poly house agriculture and development of management
• Rodent management in grape gardens under drip irrigation.
• Operational trials on trunk banding technology for rodent management in coconut.
• Evaluation of traps for capturing varied sized rodents
• Lab evaluation of Difenacoum and flocoumafen against Mus musculus and their
field evaluations in rice and coconut and under commensal situations
(stores/godowns etc) as sponsored trial from BASF India PVT. Ltd.



Studies were undertaken during 2012-15 on the species composition of rodent pests in selected
agroclimatic zones of Karnataka. The agroclimatic zones and the cropping systems studied
were (i) Northern Transition Zone (NTZ): Soybean- Bengal gram at Bidar (ii)North Eastern
Dry Zone (NEDZ): Red gram (kharif)- Fallow at Gulbarga and (iii) Hilly zone: Paddy-
Cowpea in North Canara. The population of rodents were monitored by live burrow count
(LBC/ha) and trapping methods. The incidence of rodent’s damage was also studied and
recorded in relation to the growth stage of the crops. Salient findings are:

1.1. Soybean-Bengalgram cropping system in Northern Transition Zone at Bidar The

rodent pest species were Bandicota bengalensis, Tatera indica and Millardia meltada.
Throughout the study period, maximum rodent population in soybean was seen during pod
formation in August/September (47-50 LBC/ha) and maximum rodent damage of 2.13 to
4.86% was seen during harvest stage in September/October. The per cent pregnancy varied
from 44 to66%, maximum being during pod formation in September/October months. The
results for the year 2012-15 are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Surveillance of rodent population in Soybean and Bengal gramcropping system
(2012-13 to 2014-15)
density Mean Yield
Crop Month Damage (%)
(LBC/ha) Mean Mean pregnancy loss
12- 13- 14- 12- 13- 14- (%) (Kg/ha)
13 14 15 13 14 15
Sowing June 13 17 14 14.66 - 2.7 0.0 1.35 -
Veg. July
27 22 27 25.33 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.13 44.44
stage 65.00
Pod Aug.
34 51 58 47.66 3.7 5.6 5.3 4.86 66.66
Harvest Sept. 51 55 45 50.33 4.8 5.8 2.3 4.30 58.33
Sowing Oct. 41 42 46 43 5.1 4.6 4.2 4.63 61.12
Pod Nov.
45 62 58 55 2.7 5.45 5.40 4.50 69.44 58.00
Harvest Dec. 58 65 69 64 6.3 6.1 6.6 6.33 30.55

Species Composition: Bb-Bandicota bengalensis>Ti- Tetera indica>Millardia meltada

1.2. Redgram (kharif)-fallow in North Eastern Dry Zone at Gulbarga

The maximum population 50 to 67 LBC/ha was seen during harvest in October - November
and 5.27% cropdamage was been during harvest in October / November. Per cent pregnancy
87% being maximum during grain formation stage. The rodent pests were B. bengalensis, M.
meltada, T. indica and Mus platythrix.The results for the year 2012-15 are detailed in Table

Table 2. Surveillance of rodent population in Red gram (mono cropping) cropping system
(2012-13 to 2014-15)
Rodent density
Damage (%) Mean Yield
Crop Month (LBC/ha)
Mean Mean pregnancy loss
stage 12- 13- 14- 12- 13- 14-
(%) (Kg/ha)
13 14 15 13 14 15
Fallow Apr-June
- - - - - - - - -
Sowing July - 27 33 30.0 - 2.8 3.1 2.95 41.66
Veg/ Aug/Sept
- 59 42 50.5 - 5.7 2.6 4.15 87.50
Harvest Oct/Nov - 67 68 67.50 - 3.8 6.75 5.27 75.00
Species Composition: Bb-Bandicota bengalensis>Mme- Millardia meltada>Mp- Mus platythrix>Ti-
Tetera indica

1.3. Paddy- cowpea in Hilly zone at Sirsi

Maximum rodent population of 69 to 80 LBC/ha was seen during harvest stage of the paddy
coincides with maximum rodent damage 7.57% and peak per cent pregnancy (55.63%), was
seen during ear head formation in September. The expected yield loss was about 24 kg/ha.
The rodent species were M. booduga, B. bengalensis, M. meltada. In cowpea, it was during
harvest stage, maximum population (70 LBC/ha) was seen coincides with maximum crop

damage of 6.35%. The pregnancy of predominant rodents varied from 36 to 66% during the
period. The data for the year 2012-15 is presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Surveillance of rodent population in Paddy-Cowpea cropping system
density Mean Yield
Crop Month Damage (%)
(LBC/ha) Mean Mean pregnancy loss
12- 13- 14- 12- 13- 14- (%) (Kg/ha)
13 14 15 13 14 15
Sowing June/July 37 32 35 34.66 4.78 2.7 2.3 3.26 63.00
Tillering Aug./Sept. 58 43 - 50.5 2.6 3.5 - 3.05 55.00
E.H. Sept./Nov.
76 62 69 69.0 3.75 4.6 5.7 4.68 47.25
Harvest Nov./Dec. 82 77 82 80.33 7.23 7.3 8.2 7.57 47.25
Post Dec.
56 83 - 69.50 - - - -
Species Composition: Mus booduga>Bandicota bengalensis>Millardia meltada
Sowing Feb. 39 37 32 36.0 3.08 2.6 2.8 2.83 36.00
Veg. March
40 42 - 41.0 4.35 4.4 - 4.37 50.00 85.00
Harvest April/May - 57 84 70.50 - 5.8 6.9 6.35 66.66
Species Composition: Bandicota bengalensis>Mus booduga


This project was undertaken in three agro-climatic zones of Karnataka. They were North
Eastern Dry Zone at Gulbarga (Soybean and Bengal gram crops): Southern Dry Zone at
Chamrajanagara (Ground nut and ragi) and Hilly Zone at Sirsi, Kumta and North canara
(Coconut, pine apple). Salient findings of the three year study are briefed as under;

2.1. In sorghum in Northern Eastern dry zone at Gulbarga

Maximum rodent population 46 to 58 LBC/ha was seen during grain formation in Sept/Oct,
with maximum incidence 3.8 to 5.8% The rodent specie were T. indica, B. bengalensis. M
meltada (Table 4)
Table 4. Monitoring of rodent abundance and their damage in various crops
Maximum incidence (%)
Maximum population LBC/ha Species
rang Rang
Crop 2012- 2014- compositi
e 2013-14 e
2012- 13 15 on
2013-14 2014-15
Bengal 49-65 2.7-6.8
45-63 5.7-6.6 3.6-6.7
gram (Pod 57-65 (Pod
(Pod 45- (Pod (Sowin 2.7- Bb>Ti>M
form/ (Pod form/ form/
form/ 65 form/ g/ Pod 6.8 me
Harvest Harvest) Harves
Harvest) Harvest) form)
) t)
Sorghum 46-58 50-54 3.8-5.8
46- 2.7- 2.7- Ti>Bb>M
(Grain (Grain form 50-56 (Grain 3.9-5.7
58 4.36 5.7 me
form./ /harvest) form
harvest (Grain /harve (Grain (Sowin
) form st) form g/
/harvest) /harvest) Harves

Ragi 5.32-
56-63 4.4-5.3
46-53 58-63 7.2 3.9-6.13
(pod (grain
(grain (Milkygra 46- (harve (grain 4.4- Bb>Ti>M
form/ form. /
filling/Harve in / 63 st / filly 7.2 b
Harvest harvest
st) harvest ) grain /harvest)
) )
Ground 57-62 4.56-
68-75 5.8-6.4 3.9-6.1
nut (Pod 6.7
45-72 (Pod form (Harve (pod
form/ 45- (sowin 3.9- Bb>Ti>M
(Pod form./ / post st / form./
post 75 g/ 6.7 b
harvest) harvest/ sowin harvestin
harvest pod.
sowing) g) g)
) form)
Pineapple 26-41 51-76 2.3-4.7 2.8-5.8 2.6-5.0
43-67 26- 2.3- Mb>Bb>T
(fruit (fruit (fruit (fruit (fruit
(fruit form) 74 5.8 i
form) form) form) form) form)
Incidence (%) RI species
Cocon 2012- 2013-14 2014- 2012-13 2013- 2014-15 Mean
ut 13 15 14
Range 1.6- 3.4-11.4 2.53- 1.60 - 6.5- 6.2-26.5 6.2-
(mean) 12.6 (7.05) 12.68 - 24.5 (14.70) 26.5
(5.31) (6.42) 12.6 (15.5 (15.1
3 2) 1) Fp>Rr>Bb
Max. Mar- Mary- Dec- - Dec- Dec-Apr
Inciden May May Apr May

2.2. In Bengal gram in North Eastern dry zone at Gulbarga

Maximum population of 57 to 65 LBC/ha was seen during pod formation / harvest stage of the
crop in December/January also coincides with peak crop damage 2.7 to 6.8% due to B.
bengalensis, T. indica and M. meltada.

2.3. In ground nut in Southern dry zone at Chamarajanagara

Maximum rodent population recorded was 68 to 75LBC/ha during pod formation /harvest in
October / November, also coincides with peak crop damage 4.56 to 6.70 due to B. bengalensis,
T. indica and M.booduga.

2.4. In Ragi in Southern Dry Zone at Chamarajanagara

Also maximum population was been during grain filling stage 58 to 63 LBC/ha coincides with
peak crop damage 5.32 to 7.2% due to similar rodent pest species composition.

2.5. In pineapple in hilly zone at Sirsi

Peak population was recorded during fruit formation 51 to76 LBC/ha, coincides with peak fruit
damage 2.3 to 5.8%. The rodent species were M. boodugaB. bengalensis and T. indica.

2.6. In coconut (20 years old) in Hilly zone at Kumta

Maximum rodent population 2.53 to 12.68 LBC/ha, 6.2 to 26.5% incidence was been during
December/April; coincides with peak nut damage. The predominant rodent pests were F.
palmarum, R. rattus and B. bengalensis.


The studies on laboratory and field evaluation of two new anticoagulant rodenticides viz,
Difencoum (0.005%) and Flocoumafen (0.0055) was carried out during the period under report.
The study was part of multi-location testing of rodenticides sponsored by M/S BASF, India
Pvt. Ltd.



The experiments were conducted against Musmusculus collected fresh from the various
godowns/stores and were weighed, sexed, lodged individually in laboratory cages for
acclimatization for 10-15days. Normal food and water was provided during this period. After
acclimatization, healthy animals of almost uniform body weight were selected. Before
initiating the trials, the body weight of each animal was recorded and subsequently data on
consumption of food daily for three days (pre-treatment daily consumption) was recorded
animal wise. After third day, under no choice a known quantity (10g each) of
Difenacoum(0.005%) poison bait was exposed to the test animals for two days continuously
and no other food was provided during the experiment. Water was provided ad libidum and the
consumption by each individual was recorded. After two days of bait exposure, the poison
bait was withdrawn and the normal food was provided to the test rodents till their death and
the data of daily intake was recorded to work out mortality (%) and days death (mean and
range). For choice tests, the experimental mice were provided with both plain food as well as
poison bait to record the palatability and acceptability of poison bait vis a vis a plain bait and
mortality and days to death.
No-choice Tests: In the no-choice tests, the per cent mortality of house mouse was 90 per cent
when difenacoum was offered for two days continuously and the time taken for mortality was
5.64+ 0.80 days with a range of 5-7 days (Table 5). The average weight of house mouse was
14.71+ 1.69 g (12.50 to 17.50 g). The food consumption prior to treatment by individual animal
was 16.04 + 1.35 g/100 g body weight (14.12 to 18.64 g). During the treatment the total baits
consumption for two days 27.36 + 5.36 g (5.86 to 33.96 g) per 100 g body weight. The total
difenacoum(0.005%) toxicant taken inside the body by individual animal was 136.80+ 26.83
mg per kg body weight with a range of 79.30 to 169.80 mg.
Choice Tests: The results of choice tests exhibited a mean mortality of 75.00 per cent when
the plain food and rodenticide baits were offered simultaneously for two consecutive days. The
average days of mortality was 6.66 with on a range of 5-8. During treatment the consumption
was 10.54+5.40 g and 20.02+1.52 g/100 g body weight for plain and poison respectively. The
average toxicant consumption by individual animal was 100.10+37.50 mg/kg body weight,
with a range of 29.40-159.60 mg/kg body weight (Table 5).
Table 5. Consumption of difenacoum (0.005%) ready to use (Wax block) baits and mortality
patterns in Mus musculus under no-choice test & choice test

Feedin Mean body Pre-treatment Poison Anticoagulant Mortali Days to

g wt consumption consumption consumed ty death
Period Mean + SE (g/100g body (g/100g body (mg/kg) Mean+ SE
(Days) wt) wt) Mean + SE (range)
Mean + SE Mean + SE
no-choice test
2 14.71+ 16.04+ 27.36+ 136.80 + 9/10 5.64+
1.69 1.35 5.36 26.83 0.80
(12.5 -17.5) (14.19-18.64) (15.86-33.96) (79.30 -169.8) (5-7)
Choice Test
Feedin Bod Pretreatme Mean daily bait intake Paired Mor Days to
g y wt. nt Food Mean + SE student 't' talit death
period Mea consumptio Poison Plain test y
(Days) n + n g/100g Poison g/100g between
SE (g/100 body consumed body Poison and
gbody wt.) weight (mg/kg) weight plain bait Mean+
Mean + SE Mean + Mean + SE Mean + SE significanc SE
SE e (range)
2 14.6 15.60 +0.90 20.02+7. 100.10+37. 10.54+5.40 Sig. 9/12 6.66+3.
+ 1.2 (14.38- 52 50 (5.17- 13
(13 – 17.42) (5.88- (29.40 - 21.76) (5-8)
17) 31.92) 159.6)


The experiments were conduct against Mus musculus following similar methods as explained
with difenacoum. The results are as follows;

No-choice Tests: In the no-choice tests, the per cent mortality of house mouse was 91.66 per
cent when flocoumafen was administered for two days continuously and the time taken for
mortality was 5.30 days with a range of 4-7 days (Table 6). The food consumption prior to
treatment by individual animal was 16.48 g/100 g body weight. During the treatment the total
bait consumption was 3.97 g (13.26+1.60 g per 100 g body weight). The mean a.i. of
flocoumafen toxicant was 102.50 mg per kg body weight.
Choice Tests: The results of choice tests exhibited a mean mortality of 75.00 per cent when
the plain food and rodenticide baits were provided simultaneously. The mean days for mortality
was6.37with on a range of 6-8 (Table 6). During treatment the mean poison and plain food
consumption by individual was 1.10 g and 1.31g, respectively, while the total food and bait
intake in g/100 g body weight was 8.83 and 7.72 g, respectively during treatment. The average
toxicant consumption was 54.37+10.30 mg/kg body weight, with a range of 27.50-100.0 mg/kg
body weight (Table 6).

Table 6. Consumption of flocoumafen (0.005%) ready to use (wax block) baits and mortality
patterns in Mus musculus under no-choice and choice tests.

Feedin body Pre- Mean daily bait intake Paired Mortalit Days to death
g wt treatment Mean + SE student y
Period Mea consumptio Poison Plain 't' test
(Days) n+ n ( g/100g g/100g Poison g/100g plain
SE body wt) body wt consumed body wt and
Mean + SE (mg/kg) poison Mean Rang
consum + SE e
No-choice test
02 15.45 16.48 + 13.26 + 102.50 + - - 11/12 5.3 + ( 4-7)
+ 1.72 1.60 12.48 (91.66%) 0.64
0.39 (13.74-

Choice test
02 14.00 15.60 + 7.72+1.3 54.37+ 8.83 + NS 9/12 (6-8)
+0.40 0.90 7 10.30 10.30 (75%)
(12- (14.38- (3.22- 6.37+
16.50 17.42) 16.66) 0.50


(i) Rice: Studies on the bioefficacy of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks were conducted in
summer paddy and second season at ZARS, Mandya, Karnataka.
During the first season trial the pre control census indicated that the live burrow count
ranged from 33 to 39/ha with an average of 35.33/ha and the damage incidence ranging from
3.2 to 3.6 per cent with an average of 3.40 per cent. After 15 days of imposing of treatment,
the results revealed that difenacoum reduced the live burrow counts ranging from 15 to 16/ha
with an average of 15.66 LBC/ha and the tiller damage ranged from 1.39 to 1.63 with an
average of 1.47 (Table 7). The rodent control success with 1stpulse of rodenticide registered a
mean reduction of 55.45 LBC and 56.70% of incidence over pre control census. Rodent
incidence after the application of second pulse (15 days after first one), revealed that the live
burrows ranged from 7-8/ha with an average of 7.33 and tiller damage varied from 0.63 to 0.80
per cent with an average of 0.69 per cent. Thus final control success recorded a reduction
79.07% LBC and 79.64% of tiller damage over pre control census (Table 7).

Table 7.Bioefficacy of difenacoum (0.005%) wax blocks against rodent pests inSummer Rice, 2013
Difenacoum Control

R1 R2 R3 Mean R1 R2 R3 Mean
Pre Control No of burrows 39.00 34.00 33.00 35.33 35.00 38.00 34.00 35.66
Census Damage 3.40 3.60 3.20 3.40 3.20 3.60 3.70 3.50
incidence (%)
Mid Control No of burrows 16.00 15.00 16.00 15.66 39.00 41.00 42.00 40.66
Census Damage 1.40 1.63 1.39 1.47 3.60 3.70 4.00 3.77
incidence (%)
Final Control No of burrows 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.33 62.00 59.00 67.00 62.66
Census Damage 0.63 0.80 0.65 0.69 5.30 5.20 5.50 5.33
incidence (%)
Control Success No of burrows 58.97 55.88 51.51 55.45 111.12 107.89 113.51 110.94
with first pulse Damage 58.82 54.72 56.56 56.70 112.50 102.78 108.11 107.79
(%) incidence

Final control No of burrows 82.05 79.41 75.75 79.07 177.14 155.26 197.05 176.49
success (%) Damage 81.47 77.77 79.68 79.64 165.62 144.44 148.64 152.90
The second season trials were conducted in the farm area of Regional Agricultural Research
Station, Mandya during Rabi 2013-14. The result indicated that the pre control census of LBC
was 102.00/ha, whereas in case of 7 days after 1stpulse application, the mean LBC was 30 per
hectare. After 2nd application the LBC was reduced to 8.66/ha. (Table. 8). Overall control
success after two pulses on the basis of burrow count was 71.13% with difenacoum(0.005%)
wax blocks and 67.37 with bromadiolone(0.005%). After first pulsing and second pulsing with
difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks, the per cent of damage registered as 2.36 and 0.75 per cent,
respectively. The overall control success in burrow count and tiller damage incidence was
71.13 and 90.87, respectively (Table 8& 9). Almost similar control success was observed with
bromodiolone also.
Table 8.Bioefficacy of difenacoum (0.005%) wax blocks against rodent pests in Summer Rice,
2013 (Season-I) - Burrow Count Method.

Parameters No. of Rodents burrows/ha Average %

R1 R2 R3 reduction
Pre-treatment Difenacoum 107 98 101 102.00
Bromodiolone 105 102 89 98.66
Untreated check 102 98 105 101.66
7 days after Difenacoum 33 29 28 30.00 70.58
first treatment Bromodiolone 34 32 29 31.66 67.90
Untreated check 105 101 106 104.00 -
7 days after Difenacoum 9 9 8 8.66 71.13
second Bromodiolone 9 10 12 10.33 67.37
treatment Untreated check 108 106 107 107.00 -

Table 9. Bioefficacy of difenacoum (0.005%) wax blocks against rice field rodents during kharif,
2013 (Season-II) - Damage incidence Method.
% Reduction over
% Damage % Reduction over
Sl. 14 Days 14 Days 14 Days 14 Days 14 Days 14 Days
No Parameters Pre after after after after after after
. treatmen first second first second first second
t treatmen treatmen treatmen treatmen treatmen treatmen
t t t t t t
1 Difenacoum 7.30 2.36 0.75 67.67 68.22 69.85 90.87
2 Bromodiolon 7.25 2.60 1.04 64.13 60.00 66.79 87.34
3 Control 7.23 7.83 8.22

(ii) Storage: The difenacoum(0.005%) wax block was evaluated for its efficacy against rodents
in stores of GKVK campus, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. The efficacy was
evaluated by using two census methods viz., (i) Trapping index and (ii) tracking.
The results on the evaluation by trapping index method (Table 10) indicated that the
trapping index during pre-control census was 29.45 in treatment store and 31.67 in control
store. However, after 15 days of treatment the control success was 69.59 per cent with trapping
index of 8.89 while in control there was no change (31.67). The second pulse of treatment
yielded control success of 86.78 per cent with a trapping index of 3.89. In control store there
was an increase in the population by 5.50 and 16.66 per cent after 15 and 30 days, respectively.
The efficacy of new rodenticide against rodents after second pulse of treatment as assessed by
tracking the activity method (Table 11) was 84.74 per cent with the tracking activity index of
29.67. After Ist dose, the reduction in rodent population was 61.11 per cent only.
Table 10.Bioefficacy of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks against commensal rodents in Storage
(Season-I)–Trapping method.
Difenacoum Mean
Control Trapping index Control
R1 R2 R3
Pre control Census 31.67 25.00 31.67 31.67 29.45 30.00
(19.00) (15) (19) (19) (17.67) (18.0)
Mid control Census 31.67 8.33 10.00 8.33 8.89 31.67
(19.00) (5) (6) (5) (5.33) (19.00)
Mid controlsuccess (%) 0.00 66.66 68.42 73.68 69.59 5.50
Final control Census 33.33 3.33 5.00 3.33 3.89 35.00
(20.00) (2) (3) (2) (2.33) (21.00)
Final control uccess (%) 10.53 86.67 84.21 89.47 86.78 16.66
Figures in parenthesis indicates the actual trapping from 20 traps in three nights.
1. Mid census was done 15 days after first pulsing /application and 2. Final census was done
15 days after second pulsing/application.

Table 11.Bioefficacy of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks against commensal rodents in Storage
(Season-I)–Tracking method.
Tracking activity Mean Control
R1 R2 R3
Pre treatment 211.11(19) 200.00(18) 166.66(15) 192.59 199.99(18)
10 days after Ist dose 133.33(12) 122.2 (11) 111.11(10) 122.22 211.11(19)
Control Success 63.15 61.11 66.67 61.11 5.55
after Ist dose (%)
10 days after IInd 33.33(3) 33.33(3) 22.22(2) 29.67(2.67) 222.2(20)
Control Success 84.21 83.33 86.67 84.74 11.11
after IInddose (%)
Another trial was conducted at UAS, GKVK, NSP store, Bangalore. The pre control
infestation levels revealed that the average bait consumption, number of burrows and trapping
index were 6.33, 8.33 and 7.66, respectively. In mid control census the results indicated that
the average trapping index 1.66, (Table 12). The final control success as assessed by trap index
was, mean 80.46.
Table 12. Bioefficacy of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks against commensal rodents in
Storage (Season-II) Trapping method.
Difenacoum Mean Control
Trapping index (Mean)
R1 R2 R3
Pre control Census 7.66 8.33 6.33 7.44 11.10
Mid control Census 1.66 1.00 1.66 1.66 1.44
Mid controlsuccess (%) 69.58 80.07 84.2 77.95 9.55
Final control Census 1.66 1.33 1.33 1.44 9.55
Final control success (%) 78.38 84.03 78.98 80.46 -
(iii) Coconut: The bioefficacy of Difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks was evaluated during 2013
and 2014 in coconut for two seasons.

First Season trail: This experiment was under taken at ZARS Mandya in about 20 years old
coconut garden during summer 2013. The experiment was laid out for evaluation of
Difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks with three replications. The pre-treatment data on treatment
plots indicated an RI ranging from 17 to 23/ha (Mean: 19.66/ha) and per cent of nut damage
varied from 6.71 to 8.88 (Mean: 8.14)(Table 13). The observations after 15 days of imposing
treatments revealed that there was 100% control in number of trees infested with rodents as
well as in nut damage even with first pulse of application of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks
baits, whereas, in control plots the RI as well as nut damage registered an increasing trends.
Second season trial: This trial was undertaken in coconut garden (Arasikere tall variety) of
Horticultural Research station, Arasikere, Hassan District, Karnataka during March – April,
2014. The coconut is grown mostly as mono crop and aged about 20 years grown on sandy
loamy soil. The crop was given irrigation only during summer. The rodent species recorded
in the garden were Rattus rattus, Bandicota bengalensis and Finambulus palmarum. There
were four treatments including control. Before the application of bait the rodent infested trees
and nut damage (%) was worked and 20g of bait was placed at the crown region of the coconut.
The results of difenacoum(0.005%) revealed that the number of trees damaged by rodents (RI)
ranged from 24 to 27 per cent (Mean: 26.06%) and per cent of nut damage varied from 12.72
to 16.36 (Mean: 14.84%) at pre control stage. The observations after 15 days of imposing
treatments revealed that there was 100% control in number of trees infestation as well as in nut
damage by rodents even with one pulse of application of difenacoum baits.
Table.13. Efficacy of difenacoum and flocoumafen against rodents in coconut

2012-13 Difenacoum Flocoumafen

R1 R2 R3 Mean R1 R2 R3 Mean
Pre Control Rodent
Census Infested trees 23 17 19 19.66 20 16 18 18.00 19
8.84 6.71 8.88 8.14 7.28 5.36 8.76 7.13 7.34
Damage (%)
Mid Control Rodent
Census Infested trees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.33
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.94
Damage (%)
Final control success (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 109.01
Pre Control Rodent
Census Infested trees 24.54 27.27 26.36 26.06 27 28 21 24.33 27.61
16.36 15.45 12.72 14.84 15 15 14 14.67 14.92
Damage (%)
Mid Control Rodent
Census Infested trees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28.17
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.22
Damage (%)
Control success ( %) with
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7.30
first pulse baiting
• Mid census was done after 15 (Fifteen) days of first pulsing / application.
• Final census was done 15 (Fifteen) days after second pulse application

(iv) Soybean: The bioefficacy of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks was evaluated against
rodent pests in Soybean during kharif, 2013. The pattern of damage is highly variable within a
field cutting of branches and sometime whole plant will be lodged due to cutting of main stem
and pluck the tender pods and feed upon them besides hoarding of seeds and pods in their
burrows. The predominant species associated with soybean were Bandicota bengalensis,
Millardia meltada and Tatera indica.

The results indicated that the pre control census of was from 69 to 76 LBC/ha with a
mean of 72.33 per replication. 7 days after 1st application of difenacoum(0.005%) wax blocks,
the live burrow number was reduced to 26.66. Similarly after 2nd application the LBC was 9.66.
Bromadiolone(0.005%) bait treated plots recorded an average burrow number of 67, 27.33 and
10.33, at pre-treatment, after first and second pulse application respectively. Overall control
success was 63.76 and 62.20% with difenacoum(0.005%) and bromadiolone bait, respectively.
In case of untreated control the active burrow count was marginally increased.

The mean pod damage at pre control stage was recorded as 7.5 per cent which was
reduced to 2.5% in 14 days after first pulse of difenacoum(0.005%) treatment and further
reduced to 1.26% after second pulse. The control success ranged from 66.66 per cent after first
pulse application and 49.60 after second pulse application (Table 16). Similarly the per cent
damage reduction with bromadiolone bait was 63.39 and 42.39 with first and second pulsing,
respectively. The overall control success recorded was 60.56% with difenacoum and 50.16%
with bromadiolone application.

(i) Coconut: The bioefficacy of Flocoumafen(0.005%) wax blocks was evaluated during 2013
and 2014 in coconut for two seasons.

First season trial was under taken at ZARS Mandya in about 20 years old coconut
garden during summer 2013. The rate of rodent infested trees (RI) before treatment ranged
from 18 to 20/ha (average of 18.00/ha) and nut damage varied from5.36to 8.76 % with an
average of 7.13%. The observations after 15 days of treatment revealed 100% rodent control
success. In the untreated plots the RI was 19 and 20.33 during the same time with increase in
the nut damage of 7.34 to 8.94 per cent.(Table 13)
Similar results were obtained during second season trials undertaken in coconut garden
(Arasikere tall variety) of Horticultural Research station, Arasikere, Hassan District, Karnataka
during March – April, 2014.The rodent species recorded in the garden were Rattus rattus,
Bandicota bengalensis and Funambulus palmarum.. The results revealed that the number of
rodent infested trees (RI) ranged from 21 to 27 with an average of 24.33 and nut damage ranged
from14to 15% with an average of 14.67%. The observations after 15 days of imposing
treatments revealed that there was 100% control in number of trees and damage by rodents.
The untreated plots had an RI of 27.61 and nut damage of 14.92 per cent. This has increased to
28.17 and 15.22%, respectively.
(ii) Rice: During the first season trial the flocoumafen(0.005%) was evaluated at
Kallugopahalli near Bidadi of Ramanagaram District, Karnataka during summer 2013. The pre
control census in case of treatment plots indicated that the live burrow count ranged from 32
to 37/ha and the damage incidence ranging from 3.00 to 3.60 per cent. After 15 days of
treatment, the results revealed that Flocomafen (0.005%) reduced the live burrow counts
ranging from 09 to 12/ha. with an average of 11.00 LBC/ha and the tiller damage ranged from
0.75 to 1.20 with an average of 1.02 (Table 14). The rodent control success with 1stpulse of
rodenticide recorded a reduction of 69.56 LBC and 70.08% of incidence over pre control
census. Rodent incidence after the application of second pulse revealed that the live burrows
ranged from 3-4/ha with an average of 3.33 and tiller damage ranging from 0.25 to 0.34 per
cent with an average of 0.30 per cent. Similarly final control success recorded a reduction
90.71% LBC and 90.695% of tiller damage over pre control census (Table 14).

Table 14. Bioefficacy of flocumafen (0.005%) wax cake against rodent pests in Summer rice, 2013

Flocoumafen Control

R1 R2 R3 Mean R1 R2 R3 Mean
Pre Control No of burrows 32.0 39.00 37.00 36.00 35.00 3.00 4.00 3.66
Census Damage 3.00 3.50 3.60 3.37 3.20 3.60 3.70 3.50
incidence (%)
Mid Control No of burrows 9.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 39.00 41.00 42.00 40.66
Census Damage 0.75 1.10 1.20 1.02 3.60 3.70 4.00 3.77
incidence (%)
Final No of burrows 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.33 62.00 59.00 67.00 62.66
Control Damage 0.25 0.31 0.34 0.30 5.30 5.20 5.50 5.33
Census incidence (%)

Success with No of burrows 71.87 69.23 67.57 69.56 111.12 107.89 113.51 110.94
first pulse Damage 75.00 68.57 66.66 70.08 112.50 102.78 108.11 17.79
( %) incidence
Final control No of burrows 9.62 92.31 89.19 90.71 177.14 155.26 197.05 17.49
success (%) Damage 91.66 91.14 90.55 90.95 165.62 144.44 148.64 12.90
The second season trials were conducted in the farm area of Regional Agricultural
Research Station, Mandya during Rabi 2013-14. The data indicated that the pre control census
of LBC was 98.33/ha, whereas 7 days after 1stpulse, the LBC was reduced to 28 per hectare
and 7/ha one week after second pulse. In case of untreated control the LBC was marginally
increased from 104 to 107 per hectare (Table 15). The overall control success with burrow
count and tiller damage incidence ranged 72.08 and 68.53%, respectively, while with
bromadiolone (0.005%) the control success was s 67.63 and 62.06%, respectively.
(iii) Soybean: The bio efficacy of Flocomafen (0.005%) was evaluated in Soybean during
kharif, 2013. The predominant species associated with soybean in experimental plot were
Bandicota bengalensis, Millardia meltada and Tatera indica. The observation on live burrow
count per hectare and per cent incidence by damage was recorded before imposing the
treatments and after 1st and 2nd application of treatments. The result indicated that the pre
control census of LBC ranged from 65 to 72/ha (Mean: 68.35), whereas 7 days after 1st
application the LBC were reduced to 23 to 25/ha (Mean: 24.0). Similarly after 2nd application
the LBC were 6 to 8/ha (Mean: 7.0). In case of untreated control the LBC was marginally
increased (Table 16).
Table 15. Bioefficacy of flocumafen (0.005%) wax cake against rodent pests in kharif rice, 2013
R 1 Br 1 R 2 Br 2 R 3 Br 3 Mean Mean Control
for R Br.
Pre Rate of infestation No. of 95 105 102 102 98 89 98.33 98.66 101.66
control burrows )
Damage incidence 7.42 4.42 7.09 4.32 7.06 4.41 7.19 4.38 7.22
Mid rate of infestation No. of 24 34 29 32 31 29 28.00 31.66 104.00
control burrows )
Damage incidence 2.26 2.50 2.12 2.27 2.31 3.02 2.33 2.59 7.61
Final Rate of infestation(No. of 7 9 8 10 8 12 7.66 10.33 107.00
control burrows )
Damage incidence 0.71 1.07 0.77 0.90 0.70 1.12 0.72 1.03 8.23
Control Rate of infestation(No. of - - - - - - 71.52 67.90 -
success burrows )
After 1 Damage incidence - - - - - - 68.84 64.13 -
Control Rate of infestation(No. of - - - - - - 72.64 67.37
success burrows )
After II Damage incidence - - - - - - 68.22 60.00
Overall Rate of infestation(No. of - - - - - - 72.08 67.63
Control burrows )
Success Damage incidence - - - - - - 68.53 62.06

Table 16. Bioefficacy of difenacoum (0.005%) & flocumafen (0.005%) wax cake againstrodent
pests in Soybean during Kharif, 2013

Difenacoum Bromodiolone Flocoumafen Control

Mean Mean Mean

Pre Rate of infestation 72.33 67.00 68.33 70.66

control (No. of burrows )
Damage incidence 7.51 7.54 7.45 7.26
Mid rate of 26.66 27.33 24.00 7.26
control infestation(No. of
burrows )
Damage incidence 2.50 2.76 2.44 73.00
Final Rate of 9.66 10.33 7.00 76.68
control infestation(No. of
burrows )
Damage incidence 1.26 1.59 0.90 75.66
Control Rate of 63.14 59.21 64.87 3.19
success infestation(No. of
After I burrows )
Pulse (%) Damage incidence 66.66 63.39 67.24 -
Control Rate of 63.76 84.58 89.75 -
success infestation(No. of
After II burrows )
pulse (%) Damage incidence 49.60 78.91 87.92 -
Overall Rate of 87.23 71.89 90.74 7.14
Control infestation(No. of
Success burrows )
(%) Damage incidence 60.56 71.15 71.78 8.23

(iv) Storage: The results of first season trial (Table 17) indicated that the average tracking
index during pre-control census was 199.99 in treatment store and 211.11 in control. However,
after 15 days of treatment the control success was 74.05 % reduction while in control there was
increase in rodent population (10.51) when compared with pre-treatment population. With the
second application of the flocoumafen, the control success was 96.45 per cent with tracking
index. The efficacy of new rodenticide against rodents with tracking activity method (Table
17) indicated 96.45 per cent after IInd dose with tracking activity index (TAI) was 7.41 with
first application of the rodenticides.

The results in the second season also indicated similar results. After application of first
pulse, the bait consumption varied between 64 to 78 g in an average of 72.33 g/day and the
number of burrow and trapping index reduced to 4.66 to 2.44 respectively. After application
of second pulse, the average consumption of bait, number of burrows and trap index further
reduced to 53g/day, 3.00 and 1.55 respectively. The control success by trapping index with mid
control and final control was 78.01% and 86.03% respectively (Table18).

Table 17. Efficacy of flocoumafen (0.005%) against commensal rodents inStorage (Season-I)
Tracking activity Control Mean Control
R1 R2 R3 Mean

Pre treatment 188.88 233.33 177.77 199.99 211.11 192.59 199.99

(17) (21) (16) (18) (19) (17.33) (18)
10 days after Ist 144.44 166.66(15) 133.33 148.11 222.22 122.22 211.11
pulsing (13) (12) (13.33) (20) (11.00) (19)
Control Success 76.47 71.42 75.00 74.05 10.52 61.11 5.55
after Ist pulse
10 days after 11.11 11.11 0.00 7.41 222.22 29.67 222.22
IIndpulse (1) (1) (0) (0.66) (20) (2.67) (20)
Final Control 94.12 95.24 100.00 96.45 10.52 84.74 11.11
Success (%)
Figures in parenthesis indicates the actual tracking numbers on three tiles (15 X 5 cm) for three

Table 18. Efficacy of flocoumafen (0.005%) against commensal rodents in Storage (Season-II)

Flocoumafen Control

R1 R2 R3 Mean R1 R2 R3 Mean
Pre Control No. of 21.00 20.00 18.00 19.66 22.00 21.00 20.00 21.00
Census burrows
Trap index 13.33 12.66 7.33 11.10 12.33 11.66 9.33 11.10
Mid Control Census bait 78 75 64 72.33 - - - -
Census consumed (g)
No. of 5 4 5 4.66 22 23 24 23
Trap index 3.66 2.33 1.33 2.44 10.66 9.33 8.66 9.55
Final Control Census bait 20 18 15 53.00 - - - -
Census consumed (g)
No. of 4 2 3 3 24 25 21 23.33
Trap index 2.33 1.33 1.00 1.55 9.33 10.33 9.33 9.66
Control 70.79 81.59 81.85 78.01 - - - -
Success with I
pulse (%)

Final control 82.52 89.49 86.35 86.03 - - - -

success (%)

Comparative efficacy (% success control) of Difenacoum and Flocoumafen trials/treatments against
rodents in various crops are given in Table 19. It was 100% in coconut; 91.01% in Paddy
(Kharif); 79.35% in summer; 73.89% in Soybean crop; 85.76% in storage; due to Difenacoum
and 100% in coconut; 91.97% paddy, (Kharif); 90.83% (summer); 81.26% in soybean;
83.24% in storage due to flocoumafen application, (average of all evaluation methods).

Table 19. Comparative Efficacy of difenacoum and flocoumafen against rodents in various
situations (Average)

Crops Locations Mortality (%)

Difenacoum Flocoumafen Control

st 100.00 (RI) 100.00 (RI) 23.74

I season 100.00 (Incidence) 100.00 (Incidence) 15.82
nd 100.00 (RI) 100.00 (RI) 4.57
II Season
100.00 (Incidence) 100.00 (Incidence) 12.90
79.07 (burrow) 90.71 (burrow) 17.49
79.64 (Incidence) 79.35 90.95 (incidence) 90.83 12.90
91.16 (burrow) 92.84 (burrow) 5.94
90.87 (Incidence) 91.01 91.11 (incidence) 91.97 12.06
87.23 (burrow) 90.74 (burrow) 7.14
60.56 (incidence) 73.89 71.78 (incidence) 81.26 8.23
Trapping 86.78 86.03
index method 85.76 83.24
No. of 84.74 80.46


In order understand the storage losses due to rodents and their effective managements,
studies were carried out at farmer’s houses in Sulivara and Mayasandra villages during 2012-
13 in paddy and ragi storage structures. The storage structures of small farmers comprised of
gunny bags, mud and metal bins for storing food grains. The experiment was designed with
six treatments in three replication. (T1 – snap trap, T2- Glue trap, T3- Wonder trap, T4-Box trap,
(single catch), T5- Modified snap trap, T6-untreated control). The storage loss and the
population of rodents were estimated before setting the traps using chalk powder in the path of
rodents on the basis of foot prints. Totally four of each traps were placed in paddy and ragi
storage areas for 10 days.
The trapping data showed that the rodent pests were Rattus rattus and Mus musculus,
their population range was 15 to 19 and storage loss of 165 to 200gm paddy per day. The
trapping results indicated that wonder trap (71.14%) were superior followed by glue traps
(69.98%), snap trap (66.86%) and the storage loss were reduced to 45 to 85gm. The results of
ragi storage structures at Mayasandra village houses, were on par with paddy storage structures
(Table 20&21).

Table 20: Evaluation of various traps for management of rodents in rural storage structure
(Rice) at Sulivara for the year 2012-13

Traps type Pre Loss in After treatment Per cent

treatment Paddy Reduction
No. of (g/day) Rr Mm Total Grain Rats Paddy
Rats Loss
Snap trap 15.33 165.0 2.33 3.66 6.00 75 66.86 44.45
Glue trap 16.66 180.0 2.66 2.33 5.00 45 69.98 75.00
Wonder trap 17.33 185.0 3.33 4.66 5.00 80 71.14 56.75
Box trap 18.33 205.0 3.66 2.33 6.00 65 67.26 68.29
(single catch)
Modified 19.33 250.0 3.66 3.66 7.32 85 62.13 66.00
snap trap
Untreated 17.66 190.0 - - 18.66 200 5.66 5.26

Table 21: Evaluation of various traps for management of rodents in rural storage structure
(Ragi) at Mayasandra for the year 2012-13

Traps type Pre- Loss in After treatment Per cent

treatment Ragi Reduction
Population (g/day)
No. of Rats Rr Mm Total Grain Rats Ragi

Snap trap 16.33 177 1.33 4.66 6.00 65 63.25 63.27

Glue trap 20.66 216 2.66 2.33 5.00 57 75.79 73.61

Wonder trap 17.33 192 2.66 2.66 5.32 70 69.30 63.54

Box trap 20.00 223 3.66 4.33 8.00 80 60.00 64.12

(single catch)

Modified snap 21.33 259 2.66 3.66 6.32 70 70.37 72.97


Untreated 17.66 199 14.33 4.33 18.66 210 5.66 5.52



5.1. Morphometry of field collected Larger Bandicoot, Bandicota indica
Six males and six female adults of larger bandicoots were collected from the open area in
Bangalore indicated that the females were larger than their males. The mean body weight of
male was 593.58 g with a range of 285.0 to 1203.0 g while that of female weight was 857.63 g
with a range of 613.5 to 892.5 g. However the overall range varied from 285.0 to 1210.0 g
(Table 22). Even body length (cm), Ear length (cm), Front leg length, ear leg length (cm) and
Tail length were comparatively more in field collected females than males. However, even
after 2 years of their rearing in separate room (12’ X 12’) with 2 males and 2 females together,
with sufficient food/vegetables and water, there was no breeding activity. This clearly indicates
that the breeding activity of B. indica does not take place in the presence of human activities.
For this purpose a hidden separate chamber may be constructed to study the biology and
breeding activity of rodents.

Table 22. Body weight and Morphometry of field collected Bandicota indica

Sex Sl. Body Body Ear Fore foot Hind foot Tail
No. weight (g) length (cm) length length (cm) length (cm) length(cm)
1 882.5 29.6 2.30 6.50 11.50 28.60
2 758.3 26.0 2.00 7.10 10.75 25.50
3 613.5 23.5 2.20 6.30 8.75 31.90
4 892.5 31.7 2.30 6.50 9.80 32.50
5 789.0 28.2 2.10 6.80 11.00 34.50
6 1210.0 37.00 2.80 7.60 10.50 29.50
Mean 857.63 29.33 2.28 6.80 10.38 30.42
1 480.50 24.60 2.30 5.90 9.30 23.00
2 595.5 25.30 1.80 5.35 8.70 24.60
3 285.0 22.30 1.90 6.25 9.35 28.50
4 441.5 24.00 2.20 5.80 7.75 24.80
5 556.0 27.50 2.20 6.50 8.00 25.50
6 1203.0 36.50 2.70 6.60 9.20 31.00
Mean 593.58 26.70 2.18 6.07 8.72 26.23
Range 285.0- 22.30-37.00 1.80-2.80 5.35-7.60 7.75-11.50 23.00-
1210.0 34.50

5.2. Laboratory feeding behaviour and observations on breeding aspects

laboratory studies on B. indica, maintained in the animal house revealed that they were very
fierce and accepted all types of food, vegetables, cereals, pulses, oil seeds, their daily intake
varied from 12.5 to 35gm Ragi, 14.4 to 42gm jowar and 13.70 to 38gm rice when fed
separately. Feeding on these baits, they showed increase in their body weights, average male
weighed 503.58 and female 857.63, with a body length of 28.56cm males being higher than
females (26.15cm). Even after two years of rearing in the laboratory, there was no indication
of breeding by the female bandicoots.

5.2. Studies on population of B. indica in urban locales of Bangalore

Studies were conducted to know the activity of B. indica in and around parks / gardens of
Bangalore. The data on trapping index indicated that their activities were noticed throughout
year in all the three parks. The maximum (8.33 trap index) was seen during April followed by
January, February and March (7.78) respectively. The adult Bandicoots were trapped
maximum during January and April with a range of 7.22 to 8.33 trap index (Table 23).

Table 23. Monitoring of B. indica urban areas (parks) of Bangalore (2013-14)
Month Park 1 Park 2 Park 3 Mean
April 8.33 (5.0) 8.33(5.0) 8.33(5.0) 8.33(5.00)
May 8.33 (5.0) 8.33(5.0) 3.33(2.0) 6.66(4.00)
June 6.67 (4.0) 5.30(3.0) 3.33(2.0) 5.00(3.00)
July 1.67 (1.0) 0.00(0.0) 1.67(1.0) 0.56(0.67)
August 3.33 (2.0) 1.67(1.0) 5.00(3.0) 3.33(2.00)
September 3.33 (2.0) 3.33(2.0) 3.33(2.0) 3.33 (2.00)
October 5.00 (3.0) 3.33(2.0) 6.67(4.0) 5.00(3.00)
November 5.00 (3.0) 3.33(2.0) 5.00(3.0) 4.00(2.67)
December 6.67 (3.0) 5.00(3.0) 5.00(3.0) 5.56(3.33)
January 8.33 (5.0) 6.67(4.0) 6.67(4.0) 7.22(4.33)
February 6.67 (4.0) 6.67(4.0) 10.00(6.0) 7.78(4.67)
March 8.33 (5.0) 8.33(5.0) 6.67(4.0) 7.78(4.67)
Mean 5.97 (3.50) 5.00(3.00) 5.42(3.42) -
Figures in parenthesis indicates actual number trapped (20 traps for 3 nights).


The studies were conducted at Thagachaguppe village, in MagadiTq of Ramanagara District
of Karnataka, during 2012-13, both in kharif as well as in summer. The study indicated five
rodent species were associated with the groundnut crop. They were B. bengalensis, T. indica,
Mus booduga, Mus platythrix & B. indica.
6.1. Burrowing pattern

The burrows of B. bengalensis were clearly marked by the presence of heaps of soil at different
points along the burrow length in the form of ‘mole hills’. The mean weight of soil excavated
5.55 ± 3.1kg. The burrow opening of T. indica was without cover by the excavated soil. The
burrows of M. booduga were simple and shallow could be ascertained by the degree of
freshness or wetness of pellets at the entrance. M. platythrix exhibited a peculiar behaviour
of pebble collection around the surface openings. The mean number and mean diameter of side
tunnels seen during the cropping seasons and off season were 3.36 ± 1.01 and 7.07 ± 0.77 cm
for B. bengalensis and 2.13 ± 0.54 and 3.61 ± 0.30 for T. indica. The mean number tunnels in
M. booduga and M. platythrix was 0.5 ± 0.92 and mean diameter of tunnel was 2.53 ± 0.20 and
2.35 ± 0.18 for respective species. However for B. indica mean number of tunnels was 3.37 ±
0.25 with a mean diameter of 12.75 ± 0.35 cm. Maximum depth of the burrow of B. indica was
112.5cm followed by B. bengalensis(89cm), T. indica (44 cm), M. booduga(18cm) and.
platythrix(38.6cm).Likewise total length of burrow was recorded in case of B. Bengalensis
(753cm), T. indica (390cm) M. booduga, (35-129 cm) and M. platythrix (75-145cm).B.
bengalensis hoarded 36.24gm/ burrow, and gerbil also hoarded 52.09 ±56.45g groundnuts
especially in summer. Whereas, M. booduga and M. platythrix did not hoard any materials
expect few leaves and straw of the neighboring crops.

6.2. Evaluation of rodenticides in different treatments and snap traps in groundnut crop
Following 13 treatments (including traps, rodenticides and fumigants in various combinations
with one control) treatments were imposed in groundnut crop fields for developing rodent
management modules. They are: T1:Setting 54 Snap traps per ha at germination stage; T2:
Zn3P2 (2%) baiting at germination stage; T3:Bromadiolone CB (0.005%) at germination stage;
T4: ALP application in burrows at germination stage; T5: Setting 54 Snap traps per ha at peg
formation stage; T6: Bromadiolone CB (0.005%) at peg formation stage; T7:Zn3P2 (2%)
baiting at peg formation stage; T8: ALP application in burrows at peg formation stage;
T9:T1+T7; T10: T3 + T7 ; T11:T2 + T8; T12: T2 + T6 and T13: Untreated Control.
The results obtained in various treatments are presented in Table 24. The cost benefit ratio was
higher 1:36.56 in T7 (2% Zinc phosphide baiting at peg formation stage with yield
1239.11kg/ha) followed by T8 (Aluminum phosphide application in summer at peg formation
stage) and T6 (Bromodiolone (0.25%) at peg formation stage with 1:30.88 and 1:28.6 with a
yield of 1264.06 and 1190.19 kg/ha respectively.
Table 24. Evaluation of rodent management strategies in groundnut field during summer season
Treatment % Reduction Yield CB
in LBC kg/ha Ratio
T1 Setting 54 Snap traps per ha at germination stage 24 998.14j 1:2.23
T2: Zn3P2 (2%) baiting at germination stage 30 1089.00i 1:20.39
T3:Bromadiolone CB (0.005%) at germination stage 24 979.68k 1:7.82
T4: ALP application in burrows at germination stage 42 1141.01h 1:20.45
T5: Setting 54 Snap traps per ha at peg formation stage 60 1211.30f 1:8.71
T6: Bromadiolone CB (0.005%) at peg formation stage 54 1190.19g 1:28.61
T7:Zn3P2 (2%) baiting at peg formation stage; 63 1239.11e 1:36.56
T8 Aluminum phosphate application in burrows 72 1264.06 d 1:30.88
T9: 54 Snap traps/ha + 2% Zinc phosphide 74% 1328.17b 1:9.83
T10: Bromadiolone CB (0.005%) at germination + 2% 72 1283.21cd 1:4.10
T 11: 2% Zinc phosphide baiting and AlP fumigation 76 1351.33a 1:21.44
T 12: 2% Zinc phosphide + Bromadiolone CB (0.005%) 72 1308.00c 1:21.09
T13: control - 900.31 -
SEM 17.05
CD 49.76


During 2012-13 and 2013-14, the project was implemented in the three villages-
Koramangala, Bijwara and Awati of Chikkaballapura District of Karnataka. In Koramangala,
all the inputs (Information, demonstration, rodenticide, baits/ anticoagulants) were made
available, in Bijwara, no inputs were made available except the information on rodent
management, training and demonstrations and in Awati, neither inputs nor information
demonstration/ training were given. It was a control village. Prior to the start of
implementations, basic knowledge, KAP with other informations on Rodent pest aspects and
crop details in villagesamong the farmers were collected through questionnaires.
In order to evaluate the impact of the project implementation, 7 plots in varied crops
(Ragi, Beans, Cabbage, Potato, cowpea, Paddy, Grapes) 1 ha each was selected in all the
villages and rodent damage (LBC/ha) and rodent incidence (%) were recorded before the rodent
control operation involving the farmers.
The results of the study during 2012-13 of the KAP analysis showed that the farmers
of Koramangala, the knowledge on rodents (47.50 to 84%), the attitude (54 to 91%) and
Practices (44 to 89%) improved from primary adaptors to innovators and moderate to high
respectively after 21 days of implementation (Table 25).
In Awati, the knowledge aspects improved from moderate (45%) to high (78.50%), the attitude
(56 to 72%) and practices (43 to 75%), highlighting that they need demonstrations and farmers
interaction. While in Bijwara both knowledge (45 to 55%) and practices (53 to 55%) were
improved from low to moderate, but Attitude wise, they remained as secondary adaptors
(47%), thus, the farmers of Bijwara require complete package stage of social engineering that
is, demonstrations, farmers interaction, and operational skills.

On the other hand, control rodent operations in fields have registered a significant
reduction in rodent density in crop fields in koramangala village that is 78.32% reduction in
rodent density and 79.24%, reduction in their incidence at crop harvest. In Awati, It was
24.68% and 21.6% and in Bijwara, there was an increase in rodent density (54%) and incidence
(50.23%) respectively, during crop harvest stage. The rodent density increased by twice
(103.57) and incidence by almost thrice (141.25).

During 2013-14, the results revealed that after successive two years of project implementation,
there was a reduction of rodent density and rodent infestation by 78.43% and 73.73% after 21
days and 80.62% and 77.05% during harvest in Koramangala village. While in Bijwara the
reduction was only 71.74% and 71.44% and in Awati, there was an increase of 21.93% and
21.92% in rodent density and rodent incidence (Table 26).

Among the KAP data knowledge, Attitude and Practices reached 41.5% to 81%, 57 to
93% and 41 to 87, indicating an enormous increase in KAP, while in Bijwara, the increase
registered was 41 to 87, 43 to 75.7 and 51 to 70%, respectively. However in village Awati, the
KAP figures were sedentary increase from44 to 45% in knowledge, 44 to 45% in attitude and
51 to 52% in practices indicating that there was not much change with regard to adaptation of
rodent management practices (Table 27).
During 2014-15 the studies on Social Engineering Activity was taken up in Ramanagara
district about 50 kms from Bangalore. The villages selected were Chowdeswarihalli
(Maintenance given all the inputs), Nagohalli (Neglected – only information) and Kukkur
(control-no information and inputs).The general information of the villages are given in Table

The results were again very promising and indicated that in Chowdeswarihalli, reduction of
78.79% in rodent density and 82.14% rodent infestation after 21 days of treatment and at
harvest the figures were 80.48% and 83 to 39% respectively in Paddy, Ragi, Cowpea, Food
crop fields. In Nagohalli it was only 21.23% and 22.87%. While in Kukkur, there was an
increase in rodent density by 19.28% and rodent infestation by 21.86% highlighting the fact
that transfer of rodent pest management is absolute necessary (Table 29).

The KAP analysis indicated that the farmers of Chowdeswarihalli had higher
knowledge level (83%)s, Practices (92.5%) and Attitude (53%) when compared with
Nagohalli, with 9.39 to 85%, KAP score and Kukkur village farmers remained second adopters
with low score indicating the need for extension intervention (Table 30).

Table 25. Social Engineering Activity on rodent control in villages: Socio economic strata for the
villages under farmer’s participatory approach during 2012-13

Measures to be
Koramangala (Information and materials supplied)
taken up
Initial level After 21 days
Media &
Knowledge 47.50% - Low 84.00% - High
Attitudes 54.00% - Sec. adopters 91.00% - Innovators

Practices 44.00% - Low 89.00% - High

Avati ( only information)

Knowledge 45.00% - Low 78.5% - Moderate Demonstrations,

Attitudes 56.00% - Sec. adopters 72.0% Sec. Adopters
Practices 43.00% - Low 75.00% - Low

Bijwara (control)

Knowledge 48.00% - Low 55.00% - Moderate Demonstrations &

Attitudes 53.00% - Sec. Adopters 55.00% - Sec. adopters
Practices 47.00% - Low 47.00% - Low

Table 26. Rodent density and incidence by rodents at three villages under farmer’s
participatory approach (Social engineering activities) 2013-14
Village Plot Crop Rodent density (LBC/ha) Rodent infestation (%)
No Pre After During Pre After During
treatment 21 harvesting treatment 21 harvesting
days days
koramangala 1 Ragi 42 15 12 5.60 1.13 0.96
2 Ragi 47 9 8 5.82 1.22 1.10

3 Grapes 34 9 7 6.10 1.52 1.20

4 Ragi 51 8 6 6.40 1.06 1.12

5 Groundnut 55 11 12 6.35 1.32 0.85

6 Cabbage 39 7 6 4.90 1.45 1.20

7 Potato 52 10 11 4.80 1.60 1.32

Mean 45.71 9.86 8.86 5.71 1.33 1.11

Per cent / over pre 78.43 80.62 - 73.73 77.05

Bijwara 1 Ragi 39 32 39 5.10 4.13 4.80

2 Grapes 27 22 20 3.89 2.99 32.5

3 Potato 59 44 45 6.78 5.42 4.90

4 Ragi 45 40 44 5.40 5.50 5.10

5 Beans 36 29 25 4.61 3.27 3.45

6 Cabbage 44 37 37 5.02 4.17 4.56

7 Cabbage 49 42 45 5.35 4.33 4.75

Mean 42.71 35.14 36.42 5.16 4.23 4.40

Per cent / over pre 17.72 3.64 - 17.44 3.28

Avati 1 Beans 41 43 53 4.42 4.44 6.50

2 Grape 34 37 48 3.67 3.82 4.90

3 Ragi 47 47 55 5.26 5.29 6.38

4 Ragi 49 53 59 5.27 5.35 5.47
5 Groundnut 65 70 75 6.72 7.30 7.58

6 Ragi 54 55 63 6.30 6.80 7.82

7 Ragi 43 48 53 4.81 4.89 6.13
Mean 47.57 50.42 58.00 5.21 5.41 6.40

Per cent / over pre - 21.92 21.92 - 3.84 23.03


Table 27. Influence of extension intervention on KAP of rodent control (2013-14)
Levels of KAP before and after extension intervention
Village Parameter After 21 Measure to be
Initial level Remarks Remarks
days taken
Knowledge 41.50 % Low 81.00 % High
Attitude 57.00 % Secondary 93.00 % Innovators Media and
adopters publicity
Practices 41.00 % Low 87.00 % High
Knowledge 43.00 % Low 72.50 % Low Demonstrations,
Attitude 51.00 % Secondary 70.00 % Secondary farmers
adopters adopters interaction
Practices 40.00 % Low 71.00 % Low
Knowledge 44.00 % Low 45.00 % Low Demonstrations
Attitude 51.00 % Secondary 52.00 % Secondary and farmers
adopters adopters interaction
Practices 48.00 % Low 48.00 % Low

Table 28. General information of social engineering villages

Sl. No. Name of the village Choudeshwarihalli Nagohalli, Kukkur

Kailanchhobli, MalurHobli
Ramanagara (Tq.), Channapattana (Tq.)
RamanagaraDist Ramanagara Dist.
1 Total population 450 521 449
2 Total house holders 104 117 102
3 Total area under 245 91 76.8
4 Total area under 194.8 68 32.0
5 Total No. of land 98 105 102
6 Major crop grown Ragi coconut, Paddy, Ragi, Ragi, Sorghum, Tur,
during the year paddy, vegetable, Sorghum, Fodder, Paddy, Pulses,
cowpea Mango, Banana, Fodder, Coconut
coconut etc.,
7 Allied Agricultural Dairy, Sericulture, Sericulture, Dairy, Sericulture, Dairy,
activities Poultry, Sheep Poultry, Sheep Poultry, Sheep rearing
rearing rearing

Table 29. Rodent density and incidence by rodents at three villages under farmer’s
participatory approach (Social engineering activities) 2014-15

Village Plot Crop Rodent density (LBC/ha) Rodent infestation (%)

No Pre After 21 At Harvest Pre After 21 During
treatment days treatment days harvesting
1 Ragi 47 10 9 4.80 0.95 0.85
2 Coconut 23 5 3 10.45 1.05 0.97
3 Ragi 41 10 9 4.72 1.13 0.98
Choudeswarihalli 4 Paddy 53 11 12 5.18 0.98 0.90

(RamanagaramTq.) 5 Ragi 39 9 7 4.62 0.83 0.81
6 Cowpea 51 10 11 5.32 1.17 1.00
7 Cabbage 43 8 7 4.11 0.95 0.98
Mean 42.43 9.0 8.28 5.60 1.00 0.93
Per cent / over pre
- 78.79 80.48 - 82.14 83.39
1 Paddy 53 43 55 5.13 4.05 5.80
2 Ragi 47 36 53 5.05 3.88 6.98
3 Ragi 59 45 62 5.86 4.39 6.26
Nagohalli 4 Paddy 49 39 48 4.96 3.91 6.10
(RamanagaramTq.) 5 Coconut 27 21 32 9.36 6.92 7.90
6 Ragi 41 37 48 4.35 3.56 5.85
7 Cowpea 43 35 54 4.83 3.76 5.44
Mean 46.43 36.57 50.23 5.64 4.35 6.33
Per cent / over pre - 21.23 8.18 - 22.87 12.23
Kukkur, 1 Ragi 43 47 59 4.3 4.5 5.5
(ChannapattanaTq) 2 Paddy 39 45 63 3.6 4.2 5.4
3 Ragi 38 44 56 3.1 4.3 6.8
4 Ragi 36 45 61 3.5 4.0 6.3
5 Cowpea 29 34 52 3.3 4.2 5.6
6 Fodder 31 39 47 2.6 3.7 4.1
7 Paddy 33 43 57 3.6 4.4 6.4
Mean 35.57 42.43 56.43 3.43 4.18 5.73
Per cent / over pre
- 19.28 58.64 - 21.86 67.05

Table 30. Influence of extension intervention of rodent control on KAP inSocial Engineering
villages (2014-15)
Village Parameter Levels of KAP before and after extension intervention
Initial level Remarks After 21 Remarks Measure to be
(%) days (%) taken
Choudeswarihalli Knowledge 37.5 Low 83.0 High
(RamanagaramTq.) Attitude 53.0 Secondary 91.0 Innovators Media and
adopters publicity
Practices 42.0 Low 92.5 High
Nagohalli Knowledge 39.0 Low 85.0 High Training
(RamanagaramTq.) Attitude 56.0 Secondary 85.5 Secondary programme
adopters adopters
Practices 45.0 Low 72.0 Low
Kukkur, Knowledge 35.0 Low 36.0 Low Demonstrations
(ChannapattanaTq) Attitude 55.0 Secondary 56.0 Secondary and farmers
adopters adopters interaction
Practices 44.0 Low 47.0 Low




The studies was conducted at poly houses with carnation ornamental plants at flowering
stage at Bettadabyrapura in Doddaballapura Taluk of Bangalore rural District during the three
year study period. Initial/pre control rodent population was estimated using LBC count and
rodent damage. The following treatments were carried out. In all five treatments viz., 1. Burrow
fumigation with chilli powder 20g/ burrow; 2. Bromodiolone(0.005%) cake application
1pc/burrow; 3. Zinc phosphide 2% followed by Bromodiolone; 4. Snap traps at 1/30 sq.ft; 5.
And Live trap at 1/30 sq.ft, The post control census was taken up after 10 days of application.
The major rodent pests involved were B. bengalensis followed by M. booduga and T.
indica. During 2014-15, Mus platythrix was also trapped. The extent of damage to the flower
plants in different years was 9.5-12.5% (2012-13); 10-11% (2013-14) and 7.5- 9.6% (2014-
15). The highest per cent reduction in rodent activity mean control success of 79.76% was
registered due to 2% Zinc phosphide followed by Bromadiolone, which was followed by use
of snap trap @ 1/30 sq.ft, (66.96%); 61.34% by Bromadiolone application; 49.96% by Burrow
fumigation. Rodent control success estimated through reduction in damage also followed the
same trend with highest success (80%) with 2% Zinc phosphide followed by Bromadiolone
(Table 31).
Overall analysis of proved superiority of integrating acute rodenticide (zinc phosphide 2%)
with anticoagulant rodenticide (bromadiolone 0.005%) yield in a mean success of 79 to 80%
Table 31. Efficacy of rodent population’s management technologies in poly house agriculture at
Bettadabyrapur, Bangalore rural.
Sl Treatments Control success Control Control success Mean Control
No. During 2012-13 success During 2014-15 success
based on During 2013- based on based on
based on
Damage Rodent Damage Rodent Damage Rodent Damage Rodent
density density density density
1 Burrow
fumigation with
52.64 58.87 52.38 52.11 44.87 45.07 49.96 52.01
chili powder @
2 Bromadiolone
cake @ 16g 63.41 63.40 46.34 52.31 74.28 61.34 62.86
3 Poison baiting
with ZnP @ 2%
80.0 77.68 69.27 73.46 90.03 89.65 79.76 80.26
followed by
4 Snap trap @ 1/30
66.66 76.51 61.92 61.42 72.31 71.60 66.96 69.84
5 Live trap @ 1/30
40.48 39.30 50.70 50.74 - - 45.59 45.02
Treatment only in 2012-13 and 2013-14.


Grape being commercially important Horticultural crop of Karnataka extensively used

as fruit and in wine production. The studies were undertaken so as to work out the management
strategies at Srirampura village in Chikkaballapura District. Five plots of one hectare each
were selected and treatments were carried out. The rodent population was monitored using
LBC/ha and per cent damage before and after the treatments.
The rodent pests infesting grape gardens were Funambulus palmarum, Bandicota
bengalensis, Millardia meltada, Mus booduga, Mus platythrix. Fruit damage in grapes ranged
between 7-8%. In all four treatments (Bromadiolone baiting; Snap trapping, zinc phosphide
baiting and glue traps) were imposed in grape gardens of Sreerampura of Chikkballapura distt
during 2012-13 1md 2013-14, whereas in third year combination treatment of zinc phosphide
followed by bromadiolone baiting was also added.
During first year maximum reduction in rodent incidence due to treatments was noticed
with Zinc phosphide, 2%baiting (74.16%), followed by snap trap @ 1/30 sq.ft and
bromodiolone cake (0.005%) yielding 58.84 and 57.0%. Similar trend was recorded in terms
of reduction in rodent damage i.e., 72.72, 60.0 and 51.85% respectively. During 2013-14
studies also repeated and the similar trend in control success was registered (Table 32). In the
third year (2014-15), the combination treatment of zinc phosphide followed by bromadiolone
baiting (imposed in this year only) proved the best yielding the highest control success of
88.64% (based on rodent incidence) and 89.31% (based on damage). Second best was single
baiting with zinc phosphide (73.08 and 74.44% success with respective assessment methods).
The performance of various treatments in various study years are detailed in Table 32.
Table 32: Rodent management in grape garden at Srirampura of Chikkabllapura

Sl Treatments Control Control Control Mean Control

No. success success success successOf 3 years
During 2012- During 2013- During 2014- based on
13 14 15
based on based on based on
Damage Rodent Damage Rodent Damage Rodent Damage Rodent
density density density density
1 Br.cake @ 16g 51.85 57.0 57.14 59.70 51.85 57.00 53.61 57.90
2 Snap trap @ 60.0 58.84 62.0 61.10 60.00 58.84 60.00 59.59
3 Poison baiting 72.72 74.16 73.81 75.00 72.72 74.16 73.08 74.44
with ZnP @ 2%
4 Glue trap @15 34.48 30.0 35.90 30.00 34.48 30.00 34.95 30.00
ft gap at
(Borders only)
4 * ZnP followed - - - - 89.31 88.64 89.31 88.64
by Br
* Treatment only in 2014-15 (ZnP= zinc phosphide 2% and Br= Bromadiolone cake

Studies were conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Arasikere in coconut garden
(20 years old tree). The observations on the number of trees affected/ha and the number of
nuts affected/affected trees were counted on the day before wrapping the coconut trunk (pre
census) and after at an interval of 2, 3,6,12 and 18 month period. Further the cost of wrapping
Zinc sheets and polythene sheets were also worked out. The associated rodent pests in coconut
orchards werenon burrowing ones, viz., R. rattus and F. palmarum which usually climb the
trees and establish their colony on the crown. B. bengalensis, a burrowing species cause
damage in coconut nurseries. Both the treatments like wrapping/ banding with zinc sheets as
well as polythene sheets proved were equally effective in preventing rodent damage. Cost of
these preventive treatments indicated that the zinc sheets are relatively costly (Rs. 6000/ha)
compared to polythene sheets (Rs. 2000/ha) and the viability of polythene sheets were 42%
against zinc sheets which is 100% at the end of 18 months (Table 33).

Table 33: Details of cost/materials for estimating C: B Ratio for polythene wrappers and zinc
sheets for the management of rodents in coconut (2012-13)

SN Parameters Values
1 No. of trees / ha 100
2 Zinc sheets required / tree 3 Sq. ft.
3 Zinc sheets required / ha 300 Sq. ft.
4 Cost of sheets required / ha 300 x 15 = Rs. 4500/- (@ 15 Sq. ft)
5 Instillation charge Rs. 1500/-
6 Total cost Rs. 6000/-
7 Polythene sheets required / tree 3. Sq.ft.
8 Polythene sheets required / ha 300 Sq.ft.
9 Cost of sheets required / ha 300 x 2.50 = Rs. 750/- (@ 2.50 Sq. ft)
10 Instillation charge 1250/-
11 Total cost 2000/-
12 Total amount gained due to treatments 551 x Rs. 5 = Rs. 2755



Studies were conducted in the rodent control unit laboratory at GKVK campus. The
released R. rattus and M. musculus in a free room were trapped by employing all the different
types of traps such as snap trap, glue trap, wonder trap, box trap and modified snap traps. The
laboratory trials indicated that for capturing medium sized rats (R. rattus), wonder traps proved
superior (89.20%) followed by snap traps (81.74%), modified snap trap (80.77%), box trap
(67.94%). However for small rodents like, M. musculus, box trap was found superior with
76.38% trapping followed by glue trap (74.99%) and the rest were least effective with 38-43%
success. However, in order to balance trapping of varied sized rodent pests, itis effective to
employ wonder traps to trap medium / big sized rats, while glue trap were effective against
small Mus species and box traps to give equal opportunity for both big and small rodents to get
trapped (Table 34).

Table 34 : Evaluation of various types of traps for capturing varied sized rodents during 2013-14
to 2014-15.

Sl. Trap types 2013-14 2014-15 Mean of two years

No Rodents trapped Rodents trapped
(%) (%)
Rr Mm Rr Mm Rr Mm
1 Snap trap 85.71 44.44 77.78 33.33 81.74 38.88
2 Glue trap 25.00 83.33 50.00 66.66 37.50 74.99
3 Wonder trap 87.50 44.40 90.91 30.00 89.20 37.20
4 Box trap 66.66 77.77 69.23 75.00 67.94 76.38
5 Modified snap 84.61 50.00 76.93 36.37 80.77 43.18


Table 35: Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in rodent management (data generated from

Sl. No. Places practiced Method followed

1 Tagachaguppe, (i)Mechanical method by using stone slab; (ii) Sowing of 3-4 rows
Magadi of Sorghum all along the border
of groundnut field, while ground nut sowing
2 Gulbarga Use of Glyricidia leaves along with rice

3 Chamarajanagar Wooden traps and bamboo traps.

4 Dharwad district Rodent management in rice: Short hairs are

incorporated in the vada and kept in the rodent burrow for feeding,
after eating, the hair create problem in the stomach of rodent
Farmer feels the presence of snake reduce the rodent incidence.
5 North Canara /South Roasted groundnut mixed with jaggary and cement is used to kill
Canara the rats. The mixture is kept in the burrow. After consuming, the
cement get solidified like concrete and affect the digestive system
of the rats which ultimately leads to their death
6 North Canara& Chapathi made up of wheat flour mixed with jaggary and cement
7 Bangalore / Kolar Jatropa seeds (1/2 kg) powder is boiled in 2-3 ltr of water &
district Filtered decoction is taken and boiled again with 1kg of sorghum
grain. Than these seeds are spread over field wherever there is
rodent menance. After eating the cooked sorghum seeds the rats
will die instantly
8 Bangalore rural Farmers using lanet in preparation of baits in place of Zinc
district Phosphide and fully cooked parboiled paddy as bait materials


The staff of AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management (Rodent Control) offered a UG

course, CPT 404 (0+5) Non Insect Pests and Management, a Hands on Training/Experimental
course to final year B.Sc. (Agri.) students during II semester: November 2014 to April 2015,
where in students were practically exposed to rodent and other vertebrate Pests including Birds
in addition to mites and invertebrate pests.


Dr. V. Shivayya and Dr. Mohan I. Naik attended the ZREP meeting of Eastern Dry Zone of
UAS, Bangalore during 11th, 12th and 13th March 2013 and presented progress of
Dr. V. Shivayya and Dr. Mohan I. Naik attended the ZREP meeting of Eastern Dry Zone of
UAS, Bangalore during 19th ,20th and 21st February 2014 and presented progress of
Naik, M.I participated in 10th National symposium on soil Biology and Ecology, held at UAS,
Bangalore, 19th to 21st February, 2014 and presented research Paper on Rodent
management in Ragi, Eleusinecoracana (Gaertn.) ecosystem and Studies on Food
preference of Lesser Bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis (Gray) to evolve best bait
for its Management.
Dr. G. Govinda Raj, Dr. V. Shivayya and Dr. Mohan I Naik, attended the Annual Entomology
Technical meeting /workshop at KVK, Chamarajanagara, Mysore from Feb 11-14,
Dr. G. Govinda Raj attended the Brain storming session on Vertebrates & launch meeting of
AINP on Vertebrate Pest Management at NASE complex, IARI, New Delhi on 21st
February 2015.

Naik, M.I., Shivayya, V. and Siddappa Kannur, 2011, Rodent invasion to coffee plantation in
Coorg district of Karnataka. Rodent Newsletter, 35:79.
Naik, M.I. and Shivayya, V., 2012, Management of rodents in vegetable soybean, Rodent News
letter, 36:8.
Basavaraj,K., Naik, M.I., Rajashekar, B. Nayak, and Ganesha, 2012, Bio efficacy of
ecofriendly insecticides against castor shoot and capsule borer,
Conognethespunctiferalis(Lepidoptgera:Pyralidae). Paper presented in International
Conference on Plant Health Management for food security held at Hyderabad, 28-30,
Nov.2012, P.82.
Naik, M.I., Rajashekar B. Nayak, Shivayya, V. and Siddappa Kannur, 2012, Toxicity of Zinc
Phosphide to rodents and their management in soybean field. Paper presented in
International Conference on Plant Health Management for food security held at
Hyderabad, 28-30, Nov.2012, p.148.
Naik, M.I., Rajashekar, B. Nayak and Shivayya, V., 2013, Food preference by Brown spiny
field rat, Mus playthrix (Benet). Environ. and Ecol., 31:21-24.
Naik, M.I., Rajashekar, B. Nayak and Shivayya, V., 2013, Food preference by Brown spiny
field rat, Mus playthrix (Benet). Environ. and Ecol., 31:21-24.
Naik, M.I., Shivayya, V. and Siddappa Kannur, 2013, Bio efficacy of an eco-friendly chemical
Brodifacoum (0.005% WB) against commensally Rodents. Environ. and Ecol., 31:16-
Chakravarthy, A.K., Shivayya, V., R.S. Tripathi and Girish,A.C.2013.Porcupine: The robust
Naik, M.I., Basavaraju, K., Rajashekar, B. Nayak and Shivayya, V., 2014. Rodent
management in Ragi, Eleusinecoracana (Gaertn.) ecosystem, Paper presented at 10th
National symposium on soil Biology and Ecology, held at UAS, Bangalore, 19th to
21st February, 2014.
Naik, M.I., Basavaraju, K., Rajashekar, B. Nayak and Shivayya, V., 2014. Studies on Food
preference of Lesser Bandicoot rat, Bandicoota bengalensis (Gray) to evolve best bait
for its Management. Paper printed at 10th National symposium on soil Biology and
Ecology, held at UAS, Bangalore, 19th to 21st February 2014.
Naik, M.I. Nayak, R.B., Kannur Siddappa and Shivayya, V., 2015, Efficacy of acute
rodenticides for rodent management in soybean [Glacier max L. (Merrils)]. Bioinfolet,
12(1) : 19-23.
Naik, M.I. Nayak, R.B., Kannur Siddappa and Shivayya, V., 2015, Dynamics of rodent
community in soybean-Ragi based crop lands. Bioinfolet, 12(1) : 19-23.


University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)
(Rs. in lakhs)
Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 75.80 50.61 52.96 179.37

T.A. 0.30 0.60 0.59 1.49

Rec. Contingencies 0.90 1.79 1.69 4.38

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 77.00 53.00 55.24 185.24

1. Name of the centre ANGR University, APRRI & RARS, Maruteru
2. Sanction no. Proc. No.Res.1/93015/77 Dated 20.06.1883
3. Date of start 23.09.1985
4. Date of Termination Network Project of continued nature
5. Report period 2012-13 to 2014-15
6. Scientist In charge (PI) Dr N. Srinivasa Rao
7. Staff Position

Name Designation Data of joining Date of leaving

Dr Ch V. Narsimha Rao Sr Scientist 12.11.2010 25.11.2014
Dr N. Srinivasa Rao Sr Scientist I/c 30.05.2015 Contd
Mrs D. Sudha Rani Scientist 22.10.2010 08.10.2013
Ms B. Anusha Scientist 24.02.2014 Contd
Mr. B. Ram babu Tech Assistant 08.01.2015 Contd
(i) Smt.S.Mary Jnana Kumari Agricultural 12.08.2011 Contd
Extension Officers
(ii) Sri.V.Trimurthulu (2) 21.11.2011 Contd
Vacant Lab Assistant (1) - -


RM 1. Surveillance of rodent pests in predominant cropping system (Groundnut-Sugarcane

and (ii) Plantation crops)
RM 2. Monitoring of rodent abundance and damage in different agro climatic zones (Krishna
and High altitude Zone)
RM 3.Evaluation of botanicals against rodent pests for antifeedant /deterrent/ attractant effects
RM 4.Evaluation of chemical compounds for toxic and antifertility properties for data
generation on Indian rodents
RM 5. Development of rodent management technologies under storage conditions
RM 6. Bio-ecology of major rodent species(Mus booduga/ Bandicota bengalensis)
RM7.Development of integrated rodent management modules in predominant crops/cropping
RM 8. Social engineering activity on rodent pest management as participatory adaptive
research in adopted villages
RM 9. Studies on predatory potential of barn owls and its utilization for bio-control of rodent


(a): Evaluation of CTBS
(b): Development of rodent forewarning systems in Godawari Delta region of AP ( by
correlating climate data vis a vis population dynamics of last 15 years)
(c): Field Evaluation of Difencoum and flocoumafen in rice and coconut as sponsored
trial from BASF India Pvt Ltd.


Rodent pest surveillance was carried out in sugarcane, maize, cocoa and coconut
crops from farmers’ fields consecutively for the three years.
1.1. Sugarcane

Among the rodent species present in sugarcane fields, B. bengalensis (66.0%) is the major followed
by R. rattus (22.0%) M. booduga (11.3%). Very rare incidence of M. meltada (0.5%) was noticed in
sugarcane fields in the region (Fig.1).

Fig1. Rodent Species Composition in Sugarcane in

Godavari Delta
22.3 M.b
11.3 66.0 R.r

Rodent infestation was found high in farmers’ sugarcane fields in Godavari delta with
21.0 LBC/ha and 13.0% cane damage during 2012-13 and it was receded in subsequent years
with 12-14 LBC/ha and 4-6% cane damage as a result of rodent control campaigns organized
(Fig.2 )
Fig. 2. Damage potential of rodents to sugarcane
30 fields (Farmers') in Godavari delta




2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

The main species infesting maize crop was found as Bandicota bengalensis. The mean live burrow
count is more during the October month i.e., 9.66 which varied from 7.75 – 11.5 during the 3 years.
Though the rodent infestation is found in maize, the cob damage is very low or negligible. In crop
growth period, cob damage by rodents was noticed during October (mean 1.16) which is also very
low or negligible (Fig. 3)

Fig.3. Damage Potential of B. bengalensis to maize crop

% Rodent Infestation


















2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean

LBC/ha Cob damage

1.3. Plantation Crops (Cocoa and Coconut)

Cocoa is an export oriented high value crop grown as intercrop in coconut orchards in deltaic
regions in Godavari belt. Rodents are one of the major biological constraints in cultivation of
cocoa and coconut as well. Rodent infestation was recorded during the major season i.e. kharif
(June to Jan) for the three years. The data was recorded from two orchards, one at ARS,
Ambajipet and another at Sakinetipalli (Farmer’s field). Rate of rodent infestation (RI) and pod
damage varied throughout the season and no relation (positive or negative) between RI and pod
damage are noticed. Peak rodent infestation rates are noticed during July (7.2 to 9.2),
September (7.8 to 7.9) and December (6.2 to 6.5) months in all the three years (Fig.4). Rodent
infestation is very low during the months of January and November.

Fig.4.Damage potential by rodents to Cocoa (Farmers fields)

in Godavari Delta
per centage













2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

RI % Nut Damage

Rate of rodent infestation and damage to nuts were also assessed from the same gardens.
Rodent infestation is fluctuated throughout the season and highest rate of infestation is noticed
in the month of October and November in all the three years. Damage to nuts was more in
2012-13 and it was reduced subsequently. In generals peaks in nut damage were notice in the
months of September and January during all the three years (Fig.5)

Fig. 5.Damage potential by rodents to Coconut (Farmers fields)
in Godavari Delta














2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

RI % Nut Damage


From the monitoring surveys conducted in Krishna-Godavari Zone during the three years,
rodent species, B. bengalensis is found predominant (85.0%) followed by Mus booduga
(10.0%). During Kharif seasons, the population is slowly build up and reached a peak during
the month of August during all the three years of study (11-17.5 LBC/ha). Later there was a
fall in the population which might be due to the community campaigns taken up by the farmers
in survey areas. While in rabi seasons, high rodent infestation is noticed during the months of
February and April. It is understood from the graph that the rodent infestation is high during
the periods when the crop is entering into the reproductive phase (at about maximum tillering
to PI stage). (Fig.6)
Fig.6. Rodent infestation at APRRI& RRAS, Maruteru


10 2012-13

5 2013-14
June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April

The mean breeding parameters recorded from the animal samples collected at APRRI,
Maruteru for the three years are depicted in fig.7. High percent pregnant females were found
during October when the crop is in reproductive phase. Percent feeding females i.e. females
with litter are found more during December, January, March and February moths. The mean
no. of embryos is also more during these months. And, these pregnant and feeding females
are present throughout year indicating the presence of overlapping and mixed populations in
the region.
The productivity is relatively higher in kharif over rabi season. Population growth
estimate computed from breeding parameters indicated that the B. bengalensis infesting
paddy could breed @ 2.46 to 2.69 times in kharif and 1.13 to 1.67 times in rabi seasons, with
the seasonal productivity of 23.17 to 26.52 in kharif and 13.51 to 19.80 in rabi seasons.
Reproductive rate and annual productivities evolved from the breeding parameters revealed
that animal can produce about 40 to 43 litter per year.

Fig.7. Breeding parmeters of B. bengalensis at APRRI, Maruteru


% feeding
20.0 Mean
15.0 embryos
10.0 %
5.0 pregnancy
June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April


Table 1. Population growth parameters of B. bengalensis at Maruteru during 2012-13,

2013-14 and 2014-15
S.N Population growth Values
o. parameter Khar Rabi Khar Rabi Khar Rabi
if 2012- if 2013- if 2014-
2012 13 2013 14 2014 15
1 Reproductive rate F* 2.69 1.13 2.58 1.85 2.46 1.67
2 Average litter / female 8.96 11.96 8.58 10.62 9.42 11.86
3 Productivity per season 26.52 13.51 22.13 19.64 23.17 19.80
(F x Avg. litter/ female)
Productivity per year 40.03 41.77 42.97
*F= P (t/v), where P- Prevalence of pregnancy (Avg. % Pregnant / season)
t- Time period of samples in days, V- time of gestation.


Experiments on botanicals were carried out from 2008-09 to 2011-12 and concluded
during bi-annual group Meeting held at Guwahati, Assam.


Not conducted

The post-harvest losses due to rodents also a major constraint in achieving the
national food security. Indirect losses are 10 times more than actual losses cause by direct
feeding. Further the losses are more in indigenous storage structures which are more often
non-rodent poof. Experiments were carried out develop rodent management techniques in
these structures. Tracking tiles were placed to measure tracking index (rodent infestation)
before and after treatments in experimental sites i.e. A P seeds Godown at Maruteru and small
indigenous storage structures in Kotalaparru village. The following treatment modules are
Table 2. Efficacy of various treatments against rodents in storage structures
Treat Modules applied % Control Success
2012- 2013- 2014- Mean
13 14 15
T1 Bromodiolone cake poisoning
84.0 85.0 82.8 83.9
+Sherman traps
T2 Bromodiolone cake poisoning
52.8 54.8 47.0 51.5
+Wonder traps
T3 Bromodiolone cake poisoning
67.0 65.0 53.3 61.7
+Glue/sticky traps
T4 Bromodiolone poison baiting
52.2 50.2 42.1 48.1
+Sherman traps
T5 Bromodiolone poison baiting
46.0 48.0 49.1 47.7
+Wonder traps
T6 Bromodiolone poison baiting +
50.6 58.6 40.3 49.8
Glue/sticky traps
T7 Zinc phosphide poison baiting +
61.6 60.6 46.8 56.3
Sherman traps
T8 Zinc phosphide poison baiting +
42.4 40.4 41.6 41.4
Wonder traps
T9 Zinc phosphide baiting + Glue/sticky
39.5 40.5 40.0 40.0
T10 Aluminium phosphide tablets +
76.0 78.0 78.1 77.3
Sherman traps
T11 Aluminium phosphide tablets + Wonder
58.2 59.2 52.9 56.7
T12 Aluminium phosphide tablets +
46.0 50.0 43.5 46.5
Glue/sticky traps
T13 Control - - - -

The mean pre-treatment tracking index varied between 73.33- 86.66 % during the
years and it was reduced to 11.33 - 51.9 in various treatments (T1 – T12) (table2). Whereas
in control, where no rodent control operations were taken, the post treatment tracking index
increased from 80 to 90 per cent. Among the treatments tested, Bromodiolone cake and
Sherman traps (T1) has resulted in lowest post-treatment tracking index. (Fig 8.).

Based on the pre and post tracking indices, the control success was estimated in
comparison with control treatment. Among the treatments, T1 (Bromodiolone cake poisoning
+Sherman traps) has recorded a mean % control success of 83.9 followed by T10 (Aluminium
phosphide tablets + Sherman traps) with 77.3 and T3 (Bromodiolone cake poisoning
+Glue/sticky traps) with 61.7 per cent rodent control success over the control treatment
(Table 2).

Fig. 8. Rodent Management in Indigenous storage structutres

% Tracking Index

T13 (Control)

T13 (Control)






2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean

Pre treatment Post treatment


Experiments were carried out during 2010-11 to 2012-13 and concluded during the
workshop held at Assam.
Rice: Various modules comprising rodent management practices alone or in integration
considering the crop stage were evaluated consecutively for three years against rodents in
irrigated rice. The module details are furnished below.

Module Rodent management operations

Tillering stage Panicle Initiation stage Harvest stage
M1 Bromodiolone poison Zinc phosphide poison Bromodiolone poison
baiting baiting baiting
M2 Bromodiolone poison Bromodiolone poison baiting Bromodiolone poison
baiting baiting

M3 Burrow smoking Bromodiolone poison baiting Burrow smoking

( once in a week) & Burrow smoking (once in ( once in a week)
a week)

M4 Burrow fumigation with Bromodiolone poison baiting Burrow fumigation with

M5 Trapping (1 month after Burrow smoking Trapping

transplanting for every 2 Repellent spraying (once) (1 month before harvest for
alternate days) every 2 alternate days)
Repellent spraying (once)

M6 Farmers practice ( phorate granules application, bromodiolone baiting with incorrect

dosages and live catch of rodents through catchers engaged)
M7 Control

Among all the modules tested, the module M3 (Cultural Practices + Bromodiolone
burrow baiting + burrow smoking) was found to be the most promising module and achieved
a mean percent control success of 86.57 in reducing live burrows and 86.37 in reducing the
tiller damage (Fig. 9) for all the three years. Burrow smoking found to be a crucial component/
practice in this module for achieving higher rate of success. The next best treatment was M5
with 72 % and 69% mean control success in reducing live burrows and tiller damage,
respectively. All the modules recorded superior performance in controlling the rodents over
control. Farmers practices like application of phorate granules and application of inadequate
doses of bromadiolone baiting and live catching has performed inferior among all the

Fig. 9. Efficacy of rodent management modules in irrigated rice

% Control success

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean

% control success LBC/ha % control success in Tiller damage

Sugarcane: In order to control the rodent damage and to disseminate the technology,
community rodent control campaigns were organized in adopted villages (during 2012-13 &
2013-14 at Abbirajupalem and 2014-15 at Doddipatla) using bromadiolone 0.005%. These
campaigns has resulted in reduction of LBC from 24 to 8 in 2012-13, 20.5 to 4.5 in 2013-14
and 22.6 to 5.2 in 2014.15. The per cent control success in reduction of LBC was 69.7, 77.2

and 77.0, respectively. Campaign villages recorded a control success of 60.5 to 85.9 % in
reducing the cane damage due to rodents over the non-campaign villages (Table 3).
Table 3. Efficacy of bromodiolone 0.005% poison bait in reduction of rodent infestation
in sugarcane crop (Farmer Fields)
Mean LBC/ha Mean per cent cane damage/ha
% Post %
Year Field Pre Post Pre
control treatmen control
Treatment treatment treatment
success t success
2012- Treated 24 8 69.7 19 3 85.9
13 Control 29 32 24 27
2013- Treated 20.5 4.5 77.2 12.5 3.5 62.6
14 Control 19.0 17.5 14.0 10.5
2014- Treated 22.6 5.2 77.0 15.7 6.2 60.5
15 Control 19.2 17.4 15.7 12.3
Plantation Crops: In order to manage the rodents in cocoa-coconut intercropping, the
following 5 modules are evaluated for their efficacy in three replications
M1- Cultural Practices (CC) + Bromodiolone 0.005% baiting
M2- CC + Bromodiolone burrow baiting 0.005% + burrow fumigation
M3- CC + Trapping + Ecodon
M4- CC + Bromodiolone burrow baiting 0.005% + Trapping
M5- farmer’s practice
M6- Control (No treatment)

Table 4. Efficacy of certain treatments against rodents in cocoa and coconut

Module Cocoa Coconut

% Control Success % Control Success
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean
M1 57.17 65.67 67.53 63.46 65.05 62.20 58.82 62.02
M2 51.16 63.62 62.50 59.09 68.38 64.78 54.54 62.00
M3 66.26 60.13 61.48 62.62 55.37 56.75 54.16 55.43
M4 74.98 81.15 75.00 77.04 72.63 75.0 72.22 73.28
M5 61.16 56.93 51.72 56.60 53.12 58.96 55.55 55.88

The percent rodent control success in terms of reduction in nut damage (difference
between pre and post treatment) in different modules over control is presented in the table 4.
All the modules recorded higher control success over the control which is varied from 56.6to
77.04 % in cocoa and 55.43 to 73.28 % coconut over the three years. Among the modules
tested, M4 has recorded highest mean control success both in cocoa (77.04) and coconut
(73.25) followed by M1 (CC+bromadiolone 0.005% baiting) with mean control success of
63.46 % in cocoa and 62.0 % in coconut.
In cocoa, the mean pre-treatment pod damage varied between 12.6 to 18.6 % during the years
and it was reduced to 3.1 to 6.5 in various treatments (M1-M5). Whereas in control, where no
rodent control operations were taken, the post treatment nut damage increased 18.6 to 20.3 per
cent. Among the modules tested, M4 (CC+ Bromadiolone 0.005% baiting+ Trapping) has
resulted in lowest post-treatment pod damage (Fig.10).
In coconut, among the modules tested, M4 (CC+ Bromadiolone 0.005% baiting+ Trapping)
has showed superior performance over the other in controlling the rodent incidence. The
mean pre-treatment % nut damage varied from 8.3 to 11.0 among the treatments. The % nut
damage was reduced to 2.6 to 5.3 in treatments (M1 to M5), whereas it was increased from
9.3 to 11.5% in control (fig. 11)

Fig. 10 Efficacy of treatments in containing cocoa pod damage by rodents

(farmers fields)


% Pod damage










2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean

% Pre-treatment pod damage % Post-treatment pod damage

Fig. 11. Efficacy of treatments in containing coconut damage

by rodents (farmers fields)
% nut damage








2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean

% Pre-treatment nut damage % Post-treatment nut damage

Rodents are being migratory crop pests; community approach is required in controlling them.
Social engineering is practiced to achieve technology adoption by motivating the farmers’
participation. Three villages were selected with the help of Department of Agriculture/ KVK,
Undi for project implementation.
1st village- knowledge will be provided and campaign will be organized on community
basis with complete technical support from the project
2nd village- only knowledge will be provided
3rd village- control
KAP analysis will be conducted before and after campaign in all the three villages.
Based on the KAP, the motivational media (Demonstrations and interactions) was selected to
create the awareness among the farmers. Rodent control success will be calculated in all the
three villages after organizing the community rodent control campaign using rodenticide
poison baiting (packeting and pocketing) using bromadiolone 0.005% CB.
In all selected villages, majority of the farmers fall under the category of secondary
adopters, accordingly, motivational media (demonstrations and interactions) were arranged to
create awareness among the farmers (Table 5).
Table 5. Knowledge (K) Attitude (A) and Practice (P) levels of the farmer in selected
Parameter Village 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi Kharif Rabi
Knowledge Kottalparru (1) 68.0 70.3 75.2 74.5 78.4 76.4
(K) Score Lankala Koderu (2) 60.3 65.2 61.4 67.2 60.7 65.2
Pippara (3) 59.0 59.5 58.5 60.5 59.2 61.3
Attitude (A) Kottalparru (1) 84.5 82.6 80.4 80.3 81.5 82.3
Score Lankala Koderu (2) 79.5 79.0 76.5 80.0 75.7 77.4
Pippara (3) 70.5 73.3 59.5 70.3 58.4 60.5
Practice (P) Kottalparru (1) 68.0 70.4 70.5 72.4 72.8 74.5
Score Lankala Koderu (2) 60.0 65.5 61.5 70.5 62.9 66.4
Pippara (3) 59.5 61.0 56.5 62.0 55.6 63.5

Table 6. Impact of rodent control social engineering in protecting the crop against rodents
Name of the village K.Parru L.Koderu Pippara K.Parru L.Koderu Pippara
Experimental area in 100 80 60 100 80 60
Year Kharif 2012 Rabi 2012-13
LBC/ha (a)Pre- 35.0 36.7 37.7 36.3 35.2 36.3
treatment 4.3 7.3 23.0 7.8 12.8 34.2

LBC/ha (b)Post-
% Rodent control 79.97 67.57 -- 77.2 61.5 --
% tiller damage (a) 21.13 19.33 21.13 15.41 16.76 20.5
Pre treatment 5.53 7.8 23.06 5.8 8.96 24.0
% tiller damage (b)
Post treatment
% Rodent control 76.2 63.3 -- 74.97 55.0 --
Year Kharif 2013 Rabi 2013-14
LBC/ha (a)Pre- 33.0 34.7 35.7 34.3 33.2 33.3
treatment 5.3 8.3 22.0 8.5 16.9 32.4
LBC/ha (b)Post-
% Rodent control 74.03 62.67 -- 75.8 58.5 --
% tiller damage (a) 25.23 22.03 25.33 16.41 19.76 18.5
Pre treatment 4.53 9.83 26.36 6.0 9.20 17.0
% tiller damage (b)
Post treatment
% Rodent control 83.66 57.16 -- 78.25 57.5 --
Year Kharif 2014 Rabi 2014-15
LBC/ha (a)Pre- 37.0 34.7 35.7 36.2 32.7 34.6
treatment 6.2 8.9 23.0 7.9 8.7 33.4
LBC/ha (b)Post-
% Rodent control 83.24 74.35 -- 78.17 73.40 --
% tiller damage (a) 26.82 24.32 26.66 20.50 18.64 19.82
Pre treatment 5.56 8.64 25.12 5.40 6.4 18.80
% tiller damage (b)
Post treatment
% Rodent control 79.26 64.47 -- 73.65 65.66 --

In village 1 (Kotalaparru), the rodent control success ranged between 74.03 to 83.24
per cent in terms of reducing the live rodent burrows and it was 76.2 to 83.66 per cent in terms
of reducing the tiller damage. In village 2 (L. Koderu) where Social engineering is practices
partially, the rodent control success was low compared to village 1. In control village (village
3-Pippara), rodents caused extensive damage (Table 6). This indicating that the rodent pests
can be managed very effectively in farmers fields through social engineering.

(a): Evaluation of CTBS
Experiments were carried out during 2008 to 2010 and concluded during the
workshop held at Assam
(b): Development of rodent forewarning systems in Godavari Delta region of AP (by
correlating climate data vis a vis population dynamics of last 15 years.
Under progress
(C): Evaluation of polythene trunk banding for management of rodents in Coconut

Trunk banding with metallic sheet/ erecting metallic guards around trunk is an age old
preventive technique to arrest the passage of rodent pests on to the crown. Trunk banding
with polythene sheet is an economically viable and easily adoptable preventive technique,
was evaluated consecutively for three years for its efficiency. Pre-treatment rodent infestation
rates (%) were ranged from 9.5 to 27.8 among the treatments and it was reduced in the trees
where polythene trunk banding is practiced. The control success in reduction of infestation
rates was 71.07 to 82.8 in banded trees over the un-banded trees over the years (Table.7)
Table 7. Effect of polythene trunk banding against rodent pests in coconut

Year Coconu Rate of Infestation (RI) % Nut damage

t Pre Post % Pre Post %
orchar treatmen treatmen control treatmen treatmen control
d t t success t t success
2012- Treated 27.8 5.3 82.8 8.8 1.4 90.7
Control 9.5 10.5 6.5 10.5
2013- Treated 26.8 9.3 71.07 12.8 2.4 82.7
14 Control 15.5 18.5 11.5 12.5
2014- Treated 27.3 6.8 75.19 15.9 3.5 78.2
15 Control 17.0 20.5 11.5 12.5

The % nut damage varied from 8.8 to 15.9 among the trees before trunk banding and
trunk banding has resulted in decrease in nut damage to 1.4 to 3.5 %. Trunk banding with
polythene sheet has resulted in control success of 78.2 to 90.7 % in reducing the nut damage
caused by rodents (Fig.12)

Fig. 12. Effect of Trunk banding against rodents in
Percentage 60 12.5 15.9 12.5
6.5 12.8 11.5
8.8 11.5 17
40 5.3 9.3
10.5 18.5 20.5
20 27.8 10.5 26.8 27.3
9.5 15.5 17
Treated Control Treated Control Treated Control
2012 2013 2015

RI Pre RI Post % Nut Damage Pre % Nut Damage Post

(D): Field Evaluation of Difenacoum and Flocoumafen in rice and coconut as sponsored
trial from BASF India Pvt Ltd.
Two second generation anticoagulant rodenticides i.e. Flocoumafen 0.005%RB
@8.0g/ burrow and Difenacoum 0.005%RB@ 8.0g/burrow were evaluated in comparison
with existing rodenticide, Bromadiolone 0.005% @10.0g bait packet/ burrow for their field
efficacy against lesser bandicoot, B. bengalensis in irrigated paddy ecosystem. Efficacy of
rodenticides is represented in terms of reduction in live burrows and tiller damage.
Table. 8. Field efficacy of two new anticoagulant rodenticides in rice
Year Treatment Rodent % % Tiller damage %
Infestation (LBC/ contro control
ha) l success
Pre Post succes Pre Post
treat treat s treat treat
2012- Flocoumafen 15.5 1.5 91.72 10.5 2.5 78.40
13 Difenacoum 11.2 1.3 90.02 8.0 3.2 62.44
Bromodiolone 12.4 5.2 58.06 11.2 6.2 44.64
Control 12.5 14.5 - 10.8 11.5 -
2013- Flocoumafen 24.5 6.5 71.87 23.5 8.5 60.21
14 Difenacoum 21.2 7.3 63.35 19.0 7.2 58.32
Bromodiolone 20.5 11.5 40.53 22.5 12.5 38.88
Control 16.5 15.5 - 16.0 14.5 -
2014- Flocoumafen 22 6 72.72 38.60 15.00 61.13
15 Difenacoum 15 5 66.66 33.10 14.41 56.46
Bromodiolone 18 8 55.55 46.80 25.00 46.58
Control 19 18 47.72 6.84 -
Pre-treatment live burrows count was varied from 11.2 to 24.5 among the treatments
and it was reduced to greater extent in fields treated with rodenticides (1.3 to 8). Among the
rodenticides tested, Flocoumafen 0.005% showed highest per cent control success in
reducing live burrows (78.7) and tiller damage in (66.6) followed by Difenacoum 0.005%
with 73.0 and 59.0, respectively. Both the newer rodenticides has showed super performance
over the existing Bromadiolone in reducing the rodent infestation in rice (Fig. 13)

Fig. 13 Efficacy of new rodenticide against B. bengalensis
in irrigated paddy

per cent control sucess










2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean

%reduction in LBC % reduction in tiller damage


(i) Population dynamics of Rattus rattus in Poultry farms: Rodents are one of the major
production constrains in poultry. Rodents cause damage to eggs, chicks, poultry feed and
poultry structures besides transmitting several diseases to birds. Rattus rattus was the major
species present inside the poultry sheds with rare incidence of burrows of B. bengalensis & B.
indica on the ground. Bandicoots are majorly seen outside around the sheds. Experiments were
conducted to study the population dynamics of R. rattus and its management in poultry. The
pregnant females were trapped throughout the season, peak breeding activity was seen from
August to September and February (Fig. 14). R. rattus could breed @3.67 and 2.62 times per
season with the seasonal productivity of 33.20 and 19.6 young ones per female during kharif
and rabi, respectively. The annual productivity was 53.1 young ones per female (Table 9).

Fig. 14. Population dynamics of R. rattus in poultry
June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

Average embryos % pregnancy

Table 9. Annual Productivity of Rattus rattus in poultry farms

S. No Population growth parameter Values

Kharif 12 Rabi 12-13
1 Reproductive rate F* 3.67 2.62

2 Average litter / female 9.04 7.6

3 Productivity per season 33.20 19.9

(F x Avg. litter/ female)
4. Annual productivity 53.1

Studies on management of rodents outside the premises of poultry units indicated that
bromodiolone loose poison bait was effective in controlling B. bengalensis with a mean per
cent control success of 87.72 during all the years (2012-13,2013-14,2014-15) followed by
Bromodiolone cake and Zn P poison bait with a mean percent control success of 79.80 & 76.5
respectively. (Fig. 15)

Fig.15. Management of B. bengaensis Outside premises
% Control Success 70
40 2013-14
30 2014-15
Bromodiolone cake Zn P poison bait Bromodiolone
poison bait

Management of rodents inside the poultry units indicated that bromodiolone cake with
sherman traps was effective in controlling the R. rattus with a mean percent control success of
83.62 (Fig. 16) during all the years (2012-13, 2013-14, 2014 -15).

Fig. 16. Management of R. rattus Inside Poultry

% Control Success

30 2013-14
20 2014-15
Zn P + Sherman Bromodiolone Bromodiolone
traps cake + Sherman powder + Sherman
traps traps

ii. Preliminary studies on optimization of bund size relating to rodent pest management:
Field bunds are the primary source of habitation for the burrowing rodents, especially lesser
bandicoots in irrigated paddy. Rodents cause damage to the crops in their home range after
establishing on the field bunds, which can be seen as isolated damage patches in paddy.
Studies were conducted to assess the impact of number and size of field bunds on rodent
incidence and their infestation in the crop. Data was recorded from the unit bund size. Rodent
incidence (LBC/ha) and infestation (% tiller damage is low if the bund number and bund size
is low during all the years.

Table 10. Impact of bund number and size on rodent incidence
Treatment Specifications 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Bund Nos./ha *size LBC % Tiller LBC/ha % Tiller LBC/ha % Tiller
(m) /ha damage damage damage
T1 10 (4+6) 0.60 25.5 12.3 25.5 12.3 25.0 10.0
T2 9 (4+5) 0.55 22.0 10.3 22.0 10.3 20.5 9.0
T3 8 (4+4) 0.50 21.5 8.7 21.5 8.7 18.0 8.0
T4 7 (4+3) 0.45 20.5 7.5 20.5 7.5 19.5 8.6
T5 6 (4+2) 0.40 20.0 7.3 20.0 7.3 16.0 6.0
T6 5 (4+1) 0.35 16.5 5.3 16.5 5.3 15.5 5.5
T7 4 ( 4 sides of 1 ha) 0.30 12.5 3.6 12.5 3.6 10.0 4.2
Unit bund size is uniform to all treatments i.e., 250 x 40 x 0.3m
Treatment (T7) has recorded minimum number of live rodent burrows (10.0 to 12.5/
ha) and lower tiller damage (3.6 to 4.2) over the other treatments. Treatment 1 (T1) has
recorded highest number of live burrows (25.0 to 25.5/ ha) and higher tiller damage (10.0 to
12.3%) as the bund number and size are more in this treatment. The rodent incidence as well
as tiller damage is increased with increase in bund number and size (Fig. 17 and Table 10)

Fig. 17 Impact of bund size and number on rodent

incidence 40.0

LBC/ha and % tiller damage

4(0.3) 5(0.35) 6(0.4) 7(0.45) 8(0.5) 9(0.55) 10 (0.6)
% Tiller damage 3.8 5.4 6.9 7.9 8.5 9.9 11.5
LBC/Ha 11.7 16.2 18.7 20.2 20.3 21.5 25.3
Bund Nos/ha ((bund Size (m))

iii. Evaluation of bait carrier for B. bengalensis in paddy: Success of rodent control is
influenced by the amount of the poison bait taken by the target species. Most often rodents
escape the mortality with intake of sub lethal doses, when the bait is not palatable. Hence the
palatability (taste) of bait plays a crucial role in achieving desirable rodent control. Different
bait carriers were evaluated for improving the poison bait uptake by B. bengalensis. The
following bait additives tested with the following combinations (Table 11).

Table 11. Evaluation of bait carriers on poison bait intake by B. bengalensis
Treatments Bait Ingredients
Poison Broken rice Bait carrier Oil
T1 2parts 94 parts 2parts (Bengal gram) 2parts
T2 2parts 94 parts 2parts (dry fish) 2parts
T3 2parts 94 parts 2parts (Moong dal) 2parts
T4 2parts 94 parts 2parts (Honey) 2parts
T5 2parts 94 parts 2parts (Sugar) 2parts
T6 2parts 94 parts 2parts (Potato chips) 2parts
T7 2parts 96parts 0 2parts

Among all the treatments tested during 3 years, highest bait consumption of 3.34g
/day mean ADI (no-choice) and 2.33g/day mean ADI (multi- choice) was recorded, where
Potato chips are added to the bait material. The next best treatments are Dry fish and Moong
dal bait additives in multi as well as no-choice feeding tests (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18 Efficacy of various bait carriers against B.bengalensis


Maize flour

Bengal gram
Maize flour

Maize flour

Maize flour
Potato chips

Potato chips

Potato chips

Potato chips
Dry fish


Dry fish

Dry fish

Dry fish
Bengal gram


Bengal gram


Bengal gram


No bait carrier

No bait carrier

No bait carrier

No bait carrier
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Mean
Multiple Choice Test No Choice Test


I. REFRESHER TRAINING ORGANIZED Training programme Date Venue Organized by

1. National training (7 days) 20-26th , February, APRRI APRRI & RARS,
programme on Rodent 2013 & Maruteru & NIPHM,
Pest Management RARS, Hyderabad.

S. Name of the faculty Name of Date of Place

No Radio/T.V.Programmes broadcast
1 Smt. D.Sudha Rani Kobbarilo yelukala 08.03.2012 AIR,Vijayawada
Scientist (Ento.) Yajamanyam
2 Smt.D. Sudha Rani Rasayanethara --------- 07.03.2012 E-TV Annadatha @
Scientist (Ento.) yelukala nivarana 6.30AM
3 Smt. D.Sudha Rani Yelukala nivaranalo ----- 08.03.2012 E-TV Annadatha @
Scientist (Ento.) --- aardika pramukyatha 6.30AM
4 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rao Rodent management in 14.05.2012 Doordarshan
Senior Scientist (Ento) summer (Saptagiri) at 6.30
5 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rao Rodent Pest Management 19.06.2012 Doordarshan
Senior Scientist (Ento) before kharif (Saptagiri) at 6.30
6 Dr.Ch.VNarasimha Rao Rodent Pest Management 18.09.2012 AIR, Vijayawada
Senior Scientist (Ento) in paddy
7 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rao Rodent Pest Management 28.07.2012 FM Vishnu Radio,
Senior Scientist (Ento) in paddy Bhimavaram
8 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rao Rodent Pest Management 04.10.2012 TV 5-Phone in live
Senior Scientist (Ento) in Paddy @5.30PM
9 D. Sudharani Rodent Pest Management 20.03.2013 Doordarshan
(Saptagiri) at 6.30 PM.
10 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rao Rodent Pest Management 25.04.2013 Doordarshan
Senior Scientist (Ento) in rabi paddy (Saptagiri) at 6.30 PM.
11 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rao Vesavilo yelukala 13.05.2013 Doordarshan
Senior Scientist (Ento) yajamanyam (Saptagiri) at 6.30 PM.
12 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Vesavilo yelukala 27.06.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist yajamanyam 6.30AM
13 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Varilo yelukala 30.06.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist yajamanayam 6.30AM
14 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Internode borer 15.08.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist management in 6.30AM
(Ento) sugarcane
15 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Scale insect 17.08.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist management in 6.30AM
(Ento) sugarcane
16 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Root grub management 19.08.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist in sugarcane 6.30AM

17 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha IPM in redgram 27.09.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist 6.30AM
18 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent Pest 21.09.2013 E-TV Annadatha @
Rao, Senior Scientist Management in paddy 6.30AM
19 Scientists of RARS, Crop seminar on Paddy 31.03.2014 DD Saptagiri 6 PM
20 Dr. M. Nanda Kishore Vesavilo yelukala 14.06.2014 E-TV Annadatha
Scientist (Ento) yajamanyam
22 Ms. B. Anusha Rodent Pest 13.11.2014 DD Saptagiri
Scientist (Ento) Management in
Coconut & Cocoa
23 Ms. B. Anusha Rodent Pest 25.11.2014 Express -TV
Scientist (Ento) Management in
Coconut & Cocoa
24 Dr. M. Nanda kishore Varilo Elukala 2-3-2015 AIR, Vijayawada
Scientist (Ento) Samagra yajamanyam

III. GUEST LECTURES DELIVERED Name of the faculty Topic Date Place

1 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 30.5.2012 ADA Office,
Rao, Sr Scientist management in Bhimavaram
(Ento) Summer
2 Dr. Ch. V. Narasimha Rodent pest 4.6.2012 NIPHM,Hyd
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy
3 Dr. Ch. V. Narasimha Rodent pest 18.6.2012 DAATTC, Eluru
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy
4 Dr. Ch. V. Narasimha Training on conduct of 7.7.2012 JDA Office,
Rao, Sr Scientist rodent campaign to Eluru
(Ento) AOs & ADAs
5 Dr. Ch. V. Narasimha Rodent pest 13.7.2012 KVK, Undi
Rao, Sr Scientist management and
(Ento) safety measures on use
of plant protection
6 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 17.7.2012 JDA Office,
Rao, Sr Scientist management’ to the Eluru
(Ento) AEOs in view of the
Rodent control
campaign in the
District on 25.7.2012.
7 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 28.7.2012 KVK, Undi
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy
8 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 4.8.2012 DAATTC, Eluru
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy
10 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 7.8.2012 KVK, Undi
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy, (SAC meeting)
(Ento) cocnut
11 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 21,22.8.2012 Kakinada
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy (ZREAC)
12 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 3.9.2012 AMC, Palakollu
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy
13 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 11.9.2012 HRS,
Rao, Sr Scientist management in Ambajipeta
(Ento) Coconut and cocoa
14 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 4.8.2012 DAATTC, Eluru
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy

15 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 11.10.2012 ADA office,

Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy- Narsapuram
(Ento) FFS
16 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 17.10.2012 ADA Office,
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy- Amalapuram
(Ento) Training programme
17 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 1.11.2012 Amalapuram,
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy- KVK,
(Ento) Training programme Kalavacharla
18 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha IPM in sugarcane 5.11.2012 Andhra Sugars,
Rao, Sr Scientist including rodent pest Tanuku
(Ento) management
19 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 9.11.2012 Dept of Agrl.
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy- Yanam
(Ento) Training programme
20 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 22.11.2012 ADA Office,
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy- Narsapuram
(Ento) Training programme
21 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 30.11.2012 Kadiapulanka
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy KVK,
(Ento) and coconut- Training Kalavacharla
22 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 19.12.2012 ADA, Tanuku
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) Training programme
23 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 21.12.2012 JDA Office,
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy- Kakinada
(Ento) T& V programme
24 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 24.12.2012 ADA, Tanuku
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) Training programme
25 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Integrated Rodent Pest 11.2.2013 YSR HU,
Rao, Sr Scientist management Venkataramanna-
(Ento) gudem

26 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 12.2.2013 ADA, Tanuku
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) Training programme
27 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 18.2.2013 JDA office,
Rao, Sr Scientist management’ to the Kakinada
(Ento) farmers in view of the
Rodent control
campaign in the
28 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 22.4.2013 Duvva
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) RCY
29 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 25.4.2013 D.Muppavaram
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) RCY

30 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 2.5.2013 Doddipatla

Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) RCY
31 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 12.5.2013 Ravulapalem
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) Rythu sdassu
32 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 14.5.2013 Gokavaram
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) Rythu sdassu
33 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 16.5.2013 Penugonda
Rao, Sr Scientist management in paddy-
(Ento) Rythu sdassu
34 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 27.6.2013 NASA, Tuni
Rao, Sr Scientist management in Cocoa HRS,
(Ento) Ambajipeta
35 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Sugarcane Production 21.10.2013 Valluru.
Rao, Sr Scientist and protection Enadu
(Ento) technologies
36 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 22.11.2013 Annavaram
Rao, Sr Scientist management in Cocoa
37 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 23.6.2014 HRS,
Rao, management in Cocoa Ambajipeta
Senior Scientist (Ento)
Ms. B. Anusha
Scientist (Ento)
38 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent Pest 22-24, July NIBSM, Raipur
Rao, Management to 14
Senior Scientist (Ento) Veterinary Officials
39 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 31.07.2014 Kothapeta
Rao,Senior Scientist management in paddy
(Ento) and coconut
41 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent pest 02.08.2014 Ganti
Rao,Senior Scientist management in paddy
(Ento) and coconut

42 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Production and 16.08.2014 Razole
Rao,Senior Scientist Protection
(Ento) technologies in Rice
43 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Production and 12.08.2014 Kovvur Agril
Rao,Senior Scientist Protection 13.08.2014 Sub- division
(Ento) technologies in 26.08.2014
different crops (Polam 27.08.2014
44 Ms. B. Anusha Production and 12.08.2014 Rajahmundry
Scientist (Ento) Protection 13.08.2014 Rural Agril Sub-
technologies in 19.08.2014 division
different crops (Polam 20.08.2014
45 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rodent Pest 24.09.2014 Penugonda,
Rao,Senior Scientist Management (Rodent Penumantra,
(Ento) Control Campaign) Atthili,
46 Dr. M. Nanda Kishore Rodent pest 28.10.2014 Kollur, KCP
Scientist (Ento) management in rice Sugars
and sugarcane

3. Scientists of AINP on Rodent control, Maruteru were involved in mass rodent campaign at
East and West Godavari districts on 25th July, 2012 and 26th February, 2013.

4. Nineteen diagnostic surveys were made during June- December 2013 in Narsapuram,
Razole, Mogalturu, Tanuku, Nidadavole, Bhimavaram, Undi, Kotalaarru, Lankalakoderu,
Bantumilli and Jangareddigudem villages.

5. During 2014-15 the scientists made more than 20 diagnostic visits to villages; K R Puram,
Rampachodavaram, Ganti, Palakollu, Bhimavaram, Tanuku, Koyyalagudem,
Chinthalapudii, Unguturu, Rajahmundry, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam,
Maruteru Agril. Sub divisions, Tadepalligudem & Bhimadole Agril. Sub divisions and


6. Dr. Ch.V.Narasimha Rao, Senior Scientist (Ent) received STAI Silver Medal for BEST
PAPER PRESENTATION on ‘Innovative research on efficient use and conservation of
fuel in sugar industry’ at 10th Convention held at STAI, Pune, Maharashtra( November,
7. Smt. D. Sudha Rani, Scientist (Entomology) has been awarded Young Scientist Award
for her research contributions for 2011 by Rotary Club, Maruteru.

(i) Research articles
Sudharani D., Ch.V.Narasimha Rao, Y. Suryanarayna, M. Bharathalakshmi, 2013. Evaluation
of various Integrated Rodent Management modules in irrigated rice ecosystem. Rodent
news Letter 37 (1-2): 9-10
Sudharani D. and Narasimha Rao Ch. V. 2014. Evaluation of Botanicals against Rodent Pests
in irrigated Paddy. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical
Technology. 5 (3): 163-167.
Nanda Kishore M and B Anusha. 2014. Rodent management in Indigenous storage structures.
Rodent Newsletter 38(1-4):10
Sudharani D., Narasimha Rao Ch. V., Suryanarayana Y and Bharathalakshmi M. 2015.
Studies on Efficacy of Bait Carriers in Enhancing Bait preferences among the Lesser
Bandicoot, Bandicota bengalensis. European Journal of Biomedical and
Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2 (3): 163-167.
(ii) Tech bulletins/ Manuals

8. A multi-colour page technical bulletin (in English) on ‘Rodent Pest problems and their
Management in Rice’ was published by the Rodent Control Scientists and was released by
the Project Coordinator, AINP on Rodent Control on 26.2.2013.
9. A Training manual on Rodent Pest Management’ was published by the Rodent Control
Scientists and was released by the Associate Director of Research and JDA, W.G. District
on 20.2.2013.

(iii) Popular Articles

1 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Vepatho 300 Sakhsi –Padi 3.5.2012
Rao, purugula panta
Senior Scientist (Ent), atakattu
2. Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Purugu Sakhsi –Padi 6.6.2012
Rao, chinnade.. kani panta
Senior Scientist (Ent), nastam
3 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Ivee pantala Sakhsi –Padi 7.6.2012
Rao, rasanni panta
Senior Scientist (Ent), peelchestai
4 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Yelukala Sakshi paper Dt 5/7/12
Rao, Senior Scientist nermulanaku
(Entomology) ide adanu
5 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Balya dhasya Sakshi paper Dt 26/7/12
Rao, Senior Scientist nundi
(Entomology) ventaduthundi
(peeka purugu)
6 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Veetipai Sakshi – Dt 4.9.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist avagavhana Padipanta
(Ent) penchukovali
7 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Ivi kooda Sakshi – Dt 5.9.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist rasam Padipanta
(Ent) peelustai

8 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Peruguthunna Enadu-Rytheraju Dt 7.9.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist midathala
(Ent), bedada
9 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Midathalu Sakshi – Dt 10.9.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist dadichestai Padipanta
(Ent) jagratha
10 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Chearakulo Enadu-Rytheraju Dt 15.9.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist yelukala
(Ent) bedada
11 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Yelukalu dadi Sakshi – Dt 19.9.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist cheste matashe Padipanta
12 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Cherakulo Rythu Nestham September, 2012 pp: 47
Rao, Senior Scientist yelukala monthly
(Ent) bedada-
D Nivarana
13 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Vyavasayamlo Rythu Nestham September, 2012 pp: 48
Rao, Senior Scientist midathala monthly
(Ent) samasya –
D Nivarana
14 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Cherakulo Agriclinic September, 2012 pp: 24-25
Rao, Senior Scientist yelukala monthly
(Ent) bedada
15 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Yelukala Panchadara Oct issue Pg:24-26
Rao, Senior Scientist Pravarthanalu- cheruku
(Ent) Yajamanyam
16 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Vyavasayam lo Panchadara Oct issue Pg:21-22
Rao, Senior Scientist midathala cheruku
(Ent) samasya
17 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Cherukulo Panchadara Oct issue Pg:11-12
Rao, Senior Scientist Yelukala cheruku
(Ent), Bedadha
18 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Yelukala Rythuvani Oct issue
Rao, Senior Scientist Pravarthanalu-
(Ent) Yajamanyam
19 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Vyavasayam lo Agriclinic Oct issue Pg:11-12
Rao, Senior Scientist midathala
(Ent) samasya
20 Dr.Ch.V. Narasimha Varipyruku Eenadu- Dt 19.10.2012
Rao, Senior Scientist Yelukala Rytheraju
(Ent) Thegulla

21 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Elukala pani Sakshi – Padi dated 25.11.2012
Rao, SS (Ent) & D. pattandila’ panta
22 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Varilo Elukala Vari samachara Oct-Nov, 2012 issue pp: 4
Rao, SS (Ent) & D. yajamanyam lekha
23 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Ippatinunde Sakshi – 9.1.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) melkovali padipanta
24 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Cherakulo Sakshi – 15.3.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) sasyarakshana padipanta
25 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Yelukala Vari samachara April-June, 2013 issue pp: 1
Rao, SS (Ent) & D. nivaranaku lekha
Sudharani vesavi
26 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Rasanni Sakshi – 11.4.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) peelustai padipanta
27 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Ee nallulatho Sakshi – 12.4.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) jara bhadram padipanta
28 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Cherakulo Enadu rytheraju 25.4.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) pindinalli
29 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Cheraku Enadu rytheraju 28.4.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) thotallo
30 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Kobbari Enadu rytheraju 4.5.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) chetlapai
31 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Vesavilo Enadu rytheraju 10.5.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) yelukala
32 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Ee nallulatho Sakshi – 17.5.2013
Rao, SS (Ent) jagratha padipanta
33 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Mushika nirmoolana Enadu – 3.6.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist samoohikanga Mukhakukhi
(Ent) chepattali
34 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Yelukala bharatham Sakshi – padipanta 6.6.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist pattandila
35 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Midathala dandu Sakshi – padipanta 14.6.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist vasthondi
36 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Pilla puruge kada Sakshi – padipanta 25.6.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist anukovaddu
37 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha 300 purugula aata Sakshi – padipanta 1.8.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist kattistai
38 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Vanalu paduthunte dadi Sakshi – padipanta 23.8.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist chestai
39 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Varilo Elukala nivarana Eenadu- Rytheraju 22.9.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist
40 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Elukalu dadi Sakshi – padipanta 25.9.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist cheyyochhu
41 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Varilo yelukala Annadatha monthly October,
Rao, Senior Scientist samagra yajamanyam October, 2013 2013 Pp:
(Ent) 10-11
42 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Yelukala Vari samachara lekha July-Sept,
Rao, Senior Scientist pravarthananugunanga 2013
(Ent) yajamanyam 25(3):4
43 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Cherakulo pindinalli Eenadu- Rytheraju 22.10.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist
44 Dr.Ch.V.Narasimha Cherakunu Sakshi – 31.10.2013
Rao, Senior Scientist kapadukondila… Padipanta
45. B.Anusha, Rodent diseases and Agri Gold Swarna 21-10-14
Ch.V.N.Rao and A V their risk to public sedyam
Reddy health
46. B. Anusha and P V Varilo Elukala nivarana Eenadu- Rytheraju 22.10.2014
47 B. Anusha and P V Varilo Elukala nivarana Eenadu- Rytheraju 25.2.2015

iv. Seminars/Workshops/Training programmes attended

S. Name of the faculty Name of the training/workshop Period Place
1 Smt. D. Sudha Rani Summer School on ‘Vertebrate May,17 to NIPHM,
Pest Management’ June,6.2012 Hyderabad
2 Dr.Ch. V. Narasimha All India Group Meeting on Jan. 22-24, AAU,
Rao, Rodent Control 2013 Guwahati
3 Dr. Ch. V. Narasimha 2 day workshop on ‘Current Feb. 21-22, DOR,
Rao Scenario of Rodenticides and their 2014 Hyderabad
future Outlook’
4. Ms. B. Anusha Brain Storming Session on Higher Feb.21.2015 NASC,New
Vertebrate Pests Delhi
5. Dr. M. Nanda Kishore State Level Technical Programme April, 27-28. ANGRAU
and 2015
Ms. B. Anusha
6. Ms. B. Anusha 2nd Foundation Course for May 1- 31, NAARM,
Faculty of Agricultural 2015 Hyderabad

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Maruteru
Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)
(Rs. in lakhs)
Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 17.42 14.77 15.66 47.85

T.A. 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.71

Rec. Contingencies 0.82 0.64 3.00 4.46

NRC 0.00 000 2.23 2.23

Total 18.46 15.62 21.17 55.25

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
1. Name of the centre Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
2. Sanction no. No.3-DARE,01-10-2001
3. Date of start 23-03-2001
4. Date of Termination Network Project of continued nature
5. Report period 2012-13 to 2014-15
6. Scientist In charge (PI) Dr R K Borah, Sr. Scientist
7. Staff Position

Name Designation Grade Data of Date of

joining leaving
1. Dr. R K Borah Senior Scientist Scientist 15-06-2009 Continuing
2..Dr B C Dutta Principal Scientist Scientist 26-08-2014 -do-
3. Mrs. Renu Bordoloi Steno Typist III Grade 01-06-2001 -do-
4.Mr B N Saikia Field Assistant -do- 01-06-2011 -do-
5..Mr D Gogoi Field Assistant -do- 03-05-2010 -do-
5.Mr.P K Phukan Field Assistant -do- 15-07-2011 31-03-2015
6.Mr.T Dutta Field Assistant -do- 24-02-2006 31-12-2014

PART II: Works Allotted

RM 1. Surveillance of rodent pests in predominant cropping system (rice –pulse-toria)

RM 2. Monitoring of rodent abundance and damage in different agro climatic zones of Assam
(Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam)
RM 3.Evaluation of botanicals against rodent pests for antifeedant /deterrent/ attractant effects

RM 4.Evaluation of chemical compounds for toxic and antifertility properties for data
generation on Indian rodents

RM 5. Development of rodent management technologies under storage conditions

RM 6. Bio-ecology of major rodent species(Bandicota bengalensis)

RM7.Development of integrated rodent management modules in predominant crops/cropping

RM 8. Social engineering activity on rodent pest management as participatory adaptive

research in adopted villages

RM 9. Studies on predatory potential of barn owls and its utilization for bio-control of rodent


(a): Collection, cataloguing and evaluation of local traps

(b): Seasonal incidence of Dremnmys lokriah in plantation crop
(c): Rodent management in poultry farms



1.1. Incidence of rodents in rice-toria cropping system

Surveillance of rodent pests in rice –toria cropping system was carried out at Jamuguri
(Hatichung mouza) under Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone (CBVZ) of Assam in 2013-14 and

Table 1. Incidence of rodents in rice-toria cropping system during 2013-15

Crop stage LBC/ha TI Damage (%)

Maximum 12.60 4.80 4.62
Rice Milky 32.20 8.62 12.86
Ripening 40.80 11.86 16.80
Vegetative - - -

Toria Flowering 22.60 6.28 4.60

Pod formation 26.20 10.66 8.42
The data (Table 1) reveals that live burrow count (LBC), trap index and rodent damage
(%) recorded at different crop growth stages increased with the advancement of the crop
growth .The LBC /ha (12.60) was recorded at maximum tillering stage of the rice crop which
increased to LBC/ha of 32.20 and 40.80 at milky and ripening stage, respectively. At the
maximum tillering stage the trap index recorded was 4.80.The highest trap index (11.86) was
recorded at ripening stage of rice. Maximum cut tillers damage (16.80%) was recorded at
ripening stage of the rice followed by milky stage (12.86%) and maximum tillering stage
Maximum trapping of rodents was recorded at the ripening stage of rice whereas no
trapping was recorded in the vegetative stage of toria. It has been recorded that toria crop grown
after rice faced maximum rodent damage at the silica/pod formation stage .The vegetative stage
of the crop recorded no rodent damage (Table 1).

The trapping data in rice-toria cropping system revealed predominance of Bandicota

bengalensis followed by Mus spp. and Rattus spp.

1.2. Incidence of rodents in rice-pulse cropping system

The data presented in Table 2 reveal that LBC/ha, trap index and per cent damage increased
with the advancement of growth of rice crop. The LBC /ha (10.60) was recorded at maximum
tillering stage of the rice crop which increased to LBC/ha of 26.40 and 38.20 at milky and
ripening stage, respectively. Trap index was low at the maximum tillering stage (3.62).The
highest trap index (11.16) was recorded at ripening stage of rice. Maximum tillers damage
(14.40%) was recorded at ripening stage of the rice followed by milky stage (8.60%).No rodent
activity had been recorded at the vegetative stage of the pea crop. The highest LBC/ha (16.60),
trap index (6.66) and damage per cent (14.80) was recorded at pod formation stage of pea crop.
The rodent incidence was more in rice as compared to pea crop. The predominant rodent
species recorded were B. bengalensis, Rattus spp, Mus spp. and Dremomys lokriah
Table 2. Incidence of rodents in rice-pulse cropping system during 2013-15
Crops Crop stage LBC/ha TI Damage (%)

Rice Maximum tillering 10.60 3.62 3.11

Milky 26.40 8.72 8.60
Ripening 38.20 11.16 14.4

Pea Vegetative - - -
Flowering 8.80 2.89 4.06
Pod formation 16.60 6.66 14.80

1.3. Incidence of rodents in pulse-toria cropping system

The rodent incidence in terms of LBC/ha (10.60) had been recorded from vegetative stage of
the black gram whereas at flowering and pod formation stage, LBC/ha of 18.80 and 24.60 had
been recorded in black gram. Similarly, Maximum trap index of 8.88 was recorded at pod
formation stage followed by flowering stage (6.62). The data reveal from Table 3 that LBC/ha,
trap index and per cent damage increased with the advancement of growth of toria. The highest
LBC/ha, trap index and per cent damage were recorded as 20.6, 6.66 and 10.60, respectively
at pod formation stage of toria. There was hardly any visible incidence as well as damage by
rodents at the early stage of the crop development. The predominant species recorded were B.
bengalensis, Rattus spp, Mus spp., Bandicota indica and Dremomys lokriah

Table 3. Incidence of rodents in pulse –toria cropping system (2013-15)
Crops Crop stage LBC/ha TI Damage (%)
Black gram Vegetative 12.60 4.41 3.20
Flowering 18.80 6.62 6.80
Pod formation 24.60 8.88 12.20
Toria Vegetative - - -
Flowering 14.60 3.86 6.20
Pod formation 20.60 6.66 10.60

1.4. Rice-vegetables cropping system

The highest tiller damage (14.86%) and LBC/ha (38.60) was recorded at the harvesting stage
of rice .Incidence of rodents in rabi vegetables in rice-vegetables cropping system was recorded
(Table 4). Among the vegetables grown after sali rice ,the highest incidence in terms of live
burrow count (LBC) was recorded in pumpkin (36.60) followed by potato(34.40) , pea (29.90)
, brinjal (28.80) and carrot (24.00). Among the vegetables, the highest damage was recorded
in potato (14.46%) followed by pea (14.00 %), pumpkin (12.20%). In other vegetables, the
LBC/ha recorded revealed the presence of B. bengalensis but did not do heavy damage to the
vegetables (Table 4).
Table 4. Incidence of rodents in rice -vegetables cropping system (2013-15)
Crops LBC/ha Damage (%)
Rice 38.60 14.86
Pumpkin 36.60 12.20
Potato 34.40 14.46
Pea 29.90 14.00
Tomato 20.40 6.60
Brinjal 28.80 8.62
Beet 18.80 8.60
Carrot 24.00 6.66


2.1. Monitoring of rodent incidence at Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone (LBVZ) of
In Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone, the highest damage was recorded in sugarcane (14.0%)
and the lowest damage was recorded in beet (7.6%). More than 10.0% damage was recorded
in toria (10.2%), buck wheat (12.6%), summer rice (10.6%), niger (12.8%), sweet potato
(12.2%).Similarly, the highest LBC was recorded in niger (26.6) followed by sugarcane (22.4),
summer rice (20.7), sweet potato (20.6) and toria (20.6). The recorded rodent species were
Bandicota bengalensis, B. indica, Rattus sikkimensis, Rattus rattus, Mus musculus and
Dremomys lokriah.

2.2. Monitoring of rodent incidence at North Bank Plain Zone (NBPZ) of Assam
In North Bank Plain Zone of Assam the highest damage was recorded in potato (14.60%),
followed by sugarcane (14.2%), pumpkin (14.0%), beet (12.68%) and pea (12.70%). In
knolkhol, radish, tomato, carrot and brinjal, the damage percentage was in between 4.08 -7.80%
.Similarly, the highest LBC/ha was recorded in sugarcane (22.6) followed by potato (16.62),
pumpkin (14.00), pea (12.67), beet (11.60). In knolkhol, radish, tomato, carrot, brinjal, the
LBC/ha was in between 5.67-7.90. The predominant rodent species were B. bengalensis, B.
indica, Rattus sikkimensis, Rattus rattus and Mus musculus.


3.1. Antifeeding effects of Polygonum (Polygonum hydropiper) against Bandicota

The results presented in Table 5 reveal that antifeeding index of polygonum treated baits
increased with the increase of its concentration i.e 32.56%, 34.06% and 72.89 %, respectively
at 2, 3 and 5% treated baits. Mean daily consumption (g/100gbw) of bait was recorded
separately for pre treatment, during treatment and post treatment periods for 5 days. In the no
choice feeding trial, the data (Table 6) recorded on B. bengalensis revealed that the lowest bait
consumption (3.26 g/100 g bw) was recorded in polygonum (5%) followed by polygonum 3%
(4.11 g/100g bw) and polygonum 2% (4.32 g/100g bw).The bait consumption at post treatment
period revealed that some deterrent effect of polygonum on B. bengalensis as in all the
treatments, bait consumption was low as compared to the pre treatment bait consumption. The
highest antifeeding index of 56.31% was recorded at polygonum 5% followed by polygonum
3% (43.60 %) and polygonum 2 %( 41.40 %).

Table 5. Antifeeding effect of Polygonum (Polygonum hydropiper) against Bandicota

bengalensis (choice test)
Conc. in bait Mean daily consumption of food (g/100g body weight)±SE AI (%)
(%) Pre treatment During treatment Post treatment
Plain bait Treated bait
2 8.11±0.41 3.46±0.41 1.76±0.26 5.60±0.76 32.56
3 8.66±0.72 3.66±0.46 1.80±0.42 5.80±0.86 34.06
5 8.46±0.82 7.40±0.56 1.16±0.33 4.60±0.72 72.89
Control 8.40±0.68 8.36±0.72 - 7.66±0.82

Table 6. Antifeeding effect of Polygonum (Polygonum hydropiper) against

Bandicota bengalensis (no choice test)
Conc. in Mean daily consumption of food (g/100g body weight) AI (%)
bait (%) )±SE
Pre treatment During treatment Post treatment

2 7.02±0.52 4.11±0.66 5.50±0.47 41.40

3 7.66±0.47 4.32±0.56 6.12±0.64 43.60
5 7.46±0.44 3.26±0.46 4.80±0.66 56.30
Control 8.10±0.56 7.66±0.51 7.46±0.53

3.2. Antifeeding effects of Jatropha (Jatropha curcus) against Rattus rattus

The results reveal that the mean daily consumption of treated bait was low than that of
untreated bait with antifeeding index of 18.24, 31.17 and 53.87 % in 2, 3 and 5% Jatropha
curcus in bait, respectively (Table 7). In no choice feeding trial, the data recorded on R.
rattus revealed that the lowest bait consumption (4.26 g/100g bw) was recorded with
jatropha at 5% followed by jatropha 3%( 5.10 g/100g bw) and jatropha 2%(5.50 g/100g
bw).The antifeeding index of 44.30% was recorded with jatropha 5% whereas in jatropha
3 and 2%, the antifeeding index was 28.10 and 28.5%, respectively (Table 8). Between
Jatropha 2 and 3%, the antifeeding index was recorded almost equal.

Table 7. Antifeeding effect of Jatropha (Jatropha curcus) against Rattus rattus

(choice condition)
Conc. in Mean daily consumption of food (g/100g body weight) AI (%)
bait (%) Mean±SE
Pre During treatment Post
treatment Plain bait Treated treatment
2 7.20±0.66 4.11±0.24 3.36±0.73 5.82±0.42 18.24
3 6.92±0.53 4.01±0.36 2.76±0.66 4.66±0.54 31.17
5 7.11±0.87 4.64±0.41 2.14±0.86 3.26±0.44 53.87
Control 6.80±0.66 6.07±0.33 - 6.66±0.51

Table 8. Antifeeding effect of Jatropha (Jatropha curcus) against Rattus rattus (no-
choice condition)

Conc. in Mean daily consumption of food (g/100g body AI (%)

bait (%) weight)Mean ±SE
Pre treatment During treatment Post treatment

2 7.70±0.32 5.50±0.46 6.60±0.33 28.50

3 7.10±0.36 5.10±0.41 6.10±0.41 28.10
5 7.66±0.28 4.26±0.52 5.66±0.46 44.30
Control 8.11±0.33 7.66±0.56 7.30±0.38

3.3. Antifeeding effects of Laportea crenulata and Mucuna prurita against Bandicota
bengalensis under laboratory condition

In this experiment, the cake was prepared by dried powder of Laportea crenulata and
Mucuna prurita at 5% + rice powder +molasses and was offered to B. bengalensis under
no choice condition. Pre- baiting was done by supplying cake with rice powder and
molasses. The results (Table 9) reveal that the consumption of bait (g/100g bw) was 3.36 g
during treatment whereas in post treatment period, the consumption of bait was low (1.10g).

In case of Laportea crenulata. The antifeeding index of 67.26% was recorded with L.
crenulata. Another herbs, M. prurita had shown very encouraging results as the bait
consumption of 3.10 g/100g bw was recorded during treatment but after treatment, the bait
consumption was significantly low (0.86g) with antifeeding index of 72.25%. It has been
noticed that after ingestion of treated bait, the neck and mouth portion of rodents was
getting swallowed and rodents died within 5-10 days.

Table 9. Antifeeding effect of Laportea crenulata and Mucuna prurita against

Bandicota bengalensis under laboratory condition

Mean daily consumption (g/100g body weight)

Botanicals AI (%)
Pre- During
Post treatment
treatment Treatment
Laportea crenulata 8.66±0.86 3.36±0.48 1.10±0.32 67.26
Mucuna Prurita 8.24±0.82 3.10±0.41 0.86±0.28 72.25
Control 8.40±0.76 8.16±0.54 8.24±0.33



Botanicals viz.papaya seed powder,kutahi bengana seed powder,pine apple leaf

powder,roots of sajana,neem seed powder at 5% in bait formulation were evaluated to see
the toxicity as well as the antifertility properties againsr Bandicota bengalensis. The trials
are in progress.



5.1. Rodent management in stores

Five grain stores each of equal size and infested with rodents were selected. .The treatments
were (i) bromadiolone (0.005%) baiting followed by trapping (ii) bromadiolone (0.005%)
baiting followed by application of ecodon (iii) bromadiolone (0.005% baiting) alone (iv)
ecodon alone and (v) untreated control. The pre and post treatments consumption of plain
baits (rice + mustard oil) revealed that application of bromadiolone and ecodon gave
highest (76.84%) reduction in rodent activities followed by bromadiolone +trapping
(60.36%). The single application of bromadiolone and ecodon gave 32.81 and 28.26 per
cent reduction in rodent activities in stores (Table 10).

Table 10. Reduction in rodent activity in store (grain) after treatments
Treatments Bait Consumption (g) Reduction in rodent
Pre control Post Control activities (%)
Bromadiolone+ Trapping 20.22 8.01 60.36
Bromadiolone +Ecodon 18.66 4.32 76.84
Bromadiolone 18.90 12.70 32.81
Ecodon 20.66 14.82 28.26
Control 18.66 18.98 -
5.2. Effect of rodenticides and botanicals in rodent activities in store and Kaccha
Bromadiolone (0.005%) was evaluated against rodent incidence in store(grocery shops)
.The pre control data (Table 11) revealed 14.4 g bait consumption and 88.20 per cent
tracking index whereas the corresponding data in control was 16.60g and 84.40% tracking
index. The data recorded on rodent activity at post treatment period after 1st ,2nd and 3rd
pulse revealed a reduction of 41.66-77.08 % bait consumption as well as 31.29-86.84 %
reduction of tracking index due to application of bromadiolone in minimal baiting
Table 11. Effect of bromadiolone (0.005%) pulse baiting in rodent activities in stores
Treatments Census Pre- Reduction in relative activity
method control Post treatment
Pulse I Pulse II Pulse III
Bromadiolone Bait 14.40 8.40(41.66) 6.60(54.16) 3.30(77.08)
consumed(g) 88.20 60.60(31.29) 32.20(63.38) 11.60(86.84)
Tracking Index
Control Bait 16.60 16.89 18.20 16.66
consumed(g) 84.40 86.80 80.40 84.00
Tracking Index
(Figures in the parenthesis indicate per cent reduction in relative activity at each pulse
The data recorded in Table 12 on rodent activities in kaccha house reveal that pre
control bait consumption recorded was 16.20 g and pre control tracking index was 82.20%.
Due to application of botanical castor based rodenticides (Ecodon) at time interval the
reduction of rodent activity in terms of census bait ranged from 35.18-60.37% and
reduction of tracking index ranged from 26.87-77.37 % at different time intervals whereas
in control during the treatment period, the rodent activity in terms of bait consumption and
tracking index was almost uniform and infestation was heavy.

Table 12. Effect of botanical in rodent activity in kaccha house
Botanicals Census method Pre- Reduction in relative activity
control Post treatment
Pulse I Pulse II Pulse III
Ecodon Bait consumed(g) 16.20 10.50(35.18) 8.10(50.00) 6.42(60.37)
Tracking Index 82.20 60.11(26.87) 40.0(51.33) 18.60(77.37)
Control Bait consumed(g) 14.60 14.80 16.60 16.22
Tracking Index 84.40 82.20 86.60 84.40
(Figures in the parenthesis indicate per cent reduction in relative activity at each pulse treatment)


6.1. Population fluctuation of lesser bandicoot rat, B. bengalensis

Highest live burrow/ha was recorded in the month of October (44.20) followed by
November (40.66) and December (36.20). The lowest live burrow was recorded in the
month of February (12.20 numbers /ha). During the observation, it was recorded that the
numbers of live burrow per hectare decreased gradually from November (40.66) up to the
month of March (16.20). The activity of B. bengalensis increased gradually from the month
of March (16.20 numbers /ha) up to the month of October at which it was recorded as

The highest trap index of 8.80 trapped rodents / 100 traps / night was recorded in
the month of September followed by October (7.26) and May (7.00). The lowest trap index
of 1.10 was recorded in the month of January followed by February (1.20). Like live burrow
density, trap index also increased gradually from the month of March (2.24) up to the month
of October (7.26) and again it decreased gradually from the month of November (6.20) up
to the month of January and February.
Monthly rodent population in terms of live burrow count /ha and trap index revealed
that during sali rice i.e., August to December, the maximum rodent population in terms of
LBC/ha and trap index was recorded. This may be due to the available source of food from
sali rice. From January to April, the LBC/ha (range 12.60 to 20.30 numbers/ha) and trap
index (1.10 to 6.66) were recorded.. During the month of May to June, the rodent incidence
in terms of LBC/ha (28.60 to 20.20 numbers/ha) and trap index (7.00 to 6.20) was recorded
and as may be due to the summer rice grown in the field.
6.2. Distribution of rodent burrows in the rice field (sali rice)
The distribution of burrows on bund, bigger bund (bongia) and inside the field was recorded
at different crop growth stages. No rodent burrows were recorded inside the field during
tillering and panicle initiation stage. In the tillering stage the mean distribution of burrows
per 100 running meter of bund and bongia were 14.00 and 46.6 respectively. In the panicle

initiation stage on bund, the number of burrows recorded was 28.40 whereas on big bund
it was recorded 40.40. On the ripening stage 64.00 number of burrow was recorded on the
bund whereas on the big bund and inside the field the number of burrows recorded was
22.6 and 20.66 respectively. In the harvesting stage the distribution of burrows was 76.2,
16.20 and 46.00 on bund, big bund and inside the field respectively.
6.3. Distribution of rodent burrows in the rice field
The distribution of rodent burrows on bund, big bund (bongia) and field was recorded at
different crop growth stages during boro rice. No rodent burrows were recorded inside the
field during the crop growth stages. In all the crop growth stages, the LBC in bongia (big
bund) was higher in comparison to bund.
6.4. Reproduction and breeding biology of B.bengalensis
In the field of sali rice, sherman traps were placed in the front of live burrows in the month
of September, October and November. The field collected rodents were sexed, weighed
and measured morphometrically (Table 13).
The field collections included bandicoots of all ages as evident from their body
weights which ranged between 20 gm to 250 gm (in males) and 10-275 gm (for females)
.Bimonthly collection during 2013-14 in sali rice revealed maximum body weight of 275
gm in adult female and 250 gm in case of adult male bandicoots with highest body weight
were trapped in the month of October-November where as juveniles and young ones have
been recorded in the month of December (Table 13)
Table 13. Morphometric measurement of B. bengalensis

Rodents HB (cm) Tail (cm) Weight (gm)

Adult Female 19.64 14.65 275.66
Adult Male 21.22 14.12 250.90
Female young 12.04 10.66 50.43
Male young 7.51 5.50 20.21
Female juvenile 4.67 4.96 10.54

During kharif season, the rodent incidence in rice was monitored in terms of
trapping index and LBC /ha and the data revealed that the highest trap index (14.82) and
LBC/ha (33.31) were recorded at the harvesting stage of the rice crop. The indices related
to rodent activity increased with the advancement of the crop growth stages from maximum
tillering to harvesting stage. The rodents were collected from rice field and they were
differentiated as male and female on the basis of anogenital space, which is greater in male.
The female rodents were tested whether they were pregnant or not by observing mammary
gland. The sex ratio (M: F) was greater in harvesting stage followed by reproductive and
maximum tillering stage of the rice crop. The pregnancy percentage was greater in the
reproductive stage of paddy crop followed by harvesting stage. No pregnancy was recorded
in maximum tillering stage of the crop (Table 14)

Table 14. Breeding parameters of B. bengalensis during kharif rice, 2014-15
Trap index Live burrow Sex ratio (M: Pregnancy
Crop growth count F) (%)
(No. /ha)
Maximum tillering 6.71 10.46 1:0.86 0.00
Reproductive stage 8.42 18.72 1:1.12 40.26
Harvesting stage 14.82 33.31 1:1.26 26.41

In rabi vegetables the highest trapping index was recorded in the month of February
(6.66) followed by March (6.02). During the month of December –January the trapping
index was comparatively low (2.26-3.40). More female rodents were trapped than males
during the month of December- January whereas in the month of February- March, more
males were trapped than females. No pregnancy was recorded in the month of December-
January but in the month of February-March, the pregnancy percentage was 26.6-40.8 %(
Table 15).

Table 15. Breeding parameters of B. bengalensis in rabi vegetables, 2014-15

Months TI Sex ratio (M: F) Pregnancy (%)

December 2.26 1:1.06 -
January 3.40 1:1.11 -
February 6.66 1:0.92 26.6
March 6.02 1.0.86 40.8



7.1. Effect of botanical, rodenticides and trap on the incidence of rodents in sali rice
The effect of different treatments on rodent incident in terms of live burrow count (LBC/ha)
and trapping index (TI) in case of sali rice was worked out and presented in Table 16. The
per cent reduction in rodent population due to spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bund at
maximum tillering and just before panicle initiation stage was 50.04 per cent LBC/ha and
45.35 per cent trapping index and spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bund at maximum tillering
and just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days of last
application recorded reduction of 77.44 per cent LBC/ha and 58.01 per cent trapping index
respectively (Table 16). Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum
tillering stage and just before panicle initiation stage recorded reduction of 67.69 per cent
LBC/ha and 50.11 per cent trapping index, and application of ecodon solution @ 1
litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage and just before panicle initiation stage + sherman
trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days of last application recorded the highest reduction in rodent
population i.e. 87.52 per cent LBC/ha and 67.20 per cent trapping index. Baiting with zinc
phosphide (2.5%) at just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after
10 days of last application recorded reduction of 73.11 per cent LBC/ha and 54.05 per cent

trapping index. The placement of sherman traps (30 traps/ha) at maximum tillering stage,
just before panicle initiation stage and 10 days after panicle initiation stage recorded
minimum reduction of rodent population i.e. 35.52 per cent LBC/ha and 21.92 per cent
trapping index The data recorded on control revealed that rodent population in terms of
LBC/ha and trapping index increased with an advancement of crop. The LBC/ha (10.66)
was recorded at maximum tillering stage increased to 25.66 at milky stage where as trap
index of 4.53 was recorded at maximum tillering stage increased to 9.06 at milky stage.
7.2. Effect of botanical, rodenticides and trap on the incidence of rodents in boro rice

The per cent reduction in rodent population in terms of live burrow count (LBC/ha) and
trapping index (Number of rodents trapped/100 traps/night) was worked out and presented
in Table 17. The per cent reduction in rodent population due to spraying of ecodon (1:50)
on bund at maximum tillering and just before panicle initiation stage was 56.52 per cent
LBC/ha and 44.94 per cent trapping index and spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bund at
maximum tillering and just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after
10 days of last application was 78.32 per cent LBC/ha and 60.11 per cent trapping index
respectively. Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage
and just before panicle initiation stage recorded reduction of 68.06 per cent LBC/ha and
51.78 per cent trapping index whereas, the application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow
at maximum tillering stage and just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30
traps/ha) after 10 days of last application showed the best treatment with the highest
reduction in rodent population (90.99 per cent LBC/ha and 68.11 per cent trapping index).
Application of zinc phosphide (2.5%) baiting at just before panicle initiation stage +
sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days of last application recorded reduction of 71.75 per
cent LBC/ha and 55.16 per cent trapping index. The placement of sherman trap (30
traps/ha) at maximum tillering stage, just before panicle initiation stage and 10 days after
panicle initiation stage recorded minimum reduction of rodent population (34.64% LBC/ha
and 25.89% trapping index). The data recorded on control revealed that rodent population
in terms of LBC/ha and trapping index increased on upward trend as the crop stage
advanced. The LBC/ha (8.33) was recorded at maximum tillering stage increased to 23.66
at milky stage where as trapping index of 3.53 was recorded at maximum tillering stage
increased to 7.33 at milky stage.
7.3. Effect of botanical, rodenticides and trap on cut tillers damage in boro and sali
The data recorded on rodent damage in terms of per cent cut tillers during both boro and
sali rice is presented in Table 18. The results revealed that all the treatments were found
effective against Bandicota bengalensis in reducing the damage in the field. The treatment
with application of ecodon solution @ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage and just
before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days of last application
was found to be most effective in reduction of cut tillers damage in both the season i.e.
75.16 per cent in boro and 73.10 per cent in sali rice. The next best treatment was spraying
of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and just before panicle initiation
stage + sherman trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days of last application which recorded 69.05
per cent reduction in cut tillers in boro rice and 67.13 per cent reduction in cut tillers in sali
rice. Baiting with zinc phosphide (2.5%) at just before panicle initiation stage + sherman

trap (30 traps/ha) after 10 days of last application recorded 65.06 per cent reduction in cut
tillers in boro rice whereas, in sali rice, the cut tillers reduction percentage was 62.09.
Application of ecodon solution @ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage and just before
panicle initiation stage recorded 53.11 per cent and 52.14 per cent reduction of cut tillers
in boro and sali rice respectively, where as spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum
tillering stage and just before panicle initiation stage recorded 43.99 per cent reduction in
cut tillers in boro rice and 41.03 per cent reduction in cut tillers in sali rice. The placement
of sherman trap (30 traps/ha) at maximum tillering stage, just before panicle initiation stage
and 10 days after panicle initiation stage showed minimum reduction of cut tillers i.e. 16.11
per cent in boro rice and 14.19 per cent in sali rice, respectively . The data recorded on
control revealed that rodent damage in terms of per cent cut tillers increased with an
advancement of crop growth stage in both the seasons. The per cent cut tillers of 4.26 and
4.73 recorded at maximum tillering stage in boro and sali rice respectively, increased to
8.17 and 10.77 per cent cut tillers at milky stage in boro and sali season respectively.

Table 16 . Effect of different treatments on live burrow count (LBC) and trap index (TI) in sali rice

Pre-treatment Post-treatment Reduction in

Treatments population (%)
T1 : Spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and just 11.33 4.63 5.66 2.53 50.04 45.35
before panicle initiation stage
T2 : Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage 11.33 4.33 3.66 2.16 67.69 50.11
and just before panicle initiation stage
T3 : Spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and just 10.33 4.43 2.33 1.83 77.44 58.01
before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps / ha) after 10 days
of last application
T4 : Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage 10.66 4.36 1.33 1.43 87.52 67.20
and just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps / ha) after
10 days of last application
T5 : Zinc phosphide (2.5%) baiting at just before panicle initiation stage + 17.33 6.66 4.66 3.06 73.11 54.05
sherman trap (30 traps / ha) after 10 days of last application
T6 : Sherman trap (30 traps / ha) at maximum tillering stage, just before panicle 10.33 4.56 6.66 3.56 35.52 21.92
initiation stage and 10 days after panicle initiation stage
T7 : Control 10.66 4.53 25.66 9.06
S.Ed.( ±) 0.75 0.20 0.39 0.14
CD (P=0.05) 1.64 0.45 0.86 0.31
LBC= Live burrow count, TI= Trap index

Table 17. Effect of different treatments on live burrow count (LBC) and trap index (TI) in boro rice

Pre-treatment Post-treatment Reduction in

Treatments population (%)
T1 : Spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and 7.66 3.56 3.33 1.96 56.52 44.94
just before panicle initiation stage
T2 : Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum 8.33 3.36 2.66 1.62 68.06 51.78
tillering stage and just before panicle initiation stage
T3 : Spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and 7.66 3.36 1.66 1.34 78.32 60.11
just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps / ha)
after 10 days of last application

T4 : Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum 7.33 3.23 0.66 1.03 90.99 68.11
tillering stage and just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap
(30 traps / ha) after 10 days of last application
T5 : Zinc phosphide (2.5%) baiting at just before panicle initiation stage 15.66 5.13 4.66 2.30 71.75 55.16
+ sherman trap (30 traps / ha) after 10 days of last application
T6 : Sherman trap (30 traps / ha) at maximum tillering stage, just before 8.66 3.63 5.66 2.83 34.64 25.89
panicle initiation stage and 10 days after panicle initiation stage
T7 : Control 8.33 3.53 23.66 7.33
S.Ed.( ±) 0.67 0.24 0.17 0.11
CD (P=0.05) 1.47 0.53 0.38 0.25
LBC = Live burrow count, TI = Trap index

Table 18. Effect of different treatments on per cent cut tillers in boro and sali rice

Cut tillers (%) Reduction in cut

Pre-treatment Post-treatment tillers (%)
boro sali boro sali boro sali
rice rice rice rice rice rice
T1 : Spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and just before 4.16 4.63 2.33 2.73 43.99 41.03
panicle initiation stage
T2 : Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage and 4.33 4.66 2.03 2.23 53.11 52.14
just before panicle initiation stage
T3 : Spraying of ecodon (1:50) on bunds at maximum tillering stage and just before 4.46 4.93 1.38 1.62 69.05 67.13
panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps / ha) after 10 days of last
T4 : Application of ecodon solution@ 1 litre/burrow at maximum tillering stage and 4.43 4.76 1.10 1.28 75.16 73.10
just before panicle initiation stage + sherman trap (30 traps / ha) after 10 days of
last application
T5 : Zinc phosphide (2.5%) baiting at just before panicle initiation stage + sherman 9.13 9.63 3.19 3.65 65.06 62.09
trap (30 traps / ha) after 10 days of last application
T6 : Sherman trap (30 traps / ha) at maximum tillering stage, just before panicle 4.53 4.86 3.08 4.17 16.11 14.19
initiation stage and 10 days after panicle initiation stage
T7 : Control 4.26 4.73 8.17 10.77
S.Ed. (±) 0.50 0.39 0.28 0.15
CD (P=0.05) 1.09 0.86 0.61 0.32

7.4. Effect of Ecodon solution in the rice field
The l castor based botanical rodenticides (Ecodon) was sprayed on bunds during tillering stage
in the evening hours. Before treatment, the bunds were made weed free and made moist by
spraying water. Observations on LBC and TI before treatment and after 1, 2, 3 and 4th week of
treatment was recorded. The results reveal that the rodent population reduced to 55.5 and 54.4
% in terms of LBC and TI after I week of treatment. The reduction of rodent population in
terms of LBC and TI was 54.5 and 41.6 %, respectively after 2weeks of treatment. On 3rd week,
the reduction per cent of rodent population in terms of LBC and TI was comparatively low i.e.
30.7 and 29.4%, respectively. The spraying of Ecodon could not give protection in rodent
population after 2nd week as it was evidenced from the decreasing trend of reduction
percentage. (Table 19)
Table 19. Effect of Ecodon in the incidence of rodents in rice field
Treatments LBC/ha TI
1 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4
14.2 8.6 10.5 18.2 22.2 4.1 2.1 2.8 3.6 4.3
Control 16.4 18.2 22.8 26.1 28.6 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.1 5.4
Reduction (%) - 55.5 54.5 30.7 21.5 - 54.4 41.6 29.4 20.4
DBT-days before treatment WAT-weeks after treatment

7.5 Effect of Ecodon granules in the rice field

A castor based rodent repellent in granule formulation was evaluated against rodent incidence
in rice fields .The rodent incidence was measured using burrow count and trap index methods.
Plots measuring 100x50 m dimension was taken for the study in 6 replications with 1 control
plot, wherein the treatment of rodent repellent granules was not given. The ecodon granules
mixed in sand @1:5 proportions was broadcasted along the bunds of the plots. . The ecodon
was applied on the bunds at the tillering stage. The average number of burrows recorded on pre
treatment period in the treated plot was 12.66 which were significantly reduced to 8.20 repellent
treated experimental plots. Similarly significant reduction in trap index from 3.81 to 3.06 was
also recorded in the trapped rodents. (Table 20).Due to application of botanical granules the
per cent reduction of LBC and TI was 69.42 and 63.62 per cent, respectively.
Table 20. Effect of repellent (Ecodon granules) on rodent incidence in rice
Repellent LBC TI
Pre Post
Pre treatment Post treatment
treatment treatment
Ecodon (granules) 12.66 8.20 3.81 3.06
control 12.14 26.82 3.96 8.41
% reduction 69.42 63.62


8.1. Social engineering activities during 2013-15

The site for social engineering activity was selected at Malowkhat, Dhekorgora block under
Jorhat Sub division. Malowkhat is situated near the bank of the river Bhogdoi, a tributary of
the river the Brahmaputra. Two villages namely Gogoigaon and Bhogdoiporia were selected
as adopted and partially adopted villages respectively. Another village was kept as control
village. In adopted village, training, method demonstration as well as inputs was supplied but
in case of partially adopted village only training was provided. The major cropping system of
the adopted villages was Rice-vegetables.
In the beginning of the sali season initial rodent population in terms of LBC/ha and
Trap index from the villages were recorded. Then, in the village Gogoigaon, rodent control
measures along with training on rodent pest management were provided. All the villagers
participated in the training programme. In the control village, no inputs or training was
provided and only data on rodent infestation were recorded.
The data indicates that rodent infestation increased gradually from tillering stage and
reached a peak during the harvesting stage of the crop. In the adopted village however rodent
infestation decreased from PI stage of the crop. The LBC in the control plot was 12.4 during
tillering stage of the crop which increased up to 46.4 at harvesting stage, while in the adopted
village LBC was 11.4 at tillering stage and increased up to 18.6 at PI stage and then decreased
again to 14.2 at harvesting due to intervention in terms of application of rodenticides (Zinc
phosphide and Bromadiolone baiting).Similar trends were also observed in case of Trap Index
and Cut tillers damage (Table 21)
Table 21. Live burrow count (LBC), Trap index (TI) at different crop stages of Sali rice
at social engineering site at Malowkhat, 2013-15
Crop stage LBC/ha TI
V1 V2 V1 V2
Maximum tillering 11.40 12.40 6.40 6.11
Ripening 18.60 20.80 8.70 12.69

Harvesting 14.20 46.40 6.66 16.66

V1: Adopted village V2: Control village

The cut tillers damage was also recorded in both villages. In the adopted village, 3.90
% tillers damage was recorded at the maximum tillering stage and at ripening stage (8.06%)
cut tillers damage was recorded. On the other hand, the per cent tillers damage increased with
the advancement of the phonological stages of the crop in control one (Table 22).

Table 22. Damage in different crop stages of rice at Social Engineering Site

Crop stage Rodent damage (% cut tillers)

V1 V2

Max. tillering stage 3.90 4.20

Ripening 8.06 10.10

Harvesting stage 6.66 16.60

V1-Adopted Village V2-Control Village
The results (Table 23) of the farmers participating approach in rice vegetables
cropping system indicated that there was a reduction of rodent population of 80.23% LBC
(34.2-6.8 LBC) and TI by 60.86 %( 4.6-1.8 TI) in different vegetables grown in the adopted
village. In the semi adopted village, the reduction in rodent density was 50.27% (i.e. from 36.6-
18.2 LBC/ha) and the TI of 54.41% (i. e. 6.8-3.1 TI) whereas in control village, there was an
increase in rodent density both in terms of LBC and TI.

Table 23. Live burrow count (LBC), Trap index (TI) in different crop stages of
vegetables at social engineering site at Malowkhat, 2013-15
V1 V2 V3
a)Pre treatment 34.4 36.6 33.5
b) Post treatment 6.8 18.2 38.2
% control success 80.23 50.27
a)Pre treatment 4.6 6.8 4.8
b) Post treatment 1.8 3.1 8.6
% control success 60.86 54.41
V1: Adopted Village V2: Partially Adopted V3: Control
8.2. Impact Assessment of Farmers Participating Adaptive Research under Social

A survey was conducted before and after the treatment in rice -vegetable cropping system to
know the impact of education and training in the form of per cent adoption of different
practices. Data reveals different levels of adoption for different practices (Table 24). Before
training farmers were not practicing rodent control in the rice field .Only some farmers used
anticoagulants rodenticides to kill rodents in their store, house, etc. but after education in the
form of training and demonstration, 53.3% farmers started practicing rodent control with zinc
phosphide. Before education, farmers were not aware about pre baiting incase of zinc
phosphide, but after training, they practiced pre baiting. The farmers were demonstrated about
the use of local bamboo traps to control rodents, their placement in the rice field. It has been
revealed that 46.6% farmers used bamboo traps after training and demonstration and 40%
farmers used mechanical traps in the field. Most of the farmers were aware about anticoagulant
rodenticides and they frequently used rodenticides against rodents in their houses, store etc.

Table 24. Impact assessment of farmers participating adaptive research under social
engineering activities

Sl Rodent control practices % adoption

No Before After
1 Doing regular rodent control in field crop 0.00 53.3
2 Doing regular rodent control other than crop field 22.2 80.0
3 Use anticoagulant 35.5 40.0
4 Poison baiting in the crop field 0.0 0.0
5 Poison baiting in the lean period 0.0 26.6
6 Doing pre-baiting in case of acute rodenticides 0.0 46.6
7 Use bait station 0.0 0.0
8 Use local bamboo traps 0.0 46.6
9 Use of mechanical traps 0.0 40.0
10 Doing weeding 0.0 13.4
11 Treatment in surrounding area/vacant lands 0.0 11.2
12 Collection of remaining poisons bait 0.0 0.0
13 Washing of traps before reuse 0.0 57.7
14 Collection of dead rodents 0.0 55.6



Common Name: Barn owl

Scientific Name: Tyto alba

Family: Tytonidae

Food habit: B bengalensis: 34%, R. rattus (12%),R. spp. (20%) , T. indica (0.5%) ,Mus sp
(11%), Others (10%)

A barn owl nest box was made of wood having floor size of 35 cm x 35 cm, height of
45 cm with an entrance hole of 15 cm x 15 cm at a height of 15 cm on the front cover of the
box with a 15 cm floor at bottom of the box with a roof cover (lid) with provision of two wings
at the top of the back cover for hanging or fixing on substrate (Table 25). Five numbers of such
boxes were installed in the top of the tree trunk in various localities of Jorhat in the month of
October-November, 2013.The barn owl took shelter inside the nest boxes, but it did not inhabit
permanently in the box.

Table 25. Barn owl nest box
Type of Box size Installation Time of installation
nest box
Wooden Floor= 35cmx 35 cm Tree trunk, go down at October-November
Height= 45cm with an entrance the height of 15 feet
hole of 15cm x15 cm at a height
of 15 cm on the front cover of
the box with a 15 cm floor at
bottom of the box with a roof
cover (lid) with provision of two
wings at the top of the back
cover for hanging or fixing on

9.1. Effect of artificial nest boxes on rodent incidence

Six nest boxes were provided for artificial nesting and breeding of barn owl. Of them, in one
nest box was used by barn owl for breeding and in two nest boxes were used by barn owls for
roosting. Out of six installed in different locations. The locations were near paddy field, wheat
field, ICR farms, and homestead garden. Thus, 50 % of the nest boxes were occupied by barn
owls. Competition for nesting by common myna with barn owls has been noticed in artificial
nest boxes. The pre and post treatment count of LBC revealed that due to installation of nest
boxes for barn owl a control success of 40% and 23 % have been recorded in the crop fields of
both rice and wheat respectively where as the success control was significantly higher in case
of near buildings (55.5%) and homestead garden (53.8%) (Table 26)
Table 26. Effect of artificial nest boxes on rodent incidence

Locations Pre treatment Post treatment % control

burrow count burrow count success
Crop field (rice) 30 18 40.0
Crop field (wheat) 26 20 23.0
Near building 18 8 55.5
Homestead garden 26 12 53.8

9.2. Effect of artificial nest boxes on rodent incidence in different field crops

Artificial barn owl nest boxes made of wood and galvanized plain sheet were installed for
nesting and breeding of barn owl. The nest boxes were installed at the top of the tree trunk,
water tank, building etc. near the crop field of paddy, mustard, wheat and vegetables crops in
their crop season. The barn owl took shelter inside the nest boxes but it did not inhabit
permanently in the box. Competition for nesting by common myna with barn owls has been
noticed in artificial nest boxes.
The pre and post treatment count of LBC in different crops revealed a 41.75% control
success in case of rice. The control success in respect of LBC was recorded 31.13, 48.12 and
67.08%, respectively in case of mustard, wheat and vegetables (Table 27). The pre and post
treatment records of TI reveal a control success of 55.81% in case of rice whereas the control
success in case of mustard, wheat and vegetables were 47.82, 47.16 and 56.36 %, respectively.
From the results, it is obvious that the barn owl can be a good predator of the vertebrate pests
of their area and it requires further investigations on long term basis for utilizing this predatory
bird as a biocontrol agent against such pests.
Table 27. Effect of artificial nest boxes on rodent incidence

Particulars Crop
Rice Mustard Wheat Vegetables
a)Pre count 36.4 21.2 32.0 18.8
b)Post count 21.2 14.6 16.6 6.2
% control success 41.75 31.13 48.12 67.02
a)Pre treatment 8.6 4.6 7.76 6.60
b)Post treatment 3.8 2.4 4.10 2.88
% control success 55.81 47.82 47.16 56.36



The trap index data presented in Table 28 reveal that a control success of 57.4% was achieved
due to placement of local bamboo trap in case of rice .The control success in case of mustard
and vegetables was 63.1 and 55.7%, respectively due to placement of local traps.

Table 28. Effect of local bamboo trap on rodent incidence

Parameter Rice Mustard Vegetables
a)Pre count 9.66 8.42 6.60
b)Post count 4.11 3.11 2.92
% control success 57.4 63.1 55.7
a)Pre count 32.2 26.2 22.8
b)Post count 18.4 14.4 8.6
% control success 42.8 45.0 62.2

A significant reduction of LBC /ha was also achieved due to trapping of rodents in the
crop field. The control success of 42.8% was achieved in case of rice whereas in mustard and
vegetables, the control success percentage in respect of LBC/ha was 45 and 62.2%,
respectively. From the data it can be concluded that local traps may be an effective tools for
the management of rodents in the crop field.

Table 29. Effect of trapping on the rodent incidence in kharif rice
Treatment TI
Pre count Tillering PI Flowering
Bamboo trap 4.52 3.65 8.92 10.94
Bandicoot Trap 4.45 3.42 7.48 9.75
t (0.05%) 0.30 2.90* 4.84* 8.40*

The Trap Index (TI) before placement of bamboo traps (4.52) and bandicoot trap (4.45)
was no significant variation (t=0.30). The TI due to placement of bamboo traps at tillering stage
(3.68), Panicle initiation stage(8.92) and flowering (10.94) and the placement of bandicoot
traps at maximum tillering stage(3.42),panicle initiation(7.48) and flowering stage(9.75) show
significant variation of bamboo traps over mechanical traps (t=2.90,4.84 and 8.40) (Table 29).


Studies on incidence of D. lokriah in plantation crops was carried out in 2013-14 at four
locations, viz., Borpathar (Kordoiguri), Baliaati (Garumora), Fishery Research Centre, AAU,
Jorhat and Patiagaon. The monitoring was done at fifteen days interval. The damaged nuts fell
into the ground and by observing the freshly fallen nut below the tree, it was ascertained that
the trees were affected by squirrel. So, one person climbed up to the top portion of the tree and
counted all the damaged nut attached to the pedicel and calculated the percent of damage in
coconut. Prior to studies on species composition infesting coconut plantations in Assam
farmers opinion about squirrel problem in fruit crops was sought, which is briefed as under;

Farmers’ opinion can be summarized as:

 Squirrels infest mainly fruit crops like jack fruit, guava, pomegranate, litchi, pine apple
and mainly coconut and areca nut.
 Squirrels activity has been seen throughout the year.
 They are active during day time only.
 Squirrels were observed to construct their nests above ground on different tree, bamboo
 They choose the place for nesting which seemed safer and away for disturbances of
animals and human activities.
 In areca nut, squirrels attack tender nuts.
 In coconut, they make hole in the centre of the nut.
The observations indicated that Dremomys lokriah is a major problem species in coconut
plantations in all the four study villages. In one of the locations i.e., Borpathar (Kordoiguri)
Rattus rattus was also observed in the plantations. The squirrels made nests on coconut and
bamboo trees and inflicted 3.66- 5.37% nut damage (Table 30)

Table 30. Rodent incidence in coconut in Assam

Village/Area Rodent specie s Nesting site Activity Rodent Nut

recorded infestation damage
(%) (%)
Borpathar Rattus rattus, On the tree Throughout 35.50 5.37
the year
(Kordoiguri) Dremomys Bamboo
lokriah and plant (Peak:May-
Flying Squirrel
Nagaon- D. lokriah On the tree Throughout 32.62 4.67
Jamuguri the year
plant (Peak:
Crevices in
the buildings
FRC, D. lokriah On the tree Throughout 15.50 3.66
AAU,Jorhat the year
Crevices in
the buildings (May-

Baliatti D.lokriah On the tree Throughout

(Gorumora) the year

The Squirrels infest mainly fruit crops like jack fruit, guava, pomegranate, litchi, pine
apple and mainly coconut and areca nut. Squirrels were observed to construct their nests above
ground on different tree, bamboo plantation. They seem to avoid traditional fruit trees for their
nesting since majority of the nests were recorded on non fruiting trees. The nesting sites were
recorded in different habitats from October to March .The squirrels choose the place of nesting
which seemed safer and away from disturbances of animals and human activities. Field
observations revealed that squirrels are active throughout the year during day hours but more
active during morning(5.00 to 9.00am) and Evening (4.00 to 6.00 pm), The squirrels activities
were more pronounced from June to September where their calls and running activities were
more on the roof of the houses, boundary walls ,nearby trees etc. In areca nut, squirrels attack
tender nuts. In coconut, they make hole in the centre of the nut.
Effect of castor based repellent (Ecodon): An observational trial (Table 31) was conducted
with application of botanicals(ecodon) in different dilution (1:10) & (1:20) .The ecodon have
been applied in the nuts as well as the crown after cleaning as well as spraying on the nuts. The
higher concentration of ecodon i. e 1:10 dilution gave a control success of 46.91% and 33.53
% in case of rodent infestation and nut damage, respectively. Whereas the application of ecodon
(1:20) gave a control success of 32.65 and 29.88 per cent in respect of rodent infestation and
nut damage, respectively.
Table 31. Effect of botanical (Ecodon) on rodent infestation in coconut
Treatment Pre treatment Post Treatment % control success
Ecodon(1:10) @ 38.42 6.62 20.40 4.40 46.91 33.53
Ecodon(1:20) @ 36.62 5.42 24.66 3.80 32.65 29.88
RI-rodent infestation ND-nut damage

Effect of anticoagulant rodenticides vis a vis Ecodon: In another field trial efficacy of wax
blocks of bromadiolone and brodifacoum (0.005%) was studied in comparison to castor based
repellent formulation (Ecodon). The rodenticides were used as crown baiting whereas, Ecodon
was used as spray on the crown, nuts as well as around the tree trunk at the basal portion. Before
starting of the trial, all the trees were numbered and all the squirrel damaged fallen nuts at the
base of the tree were removed from the site so as to record the fresh damaged nuts. The
bromadiolone and brodifacoum wax cakes were placed at the base of the panicle containing
tender nuts. The baiting was done for three days. Observations were made for fallen nuts and
nuts damaged after one month of the treatment.

It can be seen from the Table 32 that poison baiting with bromadiolone and
brodifacoum (0.005%) yielded 66.6 and 57.4 % reduction of nut damage one month after
treatment. While with Ecodon, the percentage reduction in nut damage /fallen nuts was 54.1%.
Among the rodenticides, bromadiolone was found to be more effective in checking the squirrel
damage in coconut as compared to brodifacoum and ecodon. However, this study needs further
Table 32. Effect of baiting on rodent infestation (nut) in coconut

Treatment Nut damage (%)

Pre treatment Post treatment Reduction
Bromadiolone (0.005%) 12.6 4.2 66.6
Brodifacoum(0.005%) 10.8 4.6 57.4
Ecodon(1:10) 14.4 6.6 54.1


Rodent cause direct damage to poultry house structure, poultry feeds, chicks, and eggs
.Rodent cause indirect damage by contamination and deterioration of poultry house
environment and by spreading several diseases to poultry as well as farmers. The poultry farm
premises provide the most favorable and stable habitat because of availability of abundant food
from the feed. Poultry farms are poorly built and managed and are without proper rodent proof
structures for storages of feed and eggs. Rattus rattus is the most predominant in poultry farms.
Thatched and wooden roofs are often severely infested with house rats. The house mice, Mus
musculus are frequently found on the ground in and around hoppers, feed bags, etc. The

Bandicota bengalensis which generally dig burrows in the peripheral vacant land in the poultry
house are frequently attracted within the premises. They dig burrows in the foundation and
floor and the some of the burrows may have opening on both inside and outside the poultry
house. Accumulation of garbage and waste material around the premises provide good nesting
and feeding ground to rodents. Usually farmers do not risk carrying out rodent control
operations when the birds are in the premises. The most appropriate time to implement rat
control operations in the poultry house would be when the birds are vacated at the end of the
flock cycle. The studies were undertaken at four poultry farms. R. rattus was predominant in
two farms, viz., Potiagaon (66%) and Nowboicha (56%), whereas B. bengalensis was more
predominant in New Baligaon (67%) and Sorupatthar (51%). Share of M. musculus was 13-
23%. The trap index and LBC are presented in Table 33
Table 33. Rodent incidence in poultry farms
Locations Species TI LBC Remarks
composition (%)

Potiagaon B. 8.62 26.6 Pucca foundation


R. rattus (66)

M. musculus(13)
New Baligaon B. 14.67 46.2 Kaccha floor

R. rattus (20)

M. musculus(13)
Sorupathar B. 12.21 28.8 Isolated area (distance
bengalensis(51) from human habitat)

R. rattus (36)

M. musculus(13)
Nowboicha B. 6.60 30.4 Near human habitat

R. rattus (56)

M. musculus(23)

Rodent management in Poultry farms: Two trials were undertaken on (i) on bromadiolone
(0.005%) baiting and Ecodon (1:50) and (ii) rodenticides (acute and anticoagulant as solo as
well as in combination along with Ecodon. After assessing pretreatment level of rodent
infestation the burrows were treated with bromadiolone (0.005%) and ecodon (1:50). The
results revealed that treatment of bromadiolone (0.005%) in poultry farms recorded 66.67 and
80.00% control success on 7th and 10th day of treatment respectively whereas the application
of ecodon @ 1:50 yielded 73.33 and 82.22 % control success after 7th and 10 th day of
application respectively (Table 34).
Table 34. Effect of rodenticides and botanicals on the rodent incidence in the poultry

Treatment Pre treatment Post treatment Burrow % Control

Burrow count count success
Live Dead
Bromadiolone (0.005%) 60

7th Day 20 40 66.67

10th Day 12 48 80.00

Ecodon 45

7th Day 12 33 73.33

10th Day 8 37 82.22

In the second trial, the pre and post treatment level of infestation was estimated by
adopting the tracking index method. Bromadiolone baiting was done for 3 days where as zinc
phosphide baiting was done for 24 hours after 2 days of pre baiting. The rodenticides treatments
were applied during the end of the flock cycle. The Ecodon was applied 3 times at 15 days

Table 34. Effect of different treatment on the reduction of rodent activity (% tracking
index) in poultry farm

Treatment Tracking index (%)

Pre control Post control(DAT)
15 30 45
Bromadiolone+Ecodon 98.4 46.6(52.64) 32.2(67.22) 22.6(77.03)
Bromadiolone 96.2 48.8(47.27) 36.6(61.95) 33.3(65.38)
Zinc phosphide+Ecodon 92.2 32.2(66.87) 26.6(72.63) 20.2(79.21)
Zinc phosphide 94.4 36.6(61.22) 34.4(63.55) 40.6(56.99)
Ecodon 89.6 68.6(23.43) 40.2(55.13) 31.2(65.17)
Control 94.4 92.6 99.0 98.2
DAT-days after treatment. (Figures in the parenthesis indicate per cent reduction of rodent activity
after treatments)

The data recorded on Table 35 reveals that average pre control per cent tracking index
was 98.4 in case of bromadiolone + Ecodon treatment. During post treatment periods a
reduction of 52.64 to 77.03 per cent tracking index was noticed due to bromadiolone baiting
followed by application of botanical repellent (Ecodon) at 15 days interval. Whereas the single
application of bromadiolone baiting reduced the rodent activity from 47.27- 65.38 %. The
baiting of zinc phosphide in the poultry farm could reduce the rodent activity from 61.22 to
56.99 % whereas Ecodon was sprayed 3 times after zinc phosphide baiting gave a higher
reduction in rodent activity i. e 66.87 to 79.21 %. The application of Ecodon in and around the
poultry farm reduced the rodent activity from 23.43 to 65.17%. From the trial, it can be
concluded that the application of rodenticides have a good impact on reduction in rodent
activity but considering the risk to the poultry birds, the rodenticides may be applied at the end
of the flock cycle. The castor based rodenticides (ecodon) may be a good alternative to
rodenticides in poultry sector.


The rodenticide was evaluated under commensal situations (storage) for two seasons. First
Season trials (during July - August, 2013) were conducted at two sites viz. village co-operative
stores and grocery shops. Trapping in the study sites revealed moderate to heavy infestation of
three rodent species viz., R. rattus, B. bengalensis and M. musculus. Ready to use wax block
(each weighing 20 g) of Difenacoum (0.005%) were tested in both the trial sites along with a
control (un-treated) for each site and the control success was measured by following two
methods of census baiting and tracking. A sufficient numbers of bait stations (made of locally
available hollow bamboo) were placed at an interval of 3m in order to cover the entire trial
area. Powdered tracking tiles were placed nearby the bait points aligning the walls, about 1
meter away from the bait station.
The data presented in Table 35 a reduction of 56.55 – 79.83 per cent bait consumption
as well as 29.52 – 78.30 per cent reduction of tracking index due to application of difenacoum
(0.005%) in minimal baiting. The data recorded on site-II (village co-operative store) revealed
higher rodent incidence than site-I (Grocery shops). Due to application of difenacoum
(0.005%) in two pulses, the reduction of rodent activity in terms of census bait was 49.51 to
76.24 per cent and the reduction of tracking index, it was 39.60 to 81.80 per cent respectively
at first and second pulsing, whereas in control the census bait consumption was 22.84 and 21.84
g and tracking index was 100 per cent in both the pulses, respectively (Table 35).
Table: 35. Bioefficacy of Difenacoum (0.500%) wax blocks against commensal rodents in
storage during 2013 (Season-I).

site I Control Site II Control

Pre control Census bait (g) 19.84 20.4 20.2 20.62
Tracking index % 94.5 100 100 100
Mid control Census bait (g) 8.62 18.8 10.2 22.84
Tracking index % 66.6 96.6 60.4 100
Final control Census bait (g) 4 18 4.8 21.84
Tracking index % 20.5 90.2 18.2 100
Control Census bait (g) 56.55 0 49.51 0
success (%) Tracking index % 29.52 0 39.6 0
15 days after
Control Census bait (g) 79.83 0 76.24 0
success (%) Tracking index % 78.3 0 81.8 0
30 days after

The second season trial (November, 2013 to January, 2014) was also conducted at two sites
viz. village co-operative stores and grocery shops with similar methodology. The data
presented in Table 36 revealed that average pre-control bait consumption was 12.44 g, whereas
the per cent tracking index was 82.40.The corresponding value in case of control was 12.02 g
and 84.60 per cent respectively. The data recorded on rodent activity at post treatment pulsing
at site I showed a reduction of 40.51-77.17% bait consumption as well as 19.17-89.34 %
reduction of tracking index due to application of difenacoum (0.005%) in minimal baiting
(Table36). The data recorded on site-II also the reduction of rodent activity in terms of census
bait ranged from 30.58-81.60% and reduction of tracking index ranged from 22.45-85.94% at
different pulses whereas in control the census bait consumption it was 12.98 to 15.60 g and
86.90 to 90.42 per cent for respective parameters (Table 36).
Table 36. Bioefficacy of Difenacoum (0.500%) wax blocks against rodent pests in Storage
during 2014 (Season-II).
Rodenticide Census Pre- Reduction in relative activity
method control Post treatment
Pulse I Pulse II Pulse III
Site-I( Village grocery shops)

Difenacoum Bait 12.44 7.40 (40.51) 5.22 (58.03) 2.84 (77.17)

Tracking 82.40 66.60 (19.17) 34.40 8.60 (89.34)
Index (%) (58.25)
Control Bait 12.02 13.60 12.69 14.29
Tracking 84.60 86.00 84.29 87.60
Index (%)
Site-II: (village co-operative store)
Difenacoum Bait 16.42 11.40(30.58) 6.50(60.42) 3.02(81.60)
Tracking 88.22 68.42(22.45) 30.00(66.00) 12.40(85.94)
Index (%)
Control Bait 14.96 12.98 13.00 15.60
Tracking 90.02 86.90 90.42 90.29
Index (%)
(Figures in the parenthesis indicate per cent reduction in relative activity at each pulse
First Season Trials: The trial was conducted during July - August, 2013 at two sites viz.
Village co-operative store and grocery shops. The rodent species were found to be R. rattus, B.
bengalensis and M. musculus.
Ready to use wax block of flocoumafen 0.005% were tested in two seasons at both the
trial sites along with a control (un-treated) area for each site following similar methodology as
explained with difencoum trials.
The pretreatment data revealed 14.62 g bait consumption and 74.60 per cent tracking
index in site I (grocery shop) whereas the corresponding data in case of control was 15.24 g
and 76.66 per cent. The data recorded on rodent activity at post treatment after 1st ,2nd and 3rd
pulse revealed a control success of 43.92-83.52 per cent on the basis of bait consumption and
24.12-85.79 per cent on the basis of tracking index due to application of flocoumafen in
minimal baiting technique (Table 37). The data recorded on site II (village co-operative store)

revealed comparatively higher rodent incidence than site –I(grocery shops) . Due to application
of anticoagulant rodenticides, the reduction of rodent activity in terms of census bait ranged
from 44.54-85.92 % and reduction of tracking index ranged from 30.02-85.40 % in different
pulses whereas in control during the treatment period the rodent activity in terms of bait
consumption and tracking activity was almost uniform and infestation was heavy (Table 37).
Table 37. Efficacy of Flocoumafen (0.005%) against commensal rodents in Storage
during 2013 (Season-I).
Rodenticide Census Pre- Reduction in relative activity
method control Post treatment
Pulse I Pulse II Pulse III
Site-I (Village grocery shops)
Flocoumafen Bait 14.62 8.20(43.92) 6.54(55.27) 2.41(83.52)
consumed(g) 74.60 56.60(24.12) 24.20(67.56) 10.60(85.79)
Index (%)
Control Bait 15.24 14.46 16.60 15.10
consumed(g) 76.66 78.42 74.21 79.20
Index (%)
Site-II: (village co-operative store)
Flocoumafen Bait 18.40 10.26(44.54) 6.50(64.33) 2.69(85.92)
consumed(g) 86.60 60.60(30.02) 22.40(74.14) 12.64(85.40)
Index (%)
Control Bait 20.66 18.42 20.82 20.40
consumed(g) 87.49 90.06 89.60 90.49
Index (%)
(Figures in the parenthesis indicate per cent reduction in relative activity at each pulse treatment)

The second season trial was conducted during November, 2013 to January, 2014 again
at two sites viz., village co-operative stores and grocery shops with similar methodology. The
data recorded on rodent activity at post treatment after 1st ,2nd and 3rd pulse revealed a control
success of 58.92 -95.95 per cent (bait consumption) and 40.11 to 97.24 per cent (tracking
index) due to application of flocoumafen in minimal baiting technique (Table 38).
After application of anticoagulant rodenticides in the second season, the reduction of
rodent activity in terms of census bait ranged from 48.83 – 81.25 % and reduction of tracking
index ranged from 35.80 – 93.40% in different pulses whereas in control during the treatment
period the rodent activity in terms of bait consumption and tracking activity was almost
uniform and infestation was heavy (Table 38).

Table 38. Efficacy of Flocoumafen (0.005%) against commensal rodents in Storage during
November, 2014 (Season-II).
Rodenticide Census method Pre-control Reduction in relative activity
Post treatment
Pulse I Pulse II Pulse III
Site-I ( grocery shops)
Flocoumafen Bait consumed(g) 18.50 7.60(58.92) 3.66(80.22) 0.75(95.95)
Tracking Index 94.50 56.60(40.11) 18.00(80.95) 2.60(97.24)
Control Bait consumed(g) 22.20 20.08 23.10 22.00
Tracking Index 100.00 96.60 100.00 94.60
Site-II: (village co-operative store)
Flocoumafen Bait consumed(g) 22.40 11.46(48.83) 6.60(70.54) 4.20(81.25)
Tracking Index 100.00 64.20(35.80) 20.20(79.80) 6.60(93.40)
Control Bait consumed(g) 20.62 22.84 21.84 20.44
Tracking Index 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
(Figures in the parenthesis indicate per cent reduction in relative activity at each pulse treatment)


A refresher training on rodent pest management was organized jointly by the AINP on
Rodent Control, Department of Entomology,AAU,Jorhat in collaboration with National
Institute of Plant Health Management(NIPHM),Hyderabad from March 10-16,2014 at the
Directorate of Research (Agriculture), AAU, Jorhat. Altogether 20 participants in the rank of
Agricultural Development Officer (ADO), SMS (KVK), and Assistant Professors attended the
training programme from all North Eastern States. Dr G N Hazarika, DR (Agri.) who was the
Chairman of the organizing Committee thanked NIPHM, Hyderabad for selecting the AAU as
venue as part of their National Plan on Rodent Pest Management. A good number of officials
from NIPHM, Hyderabad attended the said training programme as resource person. Dr D K
Bora, Ex-PI and Director, Student Welfare, AAU, Jorhat, Br B C Dutta, Principal Scientist
(Entomology),RARS, Titabor, Dr. R Borkatoki, Scientists(KVK) also acted as resource person.
All the important aspects of rodent pest management was covered and due emphasis was given
on field practical. The Training was successfully completed under the guidance of the Course
Director, Dr R K Borah, Principal Investigator of the Project as well as Co Course Director, M

2. Farmers Trainings
S.No. Date Topic Venue
1 18.06.2012 Rodent pest management in rice field 36 Ghoria, Bekajan, Jorhat
2 10.07.2012 Rodent Pest management in state Bhorolua, Kakajan, Jorhat
3 21.11.2013 Farmers Fair to exhibit different traps, Sugarcane Research
bamboo traps, methods demonstration Station, Buralikson, AAU
4 6.11.2013 Farmers Day RARS, Titabor, AAU
5 19-07- Interaction programme on squirrel Kordoiguri, Borpathar
6 2013 damage assessment in coconut

7 23-08- Interaction programme on rodent Bahuabeti, Nagaon
2013 damage assessment in Sali rice
8 25-07- Discussion on Rodent Pest Infestation Malowopathar, Jorhat
2013 in rice, vegetables etc.
9 26-11- Farmers Fair to exhibit different traps, Sugarcane Research
2014 local bamboo traps, methods Station, Buralikson,AAU
demonstration etc.
10 06-08- Interaction programme on rodent Patia gaon(Balijan),Jorhat
2014 infestation and their damage
assessment in poultry farm
11 29-08- Interaction programme on rodent Bahuabeti, Nagaon
2014 damage assessment in Sali rice
12 12-08- Discussion on Rodent Pest Infestation Malowkhat, Jorhat
2014 in rice- vegetables cropping system
13 30-03- Exhibited at Krishan Mela at KVK, Jorhat
2014 KVK,Jorhat from Rodent Control

3. Field Demonstrations

Sl. Date Topic Venue

1 04.10.2012 Preparation of poison bait of Zinc Dergaon,Golaghat
phosphide and application in the rice
2 06.11.2012 Identification of live burrows,bait station Bekajan, Jorhat
placement in the field
3 23-09-2013 Preparation of poison baits of zinc Namoni Malowkhat
phosphide and their field application Gogoi Gaon, Jorhat
4 15-09-2013 Preparation of poison baits of zinc Namoni Malowkhat
phosphide and their field application Gogoi Gaon, Jorhat
5 04-10-2013 Methods demonstration of local bamboo Malowkhat, Jorhat
traps in Sali rice
6 01-10-2013 Methods demonstration of different RARS: Titabor
rodent management techniques
7 22-01-2014 Demonstration of field application of Balliatti, Gorumora
local bamboo traps in vegetables
8 11-11-2014 Methods demonstration of local bamboo Malowkhat, Jorhat
traps in Sali rice
9 28-11-2014 Methods demonstration of different Jamuguri, Nowgaon
rodent management techniques


Borah, R. K. and Bora, D K. 2012. Incidence and damage of Bandicota bengalensis in rice
based cropping system in Upper Brahmaputra Valley of assam Ann.Pl.Protec.Sci.20
Gogoi, P.P. and Borah, R. K. 2012. Burrowing behavior of lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota
bengalensis in rice ecosystem in Upper Brahmaputra valley of
AssamAnn.Pl.Protec.Sci.20 (2):483-484.

Gogoi, P.P., Bora, D K, Bhattacharyya, B and Borah R K. 2013.Effect of Plant extract and
insecticides on the immature stages of Trichogramma chilonis ishii. Ann.Pl.Protec.Sci.
21 (1):27-29.
Borah,R. K. and Saikia, S.2013.Evaluation of different bait additives against Bandicota
bengalensis in rice field. Ann Pl. Protec.Sci.21(1):98-100
Borah, R. K. and Gogoi, P. P. 2013. Population fluctuation and incidence of Bandicota
bengalensis in rice fields. Ann Pl. Protec. Sci. 21(2):436-437
Borah, R. K. and Bora, D. K .2013. Laboratory Evaluation of botanicals against Rattus rattus
and Bandicota bengalensis. Ann Pl. Protec. Sci. 21(2):437-439
Gogoi, P. P and Borah, R. K. 2013. Incidence of lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis
in rice ecosystem in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley. Indian J Ent. 75(1):19-22.
Gogoi, P.P. and Borah, R.K. Burrowing behavior of lesser bandicoot rat, B. bengalensis in rice
ecosystem in UBVZ of Assam, Ann.Pl. Prtoec. Sci. 20 (2): 464-509
Gogoi, P.P. Bora, P.K. Bhatta, B. and Borah, R.K. Effect of plant extract and insecticides on
immature stage of T. chilonis, Ann.Pl. Prtoc.Sci. 21 (1): 27-29
Saikia, S and Borah, R. K.2013.Evaluation of rodenticides in the rice fields against Bandicota
bengalensis in Assam. Indian J Ent. 75(3):199-202.
Bora, D. K. and Borah, R. K. 2013.Incidence of rodent pests in rice-vegetables cropping
systems in Assam. Rodent Newsletter, 37:3-4.
Bora, D K, Borah, R K and Tripathi R S 2013. Rodent and their management in rice fields and
households (Extension Bulletin), AINP on Rodent Control, AAU, Jorhat pp4
Borah, R K and Bora, D K. 2013. Dhan khetit endur Niyantranar Vybastha (Extension Bulletin)
AINP on Rodent Control, AAU, Jorhat pp4
Bora, D K and Borah, R K. 2013. Rodent Pest Management. Training Mannual for Refresher
Training on Rodent Pest Management
Baglari, D. and Borah, R. K. 2014.Evaluation of botanicals, traps and rodenticides against
Bandicota bengalensis in rice ecosystem Indian J Ent. , 76(1):64-68.
Borah, R.K. and Baglari, D.2014. Evaluation of traps against Bandicota bengalensis in rice
field at the upper Brahmaputra valley zone of Assam. Crop Res. 48(1,2&3):72-75(2014)
Saikia, S. and Borah, R. K..2014. Efficacy of rodenticides baiting in the rice fields at Upper
Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam Indian J Ent. 76 (4):321-324.
Borah, R. K. and Dutta, B .C. 2014.Rodent management in poultry farms. Rodent Newsletter,
Borah, R. K. and Bhattacharyya, B.2015.Toxicity of anticoagulant rodenticides against Rattus
rattus Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 23(1); 135-139.

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)

(Rs. in lakhs)
Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 41.75 41.46 49.10 132.31

T.A. 0.20 0.37 0.23 0.80

Rec. Contingencies 1.51 1.97 1.98 5.46

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 43.46 43.8 51.31 138.57

Central Island Agricultural Research Institute
Port Blair (A&N Islands)-744 101
1 Name of the center Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair
(A&N Islands)-744 101

2 Name of Principal Ms T. Bharathimeena, Scientist (Entomology)

3 Date of start 01.04.2009
4 Reporting period April, 2012 to March, 2015


1. Surveillance and population ecology of rodent pests in predominant cropping systems
2. Monitoring the rodent abundance and damage in selected agro-climatic zones
3. Development and refinement of rodent pest management technologies in predominant
crops/ cropping systems
4. Rodent management in vegetables and storage
5. Monitoring spread of Bandicota bengalensis
6. Collection and preservation of major field and storage rodent species of the region in
7. Field evaluation of Difencoum and flocoumafen in coconut
8. Transfer of rodent management technologies


Andaman and Nicobar islands constitute a chain of 572 Islands located about 1200 km
away from mainland in Bay of Bengal. The Islands stretch from North to South covering the
longitude of 93°- 94° in East and the latitude of 6°– 17° of North. Main crops grown in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands are rice, coconut, vegetables and fruit crops. Rice is the second
most cultivable crop in Andaman and Nicobar Islands next to coconut. Pest and diseases plays
major role in yield reduction. In the recent years, rodents also are emerging as serious pests of
rice in the island conditions. Rodents are persistent pests in the island ecosystem. They plunder
field crops, rice in particular and also cause severe damage to plantation crops and vegetables.


1.1. Rodent species diversity in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
A total of 19 rodent species has been recorded; they include one sciurid species and 18 murids.
Genus Rattus is represented by 8 species and five sub species of Rattus rattus. Out of 19
species, three species (Rattus palmarum, R. stoicus and R. burrus) are endemic to these islands.
Miller’s long footed rat, Rattus stoicus and Zelebor’s Nicobar rat, R. palmarum were major
rodent species of Nicobar Islands. The House rat species include Rattus rattus alexandrianus,
R.r. and amanensis, R. r. atridorsum, R. r. flebilis and R. r. holochu. Other Rattus species
include R. burrescens, R. burrulus, R. burrus, R. palmarum, R. pulliventer, R. rogersi, R.
stoicus and R. taciturnus. Little Indian field mouse(Mus booduga), Asian house rat (Rattus
tanezumiandamanensis) and cutch rock- rat, Cremnomys cutchicus were reported as new
species from Andaman islands. Mus musculus were collected from household and rice fields
of Andaman and Bandicota bengalensis were collected from paddy fields of Andaman. The
collected specimens of Mus booduga (Gray) from Andaman were found to be of 9.3- 10.1 g
weight with their tail shorter than the HB length. The average body weight of R.
Tenezumiandamensis collected from Andaman was 137.1±39.79 g(107-230 g) with a naked,
bicolour tail. Head-body length ranged between 157-178 mm (mean; 171.13± 6.81 mm).The
cutch rock rat collected from Andaman were found to be HB length (182.5+23.11 mm )was
longer than the tail (160.17+10.23 mm) with an average body weight of 128+28.8 g.
Miller’s long footed rat, Rattus stoicus and Zelebor’s Nicobar rat, Rattus palmarum and
the Nonsense rat, Rattus burrus were the major rodent species from Nicobar. These three
species are endemic to the islands. Out of twenty four specimens collected, eight were
identified as Rattus stoicus, ten were identified as Rattus palmarum and 6 were identified as
Rattus burrus by ZSI, Kolkata.


2.1. Coconut

Rodent damage in coconut palms is obvious with certain characteristic symptoms. Rats gnaw
the outer covering of the nut and make a small hole (about 5 cm diameter) near the perianth
region. The damage dnut usually remains on the bunch for 2 to 6 days and finally they drop
down. The fallen nuts with cut holes near perianth region are an important symptom of rat
infestation in a plantation. The damage ranges from slight gnawing on small nuts to
complete consumption of the meat inside the cavity of medium to large ones. The nuts are usually
tunnelled into near the basal portion or about half way along the length of the pericarp or outer
husk. The basal portion of the nut is more accessible to rats than the lateral or distal portions.
Survey was conducted in 8 different locations of South Andaman viz., Rangachang,
Burmanallah, Kodiyaghat, Wimberlygunj, Bambooflat, Saithankhari, Collinpur, Chouldhari
during months of August – September 2015. Among these locations coconut palms in
Rangachang village recorded the highest per cent rodent infestation (25.00) and per cent nut
damage(7.75) (Table 1). The infestation levels and nut damage was calculated using the

No. of trees with fallen nuts

Percent rodent =—————————— x100
Infestation (RI) Total No. of trees

Similarly, the nut damage was assessed by randomly selecting 10 trees with fallen nuts
in the same orchards. The number of healthy and damaged nuts on the branches of selected trees
was recorded. Rodent nut damage (percent) was calculated using the following formula:
No. of damaged nuts
Nut damage (percent)=——————————xRI
Total number of nuts

Table 1. Rodent infestation and extent of nut damage in coconut in different locations in
South Andamans
SN Location %Rodent Infestation %Nut Damage
1 Rangachang 25.00 7.75
2 Kodiyaghat 13.15 3.33
3 Wimberlygunj 5.19 0.35
4 Collinpur 7.24 0.12
5 Burmanallah 5.88 0.093
6 Chouldhari 9.6 0.141
7 Bambooflat 5.55 0.045
8 Shaitankhari 12.5 0.374
In other islands like, Little Andamans, Neil and Haveloc, 5.64 to 65.23% trees were
infested with rodents, the nut damage ranged from 4.16-5.88% only. Maximum trees
(65.23%) were reported to be infested in Harminder Bay Village in Little Andaman
Island, whereas Govindnagar (Havelock Island) island reported least (5.64%) infestation
(Table 2).

Table 2. Rodent infestation in coconut in different locations and nut damage in Little
Andamans, Neil Island and Havelock Island during 2011-12

Little Andamans
SN Location Rodent infestation (%) Nut damage (%)
1 Robindra Nagar 12.65 5.00
2 Vivekananda pur 23.50 4.76
3 Netaji Nagar 45.12 5.88
4 Ramakrishna Pur 23.50 5.00
5 Harminder Bay 65.23 5.88
Neil Island
6 Village No: 4 12.31 5.00
7 Village No:3 25.60 5.00
8 Village No:1 12.53 5.00
Havelock Island
9 Govind Nagar 5.64 4.42
10 Village No:3 15.33 4.16
11 Krishna Nagar 12.42 4.16

2.2. Rice

Rice being the second most cultivable crop is of primary agricultural importance in the
Andaman and Nicobar islands. Rodents are emerging as serious pests of rice in North, South
and Middle Andamans equivalent competition with other insect pests and crop diseases.
Rodents damage rice crop in all the stages of growth. They cut and uproot newly transplanted
seedlings. Tillers are diagonally cut normally 5-10 cm above the water level. The damage can
be easily recognized when the tillers are thickened and possess hollow tubular cross section.
Survey in paddy fields to document rodent infestation was conducted in 15 villages of South
Andaman and 3 villages of North Andaman. Fifteen villages of South Andaman were selected
for the study, were Guptapara, Mangultan, Wandoor, Calicut, Chouldhari, Ograbranch,
Colinpur, Tirur, Tushnabad, Manpur, Ferrargunj, Mitakhadi, Shaitankhadi, Wimberligunj,
Namunagar and 3 villages of North Andaman viz., Subash gram 1 & 2 and Keralapuram.
Infestation levels ranged from 3.66 to 22.50 percent and hence the problem under study is of

crucial importance. The maximum rodent infestation was observed in Chouldhari, Subhash
gram 1&2 and Colinpur village recorded minimum damage(Fig. 1 and Table 3).

Fig.1. Rodent damage in rice in Andamans during 2013

Table. 3 Rodent infestation and damage in rice fields of Andamans

S.No Villages Rodent Infestation (percent)

South Andaman
1. Guptapara 17.69
2. Mangultan 8.15
3. Wndoor 6.23
4. Calicut 4.2
5. Chouldari 22.5
6. Ograbrach 15.6
7. Colinpur 3.66
8. Tirur 10.89
9. Tushnabad 11.7
10. Manpur 3.98
11. Ferragunj 5.71
12. Mittahadi 18.22
13. Shaitanhadi 11.24
14. Wimberilygunj 7.64
15. Namunagar 5.23
North Andaman
16. Subhash gram 1 21.7
17. Subhash gram 2 20.6
18. Keralapuram 12.42


3.1. Rodent management in Coconut

A field experiment was carried out at South Andamans to evaluate the efficacy of control
methods against rodents in coconut and also to find out the best and most suitable method
which can reduce such losses. A trial was laid out in Randomized Block Design with four
treatments replicated seven times including control. Among the treatments, T1included use of
crown baiting with of rodenticidal cake, bromadiolone(0.005percent), two cakes (30-35g) were
placed on the crown of each palm, one on each side at the base of panicle bearing tender nuts,
T2 included trunk banding with aluminium sheet, T3 was trunk banding with polythene sheet
and T4was untreated control. Percent control success was calculated using the following
% rodent control success= ——x100A
A= RI of Pre-treatment
B= RI of Post-treatment
Basic observations were recorded
before imposing the treatment and from then
on monthly observations for fallen nuts were
recorded. Estimation of losses on tender nuts
was carried out based on unit count method.
The data was subjected to statistical analysis
following standard methods. The data in Fig.
4 revealed that crown baiting with bromadiolone cake (0.005 percent) was effective in
reducing rodent damage from 85.70 to 28.57 per cent followed by trunk banding with
aluminium sheet (71.42 to 42.85percent). In the present study, use of bromadiolone (0.005
percent) readymade rodenticide cakes to the palm crown was found more effective as its rodent
control success was 66.66percent whereas in case of aluminium sheet and polythene sheet
percent rodent control success was 40.0 and 33.33 per cent respectively. Crown baiting
technique with bromadiolone does not require pre-baiting and is also cost effective.

3.2. Rodent Management in Rice

A trial was laid out in paddy fields of Subash Gram I, Subash Gram II and Keralapuram villages
of North Andaman and Chouldhari village of South Andaman. Poison bait was prepared by the
mixing of 960 g of broken rice, 20 g of oil and 20 g of zinc phosphide. Pre-baiting was done
without the toxicant for two days and then 10 g poison bait was placed at the entrance.
Observations were recorded on the quantity of bait consumed by the rats and the dead rat
specimens were counted five days after treatment. On the first day all the burrows on the bunds
of rice field were closed. The following day the reopened burrows (live burrows) were
identified, counted and pre-baiting was done without toxicant for two days and later 10 g poison
bait packet @ 1 packet per burrow was placed on the third day. The following day observation
was recorded on the quantity consumption of baits by rats. Dead rat specimens were also
counted and five days after treatment, the residual live burrows were examined. A week
afterwards, re-opened burrows were observed. The same procedure was repeated and success
of rodent control was evaluated. Rodent damage showed a decline after the poison baiting in
all the study villages. In Chouldhari, about 16 dead rats were observed after zinc phosphide
treatment in the paddy fields whereas Kerala Puram, Subash Gram 1 & 2 recorded 8, 11, and
9 numbers respectively.


4.1. Rodent damage in Vegetables
In case of vegetables viz, brinjal and tomato was recorded. In case of brinjal the damage ranged
from 5.76 to 46.59 percent, whereas it was 8.26 to 33.8 percent in tomato. The survey data
revealed the predominance of Rattus species followed by squirrel in South Andaman region.
4.2. Rodent damage in storage
Rats and mice wreak havoc in storage godowns as in fields and they damage more than they
consume. Faecal pellets, animal hairs and urine stained grains of rice can cause serious health
hazards besides critically hampering consumer preference. Studies were carried out to
document different species of rodents damaging stored grains and other commodities. Three
species, viz., Rattus rattus, Mus musculus and Bandicota bengalensis were observed as major
pests of stored rice, animal feed and poultry feed. Mus sp. was the most frequently caught
species in traps laid out, indicating its predominance as a pest of stored grains and/or feed.
Nearly 10-50percent losses were recorded in storage grains.


5.1. Rattus tanezumiandamanensis
Post natal developmental observations were recorded for Rattus tanezumiandamanensis. A
litter consisted of 3-9 pups (Fig. 2 and 3).A female rat which was trapped on 27.01.2015 gave
birth to nine pups on 3.02.2015. The new born pups were reddish pink in colour. After few
hours, the colour changed to a dull shade of pink. Squealing sounds were made by pups. On
the second day onwards the ear patches and eye lobe darkened. Mother rat showed strong
maternal instincts and was found to be guarding the pups very fiercely. Even with slight
disturbance and the pups moving out of protective enclosure made by the mother with cotton,
it was observed to be picking up the pups and replacing them back. The pups developed tiny
whitish whiskers on the fourth day. The pup turned grey colour on seventh day whereas uniform
hair growth only abort night after birth by the time which pups also showed active locomotion
on the floor of the cage. They started climbing on the bars of the cage only after their eyes were
fully opened on the 20th day. One month old pups were found feeding on bread pieces in
addition to nurturing by mother. The details of Biology and morphometric studies are presented
in Table 4 and 5.

Fig.2. New born pups

Post natal development
Table .4. Biology and morphometrics studies on Rattus sp.

Parameters Duration (days)

8 11 19 29 33 44

Head length 1.16±0.05 2.68±0.06 2.96±0.12 NR NR NR

Body length 3.26±0.23 4.36±0.12 4.64±0.13 NR NR NR
Tail length 2.64±0.07 4.58±0.06 4.84±0.06 NR NR NR
Total body 7.06±0.22 11.68±0.13 12.22±0.14 NR NR NR
Fore limb NR 1.82±0.15 2.44±0.16 NR NR NR
Hind limb NR 2.4±0.11 2.82±0.09 NR NR NR
Total body 6.04±0.07 8.37±0.13 10.28±0.08 13.5±0.06 15.6±0.07 183.05±0.56

Table.5. Post- natal development of Rattus sp.
SN Parameters Duration (days)
1 Gestation Period 23
2 Date of darkening of ear lobe and eye patch 2

3 Thickening of skin and development of whiskers 4

4 Skin turning greyish pink and hair started developing all over body 7

5 Pups started moving slightly 11

6 Shiny black coloured hairs all over body and very activity feeding 15
7 Very active locomotion 17

8 Eye slightly opened 19

9 Eye fully opened 20

10 Weaning period 29

(i) Food consumption by Rattus sp. in laboratory: Laboratory experiments were

simultaneously carried out to know the grain consumption per animal. Rattus
tanezumiandamensisof uniform age was selected and the trapped rats were confined in cages
for assessing grain loss by this species. It was found that on an average each animal consumed
about 11.21 to 15.54 g of rice grains per day (Fig .4).

Fig.4. Mean daily food consumption by Rattus sp.

5.2. Monitoring spread of Bandicota bengalensis
(i) Collection of rodent specimen from rice fields: Traps were placed in experimental plots
of rice fields. A Total of six specimens were collected from traps. All the six specimens
collected from paddy fields of Andamans were identified as Bandicota bengalensis by ZSI,
Kolkata. B. bengalensis was reported as new record from Andaman Islands and the specimen
is being preserved in the institute laboratory. The lesser bandicoot rat or Indian mole rat (B.
bengalensis) is a giant rat and is a threatening pest of cereals. It emits pig like grunts when
attacking. The species is also a supposed threat to infants as a group of rats can easily attack

or even kill a lone victim. It is nocturnal and fossorial, constructs burrows with presence of
scooped soil at the burrow openings. It is a robust species nearly (1kg). Head is round, muzzle
broad and tail is shorter than head and body. Dorsum is dark brown in colour with coarse hairs.
Favours embankments in and around rice cultivation.


All the species trapped from various locations in the Islands were identified by Zoological
Survey of India, Kolkata and are preserved and maintained in the laboratory as are ference
specimen. The species include; B. bengalensis, Rattus rattus, R. palmarum, R. stoicus, and R.
burrus, R. burrescens, R. burrulus, R. burrus, Mus musculus, M. booduga and Cremnomys
Two new rodenticides viz, difencoum and flocoumafen were evaluated in coconut
orchards as part of sponsored trial from M/s BASF India Ltd during 2013-14. Studies on rodent
infestation rate and nut damage in coconut plantations were undertaken at different locations
of South Andaman district to evaluate the efficacy of two rodenticides namely the wax
block formulations of difenacoum(0.005percent) and flocoumafen (0.005percent).
Based on infestation levels, three villages namely Rangachang, Burmanallah and Calicut were
selected as these locations recorded higher rodent infestation levels and the nut damage. A
randomized block consisting of 100 trees was selected from each field and marked properly for
each rodenticide. Around 20 per cent of the infested trees were selected for the evaluation of
both rodenticides separately and 5percent of rodenticide treated tree was taken for assessment
of nut damage. A control plot was maintained separately in each village. The control census
was taken 15 and 30 days after pulsing. There was a drastic decline of rodent population and
damage in all the three villages.
(i) DIFENCOUM: The trials were conducted in two seasons. During the first season the rodent
infestation levels in Rangachang, Burmanallah and Calicut were 71percent, 78percent and
81percent, respectively and respective nut damage of 13.5, 27.51 and 19.5percent (Mean 20)
respectively. In Difenacoum(0.5 percent) treated plots, rodent infestation rate was
decreased drastically and the rodent control success after 15 days of pulsing were
84.5percent, 76.92percent and 83.95percent in three fields Rangachang, Burmanallah and
Calicut, respectively (Mean: 81.79percent), while control success in nut damage was
95.71percent, 94.91percent and 97.59percent, respectively (Mean: 96.07percent) (Table 6).
During second season trial, field survey was undertaken as mentioned earlier for
high rodent infestation and nut damage and three locations were selected ie., Calicut 1,
Calicut 2 and MaccaPahad. The results revealed that in Difenacoum(0.500percent) treated
plots, rodent infestation rate was decreased significantly and the rodent control success
after 15 days of pulsing was 70.45, 45.58 and 56.94percent in three fields Calicut-1,
Calicut-2 and Macca Pahad, respectively (Mean: 57.66percent), whereas control success in nut
damage was 87.47, 67.01 and 72.87percent in respective sites with a mean success of
75.78percent (Table 3). The average rodent control success in infestation and nut damage in

difenacoum(0.500percent) treated plots after 30 days pulsing was reduced to 37.02 and
55.87percent, respectively.

Table 6: Evaluation of Difenacoum(0.005percent) wax blocks in Coconut plantation

Period Parameters Season I (April 2013 Season II

( September 2013)
Mean of 3 Control Mean of 3 Control
treatment village treatment village
Villages Villages
Pre control Rate of 76.6 73.5 76 74
Nut damage 20 19.6 18.95 18.3
Mid control rate of infestation 14 75.2 31.3 71
Nut damage 0.81 19.1 4.14 18.1
Final control Rate of 21 72.4 46.67 72
Nut damage 1.68 21.2 7.95 19.1
Control Rate of 81.79 0 57.66 0
success after I infestation
pulsing Nut damage 96.07 2.5 75.78 0
(percent) reduction
Control Rate of 72.35 1.5 37.02 0
success after infestation
II pulsing Nut damage 91.03 0 55.87 0
(percent) reduction

Studies on rodent infestation rate and nut damage on coconut plantations were undertaken in
two seasons at different locations of South Andaman district to evaluate the bio-efficacy of
Flocoumafen (0.005percent) following similar methods as mentioned above in difencoum
The first season trial was undertaken in three villages namely Rangachang, Burmanallah
and Calicut with high rodent infestation of about 71percent, 78percent and 81percent,
respectively (Mean: 76.6percent) and with the nut damage of 12.81 to 27.51 percent (Mean:
13.82percent). The data showed in Table 4revealed that the rodent infestation and nut damage
were significantly decreased in all the three villages in the treatments when compared to
control. In Flocumafen (0.005percent) treated plots, rodent infestation rate, decreased
and the rodent control success after 15 days of pulsing were 97.18percent, 89.74percent
and 96.29percent in three fields Rangachang, Burmanallah and Calicut, respectively (Mean:
94.4percent), whereas the final control success was recorded as 99.21, 99.23 and 99.06 per cent
respectively with a mean of 99.16 per cent. In control area untreated with flocoumafen, the nut
damage was recorded as 18.8 and 17.6 respectively, while in treated blocks, the damage was
nil in the orchards.
The second season trial was undertaken at three locations ie., Calicut 1, Calicut 2
and Macca Pahad. The rate of rodent infested trees ranged from 72 to 88(mean 76) with
a nut damage ranging from 11.49 to 21.3 (mean: 16.66). The rate of infested trees came
down to 31 to 38 (Mean: 31.33percent) and nut damage to 6.16 to 7.02percent (mean
6.65). In Flocoumafen (0.005percent) treated plots, rodent infestation rate decreased
drastically and the rodent control success after 15 days of pulsing at 80.68percent,
83.82percent and 77.77percent levels (mean: 80.76)while control success on nut damage
basis was 88.89percent, 65.36percent and 87.68percent, respectively (mean: 80.64). The
average rate of infestation and nut damage incidence in flocoumafen (0.005percent) treated
plots after 30 days pulsing was recorded as 58.99percent and 56.83percent based on respective
parameters (Table 7).
Table 7: Evaluation of Flocumafen(0.005percent) wax cake in Coconut plantation

Period Parameters Season I (April 2013 Season II

( September 2013)
Mean of 3 Control Mean of 3 Control
treatment village treatment village
Villages Villages
Pre control Rate of 76.6 73.5 76.00 74
Nut damage 13.82 18.8 16.66 18.3
Mid control rate of infestation 3.66 71.9 14.67 71
Nut damage 0 17.6 2.82 18.1
Final control Rate of 13.3 73.8 31.33 72
Nut damage 0.11 17.3 6.65 19.1
Control Rate of 94.4 0 80.76 0
success after I infestation
pulsing Nut damage 100 6.38 80.64 0
Control Rate of 82.55 0 58.99 0
success after infestation
II pulsing Nut damage 99.16 7.9 56.83 0


8.1. Rodent management trainings
To create awareness, training and demonstration programmes were organised by All India
Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management and Out Reach Centre, Diglipur with the
support of NABARD in different villages of Diglipur.
The First day training was conducted in R.K.Gram in Pradhan’s office. The programme
was inaugurated by Dr. R. K. Gautam, Head, Field Crops Division at CIARI, Port Blair. The
manager, NABARD also participated in the programme where R.K. Gram village farmers
learnt rodent pest management techniques to be adopted in rice. A total of 25 farmers
participated in this training programme(Fig.5).
On the second day, two more training programmes were conducted in individual
locations one at Keralapuram, Outreach Centre and the other at Youth club, Diglipur. A total
of 56 farmers participated in this programme. All the participants were keenly interested to
learn the techniques of rodent management in rice fields.
On the third day, another training programme and field demonstration was conducted
Subhashgram village. A total of 44 farmers mainly rice growers participated in this training
programme. On the same afternoon, one another training programme was conducted at
Madhupur village where about 44 farmers participated. Thus in all the four programmes 167
farmers including 56 women were benefitted (Table 8).

ORC at Keralapuram village NABARD Manager with our teams at R. K. Gram

Fig.5. Farmers’ Training on Rodent Management

Table. 8. Details of training programme on Rodent pest management

Farmers Men Farmers Women Total
R.K.Gram 17 8 25
Keralapuram 42 14 56
Subhash Gram 28 16 44
Madhupur 24 18 42
Total 111 56 167


A survey was conducted by September 2013 in North Andamans and three villages with
severe rodent infestation were identified to conduct field experiment to evaluate the efficacy
of two rodenticides viz.,Bromadiolone cake (0.005percent) and zinc phosphide (2percent).The
experiment was conducted in the panicle initiation stage of rice crop which is most prone to
rodent attack. Live burrows were identified prior to application of treatments.
When applying zinc phosphide, two steps were followed viz., pre-baiting and poison-
baiting. Pre-baiting was done without toxicant for two days, and later on 10 g poison bait packet
@ 1 packet per burrow was placed on the third day. Poison bait was prepared by the mixing of
960 g of broken rice with 20 g oil and 20 g of Zinc phosphide. Poison baiting was repeated in
some fields where rodent activity was high. Observations on dead rats and reduced damage
levels were recorded throughout the crop growth period.

Rodent control success was calculated using the formula C-T/C x 100 where C is the
control data and T is the treatment data. The results of the experiments revealed that zinc
phosphide was highly effective when compared bromadiolone cake.
While conducting experiments, farmers were taught to use rodenticides, with stern
emphasis on the safety measures to be followed during the application of zinc phosphide and
its toxicity to domestic animals and human beings. In addition, four training programmes were
conducted to train farmers and rural youths through local youth clubs. Zinc phosphide was
supplied to the needy farmers after clearly training them the safety measures to be adopted.
Mr Kamal and Mr Shri Sukantho Bepari , residents of Subash Gram village informed
that they could get 8 bags of paddy in one bigha (0.29 ha)whereas only 6 bags could be procured
in the previous year with severe rodent infestation. He also added that he could save the long
duration paddy crop C14-8 for at least 8 months from Jun-Jul to Jan-Feb when they practiced
applying zinc phosphide. The farmers showed enthusiasm in disseminating the technology
among their friends and relatives in the farming community. This success story has inspired
several other farmers who are willingly requesting for training programmes and supply of
rodenticides. Recently zinc phosphide is being made available in 5 g and 10 g sachets in retail
Research Papers

Birah, A., Kumar, A. S. and Tripathi, R.S. 2012. Status of rodent damage to coconut in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Journal of Plantation Crops 40(3): 238-242.
Birah, A., Tripathi, R.S. and Mohan Rao, A.M.K. 2012. New report of little Indian field mouse,
Mus booduga (Gray) from Andaman and Nicobar islands. Journal of Plantation Crops
40(2): 149-151.
Birah, Zamir Ahmad, S.K., Anantharaj, A., Tripathi, R.S. and Dam Roy, S. 2014. Occurrence
of bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis in paddy fields of Bay Islands, India. Ann. Pl.
Protec.Sci.22 (1): 213-14
Birah, A. Anantharaj A. and Tripathi R. S. 2012. Rodent Diversity of Andaman and Nicobar
Islands. Sovenier National Seminar on Innovative technologies for Conservation and
Sustainable Utilization of Island Biodiversity, December 20-22, 2012, Port Blair, p52-
Birah, A., Ahmad, Z., and Tripathi, R.S. 2013. Dhan ki fasal mein Chooha Niyantran. Kheti.
September 2013: 32.
Sakthivel. K., Birah, A., Tripathi, R.S., Gautam. R.K., Singh, P.K., Ahmed, Z., Singh, A.K.,
Rao, S. S. and Dam Roy, S. 2015. Rodent menace and its management in Diglipur,
North Andaman - a success story. Journal of the Andaman Science Association. 20(1):
Popular articles
Birah, A., Zamir, S.K., Tripathi, R.S. 2013. Dhan ke fasal mein chuha niyantaran, Kheti.
September. 2013. pp. 32
Sakthivel, K., Bharathimeena, T., Gautam, R. K. and Dam Roy, S. 2014. Rodent Management
Approaches in Paddy Fields and Grain Storage Conditions. The Daily Telegram (12th
July 2014).

Radio talks

Talk delivered by Dr. R.K. Gautam, on topic “Dhan ki fasal mein chuha niyantran” . All
India Radio, Port Blair (Broadcasted on 14-10-2014).

Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair

Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)

(Rs. in lakhs)
Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

T.A. 0.09 0.53 0.67 1.29

Rec. Contingencies 1.41 1.56 1.37 4.34

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 1.50 2.09 2.04 5.63



1 Name of the center College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural

University, Pasighat-791102, Arunachal Pradesh
2 Name of Principal Dr. M. M. Kumawat, Assistant Professor
3 Name of Co- P.I. (i) Mr. Siddhartha Singh, Asstt Professor, CHF, CAU,
Pasighat and (ii) Mr. Toge Riba, Subject Matter Specialist,
KVK, District East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh
4 Date of start 01.04.2009
5 Reporting period April, 2012 to March, 2015


1. Surveillance of rodent pest rodents in predominant cropping systems.

2. Monitoring of rodent abundance and damage in selected agro-climatic zones of the region.
3. Development of integrated rodent management modules for different cropping systems.
4. Development of rodent management technologies under storage conditions.

5. Social engineering activity on rodent pests management as participatory adaptive research

in adopted villages.
6. Studies on predatory potential of barn owls and its utilization for bio control of rodent pests.
7. Collection of rodent species and development of rodent museum.
8. Monitoring of spread of Bandicota bengalensis in Arunachal Pradesh.




During 2012-13, the survey of rodent pests infesting crop fields was carried out in East Siang,
West Siang, Lower Dibang valley and Lohit districts of Arunachal Pradesh. The rainfed crops
in this region harboured the population of Rattus rattus, Rattus sikkimensis followed by
Bandicota bengalensis. The predominating cropping system was based on rice. Live burrow
count (LBC), trapping index (TI) and rodent damage (per cent cut tillers) were recorded at
tillering, flowering and ripening stages of Jhum and WRC system. The data revealed that live
burrow count, trapping index and rodent damage at different crop stages increased with the
advancement of the crop. Highest LBC (10.25), trap index (4.75) and cut tillers (2.22) were

recorded at ripening stage of the crop. LBC, TI and damage in maize crop were 5.50, 3.67 and
7.87%, respectively in the region. Likewise in vegetable crops the highest LBC was recorded
on potato followed by pea, French bean and cowpea in Jhampani village. The highest per cent
damage was recorded in cowpea (4.30%) followed by potato (2.40%) and pumpkin (1.25%)
whereas in cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, radish and French bean, the damage was between 0.50
to 2.10%. The predominating species were B. bengalensis, R. rattus and R. sikkimensis. In
pineapple, LBC/ha was 2.80 to 5.33 observed in different fields with damage percent from 1.50
to 8.87 in the region.

During 2013-14 number of live burrows/ha., trap index and damage in the month of
June were less as compared to the harvesting stage of rice crop. The number of live burrows
ha-1 increased subsequently and reached maximum in October and remained high in November
to December. The mean number of live burrows ha-1 in crop season was ranged from 3.33 to
11.33 in the region. The trap index was ranged from 1.16 to 15.84 in all three districts. The
damage percent in East Siang, West Siang and Upper Siang districts were ranged from 1.15 to
6.47, 0.82 to 2.89 and 0.74 to 3.01 respectively. In case of Jhum rice which is grown on the
onset of mansoon the number of rodent population were less but it was gradually increased
month by month. According to damage caused by rodents in rice crop, it is revealed that the
highest damage was caused in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh then to other districts.
Surveillance of rodent was also recorded on maize crop in the three districts of Arunachal
Pradesh. The highest damage (6.78%) in maize was observed in Runne village of East Siang
district followed by Tekkang village (5.59). The damage percent in West and Upper Siang
districts was comparatively lower then to East Siang. The trap index and LBC ha-1 were found
highest in East Siang district. Among the horticultural crops, highest damage (3.05 %) was
observed in potato crop in all the villages ranged from 0.66 to 3.05%. the damage percent in
cucurbits in different villages was ranged from 0.00 to 2.20%. In brinjal crop the damage was
observed only in Oyan (0.40%) and Ranni (0.10%) villages, whereas no any damage symptoms
was observed in other location. The maximum number of live burrows ha-1 (2.33) was observed
in 12 Mile village whereas the maximum trap index was recorded in Sika Tode (14.87)
followed by jampani (12.33).

Trap index, live burrow count (No./ha), extent of damage and reproductive status of the
species were recorded in wet land rice, Jhum rice, maize, potato, tomato, cabbage, bean, brinjal
and cucurbits in the surveys conducted during April, 2014 to March, 2015 in different villages
of East Siang, West Siang and Upper Siang Districts and in the instructional and research farm,
College of Horticulture and Forestry, Pasighat. In rice cultivation system, the number of live
burrows/ha., trap index and damage in the month of June were less as compared to the
harvesting stage of the crop. The LBC ha-1 increased subsequently and reached maximum in
October and remained high in November to December. The mean number of live burrows ha-1
in crop season was ranged from 1.50 to 9.75 in the region. The trap index was ranged from
1.10 to 10.25 in all three districts. The average damage percent in East Siang, West Siang and
Upper Siang districts were 2.05, 1.28 and 0.89, respectively. In case of Jhum rice which is
grown on the onset of mansoon the number of rodent population were less but it was gradually
increased month by month. According to damage caused by rodents in rice crop, it is revealed
that the highest damage was caused in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh then to other
districts. Surveillance of rodent was also recorded on maize crop in the three districts of
Arunachal Pradesh. The highest damage (4.25%) in maize was observed in Runne village of
East Siang district followed by Tekkang village (2.62). The average damage percent in maize
crop in East Siang, West Siang and Upper Siang districts were 1.65, 0.72 and 0.84, respectively.
The damage percent in West and Upper Siang districts was comparatively lower then to East
Siang. The trap index and LBC ha-1 were found highest in Upper Siang district. Among the
horticultural crops, highest damage (2.67 %) was observed in cucurbits crop in all the villages
ranged from 0.33 to 2.67%. The damage percent in potato in different villages was ranged from
0.28 to 2.56%. In brinjal crop the no any damage was observed in all the villages. The
maximum number of live burrows ha-1 (1.67) was observed in 12 Mile village whereas the
maximum trap index was recorded in Sika Tode (10.33) followed by Sika Bamin (7.87).



During the monitoring, a total 156 rodents were trapped in East Siang Districts during
2013-14, out of which maximum trapping was found in cabbage (31) followed by beans (27),
Jhum rice (24) and WRC (20). The highest trap index was recorded in jhum rice (9.25) followed
by potato (6.67) and WRC (5.67) and maize (4.67). The average sex ratio (M:F) was found
1:0.90 in the rodent population of the district. Rattus rattus was relatively more abundant
species of rodents in East Siang district. The relative per cent abundance of R. rattus was 64.74
followed by R. sikkimensis (15.38), Mus cookiinagarum (14.10) and Bandicota bengalensis
(5.77). In West Siang Districts, a total 185 rodents were trapped out of which maximum
trapping was found in WRC (37) followed by jhum rice (32), potato (24) and cabbage (22).
The highest trap index was recorded in jhum rice (8.52) followed by WRC (7.04), beans (5.00)
and potato (4.33). The average sex ratio (M:F) was found 1:0.77 in the rodent population of
the West Siang district. Rattus rattus was relatively more abundant species of rodents in West
Siang district. The relative per cent abundance of R. rattus was 72.97 followed by R.
sikkimensis (16.22), B. bengalensis (6.49) and M. cookiinagarum (4.3). The bimonthly trap
index was recorded for all the cropping systems prevalent in the region (Fig 1 and 2).

Fig. 1 Bimonthly trap index for different crops in East Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh

Fig. 2 Bimonthly trap index for different crops in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh

During 2014-15, a total 124 rodents were trapped in East Siang Districts, out of which
maximum trapping was found in potato (26) followed by beans (21), Jhum rice (20) and WRC
(15). The highest trap index was recorded in potato crop (8.67) followed by beans (7.00), jhum
rice (6.67) and WRC (5.00). The average sex ratio (M: F) was found 1:1.05 in the rodent
population of the district. Rattus rattus was relatively more abundant species of rodents in East
Siang district. The relative per cent abundance of R. rattus was 52.94 followed by R.
sikkimensis (22.65), Bandicota bengalensis (21.16) and Mus cookiinagarum (3.25). The
bimonthly trap index was recorded for all the cropping systems prevalent in the region. In West
Siang Districts, a total 91 rodents were trapped out of which maximum trapping was found in
potato crop (18) followed by jhum rice (15), WRC (13) and cucurbits (10). The highest trap
index was recorded in potato crop (6.00) followed by jhum rice (5.00), WRC (4.33) and
cabbage (3.00). The average sex ratio (M:F) was found 1:1.20 in the rodent population of the
West Siang district. Rattus rattus was relatively more abundant species of rodents in West
Siang district. The relative per cent abundance of R. rattus was 51.32 followed by R.
sikkimensis (29.27), B. bengalensis (15.60) and M. cookiinagarum (3.81). The relative
abundance of rodents in East and West Siang Districts of Arunachal Pradesh is given in the fig
3 and 4.

Fig. 3 Relative abundance (%) of rodent species in East Fig. 4 Relative abundance (%) of rodent species in
Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh


During 2012-13, the site for social engineering activity was selected at Napit, Sikbamin and
Jampani villages in East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. In adopted village (Sikabamin),
trainings, demonstration of techniques and inputs were provided to farmers, whereas in
partially adopted village (Napit), only training were provided to farmers without giving any
inputs from the project. The major cropping system in adopted village was rice based only. In
control village (Jhampani), no inputs or training were provided to farmers and data on rodent
infestation was recorded. The training on rodent control was provided in the beginning of the
crop season. The farmers of adopted village used installation of local traps from transplanting
to harvesting stage of the crop, application of zinc phosphide at panicle initiation and dough
stage of the crop.

Rodent infestation was increased gradually from tillering stage and reached upto peak
at harvesting stage of the crop. In the adopted fields, rodent infestation decreased from panicle
initiation stage of the crop. The per cent cut tillers in adopted village at PI stage was 4.20%
which increased upto 6.24% in harvesting stage, while in control village the per cent cut tillers
was 8.25% which increased up to 12.50% at harvesting stage.

KAP analysis: The questionnaire consisted of 55 questions as provided by PC cell, Jodhpur

and information were collected accordingly under the head of (i) General information, (ii)
Knowledge, (iii) Attitude and (iv) Practices. The trainings, demonstration and inputs were
supplied in adopted village whereas in partially adopted village only training is conducted. No
inputs and training was given in control village. Survey indicate that 98% of the population
was depends upon the agriculture for their livelihood. The crop grown were rice, maize,
vegetable and pineapple. Before intervention of AINP-RC in adopted village (Sikabamin),
most of the farmers depend upon installation of local traps ‘etku’ in the crop fields for the
control of rodents. After intervention, 96% farmers of adopted village reported to use of zinc
phosphide for the management. Most of the farmers (75%) did weed management on bunds
and cut the grasses near fields. In partially adopted village (Napit), 85% farmers used to trap
the rodents by installing local trap but none of the farmer used any chemical for management
practices. Some of the farmers (30%) clean the weeds in their fields. Further, in control village
(Jhampani), none of the farmer used chemicals although some farmers (60%) trapped the
rodents by installing local trap.

During 2013-14, the community level rodent control programme under social
engineering acivities was continued in three villages. The rodent campaign was organized in
the month of July, September and October, 2013. Two villages namely Napit and Balek were
selected as adopted and partially adopted villages respectively. Another village namely Taki
Lalung was kept as control village. In adopted village (Napit) both training, method
demonstration as well as inputs were supplied whereas in case of partially adopted village
(Balek) only training was provided. The major cropping system of the adopted villages was
Rice. In the beginning of the mansoon season of 2013 initial rodent population and damage
index from the villages were recorded. Then in the village Napit, rodent control measures along
with training on rodent pest management were provided. All the villagers participated in the
training programme. In the control village, no inputs or training was provided and only data on
rodent infestation were recorded. The rodent damage and population was recorded at the
beginning of the crop season followed by maximum tillering stage, panicle initiation stage and
ripening stage of the crop. Before interventions of social engineering, the LBC ha-1, trap index
and rodent damage were recorded to compare the next year data i.e. after interventions of social
engineering, trainings and knowledge.

The data indicated that rodent infestation increased gradually from tillering stage and
reached a peak during the harvesting stage of the crop. Before adoption of the villages, rodent
infestation increased from PI stage of the crop. After interventions, the LBC per hectare was
also increased from tillering stage to harvesting stage. In the adopted village LBC was 2.20 in
tillering stage and increased up to 5.40 in ripenning stage and then decreased again to 4.60 at
harvesting due to intervention in terms of application of rodenticides (Zinc phosphide and
Bromadiolone baiting. Similar trends were also observed in case of Trap Index and Cut tillers
damage. Survey indicated that more than 78 % of the population was pure agriculturists while
less than 22% had other livelihood also mainly services and small scale businessman. The
cropping system was based on rice only. Similar trends were also observed in case of Trap
Index and Cut tillers damage. The data on Practices of KAP analysis of the three villages are
presented in table1. The programme was continued during 2014-15 also in the three villages,
viz., Napit, Balek and TakiLalung in East siang district. The rodent campaign was organized
in the month of August, October and November, 2014. Survey indicated that 68.70 % of the
population was pure agriculturists while 31.30% had other livelihood also including services
and small scale business.
Table 1. KAP analysis report about practices (2013-14)

Particulars Per cent respondents

Napit Balek TakiLalung
1. Weed management
Yes 92.8 87.5 45.4
No 7.14 12.5 54.6
2. Repairing infested bunds
Yes 100 100 68.18
No 0 0 31.82
3. Management in stores
a) Metallic 0 0 0
b) Cleanliness 35.7 12.5 95.6
c) Rodent proofing 64.3 87.5 4.54
4. Washing trap
Yes 0 0 0
No 100 100 100
5. Kill predators

a) Kill 28.6 18.75 45.5
b) Not kill 71.4 81.25 54.5
6. Rodenticide use
a) Not used 71.4 68.75 100
b) Zinc phosphide 14.3 18.75 0
c) Bromadiolone 14.3 12.5 0
7. Rodenticide use
a) In burrow 7.14 31.25 0
b) Out side 21.4 0 0
c) Not used 71.4 68.75 100

Two villages namely Balek and TakiLalung were selected as adopted and partially
adopted villages respectively. Another village namely Oyan was kept as control village. In
adopted village (Balek) training, method demonstrations as well as inputs were supplied
whereas in case of partially adopted village (TakiLalung) only training was provided. The
major cropping system of the adopted villages was Rice. In the beginning of the mansoon
season of 2014 initial rodent population and damage index from the villages were recorded. In
Balek village, rodent control inputs along with training on rodent pest management were
provided. All the villagers participated in the training programme. In the control village, no
inputs or training was provided and only data on rodent infestation were recorded. In the
beginning of the crop season, the farmers adopted the rodent control measures like, installation
of local traps at PI stage and destruction of burrows. The rodent damage and population was
recorded at the beginning of the crop season followed by maximum tillering stage, panicle
initiation stage and ripening stage of the crop (Table 2). Before interventions of social
engineering, the LBC ha-1, trap index and rodent damage were recorded to compare the next
year data i.e. after interventions of social engineering, trainings and knowledge (Table 2).

The data indicated that rodent infestation increased gradually from tillering stage and
reached a peak during the harvesting stage of the crop. Before adoption of the villages, rodent
infestation increased from PI stage of the crop. After interventions, the LBC per hectare was
also increased from tillering stage to harvesting stage. In the adopted village LBC was 3.40 in
tillering stage and increased up to 4.60 in maximum tillering stage and then decreased again to
2.33 at harvesting stage due to intervention in terms of application of rodenticides (Zinc
phosphide and Bromadiolone baiting. Similar trends were also observed in case of Trap Index
and Cut tillers damage (Table 2).

KAP survey
The site for social engineering activity was selected in three villages viz.

(i) Adopted village: Napit; (ii) Partially adopted village: Balek and (iii) Control village:

Cropping system


(1) Training. (2) Method demonstration of bait preparation and application and (3) Supply of

Questionnaire consisted of 55 questions under the head

(i) General information, (ii) Knowledge, (iii) Attitude, (iv) Practices.

Survey indicated that 68.70 % of the population was pure agriculturists while 31.30%
had other livelihood also including services and small scale business. The cropping system was
based on rice only. The details of the KAP analysis is given in the Table 3,4 and 5.

Plate: Activities during social enginneering on rodent control

Conducted training in Sikabamin village Preparation of bait material

Translating lecture in local language Group of farmers in trainings

Field visit on farmers field Pineapple damage by rodents in Napit village

Table 2. Rodent activity in different villages of social engineering programmes during 2012 and 2014.

Stage of the LBC ha-1 Trap index Rodent damage (% cut tillers)
crop Balek TakiLalung Oyan Balek TakiLalung Oyan Balek TakiLalung Oyan

Year 2012 (Before farmers campaign and before adoption of villages)

Tillering stage 4.50 3.40 0.67 3.00 1.33 0.93 0.80 0.20 0.08

Max. tillering 8.90 5.60 1.33 4.00 3.33 1.25 1.90 2.46 0.92

PI stage 6.70 4.60 1.67 5.33 4.00 1.33 4.67 2.22 1.28

Ripening 4.40 5.20 1.87 8.00 12.67 4.87 5.56 5.80 2.16

Harvesting 5.10 4.80 2.00 12.33 10.00 6.33 4.30 6.60 2.90

Year 2014 (social engineering activity year)

Tillering stage 3.40 3.87 0.50 2.13 1.33 0.87 1.20 2.17 0.00

Max. tillering 4.60 2.67 0.87 3.67 4.67 1.50 2.62 4.08 0.59

PI stage 2.50 4.25 1.33 2.00 3.50 1.67 2.47 3.93 1.51

Ripening 3.75 5.00 1.87 1.87 5.13 4.25 3.23 3.66 2.04

Harvesting 2.33 5.33 2.33 5.50 4.87 5.50 2.24 2.36 2.67

Table 3. KAP analysis report about Knowledge

Particulars Balek TakiLalung Oyan

1. Damage intensity (% per cent respondents)
a) Low 17.65 20.83 52.63
b) Medium 82.35 79.17 47.37
c) High 0 0 0
2. Area of damage (% respondents)
a) Store 17.65 12.50 21.05
b) Residence 11.76 8.33 31.58
c) Field 70.59 79.17 47.37
d) other 0 0 0
3. Rodent species prevalent in village
1 species 0 0 0
2 species 0 0 0
3 species 58.82 66.67 26.32
4 species 35.29 25.00 68.42
5 species 5.88 8.33 5.26
4. Training attended:
Not any farmer attended any training before interventions in all three villages.
5. Rodent management
a) Adopted 94.12 79.17 68.42
b) Not adopted 5.88 20.83 31.58
6. Management strategy adopted
a) Mechanical 94.12 83.33 89.47
b) Cultural 5.88 16.67 10.53
c) Biological 0 0 0
d) Chemical 0 0 0

Table 4. KAP analysis report about Attitude

Particulars Per cent respondents

Balek Taki Lalung Oyan
1. Best management strategy
a) Mechanical 88.24 83.33 73.68
b) Cultural 5.88 8.33 10.53
c) Biological 0 0 0
d) Chemical 5.88 8.33 15.79
2. Success obtained
Yes 29.41 16.67 31.58
No 70.59 83.33 52.63
3. Control create more problem
Yes 5.88 12.50 15.79
No 94.12 87.50 84.21

Table 5. KAP analysis report about Practices

Particulars Per cent respondents

Balek TakiLalung Oyan
1. Weed management
Yes 94.12 70.83 57.89
No 5.88 29.17 42.11
2. Repairing infested bunds
Yes 94.12 91.67 89.47
No 5.88 8.33 10.53
3. Management in stores
d) Use of Metallic 5.88 12.50 15.79
e) Cleanliness 17.65 16.67 21.05
f) Rodent proofing 76.47 70.83 63.16
4. Washing trap
Yes 0 0 0
No 100 100 100
5. Kill the predators of rats:
c) Kill 11.76 16.67 5.26
d) Not kill 88.24 83.33 94.74
6. Rodenticide use
d) Not used 70.59 91.67 100
e) Zinc phosphide 17.65 0 0
f) Bromadiolone 17.65 8.33 0
7. Placement of rodenticide
d) In burrow 17.65 0 0
e) Out side 11.76 8.33 0
f) Not used 82.35 91.67 100


a. Collection, cataloguing and evaluation of indigenous rodent traps: In Arunachal Pradesh

various techniques of rodent control are used by different tribes. These techniques includes in
physical methods using locally available material for the control of rodent in fields. Now a days
the farmers incorporated the iron or steel wire in its traditional equipments. In indigenous traps,
the pre assessment and arrangement of rodent passage about 15 days prior to installation is
required. Once a rodent is trapped in a passage with uju and gorha traps, the same passage is
avoided by the other rodent when trapped rodent is left for a long time. Despite this, these
rodent traps are much effective and popular in Arunachal Pradesh. The rodent meat is
considered as a precious dish among all the tribal of Arunachal Pradesh for which the use of
rodenticide is not preferred. The types of local traps used by the farmers are (i) Etku which is
placed on passage of rodent in border of the field, along irrigation channels and bunds (ii)
Oddeto be installed in rodent shelter area near the field (iii) Uju trap is to be installed on a
bridge made up of bamboo stick over irrigation channel and water streams from where the
rodents are entered in the field and Gorha which is installed in passage with in the field and in
front of burrows.

b. Studies on bamboo flowering and rodent out break: Bamboo flowering in

Dendrocalamus hamiltoni was occurred in Geku circle of Upper Siang district and Korang
village of East Siang district. The flowering starts from November, 2011 and continued upto
May, 2012. Trap index and reproductive status of the rodents was recorded in flowering
affected areas. The trap index (no. of animals/100traps/night) was 12.80 in flowering affected
area where as 4.67 trap index was recorded in area which was away from flowering.

c. Monitoring of spread of Bandicota Bengalensis in Arunachal Pradesh: In East Siang

district, the B. bengalensis was observed from jhum rice, WRC, maize, cabbage fields, tomato
and cucurbits. During 2013-14, the highest relative abundance was found in maize crop
(11.11%) followed by jhum rice (8.33%) and tomato (8.33%). The population of B. bengalensis
was not found in beans and potato fields of East Siang district. B. bengalensis was more
prevalent in West Siang districts, it is found in almost all the cropping systems except cucurbits.
The highest species abundance was recorded in potato (12.5%) followed by brinjal (11.11%),
tomato (6.67%), beans (6.67%), jhum rice (6.25%), maize (5.56%), WRC (5.41%) and cabbage
During 2014-15 surveys in East Siang district further confirmed incidence of B.
bengalensis in jhum rice, WRC, maize, cabbage fields, tomato and cucurbits. The highest
relative abundance was found in maize crop (38.46%) followed by tomato (25.00%) and potato
(23.08%) in this year. In West Siang district, the population of B. bengalensis was found in
almost all the cropping systems except beans and brinjal. The highest species abundance was
recorded in cucurbits (40.00%) followed by maize (25.00%), potato (22.22%), tomato
(20.00%), WRC (15.38%), cabbage (11.11%), and jhum rice (6.67%).

d. Collection of rodent species and development of rodent museum.
During the survey and population estimation of rodent in the region, different rodent
species were collected in the laboratory. The collected specimens have been identification and
preserved in the laboratory. Identified species listed below:
a) Bandicota bengalensis (Gray)
b) Mus cookiinagarum (Thomas)
c) Rattus rattus (Linnaeus)
d) Rattus sikkimensis
e) Mus musculus
f) Red billed Squirrel, Callosciurus erythraeus
g) Hoarybellied Himalayan Squirrel, Callosciuruspyg erythrus
h) Orange bellied Himayayan Squirrel, Dremomys lokriah
i) Particolored Flying Squirrel, Hylopetesa lboniger
j) Giant Flying Squirrel, Petaurista petaurista
k) Malayan Giant Squirrel, Ratufabicolour

1. Book Published:
Singh KM, Kumawat MM, Phurailatpam A, Rao VV and Pandey AK. 2013. Birds of Arunachal
Pradesh (A compilation). College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural
University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh.

Singh KM, RK Patidar, Debashish Sen and M. M. Kumawat. 2015. Integrated Pest
Management for Sustainable Agriculture. New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi. pp. 1-232.
2. Research paper/ Article Publications:
Kumawat, M.M. and Singh K. M. 2013. Population dynamics and management of mango leaf
cutting weevil, Deporaus marginatus. Indian Journal of Entomology, 75(1): 62-67.
Singh, K. M., M. P. Singh and Kumawat, M. M., 2013. Entomophagy by the tribal communities
of North East India. Indian Journal of Entomology, 75(2): 132-136.
Kumawat M.M., KM Singh, Debashish Sen and RS Tripathi. 2013. Threatened Rodent Species
of Arunachal Pradesh. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and
Biotechnology, 6(4): 657-668.
KumawatM.M., K.M. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, TogeRiba, Siddhartha Singh &Debashish Sen
(2014): Rodent outbreak in relation to bamboo flowering in north-eastern region of
India, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2014.925828.
KumawatM.M., B.P. Mishra, Naresh Kumar and TogeRiba. 2013. Aran: A festival of
rodent hunting in Arunachal Pradesh. Rodent News Letter, 37 (3-4): 15-16
KumawatM. M. K. M. Singh, R. Patidar and R.C. Shakywar. 2014. Validation of biocontrol
based IPM technology for pest of tomato in Arunachal Pradesh. In: V.V. Ramamurthy
and S. Subramanian, Editors. Extended abstract in: National Symposium “Entomology
as a science and IPM as a Technology- the way Forward” held on November 14-15,
2014. College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat,
Arunachal Pradesh, pp. 171-172.
K. M. Singh, R. C. Shakywar and M. M. Kumawat. 2014. Integrated disease management for
late blight and bacterial wilt in potato at different locations of Arunachal Pradesh.
HortFlora Research Spectrum, 3(4): 361-364.
3. Book Chapter
K. M. Singh, M. M. Kumawat, M.P. Singh and T. K. Singh. 2013. Some important pests of
citrus and their management. In: D. Prasad and D. P. Ray (Eds.). Biotechnological
Approaches in Crop Protection. Biotech books, New Delhi, India, pp. 374-391.
Ashok Kumar and M. M. Kumawat. 2012. Biointensive Pest management in fruit crops. In:
Advances in Biopesticides for IPM in Agro-ecosystem. Directorate of Research,
PMUAT, Udaipur, pp. 194-204.
Teaching activities: Courses taught during the year are given as under:

S.N. Name of course Credit hours

1. Insect pests of fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops 3 (2+1)
3. Insect pests of vegetables, spice and ornamental crops 3(2+1)
4. Apiculture 1(0+1)
5. Fundamentals of Entomology 3(2+1)
6. Forest Entomology and Nematology 3(2+1)
7. Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest management including 3(2+1)
beneficial insects.
8. Insect Morphology and Systematics 3(2+1)
9. RHWE (Rural Horticultural Work Experience)-- B. Sc. Hort. 4th
10. FWE (Forestry Work Experience)- B. Sc. Forestry 4th year
11. Forest Protection (PG course) 2(1+1)

Central Agricultural University, Paisghat

Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15

(ICAR Share only)
(Rs. in lakhs)

Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

T.A. 0.01 0.00 0.33 0.34

Rec. Contingencies 1.14 0.98 1.80 3.92

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 1.15 0.98 2.13 4.26

Project Title: All India Network Project on Vertebrate Pest Management – Rodent Control
Name of the Centre: College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur - 680

2. Report period: 2014 - 2015

3. Scientis – in – Charge (PI):Dr. Mani Chellappan


1. Surveillance of pest rodents in predominant cropping systems; monitoring of rodent
abundance and damage in selected agro-climatic zones of the region
2. Evaluation of new and safer rodenticides
3. Social engineering activity in rodent management


Purposive and roving surveys were conducted to identify the rodent pest, population
abundance and damage in coconut, cocoa, rice and cassava fields.

1.1. Rodent pests and their damage in coconut

Coconut palm is one of the most important traditional crops of Kerala. The commonly
cultivated and indigenous varieties
are, West Coast Tall (WCT), East
Coast Tall (ECT), Lakshadweep
ordinary, Lakshadweep micro,
Chowghat Green Dwarf (CGD),
Chowghat Orange Dwarf (COD) and
hubrids viz., WCTxCGD and
WCTxCOD. Rodents are a serious
problem in coconut (Fig 1-
2).Preliminary observations revealed
Fig.1.Coconut damage by rodents
that the differences in varieties do not
make any changes in preference pattern for
rodents irrespective of variations in quality and other properties of the kernel or volume of
water inside the coconut.

Two types of damage were recorded in coconut viz., damage to the nursery nuts and the
other is on the crown of the palm. In the former case, the nuts were uprooted and the cabbage
was completely eaten away by the rodents. In the latter
case, the nuts right from the age of two to three weeks to
the matured ones was damaged. Typically the damage on
the nuts consisted of a single ragged-edged bore hole
through the pericarp at the proximal end and in rare cases,
at the distal end of the nut. The damaged nut eventually
dropped in a span of three to seven days. Damage was
severe in coconut gardens where the leaves of palms
Fig.2. Coconut of various
touched each other. Damage to nuts was not even and
stages damaged by rodents
confined to five to twelve per cent of palms in the
garden. Indian mole rat, Bandicota indica, Indian tree
rat, Rattus rattus wroughtoni and coconut rat R. r. rufescens caused the damage to the nuts in
the nursery and on the crown.

1.2. Rodent pest of cacao

Both rats and squirrels attack cocoa pods. Fully ripened pods were
damaged more than the unripened ones. Rodents damage the
epicarp of the pods by making hole and fish out the seeds along
with the mucilaginous pulp; eat the sweet pulp and discard the seeds
(Fig.3-4). Damage was more in the mixed farms where cacao plants
intermixed with areca nut, pepper and rubber. Preliminary
observations revealed that the damage was primarily due to three
Fig.3.Damage by
stripped squirrel, Funambulus palmarum during day time and rat,
Rattus rattus in the night. Squirrel damage was more in hybrid
cacao plants (up to 54%). Varieties viz., Trinitario and criolla, the
damage was negligible. Compared to squirrel, rat damage was low
(30% on hybrids).

1.3. Rodent pest of rice

Rat damage to rice started in the nursery itself. The sprouted seeds Fig.4. Damage by Rats
were eaten away by the field mouse, Mus booduga, House rat,
Rattus rattus, lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis and
larger bandicoot rat, Bandicota indica in the upland rice fields in Palakkad district. Tiller
cutting was observed in isolated fields.

1.4. Rodent pest of cassava

Cassava or tapioca is one of the widely grown staple
food of Kerala. Rodent infestation is one of the major
problem in cassava cultivation (Fig.5). Rats viz., lesser
bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis and larger
bandicoot rat, Bandicota indica extensively damage the
cassava tubers. Regular field surveys were conducted
to observe the rodent activity and observations viz.,
signs of rodent damage to cassava plants, number of
Fig.5.Rodent damage in Cassava
tubers lost per plant, etc. Maximum damage was recorded in cassava field where the crop was
cultivated as intercrop in coconut plantations. The mean damage recorded was 28.0 per cent
whereas the crop grown as mono-crop, the damage was 12.0 per cent.


2.1. Preliminary trial on rodent management in coconut

Trials in standalone coconut palms, plastic sheet stem banding of 60 cm width, at a height of
2-3m prevented the upward movement of rats from ground to crown (Fig.6).Along with the
stem banding, crown cleaning and bromadiolane (Fig.7) cake(0.005%) placement on the stem
as well as on crown had resulted in significant reduction in nut damage over a period of six
weeks (Table 1).

Table 1. Effect of rodent management measures on mean nut damage in coconut (Pooled

Mean number of fallen nuts / palm/week before and after the treatment application
Location %
Mean nut
Particulars Mathil SNP Perinj Kaipama Reduct
fall count
akom uram anam ngalom ion

Pre count (before rodent

5.0 5.9 4.7 4.7 4.85 0.0
management treatment)
Observations after imposing rodent management treatment
I week 2.1 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.09 77.6
II week 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.33 93.3
III week 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.25 94.8
IV week 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 96.9
V week 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.15 96.9
VI week 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.18 96.4
Weekly Mean damage 0.68 0.18 0.32 0.23 0.36
Mean per cent damage
86.40 96.90 93.20 95.10 92.60 92.6

Fig.6. Coconut trunk banding Fig 7. Bromadiolone cake
placement on coconut trunk

2.2. Preliminary trial on rodent management in Cacao

Harvesting ripened pods daily and removing the remnants of damaged pods regularly
discouraged the rodents to damage cacao pods. Cutting of branches which touch other plants
also reduced the damage by rodents. Spraying fish oil rosin soap (FORS 1.5%) and neem seed
extract (0.5%) also deterred the rodents. Further studies are in progress.


In coconut plantations of Mathilakom Block areas near Kodungalloor in Thrissur District,

Kerala had a problem of unusual nut falling. It was alleged to be due to bat feeding as reported
by the farmers.After ascertaining the causal agent, a frontline action research and
demonstration was organized by the KAU personnel employing a user friendly technique of
specially designed self-sticking polythene bands tied around the trunks at the ground level
which yielded good results in reducing the nut damage.

Four frontline demonstrations were organized in four panchayats, viz., Mathilakom,

Kodungalloor, Perinjanam and Kaipamangalom areas in Mathilakom Block jurisdiction. A
block level meeting was organized for the aggrieved farmers from all the Krishi Bhavan areas
in the Block Panchayat and reviewed the situation about the causal agent and their role in the
present crisis. Four numbers of homestead plots were selected by the farmers themselves based
on the severity of the nut damage. The co-operating farmers for the frontline research
demonstrations were nominated to represent the four panchayat areas in the block jurisdiction.
Ten numbers of severely affected palms with serious nut fall along with nut boring damage
were selected from each homestead farms and were subjected to integrated management

1. Manual disinfestations by cleaning and sanitizing the coconut crowns

2. Plastic sheet wrapping of 45 cm width at a height of 1.5 m above the ground level to prevent
the climbing access of rodents from below with specially designed sticky polythene sheet
3. Application of bromadiolone (0.005%) bait cakes in the crown as well as tied up on the
The experiment was executed and observations on further nut fall were made at weekly
intervals consecutively for two months. Observations were taken on the cumulative number of
freshly fallen coconuts with boring marks of uniform nature irrespective of the nut size at
weekly intervals since the treatment application. The pre-treatment counts were considered
based on the mean total number of the freshly fallen nuts during the prior week before the
application. The night observations on the activity in the crown region of coconut palms
revealed that the currently experienced economic loss of coconut with widespread nut fall was
primarily due to the rodent depredations followed by bats as a secondary causal agent. The rat,
Rattus rattus, rufescence was identified as primary pest followed by the flying foxes.

Analysis of the data from the respective sites in all the four panchayats as well from the
pooled mean data revealed that the nut fall was significantly reduced by tree banding and the
bait cake application. There was an average damage of 4.85 nuts per palm per week before the
treatment application with the highest level of 5.9 at SN Puram and 4.7 each at Perinjanam and
Kaipamangalam. Within one week after the treatment itself the mean number of damaged nuts
dropped down to 1.085 nuts /palm. From II week on wards, the percentage reduction of damage
increased above 93 per cent reaching to about 96 per cent reduction after the VI week.

This data evidentially highlighted the importance of the mechanical exclusion

principles to prevent the access of the climbing rodents onto the palms to reach the crown for
tender nut damage by boring into the tender nuts and the consequent fall of the same. The
potential of the bromadiolone bait cakes applied in the crown as well as fastened around the
tree trunk below might have also played their role in reducing the population of the rodents and
consequent low nut damages.


Actual expenditure for the FY 2012-13 to 2014-15
(ICAR Share only)
(Rs. in lakhs)

Head/ Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total

Pay & Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

T.A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Rec. Contingencies 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.99

NRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.99


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