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Term Paper on

MIS System in Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL)

Submitted to

Dr. M. Jahangir Alam

Faculty, MBA Program

BRAC University

Submitted by

Debasish Dey 18264046

Aurony Alam 18364004

Umme Kulsum 18264030

Zarrin Masud 18364005

ITS 510, Sec 2

Date of Submission- December 3, 2018

Letter of Transmittal
3rd December, 2018

Dr. M. Jahangir Alam

Faculty, MBA Program

BRAC University

Subject- Submission of Project Report

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you with great pleasure that we have prepared our project report on “MIS system
of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL)” which was assigned to us as a
requirement to complete this course. We have tried our best to prepare an effective and credible
report considering the constraints. We have always enjoyed making this report convenient for
anybody who might read it for reference.

We are thankful for your kind inspiration, cooperation, endurance and suggestions regarding this
report. We will be pleased to clarify any query regarding this report whenever necessary.

Yours Sincerely,

Debasish Dey

Aurony Alam

Zarrin Masud

Umme Kulsum

MBA Program, BRAC University

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Firstly, we would like to thank Almighty GOD for the strength and abilities to complete this report

Secondly, we would like to thank our course instructor Dr. M. Jahangir Alam, whose patience and
support has helped us to successfully complete this report. When we selected our topic, he was
kind enough to guide us throughout the process.

Lastly, we would want to thank Farzana Azad Rupa, Head of HR Admin of Haji Ahmad
Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) giving us for her valuable time for conducting the
interview. Her advice and guidance helped us to make this report more fruitful.

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Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Background Study ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Importance of MIS in general- ..................................................................................................................... 7
Objective of the study .................................................................................................................................. 8
Broad objective ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Specific objective ...................................................................................................................................... 8
About the organization: ............................................................................................................................... 8
Elements of Information Management System of HABSL: ....................................................................... 10
Computer Hardware: .............................................................................................................................. 10
Computer Software:................................................................................................................................ 11
Communication computer network: ...................................................................................................... 13
Data: ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Procedures: ............................................................................................................................................. 13
People: .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Users: ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
OUTPUTS provided by the MIS of this organization: ................................................................................ 15
Summary Report: .................................................................................................................................... 15
On Demand Report: ................................................................................................................................ 16
Limitations .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 17
References .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................................. 19

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Executive Summary

This reports aims at to discuss briefly the MIS System of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited
(HABSL). Financial sector is playing an important role to the development of capital markets in
our country. Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited is one of the founder members of the Dhaka
Stock Exchange having been established in 1956 and it is also one of the first full-service brokerage
companies in Bangladesh. It has branches in Dhaka and Chittagong and with an experienced team
of professional traders, they offer the best trade execution to the clients.

The first part of this report provides a background study, introduction regarding MIS, and
importance of MIS in general. The next part of the report contains organizational background or
organizational history, objective of the study. The next part contains the details of MIS system in
HABSL including hardware, software, communication network, and data and so on. Next, the
output and analysis part are discussed. The fifth chapter covers my recommendation and
observation based on the survey results findings. The next part covers the report with some of the
limitations. Next part covers our conclusion and recommendation based on the findings and output
of the organization. Lastly, the reference shows the sources we used to prepare this entire report.

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Background Study

A management information system provides the data to identify non-performing areas of an

organization and leads to better business productivity and efficiency, better decision making, better
communication and better data and better knowledge of customer needs. It is a managerial decision
making tool. The goals and objectives of MIS are the products of business goals and objectives. It
helps indirectly to pull the entire organization in one direction towards the corporate goals and
objectives by providing the relevant information to the organization. The role of the MIS in an
organization can be also compared to role of heart in the body. The information can be said as
blood and the MIS is as heart. In the body the hearts plays the role of supplying pure blood to all
the elements of the body including the brain. The heart work faster and supplies more blood when
needed. It regulates and controls the incoming impure blood, processed it and sends it to the
destination in the quantity needed. It fulfills the needs of blood supply to human body in normal
course and also in crisis. The MIS plays exactly the same role in the organization. The system
ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed and send further
to all the needy destinations. The system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an
individual, a group of individuals, the management functionaries: the managers and top

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MIS is defined as a system based on database for the purpose of providing information to the
management and help them make decisions for smooth running of operational activities of the
organization. Academically, the term is commonly used to refer the information management
method tied to the automation or support of human decision making e.g. decision support system,
expert system and executive information system. MIS is a computerized business processing
system generating information for the people in the organization to meet the information
needs decision making to achieve the corporate objective of the organization. In any organization,
small or big, a major portion of the goes in data collection, processing, documenting it to the
people. Every individual in an organization is continuously looking for some information which
is needed to perform his/her task. Hence, the information is people oriented and it varies with the
nature of the people in the organization. Quality of information is assured in terms of relevance,
accuracy, timeliness, structure, consistency, validity and completeness. From customer
relationship management (CRM) systems handling the day to day interactions with clients and
prospects, to financial systems issuing invoices and paying bills, day to day working life is
increasingly controlled by these systems that dictate what to do and how.

MIS use mathematical and graphical model by which the management can understand the current
scenarios and make decisions for the future. The system ensure that appropriate data is collected
from the various sources, processed and send further to all the needy destinations. MIS plays the
role of information generation, communication, problem identification and helps in the process of
decision making for management, administration and operations of an organization.

MIS functions include improving decision making quality of management, improving efficiency
and productivity and providing better connectivity and share information with others in the
organization. Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities limited (HABSL) collect their background
information from their corporate office to improve the decision making quality of management,

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make the take easier for employees to improve their efficiency and share those information with
employees to ensure better connectivity and better decisions within the organization.

To facilitate the management decision making at all levels of company, the MIS must be
integrated. The top management of company should play an active role in designing, modifying
and maintenance of the total organization wide management information system. MIS is important
because all businesses have a need for information about the tasks which are to be performed.
Information and technology is used as a tool for solving problems and providing opportunities for
increasing productivity and quality. However, challenges still remain in the selection analysis and
interpretation of the information that will further improve decision making and productivity.

Importance of MIS in general-

Management Information System is used for gathering information from various sources after
compilation gives readable reports. Supply Chain managers use Information Management System
for getting reports from the information obtained from various stages. Nowadays Management
information System depends a great deal on technological advancements with modern
computational methods.

The main goal of Management Information System is done with the purpose of making the
decisions more efficient. Through Management Information System data from various sources is
converted into a format for preparation of reports for helping decision making process through in
depth analysis.

Management Information System can do the analysis of any kind of information. Economics
related data can be taken and assigned to various departments in an organization through MIS.
Preparation of timelines from the production line and quality-related data can be analyzed through
management information system. Managing schedules by staff and working shift arrangement also

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can be done through Management Information System. Editing information and communication is
also possible with management information System.

Objective of the study

Broad objective
The general objective of preparing this report is to describe the MIS status of Haji Ahmad Brothers
Securities limited (HABSL).

Specific objective
 To give an overview of HABSL

 To identify MIS system of HABSL.

 To conclude with some findings and some possible recommendations for improving those
areas to make MIS System more effective.

About the organization:

Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) was established in 1956. HABSL is one of the
founder members of the Dhaka Stock Exchange. Besides, they are one of the first full-service
brokerage companies in Bangladesh. Their registered office is at Khatunganj, Chittagong.


The Late Haji Isa Dada the father of Mr. Iqbal Dada was the founder of the business, Dada Limited.
In the 1940's Dada Limited took part in the Trading of Commercial Goods with a business network
covering the entire sub-continent and South East Asia. These trading activities shifted the name of
Haji Ahmad Brothers under the leadership of Ahmad Dada and Iqbal Dada. Haji Ahmad Brothers
used to handle one third of total Imports the Commercial items in Khatungonj, Chittagong.

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We aim to provide the best service with a high degree of professionalism that is why we are
constantly looking for ways to become the leading provider of competitive, efficient and reliable
services in the capital market.

Major Activities:

To improve their performance they continuously conduct daily meetings with all the traders before
trading begins to update them with the latest information regarding market trends, new regulations,
client relations etc. Besides that, they conduct weekly meeting as well with their employees to
summarize the weekly activities and update all the departments. Added that, they conduct monthly
meeting with upper level management in the form of an inter-active discussion, this results in better
team work, higher motivation and as a result of this process they have significantly improved their
performance and client services. HABSL consists of over 40 highly educated and technically
qualified staff. This company has five departments which aid them to run the trading activities.
They are-

 Administration.
 Information Technology (IT).
 Accounts.
 Trading Department.

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Elements of Information Management System of HABSL:

There are six components of information management system. They are-

 Computer Hardware
 Computer Software
 Communication Computer Network
 Data
 Procedures
 People

Computer Hardware:
Computer hardware is the physical technology that works with information. Hardware includes
the peripheral devices that work with computers, such as keyboards, external disk drives, and
routers. Basically, hardware is the physicals parts of the computer system. Hardware that are used
in HABSL are-

 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Random Access Memory (RAM)

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 Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
 Motherboard
 Video Card
 Network Card
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Printer
 Monitor
 Scanner
 Router

Computer Software:
Computer software consists of computer instructions. Software is build according to the
instructions given by the user. Without software, the hardware wouldn't be very useful. Software
tells the hardware how to function. It gathers, organizes and manipulates data and carries out
instructions. Everything we do using a computer is done by the software. Computer systems divide
software into three major classes:

I. System Software: System software is a computer program to run a computer’s hardware

and application programs. System software is the interface between hardware and user
application. The most known example of system software is operating system (OS). Haji
Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) uses windows 10 operating system as their
system software.
II. Programming Software: Programming software is a program or set of programs which
helps the software developers by assisting them in creating, debugging and maintaining
other programs and applications. Programming software is a sub-category of system
III. Application Software: It is selected based on the structure of our working style and
infrastructure of our information system. There are two types of software:
1. General purpose: the basic software which is basically used in every organization such

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as MS office, Windows etc.
2. Specific purpose: basically the software to maintain the information system the trade is
BLUECHIP system to maintain and keep record of every work in the company for trading
purpose, those software’s are bought from a It firms. And another software is FLEXTP to
do trade. It is bought from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).


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Communication computer network:

The communication network of the organization is the system running inside the Haji
Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) through a network. Such as the server
system inside of the particular organization between all the computers with the LAN
network. The inter communicating software’s installed in the PC using inside the

The information system as particular information’s which helps the organization to make
plan and reserve the records over the years, those are called data which can be Digital and
analog communication, Transmission modes, serial and parallel communication, packet
switching, circuit switching and message switching Network models: OSI and TCP/IP
model, OSI vs TCP etc.

The rules and regulations to run the organization in a proper corporate level and maintain
the environment in a corporate manner. The routine of the working hours along with
maintaining the work-life balance, such as the attendance and the performance based on
month etc.

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Basically people of the organization are mainly the stock market traders and the supporting
staffs are mainly from same sector.

The basic users of the Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) are 3 types, those

1. Traders: Traders are main income source of brokerage house and they are linked with
the organization by trading between the traders and the organizations.
2. Human Resources: this is the sector where these are the employees which controls the
whole structure of the organization and maintain the organization completely.
3. Accounts: This is the sector where employees of the organization controls the financial
structure of the organization and helps to modify the company’s financial health.

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OUTPUTS provided by the MIS of this organization:
Summary Report:
As summary report aggregate data by accounting periods, geographic regions, business units or
product categories. This report consolidate information in a format that makes it easier for high
level management to take decision and analyze.

For example, here is the balance sheet comparing two years.

Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited

Statement of Financial Position
As on June 30, 2018

Amounts in Taka
Particulars Notes 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17
Non-Current Assets:
Property, Plant and Equipment 15,867,287.00 18,486,715.00
Membership Value 72,151,060.00 72,151,060.00
88,018,347.00 90,637,775.00

Current Assets:
Receivable from DSE 3,188,815.00 6,620,508.00
Receivable from Clients 34,833,938.00 33,659,882.00
Investments in Quoted Securities 1,128,876.00 72,515.00
Advances and Deposits 74,852,157.00 86,284,209.00
Cash and cash equivalents 207,979,101.00 108,234,829.00
221,982,887.00 234,871,943.00
Total Assets 410,001,234.00 325,509,718.00

Equity and Liabilities

Share Capital 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00
Revaluation Reserve on Demutualization 69,151,060.00 69,151,060.00
Retained Earnings 111,974,050.00 104,490,315.00
Total Equity 231,125,110.00 223,641,375.00

Current Liabilities:
Payable to DSE 6,559,208.00 1,072,197.00
Payable to Clients 60,383,774.00 87,714,351.00
Bank Overdraft - 95,874.00
Provision for Taxation 9,481,068.00 11,039,612.00
Liabilities for Expenses 2,452,074.00 1,946,309.00
Total Current Liabilities 78,876,124.00 101,868,343.00
Total Equity and Liabilities 410,001,234.00 325,509,718.00

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On Demand Report:
On demand report provide specific information as and when needed. The content of these reports
depends on the circumstances and the requesting managers requirements. These reports can be in
a custom format or in one of the regular summary or trend formats.

For examples, a business owner might want to know how her business is doing this year.


Monthly Profit & Loss Accounts from July 2017 to June 2018

Particulars All Branch

Turnover (Crore) 13,287,705,732

Commission per Tk. 100/- 0.36
Income A/c
Commission Income 47,881,674
Interest on margin 4,423,898
Others income 4,034,626
Common Charges 2,940,000
Branch Profit - Banani 1,532,758
Branch Profit - Mirpur 3,450,077
Branch Profit - New DOHS 284,400
Branch Profit - Panthapath 1,585,119
Sub-Total 66,132,551
Expense A/c
Laga (3,322,716)
AIT (6,643,843)
Rent & Service Chg. with VAT (5,801,374)
Remuneration (3,150,625)
Salary & Allowances (14,249,551)
CDBL Charges (1,405,392)
Agent & Traders Comm. (2,473,259)
Common Charges (2,940,000)
Provision for negative equity (1,171,087)
Others (13,171,060)
Sub-Total (54,328,907)

Earnings before income tax 11,803,644

Income tax on other income (1,830,863)
Earnings before capital fund 9,972,781
Capital fund adjustment (532,892)
Net Earnings 9,439,889

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To do this project we have faced several difficulties.

First of all the management of Haji Ahmed Brothers Securities Limited did not want to share any
of their information with us. We have to go to them, make them understand several times and
assure them that out project will not hamper their company or MIS system.

Secondly, they have agreed to let us use their company name for our project, was very rigid in
terms of sharing information.

Thirdly, we did not find a developed and updated MIS system in Haji Ahmed Brothers Securities

Despite all of the lacking’s and difficulties we managed to do this project successfully.

There is no doubt that Haji Ahmed Brothers Securities Limited is one of the popular brokerage
house in Dhaka city. However, there are some improvements we would like to see in the
management system of Haji Ahmed Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL).

1. As it is a renowned brokerage house they should maintain client service much more
2. Employees should put more focus on clients’ facility.


The main objective was doing this project is to know the Management Information System of Haji
Ahmed Brothers Securities Limited. Whether this organization has a MIS system or not and if it
has then what are the improvement needed to do to the system of this organization. With proper
software for the customers complain and feedback management is better able to improve their
customer service and design more effective marketing and promotional offers to invest as new
potential clients. A decent Management information system also supports to keep track about the
employee’s productivity.

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1. Founders and owners of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL)?
2. How the journey was started?
3. How many branches of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) are there
currently? Are you planning to expand in other areas also?
4. Who is the manager and operations in charge of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited
5. Does Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) has any management body? If
yes, then who are they? Their names and positions in the management body? Any
organogram chart?
6. How many employees and staffs are currently working on Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities
Limited (HABSL) (all branches)?
7. Which software Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) use for TRADE?
8. Which computer application/s are regularly used for data entry?
9. Hardware/s that are property of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) (such
as- desktop, printer, mouse etc.) and their respective brand names?
10. Reports used by Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL)? Such as- Summary
reports, Exception reports (unusual condition/s) On-demand reports.
11. Income statement and balance sheet report of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited
(HABSL), if possible please provide?
12. Decision making process of Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL) by the
upper management, if possible to provide?

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Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Limited (HABSL)

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