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This tutorial has 20 lessons about projects, points, labels, surfaces, volumes, and alignments.

You can work through these lessons sequentially, or you can do one lesson at a time. Every lesson, except for
the first one, has a tutorial drawing and an accompanying dataset.

Click at the top of this tutorial window to move to the next task.


n You'll use the Land Desktop 2004 menu palette when working with all of these lessons. The quickest way
to load the Land Desktop 2004 menu palette is to type MLD and press ENTER at the command line.

n You can close the Project Workspace (dockable window on the left of the AutoCAD screen) because it is
not used in the tutorial.

n The tutorial window stays on top as you work with Autodesk Land Desktop.

If you do not want the tutorial window to stay on top, select Options Keep Help on Top Not On Top.

n Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these project
files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004 folder when
starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can be followed properly.

LESSON 1: Working with Projects

One of the first requirements of working with Autodesk Land Desktop is that your drafting and designing
environment (your drawing file) must be linked to a project. A project is simply a storage area for a drawing's
associated data, which can include points, surfaces, alignments, pipes, parcels, and survey observations.

Project data is not stored in the drawing, but in separate folders on your system.


1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

3 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these project files
can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004 folder when
starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can be followed properly.


Start a new drawing and create a new project to store associated data.

1 On the File menu, click New to display the New Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

2 Enter Lesson_1 for the Name.

3 In the Project and Drawing Location section, verify that Project Path list displays \Land Projects 2004\,
and then click Create Project to display the Project Details dialog box.

4 In the Initial Settings for New Drawings section, from the Prototype list, select Default (Meters).

5 In the Project Information section, enter Project_1 for the Name.

6 Enter Project for Exploring Land Desktop Startup for the Description and Training for the Keywords.

7 In the Drawing Path for this Project section, verify that Project "DWG" Folder is selected.

8 Click OK to return to the New Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

9 In the Select Drawing Template section, from the Template list, select aec_m.dwt.

10 In the Project and Drawing Location section, verify that the Project Name list displays Project_1 and the
Drawing Path list displays \Land Projects 2004\ Project_1\dwg\.

11 Click OK to create the new drawing and project.



1 As the Create Point Database dialog box is displayed, verify that the Point Description Field Size is 32

There is an additional field in the point database for point names, which stores alphanumeric point numbers or
unique point names that may be used interchangeably with point numbers in many point commands. The point
number field for the point database is still the primary field by which points are sorted and grouped.

2 Select the Use Point Names check box, and then verify that the Point Name Field Size is 16 characters.

3 Click OK to continue.



1 As the Load Settings dialog box is displayed, verify that the Path is \Program Files\Land Desktop

2 In the Load a Drawing Setup Profile section, from the Profile Name list, select m500.set (Metric, 1:500),
and then click View to display the View Drawing Setup Profile dialog box.

The coordinate zone, text style, and drawing border listed need to be changed for this drawing, so in the
following steps you will make the appropriate edits to the drawing setup.

3 Click OK to return to the Load Settings dialog box, and then click Load to load the m500 setup profile.

4 Click Next to display the Units dialog box and verify the units settings.

5 Click Next to display the Scale dialog box and verify the scale settings.

The horizontal drawing scale affects block insertion and the size of text that is automatically created. The vertical
drawing scale controls only the default vertical exaggeration of profiles and cross sections created by Autodesk
Civil Design.

6 Click Next to display the Zone dialog box.

7 From the Categories list, select UTM, NAD 83 Datum, and then from the Available Coordinate Systems
list select UTM with NAD 83 Datum, Zone 11, Meter; Central Meridian 117d W.

8 Click Next to display the Orientation dialog box and verify the orientation settings.

9 Click Next to display the Text Style dialog box, from the Style Set Name list, select mleroy.stp, and then
click Load to load the mleroy text style.

10 From the Select Current Style list, select L100.

11 Click Next to display the Border dialog box.

12 In the Border Selection section, select Scaled Block, and then in the Custom Block section, click Browse
to display the Select a Custom Block dialog box.

13 From the list select pm_841x594.dwg, and then click Open to return to the Border dialog box.

14 Click Next to display the Save Settings dialog box.

If this is a drawing setup that you would like to use on a regular basis, enter a profile name and save the setup.

15 Click Finish to complete the drawing setup process.

16 As the Finish window is displayed, verify your final drawing settings, and then click OK.

Your drawing is now set up with the correct parameters.


Take a look at the project directory structure with Windows Explorer.

1 Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Land Projects folder.

2 Expand the Land Projects 2004 folder to view the separate project folders.

3 Expand the Project_1 folder to view the separate folders that store different types of project data.

All point data is contained in the cogo folder, including Microsoftâ database (.mdb) files for point groups,
description keys, and user-defined external data references.

The dwg folder contains the drawing files associated with the project and the .dfm files (which are ASCII text
files that contain default drawing settings).

The survey folder is where raw files downloaded from data collectors are stored, as well as field book,
observation database, and traverse adjustment files. This folder is empty until you use Autodesk Survey to
populate the folder with these files.

Additional folders are automatically created when you use Autodesk Land Desktop to work with surfaces (dtm),
alignments (align), parcels (lots), and volumes (er).

Additional folders are automatically created when you use Autodesk Civil Design to work with pipes (pipewks),
hydrology (hd), and sheet manager (cd).

This concludes the project creation lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about changing the project settings.


Copy projects to use project data with other drawings. Change drawing settings to specify new annotation,
object creation, and calculation defaults.


1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

3 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004 and then click Load.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files in another
location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these project files
can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004 folder when
starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can be followed properly.


A portion of the Lesson-2 tutorial drawing must be worked on as a separate project. Since some of the
important data is not stored in the drawing but is stored in the project files, a copy of the project is required.

You can not copy an active, current project. To copy a project, start a new session of Autodesk Land Desktop
and, before starting a named drawing or associating it with a project, open the Project Management dialog
box and use the Copy option.

1 From the Projects menu, click Project Manager to display the Project Management dialog box.

2 In the Project section, from the Name list, select Tutorial1, and then click Copy to display the Copy
dialog box.

3 In the Copy Project To section, enter TutorialC for the Name.

4 Enter Building site - Northwest corner for the Description, and then click OK.

The copied project has the same directory structure as the original project, with the same files populating
each folder.

5 As an AutoCAD message dialog box is displayed, click Yes to change the project association and to
return to the Project Management dialog box.

6 Click Close to close the Project Management dialog box.


7 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

8 From the Project Name list, select TutorialC, from the Select Project Drawing List, select Lesson-2.dwg,
and then click OK.


Change the horizontal drawing scale and see how text height is affected. At the current horizontal scale of
1:500, the 2MM text style is 1 drawing unit high. The plot scale for a 1:500 scale drawing is 2 with plotting
units in millimeters. This results in 2MM text style being plotted with a 2 mm height.

1 On the command line enter ST to display the Text Style dialog box.

2 From the Style Name list, select 2MM, in the Font section, enter 1 for the Height, click Apply,

and then click Close to continue.


3 On the Projects menu, click Drawing Setup to display the Drawing Setup dialog box.

4 Click the Scale tab, in the Drawing Scale section, from the Horizontal list, select 1:1000, and then click

5 On the command line, enter ST to display the Text Style dialog box.

6 Verify that the height of the 2MM text style is 2, and then click Cancel to continue.

The plot scale for a 1:1000 scale drawing is 1 with plotting units in millimeters. Again, this results in 2MM text
style being plotted with a 2 mm height. The appropriate scaling of text styles occurs with all text styles that
you use when working with Autodesk Land Desktop.

Use the following steps to change the precision of elevation values to 1.

7 On the Projects menu, click Drawing Setup to display the Drawing Setup dialog box.

8 Click the Units tab. In the Display Precision section, from the Elevation list, select 1, and then in the
Samples section verify the change to the sample elevation value.

This change affects all future elevation values in this drawing, including point marker elevation text.


9 Click the Orientation tab. In the Base Point section, click Pick, and then use a Node Osnap to select
point number 10 for the Base point.

10 As the Drawing Setup dialog box is displayed again, in the Northing and Easting section, enter

5000 for the Northing and 5000 for the Easting.

11 In the North Rotation section, enter 13.2450 for the Angle, and then click OK.


12 As an AutoCAD message dialog box is displayed, click OK to continue.


13 On the Utilities menu, click Symbol Manager to display the Symbol Manager dialog box.

14 Verify that COGO Symbols is displayed in the Symbol Set list. From the Palette list select Details, select
North Arrow, and then click OK.

15 Specify an insertion point for the north arrow, the press ENTER to accept the default, Magnetic, for
the description.

Click here to see an illustration of the north arrow.

No rth Arrow

Editing Drawing Settings


1 On the Projects menu, click Edit Drawing Settings to display the Edit Settings dialog box.

2 Verify that the Program list displays Autodesk Land Desktop.

3 From the Settings list, select Geodetic Labels, and then click Edit Settings to display the
Geodetic Annotation Settings dialog box.

4 In the Line Annotation section, in the Az column, clear the Grid and Ground check boxes.

5 In the Suffix column, enter m for the Grid, Ground, and Geodetic suffixes.

6 In the Distance Unit column, select METERS from the Grid, Ground,


Points objects represent existing or proposed points in Land Desktop. Their appearance in the drawing and
their interaction with AutoCAD commands can be controlled by point settings.

Point objects have the following characteristics:

n Points can appear at their actual elevation or at a fixed elevation.

n Points are saved to an external database.

n Points have markers and text; both have styles that can be modified. Points can also be labeled using
a label style.

n Markers and text can have either relative or absolute sizes controlling their appearance in the

n Point text can be separated from its associated point marker by grip editing, with a leader
automatically generated to graphically link the marker and text.

n Point descriptions can be either raw (point database) or full (as specified by the description key).

n Point text appears on the same layer as the point marker, but the visibility of the text is controlled by
individual settings.

n Point coordinate display in dialog boxes can be specified as Northing/Easting, Easting/Northing, x,y, or

n The AutoCAD UNDO command works with point objects.

n Point objects align with the World UCS.


1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files in
another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select Lesson-
3.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these project files
can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004 folder
when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can be followed


Two points are displayed in the drawing, 247 and 758. Use the AutoCAD LIST command to list information
about the point number 247.

1 Enter LIST, and then select point number 247 and press ENTER.

2 Close the text window.

The point is an AECC_POINT object. The point object appears in the drawing at its actual elevation.

, point number, and point name are stored in the point database.


You can erase points from the drawing, but they still exist in the points database. Erase point number 247 and
758, and then reinsert them.

1 On the command line, enter ERASE, select the two points, and then press ENTER.

2 On the Points menu, click Point Utilities Zoom to Extents.

The Zoom to Extents command zooms to the extents of the minimum and maximum coordinates of the points
in the database, not the extents of all of the entities in the drawing.

3 On the Points menu, click Point Utilities Quick View.

Xs appear at all point locations, including the erased ones.

Click here to see an illustration of the quick view point locations.

Use the following steps to list all of the points in the database.

4 On the Points menu, click List Points to display the List Points dialog box.

5 Select the List All Points option.

6 Scroll down the list to view points 247 and 758.

Point number 247 is listed as 247L, which means it is locked. Locked points cannot be edited until they are

7 Click OK to continue.

8 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 1, click Set
Current, and then click OK.

Use the following step to retrieve the two erased points from the points database and reinsert them in the

9 On the Points menu, click Insert Points to Drawing, enter W for the Window option, and then window
in the area of the two missing points. (The two points are located in the right half of the screen in the current

The two points now reappear in the drawing.

Click here to see an illustration of the reinserted points.


Change the actual elevation to a fixed elevation for inserted points.

1 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

2 Click the Insert tab. In the Insertion Elevation section, select Fixed elevation, verify that the
Fixed elevation is 0 (zero) m.

3 Click the Text tab. Select the Automatic Leaders check box and then click OK.


4 Enter LIST, and then select point number 758 and press ENTER.

The Marker Location still lists the elevation as 245.51 m. The point setting just made does not alter
existing points in the drawing. You must reinsert or edit the point to implement the elevation

5 Close the text window.

Use the following steps to reinsert the points in this area back into the drawing.

6 On the Points menu, click Insert Points to Drawing, and then press ENTER to accept the
default, Window, and window in the two points.

7 As the Point in Drawing dialog box is displayed, click Replace All.

8 Enter LIST, and then select point number 758 and press ENTER.

The Marker Location lists the elevation as 0 m.

9 Close the text window.


Take a look at some of the point display properties.

1 Select point number 758, right-click and click Display Properties to display the Point Display
Properties dialog box.

2 Click the Reset tab. In the Point Elevation section, select the Reset Point Elevation in Drawing
check box, select Actual Elevation, and then click OK.

3 Enter LIST, and then select both points and press ENTER.

For point number 758, observe that the Marker Location lists the elevation as 245.51 m. For point
number 247, the Marker Location lists the elevation as 0 m. Changes made in the Display Properties
dialog box take immediate effect, without having to reinsert the points in the drawing.

4 Close the text window.


You can use either custom markers or AutoCAD points to designate point nodes. If you choose to use
AutoCAD points as markers, the marker style can be adjusted with the DDPTYPE command.

Select a new custom marker and superimposed symbol, and then size the marker in absolute units

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select
a. click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 Select point number 758, right-click and click Display Properties

to display the Point Display Properties dialog box.

3 On the Marker tab, in the Custom Marker Symbol section, select the fourth marker symbol,
and then in the Superimposed section, select the circle symbol.

4 In the Custom Marker Size section, select Size in Absolute Units, and then enter 2 for the Size.

You can change the visibility and color of number, elevation, and description text.


5 Click the Text tab, and then in the Color and Visibility section, clear the (Elevation) Visible
check box.

6 Click the Description color box to display the Select a Color dialog box. From the Standard
Colors palette select cyan (light blue), and then click OK to return to the Point Display
Properties dialog box.

7 In the Style and Size section, select Absolute Units, enter 2 for the Text Size, and then click

For point number 758, the point marker and text now appear smaller, and the number and
description text strings are centered on the marker. The appearance of point 247 remains unchanged
since its text size is still relative to the view area of the screen.

Click here to see an illustration of the new point 758 display parameters.

As you zoom in and out of the drawing, points with markers and text sized relative to the view area
of the screen are resized each time that the points are regenerated.

8 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

9 Click the Preferences tab. In the Point Display section, clear the Always Regenerate Point
Display After Zoom check box, and then click OK.

10 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 1,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

11 On the command line enter REGEN to regenerate the drawing.

Point number 247 is resized proportionally, while point number 758 maintains its absolute size. If all
of the points in the drawing have their markers and text set to absolute size, it is recommended that
you turn off the Always Regenerate Point Display After Zoom check box to improve display


12 Select point number 247 to display its grips.

13 Select the grip and drag down to the right, and then click to fix the point text in its new

A leader is automatically drawn between the text and marker.

Click here to see an illustration of the point leader.


Change the point layer, and then turn that layer off so the point is not visible in the drawing.

1 Select point number 247, right-click and click Edit Object Display to display the Object Display
dialog box.

2 Click Layer to display the Select Layer dialog box.

3 From the Layer list, select PNT_MISC, click OK to return to the Object Display dialog box, and
then click OK.

4 Click the Layers icon in the toolbar to display the Layer Properties Manager. Turn off the
display of the PNT_MISC layer, and click OK to close the Layer Properties Manager.

The point is no longer displayed in the drawing.

This concludes the point object lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about creating points.

10 | P a g e

Create points manually by northing and easting coordinates, along an alignment, or based on surface
features. Use commands to edit and lock points, and check for discrepancies between points in the
drawing and the points database.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-4.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Change the point settings by specifying a new starting point number and manual elevations.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 1,

click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

3 On the Create tab, in the Numbering section, enter 10 for the Current number.

4 In the Elevations section, select Manual, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to place a point at the lower- right building corner at an elevation of 249 m.

5 On the Points menu, click Create Points Manual.

6 Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the lower-right building corner.

7 Enter 249 m for the Elevation, and then press ENTER to end the command.

Use the following steps to change the point settings so you can specify point descriptions manually.

8 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

9 In the Descriptions section, select Manual, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to place a point at the upper-right building corner at an elevation of 249 m
and with a description of BLDG.

11 | P a g e
10 On the Points menu, click Create Points Manual.

11 Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the upper-right building corner.

12 Enter BLDG for the Description, accept the default, 249 m, for the Elevation, and then press

Click here to see an illustration of the first and second points.


Continue placing points with automatic elevations and descriptions.

1 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

2 On the Create tab, in the Elevations section, select Automatic.

3 In the Descriptions section, select Automatic, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to place a point at the upper-left building corner at an elevation of 249 m
and with a description of BLDG.

4 On the Points menu, click Create Points Manual.

5 Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the upper-left building corner, and then press ENTER.

The point is placed at an elevation of 249 m and with a description of BLDG automatically.

Click here to see an illustration of the third point.


Change the Point Settings so points are no longer inserted into the drawing, and then create another

1 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

2 On the Create tab, in the Numbering section, clear the Insert to Drawing as Created check
box, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to place a point at the next building corner.

3 On the Points menu, click Create Points Manual.

4 Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the next building corner, and then press ENTER.

12 | P a g e
The new point does not appear in the drawing. Use the following steps to restore the setting so
subsequent points are inserted into the drawing, and insert the point you just created into the

5 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

6 On the Create tab, in the Numbering section, select the Insert to Drawing as Created check
box, and then click OK.

7 On the Points menu, click Insert Points to Drawing, enter N for the Numbers option, and then
enter 13 for the Point number.

Point number 13 now appears in the drawing.

Click here to see an illustration of the fourth point.


Place points at the remaining two building corners.

1 On the Points menu, click Create Points Automatic.

2 Select the short vertical building line segment on the bottom of the building, and then press

Two points are set at the endpoints of the selected line segment.

Click here to see an illustration of the fifth and sixth points.


Place points along an alignment between specified stations at an offset. First, change the view and
set the current alignment.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Alignments menu, click Set Current Alignment, and then press ENTER to display the
Alignment Librarian dialog box.

3 From the Selection list, select P3_HWY69, and then click OK.

4 On the Points menu, click Create Points - Alignments Measure Alignment.

5 Enter 15500 for the Beginning station, and then enter 16000 for the Ending station.

6 Enter 15 m for the Offset, enter 50 m for the Station interval, and then enter 25 for the

13 | P a g e
Current point number.

Eleven points are set along the alignment.

Click here to see an illustration of the points set along the alignment.


Place points on the existing ground surface in a grid pattern.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 3,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to set EG as the current surface.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box.

3 From the Select surface to open list, select EG, and then click OK.

4 On the Points menu, click Create Points - Surface On Grid.

5 Press ENTER to accept the default, 0 (zero) degrees, for the Grid rotation angle.

6 Use an Intersection Osnap to select the lower-left corner of the grid rectangle.

7 Enter 50 m for the Grid X Spacing, and then press ENTER to accept the default, 50 m, for the
Grid Y spacing.

8 Use an Intersection Osnap to select the upper-right corner of the grid rectangle.

9 Press ENTER to accept the default, No, to accept the size or rotation of the grid/grid squares.

Points are set at specified grid nodes with elevations extracted from the current surface.

Click here to see an illustration of the points set on the surface.

14 | P a g e
This concludes the point creation lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about editing points.


Use the point editing commands to modify existing point numbers, coordinates, and descriptions.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-5.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Specify points to edit by selecting them in the drawing.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 1,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

15 | P a g e
2 On the Points menu, click Edit Points Edit Points to display the Edit Points dialog box.

3 Select the Enable Filtering option.

4 Click the Include tab.

5 Select the With Number Matching check box, and then click the Selection Set in Drawing


4 Enter W for the Window option and window in points 247, 248, and 758, and then press

5 As the Edit Points dialog box is displayed again, verify that the three points now appear in the
With Number Matching box.

8 Click the Build List button to build the list of points to edit.

9 Click the Edit tab.

Point number 247 is locked and cannot be edited, but the other two points are unlocked and can be
edited. Before you edit the points, you'll exit the Edit Points dialog box and unlock point 247.

10 Click OK to continue.


Unlock point number 247 and then change its description and easting value.

1 On the Points menu, click Lock/Unlock Points Unlock Points.

2 Enter S for the Selection option, select point number 247, and then press ENTER.

Point number 247 is now unlocked. You can now edit the description and easting value.

3 On the Points menu, click Edit Points Edit Points to display Edit Points dialog box.

The previous list of points is automatically displayed. Change the description and easting value for
point 247.

4 On the Edit tab, click on the point number 247 line in the Raw Desc column and enter MON.

5 Click on the point number 247 line in the Easting column and enter 274101.6448.

6 Click OK to continue

Point number 247 now has a new description and is located 20 m to the left.

16 | P a g e
Click here to see an illustration of moved point number 247.


Change the elevation of points in elevation range from 100 m to 200 m, and then move all of the
points in the selection set up 100 m.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Points menu, click Edit Points Datum.

3 Enter 100 for the Change in elevation.

4 Enter D for the Dialog option to display the Points dialog box.

5 Verify that the Enable Filtering option is selected.

6 Click the Reset button near the bottom-left of the dialog box to clear the previous selection.

7 Click the Point Groups tab.

8 From the list of point groups, select DAY2, and then click the Build List button at the top of
the dialog box.

You want to use only the points in the DAY2 point group that are between 100 and 200 meters. In
the next steps, use the Exclude tab to exclude all other points outside of this elevation range.

9 Click the Exclude tab, select the With Elevation Matching check box, and then type <100,>200.

This syntax excludes points below 100 meters and above 200 meters.

10 Click Build List to exclude the points from the list.

11 Click OK to continue.

All of the points in the specified elevation range have now been moved up 100 m.

17 | P a g e

You cannot use AutoCAD commands to edit points, with the exception of MOVE, ROTATE, and
ALIGN. These AutoCAD commands only work if you enable their use in the Point Settings dialog box.

Move an alignment and alignment points using the MOVE command. First enable the use of this
command in the Point Settings dialog box.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 3,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display Point Settings dialog box.

3 Click the Update tab, and in the AutoCAD MOVE command section, select the Allow Points to
be MOVE'd in Drawing and Update Point Database After MOVE Command check boxes, and
then click OK.


4 On the command line, enter MOVE, use a window selection set to select the rust-colored
alignment and alignment points, and then press ENTER.

5 Use a Node Osnap to select point 101 for the Base point, and then use a Node Osnap to select
point 102 for the Second point of displacement.

6 As an AutoCAD message dialog box is displayed, click Yes to update the points in the project.

The alignment and points are moved, with the new position of each relocated point updated in the
point database.

Click here to see an illustration of the moved alignment and alignment points.

18 | P a g e

Use the AutoCAD UNDO command to move the alignment and points back to their original position.
However, this will not update the point database, so use the Check Points command to resolve the
discrepancy between the position of the points in the drawing and the point database.

1 On the command line, enter UNDO, press ENTER, and then press ENTER again to restore the
alignment and points to their original position.

2 On the Points menu, click Check Points Modify Project to display the Modify Project
Database Points from Drawing dialog box.

3 In the Scan Drawing for section, verify that COGO Point Objects is selected.

4 In the Modify Project Database section, verify that the Change points in project database
check box is selected, and then click OK.

Point update information is displayed on the command line.

This concludes the point editing lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about point groups.


USE the Point Group Manager to create point groups for use in building surfaces or other specific

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-6.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu, list select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


In this exercise you will create a group of points to be used in building a surface that includes points
from the day-two survey, but excludes points such as benchmarks and temporary turning points.

1 On the Points menu, click Point Management Point Group Manager to display the Point
Group Manager dialog box.

Some existing point groups are displayed in the left-hand pane of the Point Group Manager dialog
box. You will now create a new point group by copying an existing point group and then excluding
selected points.

19 | P a g e
2 Right-click the point group named DAY2 and select Copy Point Group to display the Create
Point Group dialog box.

3 Enter DAY2-DTM for the Group Name and then click the Exclude tab.

4 Select the With Raw Desc Matching check box.

5 Enter 92,93,94,95,96 for the Description.

6 Click Apply to exclude the specified points from the point group.

The Point List is updated to reflect the excluded points.

7 Click OK to return to the Point Group Manager dialog box.

The new point group is displayed with the existing point groups and the point list information is
displayed in the right pane of the Point Group Manager dialog box.


The Create Point Group dialog box has a Raw Desc Matching tab which you can use to quickly select
points by their raw descriptions. The list on the Raw Desc Matching tab is based on the defined
description key codes in the project.

Note Be sure to check the point list that is created when you select options on the Raw Desc
Matching tab, especially when selecting raw descriptions that contain wildcards.

In this exercise, you will create a point group of borehole points which use the raw description "12."

1 From the Point Group Manager, click the Create Point Group icon (the left-most icon) to
display the Create Point Group dialog box.

2 In the Group Name box, type Borehole.

3 On the Raw Desc Matching tab, select the "12" check box.

4 Click Apply to update the Point List.

5 Click OK to return to the Point Group Manager.

Now you will lock the Borehole point group to prevent it from being edited.

6 Right-click the Borehole point group and select Lock Point Group Properties.

A lock icon is added to the point group to indicate that it is locked.


Apply overrides to an existing point group to specify uniform descriptions for all of the points.

1 Right-click the Control point group and click Properties to display the Point Group Properties
dialog box.

2 Click the Overrides tab.

3 Select the Description check box, and then click in the field to the right of the Description
check box.

4 Enter Control Point for the Description override.

5 Click OK to return to the Point Group Manager dialog box.

20 | P a g e
Control Point is now the description for all of the points in the current point group.

6 Exit the Point Group Manager dialog box.

7 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box.

8 Under Name, select 2, click Set Current, and then click OK.

Now you will insert the points from the Control point group in the drawing.

9 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

10 Click the Insert tab. In the Point Labeling Section, clear the Use the Current Point Label Style
When Inserting Points check box, and then click OK to continue.

11 On the Points menu, click Insert Points to Drawing. Enter G for the Group option to display
the Select a Point Group dialog box.

12 From the Selection list, select Control, and then click OK.

13 As the Point in Drawing dialog box is displayed, click Replace ALL.

The points now have the description Control Point assigned as the override to the point group.

Click here to see an illustration of the points with the Control Point override.

Points inserted in the drawing from other point groups would not display this override description.


In this lesson, you will delete a point that is referenced in several point groups. Then you will use the
Show Changes to All Point Groups feature to check the point groups for changes and update the
point groups to remove the deleted point.

1 On the Points menu, click Point Settings, then click the Preferences tab.

2 Under Point Group Manager, verify that the Check Status on Startup check box is selected.

This setting detects and reports changes to point groups if the project point database is altered.

3 Click OK.

21 | P a g e
4 On the Points menu, click Edit Points Erase.

5 Type N to select the Numbers option.

6 Type 1020 and press ENTER to erase point number 1020.

7 On the Points menu, click Point Management Point Group Manager.

Notice that three of the four point groups, Borehole, Day2, and Day2-DTM are now marked with
different icons to indicate that they are out-of-date. In this case, the point groups are considered to
be out-of-date because their point lists reference a point that no longer exists in the project.

8 Click the Show Changes to All Point Groups icon (the third icon from the left).

The Point Group Manager checks for changes to the point groups and then displays the Changed
Point Groups dialog box.

The Add/Remove column indicates what type of action is required in order to update the point
group. In this case, the column contains "Remove" because the point 1020 no longer exists in the
project and should be removed from the point groups.

9 Click the Update Point Group(s) icon.

The point groups are updated and the Point Group Manager is redisplayed.

Notice that the Day2 and Day2-DTM point groups no longer have the out-of-date icon associated
with them, but the Borehole group still does. This is because you locked the Borehole group so it
cannot be updated.

Use the following steps to unlock the Borehole point group and update it.

10 Right-click the Borehole group and click Unlock Point Group Properties.

The lock symbol is removed from the Borehole point group.

11 Right-click the Borehole group again and click Update.

12 Close the Point Group Manager.

This concludes the point group lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about description keys.


Use description keys to translate raw descriptions stored in the point database to a full description,
to associate symbols with points, and to control point and symbol layers.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-7.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

22 | P a g e
Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create a description key file. First, verify the symbol path for blocks to be inserted with points as
specified by description keys.

1 On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.

2 Click the Insert tab, in the Search Path for Symbol Block Drawing Files section, click Browse to
display the Browse for Folder dialog box.

3 From the Select a Path list, select c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Data\Symbol
Manager\Cogo_metric, and then click OK to return to the Point Settings dialog box.

4 In the Point Labeling section, verify that the Use the Current Point Label Style When Inserting
Points check box is selected.

5 Click the Description Keys tab. In the Matching Options section, verify that the Match on
Description Parameters ($1, $2, etc.) check box is selected, and then click OK.

6 On the Points menu, click Point Management Description Key Manager to display the
Description Key Manager dialog box.

7 Click the Create DescKey File icon (the left-most icon) to display the Create Description Key
File dialog box.

8 Enter CREW-B for the File name, and then click OK to return to the Description Key Manager
dialog box.


Create description keys for observations of edges of pavement, iron bars, and trees for the new
description key file. Note that description keys codes are case-sensitive; a "TREE" description key is
different from a "Tree" description key.

First, create an edge of pavement description key.

1 Select CREW-B, and then click the Create DescKey icon (the second icon from the left) to
display the Create Description Key dialog box.

2 Enter EP for the DescKey Code, and then on the General tab, enter EP for the Description
Format and PNT_EP for the Point Layer.

3 In the Symbol Insertion section, verify that the Symbol Block Name list displays <none>, and
then click OK to return to the Description Key Manager dialog box.


4 Click the Create DescKey icon to display the Create Description Key dialog box.

23 | P a g e
5 Enter IB for the DescKey Code, and then on the General tab, enter IB for the Description
Format and PNT_IB for the Point Layer.

6 In the Symbol Insertion section, from the Symbol Block Name list, select bound, and then
enter MONUMENT for the Symbol Layer.

7 Click the Scale/Rotate Symbol tab. In the Scale Symbol By section, verify that the Current
Drawing Scale: 1:1000 check box is selected.

8 In the Apply Scale To section, verify that the X-Y Dimensions check box is selected, and then
click OK to return to the Description Key Manager dialog box.


9 Click the Create DescKey icon to display the Create Description Key dialog box.

10 Enter Tree for the DescKey Code, and then on the General tab, enter $2mm $1 Tree for the
Description Format and PNT_TREE for the Point Layer.

Note The $2mm $1 Tree Description Format uses description parameters. Description parameters
maintain but reorder the description text that you enter. In later steps, you'll create some points
that represent trees. By entering "Tree Maple 120" for a point description, you'll create a point
labeled "120 mm Maple Tree."

11 In the Symbol Insertion section, from the Symbol Block Name list, select tree, and then enter
TREE for the Symbol Layer.

12 Click the Scale/Rotate Symbol tab, in the Scale Symbol By section, select the Description
Parameter check box, select 2 from the $ list, and then clear the Current Drawing Scale:
1:1000 check box.

13 Click OK to return to the Description Key Manager dialog box, and then close the Description
Key Manager dialog box.



Create a new label style to enable the use of description keys without having to assign additional
labels to points.

1 On the Labels menu, click Edit Label Styles to display the Edit Label Styles dialog box.

2 Click the Point Label Styles tab, and from the Name list, select active desckeys only (by
selecting this style, the Text section of the dialog box is cleared). Verify that the Text section
of the dialog box is blank.

3 Enter DescKey Only - Crew-B for the Name.

4 In the Description Keys section, verify that the DescKey Matching On check box is selected,
and then from the DescKey file list, select CREW-B.

5 Verify that the Substitute DescKey Description and Insert DescKey Symbol check boxes are

6 Click Save, and then click OK.

24 | P a g e

Create new points with description keys activated. First, set the current label style to DescKey Only-

1 On the Labels menu, click Settings to display the Label Settings dialog box.

2 Click the Point Labels tab. From the Current Label Style list, select DescKey Only - Crew-B, and
then click OK.

Create four points manually in the drawing to test the description keys that have been created. Their
location and elevation are not critical.

3 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

4 On the Points menu, click Create Points Manual.

5 Specify a point in the drawing for the first point, and then enter EP for the Description.

6 Specify a point in the drawing for the second point, and then enter IB for the Description.

7 Specify a point in the drawing for the third point, and then enter Tree Maple 120 for the

8 Specify a point in the drawing for the fourth point, enter Tree Oak 300 for the Description,
and then press ENTER.

Land Desktop creates new layers automatically if they do not exist to accommodate description key

Click here to see an illustration of the four new points set by description keys.

This concludes the description key lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about importing points.


There are many existing point file formats available for use when importing points into the project
point database. You can also create custom file formats to match other file formats. In this lesson,
you'll create a file format for an ASCII text file, and then import the points into the drawing.

25 | P a g e
To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-8.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create a point file format to match the format of the point file provided, which in this case is
northing, easting, elevation, and description.

1 On the Points menu, click Import/Export Points Format Manager to display the Format
Manager dialog box.

2 Click Add to display the Format Manager - Select Format Type dialog box.

3 From the list, select User Point File, and then click OK to display the Point File Format dialog

4 Enter Tutorial for the Format Name, from the Default Extension list, select .txt, and then
enter ! (exclamation point) for the Comment Tag.

The default extension list may be left blank to allow for a generic file extension search.

5 Select Delimited By, and then verify that the box to the right of the Delimited By label is

This means that the file format is space delimited. You could specify a comma-delimited file, or use
any other form of punctuation as a delimiter.

6 Click Load to display the Select Source File dialog box, navigate to the \Land Projects
2004\Tutorial2\Survey folder, select Topo_pnt.txt, and then click Open.

The first few lines of the topo_pnt.txt file are displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

Use the following steps to specify the data type for each column to match this file format.

7 Click the first <unused> column heading on the left to display the Format Manager - Select

Column Name dialog box.

8 From the list, select Northing, and then click OK to return to the Point File Format dialog box.

26 | P a g e
9 Click the next <unused> column heading to display the Format Manager - Select Column
Name dialog box.

10 From the list, select Easting, and then click OK to return to the Point File Format dialog box.

11 Click the next <unused> column heading to display the Format Manager - Select Column
Name dialog box.

12 From the list, select Elevation, and then click OK to return to the Point File Format dialog box.

13 Click the next <unused> column heading to display the Format Manager - Select Column
Name dialog box.

14 From the list, select Description, and then click OK to return to the Point File Format dialog

15 Click Parse to display the ASCII text point file data under the new column headings.

16 Scroll down and verify that the format you just created matches the loaded file.

17 Click OK to return to the Format Manager, verify that the new Tutorial file is displayed at the
bottom of the list, and then click Close.

This completes the process of creating a new point file format for importing points.


Import the ASCII text point file into the point database and the drawing.

1 On the Points menu, click Import/Export Points Import Options to display the COGO
Database Import Options dialog box.

2 For What to do when point numbers need to be asssigned to the points, verify that Use next
point number is selected, and then click OK to continue.

3 On the Points menu, click Import/Export Points Import Points to display the Format Manager
- Import Points dialog box.

4 From the Format list, select Tutorial, and then verify that the Source File is \Land Projects

5 Select the Add Points to Point Group check box, and then click the Create New Point Group
icon to display the Format Manager - Create Group dialog box.

6 Enter Topo_Area1 for the Name, click OK to return to the Format Manager - Import Points
dialog box, and then click OK to display the COGO Database Import Options dialog box.

7 Click OK to close the COGO Database Import Options dialog box and begin processing points.

The points are processed and read into the points database and the drawing.

8 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

Click here to see an illustration of the inserted point file points.

Take a look at the points in the points database.

9 On the Points menu, click List Points to display the List Points dialog box.

10 Verify that the Enable Filtering option is selected.

27 | P a g e
11 Click the Reset button to clear the previous selection.

12 Click the Point Groups tab, select the Topo_Area1 point group from the list, and then click the
List tab.

13 When you have finished reviewing the point group data, click OK.

This concludes the point import lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about labeling lines, curves,
spirals, and points.


Use line, curve, spiral, and point labels to annotate your drawings with information such as direction,
distance, and radius.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-9.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Specify label settings for lines, curves, and points.

1 On the Labels menu, click Settings to display the Label Settings dialog box.

2 Verify that the Update Labels When Objects Change check box is selected.

When the Update Labels When Objects Change check box is selected, dynamic labels will change to
reflect changes made to their associated objects.

3 Click the Line Labels tab, and then from the Current Label Style list, select direction above,
distance below.

4 From the Forced Bearings list, select North.

5 Click the Curve Labels tab, and then from the Current Label Style list, select stacked above -
radius, length, tan, delta.

6 Click the Point Labels tab, from the Current Label Style list, select all point data, and then click

28 | P a g e

Isolate the Boundary and Pnt_control layers and label the boundary polyline and control points first.

1 On the command line, enter LAI, then select a point on the blue polyline boundary and a
control point (any one of the six points displayed in the drawing), press ENTER to display the
Layer(s) to isolate dialog box, and then click OK.

2 Click the Layers toolbar icon to display the Layer Properties Manager. Turn on the
Boundary_label layer, set it as the current layer, and click OK.

3 On the Labels menu, click Add Static Labels, use a window selection set to select the
boundary polylines and control points, and then press ENTER.

4 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

Click here to see an illustration of the static line labels.

If you label a polyline with static labels, exploding the polyline will result in the labels remaining in
the drawing. If you label a polyline with dynamic labels, exploding the polyline will result in the
disappearance of the labels.

Distances are annotated with a foot (') symbol, even though the drawings units are set to meters.
This is due to the current label style definition. You can edit the label style to reflect the correct
units. Also, the boundary and control point labels were created on the Boundary_label layer, since
the label styles specified label creation on the current layer.

5 Enter LOA to turn all of the layers in the drawing back on.

Use the following steps to isolate the Lots layer and label the lot lines.

6 Enter LAI, select a point on a lot line, press ENTER to display the Layer(s) to isolate dialog box.
LOT_LINES should be selected. Click OK.

7 Click the Layers toolbar icon to display the Layer Properties Manager. Turn on the Lot_label
layer, set it as the current layer, and click OK.


8 On the Labels menu, click Show Dialog Bar to display the Style Properties dialog bar.

9 Click the Curve tab, and then from the Current Label Style list, select length above, radius

10 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 3,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

11 On the Labels menu, click Add Dynamic Labels, and then select all of the lot lines in the

current view.

The lot lines are labeled. Some manipulation of the labels may be required to avoid overlapping text.

Click here to see an illustration of the dynamic labels.

29 | P a g e

Static labels will not update if the object from which the data is taken is changed, but dynamic labels
will. Change a dynamic label to a static label by changing the label's properties.

1 Select the yellow lot line to display its grips.

2 Select the top grip, drag it to a new position along the back lot line, and then use a Near
Osnap to fix it in position.

Click here to see an illustration of the updated dynamic label.

3 Undo the last command.

4 Select the label text of the yellow lot line, and then right-click and select Edit Label

30 | P a g e
5 Clear the Dynamically Update Label Text check box and then click OK.

6 Select the yellow lot line to display its grips.

7 Select the top grip, drag it to a new position along the back lot line, and then use a Near
Osnap to fix it in position.

Click here to see an illustration of the non-updated, static, label.

8 Press ESC to clear the lot line grips.

9 Select the label text, and then right-click and click Edit Label Properties.

10 Select the Dynamically Update Label Text check box, and then click OK.

The lot line label is automatically updated.

11 Undo the last two commands.

12 Select the yellow lot line, and then right-click and click Dis-Associate Labels.

13 Select the yellow lot line to display its grips.

14 Select the top grip, drag it to a new position along the back lot line, and then use a Near
Osnap to fix it in position.

15 Select the yellow lot line, and then right-click and click Update Labels.

Because the label is disassociated, it does not update.

Click here to see an illustration of the disassociated label.


Change labels by swapping text from one side of an object to another and by modifying the label

1 On the Labels menu, click Swap Label Text, select one of the upper-left lot label lines in the
current view, and then press ENTER.

31 | P a g e
Click here to see an illustration of swapped label text.

Change the line label style for a lot line.

2 On the Style Properties dialog bar, click the Line tab, and then from the Current Label Style
list, select stacked below - direction, distance.

3 Select the same lot line, and then right-click and click Delete Labels.

The Delete Labels command deletes all labels associated with the object on any layer.

4 On the Labels menu, click Add Dynamic Labels, select the same lot line, and then press ENTER.

Click here to see an illustration of the new dynamic label style.

This concludes the object labeling lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about creating label styles.


Create your own label styles for lines, curves, spirals, and points to suit your needs.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-10.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create a new line label style by modifying an existing line label style. Incorporate metric and imperial
distance units above the line by employing a mathematical operation to show an imperial
measurement conversion. Below the line, show starting and ending northing and easting values.

1 On the Labels menu, click Edit Label Styles to display the Edit Label Styles dialog box.

2 On the Line Label Styles tab, from the Name list, select distance above, direction below.

3 Enter Lot Plan for XYZ Co for the Name.

4 In the Text Above section, delete the foot mark (') after {Length}, and then add a space and
enter m.

5 Press ENTER and enter {Length*3.28084}'.

32 | P a g e
Avoid extra carriage returns when entering text above or text below data. This will result in extra
blank lines appearing between the label and the line itself when you label the line.

6 In the Text Below section, delete {Direction}.

7 In the Text Below section, enter N and a space, from the Data list, select Start Northing, and
then click >> Text Below.

8 On the same line, add a space, enter E and a space, from the Data list, select Start Easting,

and then click >> Text Below.


9 Place your cursor after the {Start Easting} text, and then press ENTER.

10 Enter N and a space, from the Data list, select End Northing, and then click >> Text Below.

11 On the same line, add a space, enter E and a space, from the Data list, select End Easting, and
then click >> Text Below.

12 In the Text Properties section, enter 0.5 for the Offset, from the Style list, select L100, and
then enter Lot_label for the Layer.

13 In the Units section, click Linear to display the Linear Units dialog box.

14 Enter 3 for the Linear precision value and 4 for the Coordinates precision value, and then click
OK to return to the Edit Label Styles dialog box.

15 Click Save, and then click OK to continue.

This completes the creation of the new line label style.


Label an existing line with the new label style.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Labels menu, click Show Dialog Bar to display the Style Properties dialog bar.

3 On the Line tab, from the Current Label Style list, select Lot Plan for XYZ Co.

4 On the Labels menu, click Add Dynamic Labels, and then select the line segment, and press

The new line segment is labeled with the new line label style. The length of the line is displayed, in
meters and feet above the line, and the starting and ending northing and easting coordinates are
displayed below the line.

Click here to see an illustration of the Lot plan for XYZ Co style line label.

New curve and spiral label styles are created in the same manner as new line label styles.

33 | P a g e

Create a new point label style to label lot corner elevations only.

1 On the Labels menu, click Edit Label Styles to display the Edit Label Styles dialog box.

2 Click the Point Label Styles tab, enter Lot Corner Elevations for the Name.

3 From the Data list, select Elevation, and click >> Text.

4 Place your cursor after the {Elevation} text, and then press ENTER.

5 From the Data list, select Northing, and then click >> Text.

6 Place your cursor after the {Northing} text, and then press ENTER.

7 From the Data list, select Easting, and then click >> Text.

8 In the Text Properties section, enter 1 for the Offset, and then select the lower-right radio
button for the Justification.

9 From the Style list, select L80, and then enter Lot_elevation_label for the Layer.

10 Click Save, and then click OK.

This completes the creation of the new point label style.


, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 3 click Set Current, and then
click OK.

2 On the Style Properties dialog bar, click the Point tab, and then from the Current label Style
list, select Lot Corner Elevations.

3 Select the point 46 marker, and then right-click and click Add Dynamic Labels.

The lot corner point is labeled with the new point label style.

4 Select the point 46 marker text, and then right-click and click Display Properties to display the
Point Display Properties dialog box.

5 Click the Text tab, clear the Number, Elevation, and Description Visible check boxes, and then
click OK to continue.

34 | P a g e
Click here to see an illustration of the Lot Corner Elevation style point label.

This concludes the label style lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about creating line tables.


Use line, curve, and spiral tag labels to create line, curve, and spiral tables. Modify tag label styles to
create tags to suit your needs, and then generate tables from tag data.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-11.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create a new tag style by specifying line and curve tag parameters.

1 On the Labels menu, click Edit Tag Styles to display the Edit Tag Label Styles dialog box.

2 On the Line Label Styles tab, enter Boundary Tags for XYZ Co for the Name.

3 In the Text Properties section, from the Style list, select L200, and then enter Boundary_tags
for the Layer.

4 Click the Curve Label Styles tab, and then enter Boundary Tags for XYZ Co for the Name.

35 | P a g e
5 In the Text Properties section, from the Style list, select L200, and then enter Boundary_tags
for the Layer.

6 Click Save, and then click OK to continue.

This completes the creation of a new tag style.


Isolate the Boundary layer and label the boundary polyline with the new tag style.

1 On the command line, enter LAI, select a point on one of the blue boundary polylines, press
ENTER to display the Layer(s) to isolate dialog box, and then click OK.

2 On the Labels menu, click Show Dialog Bar to display the Style Properties dialog bar.

3 Click the Label icon to toggle to the Tag icon, and then on the Line tab, from the Current Tag
Style list, select Boundary Tags for XYZ Co.

4 Click the Curve tab, and from the Current Tag Style list, select Boundary Tags for XYZ Co.

5 On the Labels menu, click Add Tag Labels, select both of the blue boundary polylines, and
then press ENTER.

6 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

Click here to see an illustration of boundary line tags.

The boundary is labeled with tags for each segment of the polyline.


Generate a line table from the line tags, and then edit the line table by adding two columns of
northing and easting data.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 3,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 Close the Style Properties dialog bar.

3 On the Labels menu, click Add Tables Line Table to display the Line Table Definition dialog

4 In the Table Title section, from the Text Style list, select L500.


5 In the Column Definition section, click in the fourth column under the No Column heading,
and then click Edit to display the Column #4 - Definition dialog box.

6 In the Column Header Information section, enter START NORTHING for the Header.

7 In the Display Value Information section, select Start Northing, click Add Value, and then v

erify that {Start Northing} is displayed in the Text section.

36 | P a g e
8 In the Units section, click Linear to display the Linear Units dialog box.

9 From the Coordinates list, select 4, and then click OK to return to the Column #4 - Definition
dialog box.

10 Click OK to return to the Line Table Definition dialog box.

11 In the Column Definition section, click in the fifth column under the No Column heading, and
then click Edit to display the Column #5 - Definition dialog box.

12 In the Column Header Information section, enter START EASTING for the Header.

13 In the Display Value Information section, select Start Easting, click Add Value, and then verify
that {Start Easting} is displayed in the Text section.

14 Click OK to return to the Line Table Definition dialog box.

Use the following steps to place the line table in the drawing.

15 Click OK, and then specify a point in the drawing for the upper-left corner of the line table.

16 Zoom in on the line table.

Click here to see an illustration of the line table.

This concludes the line table lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about the Terrain Model


Use the Terrain Model Explorer to create digital terrain models (DTMs) from any combination of
point, contour, breakline, and surface boundary data.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

37 | P a g e
The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-12.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create a new surface folder for a new surface, Area1.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Terrain Model Explorer to display the Terrain Model Explorer.

2 Select Terrain, and then right-click and click Create New Surface.

The new surface is automatically assigned the name Surface1 and a new folder is created below the
Terrain folder.

3 Click on the Surface1 folder and display information regarding the surface in the right pane.

4 Expand the Surface1 folder to view the TIN data folders.

5 Select Surface1, and then right-click and click Rename to display the Rename Surface dialog

6 Enter Area1 for the New surface name, and then click OK.

Now you are ready to specify the data for creating the new surface.


Add point data from a predefined point group.

1 Expand the Area1 folder to view the TIN data folders.

2 Select Point Groups, and then right-click and click Add Point Group to display the Add Point

Group dialog box.

3 From the Point group name list, select Area1, and then click OK to return to the Terrain

Model Explorer.

The point group name is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.


Add contour data from existing contours in the drawing.

1 In the Terrain Model Explorer, select Contours, and then right-click and click Add Contour
Data to display the Contour Weeding dialog box.

38 | P a g e
2 Accept the defaults for Weeding and Supplementing factors by clicking OK.

3 Press ENTER to accept the default, Layer, for contour selection, and then select a contour line

in the drawing.

4 Press ENTER to continue, and then press ENTER to process the contour data.

The contour data is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.


1 Move the Terrain Model Explorer to the side of your screen.

2 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

3 Enter LAI, select one of the streambed points (the cyan Xs identified with the description Strm
Bed), and then press ENTER to display the Layer(s) to isolate dialog box.

4 Verify the layer STREAM_PNTS is displayed in the Item box, and click OK to isolate the
streambed layer.

5 On the Terrain Model Explorer select Breaklines, and then right-click and click Define by

6 Select the bottom streambed point, and select the remaining streambed points sequentially
from bottom to top, and then press ENTER when you have finished selecting the points.

7 Enter Streambed for the Description.

8 Press ENTER to display the Terrain Breaklines dialog box, and then click No to continue and
process the breakline data.

The breakline is generated with each streambed point as a vertex.

Click here to see an illustration of the streambed breakline.

The breakline point data is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.

39 | P a g e

Define breaklines from existing 3D polylines that represent existing roadway edge of pavement.

1 On the command line, enter LOA to turn all of the layers in the drawing back on.

2 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 3,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

3 Enter LAI, select one of the red existing roadway EOP 3D polylines, and then press ENTER to
display the Layer(s) to isolate dialog box.

4 Verify that the EOP_3D layer is selected and click OK to isolate the existing roadway EOP

5 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 1,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

6 On the Terrain Model Explorer select Breaklines, and then right-click and click Define by

7 Enter Existing_Road_EOP for the Description, and then use a crossing box to select the
existing roadway EOP 3D polylines. Make sure you select all of the polylines.

8 Press ENTER to display the Terrain Breaklines dialog box, click No to continue and process the
breakline data.

The 3D polyline breakline data is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.


Define breaklines from existing 2D polylines that have been drawn between existing roadway edge
of pavement, ditch, and railway bed points.

1 On the command line, enter LOA to turn all of the layers in the drawing back on.

2 Enter LAI, and then press ENTER twice to display the Layer(s) to isolate dialog box.

3 From the Layers list, select 2D_Breaklines, and then click OK to isolate the existing road 2D

4 On the Terrain Model Explorer, select Breaklines, and then right-click and click Proximity by

5 Enter Misc_Topo for the Description, and then use a crossing box to select the existing 2D

6 Press ENTER to display the Terrain Breaklines dialog box, and then click No to continue.

7 As additional message dialog boxes are displayed, click Yes to continue and process the
breakline data.

The 2D polyline breakline data is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.


Add surface boundary data from an existing surface boundary in the drawing.

1 On the command line, enter LOA to turn all of the layers in the drawing back on.

40 | P a g e
2 On the Terrain Model Explorer, select Boundaries, and then right-click and click Add Boundary

3 Select the white surface boundary polyline, and then enter Area1 for the Boundary name.

4 Press ENTER to accept the default boundary type, Outer.

The Outer option limits the extents of the surface to the area inside the selected surface boundary

5 Enter No for making breaklines along edges, and then press ENTER to end the command.

When breaklines are not made along the edge, only data inside inside of the polyline boundary is
considered when creating the surface.

The surface boundary data is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.


Build the surface using point, contour, breakline, and surface boundary data.

1 On the Terrain Model Explorer, in the left pane, select Area1, and then right-click and click
Build to display the Build Area1 dialog box.

2 Enter Area1 for the Description.

3 In the Surface Data Options section, clear the Use point file data check box and select the

Minimize flat triangles resulting from contour data check box.

4 Click OK to process all of the surface data and build the surface.

5 As the Build Progress dialog box is displayed, click OK to end the command.

The surface data for surface Area1 is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer. You
now have a surface model generated from point, contour, and breakline data representing actual
terrain conditions.

6 When you have finshed reviewing the data in the Terrain Model Explorer, close it.

This concludes the Terrain Model Explorer lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about editing


A surface model created by the triangulation process is only as accurate as the data used to build it.
Sparse elevational data and lack of breakline control yields ambiguous results at best. Even with
extensive elevational data in the surface file, it is important to verify that the surface model is an
accurate representation of the site conditions.

In this lesson, a few areas are pinpointed for surface editing. However, the entire surface requires
additional editing that is not covered in this lesson.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

41 | P a g e
3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-13.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


First-hand knowledge of the site is indispensable for identifying problems with the surface model,
and comparing your drawing to site photographs is useful even if you have access to the site.

One way to identify triangulation problems is to look at contours and see where features such as
ridgelines or streambeds are improperly represented. Unnecessarily jagged contours can also be
indicative of triangulation problems. A second way to identify triangulation problems is to look at
sections cut through critical areas to verify expected surface behavior.

1. On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box, from t
he Selection list, select Area1b, and then click OK.

To see the triangulation pattern that causes problems without adding any objects to the drawing,
generate a Quick View.

3 On the Terrain menu, click Surface Display Quick View.

Quick View entities are drawn with temporary vectors and cannot be edited.

In the circled area, the TIN lines triangulate between contours at the same elevation, thus creating a
flat area. In most cases, flat surfaces like this are minimized. Occasionally, manual editing is
necessary to correct these situations when they occur. Also, in the accompanying existing ground
cross section, the slope to the left is flat, and then drops off steeply. This does not reflect the actual
slope condition.

4 On the command line, enter REDRAW to erase the Quick View temporary vectors.


Point objects can be added to the original data used to build the surface and the surface can be
rebuilt at any time with this information. However, to avoid having to rebuild the surface, surface
points can be added.

First, import the surface triangulation lines as 3D lines.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface Import 3D Lines.

2 Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to erase the old surface view.

Since the contour lines in the specific area are at an elevation of 122 m, add a surface point midway
between the contour lines (the center point of circle 1) at an elevation of 121.5 m.

42 | P a g e
3 On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface Add Point.

4 Use a Center Osnap to select the center of the small reference circle1, enter 121.5 m for the
Elevation, and then press ENTER.

The surface point was added, with the triangulation adjusted automatically, but some flat triangles

Click here to see an illustration of how the area within the circle was retriangulated.


Add two lines to correct the flat triangulation. Add the first between points 1 and 2.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface Add Line.

2 Use Endpoint Osnaps to select the TIN vertex point inside circle 1 for the From point and the
TIN vertex point inside circle 2 for the To point, and then press ENTER.

The line is added between points 1 and 2 and that triangulation lines crossed by the new line are
automatically deleted.

Click here to see an illustration of the added TIN Line.

Extraneous TIN lines, often long slivers that appear on the outside edges of surfaces should be
deleted. Delete the sliver to the left of point 2.

3 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2B,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

4 On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface Delete Line.

5 Select the sliver TIN line, and then press ENTER.

The sliver TIN line is deleted.


Flipping TIN faces is another way to correct triangulation problems.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 3,

click Set Current, and then click OK.

The cyan contour lines that occur roughly between points 3 and 4 are jagged. Correct this situation
by flipping the TIN face between points 3 and 4.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface Flip Face.

3 Select the TIN line that is located between points 3 and 4, and then press ENTER .

Click here to see an illustration of the flipped TIN line.

Recreate the contours to view the triangulation change.

4 On the Terrain menu, click Create Contours to display the Create Contours dialog box.

5 Accept the default values displayed in this dialog box by clicking OK.

6 Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to erase old contours.

43 | P a g e
The contours are recreated based on the correct triangulation, with a smoother appearance rather
than a jagged appearance.

Click here to see an illustration of recreated contours.


After the surface has been built and edited, further review of the surface sometimes identifies the
need for additional breaklines. Incorporating additional surface data like breaklines, requires that
you rebuild the surface. This is true regarding any additional surface data not added or altered by the
Surface Editing commands.

Surface edit history can be recorded and added to a file, and then reapplied to a surface when it is
rebuilt. Rebuilding a surface with the Edit History option toggled on will return it to its original state,
before editing occurred.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Terrain Model Explorer to display the Terrain Model Explorer.

2 Select Area1b, and then right-click and click Build to display the Surface Modified dialog box.

3 Click Yes to acknowledge the Surface Modified dialog box and display the Build Area1b dialog

4 Enter Area1b for the Description, and then in the Surface Data Options section, verify that the
Use point group data, Use breakline data, and Use contour data check boxes are selected.

5 Select the Minimize flat triangles resulting from contour data and Apply Edit History check
boxes, and then click OK.


6 As a message dialog box is displayed, click OK to continue, and then close the Terrain Model


7 On the Terrain menu, click Surface Display Quick View.

The surface edits previously performed have been reapplied to the surface.

44 | P a g e
This concludes the surface editing lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about creating contours.


Contours can be created as either polylines or contour objects. Using contour objects results in a
smaller drawing file size and allows for greater flexibility in labeling.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-14.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create contours from a surface that exists in the project database and based on the current contour
style, Standard, that is set as the default in the Contour Style Manager dialog box. Create major
contours at 5 m intervals and minor contours at 1 m intervals.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box, from
the Selection list, select AREA1C, and then click OK.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Create Contours to display the Create Contours dialog box.

3 In the Intervals section, select Both Minor and Major.

4 From the Minor Interval list, select 1 m, and then verify that CONT-MNR is the minor interval

5 From the Major Interval list, select 5 m, and then verify that CONR-MJR is the major interval

6 In the Properties section, verify that Contour Objects is selected, and then click OK to create
the contours.

7 Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to erase old contours.

The contours are created at 1 m minor intervals and 5 m major intervals.

Click here to see an illustration of the countours for the surface Area1C.

45 | P a g e

Create contours from a surface that exists in the project database and based on the current contour
style, Standard, that is set as the default in the Contour Style Manager dialog box. Create major
contours at 5 m intervals and minor contours at 1 m intervals.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box, from
the Selection list, select AREA1C, and then click OK.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Create Contours to display the Create Contours dialog box.

3 In the Intervals section, select Both Minor and Major.

4 From the Minor Interval list, select 1 m, and then verify that CONT-MNR is the minor interval

5 From the Major Interval list, select 5 m, and then verify that CONR-MJR is the major interval

6 In the Properties section, verify that Contour Objects is selected, and then click OK to create t
he contours.

7 Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to erase old contours.

The contours are created at 1 m minor intervals and 5 m major intervals.

Click here to see an illustration of the countours for the surface Area1C.


Change contours style properties in the Contour Style Manager dialog box. Edit the appearance of
contours and how labels appear on the contours. Assign different contour style properties to either
single contours or all of the contours in the drawing.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Contour Style Manager to display the Contour Style Manager
dialog box.

2 Click the Manage Styles tab. In the Contour Styles in Drawing list, enter SMOOTH, and then
click Add.

At this point, the new contour style can either be saved as a style accessible by all projects or just the
current drawing.

3 Click the Contour Appearance tab and verify that the Current Style is SMOOTH.

4 In the Contour Display section, select Contours and Grips, and then in the Smoothing Options
section, select Add Vertices and set the slider to 8.

5 Click the Text Style tab and in the Text Properties section, from the Style list, select 2MM.

6 Select the Color box to display the Select Color dialog box. From the Standard Colors bar
select cyan (light blue), and then click OK. to return to the Contour Style Manager dialog box.

7 From the Suffix list, select m.

8 Click the Label Position tab. In the Orientation section, verify that On Contour is selected and
the Break Contour For Label check box is selected.

9 In the Readability section, select Label Positive Slope and in the Border Around Label section,
select Rectangular, and then click OK.

46 | P a g e
You now have a new contour style to apply to contours in your drawing.


Apply the new SMOOTH contour style to all of the contours in the drawing.

1 Click the Layers icon, make layer CONT-MJR the current layer, and freeze layer 0.

2 Select all of the contours in the drawing with a crossing selection box.

3 Right-click and click Contour Properties to display the Contour Style Manager dialog box.

4 Click the Manage Styles tab, from Contour Styles in Drawing list, select SMOOTH, and then
click OK.

All of the contours in the drawing now appear with the new contour style, SMOOTH.

Click here to see an illustration of the contours with the new contour style applied.


Assign elevation labels to the contours based on the label style set in the Contour Style Manager
dialog box.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 1,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Contour Labels Group Interior to display the Contour Labels -
Increments dialog box.

3 Enter 2 m for the Elevation Increment, clear the Add multiple interior labels along each
contour check box, and then click OK.

Drag a line across the contours to be labeled.

4 Select a point near the lower-left corner of the current view for the Start point, and then
select a point near the upper-right corner for the End point. Press ENTER to end the

The contours are labeled every 2 m with a rectangular box border around the elevation text. The
contour appears to be broken around the contour label box, but is actually still intact as a continuous
contour line.

Click here to see an illustration of the contours labeled at 2 m increments.

Use the following steps to reposition a contour label.

5 Select a contour to display its grips, select the grip at the center of the contour label, and then
slide the contour label along the contour.

6 Click to fix the contour label in its new position.

The contour label maintains its relative position on the contour.

Use the following steps to delete a contour label.

7 On the Terrain menu, click Contour Labels, and then click Delete Labels.

8 Select the contour label, select a point near the contour label, and then press ENTER twice.

The contour label has been deleted.

47 | P a g e

It is sometimes necessary to provide contour data to other project team members who do not have
Land Desktop, in which case contour objects may need to be converted to polylines. Use the
AutoCAD EXPLODE command to do this.

Conversely, contours represented by polylines can be converted to contour objects.

Convert a contour to a polyline, and then convert it back to a contour object.

1 On the command line, enter EXPLODE, select a contour, and then press ENTER.

2 Enter LIST and select the same contour.

The contour is now a lightweight polyline.

3 Press ESC and then close the text window.

4 On the Terrain menu, click Contour Utilities, click Convert Polylines, and then select the
contour polyline and press ENTER.

5 Enter LIST and select the same contour.

The contour is now an AECC_CONTOUR.

6 Close the text window.

Labeled contours exist as a series of separate segments, and as such, may not be exploded and
converted back to continuous contour objects. Delete contour labels from contours before
conversion to avoid this problem.

Editing Contours

Contours can be edited with AutoCAD TRIM, EXTEND, BREAK, and ERASE commands. If the contour
style has grips enabled, contours can also be modified using standard grip editing commands.

Trim and extend contours to keep them inside a fenced area. Use the white polyline on layer 0 (zero)
as the boundary.

1 Click the Layers icon and thaw layer 0.

2 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

3 Enter TRIM, select the boundary polyline, and then press ENTER.

4 Select the contours to trim and then press ENTER.

5 Enter EXTEND, select the boundary polyline, and then press ENTER.

6 Select the contours to extend, and then press ENTER.

Click here to see an illustration of the edited contours.

This concludes the contour creation lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about generating


Generate cross sections to show below-ground conditions for single or multiple surfaces.

48 | P a g e
To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-15.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Define two sections from an existing surface by referencing existing lines in the drawing to define as
sections. First, specify EG as the current surface.

1 On the Terrain menu, select Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box.

2 From the Selection list, select EG, and then click OK.

3 From the Terrain menu, click Sections Define Sections.

4 Enter W-E for the Group Label and AA for the Section Label.

Use the following steps to specify line AA as the first section line.

5 Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the left end of line AA, and then use an Endpoint Osnap to
select the right end of line AA.

Use the following steps to specify line BB as the second section line.

6 Enter BB for the Section Label, and using an Endpoint OSNAP select the left end of line BB,

and then using an Endpoint OSNAP select the right end of line BB.

7 Press ENTER twice.

Next, process the sections.

8 From the Terrain menu, click Sections Process Sections.

You now have two sections defined from a single surface.


Import the two sections into the drawing.

1 From the Terrain menu, click Sections Import Sections.

2 Press ENTER to accept the default, Datum, for the Datum line layer.

49 | P a g e
3 Enter 2 for Vertical scale factor.

4 Select a point to the right side of the current view near section line AA for the insertion of
section AA, and then press ENTER to accept the default value for the Datum elevation.

5 Select a point to the right side of the current view near section line BB for the insertion of
section BB, and then press ENTER to accept the default value for the Datum elevation.

6 Zoom in on the imported imported single surface sections.

Click here to see an illustration of the imported single surface sections.

Use the following steps to add grids to the sections.

7 On the Terrain menu, click Sections Grid for Sections.

8 Press ENTER to accept the default, Grid, for the Section grid layer.

9 Select the section datum block text for section AA (the block at the lower-left corner of the
section), and then enter 2 m for the Elevation increment and 5 m for the Offset increment.

10 Select the section datum block text for section BB, press ENTER to accept the default, 2 m, for
the Elevation increment and press ENTER to accept the default, 5 m, for the Offset increment,
and then press ENTER to end the command.

Click here to see an illustration of the imported single surface sections with grids.


Create a third section using both the existing ground (EG) and finished ground (FG) surfaces.

1 Zoom to the previous view.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Sections Multiple Surfaces On/Off and verify that "Multiple
surfaces are on" is displayed at the command line.

3 On the Terrain menu, click Sections Define Multiple Surfaces to display the Multiple Surface
Selection dialog box.

4 From the Select from list, select EG, hold down the CTRL key, and then select FG.

5 Verify the EG and FG are displayed in the Current list, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to specify line CC as the third section line.

6 From the Terrain menu, click Sections Define Sections.

7 Enter SE-NW for the Group Label and CC for the Section Label.

8 Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the upper end of line CC, and then use an Endpoint Osnap to
select the lower end of line CC.

9 Press ENTER twice. Next, process the section.

10 From the Terrain menu, click Sections Process Sections.

11 Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to append to the end of the existing section file.

50 | P a g e
12 Enter SE-NW for the Group to retrieve, and then press ENTER.


Import the multiple surface section into the drawing.

1 From the Terrain menu, click Sections Import Sections.

2 Press ENTER to accept the default, Datum, for the Datum line layer.

3 Enter 2 for Vertical scale factor.

4 Select a point near the top of the screen for the insertion of section CC, and then press ENTER
to accept the default value for the Datum elevation.

5 Zoom in on the multiple surface section.

Click here to see an illustration of the multiple surface section.


Use dynamic quick sections as a tool to quickly view the terrain in a particular area. Dynamic
sections can be copied and pasted into any Windowsâ application, or imported into the drawing
using the current drawing scale.

You can create quick sections from one or multiple surfaces. Multiple surfaces are currently turned
on in the project, so the quick section you create in this task will be based on the surfaces EG and FG,
the two surfaces you selected previously with the Define Multiple Surfaces command.

1 Zoom to the previous view.

2 From the Terrain menu, click Sections View Quick Section.

3 Select the section line C-C in the drawing, and then press ENTER to display the Section

The Section window can be moved and resized in the drawing. You can also change the section
properties using the Section pull-down menu in the upper left corner of the Section window.

Use the following steps to change the vertical scale of the section.

4 From the Section menu in the Section window, select View Properties to display the Quick
Section Properties dialog box.

5 On the Grid Settings tab enter 2 for Vertical factor, enter 10 for the Minimum Vertical
Increment, and enter 50 for the Minimum Horizontal Increment.

6 Click the Surface Color Settings tab. Note that the color of EG is green and the color of FG is
blue. You can change the colors of up to 8 surfaces when viewing quick sections for multiple

7 Click OK.

You can grip edit the line from which you created the section, and the view in the Section window is
updated dynamically.

8 Select section line C-C in the drawing to display its grips, and then select one of the grips and
drag it to a new position.

51 | P a g e
Observe that the section view is automatically updated to reflect the new position of the section
line. You can import a quick section into the drawing using the current drawing scale.

9 From the Utilities menu in the Section window, select Import Quick Section.

10 Type tutorial1 as the layer name prefix for the surfaces.

When you import the quick section, the section line for each surface is placed on a unique layer. By
using tutoral1 as the prefix, the section line for surface EG will be created on layer tutorial1-EG, for

11 Press ENTER to accept the default, datum, as the datum line layer.

12 Type CC as the description for the section.

13 Select an insertion point for the section below the section CC you imported earlier.

14 Press ENTER to accept the default datum elevation.

The quick section is imported into the drawing.

15 Close the section window so you can see the imported quick section.

This concludes the section creation lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about surface
visualization tools.


Use surface visualization features to show elevation banding and watershed delineation. Use the
Object Viewer to generate different views of surfaces.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select

Lesson-16.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Create elevation banding with 3D faces.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box.

52 | P a g e
2 From the Selection list, select Area1C, and then click OK.

3 On the Terrain menu, click Surface Display Banding - 3D Faces to display the Surface
Elevation Shading Settings dialog box.

4 Verify that the Create Skirts check box is clear, enter 2 for the Vertical factor and 6 for the
Number of ranges, and then click Auto-Range to display the Terrain Range Views dialog box.

5 Accept the default values displayed in this dialog box by clicking OK, and then the Surface
Range Definitions dialog box is displayed.

6 Click OK to return to the Surface Elevation Shading Settings dialog box, and then click OK.

7 Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to erase the old range view, and then the Range
Statistics window is displayed.

8 When you have finished reviewing the range statistics information click OK.

The elevation banding is drawn with 3D faces.

Click here to see an illustration of the 3D face elevation banding.


View the elevation banding in the Object Viewer.

1 On the Utilities menu, click Object Viewer.

2 Using a window selection set, select all of the elevation banding entities, and then press
ENTER to continue.

The elevation banding is displayed in the Object Viewer.Wireframe is the default display mode for
the Object Viewer. The Object Viewer also has six standard orthogonal and four isometric views to
choose from. The current view in the AutoCAD editor window is the default view in Object Viewer.

Click here to see an illustration of the elevation banding in the Object Viewer.

53 | P a g e

Use Object Viewer navigation tools to pan and zoom in and out of parallel views and move in and
out of perspective views. The initial view in Object Viewer is parallel by default.

1 Click the Zoom icon (3rd icon from the right, top row) and then move your cursor to zoom in
and out.

2 Click the Pan icon (4th icon from the right, top row) and then move your cursor to pan

3 Click the Perspective icon (2nd icon from the left, bottom row) and then move your cursor to
move in and out.

Use additional zoom icons to specify zoom parameters in parallel view.

4 Click the Orbit icon (2nd icon from the right, top row) and then move your cursor to rotate
the view in all three axes (X, Y, and Z) simultaneously.

5 When you have finished viewing the elevation banding, close the Object Viewer.

6 If needed, use the UNDO command to restore the drawing to its previous state.

Use the following steps to erase the range view layers.

7 On the Terrain menu, click Terrain Layers Range Layers.

8 Press ENTER to accept the default, Erase, to erase the range view layers.

Delineating Watershed Areas

Divide the site up into catchment areas by building a watershed model and importing the watershed

1 On the Terrain menu, click Terrain Model Explorer to display the Terrain Model Explorer
dialog box.

2 Select Area1c and expand its TIN data tree. Select Watershed, and then right-click and click C
alculate Watershed to display the Watershed Parameters dialog box.

3 Enter 1 m for the Minimum Depression Depth and 50 sq. m for the Minimum Depression
Area, and then clear the Must exceed both minimum area and minimum depth check box.

4 Click OK to display the Calculate Watershed dialog box, and then click OK as the Done
calculating watershed message is displayed.

Information regarding the watershed areas is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model

Use the following steps to import the watershed boundaries into the drawing.

5 Select Watershed, and then right-click and click Import Watershed Boundaries to display the
Watershed Display Settings dialog box.

6 Accept all of the default values that are displayed in this dialog box by clicking OK.

7 Close the Terrain Model Explorer and view the watershed boundaries.

Click here to see an illustration of the watershed boundaries.

8 Zoom in so you can see the watershed numbers that were inserted.

54 | P a g e
Click here to see an illustration of the watershed numbers.

This concludes the surface visualization lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about calculating


Define a site and stratum for volume calculations, and then perform grid and composite surface
volume calculations and section method volume calculations. Compare the results from all three

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL1, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-17.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Define a stratum from surfaces EG and FG, and then define a site enclosing the area in which
volumes will be calculated.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Select Current Stratum to display the Define Stratum dialog box.

2 Enter Stratum1 for the Name and EG and FG Surfaces for the Description.

3 Click Select for Surface 1 to display the Select Surface dialog box, select EG, and then click OK
to return to the Define Stratum dialog box.

4 Click Select for Surface 2 to display the Select Surface dialog box, select FG, and then click OK
to return to the Define Stratum dialog box.

5 Verify that Surface 1 is eg and Surface 2 is fg, and then click OK to continue.

Use the following steps to change the volume site settings.

6 On the Terrain menu, click Site Definition Site Settings to display the Volume Site Settings
dialog box.

7 In the Volume Labeling section enter m3 for the Suffix, and then click OK.

55 | P a g e
Use the following steps to define the site with a 2 m by 2 m grid rotated 20 degrees.

8 On the Terrain menu, click Site Definition Define Site.

9 Enter 20 degrees for the Rotation angle.

10 Enter .P (dot P) to use the point filter, and then enter 1 for the Site Base Point.

Filters are available for your use when working with Autodesk Land Desktop commands. Use the .P
point filter to specify an existing point number, use the .G graphical filter to select objects in the
drawing, or use the .N northing filter to specify northing and easting coordinates.

11 Enter 2 m for the Grid M size, and then press ENTER to accept the default, 2 m, for the Grid N

12 Enter .P (dot P) again to disable the use of the point filter, and then use an Endpoint OSNAP
to select the upper right corner of the site definition polyline.

13 Press ENTER to accept the default, No, to changing the size or rotation of the grid, and then
enter No to erasing the old site outline.

14 Enter Site1 for the Site name.

With a defined stratum and grid you have a relationship between two surfaces from which, by
various methods, you can derive volumes.

Calculate volumes by the grid volumes method. The grid volumes method works by superimposing a
grid on both surfaces in the stratum, extracting elevations at grid line intersections, and then
compiling the difference in elevation at each concurrent grid line intersection.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Grid Volumes Calculate Total Site Volume to display the Site
Librarian dialog box.

2 From the Select site list, select Site1, and then click OK to display the Grid Volume Settings
dialog box.

3 Accept the default values in this dialog box by clicking OK and displaying the Volume Results
Surface dialog box.

4 Enter G1-Site1 for the New surface, and then click OK.

If you are working with several sites and strata it is helpful to develop a naming convention for the
volume surfaces. This aids in correlating a surface to the volumes calculation method used to create
it. You can also specify the site name as the surface description in the Terrain Model Explorer when
creating surfaces.

The grid volumes method calculations are displayed on the command line, with a cut volume of
3,376 m3, and fill volume of 20,380 m3, and a net volume of 17,004 m3 of fill.

Use the following steps to turn on the boundary of the fg surface then generate a Quick View of the
new volume surface.

5 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

6 Click the Layers icon in the toolbar to display the Layer Properties Manager. Turn on the
display of the Fg-srf-bdr layer to view the FG surface boundary polyline, and click OK to close
the Layer Properties Manager.

56 | P a g e
7 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box and
select Volume Surface. Select G1-Site1 from the list of surfaces and then click OK.

8 On the Terrain menu, click Surface Display Quick View.

Click here to see an illustration of the grid volumes surface quick view.

The area between the fg surface boundary and the extent of the grid volume surface is excluded
from the volumes calculations.

Grid squares that fall partially outside of the finished ground surface are ignored when volumes are
calculated. This may be avoided by using two surfaces with concurrent boundaries, or by pasting the
proposed ground surface onto the existing ground surface. As an alternative, specifying a smaller M
and N grid size results in minimizing the impact of grid squares occurring outside of the finished
ground surface.


Calculate volumes by the composite volumes method.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 1,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Terrain menu, click Composite Volumes Calculate Total Site Volume to display the
Site Volume Librarian dialog box.

3 From the Select site list, select Site1, and then click OK to display the Composite Volume
Settings dialog box.

4 Accept the default values in this dialog box by clicking OK and displaying the Volume Results

Surface dialog box.

5 Enter C1-Site1 for the New surface, and then click OK.

The composite volumes method calculations are displayed on the command line, with a cut volume
of 3,475 m3, and fill volume of 20,940 m3, and a net volume of 17,465 m3 of fill.

Use the following steps to open the Terrain Model Explorer and view the C1-Site1 volume.

6 On the Terrain menu, click Terrain Model Explorer to display the Terrain Model Explorer.

7 Under the Volume folder select C1-Site1, right-click and click Surface Display Quick View.

8 Move the Terrain Model Explorer to see the quick view entities.

Click here to see an illustration of the composite volumes surface quick view.

9 Close the Terrain Model Explorer, and then on the command line, enter REDRAW to clear the
quick view entities.

With the Composite Volumes method no clipping of grid squares occurs, and no unexpected surface
triangulation line are generated, resulting in higher volume totals than with the Grid Volumes
method. In this case, a net fill volume of 17,465 m3 was output using composite volumes, compared
with a net volume of 17,004 m3 using grid volumes.


Calculate volumes by the section volumes method. With the section volumes method the average of
adjacent cross section areas is multiplied by the distance between them.

57 | P a g e
First, sample average end area sections for both surfaces.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Section Volumes Sample Sections to display the Site Volume
Librarian dialog box.

2 From the Select site list, select Site1, and then click OK to display the Section Volume Settings
dialog box.

3 In the Volume Calculation Type section verify that Average end area is selected, and then in
the Direction section select M (x).

4 Accept the default Volume Corrections factors, and then click OK to sample sections for both

Use the following steps to calculate average end area section volumes for the site.

5 On the Terrain menu, click Section Volumes Calculate Volume Total to display the Site
Volume Librarian dialog.

6 From the Select site list, select Site1, and then click OK to display the Section Volume Settings
dialog box.

7 Accept the default values in this dialog box by clicking OK, and then press ENTER.

The section volumes method calculations are displayed on the command line, with a cut volume of
3,478 m3, a fill volume of 21,012 m3, and a net volume of 17,534 m3 of fill.


Take a look at the volumes results from all three volumes calculation methods.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Volume Reports Site Reports to display the Site Volume
Corrections dialog box.

2 Accept the default values in this dialog box by clicking OK and display the Site Volumes

Observe that all three methods yield volumes that are quite close, with a 3.0% difference between
the highest volumes value (section average end area method), 17,534 m3, and the lowest volumes
value (grid method), 17,004 m3.

It is recommended that you use all three methods to calculate volumes for your particular site.
Sound engineering judgment should then be used to select the proper value.

3 When you have finished reviewing the volumes results click OK.


Sometimes it is necessary to calculate volumes for only a portion of the site. In some geographic
regions the volume calculations for a subdivision are performed separately for lots and roads.

Use the Parcel Volumes method to calculate volumes for a parcel. First, define a parcel by selecting
one of the existing parcel boundary polylines in the drawing.

1 Click the Layers icon in the toolbar to display the Layer Properties Manager. Turn on the
display of the Subsites layer to view the parcel boundary polylines, and click OK to close the
Layer Properties Manager.

58 | P a g e
2 On the Parcels menu, click Define from Polylines and select the yellow polyline around the
4 hatched area, and then press ENTER to end the command.

Use the following steps to calculate grid volumes for parcel 1.

3 On the Terrain menu, click Grid Volumes Calculate Parcel Volumes to display the Site Volume
Librarian dialog box.

4 From the Select site list, select Site1, and then click OK to display the Parcel Volume Librarian
dialog box.

5 From the Select parcel list, select 1, and then click OK.

The parcel volumes method calculations are displayed on the command line, with a cut volume of
2,058 m3, a fill volume of 3,356 m3, and a net fill volume of 1,298 m3.


Generate cut and fill contours for the site using the C1-Site1 volume surface.

1. Click the Layers icon in the toolbar to display the Layer Properties Manager. Turn off the
3. display of the Subsites and Fg-srf-bdr layers, and click OK to close the Layer Properties

2 On the Terrain menu, click Set Current Surface to display the Select Surface dialog box.

3 Select Volume Surface, from the Select surface to open list, select C1-Site1, and then click OK.

4 On the Terrain menu, click Create Contours to display the Create Contours dialog box.

5 In the Intervals section select Both Minor and Major, enter 0.5 m for the Minor Interval and
2.5 m for the Major Interval.

6 Click OK to continue, and then press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, for erasing old

The cut and fill contours are drawn to represent the depth of equal cut and fill across the site.

Click here to see an illustration of the cut and fill contours.


Generate grid ticks and labels to show cut and fill volume values at specified grid points.

1 On the Terrain menu, click Grid Volumes Grid Volume Ticks to display the Site Volume
Librarian dialog box.

2 From the Select site list, select Site1, and then click OK to display the Grid Volume Ticks dialog

3 Enter 5 for the Tick interval and Label interval, and then enter 1 for the Label precision.

4 In the Label Position section select Right, and then click OK.

5 Enter No to not erase old ticks.

The grid ticks and labels are generated.

59 | P a g e
6 Zoom in on one of the grid ticks and labels.

Click here to see an illustration of grid ticks and labels.

This concludes the volume calculation lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about drawing lines,
curves, and spirals.


Draw tangents, curves, and spirals to lay out alignment centerlines. Create new alignments and edit
existing alignments by connecting tangent segments with circular curves and spirals. Use speed
tables to draw curves and work with attaching multiple alignment objects.

To work through this lesson follow these steps:

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-18.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Draw tangent segments between two existing PIs, a point specified by northing/easting coordinates,
and a station block to define a bridge abutment alignment crossing the main roadway alignment.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Line, enter .P (dot P) to use the Point filter, and then enter 1

for the Point number of the starting point.

3 Enter 2 for the Point number of the next point.

4 Enter .N (dot N) to use the Northing/Easting filter, and then enter 5018657.3345 for the
Northing value and 273727.9099 for the Easting value for the next point.

5 Enter .N to toggle off the Northing/Easting filter, and then use an Insertion Osnap to select
the station block on the north side of the main road for the ending point.

6 Press ENTER twice.

You now have three tangent segments for the bridge abutment alignment.

Click here to see an illustration of the bridge abutment tangents.

60 | P a g e

Draw 700 m radius circular curves between each of the three tangent segments that you just drew.

1 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Curve Between Two Lines, select the first tangent line, and
then select the second tangent line.

2 Press ENTER to accept the default, Radius, and then enter 700 m for the Radius.

3 Select the second tangent line, and then select the third tangent line.

4 Press ENTER to accept the default, Radius, enter 700 m for the Radius, and then press ENTER.

The three tangent segments are connected with circular curves to complete the bridge abutment

Click here to see an illustration of the bridge abutment alignment curves.


Draw a spiral-curve-spiral system to connect tangent segments on the main roadway alignment.
First, verify that you will use a clothoid spiral.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 3,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Create Spirals Spiral Type to display the Spiral Type dialog

3 Verify that Clothoid is selected, and then click OK.

4 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Create Spirals Fit Tangent-Tangent to display the Fit Spirals -
Tangent to Tangent dialog box.

5 From the Description list, select Spiral-Curve-Spiral, and then click OK.

6 Select the left tangent, and then select the right tangent.

7 Enter 850 m for the Radius, and then enter 300 for the Spiral A in value.

8 Press ENTER to accept the default, 300, for the Spiral A out value, and then press ENTER.

The tangents are connected with spirals and an 850 m radius curve.

Click here to see an illustration of the main alignment spiral-curve-spiral system.


Use speed tables to draw a curve system for another part of the main roadway alignment. The
design intent is to superelevate this roadway curve. Copy the Canada06 speed table to create a new
speed table based on a design speed of 110 km/hr and 1000 m radius curve.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 4,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Speed Tables Edit Speed Table to display the Select Speed

Table dialog box.

61 | P a g e
3 From the Speed Table list, select canada06.sup, and then click OK to display the Horizontal
Speed Table dialog box.

4 From the Design Speed list, select 110 km/hr.

5 Click Save As to display the Save Horizontal Speed Table dialog box.

6 Enter Tutorial for the File name, and then click Save to return to the Horizontal Speed Table
dialog box.

7 Click in the eighth row of the Speed Table (1000 m radius curve), and then click Edit to display
the New/Edit Speed Table Item dialog box.

8 Enter 350 for the 4 Lane Spi A value, and then click OK to return to the Horizontal

Speed Table dialog box.

9 Click Save, and then click OK.

Use the following steps to draw a new 4-lane curve system based on the Tutorial speed table for the
main roadway alignment.

10 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Speed Tables Create Curves.

11 Select the left tangent, and then select the right tangent to display the Horizontal Speed
Table dialog box.

12 Verify that Tutorial.sup is the current Speed table and 110 km/hr is the Design speed.

13 Click in the eighth row of the Speed Table column (1000 m radius), and then click OK to
display the Select dialog box.

14 Click Four Lanes to create the spiral-curve-spiral system.

The tangents are connected with a curve system generated by the new speed table.

Click here to see an illustration of the speed table curve system.


Create an exit ramp alignment by attaching multiple alignment objects. First, offset the roadway
centerline tangent 26 m south as the start of the ramp.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 5,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 On the command line, enter OFFSET, enter 26 m for the Distance, and then select the left

tangent on the left side of your screen.

3 Select a point below the tangent for the Side to offset, and then press ENTER.

Use the following steps to add a 1280 m radius curve to the right end of the ramp.

4 On the Lines/Curves menu, click Attach Multiple.

5 Select the right end of the new offset ramp tangent.

6 Enter A for the Arc option, and then press ENTER to accept the default, Radius.

62 | P a g e
7 Enter 1280 m for the Radius, press ENTER to accept the default, Length, and then enter 206.8
m for the Length.

Use the following steps to attach a compound spiral to the curve.

8 Enter S for the Spiral option, and then enter C for the Compound option.

9 Press ENTER to accept the default, 1280 m, for the Radius.

10 Enter L for the Length option, and then enter 54.397 m for the Length.

11 Enter 250 m for the Ending radius.

Use the following steps to attach another curve to the compound spiral.

12 Enter A for the Arc option, press ENTER to accept the default, Radius, and then press ENTER

to accept the default, 250 m, for the Radius.

13 Press ENTER to accept the default, Length, and then enter 106.304 m for the Length.

Use the following steps to attach a spiral to the curve.

14 Enter S for the Spiral option, and then enter O for the Outcurve option.

15 Press ENTER to accept the default, 250 m, for the Radius, enter A for the A factor option, and
then enter 146.615 for the A factor.

Use the following steps to finish the ramp alignment by drawing a tangent segment.

16 Enter T for the Tangent option, and then enter 206.016 m for the Length.

17 Press ENTER to end the command.

The ramp alignment is represented by multiple alignment objects.

Click here to see an illustration of the ramp alignment.

Take a look at all of the alignment objects in the drawing.

18 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 1,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

This concludes the object drawing lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about defining and editing


Define alignments for roadway centerlines, curb lines, or other roadway features from polylines or
individual entities. Edit alignments and generate alignment reports with the Horizontal Alignment

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

63 | P a g e
3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-19.dwg, and then click OK.

5 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

6 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Define the first alignment from the red alignment polyline.

1 On the Alignments menu, click Define from Polyline.

2 Select a point on the polyline.

A red X appears at the starting point of the polyline.

3 Press ENTER to accept the starting point as the alignment reference point and to display the
Define Alignment dialog box.

4 Enter A1 for the Alignment name and Alignment #1 - Seguin Trail for the Description.

5 Accept the Starting station of 0.000, and then click OK to continue.

The first alignment is defined from a polyline. Data for the new alignment is displayed on the
command line including the alignment description, name, number, length, and starting and ending

Click here to see an illustration of the A1 alignment.

If the alignment contains spirals it must be defined from entities, rather than defined from a


Define the second alignment from individual objects.

1 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

2 From the Layer list, turn on the CL-2 layer.

The yellow alignment on the CL-2 layer now appears in the drawing. This alignment is comprised of
connected alignment objects. Define a second alignment from these objects, starting with the right
end of the alignment.

3 On the Alignments menu, click Define from Objects.

4 Select the right end of the first tangent on the right end of the alignment.

A red X appears at the starting point of the alignment.

5 Use a window selection set to select the rest of the entities in the alignment, and then press

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Use the following steps to specify a reference point at the center of an existing circle positioned on
the alignment, and then specify a reference station value.

6 At the Select Reference Point prompt on the command line, enter '-VIEW (apostrophe dash
VIEW), R for the Restore option, and then 3 for the view to restore.

7 Use a Center Osnap to select the center of the circle as the reference point, and then enter
15778.63 for the Reference station value.

8 Press ENTER to display the Define Alignment dialog box.

9 Enter A2 for the Alignment name and Alignment #2 - Highway 69 for the Description.

10 Accept the Starting station value of 15299.008, and then click OK to continue.

11 On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2,
click Set Current, and then click OK.

The second alignment is defined from objects.

Click here to see an illustration of the A2 alignment.


Use the Horizontal Alignment Editor to view and edit PI, curve, and spiral data for alignment A2.

1. On the Alignments menu, click Edit to display the Horizontal Alignment Editor.

Use the following steps to view data for the first curve in the alignment.

2 In the Edit section, click in the second row of the Station column, and then click Edit Curve to
display the Curve Detail Window.

3 When you have finished reviewing the data for the first curve, click Next to view data for the
second curve.

4 When you have finished reviewing the data for the second curve, click OK to return to the
Horizontal Alignment Editor.

Use the following step to change the Northing value for the fourth PI point of the alignment to move
it south 40 m.

5 Click in the fourth row of the Northing column, enter 5018525.433 as the new Northing value,
and then press ENTER.

The station and direction values change for the adjacent tangent segment in the alignment.


Generate an alignment report file.

1 In the Horizontal Alignment Editor, in the Reports section, click Settings to display the Output
Settings dialog box.

2 In the Output Options section, select the File check box. Specify a name and location for the
alignment report file.

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3 Click Output File Name to display the Output File Name dialog box, specify a location for the a
lignment report file, and then enter Report1.prn for the Output file name.

4 Click Save to return to the Output Settings dialog box, and then click OK to return to the
Horizontal Alignment editor.

5 Click Station/Curve, press ENTER to accept the default beginning station, and then press
ENTER to accept the default ending station.

6 Press ENTER to accept the default Output file name, Report1.prn, and display the Horizontal
Alignment Station and Curve Report dialog box.

7 When you have finished reviewing the data in this dialog box, click OK to return to the
Horizontal Alignment Editor dialog box.

8 Click Save, and then click OK.

The alignment has moved in the drawing to reflect the changes made in the Horizontal Alignment

This concludes the alignment creation and editing lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about
stationing and offsetting alignments.


Station alignments to define even increments of alignment measurement. Create offsets to quickly
generate roadway details such as edge of pavement, edge of shoulder, and so on.

To work through this lesson follow these steps

1 Start Autodesk Land Desktop if you have not already done so.

2 On the File menu, click Open to display the Open Drawing: Project Based dialog box.

The default location folder for project files is c:\Land Projects 2004. If you opted to install these files
in another location instead, specify the appropriate project path.

3 From the Project Name list, select TUTORIAL2, from the Select Project Drawing list, select
Lesson-20.dwg, and then click OK.

4 On the Projects menu, click Menu Palettes to display the Menu Palette Manager dialog box.

5 From the Menu list, select Land Desktop 2004, and then click Load.

Working through these lessons will result in alteration of the project files. Backup copies of these
project files can be found in the c:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2004\Landtut folder.

If this lesson has been previously run, copy these unaltered project files to the \Land Projects 2004
folder when starting a new tutorial session to ensure that the sequence outlined in each lesson can
be followed properly.


Change station settings by specifying the station base value, adding a layer prefix, and beginning of
curve and curve/tangent intersect labels.

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1 On the Alignments menu, click Station Display Format to display the Edit Station Format
dialog box.

2 In the Station/Chainage Numeric Format section change the Station base value to 1000 by
moving the slider to the right, and then click OK.

3 On the Alignments menu, click Alignment Labels to display the Alignment Labels Settings
dialog box.

4 In the Layer Prefix section, enter *- (asterisk hyphen) for the Layer prefix.

This will append the alignment name automatically to all of the layers that are automatically created
when generating alignment stationing.

5 In the Label Text section, enter BC for the Beginning of curve and EC for the Curve/Tangent
intersect, and then click OK.

Although stationing can be accomplished in a single operation, this lesson shows you how to create
station labels with a specific text style and offset first, and then station point labels with a different
text style and offset.

6 On the Alignments menu, click Station Label Settings to display the Alignment Station Label
Settings dialog box.

7 Clear the Station point labels check box, enter 50 m for the Station label increment, 10 m for

the Station tick increment, and 2 m for the Station label offset, and then click OK.

8 On the Utilities menu, click Set Text Style to display the Text Style dialog box.

9 From the Style Name list, select 2MM, and then click Close.

You now have a new station label style.


Add station labels to the alignment. First, set alignment A1b as the current alignment.

1 On the Alignments menu, click Set Current Alignment, and then press ENTER to display the

Alignment Librarian dialog box.

2 From the Selection list, select A1b, and then click OK.

3 On the Alignments menu, click Create Station Labels.

4 Accept the default beginning and ending station values, and then press ENTER to accept the
default, Yes, to delete existing stationing layers.

The station labels are automatically generated.

Click here to see an illustration of the station labels.

Use the following steps to add station point labels to the alignment.

5 On the Alignments menu, click Station Label Settings to display the Alignment Stationing
Settings dialog box.

6 Clear the Station labels check box, select the Station point labels check box, enter 25 m for
the Station label offset, and then click OK.

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7 On the Utilities menu, click Set Text Style to display the Text Style dialog box.

8 From the Style Name list, select 3MM, and then click Close.

You now have a new station point label style.

9 On the Alignments menu, click Create Station Labels.

10 Accept the default beginning and ending station values, and then press ENTER to accept the
default, Yes, to delete existing stationing layers.

The station point labels are automatically generated. When you are working with some smaller-
radius curves the station point labels may need to be manually adjusted for clarity.

11 Zoom in on the alignment to view the station point labels.

Click here to see an illustration of the station point labels.


Add edge of pavement, shoulder, and right-of-way offsets to the alignment.

1 Zoom to the previous view.

2 On the Alignments menu, click Create Offsets to display the Alignment Offset Settings dialog

3 In the Outer offset section, enter 0 (zero) m for the Left offset and 25 m for the Right offset.

4 In the Second offset section, select the Second offset check box, and then enter 6.5 m for
both the Left and Right offsets.

5 In the Inner offset section, verify that the Left and Right offset value is 4.25 m, and then click

The alignment offsets are automatically generated.

Click here to see an illustration of the alignment offsets.

When working with the Alignment Offset Settings dialog box, you do not have the option of
automatically erasing alignment offset objects. To avoid generating duplicate alignment offset
objects click Cancel to exit the Alignment Offset Settings dialog box when you are only checking

This concludes the Autodesk Land Desktop tutorial.

For more information about the features of Autodesk Land Desktop, see
the online help.

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