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By: Amy Lemons

Graphics: Krista Wallden, Lovin’ Lit, Kimberly Geswein, Teaching in a Small Town
Sort the Words
lion apple anteater teacher taco

orange egg student zookeeper ostrich

computer animal pencil arctic fox movie

Divide your paper a an

into 2 sections to
sort the words:
Complete the Sentence:
a, an, the
1.  We saw ____ firemen.
2.  She is ____ honest girl. 8.  I ate ____ apple.
3.  I bought ____ new bike. 9.  Where are ____ keys?
4.  My mom visited ____ 10.  He found ____ insect.
friend. 11.  ____ dress is too big.
5.  We watched ____ good 12.  My dad is ____ doctor.
movie. 13.  We looked at ____ stars.
6.  ____ peacocks are 14.  Where are ____ boys?
beautiful. 15.  I want ____ orange.
7.  She has ____ idea.
True or False?
1.  a bird 11.  a helicopter
2.  an grasshopper 12.  a awesome night
3.  an orange 13.  an apple
4.  a oval 14.  a scientist
5.  a trampoline 15.  a museum
6.  an rose 16.  an ostrich
7.  an icy cave 17.  an anteater
8.  a cheeseburger 18.  an orangutan
9.  an sandwich 19.  an mouse
10.  an octagon 20.  an child

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