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Weekly Homework 1

Julian Gutierrez
Exercises in Electrodynamics
April 13, 2019

1 Vector Calculus I
• Find ∇ × (∇ × ~v ) in general coordinates.
• Show that in cartesian Coordinates it reduces to ∇ × (∇ × ~v ) = ∇(∇ · ~v ) − ∇2~v

2 Vector Calculus II
Prove (in general coordinates): ∇(∇ × ~v ) = 0

3 Vector Calculus III

• Using the cyclic relations î × ĵ = k̂, ĵ × k̂ = î, and k̂ × î = ĵ,
• show that ~a × ~b = (ay bz − az by )î + (az bx − ax bz )ĵ + (ax by − ay bx )k̂.

4 Vector Calculus IV
Prove the following identities
~ × B)
• (A ~ • (C
~ × D)
~ = (A
~ • C)(
~ B ~ • D)
~ − (A
~ • D)(
~ B ~ • C)

• ∇(ψφ) = ψ∇φ + φ∇ψ

~ = ψ∇A
• ∇(ψ A) ~+A
~ • (∇ψ)

~ = ψ(∇ × A)
• ∇ × (ψ A) ~ +A
~ × (∇ψ)

~ × B)
• ∇(A ~ =B
~ • (∇ × A)
~ −A
~ • (∇ × B)

~ × B)
• ∇ × (A ~ = A∇
~ B~ − B∇
~ A~ + (B∇)
~ A ~ − (A∇)
~ B ~

For E = αx̂, write down the field in (2D) polar coordinates. Sketch the field for
several values of ϕ, sketch the polar unit vectors at those points.

5 Stokes Theorem
~ x) = ẑ × ~x, where ~x = xx̂ + y ŷ + z ẑ
Given G(~

(a) Sketch the field lines.

~ ~l where C = {z = 0; x2 + y 2 = 1}.
(b) Calculate C Gd

6 Stokes Theorem II
Check Stokes Theorem for ~v = yẑ over the triangle S (see figure-Griffiths 1.57)

7 Gauss Theorem
Check Gauss’s theorem for ~v = r2 sin θr̂ + 4r2 cos θθ̂ + r2 tan θϕ̂ over the “ice cream” S (see
figure-Griffiths 1.58).

8 Vector Calculus
~ x) = ~xe−αr
Given G(~
• Find ∇ · G.
~ as function of r.
• Sketch ∇ · G
~ where V is a sphere with radius a centered at the origin.
• Find V ∇ · G,

• Find the the answer to (c) in the limit a → ∞

Source-Pollack Stump 2.28

9 Divergence of 1/r2
Given ~v = rn r̂

• Find ∇ · ~v .

• Check the divergernce theorem for n = −2 on a sphere with radius R that is centered
at the origin.

Source-Griffiths 1.62

10 Potentials
Given F~ = yz x̂ + zxŷ + xyẑ, show that F~ can be written both as
• ∇×A

• −∇V .
~ and V
Find A
Source-Griffiths 1.49-

11 Delta Identity
Prove that δ(kx) = |k|

source-Griffiths Problem 1.15

12 Charge Distribution
Write down the charge density for

• A sphere of radius R centered at the origin.

• A thin ring {x2 + y 2 = R2 ; z = 0}.

• An infinite cylinder of radius R.

Source-Gedalin 3.6

13 Greens Function in 1D
Derive Greens function for the one dimensional Laplace equation.
Source-Gedalin, 4.2

14 Greens Function in 2D
Derive Greens function for the two dimensional Laplace equation.
Source-Gedalin, 4.1

15 Charge Density from Electric Field

~ r) =
Given E(~ Ar̂+B sin θ cos ϕϕ̂
find ρ(~r)

Source-Griffiths 2.42

16 Charge Density from Potential
Given φ(r) = qr e−αr ,

• Find the charge density.

• Find the total charge.

Source-Griffiths 2.42

17 Electric Potentialn I
Find the potential on the axis of a uniform charged solid cylinder, a distance z from the
center. The length of the cylinder is L, its radius R, and the charge density is ρ. Use your
result to calculate the electric field at this point. (Assume that z > L/2.)

Source-Griffith 2.27

18 Electric Potential II
A cylinder with radius R and hight H is charged with the following distribution ρ(r) =

z r
ρo 1 − 2 , while 0 < z < H. Find the electric potential, electric field far from the

Source-2014-D Test

19 Electrostatic Energy
Part of a spherical shell {r = R; 0 < θ < θ0 ; 0 < ϕ < 2π} is charged with uniform charge
density σ. A charge q0 is placed on the axis of symmetry at equal distances from the center
and the surface. What is the energy of interaction of the charge with the surface?
source-Gedalin 8.2

20 Electrostatic Force
Find the force applied to a charge q0 placed at the top of a cone of height h and base radius
R. The cone is homogeneously charged with charge density ρ.
Source-Gedalin 8.3

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