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Government of Punjab~. <.c· _ ••• =--

Department of Social Justice, Empowerment and Minorities
(Reservation Cell) : ~ "''''.
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To ~.; ./ . C,,"..,.~ ~~dl
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All the Deputy Commissioners in the State

No. 1/16/2019-RCl/ 116 •U't'r:i::;..

__TA. . \
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Dated, Chandigarh 14thMay,2019 ~n);".,~"~~ ~

Subject:- Issue of Income & Assets certificate to Economically ~~~ (E":;Ss)

for availing benefit of reservation in civil posts and s~rles 01 ovt. of India
and admission in Central educational institutions.

Please refer to the subject cited' above.

2. In pursuance of-insertion of Article 15(6) and Article 16(6) in the Constitution of

India vide the Constitution (One hundred and third Amendment) Act, 2019, the Ministry of
. Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India has issued policy, vide O.M.
No.F.No.20013/01l201S-BC-II dated 17.01.2019 to provide 10% reservation in civil posts and
services in Govt. of India and admission in Educational Institutions to Ecomonically Weaker
sections (EWSs) who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservation for the Scheduled
Castes,' Scheduled Tribesand the Socially and economically Backward Classes.

3. On the basis of O.Mdated 17.01:2019,·DoPT vide OM 'F. NO. 36039/0112019-

EStt.(Res)-II dated 19.01.2019 has notified that 10% reservation would be provided for
Economically Weaker Sections ( EWSs) in central government posts and services. DoPT vide
OM F. NO. 36039/01l2019.:.EStt.(Res)-II dated 31.01.2019 has inter-alia issued detailed
instructions regarding procedure for implementation of EWS reservation. The copies of the OM
dated 19.01.2019 and OM 31.01.2019 is available on the, link which may be referred to.

4. Similarly, Ministry of HRD vide OM F.No. 12-4/2019-Ul dated 17.01.2019 has

issued instructions to provide reservation in admission to Central educational institutions. This
OM is available on the link https:11 notices.aspx.

5. In view of these .instructicns, the· following persons are eligible for being issued
the Income & Assets Certificate for availing the benefit of reservation for Economically Weaker
Sections for admission to Central Educational Institutions and for Central Govt. posts and

a) Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation by Govt. of
India for SCs, STs and OBCs and

b) Whose gross family income is below Rs. 8.00 lakh (Rs. Eight lacs only) per
annum. Income shall include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture,
business profession etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.

c) All persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets
shall be excluded from being identified as EWSs, irrespective of the family

i. 5 acres 0.[ Agricultural Land and above;

ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than notified

d) The property heldby a "Family" in different locations or different

places/cities would be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to
determine EWS status.

e) The term "Family" for this purpose will include the person who seeks
benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as
also his/her spouse and children below the age 0.( 18years.

6. It has been decided that the applicant will present an application and self
declaration as per Annexure-A and B respectively. The certificate will be issued as per specimen
given in Annexure -C and will be valid for the financial year in which it is issued.

7. Theconcemed Tehsildar will be the Income and Assets Certificate issuing

authority. He will issue the certificate after carefully verifying the claim and all relevant

8. In special circumstances, the Deputy Commissioner may. by an order in writing, .

authorise the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of the area to issue the certificate.

(Raj Bahaaur s1ngh)
Joint Secretary, Social Justice
A copy is forwarded to the following forinfonnation and necessary action.-
/ .

.Joint Secretary, Social Justice


All Special Chief Secretaries;

Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries,

ID No. 11l6/2019-RCl/1l7 Dated, Chandigarh, the 14th Muy,2019

Endst. No. 1116/2019-RC1/118 Dated, Chandigarh, the 14thMay,2019

A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action»

1. All Head of the Departments in the State.
2. All Commissioner of Divisions.
3. The Registrar, Punjab & Haryana High Court.
4. All Sub Divisional Officers (C) in the State.

Joint Secretary, Social Justice


))fTijfuq ~d" 3" ClH't1o ~ ( Economically Weaker Sections) ~ 81ft grao ff"d"'6l'o 'i:! ~

~ »fIWlw;rt/H~i~i ~f6t!JCiCaT/~~ ~~ mlncome.&

Assets Certificate ~ atfi5" mn:tt ~ tf7:ro

3fm·il8€'i3, fu 661' d \1t

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fu-J R1"319'~ ffifCf!O~~ ~ ~M6ttFea ocalF81){t/ijo~ ~+ BT BBl

fGfB- F.f')-fg mjf ~i H' ~3' FftRlT(f ~ ~ ~fT ~/A;;g,~/~ ~Iffi' ~

~ i5BT ~ ~ ~', ft:m" ~ ~ Income & Assets Certificate BT ~ ~ I

H! 9'cI"3' Ade<Jd tft ~T ~ ~ 30 3" c:nffid ~~. ~/~
"Ji"I H' nrJ) if3'a" ~ Ff)f- )~ ~ ~ ~ t!l ~ ~ 1';f3" ;::rrf~ ~. ~ ~-
'5e1 ms fgil'~ *:1,2~3 ~ HUe(,)Hdrn- w~ l.f'3a ~ fuyr/om"Ji" H foe' va- W R-m~
- ~ I fuOtfT cro& H-t= Income & Assets Certificate waT ac:rn tT ~ ocT3T ~ I

fu (l; cp d BT 'O'"T}f
1.. fI't~ lf30 (R~) ---Ii
fl.8r BT ()1}j'
--------_. 2. fdiJ,fea t!T ~* <HS"dT)

3. ~ (identity) ~ ~** (rwdt)

4. fatl'feai riG J1f(l:ft afRRCaT/~ tft I
Wlft I
I~ -~----'-- 5. tf5IC Rirttt a F+1Hetil/?)fW6R ~ crrtft I

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1) ~ Bt t[tsrw:- fa6C(ld, ~ ~ }fi3T fu3'r ~ 18 W8" Bt ~ '3" ute k/gor, ~ e-

l.f3T/~ ~ 18 rrrg Bt ~ '3" ufG ~I
2) H1t ~ '3" fuZSO(TO~ ~ ~ Bt furi ~ f.t3T rrrg Bt H"i(?'l()T ~ fi-W
mror, S31"a 1;:s1,fut:ro1:1, ~ ~ ~H l,,-rfu- wfi.fg ~ oIBT {T I
3) m sra-3" ~ faZSC(ld ~ ~ ~ Bt ffifto/H'fE€'€ ~ ;,fer ~. trW W\:r
;:n-fto/tiI fEeI€/~ ~ fu:J" ~ farw zy I

*~ B" R1r3 ~ wctt/fa;:ml BT ftfc)j ~ nt5 w ij'c ~ IiflN 'Eft ~ f~ mtt f't'a" Fr~
311eTq ~ ~ ~ ora-I
**I'I(')Tl;f3" ~ ~ ~;;fQ"'Q ~I :kQ orrQW ~/5d'elr~dl 8'e1RH ~~ ~ ~ ~ fe"q
~ ~ ~?>"m cia" I

))fI'Cfucr 30 3" ~o ~ -e-Hail r~ m fa'i1l a tft ~'t!O
\.I 1;:11 re'el 'e ~ ~
"Jffif org~. crow /'CTO€!'t ~ fcf: }f _
if'3"o / ifa-at/~· ~ '"~ _
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_____\!T'_/tft~wut I faij1rea ~~~ 'R]"3' BT ~-3Ht~cr c(t.jt orn.iT

2. }f , __tr:a1' 0''"5 ~1l' cnw /~ \Tr Iif3' reo 11T3T ife-aT

~a ~it 'I'l16ttf133~ / ll16ttf~d ~Jii" ~ ~ ~ \ft ~ ~ F.fl)f8" '0,"* ~I


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---- )~ wa- ~grnt ~'~ Uo'f5it.~ - ij-:-,


(i) )1d"qrtfj' /aTo Hdli'ol ~ BT ct~T~ ~ ~ Bt

(ii) fuR"~ 3crt Bt lJo'm> wfe" 3' rfifi ~

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(iii) I
~ m- Wcrn ~/~ ifq ~ 3'
~ BT rfg >;fT}f'~
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(iv) mo ~r fci3T ~ 3' ~-~eo
(v) I il31Q';i1/Q'a!Q'04~~ ~ '>f'l1eO

(vi) ~ trtrffl ~ fu- ~, wa 1Ml)fTfu 3'


(vii) fa(JTfmft~ 3' ~ Bt ~
(viii) fuR ~ '3g+ B' tro r~/O( 'da'd" 3' mrr ~ -----_._---_ .._----
(ix) 3' 5tft ~
.~ = ~Ct1/'fTZI~~

(x) foc'H W ~ fu- s!iO(ca1 , ~ci'8d, >ijIdcneli<: ,

~'I'l1O(ig'Z'<:: wf€"fftjrd'E'dO('~BT A'8'o'
(xi) fait 50·}1T1:f() 3' WrR.'O :!.

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~) ~ ~ fula mft ~ l.flf"d"it ~ 3"i"~ ~ ~:-

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E) ~ d'tf 3" tf~ Hqo -&'BT m-ralWifg lfl.«Jit ~ ~ ~ t:r

6. . H' dffifta- qcre-r/ora-er ~ fcf >faT ~ ~ tIfa~ el ~ ~ 3" ifg ------- ~

H'8 (')1 >l-fTHB?) ij-
it fu" nfo ~l:f ~ 3" u.k ~ I

1. 5 ~~;:rt ~ :3' <itr ~ ah:l' sl ;:n.ft?> ;

2_ m~fi.:r~~1000 ~~w~~<trrB"rdil'Feal~;
3. ?) 21;g lel<'5l fi,~ w
We- 1 00 ~ tm:r fuR' ~ <ttr ~ fd~)i feall.fWC ;
4. tc~~ ~= 3" fu8't;g i fur lf3o+ f.itr 200 ~ OTH ;:rt fuH' 3" <fq BT Fad1 FeEl

~facr3' ~ ~g ~ ~ tmt fr ~ ~ ~ HirdT -&'BT<it aTc;rww ~ ()ijf ifcIT d1'8T i

}{ fu"iJ~ ~ fu" ~ Hit. ~IQT
fifal oIEt =:.::a
FreOT 80T Wad ~ -
fr :;sf }f ~ =._ ~ IffiT BTlet
eJ1 ane 1 d ~dP' IWa-IT »f3" ~ rot ~ ~ l)fI'tI'TQ 3' Ha' grs Wtn=r tr ~I

fH3't _

G:\finai-EW5.Instr .Dc.flnal.doc


DISTRICT ____________ ,PUNJAB

Income & Asset Certificate for EWS for appointment in civil posts and services in the
Govt. of India and admission in educational institutions of Govt. of India.

/ Certificate No. Date:

VALID FOR THE YEAR 20__ - 20__

This is to certify that Shri/Smt.!Kumari ..... ".................... sOl'Jdaughter/wife· of
resident of .......•........................................... Post Office
.. . . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . District , .in the State of Punjab Pin Code
............... whose photograph is below, belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the
gross annual income* of his/her frunily** is below Rs. 8.00 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) for
the financial year 20 ... -20 ....

His/her family does not own or possess any of the following assets* * *

J. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

II. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above; .
Ill. Residential plot of 100 sq. yardsandabove in notified municipalities;

IV. Residential plot of200 sq. yards and above in. areas other than notified municipalities.

2. .Shri/Smt./Kumati. belongs to a caste which is not recognized as

a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central List)

3. This certificate is being issued on the basis of the self declaration by the applicant.

. .
Signature with seal of Office
Recent Passport size
photograph of the Name & Designation

* Note 1: Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc ..

** Note 2: The term 'Family" for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of
reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also hislher
spouse and children belowthe age ofI8 years

*** Note 3: The property held by a "Family' in different locations or different places/cities
have been clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS

G :\final-EWS.lnstr

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