Emp Tech Week 1 2

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Senior High School Department

SCHOOL YEAR 2018 – 2019
Learning Plan in Empowerment Technologies

Date: July 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, and 21, 2018 Week No: 1 and 2 Grade & Sections ICT 1-5, HE 1-6, GAS 1-9, AD 1-2

Performance Standards:
Content Standards:
The learner shall be able to at the end of the 2-week period independently
The learner demonstrates understanding of ICT in the context of
compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives,
global communication for specific professional track
society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech-Voc, Sports, Academic)
Learning Competencies/ Objectives: Topic/s: Activities Assessment

The learner: 1. The current state of ICT ● Preparatory Activities (Prayer, Checking of ● Group work: Group presentation
1. compare and contrast the technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, Classroom Organization, Orderliness and about an invention of technology
nuances of varied online 3.0, convergent Cleanliness and Checking of Attendance) on how it affects the life of
platforms, sites, and content to technologies, social, mobile, ● Recitation of Philosophy, Vision and students. (Rubrics for role
and assistive media) Mission playing presentation: see
best achieve specific class
2. Online systems, functions, and ● Motivational and Review Activity: attached rubric)
objectives or address situational Presentation about technology as an aid
challenges. 3. Online safety, security, ethics for learning using video clips. ● Individual Activity# 1 (Creating a
2. apply online safety, security, and etiquette ● Presentation of the Lesson through Visual slogan about the responsible
ethics, and etiquette standards 4. Contextualized online search Aids. use of technology)
and practice in the use of ICTs as and research skills ● Discussion of the Topics using Power
it would relate to their specific References: Point Presentation ● Chapter 1 Activity: Write a
Reflection Paper about the
professional tracks.
Empowerment Technologies Impact of ICT in student’s life or
3. value the use of technology in our in the society
daily living. Mindshapers’s Co. Inc.,
Chapter 1, Pages 1-7

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Senior High School Department

Learning Materials:  Performance Task #1 & 2:

Video Presentation about the
1. Textbooks purpose and responsible use
2. Visual Aids of technology in business and
3. LCD Projector establishment: An Interview ;
Oral Presentation and Role
Playing about the Impact of

● CONQUER THE MOB: A Q and A activity

that allows learners to check their
misconceptions related to the discussion.

● GROUP ACTIVITY: Group Presentation:

An invention on how technology affects
the life of students.


about responsible use of technology.


value of appreciating the use of
technology responsibly.

Checked by: Approved by:

Prepared by:

Maria Victoria Rowena M. Beltran

Rodolfo M. Vita Jr.
Ms. Mailyne V. Alipustain Ms. Ma. Socorro C. Arcillas
Jerome E. Tacata
Learning Area Coordinator Senior High School Principal
Subject Teacher

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