CH 08

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Chapter 8

Sections 8.1 through 8.3

Entrance Conditions

Entrance Conditions

• External Flow: Check the flow is laminar or turbulent.

• Internal Flow: Must distinguish between entrance and fully developed regions.
• Hydrodynamic Effects: Assume laminar flow with uniform velocity profile at
inlet of a circular tube.

– Velocity boundary layer develops on surface of tube and thickens with increasing x.
– Inviscid region of uniform velocity shrinks as boundary layer grows.
- Viscous effects extend over the entire cross section and velocity profile becomes fully develop
– Subsequent to boundary layer merger at the centerline, the velocity profile
becomes parabolic and invariant with x. The flow is then said to be
hydrodynamically fully developed.
Entrance Conditions (cont.)

• Thermal Effects: Assume laminar flow with uniform temperature, T  r ,0   Ti , at

inlet of circular tube with uniform surface temperature, Ts  Ti , or heat flux, qs .

– As fluid enters at a uniform temperature, that is less than surface temperature,

Convection heat transfer occurs and a thermal boundary layer begins to develop.

– Thermal boundary layer develops on surface of tube and thickens with increasing x.

– If the tube surface condition is fixed by imposing either a uniform temperature or a

uniform heat flux (q is constant), a thermally fully developed condition is reached.
Hydrodynamic and thermal
entry length
Mean Quantities

The Mean Velocity and Temperature

• The absence of free stream velocity, requires the use of mean velocity to describe
an internal flow. The absence of fixed free stream temperature requires the use of
a mean temperature.
Mean Temperature

Determination of the Mean Temperature

• Determination of Tm  x  is an essential feature of an internal flow analysis.
Determination begins with an energy balance for a differential control volume.

dqconv  mc p Tm  dTm   Tm   mc p dTm

Integrating from the tube inlet to outlet,

Mean Temperature (cont.)

A differential equation from which Tm  x  may be determined is obtained by

substituting for dqconv  qs  P dx   h Ts  Tm  P dx.

dTm qsP P
  h Ts  Tm  2
dx m c m cp

• Special Case: Uniform Constant SurfaceHeat Flux

Example – constant heat flux
 A circular tube with inner diameter of 0.2
mm, tube wall thickness of 0.1 mm and
length of 100 mm imposes a constant
heat flux of 20 kW/m2 on a highly
viscous fluid flows through the tube at
0.1 g/s. For an inlet temperature of
29ºC, determine the tube wall
temperature at the exit. Given cp = 3587
J/kg·K, Pr = 4.91, k = 0.705 W/m·K,
µ = 962×10-6 N·s/m2
Mean Temperature (cont.)

• Special Case: Constant Surface Temperature

From Eq. (2), with T  Ts  Tm
d Tm d  T  P
  h T
dx dx m cp

Example – constant Ts
Mean Temperature (cont.)

• Special Case: Constant External Fluid Temperature uniform T

Example – constant T
Chapter 8
Sections 8.4 through 8.6
Fully Developed Flow
Fully Developed Flow
• Laminar Flow in a Circular Tube:
The local Nusselt number is constant throughout the fully developed
region, but its value depends on the surface thermal condition.
– Uniform Surface Heat Flux (qs ) :
NuD  hD  4.36 (8.53)
– Uniform Surface Temperature (Ts ):
NuD  hD  3.66 (8.55)
• Turbulent Flow in a Circular Tube:
– For a smooth surface and fully turbulent conditions  ReD  10,000  , the
Dittus – Boelter equation may be used as a first approximation:
NuD  0.023ReD4/5 Pr n n  0.3 Ts  Tm  (8.60)
n  0.4 Ts  Tm 
– The effects of wall roughness and transitional flow conditions  ReD  3000 
may be considered by using the Gnielinski correlation:
NuD 
 f / 8 ReD  1000  Pr
1  12.7  f / 8   Pr 2/3  1
1/2 (8.62)
Fully Developed Flow (cont.)

• Noncircular Tubes:

– Use of hydraulic diameter as characteristic length:

4 Ac
Dh 

– Since the local convection coefficient varies around the periphery of a tube,
approaching zero at its corners, correlations for the fully developed region
are associated with convection coefficients averaged over the periphery
of the tube.

– Laminar Flow:

The local Nusselt number is a constant whose value (Table 8.1) depends on
the surface thermal condition Ts or qs  and the duct aspect ratio.

– Turbulent Flow:
As a first approximation, the Dittus-Boelter or Gnielinski correlation may be used
with the hydraulic diameter, irrespective of the surface thermal condition.
Entry Region

Effect of the Entry Region

• The manner in which the Nusselt number decays from inlet to fully developed
conditions for laminar flow depends on the nature of thermal and velocity boundary
layer development in the entry region, as well as the surface thermal condition.

Laminar flow in a
circular tube.

GzD  ( D / x) ReD Pr
the Graetz number
– Combined Entry Length:
Thermal and velocity boundary layers develop concurrently from uniform
profiles at the inlet.
Entry Region (cont.)

– Thermal Entry Length:

Velocity profile is fully developed at the inlet, and boundary layer development
in the entry region is restricted to thermal effects. Such a condition may also
be assumed to be a good approximation for a uniform inlet velocity profile if
Pr  1.

• Average Nusselt Number for Laminar Flow in a Circular Tube with Uniform
Surface Temperature:
– Combined Entry Length (Baehr and Stephan):

3.66  0.0499 Gz tanh(Gz 1

1/3 2/3

tanh  2.264 Gz D  1.7Gz D  

Nu D 
tanh  2.432 Pr Gz 
1/6 1/6

– Thermal Entry Length (Hausen):

Nu D  3.66  (8.57)
1  0.04GzD2/3
Entry Region (cont.)

• Average Nusselt Number for Turbulent Flow in a Circular Tube :

– Effects of entry and surface thermal conditions are less pronounced for
turbulent flow and can often be neglected.
– For long tubes  L / D  60 :

Nu D  NuD,fd

– For short tubes  L / D  60  :

Nu D  1  C
NuD ,fd  L / D m
C 1
m  2/3

• Noncircular Tubes:
– Laminar Flow:
Nu Dh depends strongly on aspect ratio, as well as entry region and surface
thermal conditions.
Entry Region (cont.)

– Turbulent Flow:
As a first approximation, correlations for a circular tube may be used
with D replaced by Dh .

• Temperature-Dependent Properties:

• When determining Nu D for any tube geometry or flow condition, all

properties are to be evaluated at

T m  Tm,i  Tm,o  / 2

• When differences between Tm and Ts correspond to large property variations,

the Nusselt numbers for laminar flow of a liquid can be corrected as
NuD ,c Nu D ,c   
 
NuD Nu D   s 
where the corrected Nusselt numbers are denoted by subscript c.
The Concentric Tube Annulus
• Fluid flow through
region formed by
concentric tubes.

• Convection heat transfer

may be from or to inner
surface of outer tube and
outer surface of inner tube.

• Surface thermal conditions may be characterized by

uniform temperature Ts ,i , Ts ,o  or uniform heat flux  qi, qo  .

• Convection coefficients are associated with each surface, where

qi  hi Ts ,i  Tm 

qo  ho Ts ,o  Tm 
Annulus (cont.)

hi Dh ho Dh
Nui  Nuo 
k k
Dh  Do  Di

• Fully Developed Laminar Flow

Nusselt numbers depend on Di / Do and surface thermal conditions (Tables 8.2, 8.3)
• Fully Developed Turbulent Flow
Correlations for a circular tube may be used with D replaced by Dh .
In an air-conditioning system, a circular thin-wall ventilating duct
is placed in the attic (space between the roof and ceiling) of a
room to distribute cooled air at supply temperature of 15ºC and
velocity of 2.1 m/s. Due to the infiltration from the attic hatch, the
attic air is expected to be in cross flow over the ventilating duct
at 35ºC and average air velocity of 0.1 m/s. Glass fiber
insulating material (k = 0.038 W/m·K) is available to reduce heat
gain in the circular duct. Design the relevant dimensions of the
ventilating duct and insulation (if used) that fit into the attic area
while ensuring the temperature rise of the cooled air does not
exceed 1ºC when flows through the total duct length of 5 m. The
height of the attic area is about 0.5 m.
For cooled air For attic air
k = 25.26×10-3
k = 26.3×10-3 W/m·K
ρ = 1.2174 kg/m3 ρ = 1.1614 kg/m3
µ = 17.81×10-6 µ = 18.46×10-6
N·s/m2 N·s/m2
Pr = 0.71 Pr = 0.707
c = 1007 J/kg·K

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