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CERTC Refresher 2 Mathematics

Electronics Engineering
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following
15. S v ’’ – 6 ’ 5 64 -t.
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. A. c1e3tcos4t + c2e3tsin4t + e-t C. c1e3tcos4t + c2e3tsin4t + 3e-t
B. c1e3tcos4t + c2e3tsin4t + 2e-t* D.c1e3tcos4t + c2e3tsin4t + 4e-t
Strictly no erasures allowed. Use pencil no. 1 only.
16. Find the general solution of the nonhomogenous differential
NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means equation ’’ – ’ – 2y = 5sin3x.
A. y = c1e-x + c2e2x – 11/26 sin 3x + 3/26 cos 3x *
Differential Equations 1: Theories and Concepts B. y = c1e-x + c2e2x – 11/26 sin 3x - 3/26 cos 3x
C. y = c1e-2x + c2ex +11/26 sin 3x - 3/26 cos 3x
1. Determine the order and degree, respectively, of the differential D. y = c1e-2x + c2ex +11/26 sin 3x + 3/26 cos 3x
17. Find the general solution of the nonhomogenous differential
equation + + - =p
equation ’’ – ’ – 2y = 5cos3x
A. 1, 10 C. 4, 5*
B. 5, 4 D. 10, 1 A. y = c1e-x + c2e2x – 3/26 sin 3x + 11/26 cos 3x
B. y = c1e-x + c2e2x – 3/26 sin 3x - 11/26 cos 3x *
2. What is the general solution of the differential equation ? C. y = c1e-2x + c2ex + 3/26 sin 3x - 11/26 cos 3x
A. tan y – cot x = C C. tan y + cot x = C * D. y = c1e-2x + c2ex + 3/26 sin 3x - 11/26 cos 3x
B. tan x – cot y = C D. tan x + cot y = C 18. Determine the particular solution of the following differential
n equation:
3. A function g(x, y) is homogeneous of degree n if g(tx, ty) = t g(x,y)
for all t. Determine the degree of the function shown
A. * C.

B. D.
A. 1* C. 2
B. 3 D. 4 19. Determine the particular solution of the following differential
4. What is the degree of the homogeneous function:

A. * C.
A. 3 C. 1
B. 2* D. 0 B. D.
5. Which of the following equations is/are exact? 20. S v h p u u ’’-4 ’ 9 98
I. A. y=98 C. y=98/9*
II. – B. y=-98 D. y=-98/4
21. Solve the particular solution of (D2+1)y=12cos2x.
IV. A. y=6 +2cos2x C. y=6 +2sin2x
A. I and II C. I and III B. y=6 – 2cos2x * D. y=6 - 2sin2x
B. III and IV * D. II and IV 22. Solve the particular solution ’’-4 ’ 98
6. Solve the differential equation shown. A. y=49 C. y=49/2
B. y=-49 D. y=-49x/2 *
A. y2t-y=c C. y2t+t=c 23. Find the particular solution of the nonhomogenous differential
B. y2t+y=c * D. y2t-y=c equation ’’ – ’ –3y = e3x
7. Determine the integrating factor of the differential equation A. y = e3x /4 C. y = xe3x/4 *
B. y = -e3x/4 D. y = x2e3x/9
A. lnx4 C. x 24. Determine the particular solution of the following differential
B. x4 * D. ex equation:
8. S v h qu ’-2xy=x.
–4 4
A. * C.
A. C. *
B. D.
2 B. D.
9. S v h qu : ’
A. C. 25. Determine the particular solution of the following differential
B. * D.
10. S v ’’’-6 ’’ ’ 6 .
2x 4x 4x
A. C.-
A. y=c1e +c2e √ 3e √
B. y=c1e-2x+c2e-4x √ 3e
√ B. * D.-
C. y=c1e-2x+c2e4x √ 3e
√ *
D. y=c1e2x+c2e-4x √ 3e
√ 26. Determine the particular solution of the following differential
(4) equation y(4) ’’ -5cost
11. Solve y 8 ’’’ 4 ’’ 32y’ 6 .
A. -3/8 sint + 5/8 cost C. -3/8 t2sint + 5/8 t2cost
A. y=c1e2x+ c2e2x+ c3e2x+ c4e2x B. -3/8 t sint + 5/8 tcost D. -3/8 t3sint + 5/8 t3cost *
B. y=c1e-2x+ c2e-2x+ c3e-2x+ c4e-2x
C. y=c1e2x+ c2xe2x+ c3x2e2x+ c4x3e2x 27. Solve the solution of (D2+1)y= cscx
D. y=c1e-2x+ c2xe-2x+ c3x2e-2x+ c4x3e-2x * A. y=c1cosx+c2sinx+xcosx+sinxlnsinx
12. Find the differential equation of the general solution of: y=4e2x+3e-x B. y=c1cosx+c2sinx–xcosx-sinxlnsinx
C. y=c1cosx+c2sinx+xcosx-sinxlnsinx
A. (D2-D-2)y=0* C. (D2-D+2)y=0 D. y=c1cosx+c2sinx–xcosx+sinxlnsinx *
B. (D2+D-2)y=0 D. (D2+D+2)y=0*
28. Solve the particular solution of (D2-3D+2)y= 1/(1+e-x)
13. Find the differential equation of the general solution: y=6+3xex-cosx.
A. y=c3ex+c2e2x+(ex+e2x)ln(1+e-x) *
A. (D5-2D4+2D3-D2+1 )y=0 C. (D5-2D4+2D3+2D2-D )y=0 B. y=c3ex+c2e2x-(ex+e2x)ln(1+e-x)
B. (D5-2D4+2D3-2D2+D )y=0 * D. (D5-2D4+2D3-D2+1 )y=0 C. y=c3ex+c2e2x+(ex+e2x)ln(1+ex)
14. Find the differential equation of the general solution: D. y=c3ex+c2e2x-(ex+e2x)ln(1+ex)
y=xe-xsin2x+3e-xcos2x 29. Find the solution of the equation 2x2 ’’ 5 ’ – 9y = 0.
-3x 3x/2
A. (D +2D+5)y=0 2
C. (D -2D+5)y=0 A. y = c1e + c2e C. y = c1x-3x + c2e3x/2
B. (D2+2D+5)2y=0 * D. (D2-2D+5)2y=0 B. y = c1e-3x + c2e-3x/2 D. y = c1x-3 + c2x3/2*

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CERTC Refresher 2 Mathematics
Electronics Engineering
Differential Equations 2 : Applications 42. Using #41 , Find the transient current in the circuit
A. C.
30. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of parabolas y^2 = 2x+C B. * C.
A. y=Ce^x C. y=Ce^(2x) 43. Using #41 , Find the total current in the circuit
B. y=Ce^(-x)* D. y=Ce^(-2x)
A. C.
31. A person places $20,000 in a savings account which pays 5 percent
B. * D.
interest per annum, compounded continuously. Find the amount in
the account after three years, and the time required for the account 44. An RC circuit has an emf given (in volts) by 400 cos 2t, a resistance
to double in value, presuming no withdrawals and no additional of 100 ohms, and a capacitance of 10-2 farad. Initially there is no
deposits. charge on the capacitor. Find the steady state current in the circuit
at any time t.
A. $ 23,236.68, 13.86 years * C. $ 24,236.68, 14.86 years
B. $ 25,236.68, 15.86 years C. $ 26,236.68, 16.86 years A. * C.
32. Bacteria grow at a rate proportional to its present size. If the original B. D.
amount doubles in two hours, in how many hours will it triple?
45. Using #44 , Find the transient current in the circuit
A. 3.17 hours* C. 4.17 hours
B. 5.17 hours D. 6.17 hours A. * C.
B. D.
33. Bacteria grow in a culture at a rate proportional to the amount
present. Initially, 300 strands of the bacteria are in the culture and 46. Using #44 , Find the total current in the circuit
after two hours that number has grown by 20 percent. Find the time A. *C.
needed for the bacteria to double its initial size.
A. 4.39 hours C. 7.60 hours * B. D.
B. 5.89 hours D. 8.45 hours
47. In a Series RLC Circuit, the charge equation is described as
34. A body of unknown temperature is placed in a refrigerator at a
constant temperature of 0° F. If after 20 minutes the temperature of Assuming no initial charge on the capacitor, but an initial current of
the body is 40° F and after 40 minutes the temperature of the body 1 ampere at t = 0 when the voltage is first applied, find the steady
is 20° F, find the initial temperature of the body state charge on the capacitor.
A. 60° F C. 80° F*
B. 70° F D. 90° F A. * C.
35. A bar of iron, previously heated to 1200° C, is cooled in a large bath B. D.
of water maintained at a constant temperature of 50° C. The bar
cools by 200° in the first minute. How much longer will it take to cool 48. A 10 ohms resistance R and a 1.0 henry inductance L are in series.
a second 200°? An AC voltage e(t) = 100sin 377t is applied across the series circuit.
A. 1.24 min* C. 2.48 min The applicable differential equation is:
B. 2.41 min D. 4.82 min Ri  L  e  t 
36. A body at a temperature of 50°F is placed outdoors where the dt
temperature is 100°F. If after 5 minutes, the temperature of the Solve for the particular solution (without the complimentary solution)
body is 60°F; find how long it will take the body to reach a to the differential equation, and determine the amplitude of the
temperature of 75°F and the temperature of the body after 20 resulting sinusoidal current i(t).
minutes. A. 0.265 ampere* C. 0.292 ampere
A. 13.6 min, 97.5 °F C. 19.5 min, 97.5 °F B. 0.321 ampere D. 0.241 ampere
B. 15.5 min, 79.5 °F * D. 16.9 min, 79.5 °F 49. The value of the Wronskian of the functions x2, 3x + 2, and 2x + 3 is
37. A tank initially holds 100 gal of a brine solution containing 1 Ib of A. 0 C. − *
salt. At t = 0 another brine solution containing 1 Ib of salt per gallon B. −5 D. 8
is poured into the tank at the rate of 3 gal/min, while the well-stirred
mixture leaves the tank at the same rate. Find the time at which the Advanced Mathematics 1: Complex Numbers and Matrices
mixture in the tank contains 2 Ib of salt.
A. 0.338 seconds C. 0.448 seconds 50. Let and for for all positive integer numbers n.
B. 20.30 seconds * D. 26.88 seconds Find
38. In a tank are 100 liters of brine containing 50 kg total of dissolved A. C.
salt. Pure water is allowed to run into the tank at the rate of 3 liters a
minute. Brine runs out of the tank at the rate of 2 liters a minute. B. D.
The instantaneous concentration in the tank is kept uniform by 51. In the argand diagram, the triangle formed by the vertices 1,
stirring. How much salt is in the tank at the end of one hour? √ , and i is
A. 15.06 kg* C. 12.31 kg A. Scalene C. Isosceles*
B. 21.32 kg D. 18.76 kg B. Equilateral D. Right angled
39. A tank contains 1000 liters of pure water. Brine that contains 0.05 52. Solve the complex equation: .
kg of salt per liter of water enters the tank at a rate of 5 liters/min.
Brine that contains 0.04 kg of salt per liter of water enters the tank A. -4+8i & -4-3i C. 4+3i & 4-8i *
at the rate of 10 liters/min. The solution is kept thoroughly mixed B. -8+4i & -3-4i D. 3+4i & 8-4i
and drains from the tank at 15 liters/min. How much salt is left in the 53. The principal value of (3 + j4)(1+j2) is:
tank after 1 hour? A. 0.42+j0.66 C. – 0.42 – j0.66 *
A. 26.83 kg C. 25.72 kg * B. 0.66+j0.42 D. – 0.66 – j0.42
B. 24.89 kg D. 23.55 kg
54. Which of the following is not the root of ?
40. A 50-gal tank initially contains 10 gal of fresh water. At t = 0, a brine
A. C.
solution containing 1 Ib of salt per gallon is poured into the tank at
the rate of 4 gal/min, while the well-stirred mixture leaves the tank at B. D. *
the rate of 2 gal/min. Find the amount of salt in the tank at the 55. Evaluate the integral: .
moment of overflow. A. 3-2i C. 2-3i*
A. 48 lb* C. 42 lb B. 3-3i D. 2+3i
B. 38 lb D. 32 lb 56. Evaluate the limit (z4-1)/(z-i) as z approaches i.
41. An RL circuit has an emf of 5 volts, a resistance of 50 ohms, an A. -4i * C. 2i
inductance of 1 henry, and no initial current. Find the steady state B. -2 D. 0
   


57. Evaluate the zlim

z z 1 3i
A. 1/10 A * C. 5/10 A (12 i ) z 2  2z  2
B. 5 A D. 1 A
A. -4i C. 1-2i
B. 1-1.5i* D. 2-i

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CERTC Refresher 2 Mathematics
Electronics Engineering

58. Assuming – and t is a real number, is: 70. Convert points P(1, 3, 5), from Cartesian to spherical points
C. C.
A. * C. D. * D.
B. – D. – 71. Transform the vector

59. Find the value of (1+i)5, where i is an imaginary number A. C.

B. * D.
A. 1-i C. -4-4i *
B. 4+4i D. 1+i O
72. Transform the vector Qρ 5 Ф , z=4)
A. * C.
B. D.

60. Solve the determinant of the matrix: 73. Find the gradient of the scalar field in terms of the
cylindrical coordinates.
A. 2960 * C. 1480 A. C.
B. -2960 D. -1480 B. D. *
74. Find the cuρl of ρ
61. Solve for the determinant of the matrix A.
A. 43 C. 86* C. *
B. -43 D. -86 D.
75. If F=x2zi-2y3z2j+xy2zk, compute the divergence of F.
A. 2xz-6y2z2-xy2 C. 2xz-6y2z2+xy2*
B. 2x2z-6yz2-xy2 D. 2xz2-6y2z2-xy
76. Find an equation for the tangent plane to the surface at
the point
62. Evaluate the determinant of A. C.
A. 1401 C. -1041 B. * D.
B. -1401 * D. 1041 77. Find the projection of the vector on the vector
63. Find the eigenvalues of the matrix shown A. * C.
B. D.
A. -2 of multiplicity one, 2 of multiplicity three 78. Find the Laplacian of the function F(x,y,z)=x2+y2+z2.
B. 2 of multiplicity one, 2 of multiplicity three A. 0 C. 6 *
C. -2 of multiplicity three, 2 of multiplicity one * B. 2x+2y=2z D. 6xyz
D. 2 of multiplicity three, -2 of multiplicity one
79. Find the charge in the volume defined by in spherical
64. Which of the following is an eigenvector of ? coordinates, if
A. 5 pi * C. 5
B. 10 pi D. 10
A. * C.
80. Given field , it can be said that
A is
B. D. A. Harmonic C. Solenoid
B. Rotational D. Conservative*
81. Which of the following vectors are orthogonal?
65. Solve the system
A. (3,-4,8) and (3/4, -1, 2) C. (-4,5,0) and (10,8,3)*
A. * B. (1,2,3) and (2,4,6) D. (2,-4,7) and (-2, 4, -7)

Advanced Mathematics 3: Series & Transforms

sin 3t 0  t  
C. 82. What is the Laplace transform of f (t )  
 0 t 
D. 3(1  e s ) 3(1  e s )
A. C. *
s2  9 s2  9
3(1  e s ) 3(1  e)
66. Given R= sint i + cost j + t k, find B. D. 2
s2  3 s  81
A. 0 C. √ *
83. Find the inverse laplace transform of F(s) = (s + 4)/(s2 – 4s + 4)(s – 3)
B. 1 D. 2
A. -7e2tsin2t + 4e2tcos2t + 7e-3t C. 7e2t – 4te2t - 7e-3t
67. Identify the Hermitian matrix B. -7e2tcos2t + 4e2tsin2t + 7e-3t D. -7e2t - 6te2t + 7e3t *

A. C. 84. Evaluate (6)

A. 7! C. 5!*
B. 4! D. 6-1!
B. D. Both B & C*
85. Evaluate (5.5)

Advanced Mathematics 2: Vector Calculus A. 945 2 C. 945  *

3 3

68. Find the volume of the parallelepiped whose edges are represented B. 954  D. 945
3 3 
by A = 2i – 3j + 4k, B = i + 2j – k, C = 3i – j + 2k.
A. 9 C. 18 86. Find the Laplace transform of where – .
B. 7 * D. 14 –5 5
69. Convert points P(1, 3, 5), from Cartesian to cylindrical points A. C.
– 5 – 5
5 –5
A. * C. B. * D.
5 5
B. D.
CERTC-RF Review Center : MANILA-CEBU-BAGUIO (0932-175-1218) Page 3
CERTC Refresher 2 Mathematics
Electronics Engineering

87. Determine the inverse Laplace transform of

A. i(t)  2e25t sin100t * C. i(t)  2e25t cos100t

C. i(t)  2te25t sin100t D. i(t)  2te25t cos100t

88. Find the z-transform of x(n) = 2n n2

A. 2z(z+2)/(z-2)3 * C. 2z(z-2)/(z+2)3
B. z2(z+2)/(z-2)3 D. z^2(z-2)/(z+2)3
89. Find the inverse z-transform of z(z2+4z+1)/(z-1)4
A. n C. n2
B. n3 * D. n4
90. What are all values of x for which the series converges?

A. – – C. –
B. – – * D. –
91. Determine the interval of convergence for the given power series

 n3 x

A. 2  x  3 C. 2  x  2 *
B. 1  x  1 D. 3  x  3
92. Determine the coefficient of in the Taylor series expansion about
for .
A. 0 C.
B. – * D.
6 6

93. What is the Taylor series expansion of e-x?

A. C.

B. * D.
94. Find the Fourier coefficients corresponding to the function

C. *

95. For the given periodic function with period T =

4 6
6. The Fourier coefficient can be computed as
A. – 9.2642 C. – 0.9119*
B. – 8.1275 D. – 0. 5116
96. Find the Fourier sine coefficient corresponding to n=6, b6, of the
Fourier series of period T=4pi representing the function.
A. 0* C. 0.9549
B. 0.4775 D. 0.2387
97. Given f(t) = 4e-3tu(t), what is the Fourier transform of f(t)?
A. C. *
B. D.

98. The power series representation to the solution of the differential

equation ’’-y+x=0 is:

A. C.
B. * D.

99. N w ’ m h b g u h roots of the equation

. What is the third approximation of the roots if
9.33 is chosen as the first approximation?
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4*
100. I N w ’ m h u pproximate the real root of
– , then a first approximation would lead to a third
approximation of
A. 0.682 C. 0.694
B. 0.686* D. 0.750

CERTC 2016

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