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Criminologist Licensure Examination

LECTURE with Q and A
arranged by Sub-Subjects


History of Policing System
History of Policing System I Concept of Police Organization, Administration and Management I Personnel
and Records Management I RA 6975 as amended by RA 8551 I Police Planning and Operations I Police
Patrol Operation and Communication I Intelligence and Secret Service I Comparative Police System I
Industrial Security Management
Michael Angelo P. Quarin
Jhun Boy L. Bernardino II
Charlemagne James P. Ramos
CLE Lecture Series
in Law Enforcement
Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
children of God. [Matthew 5:9]

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Registered Criminologist
LEA (20%)
Pertinent laws and issuances, principles, concepts, procedures, methods
and techniques in the management, administration, and operation of a
police organization. Specifically it includes the history of policing, police
organization and administration with special focus on Republic Act No.
6975, as amended, police patrol operations with police communication
system, police intelligence, police personnel and records management and
comparative police systems. It includes also the study of the organization,
administration and operation of security agencies under the Private
Security Agency Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; loss
prevention and assets, protection program through different security
methods and techniques such as physical security, personnel security,
document and information security; risk analysis and security hazard; and
security survey, inspection and investigations.
About the Contributor
MICHAEL ANGELO P. QUARIN obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 85.85. He is
currently a member of the bold organization of the
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE and committed in the Lecture
Sessions at What Criminologist Knows? and focuses on the
field of Law Enforcement Administration.

Sir Michael Angelo P. Quarin

Criminologist / Police Officer
About the Contributor
JHUN BOY L. BERNARDINO II obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 83.40. He is
currently a member of the bold organization of the BUREAU
OF FIRE PROTECTION and committed in the Lecture
Sessions at What Criminologist Knows? and focuses on the
field of Law Enforcement Administration.

Sir Jhun Boy L. Bernardino II

Criminologist / Fire Officer
About the Contributor
CHARLEMAGNE JAMES P. RAMOS obtained his Bachelor of Science in
Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences College of
Criminal Justice Education in 2013 and subsequently passed the
October 2013 Criminologist Licensure Examination with the rating of
88.05. At the young age he became a former professor at the same
school and a national lecturer to various review centers in the
Philippines. His passion in teaching lead him to do writings and a vast of
opus and treatise that would help the candidates of the Licensure
Examination. Aside from writing and teaching at his own coaching
sessions he is also currently completing his degree in Juris Doctor at the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of Law. The experience
he gained for being a lecturer and striker in every session of the
Criminologist Licensure Examination makes him specialized in training
candidates of the Criminology Licensure Examination evidence are the
Registered Criminologist of various schools he had produced in the first
row of years in the practice as a Criminologist.

Sir Charlemagne James P. Ramos

Founding Father of What Criminologist Knows
Criminologist / WCK Review Director / Writer / Author
CLE Lecture Series
Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
children of God. [Matthew 5:9]

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Registered Criminologist
• History of Policing System
• Principles of Police Organization, Management and
• Personnel and Records Management
• RA 8551 and RA 6975
• Planning and Operations
• Police Patrol Operations and communication
• Police Intelligence & Secret Service
• Industrial Security Management
• Comparative Police Systems

it is essential that certain norms and conduct are to be established and observed
in order to ensure that the cordial and harmonious relationship among its
members are preserved and maintained.
• Introduction to Policing
• Historical Development of Policing Developments during the
Middle Ages to the Modern Period
• Evolution of the Philippine Policing System
Richard Lundman Societies have sought protection for their 
members and possessions. In early civilizations, 
members of one's family provided this 
protection and possesions.

members share similar beliefs and values but 
meet their basic needs independently.

Organic Societies
members are dependent upon one another as a 
result of specialization.
Three Developmental Stages
Informal Policing
where all members of a society share equally in the responsibility for 
providing protection and keeping order

Transitional Policing
occurs when police functions are informally assigned to particular 
members of the society. 
This stage serves as a transition into formal policing.

Formal Policing
where specific members of the community assume formal responsibility 
for protection and social control.
THE WORD “Police“
“Polis” Greek, City
“Politeia” Greek, government of a city
“Politia” Roman, same meaning above
“Polizei” German, Safe keepers (territory)
“Police”  French, Those people authorized to implement the law
“Police” English and Americans, to describe a law enforcer.
Cop and constable are other common descriptions
“Cop” European term meaning to catch or seize
“Constable and “Patrol” are of French origin.
The term POLITIA is derived from
A. Greek
B. German
C. French
D. Roman
The term POLITIA is derived from
A. Greek
B. German
C. French
D. Roman
The term police is derived from the word
A. Politiea
B. Politia
C. Polis
D. Polizei
In the history of law enforcement, which one is
considered the earliest codified law?
A. Code of King Hammurabi
B. 12 Tabulae
C. The Sumerian Code
D. Code of Kalantiao
In the history of law enforcement, which one is
considered the earliest codified law?
A. Code of King Hammurabi
B. 12 Tabulae
C. The Sumerian Code
D. Code of Kalantiao
• 7,000 BC 
METHOD” farming 
communities in Jarmo and 

• Ineffectual kind of Social 
• 2300 BC ‐ The Sumerian
ESHUMMA set standards
on what constituted an
offense against the
• 2100 BC – Babylonians,
Code of King Hammurabi
– Oculo pro oculo Dente
pro dente (LEX TALIONIS).
• Ancient China the
DYNASTY – Prefects –
Law enforcement in ancient China is
carried out by ________
A. Prefects
B. Jet Li
C. Chua Li
D. Yhuan Li
• 1500 B.C – Egyptians –
Court system ‐ “Marine
patrol and the custom
house officers protecting
commerce” also started
first use of dog patrol.
“Medjays” civilian police
under the command of a
• Ancient Greece – EPHORI –
law enforcement system
• Some of the Spartans were
given the power to arrest
and investigate.
• Greek philosopher PLATO ‐
punishment should serve the
purpose rather than simple
• 100 to 200 AD ‐ the term
“law enforcer” originated
has the exclusive authority
task with the peace and
first investigative units in
Western History
An ancient police system.
A. Keepers of the peace
B. Ephori
C. Praetorian Guard
D. Vigiles
An ancient police system.
A. Keepers of the peace
B. Ephori
C. Praetorian Guard
D. Vigiles
• Ancient Rome ‐ the first written laws of
the Roman Empire The “12 Tabulae”
• Emperor Augustus
• the Praetorian Guard soldiers to protect
the palace and the City of Rome.
• Urban Cohorts to patrol the city.
• Vigiles who were assigned as fire fighters
and the first civilian police force who kept
• Justinian I the ruler of the
Eastern Roman Empire
• Justinian Code became
known as the Corpus Juris
Civillis which means Body
of Law.
The Early Policing Systems
The Anglo‐Saxon Period
The Normal Period of Policing (1066‐1285)
The Westminster Period of Policing (1285‐1500)
Modern Policing System
The Early Policing Systems
The Anglo‐Saxon Period
Tun Policing System 
Tun is the forerunner of the 
word “Town”
male residents are required 
to guard the town and to 
preserve the peace and 
order, to protect life and 
property from harm or 
The Early Policing Systems
The Anglo‐Saxon Period
Hue and Cry 
complainant goes to the 
middle of the street and 
shouts to call all males to 
The Early Policing Systems
The Anglo‐Saxon Period
The Royal Judge 
a person who conducts 
criminal investigation and 
gives punishment. 
The Early Policing Systems
The Anglo‐Saxon Period
Trial by Ordeal 
system of determining guilt 
and innocence in the 
ancient times
painful test of skills.
The Early Policing Systems
The Normal Period of Policing (1066‐1285)
Shire‐Rieve System 
William Norman divided 
England into 55 military 
Shire was the district, Rieve
was the ruler  who makes laws, 
pass judgment and impose 
punishment, assisted by a 
Constable (forerunner of the 
word constabulary).
5th Century A.D. to about 1350
system of mutual protection 

a community was divided into tithings or 
groups of 10 men, each member of which was 
responsible for the conduct of the other 
members of his group and for the assurance 
that a member charged with a breach of the 
law would be produced at court.
The Early Policing Systems
The Normal Period of Policing (1066‐1285)
The Travelling Judge 
responsible in passing 
judgment which was taken 
from the shire‐Rieve in view of 
some abuses by the Rieves.
The Early Policing Systems
The Normal Period of Policing (1066‐1285)
Leges Henri 
the Law of King Henrie I
• Offenses were classified as against 
the king and individual
• Police men were considered 
public officials.
• Police and citizens have the broad 
power to arrest.
• A grand jury was created to 
inquire on the facts of the law.
The Early Policing Systems
The Normal Period of Policing (1066‐1285)
The Magna‐Carta 

laws were enacted upon the 
demand of the Knights of the Round 
Table and forced the king to sign 
the same.
The Early Policing Systems
The Westminster Period of Policing (1285‐1500)
The Statute of 1295
this law prescribed the closing 
of the gates of London at 

Start of curfew systems
The Early Policing Systems
The Westminster Period of Policing (1285‐1500)
Justice of the Peace 

this was a position which gives 
a person the power to arrest, 
pursue and impose 
The Early Policing Systems
The Westminster Period of Policing (1285‐1500)
The Star Chamber Court 

a special court which try 
offenses against the state.
The Early Policing Systems

Keepers of the Peace 
time of King Richard appoint 
Knights to keep the King’s 
The Early Policing Systems

The Charlies 
King Charles appoint night 
watchers known as Bellmen
on duty from sunset to 
The Early Policing Systems

Bow Street Runners
time of Henry Fielding
appointment of 
foot patrol and
horse patrol (mounted patrol). 
He is the father of modern policing system.
A. Sir. Evelyn Ruggles Brise
B. August Vollmer
C. Sir. Robert Peel
D. Edmond Loccard
the father of modern policing

Sir. Robert Peel

“The Police are the Public and the Public 
are the Police.”
Modern Policing System
Metropolitan Police Act of 1829
The limelight when a bill creating 
the Scotland Yard  was  passed by 
the parliament of England.
sponsored and expanded by 
Sir Robert Peel 
first head of the police organization
“The Father of Modern Policing” 
He watches that they may sleep.
A. Vigilat ut Quiescant
B. Ut Quiscant Sleepante
C. Nighte Vigilantes
D. Vigiles Nocte Et
Policing System in FRANCE
16th Century 
Paris had two patrols:
Citizen Night Guard; and the Royal Guard for 
the king’s protection. 
The Guard motto that  even today is on the Fr
ench police emblem
“Vigilat ut Quiescant”  
“He watches that they may sleep”

In 1791 The position of “Officers de Paix” was 
formed  (origin of “Peace Officer”)
Gendarmie ‐ slang for police officers
Policing System in FRANCE
First Police Organization but, 
(headed by Louis‐Marie Debelleme)
‘Sergent de Ville’ 
(servant of the city).
POLICING SYSTEM in the United States
Boston, 1636
formed the first “Night Watch” they were called “Leathermen”
Philadelphia, 1833
instituted the first daytime, paid police service
Populated outside cities of the United States law enforcement arm
New York, 1844
organized the first modern American police force based on the English 
Metropolitan police.
It is consider as the old policing system in the
A. Chieftains
B. Datu
C. Pueblo
D. incunmendo
15th century, rulers (CHIEFTAINS)
in the Philippines were called 
Sultan, Gat, Datu, Rajah or Hare.

Carabineros de Seguridad Publico
the mounted police
In 1842 it was reorganized and named 
Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad
Publica ( Corps of Carabineers for 
January 8, 1836
A town or rural police established by 
Royal Decree 
The Decree provided that five percent 
(5%) of the able – bodied male citizens 
of every province were to be enlisted 
fro three (3) years. 
Guardia Civil 
Town Police
This was a police organization with 
military background established by a 
Royal decree on February 12, 1852 

Made to alleviate the burden of the 
Colonial Army Troops in policing the 
Philippine Constabulary (PC)
known as the insular police force it was 
patterned from the American Constabulary
Organic Act # 175 August 8, 1901
An Act Providing for the organization and 
government of an insular Constabulary and for 
the inspection of the municipal police"
Capt. Henry T. Allen first Chief
"Father of the Philippine Constabulary"
Philippine Constabulary (PC)
Brig. Gen. Rafael Crame
PC Personnel were absorbed by the 
Philippine Army
National Defense Act or 
Commonwealth Act No. 1 
was enacted creating the Philippine 
Army and this ended the 35 years of 
service and experience of the 
Philippine Constabulary as an insular 
police force. pursuant to Executive 
Order No 11 
Commonwealth Act No.88 approved 
on October 26, 1936. 
Police force was placed under the 
control and supervision of the 
Department of Interior and were 
called the State Police. 
Commonwealth Act No 343 on June 
25, 1938 reconstituted the Philippine 
withdrawal of the Philippine 
Constabulary from the Army as an 
independent unit and detailed as a 
National Police Force. 
The Manila Police Department 
introduced the bicycle patrol.
1941  1945
The MPD was reconstituted 
The Japanese Military Police  and placed under American 
(Kempetai) took over MPD. control. Col. Marcus Ellis Jones 
became the Chief of Police of 
the MPD.
When was the Automobile patrol introduced in the

A. May 17, 1953

B. May 17, 1940
C. May 17, 1939
D. May 17, 1954
When was the Automobile patrol introduced in the

A. May 17, 1953

B. May 17, 1940
C. May 17, 1939
D. May 17, 1954
Police Commission (POLCOM)
September 8, 1966
This act was otherwise known as the Police Act of 1996. The purpose of its 
creation to draw up plans for the professionalization  of the local police 
forces and not as a law enforcement body. 
Police Act of 1996
That law provided for the establishment of the Police Commission and was 
renamed National Police Commission under the Office of the President of 
the Philippines.
appointment to a local police agency was made by the mayor from the list of 
eligibles certified by the Civil Service Commission,
Presidential Decree No. 765 
August 8, 1975 
It provided for the integration of all city and municipal police and fire 
departments and jails into the Integrated National Police (INP).
All the local police forces in the Philippines were joined into one 
National Police and integrated with the Philippine Constabulary (PC).

PC became the nucleus or umbrella of the united national force.
August 26, 1977
PD 1184 
known as the “INP Personnel Professionalization 
Law of 1977”

PROPOSED for the creation of the Philippine 
National Police Academy (PNPA)
Section 19 of said decree provided that “there 
shall be established in the Integrated National 
Police a premiere police service training 
institution to be known as the Philippine National 
Police Academy for the education and training of 
the members of the INP.”
R.A. 6975
Creation of the Philippine National Police (PNP) that is 
civilian in character and national in scope (1987 Constitution)
General Cesar P. Nazareno
First Chief of the 
Philippine National Police.
RA 8551 
“PNP Reform & Reorganization Act” dubbed as the 
“PNP Professionalization”
June 1, 1999

the PNP activated/created the 
Internal Affairs Service (IAS) on a 
national scope.

Criminologist Licensure Examination
Frequently Asked Questions




By: Charlemagne James P. Ramos

It means a “City”
A. Politiea
B. Politia
C. Polis
D. Polizei
It means a “City”
A. Politiea
B. Politia
C. Polis
D. Polizei
The term police is derived from the word
A. Politiea
B. Politia
C. Polis
D. Polizei
The term police is derived from the word
A. Politiea
B. Politia
C. Polis
D. Polizei
Republic Act No. 6975 entitled An Act Establishing the
Philippine National Police under a reorganized
Department of the Interior and Local Government and
Other Purposes was passed on
A. December 30, 1990
B. December 13, 1991
C. December 13, 1990
D. December 30, 1991
Republic Act No. 6975 entitled An Act Establishing the
Philippine National Police under a reorganized
Department of the Interior and Local Government and
Other Purposes was passed on
A. December 30, 1990
B. December 13, 1991
C. December 13, 1990
D. December 30, 1991
the PNP activated/created the Internal Affairs Service
(IAS) on a national scope on
A. June 1, 1999
B. June 1, 1991
C. June 1, 1998
D. June 1, 1992
the PNP activated/created the Internal Affairs Service
(IAS) on a national scope on
A. June 1, 1999
B. June 1, 1991
C. June 1, 1998
D. June 1, 1992
This was created in 1712 to enforce the regulations of
the Department of State.
A. Guardrilleros
B. Guardia Civil
C. Carabineros de seguridad publica
D. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica
This was created in 1712 to enforce the regulations of
the Department of State.
A. Guardrilleros
B. Guardia Civil
C. Carabineros de seguridad publica
D. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica
In 1842 Carabineros de seguridad publica was reorganized
and named as
A. Guardrilleros
B. Guardia Civil
C. Carabineros de seguridad publica
D. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica
In 1842 Carabineros de seguridad publica was reorganized
and named as
A. Guardrilleros
B. Guardia Civil
C. Carabineros de seguridad publica
D. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica
A town or rural police known as Guardrilleros
established by Royal Decree on ______ which provides
that five percent (5%) of the able-bodied male citizens
of every province were to be enlisted for three (3)
A. January 8, 1936
B. January 1, 1936
C. August 8, 1936
D. August 1, 1936
A town or rural police known as Guardrilleros
established by Royal Decree on ______ which provides
that five percent (5%) of the able-bodied male citizens
of every province were to be enlisted for three (3)
A. January 8, 1936
B. January 1, 1936
C. August 8, 1936
D. August 1, 1936
________ was a police organization with military
background established by a Royal decree on _______ to
alleviate the burden of the Colonial Army Troops in
policing the towns.
A. Guadrilleros; January 8, 1936
B. Carabineros de seguridad publica; 1712
C. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica; 1842
D. Guardia Civil; February 12, 1852
________ was a police organization with military
background established by a Royal decree on _______ to
alleviate the burden of the Colonial Army Troops in
policing the towns.
A. Guadrilleros; January 8, 1936
B. Carabineros de seguridad publica; 1712
C. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica; 1842
D. Guardia Civil; February 12, 1852
It was Created On September 8, 1966 by virtue of
Republic Act No. 4864.
D. Philippine Constabulary
It was Created On September 8, 1966 by virtue of
Republic Act No. 4864.
D. Philippine Constabulary
By the virtue of Presidential Decree No. 765, all the
local police forces in the Philippines were joined into
one National Police and integrated with the Philippine
Constabulary (PC) on ________
A. August 1, 1974
B. August 9, 1975
C. August 8, 1975
D. August 8, 1974
By the virtue of Presidential Decree No. 765, all the
local police forces in the Philippines were joined into
one National Police and integrated with the Philippine
Constabulary (PC) on ________
A. August 1, 1974
B. August 9, 1975
C. August 8, 1975
D. August 8, 1974
It is "An Act Providing for the organization and
government of an insular Constabulary and for the
inspection of the municipal police"
A. Organic act no. 175
B. Presidential Decree no. 765
C. RA 4864
D. Commonwealth act no. 343
It is "An Act Providing for the organization and
government of an insular Constabulary and for the
inspection of the municipal police"
A. Organic act no. 175
B. Presidential Decree no. 765
C. RA 4864
D. Commonwealth act no. 343
He was appointed as the Philippine Constabulary Chief in
December 1917.
A. Brig. General Rafael Crame
B. General Rafael Crame
C. Captain Henry T. Allen
D. Director General Cesar Nazareno
He was appointed as the Philippine Constabulary Chief in
December 1917.
A. Brig. General Rafael Crame
B. General Rafael Crame
C. Captain Henry T. Allen
D. Director General Cesar Nazareno
On December 1935, ________ was enacted creating the
Philippine Army and this ended the 35 years of service
and experience of the Philippine Constabulary as an
insular police force.
A. National Defense act no. 1
B. Commonwealth act no. 1
C. National Defense/Commonwelath act no. 1
D. All of the above
On December 1935, ________ was enacted creating the
Philippine Army and this ended the 35 years of service
and experience of the Philippine Constabulary as an
insular police force.
A. National Defense act no. 1
B. Commonwealth act no. 1
C. National Defense/Commonwelath act no. 1
D. All of the above
The Philippine Constabulary personnel and duties were
transferred to the control of the Chief of Staff of the
Philippine Army pursuant to ______
A. Executive order no. 11
B. Proclamation 1081
C. Proclamation no. 11
D. Executive order no. 10
The Philippine Constabulary personnel and duties were
transferred to the control of the Chief of Staff of the
Philippine Army pursuant to ______
A. Executive order no. 11
B. Proclamation 1081
C. Proclamation no. 11
D. Executive order no. 10
The insular police duties of the defunct Philippine
Constabulary were entrusted to the State Police pursuant
A. Commonwealth act no. 88
B. Commonwealth act no. 343
C. organic act no. 175
D. commonwealth act no. 1
The insular police duties of the defunct Philippine
Constabulary were entrusted to the State Police pursuant
A. Commonwealth act no. 88
B. Commonwealth act no. 343
C. organic act no. 175
D. commonwealth act no. 1
Commonwealth act no. 88 was approved on _________
A. August 8, 1975
B. September 8, 1966
C. January 11, 1936
D. October 26, 1936
Commonwealth act no. 88 was approved on _________
A. August 8, 1975
B. September 8, 1966
C. January 11, 1936
D. October 26, 1936
The State Police was abolished in _______ at the
instance of President Quezon.
A. 1935
B. 1936
C. 1938
D. 1939
The State Police was abolished in _______ at the
instance of President Quezon.
A. 1935
B. 1936
C. 1938
D. 1939
The ___________ was created on June 25, 1938 which
reconstituted the Philippine Constabulary.
A. Commonwealth act no. 88
B. Commonwealth act no. 343
C. organic act no. 175
D. commonwealth act no. 1
The ___________ was created on June 25, 1938 which
reconstituted the Philippine Constabulary.
A. Commonwealth act no. 88
B. Commonwealth act no. 343
C. organic act no. 175
D. commonwealth act no. 1
It was initially created as an Insular (island) Police
on July 18, 1901 known as the Insular Constabulary, it
was patterned from the American Constabulary.
A. Guardia civil
B. Guardrilleros
C. Philippine Constabulary
D. Integrated nationa police
It was initially created as an Insular (island) Police
on July 18, 1901 known as the Insular Constabulary, it
was patterned from the American Constabulary.
A. Guardia civil
B. Guardrilleros
C. Philippine Constabulary
D. Integrated nationa police
Commonwelath Act no. 343 was further implemented by
President Quezon's ____________ which specifically
withdraw the Philippine Constabulary from the Army as an
independent unit and detailed as a National Police
A. Executive Order No. 153
B. Executive Order No. 1
C. Executive Order No. 88
D. Executive Order No. 343
Commonwelath Act no. 343 was further implemented by
President Quezon's ____________ which specifically
withdraw the Philippine Constabulary from the Army as an
independent unit and detailed as a National Police
A. Executive Order No. 153
B. Executive Order No. 1
C. Executive Order No. 88
D. Executive Order No. 343
On September 21, 1972, the then President Ferdinand E
Marcos proclaimed Martial Law throughout the country by
virtue of __________
A. Proclamation 1071
B. Proclamation 1081
C. Proclamation 1080
D. Proclamation 1181
On September 21, 1972, the then President Ferdinand E
Marcos proclaimed Martial Law throughout the country by
virtue of __________
A. Proclamation 1071
B. Proclamation 1081
C. Proclamation 1080
D. Proclamation 1181
Organic Act No. 175 enacted on _______which called for
the organization and establishment of an Insular
Constabulary and for the inspection of the municipal
A. August 8, 1975
B. September 8, 1966
C. January 11, 1936
D. July 18, 1901
Organic Act No. 175 enacted on _______which called for
the organization and establishment of an Insular
Constabulary and for the inspection of the municipal
A. August 8, 1975
B. September 8, 1966
C. January 11, 1936
D. July 18, 1901
Republic Act 6975 was signed into law on ________ by
then President Corazon C Aquino which called for the
creation of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the
reorganization of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG)
A. February 25, 1998
B. December 13, 1990
C. March 31, 1991
D. July 1, 1972
Republic Act 6975 was signed into law on ________ by
then President Corazon C Aquino which called for the
creation of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the
reorganization of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG)
A. February 25, 1998
B. December 13, 1990
C. March 31, 1991
D. July 1, 1972
The First Director General of the Philippine National
A. Dir. Gen Cesar P. Nazareno
B. Brig. Gen Rafael Crame
C. Dir. Charles S. Mondejar
D. Captain Henry T. Allen
The First Director General of the Philippine National
A. Dir. Gen Cesar P. Nazareno
B. Brig. Gen Rafael Crame
C. Dir. Charles S. Mondejar
D. Captain Henry T. Allen
It was created by Directorg General Arevalo Sarmiento II
to imbibed to the PNP personnel the commitment to the
entire populace.
C. POLICE 2000
It was created by Directorg General Arevalo Sarmiento II
to imbibed to the PNP personnel the commitment to the
entire populace.
C. POLICE 2000
It is an operation to dismantle all existing private
armed groups throughout the archipelago.
It is an operation to dismantle all existing private
armed groups throughout the archipelago.
It is an operation of religiously cleansing its force of
misguided elements.
It is an operation of religiously cleansing its force of
misguided elements.
What is meant by the Greek word “politeia”?
A. State of the Nation
B. Nationhood or Cityhood
C. Government of a City
D. Police Officers
What is meant by the Greek word “politeia”?
A. State of the Nation
B. Nationhood or Cityhood
C. Government of a City
D. Police Officers
Which society first use the word “Police” to mean person
who enforce the law?
A. Greeks
B. French
C. Germans
D. English
Which society first use the word “Police” to mean person
who enforce the law?
A. Greeks
B. French
C. Germans
D. English
From where was the word constable originated?
A. French
B. German
C. Greeks
D. English
From where was the word constable originated?
A. French
B. German
C. Greeks
D. English
From where was the word patrol originated?
A. Greeks
B. Spain
C. French
D. English
From where was the word patrol originated?
A. Greeks
B. Spain
C. French
D. English
In the history of law enforcement, which one is
considered the earliest codified law?
A. Code of King Hammurabi
B. 12 Tabulae
C. The Sumerian Code
D. Code of Kalantiao
In the history of law enforcement, which one is
considered the earliest codified law?
A. Code of King Hammurabi
B. 12 Tabulae
C. The Sumerian Code
D. Code of Kalantiao
An ancient police system used by the Greeks.
A. Medjays
B. Ephori
C. Tythingmen
D. Vigiles
An ancient police system used by the Greeks.
A. Medjays
B. Ephori
C. Tythingmen
D. Vigiles
It is the Pre-Spanish policing system in the Philippine.
A. Chieftains
B. Datu
C. Pueblo
D. Tribes
It is the Pre-Spanish policing system in the Philippine.
A. Chieftains
B. Datu
C. Pueblo
D. Tribes
They are the one who use the first dog patrol.
A. French
B. Egyptians
C. Medjays
D. Ephori
They are the one who use the first dog patrol.
A. French
B. Egyptians
C. Medjays
D. Ephori
What was the earliest Roman law?
A. The Justinian Code
B. Code of Draco
C. 12 Tabulae
D. Anglo-Saxon Law
What was the earliest Roman law?
A. The Justinian Code
B. Code of Draco
C. 12 Tabulae
D. Anglo-Saxon Law
The first civilian police force in Rome which keep the
peace very ruthlessly.
A. Praetorian guard
B. Urban cohorts
C. Vigiles
D. Vigilantes
The first civilian police force in Rome which keep the
peace very ruthlessly.
A. Praetorian guard
B. Urban cohorts
C. Vigiles
D. Vigilantes
The oldest known warning device.
A. Trumpet
B. Horn
C. Alarm
D. Bell
The oldest known warning device.
A. Trumpet
B. Horn
C. Alarm
D. Bell
laws with the demand of the Knights of the Round Table
it was the beginning of national/local government and
A. Magnum Cart
B. Magna Carta
C. Leges Henri
D. Justinian Code
laws with the demand of the Knights of the Round Table
it was the beginning of national/local government and
A. Magnum Cart
B. Magna Carta
C. Leges Henri
D. Justinian Code
Under this law the policemen were recognize as public
A. Justinian code
B. 12 tabulae
C. Leges Henri
D. Magna Carta
Under this law the policemen were recognize as public
A. Justinian code
B. 12 tabulae
C. Leges Henri
D. Magna Carta
Sheriff came from the words Shire and Rieve; Shire means
I. Ruler
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. II only
Sheriff came from the words Shire and Rieve; Shire means
I. Ruler
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. II only
Under the Anglo-Saxon period the complainant shouts for
the mandatory assembly of men to catch the culprit known
A. Color or hue
B. Hue and Cry
C. Shout and Cry
D. Horn and cry
Under the Anglo-Saxon period the complainant shouts for
the mandatory assembly of men to catch the culprit known
A. Color or hue
B. Hue and Cry
C. Shout and Cry
D. Horn and cry
In ancient Rome he created the Praetorian Guard, urban
cohorts known as city patrol and the Vigiles.
A. Emperor Justinian
B. King Alfred
C. Emperor Augustus
D. King Charles
In ancient Rome he created the Praetorian Guard, urban
cohorts known as city patrol and the Vigiles.
A. Emperor Justinian
B. King Alfred
C. Emperor Augustus
D. King Charles
Approximately on ______ the Sumerian code was set by
Sumerians Lipithstar and Eshumma which are the standards
on what constituted an offense against society.
A. 2100 BC
B. 2200 BC
C. 2300 BC
D. 1500 BC
Approximately on ______ the Sumerian code was set by
Sumerians Lipithstar and Eshumma which are the standards
on what constituted an offense against society.
A. 2100 BC
B. 2200 BC
C. 2300 BC
D. 1500 BC
The Egyptian’s court system presided by judges are
appointed by the ______
A. King
B. Ruler
C. Pharoah
D. Hammurabi
The Egyptian’s court system presided by judges are
appointed by the ______
A. King
B. Ruler
C. Pharoah
D. Hammurabi
He was recognize as the father of modern Law Enforcement
A. Sir. Robert Peel
B. August Vollmer
C. Hans Gross
D. Henry Fielding
He was recognize as the father of modern Law Enforcement
A. Sir. Robert Peel
B. August Vollmer
C. Hans Gross
D. Henry Fielding
In the history of law enforcement under the time of King
Alfred the known Tun policing the __________ sytem which
appoints 10 male residents as guardians of the town
known as tythings.
A. Frankpledge
B. Alfredpledge
C. Tunpledge
D. Tythingspledge
In the history of law enforcement under the time of King
Alfred the known Tun policing the __________ sytem which
appoints 10 male residents as guardians of the town
known as tythings.
A. Frankpledge
B. Alfredpledge
C. Tunpledge
D. Tythingspledge
Under the Winchester period the ________ order the close
of the gate of London at sundown and which the curfew
system was adopted.
A. Statute of 1285
B. Statute of 1295
C. Statute of 1275
D. Statute of 1675
Under the Winchester period the ________ order the close
of the gate of London at sundown and which the curfew
system was adopted.
A. Statute of 1285
B. Statute of 1295
C. Statute of 1275
D. Statute of 1675
It was created by Henry fielding which appoints foot and
horse patrol.
A. The Charlies
B. Keepers of the peace
C. Bow street runner
D. Scotland yard
It was created by Henry fielding which appoints foot and
horse patrol.
A. The Charlies
B. Keepers of the peace
C. Bow street runner
D. Scotland yard
Night watchers that was appointed by King Charles which
has a duty from sunset to sunrise is also known as?
A. Leatherman
B. Tythings
C. Bellmen
D. Vigils
Night watchers that was appointed by King Charles which
has a duty from sunset to sunrise is also known as?
A. Leatherman
B. Tythings
C. Bellmen
D. Vigils
It modernizes the police system in England which led to
the creation of Scotland Yard.
A. Metropolitan police act of 1839
B. Metropolitan police act of 1829
C. Statute of 1285
D. Statute of 1285
It modernizes the police system in England which led to
the creation of Scotland Yard.
A. Metropolitan police act of 1839
B. Metropolitan police act of 1829
C. Statute of 1285
D. Statute of 1285
It is the slang term for police officers in france
A. Gendermie
B. Gendarmei
C. Gendarmie
D. Gandermie
It is the slang term for police officers in france
A. Gendermie
B. Gendarmei
C. Gendarmie
D. Gandermie
He is the father of modern policing system.
A. Sir. Evelyn Ruggles Brise
B. August Vollmer
C. Sir. Robert Peel
D. Edmond Loccard
He is the father of modern policing system.
A. Sir. Evelyn Ruggles Brise
B. August Vollmer
C. Sir. Robert Peel
D. Edmond Loccard
Under the Winchester period it has a position to arrest,
pursue and impose punishment
A. Royal Judge
B. Travelling judge
C. Star chamber judge
D. Justice of the peace
Under the Winchester period it has a position to arrest,
pursue and impose punishment
A. Royal Judge
B. Travelling judge
C. Star chamber judge
D. Justice of the peace
The Justinian Code is also known as
A. 12 tabulae
B. Code of Emperor Justinian
C. Corpus Juris Civilis
D. Code of Justine
The Justinian Code is also known as
A. 12 tabulae
B. Code of Emperor Justinian
C. Corpus Juris Civilis
D. Code of Justine
The Egyptians employed their civilian police under the
command of the military known as
A. Ephori
B. Tythings
C. Medjays
D. Vigiles
The Egyptians employed their civilian police under the
command of the military known as
A. Ephori
B. Tythings
C. Medjays
D. Vigiles
It was the Knights appointed at the time of King Richard
which keeps the King’s peace
A. Bow Street Runners
B. Leathermen
C. Keepers of the peace
D. Bellmen
It was the Knights appointed at the time of King Richard
which keeps the King’s peace
A. Bow Street Runners
B. Leathermen
C. Keepers of the peace
D. Bellmen
In what year was the “Officers De Paix” was formed?
A. 1812
B. 1712
C. 1912
D. 1612
In what year was the “Officers De Paix” was formed?
A. 1812
B. 1712
C. 1912
D. 1612
The first French police officer is known as?
A. Sergent of arms
B. Sergents de ville
C. Sergeant major
D. Staff Sergeant
The first French police officer is known as?
A. Sergent of arms
B. Sergents de ville
C. Sergeant major
D. Staff Sergeant
The Italian term for their police officers
A. Guardia Civil
B. Gendarmie
C. Keishi
D. Carabenieri
The Italian term for their police officers
A. Guardia Civil
B. Gendarmie
C. Keishi
D. Carabenieri
Vigilat ut Quiescant means
A. He sleeps that they may watch
B. He Watches while so he may sleep
C. He watches that they may not sleep
D. He watches that they may sleep
Vigilat ut Quiescant means
A. He sleeps that they may watch
B. He Watches while so he may sleep
C. He watches that they may not sleep
D. He watches that they may sleep
In the United States, Boston the first night watch known
as leathermen was formed on _______
A. 1833
B. 1836
C. 1844
D. 1636
In the United States, Boston the first night watch known
as leathermen was formed on _______
A. 1833
B. 1836
C. 1844
D. 1636
In 1833 the _______ first instituted the daytime paid
police service.
A. Boston
B. New York
C. England
D. Philadelphia
In 1833 the _______ first instituted the daytime paid
police service.
A. Boston
B. New York
C. England
D. Philadelphia
On what year was the modern American police force
organized basing on the English Metropolitan police?
A. 1833
B. 1836
C. 1844
D. 1636
On what year was the modern American police force
organized basing on the English Metropolitan police?
A. 1833
B. 1836
C. 1844
D. 1636
On what year the Bicycle patrol was introduced by the
Metropolitan police department.
A. 1938
B. 1939
C. 1935
D. 1936
On what year the Bicycle patrol was introduced by the
Metropolitan police department.
A. 1938
B. 1939
C. 1935
D. 1936
It is known as the Japanese Military Police
A. Kemptai
B. Kimpetai
C. Kempetae
D. Kempetai
It is known as the Japanese Military Police
A. Kemptai
B. Kimpetai
C. Kempetae
D. Kempetai
In 1945 He became the chief of the MPD when it was
reconstituted and placed under the control of the
A. Captain Henry T. Allen
B. Colonel Marcus Elis Jones
C. General McArthur
D. William Taft
In 1945 He became the chief of the MPD when it was
reconstituted and placed under the control of the
A. Captain Henry T. Allen
B. Colonel Marcus Elis Jones
C. General McArthur
D. William Taft
On what year the Japanese Military police or known as
Kempetai took over the MPD?
A. 1940
B. 1941
C. 1942
D. 1943
On what year the Japanese Military police or known as
Kempetai took over the MPD?
A. 1940
B. 1941
C. 1942
D. 1943
The law that provides the National Police Commission to
conduct Police examination is
A. R.A 2260
B. R.A 6040
C. R.A 4864
D. R.A 6141
The law that provides the National Police Commission to
conduct Police examination is
A. R.A 2260
B. R.A 6040
C. R.A 4864
D. R.A 6141
Automobile patrol was introduced in the Philippines on
A. May 17, 1939
B. May 17, 1953
C. May 17, 1940
D. May 17, 1954
Automobile patrol was introduced in the Philippines on
A. May 17, 1939
B. May 17, 1953
C. May 17, 1940
D. May 17, 1954
The law that consider Bar and Board passers as Civil
Service Eligible.
A. RA 907
B. RA 1081
C. RA 1080
D. RA 9708
The law that consider Bar and Board passers as Civil
Service Eligible.
A. RA 907
B. RA 1081
C. RA 1080
D. RA 9708
The law extending 5 years educational qualification on
educational qualification under RA 6975
A. PD 907
B. RA 9208
C. RA 9708
D. RA 1080
The law extending 5 years educational qualification on
educational qualification under RA 6975
A. PD 907
B. RA 9208
C. RA 9708
D. RA 1080
The law that grants Civil service eligibility for
College honorable graduates.
A. RA 907
B. PD 907
C. EO 907
D. Napolcom circular no. 907
The law that grants Civil service eligibility for
College honorable graduates.
A. RA 907
B. PD 907
C. EO 907
D. Napolcom circular no. 907
The terms constable and patrol came from the French.
Patrol originated directly or via German Patrolla from
the French patrouller (patroullier), which originally
means –
A. “to walk straightway”
B. “to stand and watch”
C. “to walk through mud in a military camp”
D. “to walk back and forth under the sun”
The terms constable and patrol came from the French.
Patrol originated directly or via German Patrolla from
the French patrouller (patroullier), which originally
means –
A. “to walk straightway”
B. “to stand and watch”
C. “to walk through mud in a military camp”
D. “to walk back and forth under the sun”
The term police originated from the Greek word politeia,
the Romans slightly changed the word to politia.
However, the first group of people to use the word
police were –
A. the French
B. the Americans
C. the Sumerians
D. the Portuguese
The term police originated from the Greek word politeia,
the Romans slightly changed the word to politia.
However, the first group of people to use the word
police were –
A. the French
B. the Americans
C. the Sumerians
D. the Portuguese
In England, each petty kingdom was divided into shires
or counties. Each shire was the responsibility of a
“Reeve”, later called the Sheriff, who in turn was
responsible to their King for law and order in his
respective district. This system was generally known as

A. Frankpledge system
B. Watchman system
C. Hue and cry system
D. Magna Carta
In England, each petty kingdom was divided into shires
or counties. Each shire was the responsibility of a
“Reeve”, later called the Sheriff, who in turn was
responsible to their King for law and order in his
respective district. This system was generally known as

A. Frankpledge system
B. Watchman system
C. Hue and cry system
D. Magna Carta
In 1748, Henry Fielding became the Chief Magistrate at
Bow Street in Middlesex, London. He organized a group
of men, for general policing, known as –
A. Highway men
B. Metropolitan police
C. London Patrol
D. Bow Street Runners
In 1748, Henry Fielding became the Chief Magistrate at
Bow Street in Middlesex, London. He organized a group
of men, for general policing, known as –
A. Highway men
B. Metropolitan police
C. London Patrol
D. Bow Street Runners
During 16th Century Paris, the Citizen Night Guard and
the Royal Guard received the Guard a motto - “Vigilat ut
Quiescant” which became part of the French police
emblem. The motto means –
A. “We are the guardians”
B. “Vigilance is the key to safety”
C. “He watches that they may sleep”
D. “Always on guard, always vigilant”
During 16th Century Paris, the Citizen Night Guard and
the Royal Guard received the Guard a motto - “Vigilat ut
Quiescant” which became part of the French police
emblem. The motto means –
A. “We are the guardians”
B. “Vigilance is the key to safety”
C. “He watches that they may sleep”
D. “Always on guard, always vigilant”
In the United States, which place first used the “night
watch” practice in 1636?
A. New York
B. Chicago
C. Philadelphia
D. Boston
In the United States, which place first used the “night
watch” practice in 1636?
A. New York
B. Chicago
C. Philadelphia
D. Boston
In the Philippines, the history of the police force
marked its first official organization as the national
or insular police force under the Philippine
Constabulary (PC) on –
A. 1852 under the Spanish Guardia Civil
B. 1901 with Capt. Henry T. Allen as Chief
C. 1917 with Gen. Rafael Crame as Chief
D. 1945 with Col. Marcus Jones as Chief
In the Philippines, the history of the police force
marked its first official organization as the national
or insular police force under the Philippine
Constabulary (PC) on –
A. 1852 under the Spanish Guardia Civil
B. 1901 with Capt. Henry T. Allen as Chief
C. 1917 with Gen. Rafael Crame as Chief
D. 1945 with Col. Marcus Jones as Chief
Who was accorded the fame as “father of police
professionalism” for his contribution as the great
police reformer?
A. Alexander the great
B. August Vollmer
C. Robert Peel
D. John Edgar Hoover
Who was accorded the fame as “father of police
professionalism” for his contribution as the great
police reformer?
A. Alexander the great
B. August Vollmer
C. Robert Peel
D. John Edgar Hoover
Modern policing started in England with the enactment of
the Metropolitan Police Act of ___, during the time of
Sir Robert Peel.
A. 1829
B. 1896
C. 1842
D. 1808
Modern policing started in England with the enactment of
the Metropolitan Police Act of ___, during the time of
Sir Robert Peel.
A. 1829
B. 1896
C. 1842
D. 1808
Who among the Fielding brothers, the great brothers of
the Bow Street Runners, in England was known as “the
blind beak” for he can identify criminals by their voice
A. Henry Fielding
B. John Fielding
C. William Fielding
D. Ford Fielding
Who among the Fielding brothers, the great brothers of
the Bow Street Runners, in England was known as “the
blind beak” for he can identify criminals by their voice
A. Henry Fielding
B. John Fielding
C. William Fielding
D. Ford Fielding
By operation of this act, the Charter of Manila was
enacted consisting of the Division of Metropolitan
Police and the Native Police is referred as to:
A. Act no. 175
B. R.A. no. 6975
C. Act no. 183
D. P.D. 75
By operation of this act, the Charter of Manila was
enacted consisting of the Division of Metropolitan
Police and the Native Police is referred as to:
A. Act no. 175
B. R.A. no. 6975
C. Act no. 183
D. P.D. 75
Who among these popularized the idea that “the police
are the public and the public are the police”?
A. August Vollmer
B. Sir Robert Peel
C. Henry Fielding
D. James Wilson
Who among these popularized the idea that “the police
are the public and the public are the police”?
A. August Vollmer
B. Sir Robert Peel
C. Henry Fielding
D. James Wilson
As a means of relaying message of intelligence value,
which group of society first started the use of
domesticated pigeons?
A. Romans
B. Indians
C. Egyptians
D. Greeks
As a means of relaying message of intelligence value,
which group of society first started the use of
domesticated pigeons?
A. Romans
B. Indians
C. Egyptians
D. Greeks
The earliest private police organization which paved the
way for the business of private security and detective
services was credited to the Americans through the
initiatives of –
A. Burns and Pinkerton
B. Thomas and Moore
C. Smith brothers
D. Fielding brothers
The earliest private police organization which paved the
way for the business of private security and detective
services was credited to the Americans through the
initiatives of –
A. Burns and Pinkerton
B. Thomas and Moore
C. Smith brothers
D. Fielding brothers
In the history of patrol, the first recorded organized
police that utilized dog patrol was the so called _.
A. Medjays
B. Vigiles
C. Ancient police
D. Jacobians
In the history of patrol, the first recorded organized
police that utilized dog patrol was the so called _.
A. Medjays
B. Vigiles
C. Ancient police
D. Jacobians
The Chief magistrate at bow street in London that
organized the Bow Street Runners is
A. King Charles II of London
B. Henry Fielding of London
C. King Richard of London
D. none of the above
The Chief magistrate at bow street in London that
organized the Bow Street Runners is
A. King Charles II of London
B. Henry Fielding of London
C. King Richard of London
D. none of the above
______ is a European term meaning to catch or seize.
A. Cop
B. Constable
C. Patrol
D. Politia
______ is a European term meaning to catch or seize.
A. Cop
B. Constable
C. Patrol
D. Politia
In both the Old Testament (Song of Solomon, Isaiah and
Jeremiah) and the New Testament (Matthew and John),
finds references to _________whose duty it was to
protect the city and arrest offenders.
A. Detective
B. Patrol
C. Watchmen
D. police
In both the Old Testament (Song of Solomon, Isaiah and
Jeremiah) and the New Testament (Matthew and John),
finds references to _________whose duty it was to
protect the city and arrest offenders.
A. Detective
B. Patrol
C. Watchmen
D. police
Some believe that the present type badge used by some
police departments had its origin with the _______
A. Shield of the knights
B. Shield of the Vigiles
C. Shield of Lapu-Lapu
D. All of the above
Some believe that the present type badge used by some
police departments had its origin with the _______
A. Shield of the knights
B. Shield of the Vigiles
C. Shield of Lapu-Lapu
D. All of the above
In the United States, in year 1634 was the development
of the first _______
A. Police
B. Constable
C. Firefighters
D. All of the above
In the United States, in year 1634 was the development
of the first _______
A. Police
B. Constable
C. Firefighters
D. All of the above
During the World War II ________ required police men to
get college education and the “New Breed” was born.
A. GI bill
B. Taft order
C. McArthur’s Order
D. General Order
During the World War II ________ required police men to
get college education and the “New Breed” was born.
A. GI bill
B. Taft order
C. McArthur’s Order
D. General Order
He became the first Filipino Police Chief in Manila.
A. Col. Antonio C. Torres
B. Capt. Henry T. allen
C. Gen. Rafael Crame
D. Col. Marcus Elis Jones
He became the first Filipino Police Chief in Manila.
A. Col. Antonio C. Torres
B. Capt. Henry T. allen
C. Gen. Rafael Crame
D. Col. Marcus Elis Jones
When did Col. Torres declared manila as an open city.
A. August 8, 1936
B. December 8, 1941
C. February 8, 1940
D. March 8, 1939
When did Col. Torres declared manila as an open city.
A. August 8, 1936
B. December 8, 1941
C. February 8, 1940
D. March 8, 1939
In year 1935 the American Police Force withdrawn with
the advent of the Commonwealth and he was the last
American Police Chief in Manila.
A. Capt. Columbus Piatt
B. Capot. Henry T. Allen
C. Col. Antonio C. Torres
D. Col. Marcus Elis Jones
In year 1935 the American Police Force withdrawn with
the advent of the Commonwealth and he was the last
American Police Chief in Manila.
A. Capt. Columbus Piatt
B. Capot. Henry T. Allen
C. Col. Antonio C. Torres
D. Col. Marcus Elis Jones
San Francisco formed the “Committee of Vigilance” in
lieu of an established police. Their motto: “Fiat
Justitia Ruat Coelum” means
A. Heaven decrees, Let There Be Justice
B. Heaven give grace to the humble
C. Heaven order thou shall not offend
D. Justice be serve and heaven will lead
San Francisco formed the “Committee of Vigilance” in
lieu of an established police. Their motto: “Fiat
Justitia Ruat Coelum” means
A. Heaven decrees, Let There Be Justice
B. Heaven give grace to the humble
C. Heaven order thou shall not offend
D. Justice be serve and heaven will lead
In New York enforcement was aided by the use of the old
legal process known as ________ or the power of the
state to summon assistance in enforcing the law.
A. Posse Comitatus
B. Wanted Poster
C. Bounty hunters
D. All of the above
In New York enforcement was aided by the use of the old
legal process known as ________ or the power of the
state to summon assistance in enforcing the law.
A. Posse Comitatus
B. Wanted Poster
C. Bounty hunters
D. All of the above
After the passage of the Metropolitan Police act of 1829
the police force was later called as
A. Leathermen
B. Bow street runners
C. Scotland yard
D. Bellmen
After the passage of the Metropolitan Police act of 1829
the police force was later called as
A. Leathermen
B. Bow street runners
C. Scotland yard
D. Bellmen

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