Lesson Plan in English 7

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Explain briefly the assigned proverb.
b. Identify when and where to use the assigned proverb.
c. Illustrate one’s chosen Filipino proverb and interpret it orally using
appropriate features of speech
II. Subject Matter
Topic : Module 1 Lesson 1 Proverbs
References : English 7 Learner’s Material
Materials : Visual aids – strips of cartolina with list of proverbs, rubrics for
illustration and oral interpretation
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
A.1 classroom management
A.2 prayer
A3 checking of attendance
A.4 Review
 The teacher will call student/s to recap the past lesson.
B. Motivation
 The students will write an incomplete proverb on the board with three
possibilities for the rest of the proverbs:
Ex. Knowledge is: (a. power b. to learn c. no gain)
 Then another student will write “Proverbs” at the top of the board and
explains that these are now the complete proverbs.
 Each student will receive a slip of paper with an incomplete proverb on
 Once each student has a slip of paper, they will go around the class
and try to find their partner. After, completing the proverbs the two
pairs will sit together on their chair.
C. Vocabulary Development
 The students will give the meaning of the words. After knowing the
meaning the student will use the words in her own sentences.
D. Discussion
 Students now are sitting in pairs with their complete proverb.
 The teacher will instruct them to discuss the meaning of their proverb.
Afterwards, the teacher will now discuss the meaning of proverbs and
its examples and meaning.
E. Analysis
 The students will try to give the meaning of the proverbs given by the
F. Abstraction
 What is a proverb
 When and how you can use proverbs in real life situations.

G. Application
 Group work: the students will be grouped into 4 groups.
 They will create their own scenarios and dialogues for their proverb.
 After, they will present it in front of the class. They will be graded
according to the rubrics.
IV. Evaluation
 Illustrate one’s chosen Filipino proverb and interpret it orally using
appropriate features of speech.

 Create a dialogue based from the given proverb and identify when
and where to use the assigned proverb.
V. Assignment
Explain the ff. proverb, “Never too late to learn”. Write it in a ½ crosswise.

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