D.K.M. College For Women (Autonomous), Vellore - 1 Semester Examinations November - 2018 15CCO1A/CCO1A Financial Accounting - I

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No :
Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 75
SECTION – A (10 X 2 =20)
Answer ALL the questions.
1. What do you mean by Double entry system of Accounting?
2. Give the meaning of error of commison.
3. Define depreciation.
4. What is Bank reconciliation statement?
5. Give the meaning of salvage.
6. Give the formula for Average Due Date.
7. What is Balance Sheet?
8. Pass necessary journal entries.
(a) Salaries outstanding Rs 10,000
(b) Commission received in advance Rs 1,000.
9. Define single entry.
10. Give any two limitations of Single entry system.

SECTION – B (5 X 5 =25)

Answer any FIVE of the following questions.

11. The bank overdraft of Surya on 31-1-93 as per cash book is Rs
9000. From the following particulars prepare bank reconciliation
(i) Unpresented cheque Rs 3000.

(ii) Uncleared cheque Rs 1700
(iii) Bank interest debited in the pass book only Rs 500
(iv) Bill collected and credited in the pass book only Rs
(v) Cheque of Raj dishonored Rs 500
(vi) Cheques issued to Sekhar entered in the cash
coloumn of cash book Rs 300.

12. A machine purchased on 1st July 1983 at a cost of Rs 14,000

and Rs 1000 was spent on its installation. The depreciation is
written off at 10% on the original cost every year. The books are
closed on 31st December each year. The machine was sold for
Rs 9500 on 31st March 1986. Show the machinery account for all
the three years.

13. A fire occurred in the premises of X Ltd on 10.10.91. All stocks

were destroyed except to the extent of Rs 6200. From the
following figures, ascertain the loss of stock suffered by the
Stock on 1.1.90 Rs 40,000
Purchases during 1990 Rs 1,45,000
Sales during 1990 Rs 2,00,000
Stock on 31.12 90 Rs 25,000
Purchases during 1991 up to the date of fire Rs 1,52,000
Sales during 1991 up to the date of fire Rs 1,89,000.

14. Prepare trading and profit and loss Account from the information
given below.
Opening stock Rs 3600, purchases Rs 18,260, wages 3,620,
closing stock 4420, sales 32000, carriage on purchases 500,
carriage on sales 400, Rent ( Factory) 400, Rent ( office) 500,
Sales Returns 700, purchase returns 900, General expenses
900, Discount to customers 360, Interest from Bank 200.

15. Find out purchases and sales from the following details by
making necessary accounts:
Opening balance of Debtors Rs 30000, Opening balance of
Creditors Rs 10000, Collections from Debtors 1,60,000, Discount
received Rs 2500, Bad debts 1000, Payment to Creditors 14,000,
Discount allowed 1500, Return inwards 2000, Return outwards
3000, Cash purchases 6000, Cash sales 10,000, Closing balance
of Debtors 35,000, Closing balance of creditors 15,000.

16. The following amounts are due to Ramesh by Suresh. Suresh

wants to pay off (i) on 18-3-97 or (ii) on 14-7-97. Interest rate of
8% p.a is taken into consideration.
Due Dates RS
10-01-97 1000
26-01-97 ( Republic Day) 2000
23-03-97 6000
18-08-97 ( Sunday) 8000
Determine the amount to be paid in (i) and in (ii).

17. Rectify the following errors which are discovered in the books of
Raj &CO
(a) The returns outward book is overcast by Rs 500.
(b) Received Rs 200 from Shyam debited to his account.
(c) The purchase book was undercast by Rs 1000.
(d) A payment of Rs 500 for Salaries to Raju has been
posted twice to salaries account.
(e) Rs 150 received from Madan was entered on the debit
side of the cash book. No posting was done to Madan’s

18. Explain the various causes of Depreciation.

SECTION – C (3 X 10
Answer ALL the questions.
19. (a) Explain various accounting concepts.
(b) A second hand machine was purchased on 1-1-90 for Rs
30000 and repair charges amount to
Rs 6000. It was installed at a cost of Rs 4000. On 1st July
1991, another machine was purchased
for Rs 26,000. On 1st July 1992, the first machine was sold for Rs
30000. On the same day, one more machine was bought for Rs
25000. On 31-12-92, the machine bought on 1st July 1991 was
sold for Rs 23,000. Accounts are closed every year on 31st
December. Depreciation is written off at 15%p.a. on straight line

method prepare the machinery account for three years ending

20. (a) A fire occurred in the business premises of Madhavan on

19.7.89. Ascertain the loss of stock and
prepare a claim for insurance.
Stock on 1.1.88 36,720
Stock on 31.12.88 32,400
Sales for 1988 2,16,000
Purchases for 1988 1,46,400
Purchases from 1.1.89 to 19.7.89 1,76,400
Sales from 1.1.89 to 19.7.89 1,80,000
The stocks were always valued at 90% of cost. The stock
saved from fire was worth Rs
21,600. The amount of the policy was Rs 75,600. There
was an average clause in the policy.
(b) The following are the ledger balances extracted from the
books of Aysha
Aysha’s Capital Rs 50000, Bank overdraft Rs 8400, Sales Rs
Return inwards 5000, Furniture Rs 5200, Business Premises
40,000, Creditors 26,600, Opening
stock Rs 44000, Debtors Rs 36,000, Rent from tenants Rs
2000, Purchases Rs 2,20,000,

Discount (cr) Rs 800, Taxes & Insurance Rs 4000, General
expenses Rs 8000, Salaries Rs
18,000, Commission allowed Rs 4,400, Carriage on
purchases Rs 3600, Provision for doubtful
debts Rs 1000, Bad debts written off Rs 1600.
(i) Stock on hand on 31-12-1995 was estimated as Rs
(ii) Write off depreciation on business premises Rs 600
and furniture Rs 520.
(iii) Make a provision of 5% on debtors for bad & doubtful
(iv) Allow interest on capital at 5% and carry forward Rs
1400 for unexpired insurance.
Prepare Final accounts for the year ended 31-12-1995.

21. (a) Rama commenced business on 1.1.89 with a capital of Rs

25,000. He immediately bought
furniture for Rs 4000. During the year he borrowed Rs 5000
from his wife and introduced a further
capital of Rs 3000. He has withdrawn Rs 600 at the end of
each month for family expenses. From
the following prepare Trading and P& L account and Balance
Sheet as on 31.1.89.
Sales (Including cash sales of Rs 30000) Rs

Purchases ( Including cash purchases of Rs 10000) Rs
Carriage Rs 700, Wages Rs 300, Discount allowed to
debtors Rs 800, Salaries Rs 6200,
Bad debts written off Rs 1500, Trade expenses 1200,
Advertisement Rs 2200.
Rama has used goods worth Rs 1300 for private purposes
and paid Rs 500 to his son which is not recorded anywhere. On
31.12.89 his debtors were worth Rs 21,000, Creditors Rs 15,000
and stock in trade Rs 10000. Furniture to be depreciated at 10%
(b) From the following prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as at
31st December 1992 to find out the
balance as per cash book of Ms Akila.
(i) The following cheques were paid into bank in December
1992 but were credited by the bank in January 1993: Maninder
Rs 1400, Kalyani Rs 1600 Rajesh Rs 1200.
(ii) The following cheques were issued in December 1992 but
were presented for payment in January 1993: Shalini Rs 1000,
Bhagat Rs 900.
(iii) The following cheques were made by the bank which
were not recorded in the cash book: Incidental charges for the
half year ended 31-12-1992 Rs 40, Collection charges for
outstanding expenses Rs 30.

(iv) The following payments made by the bank direct as per
standing instructions were not entered in the cash book:
Insurance premium Rs 700, Subscription for commerce Rs 150.
(v) A cheque for Rs 1000 which was received from a
customer was entered in the bank column of cash book in
December 1992 but was omitted to be banked in December
(vi) A bill for Rs 2000 was returned by the bank under rebate
of Rs 40 but the full amount of the bill was credited in bank
column of the cash book.
The bank balance as per pass book was Rs 31,600 0n 31st
December 199.


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